Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 14, 1889, Page 7, Image 7

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No advertisements will bo taken for
those columns after I2:3O : p. m.
Terms Gash In advanoa
Advcrttaetnenta under this bcsd 16 ccnta per
line for the nr t insertion. 7 cents for each nub.
foquent insertion , nncl tl/Oper line per month.
No advertisements taken to- less than 25 cents
for first insertion. Seven word * will b counted
to the line : they must nin consecutively and
must bo paid In ADVANCE. All advertise
ments must be hnnded In before 1Z-.VO o'clock p.
m. . nnd nnder no circumstances will they be
taken or discontinued by telephone.
Parties advertising in these columnsand hav
ing their nnavrcra nildrestcd In care of TUB lice
will plonso ask forachncK to enable thotn to get
their lotloiB. M tiono will be delivered except
on presentation of check. All answers to ad-
vcrtli'traonlii ehc.uld be enclosed In envelopes.
All advertisements Intlieso columns are pub
lished In both morning and evening editions of
THE llr.r. the circulation of which aggregates
morfi thnn 18,000 papers dally , add nlves the ad
vertisers the benefit , not only ofthoclty circu
lation of TIIH BEE , hut nlfo of Council muff * .
Lincoln and other cities nnd towna throughout
this section of the country.
Advertising forthcao columns will be taken
on the above conditions , at the following busi
ness houses , who are authorized agents tor TUB
UttE special notice * , and will quote the same
rates na cnn be had at the main offlco.
J 'otiir5Su Mmrtn aols 6"Btmtb. Tenth
. Stationers nnd Ptinterg , 113
S . FAHNBWOKTH , Pharmacist , 2116 Cum-
mlng Street.
W J. HUGHES , Pharmacist. 021 North 10th
QUO. W. PAlin , Pharmacist. ICOo St. Mary'
ruaUEB'PnAHMACY,2203 Farnam Street ,
A WIDOW with a nvo-yoar-old boy wonts
a place as nurse or Keep house for on
old couple. Call or address u7 N. 17th. Mra ,
B. Pratt. 770-14J
WANTED By young man , position as gro
cery clerk or any otnor business. Address
G 16 Deo. 77214J
WANTED Situation by a first-class barber
in a small town. Address J.P. , MMtfN.
fB'.h at. . Omaha. Neb. 773-I4J
\A7ANTTTJ = X reliableyoungman. $15
YV weekly , light work , lloom 17 , 23) N. 10th.
A stenographer nnd typewriter
at once. Apply to H. 1) . Mercer llth nnd
Howard sta. "H L. . .
"TirANTED A good cook and Walter at til
vv Johnson's lunch counter , 2263 Cumlng
street. , 701HJ
WANTED A young man for general work
In coal olllco with experience. Address G
10 , Ilooolllco. 73713 *
\\7ANTEO-Travollng saleaman for Collfor-
VT nla gloves. Hoferunccs required. Address
Raymond , Squires & Co. , San Francleo ; , Cal.
74325 *
r ANTED Two cornice makers. II. Urahl ,
106 East llroadway , Council Hlulfs.
\X7A NTED Hey with good pony ; about two
v V hours work per day ; must be at olllco at 0
a , m. Knqulio at IJee counting room. till
W ANTED-Sollcltors , 608 N. 17th ; NO per
month. ; CC3 1M
TniTANTED-TTravollnK salesman and sales-
TV woman , 130 per month and expenses , COS N ,
17th st. i3 1B8
\X7ANTED-For Washington Territory-tie-
vv makers , choppers , carpenters , rock men ,
graders and tracklayers , at Albright's Labor
Agency. 1120 Farnom at. ail
WANTED A good omco man to go east ;
must Invest K5.BOO ; must be a good business
man. Address the Deo. S. Clint ) Publishing
Houso. 315 to 331 Wabasu avo. . Chicago , 111.
to travel for thr 1'onthlll Nurseries of
MEN . We pay 8V ) to 810J a month and
expenses to agents to sell our Canadian gro\yn
stock. Ad. Stone & Wellington , Madison. Wig.
WANTED Agents. Magic cigar lighter ,
every smoker DIIVS , lights in wind or rain ,
IftBta a lifetime. Sample Uo , two for Me , dozen ,
(1. Or mall. Stamps taken. Austin & Co. ,
Providence. It. I. 69a3t
l\TANTED 126 weekly rojjret-entatlvo , male
v > or female. In every community. Goods
staple ; household necessity ; sell at sight ; no
peddling ; salary paid promptly , and expenses
advanced. Full particulars and valuable sample
case Free. We mean Just what we ay ; address
at once , Standard Silverware Co. , Boston , Mass.
QALE8MKK Wo wish a ew mentosolloitr
CT goods by sample to the wholesale and retail
trade. Largeit manufacturers m our line.
Enclose Z-ceut stamp. Wages 13 per day. Per
manent position. No postals answered. Money
advanced for wages , advertising , etc. Centen
nial-Manufacturing Company. Cincinnati. Ohio.
TBi-nZl *
WANTED Immediately , waiter , Louie le
Motzgor , C2d Broadway * Council Bluirs.
WANTED A good cook , N.W. corner Ifllh
and Locust. Sirs. A. C. Powell. 78015
m wanted In family of two at 1718 Douglas
st. to do general housework. 78.114j
WANTED A good girl at 1004 Dodge , bo
Uyeen 10th and llth st. Good wages.
781 15t
TXrANlRR Good girl for ganoral housework
VT In Binallfamlly fit \X \ Park ave. 779 15
10th. 7816 *
WANTED Waitress. 10 per weekboard and
room. .One $4.50-ouo 83. Waitress , Fremont ,
farepnld8 ; cooks , * . ) to $10:4 dining rooir
girls.a coots , private family , M to $5 ; second
Itlrl. imrsa glrL C girls for country , cooks for
Um Illulfa , Sit girls forgonural work. Omaha
Employment Bureau , 111) ) N. 16th. 7U1-12J
"tXT'ANTED Three or four more lady solid-
V > tors ; must have good references and de
posit } 2r > . Salary $ r > ( ) and Ms per mouth wltb
commUslon privileges. Call on or address
'IheGoc. S , Cllno PubllshlDB hoime. Ml First
Knt'l bank. Take : elevator. TftJJflj
WANTED An ozpurloncod nurse girl. 1W. )
Fnrnatn. 710
W'ANTKD A girl for general house work
Inquire KB Park uve. 754 It *
WANTii : > Woman cook. 840 ; respuctabTIi
mtddlo-aged woman as housekeeper for
widower \ tn6 \ \ children ; t dining room
atria out ofclty , l' : young itlrl to go In
tlio country with un old couple , will bo truatod
as one of tno family ; also u nice comp.inlon
kblo girl for light housework , mnll wages ; lots
of now plivcea. every day. Mrs. Urepa. : ) U > J S
J5th. 7K8
WANTED (1 irl for general house WorK
gtoady place. 10IH Capitol avo. 623
W ANTED Germ an girl to do cooking and
, best ot wages paid , lualiire J.
784 819th at. EW
AlfTiFDOto SOl'ft. "corner prefarrm
In vicinity ot Varuam und UUth HU. K K
Darling , arkerblook. _ _ WJ-1S
TXT ANTED Unfurnished room anil board in
" prlvuto family for young man and wife
pa line oiiioo. _ 7tai3j
TJ\7ANTUD To contract with teamster to do
TT hauling from coal yard ; ntato whore cai
be soon and number of teams. Address G 11. llee
. _ 708 13f _
A/IT / ANTED Itoom and beard In private taw
TV lly , in qulut nolghDorhood nw y from
business cciiter , by a young murrled lady i HBO
of piano wanted ; prlco moderate ; no oth r
boarders preferred. Address G V , lleo oillce
. . . for H. It. work in Wy-
rv 6uilneTMallory , Cushing & Co , 1110 , Iron bt ,
WANTED to t auis for railroad graains , at
Albright's Labor agency , 11U ) Vixrnani ut ,
ANTED Parties who have property of
any Kind to tradn. Hat it with us { or quick
exchange ; commission always reasonable ,
Correitpondonco f < ollclted , writ * us dd. W , l' ,
Nine At Co. . Pea Molnes. la. U 7 II
"JJUUBT-clius uay Doard. Inquire ino9Dougus * !
In families , 035 B. Kth.
GI9 s3t
L bath , lUtlonary rangtC'Call ot 1MI Pher-
inn ttve. ( „ - , ]
NEW nve-rtiora ootta n for rent. | 7ui < soU ,
Pralt & Co. . Ul B. IStUtit , 6Wi
TJ'OU ' UKNV Two urn * room brink houses "ou
J- Pork fuiie , with all convenience * . Also
? / ? ? rui"u ftn * ' house on tame atroot , witlt all
* " - " ' - - -
--me , m to | per luu&fli. J > V
t Nu'.toual Lniik. 1)11 )
FOR HENT A choice nine-room house , all
modern conveniences In flrnt claRa repair ,
good lot with Mm do truest reaitonablo rent to
; oed party. Inquire 2T 43 Capitol nve.
T7IOH HENT Floor of 4 roomst city water and
JU cistern. 1217 Chicago at. Enquire 1215 Chi-
ago at. 70417t
IIENT l.'A1'rottyroom house , 2221
California t.
$ lo10-room brick house , 1218 N. 19th at. ) all
too Large modern Drlctt house , C23 8. 20th at. ,
near St. Mary's avo.
KB-fl-room llaf , Fnrnam * t.
19-3 room cottage , ann Davenport st. Inquire
Netherton 1 1 nil. U 423 , Flrat Nat. Bank. 763 14
* nfO H KENT A Prick' houao of 13 rooms on
JL1 Farnam stroit. Jlodern ronvonlonces nnd
central. HOOper montn. K.F. Cook , 1007 Far-
nnm ; 700-17
T710lf"nnNT 12-room nouso ; furnace , bar0 *
U largo full lot. 19l7Cnaa9t. _ 085
"fTlOit HUNT llesldenco , SlOfl Douglns at. , now
JU housn , nil modern improvements ; not n
mscmont houso. I'.nqulre ot ilorltz Clever ,
Cor. icthand Iiarnam.
H oUSE torrent , 10JI Dodgo.
. HUNT 7-roora lint. H per mo. ixbovo
The Fair , 13th nnd Howard. Inquire TheFalr.
brick house on 20th at.
'near Leavenworth. Apply at No siTB.jiutu
W Tl.l > lease fofno or morn yoar.s a largo 7
room house with all modnrn convonlonccs ;
Is nlcoly painted outside , hard-Ilmshed < uside ,
nicely papered , two Inrgo bay wlnOows ; three
blocks from court liollso-tot sauth. 6Wi
_ _
° " UENT ifoiispB of nU Kinds In nit p"nrts
Fo ! t" the . city , for nil kinds of people , ut all
kinds of prlct-s. at all tllnoa of the year , or will
soil you a goori homo on small monthly nay-
nients. J. J. Wilkinson. 1417 Fnrnam at.
FOlFllKNT A detached 0-room house , all"
modern conveniences , Knq. SHU Capitol ave.
Tmoil llENT-S-room house , 2028 Dorcas Bt.
071 lit
"TTKll REN T 10-room house , steaiii heat. all
JL' Improvements. cheap rout. 0. E. Thompson.
room ill , Shecly block , 15th and Howard.Oil
T71OU KENT Nlco B room cottago,2512 Caas at.
Oil llENT-5-roora cottage. 103 So. 28th st.
$13. 1 ting Bros. , lloom 37 , Barker block.
NICE fl-room cottage , closcta , pantry , city und
cistern water ; large yard ; on good car line.
Kent J17 , including water , 'j-roora cottage , rent
tlO. Co-operative Laud and Lot Co. , 205N. _ 10th.
TT1O11 HENT-Bopt. 1st. ad-room cottage , with
JL1 bath-room and St.Mary'8 ave
aud Loavenworth. David Jamleson , 3148. 16th
T7IOH HEHT Fine large residence , hard wood
JL1 llnlsli. all conveniences , low rent to private
family ; alO N. 18th at. 084
T71OR KENT The 0-room Hat occupied by Dr.
JL1 Oilmen ) . SA Door , No. 18111 Howard St. Inquire -
quire ot Oco. lllgglna , lilll Howard st. 183
I7IOU KKNT Good 3-story 7-room houso. barn
JL1 for 4 horses , on uuburban car line. 820 per
month. 0. v , Harrison. Merchants' Nat. hank.
TTHMl KENT-a Brst-olasa dwelling with all
JL1 modern conveniences , including stable , 2M3
Capitol ave. Inquire of D.J.O'Donation. 1001
1'nrnnin st. 345
TCTOU 1113NT Six new ft-room cottages , ready
JL' on or before Sepiomber 1. 3lth and Half
Howard streets , healthy location , near Farnam
cars. Kent , each $15 per month. Suitable Cor
small tidy families. John H. F. Lehmann , 624
S.17th st. 411
H AN DSOME front room newly furnlshod.also
single room for gentleman , --03 Knrnam.
7S3 15t
furnished back parlor and alcove ,
also single room , modern conveniences ,
board If desired. 2OI 8. 24th. 78718J
KENT 3 nlcoly furnished rooms to gentlemen -
tlomon , 318 N Intn. 787 14
T7MJHN1SH ED rooms for rent at 1815 Douglas
X ! 2 turnlshed rooms , convenient to business.
7D9 Iflt
TrtUKNlSHEO rooms with board , for 4 gen-
J-1 tlemen and 2 ladles. 1717 Chicago. 7bU HJ
FOB KENT Two rooms with modern con
veniences , furnished or unfurnished. Pri
vate family , Sil ; ! Chicago St. 763 16J
bed room with ttse of parlor -
lor , $8.M ( ; also board tf desired. 1511 Cali
fornia. 775-10J
Fi RENT Furnished front room with
board : ; references required. 1921 Dodge at
FRONT room to a gentleman. In private fam
ily ; convenient location , 518 S. 20th st. , cor.
St. Mary's avo. 094-17
fTlOll HKNT Furnished rooms , 2209 Dodgo.
C 40. > 1
. ' furnished suit of rooms nnd one single -
glo room. A11 modern conveniences , private
family. 2314 Karnarn at. 625
G : OOD room with bath. 613 S. 28th st.
F UIIN1SHED Front room , 4813
front room , meals In the house. 1000
SOUTH avenue. 828
OH HENT Two furnished rooms , 315 north
F 17th st. lletoronco required. 37.1-3 1
ST. CL.Ult European notol , cor. lth : ) and
lodge ; special rate by week or month.
E1OH KENT Two parlors front and back on
first lloor. al&o smgle rooms with boara.
All modern covonluncoi. 1000 Douglas. CS2
FUKNISIIKD or unfurnished house for rent
In Park Terrace , opposite Hanscom park ;
nil modern conveniences. Inqulre.Lee St Nlchol ,
Sbth and Loavcnworth , 220
FUllNIBHED rooms wltb all modern con-
VHiilcnccsfor gentlemen only , 1709 Dodge st.
EOU KENT Elegant furnlsued room for
single gentleman only , 7 1 Q. 10th St. , cor.
Leavenworth. 000
J OU HENT T vo furnlshod rooms , on St.
. Mary's avenue. To gentlemen only. Six
minutes waIR of business center. Koforcnco
required. Inquire at utoro , 210 and 312 B. 15th Bt.
rpwo rooms with or without board forgea
tlemon.prlvato f amlly.rof erences. 1812 Dodge
. ( W3
t BOOMS witn bath , gas and steam heat , 518
JSo , 16th. nut "A. " 710-17J
T710H ItfiNT UnfiirnUhed rooms sultaolo for
X1 housekeeping , InmiltM o3to t ; convonlent
location. Butt's ilentlug Agency , 1600 Karnam.
IJIOllTmNT 8ulto of rooms with bath and
.1. ' giia , suitable for H doctor. Apply or address
D.U..j lW.HarnpyjBt. ]
n O HKNT Doslrablo war house room on
JL track. Apply to C. W. Keith , 7H I'aclllc Bt.
TTIOlt UKNT Btoro room. cor.ith and N at3. ,
JL ? Hcintli Omaha. Dost location In city for
geutu' fiirnlahing or dry goods store , inquire
of J. J. Muliunoy , room DOU 1'axton blk. m-ei
"plOIt HENT A fine corner brick store , splon-
.V did location for a drug atore , rent reason
able ; also A Uno brick state , good location for a
groi ery ,
Also n nlco atoroonCumlngst. ) near Mth ,
guou location for shoe or tin shop.
Also u nice corner basomout in a brick block ,
Kood light , city water , etc. ; good locution for
iiarhcr fchop. Kent for above btoroa will bo
mailo voi-y low to good parties. T. C , llruunor ,
loom I. Ware blit. ( iUi-13
TjlOH KENT Btores and living rooms on Cum-
.E Inght. A IKO homo on Cuss st , Harris , room
411 , " 231
"I ? ( > E tiwinow purposes Sdjloor. GOxlXi. In
Paxton building , IBth and Ifarnam , entrance
on Kurnuui. pUKSH-nger nnd freight elevator ,
north und south light , will dlvldo into two ifdo-
elied. Ileyuinn ti Dolches , 15U Furnam st.
TT1OU IlKNT-ritororoom. No. 1111 Douglas st. ,
JL1 best retail locality lu city. Boo Dr. Neville ,
n. w. ror. Kth and Douglas , 571 itf :
fTIOll KENT The 4-utory brick building with
JL' or wlthrut power , formerly occupied DyTho
Bee Publishing Co. . 91tl Farnam Bt The build-
Ins lisa a lire-proof cemented basement , com-
plotobtcam houtlng llxture , watur on all the
iloori , gaa. etc. Apply at the oillce of Toe Beo.
Foil HENT--For a year or term ot years In
Grand IMand , Nel > . , two fir-class brick
atores , situated on Front street , ono block
fcouth of U. P. trsks | these buildings are ouly
two yep.r3 old , plato glass fronts und atone
wslka , line cellars , and tint-class In every
respoctt rents reaaonablo. Apply to W. A.
Whitney. KH 18
TfOH BUNT Tne corner room under the Ne-
J. braska Nr.tlonal bank will soon be for rent ,
the Eijultabln Trust Co. removing to larger
nuart ( < ra.
Tlio space Is nbout double that occupied by
the f. . B. & 0. tlccet ulllco. Tiie tloor la tiled
Mm the room can bo ma Jo desirable for a It , it.
ticket or broker's oillce.
For particulars apply at bank. 683
rnTlb' Uiinfo taught as'un artbyQeo7F .O llon
A.I > CK. Apply at Dun olac * . V&U
A UK you looting for rxn opportunity to en
gage In the mercantile buaineasr It so come
and see us. W. IU B. ft H. i : . , lloom II Oh amber
ot Commerce , Tel. 1(40. ( alii
/ 1K8SPOdlS. cUtorno , prlry Toults , tc
VJcleancd quietly , ( inlcfcly , cheaply and clean
ly ; all work done by odorless pump. Odorless
Sanitary Co. , Hue Farnntn street. T V , zoa.
KS n
_ _ _
"V K8 Tne old reliable Itontnl ngency la still
JL mnnlng , supplying all that come frith
houftrs. tlats and Mores. J. 11,1'arrotte. Hoora
SI. Douglas block. 64PA.13.
LOST Buiiilay , August 4th , In the 7th ward , a
rich red brown Irisa aottor dog ; the end or
its tall la cut ott : above average size. Answers
to narao of "Dan. " Itnturn to 1319 Georgia
nve. , or 213 N. 10th street , and receive reward ,
I O3T Flap momorandumboofc.yollowshoen-
-/skin covered , containing some dry goods ao-
connta , also nbout Sio in cash ; reward of HO
paid to anyone returning It to Kilpatnck-Koch
Dry Goods Co. . Ilnrnoy and llth St. , Omaha , or
4188. 14th gt.Adain fan. 7tO 14t
" " OST I.argo , youngcloso-halrod St. llernnrd
- dog , yellow with white breast nnd foot , llo-
turn to lloO Georgia avo. , or 001 Douglasnml get
roword. KM
T OST-Kngltsb Mastiffv Hoturn to 400 1'nxtoa
JLJ block and got reward. 241-
A widow wishes the acqualntanco of n gen
tleman of means , P. O. general delivery.
Mrs. ] . O. Hell. 781 HJ
_ _ _
MHS. Eccles. the famous fortune teillor nnd
clairvoyant , business , love , marriage and
changes. COT S. Uth st.noxt door to Darker hotel '
743 Itt
MADAMK Wellington , world renowned ni-
trologlBt , test medium and destiny reactor ,
Just rrom Kuropo. Tells your Ufa from tne
cradle to the grave , reunites the separated ,
causes speedy marrlago with the ono you love ,
locates diseases and treats with massage and
oleutrlo Imths. All In trouble Miouhl not fall to
consult this glftod aeeross. PoriourG , up stairs.
417 South llth , ofllce hours from 10 a. m. to lu
p.m. 44MB *
POHTtJNI ! Teller Mrs. Jjcnorman can bo
consulted on nil alTalraof llfo. Satisfac
tion guaranteed. No. 310 N. lath at. ti l-3.8 *
MHS. Persovol. of California , NXrt ) Douglas at. ,
foretells the future. Ladles andgentlomon ,
an 13J
Dll. NANNIE V. Warren , clairvoyant , medi
cal and business medium. Female diseases
a specialty. 119 Njtth at. rooms a and 3. UK
STORAQR at low rotas at 1121 Farnam st. ,
Omaha Auction ana Storage Co. XI7
rpKACKAGK storage at lowest rates. VT. M.
JL Dushman , 1311 Loavcnworth. 233
STOHAGE nnd fonrardlngi We collect and
deliver goods of all descriptions , merchan
dise , furnlturo and baggage jvt cheapoxt rates
for Htorago for any length of tlmo , vans and
wagons to bd had at shortest notice. , wltn care *
ful men for moving. Packing and Rhlppln ?
from our own warehouse done on moderate
charge. Merchandise loaded and Unloaded.
Warehouse on our own tracks. Olllco 217 S lull
St. ; telephone lit Howell &Co' " 240
V17ANTED Furniture , carpets , stoves' Rnd
' ' household goods of nil kinds ; Omaha
Auction & Storrgo Co. , 1131 Furnam , 837
TVfOHniBON&ErA' Storage and forwarding ;
-lU-sneclal arrangements for commission mer
chants , 1213 Leavenworth ; teL 419. , Omaha.
138tt27 ?
QTANDAHD Shorthand school , Paiton blk. ,
kjsuccessor ( to Vulenttno'fl ) the largest exclu
sive shorthand school In the west. Teachers
nro verbatim reporters. Particular , attention
tmld to typewriting. Mechanical construction
of machine taught by factory export , Circulars.
WJIITTLESEY'B Shorthand School , BarKer
block. Send for circulars ; Lord's pray erIn
In shorthand free. 4iB-s5t
OMAHA IJuslno'5s ' College ) , cor leth and Cop 1-
tel avo. Bhortnand Tlie largest and most
successful shorthand department In the state.
Standard methods taught. Munson's revised
of ' 89 a specialty. Call'or write for terms.
212 !
TJIOtt SALE- horse , buggy and harness , In
JL1 Unit-class shape and nearly new. Address
G 18 , Lto oillce , 7UU-12J
TTUNEST carriage team in state , dark browns.
JC tull 10 handa , weight 1.180. inquire W. B.
Mlllard , S. B. cor 16tn and Douglas , Omaha.
7CU a 12
"I710R SALE Cheap , one good square box
JU buggy. Inquire at 2015 Hurt. 770 20t
TIHU SALE Foot power lathe -with chucks ,
JtoolB. . etc. , good as now ; cost J80-for $ ! > . N.
M , Ituady , 8118 , loth Bt. ' 765 18J
"IJIOll BALE DIobold safe , No. ! ; Avelght U.OW )
JL1 pounds. This is a Jeweler's sate , and will
be sold at half price. G 14 , llee oillce.
753 14
djllQ will buy a good in are , harness and open
tpbuggy. Inquire 1819 Sherman ave. after f >
oVlock. 40-15t
" 171011 SALE Cash or lime , Sgood teams , wng-
JH ons and harnesses , J , J. Wilkinson. 1417
Faruam st. UbO
TTIOR SALE Furniture ot largo house , every
JL1 room rented. First-class location. Parties
leaving city. A bargain. Address E S , 13oo oillce.
POll SALE Barn , 1COS Hurt at.
059 U"
TjlOIt SALE Furniture , very cheap , for two
Jor three days , IDOj Capitol ave. 008 11
FIVE hundred shares of JIO per share North
Western Standard Oil stock. Tola atoclc is
non-assossablon ad land is being developed
now and Is sure to bring good returns in near
futuro. Will sell for cash very cheap. Address
J3 02 , Bee office. bOO
Foil SALE Handsome youngpony , perfectly
sound and gentle , suitable for either saddle
or driving. Apply to Col. Fletcner , Fort Omaha.
| 7HH SALE 1,000 tons of IB-inch ice , holisod
JL1 on track , Council Illuirs , la. Gilbert Urns.
80ia2J :
P"OH SALE-Law library. 1510 Douglas.
017 25 *
TIIIE Canfleld M'f'g Co. being about to move
JL will sell 1 first-class 4-horse-power engine
and boiler at } i actual value. VMA Douglas st.
87(1 (
WANTED Good tsecond-hand range for
restaurant. Address G 17 , llee. 708
TI/flDIjAND / Guarantee kTrust Co. , N. Y. Llfo
-llLbldg , Complete abstracts turn Ished and titlui
to real estnto examined , perfected & guaranteed.
milE ELKIIORN Loan Co. give money in any
JL amount on good security , furniture in use ,
homes , etc. Low Interest. Over ommerciul Na
tional Bank , 13th and Douglas.
MONEY to loan ; caah ou hand ; no delay , J.
W. Bqulre. 1211) ) Farnam at. . First National
bank building. ttg )
TVTONEY to loan on any security
JJJU for short time , at low
rates. Lowest rates
on personal
The Henderson Mortgage InvestmentCompanr ,
room 400 , Paxton block. -&ti
TVTONKY to lend on real estate ; get my terms
JJLLbef ore placing your loans.
J. U. Evans , aut ) N. Y. Life llullding. Mi 10
MONEY laaued on chattel aecuritles nnd jew
elry , Itoom 411 , Shooly block , Omaha Ne
braska. V.II. Jerome , 427 us *
DON'T borrow money on furniture , horsca ,
wairous , etc. , or collaterals until you aue
0. II. Jacobs , 411 First National baukbuid.l | .
* I7111tST mortgairs loana at low rates and no
JLrtelay. . JJ. VT Bholes , 10 First National
bank. stl
MONEY loaned for 30 , (10 ( or HO dnya on uny
kind of cnattel security ; reasonable Inter
est ; confidential. J.J , Wilkinson , 1417 Farnam.
iC7 !
1DKSIDUNOU loariH-OH tp 7 per cent no od
Jlltlonai charges for coinmUslous or attor
neys' feei. W , U. Melkle , First Nat bank bldff.
OF , UAUUlbON loana money , lowest rated.
t 375
BUILDING and other real estate loan.s W.M ,
Harris , roomUO , Frtnz r block , opp. P. O ,
MONEY to loan on real estate security , at
lowest raioi. Iletoro negotiating loans aeu
Wallace , II. m , Urown bldg.lfltu & Douglas. 8 J
WANTKD-Flrst claea inside loans. Lowest
rate * . Call and so us. Mutual Invest
ment Co. . It L. Barker blk , . Utn and Farnutn. 87D
PHILADELPHIA Jtorttraifa & Tnim Co. fur-
nUh cheap ea torn ljli i to borrowers ,
purchase atcurltle * , perfMU titles , aooopt loana
nt tholr western omco. George w. P. Coatea ,
room 7 , Board ot Trade. . ggj
CD WO. WO to loan at n per con ) . Llnahan A Ma-
tp honey , room K Paxttfri'telock. 237
U1LD1NO loans. D.TJ ' Sholes , S10 First
National bank. . 281
6 Per Cent money H. XO. N , r. Llfo Ins. bldg
' " *
_ _ rosasu
MONEY loaned on tucnltuio , horses and
wagons ; rntcs reasonHblo. City Loan Co. ,
1188. 1.1th nt. opposite MlUard hotei. 870
QEE Sholes. room SIO , rirtt Xat'l bank , before
Omaklng your loana. . i , , . _ ail
. O. F. Davlj Co. . real i-stato
and loan agents. iSOJWftnam st , 277
1 OANSmadeon real estate and mortgages
JLjbought.Lowla S. Reed&CoIl ljUoard ; 'rrndo
MONEY to loan on horsed , wagons , mules ,
household goods , pianos , organs , diamonds ,
lowest rates. The Ilrst organized loan olllco In
tne city. Make loans for thirty to three hun
dred and sixly-flvo dnys , which can bo paid lu
part or whole , nt nny time , thus lowering the
principal and Interest. Cnll and see its when
you want money. Wo can assist you promptly
and to your advantage without removal ot
prdpcrty or publicity. Money always on hand.
No delay in inakincr ioan . C , F. llcod & Co. ,
HIPS. 13th at. over Blngham 3t Eons. gH3
YOU want money ? It ao don't borrow
before getting my rates , which are the low *
cat on any sum from tl up to IOOCO.
1 mnko loans ou household goods , pianos , or
gans , hnraos.muleswagonrwarchouso ! receipts ,
houses , leases , etc. , lu nny amount at the lowest
possible rates , without publicity or removal of
Loans can be made for ono to six months and
ynuranpaya partnt nnv time , reducing both
principal and interest. It you owe a balance
ou your furniture or horses , or nave n loon on
them. I will take it up and carry It lor you as
long as you desire.
If you need money you will nnd It to your
advantage to see mo before borrowing ,
D. F. M listen ) , room 4 , Wlthuoll building , 15th
and Harney. & 9
T OAN8 on Improved nnd unimproved prop-
Uerty at low rates Odell llros. &Co..31281Gtnl
MONEY to loan on furniture , horses , wngoua
or securities of any kind ; commerclrl and
mortgage notes boucht at fair rates ; all busi
ness transacted confidential. Collateral Loan
Co. , room & 1 , Itamge building. 713
MONEY to loan on furniture , tiorsos , wagons ,
etc. , or on any approved security. J. W ,
Ilobblna. 1I11K Farnam street , Paxton hotel.
T7"EY8TONB JfortRago Co.-Loans of 110 to
JLVII.OOO ; get our rates before borrowing nnd
save money ; loan on homes , furniture or any
approved security , without publicity : notes
boucht ; for now loan , renewal of old and low
est H308Shooley blk,16tti & Howard st ,
TITONEY Ix > ans negotiated at low rates with
liJLou tdolay , and purchaao goods , commercial
paper and mortgage notes. S. A. Bloman. cor.
13tii and Farmaii. 272
NEBRASKA Morr. Loan Co will make you a
loan on household goods ,
horses , wagons ,
land contracts ,
fine jewelry , or securities ot nnv tlnd
without publicity , nt reasonable rates.
Hoom 7. Howlov block. South Omaha ,
Kooms G18-C19 , Paxton block , Omaha , Nob.
A OIGAlt and fruit Rtantt doing good bust-
Xi-ness for sale good reasons aelllng oa S 12th
TjlOR KKNT A Ilrst clasllttle hotel , partly
J.1 fuvnlshod. possession September 2 , ' 89 , only
notel In the olaco. for paf tfculars address J. V.
Fairman , Ax tell. Neb. ttja 70415j
WANTED Party wltlt-'capltal to engage In
business ; invcstlgnta'tuls ; largo profits
and legitimate. Address Q10 , Beo. 771 14 +
T > AnTNEIl wanted with KiOO. Good business.
JL will net 400 per cent "ayear. . Address G 19
care Bee. , ; 790-12J
HALF Interest In mi egrqbllshed real estate
loan and renting Dusjiiess ; small capital ;
will accept Eomo trade.adresa " , G 13 , Boo.
; 740-lOt
A1MAN who wants to invpstleato a now and
practical Invent Ion wil ! do well to address
G I'J , Iteo. . . 730 13t
GOOD bakery and confBcttonery trade for
solo In Wuhoo , JJebjtfcltyn4ow : Inhabitants ;
'county seat nnd good bjisln ss city. Inquire
Peter Andcraon. Treas. 1st Nat'l bank , Wiihoo ,
7bl 14 ?
TTKjn SALE or Rent The ' "Malvern Steam
JU Flour and Feed mills , or will take an active
artner. Byroc Sweazoy , Malvern , Iowa ,
. 546-18
TI10K 8A&E Or exchange , fine drug store In
JL ! country town ; also some cheap land * . Ad
dress lock box 20. Stuart , Neb. KU 25r
STOCK of groceries and fixtures for sale for
$ 00 and store for rent , by John Strom , is07 ;
No. 17th st. GOO 105
CHOll SAliE A nlco clean stock hardware in
JD best city In Iowa ; invoice" about 85,000 ; will
take K In clear real estate , balance cash. Ad
dress Box 223 , Cozard , Neb. 035
\TlTANTED-BankIng In live town in Kansas
VV or Nebraska requiring "capitalot S18.000.
Address P. W. P. , box 5 , New Hartford , la.
FOIt SALE or Exchange Fine drug store In
country town ; also aomo cheap lands ; will
rent a roller mill to good niau.rcnt not so much
of an object as to have mill run. Address
Lock Box 20 , Stuart , Neb. C3222t
FOU SALE Cheap Barber shop and 4 chairs ;
good location ; paying business. M.H. Flem
ing , Crete. Neb. 004 *
TJIOIl SALE Good dining hall , cooilbusiness ;
Jt ? everything very convenient ; central locn-
tloo , cuoap rent ; part cash and balance on easy
payments. Address , I. , 6V , Beo. 650-13'
TTIOH SALE Ono of the Dnst established and
JL' equipped printing and Job olHce.s In N. W.
Neb , Only paper lu best business town In
county. Satisfactory reasons ror Bolltnir. For
further particulars address Independent. Oak
land , Nab. 57U a
_ H SALE or Trade for Omaha property an
established business. Box 518 Omaha ,
AliUEAT bargain In Gordon , Neb. , a new
roller mill for sale , Ifi oarrol capacity and
rigged to mnko buckwheat and rye Ilour , uieal
and chop feed ; In a good wheat country and
good market for ( lour : " dwellings and barn
with it ; price $8,000. Parties having prop
erty to trade need not apply ; mill lias tirst-
class reputation. 1' . J. Andreas. 043 alOt
WHATlmvo you to offer , iu exchange for my
$ IOUO equity in my double nouso on
Latnrop st , near lOtn , or for my JG.OOO equity in
my double house on Sponovr it , nofir 2Jf , or for
my S'ow ) ; equity In my double house onVirt st ,
eustof 21th , nil with modern improvements , all
encumbrances 0 years at 7 per cent ; no farms
will 1m considered. W. 'J. doamiin , oust side
Kith Bt , north ot Nicholas st , Omaha's largest
variety of wagons and carriages , 704
A N elegant 812.000 utock of dry goods , etc. .
-ii-for trade forland and ca"m ; tnis stock has
not beun offered before. Stringer & Penny ,
Douglas Jilock , solo agents. CEO 10
\Xf ANTED To tradu for a stock of groceries ,
V > cash and lots on O. & C. 11 , motor line.
Lots will be put In at theirash value. W. It.
E , & H. E. , Itoom li ClaamUor of Commerce ,
Tel. 1440. 01(1 (
"T710H SALIiorexchanefTajnew , cowv 7-room
JL. cottnpe on illst near lyjclllc , ( J.W ) , $ )00 ) cuali ,
balance $26.00 per monttf ; will take vacant lot
or horse and buirgy as piirCipnymont ( this Is a
bargalu ( , Hamilton Urqa. * builders , -CH ( u. mth
7'M-3 ' *
TPOtt KXCHAlaR-An , | tigant tract of land
JU containing 120 acres , ! , , Antelope county ,
Neb. , with ordinary improvements.
A ( luarter-sectlou In JUiul county , Dakota ,
partly improved. tci
Eighty acres near OounclClUutrs. la.
House and lot on South'lqfu ' at ,
Lurge amount ot Oil Mountain and Petroleum
company oil stock. Wllfcxchanga for good
property or the erection dc-'aomo houses , Ueo.
.1. Htenisilorir. 1st NatlotwUmnk building. U76
rno UXCHANUK The undivided one-halt In-
Jlure9tinU3) ) JO-100acrfAfflC a good farm , lo
cated in Pulaskl Co , , JlajT about oee-half In
cultivation , the bul&ncff.cbod timber ) ubout
ten ncres lu orchard itwoAiWiur small orchards ;
four fair \ou es ; aliuudKQoe of gonl.rihig
wator. end laying about one jniie rrom good
business town cu railroad I full and unlncum-
unred title. This farm is In a good settlement
and healthy locality. Vfe will cxohangu for
general merchandise or hardware. Call on or
address W , 11. Gordon. & Co. , Bteele city. Neb.
mOKXCHANOU General stock merchandise ;
X want laud aud money , llox 10FrankfortInd.
rpo EXCIIANG E-Wo have a good farm of 120
JL acres laying close up to the town of tftoela
City , Jotrerson Co. . Nob. About 70 acres in high
state of cultivation. This is river bottom land ;
soil cun'fbe beat anywhere ; 2) acre * good tim
ber ) balance In good pasturttl all fenced ; never
falling water ; this U a muinullcont farm , with
house , stabling , and bnica lots In town go with
farm if desired ; titles all perfect ; wo want la
exchange , nice , clean stoccof merchandise or
hardware. Call on or address W. I ) . Gordon Ic
Co. , Bteele City. N U. 817
$29,000 14 feet front In heart of Omaha , letti
st. , modern 3-story buildtnir , brlngi 10 per
c nt nowa , t low rents ; must bavo tlTTiOJ oanh ,
bdlanceO per cent ; great offer | ddre E3J.
791-alU *
FOll 8AIKl.r00 to 110.003 second mortgage
notes secured on On-hard Hill property.
A JdreM bcrt 170. Ashland. Neb. _ 774-18J
-VTOU will llnd this luteresting reading. U
X you have seuso and enough cents to pur *
chano tins bargalnsthat are positive and cerlAln
thn lovreatnuich reached in Omahft property.
nndthereaion Is on account of the poverty *
struck and over-reaching owners who got In too
deep , anil foreclosure proceedings threaten.
Sen what can bn done with cash , nnd Investi
gate business chances and Investments wo offer
you to-duy and to-morrowi Ilcautlfnl 6-room
bout * and south front lot on car line. . ' ,000.
worth KJ.UOU. Lovely home , cant front , on car
linn. 7-room modern house with fine barn , 14,600.
worth 15.000. Full lot. 7-room new house , oppo *
slta KounUe place , taCOJ. worth tl.Cuo. Elrgunt
lot InVtst End , nonr Carter's now residence.
to exchange for Improved property. Half acre
in heart of Omaha , for * li , W > 0 , worth KXUOO n
fact , investigate. We want tanou cash on gilt-
edge Ilrst mortgage srcurlty , Private money
win pay ID per cent. Wo want cash for S3.R50
worth of noeond mortgage 2-yoar 8 per cent
paper ; liberal niscnuut. Wo want $ .1,600 rmh.
on $10,000 worth of gilt edge clmttlo soctirlty ;
will dav 14 per cent n month. We have
one of the finest meat markotn , doinitflna busi
ness , splendid location , fur tuV ) . We have n
I10.0JO hotel property , paying W ) to K > 00 a
month" , for JS.OOO caih.vo want a live hotel
nun with $15,030 or 420,000 for a hotel in Omaha.
the bout hotel city in America , llrautlful homo
In Central Cart , 7-room hotiKe. south front lull
lot , $2,1100. worth $4.M > ; don't fall to see this.
J , L. lllce , over Commercial Nat. Dank.
171011 SALE 2 lots in Ilodlclc park , $1,00) ) each.
X1 Also 1 lot In Albrlghfa Choice. South
Omaha , very cheap If Bold Immediately. Ad
dress JI.JJ. MHeaBt. JpsephHo. M714t
Stewart Place , will fur *
nlsti money for building house , and payments -
monts monthly. Here Is a chance to secure n
homo. Harris , lloom 411 , 1st Nat. Hank.
SHOl/Ks to the front again. Last list all
sold out.
SW.OOO. $3I,000 , $10,000. $14OXJ. J13.000 , Jll.ROO.
and from this down , to a small House for n
cent , -buys residences In the city for bankers
down to the man Who cleans the sower.
? ,000 or $7,000 buys cither 12 orroora houee ,
barn , lots 78 nnd roxl24 foot urcuud oach. on
24th st , Kount.e place , with furnace , gas and
fixtures , hot and cold wnter , bath , three elegant
mantels each , all papered , elegant lawns , on
grade , street paved , motor by October I. If
not cheap , como in and I'll give them botU to
you f rco.
. . . , . . .
UM tlUjllifV , t.V.WDO O.AWM uuv u L * SA. V.VAObA ff
nnd l block from motor. & 00 cash , bal. 0 per
10,000 buys full lot In Hanscom place , fCd and
Poppleton avenue , with S-room house , furnace
and everything else.
RHW buys a Joe Dandy east front lot on 3d
and Paclllc street. Uanscom place.
$8.tOO and $7,000 residences In Kountze place
to trade for smaller honses and lot near tiiero.
W.OOCL full lot and good house In Hillside add.
opp. Webster street school tu trade for vacant
Jot. (1,200 buys cither i-room house , full lot , in
Central park or Hitchcock's add. , and $1.000
s mo In Urelghton heights add. $2,7M buys Una
lot on Farnam aud 42d sts. $9,750 buys 08x153
ft , on Cass st. opp. Caas school. $2.500 buys
either of two 5-room houses In Koddlck pars.
81,000 buys'a nno 7-room cottage on intu. and
Paul sta. . with bath , hot and cold water , slag
walki and a corker for the money.
3 choice lots ualuo in cash K.500 , In Lincoln ,
Nob. , for good house and lot and pay bnlanco
IncuMi. Submit olfcrs. Also 100 acres cholco
land in iSuckolls co , Neb , , and good hard cash
for ctiolco cityloK Submit *
If you non't want to buy send list of what
yon have to sell.
Wo are here for that purpose and there tire
lots of them that will buy. There Is just n
( rood bargains to-Oay as one wants. Drop your
"crancy Ideas and got to business.
For pointers , seeSnoles. 210 First Nat'l bank.
1T10U 8ALE-543.73 acres , ssc.5 , t p. 13 , r. flw
JP Hamilton county. Neb. House , stable , 300
acres fenced , livlmr water. Price , $ i,000. ) F. K
Atkins , owu rrailroad bldg. , lienver. Col.
17K > R SALE SO feet , east front near paved
X1 stroetwlth new 0-room modern house.J7,000.
C. F. Harrison , Merchants Nafl bank. 809
KOUNTZE l'LACE-9-room House , Barn and
every convonlenco. for 87.0UJ. easy terms.
Address for particulars. E Kl. llee. SC8
SjTHlNOKHtMl'KNNST. Douglas bloeic , H. Ee
Ocorncr Kith and Dodge streets , real estate
and loon agents. Omaha property to oxchang.
for clear farms , and clear furras for oucum-
berod inside Omaha unimproved property.
Call and see us. We have a big list and some
of our bargains may suit you.
Stringer it Penny , Douglas blo3k , 8. E. cor-
10th aud Dodge street * , nave the undermen
tioned clear farm ? for sale or exchange.
WO acres , Morrlok Co. , Neo.
1.020 acres , close to Saratoga , Carbon , Co. ,
Wyoming. .
1T8 acres , Ilarlan.Co. . Nob.
4M > acres. Holt Co. . Nob.
TOO acres. Nance Co , . Neb.
1UO acres , Knox Co. , Nab.
: cM acres. Stanton Co. , Neb.
1,000 acres. Washington Co. , Neb.
lOJacrei , Phillips Co. . Kas.
120 acres , Hamilton Co. , la.
485 acres in Lincoln Co. , Nob.
And an Immense list of farms with small In-
cumbrance some ot thorn we can soil as low as
$5 on acre.
Stringer & Penny. Douglas block , B. E. cor.
16th and Dodge streets , have a peed list ot lots
which they will sell to parties who will build
and will take mortgage for whole of purchase
money. Some line residence properties for sale
real cheap and on easy terms. 024 15
flOMEnnd see us and Investigate some of tno
V bargalns we have to offor. Wo are contin
ually luting new properties , and "If you don't
BOO what you want ask for It. "
Wo have several line hotel properties to trade
for laud or otlior good values.
An elevator property with largo dwelling
house , at a bargain. Elevator complete , with
horse power , scales , office furnished , etc. A
flue opening for a practical grain doalor.
Houses and lots in all parts of Omaha for
sale and exchange.
For exchange , for Omaha prop erty , 1,000 acres
of school laud lease , In one of the best counties
In the state.
A fine residence property in Omaha View for
sale at a bargain.
From J75.000 to S100.000 worth of first-class
notes to exchange for Omatia property.
For exchange for Omaha property , ono of the
best farms in Hock county. Nebraska , together
with stock and machinery necessary to carry
on the place. Old age and falling health of the
owner Is reason for selling.
A flue Wheeler county farm , well developed ,
good soil , for exchange for ( Jamba property.
28J acres of fine land in northwestern Iowa to
exchange forOmana property.
For sale or exchange for western lands , city
property , merchandise or live stock , a line hotel
in Iowa town of 0.000 inhabitants ,
Eroperty hotel ot the place and doing a fine
business. Furnished meals for two passenger
trains dally. A snap for the right man.
W * have unsurpasso. facilities for disposing
of property , having some BOO agents scattsrcd
over four or live states. 1,1st your property
with u.s if you wish a quick turn. W. It. E. &
M. E. , Room 14 , Chamber of Commerce , tolo-
plinno 1440. 508
A LOT. suitable for double house , on Canltol
ave , four bloc S3 from high school , will bo
sola at a sacrifice if taken at once. W. M ,
Harris , Hoom 20 , Frenzer block , Opp. P. O.
_ _ J I 634 lot
TfjIOH'SAliE Ensy terras , Kountze placa.
JL' Two homes , each 8 rooms , each 41,000.
Two homes , each'J rooms , each IS.oOu.
Two homos , each 15 rooms , each 17,000.
All with msdorn convenience.
All largo value at the price.
All within a square of thn motor lino.
Don't lose theiu opportunities.
For sale by the owner. W. T. Seaman ,
East side IfltH st. north of Nicholas st. ,
Omaha's largest variety of wagons and car-
rlages. _ 203
BUY ft home in the center of the cltr , on
monthly payments. 1 will sell you a lot m
Aldlnu square , oulla a house of auy kind , worth
from S12JO upwards , and you can pay for it
monthly , quarterly or yearly. Aldlne square
is on Grace street , between 22d and ! d streets ;
it has all tlio ad vantages such as paved Htroots ,
sewerage , water , g * , and Is n first-class local
ity. Call at 1001 Farnam street and see plnni
of buildings and got figures. D. J , O'Uonahoo.
TlUtEAT Bargain : Two 2-story aud basement
vJbnctc residences onSbth and Kairmm. Itoom
for more onbth st. Can make a way down
price on thin to settle heirshlps. Call for price
soon. M. A. Upton Company , 10th and Farnam ,
T710H SALE Neat cottage and 20 feet tronN
X ? ago pn lltli nnd California. OnlyM.000. Call
at once , 0 , F. Harrison , Merchants' Nut. bank.
J LOTS in Orchard H 111 f or fcJ.OOQ. orituQaepar-
-ately.Tbe e lots will soon bo wortn double the
money : they are close to motor and Uemls
park. Stringer & henny , Douglas block.
C80 10
OE. JIAYNB , real ostutt , room 400 , Boo
_ Building/ _ 043 J4t
| jUll ) 8AL1I A snap. A cholco corner lot ,
JBtatf and Spauldlug sts. , 125 ft. on State at. ,
Also two fine bouth front lots in Bedford
Place , two blocks from State Bt. , south of new
fuinlturu factory , (500 each.
Also 180 ft. fronting Kountze Place , at 125 per
front foot ; great bargain , T , C. Brunner , room
1 , Ware bit. Bp-ia
FW SALH-Kast front ou BIst , near Paclhd ,
1-5 cash. bal. easy. W.100.
West front on 32nd , near 1'aclflc , 1-8 cash t 1 ,
2,0.1 yrs. , . ' ,5 ( .
Kaat front on iCnd , near Pacldc , game term * ,
Beautiful lot on Burl at. , near Sttli , : i,030.
Many other choice lota , Beesltrns.
r J. B. Jivana , It. BOtf. N. Y. Life Illdif.
" "
TTIOlt BALB-East front lot"o"n 28th at. With 6-
JU room house , I3.6UO. Call quick it you want
It , 0. If. Hurrlaon , Merchants' Nat Bank.
. -Actual value InslJa buamvts and r sl-
dencei tha avveattteu lota at half price to Mrat
party comes. Why ? For mason am In need of
113wu ciuu. oreatcluuce. Addro Km , | i .
T710U BALK-Grcat bargain. > 00 , H cash.buys
JL1 now 7-room. house nnd lot , OOxlA ) , within 10
minutes walk ot oUotria motor. Inqutra fil. %
Paxtou blocK. 674 13
money's wortn ot house and lot now
X for sale lu Omaha Is that which lam now
completing near 2Uh it. , onpavad Wlrt t. In
Kountze place. S bedrooms , 3 parlors , dining
room , kitchen , 3 bMlirooms.3 water closets ,
large laundry , stationery w ih tubi , turnaco
and coal room and cellar , eloctrlo bells nnd
speaking tube. 12 cloiot * . Prlco only $7UUO on
terms to suit. Llkowlss a dnpllcata adjoining
at name price. , W. T. To/vman , ca.n aide loth t.
north of Nicholas at. Omaha'a largest variety
ofjvagons and carriage * . Sf )
T > AVrST5 ITtK ! < Tre"et. from Nlcnolas north.
X Contract hus been let for Colornno sand-
Rtono , Wo have U2 feet on llth 50) fcot north
of Nlcholai that we can sell for $3,8JO. Must
be cobbled qulok at tnat prlco. M. A. Upton
compunjr , , 10th anil Farnatn. 713-15
ITIOU Hean5 tato1barraTns ( see M. A. Upton
X' Company , loth and 713-15
r VNH of the two house anil lot bargains 1
V/lmvobeen ollerlog on Georgia inc.north of
I now sold nnd occupled.bocauso
otmy vary low prlco. The south homo of the
twit still remains a bargain open to somobody.
First coiner , first served. To bo appreciated U
needs to bo examined Internally , I positively
will not rent it , though several tlmoi olforcil
KiOpcr month. Price , on very easy tprms.W.OOO.
W , T , Seaman , east side luth st.north ot Nich
olas st.Otnaha' largest variety of wagonr und
carrUgos. go
"T710ifBALi ; Two of tno Deallocated traQKHgo
X1 lots , on the northwest corner of 21st and
Irani streets , slzo 120xli feat. For price and
terms Inquire of the owner , ISdwitrd Speller-
berg. 1013 North SlitjitreM t9T-al4t
THAVI3 some ilrat-cfnsi rental property for
Xnale cho p within one mlle ot iiontolllon , on
paved streets aud motor lino. Tlioa. V. Hall ,
fillj'axtrn block. 5V8
rno AfAKWACTUKEKS : 1 will give ample
X ground , with splendid trackage farllltlot
on the Fremont , lukhorn & Missouri Valley
railroad or on the Missouri Pacific ( Unit Line )
railway In Wostlawn , Juot oiitstdo the oily
limits in West Omahn. conveniently situated as
regards accuss to the business cantor of Omaha
nnd South Omaha , to parties for the location ot
any of the following Industrial :
Furnlturo Factory , llutton 1'actory ,
Shoe Factory. Lard llollnory ,
Starcli Acfllucoso W'ks , Soap Works ,
I'aper Mill , Purifier Slanufactory ,
1'low Works. Ilroom Factory.
Harvester Works. Woolen Mill.
Nail Works. Oatmeal Mill.
Knitting Mills , Itox Manufactory ,
Smh , Door and Illinil Wire Worka ,
Manufactory. Mac.hlno Snaps ,
Flour and Feed Mill.
Or any good manufacturing plant , We.itlawn
is just outside the city limits and industries
planted thnro will escape heavy city taxes.
If you are thinking of locating in Omaha It
will pay vou to Investigate this.
Qeo. K. Hicks , Now YorK Llfo building ,
Omaha. 7M
FOU SALE-M , 44 or 08 feet of lot 0 , block 70.
at { CbC'per foot. Thli is within a quarter of
a blocc ot the now P. O. alto , and will be worth Insldo ota year.
Tha e M lot a block 101 , cor. Douglas and 10th
sts , 44 feet on Douglas and 00 ou 10th , price
(25,000. $10,000 cash , balance In Ovo equal annual
The se Ji nw Ji sec ( I 114 , r 13 e , Douglas Co. ,
price $12.01)0. ) Sl.ooO cash , balance easy.
Lot ? . blkSTA South Omaha , prlcol,200 , terms
easy. W. It. E. & M. B. . room 14 , Chamber of
Commerce , telephone 1440. 727.
POH SALE On longtime and easy payments ,
handsome , new. well built houses of 8. 9 and
10 rooms. AH conveniences , good neighborhood ;
paved streets , strnot cars and within walking
distance of P. O. Nathan Shelton , 1014 Farnam.
FOR BALE 0-room house , barn and lot ,
Hanscom Place , at a bargain. Harris , lloom
411,1st Nat. Hank. 673
iCTOll SALE nuslncss corner , $10,000. C. F.
X' Harrison. Merchants National bank. 203
GLOUE HOTEL Newly furnished and llttod
up throughout : centrally located : $3 per
day. 1308-13W-1312 Douglas st. 181
Tl/rtmtlAY / HOTEL-Newcst , latest ana only
.1-U.iirst-class hotel in Omaha ; $3 to 34 per day
U. Bllloway. proprietor. 170
INDSOK HOTEL-Cornor of 10th and
Jackson streets. 3 blocks from Uuio
depot. Host 82 a aay house in tne city. ISO
HOTEL 11A11KEU-140 rooms , elegantly fur-
nlshod. $3 and 8-.50 per day. 13th and
Jones st , , Omaha. F. A. lialcli , proprietor.
Matter of application ot Grimm i-Tliloman for
liquor license.
Notice Is hereby given that Grimm &Thlomnu.
did upon the 12th day of Aug. A. D.lSW.lile their
application to the board of ( ire nnd police com
missioners of Omaha , for license to sell malt ,
spirituous and vinous liquors at No. 401 South
14th street , 3d ward , Omaha. Neb. , from the
first day of January , 18Si , to the first dayot
January , 1800.
If there bo no objection , remonstrance or pro
test tiled within two weeks from Aug. 12 , A.I ) .
1889 , the said license will be granted.
a6-13 GittMit &THIKMAN , Applicant.
Notice to Builder * .
Sealed proposals for the construction of a
School House In School Dlstlct No. 431n Douglas
County , will be received by the School Hoard of
salddlstricluntllSaturdayAugl'th. 18SO. Plans
and speculations for said Hchool House can bo
seen at the residence of P. Koo near Elk City In
saldCouuty. Kacn bid must bo accompanied
by certified check for KM. The School Board
reserves therlghtto reject any or all bids.
e a-5-10-13
Dissolution Notice.
The partnership heretofore existing under
the llrm name of U. Newman & Co , , bus DOBQ
this day dissolved by mutual consent. Mr. H.
Nowmun will continue the business , to whom
all accounts duo the llrm. must be paid , nnd
who will pay all accounts against thelirm.
Omaha , August 13th. 1889. alSdUt
To Contractors.
Proposals for furnishing materials and con
structing a brick business block , except foun
dations , are collated until August SJ , at 2 p , m. ,
at ofllce of American Mortgage Co. , Yankton ,
Dak. The right Is reserved to reject any or all
bids. Plans to be on exhibition August 10 and
after. In Yankton. aud also at olllco of .1.11 ,
Coxhead. Architect , Drake's Block , St. Paul ,
i Aug.OdTt
Notice to Contractor * .
Bids will be received up to U o'clock p. m. on
Tuesday , t health Inst. , for the erection of n
llrlrk Hotel Jlulldlng ( not including tba founda
tion ) , according to plans and specifications prepared -
pared by John H. Coxhoad , architect. Drake
block. St. Paul , Minn , The plans will bo on
view after tha 10th day of August , at the olllco
of the undersigned. The right Is reserved to
reject any or all bids ,
By J. P. Cronnau , Secy ,
TANKTON , Dakota , August 0.1MI9 ,
Aug. 9 < 112t
V-'Omaha ' , Nob. , August 10 , 1889. Sealed pro
posals , In triplicate , will bo received at this
olllco until 2 o'clock p. m. , contra ! time , Sep
tember in , 183 ! ) , and then opened , for furnishing
nt Omaha Quartermaster H depot , or at other
points specified by bidder , 1H.OJU gallons ot min
eral oil. United States reserves right to reject
any or all bids. Preference given to articles of
domestic production , conditions of quality and
prlco ( Including in the prlco of forolgn produc
tion tlio duty thereon ) being equal. All Information
mation furnUhed on application to this olllco ,
Envelopes containing proposals to bo marked
"Proposals for oil , " and addressed to WM. 11.
HUGHES , Lieutenant Colonel and Deputy
Quurtormastor General , U. S. A. , Chief Quarter-
master. B lUd 4t H 2-3
Notion or Stock subscriptions.
Notice is hereby given that the books of the
Omaha , Lincoln le Gulf Hallway Company will
bs opined for tha purpose of receiving sub
scriptions to the capital stock ot said company
on and after the second day of September. 188/
at No , 1305 Farnam street , In the city of Omaha ,
Nebraska ,
Dated this Ut d T of August , 1W)0. )
O. L , UiiooES.
G. A , WUMMP ,
J. L. 1)E llKVOISB ,
11. BlM.OWAV ,
, - _ M.P.O'1UUKW ,
Notice to Contractors.
BIDS will bo received by the Hoard of Public
Lands and Duildlngs at any time before
Saturday. August 17 , ltt * & , at 2 p. m. , for all
work and material necessary to bo done anil
furnished In removing boilers a
from basement of Capitol building to now
boiler house , resetting amo und maUtiiu new
steam connections and for doing all things ro-
qulred to bo done as perplani and specifica
tions on lite with the Cotnml sloner of Public
Lands and lluildlngii.
Work to bo completed by October 1st , 1889.
Sultablo bond will be roquircd ot successful
lllght reserved to reject any or all bids.
lly order ot Hoard of I'nbllo Lands and Ilulld-
Inga.Augutt 10 , 1889. O. L. L.livs , Secretary ,
Notloo to Contractors.
SOUTH OMAHA , August 13 , 1880.
Boated proposals will be received nt the city
enulneor's ollloe , by the committee on viaducts.
utreeU and alloys , until noon , Saturday , Aim.
24tb , m > . for grading north hulf t'/of ) M Htrocl
from Situ east to all y. and ulley from L to M
truet. Approximate oatlmatr , < l.l j cublo
yards at Ito-im Work to bs completed with-
lu tlionty a ya utter a contract therefor blnaa
and takes olrea. All bldit miiut be accompa
nied by a oertltled check for t-V ) ; aald chdrk to
bu returned on all nidi not accepted. The right
to reject any and all bldala mvrved.
H. U. TOVfh.
Chairman Ooui.ou VUducti , Btreat * fe Alleyi.
THE ? S .uTV MARKfiT ,
-iNSrilUMKNTS pUool on reiarJ during
J V Crlchtlnld and wife to J R llftura. lot
12 , Ynte. < Allceilnsnb. wd .1 I.8JO
B K llmgrr and w If e to 0 McArtnur , lot
10 , blk' , Dcnmiiu place , w d. . isrt )
15 J WohloM rt allo Dennis Denny , lotss1.
b.k2 , Un'e City Park , w d . . . . . . . . . XO
Dennis l.'ouny to V Lent * et nl , lot 21 , b k
1. Gate City Park , qo d „ . , , . 1
D It Archer and wIfa to Ivan Ieyoe , part
lot li. Glue's add , wd 4. (0
Tlionifts.l Ponnt'Hto Krml Ilunzlker , lot
12 , bik in. Walnut lllll. wii 70
Anna Anderson und hnshaud to UW
Johnson , und H lottblkOMurth' * < ndd ,
wd . 40)
K W to Serill Johnson , und ! i lot
8. bltu. Marsh's add , w d 40J
L XV lllll to S V Decker , lot U , lilt 15. Park , . . . . , , , , . . , . SoO
J OOWIIcox nnd wlfa to Omaha Motor
Hallway Co. irrcg tract In nw iH-15-13 ,
wd , , . , . . . . . . . 3,000
A II Moore to George 15 Darker , lots 3 to
in , blk 4'2 , Gnindvlow. w d 2,10)
P L Kornon and wlfo to Isaac .lohnson *
lot I , Pruyn's sub ot lot 2U nud 23SJ , Mil-
lartl SCaldttell's add. wd 3,500
J M Swulnam et al to DoWltt A Mlllor ,
lot 4. blk 1,1st add to Central Park , w tl 300
Albright Land and Lot Co to E C l.ano ,
lots I nnd 2 , blk 3. , Albright's Choice ,
wd , . . . . , . , . , , , .
Louis Soiiroodor , trustee , to J TrueadelL
lot8 , blk 4Brown Park , wd
Fifteen transfers. . . . , ,
The followmz pjnntu wjro I * a3j by
HulldluK Inspector \Vhltlook .vostonlavi
Vogel lirot. lstory frame planing mill
and bailer houso. Walnut and North
streets $ 1,000
Itlclmrd : & Co. , l-story frame carpenter
shop. Tenth und Castrllar streets 6X0
Casper btobott , 1-story frame cottngo,20itf
Grant Btroot , , TOO
E. C. Flnnuy , brick bnsemont to cottage ,
2011 South Eighteenth street 000
Four permits , aggregating , , $ 2,500
The tmrijcst OfTor Ever INlntlo for
Ijlmrnry Mutter.
The London Kvoning News nnd Post
of May 14 contains tin urticlo on Ameri
can Utornry syndicates , und niotitlou
seine of the lai'KO ollors tnndo to tUotn
by English stntosmou for nrticlos written -
ton by thorn , among others the John
Bright offer of sixty Dounds per column
for a series of f roe trade articles , which
ho was uiiablo to furnish on account o/
old ago. The paper then mentions an
offer that has caused much conimout , as
follows :
The Bright offer , howovor. Booms n
slight ono when contrasted with an
other mndo the other day to Mr. Gladstone
stone , by Mr. Sheridan "Ford for the
Bachollor syndicuto. _ It was proposed
that Mr. Gladstone 'should solncc his
own subjects and write twonty-flvo short
nrticlos , none to exceed 12f)00 words in
longth. The payment was to bo i00 !
an article , or . t5,000 for the series. This
would have boon at the ruto of IB 8d u
word the most liberal offer ever mudo
to any prose writer , living or dead. Mr.
Gladstone's declination was character
istic. "Your proposal , " ho said , "is
undoubtedly scductivo , but it is my duty
inwardly to resist seduction as suoh ,
and to say nothing with an offer before
inc. except what 1 ought to say without
an offer , in the hope of doing some in
finitesimal good by it. "
Nipped in the Uml.
Is it not batter to nip consumption , tha
greatest scourpo of humanity , In the bud ,
thnn to try to stay its progress on tbo brink
of the grave. A few Uosus of California's
most useful production , Santa Able , the
Icing of consumption , will relieve , nnd u thor
ough treatment will cure. Nasal catarrh ,
too , often the forerunner of consumption ,
bo cured b California .
can ; Cat-R-Curo.
Tlieso remedies are sold und fully warranted
bv Goodman Drug Co. , nt $1 , cr three ; for
A Flannel Shirt Hxchaiujc.
"You cannot imagine how the flannel
shirt business of our store has grown i
the past few years"said a trusted cleric
in ono of Boston's largest linns tea
a Boston Globe reporter. "Two
years ago three clerks wore enough to
bundle ail the trade in Han n el shirts wq
had. Now I have six good men under
mo , and the work is all they can do.
Everybody is wearing flannel shirts
now , and our sales amount to tnoro than
75.000 shirts a year.
"You know how a flannel shirt will
shrink. 1 have n plan which will not
only muko a man's flannel shirt fit him
all the time , but will enable him to
co tno oift with a now style shirt every
two days. My flannel shirt exchange-
will take a shirt that is too small for u
man from washing and givq him. ono
a size longer of the same quality for the
small sum of twonty-ttvo cents , provided
the shirt ho brings in is clean. Thus a
man with a 30-inch torso can got the
shirt of the 82-inch man and give his
out to the 28-inch man , while the 32-
inch man will take that which belonged
to him of 37 inches , und so on up to the
largest. "
Unlo nntl Hourly in Old ARO.
What Is more beautiful thnn an ancient
tree clothed with nn ample robe of verdure.
Apt is the comparison between such a growth
and an old man or woman Infused with ,
health and vigor. The slno qua nan , the
indispensable condition of vigorous youth ,
robust manhood and a virllo old age , is sound
digestion. Without this life is shorn of tlio
hearty zest that should , attend it. No luoro
bonollciont and agreeable contributor to tlio
attainment of a halo old ago , and uuioluut
means of counteracting the inllrmitlcs that
too often attend life's decline , can bo found
thnn Hustottors Stomach Dlttors. Dyspep
sia symptoms , a tendency to kidney com
plaint , ' nervous inquietude and rheumatics
trouble uro overcome by its use. The effect
of exposure and overwork nro nullified by It ,
and it affords BUfllciont protection to nil sub
jected to malarial influences. Glvo it a
thorough trial.
Incorporation Notion Onmlm Union
Depot Company.
PUllfiUANT to the statutes of the atata
of Nebraska , notice In horooy glyon ot the
organization of a corporation for rullroiulimd
depot jinrjiosoa , under the laws of the state of
Nebraska , known as the Omaha Union Depot
Company , The principal place of transacting
the hualnei-a ot the snld company ehai ) j > 9 at
the city of Orouha , In tun t > t.ito ot Nebraska ,
The general rmtury of the business to bo trans-
nctodbynaid company l the location , ostub-
llHhmont , construction , furnishing , maintain.
Ing , operating and enjoying union , fieUht and
puHsmngur railway depots , ut sncn points a *
muy be determined upon , with mich trucki.
sldo tracks , turnouts , switches , olllcog und
structures us may bo docmod nrceosary or con
venient for the execution of galit liisiienu ] and
the accomplishment ot the objects und pur
poses of this coinoratlon. at such plnco orB
laces within the boundaries ot the city of
B mana und beyond the Biiino In said county of
Duuglas as may bo necessary for the accommo
dation and u o of tlio dilluront railway com-
pank-B milking said city u point of delivery for
freight and pastenuera. The Uirmlnt of the
railways to ho built by said Omaha Union Depot -
pot Company shall he buch union d potau may
bo established and located by Bald company
and tlio point or polnw upon the oxtorlor
boundaries oftlie Maid city ot Omaha and In
such limits to which the railways constructed
by vald Oinaliu Union Depot ( ompany nh ll I
uvreaf lor be located und extended in Uonclaa
county HO us to accomplish the purpcaus of this
Tha nniaunt ot the capital stock shall bo
I.DUO.r o , to bo paid lu as vallod for by the cor
The existence of the corporation commenced
on tlio l.'itli day ot August , 1881' ' . nud shall con
tinue until the 12th day of Auuust , lai'.i , unlosa
sooiior dissolved or continued In accordunco
with the law. The highest amount of Imlubted-
ne H which tno corporation Mialt at any time ba
mibjected to alialf iiot exceed II.UW.MXI. 'Jlio
affairs of eultl corporation ulmll bo conilnoica
by a pretldent , vice iiresldeut , btcretary , trcni-
uier mid a board of director * ,
( lucotporatorj )
(1 ( , W. IloUmK
13-30-27-3 : J. O.TAYLOK.
Ant HuUer Q BtllMni. Jiwoliyi
Hotlopj , KoirltiM , Ac. , if. , it I
lowtit prlcei. Ooodt ftrf tttttmea ,
IIIISTRijVu < iT/l/Klt.KVlE ( . '