Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 15, 1889, Page 7, Image 7

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No GtlvertleerfiontB will bo tnkonfor
these columns after (2i3O ( p. m.
Towns Cash In advance.
Arlvtrtleemcntstiniler thin hescl 10 cents per
line for ttio nrst Insertion , 7 cents fort-ach sub.
B nUont Insertion , nn l JLAoprr line per month ,
No advtrtlAamcnts taken fo- less tlmn 25 cents
for llrstInsertion. Sovcti word * will be counted
to the line ; they must rim consecutively nnd
must bo paid In ADVANCE. AH advertise-
rncntri must bo handed In before KSO : o'clock p.
ni.tnnd tinder no circumstances 'wilt they w
taken or discontinued by tclephnno.
Parties ndvertlsiniMn tficso colutnnsnnrt hnv-
Ing their answers addressed In cnro ot TUB HEK
trill plensensk torn client toennMo thorn to get
their letters , B.I none will bo delivered except
en presentation of check. All answers to ad-
Veruseinerjts should btfmclcscd In envelopes.
.All advertisements Intlicso columns nro pub
lished in both morning nnd evening editions of
Till ; Ilr.B , tlio circulation of which aggregates
more than 18,000papers dal ly , add elves the ad
vertisers the benellt , notoniy of the city rlrcu-
latlonotTifRllEK , hut nUo ot Council IllulTn.
Lincoln and ether cities nnd towns throughout
into Boctlonottho country.
Aavertlafng'forllicso columns will bo taken
on trie .above conditions , nt the following busi
ness holmes , who ara authorized agents for Tin :
BxK special notices , nnd mil quota the name
ratjang can bo had at the main oulce.
T tlTw
tl street.
/1IIA81 ! k FDDY. Stationers and Printers. 113
V/Bouth ICth Street.
II. FARNBWOliTH , Pharmacist , 2115 Onm-
mlng Street.
\XT J. HUGHES , Pharmacist. C21 North ICth
i Street.
, EO. W.FARR , 1'harmaclst , 1KB St. Mary's
i Avenue.
H UGHE3'PHARMACY , 2203 Tarnam Street ,
WIDOW with n nvo-yoar-old boy wants
a plnco as nurse or Keep house for an
old couple. ( Jail or addiess U17 N. l"th. Mrs.
8. ltat 770-14J
wanted bv a young first class
SITUATION or general olllco man , best rofer-
gnce3.Addre _ < 8 G 2J , Omaha Ilee. KUO 1M
TJfrANTBD Hy young man. position ns groT -
T T eery clerk or any other business Address
0 15 Ileo. IV 14J
- by a first-class barber
WANTKD-Situatlon Address J. P..MKHN. )
1C h St. . Omaha. Nob. 773-14J
, „ "ITTANTED A first clats papor'ruleri steady
.W position. Addroaa O r > . thU olllco. atlf > t
W'ANTKU A nalosman to s"ell a specialty to
the irrocery trade on the road Malary
bond of tM\ \ . and good reference required. Ad-
Cross Qm. llco. _ SJC-15 *
reliable cunvnssors can obtain steady
GOOD with The Slnper Mfg. Co. . 1518
Douglas . _ 8a3 B 13
WANTKU-I farm handB , man and wife for
private family J40 ; one atiSJ5 ; a hod rar-
tiers Sl.bO ; 10 mon to cut brush $1H. Mrs. IJrepa
111 1 15 JLlJithj _ 71)7 ) l'ij
WANTKD A reliable younK man. * I5
wookly. light wort , lloom 17 , KJi N. 16th.
_ 7B3 1CT
WANTED A stenographer and typewriter
utouco. Apply to 8. D. Jlorcer llth and
Howard ats. 783
A good cook and Walter at N ,
Johnson's lunch counter , 2213 Cumins
Btreet. _ 7 1 14J
\ 7ANTED TravelliiB salesman for Callfor-
TT nla cloves. Heforenccs requlreil. Address
Raymond , Squires & Co. , San Franc ! ; co. Cat.
748 85 *
\SrANTEO-3oltcltors , COS N. 17th ; 860 per
W month. _ _ _ 6KI 1CI
TravellnR salesman and sales
woman , $50 per month anil expenses , G08 N.
17th HI. _ - _ rai im
WANTKD For Washington Territory tie-
innkerH , choppers , carpenters , rock men ,
graders and tracklayors , at-Albrlght's Labor
Agency. 11ZO Farnam at. _ ffll
" \XTANTED-A good oHlco man to co east ;
T V rnusu Invest 3r > 00 ; must bev a good.buelness
wan. Address the Geo. B. Cllne Publlshlutf
House. : I15 to. BSnvnbash ave , Culcago.111.
TITKN to travel , tor tlir Fonthlll Nurseries of
Jl-LOannda Wd pay Jen to S10Q a mouth nnd
expenses to agents 10 sell our Canadian grown
toctc. Ad , Stone & WolllnKton , Madison. Wls.
ANTED Aconts. Maglo cigar lighter ,
every smoker ouvs , lights In wind or rain ,
lasts a lifetime. Sample Ific , two for25c , dozen ,
II. or mall. Btamps taken. Austin & Co. ,
Providence. B. I. _ * r > 0s _ _
\X7ANTED-SMweekly xepresoptatlve , mule
T or female. In1 every community. Goods
Staple ; household necessity ; soil at sight : no
peddling ; salary paid promptly , and expenses
Advanced. Knll particulars ana valuable sample
case Free. We mean Just what we say ; address
at once. Standard Silverware Co. , lloston , Ma .
Enclose 2-cout stamp. Wages 13 per day. Per
manent position. No postals answered. Money
advanced for wages , advertising , etc. Centen
nial Manufacturing Company. Cincinnati. Ohio.
- *
W"AM'ED-Bteady mlddUTnged woman wltli
first-class references to keep house for 3
young men , must be a flrst-class cook and
laundress wages $ JU a month ; 8 laundry girls , 4
girls for the country , young girl to live with an
old couple , chambermaid for Ogdon. S wait
s for Idaho , - ' > for general housework.
jMra.lirega.3UKH. 15. KM 15t
\TC7ANTK1) A competent Mrs. G. W.
T Hall , 838 Park avenue. filtl 161
W 'ANTF.n Good girl for general housework
at 11K1 N. 18th st. 708
WANTED-A flrst Rlrl , must be good cook
and laundrosi and well recommended.
tTapros SIB per month , eight In family , Cbll at
room in. Continental building , or address Box
SSi , Omaha. 801 14
W ANTKO Hutton-hole maeen , 1113 Far-
11 run. u lot
W ANTED A good girl for general house-
work , 1717 WHbstor. 810 11
> Two stout girls to do pressing ,
Canlluldilfg. Co. . BUS. lltb , near viaduct.
_ 801 11
ANTED A good cook. N.W. corner Wth
and Locust. Mrs. A. O. Powell. 78815
IRL wanted In family ottwont 171ft Douglas
nt. to do general homework. 7B5 I4f
" \\rAN'lK - Good girt for general houwwork
T T In small family at 1123 Park two. TJ9 V ,
W ANTKD-Ulrl. 7 ! 8nothT 778 1W
WANTKD Three or four more lady solid-
tors ; must have good references and de
posit r % Salary W nnd $05 per mouth with
cnrainluulon privilege" . Cull on or address
U'lie ( loo. B. Cllne Publishing house. Ml 1'irat
KaVl bank. Toke elevator. 7WU5J " _
'Tir ) ANTED An experienced iiurao girl. 162,1
V Farnam. 710
W ANTED A girl tor general house work.
Inquire Si3 Park UYB. 7S1 It *
ANTED Girl for general house work ;
W steady place. 1PI8 Capitol nvo. 583
Oorronn girl to do cooking and
washing , best of wageu paid. Inquire J.
L , UramleU. 724 B lllth flt. JK3
"IJIT'ANTKD A grorerv to rent , part of room
Tl Ul'J N , IIRU at. Will takoreni out in gro-
cerlea . Home bakery. _ B37-10t
"vif ANTED September I , room mid board for
T young lady employed us typewriter , north
ot Tarnain preferred. Ulvo jmrtlculara ns to
price , location , etc. Addruss u 23 Ileo olllco , 811
'IJir ANTED Room and board in prh ate t am-
TT lly. In quiet uelghnorbood away from
business center , by n young married lady ueu
of iiiuuy wanted ; price moderate : no other
board cru preferred , Addiois Q 0 , Ileo oOce
741 It *
T A > 4TK1 > 100 teiiniH for It. R. work In \ \ y.
L' . Mullory.CushlngiCo , RIO , Iron bk.
_ , _ _ _ _ , _ '
WANTED Ml teams for rftllroiui"L-rn.ning. at
Albright's Labor agency , HA ) Varnopi st.
\XTJVN'IKD Parties who have property ol
T T nny kind to trade , list it with us for quirk
exchange ; commission always reasonable ,
Oirrospoudunce > ollclto < lvrlto us udd.v. . F ,
Nine teCo. , ,1)6 , ? Molnea. la. 387 U
17 > IRST-cUss board at No. 1811 Capllol avenue ,
JU JU.&j a uek. Private " family. 818 15' _ |
- class uify Hoard. Inquire IWJ Douglua
DltESBMAKING lu families. C35 S. Kth.
TT1OR RUNT New cottage , hotaud cold water ,
4- ' bath , stationary range. Cull at 1&21 Kber <
_ _ _ _ . _ a > l
TOlt ) RKNT 7-room houue , and Capitol
are. .Inquire , ssil Dodue , BU
FOR IIBNT A cholco nine-room house , nil
modern conveniences tn first clnis repair ,
Ijood lot with Bliartn. trcoi ; rcn > enable rent to
? oed party. Inquire ail Capitol are :
FOR HKNT noor of 4 rooms : city water nnd
cistern. 1217 Chicago st. Enquire 12ir Chi-
cagost , 704-17t
_ _ _
IitOR 1 UFNTlPretty 7-room home. 2231
110 10-room brick house , 1218 N. 10th St. ; all
HO Largo modern brlcs house , KSJ 8. 20lh st
near St. Mary's nvp.
$ : < ! > 0-room Hat , Inmam it. ,
$9 3 room cottaBo.wTO Davenport t. Inquire
Nolliorlon Hull H 4Z1. First Nat. Bank. 75514
"tJIOH RKNT A Pirick 'house of H rooms on
JL ! Farnam ntrnnt. Jlodern ronvenlcnci-s nnd
ccntrnl , $100 per montti. K. I' . Cook. in07 Far-
nnm. r 700-17
_ _
- 12-room house ; furnace , bar n ,
JU larpe full lot. 1017 Assist. 083
iron RUNT F.Wautly ftirmshc < \ fourteen
JU room honss with lawn and barn , cholco
neighborhood , $100. ,
813 inj
FOR II5NT-lx ( room hounfc. cor. IRth nnd
Chicago Hts. * ! ; four room liouooiXith nnd
California , 115. & Luhmnn. 815
FOR HUNT Homo wltn S Rood rooms and
closat. hard nn < l soft water , cheap ) 1UM 8.
Ibth st. near Fierce. 1)15 ) ir > J
J1\V live-room cottage for rent , Russell ,
Pratt & Co. , 318 S. 15tn st ; . tflO
FOU KENT TWO nmo room brtcle houses on
I'ark QTentie , with ull conveniences. Also
nine room friimo house on same street , with nil
conveniences ) price tXi to < ! 5 per month. 1) , V
Bholc8.210Hm National Hank. 311
HUNT Hesldence , 2lo3 ioUKlBB ) nt. . nonf
housn , all modern Improvements ; not a
basement honse. Enquire ot Morltz Meyer ,
Cor. Ifith and I'arnam ' , C23
T. ] < JUSE forrontTfl.a Dodge.
fib It IIBNT 7-room flat. $ J > per mo. nbove
! The Fnlr , 13th and Howard. Inquire ThoFair.
poll RUNT 10-rooin buck house on 20th sti
. nearLeavonworth. Apply nt No. 827 S. 2uth
W lil. lenso for one or morn years a largo 7 *
room holme with all modern conveniences ;
Is nicely painted outside , hard-llmshod < nside ,
nicely papered , two largo hay windows ; three
blocks from court housw 50X82Uth. 6Po
ITlOIt HUNT Houses of all Kinds in all parts
JL' of the city , for all kinds ot people , ut all
kinds of prlcua , at all times of the year , or will
sell you a poou home on small monthly pay
ments. J. J. Wilkinson , 1117 1'arnain st.
st.0C81 [
FOTTlulNT A detached 0-room house , all
modern conveniences. Gnq.'c'9 Capltol uvo.
R RENT a-room house. 2033 Dorcas st.
071 17t
"TiiOnTunNT 10-rooni house , ntoam heat , all
.C Improvements , cheap rent. G. H. Thompson ,
room 214 , Shecly block , ISth'and Howard.
TT1OR HUNT ii-rootn cottage. Iff ) So. 28th at ,
JO 3U Itlugwalt Ilros. , lloomiiT , Darker block.
FOK HUNT Sept 1st. ft5-room cottage , with
bath-room nnd closet.' 8t.Mary'fi ave
niul Loavcnwortu. Iwid Jainlt son,314 S. 15th
FOR HUNT Fine large residence , hard wood
llnlsli. all conveniences , low lent to private
family ; M10 N. Kith at. 9 ! 4
EGU IIBNT The 0-room flat occupied by Dr.
Gilmcre , Kd door. No. 1B13 Howard st. Inquire -
quire ot Gco. Hlgglna , liill Howard st. 1S3
tTlOH HKNT Good 2-story 7-room house , barn
X : for 4 horses , on suburban car line , $2J per
month C. V. Harrison. Merchants' Nat. hank.
K ! ! )
T71OH UENT-a first-class dwelling with all
JJ modern conveniences , including stable , 2508
Capitol ave. Inquire of D. J.O' Donation , 1C01
Farnam st. 343
"EHOH 11KNT Six new 5-room cottages , ready
JLA on or before September 1 , iilth and Halt
Howard streets , healthy location , near Farnam
cars. Kent , each $15 per month. Suitable for
small tidy families. John II. P. Lehmann , Kil
8.17th st. 441
TI ANDSOtlBIrontroom newly furnlshed.also
JtJ single room for gentleman , 2209 Farnam.
7B2 15t
VflChLY furnished back parlor and alcove ,
-L > also single room , modern conveniences ,
board lfdc lrod. HH 8. 24th. 78718J
FOR RENT S nicely furnished rooms to ge
tlemon , 318 N Uitn. ' " 78714
TT > U11NI8H ED rooms for rent at 1815 Douglas
" 3 turnlshed rooms , convenient to business.
TjlUKNISHED rooms with Iroard , for 4 gen
JJ tlomen and 3 ladles. 1717 Chicago. 78U 14 ]
TJIOH KENT Two rooms with modem con
-1 ? venlences , furnished or unfurnished. Pri
vate family , 2512 Chicago st. 76315J
FURNISHED bed room with use of par
lor , fct.OJ ; also board if desired. 1511 Call-
forpla 775-lOJ
T room to n gentleman , in private fam-
Hy ; convenient location , 518 S. 80th st. , cor.
St. Mary's ave. C94-1T
EAOK UKNT Furnished rooms , 1SU9 Dodge.
t ? 40 > 10 *
I A' furnished suit of rooms and ono single
gle room. All modern conveniences , private
family. 2214 Varnam t. Oil
10OD room with bath. EM 8. 20th st.
D-l ont room , 1913 Ifarnam.
113a27 *
front room , meals in the house , 1300
SOUTH avenue. Sid
tnOH HKNT Two furnished rooms , 315 north
J ! 17th st. Itefuronce required. 373-S 1
. OliAllt European notel , cor. 13th and
Dodge ; special rate by vrcok or month.
TJWK UENT Two parlors front and back on
Jc first lloor , also single rooms with board.
All modern covenlencca. icoa Douglas. OSi
TPUltNISllKDor unfurnished house for rent
U in Park Terrace , opposite Hanspom park ;
all modern conveniences. Inquire , Lee & Nlchol.
88th and Leavenworth. 238
TI1UHNI8HED rooms with all modern con-
.1 ? Ycnlencesf or gentlemen only , 1709 Dodge st.
I71OK RKNT Elegant furnished room for
JL ? slnclo gentleman only. 721 B. 30th St. , cor.
Leavenworth. WO
JjiOIl RENT Two furnished rooms , on St.
. Mary's avenue. To gontlomnn only. Six
minutes walu of business center. Itoforenco
required. Inquire at store , 210 and 212 & 16th st.
fTWO rooms with or without board for gen-
] ) oj
TjlOK HENT i rooms , unfurnished , anltablo
JL1 for housekeeping , with all modern Improve
ments , 1704 Webater st. Price , 20.
TJHR RENT "or3 unfurnished rooms , clos-
JU oti and water ; "d lloor ; 1823 Faniain.
u | f | *
Kl tAJf
> ROOMS nltn hath , gas and steam heat , CIS
> So. 16th. Flat -A/ 710-17J
"TOOK HKNT Unfurnished rooms sultaolo for
housekeeping , in suites of 2 to 4 ; ronvament
location , liutt'a llentlng Agency , 1506 Farnam ,
603 s a
TTldll IlENT-Sulte of rooms with bath one
JL ) gas. suitable for a doctor. Apply or address
P.O. . inia. llarneyiit. 15
n O KENT Desirable war house room OH
JL track. Apply to C. W. Keith , 711 Pucltlo St.
Fg RUNT Store room , cor. 35th and N Bts , ,
South , Omaha. Host location in city for
gents' furnishing or dry goods store. Inqulro
ot J.J. Mahuney. room 6Uti Paxton blk. 172-h3
FOR RENT Stores and living rooms on Cum
Ingst. Alsohouaoon Casast. Harris , room
411.1st Nat. Rank. g31
1lTOllliiislni..s.s ! purtxisoii 2d floor , COxUU , U
J1'axton building , 16th and Farnam , entrance
on Furnum , passenger and freight elevator
north and south ll > : lit , will divide into two if de
sired. Hey in an Delchea , 151ij Farnam st.
| Win 25
FOR RENT The 4-story brick building will
or without power , formerly occupied by The
Ueo Publishing Co. . 1110 Farnam t > t TJiu build
Ing has a lire-proof cemented basement , com
plate Httiaui hotttlng fixtures , wntur on nil the
iioors , gus , etc , Apply at the oUlco of TUB Hue
TjlOR RENT Tne corner room under the No
Jbruska National bank will soon bo for rent
the Kqultablo Trust Co. removing to larger
( Uiurtera.
Th apace Is about double that occupied by
the C. , II. & U. tlcicet olllco. The lloor is tllei
unu the room can bo made deslrttblu ror a it , It
ticket or broker's olllco.
For purtlcnlara apply at bank. Cifl
rpHK banJotauKht Ss an art by GooTFTlTellei
liectPI'ly ] a'llee oluco. KO
rpltAVEIiINO Salesmen Send your address
X aud reference to Keyhtono ilauufacturlni ,
company ( incorporated ) , Glrard , Erie Co. . Pu.
and thuy will mail you free n full outfit. In
eluding model of un article teat sells readily to
tht < trudH In every tovru and city , and uiioi
which they will pay jou a liberal coinuuislon ,
Whole outfit \ > eiiu eight ouucc * . 0 i W
ARE you looking for nn opportunity to on-
gage In the mercantile business ? It so como
nnd see us. W. K. E. > V M. K. , Room 11 Chamber
of Commerce. Tel. 1UO. nli
. cisterns , privy Tnultf , etc. ,
V cleaned quietly , qnlcklr , chenply and clean-
rt nil work done by odorfets pump. Odorless
Hnnltory CoH 1406 Fnrnam street. Tel. 93.
C35 s5
f OST Sunday , August 4th , In the 7tn ware , n
J-'rich red brown Irish setter dog : the end ot
its tall Is cut off ; above average size. Answers
0 name of "Dan. " Rntura lo 13IO Georgia
nvo. , or 213 N. IGlh street , nnd rocelvo reward.
1 O3T Flap memorandum bookyollowshonp-
J vntlu covered , containing some dry goods ac
counts , also nbout $10 In cash ; reward of $10
iald to anyone rcturnlnq It to Kilpatnck-Kooh
) ry Goods Co. , Hnmey and llth t. , Omaha , or
188. Hth st. Adnm Lon. 7M Ut
I O8T Lnrgc. younnclois-halrod St. llernnrd
J-J dopr , vollow with white breast nnd foot. Re-
urn to 11CO Georgia avo. , or 001 Douglas nnd get
rownrd. KH
T , OST English Mastiff. Return to 400 Pnxton
JU block nd pet rownnl. 241.
A widow wishes tha acquaintance ot n gcn-
-titletnArr of means , P. o. general deliver- .
Mrs. I. C. Hell , 784 HJ
TVTRS. Eccles , the famous fortune teller and
ITl-clnlrvoyaut , business , love , marriage and
changes. ' CUT S. l.lth st.noxt door to llarker hotel
742 IHt
MADAME WolllnKton , world renowned as-
trologlst , test medium and destiny reader ,
ust from Europe. Tells your life from tno
cradle to the grave , reunites tha separated ,
causes speed v marriage with the ono you love.
oeates dUeases and treats with massage nnd
clettrlc baths , All in trouble hou4d not fall to
consult this glf ted seeress. Per.ourO , upstairs ,
417 South llth , olllco hours from 10 a.m. to 10
p. m. 4UMO *
TJIOHTUNE Teller Mrs. Lenorman can bo
-L' couiullod on nil nlfnlra of IICo. Sntlsfac-
tlon guaranteed. No. 310 N. 15th st , K1-S.8"
DR. NANNIE V. Warren , clulrvoynnt. msdl-
cal and business medium. Female diseases
a specialty. 11V N ICth st. rooms S and 3 , V05
s ITOKAGi ; ; at low ratus at 1131 Farnam st ,
Oimilm Auction ann Storage Co. t7
rpHAKAOE ! storairo nt Viwest rates. W. M.
-Lllushmau , 1311 J.ouvenworth. 233
STOUAUK and forwarding. We collect nnd
deliver goods of all descriptions , merchan
dise , furniture and baggage nt cheapest rates
for atoraEO for any length of time. Vans and
wagons to bo had at shortest notice , wlu > care
ful men for moving. Packing and shipping
from our own warehouse done on moderate
charge. Merchandise loaded and unloaded.
Warehouse on our own tracks. Office 217 8 14th
st.tcophono ; ! 114. Howell&Co. 240
lA'ANTKD Furniture , carpets , stoves 'and
' houtehold goods of all Kinds. Omaha
Auction & Storrge Co. , 11-1 Furnatn , 17
MOUHiyON&KIA'-Storage and forwarding )
6l > eclal arrangements for commission li
chants , 1213 Le.iveu\\ouli : tel. 41J. , Omaha.
QTANDAIU ) Shorthand Hcliool. Paxton blk. ,
Osuccessor ( to Valentino's ) the larg st. exclu
sive shorthand school in the west. Teachers
are verbatim reporters. Particular attention
oaid to typewriting. Mechanical construction
of machine taught by factory expert , Circulars.
H ITTLESRT'3 Shorthand School , Darter
TT block. Send for circulars ; lord's prayer
In shorthand free. 470-sJt
OJIA11A Huslnoss Collece , cor 16th and Capi
tel ave. Shorthand The largest and most
successful shorthand department In the state.
Standard methods taught. Munson's revised
of ' 89 a specialty. Call or write for tornu.
TfjlOlTSAl/E Cheap , double express harness
X ? good as now , or oxchanRO for sluRle. Car
penter & Goddard,51 tf 8. Iflth at. ma lot
FOH BALK Furnlturo of an 8-room house ,
partly paid for. terms reasonable , will take
part payment in room rent. Address II. M. .
718S.19thst. ' 81715 ,
TJ1OH SAIiB A -horse power Porter engine
-I ? in good condition , welsh t r-,100 pounds , cyl
inder llxltl. For particulars apply to 'J no Ilee
_ _ _
N EVVB'OUNDl.ANDpuppy,4 weeks old , for
sale , 103 8. lOtn st. 809 20t
FINEST carriage team in state , dark browns ,
tull 10hands , weight 1.150. Inquire W. B.
Millard , S. E. cor 16th and Douglas , Omaha.
709 Bl3
" 171011 BALK Cheap , one good square box top ,
J buggy. Inquire at SOlTi Hurt. 770 Sflt
TJlOlt SALE Foot power lathe with chucks ,
-1 ? tools , etc. , good as new ; costSSO , for f5s. N.
If. lluddy , 211S , IJthfit. 7C5 isj
FOR SALE Dlebold safe. No. : ii : weight 3.HUO
pounds. This is a Jeweler's safe , and will
bo sold at half price. 0 14 , Hoe oince.
752 11 *
110 will buy a good mare , harness and open
jbuggy. Inqulro 1819 Sherman avo. after ft
o'clock. WO-lbt
FOU SALE Cash or time , 2good teams , wag
ons and harnesses , J. J. Wilkinson. 1417
Famam st. ( ISO
"C10IISALE Purnlture ot large house , every
-L room rented. First-class location. Parties
leaving city. A bargain. Address ES , Ileo olllco.
H SALE-Uorn. 1003 Hurt st.
059 11 *
TjlOH SALE Furnlturo , very cheap , for two
J ? or three days , 100 J Oapltol ave. 003 u
"ClIVB hundred shares of $10 par share North
-L ? Western Standard Oil stock. This stock is
non-assessablon ad land is being developed
now and is sure to brine good returns innear
future. Will soil for cosh very cheap. Address
C ! . lice ofllce. FCfl
ClOU BALK Handsome younKpony , perfectly
J- sound and gentle , suitable for clthor saddle
or driving. Apply to Col. Fletcher , Fort Omaha.
T31OR SALE-1,000 tons of 15-inch ice , housed
JD on track , Council lilulls , la. Gilbert Ilros.
TjTOR SALE Law library. 1518 Douglas.
JU on sw
TlHE Cantleld M'f'K Co. being about to move
, L will sell 1 first-class 4-horse-power engine
and boiler at U actual value. , last Douglas st.
W ANTED Good second-hand range for
restaurant. Address G 17 , Bee. 7C8
nVrlDIjAND Guarantee & Trust Co. , N. Y. Life ,
J.Tj.bldg.Cottipletoabstracts turnIshed and titles
to real estate examined , perfected & guaranteed.
rnilE ELKHOHN Loan Co. give money in any
JL amount on good security , furniture in use ,
horses , etc. Low interest. OverommercialNa-
tlonnl Rank , 13th and Douglas. CM-a'J7
MONKY to loan ; cash on hand ; no delay , J.
W. Squire. 121U Farnam St. , First National
bank building. 880
Tlf ONEY to loan on any security
JJJU for short time , at low
rates. Lowest rates
ou personal
The Henderson Mortgage Investment Company ,
room 400 , Paxton block. 880
MONEY to lend on real estate ; got my terms
before placing your loans.
J. II. Evans , aw K , Y. Life UutUilng. 501 10
MONEY loaned on chaltcl securities nnd jew
elry. lloom 411 , Bheely block , Omaha No-
braska. F. H , Jerome. 427 s3 !
FHBT mortgage loans nt low rates niul no
delay. D. V. Slioloj , lilO First National
bank. _ an
MONEY loaned for 80 , UO or 1)0 ) days on tiny
kind of chattel security ; reasonable inter
est ; confidential. J , J , Wilkinson , 1117 Farnam.
loans CJJ to 7 per cent no ad
JLldltional charges for commissions or attor
neys' fees. W , U. Melkle , nrst Nut bank bldg.
T .OANB on improved and unimproved prop.
JLJorty at low rates Odall Bros. & Co.,312 B ititfl.
O F. HAUltlbON loans money , lowest rates ,
_ _ _
UI LD1 NO "und other real estate loan.s U'.M.
Harris , roomU ) , Frenzer block , opp. P. O.
MONEY to loan on real estate Bocnrtty , at
lowest rates. Iletore negotiating loans sea
Wallace , It. illi ) , Drown bldg. 10th & Douglas , -tS
WANTED First class Inslda loans , Ix > weit
ratei. Oil and see us. Mutual Invebt-
meut Co. , U 1. Darker blk , . litn mi 1'
PHILADELPHIA MortRsga * Trust Co. fur-
J. nlsh cheap eastern mbtUy to borrowers ,
purchfttoriecnrltltfi. perfwtjiltles ) , accept lonnt
at their western office. RtVFS W. P. Coates ,
room 7 , Poard ot Trade , jr" ; S81
( EDMiaooo to lonn at fl per cent' ' LlneUian ft Mk-
tphoney.rooin 600 Taxton moclr. 237
BUILDING loans. D. ists.Bholos , 210 First
SM *
National bank. C81
6 Per Cent money U , 003 , N , r. Life Ins. bldg
. 026333 *
MONKY loaned on fiunlture , horses and
wagons ; rntoi roosonnbU ) . city Loan Co. ,
118 8.13th BU opposite Millard hotoi. E70
QBF. Sholos , room 310 , First Nat'l bank , before
Omaklng your loans. , iSl
ON KY to loan. O. F. Da'vis Co. , real estate
and loan agents , 1605 Farnnm st. 277
1 OANSmadnon real estate and mortgages
JL/bought.Lewls S. Rced&Co.R 13Uoard Trade
MONEY to loan on horses , wagons , mules ,
household goods , pianos , nrgnns , dlnmonds ,
.owcst . rates. The nrst organized loan olllco In
the city. Make loans for thirty to three hun-
Irod nnd sixty-five days , which can bo paid In
part or whole , nt nny time , thus lowering the
principal and Interest. Cnll nnd see us when
ron \ ant money. Wo can aihlit you promptly
nnd to your ndvnntago without removal of
property or publicity. Money nlwnyi on hand.
No delay In maKIng loans. 0. F , llccd & Co. ,
110 8. liith st. over Blngham & Sons. 8.S3
YOU want money ? If so don't borrow
before getting my rates , which are the low
est ou any sum from $1 up to $10,000.
1 make loans on household goods , piano ? , or-
{ ans , hnrsnsinulcswaKonswarehouse receipts ,
iiouses , lenses , etc. . In any amount at thelonost
possible rates , without publicity or removal of
Loans can be made for ono to six months and
yon call pay n part at anytime , reducing both
principal mui interest. If you owe a balance
on yourfurnlturu or horses , or nave n loon on
them. I will take Itupnnd carry It for you as
long as you d slre.
If you need money you will flail It to your
advantage to see me bofora borrowlntr.
II. F. Masters , room 4. Wlthnoll building. 15th
and liarney. 'M'3 '
MONEY to loan on furniture , horsas , wagons
or securities of any kind ; commorclrl and
mortgage notes bought nt fair rates ; all busi
ness transacted confidential. Collateral Loan
Co. , room 321 , Ramgobuilding. 713
MONEY to lonn on furniture , horses , wagons ,
etc. . or ou nny approved security. J. W ,
Robbing , 1411 ! { Farnam street. Paxton hotel
T7T.YSTONE Mortgage Co. Loans ot $10 to
JLVii.ouo ; got our rates before borrow Ing and
save money ; loan on horses , furniture or any
approved security , without publicity ; notes
bought ; for new loan , renewal of old nnd low
est ratoscall K3ttShoeley blk , 15th Si Howard st.
MONEY Loans negotiated at low rates with
ou tdelay , uud purchase goods , commercial
paper nnd mortgage notes. 8. A. Sloinan , cor.
I3th and Farman.
More. Lonn Co will make you a
loan on household goods ,
horses , wagons ,
land contracts.
One Jewelry , or securities ot anv kind
without publicity , at reasonable rates ,
lloom 7. Rowlev block , South Omaha.
Rooms 518-C19 , Paxton block , Oniahn , Neb.
TjKJH SALE Well established bakery , confoc-
JL1 tlonery. rrstaurnnt and Ice cream parlor.
Store In best location , Lo-xso and rent cheap.
Prlcp , fSOO , Call on or nddteii , G. Auilrlano ,
250B Fred avenueSt. . Josepn ; Mo. 821 lit
If/TKAT / market for s& peed locatlon ,
-LU-uood reasons for selllagU Addic-ss G " 1. lioe.
' PJt W7 S0
TTT ANTED To rent n m'St-class ' hotel com-
TT pietely furnished in a'couutry town Ad
dress O. C. Thayer , Plantarhouse , Omaha.
. . . 1 > 09 1
/ 4.OO u paying restaurnnt ; nd chop nouse for
VJealo cheap for cash , utabllsheil trade
Close lo Union depot. Address. G 30 , Hee.
608 20t
A CIGAR nurl fruit stani tdolng good busl-
css for sale good reasons selling 20(1 ( S 12th
-Vf-1 780 16t
FOR RKNT A flrit clns JUtle hotel , partly
f uvnlshed. possession September 2 , ' 81 , ouly
notel in tliu place , for particulars address J. F.
Fuirman , Axtell. Neb. 70115J
WANTED-Pa'rty with 'dtliltal to engage in
business ; investlgatelthla ; large profits
and legitimate. Address OjP. Hoe. 771 14 ?
"DALF * interest in an established real estate
JO. loan and renting Duslness ; small capital ;
will accept some trade. Address G 13 , lice.
A GOOD bakery nnd confectionery trade for
saloln Wuhoo , Neb. ; city 4,000 inhabitants ;
county seat and food business city. Inqulro
Peter Anderson. Treas. 1st Nat'l bank , Wahoo.
75114 ?
TTIOR SALE or Rent The Malvern Steam
JU Flour and Feed mills , or will take on active
artner. IJyroc Sweazey , Malvern , Iowa.
TjlOR SALE Or exchange , fine drug store In
JL1 country town ; also some cheap lands. Ad
dress lock box 20. Stuart , Neb. OJ.J Sot
STOCKot groceries nnd fixtures for sale for
( 'GO and store for rent , by John Strom. 1207
No. nth st. COO 10 $
plOR SALE A nice clean stoc.k hardware In
JC best city In Iowa ; Invoice about $ j.OOO ; will
take H In clear real estate , balance cosh. Ad-
dressJJox a . Cozard. Neb. C3j
WANTKD Banking In live town In Kansas
or Nebraska requiring capital of $18,000.
Address F.V. . P. , box C , New Hartford , la.
FOR SALE or Exchange Fine drug store in
country town ; also some cheap lands ; will
rent a roller mill to good manrent not so much
of an object as to have mill rim. Address
Lock Uox 20. Stuart , Neb. 0,12 22t
TJJURBAL E Cheap Harbor shop and 4 cnntrs ;
JJ good location ; paying business. M. H. Flem
ing , Crete , Neb , 601 S7 *
TJIOH SALE or Trade for Omaha property an
-L1 established business , llox 518 Omaha ,
A GREAT bargain in Gordon , Neb. , a new
roller mill for sale. 35 oarrol capacity and
rigged to make buckwheat and rye flour , meal
and chop feed ; in a good wheat country and
good market for flour ; " dwellings and barn
with it ; price $8,000. Parties having prop
erty to trade need not apply ; mill hau IIrat-
class reputation. F , J. Andreas , 042 olBt
OOTiTllAOTOIltPfcOO equity ln Wnlnut Hill
lot to exchange for a barn ; inquire room Id
Uarkerblfc. 7W318J
W H AThave you to oiler in exchange ror my
$ Joyo equity in uiy double house on
Luthron st , neur lOtn , or for my $ r > .OJO equity in
my double house ou Hpencer t , near : "il , or for
my $ ) ,000 equity In my double house on Wlrt st ,
east of 21th , all with modern Improvements , nil
encumbrances 5 years at 7 per cent. Mo farms
will be considered. W. T. Seaman. oaM ; side
llith at , north ot Nicholas t , Omaha's largest
variety of wagons and carriages. 7Ui
A N elegant $12,000 stock of dry goods , etc. .
jti.for trade for land and casn ; tnls stock has
not been offered before. Btrlngor & Penny ,
Douglaslilock , sole agents. 080 16
WANTKD To trade for a stock of groceries ,
cash nnd lots on O. & ! C. 11. motor line.
Lots will bu put in at their fiasli value. W. U.
K. &M. K. , lloom 11 Chamber of Commerce ,
Tel. H10 , TiTtt' _ _ _ _ "I"
T710II FXOIIANGE-An eHJstmt tract of land
JL ! containing 120 acres , InjAntelope county ,
Neb. , with ordinary improvements.
A quarter-section in Hand county , Dakota ,
partly Improved. - , , ,
Klghty acres near Council Tilulfs , la.
House aud lot on South IGUist.
Largo amount ot Oil MoiiuUiln and Petroleum
company oil stock. Will i xphanpe for good
or the erection ot some houses , ueo.
Sroperty . Ut NatiouaUiauk building. 370
rpo UXCHANGK-The undivided ono-halr In-
JLterestln3WUO-IOJacn'sofla good farm , lo
cated in Pnl&ski Co. , Mo.pottout oeo-halt In
cultivation , the balance good timber ; about
ten acres In orchard ; two ouu2r.Biuull orchards ;
four fair 'jouses ; aliundnnce of good spring
water , and laying about one mile from good
business town on railroad ; full and unlncuin-
be iod title. This farm lain if good settlement
and healthy locality , We mil oxolmngb for
general merchandise or hardware. Call on or
address . 11. Gordon & Co. , Steele City , Neb.
rpOKXCHANGK-Uenerastock merchandise ;
J-wantiand and money , tloi 7dFrankfortlnd ,
_ ; | 611 l
mo EXCHANGK-Wo have a good farm or ISO
JL acres lay mg close up to the town of Pteele
City , Jelferson Co , . Neb. About 70 acres In high
state ot cultivation. This Is river bottom land ;
soil can't be beat anywhere ; 35 acres good tim
ber : balance in good pasture : all lenced ; never
falling water ; this Is a matmllleont farm , with
house , stabling , anil 8 nice lots In town go with
farm if desired ; titles all perfect ; we want In
exchange , nice , clean stock of merchandise or
hardware. Call on or addrfiss W. II , Garden &
Co. . Hteele City. Null. 617
T71O118ALB--W ) feet , east front near paved
JU street with new o-room modern houie.jr.ouQ.
O. K. llarrlion. Merchants Nat'l bank. B89
OUNTZK PLAC15 0-room house , barn and
every convenience , for JT.OOO , easy terrna.
Addrpas for particulars. K 03. llee. _ StiH
$29.000 il feet front In heart of Omaha , 16th
st , . modern 8-story building , brings 10 par
c ntnoua. tloir rents ; must have 1 17.001 cash ,
baluucu C per cent ; great offer ; address KUO.ile * .
731-ftHr *
BAI/R $1,500 to 110,000 second mortgaga
notes s cnr d on Orchard Hill property.
Address box 178. Ashland , Neb. 77MBJ
"fiTOK 8ALK-3 lots In Iladlrk park , 11,000 each ,
JU Also 1 let In Albright's Choice , South
Omaha , very cheap It sold Immediately , A6 >
drtss U. 1 > . Miles. St. Joaepli. Mo. 607
TTKjn SALB Lota in Htewurt Place , vrlll fur.
JL' nlsh money for building house , nnd P.IT-
moms monthly. Hero Is a chance to secure n
home , Harris , Itoom 411 , 1st Nat , Dan * .
SHOl/nri to the front again. Lost list ail
sold outi
KH.OOO , 130,000 , 116,000 , $11,001 , liaOOO , Ill.MO ,
and from this down to a small house for a
cent , buys residences tn the city for bankers
down to the man who cleans the sower.
IA.OOO or buys clthor 13 or 9-room lioute ,
barn , lots 78 ana 00x121 feet wound each , on
"Un fct , , Kountre place , with furnace , gas nnd
fixtures , hot nnd cold water , bath , three elegant
mantels each , all psp rad , elegant lawiis , on
grade , street paved , motor by October I. If
not cheap , como In and I'll give thorn both to
you free.
H.WO buys 8-room house , mrns.ce , nnd every
thing oven to elpctrto wires for lighting gas ;
lot fiOxirX ) , across street west of Dr. Mercer's
and i block from motor. KUO cosh. bal. 0 per
10.000 buys full lot In Hanseom plnco , TOd and
Popploton avenue , with 8-room house , furnace
and frtcryth Ing else.
M.iXW buys a Joe Dandy e&st front lot on ( rtd
and Pacllla street , Hnnscom place.
$ x.roo and $7,000 residences fn Kountze placate
to trade for smaller honses and lot now tnoro ,
$4,000 , full lot and good house In Hillside add.
opp. wobbler strefit school to trade for vacant
lot. Jl.'JJO buys either i-room house , full lot , in
Central park or Hitchcock's odd. , nnd $1.000
s mo In urelghton heights add. S2 , M buys tine
lot on Farnam and 42d 8ts , tO,7JO buys OSxlES
ft. on Cuss st. opp. Cass school. $3.r > tx ) buys
either of tuo n-roora houses In Iteddlck pnrK.
$4,001) ) buys a fine 7-room cottage on 18th nnd
Paul nts . with bath , hot and cold water , slag
walk , and a corker for the money.
3 choice lots ualuo m cash jsnoo , In Lincoln ,
Nob. , for good house and lot and pay balance
In cnsh. Submit oilers. Also 160 acres choice
lamUu Nuckolls co , Neb , , and good hard cash
for choice city lot * . Submit.
If vou non't want to bur send list ot what
you have to sell.
Wo are hero for that purpoio and there are
lots of them that will buy. Tlicre is just ns
good bargains to-Oay as ono wants. Drop your
"cr un ley Ideas and got to business.
For pointers , seeSQoIos , BIO First Nat'l bank.
WANTED For cash customer , at once , a
Urst-clans residence property , about 10
rooms. C. B. Mayne , Hee building. 80.1 lot
| noit SAIiK Kxtrngood value In the thriving
-L town of Llnwood , junction of the North
western , desirable business property cheap for
Ono frame store butldlng.Slxno.brlnglng good
tent , best location ; and , also , one corner lot ,
23x1:20. : A good Investment for small amount.
Fnr further particular' , inquire , A. Pollor &
Co. , North Ileml , Neb. 825 is
TT10U 8AL15 643.TJ acres , sac. B , t p. It , r. Ow
X' Hamilton county. Neb. House , stable. 330
acres fenced , living water. Price , IU.OOJ. F. K
Atkins , ownir , railroad bldg. , Denver , Col.
11 MlAI
TlUNGUK&l'BNNY. Douglas blocs. 8. Eo
corner loth nnd Dodge streets , real estate
'and loan agents. Omaha property to exchang.
for clear farms , ami clear firms for encum
bered insldo Oniuhn unimproved property.
Call and'see us. Wb have big list and some
of our bargains may suit you.
Stringer * Penny , Douglas block , S. I ) , cor-
Ifithtind Dodge streets , have the undermen
tioned clear farms for sale or exchange.
(110 ( acres , Jlerriok Co. , Nen.
LO-IO acres , close to Saratoga , Carbon , Co. ,
Wyoming ;
173 ticres , Harlan Co. . Nob.
4 ) acres. HoltCo. , Neb.
7flO acics , Nance Co. , Nob.
IGOncres , ICnox Co. , Nsb.
saiacrei , Stanton Co. , Neb.
l.OCO acres. Washington Co. , Nob.
lii ) acres , Phillips Co. . Kas.
120 acres , Hamilton Co. , la.
485 acres In Lincoln Co. , Neb.
And an immense list oC farms with small In-
cumbrance some bf them we can sell ns low as
$ j an act o.
Stringer & Penny. Douglas block , 8. E. cor.
16thaud Dodgo.atreets , have a good list of lots
which they will sell to parties who will build
and will take mortgage for whole of purchase
money. Some line residence properties for sale
real cheap nnd on easy terms. 631 15
/"lOMEand see us and investigate some ot the
vyhariralns wo have to offer. Wo nre contin
ually llstlm ? new properties , and "If you don't
see what you want nsk for It. "
Wo have several fine hotel properties to trade
for land or other good values.
Au elevator , pioperty with large dwelling
house , at a bargaiu. Elevator complete , with
horse power , scales , office furnished , etc. A
One opening for a practical grain dealer.
Houses aud lots In all parts ot Omaha for
.sale and exchange.
For exchange , for Omaha prop erty , 1,000 acres
of school land lease , in one of the best counties
In the state.
A line residence property in Omaha View for
sale at a bargain.
From $75.000' to $100,000 worth of first-class
notes to exchange for omana property.
For exchange for Omaha property , one of the
best farms in Hock county , Nebraska , together
with stock and machinery necessary to carry
on the place. Old age and falling health of the
owner Is reason for selling.
A tine Wheeler county farm , well developed ,
good soil , for exchange for Omaha property.
28J acres of tine land in northwestern Iowa to
exchange for Omana property.
For sale or exchange for western lands , city
property , merchandise or live stock , a fine hotel
property in Iowa town of 0.000 inhabitants.
Leading hotel ot the place and doing a Quo
business. Furnishes meals for two passenger
trains dally. A snap for the right man.
Wa have unsurpasse. facilities for disposing
ot propel ty , having some 50J agents scattered
over lour or live states , Mst your property
with us It you wish a quick turn. W. It. K. A
SI. E. , lloom 14 , Chamber of Commerce , telephone -
phone 1440. _ MB
A LOT. suitable for double house , on Capitol
ave , four blocks from high school , will be
sola at a sacrifice if taken at once. W. M ,
Harris , Itoom 20 , Frcnzer block , Opp. P. O.
"IJ1OU SALE Easy terms , Kountzeplace.
JJ Two homes , each 8 rooms , each $4,000.
Two homes , each 9 rooms , each 85.00J.
Two homes , each 15 rooms , each $7,500.
All with modern convenience.
All large value at the price.
All within a square of the motor line.
Don't lose the e opportunities.
For sale by the owner. W. T. Seaman ,
East side 10th st. , north of Nicholas St. ,
Omaha's largest variety of wagons and car
riages. aa
BOY a home in the center of the city , on
monthly payments. I will sell you a lot in
Aldlnu square , oulldahoutoof any kind , worth
from $12uO upwards , and you can pay for it
monthly , quarterly or yearly. Aldlno square
is on Grace Htreot , between d and Sid streets ;
it has all the advantages such as paved streets ,
sewerage , water , gas. nnd is a first-class local
ity. Call at 1091 Farnam street and see plans
of buildings and set figures. D. J. O'Donahoe.
itlAT llargaln : Two 2-story and basement
brick residences on 28th and Fatnam. Itoom
for more on 8th st. Can make a way down
price on this to settle helrshlps. Call for price
soon , M. A. Upton .Company , luth and Fnrnam.
, 718-15
TJ10R SALE Neat cottage and 2U feet trent >
-D age on 17th and California. Only i.OOO. Call
at once. C , F. Harrison , Merchants' Nat. bunk ,
| Kl )
J LOTS In Orchard Hill for K.003 , or $700 sopar-
Ofttely.Tliose loto will soon bo worth double the
money ; they are close to motor and liemls
park , Stringer & Penny , Douglas block.
' ( M 10
E.WAY.NE , real estate , room 400 , Bee
_ yuildlng. _ 04314t
CHll 8ALE-rA snap. A choice corner lot ,
-L. Btate and Bpauldlng Bts , , LU ft. ou State at. ,
ASO ! two fine soutn front lots inliedford
Place , two blocks from Suto st. , south of now
furniture factory , 8500 each.
Also ISO ft. fronting Kountze Plnco , at $ - " > per
front foot : croat bargain. T , O. llrunuer , room
1 , Ware blk. .two-lit
TjlOlt SALE East front on 31st , near Paclltc ,
JD l-Scawh , bal. easy. 3,100.
West front on 32nd , near Pacific , 1-5 cash ; 1 ,
2 , 3 , 4 yrs. , $ ! , W } .
East front ou 32nd , near Pacific , same terms ,
Iteautlf ul lot on Hurt St. , near 3Uh , $3,090 ,
Many other choice lots. See sterns.
J , U. Evans , It. 3W ( , N , V. Life Uldg.
A VINO llth htregt from Nicholas north.
Contract has been let for Colorado suml-
stono. Wo bavo 1UJ feet on llth 501 feet north
of Nicholas that we can sell for tt > ,800. Must
be cobbled quick at that price , M , A. Upton
company , loth and Farnam , 713-15
NIC of the two house and lot bargains 1
have been offering on Georgia ave.north of
Ltaveuworthl9 now Hold and occupied.UOCIUIHO
of my very low price. The south house of the
two still remains a bargain open to somebody.
First comes , nrst served. To be appreciated it
needs to be examined Internally. 1 positively
will not rent it , though several times oirereil
850 per month. Price , on very easy terms. $1.ono.
W , T. Seaman , east side loth St.north of Nich
olas st..Omaha's largest variety of wagonr and
carriages. gJ )
TJIOlt BALE Two of the oest located tracKugo
JU lots , on tlio northwest corner ot 21st and
Izard streets , nlza 120x1.1 ! feet. For price aud
terms inquire of the owner , Edward Hpelier-
berg. IQia North 21st strBBt Hfl-sUt
T HAVE some first-class rental propurty for
JLsale cheap within one mlle of postolllcn , on
paved streets and motor Una. Thoi. F. Hall ,
811 Pay on block. 6X8
ITiOU BALIt-Kast front lot on 28th st. with 4-
JU room house , $3COO. Call quick if you want
U. C. F. Harrison , Merchants' Nat. Hank.
| TO
$18,500 Actual value Inside business and resi
dence ; the seventeen lot * at hult price to flrst
party conies. Why ? For ruason am In need ot
ll3DOU cusii , Qreatchanca. Address littl. Use.
rpHK bsst monoy's worth of house and lot now
X for sal * in Omaha U tiuit.irhtch I a.m now
completing Dour suh it. , ou paved Win st. , In
Konntze plnco. n bedrooms , 8 parlors , dining
room , kitchen. 3 bath rooms , a water closet * .
large laundry , stationery wash tubs , furnace
and coal room and o ilnr. elertrlo bolls nnd
speaking tube , 13 closets. Price only 17.500 no
terras to suit. Mkowlsa n dnpllcats ndJomlnjr
At samn price , W , T , Oeaman , east side 18th st.
north ot Nicholas t , Omaha's largest variety
o t wagons and carriage * . _ KM
filOMANUFAOTtJUBUB : 1 will jrlvo urapio
X ground , 'with splendid trackage fanllltloi
on the Fremont , Klkhorn Jt Missouri Valley
railroad or on the Mlsnourl Pacific ( Halt Line )
railway In Westlnwn , just outside the city
limits in Wret Omaha , conveniently situated ns
regards AOCHSS to tha business center of Omaha
nd South Omaha , topnrtlos for the location ot
any of the following industries :
rurnlture Factory , lintton Factory ,
jhoe Factory , Lara Itoflnory ,
Starch As Glucose Wks , Poai > Works ,
Paper Mill , Purifier Manufactory ,
Plow Works. llroom l ctory ,
Harvester Works. Woolen Mill ,
Nail Work > , Oatmeal Mill ,
Knitting Mill * , llox Manufactory.
3ah , Door nnd Ullnfl Wire Works.
Manufactory. M
Flour and Feed Mill.
Or nny good manufacturing plant , Westlawn
li just outside the city limits nnd Industries
planted ihnro will escape heavy city taxes.
If yon nrn thinking of locating In Omaha it
will pay you to Inveatlgato this.
Ooo. N. Hicks , Now YorK Llfo
Jinalia. 71MI
T/'Olt BALI8-W , 4 1 or (10 ( feet of lot fl , block 7fl ,
JU nt KfcC per foo-t , 'HiU Is within a quarter ot
n blooc ot the new P. O. slto. nnd will be worth
$ l wo insldo of a year.
Tli9 o > { lot a block 101 , cor. Tjoiiglns nnd 10th
sts , 41 foot on Douglas aud ( tfl on 10th , prlco
131,000. (10,000 cash , balance In nvo equal annual
payinont.H ,
The se M nw M see n. 1 14 , r 11 o. Douglas Co. ,
price $ UMXin , tl.OJO cash , balance easy.
Lot 7. blkav ) , South Omaha , price l.203. terms
onsy. W. It. K.M. E. , loom 14 , Chamber of
Commerce , telephons 1440. _ TJ7.
IjlOlt Heal Estate bargains see M. A. Upton
JU Company. 16th anil Farnam. _ 71Mft !
FOU SALE On long tlmo nnd easy payments.
handsome , new , well built houses of 8 , 3 and
10 rooms. All conveniences , good neighborhood ;
pavpd streets , street cars nnd within walking
distance of P. O. Nathan Shelton , 1011 Farnam.
FOR BALE 8-roora house , barn and lot.
Hanseom Place , at a bargain. Harris , Room
411. 1st Nat. Rank. _ 673
CTtbu SALE Duslness corner , $40,000. C. F.
J Harrison. Merchants .Rational bank. 29S
TJH HBT National safety deposit vaults. Sato ; ;
J to rent $5 to fa n year , 807 S. 18th. BlSsll
LOBE HOTEIr-Newly furnished and fitted
up throughout ; centrally located : C2 per
day. 1TO3-131U-1313 Douglas st. _ 181
URRAY HOTEL-Nowost. latest nnd only
first-elms hotel in Omaha ; $3 to $1 per day
fl. Slllowny. proprietor. _ 178
HOTEL-Cornor of 10th nnd
Jackson streets. 3 blocks from Unto
depot. Rott $3 n day house In the city. ISO
. BARKER-ltO rooms , elegantly fur
HOTEL. . fl and & ! .DQ per day. 13th and
Jones st , , Omaha. F. A. Ualch , proprietor.
t-1 .
Chicago , Ills. J ClarkOt.
The Regular Old-Establislied
Is still Treating with the Greatert
Clironic , Keryons and Priyate Diseases ,
es- NERVOUS DEBILITY , Loit Manhood ,
elllnt Memory , Exhaustlnc Dralni , Terrible
Dr ams , Head and Back Ach and all the ffecu
feadinz to curly dccuy and peihap Coniumptlon ot
Inianlty , treated iclentlfically by new method * with
never-filling tuccui. _
JKS- SYPHILIS and all bad Blood and Skin DlB-
eaa permanently cured.
JtSf KIDNEY and URINARYccmpUiBU.Qleet ,
Donorrhoaa , Strlctu re , Varlcgcele and all disease !
of the Oenlto-Urinary Organs cured promptly without
Injury to Stomach , Kfdntyt or other Organi.
49-No experiment ! . AgeandexptrUnceln *
portant. Coniultatlon free and sacred.
49-Stnd4 cants postage for Celebrated Works on
Chronic , Nervoua and Delicate DUeues.
-Tho e contemplating Mainage send for Dr.
Clarke's ulebrated guide Male and Female , each
15 cent * , both < centi ( stamps ) . Consult the old
Doctor. A friendly letter or call may save fiituresuffer.
loaandshaMe.and add goldenyears toUfc. fa-Boo"
"Llfe'e ( Scent ) Error * , " jocwts ( stamp * ) . MedlciM
wu ) writings lent everywhere , secure from xpoiur * .
Hours , 8 to 8. Sundays 9 to it. Address
F. D. CLARKE , M. D. . . „
Notice of Stock MubscrlptloiiH.
Notice Is hereby given that the books of the
Omaha , Lincoln & Gulf Hallway Compivny will
bo opened for the purpose of receiving ; sub
scriptions to the capital stock of said company
on and after the second day of September. 188/ ,
at No. inos Farnam street , in the city of Omaha ,
Dated this 1st day of August , 1880.
G. I * . UllODES
G. A. Wttr.KAP ,
1J. Slt.t.OWAY ,
JI.P.O'IlIUKtf ,
aug-l-d30t Ins > rp > c.i6o
Notice to
Sealed proposals will be recelved at the of
fice of county clerk of lou las county , Nebras
ka , until 3 p , m. of Saturday , August 31th , 1880 ,
to furnish drugs for Douglas county , for the
balance of the year 1889. List of drugs required ,
to be found on file In ofQce of county clerk. Cor- i
tlfled checz for $100 must accompany each bid.
The board reserves tno right to reject any and
all bids. M. U , IIOCI1E , County Clerk.
al4dl t.
Notice to Contractors.
BIDS will be received by the Hoard of Public
Lunds and llulldlugg at any time before
Saturday , August 17 , IBtO , at 3 p. m. , for all
work nnd material necessary to bo done and
furnished In removing boilers and fixtures
from basement of Capitol building to now
boiler house , resetting name and muklnc : uow
steam connections and for doing nil things re-
mitred to be done as per plans and specillca-
tionsonille with the Commissioner 01 Public
Lauds and Hulldlngs.
Work to be completed by October 1st , 1880.
Suitable bond will bo required ot successful
Illght reserved to reject any or all bids.
Hy order of Hoard of I'uullo Lands and Build
August 10,1880. G. L. LAWS , Secretary ,
Dissolution Notice ,
Tim partnership heretofore existing under
the linn name of 11. Newman A : Co , , IIUR buen
this day dissolved by mutual consent. Mr. 1) ) .
Nuwmun will continue the business , to whom
all accounts due the firm , must bo paid , and
who Villl pay all accounts against the firm.
I. OIlKHb'ELUnt.
Omaha , August 13th , 1889 , [ UMt : ! j
To Contractors.
Proposals for furnlshln ? materials nnd con-
Ktructlng a brick business block , except foun
dations , are oolictod until August S ) , at 3 p , m. ,
at ofllce of American Mortgage Co. , Vim Mon ,
Dak. The right Is reserved to reject any or nil
bids. Plans to bo on exhibition August 10 and
after. In 1'anVton , and also at olllco ot J , II ,
Coxhead , Architect , IJrako's Hlocs , St. Paul ,
Minn. Aug. U C It
Notice lo Contractor ? .
Illds will be received up to 3 o'clock p. m. on
Tuesday , the 30th Inst , , for the erection of a
Uriel ; Hotel JlulldingjnotIncluding the founda
tion ) , according to plans unil sp'jclilcatloim prepared -
pared by John II. Coxhead , architect , Drake
block , Bt. 1'aul , Minn , The plans will bo on
view after tha 10th day of August , at , tlio ofllco
of the undorsiffned. The right is leservod to
reject any or all bids.
IJy J. 1' . Crennan. Becy ,
YANKTON , Dakota , August u , 188J.
Aug. 0 d 13t
Kotlco to Oontrnotorfl.
BOUTii OMAHA , Auenst 1'J. 1880.
Bcnlecl proposals will be received ut the city
engineer's olllco , by tha committee on viaducts ,
streets and ulleyu , until nlioii , ButimUy , Aug.
3 < tb , IHH'i , for gradlni ; north hulf ( Wet M Htioel ,
from 34th east to alhy , and alley from L to M
Btreot. Approxiuiatu estimate , li.OJ'J cubits
yards at 1-o-SXKi. Vork to be completed withIn -
In thentydavs after a contract therefor binds
nnd takes ellect. All bids must boaccumtia-
niod by a certified chock for iW ; said check to
be returned on all bids not accepted. The rlglit
to reject any and all blduls reserved.
Chairman Com , on Viaducts , Streets & Alleys ,
MAhUi-iOTUBiBa or
lowest prices. OowU for Ctreetmen ,
Aup tlpriters and AgrnU. , wsne Racks
and Knife Stands o SpsuUlty. !
7 1 5 WAIHIHCTOM Avt. ST. Louii. Mo.
Sonllicrn Gontlctnon Ilttmlllnlott Ity
the CnIlioun\Vllllnnison JL > tiol.
S. O. , August 14. ISpoolnl
Telegram to Tun HSK.J The great I'nt CaU
lioun-Wllllamson duel , m which n reporter
lost the tip end ot tils llttlo linger whllo tryIng -
Ing to explain to the principals and seconds
the moclmulsm ot iinmmorlosa rovolvora , Is
the toplo ot talk nil over the aUo. ( You
cnn't wnlk through a street In Charleston
without rncotliiR a man who has not boon out
on the field ot honor ono or inoro tlmosolthor
as n principal or n second , Whllo the younger
generation Is bursting Us sides with laughter
ever the trnglo nffalr , the elders are uttorlnp
innlodlctlons on the man who have hrouffht
tha revered "code" Into such disrepute and
made It the laughing stock ot the whole
PnlOnlhoun , it will bo romotnuored , mar
ried a daughter ot Millionaire Williamson , ot
this city , and hence is well known hero.
Wllllamsou's ' mansion is shut un just now ,
the family being nt their summer residence ,
hence no interviews with the family we ro
possible. The old duelists say the nffalr ot
honor was a fnroo.
"I am nt n lo < s to understand , " said n vet
eran , "how such mi affair should have been
arranged. I don't understand how Mr. Cnl-
houu should have threatened Mr. William
son with his other four bullets.
In my day principals In an
affair of honor never exchanged words ou
the field , They only exchanged nhots. Tlio
seconds were left to do tlio talking. It Is
only on n par with the degeneracy of the
times which urovonts Rcntloiaon ot honor
trom settling their disputes on the Hold of
honor. "
There Is a popular belief hero Hint the | ili-
tola were loaded with bluuk cartridges and
that the whole nffalr was arranged by II.
W. Qrady , of the Atlanta Constitution , for
the purpose of trotting up a sensation for his
paper. The public heart , however , goes out
in sympathy to the reporter who lost the tip
end of his llttlo finger.
words. Ilood's sarsaunrilln won't do im
possibilities. Its proprietors toll plainly
what it 1ms done , submit proofs from
sources of unquestioned reliability , nnd
ask you frankly if you are suite ring
from any dtsouso or affection oausud or
promoted by Impure blood or low stuto
of tbo system , to try Hood's sursaparllla.
The experience of ethers is sulllclont
assurance that you will not bo disap
pointed in the result.
Prospects That the Dig Ditch "Will 1)9 )
Completed After All.
NEW Youic , August 14. Special Telegram
to Tun I3RH.1 The special correspondent ot
the Herald nt Panama write * under date of
Augustfi : The confidence in the promises
from Paris that has nil alonguxisted hero re
specting the prospects of the canal schema
does not appear to have boon misplaced. In
deed , on the contrary , U Is not too much to
say that at no former period have tha pros
pects of the scheme as n scheme , I moan ,
without reference to DoLossop's enterprise
appeared more promising. Enemies and
sltpptlcs may sneer to their hearts' ' content ,
but facts nro stubborn things , and my re ,
marks are b.iscd on facts. By the close of thli
month I will doubtless bo in a position to com
municate more dofiolto Intelligence as to tha
turn affairs are inking here. According to
ofllciul data received hero direct from head
quarters , M. Hurnot has been successful in
advantageously placing the unsold lottery
bonds with a syndicate. They realized 31-
000,000 francs , of which 20,000,000 francs
have gone to meet payments , leaving in the
hands of M. liurnot a round sum of 14,000-
000 francs , which , by the recent law , is "ex
empt from all other claims. " Out of this
sum nao.OOO francs or 000,000 francs will be
disbursed to cover tno expense of a "com
mission of engineers , contractors nnd tech
nical men , " to survey the entlro works and
calculate the tlmo and expcndituro neces
sary to complete the work. That report
will , in all probability , be to the effect that
the canal can bo completed , under proper
management , in from four to live years nnd
at a cost of from six to seven hundred mil
lions of francs. If may bo fo'iml ' that the
work can bo done m much less time and for
a smaller cost , but 1 quote the outside fig
ures suggested by the most competent
ju'dges on the spot , ,
An ADiolntn Cure.
is only put up in largo two-ounco tin boxes ,
and is an absolute cure for old sores , burns ,
wounds , chapped hands , and all skin erup.
tions. Will positively euro all kinds of piles-
MENT. Sold by Goodman Drug company at
20 cents per box by mail itO cents.
Atlnnta's Postmaster Right in Ap-
pointing n Negro Clork.
WASHINGTON , August 14.--Special [ Tele
gram to Tun BEE. | Assistant Postmaster-
General Clnrkson said to-day in regard to
the appointment of a negro clerk by the now
postmaster at Atlanta , On. , General Lewis ,
which resulted in much excitement and the
burning in efflgyot Postmaster Lewis and
General Buck , a leading republican of that
state : "Tho story , as it was printed in the
Atlanta papers and sent north , was to the
oiled that Postmaster Lewis had appointed
a negro clerk and assigned him to duty at the
same desk with n young white woman. Tha
real facts , however , are those After General
Lewis' appointment ns postmaster , ono of
the registry clerks resigned. The post
master then appointed Charles Pouny ( col
ored ) , who stood at the head of the civil
service list of oligibles. Ho was assigned to
work in the registry division notin the same
room with the younpr lady , but in another.
The young lady and her father , who was
superintendent of the registry division and
had the assignment of clerks , both resigned ,
simply because a negro had been appointed
to u place la the oOIco , aud nut
because an attempt had been mndo
to place a ncg o at the sarao
desk with tlio young lody. From this grow
all the trouble in Atlanta. There were flvo
negro clerks In the Atlanta postofllco under
the democratic postmaster , aud for six years
a young white lady has been at the stump
window selling stumps to all the people ,
black and white. There is nothing in the
matter for the department to act upon and
there is nothing iu the action of Postmaster
Lewis to bo criticised by fair-minded pee
ple. "
Advice to Mothorfl.
Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup
should always bo used for children
toothing. It soothes the child , eottans
tlio gums , allays ull pains , cures wind
colic , and is the host remedy for diar
rhoea. 25a ti bottlo.
nilOWN UK Alt ! ) FIIOM.
Tlio Missing TronHurer Writes to His
" \Vlfis from Canada.
BOSTON , August 14. A correspondent of
the Herald telegraphs from Westerly , It. I. ,
that the wife and three duughtors of Treas
urer Brown , of the Hivorsido mills , loft
ftois Beach yesterday for their homo in
Allston , Mass , The correspondent states
they received a telegram from Brown
from Toronto Saturday nnd a letter from
Montreal Monday. The hitter information
was to the effect , that they hail better leava
thulr summer resort and no to their homo in
Allston , secure as much of his property as
they can , and at the same tlmo hold all ttiolr
own personal property and see that It Is be
yond the reach of the sheriff. After
Mrs. Brown has settled up her affulrs uho
will probably Join her husband In France ,
as it seems to bu the opinion of the family
that ho will sail for that country. In his
letter Brown said nothing about the amount
that has been taken or how much ho has
with him , but simply gave ndvlca for the
family to roalUo as much as they could from
their property and Join him , ho to notify
them as to his whereabouts from time to
John D. Brown , brother of the missing
man , says that from information he has ro-
cdlviid hu ID of the opinion that Brown will
uovor coma to New I nylimd agalu.
A prominent merchant writes :
"Cook's ImpurlulC'humpiigno , used uu a
b'ui'k'lo , cured my child of diphtheria. "