Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 14, 1889, Page 8, Image 8

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Gonl , Vnn Wyok will bo invllod by
ronrcsontatlvoa of the control Inbor
union to deliver nn address on Labor
The railway mnll ofllclala report num
erous delays in the malls , caused by
washouts In the neighborhood of I3o-
ntrlco and Lincoln.
Alex , Wnrnor and Alma Lovono were
Hconsod to wed yesterday. The groom
is twenty-four years of ape , the brldo
twenty , and both rcsldo In Omaha.
The last will and testament of Mrs.
Frodorlka Rulio was admitted to probate
by County Judge Shields yesterday af
ternoon. In It she devises all her pos-
Bcsalons to her husband , Fritz Iluho.
The Merchants' Criterion company ,
organl7.od to do a rjoncrnl job printing
business , ( Hod articles of Incorporation ,
with John A. Slovens , P. M. Fryo and
° W. II. Barker as the incorporators.
United States Commissioner Gustavo
Anderson heard the trial of Ernest
Bchultz yesterday afternoon , for selling
tobacco without paying the United
States tax. The prisoner , who halls
from Ouster county , was bound over to
the United States district court in the
Bum of $1,600.
Personal I'nri\srrt | > 1i8.
C. B. Cooke , of Boone , la. , Is nt the Mur
ray.J. . H. Cowman , ot IJcatrlco , Is at the Pnx-
Robert O. Druosdow , of Nebraska City , is
nt the Murray.
Prank Shape. Unttio Crook , Nob. , Is a
puost at the Mllltirrt ,
Mrs. F. L. Lyle w.i nt tno Paxton last
evening from Chicago.
P. D. Smith was ntttio Pnxton last night
from St. Edwards , Neb ,
Charles E. Mnpoon.ot Lincoln , was n guest
of the Millard lust night.
At the Pnxton yesterday were A. O. Dl-
vidls and wlfu , of Chicago ,
John C. Cutting , wlfo nnd child , San Fran
cisco , Gal. , are nt the Murray.
Harry K O'NolH , ot Broken Bow , was a
guest at tbo Puxton last uvonlnp.
Contractor W. H. B. Stout and son , of
Lincoln , are guests of the Millaril.
Mr. C. E. Berry , of Elmlra , N. Y. , wns In
the city last night on route to California.
Mrs. H. C. Cole nml daughters have re
turned from an extended visit to relatives In
Hon. William F. Bochol loaves to-day with
his family for San Francisco , Portland and
the northwest for a few weeks' outing.
Mr. K.V. . Bryant , of the World , Now
York , is at the Paxton. Ho Is on route
liomawnrd after a stay of a year and u half
on the t'ncillo coast.
Miss May Carver who has heen sick for
l.'oral days is now at the Chllds hospital
and will soon bo able to resume work among
her patients.
Clerk Frank E. Mooros was forty-eight
years old yesterday , and all the court re
porters were roses m consequence. The pop
ular clerk continued at his desk throughout
the day.
Mr. T. W. Blackburn , of Los Angeles.
Cal. , formerly a resident of Omaha , has re
ceived an appointment in the ofllco of the
commissioner of Indian affairs at Wash
Samuel A. Robertson , editor nnd publisher
of the Sontluol at Boulder , Mont. , wns n
caller at Tun Ur.n oflleo. Ho was pleased to
witness the greatest newspaper building in
It' Harry Haskoll. the superintendent of the
newsroom of THE Bcu , loft last ovomnp
for Bed Kapids. Mich. , for a visit of two
weeks. Ho will thcro meet his wife and
family , who have been sojourning ; there
for a month. This is the flrst vacation Mr.
Hnskcll has taken in BOUIO years and ho says
ho feels like appreciating it to the utmost.
Charles Shtvurlck & Co.
The firm nnmo of Charles Shivorick , the
fumlturo denier , has boon changed to
Charles Shiverick & Co. , the accession to
the lrm * being Arthur Crnry , brother of the
founder of tbo IIUUPO , who lias been muti
neer of the Institution for several years past.
Another Korgcr.
Frank E. Bates , who has been employed
as a salesman by a number of Omaha ilrms ,
has been arrested for passing a bogus check ,
upon which ho received JS4 , upon Frank
Swnbodn , a saloonkeeper at Sixteenth and
Williams. Bates had the money in his pos
session when arrested.
Barrett's Onlve. " .
A warrant has been issued for the arrest
ot James Barrett , charged with resisting an
oflicor. Barrott's calves were inspecting a
neighbor's garden mid Pound Master Corey
wont after them. Barrett interfered and
drove the calves away , thus robbing Carey
of bis pound fees.
A Surgical Operation.
Drs. Rosewater nnd'McMnnigal performed
n difllcult operation uuon Joseph Prib.yl , at
COO South Thirteenth street , this morning.
Some tiuio ago Pribyl had the tnisfortuno to
brulso ills right log below tbo knee nnd
afterward caught cold in the wound. The
bono in the injured member suffered severely
from n sere that resulted and began rotting.
The operation consisted In exposing and suc
cessfully cutting out the diseased portion.
Thin Is a I'rotty Men * .
Fannlo Bellamy , the divorced wife of
Frank Bellamy , gave bonds In the police
court to answer before the district tribunal
to the charge of threatening the life of
Georgia Webster , who is reputed to have
aupplantftd her in Bellamy's affections. Mrs.
Bellamy alleges that she bus never carried a
revolver and has tmulo no throats against
Georgia ; in fact she nays the threats have
come from the other direction , and she now
promises to have the Webster woman ar
rested. "Sho makes fun of me and my
babies when slm sees us on the street , "
aobbod Mrs. Bellamy to the court. "Sho
1 nin't Frank's girl , and I know it. She
abuses my old mama on the street , and I'm
going to hnvo bur arrested. "
I That Amount of lee ( s Rtlll Housed In
There Is an Icy coolness about the dealers
in crystal at this season. The soasoa in the
consumption onico lias been a backward
one. As a consequence , it Is estimated that
there are now about fifty thousand tons of
unused ice in the city.
This amount has been occasioned by the
coolness of the season , south as well as in
town , which has prevented the using of the
article hero or shipping away.
At the close of the season , it is said , the
surplus will bo greater thnu ever
and render unnecessary the cutting of so
largo an amount of Ice next year. This sur
feit , however , will not lead to a reduction in
the price.
There ts a movement on foot to Induce the
council to puss an ordinance to prohibit the
cutting of Ice on tlio river below the mouth
of the city sewers , This Is based upon tlio
belief that many people are served with this
IM for drinking water and other purposes.
tiEI3NY'H Ula'UBALi.
Ho Will Not lo Kxtra Grading on
Hickory Street.
Contractor Lccny , who has finished the
grading of Hickory street between Thir-
teouth and Sixteenth , say&.that bo is meeting
with trouble because of the demand of a ccr-
tulu councilman that ha shall contlnuu the
grading ot the street to tuu extent of 10,000
Loony nays ho finished hU contract ,
moveu hia camp and men
to another place and that
ho cannot afford to go back , especially as no
contract was lot for the work. The figure
ot which he took tlio lob was 104-10 cents , on
which no money ft all could bo made. Ho
states further that while ho has been allowed
his final estimate , ho has boon threatened
by a councilman that no levy ahull bo made
lo pay him the remainder until ho shall huvo
duuo the extra work ,
The liberal use of Platl's Chlorides la
wUdom uud economy combined.
Dr. BIorccpBnya Most of tlio Property
Owners nro With Him.
"Unless wo get a change of grade nt
Thirty sixth and Burt streets , " remarked
Dr. Mercer , of the Omnha Motor railway ,
"it In highly probable that wo will bo compelled -
polled to abandon that part of our road this
winter. Because , you sco , the grndo Is so
steep that It would bo very dangerous to
run our trains when the tracks nro covered
with snow nnd Ice.
'Wo only nsk for n two-feet cut , " contin
ued the doctor , "and a majority of the prop
erty owners nro with us. Of course , wo
cnn climb the hill all right , but tbo descent
Is wholly Impracticable under the conditions
stated. With an Icy rnll a brake would done
no good and the train would slide down ,
with wheels locked , just llltn a sled. As a
rule , the property owners nro with us ;
In fact , wo have a majority on
our side , but as a matter of course , there is
some opposition. Bishop O'Connor and Guy
Barton-own each half a block between Cum-
ing and Burt on Thirty-sixth. The blshon
owns thn east part and Barton the west. By
agreement made sumo time neo the bishop
nnd ho agreed to stand by each other in the
matter of grades. Asa matter of fact the
proposed out of two feet does not affect Bar
ton's property ntnll , and Bishop O'Connor Is
In favor of it , but being bound In honor by
his agreement with Mr. Burton , ho cnnnot
consistently ndvocnto the lowering of the
street. On the south sidoof the street Is the
convent. Tliolr grounds nro surrounded by
a wall whichIt , Is claimed would bo rendered
useless were the street cut down.
The peculiarity of Hood's Sarsapa-
rllla is that while it purillos the blood ,
it imparts now vigor to every function 01
the body.
Over Kiclity-nlno Teachers Present
nt the Mornlnc Session.
The county Institute opened yesterday
with an increased attendance of twenty-ouo ,
making a total enrollment of eighty-nine.
The class is divided for the benefit of those
wishing to take nn advanced course m physiology
elegy , nnd during the forenoon instruction
is given simultaneously in two rooms.
In the Junior class Dr. Strong goes over
the regular work In physlolgy require for the
examination for certificates , Including nar
cotics. For the assistance of the teachers In
this branch Professor Brunor has secured a
supply of u little work on the "chemistry of
narcotics , " which thoroughly' covers the
subject. In the advanced class the lectures
are on the nervous system In
which great interest is boimr mani
fested. Animals' brains are dlsesctcd and
blackboard illustrations fully elucidate the
subject. Mrs. ICeysor yest-rday morning
west through the preliminary work in com
position nnd rhetoric , explaining the para
graph nnd kindred subjects. Everything Is
now down to working order and the greatest
interest is being taken in the proceedings.
The commercial college instruction , which is
given free of cost to those who desire it is
greatly appreciated.
Sonic Prominent Sights to Visit Dur
ing I'alr Week.
The week of September 2 to 0 inclus
ive will bo a great ouo for Omaha.
There will bo the Omaha fair , the mer
chants' and manufacturers' exposition ,
the business men's carnival and other
drawing cards Unit will bring the larg
est crowds together over brought to
this city. The managers of the Omaba
fair are doing everything in their
power and their power is mighty to
make this the greatest of all fairs. The
merchants and private citizens are all
doing tboirVory best to got together.
The city will bo grandly illuminated by
night , and the processions night and
day will bo magnificent affairs. During
fair- week the eminent divine , T. Do-
witt Talnmgo , will deliver ono of his
characteristic lectures. Then there are
the now bridge , the viaducts , the opera
houses , the mammoth buildings , to bo
soon'and admired. The electric , cable
and horse cars carry passengers to every
nook and corner of tno city. There will
bo more to see in Omaha during fair
week than can bo soon in a month. The
railroads make cheap excursion rates
from every direction. Como to Omaha
during tlio fair ; itwon't cost you much ,
and it will bo a visit to bo romotnborcd
all your life.
It Files Us Articles or Incorporation
With the County Cleric.
The Omaha Union depot company filed ar
ticles of incorporation with the county clerk
yesterday. W. H. Holcomb , Thomas L.
Klmball , E. Dickonson , G. W. Holdrego and
J. G. Taylor , are the incorpornt-
ors. They propose to establish and
maintain union freight and passenger
depots nt such points in Omaha as may bo
necessary for the accommodation and use of
the different railway companies making this
city a point of delivery for freight and pas
The authorized capital stock is placed at
Sl.500,001) ) , divided Into shares of eiOOeach. It
is provided that the business of this corpor
ation shall bo conducted by a board of seven
directors , elected by the stockholders on the
second Monday In January annually.
Twenty-third National G. A. R. En
campment at Milwaukee , Win.
Special excursion. The Chicago , Mil
waukee & St. Paul railway will run a
special excursion train of free chair
cars , sleopiiig and dining cars , through
without olmngo , leaving Omahu at 7:80 :
p. m. , Saturday , Aug. 2-1 , reaching Mil
waukee early the next morning.
Department Commander J. 13. Davis ,
has named this as the olllcinl train
which will bo In command of Sonlot
Vlco Department Commander S. H.
Morrison , accompanied by his otlicial
stalT and dolobatos.
Mrs. Mary R. Morgan , president
Nebraska Woman's Relief Corps , has
also selected this route and train ,
special train No. 2 , will leave Omaha nt
0 p. m. , August 24 : ample accommoda
tions will bo supplied for nil wishing to
avail themselves of this opportunity for
a cheap trip to Milwaukee- and Chicugo.
Ono faro for the round trip. Children
ono-hulf of the excursion rate. Remem
ber these trains will start from the
Omaha depot thus avoiding transfer
and delay at Council Bluffs.
For tickets and further information
apply to ticket agents on line of Union
Pnolllo railway and Union ticket office ,
1601 Furnnm street , Barker block ,
Sleeving' car berths now on sale.
F. A , NASH. General Agent.
J , E. McOiuius , Western Pass. Agt.
Stockholders of the Terra Cotta Com
pany lu Court.
Application has been made for the appoint
ment of a receiver to take charge of the
Omaha Brick and Terra Cotta manufactory ,
also for an order restraining Sheriff Coburn
from selling the property. Frederick C.
Festuor , Gottlolb Zimmerman , Frederick
Huouiping , Ernest Stuht and William Kuhf-
nhl , figure as plaintiffs , and besides the
company already mentioned , they make the
United States National bank , William Co-
burn , Frank D. Cooper and Charles F.
Goodman , defendants.
In their petition they allege that the prop
erly In question U worth fM.OOO , exclusive of
notes , claims , accounts or chosos is action ,
and consists of personal property. Cer
tain defendants are charged with conspiring
to cheat anu defraud not ouly those def end-
nuts but other stockholders by intending to
convert ull the property of the company to
their own use , Having a majority ot the
stock they not ouly voted tuomiolvei iutoue
directory but took In Goodman's son Oscar ,
who has no Interest besides a few shares as
signed to him by hit father and Cooper ,
solely to ninko it possible for him to become
a director nnd bocnuso ho would bo under
their control. Those three. It Is said , elected
themselves president , secretary and treas
urer , thus taking the concern entirely Into
their own bands nnd freezing other
stocUholdors out. After having thus
flxcd matter * , Oscar Goodman , M president ,
made a lease of the factory to his father and
Cooper nt a pretended rental of (200 per
month , under which they took possession
nro now opcrnllne the same and appropriat
ing nil the benefits , rognnllcss of the rights
and without the Knowlodeo of othnr stock
holders. It is further charged that those
two men hnvo obtained largo sums of money ,
probably $20,000 , which they failed nnd re
fused to account for. Some debts have no-
cumulated , the United State * National bank
being ono claimant , but In Just what amount ,
the plaintiffs hnvo been unable to ascertain
because they have boon deprived of the
privilege of examining the books. This
debt is in the nature of protnls-
ory notes made by Cooper &
Goodmnn in the nnmo of said company ,
wholly without the knowledge of these stock
holders. In furthering their conspiracy , ac
cording to this petition , these men entered
Into a compact with the bank whereby It
should bring suit , obtain Judgment and cot
nn order for the property to bo sold , which
was done , nnd would hnvo been fully con
summated nt UiO : ! o'clock yesterday morning
hud not these applications for a receiver uud
restraining orders boon mndo in time to pre
vent it. The Judgment is for $10,813.05 , an
amount plnlntlfts deny ns being Justly duo
the ban ic. The sale was to have
been mndo at the Umo stated above
but these men rustled , got Cleric Moorcs out
ot bed before 7 o'clock , had him tnko
acknowledgement nnd called on Judge
VVnkeloy , who issued a temporary order , and
fixed Saturday next as the date on which to
hear arguments in the case.
Charles Flsk has commenced proceedings
lor u divorce from his wife , Kosa , Ho
charges her with bnvlng boon extremely
cruel towards him ; also with wilful deser
tion ; that she gave to his child unfit and un-
whofesoino fooa which catno near killing it.
A temporary order of Injunction ngainst
tbo city wns tbo prayer ot a petition filed In
the district court yesterday. Conrad Youn-
gorinnn was the plaintiff , and ho alleges
that ho owns certain property lying between
Thirteenth street , ns It has heretofore ex
isted , nnd Fourteanth street , directly in the
line of a proposed extension of Thirteenth
street as It is now proposed to have It.
PlninttH further assorts that the city ap
praisers reported that ho was not entitled to
nny dnmngo , because his remaining prop
erty would bo benefited. Inasmuch as
Youngormnn was absent when the appraise
ment was made , and had no notice thereof
served upon him , either by publication or
personally , ho demands a stay m proceed
ings nnd fl,500 damages.
To recover $ iy2 duo for legal services in
two attachment suits , William Soars brought
suit yesterday ngatust B. Woisinan and
Mrs. L. Weisuian , in the district court.
An appeal from the Justice court of II. D.
A. Wade was taken yesterday by JErncst
Meyer , defendant in the case of Wilhclmiua
Dahmko vs Ernest Meyer , a suit for salary
duo. ftloyor is the man who got on his hands
a largo collection of birds and animals nnd
loft them behind htm when ho went oft to
Chicago for a long visit , much to his neigh
bors' disgust.
An appeal was also taion by the defendant
in' the case of Albert K Small vs. George H.
Following nro the now findings :
14-157 : Mary Majors vs. N. M. Edwards ;
notice of trial.
14-1SO : T. Murray vs. Fred Krug : notice
of trial.
14203 : Almcrin H. Lighthall vs. The Pat
rick Land company ; stipulation extending
time to answer. The amount involved is
S2So,000 , claims as damages to plaintiff.
9-243 : Samuel McLcod vs. Henrietta
Genius etal. : stipulation.
14-218 : Patrick Shea vs. A. B. Hunt ;
County Court.
Francis M. Henderson and Willis Coy
brought suit against Brownell & Co. to get a
judgment for § 213.23 for labor rendered.
Other papers filed wore these :
2-142 : Henry Miller vs. F. B. McCulloch ;
bill of particulars.
"Wo are not doing near the business in
the marriage license line wo did a year ago , "
romarlted tbo clerk yesterday afternoon.
"Guess times are getting hard. "
Abstracts of title to Wyoming oil
lands furnished. Assessment work aono
and vorlllod to by aflldavlt and certi
ficate of recorder. Claims located. J.
J. Corbott , Casper , Wyoming.
Dee News Stands.
The morning , evening nnd Sunday BEE
can bo found regularly at the following
places :
Paxton Hotel News Stand.
Millard Hotel News Stand.
Murray Hotel News Stand.
Arcade Hotel News Stand.
Metropolitan Hotel News Stand.
Windsor Hotel News Stand.
Cnnficld House Mows Stand.
COZZODS Hotel News Stand.
Barker Hotel News Stand.
Joplm & Co. , 308 North Sixteenth.
Dick Castcllo , 600 North Sixteenth.
J. Rich , 600 North Sixteenth.
Christ Wilrodt , 814 North Sixteenth.
J. H. Head , 1020 North Twenty-fourth.
A. 1C. Jansen , 1115 North Twenty-fourth.
Rubin Bros. , 514 South Tenth.
Frank Kelblo , 318 South Tenth.
G. W. Shannalmn , 003 South Thirteenth ,
P. N. Meilhedo , 518 South Thirteenth.
J. I. Fruehauf , 414 South Fifteenth.
E. Wyman , 110 South Fifteenth.
John Leraly , lt.riO ! South Sixteenth ,
C. A. Crostn , oOS South Sixteenth.
J. A. Dodge , 1049 South Twentieth.
J. S. Caulflold , ISQl Farnnm.
A. Anderson , 2213 Cuuiing.
S. E. Hunscn , 2423 Cuming.
W. R. Plcard , 1723 St. Mary's nvonuo.
J. W. Martin , 1239 Pnrk nvonuo.
S. M. Martinovltch , 008 South. Thirteenth.
Jag. Timmons , 20th and Lake , cable depot.
F. F. Chandler , corner Leavonworth
and South Twenty-ninth.
S. S. Lanyon , 2400 Furnnm.
C. S. Torbitt , 311'J ' Furnnm.
Gco. Cooper , Mercants' Bunic building.
II. Huberman , Granite block.
Clydo Ratoldn , Ramgo Block.
J. S. Stott , Postofllco.
G. Rent her , at newsstand and on street.
Patrons of Tun Bun will notice the above
now ugoncics at drug stores and elevators ,
which have been placed for the further ac-
comuiodotiou and convenience of BEK
Persons who fall to procure THIS BEE
when wanted , will confer favor by reporting
facts to tbo BEE ofllco.
If Mr. Ycrlces Would Retire the Horee
Car for flnpid Transit.
Mr. Charles S. Yorkos tbo big cable rail
way man of Chicago , was in Omaha yesterday
nnd supposedly on business connected with the
consolidated horse car ana cable tramway
companies , but nothing positive could bo
learned as to the real objects of his visit.
A gentleman who claimed to bo posted said
that lie know Inducements had beau offered
Mr. Yorltcs to interest himself hero and hy
came expecting to find Mr , Frank
Murphy at homo. But the latter
Is still in Now York , or was yesterday , The
Import of this gentleman's information
tended to convoy an understanding that the
consolidated corporation has not succeeded
In placing its bonds , and having solicited Mr.
Yerkes either to buy or use his inlluonco
towards assisting to dispose of them , ho
concluded to come .hero first nnd acquaint
himself with the property nnd its condition.
Mr. Guy Barton , a director in the company ,
said ho liud heard ot Mr. Yerkes1 presence
in the city , 'but could not say what ho was
hero for.
Mortality where Dr. JofforlaJ pro-
vontlvo and cure for diphtheria and
putrid Bore throat ( as in scarlet fever )
is used is 1-10 of ono per cent , or , ono in
a thousand. Under other treatments
in Europe and America , 60 to 60 per
cent. Address Dr. Thos. JolTorls , box
057 , Otnaha ; or Dohavon , druggist ,
Council Blulls , la. No physician re
quired. Sent by express on receipt of
price , f3.
find A Wtf B For Homes.
Henry Uogerarfrifcrlff of Fayotto county ,
Kentucky , onmodifcro last Monday with a
requisition on Ckrrornor Thnyor for Peter
MoEvoy , who isrsrtntod down there to an
swer to the ctwrjo of fraud. Ycsterdny
morning Rogors'ifotind his man nt Popploton
farm , placed htinnodor arrest , nnd started
immediately for tfio Blue Grass state -with
him. The specitlefl charge on Which Mo
Evoy was taken dhto custody alleges that
about two monthimgo ho nave his check for
1500 for a line homo , nnd when presented nr.
the bank pn.vmcntton It was refused. All
efforts It is said tocjrct the monuy hnvo been
Absolutely PureD
This powder norcr vnrles , A marvel of pura-
ty , utrength nnd vrholesomoness. More eco- tliau the ordinary kinds , nnd cannot
bo sold In competition with the multitudes of
lor or shortvrelRht alum or phosphate powders.
Bold only In cans , ltojrn.1 luting Powdar Com
pany , 120 Wall Street. New York.
Louisiana State Lotiery Company.
Incnrpnratod by the J/Cklfliiturc , for Kducatlonnl
anu C'mrltab'o ' prrpo-oe , anil Iti friinciil.-o maJo *
pnrlur tiu ! iircaenirttato constitution , In 1871) ) , by an
overwhelming topularvotc.
Its MAMMOTH DllAWlNGStako plnco Soml-
Anutially , ( June nnd December ) , nnd Its
plnco In each of the other tuti muntlis of the
year , uud nro nil drawn in public , at the Acad
emy of Music , New Orleans , La.
For Intcerlty of its Drawings , nnd
1'rompt Phyincut of Prizes.
Attohtod as follows :
"Wo do hereby tliai wu siiiienrl'o the nrrnnBO-
monti for all tbo Munlli.y --o.iil-Aiinuixl liruw-
lnufTlio LoublanM state lo-.iery Coaip tny , iind
In person n.anuzo imaicontrul the Drnwlnus them-
eelves.and that tlio > ame nro loniliictc'tl with liun-
csty , lnlrnt'9inndm xoud fnlth t < wnid all parties ,
and we autlio.lio llio oorapiny to cai fits certlMcato ,
1 tli Inc.-lnilics ot oureUnaturca attuclicd , In Ita ad-
vertlscmonts. "
Wo tlie undonlmodi llnnks nnd Bankers Trill ray
nil 1'rlion drawn In iho.LouUlana btnto Lultsrlea
wlilch tuny be prr-Jcutad nt our counters.
11. Jf. WA LMSbBX BreH.Louisiana : Nat. Hank.
PlEIUtn LANAUX , Prcs. State Nnfl Hank.
A. BALDWIN , Pres. New Orleans Nat'lllank.
CAUL KOHN , Pros. Union National Bank.
Grand taihly Drawing
At the Academy of Music , New Or
leans , Tuesday , September 1O ,
1889 ,
1OOOOO Tickets at Twrnty Hollars
cacti. Halves , $1O ; Quarters , $5 ;
Tenths , $2 ; IivontictliR , $1.
1 PHIZK OF fWIJW Is f.100,000
1 I'HI/.K OK 1MUIM Is 1(10,001) (
1 PHIXK UK ) , ) IB ft > , ( u
2 I'HIKKS OK lU.OIOnrc 20nil (
5 I'llI/.KS Ol < " f > ,0 nro ai.OOJ
2S I'HI/.KS OK l , ( Ware Sf.'M )
3D 1'III KS OK : Hnrc ( M.OOO
KM I'W/.Kd OK aware ICO.WJ
ArruoxiJiATioN riu/.cs.
100 Prizes of | S I lire cn,00 ( )
1U ) do : ) lire. , : , uu
1UJ do 'All nro aj.UM
IW1 do laiaro O ) , 10
WJ do 1UO are -M.w
3,1.11 Prizes , amounting to Jl.WI.KO
NOTE. Tickets drawing Capital Prizes are not en
titled to terminal 1'rlzes.
rWKoilCl.tllilUTES , or any further Information
desired , write leKlbly to the nndcrxlKneil , clearly
ntnilnK your residence , with Btnlo , t'oimiy , Htioot
anil.Number. More rapid return mnll ilellverywlll
be nstnrod bv your enclosing a Knvelooo DuurluK
your full addrcK * .
Addresa M. A. DAUPHIN ,
New Orleans , La. ,
or At. A. DAUPHIN.
Washington , D. 0.
By onllnnijr letter. contnlnliiK MDNBV Ounsn Issued
by all Kxppsa Companies , .Now Vorlc Exchange , Drafter
or I'ostul Note.
Address Reglslered tellers containing Currency lo
Now Orleans , La.
"IlKStKMHKn , that the payment t of Prizes ls
> "ow Orleans , and tlift tickets nro Binned liy thn presi
dent of n n Inhtltutlon , whose chiirlcred rlKUtx uru
recoKnlzcd In the lilKlicst courts : therefore , beware
of nil Imitations or nnonymouu scliciues , "
ONKDOI.LAIt In the nrlca of tlio smallest onrt or
fraction of a 'lloket l Stllil ) 11V US In nny Drawlnx.
AujtliliiK In our name offered for less than a Dollar
la a swindle.
This la the tiuio to replenish summer
We shall continue through lie mouth of
Augustto oirerspecial bargains In various
lluea of 2 < Mids. Our Fall stock
1 * already being selected In the " St-U
market , and > vo muBtsoou have room for
fresh Invoices. Hut the warm weather is
not over yet , and our unppiy Is still equal
to the douiaud of a hot day.
If ( Mil C Vand all urinary troubles easily , quick
MUN Lily und safely cured by UOOTUttA Can.
sulos. Heveral cases cured in seven days. Bold
at 11.60 per box , all druggists , or by mall from
Uoctuaa ji't'B Co. 11WUIUj s N. Y , full direo-
HO Iri th.18 vldo ( vorld ) caq ar\yoriO \ trust ?
Ca3h.ler Canada , ban.K vJillbust ;
Trieso are tl\e Words borr\e \ orcV'ry \ gtlat ,
Old-fashjoried hoi\esty 'most gene to rust.
Hav/e / avarice , oqvy ar\d \ JAarrin\ori's \ ' n\ad \ lust
Left to Us rior\o \ of th.e pUre arid the , Just ?
flh. , yesl Th.ere'8 or\o \ left in Wh.icri all n\ay-trust \ ,
Tl\e faithful , th.e h.on.cst , effective GOLD DUST.
Has merit , as is attested by thousands who are daily using it in preference
to any other. Use it for laundry , washing dishes , or scrubbing and cleaning
of any kind. Ask your grocer for
P. S. Fairbanks " Fairy" Soap is soothing and healing. Try it.
Handsomest and Most Satisfactory for
-Those who have USED THEM will BUY NO
Steam and Hot Water Heating and Ventilating
Apparatus and Supplies.
Engines , Boilers , Steam Pumps , Etc.
1B13 Douglas Street , Omaha , Nebraska.
Great reduction ot price on second hand
Pianos and Organs. A good chance to get a
good i'lauo for a small amount of mouoy.
Tim nbovo prices nro 10 per cent less than over
olfered before nnd ns we miifit have room for our
large stock of Now 1'lanosvo will glvo nil extra
10 per cent discount from nbovo prices to any
one that buys an Instrument betoro August 1st.
Kvery Instrument guaranteed to bo Juut aa re
I'liiiios for rent for $2.f > 0 nml upwards
per month.
Organs for rent for $1.50 and upwards
per month.
If you bur any of the above Inar.uments and
yon nro not annulled , wo will allow you sumo as
you paid for it toward any new Piano you may
select. Call early and get a bargain.
Cor. 16th aud Farnara Sts.
It tvltl correct tliviliuniiuliifj ( it.
' fltieneeoflce on the Ktomaelt ,
Tot Mio Hialth rriiirrlnr , for
Children Xnvlgoratlor > and Rf *
rutting for All. Th B itBcm.
raatid Strictly Pur * and Uafir *
miatid. Au gfflclinl B > midy
( or Dlarrhoa , Cholira Morboi ,
f z DritBUrr , aad all Dliordirief
tli * Bowili ,
Mioiaus. LOVENTUAI. line * .
Dear Bin : -I hare tried the
Hunirarlnn Illockhcrry Julca
you no klniUy.aeiit . me. It I *
( be no pin * ultra Of Bummer
drink * . Itli free Jrflta alco-
liol , nllayB tlilr t , tone * tlio
cllcestUo nrgani , lian a flue
aromntlo llavor. and I * Jujt
tlietlilnKfordlarrhieal troub
le * In ilifi IjcaK'il term , A
NOS. 3O3-4O4-I7O-CO4.
20to6O DAYS.
This is u disease which has horotoforft
Bafllcd all Medical Science.
When Mercury , lodldo ot Potassium , Sarsapa
rllla or Hot Springs fall , we guarantee a euro.
Wo bare a Itemody , unknown to anyone Inth *
World outside of our Company , undone that has
to cure tbe most obstinate cases. Ten days In
recent case * does the work. It Is the old chronlo
deep seated cases that we solicit. We hnvo
cured hundreds who have been abandoned by
Physicians , and pronounced Incurable , nnd w
clmllongn the world to brlup us a case that wo
will not cure In loss than sixty dayH.
Blnco the history of meatcluo a true speclflo
for Syphilis has been sought for but never
found until our
was discovered , and we are Justified In jaylna
It is the only Homeay m the world tnat will no J.
Itively euro , bocnuso the latest Medical Works ,
published by the belt known authorities , miy
there wua never a true specific before. Our rem
edy will cure when everything else has failed.
Why waste you time and money with patent
medicines that never bad virtue , or doctor with
physicians that cannot euro you. you that have
tried everything else should come to us now and
get permanent relief , you never can get It else
where. Mark what wo say , in the end yon
must take our remedy or NKVKH recover and
you that have been afflicted but a short time
should by all moans como to ua now , not 0119 In
ten of now cases over get permanently cured.
Many aethatp and think they are free from the
disease , but in one , two or three years after It
appears again in a more horrible farm ,
This la a blood Purifier und will Cure
any Skin or Blood Dlsouso wbon
Evorythlne Elua Fails.
NOTICE Wo desire 10 caution patients in re
gard to parties claiming to use the Coot Item-
ecly. our formula is not and CANNOT bo
Known to Hnvnno but ourselves.
RooisJ18 and 419 ,
* lite Liquor Hnlill , I'oililTelr Cured
by AdmlDl torlno Dr. Ilulucs'
Uuliieu Hpeelde.
It can bu Klri-n In acup of cntTco or tea vrlltiouUhe
knonluilxaiif tliu purtoiitnklutiltl UubBOlutclrlmrm-
le. . unil will uirnct it speedtunl | iurinnneiit euro ,
whether the pntlcnt Is u m < lor tu'Irlnkororuntil-
cobol wreck , TlioiuantU of ilrtinkunU hnvo been
mndo louuiurutu men who Imvu tukt-n ( iolJen tiiicclllo
n tliolr colfiia without their knuwle < li/o nnd lounjr bu-
Jtovutliujr quit drinking of their own free will. IT
Never Kiilli. Tlio rMoni once linprovnutcd with tlio
| ii'rltlolt busuinvi nil utter luiuoinlblllt/ tlio
liquoramiolltu to oxut. Tor lulu by Kubn&Co. ,
f 1'tli and Puuulun t > . , ami Inth uml Cum-
A.I ) . Koiter A Hro. . Council niutrn.
MMHli , VW ( B
For 80 da ve will Mtud tar ( bo
For UIieuM and IVeukuoMci of Men , I'muuture
I'ecllne. Jx * of Vigor , llraliu. J.t .c . Jxriuu.
llcblllir , do. It I * H rwrfwl Mills innrTrl ard krliii ;
aiipUnt locallr acU quickly ncl > uivly. Circular f no.
CE OEOOT ELZCIEIC CO. , B55 WuYn Ot. . Eiit ; : . Ulu.
Uvutlua tu Oiuiiiu Jico.
Chicago , Ills , 1 ClnrkSU
Tbo Regular 01d-EstAbsbel ) !
It ( till Treating with If * Greatest
Chronic , Nervous and Private Diseases , '
r NERVOUS DKIMLITV , Lott Manhood ,
Falling Memory , Bxhnuitlnz Er ln § , Tttrlblc
Dreamn , Head and Back Ache and * lltna ffecu
teMlIn * to curly dvcuy und peth p Consumption 01
Inianlty , ( ruled nclentlfic lly by new method * with
never-falUna tuccrti.
a J-SYPHILIS ml rllbnd Dlood and SklnDli.
enicacermnnrntly cured.
Kf KlDNKYnnd URINARYoompMnW.QIeet ,
Gonorrhoea , Strlctu re , Vnr'.cocelo and all dbe m
of the Oealto.Urlnary Organ * cuted promptly without
liyuty to Stomach , Kidney * or other Org n ,
allNo experiment ! . Ago and experience lm
. portartt. Consultation free and eacretl ,
WSend4ctnttpoit K for Celebrated Work * oa
Chronic , Nervouu and Delicate DUeitu.
ZU-Tho f coiumpUtlng Mairlaie tend for Dr.
Clarke's ccltbrattd tulje Mole and Female , each
15 cent * , both aj cent * ( lumm ) . Conuilt the old
Doctor. A friendly letter or e&lm ( y av futureluRer *
IPR and thame , and add golden yean to life. TpUooK
"Lite's ( Secret ) Error"jowntttumpi ( ) . Mcdlclnj
and writing * sent everywhere , iccure from expoeure.
Houn , 8 to 8. Sunday * o to 11 , Addrcti
nunntnjj ostween Council Bluffs nd AV
brlulit. In addition tothostulons mentioned ,
trains Btop at Twentieth and Twouty-fourtl *
streets , and at tno aummlt In Omaiin.
1/eave , Arrive.
No. 2 5Wpm : 1) No. i 015 ; am
No. 0 6:50 : am 0 No. S/ . 5:15 : pea
No. 4 lOiOJum No. 3. . , . 0toj ; > ra
No. 11 Uilimn No.U. . . . , . .7:10ma
No. 0 8:10 : Bin.Vu , 7.-I , P. ' " m
No. 8 3:15 jimNo. 3 7i. " I3 !
No. 1 0:2. : ) lun.No.C 0-13 pat
AH Trains Oally.
A No. 2 OjWamlA No. J 7OJam
A No. 1 0 : pmA | No. 3 5:15 pin
IlLUlTt ) ,
A No. S lOiO-nml A No. 3 8:25 : a ra
A No. 4. , U15i ; u ) A No. 1 OlUpia
A No , 10 7:05 : amlA No. . . , . . , . ,8:55 an *
A No.12 7UpmA : | No.U , ,0'JOpttt ;
A No. 8 1:35 : pmA | No. 7 12M ; m
Atlnlly : U dalyl except Paturdnyi U except
Sunday ; 1) ) except MonUay ; lastmull.
SHOE DEALERS Desiring to exam ,
" " i n a the
ebiated lliiesoTlioots"and"Biioes , nianufaotur
ed ujj . H. llomlerHon & ( Jo. , of Chicago - 1-uo
torles at Chicago. IMxou. ills. , und 1'uu On Luc ,
Wls.-should write HAM. N. WATBON , resi
dence. niKMONT , NBII. Traveling Went.
Huud < iuurlers for liubberu.
A Chlcntjo Uru lht IU tit I led 2.000,000 o