Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 16, 1889, Page 6, Image 6

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    * -
r il\cr dlT carrier In Anr Tnrt of he City n
nL& ' *
11. W. ? ) y.
EOfl 0 men No. 13.
KtiiTon. Ko.-U
N. y. p. Co.
Glcason coal.
C. R Muslo Co. , 533 B'way.
D.V. . Otis , city ana farm loans.
Additional Bluffs news on Fifth page.
Boston store loading dry gooda houso.
The Congregational Sunday school
picnic to-day In Fair mount park.
J , P. Richard has commenced suit against
Charles M. Witt for (10,000 damages for
Fidelity council , Royal Arcanum , moots nt
their hall at 8 o'clock this evening. All mem
bers are requested to bo present.
Building permits have been Issued to M ,
A. Hoblnsnn for a $1,400 cottage , and J. A.
Koff for a 11,000 cottage m Price's addition.
Mnrrlngo licenses were Issued yesterday to
Ernest E. Cook and Julia C. Judson. botn of
this city , and John M. Gunnctto and Luclla
Sexton , both of Ncola.
A largo phi to glass window costing $120.
in H. D. Amy's hardware store , No. (120 (
South Mnln street , was broKen yesterday by
a boy with n "nigger shooter. "
The young ladles of Trinity Methodist
church will hold nn Ice cream festival nt
tholr hall on South Main street , ooposlto
Eighth avenue , to-night. Ho sure to go.
The police have started In to cultivate their
muscle , and will lit up n gymnasium on the
second floor of the police station , where they
can flourish dumbbells and punch the sand
bag to their hearts' content.
The Woman's ' Relief corps will give a
"pink social" in the Grand Army hall Satur
day. August 17 , for the benefit of the relief
fund of the corps. Refreshments will bo
served. A general invitation is extended.
, There will bd a Sunday school nnd temper
ance picnic and rally nt Ncola August 22.
Rev. S. Alexander , of Council Bluffs , will
bo present to address the pcoplo on the im
portance of the prompt enforcement of the
prohibition liquor law ,
The Sunday schools and temperance pco
plo of Mills county will unlto In a grand
rally and picnic at Glenwood August 23.
Rev. Mr. Thlckstun , of the Borean Baptist
church at Council Bluffs , will give an ad
dress In favor of prompt enforcement of the
prohibitory liquor law In this state.
The twentieth annual mooting of tbo Coun
cil Bluffs Medical society was held Wednes
day evening. The following officers were
elected : Dr. Dcetkln , president ; Dr. Clover ,
vice president ; Dr. White , secretary ; Dr.
Toatnos , treasurer , und Drs. Macrao and
Green board of censors.
Owing to a roDorter's blunder yesterday's
BKB Informed the public that the Pilgrim
Congregational Sunday school would meet
"every afternoon at 8 o'clock. " The officers
of the school have no Idea of performing
such extiaustlvo work nt this season of the
year , and will confine tholr meetings to
'every Sunday afternoon , " for a while nt
Rosle Bricc , a young girl living la tbo
northern part of the city , filed nn informa
tion in Justice Shurz' court yesterday mornIng -
Ing charging Mrs. Aldle Carbcc with assault
nnd battery. The defendant is the wife of
the notorious drum major , H. D. Carbeo.
who was sent up for two years for irrand
larceny. The woman was married to him
through the bars of the county jail a few
days preceding his departure for the peni
But for ttio ncaWenl to a couple of line
men yesterday afternoon , the electric motor
curs would have been running into Fair-
mount park next Sunday. Superintendent
Reynolds bed counted on such a thing , but
the accident will delnv It several days. The
track was cotnoleteu last night nnd all cav
ing will bo replaced to-day , and as soon as
the overhead wire is sheltered in position
I the current can bo turned on. anu tbo long
desired result will bo accomplished.
A bappy event WPS the wedding of Mr.
Ernest E. Cook and Miss Julia C. Juason ,
which toou place last evening at the resi
dence of the Wrldo's parents , Mr. and Mrs.
L. P. Judson , corner of Sixth avouuo nnd
Tenth street. The ceremony was performed
b Rev. Louis Zahner. pf All Saints' church ,
in tLe presence of about forty friends of the
contracting parties. The haupy couple leftover
over the North western for Chicago and other
eastern points , and will bo absent about two
The board of trndo committee has reported
in favor of adopting the now directory just
gotten out by the Frank Orff Publishing
company. The company will begin the wont
of delivering the boons to-day. Thcro arc
897 subscritlons In this city and SO In Omaha.
The total edition is 500 , and there is a cer
tainty that somebody will want a copy and
cannot get ono. The directory Is complete
In every respect , nnd shows 0,420 names ,
mqro than double that of any previous direc
tory. If there is such a thing ns filling n
long felt want , the now directory is entitled
to the prize bun. *
W. J. Davenport , division freight and pas-
scnger agent of the "Q. , " in a loiter to Sec
retory Zovely , of the board of trade , s.xj s
that Union county , and Crestou In particu
lar , nro calculating on n large attendance at
the blue grass palace from Council Bluffs ,
nnd nro making extensive preparations to re
ceive them. Mr. Davenport will arrive in
Council Bluffs on the evening or the 21st to
take charge of tbo speclul train for Creston
on tbo morning of the 22d. The fnro being
only $3.12 for tbo round trip a very largo
number will probably go from the Bluffs on
the opening day , which is Pottawattamlo
county day of tbo exhibition.
Dexter , employment.
S. B. Wndswortb & Co. loan money.
J , H. Smith , drugs , medicines , paints , oils ,
glass. GOO Main , near John Morgon's.
Kerr & Gray , real estate. 605 First avenue.
G , A. 11. Excursion Ono Faro For the
Round Trip. '
From August 21 to 23 , 18S9 , Inclusive , the
C. , B , & Q. K. K.will soil at half rates , or
ono faro for tbo round trip , tickets to Mil
waukee and return from all points on Its
lines , on account of the National G. A. R.
encampment at Milwaukee. These C. , B. &
Q. excursion tickets will bo good to return
August 27 to September 5 , inclusive : but by
pO'iul arrangement an extension to Septem
ber 80 may bo obtained by applying , prior to
September S , to tbo agent at Milwaukee hav
ing the mutter In charge. Between Chicago
and Milwaukee the tickets will bo good for
passage in cither direction via the Goodrich
line of steamers , the C. , M. & St. P. Ky. . or
the C. & N. W. Ky. Tickets and further information -
formation can bo obtained of C. . B. & Q.
ticket agents , or by addressing P. S. EustU ,
Bon'l Puss , und Ticket Agent , Chicago.
Notice to Pox Cluu.
Notice is hereby given to For club not to
tresspass on premises of I * P. Juduon. 1,300
acres of best upland pasture ; pure water
and salt ; no wolves running at largo ; loom
for 100 houti moro stock , but not fox hunters.
Money leaned tit L. B. Craft's fc Co.'s
loan oftlco on furniture , pianos , horses ,
wagons , personal property of all kinds ,
and all other articles of value , without
removal. All biiRtnass strictly confi
_ _
Desirable dwellings for rent at mouerato
prlcci. K. H. Sboafo & Co. , rental ugouts.
Broadway and Main streets , up stairs ,
For sale Qno Gar-Scott ton-horse portable
engine ; in good repair. Apuly to Weir-Shu-
gart Co.
8 > vnnion Muslq Co. , S55 Broadway ,
I eUcy & Younkorraan sell grocerle
Chaio and San born coffees a apeolaly.
If you want clean , fresh groceries and
fruits , call on Joluuon & Olson,713 Broad way.
Fine Jewelry , watches and diamonds ;
cleaning and repairing at K. Burhorti.
Baths at Manawa Beach , near hotel. 8cp-
arato bathlnc rooms for ladles and children.
Houiet to rent , A. A. Clark & Co.
Complaint About the Water Sup
ply of the Bluffa ,
A 1'lumbcr'fl Close Call Getting
Rcnilr 'or Court A Touch Qunr >
tctto Now i'olloo
Better Wntnr Wnntctt.
Thcro arc numerous complaints heard con-
cernlnff the quality of the water bolnp fur
nished Council Uluffs. This city has prided
Itself In the past on the purity and bountl-
fulness of tts water supply. Of late it has
appeared unusually cloudy , and it Is clnlmod
by some that it Is as Impure and unhealthy ns
it is cloudy. Why this changa for the
worse !
On the water slilo of the question it Is
claimed that tha river is unusually low , and
the demand unusually lively. The water
is not given time for settling. Engineer
Hnrry Hlrklnblno is uonllnod to his house by
sovcro illness , urn ! his views of the mutter
could not bo learned yesterday.
It Is a well known fuel that the water Is
not talcon directly from the river , but from a
pond , or as so mo describe it , n slough. It Is
clutmcd that surface water runs into this
slough , that cnttio browse about It , und that
it is befouled in many ways.
The Importance of puru water in such that
the ularm naturally spreads quickly. Some
radical change must bo made In the system ,
or sotno wonderful assurance Riven by the
company to quiet the panicky nnd nervous
public. At this season of the year there Is
especial danger from Impure water , and the
alarmists are many who predict epidemics
unless u water reform Is at once instituted.
For sale. ne\v seven-room house , on two
lots , located on Fifth avenue ; $2,200. A. A.
Clark & Co.
J. G. Tipton , real estate. 627 B'dway.
150,000 to loan on city property , at 0 per
cent. A. A. Clark & Co.
Uliautanqiia Lota.
The wise ones have oecn planning as to
how best to give the Chautauqua .enterprise
its needed financial help. The concentrated
wisdom has decided in favor of selling lots.
Mr. C. li. Allen has made a plat of the
grounds , and his plan has mot with commen
dation by all who have Inspected it. His
ideas are very practical ? concerning the con
struction of roads , drivovvavs and walks ,
combining the greatest convenience with the
smallest expense. In laying off the lots to
be sold ha has also shown much skill and
good sense. A largo number of desirable
lots can thus bo sold to those desiring a
Cbautauqua home of their own. In thus se
curing such a home the purchasers will also
have the satisfaction of helping place the en
terprise on such s financial foundation that
it will speedily crow to bo the great Cbau
tauqua of the west. A committee has been
appraising the lots , and at a meeting of the
stockholders next Monday evening a full re
port will bo presented and final action de
cided upon. It is probable that lots will bo
put on the market ranging in price from $75
to (350. There will bo only a sulllcient num
ber sold to secure the financial strength
needed to put the enterprise to the front , the
rest being reserved for the use of the asso
Seldenberg's 5c Figaro at the Four-lain.
E. H. Shcafe & Co. give special attention
to the collection of rents and care , of prop
erty in the city and vicinity. Charges mod
erate. Onico Broadway and Main streets ,
up stairs.
Go to M. Keating for druirs , COS Broadway.
Clone Call For n IMumlicr.
W. S. Swaason , a plumber in the employ
of John Gilbert , had a narrow escape from
death Wednesday afternoon. Ho was en
gaged In laying some p'lpcs into the now resi
dence of O. P. Wickham , on South Seventh
street , and was fitting a Joint at the the bottom
tom of a ditch about fifteen feet deep , when
suddenly the bank caved In. Fortunately he
received sufficient warning so that by the
use of great presence of mind he managed to
got out of tno way in time to avoid a fatal
crushing. He was consincrubly bruised but
iccelved no serious injuries.
About 200 woi th of tSrois were covered
under the land slide. The fall of dirt
amounted to several ton * , and requited the
work of a number of men for about two
hours to remove. More care is necessary in
making these excavations for sewer and gas
pipes , or they will soon develop into dnngpr-
oua rivals of the fatal dirt banks along the
edges of the bluffs.
Odell Bros. & Co. loan money. The most
liberal terms offered. 103 Pearl street.
Winter & Monroe , sign painters , 41013'way.
City stoara laundry , 34 Main , tol. 141
Preparing for the August Term.
To-day Is the last day of service of pacers
for cases to bo tried at the August term of
the district court , which convenes on the 27th
instant. The ten days before the opening of
court is up to-day , and the docket will now
go to the printers. It Is expected that there
will bo a largo numoor of cases filed to-day ,
as Is always the case on tbo last day of filing.
Several cases were filed yesterday , among
them being five in which the Lake Manawa
Railway company is plaintiff , and the de
fendants uro J. T. Klinball , William Wray ,
J. W. and E. ti. Squlro , George H. Cba-np
and C. J. Colby , They are sued for various
sums ranging from $50 to $500 , these amounts
representing their subscriptions toward the
building of the Manawa Motor railway. The
plaintiff alleges that the money was duo on
the completion of the line , and the putting
of the snrao in active operation. Ho alleges
that his part has been faithfully performed ,
and now seeks to recover the sums pledged
him two .years ago. He sues to recover the
amount pledged und interest to data.
A. Ovorton also filed a petition for a tem
porary injunction against Chris Hudlo , A. A.
Clark and Mrs. F. D. Webster alias Stella
Long , to prevent the sale of Intoxicating
liquors at the saloon" now run by Rudlo at
1KI West Broadway , An amended petition
states that M. I. Scars is the owner of the
property , Instead of Clark nnd the Long
woman , nnd prays for an injunction acrainst
him , the sumo as nganut tlio other defend
'If the party who took harness from J. Y ,
Fuller's barn will return the same and will
agree not to borrow it again , they can get & 5
at tha officc,39 Pearl street , and no questions
Dwelling for sale on easy payments. Also
building lots at lowest market prices. Call
and examine our list. E. H. Shcafo & Co.
Steam and hot water heating , first-class
plumbing. Work done ID both cities. John
Gilbert , 518 Pearl street , Council Bluffs.
A Tough Quartette.
Slnco tbo urrest of Bollu Banks , Sarah
North and their two male companions , which
was mode on Tuesday night at a late hour ,
it is found that they will have u moro serious
charge to answer than that ( or which they
were arrested. They were arraigned on a
charge of disturbing the peace , but In the
afternoon information was filed before
Justice Hondrloks charging them with as
sault with Intent to commit great bodily InJury -
Jury , and falling to give bonds for their ap
pearance on the 10th , they were lodged m
Jail. The Information was tiled by Joe Scott
and George Howard. They clalto they were
passing up Plorco street , whsn the two
women called them inside. When the door
was closed two men. Bert Craig and Charles
Hcnsloy , assaulted them and the women
Joined in the fracas , using knives , revolvers
and a billy. They endeavored to sccuro
what money the Informant ! had , but were
unsuccessful , as they managed to escape ,
Iho police learned during the evening
that the Banks woman is the
paity who recently assaulted Officer
Bloom , in Omaha , with n knife. When
placed "under arrest ho endeavored to
draw a revolver , but was frustrated In her
designs , She refused to dross for street np-
pcaranco , but when told she would DO taken
ns she was she concluded to comply with the
orders of the police. While taking n dress
from a trunk she picked up a revolver nnd
endeavored to snap It , but the weapon was
taken nwny from her.
Officer Cuslck had no Idea when ho arrested
the women the first tlmo that they would bo
wanted ngnln so soon. They belong in Omaha
and nro regarded by the police on the other
nida ns "dead tough. " Their prospects for
liberty are far from promising.
"filOK 8ALB-A good dairy. Poor Uealth com-
A-'pelsmntodlnposo of It. Apply to J. II.
Hardy , aal Avenue A.
"IjlOll 8AI.B or Trade A No. 1 Ice cream and
confectionery stand In city of 401030. Address
IB. Tanrl St. Council llluirs.
OUNCILHMJFFSlots to exchange forNe-
brasin land. Johnston & Von 1'Altcn , Uv-
erott block.
TpOU HUNT Nle 5-room cottage. No. 031
JHluffst ; city water , cistern and uond coal
house on premises , Inquire M. O.Fezlor , nt
Stewart llros.
jE boarders wonted at 1S2 Uonton street.
. Good board At reasonable rates. Sirs. I.V. .
HAL K8TATI2 Nought an4 sola and ox-
changed. Sped xl attention Riven to exam
ination o ( titles.V. . 0. James , No. 10 I'oarl at. ,
Council Ulutla.
Cooncil Bills Mm
Incorporated Nov. 1,1670.
Eoatnwojt Corner Jlronclwny and Main Street.
Does a Ilugular Hanking and Exchange Ilnstncss
Vice I'rcsL ; A. W. ItlKKMAN. Cashier.
Directors N. P. Doapp , J. Ucroshelm , Goo ,
Iveollne. J. L. Stewart , \V. W. Wallace , a. M.
Glasses Accurately Prescribed ,
Special attention given to chronic nouralplas ,
headaches , epilepsy and other uervous all DC-
tlons , a large majority of which are caused by
oculer defects , und are entirely curable by
prooer treatment of the eyes. Send stamp for
pamphlet. Uest of references given on appli
cation. Catarrh treated with success by mull
aftar llrst lonHultatlon. Olllco cor. Uroadway
and Main street , over Council Iluffs ) Savings
llanfc. Hours 0 to 18 and S to 6. Council
llluirs , Iowa.
CouncillBluSFs , la.
Conducted by ftSisters of Charity ,
An excelUnt cdWixtlonal Institution , fiir-
nlshod with nil JftoUern Improvemimts for
boarding nnd day Mhj > ol. The ncodomlo year
consists of two BosslMft. boglnnlng on tbo first
Monday in Septom f anil robruarjr , respect-
TEHMH Hoard niiiUiilUon , per session. I7B ,
For further pikrttcumrj address
Sister Bnporliir.ibt. FrAnuin Academy ,
Council Ulaffd , In.
418 miOADWAV ,
Money loaned on furniture , pinnos.
diamonds , horses , buggies or anything
of value at low raos of interest. No ,
publicity : fair and honorable dealing
A. A. Clark & Co. , ofllco cor. Broadway
nnd Main , over American express.
In the city. Gilt odgcd opportunities to 1mm
dUts lnvo3t3H auJ aiaiou oiors.
J. D. KDMUNDSON , E. U SiiunAitr
I'rcs. Vice I'ros.
CIIAS. U. HANNON , Cashier.
f > TTifipii > ) o'p'i > i n nir
or COUNCIL ni.urra.
Paid Up Capital Jir.0,000.00.
Surplus nvKW-OJ.
Liability to Depositors. . . 325,0.10.00. -
DiiiKcroiio I. A. Miller , F. O. Gleason , E. fj
Shugart , K. i : . Hart , J..D. Kdmundson. Uhas. It ,
Ilanuon. Transact general banking business.
Lot-Rent capital and surplus or any bank in
southwestern Iowa. Interest on tlmo deposits.
Centrally locctcd. First-class turnouts ,
fresh horses and new carriages. Not nu old
rig In the stable. Special attention given to
funerals , and reduced rates for carriages for
this purpose.
purpose.W. A. HAYES , Proprietor.
Tclephono 77. siw Ilroadway ,
Go to the Merrlara block , tate the elevator and st op at
room 10 and consult
Who Is a graduate and a practical and scientific optician. Do not
wear glasses Improperly fitted. Do not neglect your eyes when they
show symptoms of abnormal retraction. Do not buy Rl.isses Irom
peddlers. The flnest fjlasbfs to bo found In the world alw tvys In stock :
Glasses ground BO fit the eye In all Its rofractlve errors. Artificial
eyes supplied at prices to suit. Consultation free. Hours u to 13 , 2 tg
W. A. GIBBS , 615 Broadway. "
I W RPMQOM Successor to
J V , DtllNoUlN , j.cSEYMOUR. j ;
Tor Fountain Dishes of lea Cream that are 10 degrees nelowzercuAn ol'
egant fruit and confectionery parlor , wnere everything Is cool , clean
and nice. No. 82 Pearl otredU
Cook at the Immense stock of Summer nnd Fall goods kept by
JOHN PETER , Merchant Tailor
652 Uroadway. Opera House Block.
Itccolloct that In hot weather people should keep temperate
Don't get excited , although the awful slashing of prices In summer
footwear at tno
BANKRUPT Boot and Shoe Store - T
25 Main Street , la ocough to excite any body.
RIGHT IN THE MIDDDK of a red hot summer people should
buy their meats of a butcher who knows how and bus the means of
properly keeping them. The finest market In the west Is the new
3tubllihra nt of
J. M. SCANLON , Upper Broadway.
If you want oool , clmn , fresh errocorios , go to
N. A. TAYLOR , 10 Main St.
People never get ; hot when they buy of
They guarantee fair dealing always. COO and fill Main Street.
Even though the weather is hot
Has some red-hot bargains In real estate and several Rood houses to
rent , all titled upMtli modern Improvements. No. 2s Pearl St.
W. N. YOUNG 414
. . , Broadway ,
For all kinds of groceries and provisions.
Neliraeyor Hotel Building , Ilroadway.
1O Degrees Below Zero , and the Water
Still Running.
J. O. BIXBY , Sanitary Plumbing.
. Frecio out prices nt the "Famous , " 2M Broadway : Pin , IP. Tacks le , Mntohoi
Sc , Clottius Tins Ic , . ) IbrMti rcRClies Co , hnr.llnes fie , choice Illco 7o H ) , boit rolloil
Outs c It ) , " 177ii" lOo 1b. Kirk's WLlte Uus limaoaii H bir i'ie , Oliolco Jixpim To
12c Ib , Uoasted Illo ColToo lUc. licit Illo OolToo 2)c , Coal Oil JUc , Dried Apnlo * JJ Ib il
( Joint Hour tl.'JJmicK. miJ everything o' a In proportion. WoglToOniulm prlcoa.
HoUom prices I QKO. H. MESCHEND011F. 337 Hrondway. Look at
these prices : Ulb steak , Oo ; chuck stealc , 5c ; boll beef , < c ; corn beef ,
4c ; chuct roast , Ic : shoulder roast , tc to To ; prime rib btundanl roast ,
lOoj porterhouse rtaak. lOe : veal steak , To to lac ; mutton chops , Oc to
12c ; pork chops , ( c ; salt pork , Be ; hums , lo ; sbouldcr * , Oc ; bucon , H'c.
HORSE POWER and Elevators
Specifications and estimates furnished ( or completenteam plants. i'lUkulatlon. ' durability
guaranteed , Can show letters from users where furl ecpjrofiiylB equal
\UthCorlUwNou-Condon3lnK. Bend for catal IYnf"j *
E. C. HARRJB , Agent.
No. 81O Pearl Strpdt , < Council Bluffs.
H Hydraulic and Sanitary Engineer. Plan * , Estimates
, Specifications. Supervision of Public Work. Brown
Building , Council Bluffs , Iowa.
NOOUI I D"7 Justice of the Peace. Olllco ever American Express , No , 41
. OUnUIHL Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa.
&QIIWIQ Attorneys-at-Luvr , Practice in the State nnd Fed-
OIlYlO oral Courts. Rooms 7 and 8 I Shupart-Beno Block ,
Council Bluffs. Iowa.
M Tl I I M A M Attornoy-ut-Law , Room 4 , Second Floor , Brown
, Hi O I ILLlVlnll Block , 115 Pearl St. , Council Bluffs , la. Will
practice in State and Federal Courts.
LEONARD EVERETT-sAs ° yat-Lawt omco No-10 Pearl
The Great Removal Sale ! The Reliable Removal Sale !
The only genuine clearance sale is now going on in full force.
No abatement of interest , no lessening in the quality and
quantity of bargains offered. We have the goods and are
bound to sell them before we move into our new store.
On all purchases before we move. Come and do like everybo
else does , get your share of the bargains in every line , at the grate
removal sale of
Nos. 314 , 316 , 318 and 320 Broadway.
One can never judge of wine until it is tasted. Just so it is with a stock of goods. A
purchaser can never judge of its superior wearing qualities until a careful inspection has been
made. Merchants may boast of what they display , but cold facts are stubborn things , and to be
convinced one must inspect.
We do not claim to show better goods than any one else , but tor our stock of Boots and
Shoes we do claim that it is the largest in Pottawattamie county , the most complete in every
department , and of as high a grade as any in this vicinity. Our prices suit the people , as is
demonstrated daily by the immense business we do.
This Week We Offer for Sale :
205 pairs Ladies' Hand Turned French Turned Dongola 130 pairs Ladies' Hand Turned French Kid Buito Shooa
Button Shoo , 31.25 ; formerly $5. S3 ; formerly $ G.
200 pairs Ladies' Machine Sewed Curaco Button Shoo , 172 pairs Ladies' Fine Grain Button Shoes , worked holes ,
81.25 ; formerly $2.60. .
6OO pairs Ladies5 Kid and Goat Walking Shoes , 9Oo ; OOo ; formerly 52.
formerly $1.76. 3OO pairs Men's Calf Shoes , hutton , lace and congress , $2 ;
261 pairs Men's Calf Shoos , button , lace and congress , formerly $3,25.
81.26 ; formerly $2.6O. 38O pairs MUsus * School Shoos , 76o ; formerly $1.75.
' , button and lace , $1 formerly
2OO pairs Boys' Culf Shoes ;
$2.66. 1OOO pairs Ladies' House Slippers , 60 , formerly 35o.
This is the Chance of a Lifetime to get Boots and Shoes at.
They are for sale and will be sacrificed to pay creditors.
Corner of Broadway and Fourth Street , Council Bluffs ,
Electric Trusses , Belts , Chest Pro
tectors , Etc ,
Agents wanted.
C. B. JUDD ,
I have the largest and
finest stock of hair goods
west of Chlcaeo , and I
have determined to close It
all out with tha Intention
of going out of tbo busi
ness. Ladles who desire
anything In my line will be
given an opportunity to
buy It at less than half the
usual prices. The goods
are llrst class , and all orna
ments , etc. , made up In tbo
latest styles.
Orders by mail receive
prompt attention.
No. iiO Mai a St. , Council Bluff * .
No. 27 Main St. , Over Jacquemln's
Jewelry Store.
No. 1O Pearl St
Corner Main and nroadway ,
Dealers la foreign end domettlo ixchanaa.
Collections mad * and lat r it paid oa Urn * de
posit * .
AsttStcte ) Veterinarian
.J.CADY , D.V.S.
Hospital/or / Lome SicH
Wliat is to Hinder You Baying a Piano or
Ogan Now ?
We 1 kvo u very largo stock of the celebrated
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And to reduce It will make special discounts
fertile next 80 daB.
Wo have ! the agenry ( or the CEMJUHATE
MUSIC ANU MUB10 11OJKB. Bend for cat *
logue. Address
103 Main ( Street , - - Council Bluffs , la
IWinNTPHMITPV Surgeon and Homtepatli. Roeai 0 , Brown
PI , IVIUIN I UUIVIIiriT buUaingH5l > earlSt. Olllco hours , 0 to iaj
a. in , , a to 0 and 7 to 8 , p , m.
/ CTCWCMQ M HOIHco , No. 7-11 Broadway , JJours ; 8 to
HR/I . OIL.VILINO , IVI , U > 10 a. m. . and 2to4und7to8p. m. TOQ !
uhone. 2