THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : TOESDAT , AUGUST 13 , 1889. THE SPECULATIVE MARKEFS , i Government Crop Boport Oausofl a Higher Opening. CORN ALSO AFFECTED BY IT. Fub'lantlon of ( ho VlgUilo Supply "r.kcs Ones Firm UpI'rovlslons Bliow ft Doimissetl Ocellus Heavy Htm of llogi. CHICAGO PRODUCE MAIUII2TS. CmcAno. Augnstia. [ Special Telegram to THE Hr.K.1 Wheat opened firm nnd consld- crnbly higher on the government report , with sales of December nt 77 < @ 77Jfc , nnd of Auguct and Soptcmbor around 7"Jfi275 c. The condition of the wheat crop In probably no worse than It was , say Saturday , but the effect of the oniclal report on crops on the rnnlt and file of operators was to tone down the bearish exuberance of expression unit re- ducu Bomowhat their expectations of un- hcnrd-of plenty. The market evinced a Mturdy ditmcllnatlon to fro lower , though PnrtrlilRO nnd other heavy and middleweights - weights did some slugglnK ut the start. De cember did yield to 77Xu , but advanced nbout 12 o'clock to 7Srfo ) nnd hold steady nt only occasional little breaks to the last. At 7So Ilutchmson had wheat for sale and his olTurluss prevented the market from R0ln above that lljjuro to-day , Partridge checked the early bulge and Hutchlnson checked the later one. The last quotation for December was 77c , or % c better than oti Saturday. Septomoor ranged nt 75 ( i70J4onud closed ut 70c , ti net Rain of % o. August ranged nt 1b10fa nnd closed at 7t5Vjfc , n Kaln of Xc. A passably active speculative busi ness wus done and n llaht cash tnulo. The govurnment showing of un Increase of 4K points In the condition of corn caused that market to open very wcaic. OffcrliiRS nt the start , were heavier than wanted and first sales were nt ) @K ° under the closing iluuros of Saturday , September start. luV at il-lKc and selling oil more in n short time. Some reaction then took place. September advancing to 3Se nnd Inter to : i" ) } c , holding around those fig ures during the greater part of the term. The demand for cash corn was good , but at n reduction of nbout Me on Saturday's prices. September closed at ! )5c.npnlnsl ) ! t. > @ 33 } con Saturday , nud May was l-10c lower. Oats were fairly active early nnd easy In tone , with fair buylngat Inside prices. When ' the viiiblo supply was published , Indicating but 2tS5OOfl bushels increase for the week , when a much larger increase had been an ticipated , the market ruled llnnor. This was ul BO helped by decreased estimates for to-morrow. August sold early as low as liijfp , and later to l'JK@20c ' , with September at , ' ja premium hnd May in moderate request. No. 2 oats , 'to fo to store , sold at lOJfc. Provision traders were treated to u sur prise this morning in the receipt of hogs. The number marketed at western points was twice as largo as a year ago to-day , and as the prospn.ct was said to be promising for largo arrivals during the week , a deurussed feeling assumed control. In the entire pro duct the market opening was weak , and lirst sales reported were made ut n de cline from Saturday's ' closing of 7 } < c in pork and 5o In both lard ana short ribs. Later trade suffered n still further break , but the movement during n good portion of the day showed considerable Irregularity , being affected by the covering of shorts. Ot lard S. V. White & Co. were ngam free buyers , sufllciently so to cause some uneasiness. It is claimed thM pur chases of this house lately of the article named have aggregated nt least 100,000 tierces. Their holdings are also mainly for September. Cudahy was the largest indi vidual seller of January property. In pork the day's fluctuations covered a range of 20c , In lard 7 c and In short rilia r > @ 7 c. CIUOAUO lilVB 61'OCil. CHICAGO , August 12. [ Special Telegram to THE BBE.I CATTLE. There was a demand for all the good to choice native export and ahipplug stcors , and they sold fully as high as nt the close of last week Modlu m grassy nnd common natives , that is , anything In the native line that had to compote with Texans nnd rangers , sola about lOc lower than on Saturday. One lot of prime natives , the John D. Gillette brand and breeding , made M.70 a big price considering that there wore 13,000 natives on sulo. Anything desirable in the Texas line also sold steady , but below deslrnblo grades sold about 10o lower. The most o ( the rangers on sale were of poor quality , and went off at low prices. Native butchers' stock was slow and somewhat lower than on Friday. Choice to extra beeves , $ -1.50@l,70 ; medium to good Htcors , IS.'iU to 1500 Ibs , ft.09 ( < 3 4.05 ; 12HUolSM ( ) Ibs , $3.85 4.i5050 : ; to 1200 Ibs , $3.50Z4.25 ( ; stackers and feeders , $2.20@ 3.10 ; cow8bullsand mixed , $1.S5@3.'JO ; bulk , S3.10@2.40 ; slop-fed steers , $4.0054'4.0U. ' Texas cattle wore firm ; steers , ? 3.40@j.20 : ; cows , fl.OS@2,30 ; western natives and hulf-breuds , $3.30(51.10 ( ; cows , $2.2301.73. HOJ8 ( The run was too heavy , hence there was n quick down turn of 10@lio ! on packers nnd heavy and about lOo on light. When the buyers nnd sellers settled down to busi ness nnd got to work , salesmen cut loose nt f3.00@l.00for common packers. ? 4.10@4.15 for best , and M.2CQ4.25 for fancy heavy wore the ruling orlcus at the close. The general market was weak , with 8,000 to 10,000 unsold. Light sorts sold largely at M.CO@4.T5 and a fuw single at fi.80. Light mixed made $ MO@-1-I5. F1NANO1AU Nnw Yonif , August 12. [ Special Telegram to Tun HBE.J STOCKS The close of last week loft stock circles somewhat stirred up , but loft neither the bull or boar party with any decided advantage. Outsiders regard the buying sldo moro favorably because the bulls do not scorn inclined to sell nt present figures , no mutter what the raid may bo , while the bears are without any positive loaders or organization. At the same tinio there Is soinowhut of a short interest. The money market docs not threaten to affect dealings much , and the public seams Inclined to lot the professionals do the business at prosont. Such were the conditions at the opening of the oxclmngo this morning. In a low minutes all were changed. London was a buyer of nearly everything on the list , There was an enormous business for foreign account. Prices were almost uniformly per cent higher , whllo a few gains extended a full Doint or bettor. There was a brUli bu&lnoss In specialties. Gould and Vandor- bllt were both croditcd with being under the market. Commission people liud buying ardors , whllo n few professional * were null ing. Hig Four nud Chesapeake & Ohio shares were active , but showed weakness Loulsvlllo , Luke Shore , Atchlson , Hurling- ton , Kock Island , Missouri Pacltlo and Wabash - bash preferred showed activity and strength , Hurllngton wont within > , ' of 105 , and Hooli Island within } & per cent of par. Sugar truits weakened from 110 to lWf , The othei trusts were dull , The strength In stockt continued until near the close , when mucl of the early advance was lost through free realizing sales. IJIg Four and Chesapeake & Ohio shares were weak nil day , and at thi close showed losses of ijf percent. Louisville villo , alter touching 09 % closed \ } per con1 better at f > 9 % Atchlsou , Hurllngtou and St Paul had not galas of ) { per cent cnch Northwestern Jf , Missouri Pucitlo M , Va bash preferred ijf per cent at ! J3 o , aftoi oiling at SSf. Sugar trusts , rallied t < 10SX. The total solos were 199,250 shares. The followlnz ware the closing quotations I ) . S , is regular , 124 ( Northern r'acjfla. ' . SHI U. 8.4s coupon * . . .123 do preferred 7J U. S. < U reguli\r..lurV 0. x N.V 110 U.a < Vi coupons..lul i doprererred HI1 , I'Mlntttsot/ui . . . . us N.y.tvntrftl 107 ; Central raclno. . . . us J'.O.&K. . . . . . . . . . . . SI ! ClilcafOi Alton. . , Itocklalaud. . . . . . . . W ? Culcauo , llurllnyton U..M.8U' W } Allulue . do preferred..IIH . . . . Kt.l'ftUl.VOiufihn. , ill } inluolsCentrM . l do preferred 08 w. . Urtlou PAclllo ( Si ? einj. . , . W..BUL.&I' 17 } , . . . . .10414 dopreforreu. . . . . . lit Michigan Central . t8'T \V tit ru Union , , . . M TJJi MONEY EJV nt 3CtJ4J per cent. PHIJIE Muuu.vNriLB 1'xreit IJ O ) par cent. SrfliiMxn EXOIHSOB Dull anil Rtoady sixty-day bills , $1.34)4 ) : demand , Stocks. Nr.w YOIIK , Autu ( tl3. fSiMclat TologMm to Tun HRE. ] The following nro the min ing stock quotations : Amnilor. . 100 Iron Silver. 175 Aspen . frn Mexican 2O llclchnr . ZK Mutual 140 lie it & llelchcrMO : North Hello l3le..inr Unlndonla II. il . . , .i Ontario 3IIX ) . . . . .l.Ti Onnlr < i Colorado , . HO I'lymouth r > 00 Con. Unl. vtVa..712 Pavngo. . , 1-1 Oummonwcalth..ni5 Siarrn Novnda..210 DoHilwnod T. . 14-r > Sulllvnn 110 Kurokn Con . 131 Union Consollda'd.27i > KlCrlito . 103 Ward ConsoHJa'a.,103 Horn Silver . 120 tMlOUUUU M.VKICUTi. CHICAGO , August 12. llf ! p. m. close- Wheat Firm ; cash , 7iljfc ; September , 70c ; ' December , 77J < c. Corn Higher ; cash , 35 cs September , 35o ; October , a"j ) < c. Onts Firm ; cash , 10 15-10oj September , 20' < c ; October , 2o/c ; live Cash , 42c. Hiirlov Cash , ( Vtc naked. Prime Timothy Si.-10. Flax Seed-Cash , 1.20 > ; September , 51.13 ( BUSK. Whisky fl.03. Pork Lower ; cash and September , 510,30 ; October , $10.12J < . Lard Steady ; cash , niid September , * u. 7 > f ; October , 0.35. Flour Quiet and unchanged ; winter wheat , S2.00@-1.50 ; spring wheat , il.30i ( $ C.OO ; Uyo , e2.UO@2.S5. Dry Salt iMe.iw Shoulders , 51.97K@5.00 ; short clear , $5.75@5.87J ; short ribs , ? 5.35@r..40. Uuttor Quiet nnd steady ; creamery , 105J lOJ c ; dairy. 0@14o. Unoese Firmer ; full cro.ini Cheddars , 7JfjJ8c ( ; Hats. 7 > ifSSc ( ! ; Young Americas , Eg s Firm ; fresh , Hides Unchanged. Tallow Unchanged ; No. 1 solid packed , ; ciiko , 4J c. Rocoints. Shipments. Flour ir , ( XK > 18,000 Wheat 153,000 , 91,000 Corn : ! 73,00a 60.000 Oats 805,000 170.000 Now York , August 12. Wheat Receipts , 43,000 ; exports , 22.000 ; spot dull nnd Sf@lo lower ; No. 2 red , now. SSK@SOo ( in ele vator , 87Jfc afloat , 88X0 f. o. b. ; No. 8 red , SIM ; ungraded red , 72 > @S9c ; outlons dull , f@'s'o lower ; August , 84J c. Corn Receipts , 89,000 bushels ; exports , 183.000 bushels ; spot fairly active and steady ; No. 2 , 43 # @ : iXo [ n elevator , 4:1 : % @ 44c nlloat ; ungraded mixed , 43@43) c ; options , dull , lower and woak. O.Us Receipts , 8:5,000 : ; exports , none : spot , steady nnd fairly active ; options , qulto ir regular ; August , 203fc ; September , ' Qu ; spot , No. 2 white , & % o ; mixed western , 23 @ 29c. Coffee Options closed barely steady at 5 to 10 points up ; sales. 70,500 bags ; August , * 15.00@15.40 ; September , $15.35@15.55 ; Octo- borS15.40@15.53 ; spot Riofirm ; fair cargoes , Petroleum Steady ; United closed at $1.00 , for Soptombor. Eggs Higher , western. 10@17c. Pork Quiet nnd steady now , 112.00 ® 12.50. Lard Weak ; western atoam , S0.72 } ; No vember , { ,1.51. Uuttor Quiet ; fancy firm ; western , 9 } @ 17c. Cheese Dull and steady ; western , 7c. St. I/oiiiH , August 12. Wheat Higher ; cash , 73j o ; September , 73 fc. Corn Higher ; cash , 'Ma ; September , "bats Steady ; cash , 17c ; September , 1'Jtfc. Pork Lower at $11.00. Lard Steady nt $0.10. Whisky ? l.oa. Butter Dull and easy ; creamery , 15@17c ; dairy , 12@l4c. II iinsiiu City , August 12. Wheat Steady ; No. 2 red. casb , ( Mo ; September , OlcNo. ; 3 red , cash , 57 fc bid , 5So asked ; No. 2 , soft , cash , 07c. Corn Quiet ; No. 2 , cash , 25c bid , 25J c asked ; September , 25J c ; No. 2 white , cash , 2oKo bid ; August , 23c bid , 20 0 asked. Outs No. 2 cash , Idc bid , 19c asked ; Sep- icmbor , 17 } c bid , ISo naked. Cincinnati , August 12. Wheat Easier ; No. 2 red. 7fi@77c. Corn In fair demand ; No. 2mixed , SSJ c. Oats Fair demand ; No. 3 mixed , 20 > i@ 21c. Whisky Steady at 81.03. ' Mvurpixil , August 12. Wheat Firm but quiet ; No. 1 , California , .7s 2a ( < $7s Sit per cental. Corn Quiot. Minnciipoli * , August 12. Sample whoa dull and lower ; receipts for two days , 00 cars ; shipments , 48 cars. Closing : No , 1 hard , on track , 90c ; No. 1 northern , cash , 83o ; Sep tember , 7. > X ° ; track , 8Jt@31e ; No 2 northern , track , 73@bOo. Milwaukee , August 12. Wheat Firm ; cash and September. 75c. Corn Easy ; No. 3 , 4c. Oats Dull ; No. 2 white , 21@25c. Hye No. 1. 43c. Uarloy Quiet ; Soitembor ) , 5 Proviblons Easier ; pork , IjlVlS MTOOK. Olilcneo. August 13. The Drovers' Journal reports as follows : Cattle Receipts , 10,000 ; market stronger for good , common weak ; beeves , M G0@4.70 ; steers , $3.5U@4.55 ; stockers and feeders , ? 2.20@3.10 ; cows , bullf * and mixed , $1.35 ® 3.50 ; Texas catilo , 81.05@3.20 ; mixed and hairoreeas , 83.30 ® 1. 10. Horfs Receipts. 22,000 ; market slow and heavy ; lOc lowerjothors weak ; mixed , $ I.10@ @ 4.50 ; heavy , W.00@4.80 ; light , f4.30@4.83 ; skips , $3.CO@4.00. Sheep Receipts , 0,000 ; market shade lower ; natives , S3.50@4.S5 ; westerns , $3.00@ 4.12 ; Texans , | 3.501.25 ; lambs , § 1.20@5.80. National dtouk < . Knt St. August 13. Cattle Receipts , 3.0UO ; shlptnonts , 000 ; natives strong ; Texas easier ; choice heavy native stcors , $4.2T > @ 4.50 ; fair to good , f3.85@4,20 ; stackers and feeders , $2.25@2.b5 ; range cows , * l.G5@3 25. Hogs Receipts , 1.30J ; shipments , 1,700 ; market active ; heavy , ? 4.40@4.45 ; packing , f4.20@4.30 ; light grades , 1.40@I.UO. Kunaas Oily , August 13-CaUlo-RocelpU , 7,000 , ; shipments , 4,100 ; common to choice corn-fed stcors , $3.0o@1.20 ; stockers and feeders strong at $1.0'J@3.00 ; cows , shade lower ; $1.50@-.ii5 ; grass range steers , fl.0)2.85. Hogs Receipts , 1,800 ; shipments , - ; light stronp ; heavy weak ; light , * l.33@1.50 ; heavy nnd mixed , 8J.OO@I.25. Slum Olty. August 12. Cattle Receipts , 00 ; market steady ; fat steers , W.00@3.60 ; feeders , $3 80ffi2.Hi ( ; stockurs , 2.15 ( 2.40 ; canncrs and bulls , 73c@$1.25 ; veal calves , 2.00@3.50. Hogs Receipts , 8,000 ; market 3J @ 5c lower ; light and mixed , $3.U5@4.02U ; huavy , OBI A 11,1 lUVH 8 TOO 1C Cilttlc. Cilttlc.Monday Monday , August 11. To-day's cattle market wus u little out of the usual run. A heavy ruin wus falling all the forenoon , and up to mid-day there had boon no trading to speak of. There wore 87 cars of cattle reported In the yards , and of that number over 00 cars wore westerns. Among the natives there were u few good medium weight cattle , but not n load of priuio heavy weights , The few natives hero sold at (3.00 @ 4.20. Although the westerns wore not good enough for the dressed beef operators , they were compelled to buy quite a good many on account of the scarcity of natives. The prices paid ranged from $2.35 to (3.10. Considerable butchers' stock wus disposed of , native cows selling at $1.7tc$2.50 ) ( , and rangers at (3.00@3,10. Stackers and feeder * moved quite freely. Taking the market us u wuolu there wu no chuugo in prices. _ Houa. To-day's hog market opened steady , ant ! nearly onn-bulf of the hogs sold on thai basis. As the reports were received from eastern points indicating a heavy decline- values took a tumble , and the close was full lOo lower. All the buyers would offer at the close was f3.'J3 for good heavy hogs. Seven loads were left ever unsold , salesmen refus ing to make the concession. There were a few sheep hero , but the mar ket was very quiet. litve Stock Not OH. Joliu O'Nell came in with hogs from Ra venna. J. B. Brooics , n largo feeder from York , had cattle here. Henry Uehllng came in with cattle from Nehuwka. J. A. Crane came in from Risings with hogs. J. L. Carey , of Shonandonh , la. , was n visitor at the yards. J. J. Stcen ci'mo in with two cars of cattle from Seneca. J. L. Brush , of Brush. Colo. , came In with IS cars of range cattle on the market. W. J. Perry , Wayne , was looking ever the market. Henry A. Blair came down from Chadron with thirteen cars of rangers. Jikmes Kerr , of Stocklmtn , and John Qulnn , of Wood River , were hoth on the market with hogs. Fred Fisher , of the Middlesex Live Stock company , came in with twelve ears of cattle from Qreen River , Wyo. James A. Brown , manager of the Powder River Live Stock company , came uown with six cars ofrangors from Uhadron. E. Tuylor , of Taylor & Blair , regular Broken Bow shippers , came down with two cars of hogs and two of cattle. James Tuckorman , manager cf the East Hampton Live Stoolf comuitny , was here with two ears of cattle from Brush , Colo. OMAHA M/UUvETS. Produce , I < 'rnitfl , Etc. BUTTKU Table dairy , 12514c ; packers' stock , 7Ii ( > Sc ; Creamery- Prints , fancy , 1C ® 17c ; choice , 14@10o ; solid packed , 12@llc. ! Eoos Strictly fresh , 100llc. CiiEnai ! Yountr Americas , full croiun , lOc ; factory twins , 9 > c ; off grades , ( i@7o ; Van Rossom Edom , 811.50 per doz ; sap sago , lOo ; brick , Ill2o ; llmburger , 0&7o ; domestic , Swiss , 14u ; cheese safes , bronze uicdal , No. 8 , J2.85. OA.MK Pnr dozen , plover , $1.00@1.50 ; Mal lards , $3.00 ; wood ducks and mixed , 51.75 ® B.OO. B.OO.Poui.Titr Poui.Titr Llvo hona , per dozen , 50.25(3) ( ) 3.50 ; mixed , $3.00@i.50 : ; spring , $2.00@2.75 ; turkeys , SM'Jo per Ib ; duclts , $2.0002.50 ; geese , f'J.OO@,00 ( ; llvo pigeons , $1.50. OHANQES Los Angolcs. $1.50 ; Ilodl , ? fl. LBMONS-Fancy , 8OOW3.50 ; choico. $4.GO , SOUTIIKKN PHACHUS Js bu , 75c@jl for choice and B.40o for poor and common , Al'l-i.iss Per bbl , 50c@W. CALU-OKNIA PEACHES 20 Ib boxes , $ l.GOto 1.75. 1.75.CAMFOItSIA ( .JIU1-ES $1.5001.75. CALIFOKNIA PLUMS $1. Piuns 40 Ib boxes , * 1.75@2.25. WATKitMELONa $ lO.O'@i.00 ' ) ( ) per 100. CANTKLOUI-KS Per doz , $ l.2V < $1.50. PiNEAi-ri-ES Per doz , $2.25@U.OO. UANANA& According to size , per bunch , * 2.oo@i.oo. : COCOANUTS Per 100 , f5. Fiturtii FISH White llsh , per ib , 7@8Kc ; trout , per Ib , 'Jo ; white perch , perlb , 7c ; buf falo , per Ib , 7c ; pickerel , per Ib , Co ; black buss , per Iblie , UBANS Choice hand plcuod navy , ? 1.7f ) ; choice hand picked medium , SI,05 ; choice hand picltod country , $1.00 ; clean country , $1.20@1.25. EAIII.Y VxacTAULBS Potatoes , 20@30o per bu ; onions. Californiapor Ib , IJ-tfc ; southern , per bblil.00 ; cabbugo , per crate , 11.23 ; tur nips , per bu box , 50o ; boots , per box , DOc ; wax boanw , per bu box , $1,00 ; string beans , per bu box , 76o ; green peas , per bu box$1.00 ; tomatoes , per bu box , 4000o ; caullllowor , $1.50 ; egg plant , $1.00 ; squaoh , 2So per iloz ; cucumbers , 15o ; lettuce , 15c ; radishes , 15o ; green onions , 15@30o ; now carrots , 20o ; plo plant , per Ib , Ic. Arri.i ! HUTTEII 5o. CiDBit-Ubls , $5.00 ; hf bbls , $3.00. MAri.r. SUOAU 12j ( } 15o per Ib. VUAI. Choice , medium size , fitRCoj choice heavy , 4@5o ; spring- lames , $30.00@UO.OO per dozen , HOSEV 14@15o per Ib for choico. Pnr.sBKVEs OJ < @ 10u per Ib. JKI.LIES BX@4o per Ib. HKK3WAX NO. 1 , 10019C. HAT-$2.50@5.50. CuoiFKKII flO.OO@13. UitAN9.0Qy.25. ) . TALI.OW No. 1. 4o : No. 2 , 3@3JVj. GIICASE A , 4@4 c ; yellow , Uo ; dark , QUO. QUO.Vooir , Vooir Flue , uverago , 15@10o ; choice , 18 MEDIDM Average , 21(22Jc ( ; choice , 2lo ; coarse , 15@ Ibc. HIDES G. S. hides. 4X@W ° ' < dry , 5o ; dry flint , 7o ; calf , 4g5o ( ; aamaced , 2o less ; shnep poltt , Krcen , each , 35ca$1.00 ( ; sheet pelts , dry , per Ib , 0l2o. ( I > ry Oooclx. BATTS Standard , So ; Gem , lOo ; Beauty 12 > { c ; Boooe , Uo ; U , cased , $ O.BO. lii.ANKCTs White , Sl' ; co'orjJ , $1.1003.00. c-iCT CAMIIHICS Slater , 5cYpAd9 ; | } , 5c ; Stand ard , Cc : Peacock , Re. . CAiii'ET WAiir Ulbbviflto , 18 ? c ; colored , COM roiiTEiis COIISKT JKANS Ho3tonrjfRjAndrOSfiouRln , TJ oi ICcarsftRo , " } if Kuckpprt , OJ/o : Cones- to n , OJ c. .J' C ( TTON Fi.vssnM 10 i orl'cont trndodls , 5 unblcanhod , LL , nj os CO , Ojtfo ; SS , 7Jo ! 13E. 8 As ; GO , OJfc ; XXMOJ/o OO , U blenched , 80 ; Slovens' 4) ) , , , 7Jfo ; bleached , 8Jfo ; Stevens' N , SJfo ; bleached , > Jc ; Stevens'SRT , 11 Wo. DRSIMS Ainoslcoap , 0 oz , 10 } o ; Kvcrott , lie ; IBcavor Creek. CO , lOc. DUCK West Point , SO In. S oz. OJ c ; West Point , 'J9 In , 10 oz , 12 ° ! West Point , 29 In , 12 oz , 15) 0 ! West Point , 40 In. 11 oz. lOc. FLANNKLS Plnul Knttsmcn. 20ci Clear Lnlte , ! W } c ; Iron Mountain , SflWc. FLANNELS- White Q. H. No. 2 , Jt. MKc ; O. H. No. 1 , V , 20KCJ H. U. No. 2 , ? f , SS'fo ; O. H. No. 1 , , HOe ; Qiicchco , No. 8 , i , ! KJiJr 5 Qucchco , No. 2 , Jf , U"Moi Anawiin , ! Wo ; Windsor , 22e. FLANNii.s-Kcd-C : , U Inch , IBJ oj R , 24 inch , 2ijfci } O , ! M Inch , 20o ; II A F , Jf , 23c : .1 H F , Jf , 27o ; G , J { . " " ' ° - QiNoitAM Plunkott uhcclts. OJ o ; Whit- teuton , 0fo ; York , Kc ; Normutidl dross , 7J < fc ; ( Julcntta dross. 7kc ; Whlttcnton dress ; 7 c ; Konfrow dross , 8K$12fa ( KUNTUURY JUANS liorctilos , 18c ; Loam- Ingtnn , 22 > < fc ; Glenwootl , 20c ; Molvlllo , S.lo ; H.tng-ut ) , 27 } < c ; Memorial , 15o ; Standpoint , ISc ; Durham , 27 0. MisccLLANCoob Table oil cloth , $2.GO ; tnblo oil cloth , innrblo , S2.50 : plain Holland , 0)fc ; dado Holland , 12J < c. PitiKTs Dress l liiirter Oak , f > c ; Riimnpo , Jo : Lodl , fij c ; Allen. 60 ; Hich- mend , ( > c ; Windsor , 0 > cj Eddystoue , 0 > c ; Pacillo 0 } c. I'tiiNis Pink and Uobes Richmond , OJo ; Allen , Cc ; Hlvorpolnt , 5'tfc ; Steel Hlvcr.G } o ; Paclllc , OKc. PiiiNta IndiRO blue , St. Lofcor , 7J o ; Washington , OJ c ; American , 0 ° ! Arnold , rnold Contur.v , DC ! Windsor Gold Tk't , 10' < fc ; Arnold 13 , 10 > 4c ; Arnold A. 12o ; Arnold Gold Soul , lO cj Yellow Seal , lO o ; Amtuma , 12o. PuiXTs Solid Colors Atlantic , Do ; Slater , Cc ; Horlln oil , OJ c ; Garner oil , @ 7c. SiiiitTiso , CIIICKS : Caledonia X , li o ; Caledonia XX , 10 } < ju ; Economy , Oc ; Otis , Do ; Granito. OJ c ; Crawford checks , tic ; Haw River plaids , SJ c. SHEETINO , 13HOWN Atlantic , A , 4-4 , 7 o ; Atlantic H , 4-1 , 7u ; Atlantic D. 4-4. O c ; At- rcnco LL , 4-4 , njfc ; Old Uoinlnloo , 4-4 , Popporoll U 44 , OJfc ; Pepporcll E , 4U-iuch , 7M'c ; Pcpperell , 8-4 , 17 } o ; Poppcrcll , U-4 , SOc ; Pepporoll. 10-4 , 23a : Utica C , 4-4 , 4J/c ; Wachusutts , 4-J , 7c ; Aurora H , 4-4 , To ; Aurora 1J , 4-4 , ( ) > ic. SIIEETINO , UI.BACIIED Ellorton , 7J < fo ; Hnusekeopor , 8Kc : Now Candidate. Sc ; Uorkeloy cambric , No. 00 , 9c ; VouHet , 4-4 , 0 o ; butter cloth , OO , 4 c ; Cabot , 7.J < fc ; Fanvcll , half bleached , SJ c ; Fruit ot Loom , 8 > fc ; Greene G , Go ; Hope , 7J e ; Kiuj ? Phil lip cambric , lUc ; Lonsdalo cambric , lOc ; Lonsdalo , 8 } c ; Now York mills , lUc ; Puu- perell , 4'J-in. lOc ; Popper'uU , 40-in , llo ; Pep poroll , 0-4 , 14K ; Popixsroll , 8-4,2Jc ; Pep- Vuroll , 9-1 , 2'Jc ; Peppcrell. 10-4 , 21c ; Canton , 4-4 , S.Lfc ; Canton , 4-4 , , 9 > o ; Triumph , Go ; Wamsutta , He ; Valley , 5' c. TICKS Oakland , A , 7Jtfc ; International , YY , 8c ; Shctuckot. SSytm WarrenNo. 870 , IGo ; Berwick. HA , ISq ; Acme , 13c ; York , 15o ; Cordis , No. 5 , PROVISIONS Hams , No. 1 , 10-lb average. llJSfc ; 20 to 22 Ibs , lie ; 12 to 14 Ibs , 12.fc ] ; No. 2 , lOc ; specials , 18Ke ; shoulders. 7c ; breakfast bacon. No. 1 , Oc ; specials , 12 } c ; picnic , 7 c ; ham sausage , 9c ; dried bcof hams , lOc ; beef tongues , $0 per dozen ; dry salt meats-U@ < iJfo ; per Ib : boneless ham , 9c. SAUSAOE Bologna , 4@4 > c ; Frankfurt , 8c ; tongue , 9c : summer , 23c ; head cheeso. 7c. POHK Family , backs , per bbi | S12.5B : % - bbls , fO.75 ; mess , bbls. $12.00 ; K-bbls , SO. 75 ; pig pork , obis , $17.00 ; K-bbls , $9.08. Pies Fr.BT Pickled , kits , 75c ; pickled pigs' tongues , kits , $2.35 ; pickled tripe , kits , C 5c ; . pickled H. C. trlpo , kits , S5o ; spiced pigs' hocks , kits , $1.15. LAUD Tierces Refined. Co ; choico. fljfc : pure loaf , OJ o ; kettle rendered , 7c. Acid } $ c to Xo perlb for smaller quantities. UIEF TONGUES Salt , bbls , SiO. OILS Kerosene P. W. , 9 c ; W. W. , 12 > c ; headlight , 13c ; salad oil , $ per dozen. PICKLKS Medium , per bbl , SJ.50 ; small , $5.50 : gherkins , $0.50 ; C. & B. chow chow , qts , ? 3.90 ; pts , ? y.40. Wii.vrviNO PAi'EK Straw , per Ib , ' 2Kc ; rag. 2 } < c ; manilla , IJ , Cc ; No. 1 , 8c. SALT Dairy , 140 2 Ib pkgs , $2.00 ; do , 100 3 Ib pkgs , S2.CO ; do , 00 5 Ib nkgs. 53.40 ; do , 23 10 Ib pkgs , ? .i.30 ; Ashton , bu bags , 50 Ib , 85c ; do. 4 bu bags , 224 Ib , 1.40 ; M S A , 50 Ib bags , 55C ; common , per bbl , $1.25 , CANKV 9 } @ 12 > < ? o per Ib. CHOCOLATE AND COCOA 21 ( < J33fl per Ib. ; German chicory , red , 80. GiNacit Jamaica , \i pints , $3.00 per doz. FAHINACKOUS GOODS Barley , 2 } < f@3fc ; farina , 4J c ; peas , 3c ; , oatmeal , 2CO" > c ; mac- uroni , ILu ; vermicelli , He ; rice , 'A sago nnd tapioca , G@fta. Fisn Salt Dried cotlOsli , scaled herring. 24c uor box ; hoi. herring , dom , 50c ; Hamburg spiced herring , SI. 51) ) ; hoi. herring , 70cJl. ( 10 : mackerel , large fam ily , $13.50 per 101) ) Ibs ; whitollsh , No. . $0.50 ; family , $3.00 , ; trout , $5.00 ; salmon , 5.50 ; an chovies , 0c. LYK ? 1.75@l.50. NUTS Almonds , 15@17c ; Urazils , 9c ; fil berts , 13c ; pecans , 12c ; walnuts , 12c ; peanut cocks , So ; roasted , lOc. CANNKD FISH Uroolc trout , 8 Ib , $2.40 ; salmon trout , 2 Ib , fc..a.'i ; clams , 1 Ib , $1.25 ; clams , 2 Ib , 2.00 ; clam chowder , 3 Ib , $2.25 ; devilled crabs , 1 Ib , $2.25 ; deviled crabs , 2 Ib , $3.50 ; codllsh balls , 3 Ib , $1,75 ; caviar , % Ib , g'i.25 ; cols , 1 Ib , $3.40 ; lobsters , I lb$2.00 ; lobsters , 1 Ib , $1.90 ; lobsters , deviled , J < Ib , 12.2. ) ; mackerel , 1 Ib , $1.00 ; mackerel , mus tard sauce , U Ib , $ J.10 ; mackerel , tomato sauce , 3 Ib , $3.10 ; oysters , 1 Ib , 9.1c ; oysters , 2 Ib. SI. 00 ; salmon , C. It. , 1 Ib , $2.00 ; salmon , C. H. , 2 Ib , $3.00 ; salmon , Alaska , 1 Ib , $1.85 , salmon , Alaska. 2 Ib , $2.UO ; shrimps , 1 Ib , $2.05. DIIIGII Fiiuirs Currants , 4J @ 5c ; prunes , casks , 100 ! ! Ihn , 4'f@l > $ ; prunes , bbls or bags , 4 } @ 4 ? e ; citron peels , drums , 20 Ibs , 2-lu ; lemon pool , drums , 20 Ibs , NJo ; hard dates , boxes , 12 Ibs , lOc ; nprlcots , uholco evaporated , 25-lb boxes , 15u ; apricots , jelly , cured. 25-lb boxes , 15o ; nprlcots , fancy , Mt. Hamilton , 20-lb boxes. Iftc ; apricots , choice , bacs , 80 lljs , 14c ; npplcs , owiporatod , Alden , 50Ib boxes , 7J ( < ? 8o ; apples , Star , 7o ; apples , fancy Aldcn , 5-lb. Do ; ' iirjiles , fancy AUlcn , 2-11) , 9Xc ; blackborriQH.iiuvaporatcd , boxes , f > > @ 5Jfo ; chnrr.l 8"plttod , dry cured , 15c ; pears , California fancy , } f * boxes , 25 Ibs , 2Jc ; poaches , Cal. laiuiy , KS unp , boxes , 25 Its , 13c ; peaches , CnJ.'No. 1 fancy , a unp , bags , 80 Ibs , 13 > o ; lioaches , fancy , ovap , unp , 50-lb boxes , 12 ® He ; peaches , Salt Lake , now , 0 > @ 7o ; nuctrtrlnes , rod , lUo ; nectarines , silver , bugs' , 14c ; pitted plums , Cul , 25-lb boxes , He ; ritauberrios , ovap , N. Y. , now , 23c ; prunes , .Cul. , R C , 90.100 , boxes , 35 Ibs , 805 Prutds } ; Cal , R 0 , 60-70 , 0 } u : orange pool , 15c-r/iBiiiB ; ! , California Londons , crop 1SS3 , fJ.lOQ'.OO ; raisins , Cali fornia loose , tnuscatolsrcrop ; 18S8 , $1.00 ® l JO 2.00 , j BAOS American A , rfeu'mleas , 17o ; Union Squuro paper , dlscounttlS l/cr / cent. UOKFKK Grcon Faiwjy , , old golden Rio , 22 < s ; fancy old peaberr.vSo6 : Rio , choice to fancy , 21&c ; Rio , prime , 20 > o ; Rio , good , 19c ; Moctiu , 29o ; Java , fancy MuudcblitKr , UOo ; Java , good interior , See , COPKEBS Roasted Arbucklo's Arlosa , 2ic : ; MoLaughlln's XXXX , ' . ' 3 o ; German , Silo ; Dllworth , ! : Alaroma , iia c. HALUODA i ; < @jj o per Ib. STMICH b tc per Ib. STOVE POLISH 2.00M5.87 per pross. Srieua Whole , per Ib Allsp cc , 12c ; Gas- sla China , lOo ; cloves , Zanzibar , 20u ; nut- uicgs , No. 1 , 73oj pepper , 19c , liulltUiit ; Material , f. o. b. Omaha. STOCK Uoutns A 12 inch , s 1 s 14 and ID feet , $10.00 ; U 12 inch , s 1 B 12 , 14 ana 10 feet , $41.00 ; O 13 inch , s 1 H 12 , 14 and 10 feet , $ J VOOi D 13 inch , s 1 B 18 , U and 10 feet , $23.00 ; No. 1 Com. 12 in 8 1 12 feel , $18.00 ; No. ICoin. 12 In a IB 14 uud 10 feet , I17.60@18.5Q ; No. 1 Com. 13 in s 1 B 10 , 18 and 20 foot , $19..V ) ; No. 2 Com. 12 In B 1 B 14 uml 10 fuel , $17,00. AND PAUTITIOS 1st Coin. } In. whlto.plno partition , $33.00 ; ! M dom.In. . wliHo"plno partition , $27.00) ) clear $ f In. yellow plno celling , $20.03 ; clear ? In. Nor way , S14.M ) ; 2d Com. ? in. Norway , f W.OO. llOAHDS No. 1 com Bl3 13 , 14 and 10ft , $19.00 ; No. SvoirtS 1 812 , 14 and 10 ft , $10.50 : No. 8 com * Is 13 , 14 and 10 ft , $14.50 ; No. 4 com a 1 s 12 , 14 nnd 10 ft , ( shlp'g cull ) , $11.00. Add 60 cents per M ft , for rough , BATTHNS , Wni.t , TORINO , PICKKTTS O , G. Hutts. 2X Inch , ( Wo ; O. O. Uatts , Kx3. 1 , 35o ; Jl-in well tublnp , D. & M. and uovS32.00 ; pickets , U. , t H. , flat , $20.00 ; plcKcts , D.&H. , square , $10.00. IHMCN31OX9 AND TlMllEU. 13 ft 14 ft 10 tt IS ft 20 ft 22 ft 21 ft 2x4. . . . 1500 1500 1500 WOO 1000 1800 1800 2x0. . . .1500 IfiOO 1500 1GOO 1000 18 ( HI 1800 2x8. . . .15 00 1500 1500 WOO 1000 IS 00 1800 jx 10. . . in oo ir > oo in oo woo woo iso. ) isuo 3x12. . . 150. ) 1500 1500 WOO WOO 1800 1800 4x4-8x81000 WOO WOO 1700 1700 1800 1000 FBNCISO No. 1 , 4 nnd 0 Inch , 12 nml 14 ft , rough , $ W.W@W.r > 0 ; No. 1 , 4 nnd 0 Inch , 10 ft , S17.OOW17.fiO ; No , 2,4 and 0 inch , 12 and 111 ft , $ l3.r > oc ! 14.00) ) No. 8 , 4 and 0 Inch , 10 ft , $15.00 010.00. FINISHING ' 1st and 2d clear , I/ ! Inch , s2 s , $4'JK.M.OO' ' ( : 1st nnd 2d clear , U $ and 3 inch , s3s. l7.0J@W.OO ; 3d clear , I/ Inch , fl 2s , $43.X40.00 ( ) ; ad clear , IK and a Inch , s 2 s , f I3.00/c4n.00 ; B so'.cct , Itf , U < nnd 2 Inch , a 2 s , $ .1)7.03@3S.03 ) ; 1st and 3d clear , 1 Inch , B 3 s , $15,00 ; 3d clear , 1 Inch , s 2 s , $ . ' 10.00 ; A select - lect , 1 Inch , B 2 s , $33 ; B select , 1 Inch , s 2 moo. t'l.ooitiNn 1st com 0 Inch white pine. $34.00 ; 2d com 0 Inch whits pino. $31.00 ; a com G Inch whlta pine , $ ; 'O.U ! ) ; I ) com G Inch white plno. fJO.Ol ) ; com 4 and 0 Inch yellow pine , $15.00 ; blur 4 Inch yellow pine $17.00 ; 1st and 2d clear yellow pine , 4 and 0 inch , $19.UO. Poi'iAit LuMiuni Clear poplar box bds , J In , s2n , $35,00 ; clear poplar. % In panel , $30.00 ; clear poplar , % In panel , * 25.00 : clear poplnr , } 4 I" panel stoclc wldo , s 3 s , ? 2S.UO ; clear poplar corrugated celling , K , $ JO.UO. POSTS White cedar. 0 Inch halve * . 12c ; White cedar , fi } Inch halves and 8 inch q'rs , lie ; white cedur , 4 inch round , lOc ; Tones- see red cedar , split , We ; split oak ( white ) , Sc ; sawed oak , ISc. SIIINOLCB , LATH , per M. XX clear , $3.20 ; extra * A * , $3.M ) ; standard A , J-2.00 ; 5 inch clear , $1.0J@1.70 ; 0 Inch clear , $1.7B@1.80 ; No. 1 , $1.H'1.15 ' ; clear red cedar , mixed widths , from Washington territory , $3.40 ; California red wood , dimension widths , $1.50 ; cypress , clear heart , dimension widths , $3.25 ; lath , $2.50. SunLAr No. 1 plain , 8 and 18 inch , S17.CO ; No. 3 plalu , 8 and Winch , $15.50 ; No. 1 , O. G. , $18.00. SmiNO 1st com. 12 and 10 feet , $22.00 ; 3d com. 12 and 10 feet , $19.00 ; 3d com. 13 and 10 feet , $15.00 ; fence , com. 12 uud W feet , $13.00. LIMB , ETC. Qulncy white II mo , ( best ) SOo ; English nnd Gorman Portland cement , $3.45 ; Milwaukee nnd Louisville , $1.30 ; Michigan plaster , $ ' : Fort Dodge plaster , $2.10 ; Ultio Rapid plaster , $1.00 ; hair , 20c ; sash , GO per cent dis ; doors , blinds , mouldlims , 50 per cent dis ; tarred felt , per cwt , $2.00 ; straw board , $1.GO. nnd Oh inlcnls. Acin Sulphuric , per carboy , 2Jfo ; citric , per Ib , 51o ; oxalic , per Ib , Me ; tarturie , powdered , perlb , 43c ; carbolic , 3S15c. ALUM Per Ib , 2 ! c. AMMONIA Garb , per Ib , ll } c. AuiiowiiooT Per Ib , Bermuda , 31c. HALSMCopaiba , per Ib , CSc ; tolu , 52 ® Oi)0. Oi)0.BOUAX Rellnod , per Ib , lOc. CUUAM TAIITAH Pure , per Ib. ! ttc. EXTRACT Loawoou Bulk , per Ib , 12c. ElldOT ISC. GLYCERINE 23c. GUM Aiunic u'.lf OSc- LYCOPOIIIUM 43c. Gt'M Assafoatidn , per Ib , 1-lc ; camphor , per Ib , 40c ; opium , pcrib , $1.35. IODINE Resublitnatcd , per oz , $3.05. LEAVES Buchu , short , per Ib , 13c ; senna , Alex , per Ib , 35jl33c. ( Moiti-iiiv Sulph , per oz , $2.80. Mnucuiir (19c. ( POTASH Bromide , per Ib , 40c ; Iodine , per Ib , 52.S5. QfiNiA. Sulph , perlb , 2SJllc. ( SEEDS Canary , per Ib , 4 u. SoArs Castile , imottlcd , per Ib , 8@10o ; castile , white , per Ib , 18@15c. SriiUTS NiTiCn Sweet , per Ib , 42c. STRYCHNIA Crystals. Sl.OO 1.15. Sui.i'ii CINCHONA Par oz. , 5@13o. TATIOCA Per Ib , Gc. TONGA MEANS SI. 73. BOii.s Borgainont , $2.45 ; wintergrcen , $2.15 ; Malaga , 95c ; linseed , raw , C3c ; boiled , GCc. GCc.WHITE WHITE LEAD S0.50. CALOMEL Am. , per Ib , OSc. CASTOU OIL Sl.22. Cuiicu BEUUIES $1.50. CANTIIAUIDHS 7."ea$1.05. ( CASSIA Buns Per Ib , 18c. CiiLoitoi-oiiM Per ib , 40c. CouitosiVK SuitLiMATC Per Ib , 75c. TAUTAU 2Sc. Twines nnd Itopu. BiNDEits1 TwiNK Sisal , Wo ; .hemp , 15c ; Manilla , 18c. CLoniSLiNKS Cotton , 50-ft , $1.20 ; cotton , G'J-ft , Sl.40 ; jute , 50-ft , 90c : jute , GO.ft , $1.00. COTTON TWINU Fine , 20c ; medium , We ; heavy hemp , 14c ; light hemp , 15c. SAIL TWINE B. sail , 20c ; Calcutta , 15c ; manilla roi > e , 15c ; sisal rope , 13c ; new pro cess , 9c ; Jute , Sc ; cotton , ISo ; hide rope , 13c. SUOAHS Granulated , Oo ; confectioners' A , 8c ; standard extra C , 8@aX > i ; yellow C , 7 } c ; powdered , lOc ; cut loaf , W s'c ; cubes , We ; cream extra C , 8 > c. TKAS Gunpowder , 20@COc ; Japan , 40c ; Y Hyson , 2S@.Oc ; Oolong , 22@50c. VINEOAR Per gal , 13@20c. THE REALTY MARKET. TN3THITM13NIS placai oa rosjrj during J-yosterrtav. N A ICuhn. trustee , to C W Do La Jlatro , lota 1 and -4 , blE 3 , and lot 18. bit D , Crolphton Heights , w d . * 1,600 John \Vnrn nndvll'e to 0 ( Jothbnrg. w 2-0 lot 20 , nlk ID , AlurlRlit's unnex , w d . no C anilV U llohn to W S Itoberts. , lots a to 12. Wilson's add to Kuuntzo Place , w d. 1,400 J Hanson nnd wlfo to II Moyur , n H lot5 , Ilenzon ic Johnson's sub , wil . 1,600 Jncob ToM'iiseml anil wife to H Meyer , s y 1st l'i , llen/.cm \ Jolmson'H Hub , w d. . 500 0 Norcen ami liusbiuid to U W Lyimui , lot 1. blkO , I.ymau's 1'lace , ( ( cd . 23 G \V Itnatin to ( J Hubtln , lot 0 , blk 1 , Itus- tlu'H add to Plnlnriotv. w il . . . . . JMWQ Gate City I < and Co to J J McCabo. lota U , 15 ami 10 , Pruyn'B sub of blUU , Hyde Park , wd . 000 A Stowors and husband to O S Jtennwa et al. lot 4 , bile lit , 15 V Smith's add , \v d. 7,000 K K French and wlfo to flnlayson A ; DniiKlas , lots 15 anil 111 , bile f , Coutral 1'arK. wd . , . 1.000 ET Alien by slwrilfto .1 ! ' Klnck. lot 1 , Flack's proposed mib , sharllt Ueotl . 00 A J .Smith to .1 I * Sander * , low ' . ' 3 and 2 , uU 8. Kose II1U. w d . 1,000 Samuel Pruyn und wire to .1 II Beaton. lots 10 and 17. bit I , Prn vn Park , w d . . . 1,000 A T UhoailiM to M 1) MclClbblu , lot H.blk III. Hanscom Park , w d . 3,2M C Patterson and husband to J ( > Win- Btanloy. lots Ito'J , 11 to II and 17 to .XI , Flack's sub , w d . 2,000 J O Wlnstanley to J F Flack , lots I to ! ' , 11 ton and IT to 20 , Flack's SUD. wd . 2OX ) M II lloatty ami htuband to li Ollmore , lots 0 and 8. blk 211 , lloyd's add , wd . l.COO K ( lllmore and win to 1 ( ] Kennedy , lot U , blk St. ' lloyd'H add , w d . O.ttW llallou'nros et al to II K Cooper , lot r. , bit 0 , Ambler Place , w d . 400 City otOmubatoM I ! Kellogg , alloy vn- cuteu by ordinance No. 1UJ2 , qcd . 3 Twenty transfers . tSO,331 Pormiti. The fillo.vms pirnlti < vjrj Issual by Building Inspector Whltlook yoitordayi E. II. Cochran , -Btoryframe barn.Thlr- ty-slxtli , nitar 1'aclllc street . t 1,000 A mi raw Itlggu , a-story frama resldencu , llarney. near forty-third btrcet . . 3,000 Unu minor penult . , . 1,7) Three permits , aggregating . t 4.1&0 * OUIl SIIIl'PKKS KNOCKED OUT. HtcntnnrH CtiDturo tlio Trnilo AVitli tlioV < : ut Intllo- ) . NEW Yoitic , August 12. [ Special Telegram to TUB HEB.I The arrival In this port with in tbo last four days of three big English steamers has brought out the information that u Ilect of aomo llftcen largo vessels IB on Its way across the Atlantic to UiU port. Their coming la the result of hurried cable dispatches from English agents In this city giving accounts of the brisk state ot trade botween. . Now Vork and West India ports. Within the last month there has been every Indication that freights to the West India ports were about to enjoy a boom. This was the case for u few weeks during the mouth ot Muy. Uut the boom which ap pears to bo near at hand promises to outdo anything of a hko char acter In the last twenty years. American aulpjiera who have liecu kept well informed hixvo boon nulotly RCtttnp In hand all the vessels possible , but tlicso In every Insu ice have consisted of schoanora and 9 in allIt - hip vessels. If the in fitter could hnvo Unm kept from the English agents long enough to secure half n dozen steamship charters thcro was in prospect a rich run of business for moro than ono American house. The British vessels by reason of their Immense carrying capacity , can each nccoinmodato as much freight as would roqtilro half n dozen schoon ers tn handle. All tlio nviitlnblo Urltish ves sels In American tiorU hnvo been ordered to proceed to Now York. Mr. John King , of Jnckton , Miss. , nays that ho was cured of rheumatism in his feet nnd legs by taking Swift's Sueclllo. This was after ho had tried many otlior reini'illos , both ntcrnnl and external , nnd pnld many dee ors'bills. Kl > cn Allen Indicted. NRW YOHK , August 12 , The grand Jury this afternoon presented to the court of Rcn- oral sessions two Indictments ngainst Ebon S. Allen , cxprcMdont of the Forty-second Street mid Grand Street Ferry railroad company , charging him with forgery. Always keep n , bottle of Cook's Iin- licriixl Clmnipngno in your Ice chest ; nothing will ontortnin a tired cnllor bottor. l > oed ofn Drunknn Stnn. Piiii.VDci.riiu , August 10. Mrs. Margaret \Vallaccillcdnt the Pennsylvania hospital this morning from the effects of burns ro- cclvotl by the explosion of n coal oil lump thrown at her by her drunken husband last night. SHROEDER & DEAN , GRAIN , i Stocks Basement First National Bank , 505 isoulliimii Strool , - Oumlm Boots and Shoos. K1RKEXDALL , JOKES & CO. , Successors to Heed , Jonci A Co. Wholesale Manufacturers of B-iots - & Shoes Accuti lurlloslon llutbcr Shoo Co. , Ufa. 1101 anil 1101 llnruor Strcot , omtin , Nebraska. Growers. STOIiZ & HER , Lager Beer Brewers , 1W1 NnrlU El litc ntb straot.Omnha , Neb. Cornlco- EAQ1.E COItXWE WORKS , kannf-ctiirers of Galvanized Iron Cornice \Vlnilow-ciipsnnrt mctnllcskrlliElita. John Kpcnol r , proprietor. It * and 110 buuth lutli struct. Pappr BoxoB. JOHN L. tt'tLKlE , Proprietor Omaha Paper Box Factory , Nos. 131" and 1313 Douglas itrcct , Omnhn , Nab. Sash , Doors , Etc. jr. A , Disnnow & co.t Wholctnlo maQufnoturerA off Sash , Doors , EMs and Moulflings , Branch onico , 12th imJ Unrd ttreatg , Omnhn , Neti. MAKliFAGTURIKO CO. , MannfactDrers of Sash , Doors , Blinds , Mouldings , stair-work nml Intoilor hnnl wood Ilnlsh. liii-'J North lOlh atreiit , Omuha , Neb. _ jStoam Flttlng8 , Pump3 , Etc. STIiANa A CLAHK STEA311IEATINQ C0n Pumps , Pipes and Engines , Bttam , water , anil mlnlnR suppim , etc. JM , Wi and 'JVt ' Farnam Btretit , ( Jiuulia. IT. S. W1XD BXQINE & PUMP CO. , Steam and Water Supplies , Ilalll'aT wlml mills , 913 and ( CO Jones it. , Omita. U. K. Hosi , Acting ilanuyer. HROWNELL & CO. , Engines , Boilers and General Machinery , Sheet-Iron work , atcam pumps , mw mills. 1213-1215 Lcm en worth street , Omaha. Iron Works. PAXTON & VIERLINQ IRON WORKS , Wrought and Cart Iron Building Wort Engines , hiaas work , itcncral foundrymnchlnonna blacksmith work. Olllco and works , U. 1 * . HI. anfl lilh ( treat , Omulm. OMAHA WIRE & IRON WORKS , Manufacturers of Wire and Iron Railing Ucik ralli , window Kiiards , flower alnnili , wire iliim , etc. IU Nortu luh street , Omaha. OMAHA SAFE & IRON WORKS , Manf'rs ' of Fire and Burglar Iroof Safes , Vaults , jttll work , Iron iliuttors and tire escapes. U. Andreen , prop'r. Corner Jlth and Jackton its. J3OUTH OMAHA U Nl6N sfoCK YAltDS CuT" Of Soulli Onialia , Limilcl PRINCIPAL POINTS EAST , WEST , NORTH and SOUTH 1302 FARNAM STREET. - Til 15 CHICAGO SHORT LINE OF 'J an Chicago , Milwaukee & St , Paul R'y ' , TLo licst Ilouto from Oumlm and Council IJlnir lo * _ _ EEETHE EAST = TWO THA1NS DA1IA' BKTWKEN OMAHA AND COUtttilb AND Milwaukee , Kt. I'ltul , Mtnnrapulla , Ccdur Hock Inland , Freojior ) , Itockford , Clinton , ] ) uljiiiuc | , Uuvcnport , E\Klu \ , Mitdlsun , Jancsrllle , lielolt , Wliuiiiii , Lii Crossu , AndallotUerlmiiorlnnt nolnti Eait , Nortbeail and buiitliuuil. For through ticket ? call on the tlokol nernt nt l.'fll Farnam ftreot , lit Iliikur llluck , or at Unluii i'aciOc Uo pot. rulluiHn Sleepera tiJ llio nnett Dlnlnir Can lo tin worlilaru riuiun thu main llnu ot tliu Ctilcunn , Ml ) . . 1'aul Hallway , auil ervrj attention U p&ui lo iJuiicuHuri [ if couitoou ciuyioie * of lh coiupuiir. 11. illl , I.Kit. Qcneral Munavcr. j. ! ' . TUCKIIK. Ai l t4nt ( Jcnural Mnnaner. A. V , U. CAlll'KNTUIl , Ueuural I'ni cnjor anil Ticket Client. OKO. 15. lliAKrOIII.Ai iiH tacncr l I'uncniicr mt'JIcket Ammt. T. J.CUAHR , G noral Bnpirliit niJont. V inHCVa"d ftll urinary troubles easily , rittlclc MUllUllyandaafelycured byUUOTUKACap. BUlos. Several CUBBH cured in soren cluye. Hold atll.W per bar , all ilrug Uu , or by mall from UoctuJit U't'x Co. lit \yuitu N. V. tfutl dlr o- tuiu. Agricultural lmrjlomqntB DBalerin Agricnltnral Implements , Wagons CarrUgci and lni ; lf i. Jonrt ttrpot , hctKtcn Wh tot lull , uiunlm , F CO. , Azricnlt'l ' Implocnts , Wagons , Carriage ! lluigi , etc.Vliolotitlo. . Omnhn. I'ARLIN , ORENDOICF , t MARTIN CO \Vholcsfilo Dralcii In Agriciilt'l ' IiimleineiitJ , Wagons & Bnzgloi _ Wl , 1CI , [ Qj nn J W7 Jonn llroct , Omaha. li , M1L1WRN , t S'JODDARD C0. ' ere In Wasons , Buggies Rakci , Plows , Etc , Cor. Mh and 1'nclllo itrciU , Omalia. Artists' Nlntorlnls. t. IWisPE , Jr. , Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs , I&13 l.'oimlna iltcot , Omnha , Nebrukn. Boots and Shooa. IK. r. MOUSE & co. , Jobbers of Boots and Slices , 1101 , 110,1 , 11UJ llouclns itroct , nmnlin. Miinufnctorf , . _ Miiiituor ttrvot , II ml oil. _ 03IA11A COAL , COKE j Jolliers of Hard gni Son Coal , ar.l Buuth 13th flr.'Ot , OiimUii. Nobmaku. FUEL CO. , Shippers of Coal and CoKc , 311 tJoulh Uth it. . Oninlni. Nob. LUMBER , ETC , JOHN A. WAKBVlfiLD , Wholesale Liimlicr , Etc , Imported nnd American 1'orllanJ "cnicut , Btat- ilIur Mllwnnki'olirtlraiiilatcnient and iT nhitu Hum. OIIA8 R. LEE , Dealer in Harflwcod Lumber , Wood carpets iinil pnrquettloorinif. t'th ' nuJ IouRli _ tiocti. Otualm , Ntb. _ mrAHA LUmiER CO. , All Kinds of Building ; Material at Wholesale 1Mb ttreot and Union 1'aclllc track. Omalia. LOUIS BRADFORD , Dialer In Lumber , Lath , Lime , Sash , Doors , Ktc. V -'orncr * th and Douglaa. Otflc Corner lutti and l > ou la . FRED. W. GRAY. Lumbe1 Lime Cement Etc Etc , , , , , , Corner 9tU and Dountaa Ut. , Omaba. C7. N. DIETZ , Dealer in All Kinds of Lumber , 13th and California ttroctt , Omnha , N brn ka. rnillln.ory _ . and . Notions. , , , v - --w * -w - * * + rv * - / . OBERFELDER & CO. , Importers & JoMcrs in Millinery & MiM W.i0 \ ami :12 South llth street. Notions. J. T. ROD IX SON NOTION CO. , Wholesale Notions and Finishing Goods. 1134 Burner Struct , Omaha. RWDELL & RIDDELL , StoMge and Coiuiuission Merchants , Specialties Iluttvr. PCE . checso. poultrjr , gamfc _ UUliouard street , Uniiihu , Nob. _ _ D ry Goods ndNotlons. _ JI. E. S3UTII & CO. , Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods and Notions 1103 and llOt Douglas , cor , llth itrcet , Oinalia.N'ob. KILPATmCK-KOOII DRY GOODS CO. , Imnortcrs & Jokers in Dry Goods , Notions Gent's furnlsbltiK Koodi. Corner llth and llurncy ttreuts , Omnha , Nebraska. IIELIN , THOMPSON & CO. , Iraporten nnd Jobbers of Woolens and Tailors' ' Trimmings 317 South Uth stroit. Furnlturo. DEWEY & STONE , Wholesale Dealers in Furniture , Knrnum itreot , Omnlm , Nebraska. CHARLES SUIVE1UCK , Farniturs , Omaha , NaLraaka. Crocorloa. PA XTO.iV , GALLAGHER A CO. , Wholesale Groceries and Provisions , 705 , 7U7. SO ) on J 711 Sout'.i IQtll el. , Omaha.-Ncb. JUcCORD , DRADY A CO. , Wholesale Grocers , llth ipdlxmvoawurtli itrccU. Om li , Nelirnka. Hardyyaro- IF. / . VROATCH , Hcayy Haruware , Iron ana Steel. EptlnKi , WAKen ttnck , linrdwaro , lumber , cto. 1309 and lll llnrner utrevt , Omiilit. TT. J. BROATOIT , Heary Hirflware , Iron and Steel , LEE , CLARKE , ANDREESEff HARDWARE - WARE COMPANY. Wholesa'e Hardware , Cutlery , Tin Plato , Metalt. hcet Iron , etc. Agents for Il < iw scales , Mlnml powder and Lymaii baitca wire. & TAYLOR , Builders' ' Hardware and Scale Repair Shoo Mcchnnlcs' tool and Huiralo scales. 1 10 DouglM street , Ouiaha , Not * . Zf. HARDY & CO. , Jobbers of Toys , Dolls , Albums , Fancy Good ? , boaie Xurnhhlnic Koodi. clilldrun'i carrlatcei , i 1'urimui lrt ; l , Umoha , Neb. Olio. CONSOLIDATED TANK LINE CO. , Wholesale Refined and Lubricating Oils , All * vr ate , etc. , Ouiaha. A. 11. Xllilior. Manager , Paper. ' CARPENTER PAPER CO. , Wholesale Paper Mm. Carrr a nice rtook of printing , wrapplnv and . bjiotiul uttuutluu Hlveu lo cuiU papur. NEBRASKA NATIONAL BANK , U. S. DEPOSITORY , OMAHA , MSB. Capital SHOO.OOO Surplus Jan. let , 1889. 62.01K ) Ml'l'IL'BIta AM ) IIIU5rrOK8. HuNltv W , VATEH , I'realdwnt. J.KWIMH , HEED. VJcu 1'rutildent. A. it. TOU/AI.IN W. V. * IOHSK. JOHN & COM.INS. Jt. t ) . OIIHHINO , J , N. M. I'ATUICK. W , II. B. IIUQIIKS , Cashier THE IRON BANK , Cor. 1-th uud Farnain Htx. A Oencrul Hiuiklng Jlunluosj Trm , eted.