THE OMAHA DAILY ' NINETEENTH TEAR OMAHA , WEDNESDAY MORNING , AUGUST 14 , 1889. NUMBER 56. MRS. MAYBRICK'S ' MOTHER , Bareness Von Boguo Talks Bo- gardlug the Oaso. NOT INFORMED OF THE TROUBLE. Women Gossips Apparently the Pri mary CaiiHo of the Proscoutloa Judio Stephen nnd the Homo Secretary Confer. BnronciKH Von [ Onpi/rfoM 1SS ) liu Jime Gordon Bennett. ! LiVEiirooL , August 13. | Now York Herald Cable Special to THE BKB. ] Baroness Von Roquo is a.well preserved woman and looks to bo about forty-five , but must bo consider able older , as she is the mother of Mrs. Maybrick. Her hair Is gray , riho was drertscd In block nnd were Jewelry when she received the Herald correspondent to-day. She had nt last decided to talk about the case of which all England is talking. The baroness claims that her daughter Is being lone to death by women , ono of whom , she * ays , wns in love with Brlorly. She said : "I am a woman , and perhaps 1 take a woman's view of this matter , but I do not kaow that a woman's view of this matter la necessarily a wrong view. I am going to speak only of B woman , and I am going to speak of th motive. There has been a great deal of talk about the motive in this caso. I would line to respectfully ask what motive my daughter had for poisoning her husband when she had plenty of evidence upon which she could hava obtained separation from him had she desired , I would like to ask If there are not in the treachery and brutality with which my daughter was treated at the outset by other women and In the very start und beginning of the hue and cry against her an evidence of motives far stronger , far more active and far moro Important for consideration when my daughter's life la at stako. It Is of this , of tbo very begin- ping of the matter , thut I wish to speak. Mr. Jvlaybrltk dlod on Saturday. Up to the fol- loylng Friday afternoon my daughter lay ill prostrated und helpless without a friend , She was surrounded by enemies to whose bitterness I need not call your attention , fet it is In tbo evidence , who had con demned her in their oxvn minds as a > murderess without even telling her their conclusion und who worn hotly ran > sacking her house , m which they had no legal or other right to obtalu evidence Ir support of the conviction they bad chosen to entertain. These conclusions started with n nurse , the woman Yapp , whom my daughter had some months before reprimanded , and she wrote thut she felt thai she would be compelled to discharge Mis : Yapp. She communicated her suspicion tc Mrs. Briggs. Mra. Brlggs telegraphed Michael Maybrick. Mrs. Briggs was the moving agent in all that ensued. My daughter tor was satisfactorily convicted of murder before Maybrick died by Miss Yapp , Mrs. Briggs and Michael Maybrick , who was acting only upon the information , sus picion and conclusions of thcsi two women. Now , I respectfully suggest that Mrs. Briggs' actions , Mrs. Brlgas' motive and Mrs. Briggs' character are things that should bo considered and have not been considered In this case. Up to Wednesday night , or Thursday morning , in fact , for I was at a dinner part y. I know nothing of my daugbtcr'i trouble. I , her mother , the sole friend stio had on earth , was kept in ignorance. She was too 111 to notify me and nobody else was kind enough. Finally , however , there came a telegram from her , saying : 'Jim passed away or Saturday.1 Half an hour after the rccoip of uiy daughter's first telegram a secom came , which said : 'Como at once Sorlous charges against mo. DU not know when I telegraphed before , I let Paris on Thursday by the first train and ar rived in Liverpool at the Lima street station on Friday uftornoon at 1 o'clock. As I was going out of the station I met Michael May brick unexpectedly. Ho said abruptly am gruffly : . 'This Is a nlco state of affairs. ' . asked him what ho meant. M mean a question tion of murder,1 was his reply , 'am there's a man in it. ' I tried to qucs tion hl.n , but ho said : 'You hat bettor go up to the house and sec her. She' Inn dying condition. Edwin will toll yoi everything , I went straight to Battle Crcso I met Edwin Maybrick in thovostlbuloof thi house. I asked him at once why I had no been allowed to como before. Ho said tbo ; had all lost their heads , thut Florrlo was to < ill to know anything , and tha Mrs , Briggs did not know , or hai forgotten my address. Ho said : 'I wouh cover have believed ono word against Flor .rio If it had not boon for that letter ti Brlorly. ' Now , permit mo to say that then was a great deal of surroptitiousuoss nbou that letter to Brlorly. It was wrltton witl the knowledge of a woman , win had already como to the conclusion Honestly or dishonestly , that m ; daughter was n murderess at heart It was given to that woman to post , nnd tha woman opened It. I may bo Mrs. Maybrick' mother , but it looks to mo as if that ver straugo and unnecessary letter , a letter s < queerly and ingeniously compromising the no other possible combination of word could have boon equally harmful , wa simply a trap successfully laid tun triumphantly executed. My daughter i not u woman of very much penetration , I you could see her you would not wonder c the ease with which she has been docelvcc Kindly remember that Mrs , Briggs tcstlfio In court that she advised m daughter to wrlto to Brlcrly to gc money euough to send some telegrams am then walked straight out of the prison wit the letter and at once bunded It to a police man. Plcusq consider that hero were tw women , both professing a warm a tachment to uiy dauuhtor. Sbo gav thorn her fullest confidence at a tlu when lior position , prostration und misfo tuiio eliouhl have gained her vyuipatuy an pity from a atone , and they were opposin bur Jn every way tucy could. I do not knov but It seems to tuo that that Umd of uion character is scarcely tbo thing on 7'iilch I base a sentence of death , " 'Pardon mo. but what conclusions are yo aiming all" "I believe I know that James Maybric died a natural death. I bollova that thet two women , Ignorant of all the private el cumstancos , Ignorant of Muybrlck's oxtoi BIVO ute of arsenic , cauio to the conciliate that my daughter was poisonlu ? him an did everything they could to build up the case. I am disposed to believe that they d not roach this conclusion honestly , but tUlii It is proper , however , to show that nelthi of them were friendly to he und that they were animate by malico. They were not withoi ground * for those feeling * . The idea Imply absurd to begin with that you ci poUon B wan with arsenic who bah bc < using nrncnic for cloven years without his knowing or suspecting it. Moybrlck know his own constitution perfectly well. Ho had been experimenting on It with drugs ever tlnco I knew him. Ho was n deep student of medicine. From a personal standpoint , If there wns ono man on earth who would have scouted the idea that anybody could poison him with arsonlo without his knowledge , it was James Maybrick , nnd ho would say so if ho stood hero to-day , Mrs. Briags was n very intimate friend of Ir. Maybrick. Ho bad known her long bo- 'oro ' ho mot my daughter. Ho permitted her visit his bouse most freely. Sbo is a woman about forty-five years old , who has icon divorced from her husband , thougb she ibtalncd a divorce on account of his conduct , nd thcro was nothing in the proceedings to oflect on her. Mrs. Maybrick told mo this. > Ir. Maybrick was an Intimate friend ot her nthor , Mr. Jancon , and had been on close erms of friendship with the Jaucon family ,11 his life. When Mr. Mnybrlck married : ny daughter ho was a man of orty-thrco and she was n girl of eighteen. Irs. Brlegs , from the outset , was a potent 'actor ' in the household , She kept a general iyo oa affairs. Mrs. Briggs had an unmar- icd sister , and I have --no doubt that the pinion prevailed that It Mr. Maybrlck's aste had been all that It ought to have been 10 would have married n Jancon. Gertrude ancon , her ulster , has been known tor a eng tlmo In their circle to bo in eve with Mr. Brierly. Miss Jancon , hrough Mr. Hughes , the husband of an ther Bister , caused a quarrel between Mr. .nd Mrs. Maybrick at the r.nco ground. Ho , vas Inspired to do this by Miss Jancon , bo- causa Mr. Briorly had taken Mrs. Maybrick the grand stand to see the Prtnco of Wales , nnd Miss Jaucon was loft alone. I am not dealing In trifles in this matter. I am showing you the state of mind md motives which boar directly on , his caso. When the reconciliation took ; ) lace , or before It , Mrs. Briggs told May- brick all she knew about Mrs. Maybrick's relations with Brlorly. I wrote my daughter , hrco or four letters , which wore intercepted. I have never scon them or heard from them , dwlu Maybrick admitted that ho wont down Invariably to meet the postman. 1 .vould . lilio to know who they are who thus violate the trust which people repose n her majesty's ' mail. I would like to know by what right or what law the furniture and all belongings were sold before tbo will was proved. I would Ilka to know whom the noney is that came from the salo. Baroness von Rogue had boeu getting strongly excited , and she chocked herself. "On the day following Mr. Maybrick's death Mrs. Briggs and Mrs. Hughes ran sacked the houso. I know what their ideas were , but I do not know whether they know thcro were two arsenic users in the house , ono for the constitution and the othei for the complexion. They won hunting for evidence to substantiate the conclusion they had formed around the dead body of Mr. Maybrick. They rausackec drawers and boxes and everything that be onged to Mrs. Maybrick. They oven broke the lock of nor wardrobe. It was in this search beloro any charges had been made before any suspicions had been made public- thai these two women and those two brother violated the bedroom of Mrs , Maybrick. Thi pill-box containing Mrs. Maybrick's privaU store of arsenic only turned up at the trial It Had been kept back. Who knows wha else has been kept back ] Does the judgi Icnowl Do tlio Jury know ! Where are Mr May brick's clothes ! Have they been ex auiinod for arsenic ! Huvo the pockets beei examined ] Of all that belonged to m : daughter , of all the presents that had beet given her , of all that she needed to save he life , all that she got back was i dressing wrapper , which was valuable be cause it wus stained with arsenic. Michao Mcrbrick told me ho would never havi thought of poison but for Mrs. Briggs Michael Maybrick at first said no wouh bo responsible for the costs of the caso. Al torwards ho repudiated this statement en tirely. Nobody has paid ono cent of tlio cost ; in this case except my daughter Everything she possesses is pledged to pa ; ttiorn , Including the life insurance policies o Mr. Maybrick , which , I believe , amount ti about 3,000 , and also the property she pos scsses in Now York. If she should bo se free she would bo penniless. The proport ; of Maybrick goes to the children The guardianship of the children doe not rest with the trustees ot the estate Maybrick's brothers , but with mo. I thinl that if I am wrong they are going to have i clianco to prove it. When Mr. Cleaver , win bad been sent for by my daughter , arrive ! at the house , the first people ho mot wen Mrs. Briggs and Mrs. Hughes in thi drawing room. Ho said : 'This is a very sai affair. ' Mrs. Hughes said : 'Sad indeed It is a sad affair for poor Jim Maybrlck She's up stairs , but she's tbo greates liar on earth , ' and Mrs. Brlgg added that Mrs. Muybrlck's motho herself had poisoned two husbands , Sucl was the reception accorded Mr. Cleaver li the house of the wife of James Maybrick. " The baroness paused to say that the state ment of Mrs. Brlggs touching herself was of course , Informed. Though the story wa first printed on the other , side , she thinks i came from this side of the Atlantic. She talkei qucorly of Maybrlck's treatment , but sali that and Maybrick's character were matter to bo investigated by the homo secretary Sbo finished tbo interview by tolling ho ; Maybrick and the nurse lied from the housi when his boy was attacked with a vlrulon form of scarlet fever , whllo Mrs. Maybrick through sick herself , remained and nurse the child back to health. A Mayhrtck Conference , ICopvrtgM 188) bu Jama ( Jordan HcnnU.l LONDON , August 18. [ Now York Herat Cable Special to Tun BEE.J Jusllc Stephen had un interview to-day with Mi Matthews , at tbo homo ofilcu , relative to th case of Mrs , Maybrick , now under sontonc of death. Justice Stephen's notes of tbo ov : donco given at the trial bad boon provlouul placed in the bunds of the homo secretary These notes were discussed and Justic Stephen entered into n full explanation o them. His lordship's Interview with Mi Mtitthows extended ever an hour. The Maybrick meeting hold hero to-da would In New York bo called a fizzle , Onl Maybiick followers were allowed to spcnl About fifteen hundred were present. Mrs. Blnyuriclc's Sad Condition , LiVKHi'OOL , August 1U. Mrs. Maybrlcl the condemned murderess , Is in a very di pressed stuto. Slio passed much of th tlmo moaning for her children and wccplii copiously , The chaplain of the prison is di voting much of bis tlmo to the condomno wonwi and she oppeurs to really appreclnt his visits. At a mooting to consider the case of Mn Maybrick , which was hold to-day , a re-soli tiou was adopted to petition tbo homo eecrc Ury for the remission of bar sentence. Proposed House Petition Abnndonnc LONDOV , August 18. The proposed bout of commons petition in favor of Mn , Ma ; brick has bccD ubuudoued. SALT CREEK ON A RAMPAGE , Lincoln's Flats a Lake of a Doptb of Several Foot. MANY FAMILIES ARE HOMELESS. One Chtlil Reported host tinrjjo Num bers of Horses , Onttlo ntul Hogs Muoli Prop erty Swept A.wny. A Great Flood nc Iilncnln. LINCOLN , Nob. , August 13. [ Special Tclo- gram to TUB BKE. | The rainfall of yester day was the lioavtest known In this portion f the state for years. It raised Salt crook out of Us bunks , and at noon to-day the bottoms toms were a solid shoot of water. Seine of ho old settlers of Lincoln say that the water was the highest over known. As yet , however - over , the damage clone can not ho estimated. Families that lived on the bottoms , in many places , were forced to remove to places of safety at an early hour this morning. In some localities south of the city the rushlug waters marked residences and barns eight foot above their foundations. A largo num ber of houses on the bottom suburbs of the city were partly submerged m water. The oss of property has boon groat. The water looilod the Atchlson & Nebraska railroad track below the penitentiary to a depth of nearly or quite two feet. The noon passenger - songer wns swamped for over two hours. It scorned ( or a time that the ponderous online would ho unable to move the coaches , and a wreck hung In the balance. Warden Hopkins and one of the attaches of the pen undertook to reach the place where the engine scorned to bo floundering , and In attempting to turn his lorso and .buggy In water that floated the box , tipped ever , broke the shaft and en joyed a good ducking. It is learned t'.iat some of the bottom farmers lost a good many hogs and some other stock. In at tempting to swim to dry ground , they were carried into the channel of the crook and drowned. Slnco 2 o'clock the crook has risen rapidly. It Is said that thcro are 2,000 houses in the flooded district immediately contiguous to the city , and their occupants were compelled to flco for their lives. But few reached dry land with anything moro than the clothes they woro. All trafllo has boon stopped on the railroads that cross the bottoms at any point. Buckstaff's ' Vitrified Uriel ? works are under four foot of water. At the Wisconsin furnlturo house , about five blocks south of the depot , the water is over the flat cars and entering the box cars. It is stated that thcro are 1,000 cars in the yards , many of which are loaded with goods that can not bo reached. Merchants and wholesalers who have consignments at hand are doing every thing possible to got them removed. At S o'clock this afternoon the rumor was general that thrco men had boon drowned a mile or BO south of the city in attempting to save their stock , but it could not bo verlQod. A Bohemian family by the name of Johnson , however , lost their Infant baby. Its mother loft it sitting in a high chair and started for dry land with two otner children. In some way the chair tipped over and before she got bncit the baby had drowned. Many families have lost all they possessed. Hofugces have fled the bottoms by scores. A number of them are quartered at the Park school building ; others have been cared for by the city. Some are destitute , with no place to lay their heads to-night. Charity , however , is being extended with open hands. If pos sible the homeless will bo amply provided for. for.At 0 o'clock tnls evening the water was still rising. It is said that If it rises another foot it will submerge the entire Union Paclflc system of tracks in the city. The incoming train from Crcto barely escaped Doing wrecked. The track had become so badly washed that the tlos had been lifted from their beds , and the train was compelled to como to a dead stop two or three times before the trip was safely made. It took almost superhuman work to save it. The conductor has been severely criticised for attempting to make the trip. Some portions of the track were under a foot of water. Two teams of horses were drowned this afternoon , ono near the city and the other two miles below. Tlioir drivers barely escaped with their lives. Generally the families who have been routed from their homos by the flood can ill afford their loss. Their household f urnituro was their all At 8 o'clock the water : was rising at the rate of three inches per hour. A number ol the homeless are nick and in need of medical attendance. It is said that thcro are a few instances where ttio water reached the beds upon which the sick lay before they could be rescued. The opinion Is qulto general that the receding tide will show sadder results than the vast loss of property. It is hardly possible for such a Hood to pass away without a terrible fatality , Where the water come from is a wonder. A. Bad Flood at ileatrloc. BEATHICI : , Nob. , August 18.--Special | Telo- ogram to THIS BEK. ] The most disastrous flood that ever occurred in this vicinity took place to-day in a low-lying portion of the city along Indian creek , a small stream that Is ordinarily very placid and that flows through the northwest part of town. The first Intimation of the torrent was about 8 o'clock this morning , after most of the men in that neighborhood had gone to work , thus leaving the women and children in compara tive security In their homes. Some work men on the tower of the now Episcopal church saw the flood slowly approaching down the valley and gave the alarm , and none too soon cither , Assistance had scarcely arrived on the ground when the swelling tldu began pouring down on the fated inhabitants , giving thorn barely time to pet on to the roofs of their houses. Cows , pigs , poultry and outhouses were soon en gulfed in the flood and were whirled with umaziug rapidity down toward the Blue , a mile below. Boats were speedily procured and the unfortunate people In the flooded district were soon safely landed on dry ground , Everything porlsbaolo In their houses was ruined , and the aggregate lose will bo very largo. There was no loss of life , thougif there were many narrow es capes. Boar creek , a stream two miles uortli of the city , was also out of its banks , and thousands of acres of growing corn were destroyed. Considerable live stock also perished in that locality. Vast quantities of hay were swept away , and the aggregate loss will closely approach the hundreds of thousands , A number of small farm houses were swept away , but no live : were lost. The now paper mill dam , twc miles below town on the Blue , was washed out and much damage done in tbatvlcinlty it consequence. Tao bridges along Indian and Bear creeks are washed away , and , as tut streams are still very bleb , but little information mation can bo obtained from that locality , Tbo Union Pacific tracks are badly damaged between here and Cortlandt and its truini have to run ever the Burlington tracks t < roach Lincoln , A. Sorm Fatality at Salem. SAI.KM , Neb. , August 18. [ Special Telegram gram to TUB BBB.J Yesterday afternoon during a heavy storm , 0cargo Warner , liv inc about eight miles west of hero , wa struck by lightning and Instantly killed , J man standing near was badly shocked am three horses killed at the sarao time. Mud dauiaco was done to crops and buildings it that vicinity by the wind and hall. The en tire river bottom hero u covered with watc wo to three feet deep * The water is still islng , causing many families to move their lousohold goods. Railroad trafllo from the west is cut oft until the water subsides. Ttnllrondn Diimngoil by Hnln. NEIIIIASKA Crrr , Nob. , Auirust 18. The rains of last night did great damage along ho railroads south of town , and many bridges on the Missouri Paclflo and 13. & M. roads were washed out. delaying and stop. ping all trains during the day from the south. Striken n Windmill. Oscnoi.A , Nob. , August 13. [ Special to THE BBK.J During a heavy shower of rain lore this morning lightning struck the wlnd- nlll and barn belonging to Jack Everett. rtio shock knocked down several head of lorscs , Bill Everett Was knocked down by , ho shock , but is all right now , Very llttlo damiigo was douo. Second Uny oftlio ICcarnoy Konnlou. KKAIINEY , Nob. , August 18. [ Special Tel egram to Tint BBB.J The second day of the reunion passed away pleasantly for the old soldiers , who spent the greater part of the lay in getting settled and In handshaking. At 10 o'clock th 9 command of the camp was formally turned ovoc to General Whoaton. This was the only oltlclal business of lui * lortanco transpiring during the day. Gen eral Wheaten baa issued the following official ordar ; CAMP JOHN R. BIIOOKB , KKAKNBY. Nob. , August 13 , 1889. To all comrades of the G. A. U. and to all old vet erans of the late war I scud most nearly greeting and assure them , ono and all , that everything will boi d ono to maKe this re union satisfactory to them and a grand suc cess. FRANK WIIKATON , Brevet Major Qonornl , U. S. Army. Upon the Invitation of General S. A. Mor risen , senior vice department commander of the G. A. R. , now in commaud of the de partment of Nebraska , the undersigned hereby assumes command of the camp. The following named officers are announced as the staff of the camp commander. General S. H , Morrison , chief of start : General E. O. Calkins , assistant chief of staff ; Colonel P. A. Gatchell , assistant adjutant general ; Colonel R. G. Grimes , assistant quarter master general ; Colonel I. P. Gage , inspector specter ; Colonel G. W. Martin , assistant inspector specter ; Colonel John Stein , assistant inspector specter ; Colonel Joseph Teolor. assistant inspector specter ; Colonel E. M. Shaw , assistant inspector specter ; Colonels. N.Craig , surgeon ; Colonel L. P. Woodsworth , assistant surgeon ; Colonel George Hull , assistant surgeon ; Colonel J. J. Porter , assistant surceon ; Colonel C. B. Black , assistant surgeon ; Colonel G. L. Humphrey , assistant surgeon ; Captain P. H. Steele , provost marshal ; Cap tain C. C. Spalds , assistant provost marshal and camp inspector ; Captain L. D. Fore hand , assistant provost marshal ; Aides-de- camp , Colonel Brad P. Cobk , Captains L. D. Richards , A. Allen , \V. T. Dodge , Ir.i D. Marston , B. H. Gouldlnir , J. M. TiRdoll , O. M. Murdock , Moses OIBrien , Frank 'P. Hall ; Capiuin E. C. Harper , chaplain. The camp commandant extends a most cordial invitation to , all post de partment officers of the department of Nebraska , G. A. Hi , and other depart ments present to becomoi bis guests and avail themselves of the hospitalities of the head quarters at all times. * This evening the naval cnjiagnmentt on the lake was witnessed by thousands of people who lined the hillsides overlooking the lake. The tents are nearly all occupied with campers , . and it is expected the demand for room will exceed the supply before the week is ended. Programme for to-iuolrow ; : Sunrise , morn ing gun : 9. m. , guard , 'raount ; 10 a. m. , re union of states ; 2 p. m. , review of Sons of Veterans by camp commander ; 8 p. m. , re ception of Wisconsin relief corps , Mary A. Morgan commanding ; 4 p. m. , grand buna contest , open to all amateur bands of the stuto ; first prize 50 , second $30 , third $20 , 83 to enter ; 0 p. m. , camp flre ; 0 p. m. , grand display of fireworks by Lincoln Flambeau club. _ Affairs at Oxford. OXFORD , Nob. , August 13. [ Special to THE BEE. ] This locality , in common with Nebraska in general , is able to report good crops. Small grain of hll kinds , with the exception , possibly , of oats , is much above the average in .yield and quality. Corn is in excellent condition and safe from all possi bility of drouth. Rains have been frequent and abundant. The near approach of the Furnas county republican convention , August SI , causes a lively stir in political circle1 } , Oxford has three candidates , ono each for the ollices of clerk , superintendent 'and sheriff. The can didate for cleric Is unmistakably the popular choice. The erection of u building was commenced yesterday which , as soon as completed , will bo occupied by Oxford's recently appointed postmaster , Representative John M. Leo. who has decided to change the location of the ofllce. Mr. Leo'has just sent his bond to Washington , and will not talco oOlclal charge for several weeks yot. Ho will not enter upon the discharge of his duties under the most favorable circumstances , as his selec tion of a postofllco slto has made him many enemies , and it will require tlmo and strict attention to business to regain their good will. _ Arrnstcd For n Vlrjjlnln , Murder. NEIIUABKA Cm * , Nob,1 , August 13 , [ Sp eclal Telegram to TUB BUB. ] J. H. Mauess , a young man who carao hero some months ago from Virginia to visit , relatives , was to-day arrested by Chief ot Police Abbey on the charge of having klllo'd a man at Estollvlllo , Va. , May 23. Maness acknowledged the kill ing and that ho Is a fugitive from justice , but claimed that the crime was committed in self-defense , as the man had first assaulted him with a knife , when ho shot hl < i assailant and escaped , Maness was in business ut that place , and the ( junrrcl with the man , whose narno Is not given , arose over a game of cards. A few weeks ago ho luarncd that bis wlfo died very suddenly and the dis patches back and for b betrayed his where abouts to the Virginia authorities. This evening ho employed .several lawyers and habeas corpus proceedings were brought be- lore County Judgq Mapoa , * who discharged the man on the ground ofinsufllcloncy in the complaint. Ho will probably leave town be fore another arrest cab beftnado , The Fremont CMUIPMoating. . FIIEMONT , Nob. , August * 13. [ Special to TUB BBE.I The service * ' at the camp grounds to-day have bpea of unusual Inter est. They were openefl at 8 o'clock by blblo reading conducted bjr < I lav. Robinson , of Omaha. After this , at'tl ' Vcloclc , the first session of the first annual conference Sunday- school convention was 'called to order by the president , Judge Fav/coU ? of Omaha. The programme , prepared Jn advance , was strict ly carried out. 'i'ho subjects assigned were ably and interestingly dUcusscd. The con vention will continual all' day to-morrow. Mr. Harry Data , the worker among young people , arrived to-day ana conducted hlb first meeting this evening , after which Evangelists Potter and Miller took the meet ing In hand and created a rattling among the dry bones of the sinners present. Promi nent among the now * arrivals to-day wore Mr. and Mrs. J , O. Philllppi , of Omaha. The attendance keeps up wall along with the general Interest manifested. Accident at' Crcto. CIIETB , Nob. , Augus 18. [ Special to THI BEE. ) A heavy bank of clov caved in al John Lanham's brick yard whllo a number ol men were working below it. Christian Christians , a German , was buried beneatli tlio falling earth and very severely hurt , BO that his Ufa is dcs paired of at this writing. Hit thigh was broken and he received internal injuries. This cane was the result nf one ol the heaviest rain falls which has occurred hero for a number ot years. Sidewalks were washed away and cellars flooded. The Hit Blue river raised two feet within au hour , No material dainago was dona. GETTING READY FOR TRIAL , Longonookor and His Aldos Prepar ing For the Oronln Oaso. THE TWELVE OPINIONLESS MEN. It la Feared That the Task of Getting a Jury of Unbiased Citizens Will no a Tedious mid Difficult Ono. Biirko tlio Central Fluuro. CniOAao , Augu&t 10. [ Special Telegram to Tin : Bnn. ] The state's attorney and those who tire assisting him in the prosecu tion ot the Crontn ease are hard at worlc getting ready for the trial sot for the SOth. Attorney Longoncckor said to-day that the state would bo ready Tor trial on that day , and if thcro was nny delay It would bo be cause the defense demands moro tlmo. Even then the delay would not bo great , as the case would simply go ever to the September calendar. When Iho trial begins several weeks will bo consumed , it is thought , In getting a jury. It is believed by the people about the stnto attorney's ofllco that this work -\vill \ bo as tedious and difficult as It was In the anarchists' caso. The murder created so much excite men t and such Intense inter est that It is thought that it will not bo easy to find twclvo good man who have not framed and expressed decided opinions. The care that will have to bo taken also in summon ing talesmen to avoid men who are secretly in sympathy with the assassins , will make the work still more ditllcult , It is anticipated. The trial Itself will not consume as much tlmo as the prolonged investigation of the coroner's jury and the grand Jury. It will take but a few days to present the evidence for the prosecution , which will bo purely circumstantial , unless ono of the defendants weakens and turns states evidence. Such a thing us that , how ever , Is regarded by the prosecution ns but remotely possible. An outline ot the case against Burke , who will really bo the central figure among the group of defend ants , will show that the state's case is sim ple and will not require much tlmo in its presentation. It will bo shown , first , that Burke rented the cottage. The testimony of the Carlsons Avill bo relied upon to settle that beyond a doubt. Yet It Is believed that ho can bo connected with the rooms at 117 Clark street by Martinson's testimony , which will show that ho hud tbo furnlturo hauled from that number to the cottage. That is the whole case against Burke except the circumstances of his flight and his connection with Cougrhlln nud Bcggs In camp 20. The most vital point in the case Is that of connecting the doctor's murder with the blood-atalncd cottage. Nobody saw Dr. Cro- nln enter there , and nil the ovidcnco which really connects his dead body with the cot tage is the piece of blood-stained cotton batting found in the basement and corresponding spending with the cotton found in the trunk , and also that found In the catch basin. It Is regarded by the state as a strong circum stance , and it is the only thing that really connects the body with tbo trunk , and there fore witn the cottage. ALLi OPENING CL/AMS. Albany , Wis. , People Kccoino Crazy Over the Pearl Find , ALBANY , Wls , , August 13. [ Special Tele gram to THE BEE. ] The discovery of a pearl imbedded in a hard shell clam iicro two months ago by two strangers has trans formed this erstwhile quiet llttlo village of 800 inhabitants into a seeming habitation of maniacs , all intent upon attaining fabulous wealth merely by picking it up from the ground. For the last week all business has been practically suspended to treasure seek ing , und tbo excitement In the surrounding country continues unabated. Pearl fishing is the ono subject hoard on every hand among both ladies and gentlemen on the street and in the village hotel. The latter is the ren dezvous of the most ardent pearl enthusiasts , where the fishers and others gather to dis cuss the latest find and the value of the pearls. As fast as the Hat-bottomed boats that tne fishers for wealth push before - fore them are filled with clams , they are floated to shore , and the tasl ; of splitting the shells to discover the valuable jewels within Is begun. Again and again Is this process repeated , and the fact that in most cases It is without reward does not dampen the hopes of the excited crowd. Failure after failure is endured with hardihood In the hope that eventually a lucky strike will bo mado. The craze Una assumed such a form that it has been almost impossible during the last week to secure men to perform common labor on the streets. The villagers have worked themselves up to such a pitch of ex citement that they bcllovo what would be considered the most absurd conceptions. In fact , most of the stories of the finds that have boon telegraphed abroad so fur are fabrications of enthusiastic minds. It is u fact there have been some high-priced pearls found here , out nothing of the kind spread broadcast Is true. A widow in meager cir cumstunces named Mrs. Schuofor , received (50 for n pearl she picked out of a shell , and invested tbo proceeds In cows. Anothci woman in poor circumstances got $55 for r pearl and bought a gold watch , AN INFEIlNALi MA. CHINK. A Newspaper Alan Receives One , Bui It Doesn't Work. LEXINGTON , Ky. , August 13. [ Special Tel egram to THE BBH. | A dastardly attempt was mada to-day to assassinate D. L. Bax ter , a well-known newspaper correspondent , by the explosion of u deadly machine , which was loft at the Leader office , directed to thut gentlomnn. There was sufficient dynamite in the parcel to have blown up any building In the pity , and It only failed to accoinpllsl Its deadly purpose owing to the percussion matches not Igniting. The parcel was taken to the office by a negro boy whoso personality Mr. Baxter failed to remember. There being no suspicious look to him , ho paid no atten tion to the appearance of the lad. It is be lieved by Homo it was the Intention to not only blow up Mr , Baxter , but the entire Loader ofilcu. The motive for the attempted crime IB unknown. IN CANADA , Brown , the Bsnttrupt , Bolinved tc Have Orotund tlio Bor.ler. BOSTON , August 18. It is generally bo llovcd hero that Gideon P. Brown , of the bankrupt firm of Brown , Stees & Clark , has johied the Canadian colony. His part ners have not heard from him since bo dis appeared lust Thursday night , and nolthei has his wlfo. Counsel for Brown , Stoos & Clark wont to Dodhum and tiled a petition in insolvency. The unpleasant rumors ulloa ! last week of the ro hypothecating of wool by Brown it is believed were well founded. How many such cases there are it Is difficult to tell. The firm's books are being thor ougbly examined to ascertain just what trunuactious have been made und bow thej stand. / Nebraska nnd I own Pensions , IWABHINOTON , August li. ! | Special Tola- gram to TUB BBB. ] Pouslons Issued to No- uraskans : Original la valid Nolls Elllnpson , Joseph Murdock , Henry Jaustin , Jouopl Schneider , Henry Harding , Increase John Hamilton , Francis Gurner. Original wld ows , etc. Minors of William H. Puulus. Pensions granted to lowans : Original in valid Seth W. Gray , James F , Strati ! . In crease Leo M. Soars , Cyrus R. Qulgloy , George MoAulnch. George W. Hurgman George . Krohn , Thomas T. MoWlllmmn , Michael Mayrudur , Perry McNeil , Thomas MclJuth. Reissue John Blowers. NATION All KNOAMPMUNT. Great Preparations Holng fllndo to Attract tlio Veterans. MILWAUKEE , August 13. It Is announced to-Oay that during the coming national en campment of the G , A. R. 1,000 company , buttery , gunboat , regimental , brigade , di vision nnd corps reunions will bo hold. Secret - crot service men , signal corps , engineer corps , telegraph corpn , war correspondents and corps of railroad builders nro to moot. Over eight hundred regiments hava arranged for the reunion. The urlaado of regulars in the fourteenth corpi will have n largo moot ing. A naval battle , which xvlll bo partici pated in by the Michigan and four rovcnuo cutters and fifty other water crafts ot vari ous descriptions , besides thirty pieces of cannon and mortars , the National guard and and Sons of Veterans , will bo the chief at traction. The display can bo soon from six miles of the lake front. Secretary Harvey Reid has caused the fol lowing to bo printed : "Comrades of tbo Blue Star division of the Twentieth urmy corps will tnko notice that their reunion In Milwaukee during encampment week will bo in the United Stales oourt room in the gov ernment building. This Is a very doslrnblo and central locution ; a very pleasant room n the third story of the magnificent national edifice , accessible by elevator nnd broad stairway. It is nicot and fit ting that the material from which the people of the United States chose their president should bo quartered in Uncle Sam's own building. Our principal reunion day will bo Thursday , August 29 , all day. Lot all who were at any tlmo members of tbo Twenty-second and Twenty-sixth Wisconsin , Seventieth , Thlrt.v-third nnd Eighty-fifth In diana , Nineteenth Michigan , Ono Hundred nnd Second , One Hundred Fifth and Ono Hundred nnd Twenty-ninth Illllnots , Fifty- fifth , Seventy-third and Seventy-ninth Ohio , Ono Hundred and Thirty-sixth Now York , Thirty-third Massachusetts and Twentieth Connecticut , sew n blue star on hat or breast and como. It will do you good. " IT WAS NO MOCK MAltlUAGE. A Poor'Bnrtondor Secures a Wealthy WITo nt Amateur Theatricals. NEW YOHK , August in. ( Special Tola- gram to Tun BBK. ] A dramatic episode In real life took pliico on the stage of the Academy of Muslo nt Newark , N. J. , Sunday night. The participants In this drama were Lena Klocmnullcr and Albert Morris. Al bert was deeply In love with lovely Lena , but Lena's father and mother opposed tlio match. The Klcontnullors are very wealthy. Morris is a bartender. The young folks be came engaged sect-oily some time ngo , and when the old man learned of it ho tried to buy Morris off , but the young man would not sell. Then the old man threatened blood , but Albert smiled. The dcnoumcnt took place on Sunday evening. Albert Mor ris was a member of the Schiller litorur.v society , an organization composed mainly of German-Americans. A performance was given in the Academy ot Muslo for the benefit of tbo kindergarten. In one part ot the play there is a marriage ceremony in which the bride is heavily veiled and in black. All she has to do In that sccno is to bo led on the stage , go through the ceremony , und make her nxit. Albert Morris took into his confidence Wal ter A. Mitchell , n justice of the peace. The latter consented to take the part of a clergy man In the play nnd go through a bonafido marriaga ceremony. At the proper moment Lena was led on the stage , covered with u heavy black crcpo veil. She went through the performance la the presence of a thou sand people without fiinuhiug. Nobody , on the stage suspected the true condition of affairs until after the ceremony , when the justice who performed the ceremony told of it as a peed Joke. The couple disappeared leaving u letter behind saving they intended to keep the matter a secret for u year , but were determined to bravo the matter und would return in a few weoits' time , when' they hoped to bo forgiven. Nebraska nnd Iowa Patents. WASHINGTON , August 13. [ Special Tele gram to THE Bee. ] Patents issued to Ne braska Inventors : Joseph N. Kcllman , Blair , Neb. , horse collar fastening. Iowa inventions : John Clare , Imogono , cultivator ; William E. Ellis , Marlon , button machine- Marshal E. Hunt , assignor of one- half to H. P. Goodwin , Duvonport , harrow ; Patrick W. Hynes , Cedar Rapids , car ro- plucor : Miles McMullcn , Mliford , anchor for portable hay press ; Grunt C. Miller , Mt. Vernon , la. , grass cutting at tachment for lawn mowers ; Stephen W. Rathbouo , Marlon. la. , printers' stand ; Sher man C. Seaman , Vinton , la. , crate ; Jessie Stubbs. Mt. Pleasant , assignor to C. E. Stubbs , Fuirflold , la. , burning clay for ballast ; Stephen C. Wllcox , Dubuque , la. , assignor of one-half to A. N. Richards , but ton on badge. A Knot In Their Twlno Scheme. ST. PAUL , August 13. As a pousiblo solu tion of the problem ot utilizing convict labor to the best advantage , the lust legislature appointed a committee to Investigate as to the practicability of introducing the manu facture of binding twine into the Stlllwator prison. If this could bo successfully accom plished all the twin i ) required by the agri cultural interests in the state could bo sup plied al moderate cost , and thus emancipate the farmers from the clutches of twine com binations and trusts. The committee lias re ported adversely to the proposal. The rea sons on which the report Is founded nro that the cost of the plants and material for ono year sufficient to keep seventy-five men em ployed would amount to ยง 1,245,000. It is pointed out that the cost of binding twine to the manufacturers is 11 to 15 cents per pound , of which not more than S to 3 cents Is for labor and power , the balance being consumed by the cost of material. Killed an Olllocr. GiiANi > RAI-IDS , Mich. , August 18. War rants were issued yesterday for the urrest of Amel Goch , who owns u farm in Bo wno township , and also his hired man named Charles Bralloy , for stealing twenty-fivo bushels of wheat from a neighboring farmer. Last evening Deputy Sheriff Sinclair and his brother , D. A. Sinclair , went to the farm to urrest Goch. As they drove up to the house a shot was fired from the door on the Inside , and D. A. Sinclair foil morally wounded nnd ufterwards died. The deputy sheriff returned the ilrt\ killing the hired man. Goch skipped and has not been cap tured. _ _ Haltlmoro FnvorN Washington. BAi.TiMOitn , August 13. At a Joint meet ing of the various commercial exchanges and citizens of Baltimore hold to-day ut the city hall , and presided ever by the governor of the stuto , resolutions were unanlino sly adopted declaring In favor of Washington City as the place to hold the World's ' fair commemorating tbo 400th anniversary of tlio discovery of America. Wlclo Awake Chicago. SruiNcriian , 111. , August 13. The secre tary of state to-day licensed the "World's Fair of 18Q2" at Chicago for the holding of an International exhibition or world's fair In the city of Chicago to com mo mo rate en its 400th anniversary the discovery of America. T ho capital stock Is (5,000,000 , and the incor- porutors nro ; Dcwitt C , Croigor. Fcrd W. Pock. Gcorgo Schneider , Anthony Saober- nor , William O. Selpp , John R. Walsh and E. Nelson Blake. A NotoiJ Hur on Dead. NKW YOIIK , August 13. Dr. Alexander Brown Molt , ono of the most noted Ameri can surgeons , dlod at his country seat , near Yonkers , yesterday morning , of pneumonia , after un Illness of two days. Death nt-Dr , Onlicll. RICHMOND , VB-I Autrust 18. Dr , James L , Cuboll , senior member of the faculty of the University of Virginia , died at Everton this morning. BROWER WORKED HIS BLUFF , Three Prooklonttcvl PoatofJlooa Settled - tlod His Sp oakorsblp Boo. " > THE OLD DOMINION RED HOT * Each True flour lion Keeping Ono Eye on the Spoils and tlvo Other on Mnlionc Tlio Hollo- vuo Counterfeiters. WASHINGTON Buuiuu , Tnn OMAHA BBB , 1 018 FouiiTEBNTii SniRier. V WASHINGTON , D. C. , Auciut 13. J It is said that Representative Browcr , ot North Carolina , has got all ho expected out ot his ' 'Dluft" on the speakorship of the next house and will not bo heard front at all when congress meets. His proclamation that ho would bo a candidate for speaker gave a lit * tlo fright , on account of the very small re publican majority and the consequent dun * ors of having any "kickers" In the party. Since then ho has got three presidential postmasters in hit state , ono at Greensboro , ono at Winston and ono at Roodsvillo. At Winston ho has otTondod the republican , paper bv getting the appointment of a man who docs not llvo in the town. A DEMocuvria NimmiviiK , The uamo of Mahono Is a nightmare to thd democrats who to-morrow meet in conven tion at Richmond to nominate a successor to Governor Fitzhugh Leo. Their crv is "any thing to beat the llttlo wizard. " But they are having heaps of trouble to choose n can * didato wno will undertake the job. To-night there are no loss than six candidates in tha field , with Captain P.V. . McKlnnoy and Colonel Richard T , Beircno running n nip- anil-tuck race for first place. The other can didates are Colonel C. F. O'Farrell , John. Harris , S.V. . Vonablo and J. Page Tyler who is the choice of the Farmers' alliance. McKitmey's friends figui-o out 000 votes for him on the first ballot. Helrcno's supporters claim 400 , whllo O'Fan-ell says ho Is sure of 478. This leaves ut JiU to bo divided among the thrco other aspirants. The adherents of Cnptiun Vetmblo. who has the cordial support of Senator Harbour , insist that thcro will bo a tiemcmlous light between McKiuncy , Uiereno and O'Furioll , and that u compromise will bo made on Boss Barbour's favorite. That there will bo n red hot battle ever the adoption of any provision indorsing the free trade ideas of Cleveland , Mills and Carlisle seems surely imminent. The delegates who loft hero for the seat of war this afternoon declared that the protection sentiment was so strong In the Old Dominion that it would prove fatal to bourbon success should the principles laid down at St. Louis in 1834 bo rcatUrmcd. A straddle which the bourbons hope will bo acceptable to protectionists and free traders alike is anticipated. The Ola Dominion republicans are so thor oughly re-united that should General Ma- hone consent to accept , his nomination by acclamation scorns a foregone conclusion. In case the general declines to run. Colonol. William Lamb , of Norfolk , it is bollovcd will be the candidate to redeem the Old Do minion from a demoralizing result. JOHN 1I110\YN'8 SOAPl'OLD. General James B. Colt , of this city , who- reccntly purchased tbo timber which formed the scaffolding upon which John Brown was hanged , says thjit ho Intends to hava tho. . structure restored and to exhibit It through the country. Tbo scaffold was erected In. 1839 by David H. Cockoreil. Brown was hanged upon it on December- of that year , and on the Kith of the same month , Coppae , Gvcen , Copeland and another followed. It. then taken down and again erected Ih March of the year following , when Haz letto und Stevens wore hanged upon the gib bet. It was subsequently presented to- Cockerel ! by Judge B. B. Davenport , of the Jefferson county , court. Subsequently It was made into the porch of a house and remained tncro until 1883 , when the owner thought it might have a value as & . relic , and it was tnlicn down and stored In the second story of the juil. General Colt happened to bo in Charleston and learned of the existence of the timber. Ho owns Boli var heights , which overlook the sccno of Brown's exploits , und ho conceived tha idea of erecting n monument to Brown on the summit of those heights. Ho decided there fore to get possession of the scaffold und put it in the bauds of some ono who would prop erly exhibit. It through the country. His idea Is to use all the funds obtained from the exhibition , after paying the expenses , for th o purpose of ercotlni. the proposed statue , and as Harper's ' Ferry bus already become a place Of popular resort , it is probable that the enterprise will meet with very general approval. The scaffold was shipped on Sat urday last to Washington , and is expected hero to-morrow. ' OOT I'OSTBD T IlllOUOII THE DEI ! . The attention of Chief Boll , of the secret- service division of the treasury department , was called to-day to the report in Saturday's. Bun in relation to the "shoving of tho- queer" at the canteen at Bcllevuo. Mr. Bell said that not a word had been hoard by thc department about the matter , and ut first ho was inclined to think that the whole story was fishy , but he admitted that a lively newspaper like TUB Hii : : frequently gets the news about such affairs long before it reaches the department "olllcially. " Mr. Bell said that Omaha is In the Jurisdiction of the agent of the department stationed at DCS Molnes , who would not bo permitted to- InvcHtlgato the reported unloading of coun terfeit coin without first notifying the de partment , us special agents are permitted to- travel only within fifty miles of their head quarters without special orders. Ho directed that u telegram ho sent at once to Agent- Stcdinan at Dos Mollies authorizing him to investigate the matter , and directing him to report to the department immediately. No report has been rocdlved by the war depart ment from cither Major Henry or MaJ or Buckbani ubout the utYuIr up to the present time. AIIMY oniiits. ) Lieutenant Colonel Anthony Ilegor , sur geon , and Captains John O , Skinner und Joseph B. Merrill , assistant surgeons , have been appointed u board to examine candi dates for admission to West Point. They will meet at the academy August 25. Six months leave of absence , with par- mission to leave the division of tha Pacific , has hct-n granted Captain John B , Kerr , Sixth cavalry , Leave for ono month has been grunted Second Lieutenant Godfrey H. MacDonald. Sixth cavalry , and for two months to Second Lieutenant VYillluni D. McAnalcy , Ninth cavalry. Captain John W. Summorhogog , assistant quartermaster , Is ordered to report at Santa Fo August 20 as disbursing quartermaster and for the settlement of railroad and tele graph accounts. NCW NI21IUA8KA 1'ObTMlBTEIIS , Cedar Creek , Cuss county , George B. Snjr- lor ; Vcrdon , Richardson county , R. li. Bowman. MIBCEM.ANP.OfS. Mr. T. W. Blackburn , munaging editor ot the Los Angeles Tribune , bus been appointed to an ? lbOO position. His services will bo re quired in the educational division in tha ofllco of General Morgan , commissioner of Indian affairs. Mr , Bluckburn Is a Ncbrus- lum , ho having spent the greater part of his life thcro In newspaper work. Ho ut ono tlmo hold a very responsible position In tha literary or advertising department ofth Union Pucltlo railway , The comptroller of currency has approved the following selections of national banks uii reserve agents : Hanover National bank , of Now York , for the First National bauk of Alnsworth , Neb. : Metropolitan National bank , of Chicago , for the Qulnan National bank , of Hastings , Nob. : United Btutei Na tional bank , of Omaha , for the First National bank of Kearney , Neb. ; First Notional bunk , of Kansas City , and the Schuster-Hnx Na tional bank , of St. Joseph , for tbo Former * ' National bunk of Pawnee City , Neb. The comptioller of the currency has au thorised the organization of the First Na * bank of Ainsworth , Nob. , capital # ) tiyo , F , B. Tiffany , president } It. S. Al- ti I- - lor.