THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : THURSDAY. AUGUST 15 , 1889. Tfit' oiiTtpiii sTtirn nintrnro THE SPECUU11VE MARKEFS , A Whont Scftlpor'a-Bomark Qooa Hoboing Down the Yonrs. _ . . i CORN FAIRLY ACTIVE AND FIRM. A ttcnrlNti Pooling Aanln Shows Itself In tlio Provision IMt Good Gal * tlo Contltino In Htrong Do- mnml Quotations. CHICAGO I'HODUCR MAUHIOTS. CiiKuan. Aujnistl4. fSpociixlTolofrrnm to THE Hr.E.1 Tlio scnlpor who originated the phrasal "Woll , If farmers won't ' soil tholr wheat at thcso prices we'll soil it for 'om , " WAS , In Ills ( ] y , considered particularly bright , nnd his remark wns echoed down the years. This morning so mo of the gentlemen been " farmers' who hnvo lately "soiling wheat for 'cm" wore observed scrambling nftor the property with the nullity of cats on a back fence , The tnnrkot wns strong lit considerably higher prices , and on the sur- fnco II did not look ns though values could by nny possibility bo pulled down. Cables were strong nt advanced quotations , the went tier abroad wiis quoted as unsettled , nnd the lone of foreign trade wns of unqual ified Hrmncts. Homo news was equally fu ' vorablo to the bull sldo. Receipts at all pri- irmry points are disappointingly sinull , and the demand keeps up amazingly. Ono of the first bit of news started on the rounds this morning was the report , that William Dunn & Co. hud worked 1.10,000 , bushels of No , 8 red from St. Louis for the Ln Platte country In South Amerlcn via Now Orleans. This plcco of business struck the trndo "nil In a heap , " ns tlin saying Is , for very few hnvo really taken uny stock in the stories of crop failures in the Argontlnn Republic , This little : ir- cumstnnco of 150,000 bushel shipment to nn exporting country was therefore seen to bo something of uuusuul Importance. Later on it wns given out that Warren hod worked 80,000 bushels of No. 1 hard wheat from Duluth - luth to Glasgow. Local engagements in cluded 00 , < XW bushels of wheat , and represen tatives of several shipping houses were tryIng - Ing , with Indifferent success , to get wheat to 1111 good sized orders. As high as 7Uc was paid for 00,000 bushels ( it old No. 2 spring , and car loto wore inuch , sought nftcr. Alto gether the cnsh end of the wheat market wns exceedingly "gnmoy" from start to finish. The opening prices wcro at an aa- vance of about , ' c , August being quoted at 77c , September at 70o una December nt 78J c. December sola oft } c , advanced to 78Ko , sold off to 78c , back to 78 , fraction ally reacting , and then advancing to 789 c. A reaction to 78V c followed and a rally to 7878Xc. Thereafter the market ranged nt 78@TSJ c nnd closed at 78X@T8c. Sep tember opened nt 70J < fc , sold up to 77)f ) c , back } { a and up to lc , closing tit 77J c. August opened at 77u and ranged nt TiCji'Sifc nnd closed nt 78c. These figures record n gain of l c In August , ! } { c in bcp- tcmoor nnd % @ % c In December. The spec ulative market was not broad , but It is broadening perceptibly , nnd good signs of now buying is seen in the pit. Foreigners seem to have pretty generally left the bear side , both hero and at the seaboard. They nro buying both cnsb nnd futures now In the west , giving Now York the go by for the present. This is probably because there is but little wheat to sell at tldo water. There is still too much rain in the west to fuvor shipments from the country. The corn market was fairly active and firm. The demand for cash corn was active and offerings of August wore light Sep tember opened % o over the closing prices of the preceding day and made a further ad vance of Vc , bringing the price up to UO/fic , There . was plenty for sale at the advance and u reaction followed , which carried it down to 35o. The market ruled quiet nnd steady for a long time around U5fe , finally closing at that prico. The very wet weather re ported from some sections of Nebraska and Kansas wns partly the occasion of some cov ering by the short interest , and the buying of a pronilncnt local operator was also con tributing to the prevailing firmness. The English markets were Higher also , and in quiry for export at the seaboard was re ported to bo autivo. In corn tlio influences present yesterday were again repeated , and values appreciated W@Kc , with a good volume of speculative business recorded. The receipts continued rather small and so are the estimates for to morrow , nnd the strength was intensified by the advance In the other cereals , as well as the cold and damp weather of the past twenty-four hours. Trading was well dis tributed over all futures from August to May , with this nnd next months selling up to ac@20o ) nnd May to 24 034 'c , though the strength in that future was not fully maintained. Withdrawals frorustorn were not large and chiefly of No. , 8 white. No. 3 oats to fro to store were about % o lilclier at 20c. No. 2 white , August , sold at The provision trndo was ugaiu koarlsh. Puckers , led by Armour , showed more dis position to support the market , but their efforts were unavailing. Place , Mitchell and other bears wore on tot ) , and , backed U.v the prestige of a steady break during the week , made prices take another tumble. The day's range of quotations reached the lowest level vet witnessed , and from the start the feel ing was quite demoralized. In the product the decline actually suffered was lG@3do on September nnd October pork , 3 } @ 7c on January pork , -X@oo on September nnd October lard , 7J o on September aud Octo ber short ribs and Zlfo on January short ribs. _ CU1CAUU JjlVIS STOCK. " " " " " " " " J ' 35 CHICAGO , August U. f Special Telegram to TUB Usu.l CATTI.K. The demand continues strong for good and finished export and nu- tlvo steers , the same making as high prices a ? any day this week. This steady but slow advance on host natives is a sharpener to strengthen values on medium and common steers , hut , us yet , tjioro Is no perceptible change. Yet , sooner or later , medium classes arc bound to sell better. There wore 11,000 Texans In the run and they sold steady , There wore about 2,000 rangers In the run and everything at all useful In that line sold steady , but medium nnd Inferior sold a shade lower. Native butchers' stock was steady. Stackers aud feeders were in liberal sup ply mid business was flow , with the outlook for a big run nnd lower prices. Choice to extra beeves , f4.GO@-l.80 ; medium to good steers , 1850 to 1500 IbB.fUXXJUM ) ; 1UOU to 1850 Ibs , $3.80 ( 1.40 ; 050 to VAX ) ins , t3.75yi4.00 ; stackers and feed ers , f'J.UO@uo : ; cows , bulls and mixed , (1.00 § K .00 { bulk , fa.OOQ2.-l5 ; sloped steers.W.OO 4.60 ; Texas steers , ? 2.40@a.l5 : cows , tl.002.a5 ; western natives and half-brooas , Ilous Uuslness was rather slow , especially on packing account , with another drop of 5@ 10o on heavy , rough and common selling down to 13.85(3100 ( , and packing grades at M.OOdW.lO , closing with only f 1.00 bid for the best heavy packers. Selected heavy and thlpulng grades sold largely at * 4.10@ 1.15 ana $ -1.15 was the top price for selected heavy. * Light sorts were scarce and Irregu lar at (4.50 ( 4.75. Hogs are 15o lower than Saturday. FINANCIAL. NEW YOIIK , August 14. [ Special Telegram to Tnn UBE.J-STOCKS The topio most dis cussed after hours last night and before stocn trading was resumed to-day was the meeting of the Northern Pacific finance committed to-day. The committee's report and the action on It by the directors will not bo made publlo until Thursday , On the general - oral situation the boars nro talking more boldly with the prospect of close money , no outside trade nnd prices already pretty well advanced and conditions discounted. Chicago advices are bullish nnd western operators arc full of confidence on the bullsldo. When the hour catnu for business neither sldo WAS Aggressive and the market was very dull. First prices wcro generally from % to X per eentbulow lust uigUV * Ugures , and theno concessions wcro supplemented by further slight frnctlonnt losses In the early trading. The la to leaden In speculation maintained their position , but the amount of business lone In ( hem was small nnd the rest of the 1st was In proportion. There was a bolter feeling toward the end of the hour nnd in some dlrcct'ons ' slight improvements were made. Sugar trusts sold off nt the opening nt 107J4 , up to 103Jrf nnd again weakened. Many of the Granger shares did not change but a slight fraction from last night. There was nothing to break the monotony In slocks lo-dny from the opening to the closo. The last nrlces were much the sumo ns the first , about \i to * i per cant under the closing prices yesterday. The voluuio of trading wns light. The following were the closing quotations : 0. S. < a regular. 123 .Northern 1'nclHc. . S9K U. 8. 4s coupons . . .123 'do preferred . 17 U tJ.8.4Visrcgnmr..iary 0. .V N.V . HO U. H. 4Hs coupons , ,10flJ do preferred . 142 I'aclfltosof ! ) ) . 118 IN.Y.fcoiitral . 107 Central Pacific . WK P. o.K . . . . 21 ! 4 Chlc RO& Alton. , .i2f , Hork Island . ClilcoL-o.lliirllngt-on U.M.&BU' 71 ? Aytiinnv. . . . . . . . . . 104 uopretiirrfltl 113 i > . . i < . , x w , . , .1-15 % SUI'aul .VOmalm. . .HM IllinoisCentral tlii'i do preferred D7Vi I. . , , . Ui'tT.Uon ' Pacific Bl J , II. & \V. , u K nnsas tc 'rexoa J , . . . ll'i , , W..Si. L. ft I' 17'i ' l.nko Shore KUH < loproforr d 32.H Mlcliluixn Central. . KSVf Western Union , , , , toii MissouriI'acitlo , . . . W MOXET Ensy at U@4J-i per cent. Pill ! cent. EXCIUMOB Dull but steady ; sixty-day bills , ? I.84X' demand , .S7) Alining Stocks. Nr.w YOIIK , August 14. fSpoclnl Telegram to Tin ; Hun , ] The following are the min ing stock quotations : Amndor 1W ( Mnxlcan .TOi Aspen ! JtO Mono 100 , t llelcher ilM ) Mutual HI ) Caledonia It. H.iOO : North Hello Islo. . .10) ) Colorado Cunt nil. . 1JJ Ontario ! UOO Con. Cul , , V > a EH Oplilr 47/i / Commonwealth. . .300 Ucclilontnl ISO DoailwoodT. . , . . I'.O Plymouth 44' ' ) Knrekn Con . . . 12.1 Savage. . 1S.1 KICrUto HI ) Sierra Nevada 210 Oonld n Curry . . .ISO Standard HU llnlo & Nnrcro3s..2so Suillvnn 110 Homestako . . . . . . .ICoO Union ConsoHilaM.-IS ) Horn Silver ll'i \Vnril ConsolldtiM..i0 Iron Silver 175 Yellow Jack 231) ) I'UODUCH CHICAGO , Auguit 14. 115 ! p. m. close Wheat Steady to firm ; cash , 73c ; Septem ber , 77c ; December , 78 9-10c , Corn Steady ; cnsh 35J o ; September , 35-ffc ; December , 85) 0. Outs firmer : cash , 20Jfo ; September , 20 11-lCc ; December , 2 l c ; Hye September , 43c. Harlo.v Cash , CCc. Prime Timothy ? l .GO. Flax Seed Cash , $1.22 } ; September , Whisky ? 1.03. Pork Lower ; cash and September , 19.97 ; Oober , J0.05. Lard Ussier ; cash and September , 55.27 ; December , $ < ! .20. Flour Unchanged ; winter wheat , $2.00 ® 4.50 ; spring wheat , $1.30@5.50 ! ; Rye , $2.00 Dry Salt Meats Shoulders , fl.7 @ 3.00 ; short clear , ? 5.07X@3.75 ; short ribs , t5.15@5.20. Butter Dull ; creamery , HQilSo ; dairy , 10@15o. Cheese Quiet nnd easier ; full cream chcddnrs nnd Hats , 7) ( < ? 7c ; Young Amer icas , 8@8c. Eggs Firm nnd higher ; fresh , 12 > ® l3c. Hides Unchanged. Tallow Unchanged ; No. 1 solid packed , 4@4Vo ; cake , 4tfc. Receipts. Shipments. Flour . 17,000 14.000 Wheat . 15'J.OOO ' 137,000 Corn . 600,000 435.00C Oats . 500,000 4io,000 Now York. August 14. Wheat Receipts , 61,000 ; exports , 37,000 ; spot dull ; No. 1 higher ; No. 2 red , now , 87J @ 8So in ele vator , 89@U > fe afloat , 8S } ( a.c ) f. o. b. ; ungraded red , CS@b7Ke > No. a , red , 70 ( 77c ; options , moderately active ; No. 1 , lo higher , closing weuk ; August , Stic. Corn Receipts , 121,000 bushels ; exports , 23.000 bushels ; spot quiet , higher ; op- quiet , firmer ; No. a , 44 } c in elevator , 44 > i@44 o afloat ; ungraded mixed , 43 > @ 45c. 45c.Oats Oats Receipts , & 4.000 ; exports , 23,000 ; spot , loss active , unsettled ; options , quiet , firmer ; August , 27fc | ; September , 20c ; spot , No. 3 white , i2o ! ; mixed western , 25@ 2Uc. 2Uc.Coffee Coffee Options closed steady , 5 to 15 points un ; .sales , 84,000 bags ; September , S15.20@15.45 ; October , $15.20@15.00 ; Decem ber , S15.25@15.D3 ; spot Rio firmer ; fair cargoes , I1S.02& . Petroleum firm at decline ; United closed at97c for September. Egns Firm , western , lO Ql'o. Pork Quiet. Lnrd Lower ; western steam , Jfl.03 ; September , fG.CO@O.C9. Butter Quiet , easy ; western Cheese Steady ; western , t7c. ! Atllwnnkoc , August 14. Wheat Firm ; cash and September. 70c. Corn Firm ; No. U , 80) ) c. Oats-Dull ; No. 2 white , 2l@24 o. Rye Steady ; No. 1 , 43p. Barley Quiet ; No. B , September , 59c. Provisions Easy ; pork , 8U.95. Aliunciipnlis , August 14. Sample wheat firmer ; receipts , 4S cars ; siiipments , 40 cars. Closing : No. 1 hard , on track , 0'J@94c ; No. 1 x northern , cnsh , 83c ; September , 70 c ; on track , Sll@S4c ; No " northern , on track , 7S@7cO. Sr. Louis , August 14. Wheat Higher ; cash , 74c ; September , 74 c. Corn Cash , anjg'o ; September , 33c. Oats Higher ; cash , 19 > o ; September , - Pork Dull at J10.75. Lard Quiet at fO.OO. Whisky Steady , S1.02. Butter Firm ; creamery , 15@17e : dairy , 18@14o. Kansas Olty , August 14. Wheat Strong er ; No. 2 rod , casn. and August , 04 > c ; Hep- tombor , 04fc ; No. 8 red , cash , 50 % @ 7c ; August 57c ; No. a , soft , cosh , 07o bid ; August , 07Ko ; September , C8c. Corn Quiet ; No. U , cnsh5/c ! ! ; August , bid ; September , ' ! J5Xo bid ; year , 24c bid. bid.Oats Oats No , 2 cash , 19o : August nnd Sep tember , 17X bid. Cincinnati , August 14. Wheat Firm ; No. 2 rod 70 0. Corn Firm ; No. 2 mixed , SSKc. Oats In fair demand ; No. 2 mixed , 20Jio now. 24Koold. Whisky Active at 1.03. Lilverpoul , August 14. Wheat Firm ; demand poor ; holders offer sparingly , Corn Firm ; demand improving ; now mixed western , 4s 1X3 per cental. klVK STOUK. OliloaRO , August 14. Cattle Receipts , 15,000 ; market stronger for choice , others weak ; beeves , 8100 ( 4.80 ; stocuors aud feeders. J.OO@J.10 ; cows aud bulls , $1.00 @U.OO ; Texas cattle , $1,00@3.15 ; natives and half-breeds , S3.00@3.95. IIo s Receipts , 15,000 : market slow ; heavy lOo lower , others SftjlDo lower ; mlxod , 4.00@4.40 ; heavy. W.85 ( < 54.20 ; light , f4.30 @ 4.70 ; skips , (3.fiO@4.53. Sheep Receipts , 10,000 ; market steady to lower ; natives , $3.40(44.70 ; westerns , M.40@4.00 ; Texana , IJ.50QI.10 ; lambs Nattuiml Stock Varan. Must fit. Liouls , August. 14. Cattle Receipts , 3,100 ; sblpinonts , none ; market steady ; choice heavy native steers , M,30@I.W ; fair to coed , M.00@4.25 ; stackers and feeders , $2.20 @ .15 ; range steers , * J.80@3.40. Hogs Receipts , 3,400 ; shipments , 200 ; market steady ; heavv , W.20@l.40 ; packing , $4.10 4.8.5 ; light grades , * 1.85@4.50. KHimas City , August 11. . .Cattlo-Rocolpts , 5,400 ; shipments , 8VOO ; common to choice corn fed steers , $3.0u(3t.25 ; stockers and feeders firm at tl,00@3.15 ; cows , shade lower at ll.WQJ.TO ; grass raugo steers , (1.73 Hoga Receipts , B.800 ; shipments , 1,900 ; market weak and 5@10o lower ; light , $1.271 © 4.37f ; heavy nnd mixed , $ J.95@l.22Vjf. Hloux City , August 14 , Cdttlo Receipts , 495 ; shipments , 105 ; market steady ; fat steers , $ a.00 ( f3.50 ; feeders , $ J.15 ( 2.50 ; stookers , $ U.OOij'J.35 ( ; canners and bulls , 75c(31.25 ( ; veal calves , f2.003.50. Hogs Receipts , 810 ; market 5@7i c luworj light and mlxod , $3.60 ( < J3.fe7K ! heavy , OM.VIl.X 1IVK Sl'OOJC. Cut I In. Wednesday , August 14. There was no decided change in tlio cattle mnrkot to-day. Prices were steady and the offerings moved freely. There were only fifty-two cars m when the mnrkot opened , or n falling off of 500 bond as com pared with the same day last week , There were quite a sprinkling of westerns nmong the offerings , and nearly one-third of the re ceipts wore made up of that class of entile. The quality of the cattle did not cotno up to yostorda.v'8 standard nnd prlmo heavy beeves were scarce. A bunch of very coed ll'd-lb natives sold at $ ( .15. and some 1300-lb steers nt tt.W ) , with one bunch nt $1.30. The cow stuff broueht steady prices , the range to-day boin 9t.65@3.00. Stockers and feeders met with ready snlo , the do1in and being good and the supply none too largo. Quito n string uC westerns brought SJ.05 , nnd some smnller bunches & 2.40. A few natives went nti.80. . The hog market wns the worst that It hni beep in along tlmo and nt the lowest point of the season thus far. The light hogs sold largely nt $3.V3@4.07K nnd tbo heavy hogs nil the wny from $3.00 to $ JOd , but mostly nt $3.SOJ3.83. ( Salesmen wore slow to make so great , n concession nnd the market wns prac tically at n standstill. At midday there wcro fully twenty-four loads unsold. In the afternoon there was some trading , but nt the time of closing the hogs wcro not all sold. Taking the trndo ns a xvhole it VIM fully 10V ( § luo lower. Light hogs did not show so much decline as the heavy hogs. Cattle . 1,100 Hogs . 5,000 I'rlao ? . The filltwtnirli ivtiblo ot prUutpxli In thlsmirkat for tli3 gr.ila * oC staalc men tioned : Prime steers , 1300 to 1000 Ibi. . 54.10 04.35 Good steers. 1230 to 14' > tlbi. ) . . IMIO Good stoors. 1010 to 13 JJ Ibs. . . 8.4' ' ) Common cimnurs . 1.VJ5 ( < il.75 Ordinary to fair cows . l.GO ( $1.01) Fair to coed cows . . . . . . 1.1)3 ) f < i2.25 ! Good to choice cows . 2.25 0.J.5J Choice to f.incv cows , helfora. . 2,5'J d ( > 3.0' ' ) Falrto iiood bulls . 1.75 $2.00 Good to choice bulls . 2.00 Light. stockers und feeders. . . . 2.5'J ( ! oed feeders. 930 to 1100 Ibs. . 2.75 ( iiU.OJ Fair to choice light hoes . 3.05 diA.Ol Fair to choice heavy hogs . 3.SO ( ffS.OO Common to fair heavy hogs. . . 3.00 Fanto choice mixed lious . 3.80 ( 4.00 fteprcsontativo Sales. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. cows. 2. . 070 1 85 1. .1000 2 10 4. . 905 1 90 0. . 950 2 15 24. .1005 1 90 13. . 977 2 15 1. .1010 2 00 14. . 9S3 2 25 0. .1003 2 00 0. ' 922 2 25 1. .1200 2 00 20. . 893 2 ! U ) 12. .1003 2 05 2. . 9J5 2 70 .1092 a 10 1. .1230 3 00 OANNEItS. Lilvc Stock Notes. D. Hall , of Persia , Iowa , had hogs on the market. H. Thomas came In with hogs from Hen derson. S. F. Darryman had a car of cattle hero from Cordovia. J. R. Maynos was hero from Henderson , Iowa , with stock. To in Powers was on the market from Button , Ed Russell had a car of cattle hero from Ewlng. Fuller , Smith & Fuller , bad hogs hero from Dodge. F. O. Hlbbard , of Irvlngton , was on the market with a car of cattlo. H. II. Robinson , of the Hay State Cattle company , was among the visitors. * J. M. Ashbrook , of Hrunnmg was on the market with hogs and cattlo. August Anderson , of Anderson & Johnson , Oakland , brought m a car of hogs. OBIA.I1A BIA.UKET8. Produce , Frultu , Etc. Table dairy , 12@14oj packers' stock , TfflSo ; Creamery Prints , fancy , 10@ 17o ; choice , 14@lflo ; solid nackud , 12@13c. Ecias Strictly fresh , 10rllc. CIIEEHU Yountr Americas , full cream , lOo ; factory twins , 9Ko , off grades , 0@7oj Van Kossom Kdom , $11.50 per doz ; sap suu'o , 19u ; briok , Ilgl2o ( ; llmburRer , 0 j@7o ; domestic , Swiss , 14o ; clieeso safes , Drouzo modal , No. 8,12.85. GAME Per dozen , plover , fl.00@1.50 ; Mal lards , (3.00 ; wood Uucka and mixed , $1.75@ 300. 300.POULTIIT POULTIIT Live hens , per dozen , $ .1.25(2) ( ) 3.50 ; mixed. W.003 50 ; spring , 2.003.75 ; turkeys , 8 ( < Mo per lb : duclcs , e-J.OO@2.50 ; Keosu , * 3.00 ( < 4.00 ; live pigeons , fl.&O. OiUNOEd Los Aneolos. # 1.60 ; Kotll , $0. L.KMONS Fancy , $ t,00 ( < 3.50 ; cholco. f 1.50 , SOUTHIIHN PKAOIIES j bu , loc @ ti for choice und 35@iio ) for poor and common , Ari'LBs Per bbl , 50cf3. OAMl'OHNIA P ACI1ES JO lb bOXCS , $ l.59& 1,75 , CALlFOHXtA OllAl'CS $1.50@1.75. CALICOKNIA PLUMS $1. PKAKS-40 lb boxes , $1.7503.25. WATKI.MEI.ONS $18 OOS'AI 00 per 100. CANTELOUJ-ES Per doz , $ l.25 ( < 41.50 , PJNEAPPLIIS Per doz , * 2.25@J.OO. HANANAS According to size , per bunch $ ' 2.00@3.00. COOUXUTB Per 100 , $5. HAIII.V VBOETAUI.KS Potatoes , 20@30o per bu ; onions , Callfornia.pur lb , l ) o ; southern , per bbl$1.00 ; cabbage , per crate , $1.25 ; tur nips , par bu box , 50o ; beets , per box , 60o ; wax beaux , par bu box , $1.00 ; string beans , per bu box,75o ; green peas , per bu box , ? 1.00 ; tomatoes , per } bu box , 40Q COu | caullllowcr , $1.50 ; eggplant , $1.00 ; squwjh , SSopcrdoi ; cucumbers , 15o ; lettuce , ir > cv radishes , 15o ; green onions , 15@20o ; now carrots , 30o ; pla plant , per lb , Ic. AITLB HOTTCU 5o. , H II CiDEH-llbls , $5.00 ; hf bbls. f3.00 MAI-I.B SuoAH-12i ® l5c < * lb. VfiAi , Choice , modutin size , 5KCc ; cholco heavy , 4QJo ; spring lames , 530.00iJ3iJ.OO ( per doen. YJf llosr.v 14@l5o ! per lb for cholco. PitKsnnvts m < ftJ10o nor lb. UDESWAX No. 1 , HAV-2.50@3.50. iili CHOP Fr.tiD $10.00@IQ. " " f. HIIAN -$3.00@9.25. TAI.I.OW No. 1 , 4o : No. , @ 3' c , Qur.Asc A , 4@Wc ; .yellow , 3n ; dnrlc , wool/ Fine , average , I5@10o ; choice , 18 Q Ulo. Munitm Average , 81@22o ; choice , 23 ® 34c-coarse ; , 15@18c. HIDES G. S. hides. 4 } ( $4Jc ; dry , 5o ; dry flint , 7c ; calf , 4J @ . " > a ; damnccd , 2c less ; sheep pelts , preen , each , S5c@31.0Q ; sheep pelts , dry , per lb , 9 ( < $12c. Dry Uoodfi. UATTS-Standard , So ; Qem , lOo ; noauty , 12 > < c ; Uoono , Mo ; U , cased , $0.50. UI.ANKETS Whlto , $ l.0037.5'J ' ; cole oJ , ? 1.10@8.00. CAMintics Slater , Oc ; Woods , Co ; Stand ard , 5oj Peacock , Be. i1 131bb , whlto , 18Kc' , colored , CoMroiiTBiis fO.OO@33.00. COHSI-.T JP.ANS IJoston,7J cAndrosnosrsln ; , 7Jfo ; Kenrsage , } { < Rockport \ , OJ/c ; Conos- togu , OJ t\ " COTTON FrANxr.i.s 10 per cent trndo dls. ; unhleanhcd , LL , fi > fc : CO , OJfc ; SS , 7Jfci EE , bj/u ; GG , 9Jfo ; XX , 10c ; OO , ll > c NN , 13K sAA ; , 14c ; UD. Ui c ; TT , 10 > c ; YY , 18o ; BU , Hio ; 20 bleached , 8Ue ; 00 , 12Kc ; SO , 18 > $ e ; CO brown and slate , 9c ; 70 , o { 90 , lOo. DIIXIMS Amoskeag , 0 oz , lOJ o ; Everett oz , 18c ; YorU,7oz , , 13c ; Haymaker , 8J < o .Taffrov , XX. HWo ; Jnftrey , XXX , V c- Uonver Creole , AA , 12o ; Ueavur Creek , 1JU , lie ; Uuavcr Creek. CU , lOo. DUCK West Point , 29 In , 8 oz. 9 > o ; West Point , 29 In , 10 oz , 12X ; West Point , 29 In , 12 oz , 15'fc ; West Point , 40 In. 11 oz , Ific. FIANNKI.S Plaid Rnftsmen. 20c ; Clear Luke , ! JO > o ; Iron Mountain , 2llJ4c. FIASNELS- White G. II. No. ' . ' , h22J c ; G. H. No. 1 , % , 20 c ! O. H. No. 2 , ! { , 22 } < fn ; G. H. No. 1 , , 30c ; Qucchce , No. 3 Ji , 3'i' p ; Quechoo , No. 2 , % , 87H" ! An.iw.ui , 3J : > c ; Windsor , 22'rfc. . , FLANNELS Red C , 24 Inch , 15 } < fc ; E , SI inch , 22 } c ; G G , 21 Inch , 20c ; H A F , f , 25c ; J R F , Jf , 27c ; G , Jf. 25c. GINOIIMPlunkott checks. OJ c ; Whlt- tentou , OJ/c ; York , 7K ; Normandl dress , 7J c ; Calcutta dross , 7 > < o ; Whittenton dress ; 7 > < e ; Renfrew dress , 8i @ 12j o. KENTUCKY JEANS Hereule's , 18o ; Leam ington , 22)fc : Gloinvood , 20c ; Melville , 25o ; Hang-up , 2xo ; Memorial , 15u ; Standpoint , 18e ; Durham , 27 c. MiscELLiNKOus Table oil cloth , $3.50 ; table oil cloth , marble , 52,50 ; plnin Holland 9 c ; dado Holland , 12Kc , PUINTS Dress t'bnrter Oak , 5 } c ; Haranpo , 4c ; Lodl , 5 > o ; Allen , Oc ; Richmond mend , Co ; Windsor , G&c ; Eddystono , 0 > c ; Paciflo O c. I'uiNTs Pink nnd Robes Richmond , OJ c ; Allen , Cc ; Rlverpoint , 5 > c ; Steel RlverC > 5c ; Paeilic , OJtfc. , , PIIIXTS Indigo blueS.t. . . . Leger , 7J c ; Washington. OJ < c ; American , 0) o ; Arnold , OVc ; Arnold Century , 9u ; Windsor Gold Tk't. 10' c ; Arnold 13 , lOUp ; Arnold A. 12c Arnold Gold Seal , lO fq ; Yellow Seal , lOJ Amanna , 12c. i , Pin STS Solid Colors -jUluuticOc ; Slater , Oc ; Horlin oil , OKc ; Garner oil , 0@7c. SiiiuTiNn , CHUCKS Caledonia X , 9 } e ; Caledonia XX , 10o ; Economy , 9c ; Otis , 9e ; Granite. OJ c ; Crawford checks , be ; Haw River plaids , 5J c. , < , SIIECTINO , HUOWN Atlantic , A , 4-4 , 7 } c ; Atlantic H , 4-4 , 7c ; Atlantic D , 4-4 , 0c ; At lantic P. 4-4 , Oc ; Aurora LVL , 4-4 , Oc ; Aurora C. 4-4 , 4o ; Crown XXX , T4-4 , O c ; Hoosier LL , 4-4 , 5Jfo ; Indian Head , 4-4 , 7c ; Law rence LL , 4-4 , 5c ; Olil floniinion , 4-4 , 5 } c ; Pepporell R 4 4 , G c .Peiiporell E , 40-inch , 7fc ; Pepporell. 8-4 , 17 ; Pepperell , 9-4 , 20c ; Popperell , 10-4 , 22cUtica C , 4-4 , 4c\ \ Wachusotts , 4-4 , 7c ; Aurora R , 4-4 , 7c ; Aurora B , 4-4 , OJ c. SHEETING , IJI.EACHED Ellorton , 7K ° ! Housekeeper , SljTc : Now Candidate. SJ e ; Horkeloy cambric , No. GO , 9c ; iou Hot , 4-4 , CJ c ; butter cloth , OO. 4&"c ; Cabot , 7J < fc ; Farwell , half bleached , 81 c ; Fruit of Loom , 8u ; Greene G , Oc ; Hope , 7 c ; King Phil lip cambric , lOe ; Lonsdalo eambrio , lOc ; Lonsdalo , 8 > u ; Now York mills , lOo ; Pep porell , 43-ln , lOo ; Pepperyll , 4in , lie ; Pop- porell , 0-4 , llj o ; Popperell , 8-1 , 20c ; Pep- poroll , 9-1 , ! Wc ; Pepporoll. 10-1 , 2lo ; Canton , 44 , Sjfe ; Canton , 44 , 9 ° ! Triumph , Cc ; Wumsutta , He ; Vulloy , HJ c. TICKS Oakland , A , 7 c : International , YY , 8u ; Shctuckot. S.S'tJc ; Warren , No. 870 , lOc ; Ucrwtcir , BA 18c ; Acme , 13c ; York , 30-in , 12J c ; York , 82-ln , 13 > c ; Swift River , 8c ; Thorudike , OO , 8 ! e ; Thorudike , EF , SKe ; Thorndiko , 120 , 9 > < o ; Thorndiko , XX , 15o ; Cordis , No. 5,9 > c ; Cordis , No. GrocorloH. PROVISIONS Hama , No. 1 , 10-lD nvernge , HJ c ; 20 to 23 Ibs , lie ; 12 to 14 Ibs , 12 o ; No. 2 , lOe ; specials , 13 } o ; shoulders. 7c ; breakfast bacon , No. 1 , lOc ; specials , 12 } c ; picnic , 7J e ; ham sausage , 9c ; dried beef hams , lOc ; beef tongues , $0 per dozen ; dry salt meats , G@OJ.fc per lb : boneless ham , Oc. SAUSKOE Uologna , 4@lffc ; Frankfurt , 8c ; tongue , 9c : summer , 23e ; head cheese , 7e. POIIK Family , backs , per bbl. $12.50 : J - bbls , $0.75 ; mess. bbls. 812.00 ; -bbls. . 50.75 ; pig pork , ubls , S17.00bbls ; , 89.00. Pins FJIET Pickled , kits , 75c ; pickled pigs' tongues , kits , $3.85 ; pickled tripe , kits , C5c ; pickled H. C. tripe , kits , 85c ; spiced pigs' hocks , kits , SI. 15. LAUD Tierces Refined , Oo ; choice , ( \fc \ : puraleaf , OJ/c ; kettle rendered , 7c. Add fc to Ku per lb for smaller quantities. UEBP TONGUES Salt , bbls , $20. OILS Kerosene P. W. , 9 c ; W. W. , 12 } < c ; headlight , 13c ; salad oil , $2.I59.00 per dozen. PICKLES Medium , per bbl , S4.CO ; small , $5.50 : gherkins , $0.50 ; C. & JJ. chow chow , qts , $5.1)0 ) 5 pis , $3.40. WKUTINO PAIT.II Straw , per lb , 1 % @ 2l c ; rag/2Kc ; manllla , 1) , Oc ; No. 1. 80 , SALT Dairy , 140 3 lb pkgs , $2.00 ; do , 100 31bpkgs , $2.00 ; do , 00 5 lb plfgs , 5J.40 ; do , 28 10 lb pkgs , $2.30 ; Ashton , bu bags , 50 lb , 85c ; do. 4 bu bags , 234 lb , $3.40 ; M S A , 50 lb bags , 55c ; common , per bul. $1.25. CAKDV 9K@13 ; < fo per lb. CHOCOLATE AND COCOA 21(7J39o ( per lb , ; Gcrmnn chicory , rod. So , Jamaica , } { pints , $3.00 per doz. FAIIINACEOUS Goons Uarloy , 2K@3 c ; farina , 4 > { o ; pens , So : oatmeal , 2 Gsr > o ; mac aroni , lie ; vermicelli , lie ; rice , 3 > ( iiO > { c ; sago and tapioca , 0@0c. Fisn Salt Dried codllsh , 5 @ 8 c ; scaled herring. 24o ier box ; hoi. herring , dom , 50c ; Hamburg sjilced herring , $1.5U ; hoi. herring , 70c ( < ? $1.10 ; ninckerol , large * fam ily , $13.50 per 100bii \ w'liltellsh , No. , $0.50 ; family , $ J.OO ; trout , $5.00 ; salmon , $3.50 ; an chovies , 80c. . ' " LYK-$1.75@4.50. ' ' NUTS Almonds , lB ! 7c ; Hrnzils , 9o ; fll- bcrls , 13o ; pecans , 12u : walnuts , 12o ; jieauut cocks , 80 ; roasted , 10cV' CANNEIJ FISH Uroblc1 irout , 8 lb , $3,40 ; salmon trout , 3 lb , $3.350lams ; ! , 1 lb , $1.25 ; clams , 2 lb , $3.00 ; clam chowder , 3 lb , $3.25 : devilled crabs , 1 lb , $2.35 ; deviled crabs , 3 lb , $3.50 ; codlish balls. iJ lb , $1.75 ; caviar , H lb , $2.25 ; eels , 1 lb , $3.40 ; lobsters , 1 lb$2.00 ; lobsters , 1 lb , $1.90 : lobsters , deviled , X llj. $3.25 ; mackerel , 1 lb , 81.00 ; mackerel , mus tard sauce , 3 lb , &UO ! mackerel , tomato sauce , 8 lb , $3.10 : oysters/ / lb , 95c ; oysters , 3 lb. $1.00 ; salmon , O. K. , 1 lb , $3.00 : salmon , C. R , , 3 lb$3.00 ; salmon , Alaska , 1 lb , $ l.b5 , salmon , Alaska , 2 lb , * $3.UO ; shrimps , 1 lb , DIIIED FIIUITS Currants , 4fC@5o ; prunes , casks , 1,800 Ibs , 4).f@ | > & ; prunes , bbls or bags , 4.C@4o ; citron peels , drums , 20 llis , 24c ; lemon peel , drums , 20 Ibs , lOo ; hard dates , boxes , 12 Ida , lOc ; apricots , cholco evaporated , 25-ll > boxes , 15a ; apricots , jelly , cured. 25-lti boxes , 15o ; apricots , fancy , Mt. Hamilton , 20-lb boxes. 15u ; apricots , choice , bugs , SO Ibs , He ; apples , evaporated , Alden , 60-tti boxes , 7 W.8o ; upjilcs , titar,7o ; apples , fancy Aldcn , 5-lb. 9o ; apples , fancy Alden , 3-tti , 9K" ! blttokbornos , evaporated , 60-lb boxes , fi > < (255fc ( ; chprrios , pitted , dry cured , 15cj pears , California fancy , } i& boxes , 25' Ibs , 2la ) ; poaches , Cul. fancy , Ji unp , boxes , 25 Ibs , 13o ; poaches , Cal. No. 1 lancy , > js unp , bags , SO Ibs , 12) ) o ; uoachcs , fnnuy , ovap , unp , 50-lb boxes. 12@14o ; peaches , Salt Lake , new , 07o ; nectarines , red , 18c ; noctnrinos , silver , bugs , Ho ; pitted plums , Cal , 25-lb boxes , lie ; raspberries , ovap , N. Y. , new. 23o ; nrunes , Cal. , R C , 00.100 , boxoB , 25 Ibs , So ; Prunes , Cal , R C. 00-70 , 9 > < eorango peel. I5o ; raisins , California London * , crop l&SS , | 3. 40 < Q2.CO ; raisins , Cali fornm loose , muscatels , crop 18S3 , fl.OOQ 2.00. 2.00.Bvos American A , soamleas , 17c ; Union Square paper , discount 83 per cent. CorTKn Green Fancy old golden Ulo , C8c ; fntioy old ponborry , 23c ; Hio , clioico to fancy , 21&01 Klo , prlmo , 20Xc ; Ulo. good , IQc ; Mocnn , 29c : Java , fnncy Mandobllnir , OOo ; Javn , good Interior , 2. " > c. Cflrrnns KoiMtotl Arlmcklo's Arlosa , 23't'c ; McLaughlln's XXXX , SM o : Gcnnon , SJoUU\vorth ; , ffiUjo ; Alarouiu , 83c , SiiiSbDA 1 jfKg'J'ff0 I1jr ( lb. STMICH 5st7o ( per lb. STOVB POLISH 2.00ftl,87 nor pros * . SriCKS Whole , per lb Allan ce , 12o ; Cns- sla China , lOc ; cloves , Zanzibar , 20o ; nut megs , No. 1 , 75c ; pepper , lUc. Lumber anil Hulldlni * Material , f. o. b. Omaha. STOCK UOAIIDS A 12 Inch , s 1 s 14 and 10 feet , MO.OO ; U 12 Inch , B 1 s 12 , 14 ana 10 feet , $41.00 ; 0 13 Inch , sis 12 , 14 and 10 feet , $30.00 ; n 13 Inch , s 1 B 13 , 14 nnd 1(1 ( feet , 23 00 ; No. 1 Com. 12 in s 1 s 13 feet , $18.00 ; No. ICom. 12 In s Is 14 and 10 feet , $17.50 < J18.50 : No , 1 Com. 13 In s 1 s 10 , 18 and 20 feet , f 19.50 ; No. 2 Com. 13 In 1 a 14 anil 10 feet , $17.00. Cm M NO AND PAHTITIOX 1st Com. J In. whlo plno partition , $33.00 ; 2d Com. 5/In. white plno partition , $27.00 ; clear } { in. yellow plno colling , J'iO.03 ' ; clear ? In. Nor way , $14.50 : 2d Cora. ? f in. Norway , $18.00. UOAHDS No. 1 coin sis 12 , 14 and 10 ft , $19.00 ; No. 2 com sis 12.14 nnd 111 ft , $10,50 ; No. 8 com s Is 12 , 14 unit 10 ft , $14.50 ; No. 4 com sis 12 , 14 nnd 10 ft , ( shlp'tf cull ) , $11.00. Add 50 cents per M ft , for rough. BATTENS , Wnt.I. TlMtlXU , PlCKItTTS O. G. Units , % X inch , ( We ; O. O. Baits , x3 , sis , ! Kc ; 8-in well uiblnr , IX & M. and bav$32.00 ; pickets , IX & U. , Hat , $20.00 ; plcitols , I3.&U. , square , $111.00. DIMENSION'S AJfl ) TIMlinn. 12 ft II ft 10 ft 18 ft 20 ft 22 ft 24 ft 2x1..15 1)0 ) 1500 1500 1)100 ) 1000 1800 IS CO 2x0..15 ( HI 1500 1500 10K ( ) 111 00 1800 1800 ! 2x3..15 00 1500 1500 1(100 ( 1000 18(10 ( IS 00 ' 2x10. . . 15 ( X ) 1500 1500 10 Od 1000 1803 1800 . 2x12..150) ) 1500 1500 1000 1(100 ( IS 00 1800 ' 4x4-8x81000 1000 1000 1700 17 On 1800 19011 . Fcscixa No. 1 , 4 und 0 Inch , 12 tintl 14 ft , 'rouirli , $ ltl.UO10.50 ; No. 1,4 and 0 Inch.Kl ft , fl7.OU@17.50 ; No. 2,4 and ( i Inch , 12 nnd 10 ft , Sill 50W14.00 ; No. 8 , 4 and 0 Inch , 10 ft , $15.00 @ 1 < ) . ft ) . l-'isisiiiso 1st nnd 3d clear , IJf Inch , s'2 s , S4'.I.OO@.M.OO : 1st und 2d clear , l1 and 8 inch , B 3 s , $4.OJ@r > U.OO ; 8il clear , lif inch , s 2 s , S43.H4l.OU ( ) ! : 3d clear , \X \ and 8 Inch , s 2 s , f 13.03 46 00 ; H select , 1J { , IK and 2 Inch , s 3 s. $37.0Jtf8S.OO ( ; 1st nnd 3d clear , 1 inch , s 2 s. $45,00 ; 3d clear. 1 inch , s 2 s , $30.00 ; A select - lect , lincli , s2s , $33 ; 13 select , 1 inch , s 2 s , ! 0.00. 11.00111x0 1st com 0 inch white pine. $31.00 ; 2d com G inch white pine , $31.00 ; 3d com 0 inch white pine , & ? O.OU : D com 0 inch whlto plno. $20.00 ; coin 4 and 0 inch yellow pine , $15.00 ; Star 4 inch yellow plno $17.00 ; 1st and 2d clear yellow plno1 and 0 Inch , $1I.OO. ! Pon.Aii LuMnEit Clear poplar box bds , } & In , s 8s , $35.00 ; clear poplar , % in panel , (30 ( 00 ; clear poplar , ? In panel , $25.00 : clear poplar , J in pmicl stoclt wide , s 3 a , $23.UO ; clear poplar corrugated ceiling , IjJ , $30.00. POSTS Whlto cedar. 0 Inch halves , 12c ; whlto cedar , f > > inch balvci nnd 8 inch ( j'ra , lie ; white ccdur , 4 inch round , lOc ; Tones- sec red cedar , split , lOc ; split oak ( white ) , 8c ; sawed oak , ISc. , LATH , per M. XX clear , $3.20 ; extra * A * , S3.SO ; standard A , $2.00 ; 5 inch clear , $1.00@1.70 ; 0 inch clear , S1.75@1.80 ; NCI. 1 , $'@l 15 ; clear red cedar , mixed widths , from Washington tcrritorv , J3.40 ; California red wcod , dimension widths , $1.50 ; cypress , clear heartdlmcnsiou widths , $3.23 ; lath , $2.50. SHIP LAI' No. 1 plain , 8 and 18 inch , $17.f)0 ) ; No. 2 plain , 8 and 10 inch , $15.50 ; No. 1 , O. G. , ? 18.00. SIDIXO 1st com. 12 and 10 feet , $22.00 ; 2d -com. 12 und 10 feet , $19.00 ; 3d com. 13 and 10 feet , 815.00 ; fence , com. 12 and 10 feet , $13.00. LIME , ETC. Qulncy whlto lime , ( best ) SOc ; English and Gorman Portland cement , $3.45 ; Milwaukee und Louisville , $1.30 ; Michigan plaster , S2.25 ; Fort Dodpo plaster , $2.10 ; Uluo Rapid plaster , $1.90 ; hair , 20c ; saah , CO per cent dis ; doors , blinds , inouldincs , 50 per cent dis ; tarrsd felt , per cwt , $2.00 ; straw board , $1.00. Drugs nnd Clinmlcals. Acm Sulphuric , per carboy. 2J c ; citric , per lb , 51c ; oxalic , per lb , 14c ; tartaric , powdered , per lb , 43c ; carbolic , 33@45c. AI.UM Per lb , 2 * c. AMMONIA Carb , per lb , llj c. AititowitooT Per lb , Bermuda , Sic. BALSAM Copaiba , per lb , C3o ; tolu , 52@ 55c. 55c.130UAX 130UAX Rollnod , per lb , lOc. CuctM TAUTAU Pure , per lb. 82c. EXTHAGT Louwoou Bulk , per lb , 12c. EIIOOT 15c , GLTOEIIINE 33a GUM AiiAiiio 59f595o. Gi'M Assafcetitlu , per lb , 14o ; camphor , per lb , 40c ; opium , per lb , $3.35. IODJXE Resublitnated , per oz , $3.05. LEAVKS Buchu. short , per lb , 13c ; senna , Alex , per lb , 25@3Sc. Moni'iiiA Sulph , per oz , $2.80. MCKOUUT 09o. POTASH Urotnido , per lb , 40c ; iodine , per lb , $2.85. QUINIA Sulph , perlb , 28 ® lie. SEEDS Canary , per lb , 4 , jC. SoAi'S Castile , mottled , per lb , S@10o ; castile , white , per lb , i15o. : ) Sl'iiilTB NITUE Sweet , per lb , 42c. STHICIIXIA , Crystals , $1.00 1.15. CiNCitoXA Per oz. , 5@l8c. TAMOCA Per lb , Cc. TONCA BEANS $1.75. COiLs Borgamont. $3.45 ; winterRreen , $2.15 ; Malaga , 95c ; linseed , raw , 03c ; boiled , GGc. GGc.WHITE WHITE LEAD $0.50. CAI.OMEIAm. . , per lb , OSc. CASTOII OIL $1.22. CUIIEII BcituiES $1,50. CAXTIIAKIDES 75cfttl.C5. CASSIABUDS Per lb , ISc. CiiLOKoroitu Per lb , 40c. Couitosivn SUIII.IMXTE Per lb , 75a CiiEAM TAUTAU 2Sc. Twines nnd Hopu. BiNDEiis' TWJXE Sisal , lOc ; hemp , 15o ; Manilla. ISc. CLOTIISLINES Cotton , 50-ft , $1,20 ; cotton , 00-ft , $1.40 : Jute , 50-ft , UOo ; Jute , 00-ft , $1.00. COTTON TWINE Fmo , 20c ; medium , lOo ; heavy hemp , 14c ; light hemo , 15o. SAIL TWINH U. sail , Wo ; Calcutta , 15c ; in an Ilia rope , 15c ; sisal rope , 18c ; now pro cess , 9u ; ] uto. 8c : cotton , ISc ; hide rope , 18o. SHROEDER & DEAN , GRAIN , Provisions i Stocks Basement First National Bank , SOS SoulliIiMli Street. . Omiiliu NEBRASKA NATIONAL BANK , U. S. SEPOSITOnY , OMAHA , NEB. Capital . $400 , 000 Surplus .Inn. 1st , 1881) ) . C'2,000 OKKIOEItS ANU niUPCTOUS : ! IlENitr . VATES , President. LEWIS S. UEEI > . Vlco I'reuldent. A. K , TOU/ALIX , W. V. MIIIHt ! , JOIINH. COLLINP , It. C. CUHIIINO , J.N. II , I'ATIUCK. W. II. S. JIuniiEtf. Cashier , THE IRON BANK , Cor. 12th and 1'arniun 6ts. A General Hanking llublnebd iTansacted. BLAKE , BOISSEVAIN & GO , , ADOLP1I BOISSEVAN & GO , , Holland , Traninct u gencrut banking builnen. gecurllloi buuiiUt nnd eoIJ un conimlialon , 1'oruliiri oxcbaaeita. Comincrclul and traveler' ! letters til credit , Order * for baud aud itocki uiccutuJ un comrala tlon In I-oiidoa and on all CoutluttuUI llour < o o llurupe. Nvtollailoiu of Ilallwar , fatuto , Cltr anJ Corpora- tlan lAiua * u > pcliiJtr THE REALTY MARKET. . plaood un roajM durinit JLyesteraar. Gco 7'lckanl to KdwWordSTrorth , Wncrcs In n M ne K'-H-U' . w rt . . . . .8 3,000 II J I'ruyn nnd luiBbnnil to\V lMnthl\v , lot in.lik u. liowlm Orcon. w a , . , COO T O Klchclbortfor mul wlfo to A Meyer et Rl , lot ID , hm 4. lleetl's M HiM , w 0 . . . . 1,350 K 8 Jester nnd wlfo to M M Voorhls , e ! 4 lot 4 , hlk "K. " Shlnn's U ftdil , w rt . l.WO Z ( J Hood nnd hmbnnd to Win F llnrhcrp , lots 11 and 12 , Alhrlyht and Aylsworthr8 Sdndd , wil . , . , C6.V City of Umahn to K K Overall , lot 4 , hlk 142 , Omnhn , no d . , , , . . . . . . . . . 1 WmCMlosinnd wire toCC Georxe. lots 21 Anil ablk 8. Stoveni1 1'lnpp. vrit. . . . J.POO U J M'onlcis ot ul to A.I.nck.lots 10 nnd 12 , hlk 1 , OntoCltv 1'ixrk. wd . , . COO J V liny ot al to Mrs 8 A Kollnar , lot n , blkS , Orannnorcy Park , w il . 050 Alltrlsht Land and lot Co to T Onnd T Jcffnrk-s. lota 11. in , 17 and 18 , bit 0 , Jciretlea' re-plat , w d . SSO ThosHeary and nlfoto Mlm Lu Hunt , lot I. blk 21. So Umnha. w rt . l.OJO Jos Odwalkerjxnd w ife to C M Hunt , lot 3 , hlk 21. So Umnhn , w d . 1,000 N A Ktihn , trngteo , to 0 W I.ymnn , lot 6 , blk f. Croluhton llelRhts. w d . KO ) G II Itouca nndvlfo to Cnth Kocnixn , lot II , lilkx'8U It llosgs'ndd , wd . 150 I'ourtcen transfers . UU,3W rnrmit * . The fallD.vmT pir nlu wjra Is iol by Uulldlng Inspector WhltlooU voiterdayt Jonn A. Snnley , 1-dlory brick wnrehonso. nortlienst corner Sliurman nvonue and MuniliTion street . . . . . . < . . , < , ( R,00 ; K. Ciirpentcr , Ill-story frftino dwollliiK , Allun , near Gold otreut . 1,600 uOlin V. 1'ntterson , i'-story ft nine resi dence , Thirty-second nnd Doilno streets r > , ( XX ) Ohif A , Olson , I ' 4-story frnino rosldouco , Auwtonnenr'rwcnly-llfth , street . . . . 2,600 Mrs Mary llocko , 2-story and bnsumont buck More and tlntx , northwest corner Twentieth and Cnstellnr streott. . , . . , ] t > , COO Sniniieriliiclo , six 2-story frnino resi liences , Nineteenth aven.u' , between Corby and Nineteenth streets . 1B.OOO Charles llclino , seven 2-story rrnino resi dences , Twpntietn , near Oorby sttvotn 21,010 H , \V. llewott , seven 2-story frame real- ilenccA. Nineteenth nnd Locust streets. 21,003 Albert Miller , Luven U'-atoiv frame rosl- donros. Nineteenth nnd Ohio streets. . . . 2I.COJ Thomas Whj te , seven - story frninu resi dences. Nineteenth nnd Ohio tti-oots. . 21,0(10 ( Tour minor penults . WO Poiirtecn permits , nasrecatlui ; . . . . . 1131.300 Tlio nhovo agRrcgato is the largest for this ycnr in nny one dnv. COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK. Capital , - $4OOOOO Surplus , - 4O.OOO Olllcnrs mid Directors E. M. Morseninn.O. M Illtchco-k , , los. Gnrnenu. Jr. , A. llenrv , K. M. AlKleraon. Win. G. Mnnl. v.pres. ; U H. Will. lams , A.I1. Hop'cIiiB , p.-ea. ; A. Mlllard , cashier ; K It. Bryant , asslstuntcashlcr. Boots and Shoos. KlItKENDALL , JONES A CO. , Bucceiion to Heed , Jonti i Co. Wholesale Manufacturers of Bols : & Shoes Atjcnta for Uoiton Itubbrr Shoe Co. , 1102. 1101 aad HOD llnrnoy Street , ou&lm , Ncbr.tska. Browors. sronz & Laser Beer Brewers , l.Ml North Klglitcenlli tn.-otOninhi > , Neb. Cornloo. EAOLE COIiyiCE WOIUtS , Hanufctiirers of&alyanizefl Iron Cornice Wlndon-ripi nnd mplnllcukylluht . John Kpencttr , proprietor. 108 and 111) ) fcoulb lOtli ttrcou Boxes. jPapor _ _ JOHN L. WILKIE , Pronrlelor Oraalia Papr Box Factory , NOB. 1117 and 1319 Douglm troct. Omnhn , Neb. Sash Doors Etc. , , _ wws w _ _ JU. A. DISBIIOW & CO. , Wliolciulo raanufaeturcrs of Sash , Doors , Blinds and Mouldings , Branch office , 12tb nnd Itnrd streou , Orooha. Neb. DOHN MANUFACTURING CO. , Manofacinrers of Sash , Doors , Blinds , Uouldlnsi , itHtr-work and Interior Imrd wood Dniih. KKA-'J North leth Btrect , Oinitlia. Neb. _ _ . _ _ _ BTRANCJ A CLAltK STEAM //B/tT/A'O 00 Pnniiis , Pines and Engines , Btiam , wutor , ralhtny and mlnlnK luppllti , etc. ! tt ) , ja nnd Ittl Karimia ilreet. Oinuha- _ U. S. WIND EKOINE & PUMP CO. , Steam M Water Supplies , UalllJay nlnd mills , 013 nnd ym Jones it. , Oronba. U. F. Uoii , Acting Wannter. miOWNKLL & CO. , Engines , Boilers and General Machinery , BUect-lrou work , ntcani pumpi , eaw mllli. 12W-1J15 l.eavcnvrorth street , Omuba. Tron Works. PAXTON & V1ERLINO IttON WORKS , Wrought and Cait Iron Bnilding Wort EoKlnet , brass work , general fonndry , macblneand blacktuiltb work. Ulilce and worki , t' . 1 * . 1'r. nnd 17th street , Omuha. OMAHA WIRE & IKON WORKS , Manufacturers of Wire andiron Railing Deikialli , window euardi , flower otands , wire alcai , ate. Wl Nurtn Kill meet , Uinahn. OMAHA SAFE & IRON WORKS , Manf'rs ' of Fire and Burglar Proof Safes , Vaults , Jail work. Iron shutters nnd tire cirnpn. U. Anoreon. prop'r. Corner lUh and Jaolcson IU. SOUTH OMAHA. UNION STOCK YARDS CO. , Of South Omaha , Limited. CHICAGO SHORT LINE OP THE Chicago , Milwaukee & St , Paul R'y ' , The Host Kouto from Omaba and Council ItluffH to ZHTHE EAST rE-ir- TWO CTIIAINS DAILY BETWEEN OM All A Chicago , AND Milwaukee , St. Paul , Minneapolis , Cedar Ilnplds , Itock Island , Freoporl , Rockford , Clinton , Duljuquc , Darcuport , Elglu , - Madison , JanesTllle , liclult , Winona , La Crosse , And ll other Important points Eait , Nortlieait and Buutlicnit. Fortbroii h tlcketi call on the llokot agent at 1W1 Farnam itruet , lit Darker Ulock , or ut Uiilcm I'aciBe lepot. 1'ullman Sleepers and the flneit Dlnlnu Cars In tb world are run on the mainline ot tliu Chlcngo , Mil * waukce A Bt. I'uul Hallway , aud ovurr attention li paid to passengers iijr courteous employes ol tlio company. It. Mll.f.Hll. acneral ll n sr. J. Y. TI1CKRH. Aiilitint ( iencrsl MxnaKor. A. V. II. C'AIU'BNTEIt , Ueneral 1'asscnger and TUkotAKcnt. OEO. K. IIKAKKOB1) , Aislstsat ( Jcneral 1'aisonger andllckotgent. . T , J.CLAUK , utneral Supirlntfndcnt. ? ICAW EXPRE81 COMPANY'S lltinMIAN OKI'AUTMKNT receives uncl forwards ull clashes of bu > lnei > byoHciMullhlenmir ) arriving at or cluimrllnK from Now Vork. blilpnionlHfrnm I'.uroim ciui be made direct l > y this 0iniiuny to ull Inland I'uitt or Kntiy In I lie United 8latt' , alio loCuimlu nnd .Mnxlco , wltU or wlttiuut pjyuient of ( lutleii nt N w York , Hales low us Hose of any ruipunslble company. NO CIIAWJi : MADIJ 1'OK CUSTOM HuUHU UOKWIA 15 Oil t'AHTAUU. ' Money Orders litiiQ.l pavnule ut I5U)0 ) places la united ctulus , Canuda nnd ICurupe. Agencies In Knrnno tu wlium slilpmcnts for United rtatt'i can ue iluuvvrel , or If I rum lutorior pu'nts fliouhl liu lontlvnud. ux'utuiaulud | by lllll uf 1 .udliiu and Inrolcu cert flat btifuru American C'oiiBul : TllUd. M1A1)0\V8 \ CO. , : i Milk street , Chcnpildo , > NI > ON , K. O ; ii Wnter strueu I.IVEKFUOI. ) Ul l-iccii' Uaf ou , . - AgrlotiUur > l Implements. CII L'RCIttLL lrA'nitKn , Dcalcrin Agiicnltnral Impleincnts , Wagons Carriages and huialrs. Jonrs ntvel , between Vth ol luui , om aim , Ncbrssta. Asricnlt'l ' iinpicinciits , Waaons , Carriages i , etc.holo ao. : Omnba , NebtasVu. PARLIN , OlttiXDOKV .t .I WholcsalnDeitlets In Agricnll'l ' Implements , Wagons & En2ge3 ! Ml. K , Btt nnd CUT Jonc street. Omah . _ MOLINE , M I Lit UHN A S'J ODUA R1J CO , iliinuiacturem ami Job' rs In Wagons , Buggies Rakei , Plows , Etc , Cor.Pth and 1'aclao ttrtots , Oniahs , _ Art I B ts' M ti t o r I n I s Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs , 1M3 Douglas street , Omxha , Nebraska. Boots end Shoos. IF. K MOItSK ACO. . , Jobbers of Boots and Shoes , 1101,1103,1101 Dnuctns street , Oranha. Manufactory , bummer street , lloMon. _ Con I , Cot < o nnd Ljrno. OMAHA COAL , COK E , t LIMB CO. , Jotes of Hard and Soft Coal , street , UuiaUa , Nobrnska , NEBRASKA FUEL CO. , Shippers of Coal and Coke , 311 Bouth 13th st , , Omaha , Noli. LUMBER. ETC , JOHN A. WAKEt'lELD , Wholesale Lumber , Etc , Imported nnd American 1'orllnnJ "omcnt. Stat * audit for Mllwnukco litOrnu Ic cement aud ( juliuy wlilte limo. ' CII AS R. LEK , Dealer in HaidwcGd Lumber , Wood carpets aud parquet IHiorinK. t'tti and DouglM itrects , Omulm , Neb. OMAIIA LmiBER CO. , AllKindsofBnildingMaterialatWholesalo 1Mb street and Union i'acinc track. Omalm , LOUIS Daler : in Lumber , Lath , Lime , Sash , Coots , Etc. Vnnln-1'orncr ; th nnd Douglns. Offlct Corner lllth and Uouilai. FRED. W. GRAY. Lumbe1 , Lira ? , Ceincnl , Etc , , Etc , Corner Utb and Doutlns sts , Omaha. " (7. N. DIETZ , Dealer in All Kinds of Lumber , Uth and California streets , Omalm , Nebraska. NoUona / . 'OBERFELDER & CO. , Importers & Jobbers in Millinery & Nolians 2W , 211) ) ana 212 South llth ttrect. J. T. RODIN SON NOTION CO. , Whilesa'.e Notions aud Famishing Goods , 1124 Hnruoy Street , Omaha. Comrnlssloni and Storage. RIDDELL & R1DDELL , Stor e and Cjrninission Merc'aanls ' , Dry CopdB and Notlona. M. E. SMITH & CO. , Dry GooJs , FaraisMng Goods and Notions 1103 and 1101 Douglas , cor , lltu itrcet. UniHlid.Nab. KILPATRICK-KOCH DRY GOODS CO. , Importers & Jokers in Dry ffoods.Kotlm Gcit'a furnltblntt KOddn. Corner llth dad llaraof otrctU.Oinnlm , Nubraika. HELIN , THOMPSON & CO. , Itaporleri and Jobbers of Vcolensant Tailors' ' 1 317 tioutli 15th Btrect. Furniture. DEWEY & S'lONE , Wholesale Dealers in Furniture , Faruam street , Omalm , Nebraska. CHARLES SHIVEI110K , Furniture , Omsbn , Nebraska. CrocorJos. _ PAXTON , OALLAOIIEn & CO. , Wholesale Groceries and Pr&yisio'is ' , 705. Tiff , 70J aud 711 South IQtli st. , Omnbn , Neb. McCORD , BRADY & CO. , Wholesale Grocers , llth and Loavenworth strect . Omnhn , Nebraska. Hardware. ' Heayy Hardware , Iron and Steel , Springs , waKen stock , hardware , lumber , eta , IM _ and 1211Uarney _ street , Omaha. W. J. BROAVOH , Heaiy Hirdware , Iron and Steel , Bfrtnirs , waRon stock , bardwsro , lumber , eto. UO * _ and miliarney street , Omaba. _ < LEE , CLARKE , AN DREESEN HARD WARE COMPANY. Wholesale Hardware , Cutlery , Tin Plate , lletals , sheet Iron , etc. Agents for Howe scaled _ Miami powder and l.yman bubed wire. HIMEBAUQH & TAYLOR , Builders' ' Hardware and Scale Repair Shoo Mechanics' tool and Buffalo scales. ItUS Pouglasj street. Onmba , Neb. V ' "U Toys , Eto. If. HARDY & CO. , Jobbers of Toys , Dolls , Albums , Fancy Goods , Douse furcUblnv goods , children's carriages , IMt rurnam street , Omuha , Neb. . ' Oils. CONSOLIDATED TANK LINE CO. , Wholesale Reflced and Lubricating Oils- Axil grease , etc. , Quiaba. A. , Bishop , ManagaA jrm _ Paper. CARPENTER PAPER CO. , Wholesale Paper Dealers , Carry a nice rtook of prlnttnir , wrapping and wrltla paper. Special attention nUen to can ] paper. LAKE ICE FOR f ALE IN CAR LOAD LOTS. NEBRASKA ICE CO. , Kearney Neb , Steck Piano Homarkablo for powerful sytnniitliotld tone , pliable action und absolute rtura-i folHty ; 30 years' ' roconl the bent ( ruaran * tea of the excellence of these intrus < incuts. WOQDBRIDGEBROS ,