Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 11, 1889, Part II, Page 14, Image 14

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No odvortlflomortta wilt bo token for
thoao columns oftor I2:3O p. m.
Torms-Cnoh In ndvnnco.
Advertisements under this head 10 cents per
line for the llrst Insertion , 7 cants for each sub-
rcquont Insertion , nnd tux ) per line per month.
No Bdrcrtlsomoms taken to- less than 25 cents
for first Insertion. Seven words will be counted
to the line ; tht.y must run consecutively nnd
must be paid In ADVANCE. All advertise
ments must be handed in before IZ.-no o clock .
ro. , and under no circumstances will they betaken
taken or discontinued by telephone ,
Pnrtles advertising in these columnsnnd hav
ing their answers addressed In care ot TUB HER
will plenno ask for a cherK toenablo them to get
their letters , ns none will be delivered except
on presentation of check. All answers to ad-
vcrufemonls slicnld b onclossd In envelopes.
All advertisements In these columns nro pub
lished In both morning nnd evening editions of
TDK Urn. the circulation of which aggregates
moro than 18,0(10 ( papers ilnliy , add elves the ad
rortlfcrH the benefit , not only of the city circu
lation of TiiRllr.K , but nl'-o ot Council Bluffs ,
Lincoln nnd other cities and towns throughout
this section ot the country.
Advertising forthrso columns will be taken
on the nbovo conditions , nt the following bust ,
ness houses , w ho nro authorized agents for THE
llr.K special notices , nnd will quote the same
rates ns can bo had nt the main olllco.
I Btrcct.
P HASE k TODY. Stntloncrs and Printers , 113
V South ICth Btrcct.
SII. FARNSWOUTHPharmacist , 2116 Cum.
mlng Street.
J. HUGHES , Pharmacist , C21 North ICth
. Street.
GEO. W. PARR , Pharmacist , 1C09 St. Mary's
tTUGHUS' PnAKjfAOy , 2203 rarnam Street ,
WANTED Situation ns housekeeper by n
very worthy young woman ; Is uont nnd
reliable. 0138. iftn st.
, . _ . . . -ATlrst-class carriage bln-Ocsmltlf ;
steady work und good pay. Address John
Bunt , Le Mars. la. 077 12t
IBALESMANlo sell Lubricating oil. Apply
Brooks011 Co. , Douglas Block , Omaha.
VI7ANTED Twoyounormen to take county
T management. Must deposit $25. Salary
176 to $100 pur month , Call on or address Duvls
Sc Shnhan , 540 llninge block , Omnha. ' 712-13
ANTED-20 shovelers. H.60 ; 10 section
men. < tl,40 ; 20 men to cut brush , 118 : eleva
fc tor boy , 115 ; 2d cook , $26 ; pan washer. Sii , out
pi city. Mm. llrlga , U14M S. 15th. 723-I1- *
W ANTED Two cornice makers. 11. Urahl ,
108 East Broadway , Council BlufTs.
WANTED 2 flrst-clas-s carriage painters. A.
J. Simpson. 14UO nnd 1411 Dodge. TJ-12
WANTED A man to take charge of an ad
vertising crew on the road. One that has
had experience at canvnibing preferred. Sal
ary. Bond of line and good reference required.
A. Lowls. Cozzens hotel. Call this morning
between 11 nnd 1 o'clock. 71Mlt
WANTED-Hoy to learn the Jeweler's trade ;
do not apply unless you nro strlctlv hon-
eat tind of good haults _ a S. Raymond , cor.
Douglas and 15th sts. (172-11
WANTED 1st class experienced salesman
in hosiery department , must have refer-
cans. The Fair , 1.1th and Howard. 091
AA. " ANTED Good stnady coupln to work on
V farm. Mrs. Hrega , 31414 S. 15th , 682
( 50 monthly salarv nnd premiums to energetic ,
Prellnblo agents who uman busjnoss. Apply
It , 318Marlam bloak. Council Blulfs. 067 lit
WANTED Boy with good pony : about two
hours work per day ; must be nt olllce at 5
o. m. Kiiqulio at Bee counting room. GOl
\ \ ; ANTED Several good agents ; liberal pay.
VV Joplln & Co. . aos N loth at. 058 12 ?
WANTED By a largo cigar factory of repu
tation tevoral traveling salesmen for Kan
sas , Missouri and Nebraska , to carry a few of
our special brands or full line In connection
with their regular line or exclusive , on couiinis-
lon. Only those having a trade In ttto cigar
line need apply. State how long traveling same
territory and whom representing. A No. 1 ref
erences.1. . Goldsmith & Bro. , 11 nnd 13 Dear
born et. , Chicago. Bits 11 ?
ANTED-Sollcltors , 003 N. 17th ; IW per
month. 003 Kit
TSTANTED Traveling salesman nnd sales-
V T woman , l.'jO per month and expenses , 008 N.
17th st. 002 Kt
WANTED First-class salesman in hosiery
department. Must have re fences. The
Fair ; 5'.a
rjIHE Missouri washer affords agents proilta-
JL bio business. It wushos'dlrtlost clothes clean
In hot steam without rubbing. Arguments in
Ito favor are numerous and convincing. Easily
eold. Sent on two weeks'trial to be returned
at my expense If not satisfactory. Write for
Illustrated circular and terms. J. Worth , St
Louis , Mo.
W 'ANTED Dry goods man. manager , Ooor-
walker ana attend to advertising retail
dry goods house. References required. Ad-
dress. F. . 60. Bee ofllco. _ 6H-12
ANTED For Washington Territory tle-
inakors , choppers , carpenters , rock men ,
graders and tracklayers , at Albright's .Labor
Agency , 1120 Famam st. _ 231
WANTED A good ofllco man to go east ;
mum Invest 22,500 ; must be n good business
man. Address the Gco. 8. Cllno Publishing
House , 315 to 821 Wabasti ave. , Chlcago Ill ,
B ?
to travel for thr Fonthlll Nurseries of
Canada , Wo pay (30 to $100 a month and
expenses to agents to sell our Cnnadlan grown
ktock. Ad , Stone & Wellington , Madison , Wls.
ANTED-Agonts. Magio cigar lighter ,
every smoker ouvd , lights In wind or rain ,
lasts n lifetime. Sample luc , two for25c , dozen ,
II. or mall. Stamps taken. Austin & Co. ,
Providence. R. I. _ 459s3t
TTITANIED Man-ot good address to act ns
T V county manager. References exchanged.
Deposit of&M required. Salary (05anat75per
month with commission privileges. Call on or
address The Gecrgo R. Clme Publishing house ,
611 NtttlonaHUnk. Take elevator. 601-11J
\\7ANTED J26 weekly representative , male
f * or female. In every community. Goods
staple ; household necessity ; sell at sight : no
peddling ; salary pnld promptly , and expenses
advanced. Full particulars and valuable Hample
case Free. Wo mean Just what wo say ; addreBS
nt once. Standard Silverware Co. , Boston , Mass.
SALESMEN Wo wish a ow men to sell our
fei' goods by sample to the wholesale and retail
trade. Laigest manufacturers m our line.
Enclose 2-cma stamp. Wages Kl per day. Per
manent position , No postals answered. Money
advanced for wages , advertising , etc. Centen
nial Manufacturing Company. Cincinnati , Ohio.
fei'I _ TOI-B21 *
\trANTin : 1 waitresses.- ; lady cooks. KM
I to f35 ; housekeeper for widower with 3
cnilaren ; i girls for good places on
farms ; S gooa strong laundresses , 1
flue Ironpr , 2 experienced second girls , 1 wait
ress for private family , } 4 ; " " > girls for nice prl-
ynto famllleu. MM. Brega , U11K S. 15th.
_ _
w ANTUD-Olrltalloress to wore with cua
torn tailor. Apply Ull S , llth st. 731-12 ?
R7 ANTED A lady stenographer speedy and
.TV accurate , ana to assist at bookkeeping ,
Address Q 4Jeeomce. ! ttXrll
" \7 ANTED Young lady bookkeeper and caslT
TT lor. These with city references only. Ad'
dregs , "Merchant , " Omaha P. O. 007 13
EAUV agents wanted to sell the Madame
Williamson corset. Largest saloof any patent
corset In the market. Good territory. Applj
agents mannaer , 18 B. Oth it. . St. Louts. Mo.
ANTED-Good girl for general housewort
in family ot two. 2211 Furnam. C20-11
W ANTED Girl for general house wore :
steady place. 1918 Capitol ave. 529
WANTED German girl to do cooklni ; and
washing , best of wages paid. Inquire J ,
L. llraiidels. 721 a 10th at. 233
TXJANTHD 4 permanent boarders and room
TT ersiu private family. Terms 115 per mo ,
Bath , etc. 730 N 18th St. , near B urt.
WANTED Koom inate for nicely turnlshec
room in good location ; cheap rent , a 8
llee. 729-11 *
ALADYotretinement and education wouk
ItKe a few pupils to Instruct either at then
homo or bera. Can also plve lessons to btgln
&er on piano , Addrea * for one week. O 5 11 et
Olllce. 717-Ht
WANTED A good small stock farm ; alsc
No. 1 fruit farmnear Omaha. Address P
P. . box 752. Omaha. 655 11 *
WANTED 50 teams for railroad praams , al
Albright' * lAbor agency , 1120 Furuam t
Parties who hnvo property of
WANTED to trad * , list It with us for quick
exchange ; commission always reasonable.
Correspondence noltclted , write us add. W. F.
Nine ft Co. , Den Moines. la. JOT14
To rent a completely furnished
hotel In live town. Address Wcl hnnsA'Jo. ; ,
Exposition uulldlng , Omaha. Sot li
T71IHBT CLASS board for smnU.famllles , with
JL1 or without rooms , nt reasonable rates. In-
qulro nt 004 S. 18th st. 558-12
TTUKST-class dny Donrd. Inquire 1009 Douglas
D UESSMAKINQ In Inmlllcs. iXOGllnmllonst.
LA 1)1153 call at ID'S ) Fnrunm st. nnd lenrn to
cut your own arosjoss Mrs. J , Wnlkle , of
Chicago , the author ot the Wlrth tailor By tem ,
cantoachyou Inn short tlmii to do nrtlstlo
dross cutting and It is surely n very useful ac
complishment. The price Is very low. llrlngR
pnnnont and cut it yourself while unaor m-
( tructlon. Mothers have your daughter ! learn
to cut and baste up n guimnont. H will be use
ful to them nil their lives. Think of this matter
sorlously. 703-11 *
ItnSSMAltlNQ In families , G30 S. 17th.
010 s8t
TJIOintBNT-IO-room house',1 221rTcavcn. (
JU worth : bath room , gas , etc. , (10. 5-room
house , ! Mth and Itrlstol , JI2 , y stores , cor. 10th
and Arbor : good place for grocery nnd meat
market : U stores , St. Mary's uvonue , between
17th and 18th. Hugh U. Clark , room 7 , board of
trado. CBS 12
ITUVE-room house : also 2-room house , near
JL1 Ixiarcnworth , $ XI 8. ssd st. C9ltt
A PEW residences to rent yet in the Paul
block at 8 < fi and upwards , with water , to
good tenants only. This is at least 2.1 per cent
cheaper than anything in the city considering
the nttrnctlvunesa , improveuicuts , etc. , etc.
Paul. 11,09. 707-11
INOIl KENT Rloven-room house , good repair ,
Inrge yard , motor , $20. Five-room cottage ,
large yard. 111) . Two rooms , tc. Double store
rooms with upper floors ( ( XI. Alex Moore , 301
Shcoly block. 721-m
FOIl HUNT A choice nine-room house , all
mo lorn conveniences in llrst class repair ,
good lot with shade trees ; reasonable rent to
good party. Inqulr * S54J Cupltol avo.
TTIOH HUNT Floor of 4 rooms ; city water and
JL' cistern. 1217 Chicago st. Knqulro 1215 Chi-
cnjjo st. 70447t
TPRNroom house on motor line , 2221 Hurt ,
J. modern conveniences. Apply 2223 Hurt.
074 lit
"I710K ItRNT 12-roora house ; furnace , barn ,
J3 largo full lot. 1917 Cnss at , ( S85
"VTIiW house of A rooms , 6 closets , brick cellar ,
J-i hard and soft w tcr. Apply at n o eor of
14th ana Webster sts. 078-12 *
TTlOil JtRNT Kesldcnce , 210(1 ( Douglas st. . now
JL1 bouseall modern Improvements ; not a
basement house. Knonlro of Merit ? Meyer ,
Cor. Wth and Fnrnam. ca
HOUSE forront , Itea Dortga.
' KENT 7-roora Hat. 82 , " ) per mo. nbovo
JUTh'e Fair , 13th and Howard. Inquire ThoFalr.
TCpOU KENTIDroom brick house on 20th st.
JL : nearIunveu orth. Apply at No. 827 S. SJtn
WILL lonao for ono or more years a large 7-
room house with all modern conveniences ;
Is nicely painted outside , bard-finished inside ,
nicely papered , two largo bay windows ; three
blocks from court house 501 S 20th. tffl
ITfOK KENT Houses of nllKlnds in all"parts
JL' of the city , for ull kinds of people , ut nil
kinds of prices , at all times of the year , or will
sell you a good home on small monthly pay
ments. J. J. Wilkinson , 1417 Furnaui st.
Cl08l |
J71OR KENT A detached W-room house , all
JL' modern conveniences. Enq. 2529 Capitol ave.
T7IOH HENT 2-room liouae , 2028 Dorcas st.
JU 071 17t
1011 UENT 10-room house , steam heat all
Improvements , cheap rent. O , E. Thompson ,
room 214 , Sheely block , l&th and Howard.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
NKW five-room cottage for rent. Ilussell ,
Pratt It Co. , ! U9 8. IStn Bt. 69 < 5
OU8E. 81H N. JSth st. , for rent. 11. W.
Crcmor. 09 N. 15th 6U
TTIOH HENT-8-room house , 833 S 20th. near
JL1 I.oavcnworth ; nil conveniences. 587-13 ,
'plOIl KENT NlcoO room cottage , 2512 C ss st.
FOK HENT-fi-room cottage. 100 So. 28th st.
J13. Kingwalt Bros. , Koom a7 , Barker block-
NICE 6-room cottage , closets , pantry , city and
cistern water ; largo yard ; on good cor line.
Kent S17 , including water. : j-room cottage , rent
HO. Co-operative Land and Lot Co. , 205 N. loth.
C' > 2 12
"C1O11 HENT Sept. 1st. n 5-room cottage , with
X1 bnth-rooin nnd closutinthbet. St.Mary H ave
and Leavemvortn. David Jamlcson , 314 H. 15th
FOK KENT Fine largo residence , hard wood
llnlslu all conveniences , low rent to private
family ; : .1C N. lath st. 081
FGll KENT The 0-room Hat occupied by Dr.
Gilmcro. 2d lloor. No. 101,1 Howard st. In-
qulro ot Oeo. Hlgelns , 1011 Howard st. IBS
ITIOII KfiNT Good 2-story 7-room houso. Darn
JL' tor 4 horses , on uubnrban car linn. { 20 per
month , a F. Harrison. Merchants' Nat. bank.
FOR KENT 0-room house , new , well and
cistern , short K block from Hurt st. motor ,
20 per month , lot COxliU. Inquire 3415 Hurt st.
6UO lit
POK RENT a first-class dwelling ; with all
modern oonrenirnres. including stable , 2503
Capitol ave. Inquire of D. J. 0 * Donation. 1C01
Karnam st. - 845
T71OK KENT Two nine room brick houses on
JU Park avenue , with all conveniences. Also
nine room frame house on same street , with all
conveniences : price I.T5 to M5 per month. D. V
ttholes. 210 First National Uank. Sll
T710K HUNT Six new 5-room cottages , ready
JL' on or before September 1 , 3lth and Half
Howard streets , healthy location , near Karnam
cars. Kent , each15 per month. Eultable tor
small tidy families. Johnll. F. Lehinnnn. 621
8.17th st. 44 ]
PLEASANTLY furnished room for two gen
tlemen , on motor line , (10 per month. 1401
Clark St. . between 10th and 17th. 701-11
ROOM with board In a private family for 1 or
2 gentlomuu ; bath privileges. Call 2013
Loavcnworth st. GU7-11
FliONT room to a gentleman , in private fam
ily ; convenient location , 518 8.20th st. , cor.
St. Mary's ave. 01)4-17 )
rPWO plonsaut rooms , furnished , K ) and W per
X month , 1204 N. 18th st. 720-1U
NI01JLY furnished front room for two gen
tlemen ; also parlor and Bleeping room.
1717 Cumings. 70iM2t
OH KENT In Council llluiru , to gentlemen
only , two furnished rooms , one block of
Broadway depot , on electric motor line. Address -
dross "Kuoni,1' llee. Council Bluffs. . 715-Hr
NICELY furnlxhod rooms to gentlemen only ,
price f , CIO and (12 per month , ; ill N l-'lhst ,
00118 *
fjWONTrobm nicely furnished : no children
JL1 in house ; terms moderate , 509 N 15th.
050-1 It
WOK KENT-Furnlshed rooms , 2209 Dodge ,
FOK KKNT-Sulto of rooms with both nnd
gas. dutiable for a doctor. Apply or address -
dress , D. J. P. . 1012 Henry at. BtS-m
UKNIflHKD room * for rent with gas and
bath , ilnglo or en-suite. Apply , 1012
Harney st. 014-llt
XTICRLV furnished suit of rooms and one sin-
J/s gle room. All modern conveniences , private
family. 2214 Faruam st. 025
T7\UKN1SIIEI \ ) room with board , only tt per
JH week. Home comforts. 12i5 N , 20th st.
628-11 *
EOK KENT-EIeg ntly furnished front parlor
lift Also rooms for light housekeeping , 008
N , 17th st.
TjlOK KENT Elegant roomi , 110 to HO. Board
X' and rooms. KM to 37 per month ; all modern
convenience * . lBilCa st. 803 lit
N101' * ' . rHr.nihe\ ! ! nwi with or without
board , 004 S. 13tn it ,
QOOD room with bath. 61 &JWthstT 228
PUUNlSHED-Front room/WiS Farnara.
U5a 27 : *
SOUTH front room , meals In the house. 1008
Capitol avenue. BM
[ 71011 HUNT Two furnished rooms , 815 north
X1 17th st. Kefercnco required. 873-8 1
T. GLA1K European Hotel , cor. 13tu and
Dodge ; * p clal r t by week or mouth.
Pen KENT Ono furnished parlor ; also
sleeping room , splendid neighborhood , 2412
Ilarney st. 731-111
ITlOn HRNT Mcelr furmsliJd room , modern
JL' convtuiences , suitable for 1 or 2 gentlemen ,
ntC288.17tust. TJO-llt
_ _
TTIOK rrT Nicely furnished rooms , 1st and
i 2d floors , tin and f 12 and (10 per month.
Modern conveniences. 2100 Karnam st.
KENT Two parlors front and back on
first lloor , also single rooms with board.
All modern covcnlences. 1009 Douglas. 083
TT'UHNISHKDor tinfurnl h d house forr nt
JE In Park Terrace , opposite Hanscom park ;
nil modern conveniences. Inquire , Lee & Nlchol ,
Zijth nnd Ixsavcnwortli , BM
TTlUItNISIIEn rooms with all modern con-
JU Tonlencesfor gentlemen only , 1709 Dodco st ,
6vl )
I7IOK KKNT Elegant furnished room for
JU single Rontlomnn only. 724 S. 10th St. . cur.
Leavenworth. WO
HUNT Two furnished rooms , on St.
Mary's avenue. To gentlemen only. Hlx
minutes wallc of business center. Kcferenco
required. Inquire at store , 210 and 212 8. 15th st.
rpWO rooms with or without board for gen-
JL tlemen.prlviuo fnmlly.rotcroncea. 1812 Dodge
TTIOK KENT Four unfurnished rooms , 2nd
J. lloor. Inquire 003 8 13th st , at grocery otoro.
171011 RENT Pleasant unfurnished rooms in
J prlvnl.0 family. 3JO N. 2Cth st. 7IH-11 *
> KOOMS witn bath , gas and steam heat , 618
030. 10th. 710-17J
T7IOK IIRN1 < Unfurnished rooms sultaolo for
JL1 housekeeping , In suites ot2to 4 ; convenient
location. Butt's Kontlng Agency , 1500 Farnain.
503841 :
_ _
TO KENT Desirable war house room on
track. Apply to 0.V. . Keith , 711 Pnclllo St.
FOK KENT Store room. cor. 85th and N sts , ,
South Omaha. Best locution In city for
gents * furnishing or dry Roods store. Inquire
of J. J. Muhonoy , room 500 Paxtonblk. ' 4T--S.3
TTIOR KENT A fine corner brick store , splen-
JL' did location for a drug store , rent reason
able ; also a fine brick stoie. good location fora
grocery ,
Also n nice store on Cum Ing St. , near 20th ,
good location for shoo or tin shop.
Also a nice corner basement in a brick block ,
pond light , city water , etc. ; good location for
uarbcr shop. Kent for aliovo stores will bo
made very low to good parties. T. C. llrunner ,
room 1 , Wuro bin. 092-13
FOK KENT Stores and living rooms on Cum-
Ing st. Also house on Cus3 st. Harris , room
411 , 1st Nat. Hank. _ 234
FOK business purposes 2d lloor , 50x133 , In
Paxton building , 10th nnd Farnnm , entrance
on Furnam , passenger and freight elevator ,
north and south light , will divide Into two if de-
aired. HeymanAt Delches , 1518 Furnam st.
0 4a2S
_ _
TTIOK KENT Tno corner room under * the No-
JL' braska National bank will soon be for rent ,
the Equltablo Trust Co. removing to larger
The space is about double that occupied by
thoC. . II. * Q. ticket olllce. The lloor is tiled
ana the room can bo made desirable for a K , K.
ticket or broker's olllco.
For particulars apply nt bank. 082
TmOR HKNT-Storeroom , No. 1411 Douglas St. ,
JK ? best retail locality in city. Bee Dr. Neville ,
n. w. cor. 14th and Douglas. _ 571 nt
inOK KKNT The 4-story brick building with
X1 or without power , formerly occupied by The
Bee Publishing Co. . 810 Farnara st The build-
in ? has a lira-proof cemented ) basement , com
plete steam heating fixtures , water on all the
Hoers , gas , etc. Apply at the olllco ot The Bee.
TJ1OK RENT For a year or term ot years In
JL' Grand Island , Nen. . two flrst- class brick
stores , situated on Front street , ono block
south of U. P. tracks ; these buildings nro only
two years old , plate class fronts and stone
walks , flno cellars , and llrst-class in every
respect ; rents reasonable. Apply to W. A.
Whitney. _ K14 13
310 North 13th.
TJHM18ALE Safety bicycle , good as new. a
JL' rare bargain ; must bo sold. Call at 1412
Cupltol ave. 70 12 *
AD1E8 , Attention I Madam Querrettes
* Golden Specific , for all female weakness ,
office hours , 8 to 10 a. m. , and 3 to Op. m. . con
sultation free. 1800 Douglas. 412allt
WANTED loans In amounts of two to tl.OiX )
funds on hand.
For Sale 11 houses and lots , 100 feet front
near Kountze place. Horses , furniture , etc. ,
taken as llrst payment or will rent cheap.
Exchange Clear land for city property.
Want to buy or trade for Kouutze place lot or
house and lot. G.V. . Lusk , 1511 Farnam st.
Koom S. ( ,3-S-m
A HE you loosing for an opportunity to en
gage In the mercantile business ? it so coma
and see us. W. K. E. & M. B. , Koom 11 Chamber
of Commerce. Tel. 1140. 615
/CESSPOOLS , cisterns , privy vaults , etc. ,
Vj'cleaned ' quietly , quickly , cheaply and clean
ly ; all work done bv odorless pump. Odorless
Sanitary Co. , 1400 Farnam street. Tel. 298.
635 s5
THE banjo taught as an art by Geo. F. Ocllen
beck. Apply at Bee oince. 050
AN experienced and thoroughly competent
creamery man with ample means la looking
for a good location within 150 miles ot Omaha.
Address F 50 , earn of Boa. 528-12 *
"VKS Tne old. reliable Rental agency is still
JL running , supplying all that come with
houses , llata and stores. J. U. Parrotte. Koom
8t Douglas block. C49al3.
PERSONAL Don't ruin your eyesight by
using poor lamps. For (2.50 you can buy the
nlcklo plated Connecticut lamp complete , with
Hi-Inch dome shade. It gives a light equal to
8 gas jets , is perfectly safe , easy to wick and
doe * not get out of order. His guaranteed to
pivo satisfaction. Call and see It , or write for
Illustration ! Moody'a China ! tore , 302 N. luth
st , Omaha. 098-11
"I OST Large , young close-halrod St. Bernard
JLJ dog. yellow with whlto breast and feet. Ke-
turn to 11 JO Georgia are. , or 901 Douglas and get
reward. 538
T OST English Mastiff. Return to 400 Paxton
JLJ block and pet reward. 241-
. world renowned atP
trologlHt , test medium and destiny reader.
Just from Europe , Tells your life from tne
cradle u > the grave , reunites the separated ,
cause * speedy marriage with the one you love ,
locates ulwoasea and treats with massage and
electric baths. All in trouble "hould not fall to
consult this glf tea seeress. Panourti , upstairs.
417 South llth , olllce hours from 10 a. m. to 10
p.m. _ 443-18 *
T7IOHTUNK Teller Mrs. Lenonnun can be
JD consulted on nil airalrsof life. Satisfac
tion guaranteed. No. 810 N. 15th st. tfll-S.B *
MRS. Perseval , of California , 1000 Douglas St. ,
foretells the tuture. Ladles and gentlemen.
204 13J
_ _
DH. NANNIE V. Warren , clairvoyant , medi
cal and business medium. Female diseases
a specialty.119 N 16th st. rooms a and 3. 1)06
_ _
TOKAOE nt low rates at 1121 Farnam St. ,
Omuhu Auction ana Storage Co. 1:17
rfitACKAUK storage at loweht rates. W. M.
JL Bushman , 1311 Leovenworth. _ 238
STOHAGK and forwarding. We collect and
deliver goods of all description * , merchan
dise , furniture and baggage at cheapest rates
for Htorace for any length of time. Vans and
wagons to be hail nt shortest notice , wltn raro-
ful men for moving. Packing and shipping
from our own warehouse done on moderate
charge. Merchandise loaded and unloaded.
\Varelinuseon our own tracks. Office 217814th
8t. ; telephone 114. Howell&Co. 240
YH'ANTKO Furniture , carpets , stoves and
V > household goods of all Hinds. Omaha
Auction & Btorrge Co. , 1121 Farnain , 237
Tlf OltniHON & ELY-Btorage and forwarding ;
J-U-tpoclal arrangements for commission mer <
chants , 1213 I < eavenworth ; tel. 410. , Omaha.
QTANDAKD Shorthand school , Paxtou blk. ,
kJjBUcceabor to Vuleutiiie'n ) the largest exclu
sive shorthand Kchool lu the west. Teachers
aru verbatim reporters. Particular attention
oald to typewriting. Mechanical construction
of machine taught by factory export , Circulars.
3 > 41
WIIITTLKSUY'B Shorthand School. Barter
block. Bend for circulars ; Lord's pray or
In shorthand free , iTO-aSt
OMAHA lliislnesiflollrpn. cor Ifth nnd Capl-
tel ave. 8hortrmrntTiio largest and most
successful shorthand department In the stnt * .
Standard methods taught , Munson's revised
of ' 89 n specialty. CaU $ > r writ * for terms.
WANTKn-HorS9ound , kind and reliable.
Weight 1 JO pdrttSls of "more , for lady to
use. Stale prlco. Address F , ' . ) , lice onico.
ANTED A rfw-ond-liand sUam engine ,
. about IS-horsq'BQ'Weri.nlso necessary tools
for small machlrtSMiip. Address O 1 , lloo
olllco. ir.iif ) 090-11
WANTED-For c , * u , 4 spans mules , weight
1JXO ( to 13.0CW BKort loirgod. n to 7 years
old , witd harnoss. Hugh Mnrphy' 1505 Farnntn.
'Ot i 0401U
QUO will buy n good mare , harness nnd open
UJbuggy. Inquire 1810 Sherman nvo. nftor 0
o'clock. MO-llt
T710II SALE Ono light ! J spring wnRon. hand
X made , cheap , 1224 N. 10th st. TOT-Ht
TTIOU SAIK A first-class horse nnd Imegy
J-1 cheap. Address U 7 , lleo. _ 7K.U
O NO. 2 calagrnphs. O. Oliver , ) 00 Main street ,
OCouncllHiiitrs. 703-llt
T710H 8AM5 Horse , harness nnd
J at will neil at half prlco : must soil ,
K. Hnnnnn. room 0 , Continental bit. 07fi 12t
T710U BALK Cash or time , Scoort teams , wng-
-tJonsand Imruessos , J , J. Wilkinson , 1417
Putnam st. 080
171011 SAMS Furniture nnd cnrnots of a 0-
X1 room hoiico , nearly new nnd llrst class
throughout , will soil nn tlino payments or trade
for good r al estate. Address A , P. O. box K.U
TTIOHSALE PuralturB ot largo house , every
Jl1 room rented. First-class location. Parties
leaving city. A bargain. Address E 8 , Dee olllce.
TJIOll SALE-Ilnrn , 1803 Hurt St.
TTIOHSALR A second-hand boiler , as good as
-t- new ; only used two years : 60-horso power ,
with ? J three-inch lines ; BZO no inches by 14 font
long ; cheap for cash. . .Address or call on K. H.
Jnwcett ? , 1KU O St. . Lincoln. Nob. 012-llt
T71OU BALK Furniture , very chonp , for two
JLJ or three days , 1003 Capitol nve. 008 14
TTIOK BALE or nont The Malvorn Steam
-L1 Flour and Feed mills , or will take an active
artner. IJyroc Sweazcy , Mulveru , Iowa.
TTIIVK hundred pharos of 110 per share North
JL' Western Standard Oil stock. Tnls stock is
non-assessnblcn nd land is being developed
now and IR sure to bring good returns in near
future. Will sell for cash very cheap. Address
K C ! . lleo office. BCO
FOR SALE Handsome youngpony , perfectly
sound nnd gentle , suitable for either saddle
or driving. Apply to Col. Fletcher , Fort Omaha.
EOKSALE 1,000 tons of ID-Inch ice , housed
on track , Council liluffB , la. Gilbert Urn .
F I OR SALE-Law library. 1610 Douglas.
fl47 25 *
TUIE Canfleld MTg .Co. being about to move
JL will sell 1 first-class 4-horse-powor onglno
and boiler at U actual valnc. 1208 Douglas st.
TVflDLAND Guarantee & Trust Co. , N. Y. Life
J.'Ibldg , Complete abstracts furnished and title *
to real ctttata examined , perfected & guaranteed.
THE ELICIIORN fxiarl Co. give money In any
amount on good security , furnlturo In use ,
horses , etc. Low interest. Over omnierciul N a-
tlonal Bank , 13th and Uougln .
MONEY to loan ; cash on hand : no delay. J.
W. Siiutro , 121U Farnaui st. . First National
bank building. i 280
MONEY to loan on any security
for start time , at low
rates. Lowest rates
on personal
The Henderson MorJguge Investment Company ,
room 100 , Paxton blpct. 2SO
MONEY loaned for 80 ; 0 or UO days on nny
kind of chattel security ; reasonable inter
est ; confidential , J.J. Wilkinson , 1417 Farnam.
.ft , 207
ONEY to loan ; , ih R Davis Co. . realestate ,
and loan'agcnis .loOJ.Farnam st. 277
OF. HAIUUbON loans money , lowest rates.
. ' 275
BUILDING und other real estate loan.s W.M.
Harris , room 20 , Frenzer block , opp. P. O.
MONEY to loan on real estate security , at
lowest rates. Betoro negotiating loans see
Wallace , K. 310 , Brown bldg. 10th & Douglas. 282
First class inside loans. Lowest
WANTED Call and see us. Mutual Invest
ment Co. , K1. Barker blk. . 15th and Farnam. 218
PHILADELPHIA Mortgage & Trust Co. fur
nish cheap eastern money to borrowers ,
purchase securities , perfect titles , accept loans
at their western olllce. Oeorgo W. P. Coates ,
room 7 , Board of Trado. 284
< n500ioOO to loan at ( I per cent. Llnahan & Ma-
iphoney , room WJO Paxton block. 287
BUILDING loans. D. V. Sholos. 210 First
National bank. 281
6 Per Cent money R. 302 , N. S" . Lire Ins. dldg
MONEY loaned on furniture , horses and
wagons ; rates reasonable. City Loan Co. ,
118 8. l.lth St. . opposite Milliard hotoi. 270
'ONE , _ . ? to . . lend . . on real estate ; get my terms
JJJLbefore placing your loans.
J. B. Evans , 808 N. Y. Life Building. 504 18
MONEY loaned on chattel securities and Jew
elry , Iloom 411 , Sheely block , Omaha Ne
braska. F. II. Jerome. 127 B 2 *
DON'T borrow money on furnlturo , horses ,
wagons , ate. , or collaterals until you see
C. U. Jacobs , 111 Flrut National bank building.
SEE Shales , room 210 , First Nat'l bank , before
making your loans. 281
FIKST mortgage loans at low rates and no
delay. D. V. Shales , 210 First National
bank. _ 8jl
LOANS made on real estate and mortgages
bought.Lewls S. Keed&Co.K 13 , Board Trudo
MONEY to loan on horses , wagons , mules ,
household goods , pianos , nrgann , diamonds ,
lowest rates. The firm organized loan olllco lu
tne city. Make loans for thirty to three hun
dred and ilxty-flvo dayx , which can be paid lu
part or whole , at nny time , thus lowering the
principal and interest. Call and see us when
you want , monoy. Wo can asttlst you promptly
and to your advantage without removal of
property or publicity. Money always on hand.
No delay in mailing loans , C. F , Reed & Co. ,
310 B. 13tu st. over Blnglinm & Sons. 2H3
DO YOU want money ? If so don't borrow
DO fore getting my rates , which are the low
est on any sum from (1 up to tlO.OOO.
1 make loans on household goods , pianos , or
gans , hnrses.mules.wagons , warehouse receipts ,
houses , leases , etc. . in any amount at thelowost
possible rates , without publicity or removal of
Loans can be made for ono to six months and
you can pay a part at any time , reducing both
principal and Interest. It you owe a balance
on your furniture or horses , or have a loon on
them , I will take It up. and carry it for you as
long as yon desire.
If you need money > < you will find it to your
advantage to see in * before borrowing.
11. F. Masters , roou 4 , Wlthnelt building. 15th
and aarney. ' I affl
_ _
LOANS on improved and unimproved prop
erty at low rates , Odell Bros. & Co.,3128iotn.
20 °
_ ri . r _
MONEY to loan on furniture , horses , wagons
or securities of anyklnd ; commorclrl and
mortgage notes bought at fair rates ; all busi
ness transacted conthUntlal. Collateral lx > an
Co. , room ! . ' ! , Ramge building. 713
EKSIDBNCE loops ( H4 to 7 per cent no ad
dltloual charge * , tor commissions or attor
neys' fees. W , II. M elkle , First Nut bunk bldg.
TVfONEY to loan b'n furniture , horses , wagons ,
-L'letc. . or on any. approved security. J. w ,
Robbing , 141HJ Facnam street , Paxton hotel.
| 260
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
KEYSTONE Mortgage CoLoans of IO to
11,000 ; get our rates before borrowing and
save money ; loan on horses , furniture or any
approved security , without publicity ; notes
boutiht ; for new loan , renewal of old and low.
eat rate8caHK20J,8heeley blk , Utti * Howard t.
M ON EV Loans negotiated at low rates with
ou tdelay , and purchase goods , commercial
paper and mortgage notou. B. A. Bloman , cor ,
13th and Fannnn. 872
NEBRASKA Mon. Loan Co will make you a
loan on household goods ,
horses , waeotm ,
' laud contracts ,
fine jewelry , or secuntles'of any Kind
without publicity , at reasonable rate * .
doom 7 , Konlev block. South Omaha.
Room * 018-61U , Paxtoa block , Omaha , Nab.
rpWO restaurants In city , pTrc
J. good location and business. Cigar ftoro ,
M50. Drug stock and fixtures for n.MK ) . Chop
house In good locution for tl.Ut. Bakeries and
confectioneries. 8 hotels. Grocery stock for
from KjOOj to fj.ooj. Furnlturo of n 10-room
house for 500 , irood location. Oc-Operatlve
l ind & Lot Co. , SOS N. loth st. 079 13
WANTBD-A partner with J3.000 to M.OOO to
taken halt Interest In n well established
craln and seed business , Address F , 40 , Omaha
lleo. CS9-11
"CIOKSALE Or exchange , flno drug storoln
JL1 country towns also SOIIIB chonp lands. Ad
dress lock box SI , Stuart , Neb. 033 25t
QTOCIC ot groceries and futures for sale for
toiXJOnnd store for rant , by John Strom , 1207
No.J7thjit. _ _ ceo 1C )
"fil6 K sXCE A nlco clean stock hardware In
JU best city in Iowa ; invoice about 15,000 ! will
take H In clear real estate , balance cash. Address -
dress Box 223. Cozard. Neb. C35
WANTBD-Bnnkincc In Uvo town In Kansas
or Nnbraskn requiring capital ot * 18aw.
Address F. W. P. , boxfi , Now Hartford , lu.
TPOII SALE or Exchange Flno drug storoln
J-1 country town ; also some chonp lands ; will
rent n roller mill to good man.ront not no much
of an object ns to have mill run. Address
Lock Box iM.jjtuart , Nob. _ OKWt
THOK SAljB Cigar nnd confectionery. Cheap.
JL' Good reasons for Helling , Addrcus T. 72. lloo
"ppOKSALE Cheap Harbor shop nna 4 chairs ;
JL' good location ; paying business. M , H. Flem
ing , Crete , Neb. 004 s7 *
FOIl 8ATEA well established , good paying
business ; price Mono. Will soil the whole era
a controllng interest and transfer management ,
which , It conducted with ordinary business
ability , will Insure an annual not profit of
WOOJ to J4.000 , and the opportunity for extend
ing and Increasing the business la unrestricted ,
My reason for selling is having other Important
business Interests roqulilngmy undivided at
tention. The practical knowledge necessary to
carry on the above business successfully is
simple and easily acquired. It will pay nny
ono having the capital and time required to in-
vcstlgato. ' ddreas F S7. Iloe. _ 217
SALE Hood dining hall , good business ;
everything very convenient ; central loca
tion , clioap rout ; part cash and balance on easy
payments. Address , ! < . , Ml , Boo. lt'iO-13 *
TJ1OK SALE Ono of the Bnst established and
JL' equipped printing nnd Job olllcos in N. W.
Neb , Only paper in bast business town In
county. Satisfactory reasons for selling. For
further particulars address Independent , Oak
land , Nub. 57U U
AN Iowa cnghlor wants an inturnst lu either
new or old bank In Nebraska. Can furnish
outfit , including Hall'.s stael cnest , time lock
and approved vault flxturns. * " > , OX ) to invest
with position. Address Cashier , Fredericks-
burgjfa , 43 > 12
FOK SALE or Trade for Omaha property an
established business. Box 518 Omnha
AGKEAT bargntn In Gordon , Nob. , n now
roller mill for sale , 35 carrel capacity and
rigged to make buckwheat nnd rye Hour , meal
and chop feed ; In n good \ > heat country and
good market for flour : " dwellings and barn
with it ; prlco SS.OOU. Parties having prop
erty to trade need not apply ; mill has llrut-
class reputation. F. J. Andreas. 042 alGt
AN clegnnt $12,000 stock of dry goods , etc. ,
for trade for land nnd casn ; tnls stock has
not been offered before. Stringer & Penny ,
Douglas Block , solo agents , 080 10
CLEAR land and lot to trade for stock of
goods. Write quick. Address G. 0 , care Bee
offlce. 722-12 *
TO EXCHANGE Stock of notions for unln-
cuniberod leal estate. Box 152 , Fremont ,
Nob. . 724-12t
T71OK SALE or exchange a now , cosov 7-room
Jt ? cottage on idst near Pnclllc , F..BOO , $ .100 rash ,
balance 126.00 per month ; ! ! ! tnke vacant lot
or horse and bucgy as part payment ( this Is n
bargalnf , Hamilton Bros. , builders , 408 H. ISth.
T AND to trade for Omaha property. Cheap-
JLJ est lot In Orchard Hill. Best bargains m
South Omaha. Several houses to rent. R. It.
& R. E. agency , room US. Chamber of Com
merce. 708-11'
TJ1OR EXCHANGE An elegant tract of land
JL' containing 120 acros. In Antelope county ,
Neb. , with , ordinary Improvements.
A quarter-section in Hand county , Dakota ,
partly improved.
Eighty acres near Council Bluffs , Ta.
House and lot on South 16th st.
Lnrce amount ot OH Mountain and Petroleum
compuny oil stock. Will exchange for good
or the erection ot some houses. Goo.
Srpporty . 1st National bank building. 370
mo EXCHANGE The undivided ono-hnlt In-
JL terost in 339 W-100 acres of a good farm , lo-
.cntedln Pjilnskl CoMo. . ; about one-halt la
i cultivation , the ualnnco good timber ; about
ten ncres lnorchardtwo ether small orchards ;
four fair Vouses ; abundance of good spring
water , and laying aboutvne mile from good
business town on railroad : full nnd unlncum-
bored title. This farm Is in n good settlement
nnd healthy locality.Vo will exchange for
general merchandise or hardware. Call on or
address W. B. Gordon & Co. , Bteolo City , Neb.
GENEKATj stock of merchandise for $3,50 < > ,
for land or cityproperty. 2 hardware stocks
for land nna'cash. . Furnlturo of n 10-room
house , $1,000 , for city property. Tnrce lots and
1 house in South Omaha for land. Clear lots
for land , or the lots with some cash for mer
chandise. Co-Operatlve Land & Lot Co. , 205
N. ICth st. * 670 13
Fpo EXCHANGE General stock merchandise ;
X want land and money. Box 70Frankfortlnd ,
614 14t
ANTED To trade for a stock of groceries ,
cnsh and lots on O. & 0. B. motor lino.
Lots will be put in at tholr cash value. W. K.
E. ik M. E. , Room 11 Chamber of Commerce ,
Tel. 1440. 010
rpO EXCHANGE Wo have a good farm of 120
JL acres laying close up to the town of Steele
City , Jefferson Co. . Neb. About 70 acres In high
state of cultivation. This is river bottom land ;
soil can't be beat anywhere ; 2 > ncres good tim
ber ; balance In good pasture ; all fenced ; never
falling water ; this is a magnificent farm , with
house , stabling , and H nice lots in town go with
farm if desired ; titles all perfect : we want in
exchange , nice , clean stock of merchandise or
hardware. Call on or address W. B. Gordon &
Co. . Btcele City. Nob. 517
2 acrns close to and overlooking
ing South Omaha for sale , J1.500 per acre ,
worth double when platted. Co-Operatlvo Land
& Lot Co. . 20S N. ICth St. 070 13
" 171ORBALE Or trade , the elegant furnlturo
JL' of a W room house , nearly new ; will soil at a
grcnt sacrifice on time payments , or trade for
good property. Address A. P. O. box H2l. (
FOR 8ALE-2 lots in Kedick park , 3MJOJ each ,
A IHO 1 lot In Albright's Choice. South
Omaha , very cheap It sold Immediately. Address -
dress B. P. Miles , St. Joseph. Mo. 507 in
TTIOK BALE Lots in Stewart Place , will fur-
JL' nlmi money for building housu , ana pay
ments monthly. Here Is a chance to secure a
home. Harris , Room 411,1st Nat. Bank.
HOLES to the front again. Last list nil
sold out.
i.r.wo ( , 130,000 , Jio.000 , 814,000 , 813.000 , fii.sno.
and from this down to a small tiousa for a
cent , buys residences in the city for bankers
down to the man \vho cleans the sewer. or $7,003 Ijuya cither 12 or 0-room hoiuc.
barn , lots 78 and C0xl2l feet ground encli , on
24th St. , Kountze place , with furnace , gas and
fixtures , hot and cold water , bath , three elegant
mantels each , nil papered , elegant lawns , on
grudo , street paved , motor by October I. If
not cheap , corao In and I'll give thorn botU to
you free ,
$4. X > bnyi 8-room house , furnace , and every
thing even to electric wires for lighting ens ;
lot Wxl50. ncross street west of Dr. Mercer's
and 1 block from motor. & 00 casli , bal , 0 per
(0 000 buys full lot in Hanscom place , K2d an4
Pcppleton avenue , with 8-room house , fnruaco
and everything else.
$3.200 buys a Joe Dandy east front lot on Dd
and Pacific street. Hanscom place.
fiy roe and $7OUO resiliences in Kountzo place
to trade for smaller houses and lot near tncio.
(4,000 , full lot and gooil house in llillblde add.
opp Webster htreot school to trade for vacant
lot. (1,200 buys either 4-room hnuuo , full lot. in
Central park or Hitchcock's add. , and tt.OjO
same In Orelghton heights add. fSjK ) buys line
lot on Farnam and 42d nts. (9,750 buys CSxIS )
ft. on Casa st. opp. Cast ) school. J-.rix ) buys
either of two 5-room houses In Roddick pane.
$1,000 buys a fine 7-room cottage on IKth and
Paul sts. . with bath , hot and cold water , sing
walk , and a corker for the money ,
S choice lots ualue in rash { 2,500 , In Lincoln ,
Neb. , for good house and lot and pay balance
IncaMi. Submit offers. Also UK ) acres choice
land in Nuckolls co , Neb , , and good hard cosh
for choice city lots. Submit.
If youaon't waut to buy send list of what
you have to soil.
Wo are here for that purpose and there nro
loti of them that will buy. There is just ns
good bargains to-day as one wants. Drop your
"cranky'1 lileas and get to business.
For pointers , HeoSnoles , 210 First Nat'l bank.
1T10K 8ALE-W1.73 acres , aeo.6. tn. 11. r. 0\v
JU Hamilton county. Neb. House , stable , auo
acres fenced , livlim water. . Price , W,0W ( , F. 1C
AUlns , owner , rail road bldg. , Denver , Col.
, 44 feet front In heart ot Omaha. 10th
st , . modern 3-itory building , brings 10 par
centuowa , tlow rents ; mun hove 117.003cosh ,
balance o per cent ; great offer ; address E JB. Bee.
TJ10K8ALB--K ) feet , east front near payed
JL Btrootwlth new rj-rooiii modern houie.V.OOO.
O. F. Harrison , Merchants Nat'l bank , to ! )
OUNTZE PLACE U-room house. Darn and
every convenience , ( or $7,000 , easy terms.
Address for imrtlculuru , B03 , Bee. SOU
_ _ . Douglas Woo r , B , lie
wJcorner loth nnd Uodtto * troets , real estate
and loan agents. Omaha property to exchang ,
for near farms , and clear Mrms for encum
bered Inside Omsrm unimproved property.
Call nnrt see us , We hnvo a big list and some
of our bnrcalnsmny Milt you.
Stringer 4 Penny , Douglas Wok , S. K.cor-
iGthnnd Dodge streets , have the undermen
tioned clear farms for ( ale or exchange.
BJO acres. Merrlek Co. . Neo.
1,020 acres , close to Saratoga , carbon , Co. ,
178 acres' , Harlan Co. . Nob.
480 acres , Holt CV. . Nob.
750 acres , Nance Co. , Nob.
KM ncros , Knox Co. , Nob.
RM acres , Stanton Co. , Nob.
l.O.O acres , Washington Co. , Neb.
Ml acres , Phillips Co. , Kns.
ISO acres , Hamilton Co. , la.
48.1 acres In Lincoln Co. , Neb ,
And nil immense list ot farms with small In-
cnmbranco some ot them AVO can sell ns low ns
(5 nn ncro.
Stringer & Penny. Douglas block , S. M. cor.
10th and Dodge streets , hnvo n good list of lots
Vhlch they Vt 111 sell to patties who will build
and will tnko mortgage for whom of purchase
money. Some fine residence properties for sain
realclipnp nnd on easy terms. 024 15
OoMEnud see us nnd Investigate sumo of tno
bnrgalns wo have to offer. Wo nro contin
ually Us UIIR now proportion , and "if you don't
see whnt you wnut nsK for It. "
Wo Imvo Kovornl line hotel properties to trndo
for laud or ether good vnluus.
An elevator property with Inrgo dwelling
house , atn bargain. Rlevntor complete , with
horse power , scales , olllco furnished , etc , A
Una opening for n practical grain dcnlor.
Houses and lots In nil parts of Omnha for
Bale nnd exchange.
For exchnuge , for Omaha prop crt y , 1,000 ncros
ot school land lease , In one ot tno host counties
in the stnte.
A tine residence property In Omaha View for
sale nt n bargain.
From J75ooo to $100,000 worth of first-class
notes to exchange for Omnhn property.
For exchange- for Omaha property , ono of th
best farina In HocC county , Nebraska , together
with stock nnd machinery necessary to carry
on the place. Old ago mid falling health of the
owner Is reason for selling.
A flno Wheeler county farm , well developed ,
good soil , foroxchnnco for Omnha property.
28J ncres of line land in northwestern Iowa to
exchange for Omnhn property.
For mile or exchangn for western lands , city
property , merchandise or Uvo stock , a flno hotel
property In Iowa town of ( I.OUO inhabitants.
Leading hotel ot the place nnd doing n One
business. Furnishes meats for two passenger
trains dally. A snap for the rluhtmau.
Wo hnvo unsurpassed facilities for disposing
of property , having some 500 ngents scattered
over four or live states. List your property
with us If yon wish n quick turn. W. R. E. *
M , E. , Room 14 , Chnmbur ot Commerce , telephone -
phone 1440. 568
A LOT , suitable for double house , ou Capitol
nve , four blocks from high school , will be
s-ola at n sncrlllre If taken nt once. W , M.
Harris , Koom 20 , Frcnzcr block , Opp. P. O.
J 684 lilt
WOK HALE Hotel property In Ouiana ; now
JL1 bulldlni ; of 00 rooms , paying 84 ! per cent
not on .1 valuation of $2G.oOil ; will take fct.wo
cash , n modeinte-prlcod residence- property ,
balance time ; this property is stoadlly Increas
ing in value , nud as an Investment can scarcely
bo duplicated. Alexander Moore , sole agent ,
301 Shoely block. ° J JHL _
FOK SALE Neat cottnge and 20 feet front-
ago on 17th nnd California. Only M.OOX Call
at once. C. F. Harrison , Merchants' Nat. bank.
J LOTS In Orchard Hill forR.OOO , or 700sopar-
'Jntely.Theso lots will soon bo wortn double the
money ; they are close to motor and Bomls
paik. Stringer & Penny , Douglas block.
680 10
01' . MAYNE , 10ul ostato. room 400 , Bee
Building. 043 14t
IjlOK SALE A snap. A choice corner lot
JL State and Spauldlng sts. , 125 ft. on State st. ,
Also two flno south front lots In Bedford
Plnco , two blocks from Stuta st. , south of now
fuinlturu factory. J500 each.
Also J80 ft. fronting Itnuntzo Place , nt $25 per
front foot ; creat bargain. T. C. Brunuer. room
1. Ware blk. Ci)0-13 )
QOUTH OMAHA Wo control iwxllio feet , oa
Ol'rout on 25th st. , botwoou N and M sts , .
South Omaha ; 2 houses at grade. This Is
worth SVC front foot. We will soil for J7.500
cash. Make up a syndicate. M. A. Upton
company , luth nnd Furnam. 552 11
T OK SALE East front lot on 28th st. with 5-
JU room house , $3,600. Call quick If you want
It. C. F. Harrison , Merchants' Nat Bank.
C 1IOICE Mlxliu foot lots , 4 blocks fromOmana
motor.5c faro , $300 ; t jUcasli. balnuca * ll ) per
month. Don'tpay rout ; own your own home ;
cheapest propurty In tha city. Cooper , 810 N.
Y. L. building.
$ A'io , easy torms.buys lot in Omaha of Cooper ,
N. Y.L. building.
Worklngmon , attention 1 $100 for lot , 4 blocks
from motor. In Omaha. See Cooper. N. Y. L.
Trend of improvements is north. Go to Coo
per. 81 N. V. L. building and get * iW lot.
To exchange , sell or buy , write Cooper , 8lfl N ,
Y. L. building. Qjq 12t
CHOICE , clean stock irrorerles nnd queens-
ware , in Fairmont , Neb. , tl.KM ; wnut half
cash nnd half clear mud or Omaha lot. J. P.
Ily.UBr , room 21. Douclun block. Omaha. fifi3 12
TTIOK RENT New cottage , hot and cold water.
JL1 bath , stationary range. Call at 1521 Sher
man avo. 051
PTO feer , south trout , on Hnrnev. near 2alh. A.
Jflno lot for 2 brick tenements , ffl.OJO.
HI feet. Cumins , 1 block west of motor ; a
bargain , $1,1100 ; $ (00 cash.
TO feet , Lowe avenue , east front , in Walnut
I.'IU , 81.900 ; worth 8-,50J
50 ft , corner , Lt > we avenue , east front , $2,500 ;
worth $3,000 to-day ; only IHIO swings it. Von
will never It ave the chances at those prices in
Walnut Hill again.
100 feet en 13th St. , this sldo of Hickory ; a
flno corner for a business block , 812,0W taco.s It.
An olegaut corner In Orchard Hill , 81.100 ;
$500 cash.
A now , cosy , 7-room cottngo In Hanscom
place , J-J.tOO. Call and lot ma shown It. Only
503 cnsh , balance monthly.iF. 1C Darling , Bar-
lcer block. fl > 7 11
, Actual value Inside business and residence
dence ; the seventeen lots at half price to first
party comes. Why ? For roa&on am In need of
il3,500casu. Great chance. Address E 34 , Bee.
' "PWO snlcndid investments , 75x132 , on PJorcc.
JL fronting on bth : room for 4 houses that
woula rout for tlU)0 ) per year , only Kir > 00. loOx
140 , south and east front , cor. Hickory and 15th ;
only half blocK from motor line , room for
houses ; very sightly ; only $7.000. Hugh G.
Clark , room 7 , board of trade. 088 12
SOUTH OMAHA Paved streets and electric
motorcars from 16th and Farnam to Exchange -
change building , South Omaha , in next 90 dayc.
These 00x150 feet lots In the original pint Is
where the money Is nt prosaut prices , A
double corner makes throe 50x13) foot lots ,
whlrh can now bo bought for tTOfluuilWOJ
apiece. Tnoy will soil for double that before
January L we have nil that is forsalo , M. A.
Upton Company , IBtli and Farnam. M211
AMES1507 farnaitt St.
On Dodge st. bet. 2Jih nnd 2M sts. , 120x140.
very cheap at $150 per front foot.
On Faruain st. bet. 20tti anil 27th sts. . 150x133 ,
at S > par foot , which is 175 less per foot than
price of adjoining lots.
On Farnam st. near 24th St. , 115xS. > , nt 9175 per
foot ; on all this property very easy terms
On Howard st. bet. 14th and 15th sts. , 31xl3j
foot for t * > 00 per foot.
On Park avonour Jackson st..75xUO , at ft 15
Eor foot ; very easy terras to party who wl 11
Elegant Residence
In West Omnlm tot. 37th undiUth sts. ; modern
12-room house with all conveniences , good
barn and beautiful grounds , comprising 1 largo
lots. This is the handsomest nnd cheapest
fhst-class rosldunco now for sale In Omuhu.
The iota are not only cnoicu , but rapidly In
creasing lu value , with surroundings At in
every respect.
Some Special
bargains in residence lots , situated north of
Fnrunm and west ot UOth street To those who
will build , low priced and Interest , with amall
cash payment.On
On Virginia avenue
south ot Woolworth , wo have a line lot worth
(4000 , which will be told to pirty building an
tl.NX ) house , on n cash payment ; of only \ M.
This is a clmtice to got a homo.
Ames' Real Estate Agency ,
KM n lri07 Farnam Struct.
viaduct is completed , and a line
LBTHEET too. We have 120x150 east front
corner on-Tin street , the street leading north
from the depot and the future buslnoss struet
of South Omaha , just noith from viaduct. Cut
down to yrado. If taken nt once can sell thin
forJ > , WH ) . Illc tpee hero. M. A. Upton Com
pany , leth and Furnam , 55211
TJTOK"BA LK-cTreat birgnln. * W. > . ' , cnsh.buys
JL'new 7-room house and lot. iiOxLiO. within 10
minutes walk of electric motor. Inquire 515
Paxton block. 574 L'l
NO casti payment and 15 monthly , including
interest , buys ( i-rooni huuso in best part of
city ; convenient to cable , electric and horse
care. H. E. Cole , K. U , Continental. fOO H
rpHE best inon y's wortn of house and lot now
JL for nalo in Omaha Id that which I am now
completing near 24th Jt. , ou paved Wlrt st. , in
Kountze place , hbedroomu , li jiariora , dining
room , kitchen , 2 bath rooms , 3 water closets ,
largo laundry , stationery wash tubs , furnace
ana coal room and cellar , olectrlo bulls und
speaklngtube , 12clo etN. Prlco only 17.000 on
tHrma to suit. Likewise a duplicate adjoining
at name price. W , T. Teaman , cast side loth t.
north of Nicholas t. Omalm'n Ursust variety
of wagonsani _ ) carriages. 230
lltll street from Nlcnolas north.
Contract has been let for Colorado sand
stone.Ve hu.vo 133 feet on llth-COT feet nouli
of NichoUs-that we can sell for t2,8JO , Must
be gobbled quick at that prlco. M. A. Upton
company. ICth and Farnnm. 713-15
"rnOH Heal Estate bargains see M. A. Upton
JL1 Company , H > th and r'arnam. 713-15
Twor-story and bMemen
brioK residences on ftth nnd Fatnam. Iloom ,
for moro on s th st. Can make a.way down *
rjrice on this to settle holrshlps. Call for prlc * " *
soon. M. A , Upton Company , 16th nnd Fnrnnm ,
THOU SALE Easy terms ,
JLV Two homes , cncli 3 rooms , each (1,000.
Tno homes , each 0 rooms , each M.OOJ.
Two home * , each 15 rooms , each (7,000.
All wlthmsdorn convenience.
All largo value nttho price.
All within K square of the motor lino.
Don't lose thosu opportunities.
For sale by Iho owner. W. T. Seaman ,
Knst side 10th st. , north ot Nicholas . ,
Umaha'a largest variety of wagons nnd car > Y.
rlagoi. _ 2K ) .
BUY * homo In the center ot the city , on
monthly payments. 1 will sell you a lot in
Alillnn square , millunlioiuoofany Kluil , worth
from tisyo up wards , nnd yon can pay for It
monthly , quarterly or yearly. Aldlno sqnar *
Is on Grace street , between 2Sil and 2ld streets )
It 1ms nil the advantages such as paved streets ,
sewerage. water , gas , and Is n flrst-class locaN
II y. Call at loot Fnrnatn street and s o plan *
ot buildings nnd got figures. 1) . J. O'Donahoe.
ONI ! of the two house nnd lot bargains 1
have been ottering on Georgia nve-north of
IeavpnworlhIs now sold nnd occuplcd.hncauso
of my very low price. The south house of the _ , ,
two still remains a bargain open to somebody , 91
First conies , first served , To bo appreciated It n\ \ ,
needs to be examined Internally. I positively , , 'f
will-not rent it , though several times on > r d ' 4
tfO per month. Price , on very ensyterinn.Jfl.000 ,
\V. T. Senman. cast sldo loth st.north ( it Nich
olas Nt. , Omaha's inrgost variety of wngonr nnd
carriages. ai3
_ _ _ _ _ _
FOlfSALE Two of tlio uest located traoxugo
lots , on the northwest corner of 2ist and
Inrd utroets , slzo ISOxfU foot. For prlco and
terms liuitilro of the owner , Edward Speller-
berg. 1012 North 3lst street K)7-nl4t )
I II AVIS some lint-class rental "property tor
sale cheap within ono mlle of poHtoincn , on
paved streets nnd motor line. Thos. V. Hall.
811 Pjxxton block. _ BSS
BEAUTIFUL Kast front corneron 21th nnd
Charles sts. . n3xl20 ! ; 7-room cottnge rents
for $ i > . Elegant locution to build n block on.
Motor line ruus by this corner. $ ; ,5'JO , easy
terms. M. A. Upton company.iuth and Karnam ,
55" 11
OOIC HKIIK-ftxlso , 0-rooin house : sewer
connections ; gooubarn. On North 17th , one
block from Hhermun iivouuu motor. If taken
ntoneowlll Hell for M'lj , $ luo ; cash , balunco
a years at H per cent. M. A. Upton company ,
10th and Fatuam. 05311
rpO MAWfACTUUlTlFS : 1 will give nmpie
J- ground , with splendid trackngo facilities
on the Fremont , Klkhoru * Missouri Valley
railroad or on the Missouri 1'nelllo ( Il lt Line )
railway n Wostlnwu , Just outside the city
limits In West Umahn. conveniently situated as
retrnrds nccwss to the business center of Omnhn
nud South Omaha , to parties for the location ot
uny of the follow ing Industries :
Furniture Factory , llutton Factory ,
Shoo Factory , Lara Uelluory ,
Starch it Glucose W'ks , Soap Works ,
Paper Mill , Purlllor Manufactory.
Plow Works , Broom Factory ,
Harvester Works , Woolen Mill ,
Null Works. Oatraoal Mill.
Knitting Mills , Box Manufactory ,
Sash , Door and Blind Wire Works ,
Manufactory , Manhlne Snops ,
Flour and Feed Mill.
Or any good manufacturing plant. West lawn
Is just outside the city limits and Industrie * w
planted thnro will oscupo heavy city taxns.
If you nro thinking of locating in Omaha it
will pay von to luvosllgatn this.
Geo. N. Hicks , New Yonc Lite buIMlng ,
Omaha. 798
OK SALE-2 > . 44 or CO feet of lot 0 , blocr 70.
at (05C per foot. This is within u quarter ot
n blocK ot the new P. O. site , nnd will bo worth
81.000 Inside of n year.
Tin e H lot H. block 101. cor. Douglas and 10th
sts , 44 feet on Douglas and C.fl on loth , price
$ > ,009 , (10,000 cnsh , balance In ave equal nunual
The so ) i nw 4 sec 0 , t H. r 13 o , Douglas Co. ,
prlco 812.0JO , $ ) , OJO cash , balance easy.
Lot 7. blk 850 , South Ornahn , price JI.20D. terms
easy. W. K. K. & M. E , room 14 , Chamber ot
Commerce , telephonu 1UO. 727.
EOK SALE On longtime nnd easy payments ,
handsome , new. well built houses of H , 9 nua
10 rooms. All conveniences , good neighborhood ;
paved streets , street cars nud within walking
uLitunco of P. O. Nathan Shelton , 1014 Farnam.
FOK SALE 9-rooin house , burn and lot ,
Hanscom Place , at a bargain. Harris , Kooin
411.1st Nat. Bank. V,3
171011 SALE Business corner , eiOOOU. 0. F.
JL1 Harrison , Merchants National bank. 293
KOBE HOTEL Newly furnished and fitted
up throughout : centrally located ; (2 per
day. 1308-1310-1312 Douglas at. .1 181
" \TTJKHAY HOTEL Newest. latest ana only
J-Unrst-class hotel in Omaha ; $3 to (4 per day
B. Sllloway. proprietor. . , 170
WINDSOR HOTEL-Corner iof 10th and
Jackson streets , 8 blocks from Unlo
depot , licit 83 a any house in tne city. 180
HOTEL BAKKER-14a rooms , elegantly fur
nished. KJ and $2.50 per day. 13th and
Jones st , , Omaha. F. A. ilalch , proprietor.
ARMY SUPPLIES Depot Quartermaster's
Olllce , Omaha , Nob. , July 13th. mi. Sealed
proposals in duplicate will uo nicolved ut this
office until 10 n. m. Tuesday , August 1,1th ,
1839 , at which time ana place they will uo
opened in the presence of attending bidders for
delivery of stationery , hardware , water sup
plies , varnish , packing boxes , lumber. &D. Lists
giving specifications , quantities and other in
formation will bo furnished upon application to
this olllce. Prufuiencuill tie given to articles
of domestic in eduction or manufacture , condi
tion of quality and price ( Including lu the prlco
of foreign production or inunufaUuie the duty
thureon ) bulng equal ; nnd further , Unit no con
tracts shall be awarded for tarnishing arti
cles of foreign production or manufacture when
tlio nrtlcluB of suitable quality of dtnncntlc pro
duction or manufacture can tie obtained. The
govornmout reserves the right to reject any or
nil proposals. Rlddcis should attach n copy ot
this ndvurtljcmontto their bid * . JOHN SIMP
SON , Captnln A : Asst. Or. Mr. . U. 8. Army.
Court HouBotoLot.
Notice to Building Contractors Notice la
hereby given that the board of supervisors of
WnsbJnglon county. Nob. , will receive blcis at
the county clerk's olllco , until 12 o'clock M. of
the 9th clay ot September , IbW , for the furnish
ing of all material and labor nud the bullclluir
and completion of a Court House in the city of
Blair , fiild county and state according to tlio
plans , Kpeclflcatlons and detail drawlugx of tlio
Hainonow onlllo Inthu ofllro of the County Clark
of said county as prepared by O , H. Plucey of
Lincoln , Nebraska , which plans may bo also
M'on at the olllco of said architect In tlio city of
ICncli bid must bo accomnanlnd by a certified
check paynblo to the County Treasurer in the
sum or Twenty Five Hundred Dollars ( * . jO.U ,
as a guaranty that the bidder will , if Ills bids
bo nrcoptod within live days thereafter enter
into n satisfactory contract for the erection and
completion of said building as required by tha
county board ot snld county , under a penalty
for each dayn delay beyond the time fixed by
said county board , and that no will within sala
Uvo days execute to said county a bond in tha
sum ct Forty Thousand Dollars with sureties to
bo nppioveuby uald board , conditioned for the
falthiul porfrmunco or suid con tract on his part
and that he will pay all labor and pay for all
material employed nnd used uponsald building ,
Hiild check will bo forfeited to und retained by ,
the county It mild bidder fall to enter into
contract and glvo bonds nsuhovncontemplated.
Knch bidder will bo required to submit 1th hi *
hid n. Hfiniplo of Btonu for foundation footings
nnd cut Ktono work , and also of pressed brick
proposed to be used. The board reserves the
right to reject any and nil bids.
By order of the Board ot Supervisors of Wash ,
lugton County. Nebraska ,
Clerks Olllce , Illolr , Nebraska , August.'Id 1889 ,
n-i-d-7-t ( .
Omaha , Neb. , August 10 , 18Sfl.-8ealU pro-
poaals. In triplicate , will bo received ut tills
olllco until 2 o'clock p. m. , central time , Sep
tember ID , 1B39 , and then opened , for furnishing
nt Oinnhu Uimrtermuator dopot. or ut other
points specified by bidder , 18,000 gallons of min
eral oil. United BtiuoH reserves right to reject
any or nil bids. Preference given to'artlcfos of
domestic production , conditions of quality and
price ( Including in the prlco of foreign produc
tion the duty thuroon ) being equal. All Information
mation fiirnlHhed on application to this onice.
Envelope * containing proposals to be marked
"Proposals for oil , " nnd adarusnod to WM. II.
HIKIHEH , Lieutenant Colonel and Deputy
Quartermaster Ueneral. U , B. A. , Chief Quarter-
mat-.tor. a Ida 4t B 2-3
Nonce of Btook Hubsorlutloiif.
Notice Is hereby given that the books of tha
Omaha , Lincoln & Unit Hallway Company will
lioopened for the purpose of receiving sub
scriptions to the capital htock ot add company
on r.nd after thoHuccnd day of September. 188'S ,
at No. 1TO < I'amam utrec-t , in the city of Omaha ,
Dated till * 1st day of August. liWO.
( } , lit IvIIOIJES.
( I , A.YUI.K A I' ,
J. Jl. tit. IlKVOIHI ,
M.P.O'lIlllKtf ,