Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 12, 1889, Page 4, Image 4

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    THE .OftlAHA DAILY ffEE : MONDAY , AUGUST 12 , 1889.
K. nOBEWATEll , Kdltor.
THUMB otr sunscntmoN.
D ally ( Morning Edition ) Including Bandar
lice , Ono Year (10 CO
ForSlr Months 600
J-'orThr ce Months. , , 8 GO
The Omaha Sunday lice , mailed to anj-
addreftR , One Year 900
Weekly Una. Ono Year , 300
Omana Omco. nee liullillng , N. W , Corner
Bftrentconth and Farnam Streets.
Cnlcnco Office , W7 Hootory miUdlng.
Now York Office , Kooms II and IS Tribune
Washington Office. No. E13 Fourteenth Street.
All commnnlcatlons relating to noirs and edi
torial matter should Ira addressed to the Kditor
of the Uee.
All business letters and remittances should
be addressed to Tlio lieu Publishing Company.
Omaha Draftn. checks and postonlco orcUrs to
bemadepayablo to the order of the company.
7 , Proprietors ,
PEE Building Fnrnnm nnd Seventeenth Sts.
Til 13 JTjAHjY liEE.
Sworn Statement of Circulation.
Btato of Nebraska , I . .
County ot Douglas , f" '
George II. Tzschnck. secretary ot The lies
ruljllmlng Company , docs solemnly nwcar thnt
the actual circulation of TUB DAII.T HER for
the \\eelc ending August JO , Ibtja.wan as follows i
Sunday. August 4 18.PM
MondayAugust. r > . . . 18,553
'Jliofdny , August 0 IH.578
Wediiosday. August 7 10,079
Thursday , Augusts , 1H.V < U
Krldny , Atmust n lHro
tiaturduy , August 10 1B.50J
Average 1H(1O2
Sworn to before mo and subscribed to In my
presence this lUth day ot AuciHt , A. 1) . 18SO.
lSeal.l N. 1' . F1UU Notary 1'ubll ? .
Btato of Nebraska , I .
Comity of Douglas.S5 ( *
George U. Tzscuuck. bolnp ; duly sworn , do-
tie es and says that ho n eeeretary of The lleo
I'libllslilng company , that the actual average
dally circulation of Tun DAII.T DEB for the
month ot August , IBS' , IMS ) copies ; for Sep
tember. 18H8 , 1H.1GI copies ; for October 1SIW ,
18.0S4 coploij for November. 1B8S. 18,980 copies ;
for December. 1888. 18'JiI copies ; foi January ,
1880 , 1 ! , r.74 , ooplos : for February , J889 , 18.VHI
copies ; forMarcli.lSPB , | H , 54 copies ; for April ,
IBtn. 18r,3 copies ; for Jlay. 18t"J , 18,0'fl copies ;
for June. lf 3 , 18.858 , copies ; for July , 1B89 ,
18,738 copies. (1KO. II. TsiSOlllICK.
Swoin to before mo and subscribed In my
prcsonco this 3d day of August , 18S9.
N. I' . FKIU il otnry PubUo.
Is HAitiiiAaB a failure ? Just ask
Colonel Flotchor.
AHE the Omaha Loud works also to
_ fall Into the hands of the all-powerful
'load Irusti1
THE statement , relative to the county
pharmacy , made by Mr. Zimmer , is only
remarkable for what it omits.
the Burllnpton taps the coal
regions ol the Black Hills Omaha may
ho able to procure a supply of cheaper
THIS Second ward democrats are
nlroacly furbishing their arms to pain
Iho silken banner to bo contested for
during fair week.
CONOUKSSMAN LAlliD's man Friday ,
Jauobson , is said to bo putting on too
many frills to suit the boys in the Second
end district , and a prayer has gene up
for relief from nearly every school dis
Tnu Denver Republican asks : "What
has become of the board of public
worka ? " That question propounded in
midsummer would indicate that public
improvements in Donvernro at a stand
still , or , rather , nave not yet been
betjun. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
THKIIK are indications that the way
in which Chicago is hustling for the
world's fair of 1892 is scaring Now York.
As yet the eastern metropolis has done
Very little more than propose expedients
looking to the imposition of most of the
cost of the enterprise upon the rest of
the American peoplo.
MIJ. GKKE still mourns for the late
lamented Dr. Billings , whose swine
plague experiments drew forth from
the treasury many thousands of dollars ,
amd turned in many volumes on pigol-
ogy which will l > e embalmed and
fanuded down to tuturo generations with
the relics of the ago.
commission , characterizes Sitting Bull
and Red Cloud as loafers. The descrip
tion is doubtless merited , and there is
still some danger that these two mal-
contouts may stir up trouble. It would
ho well if they could both bo provided
for elsewhere than among the people
who still show them some deference.
DUN'S weekly digest of trade through
the country , is , on the whole , favorable ,
and shows that the vane of business
points in the right direction. As waste
to bo expected Omaha shows up well in
comparison with other trade centers ,
and will not fail to respond promptly to
tho'quickcning touch of fall activity.
IT is illegal to open the noil-books of
the general election within u period of
onoyeiir. The county commissioners
find themselves in n dilemma. Jurors
for the September term of court must
bo named. The question with thorn is ,
where can a correct list of the voters of
Douglas county bo obtained from which
to select jurors if not from the sodlod
poll-books ?
MAJOH WAHNKK , ol the Sioux com-
mlnsion , is quoted as enying that the
president can , after receiving the re
port of tlio commission , proclaim the
reservation open to settlement when
ever ho chooses. Tills is incorrect und
misleading. The agreement must bo
I. ratified by congress in advance of the
president's proclamation.
Tim contest for the spoakdrshlp of
the next house of representatives
promises to bo narrowed down to Reed ,
ilcKlnloy and Burrows , with tlio
chances apparently In favor of the firet
named. A. very interesting fight seems
certain , und it IB by no means improba
ble that a dark horse will carry oil the
prize , nnd his naina may bo Henderson ,
of Iowa.
"FltOM what is being said by members
of the Bonato committee investigating
the subject of irrigation , it would boom
that all of them are heartily in favor of
a liberal policy on the part ot the gov
ernment in irrigating the arid lands.
It IB obvious that the committee has
gained n great deal of information , both
as to the feasibility and advantages ol
irrigation , iiud a favorable report from
thorn to congress may bo regarded as
Information regarding the crops of
Nebraska , obtained by the Omaha
branch of the R. G. Dun & Co. mer
cantile agency , is gtvon elsewhere ,
from this it will bo soon that Nebraska
Is assured n corn crop this year unsur
passed in amount in the history of the
stnto , nnd equal also to the crop of any
previous year in quality. The reports
ire from the regular correspondents oi
the agency , and are therefore ontlroly
trustworthy. They uniformly rep
resent the condition of the cereal
upon which the prosperity of Ne
braska so largely duponds , ns excel
lent , Tlio total acreage is considerably
larger than last year , and , as the per
centage is quito as good , the yield
should bo creator. As to small grains ,
the conditions have not boon favorable ,
so that the crops of those may fall below
the average , although the fact that the
aggregate of acrengo is greater may
bring the total yield up to the best of
former years. At any rate the farmers
of Nebraska will undoubtedly have
enough of the small grains nnd of hay
to supply their own wants and some-
tiling to spare.
The important fact , however , is that
the corn crop is abundant. The August
report of the department of agriculture
fully confirms the Information supplied
by the Dun agency , Nebraska rating
being given as ono hundred mid one , '
ranking second "in the list of corn
states , Kansas being rated ono point
bettor. There is every reason to con
gratulate the farmers of Nebraska upon
thit } situation , for oven though prices
should not Improve they can now safely
count upon a fairly * satisfactory re
turn for their labor. The reports
to which wo refer include information
regarding the financial condition of the
farmers as indicated by collections.
Generally these have boon slow for some
tlmo past , but there is a tendency to im
provement , and interior merchants re
gard the promise for the autumn trade
as being very favorable. It is impos
sible to forecast with any degree of cer
tainty what the market for corn will bo ,
but the indications arc at least not un
favorable. The foreign demand for
corn is growing yearly , and there is
reason to expect that it will bo larger
this year than ever before.
The people who are contemplating
taking up lands in the Sioux reserva
tion must bo patient. It will bo some
time yet before that region will bo
ready for settlement. The consent of
the Indians is but the first step. The
next will bo the ratification of the
agreement by congress , which , very
likely will not bo accomplished until
some time in December. The general
impression has boon that after the con
sent of three-fourths of the Indians was
obtained it was only necessary for the
president to issue a proclamation d'eclar.-
ing that fact and opening the reservation
to settlement , but thcro xvero two acts
passed by congress relating to the mat
ter , ono of which provides that the re
port of the commission must bo sub
mitted to the first session of the Fifty-
first congress for ratification. This
having been done it is made the duty of
the president to proclaim the lands
open for settlement It seems quito
probable , therefore , that midwinter will
have boon reached before- anybody will
bo permitted to enter the reservation
for the purpose of settlement.
It may bo well to repeat the informa
tion that the land to bo thrown open to
settlement will bo disposed of by the
government to actual settlers only atone
ono dollar and twenty-five cents per
acre for all lands taken within the first
three years after the act takes effect ,
sovonty-fivo cents per aero for all lands
disposed of within the succeeding two
years , and fifty cents per aero for the
residue of the lands then undisposed of.
All lands still open to settlement under
the agreement at the end of ton years
from the taking effect of the act
shall bo accepted by the United
States at fifty cents per acre. It is
pretty safe to predict , however , that
the government will not bo required to
make any expenditure for lands in the
reservation , and that much the grcato'r
portion of them will not have to bo
sold below the larger price per acre
named in the act.
Nebraska will profit materially by
the opening of the reservation , the
strip which will become a part of this
state being the best part of the reserva
tion , and consequently quite certain to
bo the first settled. This addition to
the state , though not extensive in area ,
is highly valuable.
The conventions framing constitu
tions for the now states have nearly
completed their labors. What has
boon accomplished warrants the judg
ment that the completed constitutions
will commend themselves to the public
opinion of the country as on the whole
wisely and judiciously constructed.
There will bo foalures'of all of them ,
undoubte'dly , concerning the wisdom of
which opinions will dilTor , but in their
general character they will merit and
receive the approval of the country.
The tendency at the outset to burden
the constitutions with matters which
were hotter loft to legislation was over
come , and the conventions have ad
hered very closely to vroll-ostablifhod
principles in the framing of organic
laws. The apprehended danger that
theoretical reformers would bo suc
cessful , in engrafting their peculiar
notions of what is desirable m govern
ment und public policy upon the con
stitutions has also boon avoided. Thus
the advocates of woman suffrage , of the
single tax and other innovations ,
rocelvod hardly moro than re
spectful consideration. In short ,
there has boon exhibited as to all
fundamental principles and policies a
judicial conservatism and intelligent
statesmanship in a very high degree
complimentary to the controlling minds
of'tho con volitions.
Ono of the most reassuring facts in
connection with those conventions is
the liberal provision all of thorn have
made for public education and for the
establishment of institutions of learning
of a general or special character. In
all the now states the common schools
have thus far boon well cared for ,
and under statehood they will
bo moro carefully and generously
fostered. The constitution's of the Da-
kotns nnd Washington contain strong
provisions for state regulation of rail
roads , while that of Montana loaves
this matter to bo taken euro of wholly
by legislation. There has boon some
doubt expressed ns to the wisdom of the
restrictions imposed upon railroad anil
other corporations by the Washington
constitution , but they nro the natural
result of the exactions nnd oppression
from which the pcopla there
have suffered. The conditions hnvo
been , different in Montana , and
hence her people hnvo not
boon forced to fool hostility to cor
porations and distrust of corporate
power. There has , of course , boon
moro or loss political scheming and in
triguing in all the conventions , an un
avoidable incident to the deliberations
and labors of such bodies , but t his lias
had llttlo inlluonco , if any , except in
the matter of creating delay , upon the
real task of the conventions.
IT will bo most unfortunate if the
complications connected with the Mil
waukee encampment , growing out of
the unfavorable action of the railroads ,
shall result in an internal conlliot In the
Grand Army of the Republic. Members
of tho'ordcr should boar in irind that
there is a largo party in the country
that would welcome such a conflict , and
cultivate forbearance. Perhaps , after
all , the conservative attitude of Coin-
mandor-ln-Chlof Warner is under the
circumstances the wiser ono.
THIS prohibitionists of South Dakota
have been contributing generously to
the support of a campaign organ , pub
lished at Aberdeen , and known as the
Appeal , with the understanding that its
columns should bo devoted solely to the
promotion of the prohibition interests.
Their chagrin can bo imagined when
the paper carao out a few days ngo in
support of Pottigrow , an avowed "anti , "
for congress , as against Judge Edger-
ton , a warm advocate of the movement.
THIS platform of the republicans of
Pennsylvania commits the party fully
und unqualifiedly to the support of high
license. The party having kept faith
in submitting the question of prohibi
tion to the people , it accepts the result
RS a finality and heartily endorses the
existing license law , from the operation
of which there have been the most sat
isfactory results.
HKNRY K. BOYKH , nominated by the
republicans of Pennsylvania for state
treasurer , appears to bo a man of ex
ceptionally meritorious character and
qualifications. Even the democratic
papers are compelled to acknowledge
his personal worth and commend the
wisdom of his nomination , which was
effected by acclamation with extraor
dinary enthusiasm. .
POLITICAL affairs in Iowa are be
coming interesting , According to
latest figures there is a. very close race
between Hull and Wheeler for the re
publican nomination for governor , the
former slightly in the load. It does not
appear probable that Larrabco will de
velop any strength in the convention ,
only fourteen delegates having thus far
been instructed for him.
THE Italians of New York have or
ganized a naturalization movement and
the politicians are watching it with
great interest. The inspiring motive
of the sons of Italy is understood to bo a
desiro-togot their share pj the offices.
They are a considerable factor in the
EVEKY year Nebraska moves a little
nearer toward the front among the
great corn-producing states. That she
will reach the lead within the next ton
years can safely be predicted.
Gotlinni'a Hypocrisy.
Jfansnn Qitu Times.
The best indication that New York regards
Chicago as her ono dangerous rival In the
fight for the world's fair | s in the flattery
that the Now York papers nro bestowing
upon St Louis.
Uses Chlcnuo Ortlingrapliy Too.
Chicauo AVtiw.
Mine. Starjrazzo , the celebrated clairvoyant
of Laku View , has received the following im
portant communication :
"To Horn It May Consern : I award the
world's faro to Chicago. C. COLUMUUS , "
This seems to settle It.
The Shall and I'nris.
St.Dills QlobeDemocrat. .
The shall of Persia la reported to have
"shocked the moral sense of Paris. " It
would be interesting to know how ho has
succeeded In doing for the "French metropolis
what she has never yet been' able to do for
Not Applicable to Brlton'H Ulrd.
Chicago Trlhurw.
There is every reason to think that the
sparrow spoken of In Matt , x. , 29 , was a
bird totally unlike the English sparrow in
disposition , character , habits and moral
qualities. Lot the war go on. The English
sparrow must be cxtonmnatcd.
Too I'rolonnit for TeutonicTonsorn. .
Chifaaa 'ffinfi ,
A congress of barbers has just .been held
In Germany. The curled darling * of the na
tion discussed , among other things- modes of
dyeing. The conundrum that brojco up the
show was this ; Why should a'barber curl up
nnd dye while a sculptor makes fucos and
busts ? It was too deep for thorn ,
What William Misfit Unyo Kaon.
/uin u QUit Jiiurnal ? '
Perhaps "Most Illustrious Grandmother"
Victoria , If she had known beforehand that
the German emperor intended to inulto tier a
colonel of dragoons , would linvotrculprocatod
by .mulling him n maid of honor -Instead of an
admiral. Then honors woul have boon
easy. _ _
Nolirnulca- Jot tin 18. * * '
The leading editorial In a living paper is
'ElUhorn county or bust. " < '
A Fromonl barber has been found guilty
of keeping his shop open on Sunday and
fined II. ' -
The MinJon Democrat advises farmers to
shell their corn this fall und vso the cobs for
fence posts ,
The threo-year-old son of' Samuel Shriver.
of Benedict , climbed Into a water tank and
was drowned.
Tbo Dodge county prohibitionists have
called their county convention for August 17
at North Iend.
Mayor Cox , of Cnadron , is about to resign
his office und resume work ou the Elkhorn
VuUuy road as conductor.
A two-year-old child of E. 8. Hiudale , of Un
derwood , AilXTiTs county , fell into a watering
trough the o/Wr / day and wns drowned.
A $1,700 AMAodlM , church U to bo built at
Hnrrlsburff , Manner county , but all other
doiiomtimtlann-wlll bo allowed to use it ,
The CnUiolJM of Htifthvllla will build a
church CAM ! oi town If they do not rocolvo
cneouriiKouHntnto locate In tlio villntjo.
A PlnlUmouth man who was visiting nt
GroenwoodTliirlnif ttio recent storm reports
that a motanrJ < jll near town , nnd ho secured
n fragment of it as n relic.
The nuth6fUT6s of Fatrbury have raided a
dltroputablftibfuso which has flourished
thuro for some tlmo , nnd linvo succeeded In
driving IhoMlnnatcs out of town.
A thief stoltin pair of pants from a Colum
bus ole tb lor , , but when ho found the garments
were too largo for him ho returned to Iho
store to excHange them nnd was placed
under nrrost.
While painting the sixty-foot amokcstnck
of n mill at York , n young man named Koson-
loff fell from the top , but caught n wire
which hung by the stack nnd lowered him
self to the roof.
On August 1 the Indians at Uushvillo re
ceived 400,000 pounds of sugar , coffee nnd
rice. They are furnished the best granu
lated sugar , ns no brown or colored article
will do for the noble red man.
A. Sponuo , proprietor ot the Mndison
house , at Mndison , has loft for parts un
known , but Ills friends assert that ho has
probably entered some Incbrlnto nsylum of
his own free will , and that when ho considers
himself curnd ho will return to Madison and
resume business. The hotel Is being run by
his wife during Mr. Spence's absence.
In 18TO U. S. Muiinon , living In Wnyno
county , was in'irdored by Indtiins. The dead
man was scalped , the head out off and the
body loft In a Hold. The Boomer Times says
that people living in the county to-day assert
that from that day to this no vegetation has
over grown upon the spot where Munson
met his untimely death. The two Indians
recently pardoned were Implicated in the
The Filloy Farmer reports that' Josh
Thompson , while stacking last Thursday.
killed twenty-six rnltlo snakes. Ho picked
up u bundle nnd found thnt ho also had a
snnko in his hand , and that a mass of thorn
were coiled nnd twisted together near his
bare foot. Ho wont to the stack nnd put on
his shoes nnd then , arming himself with a
pitchfork , returned and succeeded In killing
the whole bunch.
It la reported , on the authority of a Gibbon
correspondent , that some Buffalo county
hunters found , in the sand hills south of
Lowell , a bund of petrified elk , surrounded
by n cirtsio of petrified coyotes , the adjacent
atmosphere being full of petrified yelps nnd
howls , each yelp having ii diamond in ono
end and a geologist's hammer In the other ,
nnd every howl containing a pearl nnd a
butcher's Knife.
A Nebraska City TiraoH reporter took a
trip through the country the other day nnd
says ho was amused at almost every farm
house by seeing the proprietors of the farms ,
hired men , nons and daughters practicing the
art of walking on stilts , nnd found nil In
quiring why this mania had so unceremoni
ously grasped such an unllmlting and deter
mined hold on the farmers that it was cither
necessary to buy a twelve-foot ladder for
encn ono working In the corn field , or u to
stilts , and ns the latter will bo much the
cheapest nnd most convenient when the art
Is once attained , that the farmers generally
are adopting the , stilt process. The corn crop
must bo gathered some way.
A $10,000 clobtSic light plant is to be put la
at Marongo. j '
Dubunuo's street railway system will bo
extended nextfspring.
Worms are1 'stripping the soft maple trees
of their loaves aulioono.
Nine sons word born to different families
in Emmettsbiirg .last week.
DCS Molnos .merchants will have a trades
display during the state fair.
The prospadtBr are that the Lutheran col
lege will bo relocated at Dcrorab.
The colored people of Fort Dodge now
have u church building of their own , '
There nro t tnirty-throo people living at
Montlcollo who are over eighty years old.
The Upper. , low.a conference of the Metho
dist church \vill convene at Iowa Citv Octo
ber 2. r ,
Davenport grupo growers are confident of
a good crop this summer , although black rot
has cut it short in several places.
Maquokcta citizens have petitioned Gov
ernor Lnrrnbeo to stay further proceedings
against the saloonkeepers of that town.
Nine cents is all that butter brings nt Port
Dodge und the farmers propose to turn their
cream Into cheese In preference to Belling
butter at such a low flguro.
W. W , Eastwood , of Ynlo , has mysteri
ously disappeared. Persons well acquainted
with him sny ho has not been ricrht in his
mind for .somo time , caused by letters re
ceived early this spring on tbo white cap
order , sent as a joke , but taken seriously ,
ana also a short time ago his store was
Some tlmo ago William Phillips , a wealthy
farmer living near Delmur , Clinton county ,
returned from Chicago , where ho had sold
stock , when two men in a buggy visited him
nnd wlshed'to see some land he had for sale.
He rode with them almost to the place , when
the carriage stopped at the bridge and two
more men sprang out with lovole J revolvers.
The two in the buggy then relieved Phillips
of $550 , swore him to secrecy and then con
siderately drove him homo again. Phillips
was so terrified by threats against his lifo
that he religiously kept his oath until a day
or two ago. _
The Two Dakota .
There are eight artesian , wells inside the
city limits of Ynnkton.
A two-headed calf with throe oars is the
great curiosity of Sully county.
Orluudo Stultz was struck by llahtnlng
near Cusfor City and instantly killed.
Extra men have been put on the Parker
police force for the purpose of clearing tbo
town of tramps.
Mark Stivers , living near Oldham , had his
right hand cut off at the wrist by a mower
sickle last wcok.
The Catholics of Load City will hold n fair
the latter part of September to raise funds
to pay for their now church.
John Ncllerson , living near Winfred , was
overcome- with the heat while harvesting
nnd died before no was discovered by his
The Grand Forks county commissioners
have decided to refund the bonds now duo.
Thcro Is cash on hand to pay , but the money
is needed to purchase a Door farm.
The Hughes county oommisiionors have
appropriated $500 towards making a display
of the county products at the South Dakota
fair at Aberdeen nuxt September.
According to the Huron Huronito the most
expensive urtosian well In nt Highmoro ,
which cost 7)0'J : ) , and is 1,553 fpot deep. The
cheapest well la the territory In at Ynnkton.
It Is ( HO feet dpep , hud. cost $ JSUO.
A now postoftleo has been established on
Lamu Johnny , efght miles south of Fair-
burn , In Custeicounty. . Melvin is the name
given to the offlco , und a gentleman by the
name of Perkins , who In the proprietor of a
chncso factory nt tjiat point , has been ap
The day will vp , when one of us shall
In vain to hoar a voice that has grown
dumb , itj
Aud moons will/ado , uoons pale and shadows
darken 0) in
While sad eyes , viratchor feet that never
Ono of us two ipujit some tlmo face exlstcnco
Alone with memories that but sharpen
pain ,
And these sweat days shall sbino back In
the distance
Llko dreams of summer dawns , In nights
ot rain.
One of us two , with tortured heart half
broken ,
Shall read long treasured letters through
ualt tears ,
Shall kiss with anguished lips each chorUhod
That speaks of these lovu-crowncd , doll-
clous years.
Ono of us shall find all light , ull beauty ,
All Joy oil earth a tale forever done ;
Shull know houcoforth that life means only
O , God I O , God t have pity ou that or.o.
Botrnyod and Despoiled by n Proml-
nont Ultizon.
While Hathlng
1'ost lloBolvos Not to Attend tlio
National Enoninpmont
City Nowa ntitl Notes.
LINCOLN UtmBAo orTnnOvutu UBB. l
1029 1 STHKKT , I
LINCOMJ. August 11. |
The hitherto good nnmo of M. W. Webster ,
tlio O street boat and shoo man , Is under a
cloud niul has boon for several wookt past.
Two year * ngo ha extended a helping hand
to F. J. Owen , ohlof olork nt Triekoy'a Jmv-
olry stow , and In doing to bound him la
friendship's closest chains. It appears that
Owen hud purchased a homo , venturing n
llttlo beyond his moans , and when on tlio
ova of distress Webster tided him ever , sub
sequently taking a half Interest In tlio prop
erty nnd becnm ? a Joint owner with him In
n sense they became partners. Whether or
not his generosity \yas prompted for the
purpose of "Intrlguo" will probably never bo
known , but the soqucl h imch that It Is some
thing moro thnn Infcrcii'ia that It was. Do
that as it may , It gave V , obstor the keys to
Owen's kingdom and ho unlocked the doors
at will. At this time Mrs. Owen's name was
n synonym for purity , and nothing was
thought of Webster's ' frpquont calls nt the
Joint homo. Indeed , Webster's accomplished
wife and four lovely children were tin addl-
tional guard against the tongues of the scandal -
dal mongers. At first , however , ho was
very cautious , evidently believing In goIng -
Ing slow nnd learning to peddle. Owen ,
wholly unsuspicious , thoucht nothing of find
ing Webster in his parlors on going homo
from his work. Ho had proved his disinter
ested friendship and that was enough. Stop
by stop Webster won his way Into Mrs.
Owon's affections. Occasional calls multi
plied rapidly. In fact tlioy became so fre
quent that neighbors marvelled and talked ,
an it ugly rumors were soon alloat. Some of
those reached Owen's oars , but ho donounccd
them as uusurd and falso. Ho could not dis
trust his friend and benefactor nor question
tlio fidelity of his wife. .But the truth was
forced upon him.
In conversation with a friend a few days
ago regarding the matter , no said : "It can
make very little difforoncowhattho relations
between Webster and my wife are , my
health is poor and I can live but a year or
two at most. "
Meantime , however , the guilty parties
throw off the mask and met at trysting
places , on the streets , until their liaisons became -
came the town talk. This proved to bo too
much'for Mr. Owen to bear , and ho took his
whilom friend to task ono day last wcnk , on
0 street. In front of the Capital National
bank. Webster toolc his medicine , and when
Owen concluded ho slunk away 11 lie a
whipped cur. Ho could 111 afford to tarry In
Lincoln longer under the circumstances , and
ho disposed of his business to his brother
and lott yesterday for an indefinite time. It
Is said that ho has left the city for good , and
it Is also sutd that Mr. Owen will commence
suit for divorce In a few days.
Mrs. Owen is a very attractive lady , proba
bly twenty-eight years of ago and the mother
of ono child. Hofore leaving Lincoln Web-
storsnid that In the evout that this episode
found its way Into the papers ho would make
u statement , but until then ho had nothing to
say. Owen said that ho would have nothing
to say in either event. Ho goes about his
business in his usual quiet , gentlemanly way.
but his face tolls a story that can not bo told
in words. Slnco the uublic denouncement
Mrs. Oxvon has studiously avoided contact
with old friends , and it is said that she
proposes to leave the city as soon as slio finds
it possible. _
Farragitt Post Will Not Attend.
Last evening Parragut Post , G. A. It. ,
passed the following resolutions :
Whereas , Farragut post NQ. 23. depart
ment of Nebraska , did at its meeting on the
23d of Juno , 1839 , pass suitable resolutions
denouncing the greed of certain railroads
reaching the city of Milwaukee in chancing
exorbitant rates to the surviving soldiers
and sailors of ttio late war ; and
Whereas , The sentiments of this post were
generally accepted 'by the soldiers of the
union and universally endorsed by the press ;
Whereas , The department commander of
this department has joined with the com
manders of other states in giving expression
to the sumo sentiment ; therefore
Resolved. That wo raatllrm the sentiments
heretofore expressed and heartily endorsed
by Commander Davis in his loyal , onorgotio ,
yet conservative circular of July 1)1,1889 ,
nnd promise to sustain him in the future as
in the past in nil cases where injustice is so
brazenly attempted as In the matter of trans
portation to the national encampment.
Jinimlo Murphy Drownnd.
Saturday afternoon a numbar of boys
called at the rosldonco of Thomas Murphy ,
ut Thirtieth and Morrow avenue , and asked
that Jlmmio , an elght-yoar-old sonn bo nU
lowed to go with thorn a fhhlng to the Capi
tal City mills , on Salt crook. Permission
was granted , as had often boon done before ,
1 the boys all went for their afternoon
outing. In the evening , when Jlmmio did
not return , nothing was thought of it , as ho
and the other boys wore in the habit of
spending the niirht with each other. About
10 o'clock , however , a messenger came and
said that Jitnmio was drowned nnd his body
could not bo found. Ho had fallen from a
board that extended out ever the water. A
rescuing partv was Immediately organized ,
nnd the oody was found between 13 and 1
City Nuws and Notes.
Dr , Talmago will lecture In Lincoln Satur
day , August 31 , under tbo auspices of the
Young Men's Christian association.
President Aylsworth , Into of Falrflold col
lege , ocouyled the pulpit at the First
Christian church to-day , both morning and
Uov. T. G. Guild , pastor of Emanuoi M.
E. church , assisted in rooponlng the church
nt Hampton to-day. Ho occupied the pulpit
for the morning service.
Kev. E. H. Chapln , pastor of the Unlver-
sallst church , discoursed to-day on the
subject of "Tho Ho in an Church and the Pub-
llo School. "
James Ulrd , the irun who threatened to
shoot his sweetheart. Delhi Uluke , recently ,
was released from the county jail last even
ing. Since ho has been In jail ho has re
ceived two letters from the girl.
It Is said that there arc more thieves nnd
thugs In Lincoln now than nt any other tlmo
in her history , and the pollca force nro mak
ing every effort possible to rid it of thorn ,
The largo number of arrests lately Is a favor-
nblo Index that success is at hand.
The Simmons and Lincoln lacrosse teams
will play for the championship Thursday ,
August 15 , at the base ball park. National
rules will govern ,
Aloa Harrow was the vlotlm of a snoaic
thief last night. Mr. Clarrow lost a valua
ble gold watch nnd three or four dollars In
change , The police have boon notified , but
have as yet no clue as to the burglars.
County Prohibit Ion fats.
At the meeting of the Douglas county
prohibitionists thn following delegates to a
state convention at Lincoln on the 21st and
2Jd lasts. , were chosen :
John Dale , J. Phillips Iloo , J. F. Hollno ,
C. A. W : Johnson , J. A. Hradloy , L. E.
Haybargor , L. L. Hiiltz , J. M. Chambers , T.
E , Jeffries , J. M. Urunthan , of South Ouiuha ;
HrewBtor , Knight , Kov. L. M. Holt , Kov. G.
M. Brown , Kov. G. W , Woodby , J , O.
Adams , Anthony Johnson , J. W. Klchard-
son , Uov. Kimuier. of Klkhorn ; K. H. Myers ,
of Waterloo ; Pcokham , Gibson , G. K.
Thompson. J. F. Wey bright , of Mlllard ;
Mrs. M. M. Lantry , Mrs. S. J. Moore , J. K.
Vandorcook and wife , of Florence ; W. K.
Anderson. Dr. F. D. Wilson , N. Hradway.
Huron , rvlessrs. Hondrlcks , Urewster , Illch-
ards un > l Matthews.
( Mull's Clilorlilos luxtantlr Disinfects
the house drains , water closets , sinks ,
collum , etc.
Colonel \Vlionton nnd His Command
IVCRVO for Kcnrnoy.
Yesterday afternoon the troops of Fort
Onmha , Including the band of the Second In
fantry , loft for Kearney , wnoro they will
attend the annual encampment of the G , A.
II. of this state. They boarded the train ,
comprising fourteen Union Pacific cars , at
the Fort Omaha station of the Fremont , Elkhorn -
horn & Missouri Vnlloy road at 3 o'clock.
Eight of those cars were for Iho command ;
the others wore loaded with the camp furni
ture , tents , horses and mule * . The train
roach od the Union Pacific depot about 3
o'clock , where It was side-tracked until 5
p. in.
The officers nnd men lay about the berths.
walked nlong the tracks or lailly smoked
their cigars as they waited for the tlmo of
their departure.
The companies on board were B , undnr the
command of Lieutenant Wilson ; U , Captain
Catlly ; D , Lieutenant Waring ; E , Lieu
tenant Ho well ; G , Captain Kollar : 1 , Captain
Those were under thn command of Colonel
Frank Whenton , commander of the Second
infantry. The colonel nppoarod In excellent
health , und looked upon the trip with
pleasurable anticipations. It would bo
n relief from the tedium of
camp life nnd of great advantage
In Imparting to the men the information
wlniih otherwise could bo secured only In
ttmu of war.
The Hold staff comprises , nmonir others ,
Major ilutlor , who , since last May , has spent
the greater part of his time In camp , in com
mand at Hellovuu during the rillo practice.
The major has just recovered from n severe
illness , from the effects of which ho hopes to
bo permanently relieved during this trip.
Lieutenant H. 13. Larson will act as quar
termaster und commissary of the battalion ,
und Lieutenant Chrlsman will bo acting ad
jutant and engineer nnd signal officer.
It will bo noticed that thcro is but ono
ofllcor in command of each company. Tun
13F.K ropresontatlvo was informed that this
departure from the usualcustom
-custom was occa
sioned by the detail of n number of commis
sioned men as officers of Instruction In vari
ous parts of the country ; some with com
panies in camp with the Iowa National
guard ; others at the Hollovuo range , and
others still ut the post for duty and because
of sickness.
The men appeared in excellent spirits nnd
us if they felt a month of roughing it was
ubout the thing they had long boon praying
The companies which nro giving the ap
pearance of business to the National guards
encampment of Iowa nro A , H , F and 1C.
When the camp shall have broken , they will
Join their roplmont at Fort Uoblnson.
The onicorn remaining at the fort are as
follows : Captain Halnos , jr. , who will act
as post quartermaster and recruiting officer ;
Second Lloutcnnnt Charles S. Towsloy , who
is sick in quarters ; Lieutenant Colonel
Fletcher , who is under arrest ; Captain
Charles A. Domosoy , H company ; Ligu ten
ant and Adjutant John Klnzlo and Lieutenant
W. M. Wright , C company , who nro detained
as witnesses in rebuttal for the Fletcher
court martial.
Many of the ofllcors provided themselves
with literature , some of which they bought
at the depot. Among these were Captain
Cattly and Lieutenant Wilson , whoso selec
tions pronounced them connoisseurs.
General Breck and Major Hughes were
present at the depot when the train rolled
away.and bade Colonel Wheaten and.hls staff
As the train loft the depot the mon made
use of the windows to speed adicux to these
who witnessed their departure , and thcro
were not a few handkerchiefs waved by fair
ones at the depa'rtlng heroes.
The command reached Kearney at an early
hour this morning , having traveled on a
special. It will remain until the 18th , when
it will take the cars to Alliance , in this state.
Thence it will march to Fort Robinson ,
whore it will go Into quarters at Camp Crook
and remain thirty days.
General Brooke , department commander ,
accompanlcdbyiiis ; : aides , Lieutenants Truitt
nnd Iloo , Inspector General Vroom , Captain
Richards , of the Sixteenth inlnntr.y , and
Chief Clerk Davis , of the adjutant general's
office , loft for the new camp yesterday morn-
Ing. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Mrs. Colonel Fletcher arrived at Fort
Omaha yesterday morning from Philadelphia
and Is the guest of Mrs. Captain Mills.
Miss Ensign , a cousin of Lieutenant H. II.
Wright , of the Ninth cavalry , Fort Kobin-
son , la stopping with Miss Henry , daughter
of Colonel Henry , at Hcllovuo. She accom
panied Lieutenant Wright to the depot
shortly before the Kearney train pulled out.
Besides the officers mentioned above re
maining at the post , there are four mon desig
nated from each company , several enlisted
men whose terms expire on or before August
31 , and several sick Holdlers and prisoners.
The examination for the promotion of non
commissioned officers to the grade of second
lieutenant will take place at Fortress Mon
roe In October. There will bo seven candi
dates , among them being Mr. A. Wedemoyor ,
of Fort Omaha.
The soldiers yesterday were for the first
time the cow hunting knife which has -Just
been issued. It i.s a Oludo about seven inches
long and throe incuos wide. It is mainly to
bo used In maxing entrenchments , because it
is not sharp enough to bo used for other pur
111 * ! UUSIDKVEI ) IT.
A Drunken , Atmnlvo Deputy Jailor
Placed Under Arrest ,
"Judged from appearances , it would soorn
that even the police service is too good for
some mon , " remarked a gentleman down
town lust evening. "Here's this Tom Huano ,
deputy to Jailor Joe Miller ; n pretty speci
men ho Is , too , for his place. "
"What of him ? " -queried a bystander.
"This of him : Ills conduct is such that It
is an outrage to keep him on the public pay
roll. "
Then Louis Helm rod felt called upon to
relate his experience with this man Huano.
Said ho : ' I stood in front of my store on
Thirteenth street Saturday nUht , convers
ing with a friend , when Michael Moanoy
came nlong. A short ways behind him was
Huano. When the latter reached us ho
stopped a moment and inadu a vile remark
about Mr. Moanoy. I said 'No. that is not
right. He's a nlco gentleman. ' Then Huano
applied a worse name to me. I told him ho
must keep quiet , us I saw ho was drunk. Ho
put his hand back to hla hip pocuot , as
though to draw a weapon , when an officer
stopped up and commanded him to shut up.
Huano pushed the ofltcur bask and was
promptly run in. Ho lay In the city jail
until 13 o'clock this morning , when his
friends secured his release. I think it a
aliumo that the taxpayers of this city must
support such a fellow after bo has boon fired
from the 11 ro department and bounced from
tbo police force for druukennost. "
Patriarchs Militant anil tlio A. O. H.
Take An Oiitin * ; .
Yesterday was a most delightful day to
spend in the woods , and certainly a more
beautiful spot than the leaf-embowered grove
at Calhoun would bo hard to find. The park
was at Us best , with tlio trees In the full
glory of tholr summer verdure , the thick
grass Just long enough to make the gentle
slopes luxurious lounging places , while the
brilliantly colored wild ilowors added a charm
which loft nothing to bo desired in the way
of a beautiful park ,
A gay party of excursionists loft the Web
ster street depot yesterday morning bound
for this , tbo finest picnic ground In this part
of the state. The party was not as largo as
could have boon doslroJ , but It was a happy
crowd , composed principally of Odd Fallows ,
tholr wives and sweethearts. The excursion
was under the direction of a few members of
the order as private Individuals. It was ( jot-
tun up for the purpose of aiding In defraying
tbo expense of uniforming the Patriarchs
Militant band. Tbo band accompanied the
party and added enjoyment to the occasion
by their well rendered music. Ttio band is
composed of eighteen accomplished mu
sicians , ult members of the order. They are
under the efficient leadership of Mr. T. S.
Wolf , nnd only require a llttlo practice to
gether to acquire a combined style , when
they .will be ono of the bust bands In this sec
tion. Tholr uniform u the ofUcial
uniform proscribed by the supreme lodiro
for Patriarchs Militant bunds. It consist *
of black p.vits with a rod atrtpo an Inch
wide down Iho outer seam ; n black frock
cent buttoned to the chin , with rod and gold
cord looped across the breast ; rod anil gold
cord opoulola ; rod cuffs bearing crossed
awords , nnd n golden crown. The lint Is
about seven Inches high , of blnck fur with a
red crown. The band Is to have n full set of
imported instruments , which have boon or
dered from Franco through a Now York
house. They were expected to nrrlvo Satur
day , but have not yet boon received.
But to return to the excursion : The
party arrived at the grounds nbout 11 o'clock
nnd entered at once Into a full enjoyment of
the occasion. The flr t duty was to select
convenient spots for dlsftosing of the con
tents of the capacious baskets which had
boon brought along. After this highly Im
portant matter had boon disposed of , the
band assembled In the band stand anil re
galed tholr listeners with a miscellaneous
selection of promenade music. Several
founds then started off In different directions
to look nt the sights. The numerous black
berry patches were thoroughly explored ,
while the thrco llsh ponds In the Immediate
vicinity , the property of Mr. Craig , were
also visited.
Toward ovonlng the citizens of Cnlhoun
nnd residents of the surrounding country
began to congragato about the band , und
soon availed themselves of the opportunity
to dnncb to the excellent music.
Mr. A. It. Toozor , the mayor of the village ,
nnd nn old nnd well known resident of
Omaha , was on hand and afforded the visit
ors ovnry attention ,
The party boarded the cars for homo nt 7
p. m. , with many expressions of approval
and onjoymont.
It Is estimated that the affair netted about \ t
175 or $100. u
Tlio A. O. II. nt Waterloo.
The annual plcnlo of the A. O. II. band {
was hold nt Waterloo park yesterday , and
was n very enjoyable nffair. Nearly live hun
dred persons , all told , wnro present , and a
special train of ton coaches was required to
transport the party. Accompany ing the pio-
nlckors were the Sixth Ward band and the !
Union Stock Yards band , of South Omaha ,
together with perhaps a hundred persons
from the latter placo.
The train loft Omaha at 10a : > and arrived
at the park shortly before noon , where the
principal feature of the day that of eating-
was at once begun. When the various nmpla
lunches had boon discussed , the pleasures of
the occasion began. Some took tholr wives
and sweethearts out boating , others sought j
exhilaration In the many delightful swings , S.
while others repaired to the spacious dancing
iloor and whirled through the giddy Intrica- , .L
clcs of the mii7y , or balanced to partners In jjul
the delightful Quadrille.
The park Is a splendid spot for a picnic ,
but could be Improved nt a slight expense.
The foliage Is so dense that no ray of the
summer sun can Una its way through the
leafy branches , and n splendid coolness pro-
vails. Skirting the park in the swift Elkhorn -
horn , in which one can fish to his heart's
content. All the appurtenances of a standard
picnic resort are to bo found.
It was 3 o'clock when a prize waltz was an-
nouncnd. About a dozen couples entered
and after n number of trials the Judges do-
cidcd that Miss Mary Cnllahan had captured
the ladles' prize , while G. W. Williams toolc
the award for the best gentleman waltzor.
A foot race between Tom Shannon und
James Whnlcn resulted In a victory for the
former by nt least ton feet. The prize was u
handsome pair of oneni glasses.
At7l)0 ) the party left lor Omaha , arriving
inthocityaiUp.m. Thouffuti- was a per
fect success and was not marred by a sltiglu
instance of discord. It will bo an occasion
long to bo remembered by all who partici
Among those present were noticed Com
missioners Mount und O'KeolTo , President
Lee of tlio city council , County Agent Mahoney -
honey , Hugh Murphy and several other
Omaha gentlemen of note.
i/Aiiou DAY.
Intensive Preparations For Its Fit
ting Observance.
The Central Labor union met at Oato City
hall yesterday morning and made further
arrangements for the celebration of Labor
It was decided to five a grand parade , to
bo followed by a picnic. Speakers from
abroad will bo invited to make lilting ad
At the meeting held yesterday twenty-six
labor organizations of Omaha were repre
sented , besides a number ot others from
South Omaha and Council JilufTs. Tlio mat
ter was enthusiastically discussed and fin
ally the following committees were ap
Executive Willard. O'ICeofTo and Mussor.
On invitation Lewis , Kuiiney nnd Challis.
On grounds O'lCooffe , Nowstrom and
On programme Young , Lewis and McAl
To cheese orators Willard , IConnoy and
Finance Snyder , IJaldwin , Johnson , An
derson , Hart , Wicbman and Webber.
On uiattoes Martin and Mussor.
It is expected that 10,000 mon will bo in
line on that day. Another mooting bus been
called for Tuesday evening , when reports
from the committees will be heard.
The following invitation was issued :
All labor organizations In Ouiahu , South
Omaha , Council Uldffs und vicinity are cor
dially Invited to take part in a grand parade
on Labor day , Monday , Sootemhor S , IKb'J.
All organizations wishing to take part la
said purado will please notify J. It. Lewis ,
World-Herald ouico , as teen ns convealon * '
J. It. Lmvi.s ,
FJIKU CiiAj.i.i.1 ,
TlioOiniiha Flaiuunnu Club's Arrnnce-
incnti for MciulinntH' Week ,
The Omaha Flamucau club , recently or
ganized , promises to startle the people of
Omaha and tholr guests during fair week.
The organization numbers ISO members , :
picked from the representative young men
of Omaha. The object of the club primarily
is to furnish fireworks In the night parades '
during Merchants' week. The club will . .
march two nights , and during that time will
explode 7,500 Roman candles , 1,500 wheels ,
none of which will bo smaller than sixteen ,
Inches , 800 pounds of Bengal llro , 4,000 U
rounds of cartridges. 800 two-pound rockets ,
'MO boxes of firecrackers and l.r > 0 tweivo-lnoh
bombshells. 'Hiree largo ammunition wag
ons will follow the parade , and thirty porter *
will carry ammunition to thorn. Tholr uni
forms are white duok , with white liolmots
und huversackfl. Two thousand dollars will
bo expended to uniform and outfit them , nud
(3,000 will go uu in noise and sinoko.
The bovs propose to glvo an oxhlbltlon tua
llko of which has never been soon in this
country. They nro exceedingly proud of
thuir organization nnd achievements HO far.
On two nights of the week they will keep up
a continuous fusilado of tlroworks for llf teun
blocks. The boys had their llrst raoo'.liig
lust Friday night , and sixty mon foil into
line and caught on to Iho tactics remarkably
quick for novices.
The officers of the club uroi F. M. Tabln ,
president ; H , J. Jowott , vluo president ; U.
W. Cathcart , secretary : Harry Weber , treas
urer and manager. Ouuurul J. U. Cowln is
commander general und J. A. lirown com
mander. ,
The club will resolve Itself Into n perma
nent organization aftorfulr week and Intends
to became a prominent factor In advertising
Omaha. Mr. Harry Weber , the manuicer ,
has had a wide experience In the organization
und drilling of llambuau clubv , having been
nt the head of ono of the llnoat displays over
made by a club of the kind In the country , In
St. Louis , but says that the Omaha display
will excel any of them in tactics and destruc
tion of powder.
The club will moot to 4rill ut the Collins
Gun company nuxt Thursday evening , and
all members are requested to bo present ,
Tlio Hofl'mim Inquest.
An Inquest wai hold yesterday morning
ever the remains of William Hoffman , tbo
victim of Saturday night's railway accident.
The verdict wua that death resulted from the
victim's carelessness. Coroner Drexel will
lake charge of the remains , which will prob
ably bo interred to-day , Hoffman had no
relatives In this country , and was employed
at South Ouiuha.
Fora dUodercd livtr try Beechum' * Pill * .