Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 17, 1889, Page 2, Image 2

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The Apostlon Played a Very Bad
Qamo Yostordoy.
Ttio Pnuplo From the North Mniln
Such a Xlrosomo Exhibition Tlmt
tlio l-'ntr Spcatatora Got
Awfully Wcnry.
Omnlm C , St. Pnul 2.
The lenders In the Western association
pennant chase , the Omnhai olid tno St.
Pauls , motyesterday ; in their first game of
the last series upon tho. local prounJs , and
the result was almost a walkaway for the
\Vlnto Sox.
It was ladles' day , nnd as has been the Invariable -
variable case on occasions of this land dur
ing tbo past month , there was n very largo
nttc-ndnnco of the fair ones. The grand
stand was a literal pnrtorro of beauty.
Notwithstanding this Incentive to deeds of
valor , the B nio was n long drawn out ono ,
with but few brilliant fo.ituros to relieve the
wearisome monotony. From the paucity of
runs scored ono would imUirally infer that
iunt the contest was of the short , Rhuru and
; decisive class , but It was not , but draggy ,
listless ami umntarosUnrr.
To bn Ruro , the Oinahas put up tboir
'usually flno gnmo , yet seemed unoblo
to infuse the spectators with nny
nnlmiitlon or enthusiasm. lad Clark was
in the box for the locals and did about what
ho pleased with the brawny sluggers from
the north. They made hut seven hits off of
him , ono of which wai tin accidental homo
run. The ball was lilt by Carroll to center
flold , nnd ] ust as Coonoy was about to gather
it-up , it came in contact with some obstruc
tion nnd bounded clnar ever hi * head and on
into tlio carriage * . Nnglo caught in his char
I acteristic masterly fashion , Crooks lined 'otn
out like a LJromhers or an O'Noll , nnd
Strauss made his customary error in right
Hold , the muff of a fly off Wcrnck's ' bat. .loo
VVnlsh'ft game nt short was ono of these
beautiful oxhibitlons of agility and sUill that
this doughty little player so well knows how
to make. Andrew * , too , was in high feather ,
nnd the way ho managed flrst was good for
aero eyes , nnd Jimmy Canavan was 3 cuckoo
in loft.
I The play of the Apostles was rocky , but it
I is a well known fact that when the Saints
do play a bad came it is ono
of tno roticncst kind , but they
generally dump all the errors they have on
hand for the next six or eight ganios , and
to-day it is dollars to doughnuts that they
wll\ \ Acquit themselves brilliantly.
Omaha's runs were made in this wise : In
the ilrat , nftor Coonoy's out , Cleveland made
n single , Strauss got his base on an error of
Miller , and Crooks following with a single ,
sent Cleveland across the ulato. Strauss
tried to score on Walsh's hit to the inllnld ,
but wns caught botwern bases and run down.
Andrews ended the Inning.
In the second Naglo mndo n hit. Worrick's
error lot him to third und ho crossed the
plato on Clarke's sacrifice.
In the next Crooks smashed out n clever
homo-run , and Wnlly Andrews a three-bag
ger , but the latter was loft.
In the seventh Strauss' two-bagger , and
errors by Worrick and Hawcs produced a
run , und in the eighth Nagto's second single-
on d Canavan'a two-saaker netted another.
St. Paul's Ilrst run was Carroll's accidental
homer in the opening innings , and in the
eighth Hawcs got to first by forcing out
Miller , who had made u hit , and came homo
on Murphy's single.
Tlio score :
Huns earned Omulia 2 , St. Paul I.
Two-baso bits Cannvan , Strauss.
Thrco-baso lilts Andrews.
Homo runs Crooks , Carroll.
T3iVsos on called balls OH Clurk 2 , TucUor-
man U.
Struck out By Clark 3 , Tuokerman 3.
Titno 3 hours.
Umplr.o Hurst.
Two ( intncH at St. Joseph.
I * ST. Josni'ii , August 10. St. Joseph and
Des Molnes played off two postponed games
to-day , St. Joseph won tlio first by niUtng
Victor hnrd and lost the second through tliu
mlsorab'lo work of Knell. Score :
Total. . . , . . , , .10 miff 9 6' ' Totals . . . . .O 8 It IT C
' 11V 1NMN03.
_ _
gt'.Jd dim . f. , . Z 1214000 D-10
t. . . . . . u luaouoau u
Earned runa-St. Joioph 2 , Dos Molnes 3. TITO-
lianu tiltH Curtwrliilit , Smith , roily. Homo run
KrclK. 1- lilt ontmll -iriKnlln'toit ) Victor J. Plolun
InneMrtiurr ,1 , Klt'lk' , Arilnur , Duvlln , Connull ,
1'bolan , TralUoy 2. Struck out-Mr Victors , by Duvlln
0. loublo iilay Jlacullar tuTrnRloyto Snillh. I'ancil
bailBUcllliuMu I. ( 'oily 1. llll Uy pitclior-lluiks.
Wild i ltch Vk tor. 'I line of BUIUO 1 Uonr , W i
' n. a.o. r. li. o. it. c. u i' 1 J ll'Atton.rf 1 o 1 U 0
Curtis , if 1 1 0 U O.Miukrey.lf t 1 4 U C
Kricicir..t a 0 U 1 Council. Sb 1 0120
Ardnervb.0 3 U ( I U Smith , lb U 0410
rartiYrtzlit. ib..O I 8 0 lIl'lH' 0 0 1 0 C
3 0 IllCody.c U U II 1 i
llurkim , .0 0 3 3 OTrnltloy.Vb .0 0 3 U 1
Kcliellliai80c..l 1 S 1 U Muuulliu , M..0 U 1 2 0
Knell , | i.,0 0 1 1 1 KonnoJy , P..O U U 1 U
Total J H 19 7 I Total 4 1 31 7 3
Una uiuu outwbin nlnnliiK ruu wus muUu.
, , ; . . , . . . . . U 0 0 0 U 0 S.1
0 U U 0 U 1 S4
Karnod runs Bt. Joiopli a. Two-lia e blt-Krlos ,
Tlirco-Uanoblt McOarr , llorao lun Krlt'ii , Mr t on
lialln Off Knell Ti oil Kunnmly notlilmt. Htolon bases
Hcl rr , CurtU , lari ritlu : , lliitallnK * > I'utton
Jlatkroy 2. btUU'k out-lly Knoll 6 | hy Kunnudy b
Doublu play llurkoa to Cartwrliibt. I'axud liulls-
Hcl.olllin uli Coiljr . ' . lilt by I'ttdior-l'liulan , Con
ncll. Tuna of KHIUO One hour uuU lulrty luluutui
Uinpro-Mcl | > ormotU
9IlnnL niolis O , J louver H.
Colo. , August 10. Minneapolis
defeated the Dcnvors to-day by bunching
their bits in the fourth , which , aided by twc
bases on balls , a wild pitch und two error * ,
netted thpm seven runs. Score !
' I" . 0.
Ddlyrmplo , If.2
McClullun , Xb.l
Trvinlwny , rf.0
Klibr,3b.0 ;
' " ' '
l . .er.'c/.0 , , . , , , . !
Total ! . "s 11 2110 Total ! 0 7 27 7
UV Ui.M.MU * .
JauTOr , . . , „ 1 S 1 0 0 0 0 0 4 1
Utnuoapiilli. , 1 U 0 7 1 0 U 0 * <
Xarnedruni Dealer t Mlnnrapolli I Tira-lian
blt-ilUJ8rTni lw y , Tbroe DatuliliMill rJaiii <
on Homn rnn IHlrrmplo , Howe , Foiter. nan
ntnlon Miller I , Hanrahan l.Jotlie 1. IMt on base *
Donrcr ft , MlnnoapolOT. Da o on b ltOff Pagan
funlTMItchel 0. lilt by pitcher 9. Ktrack nut-lly
auanS , by Mitchellfl. 1'nmed bnlln-Nonn. Time of
Kamfi-3 hours , t mlnutei , Umpire llrlody. Wild
> ltcholBK n 1.
Tlio St. Pnul'n Acnln To-ilny.
Iho Omnlias nnd Apostles will again try
conclusions at the local grounds this riftor-
noon. Vostcrday's game was n dead easy
ono for the Whlto Sox , but Captain Urotigh-
on says tmMl make thorn think thoy'vo boon
n a flghUbofora they capture to-day's gnmo.
following nro the positions of the two
teams :
Om.ihn. Positions. St. Paul.
Nichols Pitcher. . . . Mains
Muslo. . , , Cntaacr. . Farmer
Andrews First. . . . Hawcs
Jrooks. . . . . . . . . . . . Second , . . . AVorrlck
Cleveland. , < Third Uoilly
Walsh , Short Miller
Janavan . .Loft. . t Daly
Strauss Jilcht. . . Carroll
Coonoy. . . . Middle. . k Murphy
OTHER n.VL.Li G.I138. .
Tlio National ijoatiio.
PiTWDOKO , August 10. Hosult of to-day'a
PKUbunr . 0 1 0" 1 0 3 0 0 8 7
Now York' . 1 4
Haso hits Plttsburjr 0 , Now York 13. Er
rors Pittshurg 3 , Now York 5. Uattcrles
aloy nnd Miller ; Now York ,
lng , Umpire Curry.
, August 10. Hoault of to-day's
game :
Cleveland . 0 00000000 0
13oston..r..t..O 0. 0000400 7
Haso hlts-rCleveland 3 , lioston 11. Errors
Cleveland 3 , Boston 1. Uatterics Clovo-
and , Ucatin and SutclllTo ) Uoston , Clarkson
nnd Dennett. Umpire Lynch.
lNi > t\XAFOLis , August 10. The Indianap
olis-Philadelphia game was postponed on uo-
count of rain.
CHICAGO , August 10. Result of to-day's
; amo :
Jhioago . 0 1300035 10
Washington . 3 00030010 0
Base hits Chicago 7. Washington 11.
Errors Chicago 3 , Washington 7. IJuttorles
Chicago , Dwyer nnd Farrell ; Washington ,
Haddock and Muck. Umpire McQuaid.
Amateur Games.
FKIEND , Nob. , August 10. [ Spnclal Tolo-
grnm to Tin : BEB. ] The fat man's ball
ftinio between Exeter nnd Friend took place
to day , the score resulting 10 to 10 In favor
of Friend. The Friend battery was Pierce
and Bennett , whoso weight was COO pounds.
The combined weight of the nine was 3,004
pounds , and that of Exeter 1)800. ) It was a
very exciting game. Fifteen hundred people -
plo wcro present. All passed off pleasantly.
A Prize I'Mclit at St. .Joe.
ST. Joanne , Mo. , August 10. [ Snoclnl
Telegram to THE BEC. | Paul Davis nnd
3111 Fitzgerald fought to a finish , according
to Marquis ol Quccnsborry rules , at tlio old
exposition grounds last night , and although
Davis was not completely knocked out ho
threw up the sponge in the tenth round on
account of the lameness of ono of his arms.
Sill Fitzgerald , the winner , oamo to St. Jo
seph a few drtys ago from Kansas City for
ttio purpose of knocking Davis out. Ho
woiRhi 153 pounds ana is well built. Davis
is pretty well known iu Sc. Joe and Is said to
iavo had sovaral prlzo fights in his time , ono
of them being with a man named Pock , which
occured only a few days ago. Ho weighs
1GO pounds and Is considered a scientific box
er. The pnte receipts were J312. The par-
tics loft for Omnlm to-day to escape arrest.
. Grand Clrcaic
Rocnns.TEii , N. Y. , August 10. [ Special
Telegrunl to THE Br.i : . ] The grand circuit
mcoting'hero ended this afternoon. Susie S
won the postponed races easily , and Ketch
the 3:33 : class us ho pleased. The 3:17 pace u mixed affair , Ed Annan winning by
outstaying the party. Tho-free-for-all looked
suspicious but the judges let it go. Gean
Smith was the favorite before the start The
circuit continues at Poughkeopsio next week.
Summary :
POKSE § 2,000 , 3:18 CLASS.
Susie S ( Traynor ) I 1 1
Kitt Curry ( ICicer ) 3 3 3
J. B. Ulchardson ( Splan ) a 3 8
Henrietta ( Andrews ) 4 i 4
Time 2:18 , 3:18 > f , 3:20. :
rouse $1,000 , 3:17 I-ACB.
Ed Annan rDoblo ) 4 75111
WlllardTvHWalkor ) 8 13808
Emma-Boy ( ) 7 31753
William M. gingerly ( Davisl 47044
Doctor M ( Stewart ) 3 5 4 3 3 ro
AVilcox ( Gcrse ) 5 3 0 4 3 ro
Mumbrino Annis ( Turner.0 0 3 5 7 reTime
Time 2:10 , 3:303:21 : , 3:2U , 2:20 : # , 3:19. :
FCKSB $2,000 , 3:33 : CLASS.
Ketch ( Kobens ) 1 1 1
W. H. Nichols ( Andrews ) 3 3 4
Poem ( Walker ) 8 3 3
Keokco ( Splan ) , .4 4 8
Time-32GK. ; 2 = 2-W. 3:20. :
rtfusi : $3,000 , riiEE-rou-ALL.
Harry Wlkes | ( Turner ) 1 I 1
Guan Smith ( Goldsmith ) 3 3 2
Time 3:19 : ,3:20J : $ . U:20. :
Merchants' week is the same days as
the fair , September 2 to G , inclusive.
A Fish Bono in Her Throat.
Friday , at to'clock in the afternoon , while
eating fish , Mrs. Frank A. Schramock got a
lish upno in her throat , and so far the sur
geons have not been able to remove it. Mrs.
Schraincck has not been able to speak since.
Art on the llowery.
New.York World : "Say , Billy , tip
us ue'riews on dis yor 'Angolus' of Mil
let wet all do row's about. "
"Well , fellers , " said' Uilly , "do 'An
golus'is a oil pain tin' by a bloomin' '
cove called Millot-as has boon sold for
8110,000 atid vill bo' on/oxhlbish right
hero on do Bowery , or in Dominiclc
McCaffrey's saloon , or Union Square
afore yor a ydar older. See ? Do 'An-
goliiB' i a picture of two forrinors , a.
follor 'n' ' his Nanoy , wot's out in do Held
diggin ? tatord. Doy gets on to do
church bolls , p. nngin1 an' doy cuts do
tatur dlggin' an * stands up iiiUBolomu
attorjudo like dis. SeoV Doy's tort o'
stooped over "like doy's lookin' for a
nickel in do tutor row. Doy's boon
dlggin' wld"a pitch fork in
stead 'of ' ' hoe , an1 do fork is
BticUin1 in'do grounUlko as if tor say
dat doy had , no use far dat long as do
bolls was ariiigln" . SooV Doy got a
wheelbarrow one of do ole timers wld
straight hunnols an' sides , wet wouldn't
fetch 60 cento. Doy got a half-bushol
basket 'bout ' half full or tutors , but doy
might as well bo goo o eggs for all do
dltloroncfe-ii feller can boa. I link if
doy had a few moro tutors tor show for
de diggin * it wouldn't look BO much like
a bad yonv for , Inters. See ? Do bloke
stands wid his hat in hot * han's in front
of him an' do gnl stands close by mighty
pious-llke. Seoi * Do cut of dor togs
would creuto n sensaah on Broadway.
Snyder's paijta are t'reo inches to short
for him , ivn * ho wears wooden shoes.
Nancy Wears wooden shoes , too , an'
udder togs aocordin' . Da 'Angolus' Is
all de go irt sportln' circles , uddorwlso I
wouldn't glvo J for do whole outllt.
See ?
Five ) Girl 1'atrlots.
There are live girlx in ono of the
Ilumphrips families of Fleming count ; ; ,
Kentucky , and their njiisbs uro Arkan
sas. Lculsmmr. Tennessee , Florida and
It Ualnocl CntlUh ,
After a recent btorm in Tuscumbla ,
Ala. , young cattish , from four to seven
inches in lougtU , were plckod up allover
ever the city. They are supposed to
have ruined down.
A Now York Flan Story.
James A. Gilbert , of Syracuse , re
cently caught 160 bass in the St. Lawrence -
ronco river in loss than two hours ,
using only a rod and rooU
Ho la Imtnodlatoly Boloasod on
$5,000 Ball. '
Curious Crowds Gather to Tnko a.
Ijoolc nt the 13x-Torror Ills Wi
Ilcpoatcdly Thrown Herself
on ( ho Coffin.
Snrnh Altlioa'M Ulliut flntred.
SAN FJUHCISCO , August 10. Justice Ste
phen J. Floia , of tlio United States siipromo
court , wns arrested to-day on the chnrgo of
being a pnrty to tlio killing of David Terry
nt Lathrop. Application wns tnado at once
for a writ of habeas corpus , nn'd tlio matter
WAS hoard by Justice Sawyer , of the United
Stutos circuit court , who granted tbo writ
and released Justice Field on $5,000 ball. The
warrant for Justice Field's nrrCst was Issued
by a justice of the poacto In Stockton , on com
plaint of Mrs. Sarah Althea Torry. Short ft
Cunningham , of Stockton , arrlvod hero with
a warrant last night , and ho applied to Judge
Ulx , of the police court , this morning to Indorse -
dorso It , Judge Rlx tool : t'tio matter -
tor under ndvlsomont , and naked the
advice of District Attorney lngo. The latter
expressed the opinion that the warrant should
bo Indorsed ; that it was issued In regular
form and the judge should iiot consider the
individuality of the person against whom it
wns directed. The counsel who appeared for
Jusuco Field urged the Judge to take testi
mony to ascertain if the warrant should have
been Issued. Ho declared that the issuance
of the warrant was nothing moro than an at
tempt to humiliate a Justice of the supreme
court. Judge Hiz finally indorsed tno war
rant and placed It In the hands of Sheriff
Cunningham , who wont at once to tbo United
States appraisers' building , whore Justice
Field's chambers nro located. Justice Field
arrlvod nt hi * chamber itbout noon , and , with
Judge Urowor , of Kansas , and Judge Sawyer ,
awaited thu arrival of the sh or iff. Sheriff
Cunningham wont flrsttotho marshal's oOlco
and then , accompanied by Chief of Polioo
Crowley , Captain .Lees and United States
Marshal Franks , proceeded to Justice Field's
chambers. Justice Field arose to meet the
party and Sheriff Cunningham presented the
warrant and formally made the arrest. Ap
plication was mndo at once for a writ of ha
beas corpus. Judge Sawyer granted the
writ and retired to the circuit court room
and tool : his scat In the Jury box.
District Attorney Carey announced that
Sheriff Cunningham had obeyed the writ of
habeas corpus and produced the prisoner and
that ho now awaited the further pleasure of
the court. Judge Sawyer sot the case for n
hearing next Thursday morning and ordered
Justice Field released. Tlio petition for the
writ of habeas corpus was made by Justice
Field himself , and it Is a very lengthy docu
ment. It sots forth in detail the facts al
ready known , and declares that at tbo break
fast table at Lathrop Justice Field was ma
liciously and wickedly assaulted from behind ,
without any forewarning , by DavidS. Terry ,
which assault was not proved by any act ,
word or deed of the petitioner. Ilio details
of the contempt proceedings of September
last , when Mrs. Terry caused a sensational
scene in the court , are then sot forth , and it
is declared that at the time of the commis
sion of said contempt by Terry and his wife ,
and their arrest , conviction and sentence
therefor , and nt diverse times and places
since the petitioner is Informed and believes
that the said Terry and wife
have respectively threatened at
tbo first opportunity that they would
insult , assault and kill the petitioner for and
on account of the acts done in the discharge
of his duties devolving upon him as an asso
ciate Justice of the United States supreme
court , and said Terry repeatedly and fre
quently declared and , threatened that ho
would "get oven" with the petitioner. The
petition next sets forth that at the time of
the shooting Justice Field was accompanied
by David Nagle , a deputy United States
inar hal , who wan acting under instructions
from the attorney general of the United
States and Marshal Franks. The pe
titioner declares that ho in no way or
manner defended himself , or protected him
self , and was in no way responsible for any
directions given Naglo or any other person :
that he was merely present at the place of
shootintr. while en route from LosAngelas
to San Francisco , in the discharge of his
ofllcial duties. Ho further declares that bo
was not then , nor has ho been at any time
for many years , armed with any weapon
whatever. The petitioner further alleges
that Surah Althea Terry has falsely
and maliciously sworu out this warrant
for his arrest. Justice Field sots forth in
his petition that ho is now holding court in
this city and his arrest and removal would
seriously interfere with his ofllcial duties ,
such interference bointr contrary to the pro
visions of the constitution. Justice Field
further assorts that in the United States cir
cuit court during the hearing of the Sharon
case issues it wns proved and hold that the
complainant , Surah Althea Terry , was an
"abandoned woman without veracity. "
Judpc Terry'H Funeral.
STOCKTON , Cat , August 10. Thq funeral
of David S. Terry was hold bore to-day.
The body was removed from the morgue at
noon and taken to the Episcopal church ,
whore it lay in state for two hours and was
viewed by grent numbers of people. Mrs.
Torrv occup'cd ' a pow near the casltet and
watched the face of the dead all the while.
Several times she left her seat and throw
herself upon the casket. The aorvlco was
read by one of the vestrymen of the churcn.
Would Not li > Him lionnr.
SAN Fiusciaco , August 10. The supreme
court of the state of California , of which the
late David S. Terry was formerly chief
justice , this morning refused to adjourn out
of respect for Terry's ' memory. This de
cision was announced from the bench , and
the reason given wns that Terry resigned his
judicial position to fight a duel , and lliat ho
was killed while in thu act of assaulting u
justice of the United States supreme court.
Heavy forest flrcs are raping in Oregon.
Lake View , a suburb of Chicago , is excited
ever an epidemic of glanders.
Frank Collom , the Minneapolis -forger ,
has been released on $100,000 bonds.
Mormon Elder AVllllanr Spry , of Chata-
nooira , Tonn. , has been arrested for blifamy.
Tin CQ men war a drowned by the upsetting
of a boat on the \Vhlto river , near Newport ,
Ten in on have bc'on arrested charged with
the murder of Mr. DuplcuhoinutCoaio , La. ,
lust Thursday.
A hotel porter at Lake MliinotonUa was
killed bv the accidental discharge of a re
volver in a trunk which ho was ImnJHiu , ' .
The body found on Fire Island beach sup
posed tn bo the remains of Aeronaut IiogHn
tins boon Identified us taat ol Henry Warden
of Cliicueo.
The Investigation of the gubernatorial con
test in West Virginia has developed the fact
that the election in that state was n singu
larly fair ono. _ _ ' ,
A Tremendous Kino.
AUSTIN , Tex. , August 10. In the United
States court this morning Gus Wllke and
Abnor Taylor pleaded guilty to the importa.
tlon of skilled laborers from ICuropo to work
on the now cnpitol , and were lined 61,000 and
costs In each of sixty-four cases. '
Phonograph parties ai-o novb'l ontor-
iiiurr.ciuB tit the bumtnor resorts ,
Dancing : is curded on by .music pro
duced by the instrument , and when
that is wearisome , speeches find , recita
tions through the tihpnograpn enter
tain the company , * *
A New Hook on AlavUu.
Houghton , Mifllln & Co. will publish
Mr. Dnllou's now book of travels on
Alaska. The subject at the present
time Is ono of moro than ordinary Jn-
toroat , Whoa Mr. JSo ward's purchase
flrotcaraq Into our hands it wns pro
noun cod to be "n very good skating
park. " Mr. Dalldu will show that it
has turned out to bo a bonanza. 4
Ijtornry | 6o8lotjr Organised.
At the Joint TnooHing of the Temperance
league and the V.'W. C.T.U. , hold In the
Methodist Ki cBttxl church Thursday
evening , n HtornrVn80cloty wns organized.
The officers c'fAcwd and committees ap
pointed nro : a' ' j
President , MIssitHuldah Lambert ; vice-
president , W. lccdLiinroy ) secretary , Miss
Grace Is. Hicuardflon ; chaplain , W.
llocd Dunroy ; tbmrnlttoo on oonstltu-
nnd by-laws , MiSs1Altco Hover and Messrs.
Wllliiim A. Sehrol and W. Uood Duraroy
committee on nrrrinROmontB , MMs Qraco 13.
Ulchardson and. Messrs.W. Kcod Diimroy and
William H. Schrlif ; programme , Mossrs.M.Q.
7otbo and Albdrt . Button and Miss Mao-
Painoi musical , Messrs. Kvorott E. Lyman
and E. L. Daniels , nnd Miss Joanctto Li.
The next mooting will bo hold Friday evening -
ing In the Methodist Episcopal church.
Hants KnnsnsClty.
Acting President Habcock , of the stock
yards , calls attention to the fact that during
the seven any * immediately preceding Au
gust 7 , the receipt at the Kansas City stock
yards wcro 2083 , while the ro-
colpts nt the South Omaha yards
were 20,034 , or fifty-two moro than nt Kansas
City. The now management la getting the
yards right to the front , where they belong.
rtohomlnn DanoH nnd Thcutro.
Hvo7dn Svobody. No. 145. C. S. P. S. , Bo
hemian Star , of Liberty lodge , will fiivo n
dance nnd theatrical entertainment In Gor-
mania hall nnd gardens Saturday evening ,
the 81st instant. Messrs. Joseph Slnkulo ,
Joseph M. Tobias nnd Valcan Pivouka are
the committee on arrangements. Only Bo
hemians will bo admitted.
Tlio AIntily Art.
A purse of (10 has been raised for a local
sparring match next Thursday evening. It
will likely take plnco In Hunt's opera house.
A man by the name of Thomas and Roscoe ,
the colored unknown , are two of tha con
Slight Railroad Wreak.
Three cars of dressed beef were run off
the Union Poclflo track below Q street , in
the southern part of the city , Friday evening -
ing , doing slight damage and requiring
sovaral hours to track the cars again.
The C'nlrilonlnnB.
The Caledonian club has accepted the In
vitation of the Burns olub , of Omaha , and
will go to the plcnio at Council Bluffs , Sat
urday , going on the 13:55 dummy train.
Notes About the Olty.
W. B. Berry , of Persona & Berry , has boon
appointed a notary public.
Iho Ut. Kov. G. Worthlngton , S. T. D. , of
Omaha , bishop of Nebraska , will preach in
Masonic hall Sunday forenoon at 11 o'clock.
Patsv Murray and a local unknown had a
sot-to in n private room Thursday evening ,
the unknown being knocked out in the first
A pleasant dance was given Friday oven-
ing1 by Landlord Liine nt the City hotel.
The Sobotkeriball'club has won fourteen
out of sixteen games played.
Miss Minnie WpojU , who hr. been ill for a
week , is bettor nnJ yiblo to bo out.
It it a girl , its father is camod Inios , and
ho lives in the Third ward.
Personal Parncrnplis.
The Rov. C. S , Withorspoon. of Omaha ,
who now has chargoof St. Martin's mission ,
was in the city yesterday.
James M. Gfantham , of tbo McCloud-
Love Commission company , will go to Do-
Witt Saturday for&fortnight's visit.
Miss Mary Bpylo.who has boon visiting
friends in Fremorft , returned Saturday , no-
conipanicd by MissJomno _ Hanlon.
William Orr.'suYvSrlntondont of the Ar-
mour-Cudahy shipping department , has gene
to Chicago. ; , si * .
Mrs. Cuber , ofijowa City , is visiting her
daughter and son-in-law , .Mr. and Mrs. J. W.
Green. * - '
Mrs. E. A. Dlviro , of Omaha , has been vis
iting "her daughter and son-in-law , Mr. and
Mrs. Frank McBride.
J. B. Smiioy , of the commission firm of
Coffman , Co. & Smiioy , has returned after a
jaunt over tba southern part of the state.
Charles Patterson has gene to Peoria , III ,
called thcro by the illness of his mother.
Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Mudge , of Burlington ,
la. , is the guest of Alfred C. McCracken.-
Thoraas Murphy , who has been attending
college at Valparaiso , Ind. , has returned to
this city.
A Farmer Worth $50OOO Ttcqucaths
it for a Homo for Them.
St. Louis Itopublio : Among the wills
recently admitted to record by Judge
Myers , of the Hancock county probate
court , in Pindlay , O.was the testament
of A. B. Arthur , an eccentric farmer of
Marion township , who departed this
life some time in Juno , nnd loft behind
him an estate valued at about $50,000.
Arthur had never married , and his
nearest-of kin livinp are a number of
nephews and nieces , who naturally ex
pected that his earthly accumulations
would bo divided among thorn in an
equitable manner when ho made hit )
But after his death , when this impor
tant document was made public , none
were moro astonished than the expect
ant heirs when it was found that the
old gentleman had devised and sot aside
his entire possessions to bo sold by his
executors , and the proceeds invested in
the building and maintenance of u
"homo for indigent haokmon , " the
institution to bo erected on ground
which ho designated in Marion town
ship , roinoto from even a village , much
loss a city. In fact , the spot selected
for the "homo" is seventeen miles from
Findlay , in an open field , surrounded
on all sides by largo farms.
Hero ho directed that n , building
capable of accommodating at ono time
iltty indigent hackmon should bo er
ected and furnished , and appointed his
executors as trustees to carry out his
wishes nnd to keep up the establish
ment at an annual expense of $4,000 , or
until all his funds were exhausted , by
which time ho indulged the hope that
other bociuests"w1U ho made by parties
in sympathy w Jiis ideas to carry out
the freak to whjcliMio so freely donated
his wealth. . .i t j
What adds tattiio qucorness of this
"last will and Dteutuuiont" is the fact
that there uro iiot a hulf-doion hack-
men in the country who are ever likely
to need such ar"homo , " and none in the
township in whicli Arthur who had
always boon a farm or lived and died.
Besides all thljin 8UOU II bomo was
provided , its prqnoged location is so ro-
inoto from the anlural haunts of huok-
mon that ono tvpiild have to bo in pretty
bad shape 11 nan(5fully ( , physically and
mentally if ho-ttcCDptod the hospitality
Mr. Arthur soevgoncrously provides
for in his will. roit.O'ig ' hardly noces-mry
to add that tlitf relatives of the dead
friend of Imokrhdri have already com
menced proceedings In tlio COUPS , ol
common pleas of this county to have
the will sot usldo on the ground that
ttio old man was not in his right mind
when ho executed the document , nnd
the case will coino up for hearing at the
September term , of the court in this
Hoston's blow Growth.
The now Boston directory for 1889 ,
just published , contains 103,853 names ,
as against 101,753 names lastyoarsUow-
ing an increase of only 1,100 named.
Tim Dot ; awl I'urrot Mourned ,
On the deatU of Jacpb Iflmoa , of Col
umbia , lately , his hunting dog would
touch no food until the funeral wrts
ever , and Ills parrot , which had boon
garrulous , has not spoken u word since ,
Popplo After Favors Loao No Time
In Paying Tholr Kogpoots.
A New natoli of Postottloo Appoint
ments Kvpcctcd to Follow Tan
ner FVxvora Algor For Grnntl
Coimnnmlcr of tlio G. & . 11.
WASHINGTON. D. C. , August 10. .
The president and his prlvnto secretary ,
Mr. hdtford , returned to Washington from
Ilnr Hnrbor tit 2 o'clock this nf tornoon. Uoth
gentlemen scorned to have enjoyed the trip
to the coast and each shows some signs of
mooting with the rays of the sun. It wns
not many minutes after they reached the
whlto house before there was the usual num
ber of callers with nil sorts of requests.
About the ilrst man to gain nn audience with
Mr. Hnlford was n gentleman from Phila
delphia , who said that ho represented about
four hundred who were Interested In the
civil aorvlco rule * . This gentleman was a
letter carrier nnd announced that those
whom ho had the honor to represent were
anxious to have the civil sorvlco rule * still
further modified. The particular object of
'tho ' present mission was to secure the abro
gation of rule 10. This rule applies to the
restoration to thosorvlco , without oxamlna-
ntlon , of persons who have boon re
moved. It was recently modified
by the president so as to permit
the restoration of members of the G. A. H.
without examination , but the Philadelphia
visitors desired to change- still further , so
that there shall be no limit of the time dur
ing which the restoration of discharged
civil service employes may bo restored. Ho
did not succeed In getting any encourage
The cabinet officers who nro now in town
lost no time In paying their respects to tno
chief magistrate , and they all congratulated
him upon his appearance. Ho certainly looks
as though the trip had bnon highly beneficial
to him , hut It has been no period of rest in
the sense that rest means quiet. The whole
journey wns ono round of receptions , but
General Harrison seemed pleased to think
tnnt ho bad been able to see the people
through Now England who flocked towards
the points wcro ho stopped.
Ho was not able to accomplish very much
In the brlof remainder of the olUclal day after
ho reached Washington , but his day is likely
to extend into the night. Secretary Wlndom
called with a batch of papers relating to
places in and under his department. Secre
tary Proctor was on hand to consult his chief
In reference to many things which portnin to
his department , and will ( line with tbo presi
dent tbis evening. During the dinner the
two gentlemen will talk over business.
Acting Postmaster General Clarkson was
nt the white house at 0 o'clock when your
correspondent called. Me , Clarkson had a
great many papers which required attention ,
and ho had been with the president for some
time then. The result of this visit will urob-
ably bo tha announcement of a number of
postofllco appointments , nnd it may huvct an
effect upon the telegraph problem.
Asked as to his plans for the next two
weeks , the president said ho proposed to
leovo to-morrow afternoon for Deer Park.
Ho has , ho said , about determined to visit
Indianapolis , to bo present at the ceremonies
attendant upon the laying of the corner
stone of the soldiers' monument ono week
from Thursday. Ho said that ho would start
for Indianapolis on Tuesday oveuing or
Wednesday morning preceding the ceremony
and that ha will remain in Indianapolis only
ono day. Ho will then return to Deer Park ,
to remain n week or two longerafter which
ho will return to Washington and take up
thi ) routine work ol his ofllco hero again.
Ho said that the stay in Dear Park would
-not bo altogether a rest , as ho Intends to do
a great deal of work while thero. As to the
acceptance of other invitations which have
been tendered him to visit other cities , the
president sold tnat ho thought that it wonld
bo Impossible for lum to get away. Ho inti
mated that by the time ho shall have re
turned from Indianapolis ho will have had
about all tbo traveling ho cares for tbis
summer. Ho would like to bo present at Bal
timore at the ceremonies attendant upon the
opening of tno now postofflco September 12 ,
the anniversary of the battle of North Point ,
but ho said ho wants some absolute rest before -
fore the important business of October is
upon him , which will require nil his time
and attention. Ho had u great many
schemes presented to him for trips to various
points and would bo pleased to accept them
nil , but this would be impossible and ho
thought it would bo nocossaay for him to
forego the pleasure of accepting any of thorn.
Mrs. Harrison will join the president hero
to-morrow and will accompany him to the
ComraisloDor Tanner said to-day that bo
favored the selection of General Ahrcr as
grand commander of the G. A. R. Mr. Tan
ner said that ho has been pledged to General
Aper ! for six months , and that ho has boon
Hard at work for the Michigan man.
AllMr O11DHI19.
Private Druory Lewis anil John Ready ,
troop G , Ninth cavalry , now with their tropp ,
will DO discharged from the service of the
United States on receipt of this order at Fort
Niobrara by the commanding ofllcer of their
station. Those soldiers are entitled to travel
Private George L. Shattuck , company I ,
Sacond Infantry , now with his company at
Fort Oinaha , Nob. , is transferred to troop
M , Second cavalry , and will bo sent to tlio
station of that troop at Fort Walla Walla ,
Wash. The entire cost of transportation
nnd subsistence attending this transfer will
bo charged against the soldier on the next
muster and pay role of the troop to which bo
is transferred.
Nebraska Whitman , Grant county.Gcorgo
W. Collins ; Wolbooh , Grcely county , L. M.
Iowa Untavia , Jefferson county , John R.
Peck ; Lohrvillo , Calhoun county , John W.
Dooin't Do '
a 1'iinny
Pirrsiiuiia , August 10. A reporter to-day
visited J. J. O'Kclll.v , the representative m
this city.of the English brewery buying syn
dicate , and had a long talk with him. Ho
BUYS the capital stock of this syndicate Is
$100,000,000 or moro , and the syndlc.ito will
not make purchases of leas than $1,000,000. ,
The Triliunnl ,
PjiiiAifM-nu ) ) , August 10. The appoint
ment of n nigh ecclesiastical tribunal by the
pope for the Roman Catholic church in the
United State la believed to hnvo already
been consummated , although Inquiry to-dav
failed to develop the existence of ofllcial
Tlio National .Toolcny Club.
WASHINQTOS , August 10. The National
Joclcoy club has complotcd the preparations
for the annual fall , meeting which boglns
October 7 and lasts five days. There will bo
live races each day , and except in steeple
chases uo purse will bo less than ? IWO.
Klllnn In Trouble.
SAN fiUNOisco , August 10. Pat Killon ,
Ills manager , W. E. Goodlng , Prof. Tom An
derson and Ed Hoinun , manager of a local
variety theatre , wcro convicted of violation
of the ordinance prohibiting sparring exhibi
tions where liquor Is sold , and will bo sen
tcncod to morrow.
I'Jiolps Vlsltii Uluino ,
Bixaoii , Mo. , August JO. Hon. William
Walter Phelps , United States minister to
Germany , passed through lioro this after
noon , accompanied by his daughter and the
MUifos Blaine , en route to Har Harbor ,
wliero bo will bo the guest of Ulalno for a
\Vl\l \ Hum Him Allvo.
IIJOBEH , Mo. , August 10 0. S. Allen ( col.
orod ) criminally assaulted Gusslo Nicholas ,
eight years old , nnd escaped. A posse of
men is searching the neighborhood for him
and threaten to burn him alive if they should
catch him.
A Profitable Moonlight Past I mo With
Mnronnlnff Parties In Gror ln.
Turtlo-huntinj ? rind hunting turtle-
ogga on the beach is a favorlto moon
light pastime with marooning parties ,
says the Savatmh ( Qa. ) News , and as
profitable sometimes as it Is pleasant ,
for turtles command a roadv sale in the
northern markets and during the sea
son nro shipped largely by the steam
ship lines to New York and other north
ern cltlos. The ogga nro an epicurean
dish and much sought after.
B. W. Buntan engineer of the Cen
tral railroad , came up from Tyboe last
night with B. N. El Id us , Joseph Ilolntz
and A.V. . Clark from a maroon on
Warsaw nnd brought nCOO-pound lurtlo ,
ono of four which they turned on War
saw boacli Friday night. In addition
the hunlors had 150 opes. Two of the
turtles were sent to Thunderbolt , ono
was butchered on the island , and Iho
ether was brought to the city and taken
to Mr. Bunlz's residence on York street.
whore , to gratify the curious , ho will
bo kept to-day and to-morrow , Its flap
pers were securely bound with ropes.
On the way ever from Warsaw to the
south end of Tyboo Island it required
five men to carry it from the lauding
nnd put it on board the train.
The turtles lay three nests of eggs in
a season , donosi ting the ogcs in the
sand , carefully covering them up and
skillfully trying to hide all trace of tlio
crawl when they leave the nost. Tlio
turtles come out by daylight and moon
light when the title is about three-
fourths ebb nnd scoop out the nest just
above high-water mark. The eggs ,
which are the size of a hen's egg , are
hatched by the heat of the sun and sand
In fifteen days , when the young turtles
scratch their way through the sand ana
make for the sea. No matter which way
the little turtle is turned , if it is not in
the direction of the beach it faces about
and makes for the deep.
The Ilrst nest of eggs is laid during
the full moon of May and the first full
moon of June , and the two successive
nests in the full moon of July nnd Au
gust. This is the last seen of the turtle -
tlo on the beach. A nest ranges from
1U5 to 175 eggs , and ixs ail of thorn hatch
that are not discovered and destroyed ,
COO young turtles is the annual progeny
of n single turtle.
There are three species of deep-sea
turtle. Ono. the loggerhead , weighs
from 800 to 400 pounds. An export can
turn the largest sized turtle on his back
by a dexterous Hip , catching it by the
shell aft and overturning it lengthwise.
Once on his back the nraphibiun is help
less. The desire to escape predominates
in the turtle , nnd ho never shows light.
Colonel B. D. Walker tolls of a turtle -
tlo hunt last season , where his party ,
having caught all they wanted ono
night , found a Very largo turtle , nnd
two men .steadied the colonel on its
back and ho rode in triumph to the
water's edge , where ho jumped off and
gave the turtle its freedom for the ride.
Thegroen turtle is another species ,
rarely exceeding fifty pounds in weight.
They are principally taken on the gulf
coast. It is principally hunted on ac
count of the excellence of the toup , for
which it is used in hotels and
restaurants , whereas the steaks from
the loggerhead are considered to sur
pass choice northern boot in osculonco
and flavor. The soft-shell turtle does
not attain a weight greater than
twonty-livo pounds , but is nvon moro
sought after than the green turtle and
is considered quite a delicacy by epi
cures. _ _
Gcorgo Prnnois Finishes Rls 10O
Dnys of Starvation.
"Tho Bov. " Qoorgo Franois Train
for by that title ho wishes to bo known
henceforth has broken all fasting re
cords by successfully completing 100
days' abstinence from food. Ho has not
been a total obstainer. for ho has taicon
a little chocolate and some fruit when
ho felt like it.
George was about to start for Dqck-
stador's , says the Now York Tribune ,
when a reporter found him in the Con
tinental hotel last night. Buthn didn't
mind being detained and cordially in
vited his visitor up' to his
room. There ho discoursed from
a psycho point of view o-i
fasts , national nlfairs , the international
exposition of 1892 , nnd _ many ether sub
jects. Ho is still fasting. Ho had an
nounced that he would eat a meal yes
terday , but when the time came ho did
not fool like it. * 'I am ruled by in
stinct , " ho declared. "Instinct is
everything , reason nothing , and mod
ern science is a fraud. " That was to
explain the chocolate and pear , on
which the reporter looked with grave
suspicion. Mr. Train eats fruit and
drinks chocolate by instinct , but this
does not affect his fast. To show how
little ho really cared for it , ho pre
sented the pear to the reporter , and
without displayingany emotion watched
him eat it. The citizen has lost forty
pounds of adipobo tissuse and now feels
confident that ho will live for 200 years
or so and bo dictator of' the
United States. Ills head has shrunk.
ho suvs , like the rest of his body , in
consequence of his fast , nnd a hat that
used to lit him is much to largo lor him.
Mr. Train would not say when ho
would give up fasting. Ho is daily bo-
coining more and moro convinced of
the merits of starvation.
Ho novoi drinks water , "I could
never drink water as Tntinor did , " ho
said , "and my reason is that our reser
voirs are macadamized with corpses. "
"Tho Bov. : ) Mr. Train receives many
letters , Ho got oner the ether day from
Sophia Adelaide , who claims to lie the
daughter of Queen Victoria and the
crown princess of the Russian empire.
She on thusiastlcnlly admires Mr.Traiti ,
and ho llrmly "believes that she is a
princess ju hard luck. A western
woman wrote Hint who was u comtlrmed
Invalid and wanted Citizen Train lo
heal her. George Francis says ho can
heal if ho wants to , but ho has not as
yet exorcised his powers.
Tlio HtulBOii Illvor Tunnel.
After two years , work has boon re
sumed on the Hudson river tunnel at
Now York city. The tunnel was begun
in 187lunil , may bo completed In a year.
PoiuiHylvaiiln I'You Catchers.
Catching froga to sell them to res
taurants iu u brisk industry around
Chiimborsburg. Pu. The hunter carries
u torch which ho Hushes on the etronm.
and if a frog is there ho elta dazed , and
with a dexterous thrust of a apuar ho
pins it.
Positively Ourod by
thetti Little mil.
They also relieve Pis
trees from Dyspepsia ,
Indigestion and Too
HeartEating. . -fx\-
feet remsdy tfjf Dksl
neaa , Nausea , Prows !
ues , Bad Taeto tn the
lfoutbOoat , dTODZue ,
TID ISVEO , &o. They regulate tha Bowoli
and prerjnt Constipation and I'llei. Thi
mallest Hud eatleat to tako. Oinjr one pill a
dose. 40ta TlAl. Purely Vegetable. Trice. .
The Chlof Ronsonfor tlio grout BUCCO.IJ
oC Hood's Sarsnpnrllla U found in the nttlolfl
Itsolf. It Is Merit Thnt Wlns inml the fact
that Hood's Sar apnrllla actually qccompUshoi
nil that Is claimed for It , has clvp.ii thU medicine -
cine a popularity nnd nuts sro.itdr than any
other sannpnrllla or blood purifier.
Hood's Snrsnpnrllln Is sold by driiR-
Rlsts. SI j ilx for J5 , Prepared by C. I. Hood St
Co. , Aiiothocnrlos , I.ownll , Mnm. Ulvo tt n
u I.
run i AND or
For sale by Goodman Dru Co
Louisiana State Lottery Company.
Incorporated lij the l iilslatnro. for nduiatlona
and CnurUnb'o purposes , tin I ! t < frnnchl'n mule l
imrtirt'ionrc intMatnrfH8tUiilloii , In 1CT , by mi
ovcrnhelmliiK lopularMHo.
Its MAMMOTH DltAWINGS take nlaco SemiAnnually -
Annually , ( June anil Dccamber ) . and Us
place In eacli of tbo other ten months of tha
year , and uro all drawn In public , at the Acnil-
omyof Music , NowOrloan * . Ln.
For Integrity oi * ita DrnivlncH , nnd
i'r.uiipt Payment of 1'rlzea.
Attested us follows :
"Wo do licroby that wn 8iin.'rvl | < u tlio nrrnnRC-
menu Mr nil tliu Mumbiy nun t-eml-Amiual Draw.
IniuofTlio I.oultluiu tnato ljrt"e.r , onipaiiy.nml
In | ) cr ou niH'i-ico nurt control tbo IrnwiiiK iluin-
nelve.i.niiil that the name iiru rniidncteil vrltb lion-
csty , fnlniLK , iinrttu n J fiillh tuirnul nil particx ,
mill wo a'ltuodtu tie ! compiny to raj t'lU ovrtlUtato ,
with liu lml < uf uur tljnutiirn uuiiQliccl , In Its nil-
vcrtlacmonla. "
Wo tlio undarplpncd Uim'.n mul llmikon will pur
nil I'rijct drawn In the louWunn. HtnU ) Lattorlo
which may lie iire-onliul ntourcountcn.
11. JJ. WALMSLEY. I'ros.loulslnna Nut. flank.
PIRItltn LANA1JX. Pro * . Stuto.Nat'l Jlank.
A. ItALDWIN , Pros , rnw Orleans Nat'l Hank.
CAill. KOUN , Pros. Union Watlomil IJank.
At the Academy of r/IUslc , Nbw Or-
loans.Tuesclay , Soptorrtbor JO ,
1O8O ,
CAPITAL PRIZE , - $300,000.
1OO.OOO'JloiU'ts nt Twenty JJollbra
onoli. llnlvra. S1O ; Qu/tntirrf , $5 ;
Icnilw , $2 ; XivoiitlctliH , J-Slt
1 I'llIZE OK
1 I'lllKK OK
1 1'IIIXH Ol'r -
i I'ltl/.KS ( ) K iniminru "
r > I'liix.iM OK1 n.uniar. ) ,
23 I'ltl/.KH UP l.dllnio , . . . . . , i.
1IU I'lll/.l'.S OK BHIaru - . . . , . . . . , . . . . , , . . „ . . . MIU I
an 1'iiuKH OK Ililuro . . . . . . , . . ,
o/j ritiXBH . .11'iJnro i < . . . , ! . . . .
10/11'rlroa of pu nr ' . , . . , . . . , . . , . MflJI
] < D do H * ) nro , . * . , , . . . . * . . . . . * . . 'njun
1UJ do VJil iiro. . , , , . . . , , , i..i. aOM )
! WJ do 1WI mo. . . , „ , , . , 93W1
twJ do KWuru , . , , . . . VJ.'M
3,111 1'rlren.nmnuntlns to I1JCI.NIO
NOTU. TIcliutidriwIiiK Cniiltal 1'rlzes nro not en-
tltloU to tunnhnil t'llto * .
A < flVrji VAN'fl'Kl ) ,
tPKoitCMiiIlATKn , or anr further Information
< lH lrcd , Icvlblx to tliu uiulvnlrnod. i-loarly
dtiiiliix jour rcMileniP. irlth Htulo , Conntr. Hiiout
ml .suiulii r. Moro rupll rotuni mull dulltrerywlll
bu OMimul IIT jrour enclosing u KnTdopo Luarlux
your full uddriHK.
Address M. A. DAUPHIN ,
Nuw Urlouni , La. ,
orM. A.
Waslilnvton. 1) ) . C.
II y orilluurjr Ifttcr , ion Uilulim Movrv Onuru li un 1
ry a I Kxiui | > i ( ouiimnluii. uw VurU Kjcclmiiije , 1'ittH
or i ost4l Num.
Jlddfesi ReglslereJ Letters conlilnln Correncf lo
New Otleuna , I A ,
"HKJIH.MIIHIl , that tlio inrmeni of I'rlret l
Now Orliiirm. und tbo tlfkutt uro ilvntiu uy Ilio proil *
ilcntof mi Inxltutlon , wtioio ( uanorua rUuu are
iccuuuU'i'l In Ibu lilnlieit courU : tucruicrc , bovruro
of nil liultatluiii ur mionyiiiuui miliiiniui. "
O.VUDOI.LAUla ilia nrlco of tlio unalloit partor
/mctlonof a'nokut iprlllKDHV U.I In
inu onuredfor lux tliuu a Dollar
F.KISOOX , HC3 nraa < lwar.r r.l4lli.i xVl > rk.
" " " "
IW l MWI o.toMC | | | OUAHAja l'/
With Buoc * fi Hi Kii > erl nc -7or NEW VJOT&HIAl
AT ONOU , tftll'S JiMI BKT upopt *
i | < arl iic , UMi mK encr u ,
.DTHOHPtaiirUI.CB..lU81 > UiiettTlBUIMO. |