Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 12, 1889, Page 8, Image 8

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PcrftOtinl I'nrnRrnplm.
John I. Ncsbitt , of North Pintle , Is In the
city ,
Robert Manson , of Wntorloo , la. , Is at tlio
Judge Ji B. Uoolcy , of Chicago , is nt the
Dr. M. A. Hoover , of Kcnrnoy , Is n guest
Of tlto 1'nxton.
W. II. Dennis nml C. D. Smith nro nt the
Millnrd from Lincoln.
Ocorpo CoildlnRtoii nml Mlstcs Corn Hrutrh
find Aon Sklch , nil of Fremont , wore guests
of the Millnrd yesterday.
J. II. Hrondy nnd family , of Boston , were
nt the Millnrd Inst evening.
H. P. Coorcr nnd wife , of Whitewood ,
Dnk. , were nt tlio 1'nxton yestcrdny.
C. I. . . Vnn Fleet , of the Nebraska cnpltnl ,
registered nt'tho Murray vesterdny.
Mcmlnmcs Wulkcr nnd Huhbnrd , of Atchison -
son , Knn. , were registered nt the Mlllard
last evening.
Mrs. J. G. Tilford nnd Miss K. A. Donn. of
Ft , Koblnson , were nt the 1'axton yestordny ,
pucflts of Colonel Tilford ,
Hess \ \ . Bnlloy , aon of Councilman Unlley ,
left last evening for Onnwn , In. , to spend a
few dnys. Miss Dclho Ualloy will accom
pany him on his return.
Lieutenant Henry A. Wright , Miss M. J.
Ensign , II. Mnnslleld nnd L. Mnnsflold , C.
\V. Moaner nnd family came up from llollo-
vuo to visit In the city yesterday.
A Ijltcrnry Kiitcrtnlnmont.
Goodrich lodge , I. O. O. P. . will glvo n
literary entertainment nnd ball nt tholr hnll
en Sounders street to-morrow evening for
the bonollt of tlio hull association. The cn <
tertnlnmcnt will consist of vocal and Instru
mental music and recitations , to bo followed
by n supper and ball.
Atlvluo to Mothers.
Mrs. "VVinslo'w's Soothlnp S.yrup
should nlwnys bo used for children
toothing. It soothcB the child , soltptis
the gums , nllnysnll pains , cures wind
colic , nnd is the best remedy for diar
rhoea. 25o ti bottle.
It.ibtil Itcnaon Appreciated.
At n mooting of the congregation of Israel ,
held at the synagogue yesterday afternoon
Kubbl Benson rcco'vod quite a material
token of the appreciation In which ho Is held
by his former congregation In the shape ol
the presentation of (400 in cash. Dr. Benson
lias certainly n strong hold on the affections
ol his people.
A Kuiiiiway Accident.
A barking dog scored ahorso which George
B. Wakoflold was driving yesterday aftor-
JIOOQ on South Twenty-fifth ntrcct , and in
turning the corner nt St. Mary's avenue , the
frightened animal overturned tbo buggv ,
throwing Mr. Wakoflold violently to the
pavement , but only slightly Injuring tihn.
The horse ran down the hill and completely
demolished the buggy.
Cushmnn'8 Menthol inhaler cures cntari-h ,
headache , neuralgia , asthma , buy fever.
Trial free at your druggist. Price 50 cents.
Kline JJesser.
At 5 p. m. last evening , at Gcrmania hall ,
Miss Bertha Kline , daughter of Jacob Kline ,
a retired merchant , was married to' Mr.
Meyer Lcsucr , a rising young business man
of Omaha. The ceremony was performed
according to the orthodox method of the
Jewish church , Uabbl Lessor , an undo ol
the bridegroom , conducting the ceremony.
Preliminary to the service Rabbi Goldstein
chanted tha ritual of the Jewish church , as
sisted by an excellently trained choir. The
services were the most impressive witnessed
in this city for many a year. After tha sor-
viccs the guests repaired to the supper room
tolow , wbero everything to cheer the inner
man wus served.
Cntnrrh cured , health nnd sweet
brohth secured by Shiloh's Catarrh
Uomedy. Price 60 conts. Nasal injector
free. For sale by Goodman Drug Co. ,
Senator Nosbltt On Prohibition.
State Senator J. J. Nesbitt , of North
Platte , was In the city yesterday , and when
nskod for his views on political matters said
that things were about as quiet as be had
ever known them to bo. "I understand the
prohibition republicans will make an at
tempt to control the Hastings convention
this fall , and commit the party to a support
of submission. If they do it will bo a very
serious nilstutto. The question should be
left as it is now. The party pledged itsoll
ono year ago to submit It to a vote , kept its
pledge and should not bo called on to dc
moro now. It is my opinion , anyway , thai
prohibition in Nebraska is on the wano. U
wo could vote on the question this fall I am
sura It would be defeated by a largo major
Ity. "
The senator said ho had not hoard of any
opposition to Judge Heeso for ro-clection ,
unless Judge Post is a candidate.
To Visit Ot > ( tcti rind , Suit linko City ,
Utah , or llnilcy , Idaho.
A grand excursion to the above named
points will leave August 20th , via the
Union Pacillo , "The Overland Routd , '
and for this occasion the exceedingly low
rate of $30 to Ogden and Salt Lalco Oit.v
r / nnd return , and $35 to Hailoy , Idaho ,
nnd return has boon made from Mis
souri river terminals.
This excursion affords our patrons a
magnificent opportunity to visit Gar-
liold Bench oa Great Salt Lake , the
finest bathing resort in the world , nnd
nlbo visit Hailoy Hot Surings , famous
for their medicinal properties. Tickott
good thirty days.
For further particulars nddross
13. L. LoMAX , G. P. A. ,
Omaha , Nob.
A Place For tlio Market HOIINL .
A prominent gentleman of Omuha , In
Bpouking of a market house , suggests that t
building bo constructed which shall huvo
room not only for n market house , but alsc
for a police station. The situ which ho roo-
oinmondu for such n structure Is on the north
aldu of Jnekson street , between Flftoontl
and Sixteenth. Ho suggests that tlio base
ment bo u ed for a jail and the romaindoi
for storage purposes. The first story is to be
used for a court room nnd n hull for public
rratliurlngs , and the remainder of the build' '
ing to bo uxod for n market. The drainage
in this blocK is perfect , being thirty-live feel
below the surface. The outside dimensions
would bo 2i4xli2 feet , but as the outside
Malls would consume considerable xpaco , the
dimensions of the building would not be
worojhuu lOOx'JOO feet. Ono principal nr
cuinunt In favor of this location Is the fact
that tlio present viaducts and those orojectcil
on Tenth and Fifteenth streets either ter
minate on or but a short distance from
Jackton street.
IB now the rate via the Northern Pa-
cillo railroad from Omaha and Council
Bluffs to all north Paoillo coant points ,
including Portland , Tacoma and Seat
tle. Through tickets nro on t > nlo via
this route daily. This is tlio only line
running through the eastern aim cen
tral portions of Washington Territory.
Stop-overs are given on Northern Pa
cific second-class tickets at all poinU in
HrnoolntVrnnra. .
U , ' 8uldtlmt the ladles borrow consider
able . their fashions in dross from the male
portion of humanity. Their riding anc
walking hats are often exact counterparts ol
those worn by the sterner BOX ; their Now
nmrltnts are but a modification of the over
coat nnd capo so popular umong fashlonublt
young nioti , whllu the goods of which the ;
uro nuulo are very often similar hi pattern
They doliuht la lapels and collars nnd nock
tics , similar to those of tha lords of Croatian
and in ether ways show tholr appreciation o
the styles worn by the uialus. It Is no
of l u that the men borrow tUo style * o
tholr sisters nnd sweethearts , but It Is al
leged that the nltrn-fashlonnblo society
young men of Now York city nnd tholr Imit
ators Imvo adopted the offomlnnto hnblt of
wearing bracelets.
Truly , the young society man of
to-day bids fair to become very
decorative , and may become oven moro
gay In appnrol than his sister. At present
ho wears more Jewelry than n woman. First ,
there's his glasses , the single oyo-glassca
being particularly affected In the cast and
are often gold-rimmed with n gold chain at
tachment. His scarf pin , which may bo
gold , with diamonds or pearls ; his ring ,
which should bo plain with n seal ; his gold
Watch and chain , the latter having a bunch
of charms hanging to it ; his cano , which is
doomed Indltpcnsablo ; his gold pencil ; his
gold toothpick , nnd now ho is wearing brace
lets. The only thing ho has loft for tbo
ladles are cur-rings and necklaces.
The bracelet brlgndo Is a unique social de
velopment. When n young man's best girl
gives him ono of her bracelets to wear , at
taching it to his wrist with n padlock or some
other fastening of which she holds the key ,
she meaim It ns a love gauge and she wants
to Heap him true and constant , nnd to re
mind him that lllrtlng with other girls will
not bo tolerated. 13ut the bracelet brigade is
far from being recruited from the ranks
of devoted lovers. The fad has mndo a hit
in another direction , and the wrist jewel bids
fair to become a neriimnont article of mascu
line adornment just as much as u seal ring or
scarf pin.
Among the best-known members of the
bracelet brigade in Now York city are sev
eral noted c'ubmon ' , a few actors , and per
haps a dozen Wall strcot men. Giovanni P.
Moroslnl , the former partner of Jay Gould ,
nnd the possessor of ono of the ilncst collec
tions of modern and antique jewelry , wears
n small chain bracelet , which fastens over
his fat , chubby wrist with a twisted hoop of
Dnron do Grim , the artist and man-about-
town , displays on his plump nnd well-kept
wrist , a chain bracelet of four cells fastened
by n tiny padlock.
Prince Kristolt wears a heavy , plain gold
baud which closes with n patent snap like
that of n sleeve button. The bund Is palu
yellow gold , and , like everything else about
fcrlstoff , is decidedly unique.
Kyrlo Hollow , the well known actor , wears
a double band , plain and seml-concuvo. It Is
rather neat , and wnon the graceful actor
swings his nianaclo with his loft hand In a
fetching way ho has when talking , the Draco-
lot shows beneath the Immaculate cliIT.
E. Uarry Wall , the "king of dudes , " wears
a silver bracelet in the form of a small snake.
William J. Haynor , of tbo Madison Square
troupo. has a plain gold band soldered on his
wrist. Ho is resolved that nothing shall
separate him from his fetich because ho wears
it not for love but for luck.
Cunllffo Owen , n young literary society
man , wears n chain bracelet with u padlock.
Hob Hiliard's bracelet Is n series of square
links of gold and chased silver. It is , of
course , greatly admired and desired by the
handsomeactor's lady acquaintances , but ho
nas taken the precaution to have It soldered
Perhaps the handsomest of all the brace
let wearers in Now York Is the distinguished
Nicholas Smith , of Kcntucklan fame. It Is a
mooted question which is the liner appearing
the colonel or the bracelet. The ornament
Is a delicate little trillo of Etruscan work
manship and might huvo been wrought for
an oriental prince. It fastens with u simple
clasp. _
Will you suffer with dyspepsia nnd
liver com plaint ? Shiloh's Vitalizcx-
guaranteed to euro you.
Her Existence ? KcHpniiHlblo for Bloro
Harm Thnn Good.
The relations of the sexes in Franco
have been , deranged over since the
French race was formed. Mr. Shackle-
ford , our consul at Nantes , says that the
enforced Reparation of the soxcs before
marriage works the greatest evil to the
young men , writes "Gath" to the Cin
cinnati Enquirer. As they cannot visit
respectable girls under the jealous cus
tody of parents and duennas , the youths
go to the licensed bordols or pick of the
peasant and working claps females , nnd
thus are mndo false to the murrineo
they subsequently'mako. . An unmar
ried French woman or virgin over forty
years of ago dare not walk in the streets
in daytime lost the tender young thing
would be spoken to by a bold bad man.
She still walks out with n duenna and
looks down , as if glances might bo her
demolition. I sat before the cafe of the
Hotel do France , looking at the old
French duennas accompanying the
French old maids across the square
tittering things with low-quartered
shoes , who would not now recognize a
husband's tones , so battered have they
become in preparation , so low the oil
in their virgin lamps foolish , unnatu
ral vigins , who faint at the cry , "Be
hold , the bridegroom cotnothl" That
is to say , they faint on false claims , for
ho docs not moan to come. Fumily sus
picion , the result of the falso-heart-
ednoss of French marriages , regards
the heart of man nnd woman
not to bo trusted. Hence , they do not
meet with the freedom of innocence.
The girls , kept in a dungeon nt the
time they dream of "keeping houbo , "
like ether children , marry any man
, that they may got out of
vil ; then they regard the mnn-ingo ns
jiot binding on the heart or on the
habits. Tlio constraint of systems
poisons nature nt the fountain ; love is
the mighty tide of llfo , bearing on ils
bosom the passion nnd destiny of species ,
and false is the man or Icing to nature
and her sway who reduces it to a bondage -
ago that gives the heart no choice and
the birds of the nir not the affinities of
Franco is a suspected country , and it
suspects everybody else ; it is a country
whore the maids are not permitted to
know from without what they learn
from within , and the wives do npt in
form within what they learn without.
The worst of it in that this corrupt con
dition , being'in the hands of n restless ,
artistic , vivacious people ) , is contami
nating the surrounding nations. Thus
hypocrisy , the formal verisimilitude of
conformity of ono faith and innocence )
in ono marriage , has devoured Franco.
Ilrsponsil > lo Tenant Wanted
For a now 7-rocnn cottage , 20th nnd
Hamilton streets. Contains gas , hath ,
hot nnd cold water , etc. $ ! ! 0 per mo.
Jiio..W. Paul , 1000 Fnrnam st.
Noctl * .
An Important meeting of Mi6 i't'dckholdcrs
of the Cbnutnuqua Is to bo hold this evening
nt the board of trade rooms. The financial
condition of of the enterprise is such $ a is
common to the first year of such enterprises.
The opening year has demonstrated clearly
the poMlblltty of the enterprise. It can bo
mndo a great success. That hat become al
ready evident It can easily take rank ria the
Chautauqua ot the west. The only question
i whether the citizens of this vicinity will
put on'ough money Into this enterprise to so-
euro this result. If not , the enterprise will
full. The failure of the enterprise means n
disheartening blow to other enterprise1) .
Thus the situation Is n critical ono. The
need of more money is great , nnd yet it can
bo supplied If the citizens tire fully aroused
to the situation , The enterprise ) has been
started on so broad u foundation ns to make
It a great flzzto or n great success. Plans nro
to bo submitted to-night looking to the assurance
suranceof the success desired. It Is Im
portant that all Interested should bo present
to consider these plans. The wisdom of nil
Is now needed In tha adoption Of the financial
policy for the coming yoar.
? riO,0K , ( ) to loan on city property , at 0 per
cent. A. A. Clark & -Co.
If you want clean , fresh tjrocortos and
fruits , call on Johnson & Olson,712 Broadway.
An Unforliumto Occurrence.
An unfortunate afTalroceurrodon ono of the
clcctrio motor trains at a late hour Saturday
night. Two ladies who were riding on the
train fancied themselves Insulted by n re
mark of the conductor , and the matter was
promptly reported to her busband by ono of
the ladies. The irnto husband watched for
the conductor on his next trip and boarded
his train. Ho demanded the conductor's
name , but the latter refused 'to giVe it ,
thinking the manner of his questioner too
insulting , nnd the passenger struck him two
heavy blows on the face , remarking.that he
"would teach him to Insult his wile. " The
motor man ran to the assistance of the con
ductor and the scrimmage was soon Ondcd.
Complaint was made to Superintendent
Itoynolds nnd an Investigation followed. It
then came out that owing to ttio rumble of
tbo train and the rich brogue of the con
ductor , who is an Irishman , the
ladies had misunderstood n perfectly
harmless remark , and construed It ns'nn in
sult. Superintendent Reynolds , after hear
ing both sides , - was satisfied that the con
ductor was not at fault and refused to oven
reprimand him , saving that he > did not'de-
servo it. It is stated that the conductor
will now insti'.uto legal proceedings against
his assailants. It is a particularly unfortu
nate affair , as the parties nro eminently
respectable , and the whole matter yrcxv out
of so simple a thing us the misunderstanding
of a single word.
It is alllio unpleasant for tbo gentleman
who took the initiative , In , doing what any
man would do resenting a supposed insult
to bis wife , and for the conductor , who was
made the victim of assault for an' ' offense of
which ho was guiltless.
Fine jewelry , watches nnd diamonds ;
cleaning and repairing nt E. Burhorn.
J. H. Smith , drugs , medicines , paints , oils ,
glass. COO Main , near John Morgcn's.1'
A Frisky Equino's Kecrontlon.
There wcro two runawaystyesterday to
break the monotony of an otherwise quiet
Sunday. The first was a stranger's teiim on
Lower Brondway , nnd the excitement was
quite tame and short lived , as the dash was
very short and devoid of interest. The
other occurred about 0 o'clock In thoovenlng ,
When a team belonging to Mr. Miller , the
Broadway grocer , dashed down Glen avenue ,
barely missing n headlong flight through
Brackott & Cavin's store witjdow , as it
turned down BroaelwayJ-and continued on
down that thoroughfare -furious pate.
The runaway "succeeded In clearing , himself
from the wagon with -tho exception of ono
trace , which was attached to a partly dislo
cated shaft , and the wagon followed several
feet behind , increasing tho" terror of the
thoroughly frightened nni'mal. ' When last
heard from ho was about two miles below
the Northwestern depot heading for the
bridge. This is his second wild escapndo
Within ton days , and ho scorns to enjoy it ,
but not so the owner , who foots the bills , or
the numerous pleasure parties which were
compelled to cirivo down cross streets or
upon the sidewalks to got out of the Way of
the animated whirlwind. *
Baths at Munawa Beach , near hotel. Sep
arate bathing rooms for ladies and children.
Kerr & Gray , real estate. 503 First avenue.
S. B. Wadswortb & Co. Joan monoy.
Slimline Down on Sunday Bonze.
MOID attention was paid yesterday to the
enforcement of the mayor's order relative to
the closing of the saloons than ou any pre
vious Sunday since it was issued , O Ulcers
"Thomas and Scott were especially detailed
to IOOK after this matter , and durlng-tbo day
they hauled in seven Individuals against
whom the charge of keeping open n disor
derly house on Sunday was entered .on the
police register. They wcro Charles Fisher ,
Fred Slack , John Jordan , John O'Honrn ,
John Olson , J. Roberts nnd J , J. Madden.
They all gave bonds for their appearance this
morning and were released. The result of
this close watch exorcised by the police was
u noticeable decrease of alley .travel and the
shaking of side and rear doors , as It was ao-
signcd to bo a tight lock-up all around. .There
was also a decided falling off In the number
of boozers arrested , there being but tbrco
run in during the day , us compared with
nineteen on the Sunetuy precedinc. Consequently
quently , business in police court will lose
something of its usual Monday morning
briskness to-day.
Sujipre.sslim Hydropliobin.
Quito a little excitement was created
yesterday morning by tlio nppearanco
of a supposed mad dog on South
Main strcot. The animal was of the
spitz variety , and was frothing nttho mouth ,
snapping at everybody nnd exhibiting nil of
the well luiown signs of rabies or of polson-
ng. Ho ran Into the wholesale grocery es
tablishment of Stewart Bros. , and the door
was closed and ho was secured. Mr. Wool-
soy , \Voolsoy & Long , who was nt his
place of business on the ether side of the
street , nccured a photgun and quickly dis
patched the animal. The affair bad at
tracted quite a crowd , but the scare quickly
subsided , and the gathering dispersed.
National Board of Health , Washington , D. C. Bulletin Supplement
No. C , page 33 :
"I have tested several kinds of baking powders which I have bought
in the open market. The following table gives the commercial name of
the baking powder and the number of cubic centimeters of gas given off : "
"Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder ( docs not contain Alum , Ammonia or l.luic ) 380' '
"H0)ttl ) ( .ontilU9 Auiu.onla ) 348"
"R. C. KKDZIE , " ( Public Analyst. )
This investigation was not made for a money consideration , but in
the interest of the Government of the United States , . AVeknow that it "will
delight the millions of housekeepers who use DR. PRICE'S CREAM
BAKING POWDER to see it endorsed as the strongest , purest and most
healthful , by this highest of authorities.
DR. PRICE'S CREAM BAKING POWDER is the only baking pow
der upon wbirh the UNITKD STATICS GOVERNMENT ever made a
favorable report *
This powder never varies. A mnrvrl of pnr * <
ty , htrongth and wholccomoness. Jloro eco
nomical than tha ordinary kinds , nnil cannot
bo sold In competition with the multitudes ot
lor or Bhortu eight alum or phuiplinto powders.
Sold only In cnns. Koyal irnklug I'owuor Com
pany , l-'O Wall Street. Now York.
( Oppoilti 1'aztou LloteU *
Office hours , 0 a. m , to 8 p. m. Sunday * , 10 a.
m. to 1 p. in.
Specialist * in Chronic. Nervoui Bkln anA
Blood Diseases.
Ce Consultntlon at office or by mail fro * .
Medicines sent by wall or express , securely
Backed , frco from observation. Guarantees to
cure quickly , safolyjinel permanently.
Ions. Physical Decay , arlslnp : from Im'.lncro
tlon , Kxcess or Indulgence , producing Sleepless
ness. Despondency flmplai on ttie race , aver
sion to society , easily dUcouraKecl. loci of conn
dence , dull , unlit ror study or buslneis. nmlllnda
life a , burden. Safely , permanently and prl-
YiUcly cured. Consult iJra. lletta & Belts , 1V3S
Farnam St. , Omaha , Neb.
Blood and Skln.Diseases Ssa&bffi K
results , completely eradicated without the aid
of Mercury Scrotula , Erysipelas , Fever Sorei ,
Blotches , Ulcers , Pains In the ( lead and Bones ,
Syphilitic Sorq TUroat , Mouth and Tongue , Ca
tarrh , etc. . permanently cured where otherj
have failed.
failed.Tfi'inamr nn(1 Bladder Compiatntn ,
V. Ulllldiy Painful. DlHlcult. too frequent -
quent Ilurnlnpor.Blooily Urine , Urine high col
ored or with nillty sediment on Branding , W i.k
Back. QonorrhceaGleet , Cystitis. etc. ,
Promptly and Safely Cured , Charges Kensona-
moval complete -without cutting , caustic or
dlllation. cures elTccted at homo by patient
without a moments pain or annoyance.
To YoiM Men and Middle-Ased Men ,
AOTIDJJ nripp The awful effects of early
uUlUJ uUnt Vice , which brings organic
weakness , destroying both mind and body , with
all Its dreaded ills , permanently cured.
! Adress those who have impaired
MBrTTI themselves by Improper Indul
gences and solitary habits , which ruin both
body and mind , unllttlng them lor business ,
tuely or marriage. , .
M AiiitiK.n MEN. or those entering on that hap
py life , awuro of physical debility , quickly &
Is based upon facts , first Practical Expe
rienco. Second K very case la especially studied.
thus starting aright. Third Meillclnes are pre.
pared In our labatory exactly to suit each case.
thus affecting cures without Injury
C2 < y Send o cents costtgo for celebrated works
on Chronic , Nervous and Delicate .Diseases.
Thousands cured. (3T A. friendly letter or call
may save you future sufTerlug and shame , and
add golden years to llfo. C # No letters an-
wered unless accompanied by i ceuts In stamp * .
Address or call on
H03 Earnam Street Omaha. Nob.
fUMi : Jizc ) ' i
nniTtceivc a
and Shoos rnanufaitured by C. At. HKNIIKHBON
& Co , or CIIIOAOO Factories at ChlcuKo ;
Dlxon. III. , and Ken Un Lac. Wis. should wrltu
Traveling Agent , Hoadquartera tor Itubbora.
State Line.
To Glasgow , Kolfast , Dublin and Liverpool
From New 'York Every Tuesday.
Cabin imisiigo J3 totSO. acconllnit tolooatlon of ti
room. IKxcurMon ( ft to f.U.
Ptccraeo to nud.frum Kuropo lit Ixmeit Untoi.
AUSTIN 1IAUIW1N AL'o. , Gen'lAiiOiito ,
DJ Druailwujr. Now York.
J UN lli.EGKN , tion'i Wcitcrn Agent.
1M ItunJblpb St. , Cblcugo.
IIAimr K. StoitKH , Audit , UmiiUa.
lleduced Cabiurntoj to GUiiow ExhlbltUa.
Cupltnl . $400,000
Surplus Jim. 1st , 1889 . C'-.OOO
HENKV W. YATEH. President ,
LKWIH R. KIKU : , Vice President.
W. V. MolibB ,
K. 0. Ciiriiiisd ,
W. II. B. lliniHKS , Cashier
Cor. 1'th and I'urnatn Sts.
A Gonurul llitnlcluK LluslnuMS Transacted.
A o 11111't'Ut l ( tullcil2.00 , OUU o
Continental Clothing House
-Summer Prices on
We call attention to some special bargains in our Men's Suit Department , in medium colored -
ored sack and frock suits. Our price for a first class business suit , thoroughly reliable in
every respectis $ i5. At this price we are showing several lines of popular mixtures which
we know will give perfect satisfaction. We guarantee every garment.
Our Sale of Men's
This will be the closing week on our $10 Suit Sale , but we have quite a variety of choice
styles yet in stock. Our effort will be to close up this entire line this week. Price $10 for a
suit guaranteed to be strictly all wool and perfectly made. We have samples of some of the
fabrics which we will send to any address.
. Price 7 5 Cents.
We will offer this week about roe pairs of Men's pure linen Pants at the ridiculous price
of 75 cents , Goods which have always sold for § 1.50 and § 1.75 per pair , but we are over
stocked with them and have made the price so low that it will take only a few days to
close the entire lot.
Send Postal Note and 15 cents for postage and we will send a pair to any address.
Send waist measure and length in inside leg seam.
OMAHA BOSTON Freeland , Loomis & Co ,
OES MOINE3 Proprietors
Cor. Douglas and 15tn Sts. , Omaha.
This In the time to replenish summer ,
Wo shall continue through the mouth of
Auguntto oirer special bargains In various
lines of llrct-class goods. Our Full stock
Is already being selected In the Eastern
market , and we must soon have room for
'fresh Invoices. But the warm weather Is
not over yet , and our supply IB still equal
to tlio demand of a hot uuy ,
Max Meyer & Bro ,
Great reduction of price on second hand
Pianos and Organs. A goort chance to get a
good 1'lano for u small amount of money.
Tim above prices are 10 per cent less thnn ever
oircred befoioauilnnwe must huverooin for our
large stock ot New I'lunoa we > > 111 Rive an extra
10 jicr cent discount from ubovti pi ices to any
onu that buys an Instriunent before August 1st.
Kvery Instrument guaranteed to bo Just as ru-
for rout for $2.50 and upwards
JUT month ,
for rent for $1,50 ami upwards
jier inontli.
If you buy auy of the uboyo tnituments nnd
you ixre not butiulled , wo Mill allow you Kama an
you piUil tor n toward any now 1'lauo you may
select , Call curly uml t'Ot a buigaln.
Cor. 16th and Farnam Sts.
kalt :
CANCER txxjkfree. UUUcBllUtKLlLU. ,
189 Wttiub AV. . futuau , lu.
Jturnceoflce OH the Afomae/t.
Tot Men Health rreierrlnf , for
-'mer ' Birenge In Exlitence. War
ranted Btrlctljr Fare and Vnfer-
aeatei. An Efficient Eemedf
for Dlarrhna. Cholera kiorbne.
Djrientcrr , and all Dliordire ol
the Bowcli.
NA8itvii.i.ETFNK.JunoO , ' 67.
Door Sirs : I liavo tried the
IIunKnrlan Illnckbcrry Juice
you HO kindly sent mo. His
Ilia no plus ultra ot summer
drinks. It Is free from nlco-
hoi , nil ay B thirst , tones the
( llnestlvo organ ! ) , has n Hue
nruraixtlc llavor. nnd Is Just
the thine fordliirrlia'iU troub
les In tlm lientpil term. A
Reinectfully ,
T. AReinectfully , M. D.
For niileby UruBKl
Dealers ana Grocers.
Health is Wealth !
HINT , a guaranteed ipeclllo for Hysteria , Dlzsi-
noss. Convulsions , fits. Nervoui Neuralgia ,
Headache , Nerrous Prostration caused by th
nse of alcohol or tobacco. Wakefulnosg , Mental
Depression , Softening ot tha Uruln. resulting In
Insanity and lon < llnnto misery , decay and death.
Piematuro Old AKO. Ilarrenuess , Lous ot Power
In either sex. Involuntary Losses and Hpermat-
orhuiu caused by over-exertion ot ( Uohrain.self-
abuse or overindulgence. Bach box contains
ene month's treatment. (1.00 a box , or six boxen
for JS.'W.sent ' by mall prepaid on receipt of price.
To cure any case. With each order received b *
M for Hbx boxen , accompanied with fi.UO , we will
send the purchaser our written guarantee to re
fund the money If the treatment Joes not caeot
a cure , QuaraiUos Issued only by Goodman
Drug Co. , UruggUta , Sol * Agent * , 1110 Farnam
tieeUOmah * JS b.
u u c w m f * t
' the Unuor Habit , roilllrtilr Cured
bjr AuniinlnCcrlna l > r. Ilutucu'
Qolden Spcclflo.
Hcan bo given Inn cup of cntfpenr leu without Hie
knowlodtfo ol tliu | > cT Giiinlili > ult ! tsubitoliHclr Imriu-
loss , mid will littuit u opoc'ily unil poi-iimni'iit cur ,
wliuthur Uio iiiitlcnt li n iiiuileralndrlnki'ror utiul-
cohol wrtH * . 'lliuumiKln of clrnikitrtl Inivn licun bocoinca HII utter lniuo lullltr lor ma
Iliiuoriiniiftltoto oxin. Fur rnln tr Kuliu M.O. ,
DmitKliU. Wtliaiid l > aiiiilaisti.aiiil IMli nnJ Unn-
lnK l . , ( JinaUu. A. U. Fo tur A Uro. , Council LIuOi.
ftfTTOT1 W kneiiof Body on * Hindi EHteti
V CI J-vf-i of Brrorior KxsuHiinOldor Ycung.
Uoliuit. KoU IKHUOIirullr lUilorfd. ll > lo K.liriio
AUolnlvfr oof lll l r ItUHK TUKiTMKNT HtorBtt In *
Hu l llr/ froof 4T IJUlfi , T rHlorl k 4 fortlfnCuanlrk * .
Yea ttui nrfUlbrM. Hook , rulitiliHftUo ) , ftBil pr0ar miiUc4
l.exliaret. ) . iddmi CR1E lfilP > l CO. , BUIfALP- .
Steck Piano
Romnrluiblo for powerful symprtthotlo
tone , pllnblo action and absolute ) dura
bility ; 80 yourH' record the boHt iruuriin-
too of the oxcolloiico of tlioso iicrns-
KIDNEYSr ! ± llljSa !
Mule * . Hcveral cuses mi roil in aoroii u&yi. Bold
at (1.60 per b > > x. alt drut'KUtg , or by mall from
itootiun U't'li Co , UJ WUlltf N , V.
A Sure Cure
2Oto6O DAYS.
This is u disonso which haa horotofor *
Baffled all Medical Science.
When Mercury , Iodide of. Potassium , Sarsap *
rllla or Hot Springs fall , wo guarantee a cure.
We hare a Keuiedy , unknown to anyone In tlie
World outside of our Company , and ono that haa
to cure the most obstinate cases. Ton days In
recent casei does tlio work. It U tha oldchroala
deep seutoa cuses that we solicit. We have
cured hundreds who have been abandoned by
Pliynlcluns. and pronounced Incurable , and wa
challenge the world to brlup u.s a case that iva
will not cure In loss them blxty dayx.
Since the history of mealcluo a true spoctflo
for Syphilis haa boon sought for but never
found until our
M,1 IC
was discovert ) J , and wo uro Justillort In oaying
It U tha only Uameay m the World tnat nlll pos
itively cure , because the latest Medical Worlu.
published by tha bent known authorities , say
there wai never a true specific before. Our rem
edy will cure when everything elao has failed.
Why waste you time and money with patent
medicines that never hnd virtue , or doctor with
physicians that cannot euro you , you hura
tried everything ulse should come to us no wand
grt permanent relief , you never can get It else-
where. Marie what we say. In the end you
must take our remedy or N KVEH recover and
you that have been adllctod but a short tlm
Bhould by all means cotno to UD now , not one In
ton of .now easog ovar get permanentcurud. ! .
Many Kctholp and thine they are free from tha
dliease , but In one , two or tliren yearn after It
appears igaln In a moro horrible form. I
This is ft blood Purifier nnd will Cura
any Skin or Blood Disease wbon
Evarythinr K\so \ Pnils.
NOTICE Wo desire to caution patients In re
gard to pnitlus claiming touso the Uook Hera-
edy. Our formula is not and OANNOT b
mown to anyone but ourselves.
Booms 418 and 419. Paxlon Block
. .
DcitraclUtleiApp r tm ndKfrnedlnforBuccei fu !
Treatment of every form of Dliene renulrlnj
Bcurd&Attendance , Be tAccomKOO Uoniln weit.
CO-WRITE FOR OIKOr/LARBonreformltlei n4
DISEASES OF WOKEN .f.r.i.c. . ' .
HK iii K MTH.r ilium i Mtuo-ix ntiuuTnuKTJoa
HUHKM DUiisuuiiMinwnr. ( jtplCIU PRIVATE , )
Only Bellable tfedlul InitituU making a Hpeiltlty ot
jUililoo < imi iM ve * i fuil7 trritol. Wr [ Llllilo 1't.lioa
rcmorilfroiutbtijit < ui vlttout lucrcurr ew KttUrattio
Trctlutat t t J i if YITAL MmklU * lo Tltlt
UoiiicoDfUtulUl. MedlcUciorluilruatulMtDttyibillerci'
| r * it < eur lrtft kidi.ou.irkilolitijHUeoDieDtiortcbdiri |
Uop rioiul latin U wprcfirrcd. C IUailoouUuiorico4
! * iter/of your CAM. * n4 w * will itol la . ptkla tfi > * rt < ntt
BOOK TO MEN , wwr-iifti..i1- ' > * ' | f
Ulttt and V lleoc qiultoullit. jlddtm
| ll < ; > l > . vllh
13th and Dodge BUetU , OKAUA , NEB ,