THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : AUGUST 10 , 1889. COMLl IS ON HIS MUSCLE Ho Gnlla the Gna Company's Rop- rosontattvo a Coward. LIVELY TIME IN DISTRICT COURT. An Interesting Meeting or the Board of Education CIintiRlnt : thn Ilulcs A. Tnlk With ' Ah Sny. IIo In n Coward. JttilRO Wakelcy hold court at 10 o'clock ' yes terday morning , to hear Mr , Connell'ft ' applica tion for n writ of mandamus , compelling de fendants to turn the as on again in his house ; nlso , for n permanent Injunction restraining It from shutting it off ugnin. Mr. Hoywnrd , superintendent of the com- panyappoarod with his lawyer.Mr. Pritchott , and when the court convened , asked for tlmo to prepare nnd file nn answer. Ho also stated thnt the only reason for Mr , Council's being left In the dark was his bill had not bean paid before the 10th hist. A check , however , bud "boon received front him yesterday morning' , nnd Immediately an ngent had been sent to turn the gns on , This nctlon scorned to surprise Mr. Con- neil , and speaking rather angrily , ho said : "They may regard It ns a very smart thing to sneak up there nnd do Just thnt sort of thing , and it Is m keeping with nil their proceedings , which I charactori/o as cowardly. I want to show thnt It was out of pure mnlico nnd for the purpose of not only annoying mo and my family but to heap op pression upon us. It Is the intention of this company , und especially thnt man Iloyward , to annoy nnd oppress mo. " Mr. Connell manifested much bitterness towards Mr. HoywarA and repeatedly hurled cpilhnts nt him , The lattor'a only reply was smiles. Finally the plalntiil advanced towards him , and siud : "Yes , smile ; you're ' a smiling gentleman , and a fit man to represent this company. ' ' Turning to the court , ho continued : "I would not take tbo smiling sycophant's word for anything , nnd I characterize him , as acownrd. " Mr , Pritohott undertook to mnko reply to this sort of language , whereupon Council re torted ) "I am perfectly willing to back anything I may say hero or on the street , and include you in the same boat with him. " Mr. Connell then insisted on the court Issuing him an order restraining the gas company from again interfering with his premises until the case could be hoard : but on the representation made by Pritchott and bis offer to file an aflldavit that the gas would not bo again turned off , his honor thought it would not bo necessary to issue any kind of an order. "I would not talto their word before tele phoning to niy wife and finding itoutthrough her that the gas has been turned on , " replied Mr. Connoll. ' 'If they attempt to trlfio with the court , " said Judge \Vakeloy , "I will certainly find florae way of getting oven , and Saturday morning , Mr. Connell , I will hoar the case on your motion for both a writ of mandamus and a permanent Injunction. " Mr. Connull stated that ho had never refused - fused to pay his bills ; but , even if ho had , the reasons for doing so , ou the ground of extortionate rattts , would bo good and the company would have no right to deprive him of gas until the matter had been settled. At the conclusion of this lively little tilt , Mr. Connell wont directly to Justice Ander- son's court ; where ho commenced suit against the gas company for $200 damages. County Court. Peter S. Boron began a suit in the county court yesterday against Michael Donnelly to recover { 371.57 , amount alleged to bo due on a contract for building two dwelling houses. ' AMENDING THE RULES. Xinst Night's Special Session or the \ Bonrd ot Education. The board of education mot in special session last night , in accordance with a call issued by President Goodman , to consider the report of the committee' rules and the repairs to the various school buildings. The following members were present : President Goodman , Messrs. Kelley , Martin , Points. Poppleton , Rees , Savlllo , Spalding , Wehror. Mr. Poppleton moved that the board hear the report of the committee on rules and then go Into committee of the whole to con- aider the report. The motion was adopted , and Mr. Kolloy. chairman of the committee on rules , began the reading of a voluminous pile of manuscript. Tbo reading occupied ono hour and twenty minutes. Mr. Poppleton then moved that the boarc po Into committee of the whole to consider tbo report of the committee. Tbo motion was adopted and the board wont into cota- inlttce of the whole with Mr. Points m the choir. On motion of Mr. Popploton tbo roll wus called and each member , oa hls name was reached , presented any amendments to the rules which occurred to hirnr Mr. Kollov offered aa amendment to allow the superintendent of buildings to Issue orders for material which might bo required in the repair of buildings or in any work in hand , when it is not convenient to consult ' with the secretary and got an order from him. The amendment was adopted. Mr. Popploton moved that the schedule ol anlaricaof Janitors bo stricken from the report - port , and proposed that tbo old schedule bo adopted by resolution temporarily. The mo- tlon was lost. Mr. Popploton moved to amend tbo rule relating to teachers by inserting the followIng - Ing : "No person not now under contract to teach , shall be Uglblo to teach In any grade of any school In this district who has not completed the course at the high school or at Bomo institution of equally good standing , And In addition studied ono year at n normal school or had had ono year's practice in teaching. " Mr. Martin wished to bo put on record as opposing the motion , because there were -many graduates of the high school who were "us capabto of teaching the lower grades as one who had taught for ten years. Mr. Roes opposed the amendment , saying that it only admitted graduates ot the high ehooL Ho know of several pupils who bac not been able to complete too high schoo counu who- were perfectly capable of teaoh- lap anygrade. Mr , Poppleton supported his sldo of the casn with a few forcible remarks , to the effect that his purpose was to olorato the standard of the teachers above a certain level. Tbo amendment was put on its passage and wus lost. Mr , Poppleton then moved to amend the rules BO as to furnish the pupils In the high school with alatos , pencils , etc. , the name as the pupils in the other grades. Curried. Mr , Popploton next moved to amend by giving the com mil too on High school power V ) fix the salaries of tbo teachers of the High chool , subject to the approval of the board Mr , Popploton was not discouraged , but came up with another amendment provldlni that whenever tbo supplies or inatoria needed to do any certain work involves an expenditure of more than I10U , the committee having the matter in charge shall advertise for bids , which shall bu brought before the board. This motion was also lost. Mr , Rcca then moved to amend by empowering - powering the board of examiners to employ assistants when examining special teachers , Carried. Dr. Bavillo moved to strive out the tlmo of reooss lu the High school , leaving the tlmo for bavin ? recess net by the principal. The motion was carried. The committee then arose and the bean tvas called to order by President Goodmcn and the report of the committee presented to the board , Mr ; Poppleton moved that the report bo banded to the secretary and ho ba directed to hiivo it printed and distributed to tbo Biembern Saturday 4tttornoon. Adopted. On motion of Mr. Martin it wa decided to move the old buildings off the Paul streo Bchool site. Mr. Martin then road a report of the com Biltteo on buildings and property , rcoom Bending repair * to several ichool buildings When the matter wa considered it was da volopod that a contract had beou made in January lust , for one year , with one Charles O. Huut for all painting paper hanging , eta Mr. Mitrtiu objected to this contract , claim ng that It wa illegal , on the old bonrd could not bind the now bonrd by contracts. Mr. Martin tbon moved that the repairs bo ot to the lowest bidder by the committee oa julldlng and property. Lost. The committee were then Instructed to iavo this work done under the contract with lunt. It wns decided that the secretary receive mis , nnd the superintendent of buildings ireparo specifications lor moving ono of the ramo buildings now situated nt Lcnvon- worth school to the West Omaha school , nnd .ho other frame building at the same point bo moved to Hartman school , nnd the com- mlttco bo authorized to direct the work with power to act. * The bonrd then adjourned to meet next Monday night. Attend the Oranhti Fair , Soptcmbor 2 to 0. Railroad rates : Ono furo for round trip and GOo added from all Nebraska points. Ono anil ono-third fnto 2 0 miloa east of Omaha. AH SAX'S SAV. A Ocitlus From Among the Almond ISyos of Chin n. Ah Say , conornl superintendent of the Chinese laborers on the Union Pacific ays- ten ) , was In the city Wednesday { night. Ho wasjhoro on business with the general head quarters. Ah Say is a very qulot , unobtrusive llttlo man , of about fifty years. IIo received TIIR Bur. man pleasantly , nnd replied to the questions put In the best Eng lish. Thirty years ago ho came to America , from Canton , China , nnd began work at once for the Central Pacific road , laboring with shovel nnd pick on the section , For ton years ho continued in the service of the Central Pacific ; at the end of that tune ho liud been promoted from the position ot common laborer to the general management of the 3,000 Cblueso graders employed by that road. At that tlmo ho was offered moro remuner ative Borvlco with the Union Pacific. Ho accepted , and has for twenty years past held the highest position over given any man of Ills nationality by an American railroad , The men who are directly under his con trol number about five hundred , and nro chicflv employed In the coal mines at Evanston - ton , Wyo. There was a time , some years ago , when moro than twlco as many men were at work in these mines , and the daily output was not far short of eighty carloads all the year round ; now it Is leas than forty. Other mines have been opened , and parts of the working force transferred to them. Naturally , the conversation led from thin to that other country , the land of lethargy , his home. Two years ago he said bo last vis ited China , and then remained only two weeks at Canton , the homo of his parents , now dead. For years before be had not been there , nnd the changes ho saw changes in modes of travel and communication , In the very spirit of tbo people were such as greatly to amaze him. Very tersely he said : 'Yes , my country is slow. They have done little In much ttmo. Now they learn , have railroads , telegraph , telephone , all American devices ; now they will do much in little tlmo. " Ho had seen the American missionaries at work uud heartily denied that they wcra either Jeered at or imperiled in their work by the higher classes , as recent advices from the Orient state has long been the case. Their work is regarded as neb In any way harmful , because no ono who was willing to sacrifice so much as was necessary to Join the now faith over became a very bad citi zen thereafter. Of course there are treaties governing those matters , but then treaties oven are not hold sacred in America when made -with Chinamen , and It might Just as well bo ex pected that the Chinese would retaliate in kind. But they do"not. The Franco-Chinese war had ] Ust been brought to a bloody close when Ah Say last visited China. By mentioning this font ho drew upon himself a fire of questions relat ing to the lessons of that conflict. Ho could reply only in general terms. The array had not been found nearly so de fective as the navy. The arms earned by the Infantry were mostlyof American and English pattern , and as good or better than those of their opponents. But it wus like arming a lot of school boys with Malay spears. They didn't know how to handle their weapons with facility and accuracy. Nothing but drill , constant training , would civo that , nnd in that direction the work of the present is now directed. Perhaps the greatest improvement is being made where the Chinese were weakest , in building and armoring ships of war. The old Junk models have long been discarded nnd the lines suggested by an active , grace ful French man-of-war have been in largo measure substantiated. In a trice the blue Pacific was recrossed and an effort was marie to got Ah Say's opinion on tbo treatment accorded Ills coun trymen by the congress of the nation. "No , no , " he said. "Tho Chinamen must not discuss these matters. Ail will , I am sure , find proper place in the end , but it is for us only to wait to wait and hope. " There was no suggestion of bitterness In the concluding remark , naught but a calm stoicism in some part recalling the Indian nature , or so much of it as allows one to suf fer Indicnltles as a people that are thrust upon no other race , however vicious and ignorant , and bo strong , Attend the Omaha Fair , September 2 to 6. Railroad rates : One fare for round trip and SOo added from till Nebraska points. Ono and ono-third faro 250 miles cast of Omaha. Walters-Collins. > Ir. Ernest W. Walters and Miss Lydla A. Collins were married hist night at thb homo of the bride's parents , at 1824 Corby street , Rov. Charles W. Savage olUolating. A small company of the friends of the families only were present. After the ceremony a delight ful wedding supper was served , the repast being prepared by the bride herself. The brldo is the only alstor of Mr. Herbert Col lins , the artist. The presents were beauti ful and useful. The happy couple will make their homo in the city. ' Hnle and Hearty in Old Aije. What Is moro beautiful than an ancient tree clothed with an ample robe of verdure. Apt is the comparison between such a growth and an old man or woman Infused with health and vigor. The sine qua non , the Indispensable condition of vigorous youth , robust manhood and a virile old age , is sound digestion. Without this lifo is shorn of the hearty zest that should attend It. No moro beuoficlent and agreeable contributor to the attainment of a halo old ngo , and aatciont means of counteracting tbo infirmities that tooottou attend life's decline , can bo found than Hostottors Stomach Hitters. Dyspep sia symptoms , a tendency to kidney com plaint , nervous inquietude and rheumatic trouble are overcome by its USD. The effect of exposure and overwork are nullified by it , and it affords sufllclent protection to all sub jected to malarial influences , Give It a thorough trial. _ _ A Question Answered , Will you please answer through your pa cer whether this government had to pay any damages to Hritlsh subjects caused by the late war of tbo rebellion f if so , how much ! How much wore the Alabama claims against England ? A RBADKU. Ans. No ; except In payment for confis cated ( roods. $15,500,000. The Sacred Heart academy , for day pupils , situated on St. Mary's avenue und Twenty-seventh streets , ia nn insti tution devoted to the moral und intel lectual education of young girls. The course includes everything from u pre paratory department to a finished classical education , Besides the ordi nary academical course , inuaio , paint ing , drawing and the languages are taught. Fronoh is included in the or dinary courso. IMlfcrenco of religion is no obstacle to the receiving of pupils , provided they conform to the general regulation of the Bohool. The scholastic term begins - gins the first Tuesday of September. Classes commence at 0 a. m , , nnd nro dismissed at 3BO : p. m. , an hour for rocreiuion being allowed at noon , SIOUX KILL. Jlon. Sol Draper Takes Issne With the Interior Deportment. NionrunA , Nob. , August 14. [ Special to THE USE. ] "I ace that Tm : BED persists In claiming that the Sioux bill must bo ratified by congress before the president issues his proclamation declaring It ooon , " said Hon. Sol Draper to TUB BEG correspondent to day. day."You "You wore sent to Washington by Nio brara to look after the portion to bo annexed to Nebraska , Mr. Draper , and perhaps you can RVO ! Tun QBR some light upon the sub ject , " remarked the correspondent. "In the first place , THE BBS Is mistaken In regard to the manner of opening the reser vation. Section S3 of the Sioux bill roads : 'This act shall take effect only upon the ac ceptance thereof and consent thereto by the different bands of the Sioux nation of In dians , ia manner nnd form proscribe ! In the twelfth article of the treaty between the United States nnd the said Sioux Indians concluded April 39 , 1803 , ' This nrtlclo pro vides for three-fourths of the signatures , which tbo commission secured. Tlio section then goei on to say , 'Which said acceptance and consent shall bo made known by procla mation by tbo president of the United States upon satisfactory proof presented to him that the same had boon ootalnod in the man ner and form required by said twelfth article of said treaty ; which proof shall bo pre sented to him within ono year from the pas sage of this act ; and upon failure of such proof and proclamation this act becomes of no cfTect and null nnd void.1 Now this certainly does not look as If it hod to go before congress before it is necessary for the president to proclaim it open. " "Thoro in another matter that bns nlso been talked about that of surveys , " said THE 13 BE representative. "Why , section 'Jo piovidos for that. That section says : 'There is hereby appropriated $100,000 to bo applied and used toward sur veying the InntlR heroin described as being open to Battlement , to bo Immediately avail able , ' which goes to prove , nlso , that the ob ject of the bill was to settle the matter with out further troubling congress. Ttioro will doubtless be squatters , but of course poonlo should not bo too hasty. The portion that will bo a part of Knox county is already sur veyed , but west of of range eight it is yotua- BUrvoyod. " "Do you look for the president's proclama tion this falll" "I do. I've stuck to it that the commission was going to succeed , and I see no reason why tbo president will not issue his procla mation nt an early date. The sooner it is done the better. It settles a great question in which Nebraska is particularly interested , nnd I think if urged , upon by our representa tives ho would issue his proclamation for the opening of the Nebraska strip before that of Dakota , as It would scttln the jurisdiction of the territory without delay : because when South Dakota is transferred Into a state this portion south of the forty-third parallel will be outof the jurisdiction of either Nebraska or South Dakota. " "Whnc benefits do you think JNlobrara will derive from the opening of the reserva tion ! " asked TUB UBB representative. "It will get us 'out of the woods. ' We shall no longer bo on the frontier with a great barrier of vacant land lying idle. It will bring the Elkhorn Valley railroad to us nnd add greatly to our prosperity. The bill provides for a gift ot Niobrara island to the city for park purposes , which is a beautiful piece of land near the mouth of the Niobrara river , and only a quarter of a mlle away. The largo government bridge , built at an ex pense of $3,000 , crosses the Niobrara at this point , and it will be very convenient. You may say to TUB BEB that Niobrara is well satisfied with her interest in the Sioux reser vation , and is very grateful for what it has gained and what it hopes to gain in cense quence. Niobrara is the gateway between Omaha and South Dakota. " This land is to bo settled by actual settlers tlors only , at (1.25 per acre , and there will bo no opportunity for speculators. Homestead settlers only are permitted. Delegate Gilford' * Views. * PiEnnu , S. D. , August 15. [ Special Tele gram to Tan BEE.J Many conflicting re ports have started about the matter of the Sioux reservation treaty being returned to congress for ratification before the land can bo thrown open to settlement. Hon. O. S. Gifford , delegate in congress , who helped draft the bill , in a dispatch from Canton to tbo Pierre board of trade this afternoon , says : "It Is my opinion that no act of congress is necessary to ratify the action of the Sioux commission. They were appointed to secure the consent of the Indians to an agreement already ratltled , and consented to on the part of the government by act of congress approved March 23 last. The commission made no new agreement , nor did they depart from the provisions of the act of congress referred to. They wore instructed to obtain the consent of the Indians to this agreement already rat ified by congress , and now for congress to ratify this agreement would , simply be doing what has boon done , and the act under which they were appointed and worked re quired nothing of the sort but tbo contract. " IMPORTANT. Merchants arid Fair Weok. Grand trades display , traveling men , flro department , police and military parade. Wednesday morning , Sept. 4 , at 9 o'clock. Flambeau club , 100 men in uniform , Wednesday and Friday nights. Grand prize of 8100 for the best rep resentation of ward clues , mounted , in uniform and curryinc torches. General - oral appearance as well aa numbers will bo taken into consideration in award ing prize ; not less than 5 entries , Thursday night. Grand prize of $100 for the colored society , showing the best illuminated float ; all persons participating must bo in uniform or costume ; not less than 3 entries , Thursday night. Entries for ward clubs und colored so cieties must bo made in writing to Joseph Garnoau , jr. , on or before Aug ust 25th. Band contest open to all bands out side of Omaha and Council Bluffs Prlzoi : $300 to first. $200 to second. $100 to third. Contest to take place at the Omaha fair grounds , Friday Sept. 6th at 2 p. m. , a committee of three competent judges will award the prizos. Entries to bo ad dressed to Mr. Martin Calm , Musical Director , 14th nnd E'nrnnra , Omaha , Nob. , on or before Aug. 25 , 1880. No band to bo of loss than 12 pieces. All bands entering for prizes must take part in 3 night and 1 day parades rados as above noted ; otherwise ontties will bo void. For further particulars address Mr. Martin Cahn. Proposals will bo received by Jos. Garnoau , jr. . Omaha , Neb , , until Aug. 30th , for bands to tnlco curt in the trade parades , parade lasting about three hourd ; state best terms and number of pieces in each band. Tcrrv'H Kllllnc. The murder of Judge T.crry in California for assaulting Associate Justice Fields of the United Status nupieuio court , forms an animated topic among tbo members of the bar. bar.Judgo Judge Wnkeley said yesterday that ho thought Terry had received his Just dues , but was not well enough acquainted with the circumstances to give an opinion as to the legal right of the ofllcor to ahoot him , Hon. W , J , Connell said that the killing of Terry was doubtless a Just retribution , but from a legal stand point , ho had no reason to believe that the ofllccrwas Justified. Charles Odutt aald that from the situation ot altalrs , as reported , ho would Buy that Naglo was fully Justified In bhooting Terry. Striking Judge Fields in tbo face was an in dignity of the most outrageous character.nnd ho was satisfied that if Nnglo should bo tried in Terry's native state , Kentucky , ho would bo acquitted. _ F. M. Woods ia the auctioneer for the Hamblotonian blood that will bo sold at Lincoln September 5 , COUNCICTLUFFS. Kncolnl CoiiUcUl Mi'otlnir. A special mooting ot'tho council wa * hold Itistovonlng for thtftvpurposa of approving cortnln contracts whtetoworo let a woolt ajjo. All of the aldermen , ) WUi ( ilia oicceptton of Mr. Everett , were present. Atdorman Lacy presided , iijio Iho contract at the > iM(3sourl ( Vnlloy Bridge company for orcctlngEhroa bridges over In dian creek was approved. It was resolved to "txtond the tlmo of ad vertising for bids < J6H lighting tha city to September 10 , to allow ns many companies as possible to submit bids. A resolution was passed to Instruct tlio chief of the flro department to nllo'v each fireman n ton days' louvb of absence- each your , botwcon the 1st of May and the 1st of October , not moro tlmu ono man to bo absent at the same tlmo. The council then adjourned until next Thursday evening1 , and reconvened. ns n board of health. It was reported that a lot on the corner of Avcnuo D , near the Northwestern tracks , and another near the dummy depot had not been fll'cd ' to grade , and \voro dllod with water , which was covered with n preen scum , and were endangering tbo health of residents of that locality. The marshal was instructed to notify the owners to till the lots to grade within flvo days and nbato the nuisance. Lr. ) Stewart , assistant state veterinarian , appeared before the board with reference- the disease among dairy cattle in the city. Ho stated that no examined ono herd of twonty-Qvo cows and found ten affected with contagious ophthalmia , and the milk was being sold In Omaha. The milk wa < > unlit for use , and the Omaha authorities hail tukon steps to orovoHt Its bulnc sold on that side of the rivor. Drs. Uolllugcr and Waterman - man were instructed to look mto the matter and report at the next meeting. Ed Uurke nnd Mr. Rotkowitz presented applications for the appointment aa scaven ger. The mutter was referred to Drs. Ual- linger and Wutorman to report at the next meeting regarding some suitable place for a city dump , where nil rubbish and refuse matter might bo dlsuosod of by the city scavengers. 1 The board then adjourned subject to call. A Much Noiidcd 1'olloc Move. It was reported yesterday that the recent rows and disturbances on Pierce street had settled the destiny of the dives on that street , and that the pollco had determined to clean them out. Wednesday night Ofll- ccra Doyle , Kemp , Josolyn and Fowler paid 'The How" a visit and surprised the in mates by taking In the entire lot of visitors , most of whom are well known characters In police circles. The entire party were slated for vagrancy , the specific charge being that of frequenting houses of ill-fame. The names of the parties arrested wuro us fol lows : Lloyd Forogravos Thomas O'Urlon , It. Dysinger , Frank Carroll , F. Shoemaker , George Howard , C. J. State and Bon King. They were very indignant over their arrest , but had to go. Some offered watches , etc. , for security for their appearance , but tuov wore compelled to pas3tha , night behind the bars. , , Vfc There are different reports ns to the object of the raid. Squire Heodricks , who is qBl- elating in tbo cupacitylof police Judge during the absence of Judge aiAylesworth , states thut the intention is tq .close out all of the dives la the city , nnd that a close watch is to bo kept hereafter dn all these palaces of sin , gilded or otherwise' r The police report thatlho object is not so much to close up tbo dives as to shut down on the pimps , who have increased in numbers so rapidly of late as to * call for vigorous ac tion in squelching them. ' It is stated that hereafter their will 'promptly ' rnn in any parties found frequenting ) any of tbo houses of ill-fame. Those run in Wednoifday night were dis posed of .yesterday As" Hollows : O'Brien , King and Slatu were acquitted , none of the witnesses tostifymcr tUaK they were in the habit of frequenting.thgso houses. The cases of Howard , , ( who proved to bo Charles Nichols ) , Dvsmger and Shoemaker wore continued until next Tuesday ; and Carroll and Foregraves were each lined $10 and costs , amounting to $10 60. The court informed those whoso cases were continued and were released on nail that a forfeiture of bonds would not go down , and that tboy would be sent tor 1C they aid not appear. Flushing the Sowers. ' Yesterday the work of putting in flushing tanks for the sewers was commenced at the corner of First avenue and Pearl street. There has been a good deal of trouble with the First avenue sewer. There is but slight fall , and the sewer has lacked cleansing. The stench at times has been decidedly strong. Tbo original plans provided for tueso flushing tanks , but when the pipes were laid , for some reason they were not put in. The same state of facts exists in regard to other streets and avenues. Now the city has secured six of these tanks and will put them in. The expeiisa of putting them in now , as compared with what it would have boon originally , is great. The paving now has to be talton up and other work done , which could have been avoided in the first place. These tanks are patented. The hold from ton to fifteen barrels of water. They are so arranged that they fill themselves , and when full automatically empty themselves , thus flushing the sewera at regular periods , say two hours , without requiring any further at tention. The water for these tanks comes from tbo water mains. The city Is nt no extra ex pense for water , as the contract with the water company Includes what is needed for this purpose. It is expected that the others will bo put in at onco. The results of this experiment will bo watched with interest. Happy Picnickers. The picnic of the Congregational Sunday school in Fulrmoupt park yesterday was an Immensesuccess. . There wore fully three hundred happy picnickers in attendance , and the day was passed most pleasantly. Trans portation was furnished by William Lewis , who took the youngsters to tbo park in hia largest wagon , drawn by four horses. It was a pleasant Bight to witness the passage of the largest load of human freight , for there were 104 of the little ones stowed away in every place Imaginable. The wagon was long enough so that thirty- six children could sit along each side , a num ber stan ding In the vacant space in the mid dle , five on the footboard In front and an other five on the seat withltho driver. It was ono of tbo pleasantestit/tiiUures of the day for the children , ana there were several grown people aboard who" seemed to enjoy it hugely. On the grounds everything was provided , and there'.hlne to mar the pleasant features of thcjday. None who at tended could possibly rjgjrot it. I'inninnn TnlWri Tumble. James Johnson and Wftllam Cannon , two linemen In the employ of Jibe electric motor company , met with an Occident yesterday afternoon , but fortunately escaped without serious Injury. Thoy-Wdrb at % vork putting up the overhead wire on'tho Fall-mount park extension. The wlro had boon placed m po sition , and wu Doing soldered to the Insula tor * on the croiswlros nt the point where the line lonvoa Graham avenueto so through the cut Into the park. The wire wn stretched very tightly , nnd ns there Is a sharp curve nt that point , the strain on the crow wlro was too great for It to Stand. The wire snapped nnd the two men , who were standing on the Ina'aoof ' the curve , were brushed oft the top of the olova- toil staging on which they were nt work , and fell to the block paving below , a distance of eighteen foot. By rare good luck , neither wn Injured , with the exception of a few slight bruises and n severe shaking up. The shock used them up considerably , nnd they were taken to their homos nt Streets- villa. Another employe named Jones , who happened to pass underneath thorn Just at the tlmo of the accident , was struck on the shoulder by n falling charcoal furnnco which the others wore using , and was severely bruised. This is the third tlmo that Johnson has fallen from the top of this Rtnglng , nnd ho hns cscaood with but little injury each time. Tno charmed third ttmo failed to produce nny more serious results than either of the others , No Need of n llusl ) unt. 3. W. Payne , of Strootsvillo , filed Informa tion yesterday ncalnst Emma Carrnthors , charging her with the larceny of cattle. Payne is an old and respected resident of the western part of the city nnd has boon troubled with cattle owned by Miss Cnr- ruthcrs , which destroyed his garden. Yes terday ho took up several head of cattle nnU Miss Carruttiers saw him at it , She mounted n horse und , armed with a blncksnnko whip , rode up to Payne and assaulted him. Whllo ho wai absent for a policeman Miss Car- ruthen bioko down his fence a nd drove on * the cattle , for which she was arrested on two charges assault nnd larcony. Her at torney , George A. Holmes , appeared for her , nnd her trial will take place to-day. Miss Carruthcrs has demonstrated her ability to protect hor.solf nnd take care of her property , and shows no inclination to submit to any imposition. There seems to bo no demand there for a niulo guardian or protector. An Artistic Cell Inc. P. C. Miller , the well known paper nnd sccnlo artist , has again distinguished him self by doing another piece of artistic paste and paper work tnat is remarkable enough to attract general attention , The wont has been done on the ceiling of the First" Na tional bank building. It It certainly some thing to bo proud of , both by the possessors nnd the artist. The material is heavy em bossed gilts , with bronzed centers and fancy mouldings , with the colors so happily blended that the effect is superb. One of the strong points of Mr. Miller's "Work is the fact that whether the material used Is low or high priced the combinations will bo so perfect that a pleasing artistic of- feet Is assured. And thus , while there may bo many pieces of work in the city where the material cost moro than the entire Job nt the First National , there are. none where the nrttstio eye will be bolter satisfied. Mr. Miller is doing some fine work for Omaha people that is attracting a great deal of at tention. The Few of the physicians here express any confidence in the elixir of lifo. Most of them prononnio It a fad , or a craze , or a fiiltu cure. Some of them express their wil lingness to try the experiment on any of their patients who aesiro such treatment , al though having no special confidence in the result , The only ono who has begun any experimenting , so far as is known , is Dr. F. T. Soyberr. who has given ono treatment tea a lady aged seventy-two years. The treat ment was'givou day before yesterday , but no result Is noticeable yet. Other treat ments will bo given hero and a fair test made. Personal I'nraaraphs. . Mr. and Mrs.J3. W.Arthur have returned from Des Moinoa. J. K. Northrup departed Wednesday for Denver to visit friends. Miss Minnie Unthank is visiting friends nnd relatives in Avoca. t W. B. Oaks , cashier of the Silver City bank , was in the city yesterday. Mrs. M. M. Bradley and daughters , Misses Maggie and Nora , are spending a week among relatives at Magnolia. Dr. M. II. Chamberlain left yesterday on a professional visit to the not thorn part of the stato. He will bo absent a weok. L. Bicderman , of the ( Jnited'Stntes cloth ing house , has re turned , from an eastern trip , having purchased his stock of fall goods. E. A. Wlckham loft last evening for Chicago cage to attend to business in connection with the establishment of an immense hard brick plant in this city. Mrs. Williams , daughter of Mrs. Marshall Key , returned last evening with her child ren from New York , where they have boon visiting for some time. Dr. Bars to m is attending some of tbo mem bers of the Dodge JLignt guard , who wern taken 111 at the camp at Red Oak. The boys will return this afternoon. Miss Helen Mathis , daughter of E. R. Mathls , foreman at the Union Pacific round house , returned homo Mondav from a two- weeks' visit with friends in Nebraska. Major M. M. Marshall , wife and daughter , Miss Eva- visited Rpd Oak friends yester day and viewed the encampment. Major and Mrs Marshall arrived homo last evening - ing , and Miss Eva returns to-day. Attend the Omaha Fair , September 2 to 0. Railroad rates : One faro for round trip ana 50n added from-all Nebraska points. Ono and ono-third faro 250 milea east of Omaha. THE O AVAL HIT MAKItSMCN. Winners of the Medals Names of the Department Team , The following named competitors , having made the highest aggregate scores in the carbine competition for the cavalry of the departments of Columbia , Dakota and tbo Platte , ara announced as the winners of the medals authorized by provision GOO , small arm firing regulations , and constitute the team for these departments : Tlio modnls wore distributed as follows : First gold medal , Corporal O'Connor ; second end gold modal. Sergeant Hughes ; third gold modal , G. W" Dau herty ; fourth gold medal , Johann Kramer ; tint silver modal , Kmll H. Steiner ; second sllvor medal , Ser geant J. F. .lackaon ; third silver modal , \V. H. Baldwin ; fourth silver modal , Lieutenant Wllght ; fifth Bllvor modal. Lieutenant Hoi- broolc ; sixth silver modal , Lieutenant Ladd. motmma Have you c- OFFICIAL States Government National Board of Health , Washington , D. C. Bulletin Supplement No. C , page 33 : "I have tested several kinds of baking powders which I have bought in the open , market The following table gives the commercial name of the baking powder and the number of cubic centimeters of gas given off : " "Or. Price's Cream Baking Powder ( doea not contain Alain , AromonU or lJmt > ) 380" "Royal ( contains Ammonia ) 348" "R. C. KKDZIE , " ( Public Analyst. ) This investigation was not made for a money consideration , but in the interest of the Government of the United States. We know that it will delight the millions of housekeepers who use DR. PRICE'S CREAM BAKING PONVDER to see it endorsed as the strongest , purest and most healthful , by this highest of authorities. DR. PRICE'S ' CREAM BAKING POWDER is the only baking pow der upon which the UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT ever made a favorable report. For sale by M. II. Bliss , Omaha , JNebraskn. "YOST" WRITING MACHINE. A Typowrltor miulo to meet the modern want for n uiaclilno which prints directly from type , uses no ribbon , aligns permanently at polut of printing. Is Light , Compact , Durable , nnd In n word , ia built on nclontlllo principles , , the Invention of ( i. W. N. Yost , the builder ot Doth the Uomliicton and Callgraph. Machliins with Uomlngtou or Callgraph key board us desired. Alarao stock of'sopondhnnd Typewriters , ot nil malcoi , for sale , rent or oxclianae.Ve are also sales nuenta for the "MKIUUTT" Type writer , tue iWst low priced machine ontba market. PriceIV. Wo would bo pleased to receive a call from you. whether you want to purchase ormot. and wo will Rladly show yon the " YOST" and Uio finest and largest stoct of Typewriter Furni ture. Supplies , etc , over uroufjlit to this city. GEO.H.SMITH & CO. , 1605 Farnam St. , Omaha STRANG & CLARK STEAH HEATING GO , Steam and Hot Water Heating'and Ventilating Apparatus and Supplies. Engines , Boilers , Steam Pumps , Etc. ETCHINGS , ISTEMERSON , ENGRAVINGS , OH ALLET & DAVIS ARTIST SUPPLIES. MOULDINGS , i RSTFRAMES. PIANOS & ORGANS. tJSTSHEET MUSIC. 1813 Douglas Street , Omaha , Nebraska. m&SWm JOAPHADE IN AMERlOt -AIL dAS-S-KlRK r to ATI m. . SOAP. WRAPPERS and. receive a * ' g HAHD50HE3 Containing " * i ' m PHOTOtnAPMS ; < 12.C l br,4t J. AcTORS-and-AcreBSB' SEHAEEABLS CASH. For two years I hail rheumatism BO bad thai It disabled mo for worlc and confined mo to my bed for 8 whole year , during which time I could not cen raise my hands to my bead , and for 3 months coalcl not inovomyrclflnbed.was reduced In flcfli from 1103to80 IDS. Wostreat- 'cdby best pliyilclang , only to grow worst. Finally I took Snlft'a Specific , and coon began to improve. After a wbllo was at my vi ork , and for tha put fle months liavo been ns v ell as I ever was all from the effects of BwIH'fl Specific. Jan. 8.1889. 1 H' ' Ft. Wayne , Ind. lioolu on Blood and Skin DItcucs mailed free. Swirr Brcciria Co. . DRINKAwUhCE | WATER LEMONADES. SHERBETS , AND ALL COLD DRINKS. Ittvltl correct thixlamauiny in- ' fltuinceof let ontlie Stomach , For M n Btalth FriiirviDi , ( or Cblldrin Invleoritloj , and \lrciblnfforAll. TbtCliVBttm. 'ot rBiT r > > In Ezlitinct. War. r utid Btrlctlr rnrt naunfir. laentcd. An ECclcnt Bm d7 ( or ] } Urrba ) , Cliolcn Morbui. DrienUrr , aDl all Dtiordiri o ( tli MESSRS. LovENTItALlluos. Dear Sir * ! I linve tried th Hungarian DUckbrrry Juice you BO kindly sent me. It la the no plus ultra ol Hummer drinks Itli free from alco. tiol , allays thirst , tones tbe < lllte > tlva orgnns , has o flne urumAtlc flavor , and li Just tliKtlilntrlordlarrliwal troub les In tun Iientot term , A TAJlI.Kal'OONFUI. IN A CII.AH4 Ol * ICi : WATEU UUlMKUTAIUi NEOTAK. T > A. ATfohlbU , K. D. For dalnby DruKglits , I.lqttOt ] > tal t r nil d U ri cer . Omaha Steam Dye Works O. T. PAULSON , Prop , First Class Cleaning and Dye * ing of All Descriptions. IKil Howard Bt. Omaha. IVlophonu BIT. AClilcago Prugght Rt tailed 2.000,000 o in \ Jjm tl O iTEBT fl * * 1 mtt * > v - - - - - rtBNT.a guaranteed apeclQo for Hysteria. Dlzzl- jess. Convulsions. Flu , Nervou * Neuralgia. Ueadaohe , Nervous Prostration caused by the ase of alcohol or tobacco , W usefulness , Mental Depression , Softening of the Drain , resulting In Insanltr and leading to misery , decay and death. Ptemature Old Age , Barrenness. Loss of Power In either sex. Involuntary Losses and Spermat- orhoaa caused by ovor-exortlonot thebraln.self- jbuse or overindulgence. Kach box contains cne month's treatment. II00 a box , or alx boxel for JS.OU.sent by mall prepaid on receipt ot price. WE GUARANTEE SIX BOXEB To cure any case. With each order received b > M for six boxes , accompanied with 13.W , we vrll ! Si send the purchaser our written guarantee to re fund the money 1C tuo treatment doei not effect a cure. Quaraitaes luued only by Qoodinut i Drag Co. , Drugarlita , Boli Aseaw , UlO Karnam ttert. Oonoha Neb. CHJCHESTER'S ENGLISH PENNYROYAL PILLS. lied Cross Diamond llrund. Tin onlj rtlliklt Pill for ulf. 8 f 4 lire , l.ndlci , aik DruccUt for Ibo IMo. moniUtrnnd.ln roll Inrtilll9lx > ieimlo4 a. Tftkeuoollmr. H d4e. ( tamp * ) tar parllouUri a4 J.udlf. , " In ItHir. bj mall. tillthMtcr Ohcralul < ' , UuJUua Ma , 4 NEWYOUK MIUTAUY AOAEMY , COUN wull-on-lludnon. Col. 0. J. Wright , U. S , , A. M. . . Bupt-s I ) , V. Hyatt , Comd.tof CadeU. * CON8ERVATORV . .o ILLINOIS " OF MUSIO - "All deiMrtmmti of Monlnil Instruction , Modern Ljn. . Vln ArU eto. K Y. HIILHUD , Jacluoutllle. Ill Urooko ITall , for Qlrls and Young ljullos Shortllduo Modlu Academy , for Jloje und Younif Men Swithin C , SUorHfe , A , M , Media , Pennsylvania , near Philadelphia. - ' . I Morg-nnl'crUlne&rrhlcaeo ) Boarding School for QlrUnml Young Lmdldi. For ! lulilreu G , Til A VKH , 1,1 , . I ) , . Uonun 1'urk , 111. , or 77 Madliou tttrect , CblcaKO , 111. Conservatory of Music Minneapolis , Minn. FIANO licit twichers only la every depart muut. Unequalled opportunity for study. OHOAN-i ) lessons for IIO. i'rea advantages worth price of tuition. All Instruments. Lan guages , History. Literature. VOIUH Band for talondar , CllA bB3 II. MOUBE. Director. ST. FRANCIS ACADEMY COI.VUHUB , I'LATTC , COUNTf , NEUIUBKA. Conducted oythoSlstersofBt , Frauclu. Open * its eighth scholastic year Bent 1. 1SSV , Tiiw In- stltutlon oirors every advantage for acquiring a thorough , C'hrlstUn education , ifor terms and particulars add re us , Blt r M Josepha , Buyer- vlaornaa.