Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 13, 1889, Page 4, Image 4

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    THE OMAHA. DAILY. EflfljE : TUESDAY , AUGUST 13 , 1889 ,
E. IlOSKWATISIl. Krtllor.
TBHMS OK suiiscmrnoN.
D f.\\r \ \ ( Horning Edition ) Including BnniUy
Ilee , Unn Yew , . 110 no
ForSlx Month * . , . . . ft 00
J'orthr ee Months . , . 2 GO
UhnOmalm Rundfif IIco , mulled to any
ftddresA. Ona Year . 200
Weekly lloo. Ono Ycnr..r . 2 00
Oman * Oinca , lies Iiullcllnfr. N.V. . Corner
Borontcenth and rurnam Stnts. .
Cnlcairo omcf , M7 Hoolcory llnlldlng.
New York Office , Ilooma U and 15 Trlbuna
WMhmeton OfBco. No. 513 Fourteenth Street.
.Ml communications relating to news nnrt edl-
torlBl mutter should bo addressed to the Kditor
of the lice.
All mislnowi letters and remittances shonlil
1)0 nddroMort to Tlio Dee I'libllstilng Company.
Omnha Drafts , checks and poitolpco orders to
le made payable to tha order ot tlio company.
Tie Bee PDWisMnglipany , Proprietors ,
BKB Building Farnam anil Seventeenth Sta.
K\vorn HtntPinouL of Clroulntlun.
Stale of Nebraska , I
Countr of Douglas. ) "
GeorRo II. Tzschuck , secretary of Tlio flee
JPubllPliInK Compuny , OOPS solemnly swonr th'tt
the actual circulation of TUB DAILY JIF.K for
thu week cmllnff AUgtiBt 10 , liyu.waa ns tollows :
Sunday. August 4 18.MW
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Wednesday , August ? .19.0TH
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Sworn to before mo and nunscrlbeil to In ray
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IS-enl. ] N. 1 > . FKIU Notary I'ubllc.
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County of Douplns. fB3 >
tleor o 11. TzHchuck , boliiR duly sworn , deposes -
poses and sayg that ho is secretary of The Boo
Publishing company , tlmt the actual averaRo
dally circulation of TUB DAILT BKB for the
month of August , lf&ltus copies ; for Sep
tember. 1RM , 18,151 copies ; for October 1880.
18,081 copies ; for November , 1888.18,080 copiei :
for December. Ib88 , 18.2J ; ! copies ; foi January ,
18W9 , lSfi74. copies : for February , 1P89 , 18.W.K1
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18 > ff. 18f.VJ copies ; forilny , 18M ) . 18,0'copies ;
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18.W8 copies. Or.o. II. Tzsciiucit.
Swotn to before mo nnd subscribed In my
pri-sonco this 3il dar of August. 18ii9.
N. P. VKIU Notary Public
OMAHA is Icooping stop at the front of
tlio procession.
A DIIUMMKIIS' ball during merchants'
week would bo nn agreonblo wind-up to
the merchants' banquet.
Tim destruction of Hnmmond's mil
lion-dollar packing plant at Hammond ,
Ind. , may bo of great consequence to
South Omaha.
IT is quite evident that the labor
organizations of Omaha intend to make
the 2d of September a red letter
day in their calender.
How much lonijor are the jobbers of
this city going to wheel their freight to
Council Bluffs in order to got n cheaper
freight rate over the Union Pacific ?
IF Omaha is going to handle one-
fifth of that corn crop rated "ono hun
dred and ono , " it is time to look about
lor additional elevator room.
WITH three loading candidates in the
field and a few dark horses to hoar from ,
the gubernatorial canvass In Iowa ,
which opens up with the republican
Btatb convention this week , gives prom
ise of becoming quito lively.
THK sugar trust is bent on closing
down the two glucose- works at St. Joseph -
soph , Mo. , by paying tbem handsome
royalties for remaining idle. It is by
such questionable moans that the sup
ply of a prime necessity is regulated ai
will , and the price is correspondingly
raised by a soulless monopoly.
RAIN can neither dampen nor discourage -
courage the Grand Army reunion at
Kearney , which moots this wook. With
fair weather , there is every prospect
that the encampment will bo largely at
tended , and the veterans will enjoy
their gathering about the annual camp-
LAST year the agricultural bureau
valued the crops alone of Nebraska at
fifty million dollars. This year their
value at the lowest calculation cannot
fall short of that amount. In the na
ture of business transactions a largo
share of this newly-produced wealth in
BOino form or other will percolate
through the various channels of trade
In this city and induce renewed con
fidence in the future of Omaha and in
the greatness of the state of Nebraska.
Nisw ENGLAND is looking on with
alarm at the steady growth of cotton
milla in the south since 1880. Their
lanbor has increased fully ono hun
dred per cent , while the number of
spindles has niora than trebled , the
tendency being to build mills of greater
capacity than formerly. This cer
tainly indicates that the south has
solved for itself the question of cotton
manufacture so far as the malting of
the coamor cotton goods are concerned.
There has , in fact , been an overproduc
tion of this kind of material and an
effort is on foot to diversify that indus
try by making the liner grades of goods.
Should this bo accomplished , the su
premacy of Now England's cotton indus
try would bo seriously imperiled and Us
market would bo considerably curtailed.
Jisi'p DAVIS once more attracts note
riety. Tie has brought suit against the
publishers of "Tho Rise and Fall of the
Southern Confederacy , " which , from n
financial standpoint , has boon a com
plete failure. At the time of its publi
cation some years ago it was expected
that the work would bo valuable by
presenting the history of the lost cause
rationally from a southern point of
view. This expectation , however , has
boon sadly disappointed. As a consequence
quence the history has fallen flat and
has boon a drug on the book market. A
respectful , honest presentation of the
merits of the war from confederate sol-
dlora or ox-prosidents would bo given a
fair and full hearing by the whole coun
try , both north and south , But JolTor-
on Duvis' book 1103 commended itself
to nobody as a historical chronicle ,
owing to its intense sectional spirit , ita
imponltont and virulent character , its
rancor and fury , which distort truth
and justice. For that reason the book
has boon a dismal failure , and if road at
all will bo a clear retloctioa of the hot
headed man whose leadership brought
ruin and disgrace.
anrn smrstsn ENCAM
The summer cair.p ot the Department
of the Platlo , which is about to open at
Camp George Crook on the Fort Robin
son reservation , marks the inaugura
tion of annual field manoeuvres in the
United States. It is true that there
have boon before this year small gath
erings of regulars , but those now as
sembling at Fort Robinson and Fort
Rlloy are the first which can bo digni
fied by the nama of encampment. It is
significant of the skeleton condition of
the regular army ot the United
States that the assembling ot
such a small body ot man
is worthy of serious comment. In the
autumn manoeuvres of the Gorman and
French armies the small encampment
at FortRoblnson would bo swallowed up
in the immense mass of troops of all
branches which annually congregate
for field practice. The. encampment of
the Department of the Plivtto , however ,
comprises more than one-ninth ot the
regular army available for duty. While
on paper the army of the United Slates
is carried at 2-5,000 man , there
is rarely a time when moro
than 20,000 of that number are
available for service in the field. The
recruiting stations find it difficult ,
under the rigid regulations adopted , to
keep the companies and troops up to
the required strength , while the officers
and mon detailed for duty still further
reduce the numbor. The greater pro
portion of the artillery of the service is
stationed at seaside fortifications , and
those in the interior are restricted to a
tow light batteries , only ono of
which is at present serving in
this department. Of the 17,000 in
fantry and cavalry moro than
one-seventh will participate in the
manoeuvres at Camp George Crook ,
There is general interest manifested
In array circles over this inauguration
of summer practice in camp. The prep
arations made by the war department
to carry out the programme as laid
down have boon generous , and there is
a general fooling that what is bopun this
year in a rather small way will bo
carried out on a moro extensive
plan in succeeding years. Every other
country has found it of the very great
est importance to gather together from
time to time the various arms of the
service for practice in the art of war ,
such as it is impossible to secure with
small commands , and within the limits
of military garrisons. Both soldiers
and officers are in this way given an
opportunity to become familiar with
the appearance of actual war
fare , to learn the details of
a proper conduct of camp
lifo , and to acquaint themselves
with the proper tactics to bo used when
in the face ot the onomy.
Camp George Crook will be the scone
of many interesting displays of mimic
warfare , and the gathering is likely to
attract largo numbers of spectators
from other portions of Nebraska , who
will have an opportunity for the first
time to witness a very considerable
body of the regular army gathered to
gether on the tented field and engaged
in the operations incident to their pro
When a criminal case is pending in
court custom as well as law require that
nobody shall exert improper influence
upon the jury. What applies to trials
before civil courts , will apply with equal
force to trials pending before military
courts. It is eminently proper for the
press to report the proceedings of any
trial but it is of very questionable pro
priety for any editor to discuss the mer
its of a case before a verdict has been
rendered. Any comment is necessarily
an effort to influence the decision which
should be based entirely on the law and
the evidence , regardless of all popular
This undue interference has re
cently become n feature of some
of our local contemporaries. Ono of
the glaring instances is furnished in
the comments made upon the Saxo-
Swotnam case , and another is allordcd
in the pending trial of Colonel Fletcher
at Fort Omaha. Such a course does not
promote justice and is entirely outside
of the legitimate province of journal
ism. It is not the business ot the news
paper to usurp the functions of the ju
In various ways English enterprise is
making itself strongly felt in the busi
ness affairs of this country. It hits boon
moro or loss felt for years , but never
before with such activity and aggres
siveness as now. For whatever reason ,
whether because investments hero
promise greater profits than in Eng
land , or for the reason that capital is
anxious to avoid the dangers of a great
European war , which many believe to
bo imminent , or because there are no
longer enterprises abroad inviting capi
tal , Englishmen are remarkably vig
ilant and active just now in seeking out
and accepting business chances in the
United States. It is estimated that
fully ono hundred millions of dollars
have been invested hero by English
syndicates within the present year , and
representatives of English capital are
still moving about the country looking
for further investments.
As an illustration of the keen scontof
Englishman for American business , aNew
Now York dispatch announces the
arrival there of part of a fleet
of steamers coining over to
enter the West India trade. It
appears that the Now York agents of
the owners of those steamers notified
them of a brisk state of trade between
that city and West India ports , and as
soon as the information was received
the steamers sot sail. Others will fol
low , and as most of those vessels are ot
immense carrying capacity , and will
undoubtedly accept very low rates , they
will probably get all the business they
can do. This moans a great deal ot
money out of the pockets of American
ship owners , who htivo not the class of
vessels , either as to carrying capacity
or speed , to compote with the English
steamers. Our vessel owners may groan ,
but they can not prevent a largo part ot
this West India trade being carried
by foreigners.
There is premise of a strong pressure
upon the next congress for legislation
to restore the merchant marluo of the
United States ) and it will talco the
form of n demand for subsidizing steam
ship linos. It is possible by rv policy of
this kind to create iv merchant marine
which might successfully compote with
that of England , but it would require
subsidies which the government
could not afford and the people
would not tolerate. There must
bo some other way found to
solve the problem of how to create
an American merchant marine equal to
the demands of our foreign commerce.
It is not to bo doubted that there is an
abundance of capital ready to bo in
vested in this way if it should bo ro-
llovoil of the restrictions and unfavor
able conditions which the existing laws
impose. No subsidy which the Ameri
can people would permit would bo suffi
cient to establish and sustain a mer
chant marina able to compote with the
steamers of which England already has
moro than her own tvado requires , and
so long as this policy has such a support
that no other ono can bo adopted ,
American commerce with other coun
tries must continue to depend very
largely upon the transportation facill-
ties'of our most formidable commercial
A report has just boon received at the
state department from the American
consul at Marseilles upon tlio outlook
for blmotallsm in Europe. The obsor-
v.ationp of the consul , who is ono of the
most intelligent and careful in the ser
vice , are reaisuring to the advocates of
silver romonotization. Ho finds a stead
ily growing sentiment in Europe , and
particularly in Franco , Germany and
England , in favor of restoring the bi-
motallio standard of currency.
This is shown in the numerous pe
titions favorable to such restoration
that have boon presented to the Gor
man rcichstag , in the resolutions intro
duced in the British house of commons ,
as well as the frank declarations of
Salisbury in favor of Great Britain par
ticipating in the monetary conference
to bo hold in Paris , and in the attitude
of leading French journals. In vlow of
all these expressions , the consul con
cludes that it would seem apparent that
the Paris conference will meet under
circumstances far more promising to
the interests of bimotalisra than those
which surrounded the conference of
The most nptoworthy change of senti
ment on this subject has taken place in
Germany. In 1871 ! the new Gorman
empire having issued n gold currency
improvised and minted from the French
war indemnity fund , attempted to de
monetize the silver medium of its con
stituent principalities , with the object
of shipping it to blmotalic Franco in
exchange at fifteen and one-half to ono
for gold , forcing , by this unnatural ef
fort , another million dollars in gold out
of France. Franco at once placed her
self in self-defense on an obstructed
bimetnlic basis , coining until
1879 only so much silver as was required ,
and in that year entirely stopped the
coinage ot silver. Franco at present ,
therefore , is an entirely obstructed bi
metallic country. The Gorman states
and principalities forming the present
empire were silver monometalists until
1872. At this period the Gorman empire
came into existence with an intended
gold monomotalic policy , the founda
tion of which was the war indemnity of
a thousand million dollars taken
from the French. The heterogonous
German silver coin was pur
chased and converted into bul
lion designed for shipment to France.
But the cessation of the unlimited
French coinage of silver left Germany
no alternative except to reissue the
silver thalors in its treasury and mint
the remaining bullion into like coins ,
so that Germany remains in fact an ob
structive bimetallic country , and as a
result of its mistaken policy has suc
ceeded in bringing Its own silver , as well
as that of Franco and the world , into dis
credit. The government , however ,
while conscious of the failure of its
purpose to demonetize its silver without
resulting pecuniary loss , has persisted
in the policy adopted in 1873 ,
and until within a.year or two with
very general public approval. Popular
sentiment , however , has boon undergo
ing a change , becoming very marked
recently under the influence of indus
trial conditions which it is believed a
change in the monetary policy would
improve , and the government has boon
forced to glvo at least respectful atten
tion to this sentiment. In England
there has also been an unmistakable
growth of sentiment favorable to bimot-
ulism , although less pronounced than in
Germany. England has been a gold
monometalio country for more than
seventy years , or since 1815 , and the
people of that country cling to long-es
tablished policies with great tenacity.
Besides , all the vast power of the capi
tal of the country is opposed to any
chango. Nevertheless , there has grown
up within a year or twoa yory consider
able sentiment in favor of a departure ,
us was shown by the report of the royal
commission to investigate the causes of
trade depression , and has appeared in
the expressions of public men. While
these do not give warrant for expecting
an early change in England's policy ,
they indicate a tendency that inny ulti
mately bring about such a result.
The trend of sentiment in England
regarding this question ot bimotullsm
possesses great interest for the people
of the United States , and the delibera
tions of the monetary conference which
will assemble in Paris' next month will
bo watched with much concern in this
Every time that a mangled corpse is
found on a railroad track in Douglas
county , the coroner's jury Invariably
renders a verdict , "Nobody to Blame. "
If a driver of a street car runs over a
child the coroner's jury always discov
ers that nobody is to blame.
Why this is thus is by no moans a
mystery. Our coroner's juries are
nearly all made up of the -tamo old
crowd. There is always much haste
about the inquest , and a peculiar dis
position to throw the blame of the ac
cident upon the corpse.
For years this has been the rule
and not the exception. The big
corjwralions must not bo offended.
The coroner can gain nothing
In the way of political influence from
the relatives of a corpse , who are us
ually in moderate circumstances , or may
not oven reside in Omaha. The manag
ers of railroads always do take nn in
terest in tlio coroner , and naturally the
coroner's juries are made up of mon
who nro not unfriendly to them.
This Is n plain matter ot fact , stated
without malice toward our popular cor
oner. Hovlil have to admit himself
that his coroiit&'s ' inquests hnvo boon
a farce whontiVo-r thoaccldonthupponod
on a rallroad'irnok. The vordlot has
always boon "Nobody to blame , " or
"Camo to his or her death by their own
carelessness. "
In the interest of a common humanity
r.nd for tlio protection ot the publio
from the ncgliironco of railway mana
gers , wo would suggest that coroner's '
juries bo picked from a class of people
who will maUo an inquest something
moro than a moro sham , and nt Inaat oc
casionally find somebody to blnmo when
the lifo is crushed out of human beings
on our streets.
IT appears that the electricians nro
warmly opposed to having tholr science
associated with capital punishment. At
the convention just hold nt Niagara
Falls addresses were delivered in which
the proposed employment ot electricity
in Now York for Inflicting the death
penalty on several murderers now under
sentence waa roundly condemned. Ono
of the speakers , Mr. Wyinnn , of Boston ,
maintained that no ono can toll how
much electricity is fatal in agivon case ,
and said the attempt to put a man to
death by electricity would bo cruel. An
other electrician , Dr. Moses , of Now
York , declared that killing by elec
tricity , instead of furnishing a painless
death , was a most dreadful punishment.
The convention appointed n committee
to wait on the governorand endeavor to
obtain from him a reprieve of the pris
oners under condemnation until the leg
islature has time to repeal the act mak
ing electricity the death agent. The
difference of opinions among scientific
mon in this matter , and the popular
sentiment that has been aroused by the
press in opposition to the use of elec
tricity in intlietintr the death penalty ,
may result in prolonging the life of the
condemned mon and in inducing the
legislature to return to the gallows ns
the agent of , dcath. Such a result
would doubtless terminate for an indefi
nite time efforts to substitute electricity
for the rope.
NKW YORK ! 4on nucs to borrow
money at as Iowa rate of interest as
throe per cont. Recently a loon of a
million and o-hirlf to run thirty years
was placed , aim the bidding of lenders
was so active that a premium ranging
up to two and five-tenths per cent was
bid. The low rate of interest at which
Now York city is able to negotiate its
loans shows that there is a largo amount
ot capital seeking long-time and safe in
vestment at a merely nominal rate ot
interest. This is duo to nn increasing
scarcity of suitable securities such as
government bonds , and as these are
being redeemed in largo blocks , tnlll-
lons.o dollars are thrown upon the
money market for ro-invesMtiont. Mu
nicipal securities are now considered
equally as safe for investment , es
pecially these of great commercial
centers and ot growing , prosperous
cities of the west. There is every
reason to believe that within a short
time cities like Omaha , St. Paul ,
Kpnsas City and Minneapolis will bo
able to borrow money at from four and
one-half to live par cent. As it is ,
their six per cents bring a high prem
ium and clearly indicate the confidence
of investors in these certificates.
tates about going to Hayti until this
cruel war is over. It would of course
bo unpleasant for him to espouse Hip-
rolyte and to have his throat cut by
Logitimo , or to recognize tha latter and
bo shot down by Hippolyto's blood
thirsty soldiors.
He's All
Chteapo Triltunc.
What Is tlio nmttcr with Alcer for com-
mandor-m-chlof of the G. A. UJ 'Wo pause
for the usual reply.
'H I rostlfo Waning.
Clitcaan Tfeic * .
Westward the star of Missouri's empire
takes its way. The train robbery in Ulna
two or thrco days ago was a much more Im
posing find successful nlTair thun the ono
ncur Kansas City last week.
America to Hour From.
CMaigo Times.
Uocauso a Gorman bicyclist went over to
England and boat tlio British riders , the
Gunnuu people now claim that their tnun Is
champion of tlio world. Nonsense t Send
him over hero and ha will find a woman who
can beat him.
They Finally Hnw It.
Kansas Cltu Journal.
Durinff the recant English naval review ,
Chnuncey Dopew , who was aooard the Teu
tonic with n largo .number of distinguished
Englishmen , matin characteristic ) speech ,
which was rccoivitf 'courteously but without
demonstration. Tl\5o \ next day , however , all
the Englishmen ; yerplaufhliie ; to themselves.
Mr. Dojxjw'a Joke * hud penetrated.
Tliny Don't All Spcntc alUuou.
C/ifcnqftl / Herald.
A Now Yorlr.pufor ; says ; "Chicago re
ports an Initial subscription to the world's
fair fund of thatc/Jy / of $250,000. That is
moro potent than talk. Who will give the
proposed world's ! 'fair fund of this city as
good a start by n bljr.subscription ! " No vo
ciferous and general1 ' ! will" has yet assailed
the tin cars of tiuti statue of liberty.
A Good triilitliltlon Text.
St. IsMtiilllttljt-Dcinocrat.
The New York"\Vbrla candidly confesses
that if the prohibitionists should disband , It
would bo practically Impossible for the
democrats to carry the Empire state , as
"tho democratic plurality has not for the
past six years averaged ono-hulf of the
prohibition vote , " This would make a Rood
text for some of the orators at ttio National
Prohibition camp-mootmg which is now in
STA.T13 AM > aElllllTOIIV.
Neliriisku Jotting.
A Masonic commander/ to bo organized
at St. Paul.
There la a rumor that the U. & M. will
build a new depot at Uulo this fait
Harvey N , Iloaulugton , formerly a irapu-
Inr resident of Holtron , died recently at
Portland , Ind.
W. II. Btout has sold his interest In tbo
DoWitt Times to J. O. Wild , and the firm
nnmo Is now Chambers t Wild.
Scotln hnd another prize fight Instwook ,
n locnl pURlllst nnmcd Jim 1'rulomoro knock
ing out Prof. McGregor , of St. Paul , In nlno
The Sunday school * of Itod Willow county
will hold n county convention .August 23 ,
nnd Indulge In n plcnlo on the side at the
same timo.
The Hondloy Unstlor has censed to rustle
and tbo remains liavo been removed to Dun-
bury and will bo revivified under the nnmo
of the Danbury News.
Alexander llnrnoy , son of n Howard
county farmer , wns Instantly killed Sntur-
dny by the accidental duohiuRo of n gun
while hovn ? hunting prairie chickens.
A Uomibllcixu City grocer discovered n
largo bull flnnito In nil granulated nugnr
barrel the other day , How the rcptllo cnmo
there Is still iv mystery , for the grocer la not
a drinking num.
Mrs. Mnr.v Aldrupp , of Madison township ,
Flllmoro county , ha * received news that her
daughter , Mrs , John Frmr , of Ner. Perco *
county , Idaho , mot her death by being
thrown fram n liorso.
A man named Uradloy , living nt Union ,
Cnas county , was nfrostod last week by an
ofllccr from I'otltisoy , N. Y. , on a elmrgo of
receiving stolen goods , and taken east to
answer for the crime.
A swarm of bcei ha * taken possession of
n house at HowelU , loc.amg between the
wenthor boards unit plastering , and refuse
to leave. The o'vnor proposes to transform
the building Into a gigantic hive.
A great rumpus is In progress in the
Welch postoflleo neighborhood In Knox
county , charges and counter charges being
iiiaJo of every crime In the decalogue by the
quarreling inhabitants , A score ot lawyers
will bo called in to settle the dllUculty.
lowiv lma .
The personal property of Iowa Is valued nt
A Dulmqiio policeman found a man nsleou
in n slop-barrel the other night , the result of
too much prohibition.
The Kookuic city council lias ordered n lot
of macadamizing done on the streets ever
the veto of the mayor.
The Crescent literary society at the Ames
agricultural society tins unvellod a portrait
of the late Dr. A. S. Welch.
Oda Sifkin , .1 seven-year-old boyot Dodge-
vlllo , who stepped on a pitchfork , Inflicting a
slight wound , died of lockjaw.
Dr. Jennie MeCowiin , of Davenport , has
been elected a "fellow" of the Society of
Science , Letters and Arts , of London.
"The oHicors of the First fowa regiment
want it generally understood that the pro
posed rouulon at Dubuque has boon aban
Carlson , the man who burned tno Sac
county court house about a year ngo , has be
come insane and has been transferred from
Fort Madison to Anamosa.
The Gilnmn society for the prevention of
cruelty to animals has boon enforcing the
Inw in the cusea of mon who leave Loams
atandlnc tied in the streets.
The big-hearted citizens of Eddyrlllo ,
near Ottumwo , presented n set of instru
ments to their , with the modest hope
that the burg might liavo the blessed boon of
good inu.sic. The musicians proved un
worthy of the favor , though , for wtien a
good opportunity offered they had sold their
presents to looters from a nolgnborlng vil
Tim Two DnlcotnR.
Hurley offers Inducements for a tow mill.
The assessed valuation of Spiulc county s
A Knlglit of Pythias lodge is to bo organ
ized at Pierre.
A thirty-pound badtror was killed near
Aberdeen the other day.
The now Episcopal church at Vormlllion Is
nearly ready for occupancy.
Sioux Falls sports want to organize a
jockey club , but lack track facilities.
"Whoopup" is the name of a town in the
Black Hills twelve miles south of Fluid City.
The republican convention of Ponnlnpton
county will meet at Hapid City on the 20th
For cutting timber on a school section near
Grand Forks , M. Zahlor was given thirty in jail and lined $300.
Fires In the Black Hills have driven moun
tain lions nut anionj ! the settlers , and ono
man has lost , several head of stock.
The Hapid City Fair association has de
cided to hold nn fair , horse trot
and stock show on the 18th , 1'Jth nnd SUtli of
September ,
Scarcely a train arrives in Yankton , says
tliu Press and Uakotanwhich docs not bring
some kind of building material for the many
Improvements now being made in that city.
The Custor Chronicle reports a now strike
of tin ere in the Fiord claim , located on Wil
low creek , a mile and a half north of Custer.
The tin is the purest yet discovered in the
Hills. Tlio vein ls > traceable on the aurfaeo
for ever live thousand foot , and its width , as
indicated by the various openings made , is
something over BIX feet. The property was
recently bonded by James Wilson , the New
York capitalist *
Tlio Republican ! ! Will Have Lively
Times Choosing Candidates.
NORTH PfcATTB. Neb. , August 12. [ Special
to Tun UEK. ] Signs are not wanting to show
that there will bo lively times inside the re
publican party from now on up to the close
of the nominating convention , which will
doubtless ho held some time in September.
Until recently the general sentiment nmoug
republicans favored the ronomination of nil
the county ofllccrs , but the declination of
County Clerk Evans , who goes into the now
North PlattoNational bank ns cashier , opens
up iiossibUitics for any number of candidates
for onlce , und it is already nn assured fact
that thcro will bo a scramble , not only for
the ofilco which ho vacates , nut for all the
county oftlcos. C. P. Dlelr , Mr , Evnnn'
cftlcient deputy , has thu Inside track , from
having served two years in the ofilco , aud
will go into the convention with a good
Ixiekuii. , though personally not so popular
us H. Uuclmnun , the genial clerk In the
treasurer's oflleo , who has modestly an
nounced himself as a candidate. Dr. War
ner will also shy his castor Into the ring , and
it is said that Charley Stamp will also enter
the Hats. The friends of William Nntlon of
Wallace will enter bun for the race. The
announcement In the Herald a couple of
weeks ago that 13. F. Kobiuson would bo a
cundidala was a little previous. Ha was
urged by his friends to allow them to use
his name , but positively declined.
Thcro is a general disposition among the
republicans of the county to glvo C. K. Oa-
good another term as treasurer , and It is
probable that ho will bo nominated by accla
mation. Mr. James lie1 ton has proclaimed
to the citizens of the county that ho will be
nn independent candidate for treasurer next
November , The independent party In Lin
coln county consists of three "men , Wash
Hluinan , L. Stobbms and James Helton , nnd
it Is generally split up into three factions.
As the party is not united , the democrats
have finally concluded to make n separate
nomination for treasurer , and are looking
around for n popular candidate , hoping to
slip in between Osgood and Helton.
For sheriff there nro thrco candldatos
mentioned D. W. Haker , the present in
cumbent ; J. Hawley nnd E. A. Koken. The
three wore pitted against each other two
yours ago and it took a good muny ballots to
decide the matter.
There will bo two candidates for county
judge , Attorney Jauios M. Hay will make a
strong effort to oust Judge O'liourko , who
strongly objects to being ousted.
Major Wallcor hopes to Buccood himself as
county commissioner , but there U u horse In
training in the northeastern part of the
county that will land a sure winner next No
Thcro Is u dark liorao now training for
county superintendent , the placa now occu
pied by Mr. Lautrford , and one that will put
Mr. L. onhis motal.
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.
When Jlaby TTMdel , we paie lit CoctorU.
When the via a Child , the crtad tor CutorU ,
When she became HIM , etc cJunj ; to Caetoria ,
Wl'in Bluibuf Children , bho garc than Cutoria
A Nobraokan Thus Dubs the Stnto
Board of Transportation.
Auxiliary Prohibitory
Wnntcil for Assault Ami llattory
Tlio Wolf Scalp Uouitty Ijixw
Supreme Court Itcoordi.
LINCOLN UunitAD opTnnUMUu Han , )
1020 P STIISBT , >
LINCOLN. August 13. 1
A prominent man from ono of the Interior
counties of the state , whoso interests nro-
Identified with the agricultural development
of the west anil northwest , was hoard to rc-
nmrk to-day that the "absurd prctonao made
by the state board of transportation at regu
lating railroad companies to a llrst consider
ation nnd objorvniico of what Is duo the
public In those sections of the stale , un
affected by competition , In transportation
facilities to tha markets , need hauling ever
the coals. " Hclug urged to particularize , ho
continued ! "Lot mo ask. you what good can
we hope to obtain nt the Imiuls of a commis
sion. made up In the un wieldly slinpo provided
for by our statute , in lieu of n constitutional
provision ! Thrco raon to do everything up
to the real point of doing Bomothlng to In
vestigate , inform themselves to the point
where Intelligent action Is possible , nnd then
bo relieved of all responsibility of action by
a board made up of five Individuals who nro
ohlolly auswerablo to the people through on-
tlrtly different sources , nnd who consequently
quently make use of tholr seat on the transportation -
portation board as a subsidiary political
factor. It Is proving a very vlvlil example ol
the results usual In contests of conscience
with political aspirations.
"Tho law provides that three mnn nro to
Investigate all complaints formally 'made
under o.Uh to the board. That part Is doll-
nlto , and It Is just ni clearly thu intent of tlio
law that tticso thrco men are to go further ,
acquaint themselves In nil possible ways
with the constantly varying relations exlsU
Ing between the roads nnd shippers and set
foot firmly down against tno oxtortlonnto
practices of the roads , nnd insist on fair and
equitable treatment of all shippers , nnd not
lav wsnto to the country by means of tariffs
adjusted on the principle of what the traftlo
will bear. Hut oven thongh wo were lucky
enough ( It could only happen through Ig
norance , or erroneous information respect
ing the character and opinions of nppllcnnis
for appointment , on the part of the state of
ficers comprising the board ) to see men ap
pointed as secretaries who would rncognlzo
the duties of the position , and with sufllciont
backbone to proceed conscientiously with
their performance ) and boldly make known
their convictions , I say it is doubtful even
then whore wo are to derive any results. I
understand several members of the present
board of commissioners assort themselves ns
opposed to the consideration oven of any
questions but those arising through formal
comulamts. The law provides that nil final
decisions shall bo made by the board them
selves. Wo have had evidence quito recently
of the marked utility of the commission to
cvado action on recommendations ,
the adoption of which would affect
the earnings of a strong corporation
capable of political Influence and a strong
factor la "second terms. " The secretaries
reported on live stock rates brought about
by some complaint against the Omaha road
extending north from Omaha , up the Mis
souri valley , n great cattle-feeding section.
They said rate1 * were 50 per cent higher on
that road and on the Northwesturn's Ulaclt
Hills road than on the roads south of the
Plane , and if I am not mistaken , asked that
those roads bo ordered in to show cause why
such a difference should exist. Was n day
set for the lioariiigl Not that anyone knows
about. The papers reported that the board
adjourned without taking any action on Sec
retary Garbar's report , and without day.
You aee the Northwostern's road was not
formally complained against , and the North-
western's road does an enormous cattle traf
fic from non-compctitivo regions. A cut in
rates would certainly roduca revenues , und a
reduction of revenues would Injure the repu
tations of the road's officers among the east
ern stockholders. The ofllcors have proved ;
mighty good fellows since wo hold offlco. It '
wouldn't do to throw a stone in their way ,
they might prove resentful. "
Wanted for Asmnilt nnd Hattery.
A warrant was sworn out to-day for the
arrest of Ed Doggctt , doorkeeper at the
Eden Musco , charged with assaultlnf Har
vey L. Klock , son of the crocor at the alley
on Tenth street , between O and N , but ba-
fore Constable Al Beach could servo the
papers he had skipped for Kearney. It ap
pears that a lady passed into the alloy on the
opposite side anil paused at tbo side door of a
barber shop , whereupon Klock remarked to
an artist who run ono of the chairs that he
guessed she wanted a shave. The lady , Mrs.
Dogpott , ovorhenra the careless remark aud
reported it , to her husband. It seems that ho
took mortal offense nt it. sought Klock and
knocked him senseless. For a few moments
it was thought tbat ho bad killed him.
Klock , however , recovered consciousness
in n short time nnd reported the affair to his
father , who had a warrant sworn out for
Dopgett's arrest as stated.
Auxiliary I'rnlilultury lienguo.
The anti-saloon republicans of Lancaster
county will hold a mass convention In this
city to-morrow for the purpose of organizing
an auxiliary to the non-partisan state prohib
itory league. An Invitation has boon ex
tended to third party prohibitionists , demo
crats , grconbackcrs and tbo union labor
pnrty. An Imposing affair Is anticipated , ,
What the attendance will bo , however , U
only a matter of conjecture. It Is lonrnoil
thiu third parly prolub * glvo It out distinctly
that they wash tholr hands of the whole nr-
rntigomont. They will hrwp nothing what
ever to do with It , The Ullc regarding It on
the street ) to-tiny has boon to Iho effect llmt
loaders of tha Intended organization propose
to equip In time to got In nooosaary work for
the county convention. It Is tAkbn that this
moans that the amendment follows propose
to IlinUs a light for equal. If not majority
representation , W the reiMlcan ! : stnto con-
volition * , to itisurottiopnssago of resolutions ,
or a plank In the platform , endorsing the act
of the late legislature for possible constitu
tional prohibition. It Is understood , fur
ther. that the organization of these auxilia
ries Is to ba pushed In every county in tha
stnto for the same purpose.
Htnto Huttqa
Thirty-six patients were nont to the ho
pttal for the Incurable Insiino at Hastings
from the Lincoln asylum to-day. The board , ,
of public lands anil buildings made the neer ,
csMiry order last week. They were nccom- * ,
panlod by seven nUotulnnts. " >
Governor Thnycr to-day made tlio follow
ing notarial appointments ! J. M. Curry ,
Ponder , Thurston county ; Clmrlcs E.
Holmes , Harrison , Sioux countyV ; , II. \ \m
Halnos , Lincoln , Lancaster county ; Prnnlc I II
V. Wassornlaii , Omaha , Douglas county. ' 1
Secretary Laws , Commissioner Bteon.
Attorney General Locso and Treasurer Hill
leave to-morrow for Hastings mid Kearney ,
to visit the hospital for thu Incurable Insane
und the Htato Industrial school. Tlio con
templated Improvements nt thcso Institu
tions demand the personal supervision of the
The recent resolutions passed by the beard
of public lands and buildings , stirring up
"dollnnuont" contractors on publio vork ,
bus had the doslrod effect In the movo. It is
said , however , that notion on tlio bond ot one
of the parties will have to bo Instituted If
"stubborn signs" are any indication. Hut
the die has been cast and tbo board Will not
shirk Us duty.
Judge Kooso was at the capital to-day. Ho
oxurvssod himself as satisfied regarding the
outlook for his nomination to the bench. "I
hnvo not turned to the right or loft to secure
the honor of iv second tonn , " ho said , "and
shall not , however gratifying It might bo tome
mo , to bo ronomlnated by acclamation. T know
nothing of opposition aside from what I have
road In the papers , and y6u know as much
about that as I do. "
Hnunty on WoU'Hcnlns.
Washington county pays a bounty on wolf
scalps. Auditor Uonton was made aware of
the fact to-day by receiving a peculiar loiter
from the county clerk of that county. It
appears that tha county attorney of Wnsn- 4
ington county has advised that the county v.ii
can secure the 51 bounty offered by the stnto " I
under section ! il , chapter 4 , of tlio complied
statutes. This ; however , is not the case.
The section cited slmuly provides that every
Ncbraskan who may kill a wolf witnin any
county of the stale is entitled to a bounty of
$1 on making proper poofs. Hut this Is for
the individual and not tha county. It Bcomi
that In counties that offer n bounty for wolf
scalDs , the holder Is ontltloa to a double I .
bounty , ono from the county In which the \ \
wolf was killed nnd the other from the stato.
A county can notprollt on any wolf scalps It
may possess tit the expense of tbo stuto , at
least it Is so stated by the attorney general
and other stuto ofllcors.
Court llooordfl.
The following cases were ( lied for trial In
the supreme court to-day :
August Sander ? vs Georga ' * . Quick ot at ;
error from Laucaster county.
Fred Glaus ot al vs William E. Hardy et
al ; error from Lancaster county.
Thomas Price vs Kearney Canal nnd
Water Supply company ; appeal from Uuffalo
William H. Rickards vs Simon Hone ;
error from Lancaster county.
Carter C. Hurr et a' va Milton F. Lamas-
tor ; error from Lancaster county ,
City NC.WH and Nntca.
Anderson , the man allngod to Unvo stolen
some jewelry from the residence of L * . E.
Hyde , was arraigned before Judge Houston * _ .
this afternoon. The court considered ttio
evidence strong enough to hold him.
The rain literally poured down hero all
day long , ami the streets were fairly Hooded
with water.
Judge Williams , of Chicago , who died at
Chicago Saturday , and whoso death was re
ported in yesterday's papnrs , was an undo of
Ed Church , of this city.
An oven score of viipi and plain drunks
caught the usual SI and costs to-day In the
police court. The patrol wagon has been on
the go for the past fo\v days.
Sam D. Cox and bride are expected homo
from Indiana this week. The Call ooys are
preparing nn clogant reception for them.
Farragut and Appomntox posts , G. A. R. ,
left this evening for Kearney to attend the
reunion. The boys expect to remain there
during the entire week.
The Toetimsoh military band registered at
the Capital hotel to-day , en reuto to Kcar-
noy to attend the state department reunion
of the Grand Army of the Republic.
Colonel E. D. Webster , of Stratton , and J
Captain E. M. Shaw , of Cook , were in the I
city to-day. 11
"When drinking ice \vater mix with.
Mlhalovitch's Hungarian lilnckborry
juice , it will satisfy your thirst.
CniiHu lorVar. .
LONDON , August 12. A dispatch to the
Exchange Telegram company from Con
stantinople says It is scml-oftlcially stated
that the sultan has notified Greece that ha
will regard the attempt by that country to
land troops or incite u rebellion In Ore teas
as causus belli. None of the perU , the tele
gram states , will support the aifgrcsslva
policy of Tricoupls , thu Grecian prime min
ister. The prand vUior of Turkey cliurgos
that Greece is fomenting riots In Monosttr
and Rothymo.
- and dust on chairs , etc. , cannot be removed
FINGER-MARKS chamios alone , so if your furniture has a dingy
appearance you can easily restore its freshness by washing with
IVORY SOAP and lukt-wann water ( under no circumstances should hot
water be used ) ; use a soft brush to wash out the carving , etc. Dry
with a soft cloth and then rub well with a chamois , and your furni *
ture will "look like new. "
There are many white uaps , each represented to be "just as good ai the 'Ivory11" '
they ARE NOT , but lika all counterfeits , lack the peculiar and remarkable qualities
of the genuine , Ak for "Ivory" Soap and insist upon getting it.
t 1886 , by I'rocter & QnnWft-