TKE OMAHA DAILY BEE : TUESDAY , AUGUST 13 , 1889 , SPECIAL NOTICES. OMAHA. No ntlvortlsomontfl will bo tnkon for tho8ocolutnnaoftorl2:3O p.m. Torma-Cnsh In odvnnco. Advertisements under thin hor.rt 10 cents per line for the tlrst Insertion , 7 cents for cnch sub- peg.uent Insertion , nnd JI.K > per linn per month. NCI ndvf rtlfioments taken fo- less than Si cents for Ilrnt insertion. Bnvon word * will bo counted to the lines they must run consecutively and must 1)0 ) pnlil In ADVANCIi. All advertise ments roust be handed In before K : : n o'clock p. m. , n < 1 nndcr no circumstances will they bo tnkon or discontinued for telephone. Parties advertisingIn thMo columnsnnrt hav ing their answers addressed In euro or THE HEB will please ask fora chees to enable them to get their lettois. ni tiono will bo dolhered except on presentation of clicck. All answers to nd- Ycrtisements should ha enclosed In envelopes. All advertisement Intheto columns are. pub- Hulled in both morning rxnd evening editions ot Tun Ilr.P. the circulation of which aggregates inorpthnn 18,000 papers tlnliy , nrtdirtvos the ad- vcrflsorH the benellt , not only ot the city rlrcu- mtlonof TiiEllr.K , but nlso ot Council lilnnX Lincoln Mid other cities nnd towns throughout thl * section of the country. BRANCH "OFFTCEST Advertising forthoso columns will be taken on the nbovo condition * , nt the following busl. ness houses , who nro authorized agents for TUB 11BB special notices , mid will quote the same rates ns can bo hnd nt the mnln olllco. ' SouthTenth OIIASF. & I'DDY. Stationers and I'rlntors , 113 South lilth Street. Sit. FAHNBWOUTH , Pharmacist , 2115 Cum- .1 mlng Street. J. I11I01IRS , Pharmacist , C24 North ICth Etreet. pro. W.PAHH , Plmrmnclst , 1809 St. Slnry's Avcnuo. H UanKS'PHAUMACr.iSOJ rarnam Street , SITUATIONS WANTED. Situation ns housekeeper by a very worthy young woman ; Is neat and reliable. 1)13 ) S. mil Nt. WANTED--MALE HELP. WANTI1D A young man for general work In coal olllco with experience. Address O 10.1Jeoolllco. 7U7 13f TANTKU TravellnR salesman for Callfor- i i nlR cloves. Heforenccs required. Address Ilnymond , Squires & Co. , Ban Frnncioo. ; Cal. 748 f > * WANTHD A first-class carriage blacksmith ; steadv work and good pay. Address John Hunt , Lo Mars , la. 077 12t " \/l7 / ANTED Two youmr men to take county V > management. Must deposit * ll. Salary ! 7fi to 1)00 ) per month. Call on or address Davis & Bhahan , CIO Hatnge bluck. Omaha. 712-12 fTirANTED-20 shovelers. S1.50 ; 10 section T > men. JI.40 : 20 men to cut brush , SIB : eleva tor boy , $13 ; 2d cook. J2 > ; pan washer. $2j , out ot city. Mrs. Hrlga , 31I5 ! S. 723-1 : . ? ANT.KO T\YO cornice makers. II. Urahl , ion East llroadway , Council Klulls. 710-13 W ANTED 2 first-class carriage pnlutcra. A. J. Simpson , 14U9 and 1111 Dodge. 720-12 WANTED 1st class experienced balesman In hosiery department , must have leler- cncoj. The I'air. l.ith nnd Howard. COI " \A7ANTKD Hey with good pony ; about two V T hours work per day ; must bo nt olllco at 5 a.m. Hniiultunt Heocountlngroom. _ Uil "IVANTKn--Sovoral goodnRentsjllbornl pay. T T Joplln ACo. . , C03 N St. CM 12f W ANTKD-Sollcltors , 608 N. 17th ; S.V ) per month. CC3 1J ( " \7t7ANTKD TravollnK salesman and sales- T > woman , 8 JO per month aud expenses , 608 N. 17th at. fti2 U8 _ WANTRD Flrst clasa smesman in hosiery department , ilusl h/.ve refeuces. The 5'iil ' _ WANTKD lry ) K'ooils man. manager. Hoor- walker nnd attend to advertising rotnll dry goods house. Huteronces lequired. Ad dress " , P. . CO. Uee olllco. _ M I-J2 "ANTED For Washington Territory tie- mnkerH , choppers , carpenters , rock men , crndord nud tracklnyers , at Albrlgnt's Labor Agency. 1I2Q rnrnam st. _ 221 TANTED AKoodonico man to go enst ; must Investf2,600mustbo ; a good miBiness jnnn. Address the Goo. S. Cline Publishing House. 316 to U21 Wnbash nvo. , Clitcago.Jll. to travel for thr TonthlH Titirsorles ot MKN Canada. We pay $ > o to $100 a month nud expenses to agents in sell our Canadian grown btoclt. Ad , Etono & Wellington , Madison , \Vls. MrO i8 ANTBD-Acents. Jlaglo cigar lighter , every smoker DUVS , lights in lnd or rain , lasts a lifetime. Sample Inc. two for25o , dozen , tl. oy mall. Stamps taken. Austin & Co. , I. _ "Vl/ ANTED 425 weekly representative , male Tt or female , In every community. Hoods stnplo ; household necessity ; soil at sight ; no peddling ; salary paid promptly , and expenses advanced. Full particulars and valuable sample cuso free. Wo mean Just \ \ lint we Hny ; nddiuss at once , Standard Sllverwaru Co. , IJoiton , Mass. 223 SALESMEN Wo wish n ow men to sell our , poods by sample to the wholesale and rotall trade. Largest manufacturers m our Hue , Enclose 2-cont stamp. Wages M per day. Per manent position No postals nnswered. Money advanced for wages , advertising , etc. Ceuton- ulul 11 nnufocturlng Company. Cincinnati. Ohio. ; 61-n21 _ WANTED--FEIV1ALE HELP. W ANTl'.D Au osperloucod uurso jjlrl. 1121 : 740 W ANTED A girl for general house work. Inquire 833 Park ave. 734 11 * WANTKI > Woman cook. HO ; respectable middle-aged woman as housekeeper for widower with 0 children ; t dining room 8Iris out ofclty , $2J ; young clrl to go In le country with an old couple , will be treated as one of the family ; aUo a nice companion able girl for light housework , small wages ; lots of now places every day , Mrs. llrega , HIM ; B. lath. 76813 * ' A nurse girl at 25IS Davenport st. 71fi-12t W ANTl'.D A good girl for general houso- worr. B12 South IJtli st. TaviJt WANTHD-Glrltallorossto worK with cus- tout tailor. Apply ! lll a. llth st. 731-12 ? WANTED Young lady bookkeeper nuiVcnsh"- ler. ' 1 heno wjti oity I'ofuraucos only. Ad- dvess. "Merchant. " Omnlia P. O. Cii7 1 WANTKD Good elil for general housework Infamllyottwo. ! it Farnam. 021-11 ANTED-Oirl for gunornl house work ; steady place. 1BIH Cniiltol nve. tjSJ \\rANTED-Oorniau girl ty do cookluu' nnd TT washing , best of wnges paid. ImiulroJ. J , . HrnndeU. r.'i B Ittth st. 2:13 : MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. WANTED To contract with teamster to do Imullni ? from coal ynrd ; state wlioro can be scan aud numberof tennis. AddrojsO ll.IIeo. 73S 13t \\T ANTED llooin mid board in private ram- TT lly. In ( ) ulut lu'lgluiurliooil : v y from ImBlaohS center , by a youtii ; miirrled lady : use of piano wanted ; fr'00 moderate ; no other boarders preferred , Addrons U l > , lloo onico 741 14 * _ _ W ANTl'.D 100 tennis for II. U. Vrork "lifAVy. omlng. Malloi-y , dialling i Co , U10 , Iionbk , WANTED 60 teams for railroad grntuni ; , at Albright's Labor agency , 1120 rarnam ut. Nine C.i. . i'a Molnea. liu 3 714 BOARDING. or w Ithout roouu , ut ruasouablo ratus. In- ilulroutCOIB. lathst. MMj TjllHST class any uoard , Inqulio lOoo Douglas DRESSMAKINQ. jHia3M : AKINQ iu families. tOT B. 17th. 019 S FOR RENT-HOUSES. [ 7UU HUNT New cottugo.hotnudcold water L1 bath , stationary vaiisc. Call at IV-'l gher man uve 061 TKW live-room cottage for ront. Itussell , j'rau & Co. . uio 8. _ FOH HUNT Two nm room brick houses on Park avenue , with all conveniences. AUo nlno room friinio home on sam street , with all ranvealencM ; prlc * * lo 146 per muqtli , D , V Wiole * . 210 First NntlonM Hank. 811 jiitrltet : a storfii , Bt. Mary's nvemfe. between Uth and 15th. Hugh 0 , Clark , room 7. bu rd of Una * . CNJ is KENT A choice nine-room house , all FOH modern conveniences In tlrst eUss ropnlr , good lot with ahado treosl reasonable rent to ; oed party. Inquire 25t3 Capitol are.Tuz17 Tuz-17 J710H HUNT Floor of 4 rooms : city water and -I : cistern. 1217 Chicago at. Enquire 1215 Unt l iOH HKNTProtty 7-room house , 2231 L1 California st. , lio-io-room brick house , 1218 N. 19th St. ; all conveniences. . . $00 Large modern nrlct house , ftJO 8. SOtn st. , near fit. Mary's avn. J3.V-u-rooin Hat , 1'nrnnm st. . . . $9 3-roora cottage , SW Davenport st. Inquire Netherton Ilnil , U 43 , First Nat. Hank. 7l 14 TJIOK HUNT 12-room house ; furnnce , barn , J' largo full lot. 11)17 ) CasasU ! ! _ _ _ "VTUV7 house of fl rooms , 5 closets , brick collnr. 1M hard nnd soft water. Apply nt n o cor ot 14th and Webster sts. 078-12 * ITlOit llBNTltesidcnco. . 2100 Douglas St. , now -D iioiiso , nil modern Improvements ; not u basement house. Knqulro of Morltz Meyer , Cor. imhnndl'nrnam. V I IJ OUSK torrent , lUU lodgo. " neil HUNT 7-room Hat. * r per mo. above 1 The Fair , 13th and Howard. Inquire ThoiFair. tbli HRNT--10-room brick house oir"20thHi , 'near Leavonworth. Apply nt No. 827 S.2iitn _ " "I i \AnLT7Teaso fr one or morn year.i a largo 7- TT room house with all modorncimvonloiiccsi Is nlcoly painted outside , harrt-llntshod < ns1do , mcelv paiwred , two Inrga bay windows ; three blocks from court liouso 601 a EUth. tfa T7UW ifUNT Houses oTail kinds TiTTiTf parts JU of the city , for all kinds of people , nt all kind sot prices , at all times of the year , or will soil you n goou homo on small monthly oay- ments , J. J. Wilkinson , 1117 Farnam st. TJ10H RUNT A detached 9-room house , all JL } modern conveniences. F.nq. 2 , ' > 2' ' " " ' FOH HUNT 2-room house. 20.13 Dorcas st. 071 17t 'TjloiriTIiNT ID-room housi1 , steam hentTail J Improvi'iiients , cheap rnnt. G. U. Tl.ompson. , Shouly block , 15th nnd llowaid. nroUSR. 31H N. JMh st. , for rent. II , W. .Llcromer. g i N. l.'ith CKK TJ1OH H1JNT Mcou room cottagei ! . ' ) 12 Cass at , JJ KI2J3J FOH HUNT 5-room cottage , ion So. 28th st. ilu. Hlugwalt Hro4. , lloom 37 , Harkor block. "VTIC K cottage , closets , pantry , city and J- > cistern wnter ; large yard ; on good cnr lino. Hent $17 , Including : ! cottage , rent { 10. Co-operative Lnnd und Lot Co. , 205 N. ICth. O'i2 12 FOK HUNT Sept. 1st , aii-rooin cottage , with bath-room andcloset.lllth.het. 8t.Mnry'H ave and Loavenwortn. David Jauileson , 311 H. l th ClVl TJIOlt 11ENT I'lno lar o rnsldenco. hartl wood X' Onlsii. nil conveniences , low rent to private family ; alt ) Njathst. 3 < PGH URNT The 6-room lint occupied by Dr. ( Jilmoru , 2d lloor. No. 1C1.I llowuul bt , lu- qulro or ( ico. llliglns. Ii3ll Howard at. 1x2 fpOH lir.NT flood 2-story 7-ronrahouse. Barn JL Tor 4 horses , oil nubnrhan car line. * ) per month. C. r. Harrison , Merchants' Nut. hank. ffiu FOH URNT a f.rst-class dwelling with all modern coiivcnumcea. including atnWo , 2.VM Cajltol nM ) . Inquire of I.J. O'Donahoe. 1C01 lurnam st , 31" > "ITlOlt HKN'T Six newn-room cottages , tondy J on or before September 1. ,11th and Halt llo\uird street ? , healthy location , near rnrnam cnrs. Kent , eachiln nor month , tultnblo tor ftinnll tidy fniiilllos. John H. F. J/ulinuvnii , l > 2l S. 17th st. 411 FOR RENT-ROOMS FURNISHED. TT OU IinNT Furnlshoil front room with J- bourd ; references requlrod. 1921 Jodfu ; at 713 " \TnijTj the ladles nnd Rontlomnn who called V > at 113 S. 20th st , Mouday mornlnp. call ii ? 7M1- * _ _ TTWONT room to n tjentloman. In private fain- JJ lly ; convenient location. 5lH S. 20th st. , cor. St. Mnry'n ave. CJ1-17 jTA' furnished front room for two gen J-s tlemeu ; albo parlor and Blaeplng room. 1717 CummKS. _ 703-1 . ATIOELY fttrnlshod rooms to gentlemen only , J-N price js 810 and 812 per mouth , : ill N I2tlist. , ( Ml 12 * lfi3NT Furnlshod rooms , 22 > iiDodgo7 ! _ NICUtiY furnished suit ot rooms and one sin- plo room. All modern convenience * , private family. 2211 frarnam st. Oio N furnished rooms , with or without board , 001 8.13th St. 5J9-13 G' .OOD room with bath. 5ia 8. Bfith st. G'F F UlfNISHED-Front room , 1013 Farnam. 145 a 27 * SOUTH front room , meals In the house. 1003 Capitol avenue. itifl 1OH HENT Two furnished rooms , 315 north 17th st. Hefurenco required. 373-S 1 ST. CLA1II European , notel , cor. 1'lth and . . Dodge ; special rate by week or month.22fl 22fl pOH KENT Two parlors front and back on llrst lloor. also single rooms with board. All modern covenlencea. ICJit Douglna. ObJ FUUNISIlEDor unfurnished house for rent In Park Torrnco. opposite Hanscom park ; all modern conveniences. Inrmlro.Lee&Nichol , 2th and Loavenworth , 22 < 1 TJirilNlSHED rooms with all modern conJ - J veuleuces.for gentlemen only , 170U Dodge st , GUI I71OII KENT Elegant furnished room fee J- ' single gentleman only. 7-1 B. JOth st. , cur. Loavenworth. WIO Ij Oll KENT Two furnished rooms , on St. JMnry's avenue. To gentlomnii only. Six minutes walk of business center. Hefereuco lequired. liuiulro at store , 210 and 212 S. 13th st. 757 rpwo rooms with or without board tor gen- JL tlemoa.prlvute fainlly.rcfcrences. 1812 Dodge FOR RENT-ROOMS UNFURNISHED. TJ1OK HENT Four unfurnished rooms , 2nd Ju Lloor. luoulro GU3 3 lUth bt , at grocery store. J ItOOMS wltn bath , gas and steam hent. 318 OSo. 10th. Flat "A.1' 71C-17J 171011 HUNT Unfurnhhod rooms nultaolo for -U housekeeping , in suites of 2 to I ; convenient location. Hull's ilcntlnj ; Agency , 1W8 F.wmm. SO.'i Sir FOR RENT-STORES AND OFFICES IT\mi \ HUNT Suite ot rooms with bath and X1 gus. suitable for n doctor. Apply or address 1) . IJ. . 1U12. llariio/Ht. o KENT Desirable war house room on _ track. Apply to 0. W. KoltU. 7UTacille St. "ITtOH KENT Store room. cor. 2jth and N sts. , JL' Boiith Omahn. Hast locution lu city for Konta' furnishing or dry goods btoro. Inquire ot J. J. Muliuiuiy. roouiM Puxtonblk. 472-aij T7IOH HRNT A line corner urlclc store , splen- X' did location for a drag store , rent reason , nblo ; aUo iv tine UricK stole , good location fora grocery , Alee n nice store on CnmlnBSt , , near 20th , goon location for bhue or tin shop. Alco u nice corner baaameut in u brick block , eisnd light , city wnter , etc. ; good locution for arhi-r bhop. llont for itliove b tore a \\11I bo made very low to good parties , T , C. llrunner , room 1 , Ware blx. TJ1OK 111NT ! Stores and living rooma oil Cum- JL' liisbt. ANohousoouCimbt , Harris , room 411 , IbtJJat. lUnle. m FOH business purposes "d llaor , r > Oxl3J , m 1'Axtou Imlldluir , IGth nnd Farnnm , entrance on Furnum , r-sscdger and freight elevator , north iiuddouth llKht , will dlvidu tntotwo Itdo- Bired. licymau i Duichos , 1518 1'uruam Bt. Wi a 23 TTIOU IinNT-fitoreroom , No. 1W Douglas st. , JC ? bwt retail locality In city. Bee Dr. Neville , n. w. cor , 14th nnd Douglas , 071 1U ? II10U HUNT The * -Btory brick building with JLJ or without pon-er , formerly occupied by The lleo llibllKhlng Co. . ltl Farnam bt The build- ins lion n tiro-proof cowoutod basement , corn- Vlrtteutcum liuitluK llxturcti. water on all the liooro , gas , etc , Apply at the olilco-of THO Ueo. HI'S 17IOII HENT For ayoaror termoi years In X.rand ( Island , Ken. , two llrst-class brick BtoruH , Hltuuted on Front street , one block couth of U , p. tracks ; thesobulldlngs are only tMo jeiiM old , plate glasi fronts und stone walks , tluo collars , and llrflt-class In every respect ) rent * reasonable. Apply to W. A Whitney. 104 13 Tjfpll HKNT Tna corner room under the No. A' brneka National bank Mill boon be for rent , the Equitable Truiit Co. jemovlus to larger quarters. The Bnace Is about double that occupied by theC. , II. &Q. tlcicet olllco. The lloor U tiled Una the room can bo made dwlrablu lor a H. H. ticket or broker's olllce , For particulars apply at bant. 62 MISCELLANEOUS. FOUSALK-rSafatv bloycl , good as now , a rar i bargain ; must bo sold. CallutlilJ rPHE banjo taught a an art by Ueo. F. Oellen JLbecK. Apply at Uuo ottlc * . VM A UK you loonlns for nn opportunity to en- xiRdgo In thomercuntllo buimessr It so como and see us. W. It. E. & M , E. , Itoom It Chftinber ot Commerce. Tel. 1140. 615 flRSSPOOIA cisterns , privy vaultt , etc. , V/cleancd quietly , quickly , cheaply and clean ly ; nil work donn brodorloss pump. Odorless Sanitary Co. , 1400 Farnam street , Tel. SV9. ! KB a _ _ _ _ _ _ AN experienced nnd thoroughly competent creamery man with ample means Is looking for n good location within 159 miles or Omaha , Address F M. earn of lleo. tas-12 * "V r.3 Tne old reliable llentat agency Is still X running , supplying nil that come with houses , lints and stores , J , H. 1'arrotte , lloom SI. Douglas block. 64Vn13 , LOST. r OaT Sunday , August 4th , in the 7th wnrd , n -L/rlch red brown Irish setter dog ; the end of hU tall Is cutoff ) nbovo avornno.slr.e. Answers to name of "Dan. " lloturn to 131(1 ( Georgia nvo. , or Si J N. loth street , nud receive reward. 744 I OS ! ' Hap memorandum bootyoIUvw sheep- vskln covered , contntnlns some dry goods ac counts , nlso about W In cash ; reward of JIO paid to nnyono returning It to Kilpatrick-Koch Dry Goods Co. , llnrney nnd Uth st. , Omaha , or 4188. lUll Bt. 750 14t LOST Large , youngcload'halrod Pt. Uornnrd dog. VPllow with white bronM und-foot , Re turn to Ifjo Uoorgln avo. , or 1)01 ) Uouglns end get roward. 5,13 , JOST-Ilnpllsb ilnstiff. licturn to 400 Paxton block nnd yet reward. 241. PERSONAL IF Ed A. Davis , formerly of n Dorado , Kan sas , will send his address to llox 4B.iSchuyiur. Neb. , ho will hear of something to Ills Interest. CLAIRVOYANT. TlfHS. Ecclos. the famous fortune teller nnd J-YLclnlrvoyniit , business , love , inarrUgo nud chaiues , 007 S. Uth st..noxt door to llnrfcor liotol 7 3 1HT MAD A Jin Wellington , world renowned ns- trologlst , test medium and destiny realtor , Justlroni Europo. Tells your llfu from the cradle to the grave , rouult.'S the sop.u-ntod. causes speoJv marrlnsro with the ono you love , locales ctUeasos nnd treats with missijja'nnd electric baths. All in trouble hould not fall to consult this gifted seeroas. Poriourfl , upstairs , 417 South llth , olllco hours from 10 a. m. to 10 t > . m. 41.HJ * Teller-II rs. Ionormau can be consulted on all all air : ) of life. Satisfac tion guaranteed. No. 310 N. 15th st. U21-3.8 * MH8. Persoval , of California , 100 ! ) Douglas st. , f010tolls the future. Ladles nud gentlemen. 201 11J T\H. NANNIE V. Warren , clairvoyant , m tll- JL/cal end business medium. Femulo dUeasoa n specialty. HU N ICth ut. rooms 2 nud ! J. 1W5 STORAGE. s iTOUAOB ; nt low rates nt 1121 rnrnam St. , Oiniiliu Auction una titonigo Co. 17 rrHtACKAGE storage at lowest rates. W. M. JL llushmnn , 1311 Leavcnworth. 233 RTOHAGR nnd forwnrdlnfj.Vo collect nud deliver } ; oods oC nil descrltHloui , merchnu- disc , furnltiiro nud Impijnse nt clienpebt rates for stornco for any length ot tlmo. vans nnd wnifons to bo hail nt shortest notlcoUtn cure- fut men for movlnL' . TnckliiR nnd bhlpnlni ; from our own wan-house done oil moderate charge. Merchandise loadud and unloaded. \Vnrehouseon our own tr.xrks. Olllco 217 H Uth at. ; telephone 111. Howell A : Co. 243 \\"ANTr.D Furniture , carpets , Mtovoi nnd ' hoiibohold poods of all Kinds. Omaha Auction tc Storrgo Co. , 1121 Farnnm , 2ST M01U11SOK fcllf.V-StoriiKe nnd forwardlnn ; 6 eclnl arraucemuiits ; for commission mer chants , 12U l.enveivrtorth ; tot. 11 ! ) . , Omaha. SHORTHAND MiO TYPEWRITING STANDAHU Shorthand school , Pnxton blk. , ( successor to Vnlentliio'H ) tlio largi-st exclu sive shorthand school In His west. Teachers ere verbatim repoiters. 1'arttciilnr nttontlon paid to typetvrlthu : . Mcchnulcal construction of machine taught by factory export. Circulars. WHlTTWJSUY'd Shorttmnd School , Ilark-er block. Send for circulars ; J-ord' prnvor In shorthand free. 4iO-oJt Uuslneis Colleee , cor ICth and Cap 1- OMAHA Shortnaad Tlio InrK'fat ' and .luost successful shorthand department in the state. Standard methods taught. Munson'ti revised of ' 89 nspecialty. Call or write tor terms. FOR SALE-mSCEL.LAPJSOUS ! Yr.OU SAljli Dlcbold sate. No.Ui : weightnro ) J3 pounds. This Isn jo t-lor's safe , nnd will be sold at half price. G 14 , Dee olllcu. 11 H * llu will buy a noodmare , harness and open . Inquire 181U Sherman nvo. nftor 5 MO-l.'it TTIOH SAM' On oijy terms , nn elegant now J-1 house of 8 rooms and b.ithroom on ono of the choicest lota In Orchard H11L Address r 45 , lice olllce. _ 4iiHU ! _ "T71OU BALK A barcnin. A flncly located lot J- ? only 7 blocks from N street , South Omaha , for 81W. Address O 2 , lleo. C4b-U ; Foil SAMS Clenn stock groourlos ; rash business : will accept soiao tr.ido. Address ria , lleo olllco. 018 101- _ 'fT'OH ' SAM2 Horse , liaruess mid wnponciroap Jntir'50 ; will hell nt half price ; must s. > ll. 12. JIannan , roomfl. Contlnentnl blk. ( ITfl 12t TT10K fiAf.E Cnsh or lime , 2 good teams , \VKK- JL onsnnd liurucisoj , J , J. Wllliinsoi ) . 1417 I'liriuun st. UK ) TjlOHSALE Inirnlturo ot Urge house , every JL1 room rented. Pirst-clnss locution. l > artls leaving city. A bargain. Address K 8 , Ueeolllco. ' H 8ALE--llani , 1COS Hurt st. 650 flOH ' BALK Furniture , very cheap , for two or three days , 1WH Cupltol ave. U08 H T7I1VE hundred shares ot 810 per share North X1 Wettorn Standard Oil utock. Tola stock is non-nssoKsublon nd land u bolnp ; develoned nov/ and is sure to brim ; jood ; returns In uenr futuro. Will sell for casli very cheap. Address C 02 , lleo olllce. IM FOR BALK Handsome young pony , perfectly sound nnd gentle , sultublti for cither saddlu or drlvlni ; . Apply to Col , Fletcnor , Fort Omahn. n OH SALE l.COfl tons of 13-lucli Ice , Housed JL' ou truck , Council IllulTs , la. Gilbert lluu. _ SALE-Lnw IfbroryT ISld Douglas. : TIHECanflold .M'f's Co. being about to move . \\lllnclil ( Irst-claHri 4hnrniowar engine and boiler at > i actual value , luod Douglas bt. " ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. tminiitoo S'JTllSt Co. . W. V. LlCo j.ulilh' , CompletunbatrActH furnished nnd titles to real ustato examined , perfected < k guaraiiteod. MONEY TO LOAN rrUIH KLKHOKN Loan Co. give money In any JL amount on good security , f urnlturi ) in use , horses , etc. Low interest. Over onimorcittl I\a- tlminl Hani : , 13th nnd Douglas. ' MONEY to loan ; cash on hand ; no delay. " J. W. Squire , 12191'arnam fit. , Flrut National bank building , 280 MONKV to loan on any security for Hhoit time , ut low rates , I < owm rates un personal property. The Henderson .Mortgage Investment Company , room 400,1'nxtou block. 2&I MONEY to lend on real estate ; net my terms before placing your loans. J. H. Evnud , 003 N. Y. Llfo llulldlnp. M4 10 MONEY launad on chattel securities and'low- elry. Itoom 411 , Bhoely bluuk , Omaha'1 ' Ne braska. F , H , Jerome. 43T " | DON'T borrow money on furniture , horses , wagons , Hto. , or collateral * uutll you sea C. U. Jacobs , 4111'irnt National hank building. 'r TTlIHST mortgage loins ut low rates and no J.1 delay. D. V. tiholes , 210 Fir/jt National bank. " 'I MONEY loaned for CO , CO or DO days on uny kind of cnattel security ; reasonable Inter est ; contldemlal , J.J , Wilkinson , J417 Fornoui. 207 RESIDENCE loans OJJ to 7 per cent no nd dltlouat charges for commissions , or attor neys' tees. W , if. ilelkk1'irat Nat bank bldg. a.F. . lIAHHlbON loans mpcsy , lowest rates , . X75 B nnd other real estate loan.sV.M. . jlarrls , roomUO , Frenxer block , opp , P. O. 8T4 MONKY to loan on real estate security , nt lowest ratei. Hetore nogotlatlug loans see Wallace. U. 810 , Hrown blJg.ldth fi louBl&3. am WANTED llrst class Inside loans. Lowest rates. Cull nnd see us. Mutual luvwt- mtut Co. , 111. Barker blk , , UU ana Farnam. 378 PHILADRLPHTA Mongnno * Trust co. fur- JL nlsh cheap eastern mbwet to borrowers , purchase securities , perfect titles , accept loans at their western nine * . OflOrga W.P. Coatea , room 7 , Hoard ot Trada. 234 n | f _ G > M . ( wo to loan nt n per cent Llnahan & Ma- tplionoy , room 608 Paxton'blbck. ' _ 837 unTl NO loans. D. V. 'Wholes , 210 First National bank. ) ' 6 S81 Per Cent money H , 802 , N. r. Lire Ins. bldg _ VSQSSM ONKV loaned on fnrmlnra , horses and wngons ; rates rensonaUld ; city Loan Co. , 1188. l tli St. . opposite 1111. 1 , hotei. 270 RK Sholes , room 210 , Flttt Kafl bank , before making your loans. 281 to loan. . F. UaylB Co. , real estate and loan agents , isoi Fnrnnm st. 277 "I OANBmadoon real cstato nnd ra rtgnfos : JubuUBht.Lewls S. Hcod Co.U lit , Hoard Trade MON1Y ! to loan on horses , wagons , mules , household goods , pianos , orgnns , dlnmonds , lowest rntes. 'ilio tlrst organized loan olllco hi the city. Make loans for thirty to three hun dred nnd fdxty.ftve days , which can bo paid lu part or whole , nt nny time , thus lowering the principal and Interest. Cnll nnd sco us when yotiwnnt money. We can asMst you prompt ! v nnd to your advantage without removal of propel ty or publicity , Money rtlways ouhnml , No delay In ninKlng loans. C. F. Heed fc Co. , 3111 S. ICth at. over lllnghnm li Sons. 2H DO YOU want money ? If so don't borrow oeforo getting my rates , which are the low est on nny sum from 21 up to JUMKlO. 1 make loans on household goods , pianos , or gans. Inrses.mules , wagons , warehouse receipts , nouses , leases , etc. , lu anyamountat thnlonost possible rates , without publicity or removal of property. Loans can be made for ono to six months nnd you cnn pay n part nt anv tlmo , reducing Doth principal nud interest. If you owe n balance on your furniture or horses , or nave n loon on them , I will nko It up and carry It for you as long as you dcttlro. If you need money you will find It to your advantage to see me baton * borrowlnu , It. r. Mnstors , room t , VVlthnoll building. 15th and llnrney. _ 2-9 ! T OANH ou Improved nnd unlmprovnd prop- JUorty ut low rates Udell llros. & Co.,3128 lOtu. 200 _ MON r. Y to loan on furniture , horses , wagons or securities of any kind ; commorclrl nnd mortgage notes bought nt fair rates ; nil busi ness transacted confidential. Collateral Loan Co. , room ; ii , llnmgo building. 713 MONKY to loan on furniture , horses , wagons , etc. , or ou nny approved Hccurlty. .1. W , Hohblns , U11H Farnam utrcot , Paxtou hotel. 203 _ KHYSTON15 Jlortnage Co , Loans ot $10 to 11,000 ; get our rates before borrow Imr nnd hnvo money ; loan ou horses , furniture or nny approved tecurlty , without publicity : notes bousht ; fornowlonn. roaewni of old nud low est rates.cnll H2WBhecloy blk , Ijtn & Hownrd st. MONEY Loans nogotlatsd at low rates with ou tdelay , nd purchase gooils , commercial piper : nnd mortgiigo notes. S , A. Sloinan , cor. juth and Farmnn. 272 NEUHASKA Morr. Loan To will make you a. loan on household goods , liorsos , wa goiiM , land contracts. HUH Jmvolry. or soi-uritles ot nnv Kind without publicity , nt reasounbte rates. Itoom 7 , Howlov block. South Omaha. ItoomsDlS-rilO , Pnxtun block , Omaha , Neb. 27t BUSIHESS C.H'ANCEC. HALF interest in an csMtbJtshed real cstato loin nnd routing uuslijtms ; small capital ; will accept tome traUo. Address ( J U , llee. " ' _ _ _ 5f MAW wlio wants to InvoVtleato anew and ripracticftl lnveutlonvlllidii well to address G W , Itoe. I ' 7SO IJf A GOOD bakery and conle'ctlonery trade for snlelii Wuhoo , Nob. ; cltv M.OOO Inhabitants ; county sent and food business city. Intjiilro Peter Anderson. Treus. IbWvat'l bank , Wuhoo. 701 14t C HOICK , clean stock tworles and queens- wuro. in Fairmont , iseu. , JI.VOO ; want half cash and half land Ar 'Omaha lot. .1. P. IIy > anr , room 21. Douglas bjooa. Omnhn. CM 12 TTIOH SALK or Kent Tn.o'Mnlvern Steam JU 1 lour and Feed mills , or will take nn active nrtucr. Ityroc Swoazey , M.dvern , Iowa. > S4B-10 Fn\VO restaurants In clty.Si'lco 31" > 0 and JiiiX ) , - * good iofatloi and business. Cigar btoru , $ ! > . Drug sio k and HxteUVsTor HftOJ. Chop house In good locatlo i for iW > l llakerlis unit coufoctlonerlRS. ! 1 hotola. Grocery etock tor from $ . " > ,0i ) ) to $ , , OfU. Furnltura of a 10-room tiouso for S'jOO , good location. Co-Operative Laud \ Lot Co. , 201 N. ICth st. CJ 12 TJIOKSALK Or exchnnge , Hue drug storolu J- ! country town ; also some cheap lands. Ad dress lock box S ) , Stuart , Neb. 032 25t 8 TOOK of groceries and ilxtures for sale for 800 ! nnd store for rant , by John Strom , 1207 No. nth st. CCO lu ? _ I7iO 11 SAtilJ A nice clean stock hardware In JU liebt city In Iowa ; Invoice about * 3avj ; will lake M In clear real estate , balance cnsh. Ad dress DOK 22j , Coznrd , Nob. _ C3.i WANTKD Uankln ? In Uvo town In Kansas or Nobr.iska requiring c-iiiltalot ) 81S.OJU. Address If. Vf. P. , box 5 , Now Hartford , la. _ 017 l TL OU SALK or nxchango Fine drug r.toro In a. country town ; also some cheap lauds ; will lent a voher mill to good man , rout not to much of an object ns to have mill ruu. Address Lock llox 20 , Stuart , Neb. 0-22't ! J Caoap ] iarberTilTopnim4clinlrs ; JL ; good location ; paying business. M. II. Flem ing , Ureto , Nob. 004 s7 * FOH "SALEA well established , good paying business ; price f , OOU. AVill sell the whole era a controllng interest nnd transformaniiKemeat , which , lr tonductod with ordinary business ability , will Insure an annual net profit of $ .IOJ ) to J4.000 , nnd the opportunity for oxteiid- 1113 and Increasing the business Is unrestricted. Jl > icason for selling is having otherlmnortant business intarests reiiuli lug niy undivided nt- teintlon. The practical knowledge necessary to r.nrry on the nbovo business Huccossfully is simple and easily acquired. H will pay nny ono navlng the capital nnd tlmo required to In- vojttijjate , f ddress F 27 , Uoe. 217 TfOIt HALF Hood dining hall , goodbustness ; Jt ? Bverythlng very coin enlont ; central loca tion , cuonp renr ; part cash and balance on easy payments , Address , K , HI , Ileo. fi'.6-l.'l' TpOH SAM1 One of the opst established and JL1 eniilpp'i.l printing nnd Jqb olllces lu N. W. Neb , Only pxper in bast business town In county , fantiitvtiory reasons tor colling. For further partlculnw address Indeneadont. Oak land , Nob. fiTil U _ AN Iowa CMhlnr wants an Internal lu cither new or old bunk In Nebraska. Can furnish outfit , InUudlng llnll',1 inuul cncit , tlmit lock nud approved vault fixtures. $1,0X1 to Invest with position. Address Cashlur , Fivdorlcxu- Jmrg , la , _ _ _ _ _ _ 42VI2 17011 RAfil ! or Trade for Oiuuhn property an JL' L-stabUshud buslnuj.-i. llox 518 Omaha , _ _ 340 tillKAT bargain " ( if Gordon , Nob. , anew lolidr mill for unlo , ill oarrel capuclty nud rinsed to timko bucliwlieat und rye Hour , meal nnd chop tead ) in n good wheat country and good market for Houri ' 1 dwellings and tarn V.1'vii U | price ? ir/oj. Parties having prop- ertr to trade need not apply ; mill lias llrat- claaa reputation. F. J. Aiuhens , 642 nlfit FOR EXCHANGE , AN elegant i2OCO ! ntocK of dry goods , eto. . for trade for land nud en-m ; tnls stock has not been ollerod bufore. Htilnger & Penny , Douglas Jllock , solo ugeutsj n CtO 3D ANT15D To trade forafltock ol giocorios , cash and lots on O. Jrc , Ji. motor lino. I/jtswlll boiiutluat thelrftvih value. W. H. i : . A : M. B , , UOOIH 14 Chamber ot Commerce , Toi. i no. - oia OL15AU land nnd lot tn tfade for stock of goods , \Yrlto quick. Address U. 0 , care Uee olllce. ICa 722-13 * _ rpOHXCHANGK-Stockof liotlons for unln- JL cumbered real estate , Jlox 11. , I'remont , Neb. 72i-12t TT1OH 8ALH or exchange IHMHV , cosev 7-room J ; cottage on iilut near Pnclllc , MHM , fcJOO cash , balance tXi.M per month ; will tnko vacant lot or horao nnd buugy ns part ilifrment ( this Is u biirgaluf , Humllton llros.J fjiiders , 4fis H. mil 7ia-3t ) | : _ Tmoil KXClIANan-An elofcuit tract of land J. coutaJnlng 120 acred , In Miuteloue county , Nab. , with ordinary Improvements. A quarter-section In Hand county , Dakota , partly' improved. Klght acres near Council Illulls , la. House aud lot on .South Mill st. Large amount ot Oil Mountain and Petroleum company oil stock. Will exchange for good Sroperty or the erection ot some houses. Ueo. . bternsdorir , 1st National bank building. 370 rpo UXCHANGK-Tho undivided one-hair In- JLterest In 33'JUO.IOO acres of a good farm , lo cated In Pulaskl Co , Mo , ; , about in cultivation , the balance goo : ! timber ; about ten acres In orchard ; Uvo omer email orchards ; four fair Vi r3 ; abundance of good spring ' wsur.-aofl laying about one mile from good business town on railroad' full and unlncum- bered title. This farm Is In n good settlement nnd healthy locality , \V will exchange for general merchandise or hardware. Call on or address W , H. Gordon i Co. , Steele City , Nab. GRNRHAL stock of merchandise for . , for land or city property , a hardware stocks for land nnd _ i. Furnltiiro of n 10-room house , II.CHU , for city property. Tnrco lots and 1 house in South Oinnlm for land. Clear lols for laud , or the lots with soma oasli for mer- chandlBO. Co-Oneratlre Land j U > t Co. , 205 rPO KXCIIANOK General stock morrtinndlno ; JL want land and money , llox 74Frankfortlnd. rpo KXCHANOR Wo have rt good farm of 130 JLncros laying close up to the town ot ytoelo City , JefTenon Co. , Nob. About 70 ncres In high state of cultivation. This Is river bottom land ; soil can't be bent anywh ro ; 2) ncres good tim ber : balance In eoodpnstuie ; nil fenced ; never falling wat r ; this Is a mnitnlflcont farm , with lionso. stabling , and Bnlco lots In town go with farm if doslrodt titles all perfect ; wo want In exchange , nice , clean stock of merchandise or hardware , Call on or address ( V. II. ( lorden & Co. . StoBlo City. Neb. 517 FOR SALE = JEAL ESTATE AHAHGAIN 3 acres closn to and overlook ing South Omaha for sale , Mr > > per ncre , worth double when platted. Co-Operative lnnd * Lot Co. , 2CS N. 10th St. 070 If lbii TSALft 3 lots In Hodlek park , JI.OOJ encli. Also 1 lot in Albright's Choice. South Omaha , very rhenp It sold immediately. Ad- dressJI.P. Miles. St. Joseph. Mo. 607 14t Ijioil SAIiR-Lotsln Stewnrt Place , will fur- JU nlsu money for building house , and pny- mouts monthly. Here Isn chance to secure a homo. Harris , lloom 411 , 1st Nnt. Hank. _ 573 S HOIKS to the front again. Last list nil sold out. MVKXI. $3(1,000 ( , J10OpO. $1IOX ) . J13.TOO , JILRfW. nud from this down to n small house for n cent , buys residences lu the city for hankers down to the man who cleans the nniver. } V > 00 or ST-.lioj buys either 12 or ii-room hotiee. barn , lots 7H nud 00x121 feet irrcund each , on 2lth t. , Kountze place , with furnaco. gas nud fixtures , hot nud cold water , b.ith.threo elegant mantels cnch , nil papered , ulognut lawns , 01 grndp , street paved , motor by October 1. If not cheap , como In nud I'll give them bot'.tto you free. H.fjdti buys 8-room house , furnncp , and ovcry- thinit oven to electric wires for llithtlng gas ; lot ( .OxlfO , across street west of Dr. Mercer's nud I block from motor. $5uo cash , bal. 0 per ffiCOO buys full lot In Hanscom place , IKd nnd Pcpplotou aveiiuo , with -room house , furnace and overythlng elso. 3SI.VOO buys a Joe Dandy east front lot on 3Jd nnd Paelllc street , Ilauscom place. WO. ) nnd 47,100 resiliences fn Kountzo plnco to trade for smaller honses nnd lot uonr tnero. M.OJX full lot nud good house in Hillside add. opp. Webster street bchool to trndo for vacant lot. $ I.\K ) buys cither 4-room house , full lot. In Central park or Hitchcock's ndd. . nnd JI.O > X ) sinio In Crelghton heights ndd. K.1M buys line lotou Farnam and 42d sts. J9.750 buys 03xia : ft , ou Cass st. opp. Cnss .school , 82.500 buys either of two fi-room houses In Hoddlck pure. $1,00. ) buys a fine 7-room cottage ou 18th nnd Paul st.s.- . with bath , hot and cold water , slag walk , and a corker for the mouoy , 3 choice lots ualuo m rnsii $2,600 , In Lincoln , Neb. , for good house nnd lot and pay bilnuco in cnnb. Submit oilers. Also 1110 acres choice land In Nuckollsro , Nub , , and good hard cash for cliolco city lots. Submit. If rou don't Wntit to buy sand list of what you have to sell. Wo nro hero for that purpose nnd there are lots of thorn that will buy. There is just ns good bargains to-i'ny ' as one wnnts. Drop your "cranky" Ideas and got to business. For pointers , see Snolos , 210 First Nat'l bank. 123 K-HOOM neat cottngo , JS.500 ; SUM cash , SJ5 ' /every month to right party. F. 1C Darling , Darker block. 757 12 F"oiT8AU-54i.7i : : : acres , soe.ii. tp IJ. r. fiiv Hamilton county. Nob. House , stable. HJO ncri'M fenced , livluij wnter. Price , f'l.OO ) . F. K Atkins , owner , railroad bldg. , Denver , Col. trVj $ 2V > ,000-44 feet front In heart of Omaha. IGtii st , , modern 3-story building , brings 10 per cent nowa , t low rents ; must have $17.001 oasjj , balance 0 per cent ; great olfcr ; address Kii'Mleo. 7Jl-al'J FOItSALE- feet , onst front near paved Mtreatwlth now 0-room modern house7,000. C. F. Ilnrrlbou , Morchnnts Nat'l bank. bS3 KOUNT/K PLACK-9-room house , Oarn aud every convenience , for $7OUJ , easy terms. Address for particularsK _ ( * ) . llee. SiW _ 8TH1NG12R..V PKNNY , Douglas blocK , 8. Ko corner IBHi and DoJge Ntroets , real estate and loan agents. Omaha property to exclmng. for clem- farms , and clear rrms for encum bered insldo Omnlm unimproved property. Cnll and nea us. Wo have a big list and some of our buignlusmay suit you. 8trlni'.er& Penny. Douglas block , S. li.cor- ICth aud Dodge atrettts. have the uadormon- tlonpd clear furms for sale or exchange. lilOucros , MerrioKCo. , Not ) . l..i.'O acres , close to Saratoga , Caibon , Co. , Wyoming. 178 ncres , Hnrlnu Co. , Neb. 4 0 ncres. Holt Co. . Nob. 7JX ) aeics. Nnuco Co , , Nob. IfX ) ncrcs , ICnox Co. , Nub. XacresStnnton ) Co. , Nob. ncres In Lincoln Co. , Neb. And an immense list of farms with small In- cumbrance bomo of them wo can sell as low as Jj nn acio. Stringer & Penny , Douglas block , S. E. cor. 16th and Dodgu streets , have a fcood list ot lots which they will soil to parties who will build and will take mortgage for whole of purchase money. Some fine residence properties for sale real cheap and on easy terms. C34 15 JPIOM F. and BOO us and Investigate sumo of tno v lmrfialus wo have to offer. We are contin ually listing new properties , nnd "If you don't see what you want ask for It. " We have several fine hotel properties to trade for land or other good values. Au elevator property with large dwelling house , at a bargain. Klevator complete , with horse power , scales , olllco furnished , etc , A line opening for a practical grain denier. Housns and lots in all parts of Omaha for silo and exchange. For exchange"for Omaha prop crty , 1,000 acres of school land lease , in one ottho best counties lu the state. A line rcbhlcnco property In Omaha View for sale nt n bargain. From $75,000 to $10.1,000 worth of first-class notes to exchange for Omaua property. For uxehiing' ) for Omaha propel ty , ono of the best farms lu Hock county , Nebraska , together with ttof-ic and machinery noressary to carry on the place. Old ago nnd falling health of the owntT Is reason for belling. A line Wheeler county farm , well developed , good soil , for exchange for Omaha propel ty. M I acres of fine land in northwestern Iowa to exchange for Omana property. For sale or exchange for western lands , city property , merchandise or live stock , a Hue hotel property in lown town of 0.000 Inhabitants. Leading liotol ot the place aud doing n flno huslno s. Furnishes meals for two passenger trains dally. Aannp for tbo right man. Wa have unsurpassed facilities for disposing of property , having some i"A ) ngeuts scattered over four or live states. List your property with us if > on wish n quick turn. W. H. li * M. K. , Itoom 14 , Chamber of Commerce , telephone - phone 144U. OT A LOT. sultahlo foraoublo house , on Canltol livefour blocks from high school , will beheld hold at a Hacrllli'o if taken ut ouco. W , M , Harris , Itoom 2i ) , Frenzer block , Opp. P , 0. 031 llf "IjlOH HALH Hotel property In Omana ; new JL1 building of (19 ( rooms , payings' ' , per cent not on a valuation of S20.00J ; will tate ? .i,000 cash , a moderate-priced residence property , bMnuco tlmo ; this property Is atondlly lucinas- lug m valip | , nud as AH Investment can scarcely ha duplicated , Alexander Moore , solit agaut , 301 Shoely block. FOH SALE-Neat cottage nnd 20 feet front- ago on 17th and California. Only iH.091. Call at once. C , F , Harrison , .Merchants' Nut. hank. " l)3t ) J LOTS in Orchard Hill for 83.000 , 'or JTOO sppar- > i\loly. J'lKMit lots will soon bo wortn douhlo the money : they are clean to motor und Ilumla park. tringei ; & Penny , Douglas block. U. JiIAYl K , real estate ' room 400. Hue _ _ _ lluildlnc - _ Oljlllt ! ? iUlt BAli ; A nnnp. A cholco corner lot , X ] utnte nud Spauldlug nts. , 126 ft , on Stuto St. , $ wo , Also two fine "feoutn front loti In llodford Plato , two blocks from State nt. , south of new fuinlturu factory , MOOench. Also 180ft. fronting Kountzo Place , ut $15 per front foot ; crent bargain , 10 , Hrunner , room 1 , Wnre blc. tyj-13 " TIUTII OM AII A We control uoxllH ) feet , oa front ou 2.1th At. , botwooii N and .M his , , South Omaha ; 2 houses nt grnde , This 1 * worth $ front foot. We will sell for t'.SW ) cash , JIuko up a syndicate , M. A. Upton company. 16tlt nnd l iinnin. C.U H J3.20J. HoBUttfulloton Hurt st. , near3lth , { 3,030. Many other choice lots , Seeslgns. J. U. Kvaus , H. 803 , N. Y. Llfo Illdg. LE Kast 'frbht lotion : idt li st , wit li 6- room house , K,503. ) Call quick If you want It. C. r. Harrison ; ' " Merchant * ' Nat. Hank , 6M _ _ O 11UIGB WxlVi feet lots , 4 blocks from Omana motor , 60 faro , IVX ) ; fa cash , balance * 10 per month. Don't pay rent ; own your own home ) cheapest prop jrty Intlio city. Cooper , 8W N , Y. L. building. IVX ) . easy terais , Ouya lot In Omaha of Cooper , N.i' . I/-tmudlng. Worklnsmon , uttontwnl tVM for lot , 4 blocks from motor. In Omaha , See Cooper , N , Y , L. buimtnu' , Trend of Improvements la north. Go to Coo per , 619 N. Y. L. building and get f-YM lo t. To exchange , sell or buy , wilte Cooper , 819 H. Y. L. liulldlnr , - . _ 4VMMt $ if. 1X0 Actual value Inside business and resi dence ; the seventeen lots at half price to llrst > arty tomes. Why ? For ruason am In need ot } l,60Ucasa. Great chance. Addrtis IIU4 , llee. ' rpwo splendid Investments , 76xlK , oa , pjeFce. JL fronting on fcth : room for i nouses that would rent tor ll.cou per ys r. only ti.MA ) . leer 140. south und east frcnt , cor. Hickory and litlii only Imlt bloM Trom motor Una , room for v slghtlyj only 17,000 , Hugh 0. , board ot trade , CSS U A MKS1(07 1(07 Kamam St. On Dodge st. bat. SOtn and fcj sts- very cheap at liso per front foot , On Farnam st , bet. ! tti and 27th sta. , 150xm , at Ha per foot , which is 875 loss per foot than price of adjoining Iota. On Farnam st , nearSsth st. , HRxflS , at ! I7S par foot ; on all this property very easy terms given. On Howard st. bet. Uth and 15th sta. , 33x133 feet for Vo ) per foot. On Park nvo near Jackson at , , 75x140 , at 31 IS Par foot ; very ovsy terms to party who wl li Klogant Hesidcuco lu West Omaha hot. 117th nnd ! Mh sts. ; modern 12-room house with nil convenience' ' , good bnrn and beautiful grounds , comprising I largo lota. This Is the handsomest and cheapest llrst-class residence now for sale In Omaha , The lots nro not onlv cnolco , but rapidly In creasing in vnluo , with surroundings Al in every respect. Some Special hargnms In resldonro lots , situated north of Fnrnnm nud west of UOth stroat. To those wno will build , low prlcoj nud Interest , with small cash payment. payment.On On Virginia nvcuuo south ot Woohvoith , wohavo n line lot worth $ .1,000 , which will ba tiold to party building an fl.W ) housn , on n cash payment of only iao. Tills la a chance to get n homo. Amos' Item Ilstnto Agency , _ Ml 13 _ . 1W7 Farnnm Street. LSTHKKT viaduct Is completed , and n tlno ono U Is too. Wo have liXixIM east front cornoron27th street , the street loading north from the depot and the future business street ot South Omnbn , lust north from viaduct. Cut down to grndo. If taken nt once ran soil this for IJ.NXI. Hlg speo hero. M. A. Upton Com pany , inth nnd Fnruiim. 552 H "Ij OR HAITI : Great barnntn. SOJ , M cash.buys JL1 now 7-room house and lot , OOxlX within 10 minutes walk of electric motor. Inqulro G1.1 Paxton blo K. f)7l 13 rpllllbost money's wortn'ot House nnd lot now JL for sale lu Omnlm is that which I nm now completing nonr24'.h t. , oupnvodVlrt st , , lu Kouutr.o place. H bedrooms. 2 parlors , dining room , kitchen,2 bathrooms , , ' ! water olosots , largo laundry , stationery wash tubs , furunco nnd coal room nnd cellar , otoctrlo bells nud Nponklnglube. 12 closets. Prlco only J7.00J on terms to suit. Ltkewlso n duplicate ndjoinlng nt Maim ) price. W. T. Tenmnn , cast side irtth Nt. north of Nicholas st. Omaha's largest variety of wagons and carrlairca. 21 ! ) 1)AVlN"lTTlti7 street from Nicholas north. Contract has been let for Colorann snud- stone , Wo have 133 feet on llth vw footuoith of Nicholas that wo can sell for $2,8X ) . Must bo i'obblod quick at tnat price. M. A. Upton company IKtUjiuil Farnam. 713-15 " " 1JUHI "Heal Ustato bargains see Al. A. Upton JD Company. 10th nnd Farnam. 713-15 /71 HRAT llnrgnlu : Two 2-story aud basement vlbrick residences onliMh nnd Fninnm. Itoom for more on 2Sth st. Can make a way down price on this to settle holrshlps. Call for price soon. M. A. Upton Company , IBth nnd Farnam . 713-15 TjlOH 8A LR Easy terms , Kountzeplara. JJ Two homes , each 8 rooms , each $1,000. Two homos , each 0 rooms , each Ij.oou. Two homes , each 15 rooms , each $7,000 , All wlthmsdorn convenience. All largo vnluo at the nrlco. All within n square of the. motor lino. Don't lose thesn opportunities. For sale by the owner , W , T , Senmnn , Kast side 10th st. , north of Nicholas st. , Omaha's largest variety of wagons and car riages. 2M BUY a homo In the center ot the city , on monthly payments. Iwlllscll you a lotin Aldlna square , oulldu house of any kind , worth Irom S12oO upwards , nud you cnn pay for It monthly , quarterly or yearly. Aldluo square is mi Grace street , between JIM nnd Jild streets ; It has all thn advantages such ns pnvod streets , fcowerago. wntor. gas , nnd is a llrst-class local ity. Call at IBM Karnam street nud see plans of buildings and get llguros. D. J. O'Donahoo. fbtl ONI ] of the two house aud lot bargains 1 hnvo been olleriugon Georgia nve.nurth of UOWHOU ! and occupiedhocaiibo of my very low price. The south house of the two still remains a bargain open to somebody. First comes , llrst served. To bo appreciated it needs to bo examined Internally. 1 positively will not rout it , though several times oilt > rml JAO per month. I'rice. on very easy terms..1.000. W. T. Seaman , east sldo lull st.north of Nich olas st..Omaha's largest variety of wagons und carriages. 2iU " 171OH BALK Two ot tno best located tracKiigo JL ? lots , on tha northwest corner of 21st and Izaril Btioets , slzo 120x1.1 ! feot. For price and terms Inqulro of the owner , Edward Spoiler- berg , 1012 North 21st street 6')7-allt ) IHAV1) ) Homo llrst-class rental property for sale cheap within ono mlle of pistolllcn , ou paved streets and motor line. Thos. V. Hall , 311 Paxton block. oss rpo MANUFACTUKUHS : 1 wilt glvo ammo JL ground , wlthHplendld trackngo facilities on the Fremont , lilkhorn & Missouri Valley rmlroad or on the Missouri Pacific ( Helt Line ) railway in Westlawn , just outside the city limits in West Omaha , conveniently situated as regards accf ss to the business center ot Omaha aud South Omaha , toparties for the location of any of the following industries : Furniture Factory , llutton Factory , Shoo Factory , Lard Koflnory , Starch A : Glucose IV'ks. Soap Works. Paper Mill , Purlllor Manufactory , Plow Works , Broom Factory , Harvester Works , Woolen Mill. Nnll Worki. Oatmeal Mill. Knitting Mills. Hex Manufactory , Sash , Door nnd Blind Wire Works , Slanufnctory. Machine Shops , Flour nnd Feed Mill , Or any good manufacturing plant. Wnstlnwn Is just outside the city limits and industries planted there will escape heavy city taxes. If you are thinking of locating In Omaha it will nay vou to investlgato this. Goo. N. Hicks , Now YorK Life building , Omaha. 7 u If Ott SAlK-2i , 41 or ryi feet of lot ( ! . blocc 70. at J66C per foot. This is within u quarter of a blocic ot the now P. O. site , and will bo worth { looo Insldo of a year. Th9 o M lot 8. block 101 , cor. Douglas nnd 10th sts , 44 feet on Douglas and fin on 10th , pilce f2i > ,000 , $10,000 cash , balance In five equal annual payments. The so J.J nw y sec fl. 114 , r 13 e , Douglas Co. , price SI2Oc ( ) , 81.0JO cash , balance easy. Lot 7. mkll'iO , South Omaha , price itl0 ! ! | ) . terms easy. W , H. E. A.M. E , loom 14 , Chamber of Commerce , telephone 1140. 727. FOR SALT ! On longtime and easy payments , handsome , now , well built houses of S , 9 nnd 10 rooms. All conveniences , good neighborhood ; paved streets , street cars and within walking v distance of P. O. Nathan Sheltou , 1014 Farnam. 297 | T < Ott 8ALB 0-room house , barn and lot , JL1 Hanscom Plnco , at a bargain , Harris , Room 411,1st Nat. Hnnk. 673 71011 HALE Huslness corner , S40.IXW. C. F. JU Harrison. Merchants National bank. 2DS OMAHA HOTELS- GI.OIII5 HOTii-Newly : furnished nnd fitted up throughout : centrally located ; 93 per day. ljp131'Jiai3 ! ' Douglas st. < a 181 MIJKHAY ifuTKL-Nowost , latest and only Drst-class hotel In Omnlm ; 5.1 to < I per day 11. Bllloway. proprietor. 170 W"lNDSOR HOTBIi-Corner of 10th nnd Jackson streets , 3 blocks from Unlo dopot. Host K a day house lu tno city. IbO IlAlllvIUl-llJ rooms , ologmitly fur HOTUL nished. * J and $ -.60 per day. 13th nnd Jones st , , Oinuha. F , A. ilalch , proprietor. - illllSF QIIAHTUHMASTIUl'S OFF1CK Onnilm , Nub , , August 10 , JUKI. Bealnd pro posals , In triplicate , will ba reculvod ivt this olllcc until 2 o'clock p. m , , central tlmo , Hop- tomher in , IBR'.i. and then opened , for furnishing at Omutia OuartormastnrH dopot. or at other polntH spucltled by hldilor , IH.OJO gallons ot mm- oral oil. United Flutes resurves right to reject nny or all bids. Prafvrpucs given to urticlas of domestic production , conditions of quality and prlCo ( including in the price of forclsa produc tion tne duty thereon ) being equal. All in for- matlon furiilHlind on application to this olllro. ICuvelopos containing propounls to bo marked "I'roposals for oil , " and ndnressed to WM. H. HUGHIH : , I.luutenaut Colonel nnd Deputy Quartermaster General , U , 3. A. , Chief Quarter- Uiauter. n IQd 4t s 2-3 _ To Con t motors , Proposals for f urnlshlng materials and con- btructlngn brick uuilnoii block , except fouu- ( lutlnin , itro Kohctod until August 2) ) , at 2 p , m , . nt olllco of American Mortgage Co. , Yunktou , Dak. The light In reserved in reject any or nil bids , Plans to boon exhibition August 10 nnd after. In YnnWton , and nlso nt ollico of J. H. Coxhead , Atohttect , Drake's DlocK , Bt. Paul , Minn. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Aug. U d 7t " " * llMT TirpPWK3-letiot ! ) QunrtenmisWH Olllce , Onmha. Nub. . July l.'ith. IH J , Healed propohals lu duplicate will un rncelvod nt this olllce until 10 a. in , Tuesday , Augunt 13th , IbV ) , at which tlmo nnu place thuy will uu opened In the presence of attending bidden ) for delivery of ulntlonery , hardware , water tup- plies , varnish , packing boxes , lumoor , &c. l/luls giving spoclllcatlonu , quantities and other In formation will ho furnished upon application to this oliico. I'roforonui will bo given to attlcle-i of domestic production or manufacture , condi tion of quality nnd price ( Including in the price of foreign production or mnnufnrtme the duty thereon ! being i-quul ; and further , that no con tracts shall be awarded for furnishing arti cles ot foreign production ormnnufarturo when thu articles ot suitable quality of domestic pro duction or manufacture can oe obtained , The government reserves the right to reject any or nil proposals , Hlddeis should attach a copy ot this advertisement to their bids. JOHN SIMP- BON , Captain & ABst. Or. Mr , U , H , Army. Notlco to i oiitrnntiirH. Illds will be received un to. 3 o'clock p. m. on Tuesday , the 20th lu ; Tflr thi ) erection of a lirlrk Hotel Uuiiitlng ( not Including the founda tion ) . guarding to plans and specifications pro * pirert by John II. Coxhead. architect. Drake block , 81. Paul , Minn , The 'plans will be on view after tha 10th day of August , at the olllce of the underlined. The right Is reserved to reject any or all bids , TUB YANKTON HOTKI. ABSOOIATIO.V. liy J , P. Crmiuitn , Becy , . Dakota , August t ) , INW. Aug. d lit Court llntino to lifit , Notlco to Ilulldlnff Contractors Notion Is tierdhy Rlvon that the Iniard of Auporvlsors of \ynshlngtoncounty. Nob. , will receive bids at the county clerk's ofTlro. until 13 o'clock M. ot the tuh day ot September , 1881. for the furnish- Ingot all ninteilat and lalior and the building and completion of n Court House lu the city of Hlatr , sMd county and state according to the plans , specifications nnd dotnll drawing * ) of the sanmnowonnle In the olllre of the County Olork of snld countv ns prepared by O. H , Placey of Lincoln , Nebraska , which plans also ncen nt the olllco of said architect In the clty of Lincoln. 0 Kacli bid must un nocomnnulnd by n certified cnock paynblo to the County Treasurer In the sum of Twenty Five Hundred Dollars ( SiwO.W ) , ns n guaranty that the bidder will. If his bids bo accepted within Ilvo days thorcntter enter Into a satis factor v contrnct for the erection nnd completion of said building ns required by tha county board of said county , under n ponaltr for each days delay beyond the time fixed br said county honrd , nnd that ho will within snla flvo days execute to said county a bond In tin sutnr.t Forty Thousand Dollars with minifies to bo approved by snld board , conditioned for tha fnlthml porfrmnuco or said contract on Ids part nnd Hint ho will pay nil labor nnd pay for nil material employed and used upon said building , unld check will uo forfeited to and retained by , thu county It said bidder fall to enter into K contract nnd glvo bonds nsnliovn contemplated , r.arh bidder will bo required to submit w 1th hit bid n .sample of stouo for foundation fooling- * nnd cut stone work , and nlso or prestod brick proposed to ho used. The board ro orvos tuo right to reject nuy nnd nil bids. lly older ot the Hoard of Supervisors ot Wash ington Countv. Nebraska. Cunts HATIIMANX. County Clerk. Clorkrt Olllcc , lllolr , Nebraska , August : id 18S9. n-p-d-7-t Notice < > r Stock Notlco Is hereby given that the books of the Omaha , Lincoln &Gult Hallway Conipiny will bo opened for Hie purpose ot receiving sub scriptions to the rnpltnl stock of said company on r.ud after thosecond day of Boptombor , IRSJ , nt No. 1 ! 0.1 Farnam street , In the city of Omaha , Nebraska , Dated this 1st day of August , issu. G. L. ItllODKJ ) . d. A. Wltl.KAl1 , J. L. IH : Hi'.voi II. HIM.OWAV , M. ' N'otloo to Contractors. BIDS will bo received by the Hoard of Publlo Lands and llulldlnga at any tlmo before Saturday , August 17 , ] Ki , nt 2 p. in. , for nil work and material necessary to bo done nnd furnished In lomovlng boilers nnd fixtures from ba&omcnt of Capitol building to now Uollor house , resetting uniuo and making now nteMii cotinoctlons and for doing all things re quited to bo done as per plans nnd snoclllca- tlousouflle with the Couinilssloner of Publla Lands and Hulldlniis. Work to bo completed by October 1st , IR89. Suitable bond will bo required ot successful bidder. Hlght reserved to reject any or all bids. lly older of Hoard of Public Lauds and llulld- Ings.AU .ugust ; 10,1889. Q. L. LAWS , Secretary. a2dlt ! niitiJASUHY DIPAIITMINT : : , orriou OF X Comptroller of the Currency. Wnshlngton , August 2d. IHS'J. Whorcns , by satisfactory ovl- dente presented to the underslgnsd. It has been in ado to appear that "The Amcilcnu National Hank of Omaha , " in the tlty ot Omnlin , lu the county ot Douglas nud btnto of NobrnsKii , has compiled with nil the provlilousot the statutes ot the United States , icqulred to bo complied w 1th before an association shill bo authorized to commence the business of bnuklu ? . Now therofon-.l.Kdwnrd S.I.ncoy , Comptroller of the Currency , do hereby certify that " 1 ho American National Hank ot Oimiha"lii the city of Omaha , In the county of Douglas nnd Htnto of NtihniHkn , Is authorized to coinmuuco the business of banking as provided luSectlon I'tfty ono hundred and Sixty Nine of tluiiovlhod statutes of the United States. In testimony whereof , witness my hand aud seal of olllco , this 2d < UV of August , I Mil , ( Signed ) U. S.LAOY , Comptroller ot the Currency. ll. No. 4037. nll'dlt MAMU-\CTUnFIIS OY CAWES , A n\ Rubber Ona Balloons , Jewelry i Notioid , . KovrjUti , &r , , &c. , at lowest prices , OOOUK forotrcetmc , Aueti > > ncrsandAi ; > nti. CanoKoclcsj anJICrifnKtr.ndntlUlitrlnHv. l iiiisTituiu ) nTniK.i r'ninn. 7 1 D WASHISCTCfl AVt" . ST. LOUIS , MO. THE BAILWAY TIME TiULtS. OMAHA. bUUUUBAN Westwnrd. Hnnnlng betwesn Council niuffa and Afc brlKht. In addition to the atulon * montlonod , trams top ut TwcntlntU and Twenty-foutt * etreets , and at the Hummlt in Ouiatia. llroau- ITntis- Oijiitim Bouth Al way. for , duput , 9heoly. Omaha brig ht. A. * l7 A.M. A. M. A. M. A. M. A.M. 6:61 : BiOO A.M.:9I : 6:10 : am BiiO JlCO 7)20 783S 74J ! ftf > 8:09 8:12 : BlW " * 8135 6U : SlU > ov ? $ i 862 9 if/ , IQlOO )0J2 ) | 10:2& : 10:45 : 10 : . 11:12 " 11:30 : ll : Ill P.M. P.M. "IT P.M. P M P.M. JH80B 12:3. : ) 12:45 : * lee : li ; HIM 1:45 : 1863 8:00 : aio ! : 2i4j | Site UQ9 : 8:43 2:32 : H : & ) " ! ) : W 4:10 : 4 lit "air. 4:12 : 4:60 4:67 : 6iTo 611 $ CU1 : 6M ; 6:90 : 6:41 : 0:05 oils 7:05 7)22 ) 7:30 : 7l4 80fi nil ; 8:2) : eiao B45 | 8:62 : BlOfi 0:45 : Oii2 UM Joifj n ton US ITllKt Iv ' ) Hid 12)01 ) Jim 11 'JMJlll FOR Halford MEATS , FISH , SOUPS , GRAVIES , do ,