Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 16, 1889, Page 7, Image 7

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No advertisements will bo taken for
these columns after I2:3O : p. m.
Terms Cash Itt advance.
. Advertisements under thtu he < l 10 cents p r
Una ( at the nrst insertion , 7 cents for each snb.
jerruont insertion , and II.M per line per month.
No Advertisements taken To- less than Sn cents
for first insertion , Bercn word * will be counted
to the line ? they must run consecutively and
nuirt-Do paid In ADVANCtt. All advertise
ments must be bonded In before 12-nn o'clock p.
m. . nnd under no circumstances will they 1 >
taken or discontinued by telephone.
rartle * advertising in these columns and hat
ing th Ir answers addressed in cure or Tim lice
Trill please ask for a chert toennble thorn to git
their letters , as none will be delivered except
oruprceentation of check. All answers to ad- shculd be rncloged in envelopes.
All ndvertMemenM in these * column * are pub
lished In brflh morning nnd evening editions of
Tim IKK ! , ttio circulation ot which. aggregates
morathnn-IR.ODOpapera dally , mid rives tband *
vefcflfierx the benefit , nbtomyof the city circu
lation of. THE Itni : , but aUo of Council lUulf * .
Lincoln nml other cltlri nnd town * throughout
tola section ottiie country.
Advertising forthfso columns will be taken
cn.tlio above conditions , nt the following bnel- *
Bess bonnes , wli& are authorized agents for THE
Ilr.p flpoclnl notices , and will quote the sntno
rattanscanbelind nt tbo main offlco.
TOHlTwrnKLt PhnrmaTlst , 630 South Tenth
tJ Htrcot.
On AST & TODY. Stationers and Printers , 113
S.outhlStP Street.
Sn. FAllNBWOUTII , Pharmacist , 2115 Cum-
i Ming Street.
J. HUGHES.I'hnrmaclst , GZlHorth 18th
GEO.W.PAHB , Pharmacist , 1609 St. Mary's
H UGHES' PHAnilACV , EOS Farnam Btrcat ,
WANTED Posotlon as housekeeper by nn
experienced Kugllsh Loiy. Call ootwuen 3
nnd 4 p. m. nt iza N. aith at. 862
WANl'ltD Situationin soma Nebraska
town a salesman in hardware or general
tore ; can give * references. Adddross Lock
llpx B , Neolnsja. M317 * _
HA UNES3 maker wants ) wort or wlll'tako
chorgo-ot shop In country town In , Neb.
Can nrve reference. Address Loot Uor S , Ne-
plft , ltt > 844 17t
wanted by-a young nrst cUss
SITUATION or general olllco man , best rater-
nfes. Address Q 22 , Omaha , Ile < i.8u015j _ _
"CKr ANTE f > Situation byn flrst-class barEer
TT in a small town. Address J. 1'H W N.
lKbgt. , Omaha. Neb. 773-liJ
"A JlltNTB wanted , either hex * for llottleil
jtVuiectrlclty ; grentosti catarrh aud headache
euro ever produced ; agents coming money ;
particular. ! free. Addrom U. S. IlomeMfcr , Co.
tfew JJcDC. , Cblcago. Ills. „ _ 85S 18t
AGPOD man ns entry and shIpplnR clerk ,
ouu til at is not afraid of wort. Oood rc-for-
cncea roiulred. Jlclchlor liros. . Ilia Farnam.
up stairs. CTJ IK
W ANTED A flrst clais paper ruler ; steady
position. Address G ST > . this olllco. K.1MM
* % A/'ANTB1I A salesman to sell a specialty to
T thrcrocery trnda on. the road salary-
bond of MOD. and ? oed retorenca roiiulred. Aa-
drcsaO 2U. lice. K1C-15 *
711 OOD rcllablo canvassers cun obtain steady
vXeinplojinent with The Slnpor Mfg. Co. . ir.18
- - - DtT _ Ki3 8 1U
WANTE"D 4 farm hands , man and wife for
private family $40 ; ono at 15 ; 2 hod car
riers IIJO ; 10 men tocutbrudh * 18. Mrs. Brega
PMM 8.15th. 71)7 ) 15J
7-ANTKD A reliable young man , J15
/ weekly , light work. Hoom 17. 12J N. . loth.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
stenographer and typewriter
atoncev 'Apply to S. D. Mercer llth and
Jlownrd sts. _ _ _ M _
"ITT ANTED Travflllng salesman tor Callfor-
Y T nln cloves. References required. Address
Baymond. Squires i Co , Ban l'ranclco ; , Cal.
748 2Ti *
\XrANTEDi.3Q'Ucltors , 603 N. 17th ; . ' > 0 per
YV lonlh. X _ CM 1C $
T TANTED Traveling salesman .nnd sales-
> V \vomau , ( .10 per month and expenses , IJW N.
17tUHt. _ rxi2.1B8
WANTUD-For Washington TerrUory-tlo-
mnkers. choppers , carpenters , rock 'men ,
graders nnd track ! ayers , at Albright's Labor
y. 1120 Farnam at. _ 221
WANTED A rooiromce man to go east ;
must Invent S2.SOO ; must bo a good business
tnan. Address tbo Geo. a Cllne Publlshlue
House. , 321 Wabash ave. , Chlcago Ill.
TlyfEN to travel tot thr Fonthlll Nurseries of
JjJLCanada. - < Wo pay $ .V > to 8100 a month nnd
xpensts to agents to sell our Canadian grown
; k Ad. Et tie & Wellington , Madison. Wls.
tXTANTED Agents. Magic cigar lighter ,
YT every smoker ouvs , lights In wind or rain ,
a lifetime. Sample 15e , two for 2.'ic , dozen ,
ra mall. Stamps taken. Austin & Co. ,
vldenee. R.I. _ 453s :
Ti ! ; ANTED 125 weekly rot < re4eptatlvo , mnlo
Y or female. In every community. Goods
Btaplo ; < bouseliold necessity ; soil at sight : no
peudllntjr salary paid promptly , nnd expenses
advanced. KUU particulars and valuable sample
case Free. Wo mean Just what we say ; address
Bt once , Standard Silverware Co. , Boston , Mnss.
SALESMEN Wo wish n. ew men to soil our
_ goods by sornplo to the wholesale nu d. rotuil
trndo. Largest , rannufocturers in onr line.
JJncloio ceui stamp. Wages K3 per day. Per-
jnnnetit position. No postals answered. Money
advonced for \ragea. advertising , etc. Centen
nial JIunuf ACturlng Company. Cincinnati. Ohio.
'ANTED A good girl for general house-
yory.ioaHouth inn at , 804-10 *
ANTHD i girls , ienoral work ; a wait-
roisosr , same hotel ; cook ; and dishwasher
for Winner , tare paid ; pastry cook , t.W , oneja ) ;
houaekBepar for Fremont , 1 for > 'clty. _ _ Wlilte.
310 N IBthst. . g j 151
eon lady agents wanted immediately ; now rubs -
s bornnderuarment ; womlin'n grfiatust oloss-
Ingj nellsat sight aud pays nu'ontsilOO a month ,
rroof ft-ee. Address Mrs. II. F. Little , Chicago
' 57 18t
W ANTED Olrl for liousawiirk ; fair-wages
to right party. C23Bl < thSt. tSi lat
-A-NTRr * At 603 Porkavenua , a competent
v v Tiurso girl or woman KU17 *
Tl ANTKD Steady middle aged woman with
VT llrat-claBSro crfnct < s tn keep house for 3
rouiu ? men , must , bo a first-docs cook and
laundress v ages l a month ; 8 laundry girls , 4
girls for the country , younp girl to live with nn
old couple , chambermaid for Ogden , 3 wait-
r Kse.f.or Idaho , 23 for general uouseuork ;
Mru. BrcgCT.illi fl. 15. SiO lot
T\ " ANTED A. coinpctant ulrl. Mrs. O. W.
T > Holi.93 > jpark.ftVBnuo. 819 IDT _
WANTKl-CoQd girl f or general housework
nt ma N. Thth at. 7fU
-TTAf ANTED A llrst nlrl , must bo good cook
V < nnd Inundrflss and. well recommoudodi
Wagon 418 per mouth. olKht in family. Call nt
room 16 , Continental building , or uUdrusi Box
ssa. omnha. sut ia
ANTKO- llutton-holo makers , Ilia Far-
nnm. HC IQt
- Good girl tor general housework
in suiaUfamily ut U23 Parkavu. 779 U
10th. 77815 :
W-ANIiil ; Three or four more lady solici
tors ; must have good references and det-
posit > 3X B&lary Mu and l i per month witt
coroinl 3lon privileKM. Call 011 or address
Tha Ueo. S. Cllne Publishing house , fill First
Kaflbunk. Take elevator. 7tO 1 J
WANTIU-An cxjTcrlcutad nurse girl. Ib23
yarn am. 740
WAN'JT.O Oermnn girl to do cooklnu and
washing , beat of Mage * paid. ImiutroJ.
I. iirnnaBis"rJ4BJBth t. xn
WANTED Board In a nrst class private-
fitmily for a lady and tnreo children ; chll-
dron's afe'tv * frpm 3 years to years ; \vunt nice
frontroom.'batlc , hot nd cold water ; rat ieuc
„ . en and feanlre'd ; Jileiie answer with partlo-
ularsjp : C.1I. Kjug. Pouulaa. Wyo. tiil-ia
WANreu A Huxerytorent , part of room
U1UN , ictlist. AV111 take rent out in gro-
ccrlea. Home bakery. bi7-lit (
\\rANT151J September 1 , room and board for
' yontiB lady employed aa typewriter , north
of Kama 111 preferred , diva particulars as to
price , location , etc. Address tlgl lleo olllce. U
TTTANTffD 100 teams for It. It. work In Wy-
* otnlug , M lloryCuahlnB & Co , 1C 10 , Iroiibk.
WANT1'.I-60 teams for railroad craaing , at
. AlbrlnUVn. Luborafuncy , HSU Voriiam BU
K8T < hu board at No. 1811 Capitol avenue ,
aMaeek. . i'rlvitte family. Bia IS'
JClIK8T-cl M W Inijulro 18V9 l > oueliu
kUKBSMAKINQ Itl fainlliea. K6 S. 17th.
ENO AORMTCNT9 to do dressmaking In fami
lies solicited. Ml s Sturdy , 619 tn 9 > th St.
884 § H *
"fjX > n HKNT 12-room DOUSO ; furnace , barn ,
JU largo full lot. 1817 Canst. 65i
OUbEb tor rent Wilkinson , 14U * 'arnom.
. 648C3
TJIOIt KENT 4-roum cottage near rortOma-
JD ha. V > per month. Self for 11,100. 1) . V.
Bholes , S10 First National bank. R
f/UJlt HBriT 7-room Homo , SStb and Capitol
JU avo. Inquire , am Uodgo. Ml
11HNT A chnlco nine-room house , all
modern conveniences in first cla repair ,
good lot with ahkd6 trees ; reasonable rent to
good party. Inquire S34.1 Capitol ave.
T7IOH KRNT Floor of 4 rooms ; city water and
JU cistern. 1217 Chicago st. Unauiro 1JI5 Chicago
cage j. 7UM7t
TTIOIt 11HNT A hnck house of 11 rooms on
A' Farnam streit. Jlotlern ronveniences and
central. HUO per montn , K. F. Cook , in07Var-
nam. . 760-17
oil KENT NO , nirt N.nthst. . cottage six
rooms , centrally located , n per montn.
T71OU. HUNT Klcpantly furnished fourteen
JU room housa with lawn and. barn , cholco
nciBtiborhm > aV$100. Inquire liOUPacific st ,
TTIOUUKKT Slr roora house , cor. 18th aud
JU Chicagonts.lU ; fbur room houseath ) and
California , i : > . R Lehman. 815
T71OHKENT House witn ngood rooms and
JU closet , linnl and eott water , cheap ; ial4 8.
ISth st. near 1'lorce. Hlu 15J
NRW live-room cottage for rent , Hnisoll ,
Pratt & Co. , illB 3. istrr st. 638
17O11 HUNT Two nine room bilck bonnes oa
JO Park avenue , with all conveniences. Also
nine room frama house on same street , with all
conveniences ; price J.T5 to tth permonth. I > . V
bholcs. ZIO First National Hank. 811
TTlOrt RfiNT ItesIdence'IOfl Douglas t , , now
-I ? house , all modern Improvements ; not a
basement house , nnqulro ot Morltz Mayor ,
H OUSK forront , lOil Dodge.
FOH RENT 7-room flat , S23 per nro. above
The Fair , 13Ui and Howard. Inaulra IhoPair.
TOH KENT--lD-room'brlcfc house on 20th st.
? 'nearLenVcmvorth. Apply ntjfo. eWS.
T ILL lease for ona or more , 'years a largo 7-
TT room bouse vrlth all modern conveniences ;
Is nicely painted outside , hard-flmshed insldo ,
moely papered , tw o large bay windows ; three
blocks from court house-GOl S SUth. M >
fion RENT A detached 0-rcxim house , all
! modern conrenlences , 'Knrn2529 Capitol ave.
"niOR UCN5P-S-ro6ni house , 2033 Dorcas st.
TTIOR RENTr-10-room house , steam hcnt , all
-t ? Improvemonw , cheap rent. 0. E. Thompson ,
loom -14 , 6hq ly block , liJth and Howard.
TT1OR HENTi-fi-roorii cortnge. ' 103 So. 23th st.
JL ! gia Illngwaltllro , KoomUt , Barker block *
TTIOR RENT Sept. 1st. a5-room cottage , with
JC bath-room nnd St.Mnry s ave
and Loivvenwortn. David Jamleson , 314 S. 15th
FOR RENT Fine largo residence , bard wood
llnlsh , all conveniences , low rent to private
family ; alU N10th st. 034
FGR RENT The 0-room flat occupied by Dr.
Gllmoro.Sd floor. No. 19KI Howard st , In
quire otGeo , HigglDS , 1011 Howard st. 182
THOU RENT a Crst-c lass dwelling with all
JP modern conveniences , including stable. Eons
Capital ave , Inquire of D.J.O'Donahon. 1601
famam st. . IMS
TT1OR RENT Six new 5-room cottages , ready
-13 on or before September 1 , 3lth and Half
Howard streets , healthy location , near Fnrnam
cars. Rent , each$13 per month , tultable for
mi\ll tidy families. John H. F. Lehmann , Oil
8.17th. st. ' 441
nmOR RENT Larpe furnished room.C22N.10th
TOURNISHED rooms' with board , for < gon-
Ju ttemen and 2 Indies. 1717 Chicago. 78S15J
TTANDSOME front room newly furnlshcdalso
JO single room for gentleman. KXO Farnam.
783 131-
furnished back parlor and nlcovo ,
--nlso slnglo room , modern conveniences ,
board 1C desired. 203 S , 24th , 78718J
fTMJUNIBHED rooms for rent at 181ft Douglas
JU 2 tarnished rooms , convenient to business ,
7K ) lot
FOR RENT Twa rooms with modern c
venlencos. furnished or unfurnished. Pri
vate family , S512 Chicago st. 76U 15J
T71DIIN1SHED bad room with use of par
-1 ? lor. 8 .00 ; also board if desired. 1511 Call ,
foiria. 775-18J
TpltONTroom to a gentleman , in private fan *
JC lly ; convenient location , 51B B. 20th st _ cor
St. Jlnry's ave. 694-17
B'OU RENT Furnished rooms , 22U9 Dodge.
401 Ittt
"VTICELV furnished snltot rooms and one sla-
JL > gle room. All modern conveniences , private
family. 2214 Karnam st , , GT
/"tOOD room with bath. 613 a 2Cth at.
lUUNlSUEP-Kront 1 room , WiS Tarnam.
115 a27 *
CJOTrTH front roota , meala lu the house , 1900
kJCapitol avenue , 3 Q
fion KENT Two fnrnlsaed rooms , au north
! 17th st. lleference required. U73-81
ST. CLAllt European hotel , cor. l."th and
Dodge ; special rate by week or month.
FOH HENTTwo parlors , front nnd bock on
flrst lloor. also single rooms with board.
Alt modern covenlencoa. 1BUO Douglas. 633
nnfnrnltihed housb torrent
In Park Terrace , opposite Hanscom park ;
oil modern conveniences. Inquire , Lee &Nlcliol ,
Zitb. and Leavenirorth , 30
"TTlUltNlSlIKO , rooms with'all modern con-
JC veulences.for eontlemen only , HiW Dodge at.
fjtOR HUNT Elegant furnlsued. room fort
-t ? single gentleman , only. 724 S. IDth St. , cor ,
Leavonworth. 7 W-0
Ij OH KENT TWO furnjahod rooms , on St.
J. Mary's nveni4e. To gentlemen only. Six
minutes walk ot busings 'center , lleference
required. Inquire at storo. 2tO and 313 B. 15th st.
ri WO rooms v\lt"h or Without J > oard for gen
X tlerut'nprlVitefamtlyr ) rerence3.1813 Dodge
TTlon KENT 4 rooms , unfurnished , suitable
JU for housekeeping , with all modern Improve
ments , ITOi Webster gt. Price , 120. 620
" | J\OR HKNT Jor3 unfurnished rooms , clos-
JJ ets and wntorAJ floor ) 1023 I'arnam.
1 20 :
o BOOMS with btith. gas and Htoam heat , 618
OSo , 10th. Flat "A.-1 710-17J
THOU UKNlUuturnlshed rooms sultaole for
JL1 hoiuekt-eplng , Inuiiltotof2to4 ; convonien
location. Butt'i Itvntlng Agency , 1506 Farnam.
TJ10H KENT Suite of rooms with bath and
JC HAS. suitable for a doctor. Apply or address
D.U..Itilii. Harnoyst. 15
FIX ) HUNT Desirable trur bouse room on
JL track. Apply to C.f. . Keith , 711 Pacific Bt ,
TTVJlt 11UNX Store room. cor.HU and N sts.
J. bouth Oniaiio. .Hen location In city for
gent * ' furnishing or dry good * store. Inquire
of J. J. Mahouoy , roomoOo 1'axtoa blk. 472-H3
fIKIt UK NT Stores and living rooms on Cum
JL1 Incut , Also house on Casast , Harris , room
411 , lit Nat. Hunt. ' 331
Troll business iiiriu e * Sd tloor , .Wxiai , in
JU I'axton building , loth and Tiirnam , entrance
on Kurnura. paesvnger and freight elevator
north and south light , will dlvldu Into two it de
sired. Ileyman & Uoiclivs , 151 $ 1'uriiam Bt.
I710U UKNT-Tlio 4-story brick building with
JL or u Ithout power , formerly occupied UyTho
Ilo Publishing Co. , 1)16 ) Farnam st Tba build
1113 bait a lira-proof cemented basement , com
plete steam heating llxturus , water on all tlia
Hoori , ga , etc. Apply at tha olllco of The liee
TJIOIt ltKN'r-3'Ao corner room under the Ne-
X1 braska National bank will eon bo for rent
the Equitable 'IVust Co. removing to larger
The space U about double that occupied b ?
the C. . II. ff Q. tlcxtt olllco. The floor la tllet
auu tha room can ba made detlraljloror a H. 1L
icket or broker's olltco.
for particulars apply at bant 083
UH banjo taught as uu art by Qo. F. Oellen
Apply at Bee offlc * . VW
T11AVKL1NQ Salesmen Send your address
and roforeuco to Keystone Manufacturing
company ( IncorpbratcHl ) , Olratd , Krl Co. , Pa. ,
ami Ihvy trill mall you fre full ontdt , in
cluding model of an nrtlcla tnat sells readily to
hs trade In every town and city , nnd upoa
which they will pay yon a liberal commission ,
.Vhole outfit weighs eight ounces. S3 19 * _
AHK yon looking for an opportunity to en
gage in th merrantllo busmessr It > o oomo
nnd see us. W. It. E.&M.L'ltooml4 Chamber
of Commerce. Tel , mo. . ,615
nESSPOOl . cisterns , privy vaults , tic. ,
VVclf ancd qnletly. qnlckly , cheaply and clean *
yall norkilonobyodorlois pump. Odorless
Sanitary Co , 1403 Farnam street. Tel. VS
QTRAYED-On Sunday , llth inst , from Cass
J and 41st st , onodnnpony-bnliernarenndonp
iay horse : when Inst Been were going thronull
) nnde < i Place via Dodge Mroot ; buth nad bal
ers on ; maro't , forelock is troppoctelosej horse
las wire fence Bcnra on feet , rmrlar will pleasof
notify James 8. France , M V , a.Mitlonaibank.
f.OST AnoteforJSOO. signed by Emllppp r
JUmnn. dated Aug. 9th or loth. Banks uOd
others are warned not to negotiate It. 'Ketirrn
note nndrecelvo liberal reward , BttUOpbor-
man , Plattsmouth. Neb. . . 80015
r .OST-Buuday , August 4th , in the 7th ward , n
JUrlch red brown Irish setter dog ; the end of
ils tall Is cut olT ; above average lw. Answorn
to.namo of "Dan. " .Hnturn to , 1318 Gear gin
avo. , or 213 N. 16th street , and rocelve'frfl
f OST Largo , youngcloso-halrad Bt. Bornaril
JLJ dog. yellow with whlto breast and feet , ite-
turn to 1130 Georgia ave. , or 901 Douglas and get
ewnrd. 63H
T OST English Mastiff. Heturn to 400 Paxton
JU block and jret reworrt. 241-
A NNA Ofm. Letter postofflco , Anna 1'ranke ,
letter postoulce , 8.VJ 17 ?
Mns. Eccles , the famous fortune cpltor and
clairvoyant , business , love , marriage nnd
chanires. 007 S. 13th st.nort door to Barker hotel \
742 18t
MADAME Wellington , world renowned av
trologtst , test medium and destiny reader ,
lust from Europe. Tells your Ilfo from the
cradle tn tha grave , reunites the separated ,
causes speedy marriage with the ono you love ,
locates diseases and treats with massage ana
electric baths. All In trouble "liould not fail to
consult this gifted socrosi. Panourd , upstairs ,
417 South llthv oOlce hours from 10 a. m. to 10
p.m. . 44T-10 *
TOOIIT0NE Teller Mrs. Lonorman can be
J consulted on all alTalra of life. Batlstao
tlon guaranteed. No. 310 N. 15th st < Sl-S.ff *
DR. NANNIE V. Warren , clairvoyant. m dl-
cat and business medium. Female diseases
a specialty. 110N16that.-roomaaand.X 005
STORAGE at low rates at 1121 Farnam St. ,
Omaha Auction and Storage Co. * > XTT
TKACKAGE storage at lowest r/ates.W. / M ,
Bushman 1311 Lenvenworth.33
s iTORAGE- : and forwarding. "Vfo fcdlloct nnd
deliver goods of all descriptions merchan
dise , furniture and batraago lit cheapest rates
for storage for any length of tlmo. Vans and
vrngoasto bo had at shortest notice , .witn cnre
ful men for moving. Packing nnd shlpcing
from our own warehouse done on moderate
charge. Merchandise loaded anil unloaded.
W arohouse on our own tracks. Ofllco 217 S 14th
st. ; telephone 114. Ilowell & Co. 240
W ANTED Furniture , carpets , stoves and
hoiiBohold goods of all Kinds. Omaha
Auction & Btorrgo Co. . 1121 Fnrnam , 237
IVfORRlSON & ELY Storage and forwarding ;
JUscecial arrangements for commission mer
chants , 1213 Leavenworth ; tol. 419 Omaha.
13Sa 27 $
STANDARD Shorthand school. Paxton blk ,
( auccesior to Valentino's ) the Inrea t exclu
sive shorthand school in the west. Teachers
ere verbatim reporters. Particular attention
Halt ! to typewriting. Mechanical construction
of machine taught by factory expert. Circulars.
TXrHlTTLESEY'S Shorthand School , BarKer
VV block. Send for circulars ; Lord's prayer
In shorthand free. 470-sJt
/"VMAHA Business College , cor 16th nnd Capl-
V/tolavo. Shortnand Tne largest and most
successful shortnand department in the state.
Standard methods taught. Munson's revised
of ' 80 a specialty. Call or write for terms.
FOR r ALK 750 tons of Crystal Lake ice o
the llneat quality. Inquire 1419 Farnam St. ,
Omaha , Neb. 853 21
F I OR SALE Cheap , steam peanut roaster.
: J. H. Read , 1020 Saunders st. 850 18t
ITIOn SALE Cheap , double express harness
JC good as new , or exchange for single. Car-
penter& 828 m
"DIOR BALK Furniture , of an 8-room house ,
partly paid for , terms reasonable , will take
part payment la room rent. Address II. M. ,
713 B. 10th st. 817 IS
"II1OR BALE A in-corso power Porter engine
JP in good condition , weight R.10Q pounds , cyl
inder llxltf. For particulars apply to Tne Bee
ofllce , 7tta
\TEWPOTJNDLAND puppy , 4 weeks old.
IN sale. tOJ 8.10th St. 809 20t
TJIINEST carriage team instate , dark browns ,
JD tull 10 hands , welghf l.UiO. Inquire W. 1J.
Mlllurd , S. E. cor 16th. and Douglas , Ouialia.
76D s 12
TCTOR SALE Cheap , one good square box top
JD buggy. Inquire at 2015 Hurt. 770 28t
FOR SALE Foot power Intho with chucks ,
toolB. etc. , peed as now ; coat $80 , for Sto. N.
JJ , Ruody. 2118. loth t t. 703 18J
d > 110 will buy ngood mare , harness and open
ipbuggy. Inquire 1B19 Sherman avo. after "
o'clock. 040-16
POR SA LE Cash or lime , 2 good teams"wn'g-
ons and harnesses , J. J. Wilkinson. 1417
Famnm st. tiso
T71OK SALE lurnlturo of large house , every
JL ! room rented. First-class location. Parties
leaving city. A bargain. Address ES , Bee office.
TJ IVE hundred shares of $10 per shnro North
JU Western Standard Oil stock. Tnls stock is
non-assessablen ad land is being developed
now nnd is sure to bring good returns In near
future. Will sell for cash very cheap. Address
B 03. Bco olllce. 800 .
KflOH SALE 1,000 tons of lii-lnch Ice. housed
JP on track. Council Bluffs , la. Gilbert Bros.
T710 SALE Law library. 1B10 Douglas.
JU Oi7 35 *
TIHE Canflold MTg Co. being about to move )
.1. will sell 1 first-class 4-horse-powor englno
and boiler at U actual value , 1a Douglas st.
WANTED To buy a good family cow , fresh.
Address by mail , A. II. fitch , city. 855
WANTED To buy ; for cash , a good buM.
Ing lot in Walnut Hill. Inquiie room 40J ,
New York Life Building. 8411BT -
MIDLAND Guarantee & Trust Co. , N. V. Lira
bldg. Complete abstracts furnished and title *
to rent estate examined , perfected & guaranteed.
mm : KLKHORN Loan Co.gtvo money in any
JL amount on good security , fumlture-ln use ,
horses , etc. Low interest. Over ommercltil Na-
tlonal Bank , lath and Douglas. C3U-a37
MONKY to loan ; cash on hand ; no delay J.
\V. Squire. 1219 Farnam Bt. , Wrst National
bank building. WO
MONEY to loan on any security
for sbort time , at low
rates. Lowest rates
on personal
Tlio Henderson Mortgage Investment Company ,
room 4W. 1'axtoa block. SbO
TITONKY to lend on real estate ; gat my tsrins
JKl.befora placing your loimx.
_ J. II. Evans , aua N. Y. Llto'llullillng. 60t 18
iVfONUY laaned on chattel securities andle
lUolry. Room 411 , Sheeiy block , Omaha Ne
braska. V. II. Jerome. 43T s 2
TTllllhT mortgage loans at low rates and lie
J ? delay. D , VT Sholes , 210 First National
bank. 2il
MONEY loaned for UO , 00 or U ) days on un ]
kind ot cuattul security ; reasonable inter.
est ; conddemlal. J.J , Wilkinson , 1417 Farnam.
BE8IDENOB loans 0J [ to 7 per cent no nd
dltlonal charges for commUslons or attor
neys' fees. W , B. ilotkle , First Nat bank bldg ,
OJKfl.OOO to loan at u per cent , Llnahan & Si a-
tphoney. room tea Paxton block. 2H7
TOUILDIKO loans. D , Y. Bholes , 210 First
-P National bank. 281
R Per Cent money B. 303 , N , IT. Lire Jns. bldu
QBE Bholes , room 210 , First Nat'l bank , before
Omaklng ) our loans. 281
TYfONKV to loan. U. F. Davis Co. , real estate
XU-and loan agents , lSU5Faruam at. 277
OANBiu&deon real osuta and mortgage !
T , OANS on Improvefl.and. . unimproved prop.
JLJerty at low rates Odell IMJj. & co.,012 B loth.
I. I b 2M
BTJILDlNQ and other rc estate loans > V.M.
Harris , roornso , Fren ry lock , opp. P. O.
ONF.rtoloan on Moj titnts security , at
lowest rates. Iletore ngotlatlng loans ieo
Wallace , R. 310. Brown bMg. jcth A Douglas. Z8J
WANTED-Flrat class lilSId * loons. Lowett
rates. Call anil see .AW. Mutual Invest-
nont Co. , R L Barker lHc.jV4i ) ( nna Farnnm. 278
ONKV loaned on fuWMure , horses and
wagons ; rates reasonably. City Loan Co. ,
118 s. mil u , oppoflit * AI ultra notot.
MONEY to loan on hdAffca. wagons , mules ,
household good * , plant 'nrgnna , diamonds ,
owest rates. The nrst oriftiilzed loan olllco In
tnecity. Make loans tor thirty to throe him *
nrod nnd sixty-five days , which can bo paid lu
pnrt or whole , nt any time , thus lowering the
principal and Interest. Call nnd see us u hen
rou want money. We cnn assist yon promptly
aud to your ndvnntage without removal of
property or publicity. Money always on hand.
No delay In mnslnp. loans. C. F. Reed A Co. ,
na 8. lath t. over Blnglmm & Sons. 2 > B
PHILADELPHIA Mortgage * Trust Co. fur-
nlsti cheap eastern money to borrowers ,
purchase securities , perfect tltlo9 , accept loans
nt their western nfllco. George \V , P. Coates ,
room7. Board ot Trade. . . . . M _ .
O YOU want money ft If so don't borrow
before getting my rates , which nro the lowest -
est on any sum from JI tip to 910,000.
1 make loam on household goods , pianos , or-
nmu. hnrsegmuleswagons.warehouse receipts ,
houses , lenses , etc. , in any amount at the lowest
possible rates , without publicity or removal of
Loans can be made for ono to six months nnd
ynurnnpaya part at anytime , reducing both
principal aud interest. If you owe n balance
on your furniture or horses , or nave a loon on
them. I will take it up and carry it for you as
long as you desire.
If you need money you will flnd U to your
advantage to ROD mo before borrowing ,
B. V. Masters , room 4 , Wlthnoll building. 15th
nndliarncy. * ' >
TVTONBVtoloan on tnrnlturo. horses , wagons
IWLor securities of any kind ; commorclrl and
mortgage notes bought nt fair rates ; nil busi
ness transacted conthlontlnl. Collateral Loan
Co. , room Sil , Ramgobuilding. . 713
MONEY to loan on furniture , horses , wagons ,
etc. , or ou uny approved security. J. W ,
llobbins , 1411M Farnam street , Paxton hotel.
KEYSTONE Mortgage Co. Loans of 10 to
11,030 ; got our rates before borrowing and
save money ; loan on horses , furniture or any
approved security , without publicity : uotei
bousht ; for new loan , renewal of old nnd low
est ratos.caU R20SSheeley blk.lith & Howard st.
" 270
MONEY Loans negotiated at low rates with
ou tdolay , and purchase goods , commercial
paper and mortgage notes. S. A. Sloman. cor.
13th and Farman. 272
"VTBIIUABKA Mort , Loon Co will maka you n
JLl loon on household goods ,
horses , wagons ,
land contracts.
fine Jewelry , or securities of auv kind
without publicity , nt reasonable rntos.
Room 7 , Rowlev block. South Omaha.
Rooms 518-519 , Paxton block , Omaha , Nob.
1OH SALE-3,000 stoctof gents' _ . . .
- goods , hats , caps , boots and shoes. Paying
business of 13.000 yearly. Oood building for
sale-or rent. Good reason for Belling1. lox&
Hughes. ConncllDlutrg. la. E63-18
'ClOlt SALE And trade Drug stock nearly
JO now ; one-halt cash , balance time or tr do *
A good chance for sorna ono to go Into the drug
business. Address O 27 , Bee. t-50 17t
TOU'SALE Choap" ; a mett markot"dolng a
good business. Address CJ21. Bee offlco.
84317 ?
TT10R SALE or Trade Acood 3-chalr barber
JP shop witn bath rooms , centrally located , at
South Omaha , Call or address A. L. Undeland
& Co . Omaha , Neb. 847 81
TjlOR SALE-Frult , confectionery and cigar
JO store in 1st class locatloi sell cheap.OW ) N 10th
" 815 17 *
TI/fEAT / market for nal .nln good location.
jLTjLgrood reasons for Belli : gV ) Address G 21 , Bee.
Ul 807 20-
ANTED To rent a fltst-'class hotel com-
. pietoly furnished in rt country town Ad
dress O. C. Thoyer , Plant * ra house , Omaha.
* I " 806 IK
/"I OOD paying restauran and chop nouse for
VJsnlo cheap for cosh. _ Establlshed trade
Close to Union depot. Adpress , G SO , Bee.
80B 20f
A CIGAR and fruit sta d doing good btisl-
k-uo33 f ot-aale gopd reasons selllng OO & 12th
/ r 760 lit
TIIOH RKNT A flrst class little hotel , partly
A taiTiished , possession September 2 , ' 81) , only
notel In the place , for particulars address J. F.
Folrman. Axtell. Neb. _ 764 151
Interest la an established real estate
. loan and renting ouslness ; small capital ;
wilt accept some trade. Address G 13 , Bee.
POR SALE or Rent The Malvern Steam
Flour and Feed mills , or will take an active
artner. Byron Sweazey , Malvern , Iowa.
TjlOH SALE Or exchang * , fine drug store In
J- country town ; also soma cheap binds. Ad
dress lock bpx28Stnart , Neb. " * CS ! 25t
groceries nnd fixtures for sale for
I&OO and store for rent , by John Strom. 1207
No. 17th st OHO Kit
"ijlOK. SAJjE A nice clean stock hardware in
JD best city in Iowa ; Invoice about $5,000 ; will
take M in clear real estate , balance cash. Ad-
dresa BoxaM.Cozard , Neb. 035
WANTED Banking in live town In Kanins
or Nebraska requiring capital of $13,000.
Address F. W. P. , box 5 , New Hartford , la.
FOR SALE or Exchange Fine drug stn re in
country town ; also soma cheap lands ; will
rent a roller mill to good not so much
of an object ns to have mill run. Address
Lock Box 26 , Stuart , Neb. 033 22t
"ITIOR BALE Cheap Barber shop and 4 en alra ;
JL ! good location ; payiug business. Jtl. H. Flem-
ing. Crete , Nob. E04 S7 *
"I7IOR SALE or Trade for Omaha property an
-L established business , lior 618 Omaha ,
A GREAT bargain In Gordon , Neb. , a new
roller mill for sale , US Barrel capacity and
rigged to mnko buckwheat and rye Hour , meal
and chop feed ; In a good wheat Lonntry and
good market for flour : S dwellings and barn
with it ; price JH.OOO. Parties having prop
erty to trade need not npply ; mill nas Unit-
class reputation. F , J. Andreas , 042 a16t
SADDLE horse for single driver ; must be
jouny. sound and reliable ; will pay cosh
( lllTercnce. Address T. C. Parkins , city.Ui .
BEAUTIFUL Denver property to exchange
for property further east. Dexter , fell
Wright lilt. Minneapolis. Minn. 84U Ibt
" 1710K EXCHANGE 2-story brlcK business
JL1 building in Colfax , Indiana , for stock mer
chandise , hardware or implements. J. A. Kherl-
flan. Superior. Neb. EJI IBt
PONTRACTOR3- equity in Walnut Hill
VJlot to exchange for a barn ; inquire room 40
Barker blk. 700 18J
W HAT ha vo you to offer In uxchnnga tor my
1,030 equity In my double bouse on
Latnrop st , near IQtn , or for my 55.030 equity in
my double bouso on Spencer st , near 22u , or for
my 4J.OOU equity in my double house on Wlrt st ,
east of 24th , nil with modern improvement ! ) , all
encumbrances 5 years at 7 per cent. ISO farms
will 1m considered. W. T. Seaman , east side
loth st , north ot Nlcliola .si , Omaha's largest
variety of wagons and carnages. 7Ut
AN elegant 912,000 stock off dry goods , etc. .
for trade for land and cash ; tals stock hrfu
not been ollered before. Stringer & Penny.
Douglas Block , sole agents. * , 6SO 16
WANTED To trade for a stock of groceries ,
cash and lots on O. faOi B , motor line.
Lots will ba nut In nt thelCcasli value. W. R.
E. & M. E , , Room It Chamber of Commerce ,
Tel. 1440. BUS
nmOlt EXCHANGE-An elegant tract of land
JU containing 120 acres , in Autelope county.
Neb. , with ordinary improvements.
A quarter-section in Hand county , Dakota ,
partly improved.
Klgbty acres near Council llluffa , la.
Housa and lot on HouthUth st.
Largo amount ot Oil MoDiuain and Petroleum
company oil stock. WHOXcbange for good
property or the erection oOipme houses. Ueo ,
.1. bternsdorll , 1st NatlonoMulilc building. : TO
rpo KXCHANGK-ThsuhflrVldad-one-lialr in-
XterestInJWJIU-100 acres a6 < a good farm , lo
cated In Pulaskl Co. . Molai > out oee-halt lu
cultivation , the oalance-good timber ; about
ten acres In orchard ; two other small orchards ;
four fair V > uses ; abumlnnco of good spring
water , and laying about one mlle from good
business town nn lallroad ; full and unlncum-
bored title. This farm is in a good settlement
and healthy locality. We will exchange for
general merchandise or hardware. Call on or
address W. B. Gordon 4 Co. , Bt elo City , Nab.
mo EXCHANG H-We hare a good farm of 123
JL acres laying cloin up to the town of Pteelo
City. JetfersonCo. . Neb. About 70 acres in high
tateot cultivation. This is river bottom land ;
aoll can't ba beat anywhere ; SI acres good tim
ber ; balance In good pasture ; all fenced ; never
falling water : this is a magnificent farm , with
bouso. gtabllog , and 8 nice lots in town go wlih
farm It desired ; titles all perfect ; we want In
exchange , nice , clean stock ot merchandise or
hardware. Call on or address W. U. Garden &
Co. , Steele City , N U BIT
WANTED For cash customer , nt once , a >
flrftt-cla.1 * residence property , alx > nt JO
rooms , O. B. Wayne , Ueo bnlining. suit ISt
3 71OH 8AI.K Kxtrn good value In the thriving
' town of I.lnwood , junction of the Korth-
western , doslrablo business property cheap tor
On * frumo store bulldlnff.JtitKl.brlnplnff good
lent , best location ; and. also , ona corner lot ,
SlxliO. A good Investment for small amount.
I'nr further particulars , inquire , A. Pellet &
Co North llend. Neb. 82318
Tiion 8ALR Lot * In Btewart Place , will fur-
jJnlsli money for building house , and pay-
moms monthly. ller < s it n chance ) to secure a
homo. Harris , Hoom 411,1st Nat. Dank.
KOXTNTZB PLACH-0-roora house , barn and
every convenience , for ? 7XX ( ) , easy terms.
Address for particulars , II ( II. Boo. SOS
TT10H SALE CW.W acre i. soo. 6 , t p. 11 , r. fiw
JO Hamilton ( iiiiiiy. Neb House nmuiw , 33C
acres fenttod. living water , Prlco , 8MXW. P. K
Atkins , oVnirrailroad bldg. , Denver , Col.
Foil SALR House and lot , east front on Kith
st.four or live lots south ot l > avenworthfnr
enough nwny to escape special city tnxrs on
I avenwortli St. ; grading , paving , gns and sewerage -
erago all complete on Lsavonwnrtti : house is
modern : Fpleudld grove of trees about the
promises ; price * T , Ooo. 0 , F. Harrison , Mer-
chants'Nat. Bank. 83T
SIIOLKS to tha front again. Last list all
sold out.
moooi (00.000. ( 110.000. tu.ow.
and from this down to n small house lor a
cent , buy * residences In tlio city for bankers
down to the man who cleans the sower.
8M.IBO or 7OOJ buvs either 13 or 0-rootn houte.
barn , low < H nnd COxl2J feet trround each , on
24th st. , ICountro place , with furnace , gas and
llxturci , hot nnd cold wnter , Imtli.three elegant
mantels each , nil papered , clogant lawns , oa
grade , street paved , motor by October I. If
not chenp , coma In and I'll give them botU to
you free , _
ll.OOibuys 8-ioom hoUse , furnacp , and every
thing own to electric wires for lighting gas ;
lot BozluO. across street west of Dr. Mercer's
and 1 block from motor. ITiOO cash. ba ) . 0 per
16,000 buys full lot In Hauncoin place , R2d and
Popploton avenue , with 8-room house , furnace
and everything else.
pr.lju bnys a Joe Dandy east front lot on 33d
and Pacllic street , Hiinscmn place.
W.OO and 7WX ) residences fu Kountze placn
to trade for smaller homes and lot near tnoro.
W.OOO , full lot and good house In IlllUHlo add.
opp , WobsterHtroni school to trade for vacant
lot ; JliMO buys either 4-room house , full lot , in
Central park Hitchcock's ndd. . and 1.000
B .melnCrelKhton heights , diL f..7&0 buys line
lot on Karnam and 42d st , ! 9,7JO buys 8xlS3
ft. on > Cass st. opp. Cass school. J2noo buys
either of two JVroom houses In Hoddlck pare.
(1,000 buys n Una 7-room cottage on ISth and
Paul sts. with .bath , hot and cold water , slag
walk , nnd a corker for the money.
* Trades. "
3 cholco lots ualno in cash & , ! > OQ , in Lincoln ,
Neb. , for good house and lot and pay balance
In cash. Submit oilers. Also JCO acres choice
land in Nuekolls co , N"ub , . and good hard cash
for cholco city lots. Submit
If you don't Want to buy send list of what
yon nave to sell.
We arc hero for that purpnso and there are
lots of them that will buy. There Is Just as
good bargains to-day as one wants. Drop your
"cranky" ideas and got to business.
.For pointers , see Snoles ; 210 First Nat'l bank.
17IOU BALK Hotiso ana lot. cast fruut on Vir-
JL Blnln nvo. , " 30 feet 8. ot Woolwortli ave. , lot
fiOzl.W ; house hna 5 good rooms besides largo
attic"Water and sewerage on the street ; price
for a Hhort time , $ . ' 1,500 ; when thu Motor Line
runs to.thbTinri : tho-lotr alone will bo worth the
money. C. F. Harrlaon. Merchants'Nat. lianc.
OTRINOEKit PENNY. Douglas blocjc. 8. Eo
Ocorncr 10th nnd Dodge streets , real eatato
and loan agents. Omaha property to exchnng.
for clear farms , and clear firms for encum
bered insldo Omaha unlmorovod property.
Call nnd sea us. We have a big list and some
of our bargains mny suit you.
Stringer & Penny , Douglas blost. S. K , cor-
ICthnml Dodga streets , nave the undermen
tioned clear farms for sale or exchange.
WO acres , Morrlck Co. . NOD.
1ys > acres , close to Saratoga , Carbon , Co. ,
178 acres , llarlan Co. , Neb.
4SO acresi Holt Co. . Neb.
750 acres. Nance. Co , , Neb.
100 acres , Knot Co. , Neb.
; K > acres. Stan ton Co. , Nab.
1,000 acres.-Washtncton Co. Neb.
lltj acres. 1'htlllPS Co. . Kas.
] M acres , Hamilton Co. , la.
483 acres in Lincoln Co. , Neb.
And an Immense list of farms with small In-
cumbrancf some ot thorn we con sell oa low as
$5 an acre.
Stringer & Penny , Douglas blocfc , 8. E. cor.
15th and Dodge streets , have a good list of lots
which they will sell to parties who will , build
and will take mortgage for whole of purchase
money. Some residence properties for sale
real cheap and on easy terms. > 63415 , ,
T710R SALE 8-room housa'ond 0 feet front-
-L ! age on 17thnear California st. ; ground abut
ting Icon luth worth S.XU per foot ; tor a little
home and as a speculation it is worth consider
ing ; price S3,000 , Kcash. C. F. Harrison , Mer
chants' Nat. Wank. 838
S tOMEand see us and investigate some of the
v bargalns wo have to offer. We nro contin
ually listing new properties , and "If you don't
see what you want aslc for It. "
We have several line hotel properties to trade
for land or other good values.
An elevator property with large dwelling
house , at a bargain. Klovator complete , with
horse power , scales. oOlce furnished , ec. A
fine opening for a practical grain dealer.
Houses and lots In all parts of Omaha for
sale and exchange.
1'or exchange , for Omahnproperty.1,000 acres
of school land lease , in one ot the best counties
in the state.
A line residence property In Omaha View for
sale at a bargain.
From J75.000 to $100,000worth ot first-class
with stock nnd machinery necessary to carry
on the place. Old age and falling health of the
owner is reason for selling.
A line Wheeler county farm , well developed ,
good soil , for exchange for Omaha property.
SSI acred of fine land in northwestern Iowa to
exchange for Omaha property.
For sale or exchanga for western lands , city
property , merchandise or live stock , n fine hotel
property in Iowa town of C.OUO inhabitants.
Leading hotel ot the place and doing a flue
business , rurnixbes meals for two passenger
trains dally. A snap for the rtahtman.
Wa have unsurpasso. facilities for disposing
of property , having some DM agents scattered
over four or live states. List your property
with us If you wish n quick turn. W. H.E. &
.M. E. , Hoom H , Chamber ot Coinmorc * . tele
phone 1440. 668
A LOT , sultnblo for double house , on Ca.nlto I
ave , four blocks from high school , will bo
sola at a sacrifice if taken at once. W , M ,
Harris , Hoom SO , Frenzer block , Opp. P. O.
634 1(1 ( $
T31OR SALE JJasy terms , Kountzo place.
J ? Two homes , each 8 rooms , each $1,000.
Two homes , each 0 rooms , each Jo.OOJ.
Tno homes , each 15 rooms , each JT.DW.
All with modern convenience.
All largo value , at the price.
All within amiuare of the. . motor line.
Don't lose these opportunities.
For sale by tha owner. W , T. Seaman ,
Uast Mile lath St. , north ot Nicholas st ,
Omaha's largest vnrleiy of wagons and car >
rlngcs. 2U3
BUVa home in the center of the city , on
monthly payments. I will sell you a lot in
Aldlnu square , oullua house of any kind , worth
from ll'Mi upwards , and you can pay for It
monthly , quarterly or yearly. Aldine square
is on Grace street , uetwoen ISA and -id streotg ;
itliaaall the advantages -such an paved streets ,
sewerage , water , gas , and is a ilrst-clais local
ity. Call at 1601 Farnain street nnd sea plans
of buildings and get figures , D. J. O'Donahoe.
f \ UEAT-llargaln : Two 2-story and basement
VXbrick residences on 2tith. aud Fainam. Hoom
for more on ittith t. Can make a way down
price on this to settle helrshlps. Call for prlco
soon. M. A , Upton Company , lOtli and 1'nrnam.
3 LOT8 in Orchard Hill for t-.OOO , or 1700 sep&r-
, > vill soon bo wortn double the
money ; they are close to motor and Beml4
park. Stringer le Penny , Douglas block.
Cfcfl 10
$4Sr)00 Actual value Insldo business and real-
dunce ; the seventeen lots ut half price to Drat
party comes. WhyKor ruason am in need ot
113,500 casn. Great chanVj , Address li 31 , Bee.
mOMANDFACTUHEnS : 1 will give ample
X ground , with splendid trackage facilities
on tlie Fremont , hlkhorn & Missouri Vulley
railroad or ou the Missouri Paclllo ( Belt Line )
railway ill Westlawn , just outside the city
limits In West Omaha , conveniently situated as
regards acci-aa to the business center ot Omaha
and South Omaha , to parties for tht > location of
any of the following Industries :
Furniture Factory , Button Factory ,
Hhoa. Factory. Lard Bollnory ,
Btorch Aidlucos'9 W'l s.Soap Works.
Paper Milt. PurlUer Manufactory ,
Plow Works , Broom Factory ,
Harvester Works. Wonlen Mill ,
Nail Works. Oatmeal Mill.
Knitting Mills , , Bor Manufactory ,
gash. Door and Blind Wire Works ,
Manufactory. Machine Btiopa ,
Flour and Feed Mill.
Or any good manufacturing plant , Westlawn
Is just ouUUie thu city limits and industries
planted thera will escape heavy city taxes.
If you "are thinking ot locating in Omaha it
will pay vou to invuatlgatn this.
Qeo , 7N , Hicks , Hew Yo Life buil'llng.
Omaha. W
TTIOU BALK On long time and easy payments.
JU handsome , new , well built houses of 8 , 'Jand
10 rooms. All conveniences , good neighborhood ;
payed streets , itreot cars and within walking
distance of P. O. Nathan Bhvlton. 1614 Far nam.
FOlt BALK 1I.50J to tlO.iJOU second mortgage
notea secured on Orchard Hill proper
Address box 17 . Auliland. Neb. 174-ie
rnoil Heal Uatata bargalD &eo M. A. Upton
JU' Cotujiany , lth and f aruaiu ,
. . . 8ALR Unit front on 81st , near Pacific ,
1-B cash , bal. flosy , SI , 100.
West front oa JKnd , near Pacific , 1-5 cash ; U
3,3 , iyra , & .GOJ.
East front on 82nd , near Pnclt- , same terms ,
ilea'utltnl lot on Hurt at. , near 31th K1,00X (
Many other cholco lots. Bee sterns.
J. U. Brans , It. WM. N. V. Life Illdff ,
PA VINO lltn treet from Nlonolns north.
Contrnct bus been let for Colorado sand *
Blono , wo hnvo IX ! feet on lith-fioo foot north
of Nicholas that we can salt for R.800. Must
bo rabbled quick at tnat price. M. A. Upton
company , inth and Fnrnain. 713-15
( \NB of tha two house and lot bargains I
V/hovebeeu ottering on Ooorgla avB.north of
[ . ( now void and < > ccupledbeeau9s
ot my very loiv price. The south houviot the
.wo otlll remains n bargain open to somebody.
j'lrst comes nrat served. To be appreciate i it
needs to bo examined Internally. 1 positively
Till not rent it , thongh several time * orrerod
0pcr month. Price , on viiry easytpr/fw , ) .OlX ) .
W. T , Seaman , east nido luth stfcortnnf Nich
olas nt.Omaha'8 largest Tnrloty of tyagons unil
carriages. _ sal
"fjlOll 8AIK TITO of tno BcstlocileU traoicngo
JL ; lots , on tlio corner ot 2l t nnd
.zard Hlrocts , size 13)Xlt : feet. For Price and
rms Inciulro of tha owner , Kdwqrd Speller-
jerg.JO(3 ( North Slat rtrees Aqlat
'PUB best monpy'a nrorin of house nnd lotnovr
JL'fnrHalotu Omotmia that which tarn now
'omplctlntr nenr-lth t. , ou paved Wlrt St. , in
{ ountzo place , xbodrooms , 2 parlors , dining
room , kitchen.3 bathrooms , ! ! ttatot clofutn ,
Argo laundry , stationery mtsh tuliH , Ttirnaco
and coal room nnd cellar , electric bulls and
speaking tube. 12 closets. I'rlco only 7.MO no
terms to suit. J.ikewlse n duplicate Adjoining
nt same price.V. . T. Seaman , east lid * I Cth flt.
north of Nicholas st. Omaha's largest variety
of wagons and cnrrlotieg. ' SJQ
IfOlt $ A lK-ai. 41 or M tout ot lot B , blocK 7
at ? 4 > 6G per foot. 'i'hl is n ithln Ji quarter of
n blooK ot the now P. O. site , and mil be worth Inside of a year.
Th9 o M lot t . block 101. cor. Douglas nnd 10th
Bts , 44 teal on Douglns and en on 10th , price
fi'i.OW , f IU.COU cash , balance in flvo equal annual
1 lie HO U nw y KOC 0 , t II. r 11 o , Uouglaa Co. ,
priceII2.W. 8I.OJO cash , balance easy.
Iot7. blkltto. South Omixha , price if 1,201. terms
easy.V. . It B. &M. 13 , io6m 14 , Chnmber of
Commerce telephone 1440. 727.
IHAVB Homo llrst-clasi rental property for
sale chenp within one mile ot on
mvcd streets and motor , line. Tioj. ; ' : , li' . Hall ,
111 Paxtou MocX / ' 683
HAfjEroom house ; birn and. lot ,
Haiificom I'lnco , at a bargiiln. HurrLt , Koom
111. l t Nat. Hank. i.73
TniHST National safety deposit vaults. Safes
J ? to rent K to a ft year. 3U7 8.13tn. , 12sl4
, . .HOTELS ;
LORE HOTEI/ Newly fnrnlsliod and < nttei
up throughout : centrally located : J- per
day. -1310-iai3 POUglas St. ' 181
UKUAY HOTErNewqst , latest and only
nrat-class hotel In Omaha ; $3 to S ) per day
B. SlUoway.proprIotqr 170 _
HOTBrj Corner of IQtli and
Jackson streets , 3. * blocks from Unlo
depot. ltegt$3aqa bpOT6fntnu city1. 180
nAlUtlJll-Tir rooms , islogantly fur-
HOTEIi . U and K.BO per-dny. iith ; and
Jouos st , , Omaha. F. A * llalan-proprietor.
Nouco of Htouk ; Subscriptions.
Notice is hereby given that the books of tlio
Omaha , Lincoln & unit Railway Company will
bo opened for tha purpose ot receiving sub
scriptions to the capital stock ot aald company
on and after the second day ot September. 183J ,
at No. 1305 Farnam street , in the city ot Omaha ,
Dated this 1st day ot August , LW9.
O. A.WtlMCAI ,
11. HtLLOWXV ,
M. P.O'UlllEN1 ,
Notice to
Sealed proposals will bo received at the of
fice of county clerk of Douglas county , Nebras
ka , until2 p , m. of Saturday , August 24th , IBti'J ' ,
to furnish drugs for Douglas county , for the
balance of the year 1889. List of drugs required ,
to be found on fllo in ofHce of countyclerK. Cer
tified checic for 3100 must accompany each bid.
The bosjrd reserves trip , right to reject any nnd
all bids. JL D. IIOCI1E , County Clerk.
Dissolution Notjcc. .
The partnership heretofore existing under
the llrm name of It , Newman & Co. , ban been
this day dissolved by mutual ponsent.
Non-man will continue tno business , to whom
all accounts duo the firm. mus.t bo paid , and
who will pay all accounts against the ifrm :
Omaha , August 13th,18SO. a3d3t J
To Contractors.
Proposals for furnishing materials and con
structing a brick business block , except foun
dations , uro Rolicted until August Zi , at 2 p. m , .
at olllce of American Mortgage Co. , Yuntiton.
Dak , Hie right Is reserved to reject any or nil
bids. Plans to bo on exhibition August 10 and
after. In Tankton , and also at onice ofJ. H.
Coxhead , Architect , Drake's JUocx , St. Paul.
Minn. Aug. 9d7t
notice to Contractors. *
SOUTH OMAHA. August 13.1889.
Sealed proposals will be rcrelvud at tha city
engineer's otllcA by thu committee on viaducts ,
streets nnd alleys , until noon , Suturdny , Aug.
24th , 188 ! . for grading north Imlf USJof M street ,
from 24th east to alley , and alley from L to M
street. Approximate estimate , il.OJO cubic
yards at l c * Wfl. Work to be completed with
in thonly davs attar a contract therefor binds
nnd takes effect. All blilrf must bo accompa
nied by a certified check for J-'iO ; said check to
bo relumed on all bids not accepted. The right
to reject any and all bids is reserved.
Chairman Cam. on Viaducts , Streets & Alleys ,
Notice to Contractors.
BIDS will be received tiy the Hoard of Public
Lands and Buildings at any tlmo before
Saturday ; August 17 , 1 * . at 2 p. m. , for nil .
work and muterial necessary to be done and
furnished In removing boilers and fixtures
from basement of Capitol building to new
boiler house , resetting wuue and making new
Bteam connections and for doing all thing * re
quired to be done as per plans and specifica
tions on fllo with the Commissioner or Public
Land * and Buildings.
Work to bo completed by October 1st. 1880.
Suitable bond will be required of successful
Right reserved to reject any or all.blds.
lly order of Board of Public Lunds and Build.
August 10,1SSS. G. L. LAWS , Secretary.
a2d4t !
Noticp to ( 'ontrnctors.j
Bids will bo received ui > to 2 o'clock p , m. on
Monday , tbo 2iith last. , for the erection of a
Brick Hotel llnlldlng mot including the founda
tion ) , according to plans and spoclitcntlons prepared -
pared by John II. 'Coxhftad ' , architect. Draku
block , 8t. Paul. Minn. The plan * will bo on
view after the IDth dayol August , at the olllco
of the undersigned. The right is reserved to
reject any or all bids.
By 3. P. Crennan , Secy ,
YANKTOM , Dakota , August 0,1WJ.
' the Liquor Habit , Ponlllvetr Cored
by AilmlnUtcrlna Dr. Ualiicn'
Uolileo WpcclOc.
It can ba glrcn In a cup of cnffeeor tcavltliouttlia
knowlo J jo ( ir the pursuit taklni ; It I In Absolutely liarm *
less , and will effect , n peutiy and pcriiiununc cure ,
wtiutlier tlio imllenlls a moiltirnto drlnkcror un ttl-
coliol wreck. Thousands of 'ilrunknrun hare boon
matlo tumpuratu men who luivo taken Uoldvn Hncclno
In tlielrooiroewllhoattliuLrkuowlolua nndtoilay tie-
HUTU tuny qultilrliiklni ! of their own Ircowlll. IT
Koier full" . The srntuui oncu Impregnated nltli tlia
B | > eclllclt beouuien an iittor liuuosilbllltjr for thu
IliiuornppolHu to eil U hur salu l > r Uuhn Co. ,
DruuKl l , 15th anil lou la t . , and IBtli nnj Oum-
I UK st . , Umulia. A. 1 > . rostcrA llro. . Council l.luifa.
For 60 daja ONLV we will tend for the
ebllltir , * o.
PP'li ! loullr aril nulckl nd surrjClroulir Tret.
M QSWT EUC1B10 CO. . 095 W.ja'i K. . Bjitta KM * .
H rUl llffC Owtttlaad MKEVOD8 DiBItlT'/ |
sT TTTP T1 Wukatu of Btdy a&ii Mindi Zlltili
* - U XX/JD oflrroricrltjeeiMilnOldorYounf.
Btliiil , Selil. BtSUnOII IMj U lor > 4. Hjn to i lin > "j
ikioiuuinui > HOH TuiitauT-iuiKiu u d > r.
M Uitlftrm 41 UUIw , Tfrrlloriu , u C 0 > UU > .
In * riu Ufa. k , Cull < > , ul | > ro.t. nUJ
lMtl.4) ) few. 1M M Ul { UltlUl CO. , ' .
Noo. 3O3-4O4-I7O- ,
ESTADIISHEB issi t i so so.
ohloaBO > ins , \ oiarksi
ti still Treating with tht Grottott
, vl ft f TT.I
C&ronic , Heryons anfl Priyalo Diseases.- '
7-NERVOUS DEBILITY , Lost M.Bhood , '
falling Memory , Knhsustlne Dralnl , Terrible
Prcama , Head and Hack Acne nnd all the effect *
leading to rly ducuy and | xthip Contfurnptian ot
Initclty. treated Klsntltnislly by bewntlhodi with
Cevtr-fatlina tuccrti. , .
Of SYPHILIS .ml fit bad Blood knd SklnXMf
3asesipsrminntly cured.
43-KIDNKYind URINARYrompl.lntj.OJeet ,
Oonorthoea , Strlctu re , Varlcocele nd 11 dUcaies
Df the Qenlto-Urlixry Organ * euttd promptly without
Injury to Stomsch , Kklncys or ohtr Orgins.
Jff-tfo experiment * . Age undeiptrUnctlnn
portant. Ceoiultatlon free ind acred ,
/O-Stttd4c nt Tjoii c for Celebrated Works oa
Chronic , Nervous : end Dtllcntt DUmtl.
49-Those contemplating MniHsre tend for Dr.
CUrke'i calibrated iuld Mala nd Ftm le , each
If cents , both tj ctnts ( IUTOM ) . Coniult the old
Doctor. A friendly Utter or call may sav * future luCTcr *
IDE and stita * . and add colden years to life. VBook
"Lilt's ( Secret ) Errors"jac nuiump ( ) . Mcdldm
nnd writiagm sent everywhere , secute from xpoiurtv
Hours , 8 to S. Sundays 9 to is. Addrtl *
P. D. CLARKE , M. D. ,
UUitLINUTON 110U7B.I L V8 Arrlvs
Depot 10th ft Muson sts. Omaha. Omaha
Banning between Council niuffs and AV
bright. la addition to the otitlons mentioned ,
trains atop at Twentieth and Twonty-fourtsi
streets , and at th * Hunimlt in Omaha. )
I ,
Steck Piano
Ueinurkubjo lor power/til ympathott < i
tor.o , jillnlile action and'tibsoluio/du'ra-
billty ; 80 years' record the best ti
too of the excellence of tlicso
- , - -
amsja -