Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 14, 1889, Page 6, Image 6

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Police Affairs Thoroughly Discusaod
at Laot Nlght'a Mooting.
An Inquiry to lie Made Into Chief
Hcnvcy's Slnmicr or Conducting
IB A I'rotrnotoil
The City Connoll.
The council took n hnnd test night In po
lice matters ntid waxed warm over several
measures that were Introduced , calculated
to correct Bonio of the irregularities that are
plaringty nppircnt in the management of
the police department. Tlio flrBt uicasura
came from Mr. Lowry in the form ot the
following resolution t
Resolved , That hccnuao of the foolish and
Indiscriminate arrest of innocent and rc-
Bpcctablo people upon the pretext of being
"suspicious diameters. " the good tmmo of
"tho city Is Impaired and wo foul It our duty
as representatives chosen by tlio peoulo to
demand Of , the board of lire and police the
stoppage of such uncalled-for proceedings.
Before any action could bo taken upon the
resolution Mr. Hnscull , by permission , Intro
duced an ordinance which provides for a
sweeping change In the manner of inuhlng
arrests. The ordinance prohibits the Impris
onment of persons nrrcitcd without a war-
runt until a written complaint Is made and
filed with the police judge and a warrant Is-
RUCU thorcon. An execution Is made In case
the subject Is In a stupor from in
toxication or other cause. In such cnso
n complaint shall bo made nralnst him as
soon as ho recovers. A violation of the oral-
nan co by nn ofllccr IB mudo an olTonsu pun
ishable by n line of not less than $10 nor
moro than ? 60.
Mr. Wheeler declared that the ordinance
was contrary to the stnto law , which pro
vides that arrests may bo made without
complaint having been Hied.
Mr. Huscall replied that it didn't require a
wlso man to know that such state law pro
visions applied to felons , but It did not In
clude misdemeanors. Ho denounced In
strong language tuo system of wholesale
urrCsts that arc being maJo by leather-
headed policemen on trumped up charges.
After some discussion the ordinance was
read n second time by title and referred ,
With Mr. Lo\vry's resolution , to n committee
of the whole council.
It was Mr. Ford's turn then , and ho
offered the following , which was adopted :
Resolved , That us reports arc now currant
that there Is an undue expenditure of money
in the oOlco of the chief of police , ttio com
mittee on police are hereby instructed to
Investigate the sauio and report if a secre
tary for the chief Is necessary ; if so , how
many months the present secretary
has been employed ; how many
days per month she has been at
the ofllce , ana how many hours she has been
at work. Also to lind how many hours per
day have been spent by members of the
force in assisting the chief of police during
the absence of the secretary , the committee
to be empowered to omplov un expert , if
necessary , to go over the books.
The report of the board of health for July ,
showing 100 deaths and 122 births , was
placed on lile.
The bond of Fowler & Uolndorf , euarnn-
teelng that the cost of the now city hall
shall not exceed $350,000 , was presented and
approved. The bond was signed by Fowler
& Ueindorf , with Charles Uelndarf and F.
B. Johnson as suietics.
That old grading warrant held by Paxton
& Gallagher came up again. The warrant
li was secured bv 1'axton & Gallagher In IbS-t
and has been drawing Interest since that
date at 7 per cent. Tha original claim was
ordered paid last month , and thu firm now
asks for $2.1.53 duo as interest. The claim
went to the finance committee.
A protest against the proposed paving of
Eighth street north of Worthlngton was re
ferred to the committee on paving , curbing
t and guttei ing. '
That old custom of asking the council to
collect labor claims from a sub contractor
was revived by Mrs. Martha Koot , who
wants &J1 held out of Ka Photon's pay for
grading Locust street. The claim weat to
the committee on finance.
The request of the Omaha motor railway
company , for permission to lay tracks on
Thirty-third street from Hurt to Lake , was
referred to the hoard of public works.
The claim of Antonia tiachsso for $1,450 ,
for duinngo to property by change of grade
on Saunaers street , was referred to the com
mittee on claims.
The July report of Boiler Inspector Stand-
even shows the following : Boilers in
spected , SO ; boilers ordered repaired , 4 ;
applications for engineers' certificates , 15 ;
granted , 10 : amount of collections , $159 ; cor-
titicatPB on hand , $55. The report went to
the comptroller.
Contracts wore approved : With William
Forrestal , paving alloy in block 01 with
Sioux Falls granite ; with Huirh Murphy ,
paving i-Mcusant street from Cuinlnjo Hurt
with Colorado suiidstotio , also for paving
nlloyn In six districts.
"Uopeatedly" is the word used bv Bopgs
& Hill referring to the number of times
they have called the attention of the council
to the fact that the city Is using u part of
what would bo Hurt street , in Hillside No
1 , a strip of land forty-ono foot wide and 5i3 !
foot long , without having condemned the
for street purposes. Sidewalks
nvo been laid and the motor company is
using the property for trucks. "This kind
of a deal is becoming monotonous , and wo
usk you either to remove your sidewalk ,
give up possession of the irround and keep
off , or pay what it Is worth. " The
communication wont to the committee on
enroots and nllo\B.
A petitioner tbo grading of Frances
Htreet from Thirty-second avouuo to Heed
street , was referred to the committee on
grades and grading.
1 ho claim of Clemens Oskamp for damages
by reason of overflow , wont to the commit
tee on claims.
The Y , M. O. A. asked to be oxomptcd
from city taxes , und the city attorney will
loll what ho thinks of it at the next meeting.
The property owners on South Twenty-
ninth street between Leaven worth and Half
Howard want their street graded , und the
city engineer was instructed to sot the grade
The poundraaster's ' report for July , showIng -
Ing the receipt of $143 , was referred to the
A protest ugalnst the proposed change of
the grade of Thirty-sixth und Uurt streets
was referred to the committee ou grades and
Apiotcatfrom Uoggs & Hill against a
proposed cut of Boveuty-sovcn feet in the
grade of Lake street from Thirtieth to
Thirty-third , went to the committee on
grades and grading.
Charles Sundblad , A. .T. Horold and Frank
E. Dvorak were sufferers by the flood of
July 25 , and asked for damages. The com
mittee on claims will consider the matter.
Charles Stahrnor'u horse foil through the
pavement on I'lerco street on July 23 aud
wont into a sower. Ho thlnko the council
should eivo him f25 for damages sustained.
The people up ou Corby street wont the
street graded and supplied with street
lamps. The committee ou sewerage got the
A big protest came in against the proposed
change of the grade of Lowe avenue from
Cutulng to Hamilton.
The contract for the paving of the nlloj
between California and Webster and Thir
teenth und Fourteenth streets , was annulled
in response to u protest.
Gas Inspector Gilbert reported that ho
made fifty-two tests of the gas used for
street lighting In July and found the average
to bo twonty-throo oandlo power , or seven
candle power above the standard required by
the city.
President Mercer , of the motor railway
company , protested against the ordinance
regulating the manner of paying for pave
ment torn up by blrcet railway companies ,
and asked for a conference with a committee
ot the council. The protest wont with the
ordinance to the committee ou viaducts and
The street commissioner was instructed to
liavo the mud cleaned off of Loaveuworth
street from Twenty-first to Twenty-fourth.
The street sweeping contractor was or
dered to sweep Twenty-fifth avenue from
Uoagu to Furnam , and Dodge street from
Twentieth to Twonty-llfth ,
The , council will moot as a board of equali
zation on August ! J3 and 2.1 ,
The council was invited to send delegate *
to u convention to bo hela m Suult Sto.
Marie ou August 23 ( 1S39 , to consider mat
ters relative to the commercial and railway
relations existing between the United States
nnd Can ad a , The invitation was referred to
n committee of the whole.
The claim of J 8. Wood for services ns po-
llco clerk In July was allowed and ordered
paid to Judge Louts Borkn.
The claims of Eitfcno O'Noll. E. P. HttV-
lislk , Barbara ItousKo , H. Van doctor and
Ji Foley for damages by overflow wcro re
jected , nnd E. F. Augustld's olnlm for dam-
IIRCS by opening Thirteenth street wont to
the city attorney.
The request of property owners for n
large sowcrr on Thirteenth street was com
piled with bv ordering additional suwors on
Eleventh nnd Twelfth streets to relieve the
Thirteenth street sower.
Tbo ordinance declaring the necessity of
constructing a viaduct along Tenth street
over the railroad tracun of the Union Pacific
railway companies , wan passed. An ordin
ance declaring the necessity of constructing
n viaduct along Lcavonworth street , over the
tracks of the Missouri Pacific railway com
pany , was Introduced and referred to the
conimlttca on viaducts nnd railways.
An ordinance was Introduced regulating
the sprinkling of the streets ot the city. The
ordinance simply amends the one already in
force by giving the flro nnd police commis
sioners the supervision of the work nnd the
authority to designate flro hydrants from
which water may bo used for sprinkling
There was n big bundle of papers on the
clone's desk at 11 o'clock nnd an adjourn
ment was taken until Thursday evening.
Another Important Mooting Hold
limit Nlfl > t *
The Merchants' woik commlttco met last
night The discussions were long , and the
details of plans proposed by the various
committees were Inquired Into more closely
than hitherto. For the fi nanco commlttco
Mr. Wnkefiold , reported that the requisite
amount , $7,500 , had been raised. Mr. Bcchel
said that the railroads had agreed to do what
honskcd , and Rhowed quito n disposition to
do all in their power to make the Merchants'
week a success. On Wednesday the railroads
would make n one and one-third faro to all
points COO miles west of the Missouri. Tick
ets would bo sold Tuesday , good to return
Chairman Roes , of the advertising com
mittee , appeared with an armful of adver
tising matter. Ho had , ho said ,
printed 5,000 largo bills and
15,000 smaller ones , besides 20,000
circulars to bo enclosed in business men's
letters to their customers.
Joseph Garncau said the outdoor commit
tee had secuicd the Fremont & Elkhorn's
consent to haul down hero , free of charge ,
txventy-fivo Sioux Indians , who would bo
given places In lino.
Mr. Gibbon said that the invitations for
the grand ball would bo nut in a week
2,000 of thorn : that 800 couples could bo
cared for und that probably four hundred
tickets , each for a couple , would bo sold.
Louis Hclmrod said it u as about a cer
tainty that cither the fireworks on the high
schoo.l grounds c r the lighted arches would
have to bA given up , as there wouldn't ' be
enough money to pav for both. It was the
the general sentiment that the fireworks
could best bo dispensed with.
Wednesday night was set apart for the
lire department to give an exhibition run.
Another meeting will bo held next Tuesday.
The I. O. O. P. Entertainment. 1
Goodrich ledge , I. O. O. P. , gave n musical
and literary entertainment nt their hall , on
Saunders street , last night. The programme
consisted of n piano solo , by Mr. Boveo ;
recitation , Miss Haley ; sou ? , Mr. Conrad ;
recitation , Mr. W. It Goodall ; song , Mr. Leo
G. ICrutz. This part of the programme was
given in the ledge room. After it had
been completed the -audience adjourned to
the large hall on the lower floor to "trip
the light fantastic. " A piogrammo of
twenty-two numbers wus rendered and en
tered upon. The jnusic wus furnished by
five members from the Patriarchs Militant
band and was most excellent. Supper was
served iu the unto rooms about midnight ,
after which dancing was resumed und con
tinued until a late hour.
Imbor Day Arrangements.
The various unions of the city are taking
hold of the arrangements for matting Labor
day a success in earnest. Another meeting
of the Central Labor union was held last
night and further preparations wcro made.
The finance committee was instructed to
have tickets for the picnic printed , and to
place them on sale at public places for 25
cents each.
The committee on arrangements reported
tnat It had secured Haskcll park us a suita
ble place for holding the picnic.
After considerable discussion the execu
tive board was instructed to invite ex-Sena
tor VanWyck to address the unions on that
day. There will probably bo other orators
A mass meeting of all laboring men will beheld
held Thursday night in the old city hall.
Hoard of Education Alcetinsr.
President Persons , Secretary Carroll and
Messrs. Van Alton , Slata and Hoblnson were
present at the meeting of the board of edu
cation , hold Tuesday evening. The contract
und bond of Strung & Clarit , for the steam
heating , approved , and the contract an d
bond of Robert ClnrKH & Co. , as soon as the
names bo inserted , will bo approved for the
plumbing of the high school building. The
West Albright school committee was con
tinued , with Mr. Van Aken added.
Several offers of school sites were made
hyngcnt8 of W. L. Selby , and their offers in
writing will bo received by the next meet
ing , i'hu report of the committee , recom
mending the purchase of 307 school seats
ftorn the Dullard school seat works , of Mar
shall , Mich. , at ti lor bajks , $2 SO , { 2.40 aud
12.50 per scat , ana urovidlng further tuat the
prlco shall bo 80 cents less than paid by the
Omahu board for Andrews' desks , with tbo
privilege of as inanv more as may bo needed
during the year , was adopted.
A U.ibld Dos ; ICIJIo : ! .
A dog with symptoms of rabies , and be-
llevrd to bo mad , bit Miss Kittle Hlgglns on
the log Tuesday evening , and the furious
animal also attacked und bit Patrick Roar-
don on the loft thumb , near the wrist.
Captain Sexton shot the beast ,
The l mitnon IMcnlo.
The Emunon club has issued invitations
for a midsummer picnic to bo held in Huns-
cam Park , Thursday afternoon and evening ,
Those having it in charge expect to make tt
quite u swell affair.
Notes About tlio City.
George Connors is ill with malarial
The Ladles' Baptist Homo Missionary
society will moot Wednesday afternoon at 3
o'clock , at the resldcnco of Mr. and Mrs.
Claud L. Talbot , Twenty-fifth and J Directs.
Ono of the men in the hog-killing gang at
the Armour-Cudahy packing house cut his
left hand Tuesday afternoon.
Mrs. W. H. McDonald , who has had a
siege of sickness , IB much hotter.
For want of material , work on the Q street
viaduct is almost at a standstill , giving
causa for much complaint on the part of per
sons crossing Q street , and allowing much
fault-finding by many of the public.
A meeting will bo hold Wednesday even
ing at A , B. Haley's , Brown park , by those
interested In the drama to be presented by
St. Agnes temperance society ,
A congregational mooting will bo held in
the Presbyterian church Wednesday even
ing to elect onicers for the church associa
tion. All regular attendants and members
of the congregation , whether members of the
church or not , uro urged to attend and are
expected to participate in the proceedings.
Keucuo HOBO No. 1 will meet at the hose
house , Twenty-sixth streetWednesday oven-
The fact that the county commissioners
hare appropriated f-1,000 to grade L street ,
gives cause for much satisfaction in many
Personal Paragraphs.
L. A , Davis , civil engineer for the George
H. Hammond Packing company , in compli
ance with telegraphic Instructions , loft Tues
day afternooa for Hammond , Ind.
Frank P. llounh , of the Q street viaduct
force , has returned from DCS Moluci.
JDellvcredbr currier In Anr Purt of teCltfft
Twenty Onts Per Week. . .
N , Y. P. Co.
Glcason coal.
C. U. Music Co. , C33 B'way.
D. W. Otis , city and farm loans.
Boston store lending dry goods house.
Burglars attempted to cntcrtho residence of
Frank Covalt Monday night , but were fright
ened away.
The First Baptist social will bo hold
Thursday evening at the residence of the
pastor , Hov. Dr. Cooley , on Avenue C.
Remember the qundrlllo party nnd social to
bo given by the ladles of the German Cath
olic church on Friday evening.
A portion of the Pottnwattntnio delegation
to attend the state convention loft Monday
evening , and the remainder left yesterday.
The funeral of Mrs. Ellen Wild , who died
Sunday morning1 , took place yesterday after
noon nt Q o'clock nt the Bloomer Association
The Modern Woodmen picnic , which was
postponed from the 21st of July , owing to
weather , will bo held at Fail mount park ,
Wednesday , August 20.
Mrs. A. L. Demtnlng has received a tele
gram from her son , Lorn , at Watortown ,
Dak. , announcing tbo death ot his wife at an
early hour Monday morning.
The funeral of Harry , Infant son bf Mr.
and Mrs. F. M. Dalton , will toke place at 10
o'clock this morning from the faintly resi
dence , 127 South Fifteenth street.
An Ice cream festival and social entertain
ment will bo given by the young ladles of
Trinity M. E. church , at their hall on South
Main street , next Friday evening.
' 1 ho next regular meeting of the board of
education will bo hold on Monday evening ,
August 10 , at which time the balance of the
corps of teachers and the Janitors for the on ]
suing year will bo elected.
Montgomery , the old man who "stood off"
the dop catcher with his llttlo gun , will have
n hearing this afternoon at 2 o'clock. Ho
maintains that other parties incited him to
act ns ho did , and thinks the blame should
rest on them.
The electric motor company has begun the
erection of a neat and commodious depot at
Twenty-sixth street. It is understood that
several of thorn will bo erected at various
points along the line through the western
part of the city.
The German Catholic ladies will give a
quail rillo party at Masonic temple on Friday
evening for the benefit of the German Cath
olic church. These parties are very pleas
ant and popular , and the forthcoming ono
will bo up to the standard.
Articles ot incorporation of the Ross In
vestment company Imvo been filed at the
county recorder's ofllco. The incorporators
are Hon. L. W. Ross , Hon. D. C. Bloomer ,
C. M. Ross , A. T. Flickllngor and W. H.
Thomas. Tuo authorized capital is { 50,000.
The case of R. C. Thompson , charged with
exposing poisonous substunccs where ani
mals Lould get to the same , near his resi
dence on Avenue L. between Twenty-eighth
nnd Twenty-ninth streets , was yesterday
called before Squlro Schurz , nnd continued
until Friday attornoon at 2 o'clock.
William Ke.iru , of Omaha , was cinched
915.10 ycsterdav morning for kicking up a
row on Pierce street , Two women , Blanche
North and Belle Banks , wcro also caught in
the net , but they explained thatKearns
forced his wnv into their house and the row
was occasioned by bis refusal to leave. They
were released.
William Pixley. an ex-employe of the
Ogden , filed an Information agalastLandlord
Etter , alleging assault and battery. Pixley
quit work Monday and demanded bis uay ,
which wa1 * refused. He then employed a col
lector and the money was paid over. Pixloy
went back yesterday after some clothing
owned by him , when , ho alleges , that Ettcr
kicked him shamefully , finally kicking him
out of tuo house. The case will bo heard by
Squire Hendricks this morning.
A stranger went into a certain barber shoo
in this city Monday evening to get shaved.
The gentleman handed the proprietor a
twenty-dollar gold piece , the smallest change
he had , to pay for his chlu-poUshintr. The
proprietor went out to got It changed. Ho
was gene for over an hour. When he came
back ho handed the gentleman $11 in pennies ,
having been gone all that tltno hunting them
up. The stranger naturally felt indignant ,
and struck the barber twice in the face , after
which ho left and took the Rock Island ex
press. There were no arrests. The proprie
tor will size up his man moro carefully the
next time before trying any funny work.
Dexter , employment.
Timber Lianfl AVnntod.
Fifty thousand acres of timber land in
Missouri , Arkansas , Mississippi , Texas or
Council Bluffs , la.
Hiivo your old furniture upholstered as
good us new. H. Morgan , 733 Broadway.
S. B. Wadsworth & Co. loan money.
J. H. Smith , drugs , medicines , paints , oils ,
glass. GO'J Main , near John Morgen's.
Kerr & Gray , real estate , C05 First avenue.
Attention Everybody.
All those who desire to spend a pleasant
and profitable day of recreation should ut-
tcnd the fourth annual reunion of the Old
Settlers of Pottawattamio and Milk counties ,
to bo hold at Malvcrn , on Thursday the 20th
inst. A very good programme has been pre
pared. John N. Baldwin , esq. , of this city ,
will deliver the annual address. Rov. G.
W. Groftn , also of this city , will read an
original poem opuropriato to the occasion.
The Chicago , Burlington & Quincy Railroad
company will sell tickets over their lines of
road , from points fifty miles from Malvern ,
at cno and one-third rate. The Wabash
will sell tickets over their line of road both
ways from Malvern at the same rate. They
will send out u special train from this city ,
leaving the Union Pacific depot ut 7:45 : and
their local depot at 8:15 : a. in. By this ar
rangement It will accommodate the people
who may come In on the early morning trains
from the east and north. There will bo a
basket dinner in tbo grove. Everybody In
vited. _
Gone , lint Not Forgotten ,
C. G. Sounders departed Monday night for
Georgia , where ho goes to take into custody
ono F. S. Ellis , who is under arrest on a re
quest of thu authorities of this city. Some
time ago Ellis scoured a loan of ( SO from
Ovldo Vein , und gave as security for said
loan a mortgage on several head of cattle
und a phaeton. It bus since transpired that
Ellis did not own the mortgaged property ,
and the facts being laid before the grand
Jury at their last session , an indictment was
returned against Ellis for obtaining money
under false pretenses. Ellis seems to have
been "lying low" since ho loft hero , but it
was finally ascertained that lie was at a cer
tain place lu Goortria , and the authorities
were notified and nabbed him at the first
opportunity. It is likely bo will become a
resident of Fort Mudlson within the next
two months. .
Personal Paragraph * .
C. A , Tibbltts loft for Oskaloosa Monday.
Mrs. ti. H. roster has gene on a visit to
friends la Milwaukee.
George H. Stlllman , esci. , is away on a
business trip to Madison , Wis.
Miss Kato Blnxlui Is spending the August
days on the farm of Sheriff O'Neill.
J , M. Scanlan is attending the state meet
ing of the Knights of Pythias at Oskaloosa.
Hon. H. E. Pugh and Coloael George
Oliver started last evening for St. Joseph ,
W. H. Mather loft Monday evening for
Milwaukee to attend the national encamp
ment of the G , A , R.
Mrs , Z. 1C , Pratt and daughter , who have
bcon visiting with the family of 0.1C Pratt ,
have returned to Boston.
The Rov. Catbcart , of Emerson , will oc
cupy the pulpit ol the Second Presbyterian
church until u regular pastor caii bo se
V 09 O
Ohautauqua fj ourngomont From
AcrosB thoT Water.
' !
Fond Mcinoryuntid nn Officer Wilt
Bring IlnckKlllo to tlio lUufTs
A Misunderstanding of
Moun'ulnrt Tuutn.
The Clinutnnqtm Finances.
The Council Blnffs and Omaha chautauqun
stockholders mot Monday evening In the
board of trade rooms to consider the report
of the commlttco to dcvlso a way to pay the
Indebtedness of the association , The plan of
the committee was to Issue (50,000 of first
mortgage bonds. There being but a small portion
tion of the stock of the association represented
It was thought best not to ntcmpt to make
any definite conclusion icgardlng the man
ner of meeting the liabilities of the associa
tion. Aside from the report of the commit
tee tt was expressed by several and Boomed
to meet the approval of most present that if
the parties now holding Hens upon the land
would not accept bonds for the Indebted
ness , thus releasing the land , that to Issue
bonds would prove unsuccessful. The at
torney representing those parties felt posi
tive they would not accept such bonds.
The plan of Belling lots under contracts
suiting the case , und applying the money
thus procured on the Indebtedness , was dis
cussed , but no conclusion was reached.
The advisory committee , otherwise the
committee on ways and means , is strongly
in favor of this plan , and yesterday a survey
of the grounds was made and a plat prepared -
pared for this purpose , and it is regarded by
the officers of the assembly us quite probable
that this plan will soon bo adopted.
The money to pay off indebtedness must bo
raised , nnd this seems to be t'jo only means
at hand which will effectually answer this
tmrpose. The necessity of prompt action in
some direction is apparent to everyone , and
the responsibility devolving upon nil the
friends of the Chautauqua Is to see that
whatever plan is adopted shall bo success
fully carried out. It is expected that lots on
the Chuutauqua grounds will sell readily
wheu put upon the market.
An Excltlnir Chaso.
The Council Bluffs Coursing club held Its
largest and most successful meet since Its
organization yesterday morning. Every
body was invited and all were offered the
same privileges as the regular members of
the club. The result was that fully fifty
lovers of the chase assembled at D o'clock
yesterday morning at Hoywood's bridge ,
three miles east of the city. It was about
twenty minutes later when a hound oponcd
on a fresh trail , and in less time than It takes
to tell It the whole pack had joined him and
the chuso commenced. After a lively run of
about n quarter ofan hour , a half-grown
grey pruirio wolf WftV overtaken and killed ,
and the hounds dashed awav on the trail of
an old one , the mothijt of the first victim.
All of the sportsmcaiiwero eager fo"r a chase ,
something more exciting than the first one
hud proven , but all'bud all the chaslncr they
cared for before thqauarry was finally run
down and killed. , ,
It was undoubtedly onoof thohardostruns ,
considering the time ' 'in the field , that has
takcu place in this section in many a day.
Tbo wolf wus started ut twenty minutes
after 0 o'clock , and'lrwas ' ten minutes of 1
o'clock when she Was * overhauled after a fast
and exciting chase of nearly entity miles.
Duriug the six hours and a Half which the
chase lusted , it wafe'a'hard ' and steady drive ,
aud the hounds 'worked in a manner that
could not have been excelled.
The greater parfofitha chase was within a
circle of about four miles in diameter , but
when the pack got 'toonear aud began to
press too bard the wolf started out on un im
mense circuit. Even that proved disastrous ,
and she finally turned straight away from
homo and began the final dash. She was
overtaken about ton miles from the starting
point , but was not killed , without a fierce
battle , in which several of the hounds were
badly punished. The leader received a ter
rible gash in the throat , and nearly bled to
doatn before assistance could bo rendered.
It was necessary to bring homo several of
the dogs in litters , so badlv used up were
thpy from the exhausting chase and the ter
rific t battle with which it terminated. The
sportsmen were fully satisfied ; indeed , they
would have been natlsilcd with ranch less ,
but were determined to see it through to the
end. Some of the riders were almost as
badly used up as the dogs , but would not
acknowledge It.
Koport of the Librarian.
The report of the librarian of tbo free pub
lic library for the month of July gives the
number cf book takers ut 2.034 ; visitors at
the rooms , 1,925 ; books taken , 1,814. Of
these the greatest number was fiction , being
831. History and biography are next , num
bering 158. Tbo number of books received
during the month was 153. This is the record
of but ten days , the month from the 1st to
the 20th being occupied in moving.
The now quarters are so much moro pleas
ant than the former ones that the number of
, visitors is increasing , and moro works of ref
erence are in demand. The newspaper flics
are moro generally sought ; in fact u general
increase of business is noticed in all of the
departments. The present quarters are u
credit to the city.
Tor Jorklne Jowolry.
J. O. Perkins and C. J. Johnson were
taken in tow by the police Monday night on
two warrants , charging them with larceny.
Ono was sworn out by O. O. St. John , pro
prietor of the Revere house , and tbo other
by F. Roth a boarder at the same place.
The prisoners were charged with stealing
about $00 worth of Jewelry , the greater part
of which belonged to Roth. They were
taken before Squire. Hendrlcks yesterday
afternoon for a hearing , but u continuance
wus granted until Saturday , and pending
trial both wcro sent to the county lail in default -
fault of (1,000 bonds. The evidence against
Perkins , who now gives his name as EC Is
land , is very strong , u large portion of tbo
stolen property being found in his valise.
Johnson has boon moving in very good socie
ty , since his arrival in the city some time
ago , and has the reputation of being a
straightforward young man.
Over tie Briny.
A private lette is , received from Colonel
I , . W. Tulloys , dated at Lucerne , July 29 ,
Ho reports u very1edjoyable season of recre
ation and sight seeing. In regard to the
Clmutuuqua , in which ho is deeply inter
ested , ho says : 'jSJ'jhavo ' received several
copies of TUB BEU ; atid have read with much
interest its reports of the daily programmes
and the pleasant A rprUes and enjoyment of
those m attendance. , , No > v that our people
understand whnt un , ( assembly moans , they
ought to bo generous In helping it to greater
success. I believe wo have ono of the best
locations for an,1' ' assembly In the United
States. Our picturesque grounds , splendid
amphitheatre , an/1 / qther buildings , should
make the Council , DUiffs and Omaha assem
bly ouo of the jrnatost attractions in the
whole west. I am highly pleased to learn
that the acoustic properties of our amphi
theatre are BO excellent. As o largo a share
of our literary und other exercises are hold
in this building , this feature will add materi
ally to the success of tbo enterprise. As soon
as wo return to the Bluffs I shall want to se
lect a lot of lots , and expect to have a tasty
llttlo cottage in readiness for the next assem
bly. I am glad to know that Mr. Ofllcorand
otners are disposed to give further financial
aid to the assembly , ana i shall endeavor to
co-operate to tbo extent of my ability In this
direction , "
Five Harvest Excursions.
The Hurllngton Ilouto , O. , B , & Q. R. R. ,
will soil from principal stations on its lines ,
on Tuesdays , August 6 uud 20 , September 10
and 24 and October 8 , harvest excursion
tickets at half rates to points in the farming
reglous of the west , southwest and north
west. For tickets and further Information
concerning these excursions call ou your
nearest C. , U. & Q. ticket agent , or address
P. S. Eustls. general passenger and ticket
agent , Chicago , iJl.
One can never judge of wine until it is tasted. Just so it is with a stock of goods. A
purchaser can never judge of its superior wearing qualities until a careful inspection has been
made. Merchants may boast of what they display , but cold facts are stubborn things , and to be
convinced one must inspect.
We do not claim to show better goods than any one else , but tor our stock of Boots and
Shoes we do claim that it is the largest in Pottawattamie county , the most complete in every
department , and of as high a grade as any in this vicinity. Our prices suit the people , as ia
demonstrated daily by the immense business we do.
This Week We Offer for Sale :
205 pairs Ladies' Hand Turned French Turned Dongola 180 pairs Ladles' Jlatul Turned French Kid ButUm Shoes
Button Shoo , $1.25 ; formerly $5. $3 ; formerly ? 0.
200 81.25 pnlrs ; formerly Ladles' Machine $2.50. Sowed Curnco Button Shoo , 172 palrd Ladles' Fine Grain Button Shoos , worked holes ,
60O pairs Ladles' Kid and Goat Walking Bhocs , OOo ; OOo ; formerly $2.
formerly $1.76. 000 pairs Men's Calf Shoos , tuition , lace and congress , $3 ;
201 pairs Men's Calf Shoes , button , lace and congress , formerly $3.25 ,
$1.25 formerly 82.6O.
2OO pairs ; Boys' Calf Shoes , button and lace , $1 ; formerly 30O pairs MUajs' School Shoos , 76o ; formerly $1.75.
$2.55. 1.OOO pnlrs Ladles' IIouso Sllppors , 60 , formerly 35o.
This is the Chance of a Lifetime to get
They are for sale and will be sacrificed to pay creditors.
Corner of Broadway and Fourth Street , Council Bluffs.
The Great Removal Sale ! The Reliable Removal Salcl
The only genuine clearance sale is now going on in full force.
No abatement of interest , no lessening in the quality and
quantity of bargains offered. We have the goods and are
bound to sell them before we move into our new store.
Js On all purchases before we move. Come and do like everybo
® eedoes , get your share of the bargains in every line , at the grate
moval sale of
Nos. 314 , 316 , 318 and 320 Broadway.
Republican Clubs
SAIUTOOA , N. Y. , August 13. The execu
tive committee of the national league of re
publican clubs met at Congress hall this
afternoon. The revision of the constitution
of the national organization having been
referred to the committee by the na
tional convention held last Febru
ary In Baltimore , the committee
has revised it so as to make the representa
tion to the national convention from each
state as follows : Two delegates at largo
from each state aud two from each congres
sional district where permanent clubs Imvo
been established. The president , treasurer ,
secretary , vice president and mem
bers of the executive committee
of the national organization , together
with the president and secretaries of the
various state leagues are also mudo ox-oOlcio
delegates to the national convention. 12 ich
delegate is entitled to ono vote. This will
increase the number of delegates to about
ono thousand. Tuesday , ftlurch 4 , IbOO , was
lixccl upon as the date of tbc next national
convention , which will bo held cither at
Nashville or Chattanooga. One of the spe
cial subjects under discussion has been the
question of tbo organization of rouubllcan
clubs in tuo Houtb.
Five Marked l'"or Ooath.
NEW YOKK , August 13. The death watch
was placed on five men in the Tombs prison
to-day. They are Nolau , Packonmann , Gib-
lin , Lewis und Carolln. All the prisoners
except Giblln are resigned to their fate. The
latter soya ho bus hopes of obtaining a now
Ebon Alien I'lcnds Guilty.
NEW YOHK , August 18. Ebon S. Allen ,
president of Forty-second and Grand Street
Ferry Railroad company , to-day plead guilty
to the count In the indictment charging him
with over-issue of stoolc and ho wus re
manded for sentence Friday. Allen will bo
arraigned later on the charge of forgery.
A Wisconsin Dear Story.
MAHSIIKIELD , WIs. , August 13. At Unity
Station , on the Wisconsin Central road , a
bear carried oft a little girl of a woodman
named Klolnort. The father pursued the
animal and killed it. The child escaped
sarious injury. The bear weighed 430
I'lno Liog Duty Reduced ,
WASHINGTON , August 13. The British le
gation has informed the Btato department
that the governor general of Canada , under
the powers given him by the laws of tl.o Do
minion , has reduced the export duty on pine
logs from | 3 to 12 per 1,000 feet board meas
Bniilnnccr'a Election Annulled.
PAHIB , August 18. Tbo state council has
annulled the elections In twelve cantons In
which General Uoulangor was elected to tbo
councils general , on tbo grounds that tbo
general was not legally eligible lor tbo posi
tion ,
Getting Itcndy to Keturn ,
BAU HAKUOII , August 13. President Harrison
risen , Bosrotary Ulamo and party this evenIng
Ing dined at the house of Mr.V. . S. Gurnes ,
nnd a niuslcalo followed. To-morrow the
president will say good-by to his host , and
nt 8:80 : begin his return to Washington.
ISrllllant Military Dluplnr.
BEIIMH , August 1U. The whole army
corps of the guurds paraded to-day before
the emperor of Austria , tanking u brilliant
AsstStateYeterinanan. ,
HospltalforLame SJcH
nrarofor&uncil Bluff
rag ? Police Depsrtmwt/
KEAf , KSl'ATH ,
No. 1O Pearl St.
Tnos. OrriCER. W. n. M. Punier
OFFICER & mil ,
Corner Matn And Droadwur ,
Dealers in foreign end domestic exchange.
Collections made and Interest paid on time de >
In tbo city. Qlit edged opportunltl01 to limn
diataiimitorj a
No. 27 Main St. , Over Jncquomln'a
Jewelry Store
I have the largest and
finest stock of hair goodi
west of Chicago , and I
have determined to close it
all out with the intention
of Koiug out of tbo bu | .
ness. Ladles who deilro
anything iu my line will ba
given on opportunity to
buy it at less than half the
usual prices , Thu goods
are first class , and all onm-
tnonts , cto , , made up in tua
latest styles.
Ord0" by Wf"1 reCOlV °
prompt attention ,
Mu. UO Main St. , Coiiuull