Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 12, 1889, Page 3, Image 3

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Wet Weather Has Hurt Small
Grains to Some Extent ,
nut Corn In 1'roiluolne In Almml-
nttcc. IJctUlriK the Itccortl ot
Former Ycnrn , and tlio Fall
Outlook U Encouraging.
Flattering for the Farmers.
The following crop report nnd trade re
view of the stato.ol Nebraska has been com
piled by the regular correspondents of the
Mercantile Agency of K. O. Dun & Co. , of
Orrmtin , within the pust thrco days , In un-
wcrto tlia folio whig circular :
Wo desire to obtain como trustworthy In
formation from Urn most reliable sourcrs re
garding the general condition of the crops ,
nnd such other facts as boar upon the pros
perity of fars-ra nnd merchants In your
county. You ra no doubt ay/arc of the Im-
portnnco of correct Information of this char *
octcrto the business Interests of Nebraska.
We would bo Rlad to receive by return
mall Information regarding your county ,
embracing the following points , which please
irmko ns full as possible :
What WUB the principal crop last year ,
acreage this year compared with last , and If
crops tnora dlverslllod , the niUuro nnd ex
tent. What are the prospects this ycarl If
there 1ms been a failure , what caused it )
Hownro collections and what Is the pres
ent condition ns to trade and future pros
pects as to merchants and farmers !
Corn was the crop last year nnd
this. There has been a larger ncreniru of
all grains put In this year than over before ,
and about the same ratio , flrst corn , outs ,
bnrloy , rye , etc. The July rains hnvo hurt
the small grain , wheat and oats , to n small
extent , but not borlously as a whole country.
Collections as yet nra hard , almost impossi-
blp , but wo anticipate easier times ns
soon as the crops can bo moved , both for far
mers and merchants. Our merchants are
not complaining.
The principal crop lust year was corn.
There is a slight Increase of crop this year
over that of last year. Stmtll irrnlu is now
harvested nnd eecuro In the stack , and IB the
best crop of the ten years past , both In the
yield nnd quantity. Especially Is this true
of the wheat ciop. Corn also promises the
best crop over known here , and unless some
unforeseen or unusual thing now occurs An
te I opo county will harvest the best crop of
corn In its history. Collections among the
farmers have been very slow the pust year ,
but present prospects aio very favorable for
collodions , and the general feeling hero is
that old accounts will bo settled , and an In
creased tnulo will follow as a natural se
quence of the line crops. Of course much
depends on the nmrKct for farm products.
Hay is rather short thU season , but there
Will bo an ubundanco for homo uonsumu-
Corn Is the principal crop. The acreage is
double lost year's acreage. There Is live
times ns inucli oats as last year , 10,000 acres
corn , 1,000 outs , GOO of wheat. There lire
the best prospects in the history of the coun
ty. Collections are dull at present. The
prospects of the merchants nnd farmers wore
never better.
The principal crop lust year was corn. The
acreage this year Is about 15 per cent moro
than lust , and the yield will she > v at least 25
per cent increase. Crops are very good.
Wheat linn about the sauiu acreage as last
year , but the yield Is about 20 per cent more.
Oats are light. Collections are hard , but
merchants arc doing abettor business than
they were at this time last year. Prospects
are favorable for the farmers having a good
crop , but a great deal will depend on prices
this fall.
The principal crop of this county last year
was corn. At least two-thirds of the acreage
was in. corn last year , and fully one-sixth
moro in area is in corn this season. The
prospects for corn are excellent. In the
acreage of wheat there is little change this
year. Oats are about onn-fourth larger nuro-
aqro. Both will result in about 50 to 70 per
cent of the usual crop. The other crops ,
rye , flax , etc. , are of limited acreage. About
one-half of thn county was affected by a se
vere hall and wind storm on July 13 , 1SS9 ,
Half of this area , has the crops wholly cut
olT. Extreme dry weather in April , May
nnd earlv in June , Injuriously alfoctcd smull
grain In some localities.
The principal crop last year wasoorn. The
acreage this year is somewhat larger about
10 per cent. The prospects this year are very
good. Collections nra rather slow Just now ,
But prospects for farmers and traders are
for bettor tunes. There Is rather a largo
amount cl crops to wheat and oats and the
yield Is going to ba bntter than last year.
The outlook is rnthor bettor than last year
nnd farmers are moro hopeful. If prices for
grain are not too low collections will bo coed
within one to two mouths.
The principal crop hero Is corn at all times ,
acreage this year is probably oao-sixth or
ono-cluhtli larger than lust year. It frosts
do not come curly wo expect a very largo
crop of corn. The largest over raised.
Wheat ucrougo is llttlo larger than last year
but the crop in this county will bo ut least
three tlmns us largo. The Holds already har
vested and threshed have yielded twonty-tlvo
to thirty bushels per aero. The out crop will
bo bettor fiun lust year but only average as
to ucrcugo and yield , the dry weather in May
and early Juno was the cause. Grass crop
very poor on account of dry weather. Collections -
lections are very slow at present , but crop
prospects are rovivlng trade.
Principal crop Is corn , the samn as last
year and about the snmo acreage and diver
sity of crops. Prospects for corn this year
are A 1. Small grain may not grade as well
owlng'to the wet weather nt harvest time.
This last applies more particularly to our
bottom lauds. Collections are fair , but rath
er slow. Trr.Oo Is good nnd Mtcudy but there
in no rush mid it shows the effects of the
rather quiet business year , which the whole
Btnto Is having. The outlook is flrst rate in
nil lines and wo consider it u ; year when every
one should bo ahead of the deal.
Wheat and corn about equal to last year. .
This year there Is moro corn at least 5 par
cent ; greater acrcugo , with prospects for u
tlrst class crop. Collections are slow owing
to last year's crop being- too small to pay
bills. The condition of trada fair. The
prospect of merchants and fanners good.
Corn was the prlnclnul crop last year ;
total acreage last year , .201,305 ; total ncrcngo
this year , 2GjOi ! : ) ; acreage of corn last year ,
W.B245 thl * year , 124.MW. There Is a largo
oat crop this year , but U has beau damaged
in some places by heavy rains. The wheat
ncroago Is small , The present outlook In that
\vo will hnvo a heavy crop of corn , unit pros
pects ( or trade and future outlook for far
mers and merchants good.
The corn auroago thin year fs a llttlo
greater than last , There Is not quite ns much
oats , but considerably moro llax. Corn is the
finest crap ever cau In this state. Flax.
ditto. Outs dnumgod by heavy ruins , and
low prlruwlth a prospect of trade being brisk
late In the fall. Collections are slow , but
prospects nra generally good.
The principal crop last year was corn , and
the acreage this year of corn exceeds that of
last considerably. The prospects for a heavy
yield \\cto never betlor than now. The aero-
ogQ of outs U about thosamo this year as
lnit , and they are uiukinc u fair yield. The
acreage of wheat exceeds that of last year
Bomowjiat , imd the yield is fair , and uonor.
oily of good quality. All other hinds of crops
Will ho u heavy yield , but not a very heavy
ucroago. The principal crop being cornuuuTi
of the old crop him been recently shelled and
dlspo d of. Collections are rather btoady
nnd flrui , but somewhat slow. Trade is
crowing , and the prospects of merchants and
farmers lire good.
Corn was the principal crop last year. The
ncreugo this year In onu-tUird creator than
lust mid more dlvornltloU. The pro pocu
were never better for corn in thl * county
nnd small grain has been cut and Is nn un-
uoually peed crop. This county tins had
abundant rains , which accounts for the largo
crop. Collections will bo paid this fall and
farmers and merchants are Jubilant.
The crops are generally better In this
county than they nave been for the past five
years. Small grain has been harvested and
wheat will yield from in to 85 buslicM per
ncro , rye about K to 40 bushels , oats 25 to 40
bushels. All kinds of grain are in good
shape. There It 5J percent more land under
cultivation this year than last. The yield
will bo 25 per cent better. Farmers nro well
pleated with crops , nnd there Is a general
looking up to better times. Ihcro will bo a
big crop of corn nnd potatoes wore never bit
ter in this section.
Corn Is the principal crop in 1S83. The
acreage Increased 10 per cent. Of wheat
thcro Is very llttlo raised. Oats Increased 6
per cent on lost year. Oats was somewhat
damaged by heavy rains nnd farmers could
t.ot set in the Holds to cut. Corn Is excellent ,
with the best prospects We over had , Trada
is dull , but the outlook Is brightening for all
trado. Collections are fair.
The crops of 1883 were corn nnd wheat
principally. There Is about 18,000 acres moro
planted this year than last , consisting of rye ,
oats , wheat and corn. Wo have the best
crops that have been raised Li twelve years.
Wheat will average about olf-hlcon to twenty
bushels to the aero , snmo pieces colng ns
high ns twenty-six buihols. Corn Is very
strong and is maturing finely. Trade has
bccon very quiet , but is now beginning to
Improve , and prospects are excellent for a
good fall trade. The crops hero this year
will pay up all pressing claims against
farmers , stop the foreclosure of mortgages
and put business on a vcrv fair basis. Col
lections have been slow , but nro improving ,
\Vo hnvo had excellent crops of tame hay
and glasses this year , and fruit is most ex
cellent and in great varloty.
The principal ciop in this county for last
year was corn. U'lio next wheat and then
oats. The acreage of corn Is about 25 per
cent greater this year than last. There
never was a better prospect for a largo crop.
The wheat generally is a light crop about
75 per cent of last year , oats about 50 per
cent , and not halt a crop in many plnccs.
Much damage was done to smull grain by
the drouth in the early summer , and there
has been considerable damage by ram dur
ing the last six weeks. All kinds of busi
ness Is dull , and collections are very hard
now. If prospects continue favorable for
corn , times should bo much better in sixty
Corn was the principal crop last year. The
acreage this year is as largo as that of last
year , but there is also moro small grain , by
reason of n grout deal of nrairlo having
been broitcn and put under cultivation. The
crop of oats nnd wheat was very heavy this
year , but much of it is lost by reason of
heavy rains during harvest. The corn crop
was never better than at present. Potatoes ,
of which a largo amount xvas planted , will
yield n largo crop. Collections. Just at pres
ent , are very dull ; but threshing has begun
and money will bo moro plenty as soon us
the crops begin to move. Prospects were
never better In this county than at present.
Last year the crops were about equally di
vided between wheat and corn , nnd this
year it Is about the same , only that there is
an Increased acreage of ubout one fourth.
This year's wheat crop is about ns good as
last year , but owing to increased acreage
there will bo more bushels than last year.
Wheat this year will probably avcrngo ten
bushels per ncro. Corn in'this country was
planted about one week later than it should
bo. but otherwise is first-class and prospects
are good for u heavy corn crop. Collections
ore hard and trade dull , but times will prob
ably bo easier when farmers begin to sell
wheat nnd corn Prospects for merchants
and farmers are fair.
The principal crop last year was wheat ,
corn and oats. The increase of acreage
this Is about 10 per cent. Crops are
about the sumo proportion as to variety. The
following flguros will show the output for
Ibb9 : Wheat. 33,24(1 ( acres , with au average
of about 1" bushels per acre ; corn , 53,018
acres , average about -115 bushels per acre ;
o.its , 17,001 acres , average about 25 bushels
per ncro : barley , 4,000 acres , average about
yo bushels per aero. The prospects for corn
this season arc excellent. Wheat was dam
aged at least 10 per cent by wet weather
during harvest Collections are slow. The
condition of trade Is very'falr. '
Crops of small grain , wheat , rye and oats ,
wore gqod In this county. Now nil nro har
vested and mostly stacked , of good quality
and in line condition. Corn is better than
ever known In this county. Crops were
short last year on account of dry weather.
At present the county appears to bo enter
ing upon an era of prosperity. Wo will have
n largo surplus of wheat , oats , rye , corn ,
hogs nnd cattle.
The principal crop wheat , corn , oats is
double the average this year as compared
with last. The crops are not moro diversi
fied this yoar. Tno prospects are good. Con
siderable cxpeiimentlng has been done in
sugar beets. Collections uro fairly good.
The principal crop last season was corn.
Next In importance was oats. There Is not
much difference between the character of
crops this year and last , except that there Is
more llax seed sown In this county this year
than last. The corn crop Is in excellent con
dition. Prospects are good for n latvo yield.
The llax seed crop is In good condition and
although there never was a larger and finer
crop of oats grown , nearly one-half of It was
spoiled by wet weather , and the yield will
not bo ever one-half u crop. Collections are
yet slow , on account of the crops of this year
not moved. The prospects for the merchants
and farmers , for the balance of the year , are
Corn , wheat and oats are the principal
crops raised in this county. Last year there
was nearly a failure of both wheat and oats ,
on account of rust. This year all crops are
good. The acreage of wheat and oats Is
ubout the same as last , and of corn one-fifth
moro. These grains never looked bettor nt
this time of year. Collections are slow on
account of low prices and loss of wheat and
oat crop of last your. If tbo price is not too
Jew this fall and wlutor , collections and busi
ness will bo good
The principal crops are corn , oats , wheat ,
flax , rye , barley , millet , In the order named.
The acreage has increased fully twenty psr
cent over last your. The prospects are first-
c ostt for corn , oats are au average crop ,
wheat is an average , flax 110 per cent , rye
120 per cent , hurley nu average. Collections
nro only fair , prices are low for produce.
Prospects nro fair for merchants as soon as
the now crops are moved.
Coru is the great crop. There Is a larcor
acreage this year than lust. Prospects are
good for the largest and best crop ever iu
this county ,
Thn principal crops last year were oats ,
wheat , llax and corn. With a fair yield ex
cepting corn which was short. This year's
crop compares as follows : Outs , acreage 20
per cent more and crops fully us good as to
yield. Flax , acreage fully double of last
year , yield tbo same per aero. Corn , acreage
10 per cent larger , with the yield fully double
per acre. Collections aio slqw at present ,
but bid fair In tho' near future. Threshing
Is about fairly started , and the proceeds of
mull grain will help business. The outlook
in general Is good , and especially so if grain
bnub'8 fair prices.
The crop condition is No. 1. Corn Is the
finest over known iu southeast Nebraska.
Outs and small grain of ull kinds were moro
or less damaged by the rain , outs in particu
lar ; but wo will have plenty , and some to
spare , anyhow , The corn crop this year is
ubout VM per cent of last in acreage , and 135
per cent. In condition. Outs Is about 100 per
cent In ncrcgc , nnd 80 pur cent in condition
us compared with last your. Other small
grain Is about the same ns last season. Hay
Is 100 per cent in acreage , and 150 in condi
tion. Collections nra very dull and money
matters clone. Farmers will have money ns
BOOH as they can market what they have
raised. The business men are looking hope
fully to fall trade , and it is generally be
lieved that money will bo plentiful among
the farmers ere long ,
The principal crop hero last year was corn ,
The acreage this year was larger than last.
The crops uro aUo moro diversified , embrac
ing corn , wheat , oat , rye. bnrlcy , flax , mil
let and broom corn. AU the crops hero nro
the bent over scon. Small grain Is nil In
shock or stack nnd Is being threshed. It Is
not damaged by the recent rains to any ex
tent ns was expected. There never were
such prospects for corn before. At this llmo
collections nro ratacr hard to make , as but
llttlo grain or stock Is moving , and farmers
do not pay bank Interest where they can help
It , and for snino reasons trade Is dull. Uut
at soon ns the crops begin to move collec
tions and trade nro expected to bo good.
Wo cannot give an estimate of tbo nereairo
of crops In this locality , but can Only sncuit
from observation nnd common reports from
different neighborhoods.
At least three-fourths of the crop last year
nnd this Is corn. The other fourth Is wheat ,
oats and flax , Thcro Is about one-tenth In
crease In ncrcngn slnco last year. The pros-
pcctt , were never better than this year ; corn
will bo uc Immense crop If the frost docs not
come too cany ; oats and flax fair ; wheat U
above the average ; potatoes are good. Col
lections at present nro very hard , but If thcro
Is any price for produce collections and
times wilt bo good when the farmers begin
to sell. There has been no hog cholera this
year and prospects for hogs nro good.
Wheat and corn or < j the principal culti
vated crops of this county. Oats is grown
about sufficient for homo use. Some parts of
the county grows buckwheat and rye to some
extent. The acreage of wheat and corn is
25 per cent over last year. Thn yield of
wheat and outs per aero will bo double what
it was lost year. Prospects are good for corn.
In fact , so far as crops nro concerned , this is
the best year the countv ever had thus far.
Wheat will average about 15 bushels per
acre , outs 3.1 bushels. The crcut question
now Is : Can wo tlud a market for the wheat
nt fulr figures ; it Is brlncing 00 cents hero
now , and oats 13 cents , but they nro not
raised much for sale. If pricrs hold fair
this will bo a good fall for collections. Money
Is close now until farmers can sell their
wheat. The merchants of this town nro all
doing well nt present , with moro than fair
prospects In the near future. Everyone
seems to feel hopeful.
Our principal crop is corn , There appears
to bo an Increase In acreage , and the out
look for nn Immense crop has never been so
good In the history of the county. A very
larro proportion of corn has two cars to the
stalk. There Is considerable small grain ,
but a largo part is In damaged shape on ac
count of rains. The latter sending the corn
out rapidly. Small fruits were line nnd ap
ples good. There were some poaches , the
flrst for three or four years. Tnero was n
good crop of grapes. Generally speaking It
is the finest prospect that farmers have had
for the past fonr years. Tncro have been
the largest crops of hay ever cut in the
county. There dcoes not appear to bo a
great demand for money. The banks have
plenty , Intorott rates nro of a lower ten
dency. Collections appears to bo depending
largely on the crop prospects. Hence not
much currency is yet passing hands. Mer
chants and farmers appear very bright , nnd
settlements gem rally are expected out of
the crop results. B'armers In this vicinity
are generally Improving their farms , largo
barns and other substantial building taking
the ylnco of old ones. During the past year
or two some of the farmers' mortgages have
been paid off out of farm earnings.
The principal crops , last year , were corn ,
oats , rye , barlov , wheat , hay , potatoes and
garden vegetables. The acreage this year
of different crops is about the same as last
year. Crops are not diversified moro than
lust year. The prospects , this season , for
corn and potatoes , are excellent. Hay is
moderate , nnd small grain was somewhat
damaged by rains while being harvested.
Collections , at present , uro hard to rualco , us
farmers have no income , nnd will not huvo
till they got their crops ready for market.
S A LI Nil.
The principal crop of this section is corn ,
the acrago of which this year is about the
same as last. The prospect could not bo bet
ter than wo have now for a full crop. Fall
wheat is making a yield of 25 to 40 bushels
per aero of good quality. But little spring
wheat Is grown. The yield nnd quality are
above the average. Of oats there is a largo
acreage and it is of good quality. Collections
are fair. The prospects for business of all
kinds the coming fall are good. Farmers are
generally prosperous. There nave been moro
farm mortgages paid off the last year than
now loans made. The low price of cattle is
the greatest source of complaint among the
The flax crop is good , corn excellent , but
oats only fair. Collections have been slow ,
but are getting better as the flax begins to
The principal crop Is corn , which h as an
increase In acreage of 10 per cent over last
year. The diversity of crops is the same.
The prospects this year are the best known
for ten years. Corn especially is fine. Oats
are good ; also wheat aud rye , wnllo pota
toes uro the best ever known. Collections
are fair. Possibly a llttlo better than the
avornga. Prospects for merchants and far
mers nro very good. Trade Is fair and busi
ness houses are being built and the mer
chants are doing a good safe business.
Practically the only crops raised hero are
wheat , oats , corn and flax. A small amount
of barley and rye Is raised , but insufficient
to require any extended statement , The
principal crop is corn , which was last year
the ouly good crop , oats being substantially
a failure , and thcro bolng but few pieces of
good wheat. This year the acrcaco of corn
and wheat is 25 per cant larger than that of
lust year ; oats 10 per cent. Wheat is mostly
in the stack at this time , and is a very excel
lent crop. It will average twenty bushels
per aero for the county , and Is of excellent
quality. Oats are not generally a good crop.
There are many line pieces , however. bucU
fields as were seeded down In the spring are
a fair crop. The cause of the failure in some
instances was dry weather early in the sea
son ; in others poor farming. Kccent rains
insure a very heavy crop of corn , and it is
safe to say it will average thirty or thirty-
five bushels per ncro throughout the county ,
us there are extremely few poor pieces , the
season early having been very favorable for
germinating the seed , and for cultivating the
crop. Collections have been very bard thus
for this your , on account of the partial fail
ure of crops last year and low prices. Every
thing now indlcutes , however , a favorable
fall ana winter trade. Our merchants are
all In good condition , and with the increased
ability of farmers to pay , Wayne county is In
exceptionally good shape.
Tbo principal crop last year was corn.
This year tiiero Is nn increase in acreage of
10 per cent over last. The corn crop this
year is simply Immense , and will average , if
present prospects are fulfilled , at least fifty
bushels to every acre planted in tbo county.
The oat crop is fair and will average forty
bushels per acre. The flax crop Is larger
than last year and quality good , ft will
average from twelve to fourteen bushels per
aero. There was very llttlo wheat sown and
it was of poor quality. There is a small field
of rye and a fair crop of tame grass. Col
lections are fair , but not as good as they
should bo on account of the low price of corn ,
It being our staple. Flax has brought In some
money. Trade Is fair to dull. Fur moro cat-
tla have been fed In this county than over
before , and this has brought us some money.
Farmers begin to see that to feed the corn on
their farms makes a fair price for their
grain , and moro cattle will bo fed next year
than last. The hog crop is very heavy and
moro will DO shipped from this county next
your tbun over before ,
The principal crop last year was corn ,
rye , outs and wheat. There Is , perhaps , at
least one-fifth moro corn acreage this year
than lost , and the prospects are , up to the
time , as good , if not batter , than they have
over been. There Is not a poor field of corn
In the whole countv , seed corn included.
Oats were not so good as they generally are ,
but much better than last year , when they
were destroyed by rust , caused by too much
rain. This year they did not stalk out as
they would have done had wo had moro ruin.
There 1ms not been much ruin in this county
prior to the 1st day of July. Hut the dry
weather did not effect the wheat , rye or corn ,
all of which will be above the average , and
the oat crop Is almost up to tbo average ,
Some pieces have gene sixty bushels to the
acre , whllo the poorest In the county will not
full below twelve to fifteen bushel * , to the
acre. All crops hnvo an increased acreage of
about ono-llfth over last year , and on tbo
whole arc much better. The prospects lor
the farmers and merchants for this year are
goo' ' . Collections are In the main easy.
Wheat , oats and corn wore the principal
crops last year , Oats aud wheat wore a
pretty fair crop , but thcroYvhK not much
sown , A largo acreage of cJrrlivns planted ,
but the south half of this county , ami btnllh
anil .lowcll counties , Kansas , south of us , did
not have one-fourth of n crop on account of
drouth , and this coupled with the fact tlmt
the crop was very poor In tl'Wl.iilso , onuses
trmto to bo vury dull und collections ulnicult.
In fact , farmers have no money of consequence
quence , nnd merchants are pjbljpcd to carry
many of them , which causes them to bo hard
un. This year the ncroatjo of wheat , oats
and corn Is about the Bamo as st , In tills *
Immediate vicinity not much small grain was
sown , but the crop Is good. 'Orlts Is espec
ially line aad will yloid f > 0bushols | to the
aero. The acreage of corn Is largo , and the
crop never was bettor hero lit this season of
the year. Prospects for the fall trade nro
very Mattering.
Wheat , corn and oats hnvo SO per cent In-
crcaso of acreage. Crops are moro diver *
> slflc'd. Formerly a great many depended
entirely on corn. Now oats , wheat , potatoes ,
flax , barley , rye , etc. , are raised. The rais
ing of liny Is also largely Increasing. Pros
pects this year are good. Only oats In this
immediate vicinity are rather light , caused
by very dry weather. There nro no failures ,
and collections nra nbout the same as usual ,
The principal crop In this county last year
was corn , The acreage this year as com
pared with last Is 15 or 20 per cent grcatdr.
The ucrcago of wheat , oats-ryo ana potatoes
was rather small last .year , probably alto
gether not moro than 20 per cent of the o ti
ll ro acreage and this year It Is nbout the
samo. Collections are fair and the prospects
for our merchants nnd farmers nro good.
The crop prospects us to corn nro vury
Kood here and cannot well bo better any
where. Small grain is harvested nnd Is ti
fair yield. The straw Is short , but the heads
are wcll-llllcd nnd the grain Is good , There
are no failures in. any part of the county.
Corn was tbo principal crop last year. The
acreage this year Is 23 per cent greater than
last year. The prospects of n crop are better.
The acreage of oats Is about the same as last.
The crop was damaged some by continuous
rains during harvest , otherwise there was n
full crop. Flax and wheat same as last year.
Collections rather slow , but prospects bettor.
With good prices for crops everything will
resume usual prosperity.
i ? The principal crop In this county Is corn ,
last year us well as this , and the acreage has
increased at least 25 per cent over last year.
There is some wheat and quite a good deal of
oats , but In about the sumo proportion as
last year. The corn outlook was never finer
in any country , and bids fair to bo the best
over produced In this county. The season
has been all that could be desired , and if it
had been made by the president of the state
grange itcould not have been better.
Heavy rains in July damaged the wheat
crop a llttlo , und the oats but very llttlo
possibly 5 to 10 per cent but as the wheat
crop was small and tbo oats not fully ma
tured when the rain cnuio , the loss will bo
very llttlo , and our farmers acpond very little
tlo on the wheat , anyway. The trade out
look in this town was never moro flourishing.
Farmers and merchants are very hopeful ,
and collections are comparatively easy.
Money Is a little close nt the banks , for the
reason that merchants are carrying farmers ,
and also that there uro a certain number of
real estate speculators who are bolng carried
by the banks. Tno speculation craze has
closed In this town , ana we think'Its future
prospects wore never so good , nnd wo believe
that all the substantial merchants of the
town ficl that way about It. ,
Corn Is the principal crop for 1SSS and
ISS'J , with some nndrflnx , and oats for
homo use. But little oats was raised to ship.
There are good prospects for n very largo
crop of corn , which will' nvprago forty to
fifty bushels per acre. Wheat was a largo
crop from twenty to thirty-flVo bushels per
acre and llax eight to sixteen bushels per
acre. Collections are bettor since the wheat
aud flax are being marketed. { The prospects
are that our farmers will crat pretty well out
of debt this year and merqha'nts prosper ac
cordingly , j
The principal crop last year was corn.
There is double the amount this yoar. Thcro
Is moro wheat , oats and rye this year than
last. In fact wo arc favored iu ull kinds of
crops. Wheat is harvested. Some is threshed
and the average is about 18 bushels per acre ,
oats 45 , rye 22. The prospects for corn are
about 50 bushels per aero. From all that can
bo learned now , collections will bo better.
Trade Is looking up and business generally
The Sacred Heart academy , for day
pupils , situated on St. Mary's avenue
und Twonty-sovonth streets , is an insti
tution devoted to the moral and intel
lectual education of young1 girls. The
course includes everything from u pre
paratory department to a finished
classical education. Besides the ordi
nary academical course , music , paint
ing , drawing and the languages are
taught. French is included in the or
dinary courso.
Difference of religion ia no obstacle
to the receiving of pupils , provided
they conform to the general regulation
of the school. The scholastic term be
gins the flrst Tuesday of September.
Classes commence at0 a. in. , and are
dismissed at 3:30 : p. m. , an hour for
recreation being allowed at noon.
India Rubber Stone.
What is described as a geological
curiosity is in the olllco of the acting
chief clerk of the United States war
department , Washington. It is u piece
of stone weighing about one pound ,
thirteen inches in length , two and a
half inches in width , and onc-th < rd
inch thick. There is no doubtabout its
being a genuine stone , but it neverthe
less possesses the flexibility of a picco
of India rubber. When tnicon in the
hand and shaken in the direction of its
flat surface it will bond backward and
forward with u dull sound. This is
what is known as itucolumnito or elastic
sandstone. It is stated that a whole
mountain of it exists in southern Ne
vada , a short distance east of Death
Valley. It is found in California , Geor
gia , and other localities in the United
Hnvo Ynu Catnrrh ? There is one
remedy you can try without dangnr of hum
bug. Send to A. Q. Coleman , chemist , ICula-
mazoo , Mich.for trial package of his catarrh
euro. His only mode of advertising Is by giv
ing It away. Postage 2c. Judge for your
self. Mention this paper.
Cured CpnsiunptlvcH.
A speculative phyaioiau > has ascribed
positive curative poweruito the asphalt
pavement , the odors .of i which ho says
will break up any ordinary cold and
will have an actual ) bonolicial effect
upon pulmonary disorders. This medi
cal gentleman said yesterday : "Tho
curative emanations ] from asphaltum
uro quite similnri , U > the bono
licial influences ot a pine for
est. The peculiar odor which rufllos
your nose and makes you snooze
when you walk across a Hretch of new-
laid asphalt paving isia great alioviator
of the pains which j.ho consumptives
suffer. I believe that if woak-lunged
men should join the'yvorkinginen who
lay asphalt pavements an'd take u hand
in the work , the oxorclfeo and the odor
together vould prove very helpful to
hia lungs. If this wore generally known
there would bo such n rush of con
sumptives to work on the streets that
ull the usphaltum might bo laid
throughout the city without cost for
labor. Go and stand for a few moments
with any gang of tvsplinlt layers and sou
how your nose throat and lungs fool. "
Bpcoiid-CJnss Tickets
Via the Northern Pacific R. RM allow
the holders the privilege of stopping
ever at Spokane Falls , Wash. , and all
points west of thnre. The Northern
Pacific is the only line traversing
Washington Territory from oust to west
and north to south , llatcs from Omaha
and Council Bluffs to all points on the
North Pacific const are as low via the
Northern Pacific us any olhor Hue.
The LndloB nt Atlantic City Don't
Wear Muoh Elao.
Where Otto HiiNtmml Unit Ills Wlfo'a
Whole Untlilng Suit Mon nro
Very Scnrcn nnd In Uront
nentitjr Unadorned.
ATIANTIO CITT , August 8. [ Special to
Tun URB.J There Is a rush of visitors at
Atlantic this season that fairly dazes the
officials of this Mecca of health and picas-
uro-seckcrs. Between nine and ten thou
sand people wore emptied Into this popular
resort slnco Thursday of last xvcok. The
excitement and bustle Incident to such nn
extraordinary volume of travel precluded
the Dossibillty ot rest on the part of those
whoso duty it Is to handle nnd provide for
the comfort of this great thronp. The great
hotels nro all jammed to tholr utmost cninic-
ity , and the managers have never known amore
moro prosperous ycur. Last Sunday was n
wet day at the beach. There was an almost
continuous downpourlng of rain , and In such
torrents that even on the yielding sands of
the beach llttlo rivulets rushed down to
mingle with the salt waters of the sea.
The influx of visitors was very largo , and
the avenues and boulevards wore crowded
dcspito the mud and rain. The sun's rays
broke through the lowering clouds ut inter
vals , nnd gave rise to hopes of fair weather ,
which , however , were soon blasted. Unth-
tnir was generally Indulged In , the novelty of
n shower-bath from the heavens in conjunc
tion with a dip In the ocean proving nn Irro-
slstiblo nttrnctlon for the crowds which
thronged the pavilions.
The bath suits have never boon moro at-
tractlve.not only or their beauty but for the
Bright red nnd npplo green are the dcslrnblo
hues. I heard a lady ask her husband whcro
her suit was , and after fishing around in his
vest pocket for a few minutes ho produced
nn envelope , which ho handed to her. In a
very short time she appeared done up In a
pair of black stocKings , a red calico cap , und
a well a 1 think she might have taken
the rest from the envelope und as they
clasped hands nnd capered down the plank a
la "garden of Eden" 1 turned away and pro
duced my pocket mirror to see If I xvas
tanned , and turned my attention to those
who came later ,
Thcro Is said to bo nbout fifteen thousand
visitors at Atlantic now nnd the bench is
like a panorama of moving colors. Youth ,
beauty and intellect jostle each other as they
all strive to bo number one , and all seem
to bo joyous and happy , aud glad that they
came. The surf is magnificent , the weather
good , the hotels flrst-cluss , prices ditto , and
the amount of mgcnuitv exhibited In manu
facturing different machines for the enter
tainment of a confiding public , mid the finan
cial advancement of private Individuals If
exerted "inn moral way , " would redeem the
The plaintive wall that went up from hero
two or three weeks ago in reference to the
scarcity of women has been answered with
a vengeance. Now there are
They are scattered about as numerous as
the sauds of the sea. They are grouped
nbout In llttlo circles on the hotel porches ,
discussing "marriage. " "tho floods" nnd
"Cleopatra" In a way that Is humorous , If
not enlightening , crowdlDg the stand nt
bathing time , toppling ever each other in the
surf , and dancing together in the ball room ,
simply bjcauso they want to dunce , nud hnvo
no male applicants.
Sailing parties and straw-rides are given ,
with ton or a dozen pretty women and possi
bly only one man to escort the entire crowd.
lie doesn't have to think of nay Ing the bills
the women nro too glad to have the dear
crcnturo- any prico. So numerous uro
they that the Idea of anyone having a real ,
for an entlro day , is not to bo thought of I
They are of all stages of beauty and ago ,
some married , and many who desire to be ,
and most of them goo"d loouing. A young
lady of marriageable ago , who is being chap
eroned by her step-mnmmu , who is much
younger than herself.tiinidly inquired of mo :
"What is considered a marrying age ,
in your village ? " I Intimated
that the common idea , "out west , "
was to. marry whenever wo wanted to
and could most conveniently , but , I added ,
there are some people who have moro nr less
prudence about those little things , und some
even had so much that they never married.
The dresses hero are extremely pictur
esque , the reign of cottons and cambrics ,
foulards and printed do lains are in full
swing , while not a few effect the Jenness
Miller attire. I don't ' know whether Jenness
would like ) t or not , but they are fair dis
guises and will probubly not bo the attrac
tion long , as thcro are u large number of
"Delaware dandies" expected very soon , und
I have been tild. by those who are sup
posed to know , that they are rare specimens
that , in fact , it would bo no honor to wor
ship them.
This Is a great resort for the Philn-
dolphians. Postmaster General WanumaUer ,
accompanied by n son of Assistant Post
master Clarkson , favored this locality with a
day last week und spent last Sunduv at Capo
May Point. Mils. WINTIKLU S. STJUWN.
A Pointer Mr. W. n. Collins is a
Kansas City druggist who has made the
business a success and is now solo owner
of one of the finest drug stores in the
west and enjoys a largo patronage. Ho
says : "Not from a financial standpoint ,
but on its merits , I candidly and cheer
fully recommend Chamberlain's Colic ,
Cholera and Diarrhoaa Remedy. It is
one of the few preparations I have
found an extensive sale for solely on
their merits. "
) . DoardlnR f
UalorBanParUtnearCblcago ulles. } 'or _
catalogue addros O. Til A YEIl. U , . ] ) . ,
Morgan Park. III. , or T7 Madison Utreet , Chicago , 111.
Conservatory of Music
Minneapolis , Minn.
PIANO llest teachers only In every depart
ment. Unequalled opportunity for study.
OHQAN ij lessons for $10. 1'reo advantages
worth price of tuition. AU Inntiuments. Lan-
gunje , lllxtory. Literature.
VOICE Semi for calendar.
OIIAKL.U3 II , MOUSE. Director ,
MANL1U8. N. V.
Civil Knglucerltifr. Classics. IluxlnesR.
KT. HKV , K. I ) . IIUNTINOTON , I'reNident ,
' LT.Cor.W.VUHUKOK,8uporlntendunt.
Yfall-on-Hudson. Col. O , J. Wright , It , B , ,
A. M. . atipt. ; n. V. Hyatt , Coma.tot Cucleta.
. art. K. F. UiLuuc , 1'rlndual. f ksoilrll" ! . Ji
l , for Girls and Young Jjullcs
Sbortilduo MeJIu Academy , for llojraitnd YOUIIK Men
Swilliln C , StiogeAM ,
Media , Pennsylvania , near 1'tiiladolphio.
Conducted oy the Sinters of St. 1'ranclH. Opens
1U ultililli scholastic year bent 4 , lssl > . Tnis In-
stltutlon olfer * e\ery ailvuntiige for aniuirlnu a
tliorouuh , rlnIsUiiucluciUlon. ! I'or terms anil
partlculura ftddross , Sinter M Joiepuu , Super *
ponstipation ,
IF not remedied in scnion , la liable to
become habitual nnd chronic. Dras
tic purgatives , by weakening tbo bowels ,
confirm , rntlicr tlmn euro , thn evil.
Ayor's 1'llls , being inltd , effective , nnd
strengthening In their nctlun , nra generally -
ally recommended by the faculty as the
best ot niierlonta.
"Having been subject , for ycnra , to
constipation , without being nblo to lllul
much relief , I nt lost tried Aycr's I'llls.
I dunm It both a duty and pleasure
to testify tlmt I hnvo derived grunt ben
efit from their uio. For over two years
nast t hitvo taken one of thcao pills
every night before retiring. I would not
willingly bo without them. " U.V. .
llowtuuti , 20 East Mulu at. , Carlisle , 1'a.
"I hnvo l > ccn Inking Aycr's Pills nnil
using them In my fiunily since 1857 , mid
cheerfully recommend them to nil in
need of n .info but efToctiml cnthnrtic. "
John M. Uoggi , Louisville , Ky.
" For eight yours I wiw nflllctod with
confttlpntlon , which nt last booiuno so
bad tlmt the doctors could do no moro
for me. Then I liegnn to tnlto Aycr's
Pills , nnd soon the bowels recovered
their natural nnd rrgulnr notion , so tlmt
now I nm In nxccllont health. " S. Jj.
Loughhrldgo , Drynn , Tuxns.
" Itnvlni ; used Ayor' Pills , with good
results , I fully Indorse them for thn pnr-
poirs for which they nro recommended. "
T. Connors , M. U. , Contro llrldgrPa. .
Ayer's Pills ,
Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co. , Lowell , Macs ,
Bold by all TlnicRlnta and Dealer * In Medicine.
Chicago , Ells. 1 ClarkSti
Ibe Regular Old-Established
It still Treating with the Greatest
-SD.U-i | _ _
CMc , Nervous aud Private Diseases ,
Kf NERVOUS DEBILITY , Lott Manhood ,
Felling Memory , Exhnuttlnp Drains , Terrible
Dreams , Head and Back Acne and all the effect !
leading to curly dccuy and pet tups Consumption 01
Insanity , ( reeled cicntihOLlly by new methods with
aever-falliruT ruccru.
Kf SYPHILIS and ctlbad Blood and Skin Die.
cam permnnrntly cured.
43-KIDNEYaiid URINARYrampkinUGleet ,
Gonorrhoea , Strlctu re , Voricocele and all disease ]
of the Qcnlto-Uriaary Organi cured promptly without
Injury to Stomach , Kidneys or oOier Organs.
49 * No experiments. AEG and experience lm <
portent. ConiuKutlon free and aacred.
i > -Send 4 ctnts postage for Celebrated Works on
Chronic , Nervous nnd Delicate Diseases.
as-Those coitempUting Mauiaae send for Dr.
Clurke'n celebrated guide Male and Female , each
> ; cents , both 35 cents ( stamps ) . Consult the old
Doctor. A friendly letter or call may savefuturc iuuer-
Ing und shameand add colden \ ears to life. 3Dool (
"Lllc's ( Secret ) Erroru. " 50 nts ( stamps ) . MediclM
and writings sent c\erywhrre , secure from cxpoeure.
Hours , 8 to 8. Sundays 9 to 11. Address
Boots and Shoos.
Successors to Ilccd , Jones & Co.
Wholesale Manufacturers of Biots & Shoes
Auculi for Iloston HubbcrSlioo Co. , 11(12. ( 1101 and 1101
llnrner titrect , omaliu , Nebraska.
Lager Beer Brewers ,
l&Tl North Eighteenth streetOmaha , Neb.
Mannf-cturers of Galvanized Iron Cornice
Window-cups and mctultcskylights. John HpencKr ,
proprietor. Its and lubouth lUth atieot.
Paper Boxoa.
Proprietor Omalia Paper Box Factory ,
Nos. 1.117 and 1319 Douglas afreet , Omaha , Neb.
Sash , Doors , Eto.
Wholetmlo manufacturers of
Sasn , Doors , Blinds ani Mouldings ,
Branch office , 12th nad Izard streets , Omiiha. Neb.
Manufacturers of San ? , Doors , Blinds ,
Mouldlnas.atalr-work and Inlorlor linrdoodOnlsli. .
13&-U North loth street , Uinitha , Nob.
Steam Fittings , Pumps , Eto.
' Pumps , Pipes and Engines ,
Btvam , water , railway nnd mlnlnic supplies , etc.
K5J , U22 and VU r'anmru street , Omaha.
Steam and Water Snpplie's ,
Untlllar irlnd mills , 018 nnd DM Jones it , , Oinaha.
U. F. Uosi , Acting Manager.
Engines , Boilers anil General Machinery ,
Bueot-lron work , steam pumps , saw mills. 12IJM2U
J-uavcnnortli it rout , Omaha.
Iron Works.
Wrought and Cast Iron Building Work ,
Entities. Drass work , general foundry , machine and
blackunltb work. Oftlce nnd works , V. 1 * . Ujr.
and 17th street , Omaha.
Manufacturers of Wire andiron Railing
Desk rails , window guards , flower sUndu , wire slgas ,
etc. 12J Nuriu lull street , Omaha.
Manf'rs ' of Fire and Burglar [ roof Safes ,
Vaults , Jail work , Iron ( nutters and nro escapes.
U. Amfreon , prup'r. Comer lull and Jackson au.
Of South Omaha , Limited ,
D.blll.l |
' . 'a.e.ljv0"- ' " " ! 01
, . , til .e.t | , .l.tor.
Us * * UJU to lU.llh 4 floral * Blrinilk. klMtrla
Centalix v i".Tl " > it piiLr rwefuiill5OOOIutilk.
BH-Ti.dlTi.r.orjloupltn. uaup. Wcrituitipcr.
fe > mallrcuri llull.r a.oiitti. Bctl 4 | < * uiJhUl4e. Uiiip.
fc ! Impiomonte.
on unomLiutKB ( t ,
Dsalcriu Agricultural Implements , Wagon ?
CatrUgciamlbuRBtpi. Jonon Mrrt , between Bib nut
lliib , onmhii , NebnuLn.
Agricnin Implements , Wanons , Carrlagei
trw Wliolctalo. Onmhn , Ncbraika.
Aerlcall'l ' Implements , Wagons & Bnzeioi
Ml. ftt ) , ft nd OT Jonci itrftt. Om li . _
M OL1 UK , M II , 11 UHN A STODUA11D CO. ,
iunufftclurer * * nd Jobver In
Wasons , Buggies Rake ? , Plows , Etc.
Cor. Oth find 1'ACino itrcett , Onmtin.
Artists' Motorlnla.
A. IWi > l > K , Jr. ,
Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs ,
1511 roublnsilrcot , Omnhft , Nebraska.
Boots and Shoos.
ir. V. MOUSE A CO. ,
Jobbers of Boots and S'iocs ,
1101,1103 , HUiDoURln * Mrect , Oninha. Manufactory
Summer itruot , Ikuioii.
Con I , Coh o on id
Joliters of IM ani Sft ) Coal
i 13th ttr.ct , Omnlm. Nabrmka.
Strippers of Coal and Coke ,
311 Soulh llth II. , Omnlm , Nub.
Wliolcsals Liuulier , Etc ,
Imported nnd American 1'orl'iiri"cincnt. ! . Slat *
ngeiil fur Mllwnukoo lurtnui Iciaiueat nnd
( julrur fftuto lime.
( JUAS It. LEV ,
Dialer in Halwccil Lumber , '
Wood cnrpeta ami imrqurt lloor.iiu. fill anJ Douglai
etieits , uniiilm , Nib.
All Kinds of Building Material at Wholesale
IStli street and Union I'nclllc track , Onialia.
Daler : in Lumber , Lath , Lin Sasli ,
Doon , Etc. Vnrila Corner Till and Douglas.OtHc '
Comer lltli and Uoualaa.
Fmv. ir. o/i r.
Luinbc ; Linp , Cement , Etc.Etc , ,
Corner Vtli anil | ) OUKIX ! > > t > . , Omaha.
f1. A' . DIETZ ,
Dealer in All Kinds of Lnmlier ,
13th nnd California ttrccH.Oninlm , Nebraska.
MMMnoryorid _ Nptlontj.
I. OliEnFELDER & CO. ,
Importers & Jobbers in M ! linery & Noliins
_ HH ilOamiaiihoiilli lltli street.
_ Notions. _
J. 7' . ROBINSON KO'llON CO. ,
Wholesale nations and Furjisliiiig Goods ,
1121 lliinioy Street. Onmlia.
Stone and Omission Merchants ,
Spaclultlcs-HnttiT , fens , chroo. poultry , cam * .
1112 Hoiruril Btrcut , Uumliii , Ncl ) .
Jf. E. SMITH A CO. ,
Dry Goods , Famishing Goads and Notions
1103 nnd I10J Donglaa. cor , lltli itrcot , Omnlia.Neb.
Importers & Jolte in Dry Goods , Notions
Ucnfs furnlshlni ; coal' . Corner lltli and Uarney
trei't9Umubn , NoUruskt ,
Importers nnd jo on of
Wcolens and Tailors' ' T ; minings ,
_ 3l7tioutll lith _
. --ZH JFurnlturo. " _ _
DEl\'EYr& S'l6"ifE
\ & ,
Wholesale Dealers in Furniture ,
Farnam street , Omnlm , Ncbrntka ,
Fnrniturs ,
Omnun , Noliratka. _
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
T05,7U7 , 70) nud 711 Houth 10th itOmalia , Kob.
Wholesale Grocers ,
llth and J.o.ivonnortli atrocti , Omaha , Nebraska.
Hardware ;
ir. J. BROA'ICIT ,
Heavy Wwe , Iron and Steel ,
Bprlnk'i , wnKiin itock , bardwAM , luinbur , cto. 1901
_ and 1211 llarner elrcet , Uraulia.
TT. J.
HeaTy HirdYfare , Iron and Steel ,
Wholesa'e Haidwo , Cutlery , Tin Plate ,
Metali , Kliccl Iron , etc. Atfnts for Itowd ( calea ,
illaiul pumler and Lyinan barbed vita.
Bnilders' ' Hardware and Scale Repair Shop
Mechanic * ' tool and HulTalo scalei. HUO Dougla *
ireut , Omaha , Nob. _
Toys , Eto.
Jobber ! of
Toys , Dolls , Aim , Fancy Good ? ,
Hcu frtnlihhiic goods , children's larrla cs , 1201
I strvut , Umahu , I\eu. _ _
Wholesale Refined and Lubricating Oils ,
Alia grease , etc. , Omnba. A. II. Ui > liQ | ' . Manage
Wholesale Paper D3 lers ,
Carrr n nice mock of prlntlnv , wrapping anil writ's ' *
paper , tlpeclal attention Kit en In card paper.
Nos , 303-4O4-I7O-6O4.
Hull C'lus * Dliiiiuinil llraiul.
V $ ThionlJ l ll ll llll fen l . hufeln *
It ) lute , I.H < lli > . u > L 1'ritKlclit f r Ilii IJItt ,
miinil llriindl > i ml 1'n mlliiUiiii.iraW
nil ) , MuHtte t 'IVLDUuittlifr. 8eu(14n (
( lUini ) for I'lTllculin ' ftnd ' 'ItilUrrul
- I I.mlli * , " ' I' ! " ' , b/uihll. AoVp \
> ln ClilH.U-ul C. . . illMll-OHOq. , 1'lilludu ,
M iut | , , - .
rtj troif- errors or
tfft d H SH B HJ ' w" " .IU" Ud i" . 'i vm.T u
W H flVO P ft l' rf ctlv rfcolnij l > y the iicw
H H 5 IS i E PE3LON - DUPrte Method.
JL * K Kml lor uuriitnllluiirnlca ' OuliIiTa
K2 & 'c3 f Hl1) Ilfillli. " Al olill ncrtcr. VurlCO"
celo Cbrnl without pain proptrstlon. Aduitis
Uoslon-Uupro CPnlaue , M Tiemoul bu , llttUsi ,