Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 12, 1889, Page 2, Image 2

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    THE OM&H& . 'DAILY BEOS : MONDAY , ATTOTST'0.2 , 1880.
Ho Was Solzod With nn Attack of
a on oral Inability ,
WlilnhVin Administered ny tlio
Brewers In tlio Shnpo of Singles ,
ngRors and Homer *
in lilfoornl Doaoa.
Standing of tlio Club * .
Following is the standing of the Western
association clubs up to and including
ycstordnj's gnmos :
I'or Ct.
Omaha 81 .079
St. Paul . ( VIO
Minneapolis..83 , G37
Sioux Cltv 79
St. Joseph 70 M7
Denver 80 .403
Milwaukee 79 .893
DcsMomos..77 .377
nillwnukcn l.'J , Oinnlin. O.
There wcs a tremendous crowd at the ball
park yesterday afternoon probably forty-
flvo hundred peoplo. Some authorities esti
mated the attendance at oven a higher
figure , and claim that it was the biggest
crowd of the season.
At any rate , it was the sort of nn audlonco
that caused tlm directors' faces to look like a
row of full moons , while Soloo well , the
smllo ho were wont twice 'round his neck
nnd a good ways down his back.
But there is nothing that succeeds like
success , Is tliorot
Even the lurruupmg that the "Kid" received -
coived wasn't anywhere near suQlclontto
disturb the management's pleasure , and they
never dropped a ball moro contentedly than
they aid yesterday.
But to go back to the "Kid. " My , oh my ,
bow these lusty Wisconsin lumbermen did
paste him. It was biff I crack 1 smash I bang I
from start to finish , nnd the Whlto Sox ro-
Bomblcd n lot of school boys playing tag as
they chased tbo erratic sphere ever the
evTcct-Bcontcd clover.
Hut Nick was sick , and that fact covers a
multitude of singles. two-Bac < cors and hem
ers. Ho didn't say bo was sick , but ho was ,
oil tbo same ; ho was seized with a bad at
tack of general inability In the first inning
ord never recovered throughout the battle.
13ut Clarksou , ICoofo und other celebrated
twisters have been smashed Just as hard at
times , nnd why not Nick ) They must all
take their inedicino once in a while , espe
cially when they are sick.
The gumo opened up all right , and the vast
crowd settled themselves In comfortable po
sitions to watch their outs trample old man
Button's people Into the earth.
After Snapper Nava hud been thrown out
at first by Undo Ezra , nnd the ox-president
retired on a long lly to Sllch , Jakuy Strauss
knocked out a single. Ho stole second , in
spite of the burly Iluiley's accurate throw ,
and galloped homo on Crooks' corking two-
Backer , followed by the latter a moment later
on an error by Mr. Knouff. Walsh was
thrown out by Shock.
That was all all right for an oponor.
, The visitors' Pooriunn Hied out to Coonoy.
Thou Button , who must really bo 1,000 years
old , canio up to the plate , and wielding his
telephone polo ho hit Mr. Nichols a rap that
startled him. Ho made second on it. Frank
Morrlssey's brother then cauio along
and duplicated this exploit , and of
course the oldest Inhabitant uamo
homo. Cleveland's ' error lot the
big Parisian to third , and ho , too , ambled
across the plate on tlio ex-senator's single.
Things were coming pretty warm , and
everybody said : "Why , what's the matter
with the Kidl'i
liy way of an exegesis , Mr. Lowe smashed
out a clean homo run , and the spectators
groaned aloud.
They endeavored to palm this ebullition off
on Luwe for a burst ot applause , but Lowe
Knows a groan when bo sees ono as quick as
the hex tone.
Sllch kept up'tho 'fusllado with a single to
right. Ho purloined the next sack , while
Alberts got his base on four ivido ones. 3. hey
were both loft , however , as Hurloy wuftod.
The second was a blank for the Whlto Sox ,
but it was the capital prize for the Mllwuu-
And after two men were out at that.
KuoufT began the innings by striking out ,
and Poorman was retired by a fine throw of
Walsh's. Then that man who helped build
the pyramid of Cheeps made his second hit ,
a sin pie , and Mnmssavdld llkcso. Andrews ,
just for a change , made a blunder then , al
lowing Shock his base , and the bags were all
The grand stand was as silent as death It
always is.
Mr. Lowe stepped up as full of confidence
us Al Hnyman is of chestnuts , and the first
ball Nick lot fly at him ho cauKht square on
the smeller , and when the smoke cleared
away Lowe was the only man oa a ease , and
ho was on second.
All the rest of tbo Brewers had crossed
the rubber. ,
The spectators had to recognize this clover
work and a llttlo bit ot a pappooso sort of a
\varwhoop wont up.
Little Silch , however , made them yell out
loud , for ho smashed out u clean homo run ,
and that with llvo tallies In.
And yet the fun wasn't over.
Alberts , for the second time , took his base
on balls , and then thu Kid , to the surprise of
Ins hundreds of friends , sent Hurloy there
too. On Kuouff's single the ilrst named got
bomo , but Knouff was loft on Poorman's
eoooud out in the innings.
Hut the lumbermen had six runs , giving
them a total of nine. Just the number tlio
" \Vnito Sox got hi the whole game.
But haven't you enough of these harrowIng -
Ing details } Lot it suffice to know that the
visitors won the game n on It easily )
The O in ah as made another run in tha
third , ono In the fifth and thrco in the sixth ,
the latter being scored on the Kid's homo
run drive over the loft field fence.
Thlsstroko netted him several shekels
from the millionaires in the grand stand , as
well as a roar of applause.
Ono off gnmo for Nichols won't affect his
populailty a particlo. Everybody knows that
no U ono of the twining pitchers in tha coun
try.Cleveland's ' homer in the eighth also
brought lit Can a van. and that completed the
homo team's scoring , giving them u total
of 9.
But the lumbermen did not lot up with the
second Inning , but tallied again in the fifth ,
the BU von til and eighth , giving them a total
of 13 , and u well won victory.
The score follows :
Milwaukee 3
Kuna earned MlhvnuUco 8 , Omaha 2.
Two-base hits Crooks 3 , Cleveland 1 , Sut
ton 1 , Morrlsey 3. Uo\yo i.
Homo runs Nichols 1 , Cleveland 1 , Iowc
1 , ICuoulT 1 , Sllch 1.
Double play Mlhvaukoo 1 ,
Buses on called bulU Oil Nichols 4 , of )
ICuouff C ,
Struck out By Nichols 4 , by luiouff 1.
Time of game 3 hoar * .
Notes 011 the Qiinio.
NichoU surprised hltnsalf yesUriln }
smashing the ball ever the fence with two
men on bases.
Yesterday was nn off day for Nichols , but
the best ot thorn expect this.
Cleveland did some clover sticking nton-
portuna times In yesterday's gnmo.
It will bo observed that Sam Morton is
still secretary of tbo Western association ,
despite the efforts of Quln , Mncullar ct al.
to have him ousted ,
AndrOws received n check yesterday from
Jeff W. Bedford for hitting his right Hold
sign In n game last Week. No player has
ever hit these signs but what ho has boon
promptly compensated !
St. Pnnl 7 , Sr. Joseph G.
ST. Josnrn , August It. St. Joseph lost
the game in the fifth on errors of Ardnor
and Cnrtwrlght. They tlod the score In tbo
seventh , nnd Itcllly's homo run in the tenth
with Hnwcs1 second , gave U to the visi
tors. Score :
8T. JOSEPH. * i ST.
T. h. o. n. ol . h. o. B. .
Mclarr,1b..l 0 J 8 . J. j HI 1 , 0 - . 0
' [ "rt"'f . 999 1 0 Murphy , of . . . . I 1 1 U u
KrlVff.'lf 0 200 Ollclllr.'lb 2 } 1 1 1
Artner.Zb 0 1 S 1 t Wcrrlck.Zb. . . . " 1 340
_ . . . . . . 0 IS 2 I Carroll , rf. . 0 0 it 0 0 1 II 0 0 Fiirrapr.lf..O 0100
Iurku4B9.i.0 ! 004 0 llrr > iiBhtoi,6..n 1300
chollh soo..a 088 OMeekin.P . 0 0110
uorllnp..0 U 1 2 0 Miller , > 3 . 2 0381
Totiil A 023 10 4 Totiill
One man out wlion winning mm ncto mndo.
HV t
St. Joii-uli. .1 5
St. I'nul , .1 0 1 U .1 0 0 0 0 J7
ICarnrd run -SL Jovpti 2. SU Pant 3. Two-lmno
hit'-rurlls. Worrlck. Homo runn-llollly. HrHcm
imlln-UiT Dovlln I , nTMpokln.l. lilt by pitcher
( lirlls. Mriirk nut dull' . Ardncr , llciwo * . Wcrrlck
2 , Cnrroll'J. Ktcokln i. xillor. Stolen bn ci-Mlller.
lloHtilo plny-Cnrtwrlnut to Anlnnr. Timed ball
.siiulllmMO. Tlrau of iwio 2 hours , llnuilro Mo-
Dcnuott ,
Sioux Olty 4 , Minneapolis ! J.
Sioux CITV , In. , August 11. The Corn
Buskers wore given thrco runs in to-day's
gamo. The visitors earned their runs by
bunching hits. Score :
r. h. o. . o r. h. o. a.
Cllne , rf. . n I n u o Drlncliol , If 2 2 U 0 o
( Itenn. . . _ . . . I 1 0 2Mlllcr..1b U 1 1 'I 1
Powell , Ib 0 213 2 0 0 1100
llrn. < nnn.b..l 1 1 1 OlIeiiKlc.Zb 0 0 2 .1 o 0 030 0 Mlnnclmn. lb..O n 15 0 1
IlrndleTjsib 1 110 0 Morrl > nnp&r.U 0010
llunllck , p..1,1 1 1 a 0 llnnralinn , i..U U 1 3 0
Mnrphr. c 0 0 T 1 n Diiku , rf A p.,0 1 1 B U
liovren , § J. . . . . 1 U 1JJ IJnntzcn. o " 1J 4JJ | |
Totali 7 Trial ! Tot l "j 112718 2
RlouxCltr i 0 20200000 1
. . . U U1UIOOOO-3
Karnocl runs Minneapolis 3. Two base hits Pow
ell. Three base liltn SIHIiT. Htolon bn c Hluur
City 3 , Mlnncnpolls 2. Double play -lurdlck to
Powell to Murphy. Hrstlmsoon bulh-SloazOlty 1U ,
Minneapolis I. Illtby iiltched bnll llrosnun. Mruck
out lly llnrdlck , 7 | by Morrison 2i by nuke , 3.
1'nMcrt balls Murpby X J iit'oaU : lluio 2 U. urn *
plru llursU
The loiivrr-U"H Alolnos Games.
DENVEH , August 11. Denver and Dos
Moincs completed their present series to-day ,
the home team winning all three games. The
feature of the two games to-day was the
heavy batting of both clubs , in which the
homo team excelled. Score :
rmsT OAMB.
DKj MOt.XrS.
r. li o. a. e r. b. o. A. o
Dnlrymple , K..2 2 1 2 0 Patton , ! b 0 ' "SO
McClell n.2b.'J 0 1 S I ) Majkroy.lf 0 1 1 1
Troilvray , r ( . . .1 100 O.Connell. . Jb 1 2a4 1 0
Klrby.b ! 2 I .1 J 3 Hmllli , Ib 1 } 11 2 U
White. ii > 2 2311 Cody , o 1 2200
Denver I 0013100 .1-10
Dea.Molnea U J1U10010-0
aKarnoil runs Denver 7 , I'm MolnosZ. Tnro-bnso
.ilts-Dolan X. Whlto , Howe , Cody. Tliroo-baso lilts
Dulrymplo , bnituii. Home runs Kennedy , litres
nloU'ii Denver 7. Double ulnys Itoiro to Wlilto ,
Trullley to Smith to I'nnnoll. Basm on bivltn-OIt
t Ennil.oir Victor. ' . . Hltby Imll-Klrby. Struck out
lly l K n7. by Victor , . rimed Imlls-nolin I.
Coily4Mlil pitches Victor 4. llnlk Victor 1. Left
onbs-tcn DonverJ , DOS MotnesD. Tlmo 2 US. Um
pire llrlody. '
Karnod nina Ilonror 11 , Dos Slolnei ? . Two-bmo
. .Its TwIiioliam.Hinltli. 'Jhrcelmso lilts Treailvray ,
Tumor. Conned , lBlr > nipl " Howe , Muskroy. Homo
runs Treuilnay 2 , HmTc , Tumor. Hnirti stolen Denver -
vor 7 , DCS Molnoi2. Double pluyi Tratllty to I'm ton
tn Hiullli. llosot nn Imlls OH Minrus S , on" Kennedy 5.
Umpire llrlody.
America.u Assootatlnn.
CINCINNATI , August 11. Kc'sult of to-day's
game :
Cincinnati 0 3
llaltimoro 1 OOP 03000 4
LOUISVILLE , August 11. Ilosult of to-day's
came :
Louisville 0 3
Athletics 0 013 2 0 JJ 4 * 12
KANSAS Crrr , August 11. Ucsult of to
day's game :
Kansas City . . . ,0 ! 0
Columbus 0 0000001 8 4
ST. Louis , August 11. Result of to-day's
game :
St. Louis 0 0411105 2 14
Brooklyn 4
Aiimtour Guinea.
At Lake Manawa yesterday afternoon the
City Steams defeated the Butchers by a
score of 23 to 3. The City Steams played an
errorless ( game , Copeland , their pitcher ,
striking out ten men.
Sr. PAOI , , Nab. , August 11. [ Special Telegram -
ogram to TUB BKB. ] The Fairdales and
"J'ha Kids1' ' of this place played a game of
ball hero to-day , which rcsultod In a victory
for the latter by a scora of 18 to 2.
Misiouni VALIBT , Ia. , August 11. [ Spec
ial Telegram to TIIK BEE. | The game played
hero this afternoon between the homo team
nnd a picked uino from Council Blults re
sulted In a score ( if 19 to 0 in favor of Mis
souri Valley. St. Paul plays with the Val
ley club Thursday.
OIIAND ITLAND , Nob. , August 11. [ Special
Telegram to TUB BKB.J Grand Island de
feated McCcolc this afternoon by u score of I
to 7.
COLUMHUS , Neb. , August 11. [ Special Tel
egram to TUB BEK.I Suward and Colum
bus played a game of ball this afternoon at
tlio fair grounds , which resulted in a score
ptSto'Jin favorof Reward. ,
I/out At the Hall Park.
A suitable reward will bo paid to any ono
returning to TUB BKB office the silver *
beaded , cherry cano left in the reporters'
box at the ball park yesterday afternoon.
Tlio Mlniura To-Day ,
Sam Morton's Minneapolis team will bo
hero thinnornlng for a game at tha loca
park this afternoon , to-morrow and Wednes
day. The Minnies uro playing a brilliant
game , and tha White Sox will have their
hands full to down them. They are rapidly
gaining on tha loaders , and are not out of the
racu yet by a long ways. Burdick , tbo olc
Oinuhu pitcher , Is now with them and wll
probably ba put In the box this afternoon
Old Joe Millar is one of tha crowd too , am
ha is putting uu a llaa all-round game
Ileddy llanranan , Foster , Minnehanand al
the old plnyoru will be on duck and gtva tlio
locals the hottest they have ID the box ,
The Cricket Game ,
OUAH * , August 11. To Uio Sporting Edl
tor of TUB BBB : Ia Sunday's HEE there is a
detailed account of a cricket match between
the All Saints and Trinity cathedral clubs
Kindly Inform thu publlo that euch a mutch
never tooK place. The team supposed to
' Trinity on Saturday only con
talnoA thrco Trinity * mcn nnrt they tilnyod
on the distinct understanding ( lintzit , vrns a
scratch gnmo between All Saints nnd any
team who chose to proscnUtsolf.
P. E. Sunn.
Itemnrknblo LotiRovlir of n Itcd Bird
In Council lllufT-i. ,
H. P. Wnrron , of Council IHufTsVlin * had
n red bird In Ills family since 1870. Tno pot
died last week , having roacbod tlio romarka-
jlo ngo of twenty years " at least. Hod birds
are generally supposed" bp shqrtor hvod
, han this , nnd especially whoil confined.
They are qulto apt to dro6p and dlaoarly ,
nnd resist all attempts to tame
, hem , or mnko them cooforiA to the
habits of n roofed homo. This particular
red bird not only filled out InaJull ncoro of
vcars , but was remarkably tamo- For years
10 * had been allowed tlio frcmlom of the
louse , bin cage door bolng loft open'for him
to come nnd go at will. Thor.only caution
necessary was to covoc tha mirrors In the
rooms where ho was Hying about.Ho never
seemed to catch the true- Idea of
a mirror , nnd would fly against
ono with such for'co"ns to
loopardbo his nock. Strangely 'enough , ho
accommodated himself to the u BOS of window
glass , and tried no such foolish experiments
on that. Tlio pot dlod of. old ago. Iti In
firmities began to show themselves a year or
more ngo. The bird's claws grow so long as
to Interfere with his locomotion. Ho began
lo show signs of rheumatism and of'.asthtna.
Wheezy nnd awkward , hoBcamod > to roallza
Ills situntion , and although thp door of his
cuge was loft , open ho declined to go' out for
his usual lly-nbouts. His feebleness was
moro apparent at night , when asleep. Ho
would tumble out of bed , or comooff the
perch. " Larger porches Imd to bo de
vised , nnd nt last a broad , flat ono
was put in his cage. Ho grow
too feeble to occupy this with nuy degree of
certainty , nnd nt last took up his lodgings .in
the bottom of the cage. There ho wna found
( tend the other morning. > Hls pot companion
was n canary bird , which occupied. " a cage by. The two were great friends ,
and during the six years past they
bavo exchanged songs so often that the
canary has adopted some of the best notes of
the red blrc1. The canary seems to miss his
cardinal companion , nnd each morning tries
to arouse him by the peculiar whistle which
so often characterizes the daylight 'song of
the red bird. Ho evidently wonders that
there comes no response from the empty
A Bold Boy In Blue Hung In Flvo Oltl-
zons an Susboots. "
Another awkward blunder by n.p'ollco offi
cer Is recorded. About 10 o'clocic"Saturday
evening Gcorgo Somarindyck , n compositor
on tbeKopubllcan , with a young man nnmod
Porter , foreman in a steam laundry , together
with three ether gontlcmon , stepped Into a
llttlo saloon on Capitol nvoriuo I ? " drink n
glass of beer before separating for the night
As they started out an officer said ho1 guessed
they were his property , and despite their pro
testations run the whole party in ns suspi
cious characters. Some hours later Somor-
ndyck and Porter were bailed out by their
friends , but the ether unfortunates wera
compelled to lay in jail all nicht .All were
respectable citizens , and ono man hod 151 In
his pocket. _
A Notorious Thief Arrested.
Ed Rowley , six foot two inches tall , weight
about 225 pounds , nud ono of the most dar
ing housc-broauors In the west , was lodged
in the city ] all last night for safe konplng.
Itowley's crime was breaking into a house ,
binding and gagging a whole famlly.nnd then
ftrcing the head of to furnish the
combination to his safe , which was rilled.
The arrest was made m an interior Ne
braska toun. Rowley will bo arraigned before -
fore Judge Berlin at 8 o'clacjrthis morning.
A Noted Fhyslcinn Seriously 111.
Dr. Boynton , ono of the physicians m at
tendance upon the late , President , , , Garllold
during the last weeks preceding the lattor's
tragic death , is at the Paxton hotel. Ho was
too ill to bo interviewed last evening , but it
is learned from another sourca that owing to
his illness the pastor of the First Christian
church called to attend tha doctor yesterday.
The affliction Is not considered serious.
A Deputy Marshal Assns'sdiatod.
CHABLEBTOH , W. Va. , August 11. The
authorities bore have received word that
Deputy United States Marshal James A.
Hager was shot ana fatally wounded b'y nm-
bushed assassins yesterday. Hager was but
recently appointed by United Suites Marshal
White , and had gene to his homo in Wyo
ming county to raako arrangements bc
fore proceeding to buslnessT "Yester
day morning ho loft tbe."houso about
5:30 : o'clock to go to his barn , to 10,0k
after the horses. Ho performed the work
a nd was on his way back to the house when
ho was fired nt eight or ton times by persons
in ambush nnd twice wounded. Ono ball
took effect in the thigh , nnd the-othor In the
scrotum. linger ran towards the house and
just as ho reached it another ball struck
him In the left shoulder , .ranging down
through the body to the stomach. Ho fell ,
but again managed to get on'his feet and
entered tbo housewhere ho took up his rifle ,
but foil , and when found was unconscious.
There is no clue to the assassins. -
Joseph Starts For Berlin To-Night.
VIENNA , August 11. Emperor Francis
Joseph will depart for Berlin on Monday
night. Ha will bo accompanied Jiy Count
Kalnokv. Archduke Francis will Jain him
at Prague. At Palnitz the emperprwill pay
n brief visit to the king of S.axopy. The
party will reach Berlin at 5 p. m. on Tues-
SalvntlonlwiH Arrested.
ST. PABI. , , Minn. , August Thlrty-flvo
members of the Salvation Army whllo hold
ing n mooting thW evening at the corner of
Seventh and Wabash streets , we're arrested
by the police on an order of Mayor Smith , to
whom complaint nad been made of thu noise
made by the Salvationists. Two years nito
the army was run in , and lu.thq legal .light
that ensued \vere.victorlouB.
- , * \ > >
A rostoincn Pilferer Arrcstorl ,
CniCAao , August 11. John A. Davis , as
sistant engineer at the Chicago postofflco ,
was arrested to-night in the act of stealing a
decoy package of wail. His pilferings bavo
been long continued , aggregating thousands
of dollars. , .
Hon. Fossendan Kecovorlng.
CtPit MAY , August 11. Hon. Samuel Fos-
sondon , who had his right thigh fractured
while fishing off Chlacotoaguo , Va. , on Fri
day last m company with Senator Quay and
others , is rapidly improving at the Ht 60 It ton
hotel hero. The severe pains have loft him.
Wnnts a Subsidy. ' .
BHUSSBLS , August 11. The Congo state
will ask the Belgian government for an an
nual subsidy of 00,000 for ten yoara to in
sure the continuance of the Conga railway.
Tlio capital for tbo railway has boon so-
An American Victory.
AMSTERDAM , August 11. At UiP interna
tional races hero Colonel Wood , bolpnging to
Mr. Tilucphoo , of Now York , won 'tho Prix
du Snort club and the Prix du Comto Car-
tier. - v
Itunndlttu Galrulo Burled ,
RAPIDS , August 11 , The funeral of the
lata statesman Benodltto Qalrolo took place
hero to-day with great pomp. - " i
The discussion confaoquont upon the
increase ot leprosy In the east loads to
curious conflicts of opinion regarding
its cnuso. Ono authority declares it to
bo beyond question the result of a hoi
and damp ell ma to ; another Bays that it
comoB from bathing whoa in u stata ol
porspiraUon ; a third from sitting in a
draught ; a fourth says that it U here
ditary ; a llfth says that it is coutaglous ,
and BO is caught like a mall -pox or scarlet -
lot fever : and another accepts the ban-
time nt ol the Jews , and assorts a bolioi
in its being a punishment far-siu.
tl ir ; .
tTroTMasoullno Sox.
llJllOl _
in ini
101 lj I
Mnrlnn Mrfnttrn , Fanny Itlor , liolo
Fuller , nin. fo'.Jnnsen ' nnd V'crnnim
JnrbctttlftVccly Discuss the
Criticisms From Iho Foot'-LilKhts.
Thcro uro up longer "lords of crea
tion" in the generally Accepted eonso.
Anothar generation 1ms rlson sluco the
nhrnso was pdnnou1 , , nndYomon have
Lakon u bund "ut conniving , with the
result of giving them a Inrgo of
Hscondnnoy in worldly nfTuirs. To
ascertain in wlmt light man Is regarded
by the petted favorites of the footlights ,
in whoso eyes ovdh the most sublimely
egotistical"mombpr of the stronger BOX
yearns to appear tit his host , a Now
York World reporter called on aomo of
the most popular comediennes and so-
cui'od tliolr viows'on ' this subject. The
widely dlvergenUoplnlons , with roaBons
for the same , hold by ono or two of the
ladies should furnish these Interested
in the social emancipation of woman
with food for thought.
"Man Is easily the superior , " said
Marlon Manola , ' 'physically and
mentally. Only great things can turn
the current of his llfo , whether It comes
in tno form of mental ailliction or mus
cular force , while woman is turned by a
straw. A word spoken in haste will
often influence her entire life. His
strength is woman's pride and his
power or influence over her , for good
or evil , are immeasurably greater than
they themselves know or women like to
admit. The workings of his brain may
not bo as active as the woman's , on the
principle , probably , that as itis a greater
body H moves wiyi loss rapidity , and in
the matter of 'intrigue she may over
match him , yet In the allalra of ordi
nary lifo , tlio broad and butter of existence -
istonco , his npwors of reasoning are
safer , By this I do not moan that
woman is incompetent in judgment of
business affairs : on the contrary , I
think that woman is possessed of a
sense of intuition which , wore she con
sulted in the matters men frequently
believe she knows nothing of , would be
conducive to gronlfcr harmony In the
domestic circle nnd pladitho wife on an
e qui\l footing ; in the matters which
pertain to subsistence.
"Men assum&i too much in the treat
ment of womea * particularly wives ;
they Irequontly * fool that she knows
nothing , and -they keep her in u state
of ignorance , whereas , wore she con
sulted just a little and given an under
standing of pecuniary matters , many an
unknown extravagance could bo
chocked and ajsaVing take its place.
"Men are i 'n uontly insincere and
indulge in llaj.itjrjng attentions towards
the gentler 80 : lr ) terms of endearment
that are displeasing. I have often
wondered if they ) indulged in that sort
of thing bochnsa they felt women ex
pected it of thorh or because they en
joyed it for tlld'v'oason they did a cigar.
A woman is touched by the sincere ad
miration of a man aho respects , yet she
might not foel'a ' particle of what might
bo termed UtKictidn for the admirer. A
.little thing , 'a ffo'vvqi'Idn offering of fruit
'or aiiy other' lltllo' trifle from such an
admirer is dearer to 'the woman's heart
than the modesty of the little attention
would seem to suggest. "
"Yes,5 * said Fanny Bice , "in almost
every particular man is superior. Phy
sically , we all acknowledge. Mentally ,
to the extent of being loss disturbed by
trifles , owing principally to Ills educa
tion that begins at homo when mothers
teach little sisters to loan upon brothers
for protection , ana later in life , when
wives are troubled with the minor
cares of the household , the polishing of
paiib or the dusting of furniture , the
darning of a sock or the ironing of a
frock , she assumes man stands between
her and the buffets of tlio outer world ,
a bulwark protecting her happiness and
that of these she loves best. While
in tbo matters of fineness and
mental developments as applied
to the arts man is not ad
vanced beyond woman , yet she loves to
look upon him as a tower of strength to
which she may always cling with per
fect safety. In the matters of personal
comfort or pleasures in which woman
forms a necohsary part , ho is entirely
soltlsh , always solicitous for the woman ,
and I believe it an excellent nlan to
seem a little dependent , make him fool
that you believe . . .him to bo possessed
of superior strength. It doesn't hurt
us and it gives them an importance that
does not exiond beyond the domestic
circle , but has a wonderful effect upon
the happiness of the llrosido.
"When L see marital unhuppiness
among my friends in private lifo it ia
seldom the fault of the man. Ho Is a
boar , of course , but some people make
pots of bears , and why not exorcise an
equal patient Ingenuity in the manage
ment of a roan ? Study his nature , cater
to his likes and avoid his dislikes. '
Should ho IcavQ the house in a frightful
temper , moot him on his return in your
happiest mood , your most becoming
dress and the nicest Jittlo spread that
your ingenuity can devise , and when
you fail to.roach him through the heart
you can cusily touch his sensibilities
through the stomach , and wlmt docs nil
this trouble cost compared to the happi
ness it securest1 Men nro naturally
strong , liberal , chivalrous and solicitous
for the welfares "Of" those they love , and
to keep BO ' "Wiuirea nn attention
from the wlfei'timt nothing but a
strong affection i ftan engender and a
sincere and earnest love make con
stant , Too mUuh4mportance cannot bo
placed upon the > appearance of the wife
above the houwmn the mutter of ar
ranging her hnSr'Lor hands , her shoos ,
the purity in apboaranco of her white
clothing , the dollars and culTs that she
wears and the gbwn that has the ap
pearance of noi'oelng expensive. All"
these things havb a wondrous effect
upon a man , who thinUs his wlto not
only neat but eaotiouiizlng. "
"Woman'nyorhnd ; happiness , " said
Loie Fuller , "are centered In man , as
nuyl woman WMf.tho courage of her
opinions must admit. She who fools it
IB not is she who is merely tolerated by
her own. and the ppposito BOX alike.
Her companionship is never desired ,
she lives nn sutforanco only , never once
oxpcrioncing the keen enjoyment of
loving and being loved. Except in remote -
mete Instances , all men pro charmingly
ogotlBtical ntorostingly conceited and
thoroughly Doltish. Kgotistlcul to the
extent of bolloving theirs to bo the su
perior organization , that their percep
tions are the keener and their power of
reasoning nblor. They feel and assort
a superiority tfvor the feminine mlnda
with which they are brought in con
tact , and parade their physical strength
before us with an air of : 'Aren't you
glad you are on tno same earth with us'i"
"Wo know they are attractive , but
gracious goodnoos/ why will they thrust
their bollof In their own excellence
upon us who xvould lilco to bo allowed a
llttlo credit fet perception of their qual-
HlfisY Thdlf Interesting conceit won't
porhllt'lt , but Hoists thorn on a pedestal
before which modesty covers her Idco
with her tailored shawl and then loses
horeolf in tlio gloom of lessor ovonts.
Mnh'ia thoroughly selfish lo such of his
pleasures or pursuits of which woman is
it component part. If ho bo pleased ho
carts but llttlo whether woman isor not.
Fiir.lharinoro , what man would forego
the pleasure lie derived from the use of
tobacco or an Intoxicant because the
evidences of thntusa might bo offensive
( ,0 women ? On the ether hand , no wo-
ma.n would indulge her appotlto for
onlonlt if aho expected to see a man
within the succeeding lorty-olght hours.
I r/ill say this of them , however , If a
Woman's portion was such as to oxclto
their sympathy hone could bo moro gen
erous' , which proves that the boasts nro
nat wholly- without hoart. Wo may rail
at the dear boys , object to their high
handed-proceedings In appropriating
everything oh iho glebe , not even ex
cepting the poor woman , but , bless
ihdml what would wo do without thomV"
. " * .jSnw AUK LIKE cmtnnKN.
. .vA'manO'said. Marie Jansen , "novor
stoops to the moan's employed by women ;
hd is broader , more liberal , ho applies
himself to the things which belong to
tlio day , the hour and the object for
which wo live. AVho ever hoard of a
man losing his temper because his suit
would not match his complexion , or
fume when six-button gloves had boon
sent when ho ordered seven ? What
miln would faint on Broadway because
the clasp that hold his hosiery gave
way and wriggled on the sidewalk ?
None ! Yet 1 saw that happen to a
woman to-day !
4'Yot ' continued Miss Jansen , "men
are very much like children. Humor
thorn nnd they will do your bidding.
Make them believe they are always
having their own way. don't lot them
see the silken not you have woven
about thorn nnd they will blandly obey
your will ; but once lot them believe
they are captlvo and no puny woman's
power will avail against their
superior strength. When ho is
angry * pretend not to notice It ,
inCQtlns "outbursts of rugo with a calm
placidity , and'tho big follow will bo
ashamed of himself. Wallace wrote a
line in a Greek play that was published
in one of tho.magazines ( Harper's ) in
December , lAn angry woman never
won ( i'man , ' that I think should servo
da'a silent text for the guidance of
wives. All that man needs is a little
judicious management to make him all
an jnox'pcnoncod girlish fancy painted
him. Attribute to him a virtue or ac
complishment , and ho will boon have
acquired it , or believe ho has. Wore I
married I would make my husband's
pleasures my pleasures , his cares mine ,
and try and teach him that his little
woman was not only a housekeeper , but
a companion and a thoroughly good fol
low as well. I don't think'he'd seelc
pastures now. And then I'd like to BOO
any Clrco with dresses by Worth , per
fume her lids and brows , iowdor her
nose , put -an uudiscovorablo rouge on
he'r lips and cheeks , and steal that man
front'mb and "my calico gown , if his
purse 'would afford mo no bettor ! I
have no particular ideal as to the man I
would marry , save that ho must bo a
man , and inspire mo with the 'spark , ' as
wo say"in 'The Oolah. " An admirer
wrote and had published these lines
ever my name :
I hoar eacli day 5'oung women say
They'd much piofer this man or that man ,
But as for mo ,
My choice would bo
* MoBtany , man except a fat man.
' 'The gentleman is a bald-hoaded
blonde , tall and lanky , with a mole on
his face ; but I esteem him highly and
Value his opinion above most of my
male acquaintances. Above my per
sonal signature he further writes :
I'd have my beau six foot or HO ,
f His contour should bo lltho and lissome ;
I'ts'nice to stand
On tiutoc and
Embrace the fellows when you kiss 'om.
i "But , " concluded Miss Jansen , "as
man t3so , , I. would have him , not ono
jot.diltorent. Lo is always good , and
some are bettor than others the latter
are these amenable to female manage
ment.Thoy can never be driven , but
are onsily'led , if you keep them believ
ing they themselves are doing the lead
ing. "
"Heavcnsi No , certainly not ! " Ve
rona .larbeau declared. "Tho first on
record allowed himself to bo tempted
into disobedience by bin female follow-
mortal thereby admitting her superi
ority and ho capped his defection by
an act of cowardice in throwing the
punishlncnt on her and hordescendanta
forever after. In knowledge ho is sup
posed to bo the superior , and ought to
be , but the occasions are so rare that
thoyaro vastly in the minority. If ono
takas for example a woman who is at nil
sharp and brainy she can easily outwit
the average man. In liin treatment of
the sex man ia generous only in proportion
tion as ) io gets a return. I do not feel
a beligeriMiey toward him for thib fool
ing , for ho is only following his natural
iustincts , and as woman wus intended
its his helpmate , it is her sublime priv
ilege to so direct these instincts as to
develop the latent good which goes us
his created birthright.
* 'A woman loves to bo admired. Yon
can't ; blame her , for who doesn't ? And
they are generally touched by it when
it is b'ohrof sincerity , and where her
nature is line and highly cultivated fauch
admiration is accepted for what it is
worth. Beware of marrying a hand
some man U you nro In any way plain !
Ho will bo llattored and admired , and
it will bo likely to create a little jealous
feeling in your bosom. Naturally jou
are rather proud of him , but then his
Appolo-llko appearance confronts you so
forcibly with your own plainness. Then
ho is qulto aware that you are ordinary
and perfectly safe , and will spend his
time enjoying nnd exhibiting himself
for the delectation of other women ; but
where you uro qulto his equal In nppoar-
anco , it keeps him busy seeing that you
are not too much admired. Besides , a
handsome man is very rarely endowed
with n superior mind , and unless bin
wife bo girtedvith nn extra share of
tact , amiability and philosophy , she will
have a choice of two ovlls indillero.ico
or a slo\Y martyrdom.
"So the only way to keep a handsome
husband to OIIO'H golf is to either bo hie
equal In looks , have a superior mind era
a snug bank account. A man nnd wlfo
should make themselves so thoroughly
agreeable to ono another that there
( should never bo n separation. To the
wife I wouldfiay , in the beginning never
domineer. So much can bo accom
plished by gentleness. If ono doesn't
wsh | for ono' lord and muster to go out
nnd spand his evening away from homo ,
do not toll him ho shall not go , but usa
a llttlo sweet persuasion. Ask him ,
please , dear , not to go , and what man
can refuse you ? No ono , I am sure , but
a brute. Try to take hie advice In
everything , oven If you don't think it
advisable to use it Don't bo forever ill
and complaining ; oven if you do fool
badly at titnos , try to hide it if it Is con
tinual , because there ia nothing more
aggravating than to hear ono grum
bling about one's health all the time.
Exhale a very dollcato perfume , but
mind It must bo delicate. In fact , look
UH pretty as you can , Bo interesting ;
It IB a woman'a duty always , and it IB
half the battle. "
A flionomonnl Development Sure to
Follow Ijlbnrnl Aftoctulnnar.
Sii.t LXKIS Crrr , Utah , AuouitO. [ Cotro-
Rpomlonco of Tnit URK. ] The election just
hml tc Utnli , considering Its results , was the
most Important event In the territory's his
tory. Apparently unimportant , as the Mor
mon majority in both council and legislature
was n foregone conclusion , yet certain straws
nro showing most distinctly how the wind
blows , and It is a steady , strong wind , too ,
that must noon Increase to the velocity of n
palo which shall sweep awny the Inst vestige
of Mormon domination In Utah. In 1830 It
waa dcomod unnoc < mary to put n ticket la
the Hold hero In Salt Lake City In opposition
to the "church" party. Nine yours later the
Oontilo , or "liberal party , " polls a majority
of the votes in the /Aon of the "Latter Day
Saints. " Mora than tills. In the First pre
cinct a son of Urighain Young was actually
beaten for tlio legislature Dy a Qontllo , and
that confessedly by Iho votes of Mormons ,
according to the Dcscrct News , the church's
own organ. The Mormon majority in this
precinct at the election of liSU was verv con
siderable , and the most sanguine Uentllo
hardly dared liopo for a reversal which should
elect a liberal candidate. To bo sure , sixteen
Is u slender majority , but It mndo the third
precinct out of llvo carried by the llbnrals ,
and helped materially to secure the majority
of about fifty votes tn the entire city. The
Mormon veto was fully polled , not moro than
5 percent of their registered strength being
unvoted. On the other hand , the Gontllos In
the two precincts which wuru overwhelmingly -
ingly Mormon failed to poll tliolr fullest
strength , and from fifty to ono hundred ab
sentees can bo easily reckoned.
representation In the loglslnturo nnd
council has bean inuroasod , and there Is
every ro.ison to fool sure that the city will
pass under Gentile control after the munici
pal election of February next. The chief
reasons for this belief are that there will be
a great many newcomers among the Oon-
tllos who will bo entitled to vote than who
could not vote this time ; the largo defection
of young Mormpns which started at this
election will bo groally increased In Febru
ary , mid It Is openly hinted that prominent
young Mormons will tuUo the nlutnp for the
advanced theories and plans for a worthy
city government proposed by the liberals.
The bnro majority of this election
will be increased from 300 to COO.
nnd never again will the Mormons control
the city government of Salt Lako. In tlio
Third precinct the Mormon majority is too
largo to bo ovorcouto in February , but in
the Fourtn they bavo but 1G3 margin , and
Judging by the progicss In the First and Second
end precincts In thu election Just passed
there Is certainly hope of carrying four out
of flvo proclnots in February.
With Salt Lake City under Gontllo control ,
there Is only the question of tlmo when by
precinct by prucmct and countv by county
the llocr.U gains will continue until the Gen
tiles are In absolute control. This will mean
statehood. It will not and should tiot conio
before that day.
1 ho bearing of this Is that millions of
nionov und thousands of people from all parti
of the country will people tticso fertile vol-
lo.vs and farm them as they should bo farmed ,
and the mineral resources of the territory
will bo dovoloued In accordance with their
deserts. Manufactures will flourish and in-
csoaso and Utah will take lior piopcr place
among the richest and fairest states of the
Already the people are pouring in nnd lo
cating permanently. Hundreds of them are
now purchasing property , designing to locate
hero as soon as the change shall come , and
active inquiry exists on all sides regarding
the mineral lesources and marvelous de
posits of valuable oaiths , etc. , which shall
ono Uuv rompoto with tbo precious metals tn
annually adding to the wealth of the terri
Now capital may feel aafo in buying Utah
securitlus , railwav extension and improve
ment can find funds at current rates in east
ern and European centers of Aiiance , and the
growth of Salt Lake and Opdcn , the two
chief cltlos of the teirltory , will bo marvelously -
ously rapid , yet solia in their prosperity.
No wonder the people are rejoicing ana
celebrating their well earned victory. It
means a future , and that , u glorious one. It
is well to note , bowoyur , that thcso rejoic
ings are tempered with good suuso , and the
crowing is not offensive. The liberals scorn
only to wish the victory to bo ublo to prove
their cl ims that Utah would ho bettor under
their adium strutlon. With polygamy prac
tically a dead letter , there is no disposition
to Do intolerant of the Mormon religion ,
They only combat ttiat which Is illegal and
unconstitutional , and antagonize only the
rulois and despots of tlio church , who
tramp on the rights of their deluded ad-
horonts. There is no antagonism toward the
Mormon poonlo in a social or personal sense.
The young Mormons who uro beginning to
roali/.o this f.ict are making present liberal
success possible.
The American people will do wel to keep
an cyo toward Utah , if they would watch a
most phenomenal development.
Suniliij it tie Ball.
Sunday forenoon the Sobotkor club do-
Touted the Omaha Packing Company club in
a game of base ball by u score of So to 5. In
the afternoon the telegraph operators de
feated the Armour-Cuilnhy club by a score
of 14 to 7. Hotli games wcro played In the
Thud ward p.ulc. Moro titan a hundred tel
egraphic operators and their friends cauie
down from Omaha to see the gamo.
The Mimic City IMcnlo.
Moro than a hundred couples accepted the
invitation of the Maglo City Pleasure club to
pioaio yesterday In the Goruiania gardens ,
Twenty-fourth street. Kohr's orchestra , of
Omaha , furnished the music , and the success
of the members of the various committees
in their efforts to please and entertain tnu
guests , was quite as pleasing us successful
and gratifying so well served. Tn
the prize waitMr. . Patsy Murrnv , of this
city , and Miss Lena Hergor , of Omaha ,
were awarded the $ , " > prl/e.
A IMcnIo nr Syndicate I'nrlc.
Misses Mugglo Slfophurd nnd Cora Parrlsh
entertained n few of tiicir friends at a picnic
at Syndicate park Saturday ovonlng. The
lunch was us well prepared as it was nicely
served by the ladies nnd as their entertain
ing ways were pleasing to tliolr friends. And
all wore pleased.
Played Ulili a llovolvnr.
Sunday afternoon S. Whlto , who resides
In tno Third ward , wus playing with a re
volver nnd the "harmless critter" went off ,
lodging u bullet In the palm of hi * left hand.
A surgeon WAS summoned who cut the bullet
out and dressed tbo wound.
Noti'H About , the Oily.
In a boxing contest Saturday evening at
Simon S. Hemcr'a for points , between Al
Tuto und Frank Johnson. Mr , Tata won.
The Y. W. C. T. U. und tlio Temporanto
League will meet In the Miuhodltt KpUcopal
elmrcli Thursday nvoning.
The name of the now Puclllo lintel has
been cnangod to the Transit liouso.
During the absence of Ticket Acent Will
iam M. Wood Night Operator A , II. Tapp.m
will III ! his place.
A regulation twelve-pound child arrived at
the homo of John Urubakor Sunday morning.
Mrs. Fred M. Smith l so much better
that she was able Sunday to go out lor a
short rldo.
During the ball game Sunday John Hornt
wus hit In the right oya by a ball on a foul
tip , knocking him down nnd badly dliilgur-
ing the optic.
Since the flro nt Hammond , Jml , , the
Gcorgo II. Hammond & Co. packing houses
In this city uro being run full tlmo and on
Sunday ,
Thieves have two or three times raldod 1) .
C. Uean'a liouso In the soutliwost part oj the
city , taking furnlturo , tools and utensils.
I'crnomil I'nrnarnplia.
Moasrs. Simon S. Miunull and Cnnrlos
Homer were up to Gus Half's furm. on tlio
Fremont , Elkhorn & Missouri Valley rail
road , for a ehort visit.
Mls Apnos Downs , after a sba.'t visit , has
returned to Greenwood , la.
Miss Bertha Hart , of Omaha , Is the guest
of Miss Maggie Shophard.
Ticket Agent William M. Wood , of the
Union Paeltiu depot , and his wlfo will leave
Monday ovonlng for u Jaunt through Col
orado ,
Miss UDlo Uunn , ol Augusta , Montana , an
oquostrienuo of territorial note , la the guest
of Jr. nail Mrs. J , M , Glasgow ,
That's About the Situation in Otoo
County Politics.
Tlioro Are CnmlitliUcx Till You Can't
Host and Kvery Ono of Tlioin
Xhlnkti Ho Will a the
Overdo no In O oe.
NisniusKA CmlNcbA\igu tll. [ Spcoln.
Telegram to Tun UKK. ] The approaching
fall campaign In Otoo county politics la
creating moro interest than a pros idontlal
contest , and bcforo election tlmo nITal r will
bo hot und exciting , One ciuso for Interest
is the fact that nearly every voter
is a candidate for ofllco , nnd tlio
natural result Is considerable bad
feeling , The great light is principally di
rected towards the ofllco of treasurer and that
of sheriff , the former being sought after by
u dozen republican candidates , and the latter
ofllco by as many democrats. The present
treasurer , It. M. Taggart , Is n republican ,
and as his term wcplros under the law limit ,
ho is anxious to have his deputy , A. It Now-
comb , succjeu him in ofllco , and ho % vould In
turn succeed the deputy.
The bosses , however , do not tnko kindly to
this arrangement , as Mr , Nowoomb is not a
favorite with the Rchomlng polttliltns. 13 >
sides , Bomu of Iho party war horses nro ( an-
Uidatrs for the ofllco , The oHIcu lj consid
ered a republican plum , although Mr. W.
F. N. Ilausor , Into cashier of the Farmer' *
bank , Ims resigned his position In that Instl
tutiou so that he could mnko un unhumuorod
racu as a democratic candidate for ihc Ureas-
Sheriff Willman is a candidate for reelection
election , as a democrat , but it is conceded
that his election , vould be doubtful , alt ! ough
ho has made u fair sheriff. He , lio\\ovor ,
has made manv enemies by his lough
manner , und especially by huvtng
about him an ofllclous and quiuroi-
some deputy who has succoaded In
turning some of Williams' best friends
into enemies.
J , M. Uolund , the present suporintoiidont
of the poor farm , is also a domourutic oaiuh-
dutafor the ofllco. with moro than n lighting
chance. Another candidate ilttcd for the
ofllco is Chlof of Police Abbey , of Nebraska
City. Republican candidates for sheriff uro
Gcorgo Donaldson and ox-Sheriff McCullum.
The latter was in oflli-o during the trying
times of the Shcllonburg murder , thu train
wreckers nnd during Uohutuiau's imprison
ment. Ho has boon the must nervy sheriff
the county has over had.
Coroner JJruuor , republican , is a candidate
for recorder , and will probably bo
nominated and elected. Fred Toss ,
the present incumbent , is a
democrat , and It Is universally logrolled that ,
both thcso young men nro candidates for the
sumo oftlcu , us they nro about the most , popu
lar , politically und socially of any two in the
county. The difllculty will probably bo
settled by nominating Mr. KOSS for couaty
clerk , although John Mattes , stata repre
sentative in the legislature , is also a candi
date for that olllce. Frank McCart
ney , the present cfllcient republican clerk ,
is undoubtedly doomed , although ha will
doubtless ho rcnoininatod. Ha has utterly
nntapronlrcd the German vote by bis stand on
the prohibition question , and for the sumo
reason has won thu ill will of sotuo of the
bosses. Jusso Mapus , county Judge for two
years , is a candidate for another torai.
Ho has the ill-will of the Otno county bar ,
for some cause , and the lawyers nre light
ing him. Kx-Pollco Judge Jones is also a
candidate for this ofllcu , and will make the
repunllcan nomination or run independently.
The democrats have no available candidate
for this ofllco.
The democratic county superintendent ,
Clary , has no opposition for ro-clection , and
the olllco of coroner , u ruthcr uuprolltublo
one , is at present bugeiug for a candidate.
Thu so called Van Wyck and anti-Van
Wyck factions will , us usual , bo at war In
the republican party , and on thu whole the
fall campaign is becoming lively and inter
est inf.
Tlio I'rtncoss Who htoops I'or Fropilom
The Earl of Fife's "
motto is "Virtue ot
Opera , " and there are those bold enough
to say that work and virtue are piously
adhered to by the canny Scot , bays the
Boston Herald. If being1 n "Bleeping
partner" in a London banking1 house ia
work , and never having figured na a co
respondent in any divorce cnso is virtue ,
then the grandson of thu beautiful Fitz
Clarence is a model swell who will make
Louise Wales an excellent husband.
At all events , that young woman is
going to have a bettor time than her
sister princesses. The carl IB not unoh
a muff as the Marquise of Lorno , for ho
hns at once made two conditions in rc-
pard to his miirringo with royalty.
His \vifo Is not to bo dodged by aludy in
waiting , und she must assume his rank ,
a stop down though it is. If this mar-
riugo proves a success from the point of
view of happiness , a now order of things
will soon rolgu in the United Kingdom ,
and oteer princesses will bu following
the example of the daughter of the
Prince of Wales , They , too. will stoop
for freedom , und bo , gradually , that gi
gantic fabric of royal rank will molt
and vanish into air.
Iinttentiir lints n if'ib.
VIKNNA , August 11 , Prince Alexander of
Battcnburg has been appointed to thu com
mand of an Austrian regiment in Austiia.
AIITIrccI Out from tlmdnprmstng effect oto
the Lliiiiiglnc Mmsoii. nr by hiuclork im'J
woriy > on need tlio tonliiK , Imlldliu up , nerve-
HtrongUu'iiliii : olUct of llonil'K Burtinpitrllla
trlu you ufcclliiKnf hoallh and Ktrcncth n iln.
It ptirtlluB the blood , riauti blllloninicm , dynpwp.
xlii , licmliu hootc.
Hoocl'u Sarsnparllla U i > oid by nil < iru
iUlH. ; 1'iupiruu by U , 1. lloo.l & I'D. , Lovvu
Man *
Sly lltt'o boy. 0 3 cars old , wai rick !
I \ \ Ith n dlxeasa for \ \ lilcli doctors hail I
I no name , 'I lie nnila cimo oU lilti ling- 1
I era , nnd tlio flnrr ; * tame uft to lliof
I luiilcllo Julnt. Tor 3 jrnrj lie milTcreil I
I drcaiUulb ; l now Kclllns well. nmt 1 1
lam ratUilid H Kt's HjicclUe I/ / ) the I
I clili f ruuta uf lil linpnncmcnt ,
, ,
Jan. K , I88J. J'cru , Iml. I
[ lltllo uy lirol.c out wltli tort * " - ' ' ,
uocrj. tlio re-null of tlio rallra of n calf cowlnKincon *
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F. . b. 16 , W. Joim I' . IIisAiiD , Aiilinn , Al .
Bend for books oa Wood I'ultont li 8Un Dlectjc * .
free. iinirr tirruna Co , , Atlanta. (11 (
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