Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 13, 1889, Page 5, Image 5

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The "Way to Reach. Dundee Place : Go to the End o Farnani Street , then North to Dodge , which will
Bring you to Our Southeast Corner.
Has been a surprise to many of the pldest citizens here. Those who have seen Oinaha grow from a small town to
the strong and magnificent city it now is did not think twelve months ago that the western part of the city would
take shate ) and develop at suoh a marvelous rate. Wow everything points to the west , where the beautiful hills over
look the thickly settled portions down town. The pure and healthy atmosphere is noticeable immediately Dundee
Place is entered ; the air is free from disagreeable odors and smoke , which are objectionaDlein many parts ot Omaha.
The ground is rolling from one end of Dundee Place to the other , thus aifording the proper undulation to produce
the best drainage , in consequence water , after heavy rains , does not lay on the ground and become stagnant , as is
known to be the case in many of the best localities in Omaha.
If in Dundee Place you will have good health.
If you buy in Dundee Place you will make money.
If you own property in Dundee Place your surroundings will be the best.
If you want" house in Dundee Place , and have not the time to build , the contractors on the ground will show
what they haye for sale.-
If you want to build a nice house , and have not sufficient money to spare at present , we will make you a liberal
G-o out and look at what has been done the past few weeks , or call at our office and we will show the property.
Write or call for any particulars ,
of Goxxixner
W. H. CRAIG , President. N. D. ALLEN , Vice-President. W. K. KURTZ , General Manager
i' Jjl
' * I
' u
Friends of Mrs. MoFarland Testify
in Her Bohalf.
Two \Vitncsnoa Emphatically Deny
That the IMiiiiantljndy's Voracity
Was Qucstlonoil In the
Quaker City.
nian'tTolI tilea.
The Plotchcr court martial resumed the
examination Into the conduct of the colonel
yesterday morning , the prosecution offer
ing evidence In rebuttal.
Cliarlos J. Thomas , u livery stable keeper
of the Qjaltnr City , mid an uncle of Mrs.
McFarlund , was first called , mid testiilod
tliut the reputation of his niece for truth and
voruelty was good , nnd went on to any that
her general moral character was also good.
Upon cross-examination the witness said
that ho didn't know that Mrs. McFarland
was unusually talitatlvo. She was a. bright
nnd vivacious llttlo creature and a warm
friend of those whom she liked.
"You have a brother in the Philadelphia
iax dopartmout , have you noil"
"Yes. "
"You don't know what ho might have said
about Mrs. McFarlnudI"
"No , but 1 should make considerable nl-
ijwanco for anything he might have said. "
"Do you know Mr. Plotsonl"
"Yes. "
"Very reputable gentleman , Is ho notl"
"Yes. "
"Do you know what ho might have said
about Mrs. McFarlund I"
"No. "
Do you know Mr. Earlyl"
Yes. "
"Heputablo gentleman , isn't ' hel"
"Yes. "
"You don't know what ho might have said
bout Mrs. MeFarland ! "
"No. "
"Do you know what Mrs. McFarland's
conduct was in the city of Omaha lust Juno ! "
"No , sir. "
"She might have been guilty of the gross
est misconduct for all you know , slrl"
"She might , yes. "
"You don't know what places she visited
In the cityl"
"No air. "
A member of the court arose to ask the
object of the Inquiry Into Mrs. McFarland's
conduct and moral character ,
The counsel for the defense said that the
witness In his direct testimony had volun
teered Information upon this point , and had
thereby opouod the way for these in
quiries ,
The court , however , ruled that the exam
ination must bo conllncd to her reputation
lot truth and voracity , The counsel said be
bad 110 further questions.
lie-direct "In regard to these allusions
made by the counsel for the accused , if there
had been any misconduct on the part of Mrs.
MoFarland , you would have Ituown it ,
wouldn't you ! "
The accused objected to the question and
the objection was sustained.
"You may state what occurred at the In
terview between you and Mrs. McMullen. "
Counsel for defense again interposed an
objection , which was overruled.
The witness proceeded to answer the ques
tion. "Mrs. MoMullen said that the colonel
was batter pleased with Mrs. McFarland
during her last visit than ever before , and
that the only ditllculty they had was a little
quarrel on the last morning of her visit. "
The next witness called was Horace F.
Weeks , a Philadelphia lawyer. Ho testified
that lie had Known Mrs. McFarland for
fifteen years , nnd that ho moved in the same
Boclety in the city that she did , Her reputa
tion for truth nnd veracity , he sold , was
good and lie uuvcr hoard It questioned.
Upon cross-examination the witness said ha
had never discussed the matter of the lady's
"Then tlio extent of your knowledge of
this matter , " said the counsel , "is that you
have never discussed it ? "
" 1 have never discussed It , "
"Did j'ou ever represent the McFarland
family us an attorney ! "
" 1 linvo been questioned by them on points
of law , but never received any fees from
them. "
The witness acknowledged that ho had
once visited Omaha to consult Mrs. McFar
land regarding the sale of some real estate ,
but at that time ho represented the purchas
ers and not , Mrs. McFarland.
Howard Kountze , of Philadelphia , was
next called. Ho hud known Mrs. McFar
land for eight years , and know many people
in the city whom she know. Ho testlllcd
that her reputation for truth and veracity
was very good.
Upon cross-examination the witness said
he didn't know what , others tnlgbt have
said , but her reputation in this regard had
never been discussed in his presence.
Mrs. Hess , of Philadelphia , was very em
phatic in her answers and declared with
much vehemence that Mrs. McFarlnnd's '
reputation for truth nnd voracity was very
good. She had never hoard it questioned.
After luncheon Captain Dempsey was re
called , nnd lus attention was directed to the
morning of the 1'Jtti and the conversation
relative to the dogcart.
"At that time , " snld the witness , "I was
sitting upon Colonel Fletcher's doorstep and
I distinctly heard him say , 'You d n liar
nnd thief , you have been talcing things out
of the house that don't belong to you , ' and I
have every reason to believe thut the accused
was addressing Ills remarks to Mrs
Fletcher. "
Upon his cross-examination the witness
said that it was only his opinion that these
remarks were addressed to Mrs. Fletcher :
ho did uot know of his own knowledge that
they were. When he went into the bouse
Colonel Fletcher said ho addressed the re
marks to Mrs. MoFarland ,
Lieutenant Wright was recalled and asked
it Lieutenant Tousloy had not mndo con
trary statements regarding his understand
ing of Colonel Fletcher's words at the meet
ing of olllciirs , to what ho had made on the
stand. This was objected to , and the objec
tion was sustained.
"When j-ou called upon Colonel Fletcher
with Dr. Henderson , did you hear the latter
say , 'Time is too short , sign the paper or
take the consequences. ' "
"No , sir , I did not. "
Lieutenant Kinzle was recalled , nnd testi
ilod that on the morning of the 19th of Juno
Colonel Fletcher's coachman came to lilui
and said tnat the colonel was at the Mlllard
in case ho was wantod. The witness said
that no asked the man if he had overtaken
Colonel Fletcher on hia way to town , and the
coachman had answered yes.
The court then adjourned until this morn
Mrs. Fletcher arrived in the city Sun
day , but under the lawsho could not bo In
troduced upon the stand to testify against
her nusband.
If the court renders a verdict of
acquittal it will bo made known at
once , but if it shall bo a verdict of convic
tion , then ft will llrstbo forwarded to the
secretary of war and it will then bo an-
nouncca by him.
Oinalia Fair Annotation Booths.
All applications for Booths nnd privi
leges on the fair grounds during the
coining fair , September 2 to ( > inclusive ,
should bo mtulo to A. H. Brings , 210
South Fourteenth street.
J. n. McSiiANK , Seey.
It Makes Its Annual Selection of
The Doutscher club has elected the follow
ing board of directors for the ensuing year :
Louis KaupKo , president ; C. E. Uurmcster ,
flrtt vice president ; Julius Poyoko , second
vice president ; Edward Wohlora. secretary ;
Henry Meyer , J. P. Lund. George Heimrod
and Henry Sussonbach. The last two names
arc the now members , all the others having
been ro-clected.
The constitution has boon changed , throw-
Intr the election of members to the board of
directors instead of as formerly by the club.
Liut ono black ball is now needed to prevent
ailuilislon , whereas , formerly , throe were
Next Wednesday night the annual election
of oQlcers will take place.
The Collection Now Gathered In the
High School.
The Douglns County Teachers' Institute
opened yesterday at the high school , with
an attendance of seventy , which County
Superintendent 13runer says is the largest
ho has over known on the ilrst day of an in
The instructors , Mrs. Koysor , Dr. Strone
and Professor Brnner , were present and
looked over an array of fair faces which
nearly tilled the room. The masculine ped-
ngoguo is but slenderly represented and the
inf eronco is that the great majority of Doug
las county schools nro gorgeous with picture
cards and fancy work and during the sum
mer season redolent of the fragrance of pra-
rio flowers.
' 1 hcso young ladies are from almost every
state In the union and , if the comparison be
not invidious , in point of bcauti' and intelli
gence rank far above any similar collection
heretofore assembled in this city. There are
stately Ucrnhardts in voluminous
Galnsboros and flowing Spanish
mantillas , and plump little Dolly
Varacns in white muslin and pink
sashes. They are black-haired , brown-
haired , golden-haired and ilaxcn-halrod.
There are vivacious ones and languishing
ones , snappy , mild , round-eyed , lone-eyed
and spectacled. There nro Kates nnd .lanes ,
Grctchcns , Marguerites , Lillics , Hoses ,
Floras and Mary Anns. In fact , they re
present every conceivable tvpo of feminine
st4UolliiesspUinipno , liusnbloiicss and lovh-
ness , and ho would be fastidious indeed who
could not find an Ideal us the long line flies
out of the aoor at recess. All are settled
down to a couple of weeks' good hard work
with doubtless a sprinkling of enjoyment.
The various instructors have had a great
deal of experience in institute worn , and are
endeavoring to mnko the present session ono
of the most profitable and successful over
held In the county.
Mrs. Jenuio E. Koysor , who has charge
of the literary branches , is an
enthusiastic student of tlio literature of the
language and a very smooth nnd engaging
Miss Strong Is a practicing physician , an
experienced teacher and willdo justice to her
departments. The daily programme will bo
as follows :
8:45 : a.m. Opcnlne exercises ; 8:45 : to 9:15 : ,
history , Mrs. Koysor ; 0into : 10:55 , phyiol-
ogy ( two classes ) . Dr.Strong ; 10:50 : to 11:20 : ,
history of education , Mrs. Koysor ; 11 ; 20 to
11:55 , methods of teaching. Dr. Strong ;
11:55 : to 15:30 : p. tn. English lierature , Mrs.
In the afternoon the sessions will bo occu
pied by the Omaha Commercial college people
ple in Instruction in bookkeeping , civil gov
ernment and penmanship.
It wll bo observed that the course of lec
tures is a radical departure from that of for
mer years , covering only those subjects In
which oral Instruction is almost necessarily
supplemental to the text books.
These enrolled ycsterdayiworo : J. J , Long ,
C. H. Lowe , Oaasio A. Utzlor , Ella Sovorling ,
Amanda Lofstcdt , E. T. Gilbert , It Donald
Overholt , H. J. Hess , Eva M , Porn no. Emma
Nicholson , Ilosa Martin , Jennie L. Homers ,
Ada Gannon , Anson D. Eby , T , E. Dubois ,
Mary E. Uruncr , Mlnnio M. Swartzlandor ,
LoimlJvruo , Alice Knight Tracy , Adallower-
man , Eleanor M. Lewis , lieo Ryan , Ada
Tobltt , Annie Hannon , Kato L. Johnson ,
Matilda Fried , JulietV. \ . McCqne ,
Katie J. Meyer , Ada G , Kuan ,
Anna. 12. Leach , Joslo Richards , Daisy M.
Manning , Cora 13. Smith , Mary Hogan ,
Florence E. Warner , Lowoua Jones , Nova
W. Turner , Jessie Klnir , Katie H. Flanory ,
H. Eby , Jr. , Mary Hlckoy , Delia Dakoti ,
Sophia Cleveland , Stella M. Cain , Mary
lilloy , Maud Eastman , Gertrude Glasgow ,
Eldredgo Messenger , Gertio Hick-
man , Eva Macdonagh , Kato A.
Gardner , A , L. Idee , Cora L ,
Fish , I , . W. Hold , Suda Will , Hattlo
L. lirewiter , Mlna Calolly , Maud Calolly ,
Sarah H. Young , Ulanchlo Katukin , Helen
S. Fremain , J , A. Sullivan , James Ellis , jr. ,
Berth Nolfer , Mamie Woasa , Eva Owen ,
Martha Owen , Jessie Marstoa.
ilo la Arraigned in Judge Rerka's
Court nnd TclU 11 IB Htory.
Charles Parker , a sixteen-year-old boy , was
arrested Saturday night for forgery and
arraigned before Judge Hcrktii yesterday
afternoon , A continuance was granted un
til Wednesday at 3 p. in , The boy says ho
induced to write the chocks by a young
man named Walter , who is an habitue of
the Diamond pool room. Ho wrote the
checks , passed them on the various parties ,
and gave the man Walter one-half the
profits. The boy went to Austin's shoo store
on Thirteenth and Howard streets nnd
bought a pair of shoes , tendering a check for
$13 and receiving $10.25 change. The same
game was played on W. R. Uonnolt & Co. ,
and the shoo store in Boyd's opera house
building. The checks were signed "C. S.
Pottec" nnd "E. F. McCartney. " They
were on the Omaha , Commercial and Ne
braska National banks.
The boy did not seem to realize the gravity
of his position. Ho asked the reporter if ho
could give bonds and got a chance to work
and repay the money lie had obtained. Ho
stated that the report that ho had boon forced
to got money dishonestly because bis father
whipped him for not bringing homo more
money , was not true. His eyes tilled with
tears as ho said he had the very best of
fathers , who allowed him to do as ho
Parker also stated that ho had never hung
uround banks In his life , and bad no Idea
how checks were drawn up until shown by
the man Walter.
Charles Purkor , sr. , the boy's father , is n
hnckmun living at 1000 Cass street. Ho says
the boy has been employed at the new natatorium -
torium on Howard stront , and hat been re
ceiving $5 per week. Mr. Parker states that
ho told the boy that as ho was now old
enough to earn money ho ought to contribute
something toward the family purso. Since
that his sdn has been giving him $1 per week
regularly. Ho was not awnro that the boy
was in the habit of frequenting saloons or
pool rooms until the developments of the past
fovv days , as ho was compelled to bo away
from homo most of the time. His family
consists of himself anu two children , this
boy and a girl , his wlfo being dead.
Vitality and Vljjor
Are quickly given to every part of the
body Hood's Sarsaparilla. That tired
fooling IB entirely overcome. The blood
is purified , enriched and vitalized , and
carries health instead of disease to
every organ. The stomach is tonodand
BtroiiRthoned , the appetite restored.
The Icidnoys and liver are roused and
invigorated. The brain is refreshed ,
the mind inado oloar and ready for
work. Try it. _
They Are Urced to Mnko a Suitable
fitnto Exhibit.
FIIIEND , Nob. . August 13. To the BeeKeepers
Keepers of Nebraska' * The state fair is
drawing near and the success or failure of
our annual boo and honey-exhibit IB simply a
questloon of whether wo , as individuals , will
take hold and aid In swotting the exhibit this
year. The premium listen this department
has been greatly revi3uiund , , enlarged for
the coming lair and Is meeting the approval
of boo-kecpors of the sthto ; so fur as wo nave
been able to learn. Hundreds of our eastern
friends are arranging ( to1 visit our coming
state fair. A wrong jinnressirm has long
existed as to whether honey is being pro
duced in this state or not , 'u'ml It behooves us
to join in exhibiting the'lmality as well as
quantity wo are producing. In the past no
favor asked for has been refused this de
partment by the oftlcenofi the state board
of agriculture. All-i packages in
tended for exhibition In this de
partment will bo carefully cared for ,
entered in their proper class and placed on
exhibition , and returned to the owner if ex
pressed prepaid to the "IJeo and Honey De
partment , State Fair , Lincoln , Neb , " I
shall bo on tbo grounds both day and nleht
from the commencement of the fair until its
close , and the last article placed on exhibi
tion is cared for , and to those who dcslro to
place articles on exhibition , as well as those
who come to view the largo number ot sweet
things wo , as bee keepers , are producing In
this state , I desire to say that my time is
yours , tioo keepers who visit tbo fair are
cordially invited to make this department
their headquarters during their stay at the
great show , and our aim shall bo to make
their stay as pleasant as possible. Entry
blanks , premium lists , or any further information
mation will be furnished promptly on appll-
cation to mo , at this place , or to Hon. R. W ,
Furnas , Sec. . Brownsville , Nebraska.
Very truly ,
E. WmTCOMU , Supt.
[ State papers please copy , ]
Ilow a Respected Citizen AVns Treated
by Norfolk's Marshal.
NORFOLK , Nob. , August 0. To the Editor
ot Tan Ban : Last Saturday the people of
this city were horrified by ono of the most
brutal and disgraceful scones over wit
ness in this part of the country. The follow
ing are tbo particulars by an eye-witness :
Mr. James Gray , of Norfolk Junction , came
up in nis buegy , hitching his horsa in front
of A. Poswatk's blacksmith shop. Ho went
about his business , returning at the end of
an hour or so to find his horse and buggy
gone. After looking about considerable bo
mot Marshal O'Banion driving the rig down
the street at a lively gait. Mr. Gray at
once took possession of his horse and
naturally expressed bis sentiments at tlio
unwarranted liberty of O'Banion in appro
priating the property without his permis
sion , yet indulging in no abusive language
beyond demanding pay for tbo use of his
rig. Then O'Banion pounced upon his vic
tim like a bulldog , striking Mr. Gray with
his list ( in the back of bis neck ) , and as the
unfortunate man turned , scetntnely to learn
the cause of the attack , the brute seized him
by tbo throat , and drawing his billy started
with his prisoner for the ofllco of the police
Judijo , several blocks away , shamefully boat
ing and chokinir the poor man all the
while. All this was without the
slightest causu or provocation , us Mr.
Gray did not once offer to resist or remon
strate. Ono tiling was noticeably strange.
O'Banion was hoard to say botwcen the
blows and Jerks , "Tako that , d n you. I
have had it In for you for two years. " To
cap the climax his honor , the policy judge ,
fined the prisoner $8.70. Mr. Gray demurred
nnd tbo amount was quickly cut down to
S4.75. The xvritor has known Mr. Gray for
years and can conscientiously testify to his
good standing as a peaceable nnd sober citi
zen. S. G. STANTON ,
F.,13. &M , V. U.U.
Plica ! 1'ilofl ! riles !
Dr. Williams' Indian Pile Ointment will
euro blind , bleeding and itching piles when
other ointments have failed. It absorbs tbo
tumors , allays tlm itching at once , nets as a
poultice , gives instant rollof. Dr. Williams'
Indian Pile Ointment is prepared only for
piles and Itching of the private parts , and
nothing else. Every box Is warranted. Sold
by druggists , or sent by mail on receipt of
price , 50o nnd $1 per box.
WILLIAMS' M'FG CO. , Prop's.
_ Cleveland , O.
The Keeling or n Disappointed Coun
try Ijovor.
An odd case was tried In a Justice court in
this city last week , the details of which are
yet unpublished and are ludicrous in tbo ex
treme. A young Gorman who owns a small
farm InMcArdlo precinct wanted a wife , and
Informed un Oiimha constable that if ho
would got him one bo would give him { 50.
The server of writs , etc. , at once began
looking around for u partner for his friend's
joys and borrows , and found her in the par
son of n young healthy girl whoso reputation
for chastity Vfna not by any means as pure
as the driven snow on the hillside. Ho con
trived to have the pair moot and the young
German was delighted. An arrrango-
inent was .made by the mutual
friend , because the German spoke but llttlo
English , while the woman's ' knowledge of
Gcrmati was confined to the one word "ge-
sundhoit , " and the twain were made one.
Then the constable wanted bis money but
the farmer would not pay , claiming that tbo
woman was not worth the prlco , The con
stable suqd him but failed to get a judgment.
His name is R. J. McKinney ; bis residence
is Woodbury , Hill county. Texas ; his state
ment May , 1880 ; My little son was cured by
S. S. S. of bad sores and ulcers , tbo result
of a general breaking down of his health
from fovor. Ho was considered incurable ,
but two bottles of Swift's Specific brought
him out all right.
All Out Now.
The last ono of the advertising agonta
for Merchants' week wont out on the
road this morning to BOO to it that
everybody comes to Omaha during fair
week. '
A Typawriter nimla to meet the modern
want for a , ma.hlno which prints directly from
typo , uei no ribbon , aligns ponr.anontly at
point or pi-Julius ; , is Uglit , Oompict , Durable ,
and In a word , is built on hcluntlllo principles ,
thniiu-tnclon ot ( i. W. N. Yost , the builder of
ooth the Ucmlnitfon nnd Cnlliirnph.
Miichlnusvltli Itcnilugtou or Ctiligranh key
board us dcslruil.
A Inrco stock of second linml Typewriters , ot
nil limbos , for bilk' , rent or oxclmniru.Vo nru
ulso sales twnts for tlio MKKlliTT" Typewriter -
writer , too finest law priced machine outlio
innrket. Price in.
Wo would l > e pleased to recolvo a call from
yon , whether you want to pnrchaso or uot , and
wo will Kindly show yon tlio " i")3T" anil tlm
lineal and largnst stoolc of Typewriter Purnl *
ture. Supplies , etc. , over brought to tuts city.
GEO.H. SMITH & 60. , 1605 Famam St. , Omaha
Park Place , Corner 36th and Burt Streets ,
Under the direction of the Ladies of the Sacred Hcnrt. Board and tuition In English
nnd French , Instrumental Music , use of books , per session of live months : flfX.00. ) Paint
ing , Drawing , German , Italian , Vocal Music , Ilurp , Violin , &c. , are extra charges. For fu
tliur information , apply to the
Studies will bo resumed on Wednesday , Sept. 4 , 18SO.
Steam and Hot Water Heating and Ventilating
Apparatus and Supplies.
Engines , Boilers , Steam Pumps , Etc.
1813 Douglas Street , Omaha , Nebraska.
An Omnha Man Captures n "WcHtoru
Debtor After Three YearJ.
' Ho put up a dollar three years ago , but
bo hasn't ' done anything since. " Such is the
burden of a petition filed In the district court
late yesterday afternoon.
To bo more explicit , Thomas F. Hall , a
local real estate dealer , owned one-half in
terest In an Oregon milling plant of com
posite character. It comprised saw , grist
and planing departments , with various llttlo
sldo linos. In October of 1SSO Mr. Hall sold
oiio-balf his Interest to David Kcclcs for
$9,003. Mr. Kcclos paid him a dollar to bold
the bargain , and promised to pay tbo balance
some other time. Ho hasn't done It yet , and
gives as a reason that ho bought another in
terest that of Mr. Hamsey for a great deal
loss money , and consequently didn't want
Mr. Hall's quarter. Mr. Hall swallowed bis
disgust , and has continued to uwullow it at
regular interval * for the last three years.
Hut yesterday was his day at but and ho im
proved the opportunity.
The forenoon was well spent when into
his ofncc there walked no loss a personage
than Air. Ecclos , who cheerily agreed to call
again that afternoon to HtrnlKhton things
out. Hut he didn't call , and Mr. Hall pro
ceeded to file his suit , claiming the original
(9,002 with interest at 10 per cent for three
years , the whole amounting to $11,750. Then
ho also caused the sheriff to serve the neces
sary papers on the elusive gentleman from
Oregon. That is to say. the papers were
Issued aud placed m the hands of an ofllccr ,
but up to a late hour Mr , Ecclos had main
tained his Incog ,
Ono other new petition was filed In the
district court yesterday afternoon. Judg
ment for 11,091.01 IH aslied by the Nebraska
Savings bank against Henry Sangwln.
George C , Maltese n , J , II. Sullivan ana
ThomriB H , Taylor. SatiKwin and Matteson
contracted to perform curtain work In con-
BtructlnK a bank building on the corner of
N and Twenty-sixth streets , South Omaha.
The petition alleges that tlm contractors
fulled to fulfil their bargain , lieneo the uuit.
Now papers tiled were the following ;
12-5'J John Arnold vs. Charles K. Miller
ot nl. ; answer of defendant.
8-94 Ooausuo Valley Manufacturing com
pany vs. F , D. Uoopor ; deposition in behalf
of the plaintiff.
11-17U Miles vs. Prince ot ol. ; summons.
A Pointer Mr. W. n. Collins is a
Kansns City druggist who linn made tin
business a success and is now solo owner
of ono of the llneat drug stores in the
west and enjoys iv largo patronage , lit
says : "Not from a financial standpoint ,
hut on its tnorits , I candidly and cheer
fully recommend Chamberlain's Cello ,
Cholera and Diurrhoua Roinody. It it
ono of the few preparations I have
found an extensive sale for solely on
their morita. "
Max O'Holl ' is coming to this country again
and will deliver a vecoud and more thorough
cauran nf liicturfu.