Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 12, 1889, Page 7, Image 7

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    pWKTOT f twf fvis'ycviiv
No nclvortiaomonto will bo tnUonfor
those columns oftor I2:3O : p. m.
forms Ooeh In advance.
Advertisements n < Ur thin hesdtO cents per
line for the first Insertion. 7 cnnts for each sub.
reqnent Insertion , and l\M \ per line per month.
No ndvtrtlsemcnts tnkcnfo- loss IhnnSSconts
for first insertion. Seven word * will bo counted
to the line ; they must run consecutively ftnd
must bo paid In .ADVANCE. All advertise ,
mentfi must lie. linndcd In before 12-.70 o'clock p.
m. . nnd under no circumstance * will they lie
tnkcn or discontinued by telephone.
rartlo * ndvertlilm ; In these columns and hav
ing their answers cldr Hi > e < l In care ot Tun licit
vrlll planso nflk fornchccK toennblo them to not
their lett < Mii. ns none will bo delivered except
on prercnlktlon of check. All answers toad-
TerureToonu should bo enclosed In envelopes.
All advertisements Inthcso columns arc pub
lished in both morning nnd evening editions of
TUB lip.r , the circulation of which nKgrcgatcs
morn tlmn 18,000 papers daily , arid civet the od >
Termer * the bonont , not only of the city circu
lation of TIIK IIKE , lint nlco ot Council Itlntrn.
-Lincoln nnd other cities nnd towns throughout
this section of the country.
Advertising forthcBO columns will be tnken
on the nboro conditions , at the following busl *
Bens houses , who nraauthorized agents for TUB
1UK special notices , and will quote the same
r tesascnnt > o hnd nt the main office.
/-11IA8E &Fnnv , Btatloncrs and 1'rlutors. 113
VJBoutli Ifith Struct.
S II. I'AUNBWOllTH , Pharmacist , 2115 Cum-
, mlng Street.
WJ.lIDQIIES.riinrmaclBt. C24 North 16th
, Stroot.
rtEO.W.PAIin , Pharmacist. 1800 St. Mary's
i Avenue ,
ITUailKS'PHAUMACV , 2203 Farnnni Street ,
WANTED Situation ns housekeeper by n
very worthy young woman ; is neat and
reliable. D13 8. llth t. V'M ' 12 ?
WANTED Ilyyoung man , position In pri
vate family to taico care of horses and to
work around houso. Will work for small sal
ary. Address , 2020 Gracost , coo lot
WANTED A position by n young lady sten
ographer nud typewriter. Itapld , neat
nnd accurate. Can furnish the best ot refer
ences. Address box 787 Shennndoah , town.
W ANTED A good forwarder nt llepubllcnn
lllndcry. Cedar llaplds , la. 005 10
WANTED A tlrst-clatis carriage bla-.kimlth :
steady \\ork und good pay. Address .lolin
limit , LoMars , la. 077 12r
WANTED 20 men laborers , 818 , board nud
room ; also 4 teams , 8-/X / ) per day. Mrs.
Brega , 014 55 B , inth , COO 0 *
fXTANTED Two yountr men to take county
Tl management. Must deposit f25. Salary
STu to $100 per month. Call on or address Davis
& Hlmliau , 540 Itamge blLCk , Omaha. 712-12
WANTED-20 shovolcrs. $1.50 ; 10 section
men , $1,40 ; 20 men to cut brush , M8 : olevn-
torboy , $15 : 2d cook. 8 5 ; pan washer. $ i > , out
ot city. Mrs. llrlga , UHJS S. 15th. 723-1 : *
TXTANTED Two cornice makers. 11. Qrahl ,
f T 100 East llroadwny. Council Ulutrs.
WANTED 2 nrst-clnss carriage palmers. A
J. Simpson , 1409 nnd 1411 Dodge. 720-12
WANTED 1st class experienced salesman
lu hosiery department , must have refer-
cncts. The 1'ftlr , 1,1th nnd Howard. C91
WANTED Hey with good pony ; about two
hours work per day ; must bo nt olllce at "
a.m. Enquire at lleo counting room. Ml
IJ ANTED Several good agents ; liberal pay.
Joplln & Co. , COS N IBth St. Gu8 12 ?
W ANTED-Sollcitors. 603 N. 17th ; 850 per
month. CCJ 10 $
WANTED Traveling palcsntnn nnd snlos-
womnu , t"X ) per'month and expenses , (108 ( N.
17th st , . a-J U $
First-class salesman lu hosiery
department. Must have refeuoes. The
Fair- 5'.q
WANTED Dry goods man , manager , lloor-
walkcr and attend to advertising retail
dry goods houso. lloteroncos required. Ad-
ilress , F. . 60. lleo olllco. 654-12
> ANTED-For Washington Terrltory-tlo-
makers , choppers , carpenters , rock men ,
graders nnd tracklayers , at Albright's Labor
Agency , 1120 Farnam at. tl
A Rood olllco man to co east !
must Invest ! , r > oo ; must bo a good business
man. Address the Uoo. S. Cllno Publishing
House , BIG to 321 Wnbnsh ave. , Chicago ! ! ! .
UN to travel for thr Ponthlll Nurseries of
M Canada. Wo pay $ - " > 0 to $100 a month and
expenses to agents to sell our Canadian grown
atock. Ail. Stone & Wellington , Madison , Wig.
WANTED Aconts. Maglo cigar lighter ,
every smoker ours , Hulita in wind or rain ,
Instn a lifetime. Sample 15e , two formic , dozen ,
(1. oy mail. Stamps tnkun. Austin & Co. ,
. Providence. It. I.
\srANTKD-S25 weekly' repret < cptattvo , male
or female. In every community , floods
E tuple ; household necessity ; sell at sight ; no
peddling ; salary paid promptly , and expenses
advanced. Full particulars and valuable sample
case Free. Wo mean just what wo tay : address
at once , Standard Silverware Co. , licmon , Mass
SALESMEN1 Wo wish a ow men to sell out
. Roods by sample to the wholesale and retai
trade. largest manufacturers m our lino.
Unclose 2-cent stamp. Wages * i per day. Per
manent position. No postals answered. Money
Advanced for wages , advertising , etc. Centen
nial Manufacturing Company. Cincinnati , Ohio.
W ANThD Ulrl for general housework In
small family , 1810 so. lath at. 7 39-9t
rANTED A good girl for general houso-
worg. 812 IBtli st. 735-12t
WANTED-Qlrltallorcssto work with ens
torn tailor. Apply illlS. llth st. 73M2T
"I717AKTEI ) Young lad v bookkeeper nnd"cash"
TT lor. Those with city references only.
dress. "Jlttrchant , " Oraiiha 1' . O. M7 12
VTANTED A girl with references for g
, ornl liousuworK ! good puy. 2511 Douglas ,
O.a lo ?
WANTED Qood girl for general housework
In family ot two. 2211 Farnam. G2 < Ml
W ANTED Oirl for general house wore
steady place. lUia Capitol avo. 023
"tXT'ANTED German girl to do cooking nnd
TT washing , best of wages paid , Inauirej.
L. llrundols , 724 8 lUth Bt. 2U3
WANTED Unfurnished room and board Ir.
private family by younj ; mail and wife.
Address U 3. Uoo olllce. U7U lut
"TXTANTED 60 teams for railroad graning , nl
T f Albright's Labor ncency , 112U Furuaiu at ,
WANTED Agents and merchants to buy
Whlto Enameled Letter * , IIrot-class goods
t ono nnd a half cent an upright inch. Sam-
plea mailed for IDc ; directions for applying to
windows free. The White Letter Co. , I * . O. box
IS ) . Newark. N. J. 4BO-Hff
WANTKD-Sound. rtyllsn. family horsetalk
traveler , weight lluu to 1 )0 ) pounds , any
Age to in ynarg ; must be entirely safe for lady
to drive and cheiip for cash. Address Fftl , lloo.
AOHNT3 wanted to take orders for house
hold ( roods on weekly pay-menu. Apply ni
841(1 ( Climbs at. 1' . A. Oavlu. 4 7 10
1/irANTKD-lloom / and board for Udy , child
T > of U years and nurse ; terms must be roa.
lonablo , Addrosu rrlth particulars , F ( H. lloo.
WANTUD 1'artlcs who have property of
any Kind to tradn. list It with us for quick
exchange ; commission always reasonable.
Correspondence solicited , write us add. W. F.
Mine & Co. . DCS Molnes. lu. 337 14
77IIUBTCI.AH8 board for small families , with
J-1 or without rooms , at reasonable ratos. ID.
quire at. 00 < B. IJlh Bt. 658-I3
-cloas Uuy ooard. Inquire 1GW Douglas
DHESSMAKINQ in families , 03J B. Kth.
019 a8t
* | 71OH UKNT One 4-room house nnd kitcheuT
X' on 2d tloor , 844 8 lllth ut , one-hulf blk. south
ot Leaveuworth st ; til per month ; rooms
tie iitly jiaperea. U7U-1U1
E\QU UENT-10-room house. SJ10 I avt > n
worthi bath room , gas , etc. . 110. 6-room
house. ith nud DrUtol.MS , 3 Btoroi , cor. 10th
and Arbors oed place for grocery und meat
market : s storfs , Bt , Mary's nyenuo , i tweoii
17th end IHUi. Hugh 0. Clark , room 7 board of
TTtOll UKNT Store building , now. 2350 , cor.
X ? drove and Leaven worth , location good for
dnig Btore or butcher shop.
For Kent SoTeral d wolllngs.
J. II , Kvanlloom ! W8. N. Y.tifo nulldlns.
603 B
6-IIOOM house , 417 N llth : 4-room nonso , 610
Williams st ; 6-room house , ill 8 2 < th si.
637 IQt
ITWIt HUNT No. 81U N. 17th St. . cottage , six
X ! roomi , centrnliyiocated , 123per month.
dlo 101
Oil IIENT 12.00 per month , a sir room
building , N , K. cor. ot 19th and Mason.
455 nil )
. .
i , , t
FOH KENT A choice nine-room house , all
mo.lcrn conveniences In llrst clas repnlr ,
good lot with Rhado trro ; reasonable rent to
good party. Inquire 2313 Capitol avot
EOH llBNT-Floorof.4 rooms ; city water nnd
cistern. 1217 Chicago St. Knqulro 1215 Chicago -
cage st. 7Qi-17t
FOH II5NlV12-room ( house ; furnace , barn ,
largo full lot. IQUCnssst. 1185
"VfEW house nf n rooms , 5 closets , brick collar ,
-LNlmrd nnd soft water. Apply nt n e cor ot
14111 and Webster sis , 07S-1S *
iribit HUNT Hesldcnco , 2108 Douglns st. , now
X' house , nil modern Improvements ; not u
basement houso. Knqulro of Morltz Meyer ,
Cor. inth and I/amain. 023
torrent , 19J3 Dodge.
IHx *
Foil 11KNT 7-room Hat. H > par mo. nhore
The Fair , 13th aud Howard. Inquire ThoFalr ,
* S&
TmOltltKNT.-lo-room brick house on 20tlT3tT
XJ'ncnr Leavonworth. Apply nt No B27 S. SUtn
WI Ijlj lonie for ono or more years a largo "
room hotiio with all modern conveniences ;
IK nicely painted outside , hard-Iliushcd inildo ,
mcoly papered , two largo hay windows ; three
blocks from court house Ml y uth. 6PA
I71OU HENlHousos of all Kinds mullpnrta
X ! of the city , for all kinds ot people , at nil
kinds of prlew. ' nt all tlruo-j of the year , or will
Boll yon n goon homo on small monthly pay
ments. J. J. Wilkinson , 1417 Furnam st.DC81
DC81 [
TTIOH nKNTz-A detached 9-room house , all
X ? modem convenloncos. Kmi.2'JM Caplto nve.
POH UKNT 2-room house , 2928 Dorcas st.
071 17t
TTIOll UKNT 10-room house , steam hent. nil
X ? Improvements , cheap rent , 0. E. Thompson ,
room 2H , Shecly block , 15th nnd Howard.
NBW nvo-room cottage for rent , Hussoll ,
1'rnlt & Co. . 310 3.15tn st. 690
H OU8E. 31H N. st , for rent. II. W.
Cremer. a M. 16th OOt
TJ10K KENT 8-room house , 823 8 20th , near
X ? Lenveiiworth ; all conveniences , 531-1:1. :
FOll KENT NlcoO room cottage,2312 Cass st.
Oil HENT-5-room cottage. 10U So. 28th st.
$13. King wait Ilros. , lloom 37 , llarkor block-
\TICR fl-room cottage , closets , pantry , city nnd
JLN cistern wntcr ; largo yard ; ou good car line ,
llont $17 , Including wntoiroom ! ) cottage , rent
810. Co-operntlvo Land und Lot Co. , 2U\N. 10th.
FOH HUNT Sept. 1st , afi-room cottage , with
bath-room andcloset,1lthbet. ) Ht.Mary H nve
nud Loavenwortn. David Jamlesou,314 3. 15th
T71011 HENT Flno largo rflsldonce. hard wood
X1 finish , nil conveniences , low rent to private
family ; 210 N. inth at. list
FGH KENT The 0-room Sat occupied by Jr.
Giltuore , 2d Moor. No. 1613 Howard st , In-
qulre ot Oco. HlgglnB. lull Howard ht. 183
171011 IIRNT Good 2 story 7-room houso. Darn
X1 ror 4 horses , on uubiirluu car line , 820 per
month. C. F. Harrison , Merchants' Nat. batik.
THOU KENT a first-class dwelling with nil
X1 modern conveniences. Including stable , 2,103
Capitol avo. Inquire of D.J.O' Donation. 1C01
I-arnam st , 345
HENT Two nine room brick houses ou
Park aVemie , with all conveniences. Also
nine room frame house on name street , with nil
conveniences ; price 8.T3 to M5 per month. D. V
Sho'.es. 210 First National Hank. 311
FOR KENT Six new 5-room cottages , ready
on or before September 1. 3lth nnd Half
Howard street ? , healthy location , near I'nrnam
cars. Kent , each Jin per month. Suitable for
Mnall tidy families. John 11. F. Lehmnnn , (124
S. 17th st. 441
NICELY furnished rooms to gentlemen only.
Price &H , 10 nnd 812 per month. Ull N. 12th st.
J C01 lot
TjlHONT room to n gentleman. In private fam-
JC lly ; convenient location , 613 S. 20tu St. , cor ,
St. Mary's ave. CU4-17
NICELY furnlshod front room for two gen
tlemen ; also parlor and bleeping room.
1717 Cunungs. 709-12 ?
"VTICEI.Y furnished rooms to gentlemen only ,
IN price $8 , $10 and { 13 per month , 311 N 121 Use.
C0112 *
"KENT Furnished rooms , S2Ua Dodge.
40 > 10 ?
furnlshod suit ot rooms nnd one single -
glo room. All modern conveniences , private
family. J11 Farnam st. ( U5
NICKIA" fnrnlsbod rooms , with or without
board. ( XM S. 13th St. Kfl-13
G OOD room with bath. 519 S. Mth st.
1UHNISHED Front room , 1913 Farnam. '
. 145 a 27
_ _ j front room , meals In the house , 1900
7Capitol avenue. 320
FO1 It UKNT Two furnisnod rooms , 315 north
17th st. Hcferenco requlrod. 37U-S 1
ST. CLAIU Kuropoan Hotel , cor. lath aud
Dodge ; special ruto by week or month.
"BlOll UKNT Two parlors front nnd back on
-I ? ilrnt lloor ; also Jilnglo rooms with bonrrj.
All modern covenlencos. 1G09 Dauglus. W2
T7UllNISlIKIor unfurnished house for rent
X ? in 1'ark Terrace , opposite Hanscom park ;
all modern conveniences. InquireLeo iimcliol ,
2-ith and Leaven worth , ! f )
TTlUltNlSIIKI ) rooms with all modern con-
JL1 veulonccsfor gontlomeu only , 1TU9 Dodge st.
tTlOH ItKNT Klepant furnl.inod room for
JL ? sltiglo gentleman only. 7 > 1 S. 10th st. , cor.
I.oaveinvortli. VOO
] / < OU HENT Two furnished roonn , on St.
. Mary's nvenuo. To Kentiomon only. Six
minutes walk of business center. Reference
required. Inquire at store , 21U and 212 S. 15th st.
fT\WO rooms with or without board for gen-
tlomen.prlvuto famlly.rcforencea. 18UDodgo
FOH HKNT-rKour unfurnished rooms , 2nd
lloor. Inquire 003 8 13th at , at grocery afore ,
| 6CJ18T
O HOOMS with bath , gas and steam heat. 518
USo.JCth. Flat "A. ' ; 710-17J
fTIOK HUNT Unfurnished rooms sultaolo for
JU housekeeping. In suites of "to 4 ; convenient
location , lluit'u llentlut ; Agency , l&oo Farnam.
H HRNT Storeroom No. 1913 Cumins 8t ,
Ju $ tt per mo.
Store room No. 1915 Cumlug St. , R''i per mo.
Five room cottage , with city water. No. 805
N. 20th tit. , 3 per mo.
New six room houhe , with city wntcr In house ,
good clstorn , oto. , 37th and Dodga sts. , Jit ) per
mo ,
Four room cottnxe. 1511 N. 'iM st , , $13 per mo.
1'otter K Cobb , lilOl Farnaui t , 311-10
FpO ItKNT Desirable war house room enL
-L track. Apply to C. W. Keith , 711 Pacific St.
TpOll HUNT-Storo room. cor. 2Jth and N sts. ,
JU Hontli Omaha. Host location ta city for
gents' furnishing or dry coodH btore. Inqulro
of J. J. Mahoney , roomWW I'axtonblk. 472-b3
TTlOlt HENT A line corner brick store , uplen-
JL ? did location for a drug store , rent , reason
able ; also a Uuo brick Btoie , good location fora
grocery ,
Also a ulce storoou Cumlng St. , cearSOth ,
gooci location for shoe or tin nnop.
Albo iinlco corner basement in a brick block ,
good light , city water , etc. : good locution for
Lurber shop. Kent for anovo utorei will be
made very low to good parties , T. C. llnumor ,
room 1. Ware bit. trr-13
"ITIOIt KENT Stores aud living rooms ou Cum.
X' Ing st. Also house ou Cass nt. Harris , room
411. lnt Nnt , llaak. S3 !
" | 7HH business purposes 2d lloor , Wxlir ; , in
X 1'axton bulldmg , lllth nnd Farnnm , entrance
on Furnum , patien er aud freight elevator ,
north und south light , will divide Intotwo If da'
aired , Ileymau \ IJoiclies , 1513 Farnam it.
TrtOK KhNT T o furaer room under tha Ne-
XJ braska National bank will soon be for rent ,
the Equltablo Trust. Co , i amoving to larger
quarters ,
The space Is about double that occupied by
the C. . it. K Q. ticket olHco. The floor la tiled
uiia tlio room can ) > e uiudo desirable for u U. It.
tlrkot or broker' * cllk-e.
Fcr particulars apply at bauk. 633
TTIOR Iir.NT-Storeroom , No. Jill JonRU st ,
X ? best retail locality In city. See Dr. Neville ,
i. w. cor. 14th and Douglas. _ , _ B71 13 *
IIIOIl 11RNT The 4-atoryt brick bulldmtf with
X1 or without power. forinerly'occupl < l by Th
llee l-ilbltshlng Co. . llfl Farnam t TThe-bullQ.
nj hat n fire-proof comouted baasment , . com-
ilotosteam heating fixtures , wnter on nil the
ioors , Rns , etc. Apply at the olllco oC The lloo.
TJ10II HUNT For n year or telrnbt years In
X1 ( irand Island , Nen. , two nrstclns brick
Btorcs , situated on Front street , one 'block '
south of U , P , tracks ; those building * nro only
two years olil , plate gla s fronts nnd stone
wnlks. line collars , and llrst-clasi In every
respect ; rents reasonable. Applyto W. A.
Whitney. RH 13
TJIOlt SAI.i : Snfotv bicycle , n
X1 rare bargnla ; must t > 6 sold , call at 1418' '
AHH you looking for nn opportunity to en
gage In the mercantile business)1 ) It so como
and see us. W. 1L U.A M. E. , lloom 14 Chamber
of Commerce. Tol. 1140. 015
lF.SSPOOLS , cisterns , privy .vnults , etc , ,
clenncd quietly , qulcttly , cheaply hud clean
; all work dona bv odorless ptuu < > . . Odorless
anitary Co , 1400 1'arnam street. Tel. 203.
TUB banjo tnnght ns nn art by Geo. F. Oellcn
bock. Apply at lleo ojllco. DM
A N oxporlcncod nnd thoroughly competent
xXcroamory man with ample mean * Is looking
for n good location within 150 miles ot Omnha.
Address F 60. cam ot lleo. 62frl2
\f KB The old reliable Hontnl agency Is still
X running , supplying all thai como with
houses , tlat.s nnd stores. J. II. I'arrotto , lloom
21. Douglas block. , 54M13.
'I' OST Large , younncloso-halrod St. Uornnrd
XJ dog , vollow with white brenst nnd foot. Ho-
turn to 1130 Georgia avo. , or UOl Douglas nnd gut
reward. BI3
JOST English .Mastiff. Koturu to 400 Paxtoa
block nnd pot reward. 241-
MADAHB'Wolllngtoh , world renowned as"
trologlst , test medium and destiny reader ,
Just from Kuropo. Tells your life from the
cradle tn the grave , reunites the separated ,
causes xpeedv mnrrlnge with the ono you love ,
locates diseases nnd treats with masaaga and
electric baths. All in trouble hould not fall to
consult this gifted soeress. PimourO. upstairs.
417 South IHIi , olllce hours from 10 a. m. to 10
p. m. 44-13 : (
FOKTUNK Teller Mrs. Lenorman can bo
consulted on all affairs of life. Satisfac
tion guaranteed. No. 310 N. 15th Bt U21-S.I ) *
M IltS. Porsoval , of California , ICUf ) Douglas St. ,
foretells the future. Ladles nnd gentlemen.
204 13J
DR. NANNIK V. Wnrren , clairvoyant , medi
cal and business medium. Female diseases
n specialty. 119 N 16th st. rooms 2 and 8. IKU
s : OIIAOE at low rates at 1121 st , ,
niaha Auction nna Storage Co. '
rTHlACKAQE storage nt lowest rates. W. M.
Xllushraan , 1311 Loavcnwortlk.
STOHAQE nnd forwarding. Wo collect and
deliver goods of all descriptions , "merchan
dise , furniture and baggage ut cheapest rates
for storage for any length of. time , vnus and
wagons to be hart at shortest notice , \fltn care
ful men for moving. Pncklog and- shipping
from our own warehouse tlono on moderate
charge. Alorcliandtso loaded and Unloaded.
W arohouse on our own trucks. Olllco 217"S 14th
St.telephone ; IK. HowolUtCo. < . 240
W'ANTED Furniture , caroets , stov'os ' and
household goods of all Rinds.-'Omaha
Auction & Btorrgo Co. , 1121 Farnam ; ! SJ7
T\/r01UUSON&ELY-8tornge / and fonvardlng ;
-L'-lkDeclal arrangements for Coinraisslou mer
chants , 1213 Lcavenworth ; tel. 419. , Omaha :
-138 a 27 *
Shorthnnd school , Paxton < blk. ,
( successor to Valentino's ) tho.largast 'exclu
sive shorthand school in the wc8t.Teachers
nro verbatim reporters. Particular attention
unld to typowrltlng. Mechanical construction
of machine taught by factory export. Circulars.
\/V"H1TTr'Bsr'Y'a Shorthand School. Barker
TT block. Bond for circulars ; Lor iVs pray or
la shorthandjreo. ' ' ' 4IU-'Jt
/ \MAHA"Buslness College , cor leth nndTCap 1-
\ftol nve. Shorthand The largest nnd nioit
successful shorthand department in the state.
Standard methods taught. Mtmson's rovl.sed
of ' 89 a specialty. Call or write for terms.
d > no will buy a good mare , harness'nnd open
tpbuggy. Inquire 181'J Sherman avo.Sftor 5
o'clock. ( HO-lfit
/"IIGAII store and fixtures for ? UJO in city :
v good location , Co-opernttve Land nnd Lot
Co. . 205 N. 16th Bt. C02 10
rpOH SALE On easy terms , an elegant new
X1 house of 8 rooms and bathroom on oue'of
tho.choicest lots in Orchard Hill. Address F
45 , Uee olllco. > 4fll-10 )
FOK SALE A bargain. A finely located lot
only 7 blocks from N street , South Omuha ,
tor SJOO. Addreaa G 2. llee. 640-101
T71O11 SALE Clean stock groceries r rash
X' business : will accept some trade. ' Address
FBS. Ueeotllce. , - 818 lot
fTIOH SALE Lease ot store audptot orrftll of
X' uiy fixtures. 13J2 Douglas. Uoo , L. Jlean"
497 10
T71OH SALE Horse , harness and wagonclieap
X'atSiOT ; will Roll at half price ; must doll.
E. 11 an nan , room ( ! , Continental blk. 075 12r
T710H SALE Casli or time , 2good teams , wag-
X'onsand harnesses , J. J. Wilkinson. 1417
Fnruam st. „ , VSi )
T710H SALE Turnltura of large house , every
X' room rented. First-class location. Parties
leaving city. A bargain. Address KB , Uoe olllco.
f 63-
11 SALE Barn , 1908 Hurt flt.
O.VJJ1 *
TT1011 SAIjE Furniture , very chdnp , for two
JD or three daj-8 , WOJ Capitol avo. 008 11
771OU 8AT.K or Rent The Malveru Steam
JL1 Flour and Feed mills , or will take an active
ortner. llyroc Swonzoy , ' Mulvern. Iowa. ' *
F I VI ! hundred Blmros of 110 per share North
Western Standard Oil stock. Tnls * stocr IH
non-nsieKsablen ad land is bolnp : developed )
now and is Buro to bring good returns in near
futuro. Will sell for cash very cheap. Address
EB2 , lleo olllce. MH
_ _
If OH BALK Handsome young pony , perfectly ,
X Bound and gnntle , suitable for cither saddle
or driving. Apply to Col. Fletcher , Fort Omaha.
ITIOHSALU-l.OOatonsot lli-luch ico. housed
JL1 on track. Council lllulla , lu. Ullbert Urns.
tJlOK BALE Law library. 1510 Douglas.
J ? l > n 251
_ _
" 11IIK Cnntleld MTg Co. being about to move
.L will nell 1 ilist-claHj 4-liarBo-powor engine
and boiler actual value , law Douglas st.
Tl flDLANI ) Gunrantoo & Trust Co. , N. V. Llfo
JWXbldg , Complete abdtructaf urnlshed nnd titles
to real estate examined , perfected & guaranteed ,
24 < 1
mill : ELKHOHK Loan Co. give moueyJn any
X amount on good security , fiirnlturo in use ,
horses , etc. Low Interest. Overoinmurclul Na
tional HanK , I3th and Douglas. oyj-sclj
QTHINURH It PENNY , room 20 , Douglas
Oblockbave money to lend on chattel security ,
4C2 All )
MONEY to loan ; cash on hand ; no delay. J.
W. Squire , 121V Farnam at. , First National
bank building. 2tiO
TVTONEY to loan on nuy security I
-LTX for short time , ut low
rates. Lowest rates
oil ycrsonal
aiio Henderson Murtgage Investment Company ,
room 4l , Paxton block. 2 > 0
MONEY loaned for 0 , 0 or HO days on1'uny
kind of chattel security ; reasonable inter
est ; cnnlldenilaU J. J , Wilkinson , U17 Fnrnam.
MON'KY to loan , O. F. Davis Co , , real estate
nnd loan nftenus , 16UJ Farnum Bt. 877
O F , IIAIUUbON loans money , lowest rates.
, 276
BUILDING ana other real estate loan.s W.M.
Hurrlj. room'J ) , Frcnzer b\ock \ , opp , P. O.
MON12V to loan on real cstato security , nt
lowest rates. Uetore negotiating loans sou
Wallace , It , UK ) , UIQWU bldg.wh li Dogtla3. lUi
VVrAN'fED-'FTrstVrass inside loans. Lp\ve t
T T rates. Call nnd BOB ns. Mutual Invest-
muut Co. , H1. Uarkvr , blk , . 15tu and Furnam. 218
rUHRo A Trudt Co. fur-
moner to borrower
ff M ) utlea , accept loan
l9OoorgV. . P. Coatc
room 7 , Hoard of Trade. ssj
wn.W to loan nt H prr-nmt. Llnahan A Mahoney -
$ honey , room 6001'artxm block. sa ?
U1LDI NO loans , fli' ' ! . Bholos , 210 First
National bank. V 281
6 Per Cent money 11,802 , N. JT. Life Ini. bldg
ITl K6SS3f
MONKV loaned on fnrnUme , horses and
wagons ! rates reasonnble. City Loan Co. ,
118 8. lull St. , opposite 11 Ulard liotoi. 270
TIT ONBV to lend on rnflostatoi get my terms
-L'Xbeforo placing yoiinlomiii.
J. II. Evans. 3U8 N. V.Xlfo Hulldintf. 5fli 10
MONI'.V laaned on chrtUM securities nnd jotv *
olry. Hooin 411 , Shooly bluck , Omaha Ne
braska. F. II , Jerome. 137 s it
DON'T borrow money on furniture , horses ,
wnirons , etc. . or collaterals until you see
C. 1) . Jacobs , 411 First National bank building.
QHK Shales , room 310 , First Nnfl bank , before
kJmnklng your loans. ' 2S1
TJ1IHST mortgage loans at low rates nnd no
J-1 delay. 1) . V. Sholoa , 210 First National
bank. 8 < 1
I OANSmadoon ronl estate and mortgages
JLlbought.LowU B. Hoed&Coll 13Uoard Trade
ll/TONKY / to loan on horses , wagons , muloi ,
I'Xhousehold Rood * , plangs , organs , dlnmonds ,
lowest rate * . The first organized loan olllco In
t no city. Make loans tor thirty to three htm.
drod and slrty.flve days , which can bo paid lu
part or whole , nt any time , thus lowering the
principal nnd Interest. Cnll nnd see us when
you -want money.Ve can assist you promptly
niul to your advantage without removal ot
property or publicity. Money always on hand.
Mo dolny In making loans. C. F , Heed & Co. ,
illU 8.18th st. over lllngham & Sons. 2X3
T"\0 YOU want money ? If so don't borrow
X-'boforo getting my rates , which nro the low
est on uny sum from t tip to $10,000.
Imnko loans on household goods , pianos , or
gans , hnrsos.muleswagonswarehouse receipts ,
houses , lenses , etc. . In nnyamouutat the lowest
possible rates , without publicity or removal ot
Loans can be made for ono to six months and
you can pay a part nt nnv ttmo , reducing both
principal and interest. If you owe a balance
on your furnlturo or horses , or have a loon on
them , I will takei it up and carry It for you as
long ns yon desire. N
If you need money yoU'Will flnd it to your
advantage to see me before borrowing ,
II. F , Masters , room 4. Wlthnoll building , 15th
nnd liaracy. 2S9
T OAN8 on improved nnd unimproved prop-
JLVerty nt low rates Odoll Uros. & Co.,3128 lOtn.
MONEY to loon on tnrnlturo , horses , wagons
or securities of any kind ; commorclrl and
mortgage notes bought at fair rates : all bust-
ness transacted confidential. Collateral Loan
Co. , room 321. Itnmgo building. 713
KESIDENCE loans OJJ to T per cent no ad
dltlonal charges for commissions or attor
neys' fees. W , 1) ) . Mclklc , First Nat bank bldg.
TVTONEY to loan on funitture , homos , wagons ,
.ITXete. , or ou nny approved security. J. W.
llobblns , 141UJ Farnam street , Paxtou hotel.
KEYSTONE Mortgage Co. Loans of $10 to
11,000 ; got our rates before borrowing and
save money ; loan on horses , furniture or any
approved security , without' publicity : notes
boucht ; for new loan , renewal of old nnd low
est ratoscallll203,3hooloyblkl5tn& Howard st.
MONEY Loans negotiated at low rates with
ou tdetay. and purchase goods , commercial
paper and mortgage notes. 8. A. Hloman , cor.
lllth nnd Farman. 273
NEBHA8ICA More. Loan Co will make you a
loan on household goods ,
horses , wa cons ,
land contracts ,
flno jewelry , or securities of nny Kind
without publicity , at reasonable rates ,
rioom 7 , Kowlev block ; South Omaha.
ICooms 518-519 , Paxtoablock , Omaha , Neb.
ii.3S 273
rpO builders Ihavo several lots in choice ad
JL dltlons to Improve arm-am willing to accept
second mortgage in part payment of lots nud
also assist the party in procuring building loan.
David It. Shannon ; room 'M Chamber of Com
merce. 09110 ;
rnwo restaurants In qlty , price $110 and SOO ,
1 J. good location and business.Cigar store ,
$450. Drug stock and fixtures for D.AUO. Chop
house in good location for { 1,400. Bakeries and
confectioneries. 3 hotels. Grocery stock for
from 85,00. ) to J7.00J. Furniture of n 10-room
house for $500. good location. Co-Operative
Land is Lot Co. ' , 205 N. 10th St. C79 12
TG10H BALK Or exchange , flno drug store In
A country town ; also some cheap lauds. Ad
dress lock box 2d , Stuart. Neb. 633 S6t
STOCK of groceries and fixtures for sale for
tMO nnd btore for rentby Johu Strom. 1207
No. 17th st. 6601ft }
"CHOll SALE A nice clean stock hardware In
J ? best city iu Iowa ; Invoice about * 5.000will ;
take K In clear real estate , balance cnsh. Address -
dress llox 223 , Cozard , Neb. 635
WANTED Bunking In live town In Kansas
or Nebraska requiring capital of U18.00J.
Addruss F. W. P. , box 6 , New Hartford , In.
FOH 3ALK or Exchange Flno drug store In
country town ; also some cheap lands ; will
rent a roller mill to good manrent not so much
of nn object ns to have mill run. Address
Lock Box 20. Btunrt , Neb. 632 83t
TJ10K HALE Cheap Harbor shop ana 4 chairs ;
X' good location ; paying business. M. II. Flem
ing , Crete. Nob. C04 s7 *
FOinfATE well established , good paying
business ; price $0.000. Will sell the whole era
a controllng interest and transfer management ,
which. It conducted with ordinary business
ability , will Insure an annual net profit of
83.000 to J4UiX ) . nnd the opportunity for extend
ing nnd Increasing the business is unrestricted.
My reason for Belling Is having other Important
business Interests requiring my undivided at
tention. The practical knowledge necessary to
carry on the above business successfully n
dimple and easily acquired. It will pay any
ono having the capital and time roqulrvd to In
vestigate. < ldre s F 27. Bee. 247
TflOK SALE ( lood dining hall , good business ;
X1 everything very convenient ; central loca
tion , clieap rune ; part cash and balance on easy
payments. Address , ! . , .VJ , Uco. 5 0-1,1 *
TjUK ) SALE Ono of the Dust established and
X ; equipped printing nud job olllcoi in N. W ,
Nob. Only vapor in best business town In
county. Satisfactory reasons for soiling. For
further particulars address Independent. Oak
land , Nob. . 157013
AN Iowa cashier wants nn Inturnst lu olthor
new or old bank In Nebraska. Can furnish
outfit , including llull'.i steel cnost , time lock
and approved vault flxturns. J'j.OX ) to Invest
with position. Address Cajhler , Frecleriok-a-
burgjo. 4J.V12
FOll SAMS or Trade fortmata pronorty an
c&tablished biialneaa. Itox 518 Omaha ,
A OUEAT"bargain In Gordon , Nob. , n new
xirolier mill for Halo , 3.1 oarroi capacity und
rigged to mulco buckwheat und rye ( lour , meal
nnd chop feed ; la a gopd wheat country and
good mnrlzot for Hour" : ' dwellings and barn
with it ; price 88,000. 'Parties having prop
erty to trade need not apply ; mill has first-
class reputation. 1 < YJ , Andreas , OC alOt
AN elegant * 13.000 tto' < & } it dry goods , etc , ,
for tr.ido for land nnlfyOui ; tnls stock has
not been otferod baforSJvistrlngcr & 1'enny ,
Douglan lllock , sole ageiyl 6ffl ; 6
T71O11SALE-Or trade , li(3ifert.ed ( Kngllshsnlre
X1 stallion. Will sell ctwijp or trade for other
fctock. Address. It. , HaA&.hotel. Kff 1U *
OLKAH land and lot ! , M trade for stock of
goods , Write quick. CA&lrosd 0.0. care lloo
olllco. X 722-12 *
ri OUXCHANOE-Stociiitf notions for unln-
X cumbered real e9ta&tgox ! 152 , Fremont ,
TT1OH BALK or exchuntu Xnew , cosov 7-room
XI cottugu on iilst netirTdlJilo. t..KX ) , $ .100 cash ,
balancu t25.CU per monttKlll take vacant lot
or horse aud buugy ns pKrt/fipaymeut / ( this Is n
bargain ! , Hamilton JUrpH'ftiullderii ' , 401 H. Htii
EXCHANGE-Ah'lant ' trnct of land
containing 12o acres. M rAntelopo county ,
Nob. , with ordinary impairments.
A miarter-sectlou lu Ifand county , Dakota ,
partly Improved.
lilKUty ucres near Council Illuiru , lu.
House and lot ou South 16th st.
Large amount ot Oil Mountain and Petroleum
company oil stock. Will exchange for goud
property or the erection of some Houses. HBO.
.1. Sternmlorir. lie National bank building. U7 < ]
rpo HXCHANOK-Thf undivided one-Imlr In-
X terest InUJJ1U-103 ncr > * s or n good farm , lo
cated In Pulaukl Co. , Mo. ; about ouehultln
cultivation , the balance good timber ; about
teu acres In orchard ; two , other small orchards ;
four fair Bouses ; ulmuduuca of good bpriug
water , and laying about one mile from gooa
business town nn railroad : full and unlncum-
bored title. Tills farm is in n good settlement
nnd healthy locality. We will exchange for
general merchandise or hardware. a" on or
address W. 11. Uordon & Co. , BteoloClty , Neb.
GENKItAL stock of mercliancllao for ,
for land or city property. ii hardware stocks
for Und and cash. Furnlturo of n 10-room
house , 11.000 , for city property. Three lots and
I house In South Omaha for land. Clear lots
for laud , or the lots with some cash for mer
chandise. Co-Operatlvt ) Land < b Lot Co. . 205
N. ICtu t. 879 13
nf O KXQItANOK General stock merchandise ;
X want laud and money , llox 7SFri\ntfort.lnd.
614 II *
WANTKD To trade for a stoc" of groconos ,
cash and lots on O. & 0. B. motor llns.
IjOta will be pnt In nt their casu value. W. It.
K. K M. K. , lioom II Chamber of Coramerc * ,
Tel. H40. 610
ri O WXOHANOB Wo bnvo n good farm of ISO
X nores laying close up to the town ot fUoeio
City , Jairerson ( > . , Neb. About 70 ncres in high
state of cultlvatlbn. This is river bottom land ;
Boll cnn't bo bent anywhera ; 25 arros good tltn-
l > r ! Imlivnco In peed pasture ; all tonced ; never
falling wntcr ; this Is a maanincent farm , with
house. Mnbllng. and 8 nice lots in town go with
farm if desired : titles all perfect ; wo wnnt In
exchange , nice , clcnn stock of merchandise or
hardware. Call on or address W. . Oorden &
Nulv B17
A BAHRAIN 2 acrns close to and overlooking -
ing South Omaha for sale , 11,500 per acre ,
worfli double "when platted. Co-OpcrMlvo Lnnd
& Lot Co 205 N. 10th st , C7 12
T710H SALE-2 lotiTnllodlck park , fl.uOJ each.
X1 Also 1 lot In Albright's Choice. South
Omaha , very cheap It now Immediately. Ad- II. p. Allies. Bt. Joseph. Mo. 607 lit
171011 BALK Lota In Rtewnrt Place , will fur-
X ? nlsli money for building house , nnd pay
ments monthly. Here Is it chance to secure n
homo. Harris , lloom 411,1st Nat. Hank.
OHOliKS to the front ngaln. Last list nil
JAVOOO , 130.000. 110,000 , | 14,0 > J. J13,000. HIMM ,
nnd from thin down to n small house for a
cent , buys residences In the city for bankers
down to the man who cleans the sower.
WOO or $7 , W buys either 12 or fl-room house ,
barn , low 7fl and Coxl2l feet ground each , on
24th sU , Kountzo plnco , with furnace , gas nnd
fixtures , hot nnd cold wntcr. bath , throe elegant
mantels each , nil papered , olognut lawns , m
grade , street paved , motor by October I. If
not cheap , como lu nnd I'll give them both to
you f rt o.
H.500 buys 8-rootn house , furnace , nnd every
thing even to electric wires for lighting gas ;
lot 1)0x150 , across street went of Dr. Mercer's
nnd 1 block from motor. $300 cnsh , bal. 0 per
10,000 buys full lot in Hanscom place , 32d and
Popploton avenue , with 8-room house , furnace
nnd everything else.
fljxa buys a Joe Dandy east front lot on 32d
nnd Pnclllo street , Hanscom place.
j , r.on nnd $7,000 residences in Kountzo place
to trade for smaller honsos nnd lot near tncro.
tt.OM. full lot nnd good house in Hillside add.
opp. Webster street school to trade for vacant
lot. $1,200 buys either 4-room house , full lot. In
Central park or Hitchcock's add. , nnd 8I.OUO
stmo In Urelghtpn heights add. S2.7F.O buys tine
lot on Fnrnam nnd 42d sts. 19,750 buys 05x132
ft. on Cass Bt. opp. Cass school. 12,500 buys
either of two ft-room houses In Hoddlck purr.
fl.OUU buys n fine 7-room cottage on 18th nnd
Paul ats. , with both , hot and cold water , slag'
walk , nnd n corker for the money.
0 choice lots unluo in rash * 2,500 , in Lincoln ,
Nob. , for KOCH ! house and lot nnd pay balance
incaoh. Submit offers. Also 100 acres choice
land In Nuckolls co , Neb , , nnd good bard cash
for choice city lots. Submit.
Ifyoacton't'want' to buy send list of what
you 1mveto sell.
Wo nre hero for that purpose and there are
lota of them that will buy. There Is just ns
Hood bargains to-day as ono wants. Drop your
"crnnky Ideas aud got to business.
For pointers. aooSnoles. 210 First Nat'l hank.
TJIOH SALE 543,7,1 ncros , HOC. 5 , tp. 12 , r. Cw
X ? Hamilton county. Nob. Houso. stable. DOO
ncros fenced.-living wator. Price , J'l.OUO. ' F. K
Atkins , owui-rrailroad bldg. , Denver , Col.
$20,000 44 feet front In heart of Omaha , ICth
fit , , modern 3-story building , brings 10 per
cent nowa , t low rents ; must have $17,000 cash ,
balance 0 per cent ; great offer : address Ro
731-alO *
T71OIIBALR--EO feet , east front near paved
X1 atreotwlth new It-room modern liouao.T,000.
C. F. Harrison , Merchants Nat'l bank. 889
KOUNTZE PLACK 9-room house , barn and
every convenience , for $7,000 , easy terms.
Address for particulars , K Ki , lloo. 888 _
QT1IINUKR& PENNY. Douglas blocc. 8. Ee
CJcornor Kith and Uodgo streets , real estate
nnd loan ngents. Omaha property to oxchang.
for clear farms , and clear farms for eucum-
bored Inside Omaha unimproved property.
Cnll nnd see us. Wo have a big list nnd some
of our bnrgalnsmuy suit you.
Strlngor Se Penny. Douglas block , 8. K , cor-
16th and Dodge streets , nave the undermen
tioned clear farms for sale or exchange.
040acres , MerrlolcCo , , Not ) .
1.020 acres , close to Saratoga , Carbon , Co. ,
178 acres , Harlan Co. , Neb.
4bO acres. Holt Co. . Nob.
750 ncres. Nance Co , , Neb.
ICO acres , Knox Co. , Neb.
3 > Acres , Stanton Co. , Nob.
I.OCO acre ? , Washington Co. , Neb.
10acres , Phillips Co. , Kas.
120 acres , Unmllton Co. , in.
485 acres lu Lincoln Co. , Neb.
And an Immense list of farms with small In-
ctiir.branc0.soine.of them we can sell aa low as
$ j an acre.
Stringer It Penny , Douglas block. 8. E. cor.
16th and Dodge streets , have a good list of lots
whlchthoy will sell to parties who will build
and will take mortgage for whole of purchase
money. Some line residence properties for sale
real cheap and on easy terms. C34 15
and Investigate some of the
v bargains -we have to offer. W are contin
ually listing new properties , and "If you don't
see what you want ask for It. "
We 1mvo several flno hotel properties to trade
for land or-other good values.
An elevator property with large dwelling
house , at n bargain. Elevator complete , with
horse power , scales , olllce furnished , etc. A
flno opening for a practical grain denier.
Houses and lota lu nil parts of Omaha for
sale and exchange.
For exchange , for Omaha property , 1,000 acres
of school land lease , lu one of the best counties
In the state.
A Uno residence property In Omaha Vlow ror
sale nt n bargain.
From 875.000 to 8100.000 worth of first-class
notes to oxohauge for Umuna property.
For exchange for Omaha property , ono of the
best farms In Itock county , Nebraska , together
with stock nnd machinery necessary to carry
on the place. Old age nnd falling health of the
owner Is reason fardelling.
A fine Wheeler county farm , well developed ,
good soil , for exchange for Omaha property.
29) ) ncres of line land in northwestern Iowa to
exchange for Omona property.
For sale or exchange for western lands , city
property , merchandise or live stock , aline hotel
property In lown town of 6.000 inhabitants.
Leading hotel ot the place and doing a Una
business. Furnishes meals for two passenger
trains dally. A snap for the right man.
Wd have unsurpassed facilities for disposing
ot property , having some 500 agents scattered
over rour-or tlvoHtalos , List , your property
with us if you wish n quick turn. W. It. E. ft
M. E. , Room 14 , Chamber of Commerce , tele
phone 1410. 568
ALOT. suitable for double house , ou Canltol
ave , four blocks from high school , will bo
HOU | at a sacrifice if taken at once. W. M ,
Harris'lloom 20 ' Frenzer block , Opp. P. O ,
6S4 1
IjlOll SALE Hotel property In Omnna ; now
X' building of 09 rooms , paying R'A ' per cent
net on'.i valuation of * : JOOOJ ; will take W , X >
cash , " u tnoderoto-prlced residence property ,
balance time ; this property Is steadily Increas
ing jn value , and as an Investment can scarcely
be duplicated : Alexander Moore , solo agent ,
aoi Shoely bjouk. jj2 | i2t
T710U SALB Neat cottage nnd 23"feet tront.
X' ago on 17th and California. Only J-i.OM. Call
at once. " C , F. Harrison , Merchants' Nat. bunk.
J LOTS In Orchard Hill for 8 J.OOO , or8700separ- lots will noon be worth double the
money ; they are close tp motor mid Ilemls
park. Stringer & Penny , Douglas block.
G60 10
CE/MAYNE. real estate , room 400. l
. Huildlug. I14U 14t
BALK A snap. A choice corner lot ,
mate and Spuuldlug uts. , 12' ) ft. on Bute st ,
Also two flno south front lots In lied ford
Place , two bmcki from State bt. , aoulh of now
fuintturo factory , &oo each ,
Also )80 ) ft. fronting Kountzo Place , at $25 per
front foot ? creat bargain. T , C. llrunner. room
1 , Ware bite. UKMJ
O UT 11 OMAHA We control Uilxir. ' ) foot , e
frout on U-'ith st. , between N and M . - * , ,
South Omaha ; U houses at grade. This 1
worth JIM front foot. We will sell for S7.5UO
cash. Slake up a syndicate. M. . A. Upton
company , 16th und Farnam. 552 11
IjlOE SALE-East front lot on 24th st , with 5.
X1 room house , SI.500. Call quick if you want
It. IV V. Harrison , Merchants' Nut. Hank ,
CHOICE rxjxlfti feet lots , 4 blocks from Omana
motor , fie fare , liOO ; , balance f 10 per
mouth. Don'tpay rent ; own your own home ;
cheapen property In the city. Cooper , tiiy N ,
Y. L. bulMlug.
Jl 10 , easy terms , buys lot In Omaha of Cooper ,
N. Y. L. building.
Working-men , attention ! 8 > 00 for lot , 4 blocks
from motor , In OmiiUa , See Cooper , N. Y. L.
Trend of improvementsig north. Go to Coo
per. 81'.l N , Y , L building and gut JVM lo t.
To oxchnngo , soil or buy , write Cooper , V10 N ,
Y. L. bulldlmc. OJO 12t
/1HOICE. clean stoolc groceries nnd queens.
vVware , In Falriaont , Neb , , tl.SOO ; want half
cnih nnd hnlt clear land or Omaha lot. J. P.
llym r. room" ! . Douglas block. Omaha. O.V313
1J1O11 HUNT Now cottage , hot and cold water.
X1 bath , stationary ruuge. Call at 1V1 ! Bhor.
mat ) aye. C51
( P < 8r/lO > Actual value Inside business and rcsl-
Pdonee ; the seventeen lots at halt price to tlrst
party comes. Why ? For reason am In need of
tl3t/X cash. Great chance. Address Bill , lieo.
710-at8 ?
rpWO sDlendld investments , 75xl.'B. on Pierce ,
X fronting on bth ; room for 4 houses that
would rout for tl.UX ) per year , only $3.500. lOOx
140. south and vast front , cor. Hickory and 15th ;
only half block from motor Hue , room for a
houses'very ; sightly ; only t7UX ) . Hugh a.
Clark , room 7 , board of trado. < J 3 13
GO. Wallao llooms .110.311. Ilrown build-
Ing , inth nnd Douglas. Vacant lots or
homes and lots In Monmouth Park , at very low
figures , when the advantage * ot tlil.s bcautlftil
audition nre considered , and on terms that
make It possible for any industrious man to
get a home. Notice tbosa figures ;
l < ot S3. block 4. Monmouth ParK. With A room
cottngn. jfiO cash , nnd 815 per month , only ll.ftW ) .
lx > U 19 nnd 0 , block 6 , IMonmouth Park , with
2-story , 8-roora house , * 3JO cash and 125 per
month , f.T250.
VRcnntlots.ono-tonth cnsh nnd $10 per montn ,
8300 to 81,0 w.
Noticethcsa bargain * .
Iiot on Fnrnnm , llrlggs Place , cosy terms ,
CO per cent ot real value , $ I,20J.
12il feet front on Allies ave. corner , only two
blocks from factories and Holt line station ,
The best lots InCarthngo , West Cumlng nnd
Lincoln place , on e&sloat possible terms , eacli
121 nnd S3 , block 0. Orchard Hill , 1.10 feet
east front on lx > wo avenue , with city water ,
by 1W feet on Garllch ( will sell separately ) for
both 11.050.
Ixt2l , block 4 , Itnwthorno , fourth cash , bal
ance K years , f 1.030 ,
l < ot II , block fi , Lowe's addition , MOO cash , CO
ft , front , J1.41W.
Iloforo Investing In rcnl estate or making
n loan sco in o. U. Q. Wallace , liith & Douglas ,
573 IB
A Mia- ,
1507 Knrnam St
On Dodge st. bet. 20th and - ' ( ! sts. , 120x118 ,
verv cheap nt JI60 per front font ,
Ou Fnrnam St. bet. SGth. nnd 27th sts. , 150x131 ,
at t > per foot , which is (79 loss per foot than
prlcfiof ndjolnlug lots.
On Farnam st , iioir2ritli st. , 115x85 , nt $17J per
toot ; on all this property very easy terms
On Howard Bt. bet. 14th nnd 15th sta33x133
feet for $ T < K.i ) > or foot.
On Park nve near Jackson at. , 7.1x140. nt $115
Per foot ; very easy terms to party who wl H
Klogant Hosidonco
in West Omaha b'jt. 37th nnd 3sth fits. ; modern
12-room house with all convenience * , good
barn nnd beautiful grounds , comprising 4 largo
lots. This Is the handsomest ntid cheapest
first-class residence now for snlo lu Omaha ,
The iota nro not only cnolce. but' rapidly Increasing -
creasing lu value- with surroundings At m
every respect ,
Sorao Special
bargains In residence lots , situated north of
Fnrnam nnd west ot 30th street. Tu those who
will build , low prices and Interest , with small
cash payment.On
On Virginia nvcnuo
south ot Woolwotth , wolinve a line lot worth
$4,000 , which will bo Hold to party building an
SI.NK ) house , on a cash payment of only iiJO.
This In a chance to gut a homo.
Amos' Heal Estate Agency.
S3 ! 13 1507 Farnam Street
L8T11EET viaduct Is completed , nnd n flno
ono It 13 too. We have 120x150 east front
corner on 27th street , the street lending north
from the depot and the future business street
of South Omaha , just north from viaduct. Cut
down to grade. It taken nt unco can sell this
for $5.500. Ills apeo hero. M. A. Upton Com
pany , loth nud Farnum. K > 211
POK SALE Great bargain. $ SOO , M oaslubuys
uc w 7-room house and lot , GOxlio. within 10
minutes walk of olsctrlc motor. Inquire 515
Paxtou block. 074 13
TIIK best monoy's worth of house nnd lot now
for sale in Omaha is thnt which 1 am now
completing near 24th it. , ou paved Wlrt at. . In
.Kountzo place. H bedrooms , 2 parlors , dining
room , kitchen , 2 bath rooms , ! l water closets ,
largo laundry , stationery wash tubs , furnace
nna coal room and collar , electric bolls and
speaking tube , 12 closots. Price only 87.UOO on
terms to suit. Ltkowlso a duplicate adjoining
nt same price. W. T. Teaman , east side lllth st.
north of Nicholas st. Omaha's largest variety
of wagons nnd carriages. 2)0 )
PAVING lltn atroot from Nicnolds iiorth.
Contract has been lot for Colorado sand-
Ktono. We have lit ; feet on lltb HM feet north
of Nicholas that we can Bell for $2,800. Must
be rabbled quick at price. M. A. Upton
company. Kith and Farnam. 713-15
tnOH Heal Ustato bargains see M. A. Upton
X ? Company , lllth nnd Farnam. 713-15
G HEAT Bargain : Two 2-story and basement
bncfc residences on liith and Fainam. Hoom
for more on " 8th st. Can make a way down
price on this to settle holrshlps. Call for price
soon. M. A. Upton Compauy. 10th and Fnruam.
"I710H SALE Easy terms , Kountzo place.
X ! Two homes , each 8 rooms , each &I.OOO.
Two homes , each 9 rooms , each 85.OW.
Two homos , each 15 rooms , each $7,000.
All with msdern convenience.
AH largo value at the price.
All within a square of the motor lino.
Don't lose these opportunities.
For sale by the owner. W. T. Seaman.
Kant side 16th st. , north ot Nicholas St. .
Omaha's largest variety of wagons and car
riages. . 293
BUY a home in the cenfr of the city , on
monthly payments. 1 will soil you a lot in
Aldlno square , oullaahouioof any kind , worth
from 81200 upwards , nud you can pay for It
monthly , quarterly or yearly. Aldlno square
Is on Grace street , between 22i\ and Sid streets ;
It has all th advantages such as paved Directs ,
sewerage , water , gas , and is a first-class local
ity. Call at 1601 1'arnam street and sea plans
of buildings and get figures. D. J. O'Douahoe.
of the two house aud lot bargains 1
havobeen oirorlngon Georgia nvo..north of now sold and occuplod.bocauso
of my very low price. The south house of the
two still remains n bargain open to somebody.
First comes , first served. To be appreciated It
needs to bo examined internally. 1 positively
will not rent it , though several times offered
850 per month. Price , on very easy terms,811.000.
W. T. Seaman , east sldo lllth .St.north of Nich
olas st..Omaha's largest varluty of wagon : und
carriages. an
T71OK SALE Two ot tno oest located traoicago
X1 lots , on the northwest corner of 21st aud
Izard utreets , nlzo 120xLt ! feet. For price and
terms Inquire of the owner , Edward Spellor-
bcrg , 1012 North 21st street ; 637-al4t
I HAVE some llrstclass"rental property for
sale cheap within ono mile of poatofTlco. on
paved streets and motor line. Tlios. V. Hall ,
JHPaxton block. DS8
rpo MANOFACTUHEHS : 1 will give ample
X ground , with splendid trackage facilities
on the Fremont , Elkborn & Missouri Valley
railroad or on the Mliuourl Pacific ( llult Line )
railway in Westlawn , just outside the city
limits in West Oranha , conveniently situated as
regards access to the business cantor of Omaha
and South Omaha , to-parties for the location of
any of the following Industries :
Furnlturo Factory , Ilutton Factory ,
Shoe Factory. Lara Iteflnorr ,
Starch & Glucose W'ks. Soap Works.
Paper Mill , 1'iirlfler Manufactory ,
Plow Works. llroora Factory.
Harvester Works. Woolen Mill ,
Nail Worka. Oatmeal Mill.
Knitting Mills. llox Manufactory ,
Sash , Door and Illlnd Wire Works ,
Manufactory. Machine SHOPS ,
Flour and Feed Mill.
Or any good manufacturing plant. Wostlawn
is just outside the city limits nnd industries
planted thnro will oocapo lio.ivy city taxes.
If you are thinking , of locating iu Omaha It
will pay vou to Invo.stlgatn this.
Gco. ft. Hicks , Now Yore Life building ,
Omaha. 7IH1
T/'Oll SALE 2-i. 41 or Oil fuot of lot 0 , block 70.
X' at gfiuC per foot. Thli is within a quarter of
n bloc : ot the new P. O. slto , nnd will be worth
81.MK ) insldo of a year.
Tlis e M lot B. block 10) ) . cor. Douglas nnd 10th
sts , 41 feet on Douglas umUCG ou 10th. price
82. " > , GOO. 8IO.CUO casli , balance in five equal annual
The HO > { uw ! Res G. 114. r 13 e , Douglas Co. ,
price812.mio. * tixw rash , balance easy.
Lot 7. blk 051) ) , South Omaha , price * 1,20) ) . terms
easy. W. H. E. * M. K. loom 11 , Chamber of
Commerce , telephone 1440. 727.
" 171011 PALE On longtime and easy payments.
XI hundfaomo , now , well built houses of H , 'Jand
10 rooms. All conveniences , good neighborhood ;
paved streets , street cars and within walking
distance of P. O , Nathan Sliolton , 1014 Karimm.
21)7 )
Foil SALE 0-room house , burn and lot ,
HaiiHcnm Place , at a bargain. Harris , Itoom
411.1st Nat. Hank. 673
ImditSALK Ilusliinss corner , 0. P.
X1 HarrUon , Merchants National bank. ITJi
/3.LOIHC HOTBL-Nowly furnlshod nnd fitted
V-Iup throughout : centrally located ; 82 per
day. _ jauH-13jij-i3l3 Douglas Bt. -a 1HI
MllllllAY IIOTKIi-Nowobt. latest aiiTfonlr
Ili'Jt-clasa hotel iu Omuliaj VI to 14 p r day
11. Bllloway. proprietor. 17U
WINDSOIl TForTL-Conior { of lOih and
Jackson Ktroots , 3 blocks from Unto
depot , llust 8J a clay house In tno cltjr. 180
nOTBIi HAItKHH-HJ rooms , elegautly'fur-
nLshod. ti nnd S..OO per day. 13th and
Jouosbt , , Omaha. F. A. Jlaloli , prunrlotoi' .
Onialin , Nub , , Aliguat 10 , JBtfl. fJeal d pro
posals , In triplicate , will bu rorolvod lit this
ofllCH until 2 o'clock p. m. , central time , Naif
lumber 10 , ISs'J , aud then opened , for furnishing
at Omaha Quartermaster s depot , or at other
points specified by bidder , Ih.tUO gallons ot min
i-nil oil. United states rwicrrea right , torajoct
any or all bids. Profurunt'e glvi < n to articles of
domoitlc proauctlou , conditions of quality and
price ( including iu the prlro of foreign produc
tion the duty thureoiilbolng equul. All information
mation furnuhed on nppllcatlou to thin olllce.
Knvulouo * rontululuff proposals to bu marked
"Proposals for oil , " nnd addressed to Wil. II.
HUOIIEH , Lloutnnant Colonel and Deputy
( juurtormaster Geueral , U , S. A. , Chief Quarter-
mai-ter. u ItkUt a 2-i ;
To Ooiitrnctorfl ,
Propoials for f urnUhlui ; materials and con *
Ktructtiig a brick liujlnosn Mock , except foun
dations , pro noltcted until August > > , nt y p. in , .
at olllca of Amerlran Moitpigu Co. , Yunkton ,
Dak. The right t * reserved to reject any or nil
bids , plans to bo on exhibition August 10 imd
after. In YanVton , and also at ofllne ot J. II.
Coxuead. Architect , Drake'a llloric , St. Paul ,
Minn. Aug. V < 1 Tt
Odlce , Omaha , Nob. . July 13th , I8W. S
proposals In duplicate will bn received nt this
olllco until 10 n. tn , Tuesday , August 13th.
18Xi. ! at which tiiuo ntia place they will ud
opened In the presence i of attending bidders for
delivery of stationery , hardware , water nip.
piles , varnish , parking boxes , lumbar , fto. Lt.ns
giving apoclflrntlnn-i , qunntltles and other In.
formation will l > ofiirnl ! ird upon application ta
this olllco. Proforonfo " 111 be given to articles
of domestic production or lunnufA lure , comlU
tlon ot quality and price ( lucludltitt In ttiu price
of foreign production or manufacture tlio duty
thereon ) bolng pqunl ; nnd further , that no con
tracts shall bo awarded tor furnishing nrtl
clos of forotguprodupttonormnnufacturo whoa
tlui articles of Biilinlilo quality otdomrstlr prtx
duct Ion or mnnufacturo can uo oblnlnod. llio
government reserves the right to reject nuy or
nil proposals. llliUlnis should nttnrn i cony of
thlsndvorttsomontto tlielrbids. JOHN SIMP
SON , Captain * Asst , Qr. Mr. , U. 8. Army.
_ _ Jlp.Hnll-12
Court House to lint.
Notice to llulldlng Contractors Notion is
hereby glvon thnt the board of Aiipervlsora of
Wnghliigton county. Noli , , will rocotvo bids nt
the county clerk's olllco , until 13 o'clock M. ot
thoOth day of SiMitembor , 1S3D , for the furnish *
lug of nil material and Inbor and the building
nnd completion of n Court House In the city ot
lllalr , said county and state according to tin
plans , Hiiccltlcatloiis nnd detail drawings of Inn
name now on til o In the olllco of the Cotinty Clerk
of snld county ns pronared by O. H. Plncby. of
Lincoln. Nobrnika , which plans may be also
ncoii nt the olllco ot said architect In the city of
Each bid must bo nocompanlnd by a certified
check pnynblo to the County Treasurer In 'tho
sum of Twenty Five Hundred Dollars ( I'iViO.W ) ) ,
ns n guaranty thnt the bidder will. If Mis bids
be accepted wltlilu live days thereafter enter
Into u satisfactory contract for the erection und
completion of said building nsraqulrod 'by ' the
county board ot said county , iindur n penalty
for I'nch ilnj s delay beyond the time fix on by
said county board , nnd that ho will within Bald
live days execute to snld county a bond in the
muiict Forty Thousand Dollars with sureties to
bo npprovouby said board , conditioned for the
fatllnul pcrfrmaiico of said contract on Ills part
nnd that ho will pay nil labor and pay for nil
material employed and used upon until building ,
said check will bn forfeited to and retained by ,
the county It said bidder fall to enter into a
contract nnd glvu bonds as abovn contemplated.
Each bidder will bo roqulred to submit with his
bid n sample of stone tor foundation footings
and cut stouo vu > rk , nnd nlso of presH'd brlclc
proposed to bo used. The board roiorvog the
right to rojcct nuy and nil bids.
Hy order or the Hoard of Suporvlsorsot Wash
ington County , Nebraska.
Ciinis UATIIMANN. County Clerk.
Clorka Olllco , llli'lr , Nebraska , August : id 1839.
Notice oT Stock Subscriptions.
Notice Is hereby given that the books of the
Omaha , Lincoln Ac Gulf Hallway Company will
be opened for the purpose of receiving sub
scriptions to the capital stock of said company
on aud after the second day of September. IBrtJ.
at No. it05 : Farnam struct , in the city ot Omaha.
Dated this 1st day of August , 1RSO.
( I.'A.Wtir.KAP ,
11. tUl.t.OWAT ,
M. P.O'llIUKH ,
aug-l-d30t Ilia jrpj.'no
Notiuo to Contractors.
P lds will bo rocolvod til ) to S o'clock p. m. on
Tuesday , tho20th Inst , , for the erection ot a
llrlrk Hotel llulldlng ( notlncludliig the founda
tion ) , according to plans nnd specifications pro-
iiarodby John H. Coxhoad , architect. Vrako
lilock , St. Paul , Mlnu. The plans will bo ou
view after tha 10th day of August , at the olllco
of the undersigned. The right Id reserved to
reject nny or all bids.
lly J. P. Cronuau , Secy.
YANKIOS , Dakota , August 0 , iw.i.
An Awful Hat Wlilcli the Swell Voiing
Ainu Must Don.
The English riding hut is now the
proper thing for a swell young miin to
wour. It is a hot-box , Buys The Huborw
dasher. In style it is very like the or >
dinury silk hut , though it hos straighto _ *
sides nnd a suggestion of a bit of a
boiler cut square across , polished , and
with a brim to it. The hat weighs
three times as much as a silk hat for
walking. The hat is stiff ana a brick
lot fall from a third-story window would
not break through it. Inside the hat is
a sort of network , like a clolli cup , sus
pended from the sides of the hat , so
that before the hat can bo jammed down
over the wearer's oycs the cap inside
must bo torn from its fastenings. .In .
stead of the ordinary leather sweatband -
band there is a quilted cloth band. 'It
must fool on a man's head as if ho had a
rough tlannol bandage tied around his
The brim of the hat is as stiff as Iho
top. The inside is padded , besides hav
ing the cap piece. This mechanism
and hat combined costs $10 and $12.
The object of the hat is to prevent any
injury to the rider in case ho is thrown
on his head. The whole body of the hat
is stiffened , and the interior is arranged ,
so that the man who xvoars it can bo
thrown and strike square on his head
without injuring him. It will hurt the
hat , but ho can buy another one. The
quilted sweat-band is made heavy to absorb
serb the prospiratlon and to retain the
hat firmly on the wearer's head. A
string is worn with those hats , which is
attached to the hat and to the coat of
the wearer , BO that if it is blown off it
will not escape him. There ia quito a
trade in these hats , though it if hard tn
understand why a young man should
wear a hiirh " hunting hat when ho gees
for a ride "in the park.
Distress after eating , heart burn , side
headache nnd indigestion are cured by
Hood's Sarsaparilla , It also creates a
good appoiito.
lie round a Uuinl n-Uio Too Hot For
Ills Stomach.
The other day , as I lay in my ham
mock , I saw a huga toad winking and
blinking lazily under the largo leaf of a
foliage plant , says the ABhland ( O. ) Ga-
zctto. lie looked contented and happy ,
und just as if ho didn't euro whether
school kept or not. A buinblo-boo eumo
buzzing around the llowors. That toad
opened his eyes , looked around , deliberately -
oratoly winked ono eye at mo , and then
to all appearances went to sloop again.
Ho was not asleep , howcvur , for Iho
next moment , when the adventurous
boo came u trillo nearer , ho made a little
spring , opened Ma countenance till I
thought ho would actually drop in two , ,
there was a rod flash and the boo had
disappeared. I was just beginning to
wonder whore ho had gene when I ob
served the toad begin to look melan
choly. I then noticed that His whlto
vest was pulled out like an alderman's.
In loss tiino than it taken to toll it ha
was the most lonesome looking toad I
over saw. ITo not-mod to rollout a minute -
ute nnd then ho got into an attitude in
which the old prints represent Nebu
chadnezzar when ho was out to pustnro.
Ills big mouth was olosu to the ground ,
while tils hind /eel stood on tiptoe. Ho
had swallowed something hot and was
now going to got rid of it by reversing the
process. After several violent udorts.
during which his whole anatomy heaved
with emotion , the troublesome Jonah
was ejected and lay on the grass before
him. The toad wasn't winking at ma
any more. Instead , ho won von ting
looks of revengeful opito at the unfor
tunate author of all lilt troubles , which
by tliis time presented a sorry nppoar-
anco. Boon lie cautiously approanhcd ,
and with a lightninff-liko movement the
bee again disappeared , this time to stay.
For a moment the toad moved cautious
ly , us if to avoid stirring up again that
burning fire bonciuh his vest , and then.
Booing that it was all right , hopped
back with un elated air and wont to
sloop uudor the leaf.
flioro Valuable tlmn Gold ,
are SANTA AUIIC , the California discovery
for coniuimptlon and riUou&OB of the throat ,
chest and luims.nnil CALIFORNIA OAT-K-
CUKJC.tho only iiutirantood euro for catarrh ,
cold In the head nnd kindred complaints.
Tlioy are sold at $1 per paoliaco , or three
for $3.SO. and are rocominoiiilud and used by
tlio IcudUK ( physicians of tlio Pauilla coast.
NotRocrot compounds. Guaranteed by Uouil *
man Drug Co.