Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 13, 1889, Page 8, Image 8

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Revenue colloctlons yesterday 85-
Etta Ilownrd , who rnn away from her
homo in Omahn , .has been located at
Grand Island ,
Andrew Bach can got hla bank boolt
nt the police station. It was found on
the street by 11 policeman.
Only ono marriage Hconso was issued
yesterday. John S. Hnrtand Cclia M.
Marshall , both of Charter Ooak , la. ,
wore the contracting parties.
The committee on supplies for the
hoard of education opened bids ycstor
day afternoon for furnishing supplies
of all kinds ser the ensuing year.
named Cos-
A twelve-year-old boy
provo , living at Eighteenth and Nich
olas streets , took a "header" from n
bicycle yesterday morning and broke
his arm.
Burglars secured a gold watch valued
nt $50 and $30 In cash from W. E. Pcr-
Icct'H residence , 01U North Thirteenth
Btrcot. Spraguo's saloon at 1610 Dodge
wan also visited and robbed of $3.
Ernst Sohultz , of 13rokon Bow , was
brought iu by a deputy United States
marshal yesterday for selling tobacco
without n license. lie bought tobacco
and retailed it to his farmer friends.
J. T. Gwnthmoy , director of the Y.
M. C. A. gymnasium , has resigned. A
Y , M. C. A. bible cliiss Is is session at
Neosho , Minn. , and G. P. Seward has
boon sent there to secure another di
The letter carriers of this city took
their wives and families acrobs the
river to Fairmount park Sunday , on a
picnic. There wore about sixty in at
tendance. They amused themselves by
running , jumping and havinga general
good time.
A literary entertainment and ball
will bo given at Goodrich hall , on
Saundcrs street , to-night , by Goodrich
lodge , I. O. O. F. , for the boncllt ot the
hall association. The programme con
sists of vocal and Instrumental music
and recitations , to bo followed by a sup
per and ball.
J'orsonul J.'nrucrapti1' .
Dr. Itoynton loft the city yesterday.
P. W. Eubauk is nt the Pnxton from Sid-
W. O. Miller , of Glonwood , Colo. , is at the
Mr. W. E. Annin leaves for Fort Robinson
this morning.
J. W. Trammcll , of Lincoln , was at the
Paxton last evening.
The Minneapolis ball tossers have signed
for n brief engagement with the Millard.
Henry Grosshatts and L. D. Fowler , both
of Sutton , were at the Murray yesterday.
Congressman Q. W. E. Dorscy was in the
city last evening , a guest of the Murr.iy.
Tobo Hert , a special agent of the interior
department at Washington , is at the Mur
Lincoln men nt the Millard ycstorday were
John M. Coolre , T. M. Hclwig nnu W. II.
J. S. Crans nnd C. U. IIlRlnhotham , of
Hastlncs , were business visitors In the city
A party of Plattsmouth people , whoEwere
in the city shopping ycstorday , woio .1. P.
Young. Mr. and Mrs. Wulkur and daughter ,
nnd Miss Minor.
J. Toensfoldt , principal of the Educational
Instituto. St. Louis. Mo. , has lieen in the
city for the past two days , and leaves this
evening for a short visit to all tlio principal
cities on the road between Omaha and his
liotno. There are several young gentlemen ,
eons of loading German citizens of Omalm ,
In nttoridiinco upon the institute , and next
year the number , it is expected , will bo muun
Iinat n
Theodore Hanson , nn employe of the
Omaha Newspaper Union , last a tineer in
the machinery yesterday. Ho was ad
justing n part of n press and was accident
ally caught In a cog-wheel.
A Colored llrauty'fl S'ifoty.
Georgia Wohstor , a colored boiuty , has
caused a warrant to bo Issued for the arrest
of Uio divorced wife of Frank Bellamy.
GeoPglo alleges that Mrs. .Bellamy threat
ened to shoot her.
Unrequited Labor.
Dean Gardner , of Trinity cathedral , offici
ated in a Mlllurd hotel marriage at noon , the
contracting parties bolng Mr. J. S. Hart nnd
Miss Celia Marshal , of Charter Oak , la. C.
C. Hulott and A. E. Marriott were best men ,
but neither got an opportunity to kiss the
pretty bride.
Duff Green Wants nn Investigation.
Attorney N. J. Hurnham states that ho has
boon retained to defend Duff Green In the
the investigation which will probably bo
made of the charges against him. Green
will , nt the next meeting of the flro and
, police commission , nsk for an investigation
of his alleged ofllcml misconduct.
Tlio Ansu iiro Suns.
William Coburn , as assleneoof the Bank
of , commenced suit in the district
court against the Omaha Mortgage-Loan
company for$315.70 ; John W.Paul , $500 : A.
R. Sour , | 500 : George II. Stewart , ? 5r,0.48 ,
with interest on $40J ; William J. Paul , $500 ;
Stuben & Wulf , $500 ; Cora II. Slomun ,
$3.001.13 ; S. Kline , JSOO ; A. Bernstein et al ,
$ U75 , and James A. Brown , fa,7aJ.G2.
American National OponH.
The American National banic , which suc
ceeds to the business of McCnguo Brothers ,
opened for business yesterday. It has n capital
of $200,000 and the following directors ; John
L. McCnguo , Alexander G. Cluirlton , A It.
Dufrono , E. M. Morseman , W. , S. Popploton
and H. S. Hall. The o 111 cars nro .lolui L.
McCaguc , president ; A. K. Dufreno , vice
president : Thomas L. McCaguo , cashier , and
E. C. Brownlee , rsblstant cashlur.
A RlinilNovoliHt.
"Tho Lost Receipt , " "All that Glitters Is
XMOt Gold" and other works uro being sold In
the city by the authoress , Mary J. Salter
At the ago of twenty-two the gifted writer
lost nor sight , nnd thoio interesting stories
nnd their valuable lessens are tlio patient
work of years of perpetual darkness. They
nro written in a clear , slmplo ana readable
etylo , nnd iu their typographical uppoaranco
leave notlilmr to bo desired. The writer Is
now engaged iu the preparation of a lurpor
nnd more expensive work , which , whim
completed , will make a book of some three
.imulred pages , untitled 'Tho Day Before
the Battle ; or , True to the Charge , "
STIIjIj IN 'I'll 10 COLD.
Collector I'ntcrs' 1'rosnootlvo Assist
ant Meet Witli IMhiippimtinunt.
It was announced some tlmo nip that a
number of aspirants for ttio position of store
Itoopors uud gangers under Collector Peters
had been appointed. Thu announcement ,
however , was premature. They will not
take their places until the 1st of November ,
even Jf they take it ut that tlmo.
The parties in question were Messrs. Dan
Hurley , Stephen Uiodcrlck , B. Higby , M.
P. Singleton , A , J , Edwards ana another
party from Lancaster county. Thcso hud
inado application to Collector Peters who
had looked upon the same fn a favor
able wanner , and forwarded tha names
Jo the commissioner of internal revenue at
\VaSl-'tou : ! , They were returned , how
ever , with the uo't ! ! ! " tioij that the applica
tion should have been made t3 'ho secretary
of the iuterlor and endorsed by the col
Accordingly.tbo applicants have filed their
applications with the bccretary. but thus far
have heard nothing from that olllclul regardIng -
Ing their fato. They are , of couroondorsed
by Mr. Peters , nnu it Is qulto llkoly that by
the 1st of November the appointments will
bo made.
to- Cushmau's Menthol inhaler euros cntarh ,
headache , neuralgia , asthma , hay lever.
Trial frco ut your druggist , i'rlce 50 cents.
DP. Iloynton , Onrnolil'fl
Unites \Vlth the Clirlfitlnn Chnroli.
Dr. IJoynton , ono of the physlclnns who
ottcntlcil President Onrflold during Ins last
illness , wns baptised in the Christian church
Snndny nlfiht by the pastorHov. A. Mnrtln ,
Dr , Bo.vnton lives nt Cleveland , O. , nnd Is
traveling through the west for his health.
Ho Is fiulto 111 , nnd his nppoarnnco yesterday
strongly Indicated that fuel.
Ho wn seen by a reporter yesterday
anil , whllo loath to say Anything ot hlmsolf
which mlslit got Into print , assorted that his
health was Very bad , and that for sonio
tlmo ho had traveled , hoping to ro-
Ruln his wonted physical condition ,
Lately ho had been some whnt depressed , and ,
having always cherished a dnslro to become
united with the Christian church , concluded
that Sunday night woo the accented tlmo and
accordingly sent for the Hov. Martin to
baptisu him.
Dr. IJoynton Is a man of nvorngo height
with n sandy complexion , wears Inirnsldos
anil Is rather clerical looking. Ho manner Is
rutlicr reserved at flnt , but ho gradually unbends -
bonds himself nsthoconvorsntlon progresses.
Ho left lust evening for his homo In Cleve
Abstracts of title to Wyoming oil
hinds furnished. Assessment work Uono
nnd vorltlcd to by ullldnvlt and cortl-
llcnto of recorder. Claims located. J.
J. Corbott , Casper , Wyoming.
G. A. It. Men AdvUud to Attntul tlio
Mlliviuikcrj nncninpnicnt.
General S. Il , Morrison , senior vice do-
pnrlmcnt commander , G. A. H. , command-
lug the department of Nebraska , in n circu
lar order to the members of ths Department ,
announces ttio fact that owing to the severe
Illness ot Department Commander J. 13 ,
Davis , ho has boon compelled to assume com
mand , at the request of his senior.
Ho states further that ho has Just re
turned from Milwaukee , where ho ha dun
opportunity to Interview the encampment
committee. Ho found that every effort was
being put forth to mnko the ctic.imnment u
success , but In regard to the m attar of rail
road rates , ho can not but endorse the opin
ion of the commander of the department ,
who says that while the action of the rail
roads in refusing n 1 cent rate is nrbitrarv
nnd unjust , and while all must condemn this
iictlon upon their part , the mmnbors of the
G. A. II. should hesitiUo bufore taking a
step that would Injure their friends more
than their enemies.
In conclusion General Morrison says :
"i'ho views of the Commander-in-chief
meet my hearty endorsement , nnd I , ns an
old Wisconsin veteran , to the com
rades of Nebraska to accent tlio situation ,
ati'l nil work to thu oud that our derailment
of Nebraska may tnlce bur proper rank In
the forthcoming national encampment ut
"I endorse the action of Commander Davis
in his selection of the Union I'uciflo ana Chicago
cage , Milwaukee & St. 1'nul railroads for
thu oillclal route for the oftlcers , delegates
and comrades and their friends. I will bo in
command of said train , which will Icavo
Omalm August l , at 7:30 : p. m. I have
visited Chicago and Milwaukee ever this
route , and can assure my comrades and all
friends of the G. A. U. , the W. H. C. and the
S. of V. , that they will llnd the equipment
fullj adeimnto to handle all who may go.
The conductors , porters and train men will
make it n point to look after your every
want , and the traveling passenger agent of
thcso lines will accompany the train and see
that none will have the slightest reason for
complaint. "
There will be n meeting of the council of
administration held at ICoarnoy on Monday ,
August 13 , ut 7ao : p. m. , ut ttio Midway
Nebraska C. A. 11. Men \VI11 Oo.
The action of the many department com
manders of the Grand Army of thu Republic
in advising members uot to attend the na
tional encampment nt Milwaukee , because
of the refusal ol the railroads to grant a rate
of ono cent per milo is not generally Indorsed
by the members of the order in Nebraska ,
nnd it is very probable , that this state will
send a largo contingent. Chairmen Abbott
and Hl.uieliard of the Central and Western
tralllu associations recently issued a circular
letter in which they fully explained the
reasons for not granting a ono cent rate , and
this letter being couched in a style
which tendeu to impress the
G. A. K. with a feeling that
the roads were honest in their action , has
evidently made a favorable impression.
Chairman Blunclmrd sots up that the roads
in making a ono cent faro would absolutely
lose money in transporting the men , while
with the rate of ono furo and a third for the
round trip they would como out just about
oven. The rate ot ono cent per milo , too ,
would work a hardship on mcmucrs from
the seaboard towns and cities , Inasmuch as
the faro would bo moro than the regular
rate. Under the faro and one-tbira rule the
New York man would get to Milwaukee
$1.00 less than if ho paid ono cent per mile ,
while other dihtmit points would pay inoro
according tc the distance.
The Nebraska G. A. U. , recognizing the
force of the arguments advanced , have issued
the following letter :
To the Comrades of the G. A. U. In Ne
braska : It is unfortunate that any compli
cations should have occurred to cast a cloud
upon our uatlonal reunion at Milwaukee.
But we say , "Lot us all go. " Let us not
lose ono of the few last opportunities wo
may have of getting together , meeting our
old comrades , talking over the old days , and
drinking again from the same canteen. Let
us all go , and let us march together again
under the old banner , and show that nothing
can sever the old tics of comradeship. Wo
will go by the Union Pacific and B. iS ; M. to
Omaha , and thence by the Chicago , Burling
ton & Qulnoy special train , which lines have
always contributed so liberally to make our
reunions n great success.
Come , boys , join the crowd , and let us
have one more glorious reunion.
This address is signed by Governor John
M. Tlmyor , W. C. Henry. II. E. Palmer , S.
J. Alexander , H , C. Uiissoll , T. S. Clurkson ,
B. i ? . fiuiith , A. V. Cole , A. H. Bo won , E. C.
The Burlington has made a concession to
the C ) . A. H. and will soil tickets nt half
rates from all stations In Nebraska , Kansas ,
Colorado mid Wyoming , good until Septem
ber 10 , with nrivili'go of extension to Sep
tember 30. The special tram will Icavo at 7
p. m . August ! ? 0 , ut which tlmo nil other
trains from points on the branch lines will
have arrived. The dcpaitmontsof Colorado
nnd Nebraska have uhcudy selected the "Q"
us the oulclul routo.
Now curpots.
Now drnporitis.
Every department comnloto.
Novelties for the fall.
Clmrlos Shivorlck & Co. , Omuha ,
Mntli IVnril Uopnhllcans.
Thn republican ! ) of the Ninth ward have
begun to make arrangements for the cam
paign. W. I. Klorstcad ha Just concluded
the circulating of a petition on which ho ob
tained $100. This will bo applied to the ex
penses of the contest , n hall already having
been rented nt 2912 Farnnm ntreot , In which
ttio club meetings will bo hold.
The organization will make n grand display
in the Merchants' wock parade.
JI ors ford's Aoht t'liosphnto
Makes Delicious Lcmonndo.
A toasnoonful added to n trlnss of hot or
cold water , nnd sweetened to the Insto , will
bo found refreshing and Invigorating.
The Sncrod Heart academy , fof day
pupils , situated on St. Mary's avenue
nnd Twenty-seven th streets , is nn Insti
tution devoted to the moral nnd intel
lectual education of young glrla. The
course includes everything from u pre
paratory department to a finished
classical education. Besides the ordi
nary academical course , music , paint
ing , drawing and the languages are
taught. French is Included , m the or
dinary course.
Difference of religion is no obstacle
to the receiving of pupils , provided
they conform to the general regulation
of the school. The scholastic term be
gins the first Tuesday of September.
Classes commence at U a. m. , and are
dismissed nt ! ) :80 : p. m. , an hour for
recreation bolng allowed at noon.
Dee New * Btaniln.
The morning , evening nnd Sunday BRB
can bo found regularly at the fo'lowlng '
places :
Paxton Hotel News Stand.
Mlllurd Ilotol News Stand.
Murray Hotel News Stand.
Arcade Hotel News Stand.
Metropolitan Hotel News Stand.
Windsor Hotel News Stand. '
Canileld House News Stand.
Cozzens Hotel News Stand.
Barker Hotel News Stand.
Joplln & Co. , SOS North Sixteenth.
Dick Castcllo , 500 North Sixteenth.
J. Ulch , 1109 North Sixteenth. ,
Christ Wilrodt , 814 North Sixteenth.
J. H. Read , 10JO North Twenty-fourth.
A. K. Jnnscti , 1115 North Twenty-fourth.
Uubin Bros. , 514 South Tenth.
Frank Ivolblo , 818 South Tenth.
G. W. Shunnahan , 1)03 ) South Thirteenth ,
P. N. Mellhede , 518 South Thirteenth.
J. I. Fruehauf , 414 South Fifteenth. '
E. Wyman , 111) ) South Fifteenth.
John Lomly , I'-.IO South Sixteenth ,
C. A. Crostn , 50 $ South Sixteenth.
J. A. Dodge , 1010 South Twentieth.
J. S. Caulfleld , l 0l Fnriiam.
A. Anderson , 'J2IU Cutuiug.
S. E. Hanson , 2423 Cumlng.
W. H. Picnrd , 17:2:1 : : St. Mary's avenue.
J. W. Martin , 11W9 Park avenue.
S. M. Martiuovitch , 'JUS South Thirteenth.
F. F. Chandler , corner Lcavcnworth
nnd South Twenty-ninth.
S. S. Lunyon , litOfi F.mmm.
C. S. Torbett , iJtl'J ' Furnatn.
Goo. Cooper , Merctints' Banic building.
H. Hubcruian , Granite block.
Clyde Hatokin , Kamgc Block ,
J. S. Stott , Postonico.
G. Ueuther , at newsstand and on streot.
Patrons of Tun Ben will notice the nbovo
now ugenclcs at drug stores and elevators ,
which have been placed for the further ac-
couimodotlon und convenience of Bus
Persons who fail to procure Tun Hen
when wanted , will confer favor by reporting
facts to the Bcis ofllco.
Whisky fi > rTjxa j.
Notice was received at Union Pacific head
quarters that the Louisville , St. Louis and
Texas road hud closed n contract for the
transportation to various points in Texas of
40,000 barrels of whisky from Louisville.
It will require 700 cars to transport this
liquor. An enterprising clerk figured out
the statement tlmt this consignment would re
quire eighteen trains to carry it lo Texas
and that on the ratio of eight drinks to each
pint of liquor , which is Texas' regulation
dram , there will be , inside the next two
weeks , 107,530,000 drinks in the Lone Star
state , which at 15 cents per drink will
amount to $10,128,000.
Increasing Rollins Stock.
Within the past live months the Union
Pacific road has added to its equipment over
4,000 cars and is contemplating the purchase
of still inoro. The regular avoraeo of good
roads is live cars per milo. Last year , that
of the Union Pacille was two and a half , but
at present tha average is three and one-half.
A prominent ofllclal said that had the road
owned or controlled more cars last year , the
business of transporting corn alone would
hove been nt least 10 per cent greater. Pres
ent indications are that the corn crop this
year bo immense and better facilities for
handling will bo provided.
Union PnclUc
Mortgages on the rolling stock of the
Union Pacific roiv ] , exceeding in the
aggregate $000,000 , were filed with the
county clerk yesterday afternoon. The
Instruments were issued to the America n
Loan and Trust Company of Now York ,
which became surety to the manufacturers
for thn rolling-stock bought by the Union
Pacific. The Peninsular Car company of
Detroit , Michigan , furnished $311,000 , worth
of the stock ; the Michigan Car company ,
also of Detroit , $111,000 ; Now York Loco
motive works , $30,000 ; Wells und French
company , Chicago , $1,000 ; Rhode Island
Locomotive works , Providence , $95,000 ; St.
Charles Cur company , Kansas City , $03,000.
Railroad Notes.
The Trans-Missouri , Transcontinental nnd
Inter-State railway associations , meet
at Chicago to-day. General Manager
Holdrodco , of the B. & M. , loft this morning
to attend the latter.
II. H. Hurnish. chcckman In the Union
Pacific passenger depot , is in Chicago.
L. I. Martin , car accountant for the Cin
cinnati , Jackson & Mackinaw road , was n
visitor at Union Pacific headquarters yester
Assistant General Freight Agent Cassldy ,
of the Elkliorn , has returned from the west.
II. B. Kooser , traveling froieht agent of
the Missouri Pacillo railroad , with no. d-
tiuurters at Omaha , has loft for a two weeks' '
vacation. Ho will visit IMttsbure and Som-
crest , PH. , where his parents reside , and
take u look ut the scone of thu Conemuugh
Hood. _
An Absolutn Ouro.
is only put up In largo two-ounce tin boxes ,
and is an absolute euro for old sores , burns ,
wounds , chapped hands , and all skin orup.
tlons. Will positively cure all kinds of piles-
MENT. Sold by Goodman Drug company ut
25 cents per box by mail BO cents.
For Rilloui and Nervous Disorders , such ac Wind and Pain In tiie Stomach , ! .L. Headache , Glddlnest , Fu !
neit , and Swelling alter Meals , Dlitingsi and Drowsiness , Cold Chilli , Fluthlngs ol Heal , i.c : : n > Appetite.
Sliortnes * of Breath.Cottlveness , Scurvy , ftlotcliet on the Skin. Disturbed Sleep , Frlghllul Dreamt , anu' ; ! }
Nervous and Tremblmo Seniatlont , &c. THE FIRST DOSE WILL GIVE RELIEF IN TWENTY MINUTES.
JhU U no fiction. Every eurtorcr U earnestly luvltod to try cue Vox. ol thuio I'llls , und thuy will bo
ccknowledgod to bo a H'ontlcrfttl MitUi-lnr.
UKKOlIAlI'd IULL3 , taken as directed , will quickly restore fvmaln to complete health. Fora
they ACT L"S ! UACIC ' / ' ' " ' ' ' " " * will work \fondora upon the Vital Organs ; Strengthening the
muscular Sistem t rtCt"r'us ' lone-loat Compleilon : lirln lnc back the keen edge ol appetite , art
rroualiiB with the ROSEDUU C ? HEALTH the irliole t > hy ieal ciirryj/ot the human franio. Tlicsa
nro "facta" admitted Uy Ihouuinda. ! 2 ull clastosot society : ana oiioof the bent guarantees to tlio
MEDICINE IN THE WORLD. Full directions with oaCS Poi.
I'repnrcd only by THOH. niil'.CHAM. fit. IfeTr E. Ijnicnulilro , England.
/oM { l > u Uruwlit * vmcraUii. B. F. ALLEN & CO. , 366 and 387 Cans ! * L , New folk , Bolo Asenta for
thoUiiltoJ Bttttes , u7io ( K j/'iiir Urugt'l" ! docs uot keep them. )
The Votornn * Vlio Will Attontl tlio
1'rcnontr IbnoAtuiMiionf.
The ( lopiirtmcntnencampmont of the Q. A.
R. in Ncbrftskn.ooiamcnccd yesterday In Kear
ney. H will conituuo throughout the week.
It la expected tbafcilt wilt bo ono ot the most
successful meetings of old soldiers which has
ever been hold In ihc state.
Omnhn , however , has rarely sent bodies of
soldiers to thosavgnthorings. It is not con
sidered llkoly thra.aho will depart from her
practice In this in&tnnco. Of course a num
ber of veterans vwho always attend thcso
gatherings will bd nresont , but the number
scarcely compare favorably with the number
of veterans in this city. Major Clnrkson
estimates that Oranha will send 100
men to the camp , but they will go ns Indi
viduals , The faro for the round trip Is fu.W.
Pours' la the purest nnd boat soap
ever made.
Knilwny on Tnlrty-Thlrd Stroot.
Ml persona residing In Lowe's addition
nnd the locality surrounding , who feel an In
terest in the matter nro requested to meet at
the grocery store of Nathan Stevens , cotno
Thirty-third and I'aruor streets on Wednes
day ovonlng next at 8 o'clock , to discuss
ways nndmcans of procuring nn early con.
structlon of a line of street railway on Thir
ty-third street from Cuinmg north to Lake.
This powder never varies. A marvel of pure.
ty , btrciictli and wholenomonoss. Moro ero-
nomlcil than the ordlnr.rr kinds , nnd cannot
bo sol < llu competition with the multitudes of
lor or shortwefuht alum or photphnto powders.
Sold only In cans , Itoynl Unking 1'ov.dur Com
pany , 1ft ) Wall Btieet. Now York.
< ; JAS.S.l lRK
* * = w
11 >
V/HiTE .
and. receive t , o
[ ©
V"-- - _ - _ .
( Opposlts 1'axtou Uotol. )
Office hours , 9 . m , to 8 p. m. Sunday * , 10 a.
m. to 1 p. m.
Specialist ! in Chronic , Nervous Skin nnrt
Blood Ulsea'-et.
t37 Conaultatlon at ofllca or by mail fre .
Medicines gent by mull or express , securely
racked , free from observation. Guarantees to
euro niilckly , snfoly and pennanontly.
TiDDIl . ml-
VDDlWTTO TW Sperrantorrhrea. a
rlhllYUUo UhDlLlIl nalI.ossoa.NiHht Emli
ions , riiyslcol Decay , arising from Ini'.Ucre
tlon , Kxcess or IndulKcnco. produclnRSIeepleHS
ness , DuBpnmloncy , 1'linples on the face , aver-
Eton to society , easily nUcournKOd , lacK of conrl
dence , dull , unlit for study or bustnciD , and finds
11 to a burden. Bafely , pcruianantly and pri
vately cured. Commit I > ra. Delta A ; Dctta , It03
i'arnam St. , Omuha , Nab ,
Blood anil Skin Diseases & % tim
results , completely eradicated without ti ) aid
of Mercury. Scrorulu , Kryalpelns. Tever Sores ,
IllotclieH , Ulcers. 1'Alnaln thu Head nnd liones ,
Byphllltlc Bor ' 1 hroat , Mouth nnd Tongue , Cu-
tnrrh , etc. . permanently cured \\here otherj
lii e failed. . . . , .
„ „
TTidtinn IfninQliTT and lllaudor Coniplalntll ,
allllluy' Ulllldiy 1'nlnful , Dllllcult , too fro-
< iuent Jlurnlngor Jlloody Urine , Urine high col
ored or with milky sediment on standing , Wet.K
Bark. Unnorrhuia , Gleet , C > HtltU. etc. ,
Promptly and Bafely Cured , Charges Itensoaa-
moval complctn , .without cutting , rauutlo or
dtllatlon. Cureu eaected at homo by patient
without a moments pain or annoyance.
To Yonn ? Mai aufl Mile-Ased Men ,
PFIDPia'1'o ' awrul effects of early
AOrinU IjlJltulYice. which brines ort'anlo
weuknrsh , dostroyuiB both mind and body , with
all Its dieaded Ills , permanently cured ,
Mnprnrnri Adress those ho care impaired
i DDllU thejnselves by Improper 1mlill-
gt-nies and eolltary hnbltu. wlilcli ruin both
body and inlmli unfitting them ror business ,
otuily or marriacr.
MAIIUIKII MEN. or those entering on that Imp
py life , ov uro oflphysical dobllltf , Quietly cus
oini SUCCESS ,
U based tiponrfatt * . First Practical Krpe
rleuce. Second rh'erycane Is especially etudlcd-
tlnm Bturtlnt ; aright. Tl.lrd Moillclnea are pre ,
paied in our labatcry exactly to suit each cuse.
thus altectliiK niros without injury
tliTSeiid 0 ct'nu posttse for celebrated worlcs
on Chronic , Nervous end Delicate Diseases.
Thousands cured. t f A. friendly letter or call
may save you future sintering and uliumo , and
Bdd goldi-n years to life. ffr'No letters an-
Bwercd unless accompanied by 4 cents Iu stamps.
'Addresser call on
1103 f ftrnwa Street , Omaha. N to.
Steck Piano
Remarkable for powerful Byinputhotio
tone , iiliublo action nnd lib so lulu dura
bility ; SO yciira1 record tlio boat ( runrnn-
tco of the oxcollcnco of these intriw-
This week will positively close out the balance of our summer suits. Fall goods are coming in
and room must be made for them. We have a few extra fine light weight suits for dress
and business wear which we arc ready to sacrifice. They are made of the choicest fancy
worsteds and gotten up in A No. i style. No custom garment can beat them. They are suits
for which merchant tailors would charge from § 40 to § 50. We have reduced them to less
than the material in them is worth. It will be money in your pocket if you will avail your
self of this opportunity. These reductions hold good also in our boys' department. We arc
offering a lot of extremely fine boys' ' and childrcns' suits at prices you could not buy
them a month ago for double the money.
In our furnishing department we have every clay one thing or the other to close out. To ii ]
day its a little line of underwear , tomorrow a small lot of flannel shins , of which the sizes
are broken , etc. On all such goods we make prices which will tempt you into buying
whether you need the goods or not.
Wo cull particular attention iu this department to several lots of Night Shirts which wo nro offering extremely
ow. Ono lot very good Shirts , plain and also fancy fronts nnd collars , nt 50c. Another very fine Shirt , with
legnnt embroidered front nnd collar , at 80c.
In our Hat Department wo arc now opening our now Full shapes. Wo hnve during the past few days mtulo
nlterntions which give us more room , nnd our Hat Department holds now the stock of two good sized local hub
stores. We have it bewildering variety of Derbys and Soft Hats , and in prices the hat stores fall far behind us
No fictitious values on our Hats. You don't pny anything for a "swell" name in the lining. Wo soli you good
dependable qualities , fashionable shnpjs and colors , nt about one-half the prices lint store ? charge you for like
Please Note : Until September the first our store closes at 6:30 :
p , m. Saturday at 10 p. m.
Corner Douglas and Fourteenth streets , Omalia.
The InrgcH , ruslcnt itnd uneialii tlio world
ssenger acconimodiitlons unoxcolttM.
IVciv TorU to T.lvcriinol Tin Jneonwlnivt *
Tha CcloliriUoillTlio Klnuit FlcnniAllfT 01
Cllvufltomolship In tlio World.I AUgi Zl
New York to Glasgow via Londondorrj
Devonla Atiinist 17 | Anchorla Pcpt.7
eircns ln August" ! Iirm I > ! > sln Sopt. 11
r.thlopla . . . . August 111 I Dovoilln . . Scat.21
With rcstilar vookly sailings thereaftsr.
SAIXIUN- Ulnsifow. I.lvprpool. Uorry , liefix ! tor
Quucnstown J. ' < l to ! > il by ( ! ln oiv ntcuniar * . Sliinil
nimimls Ly "City of Homo. " Second ClaisIU. . Sti-cr-
uita WL i\cur ; fen rntot roilumd uvnllnulu for flllior
rjuto , ttiusnlvlim prlvllcxo of ppeluir In ono trip tuo
UUer Mersov , 1'lcturesquu Cljrtlc , North unit Santli of
KxrunsioxsTo IAIII < < oil COVTINJ.NTAIJTouits on
J.OWESTTKUMM. Trnvolors1 Clrcnlnr l.ottor * of Cracll
nml Drafts for iinriimount ut lowest current ratu a
Apply to any of ourlocul nionta or to
JliMin rsoii Urotliorn , Clilon o , 111.
H. S. HAM , .
II. V. Mnouus.
Deslrlnc toex-
SHOE DEALERS aiulnatliujust- ly celebrated
lines of Hoots
and Shoes manufactured \ > y C. M. UKNDIIIIFDM
fc Co , op CIIIOAHO Factories ot Clilcuco ;
Dlxoiu 111. , nnd I'ou Du Las , \V Is. should write
HASUN. WATSON , Itealaence.PKKMONT.Nnil.
Traveling Agent. Headiiuurtora for Itubbora.
OQtly Improved with tmDcrinir nhucklee on ono
' *
'n and. shorten according to tb waicbt pat on them.
3you boat aatlatactlon.
Epps's Cocoa.
"lly a thorough knowledge of the nntiusA laws
which Kovcrn tliu operations of digestion awt n trl-
tlmi , nml by direful application of the tine proportion
tion of ncllclcctcd Cocoa , Mr. Kup has proviaoa our
brcakfimt tabl a with a dullcatoly tlavoiud bovcrajtu
wlikh may niive in many hOAvy doctors' bills. It
by thu Judicious use ot such articles of diet u
constitution limy bo Kradunlly built un until slrcinu
cnouKh to rulst cvury tendency to dlsuaw. Him-
tlrc'da of bubtle. maladies are llontlna around ua ruuny
to attack wherever there Is a weak point.Veinar
iBcmiuiimny ufatnl rliuft by kcvpltiK ouriclves ivell
fortllled with iniro bluoil luul n properly nourished
frnioo. " Civil Survlco < j azotic.
Miulu Klmply with bollhiK water or mlllc. Sold only
In half pound tins by ( Jrocers labeled thus :
TAMPU DDU 9 , Pn Homa-opatlilo Chemists ,
J AMLU DLl 0 U bill , LONDON. iN : < U.AND.
A Chicago UruirgM lUtniloil 2,000,000 o
All ilepnrtimnta of Musical Iiiitructlon , Modern Inn ,
ruiutcs. line Aru oto. K. KliqmunJuclmoovllle.Ill
Ilrooko Hull , for Qlrl9 and Younic Luillcs
Fhortllduu Aledlu Acudoiny , for Hoys uud Voung Men
urilhin f Qlinntliilirn A M Hatvanl
blYllulH U. . OllUIlllUVUi A , Mi Graduate.
Modlu , Poiinsylvania , near Ptilludolphla.
J. IJoardlnutf"
_ 'or OlrU encl Vounir I.urtlcs , KurRUn
catulocuo nai1rcn ( } . TlIAYKlt. l.h. H..1"1
U 1'urk , 111. , or 77 Muaitou b ucct , CLIcufO , 111 ,
Northwestern Military Academy ,
Twenty-tilrc-n miles north of Chlcairoj lin a full
corps of expcrlenceil Inntrutloiiii tlo tuurnvi ot
tiidf. and unsurpmeert facilities for Instruction ,
health. lioniB cnmlnrts mill Clirlgtluti Intlueiica
bend for catulouuo to HUUIand 1'ark , III ,
Conservatory of Music
Mlnnnapolls , Minn.
PIANO Host teacher * only In every dop.irt
jnent. Unoimahed oppoitunlty for study.
OIUJAN Jlensons for 815. 1'roo udvantaKos
worth price of tuition. All Instruments , Lan
guages , History. Literature.
V'UlCK Seiul for calendar.
ClIAltLHS II. MOUSE , Director.
VO r M " " 1 f'r - * > -j-
1 > wall-ou-Uudson. Col. 0. J. WrlBJit. II. B , ,
A , M. . Hupt. ; II. K Hyatt , Comd.tof Cuduts. _
Conducted oy the Bisters of St. TrancU. Opens
Us elKhth schoUstlo year bent < . IHMi. Tnw In
stitution olferd every ailvonUf o for acquiring
thorough. Chrlstluu etlucutlon. Tor terma and
particulars Jidditiss , Bister M Jcsephu , Super-
visoross , _
UtUeniborn Bt. , Ohlcaeo ; advlco free ; 111
years' experience ! business quietly and legally
'JUls Is the tlmo to replenish summer
Wo shall continue through the month of
August to oirer apodal bargains In various
lines of first-class goods. Our Full stock
Is already bolng selected in the Eastern
market , and wo must soon hnvo room for
fresh Invoices. Hut the warm outlier is
not orer yet , nnd our supply Is btlll otiual
to thu demand of a hot day.
Dr. J. E , McGRE W
Iu llio Treatment of All Chronic , Nervous
nuil I'rivnlo Disi-.ibos.
fipormiitorrlioca , linpoteney and h'xn of MimliooJ ,
Hbaoliiteiycurud , A uiiraiciiiirantcoil In all forms ot
I'rlvntu Ilsi.'li3c'i < , Htrlcturov , ( ilui't , etc. CMtiirrli.
'Iliroat , I.unit DUcusea , Ixiucorihoca niilckly itnd
pcumununtly tnrcd. lllood and bkln Diseases
irentpil siiccmstully.
LiidleV iiiml Kcntlcnien's wnlthm roams ecpnrate
and entirely prlvnte.
Consultation free. Solid for books. Tlio Huomt and
1'rlvato DIst'itsuHot Mini , ; iilm > Woman nnd Her UN-
en cs.lOo t'ucli ( nliimpH ) . 'Iruutnicnt by correspond-
unie ; suiul stamp for reply.
OHirc 10th nnd Dongas Sis. , Oin.ihii.
A Perfect Face Powder.
ilUu. " 5 Jtrwt. itoi , ii
Xla < Ur > , 107 K ru m bt illluM'i,1,101 llnh
bt. | On rirntmhl i nMMiiii | \trug \ Co ,1,110
BchroliT'J.MIII.lTorlllW.l.llKl On N ICIIu
cor Wrt Ur , Moircll'i.ror Cltl oKt
mr VilllUmi Oiih. nilnllurtrk ) , , : i iitil&io , f.oji Con-
II * . cor.Crnltrl Uelkil liulllutu J > ; ufr hlnre.iur liuUw Tucli *
ek'i.cor , r.dflciOnH. loili Jkll > , H0i kiulil , u , , , , , ( r
IcfOiiB. tMlil Coiirftj i , Sllf Kuhu 4 Co , cor. IfuuxUa alf < i
CKr.ltlhinj rumluKi On Homlir1 ! ! Jr ) , t' vllll < i , 1,101 , CMf
cor , 3lh't | llt bCo , stlh > u4 Il4mii | nf ; icl. ef"t'l , Hlitrinli'ii '
.ire. ftM Curt > 7 l4tkii.t9IUtti'l Wool HOI Hi ivrf lrdvlitii li'i ,
I.fiol llowtrJi Cvil \ , G < ir , eiliauil rifrcet 11031 ! iU iil | l Avo.
Ill Hill DIlW , J. K lir > d < t'i | h ) koi. * Co , S. Uuinlit.
U lioltfvalr , ] Mcl < rt1iiAti Uruv Ca. IlUk * . llrueo b to.
I'or t I.IIJreu iir Ailull * .
Wlilioul Injiirj [ r err < IllonJo ) l > lr IU
. hftturtlcolor , jundtrtlUlrtilturcolvr
> U.ulllul , n tu.l lilouj o l M
ctoulu * Iu fe l < 2 UiUItt ( rota four
l > ruelil. U w r dl ( li liol'l Irlliv
_ ot , Ilbrrtllfcrld , * | > olllu < Iheiitlr.
II OlnrUallltorC t rli. Ifxiur ixuiclitl n'l IIII will L
, Di ir" > M n niKKUiNmiriiMKy wrrJ uiuiit
( .Successors to John U. Jacobs )
Undertakers and Embalmerc
At thn old stand , H07 1'ariiam Bt. Orders by
eligrupU bollcited und promptly attanUod.
* ' " '
3SlEaE3 *
N.W.Uoii , I3TH& DQDQE Sia. OMAHA , NEB.
.u ,
Uect Futilities , Ai > parntuJur.lRfmeiJI sfor8ucc < ifu !
Treatment of every lorn ot D'teiso ' requiring
Boards Attendants. Beit Accommodation ! in Weit.
CO-WHITE FOR CIRCULARS oa Deformities and I'l
Braces , Trusici , Club I'cet.Curvatutf of Eriic.Pllei ,
Tumors , Oincer , Catarrh , Broncmtii , Inhalation.
Electricity , IPamlysU , Epiler y , Kidney , Bladder ,
Bye , tax , Stun end Blood and alffiurelcal Operation * .
m > ini BUIINU cu.NnnuiKvr. ( STRICTLY FRIVATF. )
Only Reliable Medict.1 Institute milunff a Specialty of
All lilcol m.riiei tut < nfta\j \ ertnltd. * rptillltlo rolion
remoTcil from tlio ijilftn without mcreurr. hen llrilorallt *
Irmmnir..rIimrrVlTl , pen Kit. 1'nrtlei nntllo to rlili
uimKjrbfltrittedat humaby corrni'ODdfi'rc. AUrommuDtct *
tlouieouriileDtlal. UedlcltieiorlQ.truiiitQtBscntbymftllorct *
crpBiBccurelriiBeked.&oDittki o Indicate eontcnuor if nder.
Ooe rcrionauntcrilov preferred. Gait nd caniultui oritaj
blatory of rour eme. anil wa will tend In rUle r rrr , our
nnntf Vn MCM FREE : upon tWiu. mccuiot
UUU1V IU frifclll { r 7rouiDUraniInpol ie7,8pk.
llli , Ulcetunl Xarleoctlf. lli quealon ll.t. Addrxi
13th and Dodga Streets , OJBAHA , NEB.
BB.NT.aKuarttnteod Biioclllo for Hysteria , Dlzzt
DOSS. Convulsions , tits , Ncrvoiii Nfiirnlgltt ,
llendiiolio , Nervous Proatratlon caused liy thi
aaoof ulcohol or tobacco , \Vakafulac83 , McutaJ
Urnrusalnn , Sofienlng of tlio Drain , reuniting In
tnaitnltv and luaillnuto ralMtry , decay and death.
Pieniuture Old AKO , lltirrennfsa , Lois of 1'owo *
In either Hex , Involuntary Jos3a * anil Hpormnt-
orhtencnuHed hy ovor-oiertlonof tlio brnln.self.
1m o or ovnrlmluluence. Kach box contalog
cnomoutli's treatment. } 1.03 a box , or lx boxes
for Su.W.sont by mall prepaid on receipt or price.
To cure uny case , AV'HU each onTef raoolvod b
ua tor six boxes , acconiimulod with KMvia wlu
Bend the purohftBur our wrlttun guarauteo lo re
fund the money If Ilia ti itment. docs not cffeot
ftouro. Qunraateoa isauod only by ( looumaa
Drue Co. . DruBl t , Bolt Aaonw. UlO Furnanj
Btrcet. OmuUfc Neb.
n inii i
or | IKH5l > nOM.r. y.l.f/c
II l < il * IHc I'uri.oio. ' CUUK or
, , loiitlpuoBtorrfn ! o.
lir < llrretljr Iliroagbillwiftk t > trl . rritor *
_ . Id llr JlU uil > lcuruu blrrnilb. Klecllla
Currirl JUV iiiTiNinnTLyor wuforf lt $ ,
l unttitttpratorr ivaplrtl (6. and Hi. Wont run | > r.
0n , raland KERVOUB DEUUII7 |
W.almtu of Bodyiud JKlndl Ettect *
iJ of ErrojacrZiMM.iin Older Youur.
Uoliuil , -UMIOnil railII ltirr4. ll l l.nlinii > 4
Hk'l MmTHJllTl ) < lllU' > H * IMUTIUf HOUt ,
lUollllrlr u r lln ! IKIHr. TllKATi NT-llrl..llH II cl.J.
Ifru Ifrllrj Irum 4 7 jjr | , * i. Te rrltorlti , Kn4 Tort If a CwuutH * * *
tub * irlt tb m. ll ok. fi.ll rii lin lloa , and f ro < < r UI 4
titl l d ) free. Ulnn KltirM CD. . BUlfAtO. . .
Nos. 303-404-170-604.
r - -tKr.- i jJniml.
j cii urn1 * * Diamond
Tliionlr rtJUM * [ 111 r trMlr. HnrH'td
wttti tlucrtt/UoDr 'lUikntuutlirr. Hrud-lc *
_ ( kltiiii ij ( ur | > ttlcuUri uil * * Itcllvr luf
Uttclic U r ClicwUul Cv. | MaJUuu hy. , i'lllluda , ! ' ,
? ] JESS8ClJniEB
V f , tvnia xw * Dllr lr or.rwint l > r
I'rtl'i ! ! . ! " ' * TIIBUIAJ IAB CUSHIONS ! '
r rl U ! lirlMdJu.llu > o , hii < . .f in
wbtrekll cilhtf nmrdlci rtt hoiu v.r tL ! . _ _
K. HI8OOX , HC3nru > i : i.r.ri.r.UIL.-VoWVurl < .
* "
i * Kpnirior ournewliluitruttd "Uul'liU
' '
iUilth. " AUciiita'Mcr'ur. Varlcoi
role cunil vlilivut I'Ain crop r llon. Aadr M
Ocslon-Uupro Cllnlquei W Titmtut tu.