THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : FllIDAY AUGUST 16 , 1SS9 , THE DAILY BEE. C. nOHKWATBU. Krtltor. I'OllLISHICD KVKUY MOKNING. TKRM8 OF SUBSCRIPTION , D Mir ( Morning IMItlon ) Including fiundny lice , Ono Year . (10 CO Forfllx Month * . . i . n 00 J'orThr co Month . . . , . S ! M The Omahfk Similar Dee , mailed to unr _ . . address. Ona Year . . . - . 2M Weekly lice. Ons Ycur . SM Onmnn Offle . ties Jmliainir. N. W. Cornet E rentc nth nd I'urnum Struots. Cnlcngo omce. MI7 HooKerr DulldlnB. KfwYork omc , llooms li and V , Trllruna Uullrtinff Waimngton * Placa. No. M3 Fourteenth Btrtct. OOIUIGAFONDBNCU. All communications rotating to nowj and edl- torlixl mutter should b addressed to the KJltor All business letters Ami remUtrtncos ehould be nfldreoocd to Tlio Jlw Publishing Compnny. Omnlm Urnftn. checks ana postolllce order * to Ionuul6p jr blo to tha order ot the torapuir. Tlic Bee PDlsWDgSiSiany , Proprietors , BKB Building Farnam and Seventeenth Sis. THE BEE. Sworn Statement of Circulation. Etnte of Kolinvskn , 1 County of DoiiRlai. } " George II. Tzachuclc , secretary ot The flee Publishing Company , does solemnly swcnr Uwt tlio aituM clrculntlon of Tin : DAILY HER fnr the w < > ck ending August JO. 1MM\ ! as follows : flundnr. August t . lsW Monday , Angus' 6 . IP.HH Tne dnr , August 0. , . . . . 1C.BTH Wednesday , August ? . I'J.OTO Thursday , AURIMC a . JHA'O AiKtnitn . 1V-5O r , August 10 . 18,69.1 Average . 18,003 OKOItOR II. T/.30HUOK. Bworn to before int ) ami auDBcrlucd to In my presence this luth ilny of AuciiM , A. I ) . Ib39. IKcnl. ] N. P. K131 U Notary rubllo. Btato of Nobnwkn , I County of Dousing f - Ueorge II. TzBchuck. helnR duly nworn , ilc- tlitit ho m xecrctary of The lieu company , that the actual average dally circulation of THE DAII.T Br.r. for tha month of August , lea1 , 1M8J toples : for Sep tember. IR1 1M61 coplos ; for October ISSH. J8OS4 copies : lor Noember. . IbSS , 18.66(1 ( copies : rfftr December. 1CSH , 18,231 copies : foi Jnnunry. J88J , wri , copies ; for IVbninry. 18St. ( 18,0 l .copies ; for Mnrcu , IWn , l , bol coiilea ; for April , ] ! , 18.W.9 copies : for } Iny , Itwi , ldiMl coplos ; for Juno. l&D , J8V > s. coploi ; for .Inly. ItSJ , 18.738 coplei. ( iio. II. T7SCIIUCK. fiworn to before me and subscribed In my < presence this ltd day of Autntst , 18M > . LSEAI , . ] N. P. Kiiir , Notary Tuhllc. Coitl'OiiAL TANNEti Bays ho can stund till the Investigating necessary if the country can. THE merchants' carnival committee mny depend on U , the drummer "boys" will bo on hand nt the trades' display. PjJUHArs the United States Gas and Improvement company will learn that jt made n mistake when it tackled Con gressman Connoll'a gas motor. Tim chairman of the Intor-Stato Commerce Railway association has fined offenders. It is another thing , however , to collect the penalties. CoarpLAiNT is made that the number of paving inspectors employed by the city to watch cedar block contractors is insufficient in order to ensure good work. . There ia considerable ) truth in this. COLONEL FLKTCIIKU , the commander of Fort Omaha , has boon tried , and from current expressions of opinion , the verdict will bo ono of acquittal. In this case the sister-in-law did not got there as the mother-in-law is supposed to. Tms Chorokcos claim that their con stitution forbids the stile of any lands belonging to the nation , and as no amendment can bo raado to that docu ment until 1891 , the success of the gov- drnment's commission appears dubious. BUILTHNQ permits for the erection of dwellings and cottagns to the value of ono hundred and thirty-four thousand dollars wore issued 'Wednesday. This looks as if preparations woroboingmado , to keep pace with Omaha's growing population. merchants display at the Coli- eoum during Merchants' week promises "well. There is room however for a still larger exhibit and the business men of the city who have not already applied Ift ( for space are losing a great opportunity to make their names household words in 'this vicinity. WHY has that first-class organization , .tho Omaha Guards , been loft out of the fair attractions ? The bravo young men would add considerably to the general interest , and certainly none of the , ladies will bo pleased unless this model company is placed in a prominent posi tion dui-lnff tbo week. CniLl nnd bar people , by aiding Bush- neil , the American forger , in escaping extradition , bavo shown an uncommon fondness for this class of Americans with plenty ot money. Bnnic cashiers will make a note of tbis and give Can ada the go-by when planning excur sions for the futuro. BOSTON just now is going through a period of sensitiveness and distrust in local financial circles which is causing considerable alarm in tha business world. Within the post fortnight several heavy failures have boon an nounced in the wool , hides , and leather industries. It is hoped that the crisis has passed and that Bos- ton's commercial interests have not been seriously affected by those recent embarrassments. Muou of the trouble of undermined paved streets can bo traced directly to the blind water service pipes. Thou- aapds ot those laterals from the water trmlna Ho buried just below the concrete - -croto at the curb Una ot many of our streets. There is constant dan ger ot their breaking either through dofoot.lvo plumbing , freezing or other 'causes1 , and as their leaking can not bo readily detected or traced , too often great damage is done before the break is discovered. It is claimed that the catacombs under the pavements on South Sixteenth street , South Tenth street , Sherman avenue and Dodge street were caused by the leaking ot detective blind service pipes for months before being discovered. This being the case , it is well to ques tion the advisability ot insisting that lateral water connections , whether they bouacdpr not , bo mudo every twenty-two foot to curb line of private property un do ? the streets now ordered to be paved , From past oxi > orloneo it certainly would too bettor that no blind service pipes bo laid , and that water connections bo uuidb ouly when put Iiuo use. tOWA ItEPUULWANS. The contest for the republican guber natorial nomination in Iowa , which hod boon vigorously carried on tor two months , culminated on the twenty-fifth ballot in the convention in favor of Hon. Joseph G. Hutchison , of Ottumwft. The successful candidate entered the con vention far in the roar in the number ot votes that were pledged to him , nnd ho owes1 his nomination to the followers of Wheeler , the farmer candidate , few of the supporters of Captain Hull hav ing deserted him until the final ballot , before which they undoubtedly saw the hopelessness of their fight. There was evidently n very strong feeling be tween the friends of Hull and Wheeler , nnd the nomination of cither of thcso goiitlomon might hnvo created some disaffection , but nil will doubtless unite in heartily supporting Mr. Hutchison , whoso nomination was received with great enthusiasm. The candidate is n man of Inrgo political experience , hav ing served four terms ns a state senator , and ho is credited with being a judi cious and skillful politician. His course In the state sonnto regarding railroad legislation was somewhat conservative , but ho is regarded ns a clean , capable man , who xvould discharge the execu tive duties intollligontly and accept ably. Ho will undoubtedly make an active and vigorous campaign. The other candidates tire worthy and capa ble men , some of whom htxvo already done the state acceptable service and had a claim to the endorsement given them. The platform congratulates the country on the restoration of the republican party to power nnd endorses the administration ; favors n liberal construction of the pension laws , and demands protection of Ameri can industry , including the products of the farm , when such protection docs not foster trusts or trade conspiracies. The principle nnd polioy of state railway regulation is roafllrmed , to bo so con ducted ns to maintain equality among all localities and individuals. It is declared to bo the duty of the state and the federal government to enact and ox- cute laws to punish trade con spiracies , trusts nrid combines. The past utterances ot the party upon prohi bition are roufllrmod , and it is declared to have become the settled policy of the state regarding which thord should bo no backward stop. The complete enforce ment of the law is demanded , which may fairly bo accepted as am pie acknowledg ment that it is not being enforced. A welcome is extended to the now states , courts of arbitration for the settlement of differences between corpora tions and organized labor are favored , sympathy is expressed for the bona lido settlers on the DCS Moines river hinds , and the platform concludes with an endorsement of the administration of Governor Larrabec. The work of the convention will un doubtedly bo satisfactory to the largo majority of Iowa republicans , nnd there is every reason to suppose thnt the party will got together as it has always done and elect its candidates by at least the usual majority for an off year. Til IS YEAR'S ELECTIONS. Of the fifteen state elections which give interest to politics this year , that of kentucky has boon hold. The next to occur will bo those of the four new states , North Dakota , South Dakota , Montana nqd. Washington , which will choose congressmen , state olllcors and legislators. Governors will bo elected in Ohio , Virginia , Now Jersey , Massa chusetts , Iowa and Mississippi. In New York the highest officer to bo chosen is a secretary of state , in Pennsylvania the state treasurer , in Nebraska a judge ot the supreme court , and in Maryland the state comptroller. In all of those states vigorous campaigns will bo in progress within a few weeks , and the trend of the political current in some of them will bo watched with great interest by other than the local politicians. Although what is termed an "off year , " the results of these elections , or those at least in which governors are to bo chosen , will hnvo a certain signifi cance. They will indicate to an extent the judgment of the voters on the .course thus far of the national admin istration r and according as majorities shall vary from those of last year it will bo possible to obtain.somo idea as to how far the voters are titill in sym pathy with the principles and policies upon which the last national campaign was fought. As the Kentucky election distinctly showed that tbo large ma jority of the voters of 'that state are still in line with the democratic polioy enunciated in 1833 , so the result of the elections in Ohio , Massachu setts , Now Jersey and Iowa will indicate in a measure w.hothor or not the popular sentiment in these states has undergone > change regarding national policies. Hence these olectioaa will possess an interest not confined to the several slates in which they will occur. Regarding the four now states , only Montana is doomed to bo doubtful , the democrats still professing to bo hopeful of carrying that state ; but the repub lican outlook there has imorovod. If no mistakes are mudp and a thorough organization is effected the republicans of Montana will bo successful. Republican victories in Massachu setts , Pennsylvania , Iowa and Nebraska are assured , probably by majorities that will show the relative strength of the party to bo fully maintained. In Ohio the contest will be very vigorous and earnest , and while the chances , of suc cess certainly appear to bo with the re publicans , there is a prohibition move ment to defeat tha party thnt is likely to bo formidable and will render the re sult uncertain. In Now York the prob abilities are about oven , while it would bo a matter of universal surprise if Now Jersey should fall to go demo cratic , although there are political complications thoroalToctlng the democ racy which should improve republican chances. Mississippi and Maryland will doubtless give their usual demo cratic majorities , and there is very little reason to expect that Virginia will fall out of the democratic line , The recently affected closing of the broach between the loaders of the faction * in that Btuto doea not seora to have been satisfactory to all the antl-Mnhono ele ment , nml if the republican state conven tion , which moots next week , should nominate Mahono for governor , as it is quite probnblo it will , ho will bo belted by a largo number of republicans , both whlto nnd colored. TI1J3 FIRST MOVn JN TUB GAME. The jobbers' and shippers' convention hold nt Atohison for the purpose of dis cussing the freight transportation prob lem to the Missouri river was from all Indications a representative- . Del egates were present from Kansas City , Omaha , St. Joseph , Wyandotte , Sioux City nnd Atohison , cltios which had grievances to bring against the rail roads for discrimination. While the convention might have boon moro nu merously attended , the first mooting of the Kind , looking forward to making the Missouri river a point for the basing of freight rates , was eminently satisfactory. It demonstrated to the railroads that the cities of the Missouri river nro in earnest in their demands for fair play. Tlio strong resolutions adopted clearly voice the sentiments of the people , who have boon discrimi nated against already too long. As an outcome of the convention , it is moro than likely that moro radical stops will bo taken by the commercial bodies rep resented. The recommendation passed to organize a freight bureau and to appoint a commissioner , whoso duty it shall bo to protect the interests ot the shippers of the various cities , should llnd favor. This , however , can bo accomplished only by a harmony of interests of the cities on the Missouri river , nnd by n , determined nnd united pressure upon the railroads , to force' them to yield to the fair demands of the shippers and jobbers. ' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ STUPIDITY On MA LICE. The complaint which Hon. W. J. Conn oil has filed in court against tbo gas company will cause n great deal of comment. On its face it is nn undue exhibition of malice and stupidity on the part of the managers or ofUcials of tlio gras company. While the company doubtless has the right to shut off the gas supply from nny house within a day after its monthly bills have been pre sented , it isnotcroditablo toils business judgment to cut the pipes nnd discon nect , the meters in tno residence of a well-known and responsible citizen. These officials must have known as well as wo do that Mr. Connell - nell has no intention of decamping , and would not try to bilk the gas company out of five dollars' worth of gas. The fact that Mr. Conncll has been at war with the gas company for < years , should have prompted its managers to do nothing thnt would give color to a charge of malice. In view of the fact that the case is in the courts , it would be out of place to discuss the { legal rights of the gas com pany in tbo premises. In the case of their managersas in that of the Omaha police , a little moro courtesy and com mon sense would have saved them and the company from a great deal of un favorable comment. THE solicitor of the treasury depart ment will scratch bis head in dead earnest. Ho has-been called upon to decide the perplexing question whether electricity generated in Canada and in troduced into this country \vould bo taxed as being subject to duty. It ap pears that nn electrical , plant has been established on the Canadian side of Niagara. Falls for the purpose of supply ing Buffalo with electricity , and if the solicitor of the treasury bo wise ho will refuse to make a. reply just yet a while , on the ground that the treasury de partment does not answer hypothetical questions. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ NEW JEIISEY will bo an interesting state this fall , duo to the approaching campaign. Inasmuch as the liquor question is ono of the issues of the day , the fact that the prohibition convention was attended by less than half tbo dele gates elected Is of peculiar signiflcanc.o. One can roa'd between the lines and see that for the most part the supporters of the third party will throw their stron gth with the republicans pledged to high license and local option as against the democrats who inaugurated low license in the state. CINCINNATI has put on a temporary mtuitlo of virtue , the authorities having forbidden nil popular amusements on Sunday. The inhabitants , deprived of the chief pleasure of existence in that place , a trip over the Unino , will no doubt feel like emigrating to St. Louis , whore Schneider's garden is still open to the masses. This antici pated influx of Ohio men may place St. Louis once more in the race for the world's fair , and Chicago can take proper warning. NEW YOUK has gene into the nigh tower businc&s in connection with the world's fair , and premise ono five hundred feet higher than the Eilloh Chicago will bo inclined to see the raise and go her at least five hundred foot better. It NcoUs Kllxlr. New York Herald. Now York world's fair eutorpriso should bo Injected with a few gallons of elixir of life. It Booms to bo on its last legs. It Wouldn't Work in Now York. . New Yorlt Jleratd. If that ollrir of life turns out well it will bo In order to got up an ollxlr of honesty ana try it on tbo boodton. Tlieru's Lilfo In tlie Old I'arty Vet. St. Louts aiobe-Demoerat , An increased majority in Kentucky and successful train robberies In three other status indtcato the measure of domocratlo recuperation so fnr during1 the present year. The Worltl Couldn't Spare aim. Chicago Ttmtt. A newspaper correspondent at Lexington , Ky. , has been spared to u long lifo of useful ness through the failure of on infernal ma chine to properly oxploda at tbo expected moment. Thus the lx > rU watches or or his own , A. Cnanoo I'or Enterprise. Chicago Tribune. In Mexico Ihe flesh of rattlosnnUs Is con sidered a great delicacy , and Urst-class hotels und eatmif houses pay SO cents a pound for all they can procure. Any * wan In search of a snfo business , reasonably secure from loss In conscouon'&rar theft or tresspass , Is cor dially recommended to try starting ft rattlc- Bnalto farm Jin Rr-Tjoul8 ) U Ohoorfnl. 't&JxwUJcpuWle. ' . Without canvassing , without nny agitation , without nny-oIVort of any kind nt securing subscriptions' ' ! Ht Louis already has a Inrgor amount pled god ) to the world's fair guarantee fund than olthor Now York or Chicago. Money tnlhsVnd , In this language the eloquence - quonco of Stj Louis drowns the puny voice * oflta rivals. ' " . x r 1'IIB INDUSTRIAL FIELD. Tncomn ( W. T. ) tin nnd cornteo men now work nlno hours at ten hours' pay. English metal works do not admit foreigners - ors to their shops. Now York claims the best diamond-cutters. They make $ .10 per week. The world's coal production In 1883 1 430- 000,060 tons ; United States , 130,000,000 ; Pennsylvania , 71,000,000. Mra. Einmn Durschloff will represent the Cincinnati cloaktnakors at Paris. Two thousand baiters in Berlin have gene on stvlko against a reduction In wages. The first local assembly of the Knights of Labor In Australia with over ono hundred charter members has Just been organized. During the past year over $100,000,000 wcro expended by English capitalists in the purchase of American industries. These Industries are principally breweries , steelworks works and furnaces and lumber concerns. The council of the .United Spinners in the roUon-splnnlug districts of England has passed u resolution stating that owing to the present state of trade nil spinners In tbo union must reduce their productions by one- half. half.An An English trade Journal characterizes the American machinery ns clumsy and flimsy imitations of English moduls. The writer of the nrticlo probably never was in America. Ono of the largest weave-sheds in the country is being erected by Nightingale Bros. , at Pattbrson , N. J. It contains 0,000 square fcot o'f flooring and will bo provided with the best machinery m the country. A largo number of employes will bo required when it Is completed. A Pittsburg ( Pn. ) uottor just returned from Europe says the foreign potters are making u strong bid for American trade , and are prepared to break the prices. The granite for the now Congressional Li brary building nt Washington will bo cut at Concord , N. H. It will require 1,000 inou four years to complete the work. The poverty of the working classes in the East Side of London is said to bo anpalling , and will soon become a social problem that must bo considered by the government. There nro in the ; 'East ' End nearly 1,000,000 pcoplo , 10 per 'dent ' ofvhom never know what it is to have enough to oat or have a regular homo"tp7ihvo in. There are over 200,000 people Jnofnmilies of which the head never earns morotthan $3 a weok. When the rent Is deductcU'f om too earnings there is not enough Uih''to buy any but the most wretched food/snob as would causa Indigna tion if it were ! offered to convicts here. It is stated that the condition of those people has been growing steadily worse during the last ten years , at years ago their earnings were as much , whiloront , clothing nnd necessaries were a good deal cheaper. GREAT MEN. General E. Burd Grubb Is n candidate for the republican eflo'mimiton { for governor of < New Jersey. Make your own puns. W. J. Arkell says that in London Russell Harrison has run across a now process that will revolutionize the present system of photo-engraving. Secretary Proctor is loss known in Wash ington than uny other cabinet oflicial. "Jerry" Uusk Is the best known member and the most popular with the masses. Ex-Secretary Bayard will not run for gov ernor of Delaware. The Salisbury faction tavo knocked him out Editor .Do Young , of the San Francisco Chronicle , is reported to have an eye on a scat ia tbo United States senate. I. I. Clark , an architect from Brisbane , Queensland , Australia , has been visiting the principal cities in this country. Ho consid ers the city ball of Philadeiph ia the finest building in the United States. Dr. W. B. Clark claims that the oldest man in the world lives near Monterey , Cal. Bis name Is Gabriel , and according to the doctor ho is ncarlng his 150th year. Mural Hnlstend's avowed senatorial can didacy bus considerably stirred up tbo brethren in Ohio on both sides of the politi cal ftiico. The Dayton Journal says it "dangerously embarrasses the campaign. " and the Columbus Journal pronounces it "bad politics. " Prcuident Carnet of Franco is developing additional claims to popular respect. It now leaks out that ha has written a good deal of poetrv and has persistently refused to per mit its publication. Oliver Wendell Holmes says that ho has taken moro interest in surgery than in poetry , but ho realizes that his fame will rest upon tbo efforts of his peu , not of his knifo. Carl Scburz has gene to Europe on another business trip. Ho has made considerable money of late , and goes over this tlmo to bring-back more German capital for invest ment. Senator Sherman is said to have become a skillful clioss-plnyer since ho went to Europe , but is doubtful whether be will bo able on His return to checkmate his enemies iu Ohio. The emperor of China , who is a young and progressive man , ,1s anxious to make a trip to this country. Ka ia la constant communica tion with tbo Chjncse Minister at Washing- tenon the aubjoctjv ) Bill Nye has been financially "done up" by u Minnesota real" estate man , who induced the humorist tp''trado ' ' his bouso and lot at Hudson , Wis. , f3r'omo ! ' worthless suburoaa lots near Minneapolis , having a 81,000 mort gage atlachmon j/ / ; Robert Garratt's restoration to health , tbo Baltimore America * ) says , is now assured. Ho attends to hid ) large correspondence , and on his return this { all to Baltimore will resume - sumo actlvo bu/jna4s / | lifo and take personal charge of tils lar ojonterprlscs. Lord KandolpkChurchill Is again on the rampage. Ho wotrtilgh pralso from tbo tory organs for his 'tween on the royal grants. Now be Is advocating tbo state purchase of Irish lands and a form of. agrarian socialism , and the tory organi ore again sneering at him as a weather-cock politician. Selection of Juries. Attorney General Lceso has given it a his opinion that the county commissioners have a perfect right to select district court Juries under the old stylo. That method is still In force. It 1 * not necessary , ho says , to have the poll books , though they might bo con venient. He tblnkn the number of Jurors to be drawn , or rather the number of names first solncted from which to draw Jurors , can bo ascertained easily enough without the aid of poll books. Ho bason bis opinion upon the understanding that every county clerk keeps an abstract of the votes In addition to Ihe poll books , and from tnU one-tenth of tbo voters can bo obtained. CAPITAL CITY MEN TAKEN IN A Smooth Gontlomtvn from Dakota Worked Thorn. AND THEN HE STOLE AWAY. MeClcllnn. the lilRaintat , ArroHtml The Omaha Union JJopot Company InonrpornTos State Kongo Jot- tinea News UrovltlcD. LixcoiJf Unnnit ) 1029 1'STUEBT , V LINCOLN. August 15.1 Ctiarloa Moisncr , representing tbo "llullJ- Ing & Loan Association of Dakota , * ' has skipped foe parts unknown. Tbo company In question Is ono ot tbo foreign companies that domesticated under tha amended in corporation laws of tha stnto within the past few weeks , Ostensibly , MeUnor came hereto to organize n local branch to pass upon ap plications for 0 per cent loans , it having boon Riven out that the company would furnish nil the money wanted nt that rate on properly cor tilled property , Hl representations were BO fair thnt ha had no trouble In organizing n local board , which bo did , as follows : Lewis Ilolmor. president ; A. N. WycofT , secretaryi J. W. Stewart , treasurer ; F. L. Koso , attorney , and C. Atkins , abstractor. It is also understood that ho had no trouble to Induce some of thcso gentlemen to take stock in the concern. No sooner , however , , haa Maisnor perfected the organization than bo commenced to odor 0 per cent money on uny class of realty , nnd his propositions wcra so extravagant that the local board became - came frightened , nndVycoft wrote Iho com pany demanding his removal as nn agent or representative of the company upon the rights of a stockholder. This led to explana tions , nnd It soon became known thnt Alois- ncr bad no authority whatever to dispose of stock. In some way , however , Moisncr got word of the fact that ho was under sus picion , and skipped out nnd loft the members of the board in the lurch MOO. SIcClollan , ttin Tilly Trechal , the young German girl Tun Br.n had occasion to mention In connection with C. W , MeCIellan , tbo bigamist , who skipped the city between two suns and went to Denver a few weeks since , to-day ac knowledged lior grief and tiled her informa tion in the county court , charging McClollnu with bastardy. She alleges that ho accom plished her ruin under premise of marriage. It is doubtless still in mind that lie wooed and won Tilly while living with a woman whom ho had deceived into marriage , it being subsequent ! ) proven that ho had a wife liv ing in Iowa from whom he had not been di vorced. Still , the Trechal glrljfoll a victim to his wiles , though she escaped the humilia tion ot living xvith him in crime. It turns our , further , that McClcllan has two wives living in Lincoln , one of whom lies at the Willard hospital at the poict of death. Mc Clcllan was telegraphed for at Denver a few clays ago , and no came on Monday night. Tilly bided her tirao and filed the necessary information for his arrest , which took place to-day. It is said that thuro is enough evi dence in hand to send McClolUn to the peni tentiary for a term of years. Besides an swering to the charge of bastardy , ho will also answer to that of bigamy. Marriage a failure. In tbo district court to-day Mrs. Jennie Woodward filed her petition praying a divorce - vorco from her husband , Hiram Woodward , alleging adultery and desertion. The records hod hardly got cold before Hiram filed his answer , really a cross-petition , denying aach and every allegation of the complainant and In turn charging adultery nt divers times and places , giving names with whom , and fixing dates aim places with startling preci sion. The pictures of the petition or cross- petition , either , show a very disgraceful state of past affairs at the Woodward homo , dnd it is altogether probable that the trial of the case will develop u brcozincss in the court room rarely witnessed. At this stage the raismatod husband and wife are playing a gntno at cross-purposes , but their legal lit erature would look , very bad in print. Question of Jurisdiction. The cane of Charles B. Baily vs. tbo state of Nebraska , on error from tbo district court of Saline county , raises a question' that has not been passed upon by the supreme court , and it is of no little interest. It is as to whether a Justice of the peace has the Jurisdic tion to try and render Judgment in a case whore the offense cuarged is assault and bat tery. In this cose the attorneys for Baily contend that u justice has no Jurisdiction , and wbcn complaint is made for assault and battery a preliminary examination only can- be had before the Justice. The question raised is u mooted one among lawyers , and opinions vary widely on the proposition. It is understood that the attorney general thinks that tbo court will sustain the defend ant dnd error , and that the opinion of the lower court wilt bo affirmed. The case will bo tried at the coming session of the supreme court. Omaha's Union Depot , Articles incorporating the Omaha Union Depot company , organized for the purnoso of locating , constructing , maintaining and op erating a union freight and passenger depot in the city of Omaha , were llled for record to-day in the ofllco of the secretary of state. The authorized capital stock is fixed at 81,500,000. Incorporates : W. H. Holcomb , Thomas L. Klmbali , E. Dlckenson , G. W. Holdrego and J. G. Taylor. Nebraska City Muse Reelster. Frank McCartney , county clerk of Otoo county , writes the attorney-general for in formation regarding the now registration aw. It appears that opinion is divided there there as to whether or not tbo law applies to Nebraska City , and the attorney-general was asked for a construction of tbo law. la the absence of General Loose , Deputy Stew art wrote an opinion opining that U docs , providing that Otoe's capital has a popula tion of 2,500 people. It seems possible , how ever , from the reading of section 1 ot the act that it might not be applicable to some cities , oven though they might have a population of. over 2,500. It appears that the act is appli cable only to such cities which shall include within its boundaries all portions of the voting ing precinct in which the nity Is situated. It is said that there are good grounds to ralsa this sort of a question , and so mo cities of vastly more than the requisite population might bo exempt. Stnto Homo Jottlnga. The governor to-day made the following notarial appointments : George M. Sulli van , Broken Bow , Ouster county ; W. B. Berry , South Omaha , Douglas county ; Au gust Broolcman , Hushvillo , Sheridan county ; Charles B. Clapp , Omaha , Douglas county ; Douglas Corns , Pierce county. The prod the board of public lands and buildings secretly used to hurry up indlffor ent contractors is having the desired effect. Contractor Laiilmm now has two men nt work on tbo capital grounds , and by In creasing the force at this rate every day for a month it will bo possible to finish there before - fore snow tiiei. Charles H , Emory illod his case on appeal against Samuel It. Johnson in the supreme court to-day , It comes up from Douglas county. The Champion Machine company's ' case against Fred Gordon on error from Cass county was also docketed for trial. Secretary Garber , of the state board of transportation , left to-day for Atwood , Ilaw- 1ms county , Kansas , on a two weeks' hunt ing trip. Ho ayn he expects to enjoy u line time in the wild and wonlly west. School district No. 51 , of Scott's Bluff * county , sent foOO worth of bonds to Auditor Bcntou to-day , for registration. City Newu uiid Notes. J , C. MoBrldo won in tbo cuie brought against him by the Jt'irst National bank. Tbo jury thought with tbo general publlo that motive power created by mules wa * not electric power , Tlao receding waters on the Bait creek bottoms show u distressing condition , yet not so bad as has boon anticipated. It is said that com Is straiijutenlnir up rapidly nnd will bo Injured very I Ittlo If any. The loss Rustalncd Is notnblo only In household furnishings , foundation * of houses and cel lars , nnd In llvo stock drowned. Although great , it will not roach an alarming flsturo , nnd if the clearing bottoms do not dry too slowly and brood malaria , the recovery will bo rapid. That poor people nro compelled to stand the burden of the disaster U the sad- dot part of It. Nebraskan sat the capital } It. W. Con- noli , Oinnhu ; Thomas Cliff , Auburn ; J. W. Wnldon , Beatrice ; Sam Spanaglc , Aurora ; It. .T. Coles , York ; C. S. Johnson , Nelson ; Judge Thomni , Fall * Cltv ; Walt Scoloy , Bennett ; Joe Knsterday , Tcoumsoh ; Cap- tnln Humphrey , Pawnee City * , Oconjo D. Sawyer , Wmtom ; A. B. Ball , Tccuniseh , and George H , Thomas , Bonkolnmn. .Justus H. Kathbono , the founder of the Pythian order , will lecture In Lincoln Mon day. August 2 < 5 , on the subject of "Pythlnn- ism From Its Birth to the Present Day. " The anniversary of the foundation of the uniformed rank takes plncn on the sanio day , nnd n grnnd rally of knight * may bo ax peeled. It pramUoi to bo all ovout that will bo long rotni'inborod. The prohibitionists of Lancaster county will moot In county convention Saturday , August 17. Tno convention will be com posed of 223 delegates. The Union Pnclilc railroad company Is still In the soup. From Lincoln to Beatrice the company is compelled to send its trains over the B. & M. trucks. It Is aaict that the Pa cific track 1 In such n condition Hint U will tnko n number of days to put It In shnpo for uso. * ASIONO TH13llAlLiUOAD8. The Trans-Missouri Association Ail- Jonrns Other Xe\vi . Tbo Trnnn-Missourl mooting nt Kansas City has adjourned to meat In Chicago to day. But httlo was dona at the Kansas City meeting boyoml ftxlnir a few rules for excursion parlies on short distance trips. The reasons for adjourning to Chicago nro that the Intor-Stato Hallway association , and the Central nnd Western Trafllo associa tions are now In session at Chlcugo , and the members of the Trans-Missouri wish to inako regulations to conform with the pro visions of the other organizations , or , in other words , the action of each society will bo governed by that of the other , nnd the final action will bo a result of the combined Judgment of the cntlro four. Itnllronct Notes. Commercial Agent Dwycr , of the B. & M. , at Beatrice , is in the city. The meeting of the Nebraska Jolnt-rato association , wtilch was to have boon hold in Omaha yesterday , has been indefinitely post poned. Division Freight Agent Varrnck , of the Union Pacific , is out on n trip over tbo road. He will meet Mrs. Warrack , who has been visiting in Calfornia. All B. & M. trains wore on tlmo yesterday , the tracks and bridges along the line which were damaged by water having boon re paired. Arthur B. Smith , chief clerk in thoofllco of the general passenger agent of the B. & M. , is in Lincoln. C. F. Bicknoll , a clerk in the advertising department of the B. & M. , loft yesterday for Bloomington , 111. , whore ho will marry a \voll known young lady. General Passenger Agent Lorn ax of the Union Pacific returned from Chicago yes- tcrdnv morning. A rate of 75 cents from'Omaha to Fremont will bo made for the German picnic on Sun day next. John Roberts , an employe of the Wabash Western , dropped dead nt Grand Island Wednesday afternoon from heart disease. An effort is being made at Union Pacific head quarters to learn his place of residence , but as yet nothing has been ascertained , Tbo Cooper Inquest , A coroner's Jury In the case of the child , j Earl Cooper , who was drowned in a cistern Wednesday night , was summoned yesterday morning Mrs. W. H. Bridges testlfiud that she was acquainted with the Cooper family and was at their homo Wednesday afternoon and while there she noticed the little boy , but when she loft ho was not around. During her visit , about five minutes before she left. Mrs Cooper drew a pall of water from the cistern. Soon after she loft Mrs. Cooper ran after her and upon overtaking her said that Earl was gone unil she thought ho had followed her. Too two began looking for him , Mrs. Cooper going further along the street and the witness coming back to the houso. Mrs. Bridges suggested to a Mrs. Henry Wymnn , who occupies half the bouse , that they look in the cistern. Mrs. Wynian said she wouldn't look in there for anything. Mrs. Bridges took a pail , however , and soon brought tbo body to the surface. Sbo found the cover of the cistern tightly shut and she had to pry it open. open.Mrs. . Wyman testted ! that she had drawn water from the cistern some time before the boy disappeared. She saiu that the cistern was closed except when the water was being drawn. She swore that Mrs , Cooper looked in the cistern the first thtog , and that she had looked in there herself. Her llttlo two- year-old boy repeatedly directed her atten tion the and ' 'Earl is to cistern lisped : gone ; he's in the wa-wa. " Mrs. Cooper , with tears in her eyes , testi fied that the little boy was not around when she drew the last tub of water. She didn't remember wtiothor tbo lid was open or shut when she first went to the cistern. ' 'Sho mild she did not look in the cistern , as shouotlcod that the lid was closed. Jake Andrews testified that bo took the body out of the cistern. Tbo Jury returned a verdict that the child came to its death by accidentally falling into. tbo cistern and drowning. Another Wedding. At present there appears to bo a mania among railroad employes for getting mar ried. The latest to weld tbo golden links of tbo matHmonial fetter about him is Mr. M. H. McGrath , the popular young stenographer in the general freight ofllco of tbo Elkhorn , who on Tuesday last , at Fulton , 111. , wedded Mixs Nettie E. Puffer , ono of the sweetest little flowers that over blossomed in the snckor state. The young couple are at homo to their many friends at 2003 Ohio street. WAKI3 UP , OMAHA ! Ttio Corn I'.ilnco Olty Working a Scliotiin With tnn Union I'noiHc. Coumnus , Nob. , August 1C. To the Editor of Tnn HKKI Omaha had bailer wako up. Sioux City commission men hnvo lately boon down lit this vicinity nml nro ranking a strong pull lo secure all the llvo stook ship ments from tbo north Plalta country , to which , It Is stated , the Union Pnclflo railroad Is a willing party. Tno Sioux Clly people represent to the farmers nnd heavy shippers Unit if they will sand their cnlUo nna hogs to that market they will get the benefit of competition , which can't bo had If they ship to Omahii. The plan Is to Induce shippers on tho-maln line from the wostand from Hie CodarUnplds nnd Albion branches of Iho Union Pnolllo to send their llvo stock to Sioux City , vln Nor folk , by making up fast freight trains ut thU plnco nml Acono , This the road is nnxlous lo do , because it gives it n longer haul thnn It would have toOmnha , nnd relieves the line oust of this cltv. The schoino la well Inld , nnd it ( than the secret support of the Union Pnclllo railroad it will badly damngo Otimhn , making her n second or oven n third rate market , for with what the Chicago ft Northwestern - western road direct * from Omaha via Blair , but few cnttlo and hogs from the North Plntto country will find iholr way into the South Otimhn stock yards. The scheme has been In operation nbout two wooks. nnd ( t is reported that already heavy shipments have been mndn over the "Union Pacific's Sioux City llna. " The Bchomo U working so well It la reported ported that the snino combine nro now 'con- tomplatlng extending the Union Paolo's line from Fullerton , Nnnco county , on west to North Phitto. This feeder would draw busi ness from the main line nil the wny west from this pluco to North Pintle for n dls- Inuco of nbout two hundred miles , embrac ing some of the best stock country in No- 'braska ' , nnd by reason of the conditions under which it would bo built would bo claimed by Sioux Qity , nnd according to this late shipping arrangement , would go to that city , to thu great injury of Omuhn. This movement on the part of the Corn Palnco city to secure business is adroit , showing thorn to bo hustlers , and the deni zens of Nebraska's con.morclnl metropolis will have to turn their attention to matters for the benefit of Omaha at largo , instead of fighting over the locution of public- buildings nnd scheming for the vote of farms laid out into town lots. The Union Pacific railroad u just like any other business enterprise , cold blooded and selfish. Its managers will causa it to earn nil It can.cither by fair or foul menus , for their tenure of service depends upon the showing of the net receipts. Therefore Omaha cannot tnlco it for granted that the Uuiou Pnclllo corporation Is Its friend nnd wilt see to it that nil- the freight alone its lines nro emptied lute its lap. It will not do it. Anoos. _ _ _ _ _ _ niKKOH/VNXS / ON THE STREET. Preparation For Tholr Appo.trnnuo In thn Xradu Display. The committee or outdoor entertainments of the Merchants week association mot yes terday morning. From all members catno encouraging reports. Major T" . S. Clarkson was elected marshal of the great trades display , which Is to bo made on September . Ho will appoint his aides , divide the line into divisions and generally superintend the great affair. The committee , consisting of Joseph Qar- neau , Amos Field , Robert Eassou and E. E. Bruce , bos sent Iho following postal circular to the Jobbers , manufacturers and other dealers in this city , which explains itself : "As a merchants and manufacturers' dis play is contemplated on Wednesday , Sep tember 4 , in conjunction with the traveling men , military and firemen's par a Jo , the ca'nmittcc would respectfully ask your hearty co-operation in making tha exhibit a grand success. "Tho committee- would suggest thai you notify Amos Field , secretary of the Hichard- son Drug company , on or before the SOtb , of your intention to be represented , and state number of wagons for which you will ro- qulro position in the uaraiio. "Please report as early ns possible. " Many of the circulara'bavo scarcely as yet reached their destination , but some of them had no sooner been received thnn Iho re cipients responded immediately. From among the responses Iho following are se lected : Farrell & Co. , syrups , one wagon , Pacific Express company , sixty drilled men and 13 wagons ; W. F. Seaman , 13 ; G. H. Mack & Co. , cigars , 5 ; Acme Iron ana Wire works , 1:2. T. Lindsay , rubber goods. 3 ; Hill & Young , furniture , 3 ; Carter Load company , 2 ; A. Hospo , music and art , 2 ; Kennard Glass and Paint company , 2 ; William Barr , dry goods , 1 ; D. O. Clark , coal , 0. Other responses are expected dally. The committee insist that every display shall bo made with both , taste and cure. It holds that a merchant who is not in favor of making a creditable appearance ought to remain out of tbo line. It would do him no good. On the contrary , it would tend to injure because of tbo unfavorable comparison which would bo made by the spectators. The Intention is to have the grandest display of the kind which has over been hold in this part of the coun try. > Second Ward Dnnoornts. The democrats of the Second ward will hold a meeting at the corner of Sixteenth and Williams streets on next. Monday night. The call for this purpose has been , issued by Hugh Murphy , tno president of tbo associa tion. tion.Tbo Tbo Bohemian democrats of the Second ward have organized a club which they in tend to maintain throughout the approach ing campaign. Messrs. Anton Slinanex and Joiju Nerod have been appointed a commit tee to dralt u constitution and by-laws which they will report next Tuesday night ut Metz' nov ? hall. _ Auollonlnt ; I'ovvs. On next Sunday there will bo a meeting of thu members of tbo Tomulo of Israel at 2 p. m. , at which time there will bo a considera tion of the amended rules of the organiza tion. At the sarao time the pews of the syn agogue will bo sold under a now system. Heretofore they have boon rented , but henceforth they will bo sold in perpetuity. preserve the richness of color or delicacy of tint of your sum mer dresses , make suds of hot water and IVORV SOAP , allow to cool until lukewarm , then wash your dresses in the solution. Ordi nary soaps contain to.o much alkali , which in a short time bleachea the color and destroys its beauty. Prof. Silliman , of Yale College , says , "The Ivony SOAP can not injure the most delicate fabric. " A WORD OF WARNING. There are many white soap , each represented to be "just as good as the' lvory ( ' | " they ARE NOT , but like all counterfeits , lack the peculiar and remarkable qualities of tbo genuine , Ask for "Ivory" Soap and Insist upon getting It. IMS by Procter & Qunblo.