THE OMAHA DAILY THURSDAY , AUGUST 15 , 1830. THE CITY. Revenue collections ycstorday , 313- 10774. Edwin OpdyUo nnd Soph In A. Humm vfcro licensed to marry yesterday nftornoon. A. J , Orovcr , the ivslstnnt city on- clncor , burled his llttlo dnufjhtor yca- tordny nftornoon. She dlod Tuosdny morn In p. The rnlhrny mnll officials report num erous dolnya In the mails , caused by washouts In the nolphborhood of Bo- ntrlco nnd Lincoln. The stuto Turnfost of Turn vorolns commences to-day at Fremont nnd will bo attended by n number of ath letes from this city. The annual nlcnlo of the Imperial club vtlll bo hold to-dny at Pries' lake nnd several other organizations will Uxko part on the occasion. ShorltT Coburn wont to the reform school at Kearney yesterday , with Omar Call , a boy sentenced to that place at the last term of court by Judge k Hopowcll. A special mooting of the board of education will bo hold thia ovenincr to consider the report of the committee on rules and repairs to the various school buildings. B. Johnson ( colored ) was hold to the district court yesterday afternoon under i" ( COO bonds , on the charge of stealing i"I brass couplings from Dennis Fitz- palrlck. The board of fire nnd police commis sioners has authorized the purchase of a hose cart for the G. W. Holdrcpo vol unteer lira company recently osttvb- lished wosb of Hnnscom park. Four cnsco of dress goods for the Kil- patrlck-Koch dry goods company , from i"I Bradford , England , and thirty bales of leaf tobacco from Ilavanna , passed the custom house yesterday morning. While Mrs. Stove Hnnigun , an old lady living on the corner of Eighth street and Capital avcnuo , was attend ing church early yesterday morning , a sneakthiof cut a liolo through the wire screen of the back door , and making his I way upstairs carried off Mrs. Ilanigan's I poukotbook , containing Sol. 15. Mrs. ilnnigan ia an old lady about sixty years of ago , and this money represented the savings of years. Ii John Bochm , a saloonkeeper at Eleventh nnd Pierce , was tried in the police court yesterday , before a jury , on i the oh urge of spiling malt , vinous and nnd spirituous liquors on Sunday. The testimony showed that boor was sold on the premises on Sunday , but did not show that It was sold in the saloon , or that It was with the knowledge or con sent of Mr. Boolim. The prosecution did not aliow that vinous or spirituous liquors \voro sold at that time. The jury returned a verdict of not guilty , and the defendant was discharged. Personal 1'artnjrapliH. Warren Walker , of North Loup , Is lu the city. city.C. C. Ii. Cornell , of ICoarnoy , Nob. . Is at the Pnxton. II. J. Taylor , of Rock Island , is at the Murray. "Hilly" Anderson , of the Murray , is in Des Mollies. H. M. Gou'on and wife , of Minneapolis , are nt the Puxton. Mrs. James Brady is visiting nt her old homo in Illinois. J. O. Parish and II. M. Loavltt are at the Pnxton from Lincoln. W. Ilatton wns n visitor In the city ycBtor- day from Dodge , Nob. Charles M. Uatok , a Qralnord , Minn. , man , Is a guest of the Murray. Robert M. Chambers mid wife are nt the Pnxton from "Diiuvillo , 111. At the Millanl vosterdav were A. C. Eaton and wife , of SpringUeld , O. P. T. RnriRom and W. F. Canada , of Ne braska City , nro at the Pnxton. Mr. P. Gavin , a Chicago undertaker , is the guest of Air. Patrick Hoafy. DCS Molnosmen nt the Murray last night wore E. H , Stitpp and W. W. Loouiis. H. G. Albortson and two ladies , of Phila 1 delphia , were at the Millarcl last night. J. W. Babcock and daughter were nt the Millnrd last availing from Cambridge. Nub. Mr. Joseph Tenhon is entertaining his brother John nnd niece , Miss Gary , of Chi cago. George P. Holmnn , wife nnd Miss Zulotto Holmnn , of Portland , Ore. , were in the city last evening , on route cast. Mrs. K. O. Pcattio , wife of Robert B. Pcattio , of the World-Horald , returned from Chicago yesterday morning. United States Marshal Slaughter nnd Rev enue Collector Peters loft for ICearnoy last evening to attend the * soldiers' reunion. Ex-Senator Chnrloa H. Van Wyok passed through the city lost evening on his way to attend the Grand Army reunion at ICoarnoy. L. 13. Uorhum , "Happy Jack , " travolinir llvo stock airont of the Chicago , Rock Island & PaciQCj has just returned from a trip through Montana and Idaho. F. A. Cornell , a prominent Salt Lakolto , Interested in tboMontroso Plncor mme , vis ited Omaha yesterday en route homo from Chicago. Ho spent the day with Hugh Murphy , und went away last evening very forcibly Impressed with the idea that Omaha id a largo and beautiful city , A rtiinuwiiy Hoy. Mrs. Tucker , who llvoa over the Empire Btoam laundry. nt02J North Sixteenth street , Is looking for her boy , Led Tucker , n ind of twelve , who hai been at the Castollur con vent , but has run away. In , Di-iimmors. The outdoor amusement committee for Merchants' week has called a mooting of traveling men In the parlors of the Arcade hotel , at 8 o'clock p , in. , S.tturday , August 17. to urruniro for a pirado in connection with lliu trades display. Sixth Ward A number of the young mon of the Sixth Ward Republican club , the organization of Which made such an elegant display In all the processions of the Into campaign , liavo DCRun to feel un interest In the forthcoming parade of ward organizations during Mer chants' wook. They have talked the matter up among tlioir associates nnd on Friday night the subject will bo discussed in the mooting it the orgnnlratloti which is to ho held at Twenty-sixth and Lake streets. Why Ho Wns Not Arruotnd. About two weeks ago Justlco Andersen , United States commissioner , issued u war rant for the arrest of "VIo" McCarthy , on the charge of piisslnp counterfeit inonoy. Ho was Buupoteu to be ono of the mon who were engaged in circulating bogus dollars nt Uollevuo. The warrant was delivered to Deputy United States Marshal Alien , but wns not served , t having boon discovered t'aiit ths collection of evidence Btilllclcnt to convict , \icCarthy would bo an impossibility. F. M , Woods IB the auctioneer for the Unmblotontiin blooU that will bo sold at Lincoln September 5. A Very Ohl Settler. A dispatch from Atlantic , lu. , says that Isaac Hallcck , formerly a resident of Omaha , died August 0 at Hrayton. Ho was ono of the first settlers In Omaha , In fact lived hero before the town had been granted post- oflico facilities. Ho was the first Justlco of the peace and the second postmaster. Dur ing his term ho Kept the ollluo in a building occupied by A. J. Popplelon on Capitol avo- nuc. All the old citizens remember him , The docojsud was a cousin to General Hal- lock , also to the pout nf tlmt name and Susan 13. Authony , Ho left Omaha several years ago. _ _ _ _ _ _ Pimples , blotches and eruptions on the skin evidence the fact that the blood Is in bad unapt' , nnd those oyuiptoma bhow that nature la trying to throw off the Impurities , in which effort she should bo assisted by u reliable YCK.otablo blood rcmudy , as is Swift's Sl > OcUlc. liOUK TO YOUIt TITLES. It la nnniternn * to Utiy the /Ulogcd / Property of the Sqnnltorn. Some of the people who have boon buying small homes from squatters arovud Cut-Off lake are beginning to ilnd out that they may have trouble m holding thorn. Two weeks nco Muthlas Mathlnson and wife sold nnd deeded to William Grimm onn-half acre In section 3 , township 15 , run go 13. to Which , It la nald they had no legal title. Thomns Davis purchased this land several years ago from the man who originally pre-empted It , nnd there Is nothing on record In the ofllco of the register ot deeds to show that Mr. Davis over made a conveyance of it to any ono. Grimm paid Mathltison (300 for the land , and boiug n poor man , cannot afford to lose that amount of money. Ho was In con sultation yesterday with the register of deeds , Jeff Megealn , who sent him to see Fred Davis , ca hlor of the First National batik. HU father , It Is claimed , was the man who earliest claimed ownership of the land. oo Is now the rate via the Northern Pn- ollio rnllrond from Omnhn nnd Council Bluffs to all north Pacific const points , Including Portland , Tncomn. nnd Sent- tlo. Through tickets nro on snlo vln this route daily. This is the only line running through the eastern nna con- trnl portions of Washington Territory. Stop-overs nro given on Northern Pn- ciflo second-class tickets at all points In Washington. THI3 1'OSTOFPICE SITE. Assessed Valuation nnil Tax raid tn 1881) on the Various tjotn. County Clerk Uooho , at the mstanco of County Attorney Mahoney , has proonrod a tabulated description of the various Inter ests in block 80 , the postoulco silo , with a statement of the assessed valuation and tax paldinriSO. The table follows : Name description lot Mk vuluo lax William Klemlnir , ' < I 01 KU.'iU ) KU.Il U. S. National bank , njj 1 HI r , UU 12,1 u ) J. 11. Folnmu 2 in ) 8.UJO ISM ( I. M. Hitchcock , n W ( t H 81) U..M. Illlclicock , s IDJtof oltn.3 m > 7,000 1I5.UO (1.51. mirhrock.niiOft I Ml ) Central U.I' , church , i < 0 ft W2J3 ' " Central U. 1' . churcli.s (0 It 4 lljrron Hooil 5 Mury llecil 0 J. II. Pol om ot nl 8 Samuel K. Drown , n4S t 8 Siirnli It. Knlnlit , 2I R ofn 72..8 1) . CunninKlmin , n 21 ft of S43..9 J. II. Fulsoin , g 24It 8 Totnla ! , I7G&B4 To All Travelers. The undersigned , ns committee np- polntcd by the committee on out-door amusements "Merchants' Week , " cor dially invite nil traveling salesmen to meet in the parlorsof the Arcndo hotel , Omahn , nt 8 o'clock p. ra. , Saturday , August 17th , 1880 , to nrrango for n parade in connection with the trades display of the merchants of Omaha on Wednesday , Soptombor4th. All traveling mon have been cor dially invited to take part in this dis play , nnd wo as committee , do urge every salesman to attend this mooting , nnd decide on plans necessary for a suc cessful und pleasant attraction on that day. R. S. BACON , J. E. McCiiACKEN , C. O. LOIIKCK , M. W. RYEUSON , MOTOR. MOTORING. Tliu ProurcKS Mailo in Handling the Southern Part of Town. Dr. Mercer says that his motor line 1 $ ready to run on Sixteenth as far as Vinton street , but that ho has no motors with which to stock It. "When will your motors arrival" "They may arrive any day , but then wo have been expecting them for the last sixty , flvodays. Our track and wiroaro in place even , further than Vinton street , but the Iron work wo rciiuiroto enable us to build under the direction of the city engineer is being made at Johnstown. Ono track extends southwest on Vinton to Twenty-fourth and thence south. The horao car company headed us off there with their track and turn-table , nnd thocoui-t appointed the city engineer as referee to toll ui howwo should lay our track. " The Eleventh street line Is not far na- vnnced. There is n largo force of mon at work , making nit the haste possible. "Tho track and wire , " said the doctor , "Is nearly complete ns far ns Vinton street ; but n biff section of the street has boon washed out. leaving our track hanging In the air. I don't know when It will bo repaired. " " Ttio Touchers' Institute. Kntlo Kcofc , Mnry Leonard , A. H. Hood , Edith A. Morrinn , C , H. Koonz , A. W. Parker , Ida Miller , Augusta C , Mnhno , Qraco K Richardson and Hose Ann Urady nro the teachers who added thclrframcs to the Institute curollmontycstorday. Thoyswollod the list to 101 , which Is larjtcr than the third day's attendance last year by ton or twelve. Dr. Strong had on exhibition n sheep's hond. which she dissected to show the work- ins of the brain , and Mr . Koysor Rave an Interesting talk on English literature , her subject bolng Wadsworth , his homo and works. The programme was carried out literally , and everything passed off In Rood shape. Superintendent Urunor snys thli will un doubtedly bo not only the largest , but most successful Institute over held In Douglas county. O. A. It. Excursion. From August 21 , to August 28 Inclu sive , the "Rook Island Routo" will soil round trip tickets to Milwaukee via. Chicago for the O. A. R. oncnnpmont nt $1460 , tickets good for return until September 5. Choice of rail or Inko route from Chlcngo. Ticket oflleo 1805 Pnrnnm street. S. S. STKVKrts , W. A. Ttnn Hoard of Health. At the mooting of tho'ljoard of health ycMorday aftornooa the city physician re ported the smallpox patient south of Leaven- worth street as doing well. The house Is quarantined and an ofllcor stationed there during the day , but the physician reported that at night rag-pickers approached the house , and even wont Inside , nnd ho sug gested that an onicer bo stationo \ thorp at night also. Tlio suggestion was acted on , and another ofllccr will bo dotailcd for that duty. The child has passed the critical stago. None of the ether occupants of the house have contracted the disease. A complaint about the offensive condition .of several vaults at the corner of Eighteenth nnd Webster , owned bv D. Thomas , was re ferred to the city physician for examination and report. The report ot the plumbing inspector was proscntcd , showing ton plans submitted for inspection at au aggregate cost of ? I,10T. Tno board then wont into executive ses sion with a plan of the city and Cut-off lake before them to consider the report of the city physician on the location of a pc t houso. Second-Claws Tickets Via the Northern Pacific R. R. , nllow the holders the privilege of stopping over nt Spokane Falls , Wash. , nnd all points west of there. The Northern Pacific is the only _ line traversing Washington Territory from east to west and north to south. Rates from Omahn nnd Council Bluffs to all points on the North Pacific coast nro ns low via the Northern Pncitic as any ether line. To Bo Pnvpd. The following streets and nlloys are about to bo paved in addition to the list published lately by THE HEK. Notice has boon given to property owners , gas and water compa nies to make all lateral connections prior to September 1 : Thirtieth avenue from Popploton avouuo to Woolworth avenue ; Nineteenth , from Leaven worth to Masan ; Thirty-lirst , from Poppleton avenue to Woolworth avenue ; Eleventh , from Nicholas to Clark ; Twen tieth from Vinton to Van Camp ; Sherman avenue enuo from Wirt to center of section 3 : com mercial from Sixteenth .Twenty-fourth ; Mason , from Thirtieth to Thirtieth avenue : Thirtieth avcnuo , from Mason to PaoiJlo ; ' Twenty-second from Nicholas to alloy south. Alloys In blocks 53 , 117 , 7 , 8 , 215 , 25 , 41 , 01 , 00 , 59 , 58 nud 843. Cushmnn's Menthol Inhnlor cures catarrh , headache , neuralgia , asthma , hay lover. Trial free at your druggist. Price 50 cents. WASHING COMPOUND THEGREATINVENT10N Ttxrunr.Cai.ofi ITHOUT On HANOS. NEW " Jump off child you'll turn white. " The bird is wrong. Pearline does not harm colors but does remove all dirt hence , brings to view restores like new whatever remains of the original color. Makes white goods whiter Colored goods brighter Flannels softer with more ease and comfort , and better ( in less time ) than anything known. Directions for easy washing on every package. Millions use it because ft makes the wasnmgot clothes tmd house cleaning easy a child or delicate woman can do such work with Pearline. It's ' for the finest lace to the coarsest cotton or wool the most delicate paint to the kitchen floor the most costly silver to the kitchen sink. Ucwarc of Imitations and peddlers. 156JAMES VYLE , New York. STRANG & CLARK STEAM HEATING CD , Steam and Hot Water Heating and Ventilating Apparatus and Supplies. Engines , Boilers , Steam Pumps , Etc. DP THE SACRED Ml Park Place , Corner 36th and Burt Streets , . OMAHA , - - - NEBRASKA. Under the direction of tlio Ladles of the Snored Ilcnit. Board and tuition In English and French , Instrumental Music , use of bookb. per session of llvo months : $160.00. Paint * ing , Drawing , German , Italian , Vocal Music , Harp , Violin , &c. , are extra chur os. For fur- thur information , upply to the thoBIGHT REV. JAMES O'CONNOR , Or to the LADY SUPERIOR. Studios tvlll bo resumed on Wednesday , Sept. 4 , 18b9. ETCHINGS , IKS-EMERSON , ENGRAVINGS , lOTHALLET & DAVIS ARTIST BUP HOSPE tFTKIMBALL , MOULDINGS , . 3 "FRAMES , PIANOS & ORGANS ! MUSIC. 1B13 Ouviglas Street , Omaha , Nebraska. TvroJrlftllrnnrt Honjnmln R. lUnrrows , ox-United Stntos consul to DobUn , now chief of the literary bureau of tha Union Pacific , and Mrs. Elizabeth - both Fltrpatrlcfc were married Tuesday afternoon at vho.homo of the hrlJo's parents on Fnlrvlcw tr ot. Immediately after the ceremony wnsTfn-formod Mr. nnd Mrs. Unr- ro\vn loft for \voddlng tour wet and will bo nbscnt for wrrcrnl woekii. Yesterday al36'clock p , ra. , Edwin OpdyKo , n clerk In the auditor's office of the Union I'nclflo , and Mlhs Sophia Hum , utonoRrnphcr In the ofllco idfj Suporlntcndont Uossciiule. were made onaat the brldo'n rosIdoneo.COT" Souttt Twenty < thlrd street. They will also take n trip west-Tor n few weeks. AbsoluteBy This powder never varlei. A marvel of puro. ty , btrenpth and vrholesomeness. More eco nomical tann thtt ordinary kinds , nnd cannot bo sold In competition with the multitudes of lor or BhoiUvelKht alum or phosphate powders. Bold only in cans. Horal Hating I'owdor Com pany , tit ! Wall Street. New York. CALIFORNIA THE 1 AND OP DISCOVERIES ! L-2. > 8k ? CUF\E roj\ < H Jr < CATARRH SANTA : ABIE : AND : CAT : R : CURE FOP sale by Goodman Dru g Co ONE MORE CALL This Is the tlino to replenish summer wanlrohes. Wo shall continue through Hie month of August to oll'er spuclal bargains In various lliif.s of Ilriit-clasa poods. Our Full stoclc ID alroaily belli ) ; selected In the Kitstern innikut , nnd we must noon liavo room for fresh Invoices. Hut the warm voathorls not over yet. uuil our Hiipply la btlll equal to the demand of a hot day. Dr. J. E , McGREW ONI : OP TIIK MOST SST SPECIALISTS lu the Treatment of All Chronic , Kerruug nuil 1'rlvnto Discuses. Rpcrniatorrliocu , liupotcnoy nnd I < oa of Manhood. ntxolutuly enroll. AcuruKuiiruntoud In nil furmtof I'rtvato IJHeaBcs , Hlrlclurui. ( jlvol , etc1. Cmtirrh , Ilirunt , LUUK DUouscs , Ijoucurrlioua quickly uati Iioemuncnllr curud. IlluuU uuil Bun ll oa ea treated Muccusstullr. ljullea' laud ucntlumeni wuHliiu roamt teparuto and cnllrelr prlvuto. ( kitiiultuUunlreu. Peliil for book , Tlio Booret and I'rlvatu l ) ! ua o ( it llttu.i HlsuVomuu niidllerDU- eases lUo ouch ( etaiui > s ) . Treatment l < y corruspoiid oncu ; tcnJ > tump lor reply. OllU'o-Kltli und Douglas Sts. , Oniiilm. rcu * crrort or FOR MEN . . . . ' AUoluto r cr. VurlCO- cund without Mlo or oitretlon. Aoilrcii eelon-Dupre CMnlque , mjIKawj W , Baitoa , Continental Clothing House FALL ANNOUNCEMENT.i New Goods in the Men's Ready Made De partment. We have received this week our first installment 6f New Goods , and already our stock has assumed mammoth proportions , consisting of some of the choicest styles , and the first to come to hand , Early Buyers will , find it to ther advantage to make their selections now. The numerous sales of light weight overcoats this week have reminded us that the season for summer goods is passed. Our light weight overcoat stock is seldom equalled m variety by any of the large houses in the country. Merchant Tailoring Department. We expext to have our Fall opening on the 2th. Some styles in this department have been received , but we expect our full line here on the 27th , which will be shown in our SPACIOUS CUSTOM DEPARTMENT on the second floor. HAT DEPARTMENT. WILCOX HATS ! WILOOX HATS ! We have been successful in having a line of Derby Hats made for us ( which we know fa ,1 equal to any agency hat in the market ) , made by David Wilcox & Co. , of Boston. These goods I are well known all about the country , and we feel confident of giving perfect satisfaction when $ we offer them to our trade. The price will be $3.50 , and we assert thatjt is not necessary to ' pay a fancy price for other makes , when these can be bought for $3.50. Five shapes have been received , and will be shown in our windows this week. L &W7 1 The preparations for this department have been on the broadest scale , and we propose to t offer a line of goods which will be all that capital , experience , and good taste can suggest. , ' , We will have more to say about this department in a few days. OMAHA Freeland , Loomis & Co * BOSTON NEW YORK OES MOINES Proprietors } Cor. Douglas and 15th. Sts. , Omaha. Tbo Inrgeit , fastest mid Quest. In tlio world 4 i'assoDRcr accommodations unexcelled * New UoiUtoT.lverpool Tire Qiie i ln\ . The Colclmtted I Tlio Fluent Ptenm-l IMQ. O | ClirorKoujolililp In tlio World.I flUgi L\ \ New York to Glasgow via Londonderry Devonln August 17 I Anchorln Sept.7 Olrcassia AiinustBl1 Furncasla Sept. 11 Ethiopia . . . . August 311 Duvonia Sest. . . ' ! With regular weekly soilings thoraaftsr. HAIOON to Glasgow. Liverpool. Kerry , Uclfiutor Quevniitown NO to f > by Olaizow slciimar , s Unnd upwards by "City of llorao. " Second Class tM btoer- KO Ml. Excursion rates reduced nrnllatilo ror eltliur rjuto , thusRlvlncprlvrego of seclnir In one trip tuu lllver MersoT , ricturcsquo Clyde , North mid South of rKXCUHSIONSTO IVAIUS OH COVTINENTAI , TOUIIS On tow ESTTEIDIS. Travelers' Circular Letters of C'rodl und Drafts for nny amount at lowest current rate Apply to any of our local wonts or to Hoiulersou ISrothors , , III. II. 8. HALT. . 11. V. Mtxmns. C. II. MAKES. A Perfect Face Powcfori FAWPOWDER " " ' ; ! , ? Iiililbl . lo 't ruboff. Suit by lmjl.l Kloller't. 107 Firiiim bt | Illoie' . , 1,101 h.Ulli BtOn | ! a < ioo.ln > M Uruf Co ,1,110' Sclirotfr1" , 1,51114 : TorUtl'l , 1,111 , OnK.ieih : tjAlKl.ttHlt tVtflwtn J.O ) ,605 , Whllehouia'f , for , W'cUtcrl Morrcll'i.corChr ! ltolIer nik , -37 vn WlllUm ; OnH.llllillluirtki'1,1,30 , , 603 , Con- til , cor. Cvnltr ; UellCMl ItiitUuleDrnffbtnre or , t > oilK0Tncli k' . cor. r.clllr ; On H. loih : llrll r , tin , Hmllli llroi. cur r > rl | . IcjOnS. Ulh : Ctnutl'f , 211 ] Kulin t * Co . cor , DouicUi , lia cor. IBItiand Cunilnir } On Hftun l rf ! Dr. HAvHle'a , 1,101 , Cili * ey'fl , cor. I.ak0 } Oil I Avrnworthl DiTU' , 1.7U I'.jtou u Owen , cor. 3lth | BwlftkCo , SSIh li.l U veniort | | HchMfer'l , BN.nn Ave. undCoiljy 'Utlc (29tliBlil WooKorlli AveiDrOtutlch , 1.C01 Iluw.rdi Cajoil .cnr. ethaul I'ltrrt ) llojil iCi > IUI A\e. til 14th bl.l W. J. tichrader'l ) h.kora & Co. , S. Ouubt. Wliclt isle , IMch.nHon UtuK Co . M k . Ilruco J. Co. THE LATEST PEftFUME EXQUISITE FREEMAN'S HE AW ATM A .HowtoptQOLDEN BLONDE Hair LITTLE LORD FAUHTLEROY'S ForClitldrnu r AilulCfl. FREEMAN'S BLONDINE Without Injury pmerrrs Illotila lltlr 111 Vaturtl color. Ittndera lf\lr of ny color a tctutUul , liKturftl lllonJa. ( Jet th \ irvnuluo lu Healed botllei from yriur . . . . . . . . . J Dr Ut. H wnro of IliittoU hrtli * < iX < 'i ' > f * ' oontrillr ll , ( iiollliK th.l.nlr. II eOMrl ) tlltor for 13. Ifjourhracul.thoa lull will b . . . FlimuNrHiniviity HTrLalKinK " iltiirM.l.l'l. , ' " - - - - . TYoik.tir.neliUiKloiiltl.O. B VEHICLES eo ftnd sbarton According to the vrolcbt poion tbem. Ad ot d ouuillr well to rough country or fine w driven WlllidvayoH bSst katlafaotlon. SHOE DEALERSm oliruted Hues of HootH anil tiliooH , inatmCiictitr ed oy U. M. Henderuon fc Co. , ot Chicago 1'ao torlea nt Chicago , Dlxon , Ilia. , nnd Von Ju hue , WlB. should \ rlto BAM. N. WA'ISON , lesl- dcnco , I'HUMONT. Nl'.ll. Tiavellntr n out. llcadiiuartorn for Itubbera. DREXEL & MAUL , ( Snccettiors to John 0. Jacobs. ) Undertakers andEmbalmers At the CId Stand , 1407 Farnam Street. Orders by telegraph Bollclted nnd promptly Attended. Telophonu to No. til. r ulLtt , hauTHlNOt ( Uaucy lorrffaUo. * Jt/tllrml/ttroubftl ! weak pirl , reitcr. up. Woritcuciper , l d I taphUI < e.iUmp. l , l. CHIOAOOJIJ D1VOHPKS A. OQOnit'CU. ATTOHNEV-AT. LAW , VU DenrLorn St. . fhlca o | advice free : 21 j ears' oxierleuw , bualuew * ( iiuutly unU Itfully transucttd. H.W.COR. I3TH& DODOE STS , OMAHA , NED. FOB THE TBEATMENT OP AU. APPLIANCES FOR DEFORMITIES AND TRUSSES. Boct Facilities , Appar&tusandKamedlesforSueceitfu Treatment of every form of Dlseass requiring UEDICALorSUROIOAlTREAllIENr. NINETY ROOMS FOR PATIENTS. Board & Attendance , Beet Accommodations in West < O"WHITE FOR CIRCULARS on Deformities and Braces , Trusses , ClubFcet , Curvatures of Bpine. riles , Tumors , Cancer , Oat&rrb , Broncbitli , Inhalation. Electricity , Faralviis , Epilepsy , Kidney , Bladder , Eye , Ear , Skin and Blood andallBurglral Operations. DISEASES OF WOMEK $ S5Si8Z3& ! & VFK IUTB I.iTCLY ADDKD 1 LTUCuMI IimRTIlKKTroil OdrB lkbleUadoaU PRIVATE DISEASES All Blood Dilutee aceeiitBlljr trelted. Syphilitic I'olion rrtnoTeil rrotathefjitrm without rocreurr. K ir Ilr.tonll * * Tr otu nl for Lou or VITAL 1-OHhK. I'.rUci un > bl < to rlilt niaajbt treated at homeb/eorrr.poadetiee. Allcommunlea. tlonicoaflaeatlal. MedlclDeiorlu.lruutDUicnlbymillorex. pri.i ieciireljp kednoDi > rlii : olodl le eoalrnli or irndfr. Uniperionariiitenleirprcteired. < ' ll Qdconiult uioricm nlitorr or your cue , tad we will send la pltln wripntr. our ROnlf Tfl MCM FREE : Upon lrrlt.l , HiccUl or MWWI\ W ntfiNt Kervoui PlifueeItupolency.firpti. Illi ; Ulettand VarlcoMle.wllh nunllon IliU AJdrm OalAUA MEDICAL St SURGICAL INBTITtJTB , 13th anil Dodffu Btrecti , OJSAHA , NED , Dn.13.0. WKHT'B HBUVB AND BHAIN TIIKAT. HB.VT , aKuaronteecl epuoluo for IIynterla , Ulzzl. sees. Convulsions , flu , Nervous Neiirul l * , lleadacho , Nerrnua Prontratlon cnUBod by th ate or alcohol or tobacco , Wakofulnesa , Mental Depresulon , SoftonlUKnf the llratn , resultlnKln Insavilty and leuillnn to misery , decuy anil death , 1'temiitura Old ARC , llarrenness , Lois of 1'ovier In either sex , Involuntary Losuei and Bpermat- orbtuacaused by ovor-exertton of the brain.self , abuse or overmdulgenen. Each box contain * cne month's treatment , 11.00 a box , or air boxes fom.'Meent by mnll prepaid on receipt of i > rlce. V/H GUARANTEE SIX BOXE3 To cure any casu. With each order received b * QI for air boxed , accompanied with UU ) , wo vriu tend the purchaser ourwrltton Kuarnntao to re fund the money If tno troitmant tloog not orfeot Rcure. Quaraattes l&sued only by Goodman Drug Co. , DruggljU , Colt AKODU , 1119 Vnruatn ctrert. Omaha RaU. Tim D IWan.lnnl llin > ItornitdliS fur tltu cliru n private alliiiinttf AIU un * iuriiakcd for imilty , tic. b tUrattlou UiianuiUitj , Order liuiit-Jy No. I fur Krulml t > faker e or vital loiu.1. 1'rko (1 M. . . . . . . . , iiJcaliiijjlllty in married mtii.or thuierntcrliiK uiithat lifl'l'r H > i' . 1'fUo , II00. No SfurUoimrrkofai-r Blwt lit clUumir. A comliliiul trulnicnt for liiteriml and local int. Cures In 1 to 6 inlnorniiurlliii ; Ha ( uriHlliunclii > iUorca tii , 1'ikfll.w ! Ko. 4 , ttp.lhf b | rin < for null or woiiiin. I'mvLnls icanorrboiu , ttu , t\u rubber nur Inlpdlun. raclu e lail SOday . l.aillrurtU 1'llcctl 00. Will Klldawalca tilal rainploof remedy No 1 or * on rccijpt wl < ttn lit iUinM | fur | < o > taii > An ) ono of tlitm remudlvn proiupt- ly fuit ( HuUJ ) liirKll on ucelpt of tli price , II00. 1 nitrr.IUu Hoot tc irUlirrfter nurrlvUurtliiifluctntr ret. STANDARD REMEDY CO , CIllOORO , III. CHrCHESTER'S ENGLISH PENNYROYAL PILLS. Ituil ( Jru n nliunoiKl Jlriinil , The imlj rrlun. i 111 for ulr. Hnfo ted tore , l.mlfti , u k llrueulit f r ihg Illu. luoml llrHUd.Urrd iiMllllllU Nml ! HliUlu.tlHu 'lukouuutbrr. K'tJ lc. X. f. dltuii. ) hi itrUeuUll u4 "Killer tur " " ( Ludlt * , " ialtUir. tyinull. AaiMi'KMr , UOcliul r ClituUcul . ' . . lluJUou tin , i'UUuJu , ! ' . THE RMLIfl TIE TABLES/ / OMAHA. COUNCIL HM7FF8. CHICAGO & NOHTUWUSTKUN. No. 0. . . . . . . . OMO am No. 7 . ! i:27 : ota No. H . 11:15 : pin No. 3 . Till ia No. 4 . U:25 : riijiNo.6 . t15 ) put All Trains Dally. UIUOAUO , WIMVAUKKM & BT. 1'AIIl/ , A No. V . 040ainA ; | No. j . TOJ am A No. 4 . oi : ( ) pin A No. a . BUS piq KANBAB CITi' , HT. JOSKl'U ' & COUNOJI * A No. 8 . lU:0-umlA No. 3 . A No ! 4 . Us 1j nl A No. 1 . ( MOpni BIOUX CUT & 1'ACIKIC. A No , 10 . TiOfi umA | No , 0 . . .flifi'Sanl A Now..7WpmA ! ! | No.ll . OjOOpuJ OMAHA It b'f. UUJH. A No. fl . 4:31 : pmA | No. T . fW'W ' "J A dally ; U ilulil except fiixturJay ; Uoxcepl Sunday ; i ) oxcopc Mommy ; fagtinall , EPHGILLOTTS' ' STEEL PENS . COLD MSDAZ. PARIS EXPOSITION W3 , NOB , 303-4O4-J7O-6O4. MOST PERFECT OP NESS GU litribiuLKIUDUUR ( Aft CUSHI