THE OMAHA NINETEENTH YEAE. OMAHA , TUESDAY MORNING , AUGUST 13 , 1889. NUMBER A STATEMENT BY BRIERLY , tTho Paramour of Mra. Maybrlok Ooueonta to nn IntorvloWt THINKS HIMSELF PhRSECUTED. A. Fnlso Fomnlo Frlcml , Wlio Wns Herself In Love AVUli Ilrlcrly , Now Darkly Hinted At August SO tlio Fntnl Dny. A Much MnllRticd Mitn. tCopjrlaMJames / ) Oonlon fl > mett.1 LivitnPooLAugu tl2. | Now York Herald Cable Special to Tun HUB. ] For the first time slnco ho became nubllclv identified na Mrs. Maybrlck's ' paramour , Albert Briorlji talked to-day , knowing that his statement would appear In print. Brlcrly Is tall nnJ Blonder , about thirty-eight years old. His face Is sallow and clearly cut. Ho wears a light moustache nnd pointed chin board , Upon meeting tlio Herald correspondent Briorly promptly refused to make a state mcnt for the nubile. It was suggested tlm' ' thcro wns not much time to waste , n , If hi coultt do anything In Mrs. Mnvbrlck's behalf ho must do It before the Uoih , ttio date ol her execution. Ho said ho had beet silent for fear of Injuring Mrs. Mnybrlclt nnd would not talk now unless ho though It would benefit her. Ho talked with uiuc ! earnestness. At times h sat at a desk am strode up and down. Ho said : 'I have boon maligned , persecuted am misjudged In every way. It has broken uj my business and will cause mo to leave thl city , but lama man , and I have made n complaint. I only dcslro that the torribl misfortunes of the woman , whoso treatment mont 1ms been scarcely fair , ma ; not bo further increased througl inu. Before the llrst proceeding ngalnst Mrs , Maybrick were Instituted o talked of I had arranged for u vacation In th shape of n tour about the Mediterranean , bad made my preparations without a though that any trouble was coming to her , for had no expectations or suspicions of any This is evident by Itself in n letter from in to her which was quoted In court , In whlo ! letter 1 said that I was going away. Th last Interview I had with Mrs. Maybrick wa on April 0. Between our meeting in Londoi on March SI nnd this interview I tmtl sec her only once , and that was at the Gram National mooting. I wish you would mak n note of that and let people Judu how far those thrco meeting ! n long time previous to Mr. Maybrick death , Justify the . .perpetual assumpllonta through the trial and particularly by th Judge that she mil 1 wore on the close : terms of Intimacy and hand In hand , so t speak , In the whole mutter. However , tli moment that I hoard that she was thrcatcnc with trouble I abandoned my trip. I notlflc Messrs. Ceaver nnd Sir Charles Kusscll tin I was entirely in their hands , though I wi of the opinion nnd , I presume , that the were that , being an interested party , m statements would not have the value the wcro entitled to. I also prepared a stati inent mid certified to it for use should it b needed in the trial. I remained all throup the case and" was not called. I was ready o any time. " "When did you llrst meet Mrs. Maybrick } "I met her once or twice during last yec in this city. It was merely u distant ai quniiitunccship , however , up to last Noven ber. " "Did you hnvomany interviews with her ? "Very few. " "Did you over go on any Journeys t gctuor excepting a trip to London ) " "No , that was the only tiino wo were ev < nway together. " "Who Buefiosted that trip ! " "I dccllno to state. I must refer you t the evidence adduced in court. " "Had you any uhdorstuuding when yo parted from each other in London 1" "Yes , wo had a distinct understanding. I the first place , that nothing of the sort at : by that I mean mooting in London or othi places away from home was over to occu again. " . "Did you have any understanding that an meetings wore to take ploco at horaol" "Nono whatever. On the contrary v parted in London as if wo wore never meet again. You can readily undorstat that I cannot speak as freely as I could wisl I am not thinking of myself in the tnutto but of her. " "Did you have nny understanding abet correspondcncol" "Yes , it was distinctly understood that vi were not to correspond. It was agreed tlm she would not write unless she got into at complications in consequence of our Journey If she aid she was to lot mo know. I to you this because I wish you to undcrstnn that ( ho extent of our acquaintance and tli depth of our Intlmuoy has been most ui warrautodly overestimated , both to Her ii Jury and mlno. " "When did you next see her after the tr toiondonj" "i the Grand National , nnd when nfti tlmfyfiha caino to sou me , a few days uftu wards , she came to tell mo about her husbai boating her and dragging her about the root .It was brought out in the ovldonuo. That the last interview I ever had with hor. Tin was April 0. " ' Have you any opinion to express , fro your knowledge of affairs , concerning h trlall" "I iio not know as it would bo wise to o : press them r.t the present time. " "Io you think tlioro will bo any botti time than Urn present ! " "Perhaps not. Well , then , there nro Iv tilings which I feel inclined to suy , and thi are these ; In the first plnca I am of tl opinion that a great deal of unnecessary an uncalled for Injury has boon done her. As defendant in court , on trial for her life , an entitled to the utmost degree to u fa hearing , I think the Judge laid umicceasni and unfair stress on the motive , Tl "John" business was an error from begi plug to end. It told terribly ngalnst he The letters frc"i ' 'John" were perfectly I nocenl loiters. It was tSs view the ] ud | took of It that made it toll so heavily 6T. t1 Jury. This Is simply my belief , of cours but If the truth over comes out from the goi tlciuan himself it will bo fully ban out by him. And furthermore , I ot not keep from blaming the Jud | for big unauthorized nud stated assumptlc that the intimacy between Mrs. Maybrlc nnd myself , which ended on March 31 las was In progress during ull Iho period whic the trial covered. " "Hiw your statement , made this uiornln ; covered tlio ground i" ' 'Yoj , this ground and more , I have place It In the hands of her solicitors tot present lion to the Uomo secretary , " The most important part of M Briorly's statement 1s thus made i lomothlng which appears not i but between the lines. The curious fac imd strungo motives which underlie this ca from beginning to end are something urnu tag , and the half has not been told. Oi thing is certain , however , nnd that is thnt it Mrs. Mnybnek is executed she will hnvo been done to death by n woman. I atn la possession of certain facts which throw a very peculiar side llcht on Briorly's state ment regarding the domestic qunrrol which followed the Grand National. It was caused by a woman , and that woman wns herself In love with Brlorly , nnd it was she who , through Maybrick , made the trouble. She was o near rotative of a woman who constituted herself n public proscculior before May- brick's death , nnd to that end was a most skilled traitress to Mrs. Maybrick during all he tlmo of the proceedings , in which the alter gave her full confidence. Baroness Von Koguo gave the Herald cor respondent n letter , in which she thanks the press for Us efforts la behalf of her "unhappy child. " EDISON IN K Tlio Famous Inventor Ilccclvo * n Very Warm Welcome. [ Cnpi/rWit issa liy Jiimw Gnnion lltnncU.i PAUIS , August 12. [ Now York Herald Cable Special to Tun BHK. | The Figarc Ivcs the following glowing account of Edl- son's first arrival oti European soil : HAVUI : , August U , 0 n. m. La Bour goyno , with Edison on board , was signalled and u tender starts to meet hor. On board thd tender were Charles Porges , president of tlio Edison company ; A. Medea Vernes , oil let engineer of the company and man ager of the Edison exhibit at the Paris exhibition ; Alfred O. Late , Edlson'i private secretary ; J. W. Hauler , A. B Dickorson. his Chicago representative ; D.vo , his representative at Antwerp ; Major Flood Page , Emll Duror , Ferdinand Dreyfus , ox- Deputy Porges and several Journalists. Edi son is seen waving his handkerchief as tin tender approaches La Hourgayno. On board Ing nnd after introductions the Figaro's cor respondent invites Edison , in the namu o the heads of the Figaro staff , to a solrco to which the elite of the Paris sci entitle world will bo bidden ii his honor. Edison accepted the invltatloi with pleasure , and to the question , "Hov long will you stay in Paris ! " replied : "About two weeks. After that I shal visit London , Liverpool , und perhaps Rome Milan and Vienna. I huvo come to Europe not for business , but for rest. I want to so the Eiffel tower. " Several friends wcro Edison's passengers Eugene H. Leris , Ills lawyer , and Mr. am Mrs. Upton. The passengers cheeredhlino leaving the bteatner. At Houcn Peter Wil Hams , United States consul general , we ! coined Edison. At the St. Lazaro station In Pari.- ( , the engineers of his company and group of admirers were waiting to rccoiv him. him.The The Figaro concludes Us two and a hal column article thus : "Never can a sufllcien tribute of honor bo paid to him who , by th telephone , transports speech from polo t polo ; who , by a phonograph , repeats to ou ears and hearts the blessed words of dea dead ones , giving them to us with the charr of their Intonation. Ho bos merited well o ull countries. " ! Cycler Stevens' Wild Onoso Clmon. ICnplrtoitSS9 / b\i \ James Gtinhin Heiui M ZANZIHAII , August 13. fNow York Heral Cable Special Jo Tun Biys.l Stevens , th long distance cycler , wlio was sent list Africa by a New York paper , has boo heard from. Ho left hero some raontl ago for the interior to discover the where abouts of Stanley , and Is now returning having utterly failed in his mission. H managed to hook onto the largo caravan of Di Abbott , wlio was sent into Africa by th Smithsonian institute , of Washington , t collect plants and Insects , and has been fo lowing him about. These two lately rcachc the borders of the Msal country , nnd Steven in his last letter writes that ho considers th Msal men "lino fellows. " The two explorci did not , however , venture far into the Mss land. The doctor prefers the hospitality c King Mondarn at Kilimanjara , and is return ing there to enjoy it while ho continue his studios nnd completes his collection c plants and insects. The cyclist , being uni bio to venture further up the country will out the doctor's Is coming back hero , regret to have to add that Stevens has dli covered absolutely nothing of Stanley and i returning to his point of departure ver , much crestfallen. Ho is expected to reac the coast within a fortmlght if walking I good und his strength holds out. Wisseman , under pretense oflcscortlng 1 ! Wanlamlvazi , who have been working fc him as porters , home to their country , is 01 ganizing an expedition to march o Mpwapwa with a view to capturing Bushlr Goiso , the man who recently a caped from Mpwapwa when Bushii attacked that station. Accompanyln it , _ news has boon received tin Stanley , In making for Kavirondo , on tt cast of Nyanza lake , had met n white mat probably a missionary , who wanted porton and had given him some. Ho will make fo Mombasla , but is not expected to reach tli coast for some months. General Uoulnnger's PAIIIS , August 12. The Bonato court t ( day resolved itself Into a legislative chanibe and on the advice of M. Devullo raised th question of the court's competency to tr General Boulanger. The president of th senate { request the members to plodg themselves to secrecy regarding the pr < ccedlngs. The members of the right refused to glv the pledge of secrecy on the ground that u the Indictment Imd been widely publlshc they had right to publicly proclaim tlio : orlnlon In the case. The right moved tha thu court was Incompetent to try Gonen Boulungor because Mm allegation's in tlio Ii dlctmunt did not amount to treason Tli motion was rejected bv u vote of 31" to & The right afterwards mot and decided t take no further part In tlie proceedings , Cuss County Old Settlors. PI.ATTSMOUTII. Nob. , August 13. ( Spocli to THE HUE. ] At a meeting hold at th court house Saturday afternoon It was di elded that old Bottlers of Cuss county wl hold a reunion and barbecue ut the old fui grounds west of town August 17 , The pn gramme will consist of music , reminiscence by old settlers and orations by Judge Sainui Chapman , Hou , A. N , Sullivan and Hon. 1J S Unuisoy. An ox will bo roasted on tli grounds " ' 1 uu old-fashioned good time I expected by everybody" . Joseph and William Moor. BKHLIN , August 12. Among the distil gulshcd persons who met Emperor Francl Joseph at the railway station were Coun Herbert Blsuiurck , General Von Moltko mi General Von Bluuiouthul , The meeting b ( twcon thu two emperors was of the uios cordial character. The Weather Forecast. For Otnaha and vicinity Showers , fo ! lowed by fuir Weather. Nebraska Showers , warmer in castor and cooler in western portion , variable wind ! Iowa Showers , slightly wanner in wesi era portion , stationary temperature in oas crn , southerly wind * . Dakota Light showcri , cooler In wester : slightly warmer la eastern portion , variubl wiuUs. FORT ROBINSON ENCAMPMENT General Brooke Arrlvoa There With His Personal Stall. A MONTH OF MANOEUVRES. The Present Gathering of Depirtmont or the Platte Troopi Expected to Kcmilt In. Much Benefit State Now * . The Knannipmcnt or Hairnlan. FonT ROIHNSON , Neb , , Augunt 13. ' [ Spe cial Telegram to TUB BER. ] The arrival of General Brooke , commanding tha depart ment of the Platte , his personal staff nnd the BtufT of the department , who reached hero this morning , may bo said to mark the begin ning of the great encampment of the regular army , which is to continue for a month In Lhls vicinity. Active preparations have noon In progress for weeks past at all the posts In the department of the Platte , looking to the concentration of troops at Camp George Crook. As originally'planned , every com pany of infantry nnd troop ot cavalry in the department wns ordered to concentrate on the military reservation of Fort Hoblnson by August 20. Later orders detailed four companies of the Second Infantry to attend the militia encampment in Iowa , und still later orders detailed the headquarters band and six companies of the same regiment fern n week's ' duty at the G. A. H. encampment at Kearney. The latter will ultimately Join the company hero , but will save some soventy-ilvo miles of marching winch was > laid out for them on the original plan. Even with the deductions of necessary squads , ofllcers and surgeons loft at the various posts to protect property during tno absence of tha main commands , thcro will still gather at Camp George Crook the largest collection of ofllcora and men for catnp duty which has boon brought together slnco the days of the recon- structton period. Counting in the troops which will reach hero from Forts Douglas , Hobinson , Bridgcr , D. A. Russell , Sidney , Omaha , Nlobrara , McKinney nnd Wiishakio twenty-flvo hundred ofllcers and men will before the end of the present month , bo engaged gaged in Held exorcises on the sixteen square miles of ground which comprise the Forl Uoblnson military reservation. The first command to assemble at Cainf Geortro Crook , by which name the military encampment will bo known , will bo the garrison risen nt Fort Robinson , comprising flvo troop ; of the Ninth cavalry nnd three ol the Eighth infantry. The remaining commands already on the march , us they ar rive one by one Yvlll bo given stations on thi beautiful plateau which has been aolcctoi" for the gathering. Most of these have al ready started , and all may bo expected to nr rive by the aotti of the current month. The garrison from Sidney will have 140 miles tc march overland from the Union Pacific rail road northwards to this point. The garn sons from the west will concentrate nem Fort Laramlo and march In a northoastorlj direction from that location. The troops from Fort Niobrara will have almost us long a inarch as these from Sidney almost directly westward , ninety miles o which will bo through the sand hills. Nine surgeons accompanying the various com mands will guard the health of the camp while a complete field hospital sorvlco wil bo maintained with all the appliances used it time of actual warfare. General Brooke , who has had as much mil itary experience , to say the least , as any de partment commander in the service , selectee the site for the camp on the military rescr ration or Fort Robinson as the oiu most available of all these suggested , In the first place , It lies ncuro : to the center of the department , all thing ! being considered , nnd in the second place the topographic surroundings are such as tc afford an almost perfect field for tlu manoeuvres in which the troops will engage , The ground lies in the beautiful valley o the White river , in the most picturesque perhaps the only picturesque section of No braska. The valley at this point is nonrli two miles wido. and between the river basic and the encircling buttes or bluffs there it ample ground for sham battles , sulUclcnt ac conimodations for u camp double the size o that proposed , perfect dratnacc , and a goot supply of clear , soft and cool water. Thi military post of Fort Robinson lies witlilr gunshot of the camp , and the Fremont , Elk horn & Missouri Valley trains run withit pistolshot of the tents. The question of sup plying the quartermaster's and commissary departments Is thus easily solved. So far a : the natural surroundings nro concerned , IK more beautiful alto could have been chosen To right and loft rise the pine-crested buttea which are the characteristic feature of thu portion o * Nebraska. Throuch the platoat runs the White river , hurrying northward U its Junction with the Missouri. Midway am dividing glides Soldier creek , fed by springi from the divide which seoarates the vallo.i of the White river from that of Hat creek. Cool nights and an altitude which makes the heat of mid-day not unpleasant , combine tc render the climate particularly favorable. Five miles off lies the flourishing town ol Crawford , with churches , schools und more : well stocked with merchandise , which car supplement any of tlio deficiencies whicli may bo found in camp. QEvory indication points to a most suc cessful Inauguration of summer mautuuvrc' ' in the regular army. The importance of tin encampment is much greater ttiiin the avorugi civilian would supposo. As said before , It h the largest gathering of regular troops foi field .service , barring the Indian camtmignt of IbTil , which has collected since the close o the war. Sixteen thousand dollars hnv : been appropriated by the war department t < pay the expenses of the concentration o troops nnd the maintenance of the cnoarnp mcnt at Camp Gcorgo Crook. The genera commanding , with his personal stult and hi : entire departmental staff , will bo on tin ground to supervise the movements All the Incidents of actual warfart will bo i eallstically reproduced ii the vicinity of the camp. Tin instructions given to recruits and even olc soldiers must bo of inestimable value in im proving the discipline , knowledge and inorah of the army. In addition , the collection o , so many onicars , u number of whom wil bring their families , will add to the roughei features of camp Ufa the moro delightful ono of social Intercourse. There will hi many reunions of olllc.ors who have not me since the war , und of Juniors whoao lasi greeting was a farewell nt the mllltarj academy. Tim BEE will keep its rcuderi thoroughly posted ns to the various fuaturei of Interest which will transpire during th < encampment. The Konrnoy Kuiinlon. IfBAKMSY , Nob. , August 12. [ Special Tel egram to Tim BKU.J The weather concludet not to smile ou the opening scones of the Nebraska braska G. A. R. reunion , therefore i frowned. A heavy shower fell during tin niglit and tha morning broke gray and misty The work of putting up tha great pavillloi was CMuianccd m tha morning , nearly al the other tenta uuVi22 been arranged am ready for occupancy. The heauriU rt rs Jon stands near the head of tlio canon , dlrcctij north of the luko. A few feet distant to tin east Is the telephone tent , and to the wcsi are found thu tents of the reunion committee too , Provost Marshal Steal und other encamp inent officials. Across the. street from thi headquarters is n well-constructed baggagi ooni. TbU building will be occupied Jolutl ; by the Union Pacific and B. & M. companle : and will ulio bo a telegraph office. Baggagi will bo chocked to the camp and on leavlni will bo checked to any point on either of th roads. Everybody about the camp was hope ful , however , and the work of transports tiou went bravely forward uotnlthstandlDi .ha discouraging outlook. The Veterans bo fan to arrive early this morning by wagon uul rail. Heavy special * came from Grand Island nnd Hastings nt noon mid tha crowds itopt pouring In from nil points this after noon. There are 2 , 100 tents pitched nt Cam ) Brooke and the accdcmodatlons arc tbo most elaborate over given nt t reunion in the stato. Representatives ol nearly every post in the atato are hero nnd have arranged for room for tholr respective posts. Tha Second United States Infantry Is hero with its battery. Lieutenant Craw ford and n squad of eight , with the guns ol Battery A , Nebraska National guards , from Wymoro , arrived this afternoon. Captain Murdock and the balan'cc of the company ar rived this evening , n total of thirty-six , General Fisher , department commander ol Colorado , with his wife nud two children , Is camping on the croutuH A number of band ! came to-day , and nearly every band of 1m portnnco In the Htuto will arrive to-morrow It Is reported that caravan ) of Kansas veterans orans will nrrlvo to-morrow. Foi the time being Camp Brooke li in command of Vice Commander Calkins , o this city. Thu formal turning over of thi command of the encampment will tuko placi to-morrow , when , It is cxucctod , nil th members of the council of ndmlnistrntloi will bo present. A committee meeting is bo lug hold to-night to settle matters relative ti the programme of the week. To-morrow's programmeis ns fol lows : Sunrise Morning gun , 0 n. in. guard mount , 10 a.m. ; meeting of state or ganizations , 3 p. m. ; review of Sons of Vet crans by camp commander nnd Govorno Tlmyer , 0 pm.t dross parade by Soconi United States iarantrysunset ; evening gun Op. m. ; naval display on Luke Kearney. Flood In CiiAimox , Nob. , August 12. [ Special Tele gram to THE BEE. A cloud burs on Chadron crock Saturday evening , completely plotely submerged the valley , the wate rolling down about twenty foot high. Oul ono life wns lost , a son of Gcorgo Gooi notigh , about seven yours old. H and a man named Bcnl im were going houi when the water struck , them , ana they In mediately loft the tcaif and attempted t cltnib trees. Bcnham saved himself but th boy wns washed nway. Three other mei were encamped in the valley but saved then solves by swimming. Coioner Waller is no1 at the scene of the disaster , together wit about ono hundred men. All the bridges o CKadron creek in the vicinity of the clou burst uro u total wreck. A number of cattl and horses were lost. Muoh damage hn been done to crops and it will bo a liar blow to the farmers. The dam on Children creek nt the ongin house of the water works is washed mil Tlio enu'lno house- was submerged but n serious dauingo was done to the machinery Men are now nt wotk replacing the dam. Reports from the table land uro to the of feet that the hail was six to eight mchc deep nnd very largo. Thcro wns nnothc cloud burst nt Oelnchs , which washed tn railroad track out for many hundred yard : delaying all trains several hours. Goodnough , the father of the unfortunat lad who lost his life , dreamed his boy wn drowned nnd lust whera his body could I found. Ho started out towards the plac and met Benham coming after him. H wont and found the body Just where h dreamed It was. Tlio remains were burie with hail and wcro frozon.stifl when foum Fatality nt Cortluml. CouTiAjtn , Neb. , August 1 ! ? , [ Specii Telegram to THE BEE. ! This mornin ut about 10 o'clock , during tli heavy thunder slorm , the ulue-ycai old son of Hon. H. H. Silver , ono c Corthfnd's leading implement dealers , we instantlykilled. . Uo-.wns Kitting in a to buggy a few yards f rontthe house. The bo struck the top of the buugy nnd passed ( low through the seat where the boy wus playiiif North NohniBJcii Ciiiiiiimootini ; . FIICMONT , Neb. , AugURS 12. [ Special t THU BEE. ] It has been rather damp for th four hundred or moro pampers nttondin the campnioetii'g of the North Nobraski conference , but the enthusiasm has not beei washed away by the rnm. About ono huti dred touts are pitched on the ground , nn yesterday more than twelve hundred poopl packed the auditorium to listen to the cxct cises , which were conducted by Potter an Miller , the evangelists , i-moug the Oinah pastors who were present nnd tooic part i the meetings were Uov. G. AI. Brown , Ro\ J. W. Robinson , Rev. C. M. Dawson un Rev. J. E. Ensign. A Ijunntlc at OSCKOLA , Nob. . August 1' ' . [ Special to TH BEE. | G. H. Mntson , a young man who WH sent to the insane nsyluin at Lincoln a yea ntro lust Friday from this county , surprisei his friends by coining in on them last Satui day morning ut daylight. Ho told them h was working about tlio asylum yard nnd li saw the gate open und Just walked out , nu walked all the wuy home. His case wil brought to the notice of the insanity bean on Saturday and ho will bo kept hero union ; friends until his father , who is m California can bo heard from. Dlsoliurecd. STUJLHT , Nob. , August 12. [ Special Telegram gram to THE BBB.I Baucrs , Who wa arrested yesterday charged with nn assaul upon Mrs. O. H. ICorkcndall , with intent t commit rape , bad bis orellminary hcarln before Justice Bogcs , w.ho , upon hearing th evidence , dismissed the prisoner , his dofcns baing nn ullbi. The sentiment of the con munity as to the Justice's decision 1 divided. _ Under County Touchers. DAVID CITY , Nob. , August 12. [ Special t THE Br.i : . | The Butler county teachers' institute stituto has been in so sion now for tw weeks and will last ono week longer. SOUK thing over ono hundred teachers nro inn tonduuco. Friday- afternoon a gatno of ba was played between tin teachers of th county aud tbo lawyers of the city , rosuli ing In favor of the lawyers by a score of 1 to U. firuveil One ofnil. . Cr.NTitAh CITV , Nob. , August 12. [ Speck Telegram to Tun BKE.J diaries Easterly who hod served out half of u thirty daye sontcnco for illegally soiling liquor , brok Jail last night by sawing off the bars , on tin Jail windows. Ho hud , presumably , hoi from the outside , Houocdhavono fear o an attempt to capture .him , ut his ubsonco I generally regarded us a bettor snap tlm boarding him , Fatnlly Injured W.hilo Plowing. liuowxviLbii , Nob. , August 12. fSpcch Telegram to THE BcU.l Alex. Starry , woll-to-do farrnoc , living ono mile southwoi of town , was plowing 111 his Hold this fore noon when his plo\v oollldod with a bllni stump. Starry recclvoQ-ono of the handle in the stomuch , causing aTsorious injury. , ' physiolau wus summoho'd , but tlio probabili ties uro that ho will dlo. I'latto County Toaohors. COI.UMHUB , Nob. , August 12 , [ Specif Telegram to Tun BEE.J The Platte count teachers' Institute convened In this clt to-day with nn enrollment of fifty. Ono hut dred and llfty teachers nro expected to bo 1 uttmidanco before the term cloies. Expei iunced Instructors from abroad will liav charge si tUc exercises. Klnod for j o ! t Larceny. NEIIUABKA Cur , Nob. , August II , fSpocln Telegram to TUB BIE. : " | Dr. Dnyenpor of Peru , was In police court to-day on th charge of robbing John ShurtlofT , n guest i the Thorpe IIOUBO. ho refunded the mono and paid u line and costs for petit lurccny. Oolnc < o tlio Kearney He-union. DoiiciiESTEit , Neb , , August 12. [ Special t TUB BuE.J Cotes post , No. 107 , G. A. R numbering about seventy-five men , con mauded by R. P. Keep , will depart for tt rouoloc at Kuurnoy to-morrow uf ternoou. BURKE IS FRANK WILLIAMS , The Oarlaona Booognlzo Him With out Hesitation. THE SUSPECT TURNED PALE. Ho Pretended Isot to Know Them ) However A Futllo Attempt Ily. The London Times tej AVorlc Coroner Hertz. The First Link. CHICAGO , August 12. | Special Telegram to Tin : BKB.J Martin Burke had several visitors - itors this morning. Attorney W. S. Forest was the llrst , and the prisoner was very glad to see him. The others were not so welcome. They wcro old Mr. nnd Mrs. Carlson , In chnraa of Dotectlvo Hodrlck. They were taken to Iho iron door that guards the en trance to the boys' department and Burke was brought from his cell and placed in front of them. "That is Frank Williams , the man who routed the coltago of us , " each ol them said , nftcr peering through the : grating of the door nt him foi a moment. Burke turned several shades paler ns ho saw them nud his lips twitched , but ho pretended not to know them nnd gave no signs of recognition , The world , which the London Times holds In awe , does not include among Its inhab itants Cook county's coroner , Henry L , Hertz. Some tlmo after the coronor's In. quest on the murder of Dr. Cronln hnel begun the London Times came to the con elusion that the proceedings might bo 01 value in the furthering of Its own interests , About n week later an American ronresout.v tlve of the paper appeared nt the Inquest foi the purpose of gathering such facts as would , ho thought , assist that publication , bul ho found ho had arrived at the lull end ol the inquest and that to obtain nn intelligent idea of what had tultun place it would be necessary to secure a copy of the report ol the entire proceedings. How would ho got It ) In his quandary ho bethought , himself of a lawyer who had once demonstrated his sympathy with British interests by dropping n chaste salute on the royal right hand of hci majesty the queen. Inspired by the thought , ho sought the lawyer. Would the latter as sist him I Would ho , well ho would , and ut once , and putting on ono of his fl3 election hats , and with his breast swelling with the pride of an ambitious reporter on his flrsl assignment , the lawyer hied himself to the coroner , to whom ho said : "I would like to got u copy of the testi mony tulten by the coroner's Inquest. " "You can't have it , " said the coroner. That evening the story got wind and also an explanation of the coronor's conduct. According to it the refusal was duo to the fact that the coroner owed his election tc some influential atm-Cronin men , nnd fear ing to offend thorn ho declined to assist the London Times. A reporter called on Coronet Hertz and asked him if the story and ex planation were true. "Tho story Is , " ho replied , "but the explan ation Is buncombe , pure and unadulterated , I refused because I did not see why I should put myself out for nn English paper , al though had any American newspaper desired sired it I should have been glad tc oblige It. The attorney who asked mo in sisted upon having a copy aud I sent him u the judge. The Judgn heard him , and ther mo , and decided I was not obliged to furnish uny copy. I should add perhaps that I wat offered p.iy for my trouble. Now about the explanation regarding my not wishing to of fend the anti-Croninitos. BOKCS was calleel an anti-Cronlnlto , nnd moreover , ho worked hard for my election. Did I spare him 1 It would have boon very easy for mo to do sc without anyone being the wisor. The re suits show that I did not. Now , sir , I an perfectly capable to run uiy office without fear or favor. I have done so , und I shal continue to do so. The English press I don't consider has uny claim on me. " SII13 GUliV. ' IHCSPONDENT. A Slnu.v FnllH Girl Suicides Because the Wedding Wsm Po-uponed. Sioux FALLS , Dak. , August 12. [ Special Telegram to Tun Bnn. | Helen Silverson nued twenty , committed suicide to-day bj taking strychnine. She had been keeping company with a young man named Louis Bou I : and wanted to get married , but Boul wanted to wait. The ulii grow despondonl and took poison in front of Bouk's meal market und died in fifteen minutes. The coroner's Jury found a verdict iu accordance with the tacts. to the ICncainpmont. PORTLAND , Ore. , August 12. Next Mon day evening forty members of the G , A. R and Woman's Relief corps of the Oregon department partment will go by the Northern Pacifli train to the encampment at Milwaukee. Tin excursion is in cbunro of W. A. Bautz , Port land , and Colonel W. A. Lodue , Salem. Thi Grand Army of this stnto will carry with the expedition ono car loaded sulid with UK various grains , fruits und mineral product : of Oregon. _ _ The StHilcuiio Knll Fire. POIITLAND , Ore. , August 12 The assistant general freight agent of the Northern Pa clflc , who returned to-day from SpoKam Fallo , says the total value of property do , stroycd by the recent lire will not exccce 55,000.000 , instead of SM.OOO.OOO . as reported Tlm Northern Pacific's loss will bo undci ? 100,000. , _ _ A Southern Hott-l Burns. L.OUISVILI.H , Ky. , August 13. The Arling ton hotel , at llluo Lick Springs , burned tlu morning ; loss StW.OOO , insurance ? 10,000 , Tno guests escaped wltnout any injury , bu : lost their clothing. Senator Blackburn anc ex-Chief Justice Sturgis and family were ] among the guests. Trouhlcs. CHICAGO , August 12. Banl & Turner , manufacturers of sausage casings , were at tachcd to-day for SIU.OOO. Tlio linn was om of the largest of its kind in the country , bui its credit , for a variety of causes , has not o : Into been good. The liabilities and nssot : will amount well up into the thousands. Arrnslnd For Grand Imi-oeny. Sioux FALLS , Dak. , August 13. [ Special Telegram to TUB Bun. ] The sheriff to-elaj arrested Thomas Fisher on a rorjuhltior warrant , who is wanted ut Fort Dodge , lu. for urn ml lurcnny. Fisher Is In Jail pondltu the arrival of the sheriff of Webster county A Doctor Kliloul . WINCIICSTKII , August 12. Dr. J , B Wortlmm , a prominent citizen , committee suicide to-day by shooting himself througl the head. Ho was a naiiva of Huntsvllle Ala , , und served us u burgeon in the confud crate army. He leaves u daughter eighteci icur old. Dining the ) Viators. BOSTON , August 12. Tlio members of tin Massachusetts rifle team , who returned homo from England Saturday , were enter tallied tills morning ut u special breakfast tendered them by Mayor Harrison In buliull of the city. The HnuhoHuarK Fire. BfiiaiN , August 12. Later advices eon > " tlio lire ut Sachosborg is thr.t ono half tha town 'v * tiavod , The losses urn very heavy. The poor are tha chirl suffer ers. The greatest distress pravniu , Huns Fighting Among Themselves , GitUEXsni'iiaii , Pa , , August 12. Nodouion stratlon was attempted by the Huns a Hccla to-day , A light occurred between tin Huns at M ammo tli this afternoon aud ouo o : them received fatal injuries , ICLIXIH I3XPK1UMUNT3. Chicago's Health Commissioner In jecting the Kluld. CIIIOAOO , August 13. [ Special Telegram to Tun Ben.--Dr. ) Do Wolf , in the last days of his administration as commissioner of health , made his ofllco a Bothoida. The rumor that ho was rejuvenating the aged with Dr. Brown-Soquiml's ' elixir of Hfo without charge was rauldiy building up for h'.tit ' n largo practise In this specialty. To-day , otthousdal hour , six intlrm people , who wcro by no moans mendicants , p'oapnted themselves for treatment. Ono after an other they rolled up their sleeve * to the shoulder , then the nocdlo-llko mouth of the hypodermic nyringo wns stuck n good Inch straight down Into tlio muscle and a good tcaspoonful of the elixir was forced into the arm. The-effect of this operation cannot bo fully described , as the patients wont about their business , refusing to give their names. Singular to relate , ono ut the gentlemen who took the treatment claimed to have experi enced disastrous effects from a former Injec tion. The sufferer was Mr. .loseiih Wcstoa- berger , u traveling man. For tno last two months lie has sufTcrod greatly from sciatica in the loft hip nnd leg , but lie has never been compelled to go to bed nor to leave the road. Last Friday morning Dr. Do Wolf gave him nn Injection of the elixir In the right arm. Ho experienced no effect until Immediately after eatini ; supper that evening. Then ho was suddenly solzcd with pains , and had to tnko to his bed. No physician was summoned , but his family were up nil night kceplnc hot bottles tles to different parts of his body , to urovcnt , as they supposed , his dying. When morn ing came ho was much reduced in strength , but to his surprlso nnd delight found thnt tha painful sciatica was nearly cured. Ho Is so much bettor that ho was on Hand tins morn ing , the most nnxious of any of the group to take his medicine. Ho was also suffering from severe lameness in the arm into which tlio elixir was injected. Dr. tiathaway , of 1010 west Monroe street , was also present. The doctor in addition to belliu advanced In years suiters from heart disease and dropsy , and goes on crutches. Dr. DoWolf said of his case , last Saturday , that the elixir had no effect , but Dr. Hatha way himself said thismoriiiug that the elixir had had an effect on him , but not the de sired effect. When ashed what the effect produced was , he said ho would rather not tell. He ulso took another dosa to-day. A well-dreased lady was present to nego tiate lor the treatment of her son who could not leave his bed. Commissioner Wickovsham , who succeeds Dr. Do Wolf to-morrow , is not nt all friendly to the elixir. Ho wants it distinctly under stood though that it Is only by his courtesy that Dr. Do Wolf administers it In the com missioner's ofllco for the present ; that the commissioner takes no hand in it whatever , and that thu health department is not respon sible in any way m the matter. A Jury ol'Thirty-Two. Ci.nVKHNii , August 12. The question 01 the efficacy of the Brown-Scquard olixii was submitted to-day to a tribunal of thirty- two ladies and gentlemen. That their ver dict might have weight In the scientific world especial care was taken In the selec tion ot subjects. The first requisite was that they should have some positive ailment The next consideration was that they be persons of sound mlr.d and of good standing in the community. Dr. H. C. Brainord vis ited Brighton and wns given the privilege ol selecting victims for slaughter from n large Hock of shoep. They were killed In hi : presence , und after having scoured the part.1 desired for the experiments , ha aturtcd.back to the city. The Jurors comprised twenty four men aud eight women. They were at torneys , doctors , ministers nnd business men. One was a lightning manipulator , who was suffering from telegraphers' paral ysis. It was arranged tnat they make n written statement of the effects of the experiment iment , nud to-morrow afternoon they will submit reports. Upon receiving the state ments IJr. Bralnerd will compile n perfectly candid report of the result of the exporl munt. Ho feels tmt | his scientific reputation is in a measure at stake , and will present the matter in its proper light. THE FOKI2STKIIS' CONVENTION. The American Body To Become an Independent Organization. MINNEAPOLIS , August li The nationa convention of the Ancient Ordcrof Foresters opens in this city to-uiorrow. Between six and seven hundred delegates will bo present. The California delegation was the llrst tc arrive. The party was unfortunate in losing ono of its members en route Just before reaching Denver. To-day was devoted to f plciuo at Spring Park. Judging from prescnl indications there seems not the slightest doubt that the Ancient Order of Forcstcn in this country will boa distinct organization after to-morrow. Exactly how the matter will come up in the convention is not settled It Is expected It will tuko the form of n rose lutlon. Rather new light is thrown upon the situation by Chief Raiigcr-olcct J. Wil son Murray. Speaking of the subject this morning thu gentleman said : "It is not so much the color line that will split the American organization away from the English order as the fact that tlio'Eng- llsh high court 1ms tried to coerce , and has broken faith with us. " There seems to bo a difference of opinion ns to what name the now organization wil tnko. Some favor the name of Tha America ! : Ancient Order of Foresters , while others favor tltlo "Tho Ancient Order of Foresters of America. " An Klootrlo and Hull Htoi-m. HIA.WATHA , Kan. , August 12. [ Specln Telegram to Tin : Bui : . ] A disastrous elec tric nnd hall storm passed Just north of hen ut " o'clock this afternoon , The track of the storm Is ubout ten miles wide , within whlcl tha ground is laid Imro and windows dovole of gittss. Trainmen und passengers of th ( southbound Missouri Puclflo pusHoncor trnir report stones actually thrco and four Inches in diameter. Tbo damage cannot ut tli is tlmo ba estimated , J. S. Hunter , a youup man plowing In a field near Hamlin. wu : killed by lightning. All the wires on the St , Joseph & Grand Island road are down ami trains delayed. At this place some hull fol as largo as hens' eggs nnd ruin foil in tor rents , accompanied by a continuous Hash of lightning und peals of thunder. I'rnotlcnlly n. Trust. YOUNOBTOWN , O , , August 12. The Iror RIver , Voungstown nnd Florence ere mine : on the Monominco range in the Luke Supc rior district , owned by capitalists and iror manufacturers hero , wore Hold to-day foi gl(0),000to ( ) Frederick Sctilcslugor , of Mil wuukce , representing a syndicate of Now York capitalists already Interested In thu1 region , By the acquisition of thcso mines the Schlesinpor parly will bo ublo to pu1 1,500,000 tons of ere on the market each year and to practically control the market for non 'Bessemer seinutito. The VIsllMo .Supply. CHICAGO , August 18 , The visible supply for tha week ending August 10 , us com tilled by the secretary of the Chicago board of trade , is us follows : Bushels Wheat . 1 , M)3.XK ) ( Corn . oyiixn ; ; ( Outs . UV84.7i ; ityo . sor.ooi Barley . . . . 853,001 Itaw nnd Order Haloonkoopers , KANSAS CITV , August 12. About lifty ol the most prominent saloonkeepers hero huvi formed an association for united action upoi the Sunday closing question. They have inedL'ed themselves to close their saloons 01 : Sunday oad will urge others to do so , und at the name lime wil ) assist the authorities it enforcing the Jaw. The members of tlu association guy they win t < tku uo part ic politico. ALGER SEEMS THE FAVORITE Ho IB Likely to Bo Elected Grnucl Ooinmnndor of the G. A. R. TANNER'S REFUSAL REITERATED. The CommlsHloncr Given Itonnoiin Fo lU-fuatiiK to Ho n Cnndldnto Another Allen Imbor Imw Conundrum. WABIUXOTON BOURAU , Trie OMUIA. BBB , I M3 FOUKTEKXTH STIIKRT. V WASIIINUTO.V , I ) , C. , Auirust 13. J Vice Grand Commander Hndflold , of Now York , who Is in this city In consultation with G. A. H. men concerning the Milwaukca encampment , said that ho thought General Algor , of Michigan , who was a candidate for the republican nomination for president , stood a good chaiico of being elected grand commander of the G. , V. R. There are , ha says , several other men who are desirous of the honor. Among thorn are Lieutenant GovornorClmso , of Indiana , General Grubbs , of Mow Jersey , .ludgo Veazoy , of Vermont , and General Bariuim , of Now York. Com mander O'Doll , of the doourtment of the Potomac , said that the Grand Army delega tion from this city would go to Mllwuukoo unpledged to any candidate. Tlio'y would wait until they had reached the oncainpuuti nnu talked with other delegates before de ciding upon the man to vote for. The delegation from this city escorted by Iho Grand Army will lo.wo hero on the 3-lth hist. Secretary Rusk , Commissioner Tanner und Colonel Dudley will bo tnoic guests on that occasion. Commissioner Tun * nor said this morning thnt ho was not a c.ui- d kin to for the position and oven If ho was unanimously elected ho would not accept. "Tho fact Is 1 can't , " ho addod. "I could not bo commlsiionor of pensions and grand coinniandor at tha sumo tlmo. The latter position requires n man to travel about a great deal. I am a poor man nnd there is no salary attached to the place , no you see I could not accept under any circumstances. " Mr. Tanner thought that either Mr. Alger or Judge Voazoy would bo elected , and as It was probable that the latter would bo of fered a place on the intor-Btuto comtnorca commission ho concluded that Mr. Alger , "merely ns a cola guesn , " as Mr. Tanner termed it , would be thu coming man. An AIIIN I.AIHIK LAW ritonuM. The treasury department ofllcials expected an additional report from United States DIstrict - ' trict Attorney L.yoti. of Pittsburg , to-day , In reference to the alleged violation of the con tract labor law by n number of English glass blowers. This case promises to develop Into a very intorcs.tlng nlTalr. A member of the 1C. of L. from Pittsburg , wlio is now lu the city , savs that the government will have great dilllculty in showing that there wa * any contract between tlio men nnd their pres ent employers , although tlioro is no doubt that there was a constructive violation of the act. act."The ' "The situation is J'ust this , " said this gon- tlcmun. "Tlio locul assembly of the K. of L. , which contains the great , body of Pitts burg glass blowers , discoveroj t lint-thero would bo work for moro of their craft than wuro to bo found in Pittsburg , and the mas ter workman was In consequence directed to communicate with H labor organisation la England mid tell the glass blowers there that If any of them wanted work there would probably bo a elmnco for thoui in Pittsburgh Tbo men cumo over and work was found for them. I do not think It is possible to provo that the employers who secured tno services of thcso mechanics know auythlnpc about their intended immigration until they hud landed. There certainly was no contract. The law was unacted for the purpose of keeping out mechanics nnd laborers who might come to take the placu of strikers or otherwise in jure the labor market. It seems ihat the aot was loaded utboth ends. " NWV NEIIUASKA I'OSTMASTEllS , Nora , Nuckols county. John Murfln ; Ta- mora , Seward county , Charles Emerson. MISCELLANEOUS. The postmaster of Kearney applied to tbo postoflicc department some tlmo ago for the establishment of the frco delivery service In that town. Tlio application wai followed by u visit by ono of the special agents of the de partment , and his report is siilil to bo favor able to the establishment of the service thero. It is likely that the service will bo ordered established about the 1st of October. The following postmasters wore appointed in Nebraska durlntr the week ended Auctusb 10. 18SU : Alexandria , Thayer county , W , 8. Whitney ; Davoy , Lancaster county , Henry Harkson ; Louisville , Cnss county. J. L. Hartshorn ; Ohlowa , Fillmore county , Hugh McLaughlln ; Valentino , Cherry county , John W. Yeast. The comptroller of the currency has au thorized the following named banks to bcglq business : The American National bank , of Omaha , capital $200,000 ; the First National bank , of Ainsworth , Nob. , capital $50,000. A HOIUtlUIjU CHIME A.VENQI3D. Two IlrothcrM Hanged By the Hcola nnd Shot to Death. CATLETTSIIUIIO , Ky. , August 13. A widow named Glllls and her two daughters , nearly grown , living lu McDowell county , W. Vn. . were found dead by the neighbors last Fri day. They had been criminally assaulted and murdered. Two Uollis brothers were suspected und a vigilance committee was organized to punish them. The captain of a boat that arrived down the Big Sandy from Plnesvillo tills morning reports that the Hollis brothers were captured by the com mittee , hanged by the heels to the lluih of u trco und shot to death. Appointing Thnlr Delegate ) ) . WASHINGTON , August 12. The ntuto de partment Is advised that the delegates to tlio conference of the United States and the ro- publlcs of Mexico , Central und South Amor- lea , Iln.ytl , Sun Domingo and the omplro of Brazil huvo been appointed by the Argentina Republic , Brazil , Columbia , Guatemala. Chill , Costa Rlcu , Ecuador , Hayll , Hondu > ras , Mexico , Nlcatagun , Salvador and San Domingo. Uruguay nnd Venezuela have ac cepted an Invitation to talco part , but have not yet sent thu names of the delegates. The conference meets In Washington 110x6 October. Fatal Work of HI.OOMINQTON , III. , August 13. [ Special Telegram to TUB BEE. ] At Plpor City , Ford county , to-day , a woman und her daughter were struck und Instantly killed by lightning. Not noticing the iipproachlng storm Mrs , Promen , her oldest duughtcriind baby went out riding. The storm overtook them whtli ) ttiey ware returning homo und a bolt of lightning descended unU killed Mrs. Premcn und her daughter. Thu uaby. which was lying In the mother's lap , escaped with out injury. Itohhcd ily Tminpi. BKLVinniiE , N. Y. , August 12. This morn ing William ShurU , a wealthy farmer , walked to Washington und drew f.'I.WK ) from , the bank. On his wuy homo ho was asked to rldo by a strungor and accepted. Soon utter they were inut In a secluded spot be tween Washington und Hampton Junction by another stranger. Both strangers ovor-i powered Shurtz , robbed him of tils money aud escaped , leaving him iu u dazed con dition , Killed \\roinrllriilo. . DUIII.IN , August 12. Mr. Tenor , agent of Lord Claurlcarde , while riding to Woodford , at which nluco a number of tenants wcro to ba evicted , was tired upon by an unknown person. Toner escaped unlnJuroJ , but tiU homo was killed. <