THE OMAHA DAILY NINETEENTH YEAR. OMAHA , MONDAY , MORNESfG , AUGUST 12 , 1889. NUMBER 54. DIDN'T REQUIRE MUCH TIME , An Interview With Ono of the May- brick Jurors. THE VERDICT FOUND QUICKLY. Mornlnc nml Kvonlnc Pnpern Fur nished tlio Twelve Men IMillwdol- plila Crleltctcrs Coiuo Off Vlo- torloutt In England. luror Ilronk Talks. ICnpl/rfo'it ' ISSI l > u Jnmcx Unrtlnn H nnsM.1 Livr-iirooL , August 11. | Now York Herald Cable Special to TUB Ur.E.l-R. J. Brook , ono o ( tlio Mnybrlck Jurors , was Interviewed to-dny by n Herald correspondent , and ho talked most frcoly. It may horrify Ameri cans to find that murder juries nro per mitted to road newspapers containing re ports of ttio case , but so It ! ) . Broolc said the Jury was composed of twelve mon of nvorago Intelligence , who could coino to no other conclusion. They wore unanimous on the verdict. Brooks , when asked It the Jurors wore allowed to road the papers , said : . "Oh , yes , wo had evening and morning papers supplied to us regularly , with full re ports of the Muybrlck uaso. Wo cut out the reports and mid marked the important pas- r jrea. Wo discussed the evidence as It was tjiven until wo were all unanimous. " "How did Sir Charles Uussoll's speech af fect the Jury V "Very little. " "So that when you retired you had very few points to settle among yourselves ! " Practically none. Wo were unanimous. The foreman almost wished thcro was some thing upon which \vo could acquit her. Ho told us if there wai the slightest difference of opinion wo were to give her the benefit of it , but wo had no difference. Wo had agreed on our verdict in a few minutes. " QUAKER OHIOKETKRS. They Show the Ktiyllsli Gentlemen Ilnw to 1'lny. \Cormrtfjlit \ 18SU l > u James QurJon Reimei'.l LONDON , August 11. [ New York Herald Cable Special to Tun DEB. ] The Phila delphia cricketers have put their little bats away and turned their bucks on rare beef and dry toast. They played the last came of the tour at Cambridge yesterday and won by Innlncs and twelve runs. The boys played twelve games and won four , with five games drawn , but three of thorn would have boon certain victories , us the gentlemen from Ireland , Surrey and Sussex are not a match for the Quakers. In a drawn gumo with Trinity college , Dublin , Stoovor mndo 115 not out and U. Brown 111 runs. Phlludel- dolphla beat the gentlemen from Scotland by ten wickets. On ttio last tour they lost to the same club by five wickets. Against the gentlemen from Liverpool the Quakers won by innings and 140 runs. In one inning our boys mudo 44fi runs , of which Brown contributed 103and Scott ISO , They lost to the geutloinon of Gloucester by six wlcltots. The game with Surrey was drawn in Philadelphia' ) ! favor , as they had eight wickets to make 100 runs out of. In tbo Surrey gumo Scott made H5 and Morgan 03 runs. In the Murylcbouo club wcro seven of the gentlemen of England , and the team might really bo called gentlemen of England. While the latter b.mcii ever 400 on purfcct wickets , the Phlladclphians had hard lines , for the rain came down so hard after making nearly SOU in the first inning that the Quakers permitted themselves to bo bowled for 05 in the second Inning. As they were playing In the mud and a deluge , they lost to Kent by six wickets. There was an exciting game at Southampton. The latter had to make 811 to wiu. The got 200 for nine wickets , and then the latter hit for four and the crowd ohcorcd loudly. Clarke took a rcof in his trousers and let the ball go like n flash mid bowled his man , giving the Quakers two innings and the game by 400 runs. They played a drawn game with the United Service at Brighton. The Service made over 400 in tbo tirst innings , Hamilton making 03. Huln stopped the game when the Phlla- dolphlauH had lost ono wlckot for thirty runs. In the game with Sussex the Quakers declared the second innings finished with only six men out. Two of tht ) No. 1 outs were Clark with S'J and Palmer with 09 runs. Sussex had to muko 311) ) to win. They lost six wiokots for 2.1. ) and the game was drawn. At Cambridge the Quakers made 807 in the first innings and won with innings and twelve runs to sparo. In the last game Bailey won the bowling average and the silver tankard offered by George W. Childs , of the Philadelphia Lodger. Clark was ahead until the last game , in which Bailey took fourteen wickets for 83 runs. Ho tooic eight for 83 and six tor CO , and Jumped into first place on the bowling list. Patterson wins the cup for the best batting average and is followed according , to batting average , by Scott. Clark , jr. , H. Drown , Browstor , New- hall , Stoovor , Palmer , Morgan , Thompson , llally , lilting , Sharp and W. Urown. On reaching London Undo Dan Nowhall was ninth in batting. In the game In Kent ho Jumped into llrat place , mil afterwards dropped to seventh , Daily , by that trick In the Cambridge game , taking the last tliroo wickets as thrco consi'cutlvo balls. The team are loud in their praise of their treatment on tlio tour. After reciting the many courtesies showered on tliom , P.ilmor suddenly grow enthusiastic to-night and said : "Enu'laud is all right and so is Scot- und , but give mo Ireland. " Palmer was the first of the team to kiss the Hlurnoy stone. Ho had to kiss it thrco 'times. The team divided to-day. Six went to Paris to-night. They expect , to sail for homo in about two weeks. Tlioy Sympathise With Him. PAIUS , August 11. President Ciirnot re ceived deputations of American uud English etudonta studying In Paris , who presented him with expressions of sympathy as the head of the republic. Replying to the Ameri cans , tha president said : "When you return to your homes assist the republic bysceurliifr victory for tlio policy of concord over ttiu policies of defiance and dlstrUKt , whloU paralyze the strength and re sources of the nation. " I > 'row tint City of Mexico. CITV or MEXICO , ( via dalveston ) , August 11. The federal troops are aiding ttio au thorities against the strikers at the Sierra Curmcn and Coamulla mines. One hundred men are out on the strike , Mining booms nro reported in San Luis PotosS. Messrs. Kill * and Forpuson have como hero in ttio Interests of their si-hotaa of biing- ing negroes from the southern mutes to Mexico , They havu thus * tar received no on- counigcmout either from the authorities or from private Individuals. The DnttlniiKor Trial. Poms , August 11.Loiters of Doulaugtr produced before the senate court tend to prove that ho shared the commissions paid by the auuy contractors. A umtrtss of lJoulaijer : ( has written t LouUo Michael certain dUclo urcs couccrului ; the general. TUB CLEAUANCI2 KliCOIlD. Financial Transactions of the Coun try Fortho Lnnt Week. BOSTON , August 11. ( Special Telegram to THE DEE. | The following table , compiled from dispatches to the Post from the man agers of the leading clearing houses of the United States shows the gross exchanges for the week ended August 10 , 1E39 , with rates per cent of increase or decrease as com pared with the amounts for the correspond ing week of 18SS : SULLIVAN'S PROSPECTS GLOOMY Alnldoon Thinks Tlmt Gov. Lowry Mrana BinlneKS. ROCHESTER , N. Y. , August 11. William Muldoon , the trainer of Sullivan , was in Rochester n few hours to-day. Ho had comeback back from Now Orleans , wlioro tie wont to look after Sullivan when the champion was arrested and taken to the state of Missis sippi at the instigation of Governor Lowry. Muldoon said ho did not see any bright pros- pocr. for Sullivan getting off easy. "You sec , " ho went on , "Governor Lowry did not so much care that the fight took place in his state iu suite of his proclamation , but lie smarted under the gibes of the news papers , nnd especially annoying to him were the humorous rhymes thai everywhere ap peared in ridicule of him. At first the southern newspapers claimed he was making so much noise for the purpose of getting a re- nomination. When ho failed to secure that then the papers said ho would drop the effort to punish the lighters. That mndo him mad and ho redoubled his energy and determina tion to punish both Sullivan and Kilraln. Wo hud all arranged to have the trial comooftbe- fore the county Judge in the same county where the 'fight took place and It was understood that this Judge would only impose a fine , but on tbo day fixed for the trial the governor and state prosecuting at torney went into the judge's court and frichtoncd him. Ho was not used to dealing with such big men as governors and alter noy generals , and therefore ho weakened and sent the case to another court , in whica Sullivan will not faro as well. The trial comes up next Tuesday , and , if convicted , ho will probably bo imprisoned n year nnd fined $1,000. Ho is now at Lookout with Uud Hen and. Wo got him out on bail and ho will bo present for trial. Of course , much will depend upon the Jury. I don't believe they can secure evi dence from people who saw the light , unless it bo from some who are mad because Sulli van whipped ICilruin and made them lose their money. I was advised to net out of the state , und I got. They could fine me $ .500 and send mo to Jail for a year if they should convict mo of being Sullivan's tralnor. And yet if wo are both to bo locked up , I want to go In when ho does so wo can got out together. It would not be funny at all to have him got thrco months' start of me In the Jail. What wo wanted to do was tp get the case post poned from time to time until Lowry nnd some others he is commanding should got out of office. But I guess ho will not allow that. At least he acts as though be intends to make us sweat. Before this matter is ended it will cost $10,000 , but if wo could have staved off the trial for a year wo could have gene ahead giving sparring exhibitions und mudo SlOO- 000. I'm going homo to Belfast , and I pro pose to stay thure. " * NOT A Pretty Ittllan Girl Would Not. Bo Sold bv IJur Lover. TACOMA , Wash. , Aug. 11. A slnculnr case was tried in Judge Patrick's ' court yester day. Santos Curdova , an Italian , was guar dian of a pretty Italian girl , whom ho hoped some day to make tils wife. In April Martin Potrock , another Italian , appeared iu the jlcld and proposed marriugo , but the yount ? lady said she Was outraged to Santos. Potrccic thereupon asked Santos what ho would take for his claim on her affections. Ho named JIM ) us the price and a bargain was speedily made. Cordova relinquished his claim on his fair countrywoman to Putrcck , who soon found that the Bale did not sell , as the maiden did not lavish any affection upon him , Ho then proposed to trade back but thu rash was refused. Ho brought suit but the court decided the contl-uct was illegal , and Petrcck lost his money. o Forest Firun In Orojjon. POKTI.ANI ) , Ore. , August 11. A forust flro Is ruging iu Washington county only about fifteen miles from this city. People living near Cedar Mills are hastening into the open pining. The road from this city to that place is lined with flames , and Is no longer passa ble. Several farm houses aud barns have beau burned with their contents , and the total loss will bo very heavy , The air for miles around is full of smoke uud cinders , and .burning brands are falling in showers. A douse pail of smoke ( also hangs ever Portland. There has been no rain for two months und the whole country is us dry us tinder. Small fires nro reported In many directions and much greater duuiugo la feared , Harrison Goo < 4 to Church. Bin HAUIIOII , Me. , August It. President Harrison wont to church at Northeast Har bor this morning with Secretary and Mrs. Blalno , Congrestmau und Mrs. Lodge , Mrs. Harriett Hlalno , Walker Ulaliio and Private Secretary Halford.Tho service was held In the Episcopal chupol ef St. Mary's Hy-tho-Soa , a quaint llttlo building about twelve miles from liar Harbor , with accommodations for thrco or four hundred. The church wus crowded and chairs were placed on the porch , BUIiop Douuo , of Albany , who bus a summer resi dence at that resort , preached. * ' llusslu Wants .Milan Exiled. LONOOV , August 11 A report U current that the Russian govcriuneut is pressing the rcgbntit ef Hervla to expel ex-King Milan ficrn It t country. Three Candidates and How They Win the Voters. MR. WHEELER WRITES LETTERS. Hull Whoops It Up totho Grand Army Hoys Senator Hntolilsoii 9/ills At tention to Ilia Hiislncsa Record A Mlsslnc UrldoRroom. Larrabco In Not a Candidate. DBS MOIXES , la. , August 11. [ Special Tol- cpram to THC HUE. ! The chief topic of in terest in Iowa now is the republican state convention , which meets hero next Wednes day. The delegates huvo all been chosen , but so many of them are unlnstructed _ , and these who are Instructed are divided among so many candidates , that no certain prophecy of the result can yet bo mado. The contest has been livelier than any contest for governor for many years. Tlio fact that n republican nomination is equivalent to an election makes tbc ambitious patriots hustle for the former with great alacrity and sweet delight. It has been unusual for candidates to begin the fight so early us they have this timo. Both Mr. Wheeler nnd Mr. Hull have boon after the nomination for years. The latter wanted it four years ago , when Larrnbco was nomi nated. Ho took the second plnco when the first , WAS outside tils reach , still hoping and oxbcctlng that the first would later como within his grasp. So ho has not forgotten his cbiof dcslro during the last'four years , though his special activity for the nomina tion began about a year and a half ago , Mr. Whcolor , after an ineffectual effort to receive political honors in several lower de grees , concluded about two years ago that ho would like to bo governor , and so started the ball In motion. Ho has worked Ilka a Trojan ever since , and If ho doesn't succeed It. will not bo said that ho hasn't been "sawing wood. " Ho has kept the old saw hot night nnd day , nnd has not begrudged the money necessary to oil It up frequently. Senator Hutchison began to feel the bee In his bonnet about two years ago , or , to speaic moro exactly , during tbo legislature which mot a year ago last winter. Ho had , been a member of the senate many years , had "loafed around the throne , " so to speak , and had seen the power nnd influence which were wielded by the cbiof Executive of the stato. The position looked quite attractive to a man of dignified tastes and ambitions , und the more ho thought about it the moro ho concluded that Governor Hutchison would sound much moro delightful than Sen ator Hutchison. Ho did not , however , al low his ambition to focus public attention until this spring. Then ho started out on a missionary tour of the state , und has been celling acquainted with tbo puoplo ever since. His canvass has been short but dig nified , and apparently quite successful. There have been many amusing features in the preliminary canvass for tho"governor ship. Each candidate has had his own way of making the race. Mr. Wheeler Isknown as the great letter writer. He evolved the novel theory that a personal letter to several thousand men would not only help to make him acquainted , but 7ould gratify a good many und secure their friendships. " * 'Ho knew that there are many men who don't got a letter once in three months , and no correctly reasoned that a letter from a man who was a candidate for governor asking their support , would gratify their vanity and make them think they were of some account. So bo started his clerks , and they took names from everywhere they could got them census tables , subscription lists , etc. , etc. , and begun to grind out the letters. At the middle of Juno last over eleven thou sand letters , signed by Mr. Wheeler had been sent out ever the stato. The.number has probably been increased since then. Hut the passion for letter writing didn't stop with thcso messages to the general'public. ' It now appears that ho has been following up the delegates as fast as they have been chosen , with invitations to call upon bam at his headquarters Just before the convention. One of Captain Hull's leading supporters , who lives hero at the homo of Cantaln Hull , und had been instructed by this countyto vote for Hull , was much amused at receiving ono of these letters , dated at Odobblt , and substantially as follows : Dear Sir : I understand that'you are a delegate to the republican stnto convention. Plcuso call upon mo ut parlor F , at the Savory next Tuesday. Yours truly , H. C. WlIBELKIl. Some persons would think that ttils was the climax of gall , but Mr. Wheeler has no idea that it is. It has simply become second nature with him to write letters asking for support , und nvithciMr. . Hull or Mr. Huch- Insoti , would be surprised If thoy'should yet receive letters from him asking them to withdraw in his favor. Captain Hull lias a different way of cam paigning. Ho whoops it up to ttip Grand Army mon , and says : "Now boys , you uin't going to see the old soldier get loft , uro youJ" and then they enthuse , und starfnut to do missionary work for the captain. Ho has a very free und familiar way of meeting his friends and saying things to please them , and they think that Hull is ono of the boys. Ho hasn't traveled ever the state very much in this campaign , having done most of ihis trav eling boforo. Ho has written u good many letters , but they were mohtly to his lieuten ants , who have kept him posted on the way thingswere going , nnd he in return sends them inspiring messages to stir up the Grand Army boys and got them to work. If things looked bad la any county that ho ex pected to carry , ho would only need to slip up there and hold u camp lire with the boys , and got thorn stirred up on the old soldier question without mentioning his own candi dacy. ' Senator Hutchlnson has taken nthlrd style of campaigning. Ho also was a union soldier , but he has not undertaken to work the Grand Army. Ho has traveled more on his general record ns a legislator and business man. When ho striken u town where he lias an no- qualntanco they start out tot'etlior and cullen on the representative business men , and the senator In his modest way Intimates that ho is a candidate , but Is not making any fight on the otherj. Ho assures them that ho Is In favor of conservative legislation , Keeping In view the advanced needs of the public on all progressive matters. He has u pleasant and courtly way of meeting men and makes a good impression , .Ilo was never known to slap a man on the back or call a crowd of patriots , "boys. " His quiet style of cam paigning has mudo him a good many friends , and it remains to be seen whether it liai made him many votes. His hope is that after the convention has balloted a few times , and neither of tire leaders secures u majority , the delegates will turn to him. Governor Liirrubeo will have fourteen voles cast for him on the first ballot. Hut ho Is positively not u candidate and would not accept n nomination if it were tendered. Mr. Crape , of Burlington , will have eighteen votes on the 11 ret ballot , the complimentary vote of his own county. It is understood that his uppcaruuco us a candidnto now is simply to introduce him , with a view to bringing him out a few years later. All three of the leudlngcaudldates are now in the city , but they have not broken or oven cracked tbo tiabbath by any activity. They ar.o all In good spirits , and eaoh ono an nounces contldentlally that ho is very well satisfied with the outlooic. They each huvo a different estimate- tholr relative strength up to this time. Senator Hutchison , who Is conservative in figures as well us in other things , divides the delegates at , this time about us follows ; Hull 425 , Wheeler 419 , and ho keeps for himself 235. Of course , they all give Gov ernor Larabeo 11 votes , uud Mr. Crape , of Burlington , 18 votes , but that IB only for one ballot. There Is a very largo uninstrueted vote , that will bo Influenced In its choice utter reaching here , No man cun tell DOW where these votes will po.Bach candidate Is hopeful of Uniting the majority on hlmtolf , but has no assurance yet that it can bo done. The farmers' alliances are -for Mr. Wheeler ; the Grand Army mon largely for Captain Hull and the conservative ttmsracts mon for Senator Hutchison , The loiter undoubtedly holds the balance of power if ho can keep his force well In hand. The lieutenant governorship Is In ttio back ground awaiting the oho lee for first place. The two active candidates for this position are Senator Finn , ot Taylor county , and Senator Poynor , of Tama county. The work ers are expected to arrive to-morrow nnd warm things up Immediately. Hut passing from politics to something moro serious , this letter can properly close with reference to the myatorlous disappear ance of a Hurliugton bridegroom about to bo , that is now agitating that peaceful city. Tha youog man , whoso homo was In Tipton , came on to marry ayouug lady nt West Hurling- ton last Wednesday evening. Ho arrived In duo time , and during the day procured a 11- cense of the county clerk , engaged a minis ter , nnd mndo nil nccdfnl arrangements , The wedding was to take place In the evening , and toward night ho drove out to the house of tha expectant bride. Ho Jumped out of the buggy nnd started for the barn to put up the horse , nnd that was the last seen of him. The bridal party anxiously walled his return turn , and finally began an unsuccessful search. No ono has bcon able to get n clue to his whereabouts. It looks like another case of "Banker" Hrown , of Wichita. Carnival nt Avooix. AVOOA , la. , August 11. [ Correspondence ot THE BBR. ] The Congregational Carnival of Mirth , given Thursday evening on the lawn of J. N. Blaushan , and entertained by Mesdames Blaushan , Norton , Farnsworth , Bowers , Lindsay and HIpsley. ( as club No. 9) ) wan continued Friday evening , the numer ous attractions and amusements requiring mare time than ono evening for the presen tation. The programme , consisting of re freshments , amusements andan art gallery containing a largo collodion of beautiful pictures , was fully presented. Miss Abilena Creighton ably rendered choice piano selec tions. The male quartette favored the as sembly with their best efforts , whllo "our Young Ladies' band' ' i discoursed swcot music each evening. The picture gallery is deserving of special mention , owing to the "lllc-llkn" portraits , the different faces being recognized as these of some of our pretty young ladles , upon whom the boys could gaze with impunity- and the "pretty creatures" could not say thorn nay. Financially , ns well as socially , the carnival was u success , the receipts being between $40 nnd $50. To lie Operated Independently. DBS MOINUS , In. , August 11. [ Special Tel egram to Tun B F.c.l The railroad com missioners Imuo received , } notice that the Contcrvillo , Moravia. & Aloia road will bo operated as an independent toad in the near future. The following nro tobo the ofllcers : J. H. Rodtnon. superintendent ; A. F. Hanks , general freight aud passenger agent : E. S. Benson , auditor ; doth Z\i \ % , treasurer ; C. H. Ackert , general manager ; Several of these are prominent Iowa Centralcofllcials , and the road will in effect be a part of that system. Captured by tlio RED OAK , Iu. , August 11 , ( Special to TUB Bnn. ] The republican county convention mot hero yesterday nnd nominated a full county ticket and twelve ! delegates to attend tbo state convention to be hold ut DOS Molnes on the 14th. The delegation stands as fol lows : Hull'J , Hutchlnson 1 , Wheeler 0. The grangers captured the convention on organ ization and had their own way all the way through. _ Seven Boarders Taken Sick. CA.USOJJ , la. , August * 11. [ Special Tele gram to THE BEE. J At Mrs. Brewstor's boarding house sovea boarders were taken % suddenly 111 Saturday night with symptoms of poisoning. Medical aid was at once called and after working all night with the patients they were pronounced out of danger. It is supposed tbo vanilla flavoring in the pastry is what caused the troublo. Submerged Land Speculators. ST. JOSEPH , Mo. , August 11. [ Special Telegram to TUB BBS. ! A company has been formed in St. Joseph for the purpose of buying nnd recovering laud owned by private parties , now washed'tnto ' tbo Missouri. The company has a $1,000,000 , and will attempt to secure the title to a strip of prop erty 100 feet wide , which is now in the river , and extends from Prospect Hill to the river bridge and on down to tbo'southorn limits of the city. The company think that the par- tics who have lost their property by the en croachment of the river In years past , will bo perfectly willing togive up all right und title to it for a very small consideration. In many Instances it expects that title can bo secured for the asking. The land when re deemed will bo used for railroad rights of way. A local real estate broker has been offered $100,000 to secure titles to the prop erty wanted. ' The H HUB Still Dissatisfied. GnBUNsnnito , Pa. , August 11. Another outbreak is expected to occur at the Hocla Coke works in the morning. The Huns held a secret mooting last night and decided to re new the fight on Monday and prevent the men at Ilccla , the United and other works from going to work. The sheriff ban organized a posse of forty men with Winchester repeat ing rifles and sent them to the Hccla works. Engineer Green , who was beaten by the des perate mob yesterday , will probably dlo. An other of the injured who hud u rusty plclc sunk into his shoulder will also die. The iHuns say they will not allow work to pro ceed at Heclu until nn advance is given them at Mammoth , There are not moro Ihun half a dozen Americans in the inob. Killed His Mnther-in-Law. Er.noiuno , Kan. , August 11. Robert Sny- dcr , a saloonkeeper , shot his wlfo nnd moth er-in-law early this morning. Snyder is nn ox-convict , having served a term in the peni tentiary for bank robbery. Of late ho has been living separate from his family. Last night ho broke Into the house where his wlfo and her mother were Mvlng , and shot the former In the breast an . thu latter through thu stomach. The niothor-ln-law cun not live. Mrs. Snyder will probably recover. The cause of the tragedy is unknown , al though it is supposed Huvdor committed the deed on account of his anger at his wife for refusing to live with iiiui.l ' I'nld to Qulc Worklnir. ST. JOSEPH , Mo. , August 11. [ Special Telegram to TUB BEE. ] Some weeks ago .the St. Joseph Glucose ) works closed , the sugar trust agreeing to pay the company H.8,000 a year for three years , The sumo trust IIUH made a flattering offer to the Coulter-Welch Manufacturing company of this ell ) , which the company is now consid ering. These nro the only .sugar works along the Missouri. Tlio Weather .Fornonsr. For Omaha and vicinity Fair , followed by showers , Nebraska Fuir , followed by local show ers ; slightly warmer , southern winds. Iowa Fair Monday , showers Tuesday ; wanner in southern , stationary temperature in northern portions ; southerly winds. Dakota Local rulus , cooler In northwest , stationary lomporaturo in southeast portion ; variable winds. StcnniHlilp ArrlyulH. At Liverpool The Iowa , from Boston. At London Sighted , La Uourgoyne , from Now York for Havre. At Philadelphia , The Missouri , from Swansea. At Now York ho Etruria and Celtic , from Liverpool , La Champagne , from Havre. . Ilia Khali Gno < to Jtadoii PAIIIB , August 11 , The ebab loft Paris to day for Badeu , DESERTIONS FROM THE ARMY Military Oftlolnla Booking for the Root of the Evil. RED TAPE AND MENIAL DRUDGERY Tlio holdlcr Spirit KxtliiKutuhud by Work Uimtitcd to Mon of Martini Mind AnincHty Kxpooted 1'or OfTjiidoM. WASHINGTON BUIIEAIJ , Tne OMAHA. Bus , 1 WASHINGTON B13 FoUKTEKXTKSTIlltGT , D. O. . Aucust , ll. f For some time pnstconsldcrablo discussion has boon Rolni ? on in the newspapers over the alleged intention of President Harrison to Issue another general amnesty proclama tion relieving nil deserters from the nrmy from the chnrRo of desertion. Such a proc lamation was issued by General Grant shortly after the war , and It Is believed that beneficial results would follow such action now. Since the original publication of the proposal of the president the war department onldals have given their attention to the causes which depopulate tho'army. From Into statistics it is shown that the ovll is largely on the increase. During the six months ending Juno 80 , 18S9 , the records show an Increase of 135 over the number re ported for the corresponding period of last year. For the past six months of the present year thcro wcro 1,407 desertions , against 1,209 for the same period in 1880. Fully seven-eighths of the desertions tnko place during the first year of enlistment. The Importance of those figures Is appreciated by General Syollold and Adju tant General Welton. each of whom has given the subject much attention and discus sion lately , ana some plan of action which will look toward the modification of the ox- Istini ; articles of war will reccivo tholr ear nest advocacy uud bo presented to congress. The numerous desertions , especially from the larger army posts , nro the nourco of much unxloty to the ofllcials In the war de partment , and they will strike ut the root of the evil , if such a thin ? is possible. Quito a number of ofllcers believe that ono of the best ways to break up desertions in the nrmv would bo to put. a stop to the soldiers doing so much extra work. When a man enters tno army ho oxoccts to become a soldier ; when ho finds that in addition to his uut.y as a soldier ho has to do all the work around the garrison and officers' quar ters , the soldier feeling dies out , nud ho de serts at the very first opportunity , generally in the ilrst year of his enlistment. A de crease in the number of useless calls now prevalent at army ocsts will also , It is said , result in fewer desertions. THE KNIOUTS TEMPI.AH COJfCLAVR. Preparations are going on at a rapid rate for the forthcoming conclave of Knights Templar. It was proposed by the local or ganization to offer prizes foj * competitive drills , and with that end in view correspond ence was opened with the proposed visitors in all sections of the country. Tims far the responses received have hud a dampofilng effect upon the subject and it is now about decided that there will bo no competitions , but instead that there shall bo several ex hibition 'drills by different commanderics. There is a schema on foot which Is llkelv to como toahoad ono way or another at the next mooting on Saturday of 'this week for a series of exhibition drills to bo given with a view to raising a fund for the purpo q of aiding in erecting a homo'to bo established InVnshT iugton. The committees on arrangements are daily receiving additional notice of tbo contemplated visit of nioro commandurics , and is thought now that the total number of such organizations hero will be between 250 and SoO. There will bo a hundred bands of music for the grand parade with a total ot 2,500 pieces" . The work of resurfacing Penn sylvania avenue was actively begun last week and by the time the couclavo meets hero the stretch of a mile and a duarter from the capiwl to Soventcouth street will be , perhaps , the finest street of pavement in the city. TOUR uNCin jniinY IB sr/r. Secretary Rusk , of the agricultural de partment , enjoys a Joke as well as any man in the government service. Ho believes in getting as much pleasure out of llfo as is pos sible , and oven carries his love for humor into his official acts at times. Not long ago ayoungtwomau hero , who desired to earn a little pin money , wont to Mr. Huak and said that she was anxious to some of the bags to make for the agricultural depart ment , She know that Mr. Husk was a mem ber of the cabinet , but she did not know which seat at the table ho occupied. She wont to his house ono evening and said : "Mr. Secretary , I am very anxious to secure - cure Roino work from tbo agricultural de partment , and I want some of those bags which they are making over there to take homo. I am informed , sir , that If 1 could got u note from you to the secretary of agri culture that it will assist mo materially In getting the aid I want. Now , Mr. Secretary , please aid mo , and give raa a note. " It happened that the secretary had had about a thousand appeals to listen to in the past week , and ho know that the work was oxhaust'ed , but he did not disclose hla iden tity. He told the young woman that ho might have some Influence with the secre tary of tlio navy , or the secretary of state , or the secretary of war , but if there was ono place under the government where ho did not have the least influence it was K.I the agri cultural department , and that u note from him would have no moro weight thcro than OHO from any ordinary ovor.v-day politician. The young lady was very much disappointed , but us there was nothing that she could think of that she could get to do in tlio state , war or navy departmentsshe was obliged to leave his presence without a note from tlio secre tary. WHY Mil. IlltUK 19 UBTAINRI ) . Moro or less criticism has been seen In some of the antl-admlnlstration organ recently ever the action of Public Printer Palmer in keeping in his position the foreman of printing , Mr. Brian , ttecauso Brian remained through the previous admin istration some of tboso who were not so fortunate - tunato as to retain their positioas have been writing aud saying all sorts of unpleasant things about political apostasy , and have been trying to surreptitiously secure the re moval ot Mr. ' Bruin , Tins gentleman has been In the office- many years , and hits re tained his place solely on account of his thor ough elllclenny. Benedict would have liked to nave had tlio place for some henchman of his own , but ho found that Mr. Brian's abil ity in his craft , and his knowledge of the de tails of tlio ofUco wcro almost Indlspenslblo , and It was for this reason that ho was re tained through Mr. Cleveland's ' administra tion. Mr. Palmer is not affected by the groaning * of the outs , and as ho soon discov ered of what stuff Mr , Brian is made ho is likely to retain him in his position throughout - out his administration unless there should bo other reasons than those assigned by Mr. Brian's underhand enemies for relieving him from his duty , KATION'AI. HANKS NOT nUCUUASlXO. "Is It true that there is any consldotablo falling oft iu the number of national banks in this country ! " Tbo question was asked of Comptroller Lacoy. Ho replied ; "It la not truo. On the contrary there are moro national banks to-day than there over wore before in the history of the govern ment. Wo are chartering them dally , and the national banking business seems to bo in thriving condition.1' "Is It not true that some of the older bauks are throwing up tuclr charters ] " "Yes , it has happened that a number ot national banks fu the larger cities have do- ciilod to discontinue business as national in stitutions , aud to go on under state charters. " "What reason do you usaleu for this , Mr , Lacoyl" "Well , there nro many reasons. Ono of them is that when the national bunking sys tem was first organized a considerable profit could bo made out of circulation , Hands could then bo purchased at low rales , which drow-i , 4) orU per cent interest. Interest was paid regularly , and the banks werg en abled to make money by loaning out the bills Which were issued to them upon the deposit of the bonds. Now , however , bonds com mand a higher premium , interest rates are low , and the profits on circulation are com paratively nothing. Onootlho requirements of the national banking act Is tlmt no ono borrower shall bo permitted to receive from the bank moro than 10 per cent of the bank's capital. Thin has proven an embarrassment in many of the larger commercial centers like Buffalo , for instance. A Buffalo uusto * inor of n bank may have occasion to use for a few dav ' say a hundred thoutanu dollars. There has never boon n national bank In the city with n capital ot a million , and the Buf falo borrower must go to two or thrco insti tutions to get this money. Under the stnto law u bank Is not re stricted , hence some of the Buffalo banks have found It moroconvenient to carry on business under the state charter. Hut iu the west , In the now and thriving towns of the territories , and the pralrlo states , the national banking system holds lUown. There is a stability about the word national which in taking with customers , nnd the depositors find that the restrictions of the law are a safeguard to thorn. The result of it Is that wo are constantly issuing charters for banks iu the west , and in this respect Washington territory shows surprising growth. No , " continued Mr. Lacov , "thoro Is no reason to think that the national banking system Is falling Into disfavor. Its regulations have been the basis of ntnta acts in several in stances , notably In thucaso of my own state , Michigan , wlioro tbo state banking luw Is al most identical in tha matter of restrictions nnd Inspection with the national .banking net. " UAltmoAD O AIM'EltS HOIjT. KlUwortli , of Iowa Knlls , Hns n Little Bcliumn. DBS MOINKS , la. , August 11. [ Special to THE UEB. ] The senatorial muddle In the Thirty-seventh district Is becoming moro com plicated. The Ihrca counties in this district , Hurdin , Hamilton and Wright , have each put a candidate , in the Hold. Ellsworth , of Iowa Falls , the railroad candidate , needed only throe votes from Wright to ofTact his nomi nation , and railroad lackeys scoured tho" county for weeks hoping to olcct a delegation that would do the Ulddlug of the corpora tions. When the county convention mot it was found that Ellsworth had forty-ona del egates , whllo forty-two were In favor of Cap tain W. 13. Tyrrell , a Wright county farmer. The forty-ono railroad cappers not being able to control matters to their liking , bolted I ho convention nud elected a contesting delega tion. As Hardln will outvote Hamilton in the senatorial convention , it is tha scheme of the combines to admit thcso contestants by the solid vote of Hurdin nnd then nominate Ellsworth , and this will probably bo the re sult. The chances are decidedly in favor of u hugo bolt In tills , the strongest republican district in the state , and the election of an independent anti-monopoly senator. The members of the alliance In this dis trict have donned the war paint and nro out gunning in dead earnest , uud from presort appearances the railroad candidates for the senate will find rough sledding in the "rural districts" in that section. Ttio state central committee may interfere and patch up a truce before tlio election , and thus save the district , to the party. Tno city of DCS Molnes 1ms placed the stamp of Its approval of the railway legisla tion of two yearn npro in a most emphatic manner. Senator C. II. Gatcli , who has held tlu office of state senator but ono term , and who , according to the general custom of tlio party , is entitled to n second term , was over whelmingly defeated In the city primaries , losing his own ward by 23 votes , 'i'ho county precincts , which will speak to-tiny , will bo still moro emplmUeJn condemnation of the course of the senator in voting against Iowa interests. The nomination of. Capkun C. L. Watrous for senator is now assured , and by n two-thirds majority of the delegates. . Everyone of the railroad senators are nnd- lug "thorns iu the way" of further political preferment. Boltor , of Harilsou , the able democratic leader of the corporation forces , Is "out of politics , " Woolson , of Henry , wlio did such good Rcrvico for tlio railroads on the republican side , is having no cad of trouble in straightening out his record with his farmer constituents. Ilo lias s'ucceeded in carrying the primaries of his own county , but Washington , thu other county in his dis trict , is up in arms against him , and tlio end is not yet. Tlio corporations generally take good care of tholr "public servants , " and a few moro campaigus is likely to release a goodly nu mbor of them in this state. The friends of General Weaver deny that ho has anydcslgnsupon the democratic party. They say ho is not seeking n nomination for gov ernor , but is going to "loy low" for a lew yuars and rest upon his record. Ucx. Dniith or a Contonnariiui. Nuw OULBAXS , La. , August 11. Desire Andrews , u necress , was buried to-day trout the La Hurpo street colored church , agodono hundred and two yours. She was born in Kentucky in 178" , and brought down to Lou isiana on a llutboat full of slaves when four years old. She was purchased by a young lady of Houviilc , and hud an easy life as a body servanl. She was a maluro woman nt tbo time of the baltlu of Now Orleans , nnd had distinct recollections of the events of that stirring ponod. She Joined tbo Metho dist church some twenty-live years ago , and became Its saint und oracle. She was quite well-to-do , and leaves n large family. C Founding William.Taylor Oollozo. FOKT JVATNn , Ind. . August 11. About a year uco Bishop William Taylor , the African missionary , vlsilod Fort \Vayno , and since that time wealthy und influential friends in the east huvo wished to endow the Fort Wayne Methodist college if its ivimc wcro chanced in honor of the missionary. It is un derstood that their wishes are about to bo realized , and tlmt before long the Fort Wayne college will bo known us the William Taylor college , nnd will receive an ondowmcnl suffi cient tp place it on a sound business basis. Fatal Collision Near Tnpnkn , TOPBKA. ICnn , , August 11 , The Caldwell express on the Rock Island road collided with n freight train this evening on a curve two miles west of this city. The baggage and express cars of the passenger train , mtitfy freight cars and both engines wnro wrecked. Expressman Courier wan crushed to death. Fireman Pat Donovan waa fa tally injured nnd Lew Ball , brakomiin , had one leg cut off and was othorwiao injured. None of the passengers wore hurt. Governor dowry's Victims , PAHVIS , Miss. , August H.-fSpocial Tele gram to Tin : HuE.J Champion Sullivan , Kofcroo John Fitzpatrlck , Jninifton , Manager Uud Ronaud and Charles Hlch , on whoso land the fight occurred , reached hero to-day nnd go to trial to-morrow. Tlio chances nro that they will all got the full ponalty. The balance of the accused will nrnvo to-mor row. The trial will last about a week. What Orcto lloiimiulH. LONDON , Augjst 11. The Crotawcommls- slon , which is treating with Hlza Pasha , governor of the Island , demands reduction of taxation , financial autonomy , reform of the law courts and tlio distribution of public offices among Christians and Moslems ac cording to tholr respective numbers , Hunk of C/illfornln Wln > > n Knit. SAN FIIANOISCO , August 11 , Ton years ago Jsaao Friudlundor failed In a hi ? wheat deal , after having convoyed to the Hank of Cali fornia certain lundo as security for $700,000 In notos. N. S , Chapman , ono of Frlcdland- or'u creditors , has slnco boon endeavoring to recover the land , as of fraudulant convoy- unco. The superior court yostordav rendered a decision in favor of thu bank , The amoun Involved was 81,500.000. Killed liy n Mull. WI.NONA , Minn.August 12. ( Joorgn tfonok , aged forty-five years , was gored to death by aa inturiaUd bull ou bis farm this afternoon , Goortco Monnlor Shoota nnd In < atnntly Kills John Roovoa. A CHERRY COUNTY TRAGEDY. Two Alleged Illinois llorso Tlilovoa Itonnrtcil Cnninrotl at Kon"na\v A Woman llnrnod l nt NoliriiHlctx City. Slintnnd Inntnntly Klllnil. VAI.UNTINB , Nob. , Aucust 11. fSpeclM Telegram to Tnr. Hicre. A fatal shooting affrav occurred near Morrlman , m this county , yesterday , in which John Hooves was shot and Instantly killed by George Monnlor. Alter the killing Monnlor onmo hero and delivered himself up to the sheriff , stating that thn shooting was done in self- defense. The cause of the murder grow out of a quarrel between Mounter and Hooves in a settlement. Uooves had contracted to work for Monnlor until tlio Ilrst of Dofombcr , but from some difficulty , which resulted In a bitter quarrel u few days ago , quit work nnd demanded a settlement for the work dono. This was refused by Monnlcr , when Hooves loft and returned yes terday , accompanied by his cousin. Ho cnmo around nnd demanded Instant payment ot wnpos duo. Ttils Monnlcr could not do , when Heoves drew -his revolver nnd fired , the ball passing close to the head of hlq intended victim. Mcunler being near the door , behind which was his rillo , ho Immediately grasncd it and fired the fatal shot and Hooves llred a second shot. During the shooting the cousin , wliOHO name the prisoner docs not know , fled , and hla wife sought shelter under the table. Neither of the parties have berne the best of reputations. The coroner aud sheriff will l.old an Inquest to-morrow. Arrested For STUAHT , Nob. , August 11. [ Special Tele gram to Tint BHK.J Jim Bauors , living near thu pinco , was arrested to-day charged wlta attempting to rape Mrs. O. H. Klrkendull , living six miles north of town. On last Thursday night , about 11 o'clock , us she was at homo alone , her husband being away run- Ing a threshing machine , n man giving his name ns John Urody , a resident of that sec tion , cumo to her door. Ho said ho hna been to town after the doctor for her nearest neighbor , Mrs. HoiTlngton , aud that ho was also requested to bring Mrs. ICirkcndall. His story was told so plausibly that the woman's confidence was gained , and , getting in the open buggy , with him , drove away. When about a mile tram homo the villain assaulted her. Hoth jumped from the buirgy and a violent lent struggle ensued. She succeeded in de fending her honor till nearly exhausted , when her llttlo dog made Its apuoarancc. Calling her assailant's attention to this , she mudo him bnllevo her husband was coming , und ho released her and allowed her to go homo. When confronted by Bauors to-day she strongly Insisted that ho was the man who assaulted her. Ho will have a hearing boforu Justice Hoggs to-morrow. There is strong talk of lynching to-night. Cooler heads nro inclined to give him a chance for his life , as ho may not be the right man. Ilo strongly protests his innocence. Illinois Mnrso Tlncves Cnplnrotl. DOHCIIISTEH , Nob. , August 11. [ Special to TUB UKK.I Word was received hero this morning that David Cain , a young man who has lived a part of his time with his parents on a farm about eight miles northwest of this place , and a young man by tlio name ot Gambol wcro arrested yesterday at ICeno- suw. Nob. , upon information from the sheriff : of Knox county , Illinois , wlioro they nro wanted for strj.Ulng a horse and buggy. The sheriff arrived from that state with n requi sition last night , uud returned with his pris oners to-day. * , Burned bv a Gasoline ; Kxploslnn. NnwusKA CITV , Neb. , August 11. [ Siieclal to TUB Hun. | Mrs. Hubert Thorpe was ter ribly burned this morning by thn explosion of gasoline pas. Her clothlni ; was com pletcly burned from her body before the lire wusextiugulshnd , und the doctor considers her condition precarious. IUA.IIV131YH FAST. Ilo Una Now Gene Flfi.v-lOlfjIit Onys \VltIiout Food. IxntANAi-ows , August 11. [ Special Telo- gratn to Tun UKE. | Robert Marvel , the Pike township octogenarian , passed the fifty-eighth day of his fast tonlay and bids fair to live another week or perhaps longor. For the past five days ho has taken no milk , nnd during the llfty-snven days of his fast ho has taken not over three quarts. Dr. Hasty , of this city , called to see him and describes him as much weaker , but still showing considerable energy. "Ho is shriv eling up like a dried pouch , " says the physi cian , "and Is not so ready to fight , but be comes combative when handled much. The case Is tlio most remarkable ono that 1 ever attended , and I have never read of anything like it. TI113 OF ANNEXATION. ( lyilo I'arlc Knlonns In Full itlnst I3o hind CloKcd Oiirtainq , CHICAGO , August 11. The (50,000 ( people In Hyde Purlt recently annexed to Chicago were for the llr.sttlmc in n long period treated to-day to open saloons on Sundays. Tha state law closing tlio saloons on Sunday Is a dead letter In Chicago , nnd Ilyuo Park saloonkeepers have succeeded , after much scheming , in reaching an understanding with the authorities whereby tlio statute will hcraafter bo nullified in Hyde Park. Every saloon In the big district was in full blast to-day , the signal for the opening having boon an ofllcinl order that all barrooms should , In accordance with the cltyoidl- nunco , keep their curtains down on Sundays. The regulation In regard to curtains was re ligiously on forced by the police. Orplmn Any I n in liilrun , AUGUSTA , Ga. , August 11Tho Augusta orphan asylum , a magnificent five-story building , was almost entirely destroyed by flro to-day , The structure cost over $100,000 and was Insured for $ .10.000. The children were saved. Two firemen were injured by falling timbcra. _ _ Oiuraund nnd Murdered , CHAUM'-STOK , W. Va. , August -11. A Widow named Gillls , with two daughter * nearly grown , living In a remote part of tUo county , were found by neighbors Friday , all dead , They had evidently been criminally assaulted and murdered , Thuro Is no duo to thu perpetrators of the deed. A Itlval for Htovu Ilrodle. CINCINNATI , O. , August 11. Otto Solzler , a boy fifteen yearn old , lot himself drop from , the suspension bridge , u distance of eighty feet , Into the Ohio river all ) o'clock to-night , for the amusement of a few companions. The thm'g was done so quietly that an hour later the watchman on the bridge hud not heiml of it. The boy escaped unhurt. Killed lly Jumping From ix Train. SOUTH HUTIILHIIKM , Pa. , August 11. H. K. Webb , of Wilkosbarre , thirty-four years of ugu , uud Herman Newuiuyor , of the eamo plai'o , tigcd forty five , Jumped from the Lchlgh Valley train at Chum Dam early thl morning , Webb was instantly killed aud Nowuiaycr fatally hurt ,