Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 16, 1889, Page 8, Image 8

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, 't
" " ilovohuo collections yesterday , fclO-
801.80. . - ,
Deputy Sheriff Louis Grobb took
Robert Uuchnn..n ol this city to the In-
ano'asylum at Lincoln yesterday.
> lxty botirds of trade , with a mem
bership of 8,000 , have joined the StatO
Development association : Forty have
paid the $10 Initiation fco.
Sufo blowers cracked the Bnfn In the
lumber office of Charles R. Leo , 001
Douglas street , and found a lot of books
and papers but no money.
C. J. Krlckbaum was brought in yes
terday from Corcsco by deputy United
States Marshal Lyon , on a charge of
Boiling liquor without a license.
E. M. McGillon , of Cleveland , O. , and
Don OlNoil and W. J. McGillon , of
Btrntton , the principal defendants In
the Harlem Cattle company , are In the
city to close up their deal for the cattle
and stock of the Harlem ' company for
Which they bid $10,000.
The Knights of Honor will give a
basket picnic at Iluscr's ' park on the
JJOth in St. , to which the ledge from
South Omaha and the Knights and
Lndios of Honor of this city have been
Invited , bpcclal arrangements have
boon mudo for transportation on the
Colt lino.
Personal PnrnernpliB.
\V. I. Vail Is at the Paxton from Kearney.
\V. G. Whltmoro and wife are In the city
from Valley.
J. A. Burgess und wife , of Rochester , N.
Y. , are at the Paxton.
H. B. Warner and wife , of Now York , wcro
nt the Murray last night.
Mr. nod Mrs. II. L. Goxvon and wife , of
Minneapolis , are In the city.
Thomas H. Davis , a head of the "Tram
way" company , is at the Mlllard.
The "City Directory" and "Easy Strcot"
theater companies are at tbo Mlllard.
J. B. Buckley , of Stromsburg , Not ) . , was a
business visitor la the city yesterday.
Ctmrlcs M. Walcot and wife wore guests of
the Mlllard last evening from Now York.
W. B. George and wife. of DCS Moincs ,
were registered at the Mlllard last evening.
Mrs. M. Hughes and two children , Walter
and Eva , loft yesterday morning for Burling
ton , la.
Mrs. M. Hughes and two children , Walter
nnd Eva , loft yesterday to visit friends m
Burlington , la.
Among the NOW Yorkers nt the Murray
last evening wcro Mlssos Georgia and Alice
Cuyoan and Henry Miller.
Robert M. Chambers and wife , of Danville ,
la. , wcro In the city yesterday , as were also
G. Wilson and wife , of Crcston.
William. H. Burnham , general manager of
the United States Wind Enclno and Pump
company , Batavla , lit , is In the city.
Louis Swoboda , prescription clerk in Boll's
drug store at Thirteenth nnd Jackson streets ,
has returned from a week's visit In the coun
At the Arcade yestordav wore E. C. Hell-
Man and P. W. Shearer , Ida Grove , la. ; Miss
Mary Wolrott , Ellt City , Nob. ; J. J. McAllis
ter nnd wife , Ponca , Nob.
A. L. West , a prominent stock grower of
Hayes Center , accompanied by his two
charming daughters , Edna und Ethel , passed
through Omaha onrouto for northern Mis
souri , where they will visit friends nud relaj
Will Organize a Cotipiny.
Frank Phillips , the husband of the cele
brated actress , Kate Castlcton , was in the
city yesterday. Mr. Phillips is on route fo r the
east from OaklandCal. , and upon his arrival
in Now York city will begin the formation
of n company which will be taken to England
this year.
. , > . . - t . < Oorry O'Loary Discharged.
Jerry O'Loary appeared before Judge
' ! Ber u osEorday morning , for trial on the
charge of obtaining money under fulso pro-
' ienso. . .There being no one present to pros-
.ecutc , ho was discharged. The friends of
'O'Lcary ' have fixed up the mutter with the
pal ties whom ha defrauded.
A Imrpo Real Estate Sale in Dundee
The Patrick Land company sold yesterday
twenty lots In Dundee 'Place to Mr. G cargo
W. Mclntyre tor $35,000. Mr. Mclntyro is a
non-re idontbiu , has bought this property for
immediate improvement , und will locate m
Omaha at once , making his residence in Dun
dee Place.
Marriage licenses were issued yesterday to
the following parties :
Name nnd residence. Asa.
( Ernest W. Walters , Omaha . 24
ILydiaA. Collins , Omaha . 23
( W. H.Jamison. Omaha . 31
I Hannah Jennings , Omaha . 1H
The last named couple were united by
Judge Shields. _
* Pinlnc Kor nil Outlnir.
A meeting of forty or tlfty republicans was
bold In room 18 , of the Ware building Wednes
day night. The meeting was called to make
arrangements for irpnrty picnic , but before
the evening was over the object was lost
night of in the discussion of eligible candidates
for ofllcp. Finally Messrs. Kelly , of the
First ward ; Strykor , of the Second ; Wehrer ,
of the Third ; Houch , of the Fourth ; McDon
ald , of the Fifth ; Morrow , of the Sixth ;
Crawford , of the Seventh : ICahn , of the
Eighth , nnd Blumor , of the Ninth , wore ap
pointed a committee to raise a fund and
make arrangements for the outing.
Attend the
Omaha Fair ,
September 2 to 0.
Railroad rates :
Ono faro for round trip and 50o added
from all Nebraska points.
Olio and one-third faro 250 miles
cast of Omaha.
Doutsclior Ohio Ollluors.
ThoDeutsoher club , asocial organization
composed exclusively of Gorman citizens hold
a regular mooting Wednesday night at Gor-
mania hall und elected the fallowingo(11 ( corn :
L. Kaapko , president ; C. E. Burmestor ,
flrst vice-president ; J. P. Lurd , second vice-
president ; Julius Peycko , secretary of the
club ; Otto Siolnsson , secretary of the
board ; Henry Meyer , treasurer.
The obovo otllccrs. together with Gcorco
Helm rod , Edward Wohlors and Henry Sues-
Bonbach constitute the board of managers.
Tlio following committees were also ap
pointed :
House Burmostor. Lund nnd H. Meyer.
. Refreshments laapkoPoyckoandSloms-
Entertainment George Hoimrod , Wohlors
& &d Buosscnbach.
The Toaoliors' Institute.
The Douglas County Teachers' institute
Is still in session at the county court house ,
end will continue duriug a part of next
week. The dally programme is as follows ;
Opening Kxvrcluos.
History. . . , Mrs. ICoysor
V. Physiology Dr. Strong
A. Physiology Dr. Strong
H. Grammar Mrs. ICoysor
Kecoss ,
History of Education Mrs. Keysor
Methods of Teaching , , Dr. Strong
English. Literature. , . . , Mrs. Keysor
Yesterday afternoon County Superin
tendent Bruncr addressed the Institute.
Them is a lurgo attendance this year , the
largest , in fact , that has been present at any
session of the institute. Friday and Satur
day of next week will be devoted to exam
inations for teacher * .
A Natural Product of California.
It Is only found in liutto county , Califor
nia , und in no other part of the world. Wo
refer to the tree that produces the healing
and penetrating gum used in that pleasant
and effective cure for consumption , asthma ,
bronchitis nud coughs , SANTA ABIE , the
king of consumption. Goodman Drug Co.
guarantees ana sells It forl a bottlo.or three
for IJ.50. By the use of CALIFORNIA
OAaMt-quitfi. all symptoms of catarrh uro
dispelled , and the diseased nasal passage Is
( Speedily restored to a healthy condition , fl
By uiull , f 1.10 , Circulars freo.
What It HA * Cost to Utilltl tbo Court
Ilouiio and Jail.
County Auditor Evans has completed a
statement showing the cost of Douglas
county's court house nnd 3nil , of which , ho
says , the public has been living In Ignorance.
Ills figures show that the two buildings , to
gether with the retaining walls , have neces
sitated a total oxpondlntura of M35,001.84.
He shows that of this amount sums wcro
taken from the various funds ns follows )
General fund. . . * t28l,7ftS.40
Bond fund . . . . .4..t 183,155.78
Head fund. 87G.OO
Sinking fund , 00,000.00
Retaining wall 10.2J2.CO
Among the Items it Is discovered that the
six lots cost $19,803 , the grading. f3.5SO.GO , ;
contractors estimates , $305.053,20 ; ex
tra work , f 999.20 ; steam heat
ing apparatus , $0.017.03 ; chandeliers ,
$3,114,33 ; gas fixtures , 3,230.70 ; plumbing ,
t7.378.Sl . ; now furniture , ? 10,350.20 ; super
intendence , $5.007.33 ; architect's foes and
premiums , $0,707.25. The total cost of the
court house nlono , as it stands now'reached
$341.774.53. That of the retaining wall sep
arate was ( -18,504.01 , nnd the Jail , 511,782.05 ,
What Ho Thinks About Kansas Poli
tics , Crops nnil Prohibition.
Ex-Governor Thomas A. Osborn , of Kan
sas , Is In Omaha , having arrived yesterday
to negotiate with Union Pacific ofllclals
for the shipment to market of several hun
dred cattle which ho hns on a ranch in the
western part of Colorado.
The Governor received a BBS reporter at
his room iu the Paxton hotel and chatted
briefly of matters ponerally In his state.
"So far as politics are concerned , " said ho ,
"tho situation is vary quiet. Senator Ingalls'
recent cssny on prohibition , published In
the Forum , is attracting name attention and
causing considerable comment , but nothing
serious. The fact that ho will come up for
re-election one year from next winter Is a
subject for more or less speculation among
politicians , though It is most too soon to say
any thing. "
On being asked for an oxnrosslon regardIng -
Ing the possibility of Kanuas re-submitting
the question of prohibition , Mr. Osborn
said ho thought that it would take
several years to work up a strong
enough sentiment to warrant such an un
At present the demand for rcsubmlsskm it
confined principally to larger towns and
their eastern tier of counties. However , the
feeling Is growing nnd doubtless the next
now legislature will contain a strong element
favorable to the proposition. "Crops In our
state , " continued the governor , "are
enormously big , but recent heavy rains have
been doing considerable damage to corn on
bottom lands and wheat not yet taken out of
the field. "
Governor Osborno spent n good portion of
the day driving about in company with C. E.
Squires , nud is greatly surprised at the size
ns well as beauty ol Omaha.
Makes the lives of many people miser
able , and often leads tosolf-dcstruclion.
Wo know of no remedy for dyspepsia
more successful than Hood's Sarsapa-
rilla. It acta gently , yet surely and
ofllclently , tones the stomach and other
organs , removes the faint fooling , cre
ates a good appetite , cures headache ,
and refreshes the burdoncd mind.
Give Hood's Sarsaparilla a fair trial.
It will do you good.
Lowe Addition Citizen * Resolute for
the Ringing Wire.
Pursuant to a call , a largo mass-meeting of
citizens gathered , Wednesday evening , at
Thirty-third and Parker streets , to consider
the ways and moans of procuring thn construe
tlun and operation ofa line of street railway
on the formccihoroughfaro from Burt north
ward to .Lake.
It-was the largest gathering hela in that
part of the city for a similar purpose.
' Thomas G. Magrano was elected chairman
and George J. Stoney secretary. After giv
ing tbo matter before the meeting ample
consideration , and well-worded addresses
having- boon made by Messrs. Magrano , Mo-
rinrlty , Dally and others , tbo following reso
lution was unanimously and enthusiastically
adopted :
Whereas. The people residing In that port
of the city known as Lowe's addition and
the territory adjoining upon tlio cast , west
and north are in urgent need of a street rail
way service ;
Whereas , The want of such street railway
service has , in the past , greatly retarded
the growth and development of that part of
the city ;
Whereas , Wo believe that a good street
railway through said Lowe's addition north
ward to Lake street would DO of substantial
benefit to all persons und property , owners ,
ns well as the people residing within the
territory above described , and would con
tribute materially to the growth and pros
perity thereof : therefore bo it
Resolved , That it Is the sense of this meet
ing that'wo all should Join in an earnest ef
fort tp jnduco the Omaha Motor Railway
company to construct and put iu operation
during the OLsuIng fall a line of its street
railway on _ Thirty-third street from Burt
northward to Lake.
Messrs. T. J , Mornrity , John P. Dally , N.
A. Kuhn. Charles Unlit nud T. G. Magrane
wore appointed a committee to wait on pre
sent the resolution and a state of facts to the
ofllcors and direciors of the Omaha Motor
Railway company.
Attend the
Omaha Fair ,
September 2 to 0.
Railroad rates :
Ono faro for round trip and 50c added
from all Nebraska points.
Ono ami one-third faro 250 miles
east of Omaha.
at Work.
The festive burglar made a couple of calls
on the residents of Georgia avenue souio time
yesterday morning nnd is a few dollars bettor
off in consequence. At the residence of C. A.
Ubl , No. 1331 , ho came in through the back
door , and in some way pacified a little dog in
tnu kitchen , which creates an uproar upon
the least sound. Mr. Uhl's pockets were
rifled nnd the garments carefully folded and
replaced on a chair , < Fortunately , ho had put
away his pocketbook , and only lost 25 cents ,
Mrs. Uhl's ' puree was despoiled of its con
tents , about $10 , and loft on tbo back steps of
the house , J. H. Spaiford was visited in the
same noiseless fashionand his suit of clothes
was found in ap outhouse In an adjoining lot ,
minus the $2 or $3 which had reposed In
the pockets. The visitors evidently bad no
use for anything except the "ready. "
O. A , It. Excursion.
From August 21 , to August 28 inclu
sive , the "Rock Island Route" will Boll
round trip tickets -to Milwaukee via.
Chicago for the G. A. R. oncanpmont
at $14-60 , tickets good for retnrn until
September G. ( Jliolco of rail or hxko
route from Chicago.
Ticket omcoiaOS Farnam street.
B. S. STKYKNS , W , A.
Journey or the Turners.
Elaborate preparations are being made by
the Turners of this city to distinguish them
selves m the state tournament at Fremont ,
which commences Saturday. To-morrow
will bo the reception day , nnd
the various Turner organizations will
make It a point to reach Fremont on that day
and bo assigned to their quarters. Tbo
Omaha Turners leave for that city in the
evening with tlio following representatives :
II. Kummorow , Philip Andros , William
Bloodol , Caspar liuochncr , G. Blattort , Gus
Gromme , Con Gioinuio , O. Nlodorwiesor ,
Uobert Rosonzwolg , Louis Hoiairod , George
The Turn vorcln will run an excursion
train of fifteen couches over the Elkborn
Vulluy to Fremont on Sunday , August 18 , nt
0 iu iu , The members of the Omaha Platt-
cioutchcr vcreln , Sohwaabon veroiu , Schuet-
ten varoln , Sphwclzor vcroln , Coucordia ,
Liederkrauz and Omaha Turn voroln will
nssew bio at Goruiania hall at 8
o'clock and march to the Webster
street depot. The Omaha Guards
band of twenty-Ore pieces will nc6ompnny
the excursionists. The committee of ar-
rnngomcnts. Messrs. Wm. F. Stocckor ,
Hnnry KolfTs , B. M. Mohr , E. Meyer and
Prod Wells , has been successful In Its
efforts to make this excursion a great suc
cess. The amusements offered by the turn
voroln nro of such a variety that n Brent
number of Omaha people will embrace this
opportunity to attend the first bozlrks Turn-
fcst of the Nebraska societies.
An InvBllcntlon as to Their Existence
In this City.
Regarding the disease nmons cattle nt
Council Bluffs , Dr. Uamnelottl , city veterin
arian , who recently made nn examination
among the dairies of thnt city with Dr.
Stewart , assistant state votcronarinn , yes
terday morning saldt
"Tho disease Is what is termed contagious
ophthalmia und Is determined in tlm man
ner. When an nnlranl Is attacked It becomes
weak and loses nil , or nearly all Us energy.
It grows stuhid and lies down a great deal.
The eyes rloso gradually and the cornea
gradually becomes covered with n film
which somewhat impairs the eyesight. The
disease Is transmitted from ono animal to
another by files , otherwise ono nnlnial will
not infect another , except In rare instances.
It has n deteriorating effect Inasmuch as It
greatly decreases the amount of milk secre
tion. For instance , a cow which before
being effected elves eighteen quarts of milk ,
afterward will ivo only eight or nine
quarts. It is unhealthy , too , and particu
larly injurious to children. "
"Aro there any cases in this city ! "
"I understood from Borne of the dairymen
in Council Bluffs that two dairies in South
Omnhn wcro affected , nnd I suppose that It
Is true. But I can not spend the time lookIng -
Ing them up unassisted. If the board of
health and the milk inspectors will do their
duty I will assist them in every way possi
ble , oven to the extent of quarantining the
milk. It Is a matter thnt should bo looked
into without delay.
"Last year wo found twelve cases of tu
berculosis and I hav o no doubt but thnt wo
shall find lots of ophthnmalia upon Investi
gation. "
It Amends the Ordinance Uolatlns to
the Use oC Paved Streets.
Probably the council did nothing last night
of greater interest to the people than to
amend the ordinance relating to tlio use of
paved streets by street railways. The part
stricken out related to wood and asphalt
pavements , and provided that car companies
should pay for the privilege of cutting these
pavements , m full if cut the flrst year , nnd
one-half if cut during the second In its
stead were substituted clauses to the effect
that those pavements should bo paid lor
only when cut by the car companies within
the calendar year In which the pavements
were laid.
Councilman O'Connor maintained that
this would prove a great injustice to
the 'people. The street car compa
nies , ho said , have boon waiting for
the passage of this ordinance. They are to
build lines through many miles of asphalt
nnd wood-paved streets , paved lust year , to
bo sure , but almost as good as now. Under
the old ordinance the roads must have paid
a reasonable sum for the pavement de
stroyed : now they got it for nothing and the
taxpayers are Just so much out of pocket.
On the ballot taken to adopt the amended
ordinance , only Mr. O'Connor voted against
it. In this connection It may bo interesting
to note that brick paving must bo paid for in
full if displaced during It3 flrst year ; after
that the price decreasing one-fifth yearly.
Stone must also bo paid for according to its
first cost during the first your , nnd de
creases in value by ono-eightheoach yuar
Councilman Snyapr wanted to know why
Fourteenth street , under the Union Paoiflc
tracks , is not being opened to travel , espec
ially us the city attorney had reported that
the railway company was prepared to open
said street for a width of sixty feet , and
funds for the work have been appropriated.
So ho offered a resolution in which the city
engineer was called upon to explain the
T\vonty-nlnth street , from Hamilton to
Indiana , was declared open to the public.
The flwt ordinance passed ordered the
curbing of Twentieth street , from Harnoy to
St. Mary's avenue.
Thdti it was declared necessary to grade
Half Howard street from Thirty-sixth to
Seldcn street.
A change of grade on Eighth street , from
the alloy north of Worthlnutoii to Worthlng-
ton street , was ordered.
The necessity of grading Thirty-sixth
street from Farnam to was
also declared.
Ordinances establishing the grade of Lake
street from Thirty-sixth to Boulevard ave
nue , of Webster street from Thirty-fourth
street to Thirty-sixth street , nnd of Thirty-
fourth from Webster to California were
Paving with Colorado sandstone on Thir
tieth avenue , in district No. 247 , and Thirty-
first street , in district No. 243 , and. Nine
teenth street , in No. 244 , was order6d.
Some little opposition was encountered ,
but its Trionds lust night secured the passage
of an ordinance ordering the grading of
Mercer avenue from Lowe avenue to Vista
Paving district No. 249 , on F.irnam street
from Smith to the Bolt Line railway , was
'created ; also district No. 2BO , on Covert
street , nnd 2111 , on Beam street.
The lust of these works of public Improve
ment was a measure ordering that Eleventh
street from Nicholas street to Clark bo paved
with Colorado limestone.
An ordinance regulating the business of
street sprinkling wns reported back from the
committee with favorable recommendation.
An ordinance regulating the business of
bill posting didn't exactly die n-bornln' , but
It excited so much opposition that n recom
mitment seemed necessary and was ordered.
Attend the
Omaha Fair ,
September 2 to 6.
Railroad rates :
Ono faro for round trip and fiOc added
from all Nebraska points.
Ono and one-third faro 200 miles
oust of Omtilia.
Tlio Jjiuvn Ton ills Contests.
Nearly one hundred spectators , represent
ing Omaha's beauty and chivalry , gathered
at the Y. M. C. A. athletic park last evening
to witness the tennis tournament now in
progress. The increase in the number of
visitors seemed to have n stimulating effect
on the contestants , and the result was some
brilliant playing. The singles between
Eastman and Purdon were some of the most
hotly contested matches yet played. Pur
don did some splendid back-hand playing
that required long runs to the verge of his
court and each time caused a ripple of en
thusiasm among the usually lethargic spec
tators , Eastman is ono of the best players
In tbo city , but In , Purdon ho found a fouman
worthy of his racquet. Eastman 'won ' the
flrst sot with a score of 7 to 5 , but Purdon
turned tho'tablcs on him In the second act and
beutlnm "With asooroof 7toO. A third sot was
commenced , but tbo approach of twilight In
terrupted them , their score then standing
-3" " 3 nil" in the
- , or phraseology of the
While those two were knocking the balls
nil over each other's courts , doubles were
playing In the court nt the next not , Guion
and Donne doing up Fashenncr and Downs
two consecutive times with u scuru of 0 to 1 ,
This drops the latter two out of the contest ,
Those games lasted ono hour , commencing
nt 0:30 : p. m. nnd ending ut 7:30. Lathrop
and Doano finished their third and deciding
game commenced the evening bofoio , and it
resulted In favor of the latter. The tourney
continues this evening. _ *
During twenty-five years trial , mor
tality , whore Up. JofTorls' preventive
and euro for diphtheria und putrid sore
throat ( as in malignant scarlet fever )
ia iiBodjis 1-10 of one per cent , or , ono in
a thousand. Under other treatments
iu Europe and America , 50 to 80 per
cent. Address Dr. Tho3. JolTorls , box
057 , Omaha ; or Dohavon , druggist ,
Council Blulb , la. No physician re
quired. Sent by express oa receipt of
price , 93.
Tlrctlon ubHo , irL , Ho Books Prlvftto
Yesterday DntfrGroon , onptaln of the
Omaha pollen teVco , handed in bis ros-
Ignntlon to ChldPSeavy.
Captain Orconyxjiho was scon In regard to
the matter , saysitlmt bo has boon contemp
lating such n m ova for sonio time ;
that a few rKVtoks ago bo bad a
talk with Clilof JSoavoy on the subject , nnd
announced thcallns intention of resigning
Ills position.
Ho would not feavo dona so Just nt this
tltno , however , Jlmd It not boon for tbo
clamor nnd clatter In the press over his of
ficial conduct Throe members of the police
commission are now aosont , nnd therefore
cannot institute nn Investigation of the mul
titude of charges brought against him , and
rather than endure the nbuso of the press
any longer ho said tbat ho would prefer to
resign , as It was best for the mayor , for the
ofllcors and everybody else concerned.
Captain Green Is , as ho admits , wall fixed
financially , and Is quoted as bolntr worth $35-
000 , which propoity Is mainly In bouses and
lots between Plorco and Vluton streets on
Ho says thnt bo has for some time been
considering n proposition to go into business ,
and will nt once shape his affairs with that
end Iu view. It Is said that bo intends to go
Into the contracting business with James B
Callaban , a contractor , who 1m t for years
been his bondsman.
Captain Groan's ' resignation contained a
request that It bo accepted nt once , nnd Chief
Seavy accordingly released him from duty
yesterday. No ono will bo appointed to Oil
the position of captain temporarily , but the
oflk-o wilt bo loft vucnr.t until action 1s taken
by the commissioners. Chief Seavoy was
asked who ho would recommend as successor
to Green , but ho said he was not prepared to
say. _
Itoo rs'cwn Stands.
The morning , evening nnd Sunday HER
can bo found regularly ut the following
places :
Pnxton Hotel News Stand.
Millnrd Hotel News Stand.
Murray Hotel News Stand.
Arcade Hotel News Stand.
Metropolitan Hotel News Stand.
Windsor Hotel News Stand.
Cunlleld House ftows Stand.
Cozzons Hotel News Stand.
Barker Hotel News Stand.
nooK , snwa AKD TOY STOHES ,
Jophn & Co. , 803 North Sixteenth.
Dick Custcllo. 500 North Sixteenth.
J. Uich , 009 North Sixteenth.
Christ Wilrodt , 811 North Sixteenth.
J. H. Read , 1 < MO North Twenty-fourth.
J. P. Hoy. 1115 North Twenty-fourth.
Kubin Bros. , 514 South Tenth.
Frank Kolhlo , 1113 South Tenth.
G. W. Shiinnahnn , 003 South Thirteenth ,
P. N. Mcllhcdo , 518 South Thirteenth.
J. I. Fruehauf , 414 South Flfteonth.
E. Wyman , llll South Fifteenth.
John Lemly , 13.10 South Sixteenth ,
C. A. Crostn , 003 South Sixteenth.
J. A. Dodge , 1"40 South Twentieth.
J. S. CaulHeld , 1801 Farnam.
A. Anderson , 2213 Cuming.
S. E. Huusen2123 Cuming1.
W. U. Picard , 17.23 St. Mary's avcnuo.
J. W. MartinH239 ; Park avenue.
S. M. Martinuvltch , 003 South Thirteenth.
Jus. Timmons ; 20th and LaUo , c.iblo dopot.
B. Kitchiugmnn , l.'ith and Capitol ave.
F. F. Chandler , corner Loavonworth
and South Twenty-ninth.
S. S. Lunyon , 2i > 03 Farnntn.
C. S. Torbitt,211 ! ) Furnam.
ELEVATon noys.
Geo. Cooper , lorcants'Ban Ic building.
H. Hubcrrmin ) Granite block.
Clyde UatoltinjlKamge Block.
J. S. Stott , Postofllco.
G. Keuthar , at ) news stand and on street.
Patrons of THE BEE will notice the above
new ugencies at drug stores and elevators ,
which have boon placed for the further ac
commodation and convenience of Bee
Persons who fail to procure THE Bnn
when wanted , will confer favor by reporting
facts to the Bun ofllco.
j A ISO it DAY.
Every thine ProsrpHJtnR Favorably for
tlio B < K Celebration.
A meeting of the presidents of the various
labor unions of thu city was held in the old
city hall last night , for the purpose of
making further arrangements for the ob
servunco of Labor Day.
The matter of tickets for the picnic was
discussed , and It was decided that the presi
dent should have charge of them.
The following resolutions wcro then intro
duced :
Your executive committee on parndo and
picnic would most respectfully recommend
the following resolutions :
Hcsolved. That all labor organizations who
have not yet reported to the Central Labor
union , and who wish to take part in the pa-
lade on September 2 , report to the executive
committee as soon as possible.
Ilosolvca further , Thnt all Grand Array
posts in Omaha , Council UlutTs , South Oina-
hn nnd vicinity uro most cordially invited to
take part in the panicle and piciiio.
All the committees reported progress.
The question of the sale of liquor upon the
picnic grounds was discussed , and it was de
cided that such privilege should not bo al
It wns unanimously decided to extend an
invitation to the drummers' organization ,
and to the mail carriers of tbo three cities , to
join them in the parade , A
special invitation was also ox-
tcndca the Omaha lire department
to Join In the festivities of the day.
An old veteran in the roar of the hall arose
and wanted to know what was the matter
with extending the invitation to the working
girls of Omaha to participate in ttio parade.
Mr. Musscr kicked on this. Ho thought
that tl'o girls shouldn't bo asked to parndo
on the streets. It was llnally moved that the
executive committee bo instructed to engage
conveyances to carry working women to the
grounds. The motion was lost upon a tie
voto.Upon this Mr. Mussor became very warm ,
nnd mode a rod-hot speech nnd finally made
a motion to reconsider the previous action.
Ono of these who voted against the motion
arose to a point of order , and stated that as
Mr. Musscr had voted in the aOlnnativo ho
could not move to reconsider.
It was then moved that a conveyance bo
furnished for the ladles' assembly of
Mr. Lewis mavnQ that the words "ladles'
assembly" bo stricken out and tlio words
"working girls" substituted. Then there
was chaos for swcral consecutive minutes.
The lengthy discussion was concluded by
laying the mattoritm the table.
An luljourniuoiit was tbon taken until next
Monday evening .
A Pointer Mr. W. H. Collins Is n
Kan BUS City drwgglet who lias mudo the
buBincBs n Bucoaesand is now solo owner
of ono of tho'ilncBt drug stores in the
west ind onjoys-a largo patronage. Ho
says : "Not from a financial standpoint ,
but en its murlts , I candidly nnd cheer
fully rocoinmcmfl Ohamborlain's Colic ,
Cholera nnd Dlarrhoun. Romody. It is
ono of the few preparations I huve
found nn extensive sulo for solely on
their merits. "
tention to commercial men. Finest and
largest hotel In the west. KlUrodgo &
B mi nurd , proprietors.
Last Wednesday Madame Mary O'Reilly ,
of the religious order of the Saorod Heart , in
the thlrty-eigbth year of her ago. and after a
life of twenty years in this widely Known
religious community , died at the academy of
her order on St. Mary's avcnuo and Twenty-
sixth street.
The deceased was born at La Salle , 111 ,
and received her education under the care of
the well trained members of the order of
which she afterwards became an exemplary
member. At tbo ago of eighteen years , blio
hoard the voice of God calling her to that
life , the beauty and usefulness of which she
bad seen and appreciated in tbo days ol her
school life. Generously nnd faithfully she
fulfilled all the duties of her noble vocation.
Her fidelity received n fitting crown In a
death BO calm , so peaceful that it was liter *
ally the sleep which God gives to his beloved
DON'T MISS Tun oi'ronxuNixV
To Visit Ojrilcii nncl Salt linko City ,
Utah , or Hntloy , Idaho.
A prnnd excursion to the tibovo nnmod
points will leave August 20th , vin the
Union Vnclflo , "Tho Overland Route , "
and for this occasion the exceedingly low
rate of $30 to Ogden and Salt Lake Citv
nnd return , and $35 to Halley , Idaho ,
and return has boon made from Mis
souri river terminals.
Thin excursion affords our patrons n
magnificent opportunity to visit Garfield -
field Duauh on Great Salt Lake , the
finest bathing resort in the world , and
also visit Ilalluy Hot Springs , famous
for their medicinal properties. Tickets
good thirty days.
For further particulars address
E. L. LoMAX , G. P. A. ,
Omaha , Nob.
Jitdco GrofTn Itcturn.
Jildgo Groff returned yesterday from
Washington , where ho wont at tbo solicita
tion of Senator Paddock for an interview
with the president. On Ills way bank tbo
Judge stopped at Napoleon , O. , bis old homo ,
where ho remained several days.
Asked as to the result of his Interview
with the president , the Judge said that bo
could say nothing inoio than had already
boon published In the nowpapcrs. Ho ar
rived in the national capital in the evening ,
and In company with Senator Paddock made
a brief call upon President Harrison at the
white houeo. The Interview was a pleasant
ono , the president's manner and remarks
being most cordial and felicitous.
TLo judge expressed the opinion tbat no
appointment would bo made for cither posi
tion with which bis natno has been con
nected until the president's return to Wash
Judge Groff called upon Secretary Noble ,
with whom ho had a brief but pleasant in
Senoncl-CliiBS Tickets
Via the Northern Pacific R. R. , nllovr
the lioUlora the privilege of stopping
over at Spokane Falls , Wash. , and all
points west of thoro. The Northern
Pacific Is the only line traversing
Washington Territory from east to west
nnd north to south. Rates from Omaha
nnd Council Bluffs to all points'on the
North Pacific coast areas low via the
Northern Pacific as any other line.
Attend the
Omaha Pair ,
September 2 to 0.
Railroad rates :
Ono fare for round trip and 60c added
from all Nebraska points.
Ono and one-third faro 250 miles
cast of Omaha.
Thomas W. Blackburn.
Los Angeles Tribune : The Washington dis
patches announce the appointment of Thomas
W. Blackburn as chief of the educational
division in the ofllco of the commissioner of
Indian affairs. The position is ono of great
importance and responsibility. Mr. Black
burn , whoso appointment comes to him
almost unsolicited , is the managing editor of
the Tribune , and Is known to a largo num
ber of our people as a talented , genial and
accomplished gentleman. The writer long
smco lor.rncd to appreciateMr. . Blackburn
and his true worth and the Tribune parts
with him with extreme recrot. Ho will
take with him the cordial good wishes of his
present associates for the most unbounded
success In his now field of labor. General
Morgan could not have selected a more up
right or gifted gentleman nor a more deserv
ing republican for the important worlc that
ho hns to do.
Mr. Blackburn leaves for Washington In
the courpa of the next ten days to enter upon
his duties. It Is very gratifying to have
such an appointment come to'California , and
the gentleman chosen will not fail to reflect
honor upon the state of his adoption. The
Tribune loses a most valuable member of Its
staff , but the government gains an intelli
gent , honest and capable officer.
Is now the rate via the Northern Pa
cific railroad from Omaha und Council
BlulTs to all north Pacific coast points ,
including Portland , Tacoma aim Seat
tle. Through tickets are on sale via
this route daily. This is the only line
running through the eastern and cen
tral portions of Washington territory.
Stop-overs are given on Northern Pa
cific second-class tickets at all points in
_ _ _ _ _ _
A Newspaper Man's Ilnrd Luck.
Willis Emery , a printer who has seen bet
ter days , having in 1807 been ono of the pro
prietors of the Leavenworth Times , wns
robbed In St. Joseph , Mo. , on Tuesday night
of ? 25. Emory has boon m Omaha for a year ,
but a week aso loft for the former place to
obtain u permanent situation in a Job ofllco.
While wandering through the weedy streets
of St. Joseph ho was accosted by a stranger
who asked him Into a saloon to take a drink.
Ho was drugged and robbed and thrown on
the street. VVhilo In this condition ho was
arrested and lined ? 5 for being drunlr. Ho Is
now in the work house at St. Jao quite ill
from the effects of the poisonous drug.
Attend the
Omaha Fair ,
September 2 to 0.
Railroad rates :
Ono faro for round trip and 50o added
from all Ntbraska points.
Ono and one-third faro 250 miles
east of Omaha.
An Operator Married.
W. J. Dennis , train-dispatcher for the
Burlington at Lincoln , and Miss Maggie
Mcltobcrts , a well-known , lady of the Capi
tal city , were married Wednesday afternoon
at L'ncoln ' nnd passed through Omaha yrs-
lord ay on route to Canada on a six weeks'
wedding trip. Mr. Dennis Is an old Omaha
boy and has many fi lands in this city who
will rejoice to learn of his good fortune.
Absolutely Pure *
This pow der never Tories. A mar > el of pur * .
ly. Mtrencth and whoUsuinoneBS , More eco
nomical tlun the ordinal y kinds , and cunnot
be "old in wrapotl'.lon with the multitudes of.
lor or short * ef ht ulura orjihosphate powders. ,
Bold onlr In cuna. Jloval iiuilop i'o Uer Corn
pany , lib \V il fatreet. New York.
SHQEDEALERS 1 to n e the
justly eel-
ebrutedllnuKof lloota and Shoes , m
' " " " "
ed'oy a M"Tleiuiers6ii "ac"Co7rof"Chlaio-l'ao (
torles ot Chlcugo , Dlxon , Ills. and 1'onil lu l < uc ,
Wls-Bhculd > \-Sto HAM. N. WA'IBON. resi
dence , I'ltBMONT , NHI1. Travt-llutf uncut ,
lot Itubboru.
The PostofTlco Appraisers.
The board of nppratsors ot the postofflco
slto nt tempted to hold a meeting ycstcnlny
morning , but were comoQllcd to mljourn until
afternoon for want ot a quorum. In the
afternoon n mooting was hold , but no busi
ness of Importances was transacted , It wns
learned that tlto notice on Rome ot the inter *
ostod pnrtlos by publication had not brcn
published the required time nnd ana adjourn
ment was taken until the 87th Inst.
IS not only a distressing complaint , oi
itself , but , by causlng.tho blood to
become depraved and the system on-
fceblcd , is the parent of Innumerable
malmllcs. Thnt Aycr's Snrsnparllla
Is the best cure for Indigestion , even
when complicated with Liver Complaint ,
is proved by the following testimony
from' Mrs. Joseph Lake , of Urockwny
Centre , Mich. : ,
"Liver complaint and Indigestion
made my life a burden und came near
ending my existence. For more than
four years I suffered untold ngony , was
reduced almost 10 a skeleton , and hardly
hnd strength to drag myself about. All
kinds of food distressed inc. and only
the most ilollcato could bo digested nt
all. Within the time mentioned several
Rlivslclans treated mo without giving ro
of. Nothing that I took scotnc'l to do
any permanent good until I commenced
the use of Aycr's Sarnnparllla , which
has produced wonderful results. Soon
after commencing to take the Barsapa-
rilla I could see. nn Improvement in my
condition. My appetite began to return
nnd with It came the ability to iligcst
all the food taken , my strength im
proved cnch day , and after a few
months of faithful attention to your
directions , I found myself a well
woman , nblo to attend to nil household
duties , The medicine bos given mo a
new lease of life.1 '
Ayer's ' Sarsaparilla ,
Dr. J. C. Ay or & Co. , Lowell , Mass.
Price $1 ; lx botllci , § & . Worth f > n bottle.
( Uppoilt * Paxton UoteU
Office houn , 9 . m , to 8 p. m. Bun < Uy , 10 u.
m. to 1 p. m.
Specialists In chronic , Nervoni Bkin and
Blood Ulseaset.
( Consultation at ofHca or by mail fre .
Undlclnes sent by mail or express , securely
packed , tree from observation. Guarantees to
cure nulckly , safely and pormnnentlr.
Ions. Physical Ufcsy. arising from Indlncro
tlon , Excess or Indulgence , producing Sleepless
ness. Despondency. Pimples on the race , aver
sion to society , easily discouraged , lacK of confl
Farnam St. , Omnka , Neb.
Blood and Skin Diseases
results , completely eradicated without tli old
of Mercury. Scrofula , Erysipelas , Fever Sores ,
Blotches , Ulcers , 1'ainti In the Head and Bones ,
Syphilitic Sere Throat , Month and Tongu * . Ca
tarrh , etc. . permanently cured where others
have failed.
JuQDBy > Uriflaiy ruiatui , DHHCUU. too tro-
quent Burning or Bloody Urine , Urine high col
ored or with milky sediment on standing , WcaK
Back , Gonorrluua , Gleet , Cystitis. etc. ,
Promptly and Barely Cured , Charges Iteasona-
fiJTW.Tf f'TT'CTT1 ! Guaranteed por-
A MiVMi JLf jLvJki
w * * manent Cure , re-
moral complete , without cutting , caustic or
dlllatlon. Cuieu oITected at homo by patient
without a moments pain or annoyance.
To YonM Men and Mile-Aged Men ,
ITBP PITRP ' rlle awful effects of early
A UUIlIj lllJUu Vice , which brines organic
weakness , destroying both mind and body , with
all Its dreaded Ills , permanently cured.
MTJprnmri Adressthone who have Impaired
DDllU themselves by Improper Indul
gences and solitary habits , which ruin both
body and mind , unfitting them for buslncu.
Btuuy or marriagn.
M AintiED MEN , or these entering on that hap
py life , aware of physical debility , quickly 01
la based upon faets , First Practical Bxp
rlence. Second Every casu la especially studied *
thus starting aright. Third-Mealclnes are pro ,
pared In our labatory exactly to suit each case.
thus affecting cures without Injury
per Bend 0 cents Dostcge for celebrated works
on Chronic , Nervous and Delicate Diseases.
Thousands cured. fSTA friendly letter or call
may save you future suffering nnd slmmo , and
add golden years to II fo. f3VNo letters an
swered unless accompanied by i cents In stain DC.
Address or call on
1)11 * . IIETTS & UKTTS ,
UOS Farnam Street Omaha. Ntb.
Chicago , Milwaukee & St , Paul R'y ' ,
The IJcst Route from Omaha and Council
Bluflfe lo
Chicago , AND Milwaukee ,
St. Paul , Minneapolis , Cedar Rapids ,
Bock Island ) Freeport , Rockford ,
Clinton. Uiibuquo , Davenport ,
Elgin , Madison , Jancsrllle ,
Uelolt , Wluonn , La Crossc ,
And all otb r Important paint * E it , Nortbent and
For through tlckoti call on the lliket agent at 10)1 )
Farnatn ttrcet , la Darker Ulook , or at Union 1'ociBo
Pullman Bltepen aad the flnttt Dining Can In th
world are ruu on the maid line of the Cblcaifp , Mil
waukee & St. I'aul KaUnar , and emir attention U
paid to pmiuDKcri uj courtcout mplojr > of Iho
II. MinUiH QencrM Mutineer. ,
j. K.TUCKBK. AiilftjntUenerol MniUKer.
. . . ' l'au and
A. V. U. OAltPKM'llilt. Ueneral ngir
Ticket Jdieat.
* T. J. OLA R&tl ? 'nml Bapirlotiadcnl.
This li the time to replenish summer
wardrobe * .
\Vo almll continue through ho month ot
AiiRUBtto otTcr special b .rKn.lni In various
HncH of llrt-clnss ( foods. Our Tall stock
Is already hcliiR selected in , the Ksstorn
market , and wo must soon Imvo room Cor
fresh Invoices. Hut the warm weather Is
not over yet , and our supply Is still equal
to the demand of A hot uny.
A Sure Cure
JnNT " O
2Oto6O DAYS.
This IB a disonse which baa heretofore
Baffled all Modtcal Solcnco.
When Morcurv. Iodide o ( Potassium , Barsapa
nila or Hot &prlnga fall , we guarantee a cur * .
Wo have a Kemedy , unknown to anyone tntn *
World ouUldoot our Company , and one that an *
lo cure the moit oballnato caiM. Ten days ta
recent cases does the work. ItlstUo old chroma
deep seated cases that we solicit. We hard
cured hundreds who liar * been abandoned of
Physicians , and pronounced Incurable , and w *
challenge the world to brine us a case that tfi
Trill not cure In less than sixty day .
Since the history of medicine a true upectQa
tor Syphilis has beun sought for but novef
found until our
was discovered , and we are Jujtlfloil In saying '
it Is the only Uemcay in the World taat will pop
Itlvcly cure , bncause the latest Medical A\'orK ;
published by the boat known authorities , say
there was neveratruespeclflo before. Ourrnf
edy will euro when everything else has failed.
Why waste you time and money with patent )
medicines that never had virtue , or doctor with
physicians that cannot euro you , you tLat hard
tried everything else should come to us now and )
Bet permanent relief , you never can get It else *
Where. Mark what we say. In the eud
must take our remedy or NISVER recover
you that have been afflicted but a short t
should by all means come to us now , not one Itt
appears again In a more horrible form. .
This is B blood Purlflor and will Curd
any Skin or Blood Disease when
Evor.ythinff Else Fails.
NOTICE Wo doslro to caution patients In ro- >
pnrd to parties claiming to use the Cook Item *
cdy. Our formula Is not , and CANNOT b *
K.UOU n to Anyone but ourselves.
Rooms 418 and 419 , Paxtoii Block
Beet FaclliUei , Apparatui tndRemedlesforSucoeiafal
Treatment of every form of Dlietia reqiilrinr i
Boardft Attendance. Beit Accommodations ( n Weit.
07 WRITE FOR CIRCULARS on Dtformltltj ant
Bracel.Xruiiel , ClubFtet , Ounraturii of Spine. Fillip
Tumore , Cancer , Oatarrh , Dronchltli , Inhalations
Electricity , Paralyiji , EpUepiy , Kidney , Bladder , '
lye , lar , Skin and Blood and alIBurtjlo.1 Operatioii.
WOBKN DCRI > ( ] cogriKuiiiiT. ( STJtlCTLTJIIVATE. )
Only Reliable Xtdltal Initltute making a Specialty of
All Blood DliMiei lucinifillr trtilll. BTphllltlo r > l a
rtmoTcd fronlbt iritim wllbont nereurjr. Hew BtttorallrA
Ir. l . .tfrlo. orTITAI.I'01T IL I'.tll.mntbUIoTl.U ,
IIODiconflileoiUl. U dl laeiorlBilrutiicalii 8tbjni llorex
. toludlet eoDtcDtiorcad r.
npflrioaaUot rTl wpr r rr d. CftllaBdcoDiultuioritiiJ
felit ref four e i , and ve vlll lenl lo pUla wucpfr. o v
annv rn MCU FREEI u ? < ivir.i. . B.I.I ,
UllUrV IU ( TlCrll fitrroof Dliiiml "pot DejBjpk.
Illi ; Ultet anl V rleoc l . wltn qutltlon IliU JLddrru
llth and Dodge BtreeU , OBAHA , KEB ,
E8TA11USHUI ) 18CO ,
Max Meyer & Bro ,
Orcat reduction of prlf-o on second han4
Pianos and Organs. A good chance to get a
Kood 1'lano for u small amount of juonoy.
Tim above nilcesnre 10 per cent less than ever
offered before u nd a we must have room for our
large stock of Nuw I'lanon wo will give "an extra
10 per cent discount from above prices to any
one that buys an Instrument before August Isc.
Kvcry instrument guaranteed to be just as ro-
pre& tinted.
I'luiios for rout for $2.50 nud upward !
per inouUi.
Oi gnus for rent for $1. CO und upwards
jior month ,
If you buy any o ( the ubovo Inaiutnents nnfl
you are not satisfied , we u 111 Allow you sumo uu
you paid font toward any new Piano > ou may
telect. Call early and get a bargain.
Cor , 10th arid Farnara Sts.
MnUCVaudaTl "trouulnu'eaVFly quick'
urinary ,
M UU t T ly urnl Sttfoly cured byUOOT V&A , Gift
tules. Berural cased cured in seven day * . Sola
utll.M per box , all clrUftflKta'or by tnall froca.
Uoctiua M't'tfCo. 1JVU1W ' N. V. VullUlrew
loin , ,