THE OMAHA DAILY BEE NINETEENTH YEAR OMAHA , SATUBDAY MO&NING , AtlGUST 17 , 1889. NUMBER 59. LAIRD'S CRITICAL CONDITION , ' The Second District Gonuroasmtm nt the Point of Death AT HIS HOME IN HASTINGS. Attacked By n Severe Chtll Thursday Followed By a Violent Fever anil llomorrhngca Too Close At- * tuntlon to Business. Con rcHHnian tinird Very 111. HASTINGS , Nob. , August 10. [ Special Tel egram toTins HUE. ] Jmncs Laird , member of congrcs * from the Second Nebraska dis trict , Is lying nt the point of death at his residence In this city. For the past few months his progress toward recovery has boon BO favorable that his friends and physi cians hnvo repeatedly expressed their ut most uonlldonco in his ultimately regaining his health. Since his arrival from. Atlantic City lout Juno < ho has remained close at homo , but bas transacted a largo amount of public business. Ho dally received dalcga tlons of from ten to twenty politicians from different parts of the district. The pressure brought upon him by the clamorous place huntornhas been something enormous , and a well wan would | liavo found the burden of oDlcial cases almost too heavy to boar. His attendants have vainly tried to stand between him and the men who have persisted In forcing their claims for office upon him. With a zeal that would hnvo been commendable had It been backed by health , Mr. Laird ha * listened to every appeal and carefully examined every petition. In addi- tlan to his nthor troubles , Mr. Laird has been suffering from hemorrhage. On Wed nesday , at his own request , an operation was performed upon him by Drs. Van Stuklo and Cassoll. Ho was placed under the Influence of anesthetics and the operation was evi dently successfully performed. On Thurs day morning the patient was taken with a chill and later In the day u violent fever set in. All the remedies used to check the pro gress of the fever proved unavailing , nnd his physicians became alarmed. They advised consultation , and Drs. Cooke , Chapman , Schaufclbcrgcr nnd Irwm were called in and their examination gave Mr. Laird's friends no encouragement. The truth soon dawned upon the minds of all that the congressman w.\s slowly but surely dying. Dispose had undermined the once vigorous constitution and the patient was In no condition to rallv from this sinking spell. At this writing. 10 p. m. , Mr. Laird is lying in a stupor that is a sure forerunner of death. There is no liouo of his recovery , and death will undoubtedly ensue before morning. Even the most san guine of bis friends and physicians concede thls > ACCEPTED A REDUCTION. The Illinois minors Finally ARrco tea a Compromise Out. CHICAGO , August 10. W. L. Scott , of Ponn- nplraciu , and other owners of coal mines in northern Illinois are in the city to-day for the purpose of coufcrring with the rcpro- seiitatlros of the laborers at the various nine * on the subject of wages. Each body hold a conference with closed doors this morning , and they will hold a Joint meeting and discuss the situation this afternoon. The minors want the price of mining re stored to the scale of last year , from which there has been a reduction of 10 per cent. The mine operators say they can not do this without losing monoy. When the mlno owners and the ropiescnt- atlves of the wage workers faced eacl < bthor , Scott's superintendent announced that the full reduction would bo insisted upon. The uncompromising ultimatum was mot by the minors with the Instant adjournment of the convention sino dlo. Operator E. L. Mauser interposed with the Information that the announcement by Scott's representative was not altogether satisfactory to the other mlno owners. Thrco hours of hot debate ensued , and when a re cess was llually taken there scorned little prospect of a compromise. To-night the wrangling continued. The mlno owners finally offered to uinko a reduction of 7U , cents instead of 10 cents. Congressman Lawior and other non-delegates wore made to retire from the vvogo workers' conference on the ground of being agitators who wcro preventing u set tlement. After midnight the miners' com mittee agreed to the figures proposed , con ditioned on an advance of "X cents on Octo ber 1. AFl'till Til K1313 YEARS. Dr. Bower ? , of San Franolsco , Dis missed From Custody , SIN FiUNOisco , August 10 , Dr. J. Milton Bowers was convicted in this city in 18SO of poisoning his wife to obtain the Insurance on her life , amounting to about $17,000 , and was sentenced to bo hanged. Ho took an appeal to the suuromu court of the state , and on Oaf - f Jbor 23 , 1687. before that tribunal had ren dered a decision , the dead body of Henry Benhayon , a brother of Howor's wlfo , was found In a room in this city. A letter was found purporting to bo a confession of Bon- liuyon that ho , and not Dr. I3owors , was the causa of his sister's death. The circum stances led to the suspicion that the confes sion was forged and that Unnho.yonlind boon murdered. U'ho supreme court granted Bow ers a now trial. To-day before- Judge Wiil- lace the district attorney moved for a dis missal of the case on the ground that not enough evidence could bo secured to convict. The judge accordingly dismissed the case , nnd liovyors was discharged from custody aftnr having been imprisoned in Jail for three years , MINNESOTA'S MEAT MEASURE. Goncrnl Belief That the Bill Will Bo Declared Unconstitutional. ST. PAUL , Minn. , August 10 , ( Special Tel egram to Tim BBB. ] The Minnesota moat Inspection law Is doomed. As previously noted , the district Judges of Uuluth have declared It unconstitutional , on the ground that It restricts commerce between the Btutos. To-day the butchers of St. Cloud formed a compact , refusing to have tholr moat Inspected by the state inspectors. It Is understood that meat buyers all over the state will pursue the same course. This will put the law to a test , and the supreme court will bo called on to act at the September term. So confident are the meat men that the law Will bo declared unconstitutional that the Armours , of tlio Chicago and Kan- eau city Jlruib , are already beginning to ship beef into the state again. The BoulniiRur Manifesto LONDON , August 10. The manifesto signed by General Houlaugor , Count Dillon and Henri Rochofort is published. It calli the action of the senate court an orglo of arbitrary rule , calumny and mendacity , and declares that la bp'.te of a fresh coup d'etat preparing in the dark , the signers have con tinued confidence in the electorate of France. Card Contract Awarded. WABIU.NOTON , August 10. Acting Post master General Clnrkson to-day awarded the contract for furnishing postal cards to the postofllca department for four years , be ginning October next , to Albert DupeoU , of New Yord. the lowest bidder under the re cent calls for proposals. Death oftt I'lomlnunt Lawyer. BOSTON , Aupust 10. Henry Weld Fuller , a prominent lawyer and horticulturist , died Wednesday night at Boston Highlands. Uhlof Justloo MV. . Fuller lu a nephew of the deceased , and Margaret Fuller wu * a icur relative. A TEHIUBLK UAltiUOAD WllEOK. Thrco Killed Outright nnd Twenty- flvo Injured. PiTtsnuno , Auguct 10. The south bound passenger train on the Butler branch of the Western Pennsylvania railroad , which loft Butler , Pa. , at 2:35 : o'clock this afternoon , lumped the track ntSarvor's station , nnd the entire train , consisting of two passenger coaches and a combination smoking and bag gage car wont over the embankment and were totally wrecked , Three persons Were killed outright and twonty-llvo other * in jured , a number of whom will dlo. The killed nnd injured are as follows : Killed W-Powers , Lnwrcncovillo , Pa. ; a child of Mrs. Far roll , of Butler ; Mrs. Duff , on old lady , residence unknown. Tbo wounded , as far as known , wore : Ex- Mayor Lyon , of Ptttsburg , seriously , in shoulder ; Captain Lower , ot Plttsburg , head badly cut'D. ; A. Jones and wlfo , of Pitts- burs , seriously hurt nnd bruised ; J. A , Mc- Laughlln , of Plttsburg , fatally Injured ; Colonel Rowley , Plttsburg , slightly in jured ; Conductor Gray , Butler , seri ously Injured Internally ; Br.ikoman Karns , Duller , back broken ; Mrs. Graff , Pittsburg , njured ; Bessie Fullwood , Plttsburg , out In cad ; Captain Grace , Jamestown , N. Y. gainfully injured. About fifteen others were nero or less injured whoso names are unob tainable at this writing. The accidant was caused by tbo spreading ' the rails on a small bridge. The rails ivero on stringers which hod rotted vith time nnd long servicn , The ingino vmsseil over the bridge afely , but thn first car was lernllod and plunged down in the abyss omo thirty foot balow. The rails ploughed rlirough the second car and the escapes were miraculous. Ono lady had her dress cut "rom wrist to shoulder ; another lost a small . leco of her check ; a third had her chin cut , and many others In the second car narrowly escaped. TOIIN TO PIECES UY GLASS. A Now YorK Mnn Meets With n , l < 'rishtt'ul ; Dentil. NEW Yonic , August 10. At 8 o'clock this ivcnlng an explosion of gas in a a crockery tore , at the corner of Grand and Clinton troots , drove the contents of the store .hrough the plato glass windows Into the trcots and shook the neighborhood. Ono man was killed and another probably fatally njurcd , and about thirty persons wounded , mmcdlatoly after the explosion a volume of flames poured out into the street , through tvhlch men , women and children ran creaming with blood gushing from cuts and gashes. Morris Jacoos , aged seventeen , bled lo death almost Instantly. Ho was passing the place when a huge piece of plato glass , flying before the terrible force behind it , tore his right side nnd back , so that the flesh and clothing hung from him in chunks. Two men dragged his body away from the flames and ran for an ambulance. Jacobs' aeony was short , for ho died almost Imme diately , Jacob Solgio , covered with blood , rushed frantically about. Ho had been made 'nsano and fought the police desperately until ho became exhausted. Ho was taken to Bcllovuo hospital with a fractured skull. IOWA'S CITIZ15N SOLDIERY. Governor's Day at the lowu Falls Encampment. IOWA FAI.IS , la. , August 10. [ Special Tel egram to THE BEE.I This was .Governor's day ut the encampment of the Sixth * regi ment , national guards , here. Governor Lar- rabco and staff , headed by General Alexan der , arrived on an early train and reached the camp about 10 o'clock. The review was conducted very creditably under the direc tion of Colonel Boutin. After the review the battalion of the regular army from Fort Omaha RUVO n bayonet drill and skirmish review , which was greatly admired by the largo number of visitors at the camp. The city was gaily decorated , and the people of this vicinity have been greatly pleased with the encampment. The troops break camp to night and to-morrow , end the regular army detail go from hero to Viuton for a week's cuuip. A Creamery Burned. DBS MOINES , la. , August 10. fSpocial Tele gram to THE BEE. ] The Star creamery nt Sutherland , O'Brien county , burned this morning. Loss $4,000. A car load of butter tubs wcro also burned. The llro started in a pile of slack coal , . The Legion or Honor. DBS MOINES , la. , August 10. [ Special Tele gram to THE BEE , ] The grand council of the northwestern Legion of Honor closed its annual session in this city to-day. Delegates were present from Iowa , Minnesota , Dakota , Nebraska , Kansas , Wisconsin , Illinois and Missouri. The proceedings were devoted to the transaction of the business of the order , and were not public , but tbo election of the following ofllcors is announced : Grand commander , A. V , Tceple , of St. Paul , Minn. ; vice grand commander , C , S. Byrkltt , DOS Molnes ; grand orator , Albert Peesloy. Burlington , Kan , ; grand secretary , D. M. Rowland , Marengo ; grand treasurer , E. E. Alvorson , Marongo ; grand guido , H. M. Underwood , Grand Junction ; grand warden , S. H. Jonness , Pittsburg , Kan. ; grand center , W. E. Ferris , Dubuque ; grand trustees , C.V. . Dornor , Manchester ; H. C. Parkinson , Council Bluffs , and A. J. Ilyan , of Blair , Nob. ; medical examlncr-in-cbtof , Colonel W. Smith , Muscatino , la. Before adjourning the council decided to establish a benefit fund , from which , on the satisfactory evidence of tha death of a member - bor of the order wbo has complied with all Its lawful requirements , a sum not exceed ing W.OOO shall be paid to the family , or phans or dependents , as the member may have directed. DomcHtla Trouble JJrovo Him Crnzy. BOONB , la. , August 10. [ Special Telegram to TUB BEE.J Pavld IB. Bollard , of Amaqua township , this county , is hopelcsslv Insane , the causa being domestic troublo. His wife recently separated from htm and secured ali mony ot (3,000 , and cot out attachments on bis property. The trouble worked upon his mind , nnd last night ho came to Ogucn ana broke down completely. The Wontlicr Forecast. Local forecast for Omaha and vicinity- Fair weather. For Nebraska Fair , cooler in northwest , stationary temperature in southeast portion , southerly winds. For Io\va Generally fair , warmer , except In extreme northwest parts , stationary tem perature , southerly winds , For Dakota Fair in southeast , local showers in northwest portion , cooler , west erly wlnda. Freight Wreck Near Coliunlmi , Ohio. COLUMDUS , O , , August 10. A freight wreck occurred on the Cincinnati , St. Louis & Pittsburg two miles west of hero at 3:35 : this morning. The tlre section of a train stopped to shift cars at a siding. The ca boose and most ot the cars composing the train wcro left standing on the main track. The second section run into the caboose , wrecking live cars and the engine. James Mears , a stock dealer of Stcubenvillo. was sleeping In the cauooso and was fatally In jured , his nock being broken. Engineer Ed Stolz , of Bradford , und Fireman John Gard ner , of Columbus , were ullghtly scalded and bruised. The company's Ions will probably exceed 13,000. 'Foresters Tnko It Easy. MINNEAPOLIS , Aucust 10. The Foresters , having completed their war of Independence , were not disposed to labor very hard this morning. It bad boou determined yester day to continue the ofllco of permanent sec retary na n life ofllco. This morning a mo tion was made to reconsider this action nnd to establish n supreme secretaryship , the term of which should extend from ono con vention to tbo next. It was defeated. THlfi CONVENTIONS. Bismarck Mndo tno Capital of North Dakota. BisMAncK , N. D. , August 10. The conven tion has completed the consideration of the article on corporations. Any combination between individuals , corporations or Associa tion , having for Its object the controlling of the prlco of any product * or article of manu facture is prohibited , declared unlawful and against public policy , nnd that auy and all franchises shall , when the owners vlolato this article , bo null and void. The article on education was adopted with few amend ments. The article on public lands was ndoptcd after bolng amended so that'tho leasing of the lands shall bo under the con trol of the board of university and school lands. The article on county und township organization was adopted after being amended so that it is virtually n copy of the Illinois system. A section was added defin ing the county ofliccs to bo filled. All this afternoon has been occupied in tbo consideration of the article on revenue nnd taxation to bo established by the legislature. The gross earning system was defeated. Thn article as adopted provides that all property shall bo taxed alike. The article providing for future amendment of the constitution was adopted. The section providing that all flowing streams nnd natural waterways shall forever remain the property of the state for Irrigating , min ing or ether purposes was adopted by unani mous vote. Parsons made another , and this time a successful attempt to Incorporate an anti-black-list section in thn constitution. Tbo section prohibits the exchange of Mark-lists between railroad or other companies or em ployers. At the night session Bismarck was made the capital of Nurth Dakota , in the constitu tion , and the other public institutions were located as previously published. When the vote was announced the Immense concourse of visitors bhnok the capital with applnuso. Hats were thrown In the nlr , ladles wnlved tholr fans nnd handkerchiefs , and everybody save the representatives of the defeated candidates for the capital rejoiced over the settlement of the vexed question. A Chnncc Kor Woman SiifTrnue. OifTMt'iA , Wash. , August 10. Womun suf frage was adopted as a separate proposition to bo submitted to the people with the con stitution. Tlio debate was on school lands to-day , whether they should bo sold or re tained by the state. A Urlof Session at Bolnnn. HELENA , Mont. , August 10. The conven tion had but a brief session to-day. The work is finished. Adjournment is expected to-morrow. Three thousand dollars were appropriated from the state funds to pay the extra expenses. A memorial was sent to congress asking tor an additional $7,000. that being the amount of tlio mortgage. The con vention adjourned to allow the revision com mittee to finish their worlr. A LEGAL PltOBLEtt. Several Criminal Cnsps hi Ghlongo In n Peculiar Situation. CHICAGO , August 10. [ Special Telegram to TUB BSE. ] Tbo death of Judge William son bas left several cases , which were pend ing before him in the criminal court , in a peculiar situation. It has always been tuo invariable rule that whou a case is tried before - fore a particular judge , tbut same judge shall have control of it until It is finished. If , after a verdict of guilty , a motion for anew now trial is entered , iho same Judge must always hear the arguments on the motion , either granting a now trial or sentencing the convicted mnn. It happened that during the last six weeks of Judge Williamson's service on the bench he tried several .Important . cases , in some of which severe penalties were imposed by the juries. Ono of these cases was that of Plctz and Johnson , the young burglsra who re ceived ton and live years , respectively. The men mentioned took their punishment very hard , and their attorneys asked for another trial , but the judge was too sick to hear the arguments , and went to his country homo , where ho died. The matter has been much talked about among the lawyers wbo fre quent the criminal courts , and there is a dif ference of opinion as to whether another Judge can dispose of the motions for a now trial. States Attorney Lonconcckor is of the opinion that any judge can take up the cases where they were loft by Judge Will iamson , but Judge AlcConnell , who suc ceeded the deceased In brunch No. 2 of the criminal rourt , has already expressed a dif ferent opinion. Unless ho changes his mind Johnson and Plotz , as well as a number of ether convicted criminals , are likelv to receive ceivo punishment ; nt any rate , It is probable that each will secure n now trial and' have another chance to escape. WANT A COM.PLKTB VICTOHY. Connellsvillo Strllcora Ilosolvo to Continue ) tlio Flijlit. PlTTsnuno , August 10. At a mooting of tno miners and coke workorr. of the Con nellsvillo region at Scoits'lalo , this after noon , resolutions were adopted to continue the strike at these works where the scnlo has not been signed and requesting these working under the scale to contribute to their support. A special from Groonsburg says Sheriff Byora and posse this evening brought to Grecnsburg sixteen moro Hun garians and committed them to jail. A Hungarian woman , Into whoso house Sheriff Byers entered by knocking the door elf with a pick , rushed at him with a hatchet , and had ho not thrown up his rifle , she would have struck him. There nro now ilfty-one Hungarians in Jail , connected with the re cent rioting. An linmonco Coal Field Deal. SHIINO VALLEY , III. , August 10. Forty thousand acres of coal fields in Bureau , Put nam and LaSallo counties has just boon pur chased by the Spring Valley Coal company , ono of the northern Illinois corporations whoso workmen are on a strike against a re duction of wages. All bottom coal lands lying along the Illinois river for about six miles on each side have boon purchased , Steamship Arrivals. At Hamburg The Gollert , from .Now York. At Gravesoud The Colorado , from Now York At Glasgow The Nestorlan , tram Plilla dclphlu. At New York The Amsterdam , from Am sturdam ; tlio Augusta Victoria , from. Ham burg ; the Sualo , from Bremen. A Suppoiod Counterfeiter. LITTLK Rocic , Ark. , August 10 , A deputy United States mars Hal has Drought here from Howard county William Hcflllng , who it is claimed , Is the loader of the desperate counterfeiters who have tholr headquarters in the fastnesses of the mountains in the southwestern part of tie ( state , whore they make bogus coin. It is believed he will make a confession and reveal his confodoia es. Special Commodity Hates Revised CHICAGO , August 10. At the Wcsteri Freight association mooting to-day spccla commodity rates between Chicago and St Paul were revised , tioina of them were canceled and others were advanced on an average of about UO per cent. The date on which the now rates are to become effective was loft to the chairman to decide. The Tithes Hill Withdrawn , LONDON , August 10. After a serious an ; protracted opposition , Mr. Smith , the gov eminent leader , stated to-day that the gov eminent would not introduce- new tithe bill. REGULARS IN tfilfi FIELD , TJnltod Statoa JYoor/stJonoontratlngr ot Fort Roblnaon. AN HISTORIC BATTLEGROUND. Scones In the Whlto River Valley Which Hocnll tlio Sioux Cam paign of ' 70 Tlio Turner- rest nt Fremont. At Camp Crook. Font ROBINSON , Nob. , August 10. Special to THIS BEB , ] Never since the Drilling days of 1870-77 , when the entire Ightlng force of the Department of the ? latto was gathered in this neighborhood engaged In hostile operations against the Sioux , has there boon so much excitement as nt present prevails In the valley of the Whlto rlvor. Two battalions of Infantry and cavalry , equipped for active campaigning1 , are already n the Hold , ono moving rapidly up the valley to Intercept the approaching Seventh in- 'antry , and tno other with pickets nnd lankors advancing in solid ranks eastward .0 Join the coming command of regulars from Port Niobrara. It is still flvo days before ; onofal orders will bo fully carried out by .ho concentration of all commands at Camp George Crook , but the _ visiting columns , when they do arrive , will End department icadquartora on the ground awaiting them nnd all prcparations'fully made forthopitch- ng of tents , the hanging of camp kettles , the sound of the sentry and the blare of martial music. General Brooke , as already telegraphed , reached hero on Monday with staff and headquarters. A few hours later ho was on the road to the slto selected for the camp , with orders for the establishment of his icudquarters on the grounds. Tents wore promptly pitched , nnd" the encampment opened by orders for tbr&o troops of cavalry and thrco of Infantry from the garrison of Port Robinson to take the field , advancing up the White river valley towards the Run- nine water to meet the Seventh infantry en ronto for Fort Laratnlo. Wagons wore quickly packed , nnd the command started on Tuesday with orders to march as If in face of the enemy. All Wednesday Major Worth and Captain Hughes were in expectancy of tbo word of command ordering a second battalion eastward to meet the Ninth cav alry and Eighth infantry command , which was reported as moving rapluly on Rusuvillo. In an incredibly short time after the order arrived from the commanding general the battalion faced cast and took up their line of inarch down the Whlto river , leaving the few in the garrison not entirely defenseless against internal insurrection or assault from the neighboring town btvCrawford , portions of two companies reinainintr on guard duty. Major Worth's command left under orders not to avoid an onconntcr with the approach ing troops and to defend their wagon train against expected attack. There need bo no surprise if a heavy skirmish takes place once more in the White river valley m which the valiant major will be found gallantly defending his Jlttlo command against superior numbers on the banks of the Bordeaux. ' y But the skirmishes" of'the , Fort Robinson command in the -volley of the White river will be only the preliminaries to the more important manoeuvres to take place after the concentration of troops , when all the opera tions of actual campaigning will bo faithfully carried out under General ! Brooke's orders. Cavalry , infantry and artillery will all bo enraged in uction and the plateau of Soldier creek will re-echo , as it has several times before - fore , to the sullen tliundor of guns and the shrill whistle of bullets. A battery of ar tillery will bombard the buttes , twenty-four hundred hoofs will clatter and stamp on the fluid of war , and two thousand rlllcmen , not to mention more than half that number of troopers armed with carbines , will bo pitted against each other on the old Ogallalu Sioux buttle giound. There will bo marches and countermarches , attacks and retreats , skirmishes In force in the face of the enemy , the crossing of rivers with an opposing force holding the banks , uf.aclts and defense of convoy trains , cavalry engagements on the open plain and grand tactics on every line laid down in the hooks. The camp is to bo emphatically n camp of instruction. It is the aim of General Brooke to familiarize ofllcors and men , so rar as pos sible , with the operations in camp , on the innrch and in the field , as exhibited in actual wnrfaro. There will bo little of dress pa rade ; there will bo a great deal of hard work. In tbo month devoted to the exercises it ) is expected that a considerable amount of practical knowl edge will be required toy those to whom grand tactics has been an unexpected fluid of knowledge. With nearly a seventh of the army of lha United States engaging In field operations in a country historic In the annals of campaigning , ana whoso very atmosphere Is tremulous with recollections or stirring scenes of border warfare , the manoeuvres In the Held around Camp Crook will attain an importance which tliosq at Us sister1 encamp ment can scarcely hope to reach. As this dispatch goes forvyard , nil tbo roads leading to Fort Robinson are resounding with tlio martial tread of uniformed men , the tramp of cavalry nnd the rumble of the wheels of artillery nnd wagon trains. A few days more will see the tired infantrymen and troopers resting on the beautiful grassy plateau which the keen military eye of tlio commanding general has selected us the base of military operations. Kearney's Grent Bhum Battle. KEARNEY , Nob. , August 10. [ Special Tel egram to TUB UBE.I This morning opened clear and beautiful , with promise of u larger attendance than any previous day. Nothing eventful transpired during tho' early hours of the forenoon , there bolng simply a stream of people into the camp. The daily guard mount , bacd concert and Infantry draw the usual morning crowds. There seemed no abatement of thu largo crowds coming on specials during the day , j The sham battle in the afternoon drew thd largest crowd of any entertainment. The JSeopnd regiment of regulars , in a well constructed fort , wore at tacked by battery A , National guard , the In dustrial school cadets alii a few companies of the G , A. R. Many old soldiers who watched the manoeuvres pearly went wild with ecstacy. The Immense crowds began to disperse utter the battle , and this evening the cnmp-llres of one of the most successful reunions over held In the state are burning low. Breaking camp and' jrood-byes nro the features of the camp to-morrow and by evenIng - Ing Camp Bropku will have boon deserted ) But the occasion , its pleasures and friend ships , will bo an endless'storo for pleasant reminiscences. Each old veteran will , as ho marches on utor.o totbQ. . lust encampment , recall this event with a thrill of many happy thoughts. Thousands answered to the roll call , aged , infirm and war-worn , but with light and happy hearts , The following Is General Van Wyck's speech to tbo old soldiera : Wo como to this beautiful city , and amid u kind and generous people , to answer once more to the annual roll call of the veterans of the Union ufiny in Nebraska. Wo coma with Joy In our hearts and praise on our lips. Wo como to live over again , the march , the camp , the battle field , hospital and prison pen , to rehearse yoilr und your comrades part in th'tj grandest army and the grandest results recorded in'tho World's his tory. You not only made the United States free in theory , but In fact ; established tbo uni versal brothcrhoQd ot man. Hotter still , his universal freedom , giving , as you supposed , thu ballot to the humblest to govern und re strain the strongest. You not only deepened and strengthened the foundations of the republic , but you raised the tower 80 high that Its revolving lijht would show clearer the pathway to the Btrugglorn for freedom m all nations. You , also , demonstrated the power of cronoroslty of a people self-reliant , who granted right to the old world , nnd would yield to no other claim from its monarchs. Your prowcso and victories secured a peace for ages to como. There is to-day no foreign nation or combina tion of foreign despots who will hazard nn encounter with the giant of the west. The struggle was costly ; millions of treas ure , thousands of lives , oceans of blood , gave us unity nnd peace at homo and security from the world bbsldcs. Of all this you have it right to bo proud. Yet there is another closing to this picture. There Is n time of sadness amid the throngIng - Ing memories of the comrades who fell upon the Hold or wasted away In hospitals. A shade of disappointment nttho want of grati tude , of honesty , which has allowed tholr widows and orphans to struggle , sometimes suffer for broad ; nt the ingratitude towards you of great government. There Is no special virtue In slnclng poems to the heroism of the buried soldier or tno veteran wrestling with poverty. All nations have done that much , and even In a republic called civilized end Christian n stern effort is always required to obtain more. And oven hero wo find n great government said to be of the people , by the people , and for the people , sometimes waring against the honest demands of her uconlo , nnd soldiers , as wholly as tbatwaeod by Christian Eng land against tbo laborers in Judea nnd Egypt. The great multitude who pay most of the $1,000.000 every day collected by tariff and Internal revenue duties are in sympathy with you and asking that your claims bo rec ognized , yet tbo majority do not m fact rule much moro than do the subjects of Queen Victoria. You have boon and are now nulli fied that if you accomplish what you desire it will only bo by well-directed effort a struggle. I know wo nro frequently admonished not to murmur or complain and accept the few crumbs with obeisance nnd thanks. This doctrine of acquiescence and submission has boon preached in nil uges of the world , Even Christ was bitterly denounced by the same class of men in the same spirit , be cause bo saw the need of reform and as ho had no money to give ho insisted that the gospel at least should bo preached to the poor , while the saintly Pharascos and priests with loud phylacteries proclaimed that ho brought a sword instead of peace. So the same doctrmo was preached to our colonial fathers , but they throw the tea in Boston harbor. So for years it was preached to tbo slave. Even those who ministered m sacred things nnd claimed to have the conscience of man to the supposed approbation of his Manor , enjoined submission , cheerfulness nnd thanks for the lash of the driver , dually and for years demanding from white , free men the same obsequious servility , and controlling every department of tno government by its impious and unholy decrees. But the cowardly submission in the end cost us tbo horrors of civil war. Now the same class and spirit again coun sels acquiescence and submission. For our encouragement wo have the com - farting assurance that all distinctions and at the grave. They should end at the pension department. Every man , no matter what his rank , should have the same amount for the same disability. You do not insist upon this although there s naturally indignation when the man , strong , vigorous , and apparently in full health , should receive early and ample pen sion , while you , a soldier , equally true und bravo , bent with disease , suffering and tot- taring to the grave , is denied the plttanco which would give bread , nt least , if not en joyment. There are many soldiers in Ne braska who should receive pensions ; there nro many receiving. Few can bo found of the rank and file wbo do not know that tbo government has been ungenerous and nig gardly In its dealings with them. There are thousands of soldiers In the almshouse to-day who were promised at en listment that the treasury of the nation would never bo shut against them. Ouo of the national Issues settled at the last election was that the soldier hereafter should be moro honestly if not generously treated. No doctrine ot acquiescence then. You knew then , as did the nation , that the veteran would faro badly unless ho would struggle for his rlgnts that ho must strike his own blow. In accordance with the decree of the ballot-box and the demands of the people , President Harrison appointed Corporal Tan ner commissioner , and ho supposed the pres ident and pcoplu meant what they said ; in troduced reforms and ho intended that ob taining pensions and increasing some al ready issued should bo made more honest and easy , and he re-rated in earnest. Then , as usual , came up n howl from the money centers. The administration was besieged and future defeat was threatened If the long-deferred claims of thousands of vet erans were acknowledged. The influence of corporate power nnd com bined capital at Washington seems generally Irresistible , and at the first fire of this crowd there were concessions. While Tanner was in Nebraska on the 4th day of July speaking to the old soldiers , who looked upon him as the Moses , tidings came like a olap of thun der out of a clear sky that Dr. Carpenter , his trusted acting medical referee , had been summarily removed , without notice , without hearing , nnd the only reason assigned that ho was too liberal m re-rating. Dr. Carpenter was an old soldier , on the pension roll , had boon surgeon during the war , was appointed to the pension depart ment by General Grant and had served satis factorily eighteen years through all adminis trations with no complaint or stain against him. It was a cruel thrust against Tanner , for it was well known that he had approved all that Dr. Carpenter hud done ; and thus tbo hands have been again s t bacic on tbo dial of reform. Your constant enemies nnd the enemy of the masses in the republic , Wall street und its allies , have gained another victory. The stone that was partly rolled away , wo fear , will roll back again and paralyze the good Intentions of those who meant to deal justly. There is danger that the justness of your claims , as your wounds and disabilities have been , is to bo guaged by the amount of money to oo taken from the treasury , The iluanclul pirates who want no money taken from the treasury unless It passes through tholr hands by the aid of their imaginations figured to the assistant secretary the amount It would cost , and ho was so severely shocked that I four ho Is loss active In bis woil begun work of allowing pensions heretofore rejected. When Wall street can control any branch of this government , it meaus no good to the masses never did. In the Hush of victory this Is to bo regret ted , because to many old soldiera poverty and the grave are just in sight. Certainly Dr. Carpenter and others did not deserve this harsh treatment. They were not f nlons ; committed no crime , but this monster giant power demanded a victim a nacrlUco that would strike terror to the whole department ; that too much liberality would be punished with oftlcial death. Suppose Commissioner Tanner and Dr. Carpenter were over zealous and hasty , It wcro easy to have counseled with them and then revoked or annulled any improper rat- Ings. As yet most of those buncllttect are in the employ of the department or general ofilcos , members of congress , and not in dan ger of immediate want , of the class who are generally posted and ready to rush in at the llrst flood tidoj the rank and illo are not so riuTs- , Inquiry has froqnur.tiy be"n roado why Dr. Carpenter wae removed and why US22)is- ! ) slonor Tanner has been antagonized. The secretary of the interior Insists that the torntings wore made to surgeons , clerks' and officers in the pension department , to general ofllcers , members of congress and senators , without proper application or com plaint by such persons , often with too much haste , in five days , sometimes loss. That thousands of dollars have been given in ar rears where there has been no ro-oxutmna- tlon or proof of increased disabilities. Ho cltea caae where there bad been no examin ation for live yearn , ten years , even twelve years , and he insists such procedure It illegal. Grant that such are the facts , Dr. Carpenter ought not to bo summarily removed unless he acted corruptly. The secretary can easily annul such reratinga and collect any money improperly paid. Lot that ba done and no complaint will bo made by you , But nil this is no reason or justification for mopping reforms , for still longer denying pensions to thousands of sol diers who are entitled , and refusing roratlngs to the masses who are receiving u beggarly & } or M per mouth. Stop , If you please , tha thousands to these who are receiving nmplo 'salaries nnd not specially disabled , but spurn not those who struggle for broad , whoso In- flrmltlcs and disabilities are known of nil men , The soldiers of the revolutionary war , of the war of 1312 and the war had this sumo struggle. It is evident to-day , nnd has been for.yoars , that there is no just or possi ble solution of this question except a n serv ice pension. Every soldier In nny war who took his llfo In his hands , still moro placed his llfo in the hands of others , can never receive adequately in dollars for the sacrifice. It is hollow mockery , base ingratitude , rank injustlco to find n pretense on which to deny the claims of such men. A nation which will allow its money changers nnd shylocks to overcome and control to the denial of Jus tice will novcr deserve an army of bravo men to defend its liberties or save Its exist ence. The men who depict all kinds of horrors if a few millions are paid to soldiers are always urging the sncredncss of the publin debt. During the last year millions hnvo been paid In premiums to bondholders while ether mil lions are spent in building ships on the sea board which will rot nt the doeks long bcforo any nation will bid thorn defiance on the soa. Of course the national debt should bo fully paid once , and a hundred cents on the dollar In coin or currency , but why pay n premium of twenty-five cents on each dollar , one-fourth moro than the debt If they will consent to accept pay ment before duo. When wo remember the bondholders wcro paid n like or greater amount in the llrst place to accept the bonds , certainly makes the debt sacred hud profit able at both ends , but tli'o debt to the soldier was not sacred at either end. Tlio 10 a month was scaled more than 25 par cent dis count by the covernmont pairing him. not gold , but depreciated curcoucy , and the same or greater rate of discounter or loss has been going on since the war. Tbo promlso for pensions fearfully dis counted its redemption. Fought at every point by special agents , spies , detectives , slick and well paid , prowling through the country , investigating from the cradle whether In In fancy you had cholera mfantum or la boy hood measles or mumps , rheumatism or growing pains. The ether promtso of the nation , that ho should enjoy at least a share in the oQlccs of honor and trust , has been as generously dis counted. Congress gave the usual protection by providing that ho should not bo rejected or removed from oftlco because ho hud boon a union soldier. At caucuses , primaries , conventions and the ballot-box ho is patted on the back , but the ofllccs como oven slower than the pen sions. It is evident to the veterans and their friend ! , that the only fair and honest solu tion of the matter Is in a service pension. Congress must meet this matter , and the sooner the better. Wo must remember that nearly thirty years have passed since the war began. The ordinary hardships of the service weakened and paralyzed the energies of every soldier , if It does not shorten his life. Many are enfeebled and disabled now who wore not when the war ended , is impossible to find a hospital record , or sur geons or comrades who can testify to all that the shrewdness or cold calculation of pen sion examiners may demand. O'NolU Preparing For the Reunion. O'NEILL , Nob. , August 10. [ Special Tele gram to THE BEE. ] Great preparations are being made for the reunion , which is to beheld held here next week. Tbo largo pavlllion which was used at the Norfolk reunion has been sccurca and will be lilted up with seats to accommodate a largo audience , and tents suflleicut. for the accommodation of all com ers have been provided for. It is the opinion of the managers that there will bo a very largo attendance. Arrangements have been perfected with the railroad whereby all bag gage can bo carried to the grounds , which are about ono mile from the depot , and re turn baggage will bo checked from tbo grounds to any point In the United States. A largo grain palace has been erected by the people of O'Neill , on which will bo displayed the samples of all kinds of produce raised in this country , which , owing to the exceed ingly largo good crops throughout the coun try , will bo a grand display and will astonish these who do not know of the crcat fertility of the soil in Holt county. Samples wore brought in to-day from the farm of William Loll , in the South Fork valley , of oats , rye , wheat , flax , millott , grass and vegetables , which could scarcely be excelled in the agricultural districts of the older states. Ono of the attractions of the reunion will bo Mrs. Charles V. Ozlor and her four babes , uovn on the 14th inst. An admission fco will bo charged to see them , which will go to tlio benefit of the little ones and their parents , who are very poor. A largo amount of money has bean subscribed to tnako the quadruplets neat as possible. Unit County T.'aohora' Institute. O'Ncir.i. , Nob. , August 10. | Special Tele- pram to Tun BEE. " ) The sixth annual ses sion of the Holt county teachers' Ins tltuto closed to-day. The session has been the best and most largely attended over hold in the county. The number of teachers en rolled reached 210 , several from other coun ties being in attendance. The institute was under the control of the following instruct ors ; Superintendent Munvlllo , of O'Neill , conductor and instructor in arithmetic ; Superintendent Bond , of Blair , Neb , , con ductor in civil government nnd physiology ; Principal Bland , of O'Neill , In goograpny and commercial law ; C. M. Stevens , A. M. . of Long Pine , in history , book-keeping and grammar ; Prof. Miller , of Now York , in penmanship ; Miss Delia Rodgcrs , of Boone , la. , In reading and elocution ; Miss Llzzio Ferris , In botanv ; Prof. W. P. Laswcll , In vocal music. Classes in algebra , geometry and philosophy wcro conducted by G. A. Pholjis , F. A. Archer and S. F. Garrett. The instructors all did well m their depart ments und the teachers KO to their schools filled with now ideas and advanced methods which will toll for good in our public schools. The Nrthrnnkn , Tiiriiorfost. FIIEMONT , Neb. , August 10. [ Special to THE BEB. ] The public and private buildings of Fremont were to-day gaudily bedecked in honor of the German Turnorfcst , which opened for a thrco days' session. Handsome banners are suspended across the streets In many places , many of thum bearing appio- prlate inscriptions ; nearly every business house Is profusely decorated with flags , ( Gorman and American , ) bunting nnd de signs in evergreen. The decorating commit tees of the local Turners have boon eOloiont in creating a general interest in the work nnd the result Is Fremont never presented such a handsome appearance. Turn hall , which will bo headquarters during tbo fes tivities , has been embellished in a manner becoming the occasion. The iirst delegations arrived this evening , but the big crowd is expected to-morrow and Sunday when , it Is anticipated , there will bo two or thrco thou sand visitors m the city , To-night a grand banquet to the Tumors was given at Turn hull. E. Schurman , of this city , made a neat address of welcome and several toasts were appropriately responded to. NEBRASKA. CmNob. . , August 10 , | 5pDCisl to THE BBS. ] Mrs. Walters , u Gorman lady , and two children were this afternoon se riously injured In u runaway , She had both arms broken and was Internally injured and is considered in u critical condition , The niutliodlBtCnmp Mooting. FIIEMONT , N b. , August 10. [ Special to TUB BEE. ] To-day was ' 'Fremont day" at the camp meeting , Thu usual admittance fee was omitted and free 'busses were run from tbo city to the grounds , the idea bolng to give tbo poor people of the olty wbo might [ Continued on Fijto 'a jc. } BEFORE THE HOME OFFICE , A Oonforonoo Reported Hold on the Mnybrlok Onso. TOXICOLOGISTS ALSO PRESENT , No Ucltnnco Flnood In the Humor Xlmt n Commutation ot llor Sen * tciiuo Unit Already Boon Decided Upon. Consldorlnc the Mnybrlok GANO. tOopi/Hoht tssa by J < ITIM Omlm nu > iU.1 LONDON , August 10. iNow York Herald Cable Special to TUB BEK.J Little reliance Is to DO placed In the report in circulation to night that the homo secretary has dccldod to commute Mrs. Maybrlok's ' sentence to Im prisonment for life. Had ho reached such a conclusion not uioro than two or thrco per sons would bo in his confidence , and till ? , after the fashion of English officials , would bo close-mouthed to n degree dlflloult for Americans to understand. To ask a judga tioro a question touchlnu criminal case tried by htm would bo considered n deadly insult , If not causa for sending the questioner to jail. There was a consultation lusting four hours to-day at the homo ofllco. Those who par ticipated wore Homo Secretary Matthews , the lord chancellor. Justice Stephens and several toxtcologlsts. The latter wore ad mitted singly. Lord Salisbury , the lord chancellor , is called the ' 'keeper of the queen's conscience , " and as such is always 1 consulted upon matters touching the exer cise of her inajonty'n prerogative of mercy. Tiio rumor that Mrs. Maybrlck's sentence Is to be commuted rests on the lord chancellor's presenceat the consultation bot.veon the liomo secretary and Justice Stephens. The press is still Illled with communica tions from people who claim that Mrs , May- brick is Innocent. The London edition ot Hie Herald is making a splendid fight for at least the semblance of such a trial as would bo granted a person accused of murder in the United States. Mrs. Maybrlck may bo pos sessed of many desires , but one is pre eminent from morning till night sno \vi. ' to bo permitted to write to the cv. . . She has not been allowed to do so. She is but a wrack of her former self. Her attire is blue homespun. Her fooa Is the regular prison faro. To-day her mail con sisted of eleven hundred letters. None con taining any reference to the case are given to her , so that she Is not allowed to road many. Baioness Von Roquo wanted to give her a peach to-day , but was not permitted to do so. NEGOTIATIONS CHECKED , The CheroUon Commission Can Do Nothing Till November. MnsKooKK , I. T. , August 10. All negotia tions between the Chorokco nation and the commission is at an end until the council meets in November , Chief Maycs holding' that if he had the authority to appoint a con ference committee their uction would not be binding without the ratification of the council. Judge Wilson and Governor Fairchild - child , of the commission , are being enter tained by the oity , nnd after a few days' rest they will no to thaChlckusuw country. Judge Wilson said to-night : "Chief Maycs objects very strongly , but It Is only a question of a little time when thd Indians will not only favor the sulo of the strip , but the opening of the territory , as the power of the press cannot long bo resisted. Colonel Boudinot is preparing for au exhaustive reply to ChioC Mayea1 letter to the commission. " Nebraska and Iowa Pensions. WASHINGTON , August 10. [ Special Tele gram to TUB Bc.l Pensions allowed Nebraskans - braskans : Original invalid George W. Bo- craft , Irjiel Adams , Charles A. Wintorstcon. Increase Albert J. Stafford , John W. Okano , Horace A. Cowles. Reissue William - * ] liam H. Monroe. A Pensions granted lowans : Original in valid Joshua Long , Henry B. Doollttle , James n. Iloach , Thomas W. Batten , Walter C. Burgess , Newton Strode. Increase Au gust Socchtlg , Henry 1J. Hawloy. Joseph Thrailkall , Alvin M. Poor , William Corr. Ito- issue Alden Whitney. Original widows , oto Sarah , mother of Uriah Fariow. o A Desperate Murdornr. JACKSON , Tenn. , August 10. A tornblo tragedy was enacted this morning ten miles northeaet of this placo. Henry Prewlt , an ox-cowbov from Texas , shot his young wlfo through the neck , fatally wounded his mothor-in-law , and then shot himself through the hcad.dying instantly. A war rant wan out for Prowit's nrrest for moon- shining , and ho was endeavoring to indiica bis wife to accompany him to Weakly county , which she refused to do on account of 111 hoaltn. Prowlt was a desperate character - actor and had boasted to his wlfo that ho bad been married four times and had killed ono wlfo and four men. The couple had boon married but four months. The Northwestern Wheat Yield. MINNEAPOLIS , , Autrust 10. Telegrams from various points covering the entlro northwest show that the yield of wheat is much above 1 expectations. Of the whole not one reported a single unfavorable condition. At Huron , S. D. , whore thrco bushels to eight bushels was predicted , the threshing shows n yield of twelve to fourteen bushels , and in Grand Forks county wheat is yielding an average of twenty bushels , and that Is claimed to bo the average of the county. Bismarck , James town and Fargo , In North Dakota , ulso say the yield Is above expectations. Kulllvnn Found Guilty. Pcnvis , Miss. , August 10. The Jury at 0 p , m. returned a verdict flndlng Sullivan guilty of prizo-flghtlng. A motion In arrest of Judgment was made and will bo hoard to morrow. A petition is boinc gotten up by the grand and petit Jurors , and others , to the judge asking that only a fino. and no Imprison ment bo found against Sullivan. A Griin Ladun VCMHC ! Hunlc , WATEHTOWN , N. Y. , August 10. The three masted schooner A. Vickoy , with a cargo of 21,000 bushels of corn , bound from Chicago to Prescott , Ontario , struck u shoal near the I took Island light-house , opposite Thousand Island park , lust night and sank. The orow escaped in boats. The schooner is valued at 818.000. The vessel was partially insured and the cargo intlrely , Alonn In u KtruiiKo Land. NEW Yoiuc , August 10. A young Hunga rian woman with two children Is being cared for by the Castle Garden authorities. She 1ms learned that her husband , who sent her money to como to this country , was lost In the Johnstown calamity. Her grief on hearing of his death was terrible. / \ JJatihtnr of Annnlus. NEW YOUK. August 10.Ida Harris , tit fourteen-year-old girl who was found In tha rooms of Hannah Pearlsteln on Monday , nnd for whoso alleged outrage Mr . Pearl- stein and five men were arrested , to-day developed such advanced ability as a liar that Police Justice Power discharged all the prisoner * in disgust. HnnotinnH Tolstol'H Kohcmc. ST. PuTiiitBinjiio , August 10. A ukase bat been ifsued sanctioning provincial reorgan isation under Count Tolutol's scheme.