THE OMAHA DAILY SATURDAY , AUGUST 17 , 1889. THE DAILY BEE. E. nOHBWATER. KcHtor. ISVKR1T 1UOIININO. OF BUHscnirnoJi. D lly OIornlnK Kdlt'on ) IncludtnB Sunday lice , uno Year , . 11000 Forfllx MonthR . , . . .COO TorTlir PO Jlontlig . . . . 2 M Iho Oinaha Sunday Upo , mailed to anr Address , One To r. . , . , . . . . . . . . . 300 TTeeMr Hen. One Y r . . . . . . Z W Otnnna Omen , Ueo lirtllillnR. N , W. Corner Korentconth and IXrnnni Btrent * . Cnlciyro OITlco , MiT llootory Ilulldlny. New York Offlco , Ilooms 14 und 13 Trlbnne . Waimngton Omco. No. 613 Fourteenth Street. CXJlUinSI'ONDBNCK. All commnnlc tlon5 rotating to news nnrt dl. torlnl mnttor should be nddrossed to the Editor cf the llee lleeBU6INEB9 I.BTTEU8. All htixlne * * letters and rcmlttixncfts should be ixddremed to 7ho HMI 1'ubllstilncc Companr. Omaha irrnfln , checks nnd poilolllce orders to lemadepnjablo to the order ot tno tompdnj. Tie Bcc PfllillsliinSipany , Proprietors , Hulldlng FarnBm nnd Seventeenth Sts. I1KE. Evrnrn Ktntrment of Clrotilntlon. BtBto of Nebraska , 1 . . County of Douglns. fB5 < G forgo 11. Tzschuclc , secretary ot The Ueo Publishing Compnny , docs solemnly swear th'it the actual circulation of Tnr DAILY ) ir.K for the vrcck ending August 10.ISSO.wns ns follows : Sunday. August 4 18NW Monday , August 6 18,553 Tuesday , August n IH.578 Wednesday , August 7. . 10,078 Thursday , AtwistH lHiSO ! J'rldny , Auffustn , l..ros tnturdiiy. August 10 . . .18,601 Average . . .l.S.ODU _ QKOHOB II. T7.SOHUCIC Btvorn to before me and Kiibscrlbod to In my prescnro this loth clny or Aticiiftt , A. I ) . Ih80. lEcal. ] N. P. FBI U Notary Public Btate of Nebraska. I County of DoiiRlas. fSSl Ucorso II. Tz-schuclc , bolng duly sworn , < lo- poios nnd says tbnt ho is Hncrctar.v of Tlie Ilea I'ubllshlnK company , that the actual nvorngo dally circulation of THE DAIL.Y BRB for the month of August , K8IC.1SJ copies ; for Sep- tomlior. 18S8 , lf,16l copies ; for Octobar 1SSM. 18,054 copies ; for Novoniber. 1B38.18ysn copies : for Decoinbor. 1888 , 1SI1 copies ; foi .Innuary , ] PHi. lt > , , , . . ' . - * t - ' ' r,74. copies ; for 1'ebnmry. 1E59. , copies ; f or M arch. ifiSO.l 8,85 i copies ; for April , Idtfl , ieW9 copies ; for May , 18ML IS.OliO copies ; or June. Its ? , 18,858 , copies ; for July. li * > , 1H.73S copies. OEO. 11. T/SOIIUCK. Rwotn to before mo and subscribed lu my presencu tbis 3d day of August. I8'9. t [ BEAU ] _ N. P. VKIU Notary Public. JOHN L. SULLIVAN is now fueing u Mississippi jury , but ns the mooting is not In a twenty-four foot ring the jury is considered safo. TIIK strong minded woman will ho hoard from in North Dakota , now that the question of woman sulTrapo is lilcoly to ho submitted to a vote of the peoplo. IT is a little too early to talk about anybody for Governor Thnyor'a scat in the executive mansion at Lincoln. Leastwise anybody who hulls from Omulm. C IT docs not talto much effort to recog nize the llngor of the Union Pacific in the proposed new Oregon road to bo built from Portland to Seattle and Puget sound. LET us hope that the council has set tled , once and for all time , the vexed question respecting the proportion to bo paid by street railway companies for tonring up pavcmonls. THE friends of Captatn Humphrey Moynahan are slightly too previous" . 'They ought to keep the captain in the background a while longer if they want to make him chief of police. P EX-CAPTAIN GHKEN , of the Omaha \ ! police force , says ho is worth $2o.OOO. From this it appears that oven a police man cannot escape the general wave of prosperity lloating over this favored l "UNCLE" JJSUKY RUSK is the only li i- cabinet olllcer now in'Wushington. As secretary of agriculture ho must keep his ofllcial bye open to see to it that all the crops are in during the harye'st timo. SOUTH OstAUA regrets that the money expounded for building the L street via- 1 duct was not used in paving N and Twenty-fourth streets. South Omaha will presently learn that valuable mu nicipal lessons are obtained only at great expense. EX-SEANTOU VAN WYCK has boon Invited and has accepted an invitation 'to address the 10,000 and more laboring men of this city , at a picnic to bo hold September 2nd. The senator retains his great popularity with the people tea a greater degree than any public man in the etuto. Two gentlemen are devising ways and moans to build a popular priced K theater i'n this city. If they will agrco to run such a plnco of amusement with out swelling the prices whenever a fjrst-oluss attraction comes to town they will bo regarded as public benefactors , and rcciovo homugo as such , IT is stated , authoritatively , that Queen Victoria has at last yielded to her phyalolan's advice , and will talto a long trip cither to the United States or Canada. If she comes to Omaha the proper authorities will see that she has every benefit to bo derived from this bnlubrious and oxhilorating clinmto. Tins Unibn Pacific has at last ex pressed a willingness to open Four teenth street under ita tracks. The Street , therefore , will bo opened as soon as the necessary work can * bo done. Residents of the south end of the street Imvo long boon anxious for its opening and are by all uietinu entitled to it. OMAHA should have the best teaohors in the Jand for the amount she pays an nually for instructors. It is a false idea that any tyro who can pass the examina tions sot before him is capable of im parting instructions to others. There utiould bo other tests und one of them should bo experience in school teaching , ST. Louis capitalists have just pur chased a franchise for furnishing Denver vor with water. The company owns a laUo llfty mlles from Denver which has an altitude fourteen thousand , four hundred and thirty-four foot , while that of the city is live thousand , two hundred and three foot. The water will bo brought to the city by aqueduct , and will will require but little , if any , pumping on account ot the immense pressure given by the difference iu ele vations. COMPLIMENTS OF cox. The lion , S. S. Oox , ot Now York , ia ono of the few eastern politicians who fool a hearty hlnilnoss for the west , That is duo to the faot that ho ha * min gled much with the western people , has given intelligent attontlon to the spirit and enterprise which characterize those people , and Is largely familiar with the resources and possibilities of the west. Recently returned from an extended western trip , Mr. Cox has boon saying some very pleasant things about the people and the future of the trans- Mississippi section. Ho has told the people of the east that ho found in the west an onorgotlo , earnest , patriotic , intelligent and thrifty people , who are doing a magnificent work for the pros perity and progress of the country. The popular impression of most eastern people that after the Mississippi is crossed westward ono moots with llttlo else than eomi-savngo existence , until the Pacific coast ia reached , such intelligent observers ns Mr. Cox are enabled to correct. Ho hag seen that all the conditions of the highest civilization are as fully appreciated and as generally fostered by the people of the west as by these of any other section of the country. There is notn western state or territory whoso record of popular intelligence will not compare favorably with the highest that any eastern state can present. In the matters of energy and enterprise the wo.storn people are confessedly in advance of all others , and in their devotion to the princi ples of free government they are nowhere surpassed. No ono can forma jusridov : of the security of Amer ican institutions who has not made himself thoroughly acquainted with the people of the west. 'And this im perial region is yet but in the infancy of its development. A hundred years hence , when , according to the esti mates pf statisticians , the United States will have a population of six hundred millions , a largo majority will bo in the west , and that section will dominiito the nation , if it shall not do so long be fore the nation has lived anothei cen tury. tury.Not Not less interesting than Mr. Cox's compliments to the west were his political suggestions as to what may happen three years hence. Bolng asked regarding the political outlook for 1892 , ho confessed his inability to make a horoscope , but said that if the contest in Now York between Cleveland and Hill is kept up ho thought the next democratic candidate for the presidency would bo a western man. Evidently , ho remarked , the west will show by the next census that the power of the union is no longer in the east , but in the west , and when the new apportionment is made upon the basis of the census the west's increase in congress and in the electoral college will bo enormous. This idea of coming to the _ west for the next democratic can didate for the presidency is steadily gaining ground , and as there is hardly anything in politics more certain than that the contest botweou Cleveland and Hill will bo kept up , the probability is strong that the west will furnish the democracy with its candidate in 1892. THE OA LDIAN RAILWAYS. A convention to discuss present trans portation facilities between the west and east , and to memorialize congress against legislation for restricting the competition of Canadian railroads , is to bo hold nt Sault St. Marie August 23. A committee of the United States sen ate which lias been investigating this questio'n will report its conclusions to congress. A formal expression of the views of" representative commercial bodies wast and. east , such as it is in tended stialL be done by the proposed convention , will enlighten congress as to the views of' ' the business men of the countrywho are most vitally concerned. The information gathered by the sen ate committee both east and west is un favorable to a"hy serious inter ference with Canadian railway competition , and the committee is not expected to recommend any re strictive legislation , but it will bo well for the business communities interested to present to congress such full and for mal expression of their views as shall remove any question as to the senti ment being general against any legis lation that would impair existing transportation facilities between the west and east , or give opportu nity to the trunk lines to compel undue exactions from the producers nnd consumers of those sections. Un doubtedly there will bo a strong ef fort made to secure such legisla tion , but it Is hardly possible that the influence of the trunk lines can accom plish their doslro. The most intelli gent opinion .appears to have settled upon the proposition that the only * thing which the government can wisely do in tha matter is to effect an ar rangement with Canada under which Canadian , roads doing business in the United States shall bo required to con form to the tiauiQ regulations as UTthat business , which are applied to Ameri can roads , 'THE UOXrESl'EO SB ATS. The most important matter , uftor or ganization , to vrhlch the next congress will give attention , are the contested election cases. Seventeen democrats have been given certificates of election whoso seats are claimed by republican candidates. The testimony in some of these cases is already printed , and in nil the dharges on which the contests are based have boon formulated. It is stated that the commlttoo on contested elections , tbo first to be appointed attar that on rules , will have about twenty thousand pages of printed testimony to ex amine , some of the cases requiring for presentation from sixteen hundred to two thousand pages. Intimidation of voters , bribery and tampering with re turns are the principal'charges in all those eases , With the exception of ono in Indiana , all these contests are from districts south of Iho old boundary separating the free and the slave states. There are throe from each of tha states of Vir ginia , West Virginia and Mississippi , two from Alabama , and ono each from South Carolina , Maryland , Florida , Arkansas und Tennessee. The roturna show that there were moro democrats olactod from the north thnn from the south by small pluralities , and the fact that there is but ono contest from a northern state illustrates the radical difference between the political meth ods of the two sections. It must bo ob vious even to candid democrats that so many republican candidates in southern districts would not have brought con tests without having very substantial grounds for doing so. The disclosures which these contests will make of orlmos ot various kinds against the rlgl.t of suf frage can not fall to bo oxcoodingty in teresting. They promise to show a state of affairs of which the country will have reason to bo ashamed , The pro ceedings regarding thcsa contests are also likely to bo very interesting , par ticularly If the policy of filibustering which the democrats nro understood to bo committed to shall bo pursued. A desperate effort will undoubtedly bo made to prevent the unseating of the democrats who hold certificates , and a prolonged fight appears to bo assured. OsiAHA has nothing to fd < w from a hog nnd cattle market at Sioux City , Cedar Rapids , DCS Moines , Nebraska City , Fremont or any other present or prospective packing contort In fact , a number of such centers is rather to her advantage , inasmuch as it insures to tuo farmers of Nebraska a market and encourages the growth ot the hog and cattle industry. With an unfailing sup ply to draw from the Omaha packing houses need not fear a shortage. The laws of demand und supply govern the cattle business just the same as other branches of trade. Stock buyers and stock raisers are familiar with this ebb and flow which acts as a safety valve on the business. Ono need not go into spasms , therefore , because a fowaar- loads of stock are shipped to Sioux City or to Nebraska City. That has not been the complaint of Omaha. Her grievances are against railroads when they deliberately discriminate against her interests by diverting stock to Chicago and Kansas City through favoritism or because they prefer the long haul. ONU day this week Henry Villard , of the Northern Pacific , submitted a proposition to the directors of that com pany to consolidate its debt by issuing a blanket mortgage of $160,000,000. This proposal almost took the directors' breath away. The present fixed in debtedness of the road is about $93,000- 000 for the main line and some i$2(5,000- ( 000 for the branch roads and properties , making in all about $120,000,000. Vil- lard's proposition provides for a lower rate of interest for the now loan of $160,000,000 , but it makes no definite provision for the excess of $10,000,000 over the original dobt. . It is more than likely that Villard himself could absorb serb a portion of the amount , nnd possi bly had that idea in mind when ho sub mitted his plan. THE scheme of establishing a colony of n'egroos at San Luis Patosi , in Mexico ice , so strongly advocated by southern politicians , has boon abandoned. The Mexican authorities refused to give their sanction to the idea , or assist in its execution. There was very little in the plan to recommend it. Negroes in Mexico would bo no bolter off than they are in the south. Their citizenship at present is certainly not much hotter than that of thoMexican , peon , but such a state of affairs cannot exist forovor. THERE is a gratifying showing in the report of the chief of the bureau of statistics covering the valun-of the ex ports of domestic beef and hog produsts for-the month of July. They exceed by three million dollars the valao of sim ilar exports sent abroad in July , 1888. Despite the prejudices against Amer ican moats in Europe , it is quite clear that the export trade in these products has assumed gigantic' proportions. KANSAS is to receive a grand banner and an American flag from the repub licans of Ohio , in honor of the oighty- two thousand majority for Harrison last year. This is all very well , but a few good offices judiciously dispensed would bo moro in accordance with the aver age Kansau's idea of the fitness of things. BOSTON spiritualists are wrought up over a recent decision of the postofilco department excluding from the mails all alleged messages from the other world. The Bostonians ought to bo sure their mediums are the genuine article und perfectly able to receive such long distance telegrams , before they criticise the action of the authorities. Tin : republican state convention of Iowa enthusiastically favors Chicago as pre-eminently the place for celebrating the world's exposition of 1892. The constitutional convention of North Da kota likewise endorses the Garden City for the honor. Now lot Now York city scurry about the country for conven tions that will endorse her claims , TIIK Iowa hotel keepers are holding a convention ut Des Moines , and the chief topic under discussion is proper protection Iroin dead boats. It is a dif ficult question , und will no vor bo fully solved until the landlords have larger heads than the boats. ST. Jon call Itself the "electric city. " If galvanism will have a tendency to ro- vlvo that sleepy town , a proscription of the newest style of tilcctrio bolts , to bo worn by prominent citizens , will bo an excellent thing to promote business and enterprise. OTHER LANDS TllAtf OURS. It Is not questionable tbnt tbo visit of the Gorman ouiporor to England was arranged for a political purpose , and there are Indica tions that tbo purpose lias boon at least par tially attained , Some preceding and contem poraneous incldonts help to bring out tbo po litical significance of'tbo Uorman emperor's reception In Euirland. Not long beloro tbo vlsltof William II. to ills mother's kinsfolk which bad for many montbs been talked of but constantly deferred was suddenly de cided on , tbo Uutslan minister of warqulotly left tit. Petersburg , and traveling , as ho supposed luoognito , cbosu for a place of so- Jouru a French town famous for Its waters , where , complaining of poor health , ho pill himself undor'fho ' ohargo of tha local physl cmn . . About ) Tjq amotimo it happened ttml the Fronob wnp/mnlstor ( found hlmnolf Buf fering from a dUdrtlor for which the same medicinal waters' ' Svoro proscribed. Natur ally the two futtbtlonnrlos , condemned to pas ? some wcoKp } n tbo sumo village , saw r good deal of OHO another , a fact which did not osonpo tha ' attention of sotno of UU- marok's ' stipendiary students of life nnd manners , 'i'liatr report Icoonly Interested the Gorman chfincollor , who , recognizing the byglono advantages of travel , recotu mended to -sovereign a trip across the Urltlsb channal. ContrarlwUo , the czai has within tlib 'last few days evinced dlsrahsh for sea voyages. The dotalla ot his return visit to Kaiser William 11. has boon settled , and the data of hts or rival nt Potsdam had boon fixed for August 12. Now , however , wo hoar from Uorllt that the visit ot Alexander III. has been In definitely postponed. In the mnttor of Eng land's adhesion to the trlolo alllanco , the politicians of the continent nro In danger of counting chickens before they are hatched , There Is llttlo doubt that Lord Salisbury is in favor of such n programme. But bo will presently bo called upon In parliament to avow exactly how far ho has gene , nnd tc doflno the conditions on which ho would buvo England co-npcrnto with the three con trol powers. The value of the British Doot to the latter M obvious enough , but what compensation would they oITor to Qroat Brltalnl Would they agree to attack Uus- sla In case the czar should undertake aggres sive operation * against Afghaulstan and India ! If they would make uo such agree ment , the bargain recommended by Lord Salisbury would bo ono-sldod , and xvould certainly bo rejected. Not even the torlos themselves could bo rolled upon to vote for a coalition In which England .would have Homothlng to lese and nothing to gain. On the other band , If the central powers would guaratitoo Great Britain's undisturbed possession of India , oven some ol the Gladstonlans might favor the accession ol their country to the trlplo alliance , lint it is hard to bollovo that any such guarantee will bo proposed. * # When Peter the Grout came to the throne of Russia , less than two hundred years ago , Hussta was without a navy and possessed only ono seaport , the frozen Archangel on the Arctic ocean. The famous ouiporor laid the foundation of a navy , employing Ven etian nnd Dutch shipwrights to build atnall vessels on an Inland lake. He also learned practical seamanship himself bv cruising on Dutcn and English ships at Archangel , utid by living the lifo of a common shipwright at Saardom. Ho warred with Turkey , and taking tbo city of Azof , secured a southern seaport. In his subsequent wars with Sweden ho secured possession of the mouth of the Nova , and thus gained an outlet to tno Gulf of Finland. And hero in the marshes , looklntfwastward , ho laid the foun dations of the present capital. Before ho died ho warred with Persia und extended his empire along the Caspian. Durinc all the years that have elapsed since Peter's death , the droahV'of the Russian monarchs has been to sccuro j seaport on the Mediter ranean , so that tno Ulucl : sea might no longer bo an mlarijl body of water from which her war gs'sels might not pass with out the consent pf'other ' powers. Her many wars with TurlcoYf'fiavo all boon directed to the achievement ufjthls purpose. But so far she has only succeeded in creeping along the shores of the Bluck soa. Turkey , and her ally England , hpld the Dardanelles nnd the Hellespont and Russia's navy tias been penned up In the ancient Euxino. But a most Iraportantiesslon has lately been , made to Russia , which'gives'her thodeslro of her heart. The Prlnco of Montonosro has ceded the Port of Antivarl to Russia , which thus secures a foothold on the Mediter ranean , a harbor for her navy , a coaling and supply station , and a position of strategic importance. Russia now becomes a power in the great'Medltcrranoan. * * The critical question of the hour la Europe Is whether the czar will not regard as ofr fonslvo the ostentatious appearance of his old enemy , England , la association with Germany , and Austria and Italy , and come to the conclusion that tbo time has arrived to smash tno treaty of 187S , as well as the ono with Franco and England after tha Cri mean war , which , so far as it fettered his en terprise In the Black sea , bias long been ob solete. The very fact of the cordiality be tween Germany and England Instead of con ducing to the pcacofulness of Europe , maybe bo the provocation that will cause war , and wo must not attach too great an importance to the forthcoming visit of the czar to Ber lin. His last visit to the German capital was not a happy ono. It will bo remembered that the young emperor of Germany , under almost commands from his grandfather's death-bod , made a visit to St. Petersburg soon after his accession to the throne , and the czar can hardly avoid returning that call without substantially making a declaration of hostilities. That ho has manifested a surly spirit , and Is going to Berlin In a very formal way , Is the opinion generally held In Germany ; and it will bo confirmed by tbo failure to secure the ineotingof the czar with the Austrian emperor. "It U between Russia and Austria that tbo friction maucs heat , and may strike flro. If the three emperors could have been brought together the effect would have been excellent , but tbe Russian waits until his Austrian brother has departed from Berlin , nnd then goo ? with a growl to Pots dam. The details of tbo czar's Berlin recep tion will bo regarded with anxious attention , for the question whether the armed nations of Europe will seek each other's destruction and use the monstrous military machines they have been so long preparing iu a gen eral massacre , rests with the two young men who occupy tbo thrones of Russia and Ger many , The drift of Eurppo Is slowly , but It would seem surely , towa'rt war. The two emper ors may hasten tli'o purront , and "shoot Nla- agura" with all tTjplr fortunes , or they can clioulr the stream , and , , as It were , on the edge of the uutarachturn back the torrent , making peace by commanding , with their millions of solilip'H,1 the common disarma ment of the irpa { , powers. The present prominence of England is not a premise of ' peace. , - , 'j ; " > , % _ All tbo indication ) * point to the disestablish , mont of the Episcopal church us tha next great political Istwd In England. It Is closely and Impatiently browdlng on the wnko of homo rule now/- 'J'Even tory farmers and land owners are resisting the collection of tlthns In the south tmd east of England , tbo stronghold of EpUcopallauIsm. A tory mem ber of parliament from ono. o ( tbo strongly Saxon southeastern districts presented a mo tion in tbo commons to tbo effect that tithes should be recoverable In the future from tbo landlords and not from the tenants , lease contracts and bargains to the contrary not withstanding. The motion was supported , of course , by tbo radicals and by many of the liberal unionists , and received 141 votes to 145 against. The Salisbury government thus came witbla a beggaily four votes of defeat. Tbo cablegrams fail to state how the Cham berlain following voted. They probably stood by the government. That will cost them their seats at the next election , an their constituents arc , generally speaking , radi cals nnd non-Episcopalians. Gray , the mover of tbe revolution , It may bo remarked. is himself an extensive farmer on whom the landlord contract * ) In reference to tlthci pressed ho.ivlly. The partial success which attended the motion will probably bring dis establishment to tlio front as an Issue moro potent than homo rule , * . The Hawaiian * , HKO all people of their class , are exceedingly floWo. Revolutions ecotn to thorn matters of course. Their readiness to follow any lender , and to aban don any existing institution , has boon tbo most potent factor In tholr history. Tlio con version of the Sandwich IMandors to Chris tianity was the most sudden nnd swooping triumph known to the annaH of modern missions. Bigoted or benighted Indeed must be the man who denies that u vast Improve ment was wrought , even in respect to secular lar concerns , by that conversion , At the same time no fair-minded frtcud of mission * refuses to admit that natural prononosi for things now and straugo greatly predisposed the native mind to listen to foreign evangel ists. For a long time past It has been evi dent that many Influences wora at work m Hawaii tending Btrougly toward a rolnpso in the direction of paganism and barbarism. Perhaps Unit tendency has boon overesti mated. Thcro Is no suflloiont reason to think that It Includes anything like n majority of the native inhabitants. Nor does It appear that tbo recent outbreak was especially re actionary , excepting so far as it Indicated Impatience and settled government. Friends of Christian civilization In Hawaii have rea son for anxiety , but nut for alarm , * * The massing of Russian troops throughout the Caucasus , coming us it does Just us the shah of Persia Is noarlng the onil ot his European tour , and England nnd Germany nro displaying tholr friendship by royal visits , has rather nn ugly look. At any rate the sick man at Constantinople l-i strengthening Krzcrum against nn anticipated attack In that quarter. Erzoruiu commands the head waters of the Euphrates and Tigris , anil these valleys may yet furnish the gateway of Russia to the Pcwlau gulf and the sea. Russia , by the law of expansion of great powers , is entitled to a seaboard outlet. This Is perilous business , ns every slice taken from the Turkish empire means the hasten ing of Its final dismemberment. The sultan Is simultaneously threatened with n demon stration in two directions. The Grecian prime minister suddenly sees In the Cretan revolt and the uneasiness along the Turkish border a chance to make n point , and has be come very warlike in tono. Greece has boon warned by Turkey that an attempt to laud trooos at Crete will bo considered a cause of war. I * A . The king of famous Dahomey Is dead , and as h Is successor must pro vo before ho ascends tbo ihrono that ho Is u bravo and great man , the young asnirant is looking around for ad ventures. At last accounts ha had gone hunting for King Tofu of Porto Nova , declar ing that nothing Ic3i than tlio head of that potentate would satisfy his ambition. King Tofa was at psica with all the world , but his country U suddenly plunged into terrible commotion sltuply because his head is want- ad across the border la Dahomey. The French aro'now busily engaged in Porto Novo - vo helping the king keep his head on his shoulders. It is such puerile quarrels as these that are playing the mischief with the West African trado. and keeping a long stretch of the coast in an uproar. St. John nntl tlio Prohlbs. Mtnntnpold Tribune. If St. John's efforts in behalf of the third party prohibitionists are as fruitless In Iowa as they were in Kansas , Colonel Brlco will strike bis name from the pay-roll. i * Just tlio Plnco For It. St. Haul Ololit. There could hardly be a more appropriate place than Chicago for the establishment of a hospital for the practice of the Paatour system of inoculation against rabies. It is easy for people to got mud thoro. In Sober I'hllnilflpliin , Too. Young America Is getting very fast. A boy of lifteon was hold yesterday to answer a charge of forgery , another of fourteen , who had been drunk so many times that he could not remember how many , was sent to the bouse of refuge. _ _ The Supreme Test. irasJtinglon Post. It was entirely -proper that tha first test of the Brown-Scquard elixir should be made in St. Louis. If , after giving that old burp ; an injection through a flrc-engino hose , she shows signs of life , the elixir can safely bo put on the market. _ Special RatOE Vor Barnstormers. Kew York Jleralti. The theatrical managers 'hopo to got a special rate for traveling professionals of 2 cents a milo if the the intor-stato commerce commission sanctions it. But are the inter ests of the down-trodden boot and shoo man ufacturers to bo ignored ? Equally M'ruj in Nebraska. Denver ItemWean. The best way to soeuro good government Is to elect good men to ofllco. This cannot bo done by permitting salf-socking politicians of tbo worst class to dictate the nominations of the dominant party , These men must be sentto tbo roar in the republican partv of Colorado , and sotno of them should bo sent to the penitentiary. The gang must bo smashed or the robbery of the state will bo worse in the future than it over has been in the past. AUGUST AMENITIES. Terre Haute Express : u'ailroad men re port collections dull. Nearly all trams are compelled to run on time , Terra Haute Express : There is consider able activity among the medical profession. The surgeons lu particular are cutting up at a hleh rato. The bapgaco smasher merrily Now tosses travelers' trunks ; Ho cachinnates with ghoulish glee , And breaks them into chunks. But some flno morn this soulless fiend Will skyward take his flght , For ho will monkey with u trunk That's filled wit'.i dynuuiito. Philadelphia Ledger ; Two moro comets have been discovered , and the outlook for moro Is encouraging , There is a regular posse comet at us employed In this Industry. Kearney Enterprise : This Is aDouttho time of year when the farmer feels his oats. Kearney Enterprise : The bicycle wheel is alway tired , yet never tires. Lawrence Americans Reporter What ah nil I put over this baseball Item foru bead ing ! Tbo homo club lost , you know , through rooky umpiring. Editor Head it "A Diamond mend Robbery. " Jewelers' Weekly : Llttlo Slim ( to Jeweler ) Miss Lawntennls has Jilted six fellahs this summer , but a lie has pwomlbod to inawy mo , and I want to give her a bwooch that will constantly womliid her that she Is engaged to mo. Jeweler I seo. What do you think of a goose admiring a cabbagni Kearney Enterprise ; "Yes , I am the vic tim of a maiden's sighs , " said the young man who married a 180 pound beauty. Somorvllle Journal ; It doesn't pay to worry. Go ahead and have a good time , wnatovor happen * , and somebody else is sure to do the worrying foi you , Puck : Visitor ( at Squashburg ) Have you over hod the cholera or yellow fever hero ! Native No ; but a militia regimeut camped hero a couple of summers ago. THE CAPITAL CITY CRIST , The Governor of Virglnltx Wlros For the Detention of a Murdoror. BURNED BY A GAS EXPLOSION , air. Frank llnll Severely Soorclioil- IllKninlBt MaClclInu on Trial This Year's Tnx Levy Articles of Incorporntlon. LIKCOI.K BUREAU orTnr.OMAnx Man , i 1020 1' STIIEET. V LINCOLN , August Ifl. ) Oovornop Tbnycr was wlrca to day bj Fltzhugh Lee , governor of Virginia , to ordoi J. II. Mancss to bo held at Nebraska Ctt.v for the murder of Hud Sloixn In that state. Deputy Secretary ot Sttito Cowdr.v ntul wlfo arc enjoying n visit from Mr. Cowdry't ' ulster , Mrs. S. II. Powers , of Clrand Inland The following cases were filed for trial to day In the supreme court : Simon Obornnth vs Jonathan Edgar ( on error from Cnss county. AUlon 13 , Atkins vs Helen O. Gladwlck ; error from Johnson county. Juduo Thomns , of Foils City , and Captain Humphrey , of Pnwnco City , counsel for Dr. dandy , the Ulcharilson county forcer , put , In thoduyin the stuto llhrnry looking up law to Miring in Qandy's third hearingbefore lh supreme court. Governor Tlinycr , Treasurer Hill and Aud itor Bonion wore ut their desks to-duy. Snvisi-oly Uiirncil. Prank Hall , of Marquetto. Dewooso & llnll , was severely burned this morning by un explosion ot pas. A gas llxturo lu hla block at Fourteenth and Q utroots wai broken and allowed the gas to escape. Ho started to Investigate whore It come from with u lighted mulch , and un explosion fol lowed. His face , eyes anil hiinds were severely scorched , the skin pooling from the latter. Ufa condition is considered serious. Miss Rota Mr.Claln , a young lady who has rooms adjoining the npartuumt where the explosion - plosion took pluoo , and who was standing In the doorway ut the time , received slight burn * about the face and hands. The build ing did not tuko lire. The Levy I-'or 188O. The dfctails for the city's levy for the taxes of 1SS9 have not yet been made public , but the levy will doubtless bo 33 mills. The levy for 1SS3 was 37J < mills. The Improve ments In the flro department and the now wells and pumping machinery nt the Ulco pumplnc station on the Antelope accounts for this increase. Aside from these expenses the. levy would have been but < U mills , The work of figuring this levy has been done by Councilman Meyer , asiisted by Mayor Graham , and the public can bo assured that it has been done faithfully and well , Wnllo the levy looks high , it is not so' bad when one considers that real estate is assessed at but about oun-flfth to one-sixth of Its real value uad personal property at from ono- eighth to ouo-tenth of its value. Artlclon or Incorporation. The Morrieic County bank , at Claries , and the State bank , of Elmwood , Hied article * of incorporation to-day , the former with 530,000 authorized capital slock and the latter with $25,000. August 15 and 10 respectively dates the business commencement of the compa nies. Incorporators of the Clarks bank : W. ChamberlainO. N. Eaton , II. D. Gilford and H. Chamberlain. Of the Elmwooa bank : C. D. Ulupp , Joseph Milieu and N. P. Hobbs. Tha Crete Improvement and Investment company also filed articles. This ontcrurisu dates existence from April 27 , 18S9 , and con tinues to April 27 , 10S8. Its purpose is to buy , soil and lenso real estate and deal In bonds and other securities. Capital stock $100.003. Incorporates : Gcorgo Stevens , W. H , Barstow.and John H. Johnson , of Crotb ; Amos Sherman , Woonsockot , U. I. , and Frederick A. Hubbs , Amherst , Mass. AlcClcllon On Trial. C. W. McClollan entered the plea of not guilty to the charge of bastardy preferred by Tilly Triechel. T-ho girl denied the story she told at the VYillard home , on the witness stand , and tne complaint was amended to that of adultery ami continued until tomorrow row morning at 0 o'qlock. It is intruded that the more serious charge of bigamy will stnro him in the face at that hour. A dep uty aheriff started for Ashton , Kan. , this evening to bring upon the scene his first wife. City Nnws and Notes. Miss M. E. Northwood , of Lcavonworth , Kan. , is visiting friends in the city. Colonel E. P. Rogrgon returned this mornIng - Ing from the reunion at Kearney , James Mullane , of the Ogallalla News , is In the city. He says that Keith county has a lively lot of democrats , but that politics will not interest him until ho gets his libel suit off his hands. The Union Depot company , cited In yester day's ' BEE , filed articles organizing and in corporating for the purpose of building , operating and maintaining union depots In the suburbs of the metropolis same iucor- porators and same capital stock , ยง 1,500,000. The Omaha and St. Joseph teams will play ball in this city August 27. Five destitute Bohemian families were found in their shanties near Second and D streets yesterday. They were almost starved. The water on the floor was about three feet deep and It was Impossible for them to got out. They had put chairs on the beds and were sitting on thorn , where they had been without a bite to eat since Tuesday. They were taken to dry quarters and supplied with provisions. Suit tms been begun against the city in the county court by Louise P. Dayton for the sum of $333.20. The plaintiff is the owner of lots on the corner of Ninth and G , where she has n number of dwelling houses. By the cbango in the grade tbo property was llnblo to damage by the accumulation of water. To prevent this she raised the foundations at the cost above stated. Alex Hoagland will lecture Sundoy night at the First Presbyterian church , at wnioh time ho will review his work for the bonclit of the orphan boys for the last ton years. The Lincoln and Asland to Am a will play ball in this city for a purse of 8100. it will go 576 to the \vlnner and $25 to the loser. William Jans nnd Miss Mary Orthmun. of Crete , wore licensed to marry this morning. The Ohio people llvmgln Lancaster county will hold u basket picnlo ana reunion nt Cushmnn park on Wednesday , August 21. All are invited. The examination ot Miss Frankie Curry tooic pluoo beforu Police Judge Houston this forenoon , Miss Curry is charged by the linn of Ashby & Millspaugh with having ob tained goods from them on it forged order and on falsa pretenses , to the amount of about $375. Tno state was represented by County Attorney Steams , and Urn defendant by Lawyer Butrd. The defense contented lUclf with the cross examination of the state's witnesses and rested. The defendant was bound over to the district court m the sum of $500 , In default of which slio went to Jail. The defense In the district court will uo that of insanity. The defendant Is u pleasant looking woman , but without much intolllKonco or expression to her face , und she smiled sweetly when olio was informed that she had to go back to jail. Mrs. Sims was arraigned this morning In the police court on the charge of receiving and concealing stolen goods. She pleaded not guilty , but the proof was too strong , and she was lined $15 and coats and commiltnd to the county Jail. She is tbe mother of the harness thieves. Harry Llppincott and wlfo returned to-day from a three weoU ' bridal lour through Col orado and other western states. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. ( Then Babjr vu elci , wo geiu her CootorU. When &he was a Clilld , he ciifil for Cariorir , \Vbeu gho became Mln , elia clone to OaatarU , \V lin lu > hatf Children , she care them Cutorifc AMONG TItK HAILHOADS. l > AftAongr-r Agontn Protoflt Itoma from The passenger agents of the various Hnoi lending Into Omaha nro somewhat Indignant over the ndvortlseraent.1 of the fair nnd Mer chants1 week rates ns published In the press nnd claim that they nro very misleading. The mlvortlsomonts road that a faro and one-third wilfbo charged for the round trip to Omaha from points within 050 miles , when they should road ono faro for the round trip with admission to the fair grounds at tached. Jt Is claimed that this error should nt once uo corroded , as If allowed to stand it will keep a great many people nwny who otherwise would visit the city. In addition to this there 1 * n special excur sion over the Northwestern lines from all uolnts In the territory governed by tha Western States Passenger association , which includes nil territory within a radius ot IKX ) iniloi from Oniahn , which has boon ontirolv neglected. On this excursion the rate will llliowlsobo one faro for the round trip. It was only by a diligent effort that the west ern passenger assoeUtlon conoedod this ex cursion , and the passenger men claim that it Is duo to them that it bo advertised exten sively. _ Now Krolght Knfg. At the lust meeting of the Trans-Missouri Freight association hold in Kansas City , tuo following rutoj were adopted : tflour , lu car lots , between Omaha und Lincoln , 10 cents per 100 pounds. Loaf Inrd , In car lots , from Lincoln to Omaha , 10 cents per 100 pounds. Meats and packing homo products , from Omaha to Lincoln , 1 ! ) cents per 100 pounds. Lead pipe. In car lots , from Kansas City to Oinnlm , 12J4 cents. A KrultliiAH St > s lon. General manager Holdrojo , of the 13. & M. , returned yesterday from Chicago , where ho attended the monthly mooting of the In terstate Commerce Railway association , otherwise known as the "slltc hat" organiza tion. A great dc.\l of talk was Indulged m and many now reforms propoiod , but llnal action was not taken on auv subject brought up. The meeting will convene again next month. Ilontriuo Nowmnn Erb , vice-president nnd manager , and E. Sunim , superintendent of the Kansas City & Beatrice , are In the latter city In the Interest of their new line , which will bo completed within forty days. They will endeavor to induce the other lines to build a union depot , but in case of failure wilt oroet ono of their own. llutlroutl Notes. General Manager Hayes of the Wabnsh issued u circular to nil agents of the road ro- irardintr the use of tliu telegraph wires In the transaction of company business which cauld bo carried on by mall , and urges that all refrain from overburdening the wires with useless messages. U. S. Grant Post No. 10 , G. A. U , , of Denver - vor , recently passed a resolution compli mentary to the B. & M. passenger depart ment lor its action in reducing rato.-i to the G. A. U. encampment at Milwaukee. Assistant General Manager Dickinson , of the Union Pacific , returned from the scene of the recent floods on the Omaha & Repub lican Valley yesterday morning. All trains on the U. & M. and Union Pa- clilc are again running on time , the damage to thff tracks having been repaired. The Union Pacific's loss can not bo correctly o'sti- mated , but It something over $ oO,000. Sev eral new bridges have been required and oxtonslvo repairs will have to bo made. Car Accountant Liuokinghaiu , of the Union Pacillc , returned yesterday morning from Choyonno. Captain W. F. Tobbotts , general passen- cor agent of the Denver & Ulo Grande , is In Omaha on his semi-annual cxcuraion. Tim captain is as Jolly as ever and reports an un usually heavy tralllo on tha D. & R. G. , which is a result of his efforts. Omaha nnd Council Bluffs are propar' ing to furnish accommodation8 for 40,001) Eooulo uuring tlio Omaha failSoptom - cr 2 to 6 , inclusive. U It'll School IMiunblnir. "That man must have been asleep n long time , " said Secretary Piper of the board of education , referring to an article In a morn ing paper , alleging irregularity in the plumb ing Job at the high school. "I'lio fact Is , " continued the secretary , "ttioro nas been no plumbing done In tbo high school for nearly thrro years. The last was in connection with the now defunct cooking school.Vo nro now advertising for bids for some plumbing work. The board Intends to remove the present closet system at the blgti school , as it is very defeciivc. It nas been in use for ton years or more and was a poor system to start with , The im proved flush tank system will bo used In the building hereafter. I can't see what that paper means unless the author of the artlclo nas Just awakened after n Rip Vuu Witiklo experience. " Half rates on the railroads to the Omaha fair , Soptombar 2 to 6 , incluelvo- o Property Owners I'rotast. OMAHA , Neb. , July 1(5. ( To the Editor of TUB REB ; We , the undersigned jiroporty- owners on Twenty-eighth avenue , between Fnrnnm and Dodge , have been waiting ttt uuva that part of the street put Into a coudi- tion to enable people to walk on it'aftcrdnrk wltbout danger of tlioir lives. Wo thought that two or three years would bo sufflolent , imt seem to have been mistaken. Thu grad ing has gene on at a snail's puce , and the recent - cent rains have made great fiaauros in the ground. Lot us at least have souio dangofr signal put up to warn pedestrians. DlSCONTJS.NTEU LOT-OWNKUS. Merchnnts' week is the sumo days as .ho ( air , September 12 to 0 , inclusive. SKIN , SCALP , AND BLOOD , Diseases Cured by Ciilfciirn ItcmodicB when Hot Springs , Doctor * and all oilier Medicines full. Having been a sufferer for two yearn nnd a null from a dlsoaso caused by a brulsaon tliu OK , and having boon cnrad by the Uimuuu * tKMKiiim when all other rootlibds and rcms llns tallud , I doom It my duty tn reeommona tiom. 1 vlsltid Hot Bprlnita to no nvuil , unit tried Hovernl doctor * without SUCCOBH , and ut ast our principal drugirUt , Mr , John 1' . > 'lnluy to whom 1 shall ever led grateful ) , npoko tone no about CiJTitiuu.v. and I consumed to nlvo liuin u trlul , with the ri'snlt that I nra pnr- cctly cnroci , 1'h'jro In now no ere about me , think I can uliuvf the largest surtaoH wliara nymiirorliiBS sprang of any ono InthuHtuto. riio Cimcrnu HuMKiUK.i nro thn brgt blond and Bkln euro * m inufucturinl. 1 refer to drug * ylst John 1 * . I'iuluy and lr. It. O , Montgomery , , Hitlior tills place , nnd Dr. Kmltli of Jjiico IMS Miss. AIiUXANUKU IIKAOH , Orowvllle. Mian. Mr. Iteach used tliu CUTIGIIUA HKMKDIKH , i our request , with rosulu at above Hinted. A. 11. 1'lNIjAi'A : COUriSKistJ. Scrofula 7 ynnrH cm-oil. I have been troubled with Hcrofuta seven years , which Una BtHrtml on the top of my load , KivlnKrao inllclto trouble , with runsinnt tthlntt , caitlni ? ott of dry sculon , iiucl a wutory uiuliloxudud from uudur tliu fccaloJ. I tuulod t for seven yearn unsuccessfully , and \VM un- ablu to ctiock It uutll ( found your CUTICUIIA ( KMEDIK.S OllU 1)OX UL'Tll'UHA , ( mil Cuke ClITI- uiiHA i < OAi' . and ono liottlu CUTIUUKA completely cnrod mo , lurfectlT clear und amoulli. 8. J , IA I VJB. Artuula , L-S Alifoles Co. , to ! . Hkln DHcnsrx R yrniB ( Mil ed. Your CUTICUIIA ItKMBnncH did wor/lcrJal lilnt-'H fur me. Tboy ciireKl my UKln dinpnip , which has been of llvw years' standing , after buodrcuu ot dollaro had baeu epent iu trying to uru It. Nothing ill it inu any gond until ] coin * nuncod the IIRO of the I'IITJCUIIA ltKUKbi2a. Uur house wlllnover b wlthont them. MllK. KOHAKKI.I.V. KoikMell City , C lncut.Co. , Jt. Cuiloura Are sold ovorrwhera. Pries , CuTlcuiti , fiOci BoAP.aicjltiifiOLVENr. II. Vircmi Dituu A l OHrtiinAbCniii-on.tTinN , lto ton. CfTSunA for " 1 low to L'urc l-kln Dlseanor " M g , 60 llhmlratlnnn and 10Mvntlir.onlali. } THl JK8. black.hoad8r"ie'l"r Aici ) chappedT 101 and ollyskiii prevented by Cut leu ra Soap. " " " NO'RHEUIIATIZ ABOUT MET IN ONKUIMUTBTilHLXrtir.niU AN- . Krliilk- , hip , Mils/ . and chest pnlns , TJi a 8 c aurt oiur usUu'.uneoua