Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 16, 1889, Page 2, Image 2

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It Proves to bo a Most Successful
and Interesting Affair.
Followed by Sprinting nn < l hong Dl -
tnnoo Tliro\vlntt Content * Mntco
Up the Dny'fl Programme
Other Sports.
At tlio Ball Pnrlc.
The boncflt tendered Prank F. Soloo , the
clover nnd cOlclont manuccr of the Omaha
base ball team , at tlio ball park yesterday
afternoon , by his numerous friends , was a
hearty and substantial one. The stands
were all tilled with a smiling and good-
natured crowd , including a largo number of
ladies , and if an exuberance of spirits nnd
enthusiasm can bo taken as an evidence that
everybody had n good tlmo , then Solce's
patrons did. for they whooped nnd ap
plauded and laughed nt everything that took
place , from tbo bull gama down to the fancy
markmanship of Mons , McMabon.
The afternoon's sport opened with a flvo
inning game of utill between the Omahas
nnd n plckud nine , which included Brouehton
nnd Carroll , of the St. Pauls. Manager
Seleo pitched for the White Sox , and the
barrel of slants , and drops , and curves , and
shoots ho oponcd up for the bonolltof the
picked team would have made Tim Kcofc
or Clarkson turn red , white and blue with
envy. He mowed thcm'down In his mind
111 to tbo timothy falls bofora the scythe.
. After on herculean struggle of oao hour's
duration the Omahns won bv the narrow
margin of 5 to 4. C. M. Jackson "emnlrcdU
the game , and was roasted to a tarn by the
bleachers. His work , however , was equal
to that of a Uaffney or a IColloy.
Following the ball game came a hundred
yard sprint race , with Carroll , of the St.
Pauls , and Willis , Nichols and Messltt , of
the Omahas , ns the starters. It was a beau-
titul sprint , and resulted iu a tlo between
Willis and Carroll , Nichols bolng but an Ini-h
or two behind , and Messltt the same behind
Nick. Messltt stumbled at the start , whlcn
polled his chances of winning. Time , 11
In the base Tunning contest wore Walsh ,
Nichols , Strauss , Canuvau and Messltt ,
Walsh and Strauss tied In making the cir
cuit in 15 seconds , while Nichols ran it ia
15 and Mosiltt In 15 > ( .
Too next event on the card was the long
distance throwing contest , in which were
Brotipbton , of the St. Pauls , and Messltt ,
Nichols , Cleveland and Canavan , of the
Omahas , and young Hart , a clover amateur
or ths | cltv. Hart made tbo host throw , cov
ering ono hundred and cloven yards and two
foot ; Broughton second , with ono hundred
and eleven yards and end foot.
The fancy rifle shooting by Mans. MoMa-
bon. which was quite clover , closed the day's
sports. *
St. Joseph 1O , lies Molnes 5.
ST. JOSEPH , Mo. , August 15. St. Joseph
earned seven of her ten runs , while the hits
of the Des Moines wore not well placed.
The .fielding of Ardner , Connell and Mus-
krey'ond- bitting of Krolg and Burkes
pnt some life into an otherwise listless gamo.
Score : ,
r..b. o. B. el r.h.o. o-e.
UcCUrr.SliI a S 1 \ Pntton.21 > 1 2310
JurtU.rf 1 131 o'Maskror ' , If..2 2300
rfrloitHf.U .110 OjCOiiiwii Sb , * * I 1151)
> nlner.2b 1 118 OSmltli. lb _ U 112 0 0
A & o viiniuibii ftutu i i * u
111 0 1 I'lielnii , cf..O 1 J 0 0
1 1 0 Oifoilr.c. 0
llurkua.aa. . : . . . ! 3 2 0 t Traffler. rf. . . . 0 1101
Hchellbus e.c..l 21 ! 1 U Mucullarsv..U U 0 4 2
Knoll , p 22. * Kcnn0(1Jr'P l 0130
" "
ToUl J5 10 27 10 0' ' Totals . "ii "o ZT 13 4
. . . 4 3000001 2-10
De Molnf3..i . .2 UOOUU31U-I.
V , . ' *
I ? Knrnod runs St. Joseph 7.1 > Molnas /Two-boso
IT hlls-jsicdorr. Krleif , uartwrlKhW Mmkrojr. Hmlib.
I .V Th rce-fonsB lilt Krlvg. Homo run Burkes. Kirs ton
bnlls- Off Kennedy Z ; off UcCartr Stilrnck ont by
.VI HoL'nrtT 3 ; by Kcnnodr it. stolen ba c Moiiiirr . ! ;
Krteir. llotnllnc. 1'nttonDouble i > liir MCCarr to
rartnribe. IViued bnlls-Shollhmso 1 ; Codr 1-
Wild pltcli Kenneiln. Time or kame ono hour and
forty-dvo mlnaton. Umpire McUarmott.
, t f
> < Milwaukee 7 , Denver 4.
DK&VBB , Colo. , August 15. Milwaukee
bunched hits this afternoon , and by perfect
folding won the second game of the series
witU Denver. Score :
Tfitali 4 T ft 7 C Totals 7 d 27 11 0
penvcr. . . . . . . .100020001 4
Milwaukee. , .0 0 S 0 0 1 1 0 7
Homed rnns Denver 2 , Milwaukee none. Tire bnso
blta MrClellnn. Kono. Homo runs filch , liases
tolen-Iulryraplo 2 , Hutton 1 , Shoch l.Bllch 2 , Albert
1 , Umvlca 1. Double plain Shocb to Button to Mor-
rlssey. lliuwn on bulls Off McNabb 7 , otr navies 4.
Struck out Uy McNnbb 3 , by Davlca 2. IMtsod balls
Ilurlcy 2. I-cft on bases Denver 7 , Mlliraukca 7.
Jlalk HcNabb I.Dnvlo * 1. Time of game 1 hour ,
43 minutes. Umplro Urlocljr.
St. Paul vs. Miosonrl Valley.
Missouiu VAZ-tnr , Ia , , August 15. | Spe
cial Telegram to THE BUB. ] The St. Pauls
played the Missouri Valley team here this
afternoon , the score bolng 10 to 8 In favor of
St. Paul. About 0,000 people witnessed the
The National Lancuo.
PITTSBUUO , August 15. Result of to-day's
came :
Plttsburtr . 5 20200000 0
Now York . 0 30000000 2
Base hits Pittsburg 9 , Now York 5. Er
rors Pittsburg 0 , Now York 3. Butteries
Pittsburg , Morris and Carroll ; New York ,
Kcefo. Murphy and Bwing. Umpire-
INDIANAPOLIS , August IS.Rosult of to
anapolls . . . . ! 01000400 0
Philadelphia. . . 0 00701000-8
Base hits Indianapolis 11 , Philadelphia 14.
Errors Indianapolis 3. Philadelphia 1. Bat
teries Indianapolis , Boyle and Buckley ;
Philadelphia , Sanders nnd Schrlvor , Um
pire Curry.
CLKVELAXD , August 15. Result of to-day's '
game :
Cleveland 1 1331018 1 19
Boston 0 8
Base hits Cleveland 27 , Boston 10. Errors
Cleveland 2 , Boston 4 > Batteries Cleve
land , Bakoloy , and Grubor und /.limner ;
Boston , Madden and Kelly. Umpire-
CnicAao , August 15. Result of to-day's
game :
Chicago 1 7
Washington 4 00011000 G
Base hits Chicago 11 , Washington 0 ,
Errors Chicago 1 , Washington 3. Batteries
.Chicago , Toner nnd Fan-oil ; Washington ,
Ferson and Daly. Umpire McQuaid.
Thn Amorloau Association.
CINCINNATI , August 15. Result of to-day's
Cincinnati 3 0800 3300 0
Athletics 0 0003350 * 10
KANSAS Grrr , August 15 , Result of to.
day's game ; v
Kansas City . . . .0 001 10000 3
Brooklyn. . . .J..O 003 3 I 1 0 * 7
LOUISVILLE , August 15. Result of to-day's
iramo :
Baltimore. , 3 00000000 3
Louuvillo 0 00000000 0
. .ST. Louis , August 15. Result of to-day's
came :
fit. Louis.0 340332 0 10
Columbus , , .0 130101 5-11
Amateur Guinea.
ELBA , N.QD. , August 15. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB BKB. ] The Fugato & Coveys
crossed bats hero yesterday with the Mun-
ons nine , tbo former nine winning easily by
score of 1'J to SO.
Ut.T8s.B9 , Neb. , August 15. [ Special Tele-
graui to TUB Bec.J A game of ball was
played hero to-day bctwaon the Seward nnd
UlysNM clubs. The score Was 4 to 0 In favor
of Ulysses.
Ijlncnln'fl Ij.ncrns o T < > am Dcfrntnil.
LINCOLN , Nob. , August 15. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB HUE. ] The championship game
of lacrosse , played to-day nt the ball park be
tween the Sommons nnd Lincoln teams , re
sulted In a vlqtory In favor of the former by
a score of 4 to 3 , the Scmmons club taking
four goals in sovou.
. , In. , Augnst 15 , | S | > oclnl
Tolcctrnm to TUB Unn. J The bas.o ball tour
nament at this place closed to-day nnd was n
decided sni oss. The following were the
scores : Ulanchnrd 12 , Shcunndoahfl ; Clear-
Held 13 , Humeston 10 ; Cloarnotd 13 , Shen-
nndoah 4. This result glvea Dlnnchard flrst
prize , Shcnniidoah second ana Clcarflold
ATIAXTIO , In. , August 15. ( Spocfnt Tele
gram to TUB UKE. ] The Loxvls nnd Gns-
weld ball clubs mot at Atlantlo this at tor-
nooa and played for n wager of $300 n sido.
Score : Lewis 47. Griswold 13. A special
train brought flva carloads of visitors from
tbo two towns. The Lowls 'pcoplo ' went
homo celebrating with , tin horns qnd loud
1 f i * j
Curtis Knocks Out llnrrlnston.
MtsxcAroiiia , August ! & * A Eau Claire ,
Wts. , special cays J. W. Curtis , of Duluth ,
and Paddy Harrington , of Eau Claire ,
fought tb a finish this morning thcro , Mar
quis of Qucensbbrry rules' , for WOO a side.
Curtis knocked Harrington ont In the thir
teenth round. Curtis got first blood in the
first round and plainly overmatched his op
ponent. Harrington was qulto badly pun
ished about the face ; >
Grand Circuit Itnooir. , N. Y. , August 15. [ Special
Telcgrnm tO'Tirn Unit. ) A cool day nnd a
fast track were the conditions on the third
day of tbo meeting ; In the 3:34 class J. R.
Shcdd started the favorite and looked danger
ous after the boat , but was defeated by the
Missouri tnaro Atnlo Lee , Mocking Bird beIng -
Ing her strongest rival. In the four-year-old
stakes Gillie disposed of McEwan. who won
this event at Buffalo. The latter was un
steady , and his breaks cost him first mono y.
Only four horsed started in the 2:18 class ,
Susie S being the favorite. She won two
heats , after which the rnco was postponed.
Belle Hamlin will start to beat her record
to-morrow. Summaries :
PURSE $3,000 , 2:24 : cijkss.
Amloteo ( Doble ) . 8 1 3 1 t
Mocking Bird ( Andrews ) . 1 313-3
J. K. Shedd ( Bowon.l. . . * . . . . . 3 8043
Greenlander ( Davis ) . . " : . . . 3 8374
Colvlnrf Sprague ( Avers ) . . ' . . . . 0 T 4 3 5
Lottie Wutterson ( Sanders ) . . . 7 4 7 0 T
Elastic Starch ( Smith ) . , . .4 9898
Brother Dun CGorso ) . . . , . . . . . 9 0550
John Ferguson ( Goldsmith ) . . . 5 G 0 9 0
Time 3j3Ij3:20iC 2:20 : # , 3:19 : , 3:20tf. :
VOUjl-YEVn-plD STAKE " , § 1,800.
Gilllg.GoiasmltK ( ) , . . ; . . . . 13131
McEwan ( Gerso ) . . ; : , . . . , . ; . . . . 3 1313
Nightingale ( Andrews ) . 3 3833
Lapland ( Fisher ) . . . . . . 444 . dr
Time-2:23tf : , 3:2J < { , 3:31 : * . 3:34 : % , 2:34Jf.
PDKSB $3,000 , 3:18 GLASS ( UNriNISltED ) .
SusleS ( Traynor- ) . . ' . . 1 I
Kitt Curry ( ICycor ) . 3 3
J. B. Richardson ( Splan ) . 2 3
Henrietta ( Andrews ) . . % , . 3 3
Time 3:18 : 3:14 : " .
SPECIAL AOAI.VST TIME (2:00 ( : if ) .
Johston ( Doblo ) . JJ:07Ji :
Burnt o ; n ICucm.
SAUA.70QA , August 15 , Uain. foil last
night and the track was heavy and holding
to-day. Summary :
Thrao-fourthi of a milo Milton won in
l:19y : , Potemus second , Successor third.
Milo and one-eighth Hindoocraft won in
1:57 , Bessia Juno second.
Milo und flvo eighths Montrose won in
3:01 : , Lavina Belto second , Gypsy Queen
third. . t
Milo and one-eighth Gymnast won in 3.04 ,
Vosburg second , Ben Harrison third.
Three-fourths of a mile Fenolon won in
l:20i , Ble Brown Jug , second , Kemson third.
Threo-fourths'ora'milo Macauloy won ia
1:31 , Kodstono second , Mamie Hunt third.
Chicago Races.
CHICAGO , August 15. [ Special Telegram to
TUB BEE.I Summary of to-day'a races at
the West Side track :
Five and a half furlongs Melia T. won ,
Amelia second. Pilgrim thlro. Time 1 :09X.
Three-quarters of a mile Clara Moore
won , Rhody Pringle second. Soranodor third.
Time t:14K. :
Mile and ono sixteenth Big Three won ,
Little Minch second. Manaolino third. Tlmo
One initc Cherry Blossom won , Fred
Wink secona , Sayro third. Time 1:44J .
Ono milo Colonel Gore won. Rambler
second. Balance third. Time 1:43. :
Three quarters of a milo Martin Russell
won. Jack Cocks second , Pucnto third.
Time 1
, Monmourli I'nrk Races.
MONMOOTH PABK , August 15. The track
was heavy and the course completely cov.
ored with water. Summary :
Three-fourths of a mile Civil service won
In 1:20 , King William second , Ozone third.
Tnreo-fourths of a milo Fan Fan colt
won in 1:21 , Mandina ( Illy second , Honduras
Klevon-sixtqonths oCa milo Sluggard won
In 1 :55 : % , Galop second , Giocknor third.
Milo and a half Eurus won m 2:50 : , Senorita -
orita second , Fironzl third.
Ono mile Newcastle won in 1:53 : , Esau
second. Groomsman third.
Seven-eighths of a milo Gregory won in
1:35 : , Bradford pccond , May C third.
Attend the
Omaha Fair ,
September - to G.
Railroad rates :
One faro for round trip nnd 50c added
from nil Nebraska points.
Ono hn'd ono-third fitro 2oO miles
oust of Omaha.
Xhn Pearl CJrnzo Spreading.
DAIILINOTON , WIs. , August 10. [ Special
Telegram to THE BEB.Tho ] pearl crozo
has reached tula place. Dr.- Carey , pension
examiner , who visits Broadhcad every
Wednesday , spoke of the excitement created
at that place ( Aid Albanyby the finding of
gotns. Some interest was taken hero and a
few parties commenced searching In the
Pecatonlcu rivor. Tnree pearls were found ,
and to-duy thq river is crowded with mon
and boys wading After clams. At least forty
pearls have boon brought to. light , seine ot
them being very pure nndvhlte , and ac
cording to Dr. Carey's estimate worth , in
comparison with those found ut Albany , $75
to flOO.
. I. .
Cushuian's Menthol inhaler cures catarrh ,
headache , neuralgia , asthma , hay iovor.
Trial frco'at your druggist. Price 50 cents.
Fraudulent imiil
SiiosnQNc , Idaho , August 15 , The agents
looking up fraudulent land and water right
entries are making- important discoveries ,
The upper Blaokfoot river has line natural
meadows Covered by desert land entries ,
Ono traci of 11.000 acres is claimed by prom
inent Utah Mormons. They havejtcu mowIng -
Ing machines und are cutting thousands of
tons of nay , dry ns the season is.
Because the locality Is so far away from
travel and settlement makes it a good mid
way place for stock run out of Utah to evade
the vigilant church receiver. Largo herds of
such stook are reported in that vicinity ,
The prosecutions promise to ulace these
lauds back Into tbo publlo domain , whllo ex-
arnples will likely be made of some of the
offenders , charged with perjury.
To tone up the system and stimulate
thouppotito , talco Angostura Bitters.
Dr. J. G. B. Siogort < fc Sonb , golo manu
facturers. Asic your druggist.
Of Interest to DlHilllor * .
WASHINGTON , August 15. The commis
sioner of Internal ruvonao has issued a cir
cular prohibiting the refilling at distilleries
of casks or packages used at the same dis
Mow York Itopulilloans.
NB\V Yonic , August 15 , The republican
state coinmlttco mot to-day and decided to
hold the state convention in Saratoga. Sep
tember 25.
Another Day of Enjoyment at the
State Reunion.
A Great Slinin ttnttla the Principal
Feature of To-day's 1'roirrAmnie
Station Agnnt lUtclioy's
Accounts Shoct.
The Kearnry Stnto Mcunlon.
Nob. , August 15. [ Special
Telegram to TUB HUE. | Thls.mornlnp was a
sccno of great commotion , the llito of which
had not boon witnessed bofOrOt The princi
pal streets of the camp wcro thronged nt an
early hour , and an endless stream of convey
ances loaded down , with people was con
stantly flowing into the grounds. Bands wore
playing in ovcry part of the camp , and all
( was bustle and confusion in , preparing for
the grand parade that Was billed for 10
o'clock. This was composed ot'veterans ,
bands nnd the Second Infantry. The proces
sion xaarctfod from the grounds to the city
nnd through the principal thoroughfares of
the city , where "Governor Thayer reviewed
the parade. During the day special trains
brought In ereat crowds , und to-night tha
hillsidp is n mass of pcopld. "
This afternoon the ex-prisoners of war
bold a mass meeting , and among- other pro
ceedings resolutions rccomm6nding Corporal
Tanner for pension commissioner , and that a >
higher rata ot pensions should bo granted ,
were unanimously adopted.
This evening the Second Infantry and the
G. A. II. , In companies representing states ,
passed in grand review bbforo Governor
Thayer. The gunboats attacking forts an
the lake front was the principal feature of
amusement. 'Ihocatnp.lira was Interesting ,
und the old soldiers axa the happiest lot ot
pcoplo in the state over the stories of 'war-
Good order bos prevailed from the begin
ning of. tno encampment : ' , _ '
To-morrow at Q o'clock a sham battle will
take place , which will bo the lost loading
feature of the great encampment at Kearney.
There are now 40,000 poou > a In camp. Only
a few are leaving , ana in ( > st of tbo veterans
will spend the week. IP , camp.
. i .
Gngo County Jtppublicans.
BRATIUOB , Nob. , Angusilj.lSpeclal Tola-
gram to THE BEB. ] The'Gago county re
publican convention closed ah exciting and
all day convention at.10:80 to-night by nomi
nating the following "ticket , ' H , B , Davis ,
treasurer ; . J" E. Hayes , register ; A. G.
Kelm , clerk ; W. W. Bowme , ' Ju'd eO. ; . O.
Walls , coroner ; Miss Marfu-Upspn/'suporin-
tcndont of schools ; Hobofrt ICyfl , ' ahoVifl ; R.
B. Kennedy , surveyor. Delegates , to the
state conventional. L. Talt , J. 13. Bush , G.
A. Murphy , E. J. Uodorick , J. W. Funk , M.
A. Dixon , James Kerr , L.'V."Jewell. P. E.
Winter John A. Weaver. W. H. Wilson , H.
Emery , C. B. James , Orlando Swain , B. F.
Hentzlor , J. T. Greenwood , F : A. Dobbs , D.
S. Hardin , George Zuvor , D. R. Mercer , HT.
H. Jones , H. C. Stoll , L it Clayton , George
Fisk. i
Two niasonio 1'npora ,
OscnoLA , Nob. , August 15. , [ Special to
TUK BBE. " ! At the last meeting of Oscoola
ledge , A. F. & A. M. , two papers were road
before the lodge , both emanating from
Omaha , ono an edict from. Grand Master
Mercer nnd tha other a protest from Omaha
ledge No. 1 , They asked that they be posted
oa the door of the ledge roomr after being
read at three regular nicotines of the lodgo.
If this is done of course it makes it public ,
because there is bardly a lodge hall In Ne
braska but what is used by other societies
besides Masonic. The Masons of Oscoola
are loyal to Masonry and their grand master ,
and will obey the edict , nnd yet they think
ho has gene a little' too far , afIBT the action
taken in tha grand ledge at its last conven
tion. There are no Cernauera. here , or Scot-
tishEl.ters either. , o"
11 - " ) * *
A Prospective Sooictjr Event ,
Noinu PIATTB , Neb. , Augnst 15. [ Spec
ial to TIIE BEE. ] North Platte will bo the
scone of an unusually interesting wedding
some time soon * , where the disparity in. ago
on the one side will bo offset by the dispar
ity-in wealth on tha other. For a week erse
so the report boa beeo. flying- around in a
gradually enlarging circle , until now the
number of those who have not heard It is
not very largo. Humor has it thafMr. M.
C. Keith , ono of our wealthiest citizens , is
about to take unto bimsolf n wife. .Mr.
Keith is well known in Omaha and througn-
out Nebraska. He is about sixty-five years
old , but age sits lightly on him. Tha pros
pective bride is Miss Joslo Parker ? , of this
city. The young lady Is twenty-ono , intelli
gent and pretty , and comes of good family.
A 1'ostolUce IlabUQd ,
DAXNCIIUOO , Neb. , August 15. [ Special
Telegram to Tun BEE. | The Nysted post-
oftlce , a small place four miles west of this
city , was robbed lastnightof about $35.Mn
Olson , postmaster and owner af the store in
which the postofllce is kept , also lost $30 in
cash , some -clothing , shirts , blankets and
other small articles , A-young , man who dis
appeared during the night is strongly sus
pcctcd. Officers at neighboring towns have
been notified , and bo will undoubtedly bo
captured. He carries with him a Winches
ter rifle nnd ammunition nod may , ia case bo
is cornered , show fight. , ,
' " - j
- -
Short In Ilia Accounts.
NIOIIKAHA , Neb. , August. 15. [ Special to
TUB BBK.I Rltchoy , the station agent of the
Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul at Running
Water , who mysteriously 'disappeared July
SO and was for a weak in the Bluffs on a sup
posed crazy journey , is fonnd vto ba. short in
his accounts with the company. On the
freight report bo claims to have had about
$1,400 freight on hand , when ho. had but
about SGOO. The auditor has been making a
thorough investigation and mt > re llfjhfwtU
doubtless como of shortage iu other direc
tions. HU strnngo actions upon the-sudden
arrival of the auditor are now accounted for.
Onioor Installed.
OBOEOLA , Neb. , August 13. [ Special to
TUB BEK.I Osceola chapter , O. J. S. , In
stalled their oDlcors last night , , and the fol
lowing nrotho lucky ones : Mrs. H. A. Scott ,
W. M. ; T. H. Saunders , W.'P.I Mrs. L , . B.
Musslomon , A. M. ; Mrs , W. J. Conlrllng ,
secretary ; H. A. Scott , treasurer ; Mrs. Dr.
Whaloz , C. ; Mrs , M. E. Saunders , A. C. ;
Mrs. D. M. Butler , organist. After the in
stallation the chapter partook of refresh
ments , consisting of Ice cream and cake , pro
vided by the worthy matron , Mrs. H. A.
A Successful Teachers' Institute.
BLAIU , Neb. , August 15. [ Special tO'TiiK
Bus. ] The teachers county institute , which
bos been in session here for the last two
weeks , closed to-day. It was In charga of
County Superintendent J. W. Henderson.
Prof. Stuploton and Ellen M. Ostortuud ,
from Central City , Neb , , woro1 employed as
teachers and have given the bestot satisfac
tion. Thi'ro were ninety-nine enrolled this
year , which makes a good showing for a
county that has only fifty-two schools. The
county superintendent -coyotes Friday nod
Saturday to examination of teachers.
A Note Hod for Collection , '
NEmusKA CITTNeb. , August 15. [ Special
to TUB BBE. ] A note of 8125 has pe < n ! filed
for collection In tuo probate court by Dr.
Jones , of Grand Island , against the estate of
the late Danlol Meyer , This is one of a number
bor of notes claimed to have been obtained
by fraud by tbo somewhat notorious doctor ,
and the Meyer hoirb will light the case In
The Water nt Baloin Kalllng.
SALEM , Nob. , August 15. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB BKB. ] The water has fallen
ono foot here during the post twenty-four
hours. Last night the water was , \yilhln
two inches of as high as the flood of 1883.
Much damage bas been done to crops : The
railroad bed 1 washed badly , and In BOIUO
places the track U In corn fields. Every ef
fort Is being miultfto got the track , in shape ,
but with little success , ns the water b not
fallen uniolcnUy'to allow tha work to bo
dono. " ad
An OilftftoUlor0' Plcnto.
NnnnASKA. Oxrrt > Nob. , August 13. fSpoclnl
to Tnc BcK.1 The old settler * and farmers
hnvo mndo nrfSifJpmonts for a grand plcnlo
to bo hold In Myntl's grove , near Union , Cass
county , on Aujrtist 23. J. Sterling Morton ,
O. P. Mnsonvlqtd ? Orlando Toftt will bo
among the speakers. A valuable nnd suita
ble present ir V6 M given to the oldest
settler present. _
A Dcecfior Not Wanted.
NnnnASKACirr , Neb. , August 15. [ Special
to TncBsn. ! DB. Klnian , arrested Tiero
on the charge p.f bolng an army deserter , has
boon released , as the military officers said ho
was not wanted , although the man acknowl
edged ho desort6d long ago. Ho served in
tha command of General Reno nt the tlmo of
the Ouster massacre. .
People Must \Vfttch Their Stores.
GRIST , Nob. , August 15. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB BHB. ] J. R. Fanningnnd , It.
L. Rod far , two settlers living' In the north-
\ycstorn part of the county , have boon en
gaged for some timd in stealing windows
nnd doors from temporarily vacant bouses.
They wcro ngtlflod by a vigilance committee-
to leave the country. The two oamo to Grant
yesterday and nrmod themselves with Win
chesters , nnd they say if they are driven out
blood will have to flow , , ,
Gcnora Votes Water Worlcs Bonds.
GEXBVA , Nob. , August 15. [ Special Tele
gram to THE BBB.J The citizens of Geneva
are jubilant to-day. 'They decided to have
water works by a vote of 250 to 15 against.
A light vote was polled , ns many had gene to
the reunion nt Kearney. The bonds voted
wcro $23,000 , to fun twenty years at 6 per
For Selling Mortgaged Cattle.
PEKDEn , Neb. , August 15. [ Special Tele
gram to Tna BEB.I Warrant * wero. to-day-
placed in Sheriff Myers' hands for the arrest
ol Charles Abrams and a man named Jack
son , who are wanted for disposing of 173
head of cattle upon which. D. N. Wheeler , of
this place , holds a mortgage. The sheriff ; is
now af tor them.
Nebraska Growing tn Population.
O'NKILI. , Nob. , August 14. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB BBE. jThoro j was born yesterday
to Mr. and Mrs. Victor Charles Ozler , living
north of O'Neill , four , healthy babies threa
girls and ono boy , weighing five pounds each.
This is Ozior's seventh wife nnd this makes
eleven children by this wife. 1 he babies are
doing finely. _
School Honda Sold.
MADISON. Neb. , August 15. [ Special Tolo-
grnm to THE Ben. ] At a mooting of the
school board yesterday $3,000 of school bonds
were offered at public sale to the highest
bidder. There were several parties repre
sented. John b.'Owo , cashier , offered § 1.03
in behalf af James Stuart's bank , which , be
ing the highest bid , was accepted.
Prnhlnltlonfotf Select a Connty Ticket
NELSON , Neb A gust 15. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB Bun. ] Thoprohibitlon primary
convention nominated" a complete county
ticket nnd elected ) Eighteen delegates to the
state conventionioVLincolD.
* , Xi
Over four yearajigo Swift's Specific- cured
mo of B troublesome eruption which covered
my shouIders.Qbair nnd limbs. This was
after I had been treated by six doctors , some
of whom said I.Bcsvljr would get well. E. M.
Hubsey , Sherman , Tex ;
Frohman's Lyceum Theatre company
played "Tho Wife * * jit Boyd's opera bouso
last night to n Jrory largo and most thor
oughly opprocf iV § .audience. Before 8
o'clock standing wo'm was sold and people
'scrambledfor ' * nhat ; something un
precedented in . .Omaha at this sea
son of the year. , But it demonstrated
two things that the , attraction Is very
popular -with the public and that our theater
goers appreciate a good. play. "The Wife"
is a play that suits them , while Herbert
Kolcey , Georia Cayvan , Nelson Wbeatcroft ,
Henry Miller , W. J. Lo Moyne , Charles Wol-
cot Grace Henderson , Mrs. Wolcot , Louise
Dillon , Mrs. Thomas Widen and Charles
DIckson are players who fill to its fullest
bent their ideal pleasure. It is a story of
domestic misfortune exposed in subsequent
incidental rovolattans , seasoned with a suffi
cient amount of the spice ot every day llfo
to keep an audience thoroughly enter
tained , and those artists handle their
various parts so very skillfully
as to hold tbo interest at a high
tension from beginning to end , It would bo
a bard matter to select from the whole any
of the characters for special mention , be
cause they are so closely allied , so important
to each other and all so well acted
that the performance can with
Justice bo taken i only in its entirety.
True , Herbert Koicoy nnd Georgia Cowan
as John Rutherford nnd Helen Truman , re
spectively , are the central figures around
which tbo others rotate , but in no sense do
they overshadow Matthew Culver , tbo vil
lain , as presented by Nelson Whoatcroft , or
Robert Gray , tbo unfortunate lover , who is
portrayed so well by Henry Miller : nor the
mayor , Homer O. Putuam. G. A. R. of W. J.
LoMoyno ; also th clover work of
Mrs. Charles Wolcot as Mrs. Ives ; Louise
Dl Ion , as Kitty Ives , her daugnter , aad
Grace Henderson as Lucille Ferrant , the
desperate woman. Miss Cayvan is an artist
of such sweet grace , ease and naturalness
that it Is impossible for an audience not to
admire , and Koicoy uialcos such a manly
character of John Rutherford as to
elicit the greatest admiration.
It is a model play in the bands of a model
company. Consequently they combine to
produce a model performance.
John Russell's now force comedy , "Tho
City Directory , " was put on for the flrst
tlmo In Omaha last night , at tbo Grand ,
With such well known comnuians as Charlie
Reed , John Gilbert , llgnatio Martinotta ,
William Collier , Harry Standish , and a host
of pretty comediennes , headed by Helen
Rctmor and May Ybho , it succeeded ,
considering the strength of a counterattraction
tion , in drawing a good audience. The piece
Is so new and unfamiliar that many bad
breaks were noticed In its presentation , but
when the artists got their business down
'fina it will bo a go. Mr. Russell
characterizes bis creation as a comedy
of errors. All the characters are
named Smith , ana ) through the action every
body chases Btiluobody else. It is well
written nnd very-.innjiy. The company is on
route to San Fr n6jsco.
1 V-v -
Sleepless niglltsi made miserable by
that terrible ctfuvh. Shiloh's Cure is
the remedy for'Mll. For sale by Good
roan Drug Co.'j
That haokin&ccpigh can bo so quickly
cured by Shiloh/s / ffuro. Wo guarantee
it. For sale byf-Goodmun Drug Co.
AVannniukrr COufereu With Green.
WASHINGTON , Aiteu&t 15. The telegraph
rate situation Wirfalns unchanged. Post
master General Wanamakor has entire
charge of the maltcR nnd is in conference
with President Nortfii Green , of the West
ern Union , in rogarfl to it.
Sherman AtfuiUtaJ to Ball.
BUFFALO , N , . Y."A1i ust 15. ' Stephen F ,
Sherman , arrested for complicity in the
grain shortage case , was admitted to ball
this afternoon in the sum of 22,000.
A. Nt'cra plurdprnr Hanged.
JACKSONVILLE , Flo. , August 15. Bill
Wostmoro , a negro wife murderer , was
hanged hero to-day.
The Bordeaux Archbishop l > oad.
BOBDEAOX , August 45. Tbo archbishop
of Bordeaux is dead.
An Absolute Uuro.
is only put up in largo two-ounce Un boxes ,
nnd is an absolute euro for old sores , burns ,
wounds , chuppod hands , and all skin orup.
lions. Will positively cure all kinds of pllos-
MENT. Sold by GooJinan Drug company at
20 cents pur boxby mull &J coats.
Crontn'fl Friobds Asaomblo nt Choi-
tonbnm Bonoli.
Ilcaolutlons Denouncing the Murcloc
Pnssurt * lij- Both Bodies Intense
Peeling Slipwn by llio Doc-
toi's Partisans ,
Two Ultlor Ulvnls.
CIHOACIO , August 15. [ Sncclal Telegram
to TUB BEK.I 'iho two great rival Irish
picnics were given nt Ogdon's Grove nnd
Cheltenham boaoh to-day , the foruTor under
thb auspices of the ndhcrouts of the old
Clan-na-Gnol " " and the latter
- - "Triangle" con
ducted .by tha Personal Rights' league ana
friends of Dr. Cronin. The money derived
from the Cheltenham bench affair will bo
turned Qvar to the Cronin investigating com'
inlttqo , to 60 used In aiding * 'tho proscoutioa
of the assassins , while the funds gathered at
Ogdoti's Grove will bo sent to Mr. Parnoll.
The rivalry between the picnics to-day was
not started by Dr. Cronln's ( loath , but the
fooling of the different factions of the Clan <
nn-Gnclwas bitterly Intctislfled by the trage
dy. The two- picnics business dates bnclc to
the split in the Ancient Order of
Hlborncans , which finally led to the
factional fight In the Clan-n n-Qael.
The mutual dislike of the parties in control
of the different picnics to-dav is very strong.
The Ogdon's Grove people think that the
men who originated the Cheltenham beach
affair-arc trying-to fasten the crime of Cro-
nin's assassination on tbo whole Irish people
hero ana abroad and they fool very angry at
the imputation. . The Cheltenham , beach
folks accuse the Ogden's Grove men ol being
insccrqt or open sympathy with the conspirators
raters who plotted Cronin's murder , and
they are moro blttor than the others , if that
were possible. t
"You're a traitor. u > tha race and cause , "
ays the Ogdcn's Grove man to the Choltou-
ham beach man.
"You're a sympathizer with a murderer
and an adherent of Alex Sullivan , " is the
The Cheltenham beach picnic was ao >
dressed by John Dovoy , of Now Yorlr , Luke
Dillon. . Congressman ITornn , of. Clavoland ,
\V. J. Hynes , Dr. McCahoy , of Philadelphia ,
M. J. Ityan and Thomas P. Lultc , of Do-
troit. i
Tha crowd began to gather at Cheltenham
beach early In the day. The first train went
down , at 3 o'clock. Ea.-ly in the foronoou
a number of Irish nationalists , with tholr
'wives ' daugbtors and sweethearts , worobask-
ing bcnoatu. the spreading oaks In Ogden's
Grove , eatltrg ice creamer drinking beer , as
thole fancies dictated , but it was not until
2:30 o'clock that the picnic was at Its height.
At that hour the Cian-na-Gaol Guards , brll *
liant with their bright regalias and green
plumes , the Hibernian Hides , with their mus
ketry and habiliments of war , and the An
cient Order of Hibernians in full dross uni
forms swept through the gates and took pos
session of tha grounds. Then the fun began
in earnest. Everybody was in the best of
humor and looking fora good time. From
the tall flag staff at the entrance of the grove
tbo utar spangled banner floated in the
breeze , and as Is usual m such cases , the flag
of Ireland had boon run up to iceop it com
pany. Inside the grounds little American
& &gi were every where to be seen , and bv
the side or cncn was the green banner , on
whlcnwas _ painted the harp of Erin. There
was a lorco of seventeen policemen under
command of Lieutenant Arch oa tha grounds
to see that the Irish patriots' zeal did not
overrun their judgment , uut the number of
policemen in citizens' clothes could hardly bo
The principal features of the two demon
strations were tha resolutions , or "ad-
drosses" adopted , by each. At Ogden's
Grove the address Issued 1jy the executive
committee and adopted by the assemblage
says :
* "it has been asserted by those instru
mental in covering us with defamation that
we wish to screen the murderers of Dr.
, Cronin.Ve meet here to-day , among other
reasons , for the purpose of vehemently de
nouncing his atrocious murder in our capac
ity as American citizens ; but wo hold that as
Irise-Amerlcans there is no more reason to
hold us responsible for that foul atrocity
than there is to hold any other element of
our body politic for crimes committed by
persons to whom they are kindred. We de
voutly hope that the officers authorized by
law will succeed In bringing to justice the
assassins of Dr. Cronin. "
Wo repudiate , both as American citizens
and as Irih-Amaricans , tbo claim made by
tho'enemles of our race that the Irish element -
mont bas any desire or any purpose to make
the soil of America the theater of acts of
vengeance because of the feuds , factions or
disagreements growing out of political dif
ferences or personal heart-burnings. Wo re
turn our slnccro and most gratjful thanks to
Hon. John M. Thnyer , governor of Nebraska ,
for bis magnanimous defense of the honor of
our race against tbo reckless slanders of a
society of professional foreigners. "
The Cronlnitos' platform says :
"Pledged to tbo maintenance of law in
this land , wo cannot see two sides on which
law-aoidlug people'can stand. Tnose who
are not with the authorities in the execution
of the laws are against them and are dangerous -
gorous citizens. Wo cannot apologize for
crimes and bo law-abiding people ;
hence wo doom it the duty of law
abiding citizens to denounce with all the ve-
bomenco of their nature the most heinous
crime of the nineteenth century , the malic
ious assassination of the patriotic , Christian
citizen , Dr. P. P. Cronin. We also denounce
with no less vehemence the attempt to place
the responsibility for that assassination upon
the Irish people by defaming the honorable
reputation of our murdered follow citizon.
Here , in our midst , In the garden city of the
republic , was conceived , planned and exe
cuted this most heinous of crimes ; hence It
is meet and proper that here in our beloved
home , and by this Immense demonstration of
her Benevolent societies and assembled citi
zens , who come together to bear witness to
tbo character , patriotism and virtue oft our
murdered brother as well as to place on rec
ord the indignation of civilized humnnitv at
the commission of an atrocious crime.
AVe declare that the men who conceived these
crimes are infamous beyond description ;
and wo demand for them punish
ment in accordance with the degree of their
crime , and that the law bo fully vindicated
by the rigid execution of tbo saino.
"Follow citizens of Irish birth or extrac
tion wo have an additional duty to perform.
While the world Is satisfied that the Irish
people , as a people , had no hand in the atro
cious crime , we cannot close our eyes to the
mistakes of our people that led up to this
crime. A few years ago union and a broth
erly solf-sacrlflcing spirit of patriotism pro-
vaitod among our people. To olcvato our
country among the nations of the earth , to
call into its service the able , the competent ,
the honest men of our race was the ambition
of all true patriots. In an ovll hour the ma
lignant , selfish and nrlmo-statned offspring of
the enemy , with slcok ana hypocritical faces ,
clothed in the garb of Irish patriotism , caino
among us. Tlioy showed acfianca to tha
enemy and gallantly waived our own im
mortal green 4,000 miles away from the
"red. " With seemingly earnest words and
glittering generalities they diverted us from
our tried and faithful guide , substituting the
modern patriot with pnoo > o and both bands
on American ofllco. They filled us with
promises and at the same tlmo
filled English prisons with our patriotlo
brethren. In the name of Ireland they rent
into factions every patriotlo Irish society m
America. In the name of Ireland they set
brother against brother. In the name of
Ireland they called for your money. In the
name of Ireland they failed to ucoount for
It , In the name of Ireland they betrayed
Irishmen into the hands of tbo enomy. In
the name of Ireland they attempted to In
vestigate these great crimes. In the name
of Ireland they led their criminals and
dupes to the Carlsuu cottage and murdered
Dr. Cronin. la the name of Ireland they
would bury his body in Laico Michigan uud
his memory m infamy. la the name of Ire-
laud tneso dupes and allies would prevent
the punishment of these murderers , because
they say it would dwgrnoo the Irish pcoolo.
In the name of Ireland this criminal minor
ity would stab American law to vlndUato a
faction. Was ever a people so betrayed I
Was over a people so disgraced I Was over
a people so curtodl Was over a people so
stupefied by the artifices ot cunning and
criminal tirrognncol Was England over
bolter served I Was ever Ireland so deliber
ately betrayed ! "
At Ogdea's grove ox-Congressman FmortV
.undo n stirring speech in which ho de
nounced the Chicago press for Its partisan
ship In the Cronin. mutter , Intimating that
the papers in tholr demands that tha mur
derer bo hunted to Jusllco were roallv nti
tempting to make the Irlsti odious with the
stigma of the Cronin murder.
At Choltentinm beach thanroit sensational
feature of the day was the denunciation of
Miclmol Havltt and Patrick Epin bv John
Devoy. This gentleman In a lonp and im
passioned speech clmilcngcd not only the
motives but nt o honesty and patriotism of
these well known Irishmen. Mr. Egan , the
United Stntoi minister to Chill , was de
nounced as n sympathizer with the ganir who
Instigated the murder of Crania and with
huvlng nscd thb prostlgo of his position to
blacken Crouln's character.
Congressman Lawler In n vigorous speech
denounced Flnorty as n liar , poltroon and
Gold Founil In the Hlvcr Bed nt
Toxv/ifinml Montj
HBLBJJA , Mont. , August 15. [ Special Tele
gram to Tnn DBB.J The dry season In this
region Is boncflltlng the people of Townscnd ,
where tha Missouri river is crossed by the
Northern Pacific railroad. Tho. river U so
low at that point that a largo atca of the
river bed Is exposed. Townsend people re
cently began ground sluicing for placer golden
on the exposed portions of the river bed and
have struck it rich. The flrst experiment
yielded $7 to 810 n day to n-mnn. It has long
been known that gold deposits were plenti
ful in the upper Missouri , but they could not
bo worked profitably unions during low
water periods. The Missouri will probably
soon bo lined with gold miners for fifty tallcs
each , way from Helena.
Attend the
Omalm Fair
September 2 to 0.
Railroad rates :
Onn faro for round , trip and 50o addoi
from all Nubrnslca points.
Ono and one-third faro 250 miles
cast of Onmhn.
Councilman llafTcrty Surprised.
Two score of friends and admirers of
ex-Councilman Danlol RafTortj took ad
vantage of his intended visit to Ireland : to
surprise him Thursday evening and to ore-
sent him with a token of confidence and
esteem. Sbelany's orchestra , furnished
music. Alter congratulations , dancing
commenced , which added , much to the pleas
ures of the evening. The table being spread
with an abundance of palatable ana inviting
edibles , Mr. Charles' Singer called the
friends to order , and in a short , neat speech
stated what baa brought the friends to
gether and introduced the Uov. Father D.
W. Moriurty. who , , in a few'weli chosen
wards , stated the feelings of admir
ation for ana contidonco In Mr. Kaflerty ,
who In his publlo capacity as a local legisla
tor had. demonstrated his friendship and his
rlchttoba regarded an honest and upright
man. Aa a token of astcom ho then pre
sented Mr. Rafforty with a very fine gold
headed , ebony cane , inscribed : "Presented
to ox-Councilman Danlol Haftorty , of South
Omaha , Neb. , 1889 , bv friends. "
Mr. Raffoi tyrlnd Francis Boyle will start
Friday afternoon for County Armagh , Ire
Pell fifty-five Feet.
John McGinn , working for Burn ess &
Paries on tha new smoke stock , at the George
H. Hammond & Co. packing house , Thurs
day afternoon nt 4 o'clock slipped and foil
from the top to the ground in the inside
of the stack , a distance of fifty-five
feet. The unfortunate man at flrst was
thought to bo killed , but surgeons who wcro
summoned could not oven flnd a broken bone
nor any evidence of serious injury. Mr. Mc
Ginn received a cut ou the- right side of the
head , an injury on the right sido. and back , a
sprain of tbe right ankle ana a braise on tb o
right log. Ha was removed to the Metro
politan hotel , whcro ho and liiiwifo board.
A Close Call lor His tiifc.
The Q street crossing sceems a fatal spot.
Thursday afternoon Cornelius Fitzgerald
came very near being crushed by a largo
stick of timber. As he was driving along , ono
of the large timbers was being raised and a
team Just in front of him stopped , prevent
ing him from going on. Just then the
fastenings broke , letting the timber fall
across the center of the rear part of the
wagon , coming within a short distance of
crushing him. _
Birthday Party.
Two score of the little friends of Emma
Jettor , aged ton years , daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Balthas .Totter , gathered at their pleas
ant home. Twenty-eighth and Q streets ,
Thursday afternoon. A most cnjoyablo tlmo
was had. Numerous presents were received
by Miss Emma , and all who were there enjoyed -
joyod themselves.
Alleged Horse Tliiof In the Tolls.
Some two months ago Bernard Corrlgan
bad a valuable horse stolen. The result of
considerable good detcotive and police work
resulted In the arrest of Frame Lovelady ,
near Dos Molnes , In. , charged with stealing
the animal. Lovelady is in jail and will
have a hearing before Judge King.
Routed a Mob Sinclp-Hnnclod.
GIIAXD COTEAU , Ia. , August 15. About 2
o'clock lost night a mob visited the residence
of J. B. Dupleohein , about four miles from
here , for the purpose of regulating a mulatto
woman whoso conduct did not oxactlv suit
their Ideas. The woman was taken by the
crowd , and as she was being carried away
Duplecheln oamo up and made an attempt to
shoot , but his gun failed to 11 ro uud the mob
seriously wounded him. filling him with
buckshot. Duplccboin fired after ho was
shot and caused thorn to release the woman.
A hat was found which was recognized , and
the impression is that the guilty parties will
bo brought to justice , us it is understood the
woman can identify some of. the party.
The Irrigation Committee.
PonTrAN'D , Ore. , August 15-Tho United
States senate committee on irrigation and
reclamation of arid lands has arrived
here from PUget Sound. Tno party
started from St. Paul August 1 and have
visited and taken testimony in the two Da-
kolas , Montana and Washington. The com
mittee IcavoH to-morrow for Walla Walla ,
where a session will bo held. From there It
proceeds to Baker City , theueo to Holsa City ,
Idaho , to Salt Lake and westward to Cali
fornia and Nevada.
Postmaster Ankonoy Notified.
WASHINGTON , August 15 , Tno charges
which were recently preferred against Post
master Ankenoy. nt Minneapolis , have bflou
forwarded to him by the civil service com
mission for such answer as ho may see fit to
Abstracts of title to Wyoming oil
lands furnished. Assessment work uono
and verified to by nllldavit and cartl-
llcato of recordor. Clalma located , J.
J. Corbott , Casper , Wyoming.
Killed Hy an Illicit Distiller.
JiCKtiONViu.K , Flo. , August 15.Lato last
night Frank \Vcllcr. deputy collector of In
ternal revenue , wont to the house Of John
Hrusswull , un illicit distiller , near West-
villo , to arrest him. Bruswoll resisted and
shot Wollor doul.
A Murderer Lynched.
UOSLYN , Wis. August 15 , Thomas F.
Thomas was fatally shot last night by a sa
loonkeeper named Fred Loshman. This
morning a mob took Losbman from Jail and
lynched him , Ho was a hard character.
A. HerloiiH
A complaint was Hied in thu polioo court
yesterday by Philip Woolwmo ugalnst Bon
nie Day , charging him with attempting to
rape Mr. Woolwlno'a little sovon-year-old
daughter , Daisy ,
Advlooto MotliorH ,
Mrs. WJnsIow'a Soothing Syrup
should always bo used for children
toothing. It Boothoa the child , Boltenu
the gums , allays all puins , euros wind
colic , and is the best remedy for Uiiu-
rhoua. 25o a. bottle.
General Crooks Talks Freely oa the
> > IA no Wnrriur , Only n Mmllolno "
Man nnd n t'ufTail Un Old Krauil
Kxtrn Hc.mlnu Talk Tlio |
Sncnlcerfthli Urvco. '
, Tna OMAHA Bus , )
Bis ,
WASHINGTON. D. C. , Auirust'lS. .
A special from Oaklnnil , Md. , to-tiny , re
ports that Maor-Goncral ] Crook arrived
there yesterday to Join Mrst Crook nnd that
ho was ready to talkr about the Sioux quos-
"Slttlnc Bull , " said General Crook ,
"would not sign the treaty. Ho 1s too buffed
up with his own importance. If'ls a wonaor
to mo how BO great n fraud ns fitting B .11
could bo made such a here of. Why , a wlfltd
woman from the east actually wont out to
the reservation and'proposed mnrrlntfa'to
him , which ho discreetly declined' , ns ho Im'd
already several squaws who would probably
mnko it uncomfortable for her. She Is not
the only woman , however , who hai given
the fellow ciuiso for his conceit , for many
orders como for his photograph.1'
"But did ho not really display great brav
ery in the Custcr llghtl
"No , " said the general , "ho showed Rth
white feather , ran away , und afterwards got
nil tlio glory umong the white mon. With
the Indians Sitting Bull has no reputation ns
a bravo. By them he is considered a modi-
clue man. "
General Crook said ho had done n great
deal of traveling since the 7th or May , when
ho started for the Sioux reservation. Ho
BjysthaSioux reservation is. as long ns the
state of Indiana , nnd Is occupied by moro
than 1,500 ! Indians. The tract is too lurgo
for any prnctlcappurposo. 'Ihoy can not cul
tivate it , nnd much of It luys In the land of
the Dakotus , A peculiarly rich section.
There are sovcn agendas which own thti r
reservation in com mon. What the govern
ment desired was that each agency should
talto a reduced reservation and own itlndo-
pondently , and then soil the land lyingbo -
twcen the seven reduced reservations to the
government at a moderate price. The In
dians objected on the ground that if they'
should sell pnrt of the little laud loft them
the whites would after a while take It all.
General Crook Is of tbo opinion that the
Indiana had been bribed not to soil , but by { i ,
whom ho had no knowledge , but thought tho- f'i
cattle men or railroad companies might have '
had a hand In it. '
It Is now generally conceded on all sldus
that there will DO an extra session of con
gress. It Is believed that the president hna
at last mode u his mind uotlnltoiy to call
boch houses together by the first.swcok in (
November. Those who pretend to know tbo s
inside workings of the president's mind say
the ono thing which madu him hcsitato so '
long before coming to definite conclusion (
was tbo uncertainty which existed as-to the
position which might be assumed by so ma of
the southern republicans in tbo organization '
of tbo houso. There is no longer any doubt-
on this score , ir there over was any at all.
Each and every republican from the southern -
orn states hai been heard from. Every man
among them has expressed his determlna-
tion to stand bv the cuucus and to vote for i.
tha caucus nominee for tbo spcakorship. 1
TIIE srr.vKKiisirip oun.ooic.
Wbilo the preponderance of opinion hare <
is that Mr. Heed has a long lead , in the >
spuakorship race , no ono thinks , ho has secured - '
cured enough pledges to yet tits cloo-
tlou. Some ol the friends of Mr. ) Burrows ,
of Michigan , say that he has developed
a great deal of strength la unexpected quar
ters recently und that there is moro reason1
for Mr. Hoed to fear him than any otbat >
man. The impression is. gaining-ground tt > at >
Muior McIClnley docs not care very mucty
whether he is elected or not , and tha )
In fact ho would prefer to withdraw volun
tarily from the Taco rather than * > to
run the risk of defeat. McIClnloy undoubt
edly expects that in the event of his failure
to secure the spoHlcership ho will get tbo
chairmanship of the committee on ways and
means , and there are many reasons why this
place would be more pleasing to him tuani
the first place. As to the other positions ,
there is nothing to bo discovered as yet. The
south will without doubt be given ono of the '
last , probably the speakorshlp , not that tbU
ofllco is in itself more desirable than a clerk
ship or the position , of sorgcant-at-urms , but
there is moro patronage attached , to iv than
all the otliur places togotbor.
There is hut dly u chance that the con
tested election cases can bo settled before
tbo holiday recess , but the llrst committee
appointed will bo the committee on election ,
as ; after that thu commfttoo on rules
1ms been named. By the time that tbo house .
organizes the public printer will have all i
the papers and testimony ia print , and iioth- \
mg will prevent the early consideration of I
tbo contests. But the democrats have already - I
ready announced their determination to Hit- j
buitor , and uuless there are radical changes ?
iu the rules of procedure , the fillbustcrors |
will bo enabled to prevent action for '
many weeks , and perhaps thov may bo nblo
to keep some of the contests on the docket
during tha ontlro uession , in splto of the ,
extra days which will by gained by a oall
for the meeting of congress In November ,
W. II. Hnri , of Frankfort , Tnd. , who was j
recently offered the position of third auditor /
of the treasury , after Mr. Hurloy declined ,
arrived in the city last night and visited the
third auditor's afliuti to-duy in company with
Congressman Choadlu. Mr. Hurt bus not
yet made up his uimd whether or not bo will
accept tbo plncc , iuia will probably wait until -
til the return of the president and Treasurer
Huston before reaching a determination.
Mr. Hart was a candidate for tbo pension
agency nt InOIiinupolls , and hU reasons for
hesitating to accent the place which was
given him are piuuly of adomcstiochnrticter.
Ho does- not care particularly for llfo In
Washington , and hesitates about bringing
his family horo. If lit/ shall conclude to sot
osldo his preference for llfo in Indiana , ho
will probably talto hold of his newoQlco
early next week.f
Abbey , Hooker county , Alice S. Chamberlain -
lain ; Branson , Choycuno county , Frederick
Prluo ; JJelviiinro , Thnycr county , N. F.
House ; Newark , Kaaruoy county , W , D , .
Drlor ; Itock JJluITs , Cass county , NolUo 1
Graves ; Stophcnson , Keya Puhu county , <
Gerula A. Porter , f
Amber , Jones county , W. H. Sanford ; [
IJrouicr , llremor county , Mrs. H. D. Uode- '
kor ; Huck Creek , Uromer county , A. J ,
Parsonss Com , Pugo county. H. G. Uacon , ;
Enstpoit , Fiemont county , W. II , Murphy ;
Fnntanollo , Adair county , Henry &avugo ;
Mliiilcu , 1'ottawattamio county , James M.
Khali : Norsman , Pauo county , Martha F.
Cumloy ; Porclval , Fremont county , II. B.
Hawley ; Quasquorton , Uuclmnnn county ,
Jowls Johnson ; Wnhitor , ICookuk county ,
( J , R. lUchmond ; WooJward , Dalian county ,
/ G. Preston.
CoinmUsloncr Tanner to-day appointed Dr.
Uenjumin M. Tailor ajuoosbor of tbo board
intidlcal pension examiners at Kewtou ; Iu.
Mr , John D. Harrison , of Spring-Hold , III. ,
savn that be baa blood trouble for qulto a
tlmo ; his tonvils were swoloii , eruptions over
his bunds und face , followed by puralyum of
the face , which was all relieved li.v Swift's
Specific , und after the lapse of sovcn years ,
there 1ms been no sign of u return Of the I
disease. |
New York HopiiblloRiis. i
NKW YOHK , August 15. Tlio ropubllcDB
state coinuilttco mot to-day arid.decided to
liold the state convention In Saratoga , Bop-
timber 'Si. Cornelius N , lillss reBignod tM
chairmanship of tlio state committee , and
Gouoral John ICnapp was elected to that of-
J. E. Montrose will Boll at auction ,
3opterubur C , at Frank Rnwlin's etablo1
Lincoln , Nob. , hisontiroBtockot horaos.
liyfi ] ) uko , the strongest blooded Ham-
blotoniun stallion living , will , bo gold.
A number of brood mures nud colts ,
roadsters und draft hor-nee , young tttult
Hone and fllliea.