Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 14, 1889, Page 5, Image 5

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Followed By Daring Cavalrymen
of the Dopartmont.
Mnlor llotilmni to Succeed Colonel
Guy V. Henry
i Other
On tlio Haimc.
Yesterday wfts n bcnullfut day for
skirmishing nt tlio Ucltovuo rnngo , nnd the
opportunity xvos improved by the cavalry
imirltsmen in Ihotr sccona ilay of competi
Colonel Henry was In command na usual ,
The scores were very largo consiusrlnK tlio
style of weapon nnd the lack of practice.
Including the scores made in shooting at
linown distances on Monday , the ataudluK of
the lending marksmen Is ns follows )
The targets which Private Dnughort.v and
Corporal Stolner had rlddlod were dUplaycd
at the tout of the statistical ofllcor. That of
the former exhibited twunty-six shots and
that of Stelncr twonty-Hvo.
The shooting of Lieutenant Wrljrht , Ninth
Infantry , was a great Improvement over that
of the preceding day. Ho stood the sumo
number of points behind the louder that ho
did on Monday , but climbed to second instead
of tblrd pluco. The gentleman says that If
ho should win the medal It would bo a rod
letter day In his career.
To-day the contest will bo continued , firing
at known distances.
On Saturday next the programme
will bo the most interesting of
the competition. Pistol practice by
mounted tmen will bn Indulged. This is n
very important and dinicult feature of tlio
practice , and u description of it will appear
After this practice the awards will bo
rnndo. Euch of the twelve men having the
highest scores will bo given n mcdul , ro-
scmbling these already described in these
columns as belonging to the members of the
rlilo team. Noitber tticso medals nor those of
the rillo team have arrivuu. The delay , It is
said , has been occasioned by the making of anew
now dlo at the mint. Owing to the absence
of tbo medals us ! BO the band , which will
than bo in Kearney , the presentation of
distinctions , Colonel Henry says , must
necessarily bo done in an informal manner.
At its conclusion muny ot the soldiers will
return homo.
The presence of cavalrymen nnd officers
tins had n tendency to enliven the camp.
Some of the ofllcors nro musicians , and Uko
their brothers of the white stripe nro very
pcnlal gentlemen. All have the buoyancy of
youth , mm the discretion and sense of ago.
At moss the merry laugh goes round , while
in the Hold , when the labors of the day nro
over , they display commendable skill with
the bat nnd ball. Yestcrauy a source of mer
riment was the misfortune of Lieutenant
Fuller , of San Francisco , whom a boo stung
on the noHe.
All the ciivolry ofllcers have come hero on
telegraphic summons , none of them having
bad more than three hours' uotlco. This was
duo to the delay m Chicago in handling the
orders , which had been forwarded there for
approval. _
On next Monday these soldiers from both
rank nnd file will make tbplr appearance.
They attain to their title by having won
three medals In contests. They
Will como from all parts of the country.
This is the second competition of the kind
which has been held in the army , and both
have tulien place at Bellevue and boon uudcr
the command of Colonel Henry.
The men are from infantry and cavalry
regiments , nnd will use the weapon em
ployed in their arm of the service.
The names of the competitors uro as fol
lows :
Sergeant George N. King. F company ,
Twentieth infantry , Fort Asslnibomo ; Hugh
Qrlnith , D. Eighth cavalry , Fort Mendo ;
Sergeant F. Handall , L , Eighth cavalry ,
Fort Kcogh ; Sergeant Ludwig Kopor , F ,
Fourth Infantry , Fort Sookano ; Sergeant
Miles C. Uuston , troop B , Second cavalry ,
San Francisco ; Scgean Adam Doll , troop F ,
Second cavalry , Walla Walla ; Private W.
D. Uinpbroy , battery I , First ar
tillery , Presidio ; Corporal Christian Brland ,
troop A , Second cavalry. Presidio ;
Private Thomas Foonoy , D , Fifth infantry ;
Garvln C. Tnlioforro , Tnird cavalry. Texas ;
Private John Oormlov , battery H , Fifth nr-
tlllory , Governor's Island ; Sergeant William
Williams , E , Twenty-third Infantry , Fort
Niagara ; Captain Joseph Garrald , Ninth
cavalry , Fort Nlobrnra ; Sergeant E. H.
EXc cris , Sovontti infantry. Fort Washakio ;
Lieutenant W. A. Mercer , Eighth infuntry ,
Fort Niohrnra ; Lieutenant A. C. McComb ,
Fifth cavalry , Fort Reno : Lieutenant Van
Idiot , Tenth infantry , Arizona ; Sergeant J ,
C. Pcndcrgrass , troop A , Tenth cavalry ;
Frank Hogan , troop D , Sixth cavalry ,
How Wo Shoot.
Reports are beginning to arrive touching
the standing in the rifle competitions of the
teams ot the aovoral departments of the
army. The total score made by the Arizona
toatn was 6.117 , by tbo Columbia team 5,099 ,
and tnu Platte team 15.035. In tbo depart
ment of the Columbia it is said the range is
particularly lino.
Colnnal l > uclliy ; llotlrcft.
On the 28th of this month Colonel Dudley ,
of tha first cavalry , retires. Ho will bo suc
ceeded by Lieutenant Colonel James S.
Urlsbin , Ninth cavalry , now at Fort Robin-
ion. Lieutenant Colonel Urisbln will bo suc
ceeded by Colonel Santford of Leavenworth.
Now to Cam | Crootc.
Colonel August V. Kautz , Eighth In fan-
try ; Colonel Muttbciv M. Blunt , Slxtiontn
Infantry ; Colonel Henry R. Mlzuer , Seven
teenth infantry ; Lieutenant Colonel John S.
Poland , Twcnty-Hrst infantry ; Lieutenant
Colonel Alfred T , Smith , Eighth infantry ;
Major James F. Raudlott , Ninth cavalry ,
have been ordered to report at Camp Gcorgo
Crook after the adjournment of tbo Fletcher
Bo t'uoooeds Colonel Henry us In-
hioutor of mtlo I'rautloo ,
THE Duo some time ago announced that
Mayor Guy V. Henry , of the Ninth cavalry ,
and inspector of small-arm practice in the
department of the Platte , had us lied to bo
relieved from the position and to rejoin bis
regiment at Fort McKinnoy. '
The request has boon granted , through not
without souio reprol on the part of Qonura
Brooke , who has commended the manner in
Which Major Hoiiry performed the duties of
Ula oftlco.
It la now admitted that the major' successor
ser will bo Major Daniel W. Bcnliam , of the
Sovdnth infantry of Fort Lararnlo , and now
In command of tlio rillo camp at Uollovua.
The papers relating to the retirement ol
Major Henry nud tbo appointment ot Major
Uonham hnvo been forwarded to the secre
tary of wnr.
Mnjor Uenham enlisted M a private in the
Sixteenth Ohio volunteers in 1801 , bccnmo
econd lieutenant In October of that year
and Jlrst lieutenant In February. 180' ' . Ho
engaged in the campaign at itflll Springs ,
Ky. Ho became quartermaster of the Firsl
battalion , Eighteenth infantry , Murch , 1803.
Ho encaged In the battles of Porryvlllo.
Stone river , Chlenmauga , Mission Uldge mil !
the Atlanta campaign. Ho was wiling bat
talion adjutant July , 1804. . In October of the
amoyear ho assumed command of his com
pany. Later ho became brigade quarter-
master , Fourteenth corni ordnance officer
and nldo do camp of the First division ot the
Fourteenth corps. Ho was on Shormnn's
march to the sen nnd the Carolina campaign ,
nnd engaged In the battle of Bontonvlllo , N.
C. Ho was on recruiting duty in Ohio nnd
ndlano from July , 1855 , to March , 180U.
; Io bccamo cnptaln in the Eighteenth
nfontry by the reorganization of the
nrniy. Ho was breveted cnptaln for
gallant nnd meritorious services ntthnbnttlo
of Murfroesboro , Tonn. , nnd breveted major
'or the same reasons during the Atlanta
campaign. Ho carao west soonnfter the wnr
and was stationed at Fort Douglas , Wyo.
Slnco then ho has bocn stationed in Montana
nt Fort Snolllnp and nt Fort Lavatnlo , where
ho is now located.
AnVbiolutu Cure.
Is only put up In largo two-ounce tin boxes ,
nnd Is nn absolute euro for old sores , burns ,
wounds , chapped hands , and all skin orup.
tlons. Will positively euro nil kinds of pllcs-
MENT. Sold by Goodman Drug company at
25 cents per box by mall BO cents.
JChu Bids nnd Blildnr4 for Furnlah-
liiK Them For the Knsuins lour.
The commlttco on supplies for the board of
education have completed the work ot open-
ng bids to furnish the same , nnd will report
, ho same to the board at Its next meeting ,
Monday night.
Bids tor Buoplylng coal were received from
J. W. Bedford , .T. J. Johnson & Co. , Mount
& Grlnin , It McClelland , Havens & Co. .
Nebraska Fuel Co. , Coutant & Squires , and
Howcll & Co.
i. Following is n list ot the lowest bidders
nnd kind of coal they will furnish :
Mount & Grinin , Anthracite Lackn-
wannu cgp ? 3.65
Mount & Grinin , Anthracite Lucka-
wanna range 8.00
Nebraska Fuel Co , Wlittobrcast soft
lunii ) .1.43
Mount < fc Grinin , Walnut blk soft lumo. 3.74
F. W. Bedford , Excollo soft nut 2.85
Mount & Grinin , Iowa soft nut a. 75
Nebraska Fuel Co. , Whltobroast soft
steam 3.10
Nebraska Fuel Co , , Wliitcbroast soft
slack 1.00
Mount & Grinin , Iowa soft slack 1.00
Bids for wood were received. The follow-
nc nro the lowest bidders , on thoroughly
seasoned body wood :
E. McDonaldhard ; wood , per cord . . . ? 0.40
E. McDonald , soft wood , per cord 5.25
Bids for furnishing stationery were re
ceived from \V. A. Oirnstead , of Chicago ;
Gibson , Miller & Richardson , Omaha ; John
S. Caulllold. Omaha.
Bids for Ink were received from the Omaha
Ink company.
George A.Hoaglsnd.FrcdQray.John Wnko-
Hold nnd thu Chicago Lumber company sent
In bids to furnish lumber.
A special mooting of the board has been
called by President Gooduinn for to-morrow
evening to consider the report of the com
mittee on rules and repairs to the various
school buildings.
They Cush nud Itliullato Two Hu
man lioini > 8.
At 11:45 o'clock yesterday forenoon a fatal
accident , occurred on tbo Union stock
yards' track , resulting in the death of Owen
McDonald and James Donnelly.
Union stockyards' engine , No. 3 , with En
gineer Samuel Anderson and Fireman F. H.
Morri" , was backing up the north Y towards
the stockyards chutes , pushing n box car in ,
and when Just at the round house switch the
car struck the two men , knocking thorn down
the wheels passing over and horribly mang-
ing them. "They were ut once removed
to the round house and surgical aid sum
Owen McDonald , who resides on
Thirty-first street , bad his loft arm and
loft log crushed to n uulp , and received a
bad cut above the loft eye and u tcrrlblo
bruise on the loft b'rcnst.
James Donnelly , who has boon in the em
ploy of Burncss & Parks nnd worked all last
summer on the Armour-Cuduby buildings ,
had his right arm crushed , his skull frac
tured on the right side of the head and the
bruin exposed above the right oyo. Ho had
also several Ugly cuts clear across the chin.
Mr. Donnelly died nt 3 o'clock and Mr. "
McDonald lived only a short time.
The men stopped on the track Just before
the trnin struck thorn , nnd it Is said they
were warned by William Whiten , Fireman
Morris , wlio was on the inside of tbo curve
and could sco them , and by Brakcman
Charles Bowers. But the men failed to hearer
or hoett the warnings.
Engineer Anderson who was on the engine
ana on the outsldo of the carve , and foreman
Daniel Mollus , who wai between the onglno
nnd the car , could not BOO the men. As soon
as the warning was given the onglno was
reversed , but too lute.
A liquor bottle was found just near thorn ,
and it is believed they were under the in
fluence of liquor.
The remains of Donnelly were brought to
this city in the afternoon and are now at
Heafoy & Hoafey's.
Coroner Drcxol hold an inquest yesterday
afternoon the ] ury returning a verdict of ac
cidental death.
Owen McDonald was forty-five years old ,
and leaves a wlfo and four children tliree
tlireo boys , James , aged nine , Willie , uirud
four , and Thomas , aged ono , and ono
daughter , Mary , nged seven. Mr. McDon-
nld was employed by Charles Cummings in
excavating the collar on Twenty-fourth and
N streets , and at the ttmo of the accident
was on bis way to dinner at his home , II and
Thirty-second streets. Ho was an indus
trious man and well lilted. Six months ago
no removed hero from Goshen , la. , where ho
owned a farm. Tno body will bo shipped
Wednesday nftornoou on the 2:55 : train for
Crcston , la. , and will bo interred Thursday
morning at U o'clock.
Jatnoi Donnelly , the other victim , died at
3 o'clock yesterday. He was aged thirty-five
years , and came from Chicago , where he has
u wife and ono son , aged eight , and n
daughter , aged four years. A telegram has
been sent to his wlfo. The tlmo of the
funeral has not been actnrmincd , but the in
terment will bo in St. Mary's cemetery.
Catarrh cured , health and sweet
breath secured by Shiloh's Catarrh
Remedy. Price 50 cents. Nasal injector
free. For sale by Goodman Drug1 Co .
Slow Work In the Improvement of
Hliorman Avenue.
Dr. Mercer says that the grading of Sher
man avenue is progressing in anything but a
satisfactory manner. And yet the greatest
dispatch is required to put the street into
first class condition in tlmo for the fair. The
avenue is the principal thoroughfare to the
fair grounds , nnd If it bo not in coed condi
tion the effect will bo demoralizing.
For the purpose of expediting the work ho
has removed the tracks of the motor com
pany to either side of the street and planted
the wire poles on prlvato property. Hut ho
claims tbo accommodation has not been op-
precl.Uod ,
The work of grading the street is not an
easy ono , and will require many men and
team ? , bccuuso there are places , especially
near tbo prounun. that require a cut of six
feet. If the grading bo not finished before
tbo fair the motor cars will not bo able to
run , the nnuoyanco which this would occa
sion would bo patent to everybody.
Cu stimuli's Menthol inhaler cures catarrh ,
headache , neuralgia , asthma , hay fovor.
Trial free at your druggist. Prlco 50 ccuU.
The CASH of Colonel Flotolior 8ul > -
inlttrd by the Court.
yesterday witnessed the closing of the long
drawn out nud somewhat notorious trial of
Colonel Joahua S. Fletcher for conduct un
becoming a soldier and gentleman.
Twelve days have been consuniol in the
examination of witnesses for the defense
and for the prosecution , but yesterday the
case was concluded so far as the taklngof ovl-
clenco uud summing up IB concerned , and
Colonel Fletcher's fate now rests in the
hands of thirteen of big fellow oftlcors.
IVe morning session opened with an ar-
gurnet t between the Judge advocate and the
counsel for the defense relative to the nd-
misslon of certain testimony to imponoh the
orldcnco of Roberts , the coachman , and Cclln
Hanson , the maid servant of the Fletcher
The settlement of the question consumed
over an hour , nnd it was after 11 o'clock
when tbo court gave its decision that the
witness should bo introduced.
Ho wiu called nnd gnvo his name an
Thomas' Shaw , private of company H , Second
end infantry , stationed at Fort Omaha.
Ho testified that ho know Roberta the col-
prod coachman ,
"Did you over hnvo any canvorsntlon with
him regarding the affairs ot Colonel Fletch
er's family 1"
Objected to by the accused , but the objec
tion was overruled.
The witness then answered tha question In
the nnirmatlvo. Ho had a conversation with
him on the Tth of June regarding the domes
tic troubles in Colonel Fletcher's household.
Cross examination waived.
Miss Anna Sullivan , n port young woman
In n green dress nnd n pink and white bonnet ,
was the next witness. She testified that she
had nt different times , thrco con
versations with Colin Harrison
about the trouDlcs of Colonel Fletcher
nnd ono with Roberts , thn coachman. Miss
Sullivan was In nowlso abashed by the dig-
nlty of the court and gave her answers In
most emphatlo tones.
Ernest D. Carter , coachman for Major
Btitlor , swore that ho had frequently talked
with Roberts relative to Colouol Fletcher's
The court then took a rocesa until 1 o'clock.
When the court ro-convonod , the counsel
upon both sides announced the case closed.
Captain Claop Immediately began summing
up for the dofonso. Ho was followed by Mr.
Webster , nnd the Jtuleo advocata reviewed
the ovldonco for tha prosecution. The case
then went to the court.
Ed Johnson 1'njs ills Respects to
nir. Doutl.
SOUTH OMAHA , Aug. 12. To the
Editor of TUB BEE. Saturday's is
sue of Titn Bun contains nn interview with
Ex-City Attorney Doud which is so far from
tho.fncts that I dcsiro to reply to It. The
reasons ho gives for his removal are not the
true ones and had nothing to do with his re
In the first place , I did not Introduce the
cable tramway ordlnanco ; it was introduced
and road the first time before I was a mem
ber of the city council , and I did not even
know there was such an ordinance uniil the
third mooting 6f the now council. Thcro is
no clause in the now charter such as ho men
tions and I defy him to quote It.
Mr. Doud suggests that "I tried to use
him. " Allow mo to suggest to Mr. Doud if
ho has over had any Idea that his abilities
were of such a standard as to bo "of uso" to
any ono , or for any thing , very few persons
in South Omaha nave bocn made nwaro of
the fact , and I am sure that the city council
should have the privilege ot dismissing any
oniccr within Its Jurisdiction for
incompetoncy or neglect of duty or
both , without having its motives impugned
as dishonest , and the individual members
thereof branded as rascals and "boodlors. "
The only matter I have over spoken to
htm about pertaining to council matter ( ex
cept correcting his mistakes ) was the rail
way ordinance , which ho pronounced a wise
ono , and which he voluntarily informed mo
ho did not think the mayor would veto. Ho
falls to say in his article that Mr. Mahony
was informed of the omission ( which was In
tentional ) In the copy of the resolution be
fore ho wrote his opinion. The following
opinion from Judge Savage , which ho hoard
read , ho also fails to mention :
The answer and cross petition of the Omaha
Street Railway company and others to tha
petition ot the Omaha Motor Railway com
pany prayed that "tho city of South Omaha ,
Its ofllcers and agents , bo enjoined nnd re
strained from issuing to tbo piotor railway
company any cortifioato certifying to the
effect that any election had boon duly had by
which the motor railway company was
authorized bv vote of a majority of the elec
tors of the city of South Omalm
to construct , operate or maintain
n street railway upon any of the streets
of the city of South Omaha. A restraining
order was duly granted in accordance with
sucn prayer. On the instant tlio follow
ing resolution was offered in t.ho city coun
cil of South Omaba , but failed of passage :
"Resolved by the city council , the mayor
concurring , that the Omaha Motor Railway
comuany bo and is hereby given the right to
construct its double track railway on
Twenty-fourth street from the north limit
of the city to and into Q street , and thence
west on Q street into Thirty-sixth street.
Also along N street from Twenty-fourth
street to and into Twenty-seventh street ;
thence along Twenty-seventh street to AI
street , as soon as the injunction of the court
is released. Also that the city council issue
to said company n certificate of election hold
July 25 , 1SS7 , as soon as the injunction of the
court shall bo released. " I am now asked
whether in my opinion the council would
have violated said order had they passed the
resolution above quoted , and for my views
as to the propriety or inproprioty of such
action. The resolution is not in terms a dis-
o bed I en co of the order. It is not nn issuance
of the forbidden certificate and is perhaps
therefore not in violation of the restraint
imposed by the court. But that it would
have been grossly Improper nnd a glaring
cnso of disrespect to the court which issued
the order tuoro can bo no doubt. I can conceive -
ceivo of no other object in passing it than to
prevent an appeal or petition in error from
the order dissolving the injunction. The act
of 1SS9 provides for n supersedoas bond by
virtue of which the injunction may bo kept
in force until finally determined In the court
of la&t resort. I suppose that it was in order
that the certificate might bo issued by the
clerk after the dissolution nnd before this
suporscdoas bond could possibly be given
that the action m question was urged.
But this might bo in the language of tlio
code , "a wilful attempt to obstruct
the prococdincca or hinder the duo adminib-
tratlon of Justice in a suit pending before
the court. " If I am correct in this position ,
the counellmcn , in case of tbo passage of
the resolution , would have been liable for a
contomnt under tbo section of the cede last
above quoted. But opart from that consid
eration it is manifest that such action would
have been disrespectful in a high decree to
the district court , undignified in a legislative
oodv , destructive of tbo proper boundaries
between legislative and Judicial authority ,
and calculated to bring into disrepute tlio
powers and functions alike of courts and
councils. For these reasons , I am of opin
ion that the city council acted in n wise and
dignified manner when it refused to pass the
resolution referred to.
The city council did not doom it proper to
retain an incompetent man in u position of
such importance , wbero the interests of the
city nud the rights of the taxpayers would
bo placed in Jeopardy. I would be the last
man to do Mr. Doud an Injury In his profes
sion , as ho is young , and with a proper
amount of experience and diligent applica
tion will no doubt become a good lawyer.
But when ho goes into print , lot his state
ments boar the ear-mama of truth , at least.
SWIFT'S SPECIFIC tins saved mo years of
untold misery by relieving a partial paraly
sis In my left side. This was after I had
been treated by best physicians in St. Louis
and Chicago. The trouble was caused by
homo derangement of > my blood , which has
been corrected by S. S. S.
T. A. SIIEITAUT , Sherman , Toxax
Tom Iliiiine Fin oil.
Tom Kunno , tbo Jailor of the county Jail ,
who was arrested for being drunk and in
sulting Mr , Louis Holmrod , was brought up
before Judge Berka yesterday afternoon and
given a quiet hearing. Instead of being ar
raigned in a loud voice and having it pro
claimed from tbo housetops that ho bad been
on a roaring drunk and had Insulted ro-
spootublo citizens on their own premises , as
would have been done had bo boon an ordi
nary , quiet citizen , with no "pull" on the
uollcu force , ho was taken up alongside the
judge and everything arranged quietly and
qulcklv , so as not to attract the attention of
tbo spectators to the sight of a county ofllcial
paying for the privilege of making a beast of
himself. A line of J5 uud costs was levied
oc him , which he paid.
AUvioo to Mothers.
Mra. Wlnalow'a Soothing Syrup
should always ho used for children
teething , It Booth OB the child , soltuns
the gums. allayB all paint * , cures wind
cello , and is the host r/omuuy / for dlar-
rhcou. ii5c a bottlo.
Pnllmnn Dining pars on the Union
Pnclflo Two ljo < yis Consolidate.
On nnd after August 18 nil dlnln ? oars on
the Umon Pacific foad will bo under tha
management of the PTillmnn car company in
stead of b/-.iff controlled by the Union
Pacific , A rumor to , this effect was preva
lent nt the depot ycstordaymornlng , it having
been whlspnrod that one or two dining car
conductors had boon ; 'notified ' that after
Saturday next their" febrvlccs would bo no
longer required. Superintendent Skinner
of the Pullman comnnhy was soon nnd ad
mitted that thoohanj6wasbolnc ( considered ,
but refused to confirm. the report.
General Manager Klmball of the Union
Paclllo asserted , however , that all arrange
ments had boon completed nnd that on Sun *
day next the control ot the excellent dining
car service would pass from his company's
hands. At the same tlmo the servlco will
bo extended to Portland , Ore. , thus giving
continuous dining car service between
Omaha nnd the Pacific coast. The Union
Pacific will , ns far as possible , abolish meal
stations on the line nnd endeavor to assist
the Pullman folks In every way. An n rule ,
nearly all the dinlntj-cnr employes now on
the road will bo retained. Who will bo
placed in charge of the system has not yet
boon announced.
P. P. Shelby , Trnlllo
H. C. Ivcs , formerly division superintend
ent of the Manitoba nt Brockinrldge , goes to
Helena ns general manager of the now
portion , while P. P. Shelby who h as up to
this tlmo been general manager of the Mon
tana Central receives ] the appointment of
gonornl trnQlo manager of the ontlro Mani
toba system.
The latter is well known m this city nnd
bos many warm friends who will rojolco at
his promotion. Ho began his railroad career
as a brakeman in ISGfi , and upon abandoning
the link and pin came to Omaha whore ho
hold tlio position of baggage master , yard
master and assistant station agent , in 1875 bo
was made division suporlntondontnf forwards
accepting the position ot assistant general
freight agent In 1876. In 18S'J ho was promoted
meted to chief of the freight dooartmont , beIng -
Ing advanced to the position of assistant gen
eral traffic manager in 1SS7. At the end of
that tlmo ho went to the Montana Central ,
where ho has remained until this time. Ho
is a thorough railroad man , und is especially
valuable In trufllo mattcrshnvlnirln the opin
ion of these who know him bostmoro ability
in that direction than in actual operating
Belt lilno Trains.
It is reported that Vice President Olarko ,
of the Missouri Pacific , has a plan on hand
regarding the Bolt line fares , and that ho
proposes to cut down rates to 5 cents between
Omaha and West Side nnd all intermediate
stations. A faro of 5 cents to Walnut Hill
would bring about some- sharp competition
between the motor and tbo Bolt line , the
former having its track laid to n point only n-
few blocks distant from Druid Hill. Addi
tional trains and a theater train nro Included
in the new plan. The motor company has
the advantage of reaching the cantor of
town , which the Bolt line has not.
Two Roncln Consolidate.
A tologrnm received nt Union Paclflo
head quartord yesterday morning announced
the consolidation of the Montana Control rail
road and the St. Paul , t .Minneapolis & Man
itoba. This movoment'bas ' been anticipated
forsomotimo , but the i culmination of the
proposed arrangement at this time created
no llttlo surprise , as it was expected that at
least one month mord1 would bo requ ired to
complete the process oil consolidation , or ab
sorption , as the Manitoba virtually absorbs
the Moutaua Central. Tno Montana Central
is a road loading from. Great Falls to Butte ,
Mont. , wbilo tbo Manitoba's terminal has
heretofore been at Great Falls. This gives
the latter a through rputo to the coast from
St. Paul via Butte , where- connection Is
made with the Union'Paeiflc.
Rnitroad Notos.
General Freight Agent Aloorehouso nnd
Assistant Cassidy , of the Elkhorn , are in
Kansas City attending a mooting of the
Trans-Missouri association.
J. O. Pbilllppi , general ngont of the Mis
souri Pacific , has gene to Fremont.
R. L. May , an employe at Union Pacific
headquarters , submitted to a difficult opera
tion on his right foot at St. Joseph's hospital
Sunday. Drs. Galbruith and Johnson were
the physicians.
Gcorgo . Cushing , superintendent of mo
tive power of the Union Pacific , nnd Mechan
ical Accountant Goo. C. Crandell , have
started on a tour of Inspection of tha com
pany's lines and will examine especially the
proposed plan for shops nt Denver. The
trip is being made in a special car which has
just boon completed.
To Visit O dcn and Salt Liako City ,
Utah , or Ilnilcy , Idaho.
A grand excursion to the above named
points will leave August 20th , via the
Union Pacific , "Tho Ovorland-Routo , "
and for this occasion the exceedingly low
rate of $30 to Ogden and Salt Lake City
and return , and $35 to Hailoy , Idaho ,
nnd return has been made from Mis
souri river terminals.
This excursion affords our patrons a
mnpniflcont opportunity to visit Gar-
tield Buaoh on Great Salt Lake , the
finest birthing resort in the world , and
also visit Hailoy Hot Springs , famous
for their medicinal properties. Tickets
good thirty days.
For further particulars address
E. L. LOMAX , G. P. A. ,
Omaha , Nob.
Additional Returns Confirm the Pre
vious ISncouraelnir Outlook.
The following additional crop returns have
been received by the R. G. Dun & Co. mer
cantile agency :
Corn , wheat nnd broom corn were the prin
cipal crops last year. The acreage this year
is twice as much. Crops of all Kinds are m
the best possible condition. Corn will yield
CO to GO bushels per aero if nothing happens
to it. Wo have nearly C0,000 acres of corn
und 23,000 of wheat. That which has been
threshed yields about 18 to 23 bushels per
acre. The prospects for our farmers and
merchants are splendid.
The crops of tbts county wore never bettor
than at this season. Repeated rains have
bleached the barley and more or less injured
oats and wheat in thou shock , but have ad
vanced the prospects of the corn crop and
nnd prairie grass for jjapturago and hay pur
poses. The acreage is &por cent larger than
lost year. Small grain is a full crop. Corn
is fully 10 per cent better ; than any previous
crop , nnd is also thol principal one. Col
lections are very slowiand trade is somewhat
dull. With a fair pncojor the present crop
the farmers and merchants will bo prosper
ous , The low price of banned products has
forced ono of our canning companies out of
business , and the oilier establishment is
running lighter than1 laU season. Tuoro Is
no change in the diversity of crops.
The principal crop iA8t year In this county
was wheat. There la atiloost tbrao times the
acreage of wheat this yjir that there was
last. Tha prospects hero this year are good
for an average brop oT .small grain. Corn is
now suffering from drouth and will not behalf
half a crop unless wo.jget rain in tbo next
woolc. Collections are slow hero now but
will bo fair when crops are marketed. Trade
is slow und money scurco in the now counties
in this part of the state.
The principal crop last year was corn. The
acreage this year is larger probably 20 per
cent greater. Crops of all kind are very
abundant , especially corn. There is the finest
prospect for yours. Collections are at pres
ent slow , Trade prospects are Improving
and things generally are looking up.
The principal crop last year was corn and
oats. There Is very llttlo wheat , flax , rye or
barley grown , The acreage this year ia
about the aamo as last , though there may be
n slight incroaso. Tbo acreage of outs is
about two-thirds that of corn. For corn the
prospect was never bettor this time of year
and will average from S to 10 bushels per
aero over last year it the weather continues
favorable. Tno oat crop is some bettor than
last your though soinewhatdamagodby ruins
at cutting time. The yield is from 5 to 10
bushels per ncro moro than lost year nnd will
avorneo about 05 bushels n r ncro. Of wheat
there Is n good yield but there Is not enough
grown to supply home consumption. Thohny
cron is not over oofi-hatf us largo us last
yoar. Thora have been no failures here for
the iatt twelve mouths. Col lee tlons nro
only fair. Trail o Is only fair nnd both mer
chants nnd farmers nro careful , and nro buyIng -
Ing only what Is necessary and are in good
sunpo financially.
The crop In Col fax county last year cov
ered nn aoroaga of about 113,500 acres , of
which 73,331 were in corn , producing a fair
crop averaging thlrty-ilvo bushels per aero.
This year there is nn Increase , though not
largo in ncroago , nnd twonty-flvo per cent in
yield. There was , last year , in wheat about
10,000 acres , very poor in quality , nnd * not
yielding moro than from eight to ton bushels
per aero. This year there Is about the same
in acreage nnd a yield of from fifteen to
twenty bushels per ncro and In eood ' quality.
Last year there was 15,100 no'ros of oats
yielding not moro than twenty to twonty-flvo
bushels per ncro and poor In quality. This
ynar there is about the satno acreage
yielding thirty-five bushnls pnr ncro and of
excellent quality. Of flax tuoro IA about
four thousand acres , which Is nbout the same
as last year , but the yield last year wa * only
nbout nlno bushels per acre , whorons this
year It will be 40 per cent , bolter. Potatoes
are very flno nnd n largo yield is Insured.
The acreage in potatoes nnd other small
crops not above enumerated Is about live
thousand. Collections uro slow nnd trade
fair , The prospects for n good trade between
farmers and merchants , when tbo crops como
to market , are good. There is in the country
an unusual number of good , healthy hog * .
The principal crops this year were corn ,
spring wheat and oats. There Is nbout the
same this year with the ndditlon of n llttlo
winter wheat. Crops are becoming gradually
more diversified bore , but this applies to the
minor ones. The ncroago this year over last
Is probably nbout double in all the staples.
There will bo n good general crop this year.
The elevation of the landscape Is much varied
In Dawcs county , nnd some parts are much
more llablo to drouth thnu others. While
sections hnvo been strlokon for lack of rain
nnd small grain has suffered to such nn ex
tent as to bo in some places a total and In
others only n partial failure , yet In
other localities tbo yield has boon
quite all that was desired. It is
now very dry , and unless rain comes early
the corn crop will be very short , nnd in
many parts a total failure. Collections are
slow just at the present tlmo , but i tis always
so hero at this season. Wo think farmers
will bn in condition toward tlio close of the
year to pay their bills , or to make liberal
payments upon them , and that , consequently ,
merchants will also meet the demands of
creditors with reasonable promptness. Trade
is n llttlo dull nnd has been so the past
month , but this is a feature of the hot season
which is usually expected and realized. Our
population in city and county has increased
the present year , and the prospect is fnvor-
nblo for easier money and a largo trade dur
ing the autumn and winter months.
The principal crop last year wss wheat.
Wo huvo probably one-third moro this year
than last. The corn crop last year was only
fair , ns it was too dry in July and August ,
but wo have flno prospects so far this year ,
with probably one-third increase in acreage ,
Thcro is a very good crop of small grain.
Farmers generally are pretty hard up , as
thov have not raised much until last year ,
nnd collections are slow.
The principal crop last year was corn ,
wheat and oats. There is an increase in
acreage this year over last of almost ono-
half. Tbo crop this year is principally corn ,
wheat , oats , rye and flax. The acreage In
corn is about twice what it was last year
and also is wheat and oats. Ihcro is also
quito a good deal of flax and buckwheat. Wo
have had timely and copious rains all the
ynar , and the general average , if not cut short
between now and gathering , will bo 40 to 50
bushels per acre. The wheat crop Is as good
as any in the state and threshers say that
tbo average will reach 30 bushels to the aero ,
and of the very finest quality. The oats
yield is splendid. The entlro county pre
sents a rich aspect in the line of flno crops.
Collections are now beginning to ease up and
it is probable that they will bo coed and cosy
this fall. The trade in the county is growing
better each day.
The acres under cultivation in the county
this year are 250,000. The crop for 18t > 8
was as follows : Wheat 153,000 bushels , corn
4. 500,000 , oats 030.000 , barley 230.000 , rye
35,000 , potatoes 70,000. Fruit trees in the
county 223,000 , miles of hedge 2,400. The
crop for ISSOls as follows : Acres under cul
tivation 250,000. Wheat 200,000 bushels , corn
5.500,000 , oats 1,000,000 , barley 300,000 , rye
85,000 , potatoes 100,000. Fruit trees in the
county 250,000 , miles of hedge 2,500 , acres of
tame grass 30,000. The wheat , oats and
barley crop of 1889 wat partially damaged by
reason of a wet harvest. Otherwise tbo
small grain crop would bavo been very largo.
The 1SS9 corn crop of this county will be
very largo , and it Is estimated that the entire -
tire county will average 50 bushels to the
aero. The fruit crop this year is largo , and
Is a good ylold. Collections of farmers'
paper bavo been somewhat dull , but wo look
for good collections this fall.
The principal crop of this county last year
was corn. The acreage this year shows an
increase of nbout 10 per cent. The prospect
this year Is very favorable indeed. A very
largo crop seems now assured. Indications
point to nn average of 55 to CO bushels pel-
acre. The oat crop this year , ns well as last ,
is enormous. The acreage is slightly in
creased , and will show a yield of at least 40
bushels per acre. Wheat and other small
grains show n largo yield out of a compara
tively small acreage. Winter wheat will go
from 35 to 40 bushels per acre , spring wheat
18 to 20. The prospects for trade seem to
brighten. Merchants and farmers fool hope
ful. Collections slow , but will improve.
Wheat is a peed crop. It will probably
yield about fifteen bushels to the acre. Other
small grain is equally good. Corn is in good
condition , but about a month late and liable
to bo badly damaged by an early frost.
Tbero was much rain during harvest timo.
Some small grain on low ground could not
bo cut and was lost. Only u small area was
so lost. Some wheat may be grown in
shock , but very little.KNOX
Prospects are good so far for this year.
Wheat averages 15 bushels and oats 35
bunhols per ncro. Thcro is 10 to ICper cent
moro ncrcago this year than last. Collec
tions are slow at present , but promise to bo
good this fall and winter.
IS not only a distressing complaint , ot
itself , but , by causing the blood to
become depraved and the system en
feebled , ia the parent of innumerable
nmladlcH , That Ayor's Snrsajmrllln.
is the beat euro for Indigestion , oven
when complicated with Liver Complaint ,
is proved by the following testimony
from Mrs. Joseph Lake , of Brockway
Centre , Mich. :
"Liver complaint nnd indigestion
made my life a burden and came near
ending my oxlHtonco. For moro than
four years I suffered untold agony , was
reduced almost to a skeleton , and fiardl v
hod strength to drag myself about. All
kinds of food distressed me , and only
the most delicate could bo digested at
all. Within the time mentioned several
fillvslclans treated mo without giving re
ef , Nothing that I took seemed to do
any permanent good until I commenced
the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla , which
lias produced wonderful results. Soon
after commencing to take the Sarsapa-
rllla I could ecu an Improvement In my
condition. My appetite began to return
and with it came the ability to digest
nil the food taken , my strength im
proved each day , and after a few
months of faithful attention to your
directions , I found myself a well
woman , able to attend to all household
duties , Tlio mcclleino has given mo a
new lease of life , "
Ayer's ' Sarsaparilla ,
Dr. J. C. Ayer It Co , , Lowell , Mat * .
1'rlco (1 ; f li bottlei , | i , Worth $4 * 'jottl * .
National Board of Health , Washington , D. C. Bullcln ! S pplement
No. C , page 33 :
"I have tested several kinds of baking powders which I have bought
In the open market. The following tab.le gives the commercial name of
the baking powder and the number of cubic centimeters of gas givtn off : "
"Dr. Price's Cream GaklnO Powder ( dooa not contain Alum , Ammonia or Mine ) 300"
"Royal ( contains Ammonia ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 348"
"R. C. KEDZIK , " ( Public Analyst. )
Tins investigation was not made for n money consideration , but in
the interest of the Government of the United States. We know that it will
delight the millions of housekeepers who use DR. PRICE'S CREAM
BAKING POWDER to sec it endorsed as the strongest , purest and most
healthful , by this highest of authorities. ,
DR. PRICE'S CREAM BAKING POWDER is the only baking pow
der upon which the UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT ever made a
favorable report.
Instantly Ptopi th most oxcrurlntliiK pains ; never fnlls t > ul.-o ease to the sufferer
NKDHALOIA , SCIATICA. HKAUACHU. TOO I'UAUJIG , or any other 1'AIN , a tow application
act lllca innglc , CauslnK the pain to Instantly stop.
. .
JtSlMl lJVJU * * JllifW AlUUUdUUUt AT * * WOUt * " "llblUg ) 11 Ui VUllOlICn
pains arising tram clm'iRo ot diet or water or other causes.
DO Cents a Itottlo. Bold by Druggists.
For sale by M" . H. Blisa , Omaha , Nebraska.
( Opposite Paxton UotoU
Office hours , 9 . m , to 8 p. m. Sundays. 10 .
Tn tO 1 p. m.
Specialists In .Chronic , Nervous Skin and
Blood Diseased.
tsy- consultation at office or by mall free.
Vndlclnes sent by mall or express , securely
ackcd , free from observation. Guarantees to
tons. Pliyslcul Decay , arising from
tlon. Kxcess or Indulgence , producing Sleeplesa
ness. Despondency. l'lmps ! on tbo face , aver
sion to society , easily discouraged. ) acK of conn
deuce , dull , unlit forstudy or business , and finds
life a burden. Safely , permanently nnd pri
vately cured. Consult lira. Uetti & Bolts , itUS
Farnam St. , Omaha , Neb.
Blood and Slan Diseases
results , completely eradicated trlttiout th aid
of Mercury. Scrofula , Erysipelas , Fever Bores ,
Blotches , Ulcern , 1'Ains In the Head and Bones ,
Syphilitic Sore Throat , Mouth and TOURUH. Ca
tarrh , etc. . permanently cured where otherj
hnve failed.
Virinmr Kninanr and madder Complamtn ,
Y' 1)1111(1 ) ( IV 1'nlnful , Dlincult , too frequent -
quent Ilurnlng or Bloody Urine , Urine high col
ored or with milky sediment on standing , WCKK
ark. QonorrlKua. Gleet , Cystitis. etc. ,
Promptly and Safely Cured , Charges iteasona-
moval complete , without cutting , caustic or
dlllatlon. Cured effected at homo by patient
without a moments pain or annoyance.
To Yonnff Men and MiMlc-Ap , „ „ ,
prrnn The awrm effect ! ? of early
oUltrj lllnt Vice , which bnnca org&nla
weakness , destroying both mind and body , wltn
all Its dreaded lllH. permanently cured ,
Adress those who have Impaired
DDllO themselves by Improper Indul
gences and solitary hnblts. which ruin both
body and mind , unfitting them ror business ,
tudy or marriagn.
M AtmiEn MEN. or these entering on that h j >
py life , aware of physical debility , quickly M
If based upon facts , First Practical Rxp *
rience. Second IvrycAseU especially studied-
thus starting aright. Third Medicines ara pro ,
pared In our Ittbatory exactly to suit each cast ,
thus affecting cures without Injury
tiff" Bond 0 cents postage tor celebrated works
on Chronic , Nervous nnd Delicate .Diseases.
Tnousundu cured , VP A friendly letter or cull
may nave you future guttering and ell am e , and
add golden years to life. { ay-No letters an-
wared unless accompanied by 4 cents In stamci ,
Address er call on
UM r urnam Street. Omaha. N b.
U now open. Parties doslrlng good ucoommolatlo
on 1118 new largo orpron itomuor * of tbo Kamout
tVlilchnre noted for their reKulHrttjr , equal to rail *
roa < l iralna , In making tbo trip to Httrro-l'arii lu ono
Make Early Application fur Norths.
Tills li alia neoonarr on account of tha bear/
travel during the jirlnf anil luinmer mouth * .
McCAGUE BROS. , 105 South 16th St. ,
HARRY E , MOORES , 1502 Farnam St. ,
H. L. HALL , 1223 Farrmm St. ,
J. H. GREEN , 1601 Farnam St. ,
Airont , Ouiulia , Neb ,
rfKNT , BKUnrunteeJ Bpecluo tor Hyatorla , Dizzi
ness. Convulsions , tits. Nervous Neuralgia ,
Headache , Nervous Prostration caused by the
Bi > e ot alcohol or tobacco , Wakefulness , Mental
Depression , Softening of the Uraln. resulting In
Insanity and If adlnu to misery , decay and death.
Piemnture Old Aje. llarronnt-aa. Loss ot Power
In either sor. Involuntary r < osai and Spermat-
orhraa caused bv over-exertion ot the liraln.self *
aliuso or ovorlndulcenco. Each box contains
enomonth's treatment. ? 1.03 a box , 01 slxboxo *
for M.o : > .senr by mall prepaid on receipt of prlc
To euro any c'osu. With each order reculvod br
BB for six boxes , accompanied with $3.00 , wo will
end the purchaser our written guarantee ) to ro
tund the money if tno treatment dooa not cireot
a cure. Guarantees issued only by Goodman
Drug Co , , Druggists , 8ol AEonla , UK ) Faruam
etro t. Omaha Nab.
N. W.CDR. I3ri ! & DOD&E Sis , OMAHA , NEB.
.j ,
DcttPaciliUei.App. . ,
Treatment of eve ;
lIEDICALorB . . . . . .
„ „ „ - „ „ „ „
Boud&AtUudance , BeitAoconuaodatloniinWcit.
Braces , Tniiiei , Club Feet , Curvatures ofBplno.f llei ,
Tumori. Cancer , Catarrh , Bronchitis , Inhalation.
SlecWclrr , PomlyiU , EpUtntT , Kiftnnr. Bladder.
Bye , ar , Skin and Blood and all Surgical Of ermUoni.
woaM DCuiaacuiiriiiMMT. ( T ICTIY IVAT . )
Only Kellabli Medical Institute making a BEMlaltr of
All Iloo Oljriiii ucciurmir tt U < . BTiblllllo nlll *
rrao .4 from ill ijitin .llboul nuturr. Br Ur > ll , |
TrtU t r > rtxiM rTITAt fOHKK. Ftrtlei enabUl. Tlill
vifluj W ir * t 4 t htmt ftc rrupold nc * . All foraHBnl4 *
UoDifooBdvatUl. MtdlctDctorlotimutkUitkttirmftlltrta *
vrtuiMurtl VMkM.iionatki iolDdle l.M lei -
lllli UlMlanl V.rltot.l. , .lihqu.Hloull.l. Jd ru
18th and Dodfi Street * , OBAHA , HXB.
Steck Piano
Romnrltublo for powerful sympathetic
tone , pliable notion nnd absolute dura
bility ; 30 yours' record tlio boat guaran
tee of the excellence of these Intrns-
inonts ,
State Line.
To Glasgow , Hoi fust , Dubllu nnd Liverpool
From New York Every Tuesday.
Catin i > an go Hi to Kfl , according to location ofltft
room. Kxcuraloa K > to CU ,
Btocrsgo to null from luroi ! > u t hoiml lUUf.
U lironilirar. Now tort
J UK ULKOKV , Ceu'lVoitcrn uont.
1IAUIIV K. Jloiiifl , Af | < ut. Ouialiu.
lleduced CuUmratw :