Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 13, 1889, Page 6, Image 6

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.Ctllrereabr carrier In Any I'nrt ot heCHjra
' . Cents 1'erWcok.
.Twenty , , . .
NIOHT I'.viTon ,
M1N O U "M I j N TlO.-\ .
N. Y. P. Co.
Olcason coal.
C. II. Music Co , , G33 ll'wixy.
D.V. \ . Otis , city nnd fnrm lonns.
Uoston store leading dry i oods house.
The lot xvlll bo disposed of ono night of
the Kirmcss. All take notlco who bold
The funcrnl of Ernest Otloll took plnco nt
Lewis , Cuss county , Sunday nftcrnoon. Tno
remains were Interred there by the siuo of
these ot his mother.
The cnso npninst Contractor Uoson for vio-
Intinff the lire limit ortltmtnco. has been con
tinued until tl.o owner of tlio building , Mr.
T. J. Evuus , returns homo.
The trustees of the Council HlufTs public
library held thuir rcculitr monthly meeting
fit 4:30 o'clock yesterday afternoon nt the
llbrar.y rooms In the Morriuui block.
Curds nro out announcing the marriage of
Mr. K. 13. Cook nnd Miss .lulla Judson next
Thursday evening nt the residence of the
bride's parents , No. O'M Sixth uvonuo.
The Kirmcss. under the direction of 1'rof.
Molilcr , of St. Louis , who has given it so
successful ! in St. Louis , Kansas City , St.
Joseph nnd utticr ultlcs , will DO presented ut
Eoyd'a by t u souluty people of Council
Bluffs. Saturday , August : il.
Com llniley , who hti3 been lighting the
"vagrancy" case instituted against her by
the police , for several weeks , failed to np-
pciir when iiur case was culled yesterday
morning , nnd wus lined $ 12.00. Her bonds
men will bo requlroJ to suttlo.
The traveling wen and the clerks will
tackle each ottier ugnin on the base b.ill diamond
mend at Fuirview pitrk next Sunday. It is
thought that they will bo sufllclenti.v recov
ered ftoin the game of n week ago to lam-
bnsto cuch other in great shape , mid wear
out the crowd if not themselves.
Friday 11 the last day of service of papers
for thu August term of district court , and a
largo number of cases will bu Illod with the
cleric of the couit this week. There will bo
lorty-llvo criminal cases on the docket , bo-
Bides these that will be noted upon by the
grand Jury thi term.
A lively row on "Tho Row" wns caused
InstovcnliiK by the attempt of n party of
strangers to clean out the entire locality.
Two nymphs du pave and ono Individual of
the stjrnor sex wore landed in the cooler as
the result of police interference.
The funeral of Mrs. Elloa U'ildo took place
nt" o'clock yesterday afternoon from thu
residence , on East Pierce street. The de
ceased was a native of England , removing to
this country In 1M1 , and wus aged seventy-
eight years. The remains were interred in
the Uoomcr township cemetery.
Sunday Mr. H. A. Uallcncer presented
to the bureau of of the U.iptlst church , in be
half of thu contributors , n handsome $14 pul
pit bible. The gift was one duo to the of-
fontsof Miss Ucssio Uundall , who solicited
funds for its purchase. The pastor , Hov. T.
F. Thickstun , accepted thn gilt in buhulf of
the church in a foiv well chosen and appro
priate rcmarlcs.
Secretary X.ovcly , of the board of trade ,
wishes it understood that persons going to
Creston on tl.e " 2d and contemplating re
maining over night , or longer , and desiring
rooms in hotels or boarding houses will be
well provided for by addressing Dr. H. N.
Torrey , chairman , ( Jroston , la. , givin num
ber of parsons and intended length of visit.
The iirst mortgage of the Council UlufCs
Street Uallwav company , now the Omaha < fc
Council Uluff.s Railway & Hridgo company ,
for $250,000 was lited with the county
recorder .yesterday. The mortgagee is the
Mercantile Trust company , of New York
city. Tlio mortgairo is for the twenty-year
C per cent gold bonds , and is given for the
purpose of getting money to further develop
the lines of the company , mnku extensions
nnd increase the plant. it is the largest
mortgage thnt has been illed in bomo time.
The performance given nt Dohany's last
evening by Kcntfrow's Jolly Pathlinders
was witnessed by a crowded house , the pop-
ulor prices. 10 , SiO and ! 10 cents , serving to 1111
every seat. The performance was better
than many for which regular prices have
been paid , nnd the largo audience testified
Its approval by loud nnd continued applause.
Ttio company plays hero the entire vvcok.
This evening the play will bo "Uolow Zero. "
They will undoubtedly play to packed houses
the entire week.
Tno "Jolly P.ithllndcrs" Dramatic com
pany yesterday nlturnoori created n little
temporary excitement by depositing $3,000
in gold , bilvor and currency In a prominent
Broadway show window. A placard stated
that the pile of cash to make good
the company's guaranty to return the prlco
of admission to ovorv poraon who was not
suUslled with the nliow. A. special oftlcur
was detailed to watch thu wealth while the
cruwd admired it.
Dexter , employment.
Five Hnrvost ICx
The HurlinRton Route , C. , H. & Q. U. II. ,
will sell from principal stations on its lines.
on Tupsdnys , Auyust ( i nud ! M ) , September 10
nnd ! 24 nnd October 8 , harvest excursion
tickets nt hnlf rates to points in the farming
regions of the west , southwest and north
west. For tickets and further information
concerning these excursions call on your
nearest C. , 13. & Q. ticket agent , or address
F P. S. Eustls , general passenger and ticket
ngont , Chicago , III.
Loan inn
The case of Charles Curtis nnd Emma
Woodward was triud before Squire Hon-
dricks yesterday nftornoon. They wore
charged with vagrancy and adultery. The
charge was preferred by Mrs. Curtis , but
Bho afterward repented of it nnd devoted
herself to getting her husband out ot the
toils of the law. Sue withdrew the charge
of adultery nnd begged for the release of
bcr faithless spouse. She stated thnt thu
Woodward woman was left nlono , nnd she
necoininodntlngiy sent her husuund down to
keep the womnn company so that she would
not bo lonesome. The court then released
Curtis , but warned him that if another case
of the kind was brought it would not bo well
for the defendant to appear in his court for
trial. The woman was lined $5 and costs ,
nnd lu default of payment was sent to Jail.
Notice to Fox Cltil ) .
Notice is hereby given to Fox cluu not to
tro sjmss on premises of L. P. Judson , 1,800
acres of bust upland pasture ; pure water
nud salt ; no wolves running at large ; loom
P for 100 bond more stock , but not fox hunters.
I ? o
Ijumbor Itiiiid Wanted.
k Fifty thousand acres of timber land in
Missouri , Arliatibus , Mississippi , Texas or
Louisiana. Qwwis MKTOAI.F ,
Council muffs , la.
S. B. Wauowortn & Co. loan money.
The DCS Molncs Daily Register eels in nt
7:05 : on the morning of Issue. Delivered ut
s oneo ; 'JO cents n week. F , H. Nugent , Coun
cil JJluifa ogout.
Steam and hot water heating , first-class
plumbing. Work done in both cities. John
Gilbert , 516 Pearl street , Council LtlulTs.
i Who Can AiiHWor It ?
A photograph of the old house ut the cor-
nir of Pierce and Madison streets has been
loft nt Tni : HUB ollico , and is labeled "tho
oldest house in Council Bluffs. " It is desired
to ascertain whet her this Is the oldest house
now standing in Council lilufts or the Ural
ono erected hero. Information is also do
Bired as to date of the erection of the ok
two-story house now standing Just northwest
of the paper mill , and its builder. There an
Bovoriu of the older residents of the city whc
ought tq bo authority on this subject , umoni
them 'Siiulra ' Stone , Mrs. Mynstor und Can
tain IX 1) . Clark , nnd u Is hoped to lean
definite concerning it.
Money loaned at Lt , U. C'ralt's & Co.'t
loan ollico on furniture , piunos. horses ,
wnpons , personal property of all hinds ,
anil all otlior articles of value , without
removal , All business strictly con 11
The Monday Mornlner Round Up of
Police Court Viotlma.
A Question Tor the Old Seniors An
Aouommotlntlntt Wife The batest
\Vhlslcy Move A. t'olsoii
I'lnelicil l y the I'olicc.
The obstreperous snloonltccnors , run Infer
for violating the mayor's closing order nna
charged with keeping dlsordotly houses open
on Sunday , swelled the Mondny morning
business In police court to fjiilto respectable
proportions , but had It not been for them the
Crist would htivo been n smnll nno. There
were eight of tlio budge dispuuscrs who
objected to the rostrnmts Imposed by the
mnyor , iind they were each nsRcascd J14.00
for breaking over the rules. They put up
the required nmount nnd were allowed to go
tliolr way.
J. J. Sinks was cinched forST.GOfor drunk-
cntiess nud disturbing the pence.
Willhim Montgomery was hold on n slui-
llnr charge , out Ills CIIFOviii continued.
Fran If Graves nnd J.V. . Hurrls were each
fined $11.30 for disturbing the pence.
Otto Ulonquht was charged with the
larceny ofTO from John Wullnco , n patient
nt the \V. C. A. hospltnl. The crime was
committed on the lid of July last , when the
money was taKcn from the hospital , and no
duo loft us to the identity of the thief.
lilomiucst wns ti visitor nt the hospital on
that day , nnd then loft for another part of
thu country , saying ho would return in n few
days. Ho failed to keen his promise , and
this fact , together with other recent develop *
incuts , led tohlsnncst. The evidence against
him is altogether circumstantial. Ho was
sent to Jail In default of bonds to await a
hearing on Wednesday before Justice Hen-
d ricks.
Ilii ! Political Outlook.
"Tho political pot will soon bo sizzling at a
great rate. " remarked n republican leader
last evening. "Candidates ! Oh , there will
be any nmount of them. Don't think for a
minute that wo will have to go begging for
them. It Is n llttlo early yet to tell Just who
is in the race on the republican side of the
fence , but there will bo a full Held of start
ers when they got the word. The democrats
arc already busily at work pulling the wires
that oucht to bring somotlilng to somebody.
"It is quite ensy to piek out some of thuir
candidates a long way in advance. The
present incumbents will undoubtedly all DO
candidates far re-election. | Plumer has made
a good treasurer , and iiu has already held
tlio ollico two terms , but that is ull that can
be urged ncralnst him. If we can not haven
republican I would like to sue him given
another two years ; but between .you and mo
nnd the rising moon , Tom Howmun Is a can
didate for the olllcu ana he is going to make
a hard light. for ttio nomination.
You see , lingoes out of thu postoOlec before
very long , and ho is already working to pre
pare another berth.
"For the other two principal ofliecs , audi
tor and sheriff , the present incumbents have
every reason to expert a rinioniiuntion. By
virtue of every precedent they nreeiilltlcd to
it. if Hendriok * has been impioving his time
lu the auditor's ofllce , he ought to have made
n great , many friends out through the coun
try in two years , and his renomiiiation will
depend largely upon how well ho has im
proved that opportunity. Kither Jlmmio
O'Neill or S.un Krum will be sheriff for the
next two years , without the slightest doubt.
ITrum is pretty certain to be nominated by
the republicans , and O'Neill , a * I said be
fore , may well expect n second term. Some
of his unnmlcs will undoubtedly bring ui >
that Jail delivery of > t winter to urge
against him , but his record as n jailor
not bo equalled In Iowa. Every man who
has hold ollico has necessarily made more or
less enemies , nnd in that respect Krutn will
not hold any advantage over O'Neill ,
as certain actions of his regarding n number
of Bounty roads during his term of ofUco as n
member of the board of supervisors have
made him enemies who may cause him some
trouble. However , I regard it as a dead sure
thing that ho will bo elected if O'Neill does
not gut thu nomination at thu hands of the
democrats , for If tlio enemies of the latter
nnuingo to run tbp convention and squeeze
in sonic ottier nominee , his friends will then
turn in at election , nnd out of revenge will
slaughter the nominee of the convention ,
which will result in the election of a republi
can. In my ! i urn bio opinion , there will bo
homo hard lighting done in the conventions
this year , and that Is where the matter will
virtually bo stalled. In fact , I will be quite
positive of the outcome when I hear the re
sult of the work of the conventions. "
T. G. Tipton , real estate. 527 B'llway.
to loan on city property , at 0 per
cent. A. A. Clark & Co.
If you want clean , fresh groceries nnd
fruits , call on Johnson & Olson,712 liroadway.
l-'ino Jewelry , watches and diamonds ;
cleaning and repairing at K. Hurhorn.
J. II. Smith , Orngn , medicines , paints , oils ,
glass. CO'J ' Main , near John Morgcn's.
A IJuriilnr'H Work.
About 11 o'clock lost night a burglar
entered the residence of J. C. Lange , on
Mynstcr street , and proceeded to appropriate
to himself a suit of clothes belonging to Mr.
Lango. Ho made the changa forthwith , and
when the family returned homo his cast-oil
garments wore found In a heap on the floor.
Nothing but. the clothes were missed , and the
object of the burglar is amattcrof conjecture.
It Is suspected that ho may have made the
ctmngo for the purpose of concealing his
identity , but nothing Is definitely known.
Ho was gone when the family returned home ,
and his old clothes were the only clue loft by
which to establish his identity.
Oaths nt Mannwa Heach , near hotel. Sep
arate battling rooms for ladles and children ,
Kerr & Gray , real estate , 503 First avenue.
Chivrnod With I'oisoninu Slock.
W. E. Mercer lllrd an information In
'Sqiuro Schurz's court yesterday afternoon
charging H. H. Thompson with malicious
mischief and trespass. The information al
leges that Thompson placed poison , the
name of which is to the complainant un
known , in the water where the complain
ant's stock , horses , cattle , lions and fowls
arc accustomed to drink , nnd that several of
the animals have cither been killed or In
jured by reason of the Bimic. Thompson
was arrested and the hcarinir of the case set
for to-morrow. Hail was tlxed In the sum of
$300. and the defendant wns allowed to go
out In charge of an ofllcer to try to secure
the necessary bonds. Both parties rosldo in
( ho western part of the city.
No Explosion *
When persons Uoop cool nnd use our
' 'Sun Ulnl" gas sloven. Four holes ,
roaster tuul bakeovon. Costs 7 cents
per hour whoii running full blast. Now
York Plumbing Co.m
For sale , now seven-room house , on two
lots , located on Fifth avenue ; $2,200. A. A.
Clark & Co.
Sylvester Strikes a Snnsr.
Sylvcstor Smith Evoland was yesterday
taken before Squire Hendrlcks on a charge
of obtaining money under false pretenses.
Sylvester bought a wagon of John Clausen ,
and gayo a mortgage on some property ho
did not own , and later developments led the
mortgagee to bollovo that Kvcland Intended
to skip out and leave- the country , so hu tiled
an information and caused bis arrest. Mr.
Clausen produced the note and mortgage
given by Kveland , and the latter ovldont'y '
thought the evidence altogether too over
whelming , for ho waived examination and
wus bound over to the grand Jury lu the sum
of $1,000 , and in default was sent buck to Jail
to await tlio action of that body , which
meets about the 1st of next month ,
A New 1'rolilbltliui Move ,
A now departure was taken lu thu prohl
billon cases yesterday. Heretofore the
wholesale men have tiot boon Interfered
vitli by those engaged In enforcing the law ,
argcly for the reason that they are among
ho better class of citizens , but chiefly be
cause they sell vho greater part of tholr
poodi In Nebraska , A petition wai filed In
ho district court giving John Llndor notlco
hat suit had been commenced against him
> y Frank Carroll for the recovery of 5500
mid for liquors sold to him contrary to the
aws of Iowa. Carroll was the owner of the
saloon on Upper Uroadwny known as the
'Uuckotof lilood , " where Tommy 13rook
murdered young Do Good , nnd whoso
angulnnry plaeo was shut up bv the police
after that bloody event. This Is an entirely
now departure , nnd will bo watched with u
good deal of Interest.
Scldcnbcrg's Go Figaro nt the Fountain.
E. II. Sheafo & Co. give special attention
o the collection of rents nnd care of prop
erty in the city and vicinity. Charges mod
erate. OAlco Uroadway and Main streets ,
up stairs.
Houses to rent , A. A. Clark & Co.
Kollcy ft Younkorman sell groceries
Chase and tianborn coffees a special } ' .
Desirable dwellings for rent at incmornto
iriccs. K. II. Shoafo & Co. . rental ugcnts ,
Jrondway and Main streets , up stairs.
Mlsn Sophie Peterson , of Omaha , Is vlslt-
ng Mrs. Wcsncr , on Mynstor street.
Charles Ucno left Sunday evening on a
rip to Chicago.
Ocorgo Ferguson , formerly proprietor of
ho Pacific house , has sold nls hotel in South
) mahn and will return to this city to cngngo
n business.
Miss Kittle Edwards Is visiting in Chicago.
Attorney General John Y. Stone has re-
urned to Dos Monies.
Miss Ollle Bridges , 01 Ogden , Is a guest of
her sister , Mrs. Lester H. Tyson , of Sixth
Mrs. William Flanagan nnd daughter ,
Hera , of Cedar Hnplds , nro In the city.
Mrs. William Emerson , of Ninth avenue ,
s visiting in the Black Hills.
Mayor Itohrcr received n telegram yostor-
lay afternoon that his Brother was seriously
11 nnd not oxuccted to live. Ho left via the
Wabash for Chlllicotho. Mo.
Misses Joslo and Lena Clausen , Minnie ,
Mnggio nud Annie Hanson , Ella Maintain ,
3nrrie Goff , Jcnuio and Lottio Pile nnd Mrs.
Ualliuger and daughter have returned from
Uivcrsldo park , a resort near Sioux City ,
where they have been camping for two weeks
Dr. Stephen Phclps , of the First Presb.y-
.erian church , leaves with his family to-day
' Illinois and will bo gene several weeks.
Mr. L. A. Caspar loft yesterday for Creston -
ton on business connected with the Potta-
wattamle exhibit at the Blue Grass palac *
Dr. O. H. Simon , the newly appointed con-
iul to Hong Kong , loft yesterday for his new
ocation , after n short visit with his sister-
n-luw , Mrs. Joseph Mueller , of this city.
F. L. Huydcn , manager of tlio Council
Huffs department of the Republican , left
ast evening for Jnnesvillo , Wis. , on a Hying
justness trip. Ho will return Friday night.
For sale Ono Gar-Scott ten-horse portable
engine ; in good repair. Apuly to Woir-Shu-
gart Co. _
Swanson Music Co. , 335 Broadway.
Go to M. Keating for drugs , C03 Broadway.
Winter & Monroe , sign painters , 410 B' way.
City steam laundry , 84 Main , tol. 141
Dwelling for sale on easy payments. Also
building lots nt lowest market prices. Call
and examine our list. E. H. Sheafo & Co.
A Farmer ShootH Tor Dear nnd Firings
Down nn Outlaw.
ASTIOO , Wis. , August 12. At Bryant
Saturday night George Irish was awakened
by his clog barking , and getting up thou ght
i bear was among Ills pigs. Ho got his gun
and followed the dog to the woods and saw
what ho thought was a bear. Ho shot and
{ tiled a man by the name of Bowman. It
seems * hat Bowman was an out-
aw from Kentucky and that
the sheriff from that state wns at Bryant to
arrest him. As soon as Bowman discovered
the sheriff was after him ho wont to the
woods. The coroner's Jury returned a ver
dict of accidental shooting. Irish regrets
the occurrence , but his neighbors arc talking
of giving him a testimonial as a public
A Fieml's Schcino Fr list rated.
NEWAHK , N. J. , August 12. Thomas
Collins , ngcd thirty-flvo , was arrested this
morning for n fiendish attempt to outrage
Annie O'Donnell , aged fifteen , the daughter
of A. O'Donncll. Collins boarded with
thu O'Donuclls. He got up at 1 o'clock this
morning , stole through the room in which
O'Donncll ' nnd his wife were sleeping , and
entered the room occupied by the girl ,
where bo assaulted tier. Failing to ac
complish ills purpose , ho used a knife , inflict
ing a horrible wound. The girl ran screaming
to her father's room and told her story.
O'Donnoll searched for Collins and found
him hiding behind u bed. Ho picked up an
earthen vessel nnd smashed it over Collins'
head , indicting several deep and ugly gashes.
Collins made his escape and sought refuge in
nn out house , where ho inudo an attempt to
cut his throat , but only inflicted a llesh
wound. Ho afterwards made his way Into
the street , where ho was taken Into custody.
When committed for trial ho said ho wus a
somnambulist and docs not remember going
into Annlo's room.
Mortality where Dr. .Tofforis' preventive -
vontivo and euro for diphtheria and
putrid sere throat ( ns in scarlet fovcr )
is used is 1-10 of one per cent , or , one in
a thousand. Under other treatments
in Europe nnd America , CO to 80 per
cent. Address Dr. Thos. Joll'oris , box
657. Omaha ; or Doha von , druggist ,
Council Blufis. la. No physician re
quired , Sent by express on receipt of
price , $3.
Americans IrtTOhlnn nnd Coroa Hold
Dp tu IlldlciilR.
WASHINGTON , ' ( /gust / 12. [ Special Tolo-
grnm to Tun Hn . ] If Lieutenant Wood , of
the United Stated ftfivy , were nn ofllecr un
der Postmaster pnncral Wannmakor , ho
might bo in dangcV 'of a court martial. A
postmaster gonof/V / who stops malls from
being delivered nt.'lLong Branch on Sunday ,
ns Mr. Wnnnmaltef- said to have done ,
would scarcely tolerate such irreverent nnd
uncvangcllstlo declarations as these Just pub
licly mndo hero b.yj "Lieutenant " Wood. That
naval o nicer , whd "Has been much In China
and the cast , dooms it expedient to publicly
speak as follows of tin ) American mission
aries in China and Corcai
"It Is not extravagant to say that the work
of the missionaries In China and Corcu has
been absolutely without any result except to
hold them up to the ridicule of the natives.
It has bcforo been stated , and I concur In the
belief , thntthcro is not a Chincso convert to
Christianity of sound mind to-day wlthln.tho
entire extent of China. The converts wo
hear of In this country nro merely menials ,
employed about the quarters of the mission
aries , who , for a salary of four dollars per
month , become converts. But when they
are discharged , there is no further evidence
of their 'change of mind. ' The missionaries
do not mix with the natives to any considera
ble extent , and many of their meetings are
not only In English , but with the mission
aries themselves as nn audience. As for a
nobleman of Corcn or n mandarin of China
over acknowledging the Christian faith , such
nUimg | was never heard of. "
"How do the missionaries bring them
selves Into ridicule i"
"As n matter of fact , they are looked upon
about as is the Salvation Army in America ,
only to a decree ten times as great. The
Chinaman , for instance , has n respect for his
language which amounts to reverence. Even
u stray piece of paper with Chinese charac
ters would bo picked up nnd burned. You
will understand with what feelings they re
gard the translation of the bible the mission
aries have prepared for them when vou know
that this Is in n lingo which stands in the
snmo relation to the mandarin tongue or
classical languuiro of the country which Is
used In court and Is the oDIclal language nil
over that country that an obscure negro
dialect of Louisiana stands with classical
English. Only the educated Chincso are
nblo to use this language. They all have the
sumo respect for It , and it la in that the pro-
cents of Confucius are given to the people. "
"How did it happen this mistake was
made * "
"Simply because when the missionaries
located in Fee Chow they learned the
langungeof the locality , and of course could
use no other , either in speech or to write in
making n translation. There is n gradual
change in the Hugos of China , which is seen
distinctly In n distance of fifty miles , but the
tongue of the mandarins Is universally used
by the educated and reverenced by every
one. "
Murphy Tclln How IIU Corn Exniblt
nt I'nrts Fell Through.
Now YOUKAugust 12. Charles J. Murphy ,
who proposed to erect a corn pulaco at the
Paris exposition , to bo devoted to the display
of the various uses of Indian corn as a food
article , writes from Paris explaining why
the project failed. Murphy says :
"Ever since thoPnris , exposition of 1878 ,
when the United States made n very poor
agricultural showing , I have waited for an
opportune time to exemplify to the world
what could be done with our Indian corn as
n human food. I concluded the tiino had
come for this display ut the Paris exposition.
I laid my plans before the Now York produce
exchange , the president of which unpointed
a committee. I thqn went west nnd made a
strong appeal to the produce exchanges of
the corn states to belp the movement with
subscriptions , 'llio principal produce exchanges -
changes and boards of trade in the west ap
pointed committcosto ; solicit subscriptions.
The only money used was $300 collected
at Buffalo , which was afterwards
returned. Now York city subscribed $1,0.)0.
Congressman Townshend , of Illinois , intro
duced a bill in congress proposing to grant a
special appropriation , butcongressadjourned
without action. Similar bills were intro
duced in the legislatures of Ohio and Illinois ,
but they too fnilod of passage. I then came
to Paris , in hopes that General Franklin , the
United States commissioner , would at least
erect u building at a cost of $2,500 out of the
$250,000 appropriated by congress , but ho
refuseJ to give one dollar for this exhibit ,
which could have been of moro practicable
value to the funning Interests of the United
States than ull the other American exhibits
( such ns they are ) combined. The French
authorities generously gave u slto without
charge which they valued nt $12,000. It Is
to bo regretted that the movement should
fail , for if successful , to use the words of the
United States commissioner of agriculture ,
"it would enhance the value of every acre of
land in the corn oolt. "
Sioux Pulls' Nt-w Directory.
Sioux FALLS , Dak. . August 12. ( Special
Telegram to THE BEE.l The new directory
of Sioux Falls Is being delivered. It con
tains nearly ilva thousand names , which In
dicates a growth of over ( four thousand
population during the last year.
Chronio Cases of 40 Years Cured.
Hundreds Testify. No Return of Pain.
AT DntmaisTS AND
THE CHARLES A. VOOE1ER CO. . Baltimore. Ml
While In the city do not fail to
call on the
store and see the finest and best
Music Hall ori the Mo. slope.
Come and take a look at our
large stock of Pianos and Organs
and all kinds" 6f musical instru
ments up stajrs and down stairs
103 Main Street ,
and Power , Badger Shelter , Apple-
Feed Gutter and Wood Saw ,
\ \ 7 ANTlilJ At once , ugenis to solicit , on sixP
> T * ry or commission. Uooil reliable inun
only. Permanent situation and good salary to
the right p.irtlea. Address Council JllulTs ror-
tralt Co. , Council I ) I nil 8 , Iowa , f < )
APIItST-RIjASS onglnn nud Itollcr can bo
bought complutn for 33JO. Address Sprnguo's
Foundry , Council Illuirs.
T71OH HUNT S-room house , 009 Mynstor St.
-LJ Apply to A. Louie.
FOK KXCIIANOK-An equity In a farmnenr
tun city for city lots. Johnston i Van 1'at-
ten , Everett block.
\\rANTKn ImmeaUtely , n waiter. Ixmlo Er
' Metzger , No. oil llrondwny.
U boarders wanted nt VS Ilonton street.
-L Good board at reasonable ratos. Mrs. I.\V.
KSTATR llought nnd sold nnd ex
changed. Spoclnl Attention Riven to exam
ination or titles. W. C. James , No. 10 1'uarl St. ,
Council Uludo.
Corner Main nnd Broadway ,
Dealurs In foreign &nd domestic exchange.
Collections made mid lnt r st paid on tlniods-
Money loaned on furniture , pianos ,
diamonds , horses , buggies or anything
of value nt low raes of interest. No ,
publicity : fair and honorable dealing
A. A. Clark & Co. , ofllce cor. Broadway
and Main , over American express.
Tlio liost is generally the cheapest. If you
would be a tlrst class book-keeper , teacher ,
penman , or reporter and typewriter In a reabon-
ably short time attend the
Bend for cntaloptuo Divine full unrticnlnrs
roe. W. 8. PAULSON , Council lllulls la.
Council Bluffs , la.
Conducted by tha Sisters of Charity ,
An excellent educational institution , fur
nished with all modern Improroinunts tor
bonrdhiK anil day school. Tha acedemlo ycsr
consists of two sessions. uoglnnliiB on the flrst
Monday In September and February , respect
THUMB Hoard nnd tuition , per session. 876.
For further particulars address
Sister Superior , Ht. Frnnols Aciulomy ,
Council flluflti , In.
Adapted to thu public schoolH. The only
complete thine of Its kind In existence uiirt In-
dlopenslble lu the Hchoul room , School boards
dCblriiiK the most perfect belp tor ttio teachers
are Invited to uxuuilnu thtn. Address
General Agent ,
r 173 Willow Avo. , Council lliulfB , Iowa ,
Centrally loccted. J'irst-clnss turnouts.
freMi IIOISCB and new carriages. Not nn old
rlK In the stable. Special attention Klvou to
funcrulH , and reduced rutea tor carriages for
\V. A. IIAYK9 , 1'roprlotor.
Telephone 77. iiw Uroadwny ,
1'res. Vice I'res ,
CllAS , It , HANNON , Cashier.
/ > TTI'/PITM P'l'A'PIJ 11 iMT
Paid lip Capital . 1WOM.OO. )
Hurplus . . . iiywo.oo.
Liability to Iluposlton. . . .T.J5OJO.oo.
nniKCTiiiii > 1. A. Miller , I'.O. Gloatou , K.
Hhugart , K I ! . Hart , J. I ) . Kdmundson.Chas. It.
llamion. Transact general banltm
l.arucbt capital ana surplus of any bunk In
southwestern Iowa. Interest on time deposits.
NO. .3(3 ( MAIN QT - >
It is a BHAT-AI/L. bocnuso it never breaks , splits , cniclts or curls.
Bocriuso it is indestructible in the weather , and will undergo no chnngo in
in any climntc.
Because it ib more durable than any other roof mndo , iron , tin , slate or wood.
Because it can bo quickly put on without skilled labor and is cheaper than
Because it has been proven by the severest trials and has never failcu.
For further information apply tu
Boom 5O9 First National Bank Building , Omaha.
Council Bluffs office , 115 Pearl Stroot.
: l
Newly Finished
Connected by Motor
> = with
Located on Lake Manawa , the finest Watering Place and Sum mo
Resort in the west , Beautiful Boating nnd Fishing.
Unparalelled Bathing Beacn.
RAJA J 8fc./M I Spoolal Rates to Parties nnd Families. Oor-
A AM /
GSQiQS o& r@r isayi | rosponaouco souoitoa.
Kupcclally Adapted for
25 T0300 & /
IIORSE POWER Mills and Elevators
Specifications nnd e tlmatcs furnished for completosteam plant * . Hejjul itlon durability
guaranteed , Can show letters from liners where fuel ucommiylsojual
\\lth Corllua Non-Condunslng. Bend for rntuloguo.
E. C. HARRIS , Agent.
No. BIO Pearl Street , Council Bluffs.
The HfJt Kqulpned KstablUliment In the Woht. DOBS Dyelnu and Cleaning of Garments and
Goods of uvery description and material , Dry Cleaning of Mno tiurmuuu n Specialty.
Out of town orders uy mall or expruaa , will receive prompt attention.
Works on Motor Line , Corner 26tD St. & Ave , A , Council Bluffs ,