Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 10, 1889, Page 8, Image 8
8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : JSATHRDAY , 'AUGUST 10 , 1889. THECITY. _ Revcntlo collections yesterday , S3- 114.00. Bridget Donahue wants PotorTurkel- Boa arrested for boating and kicking her. her.Tho corncr-stono of Zlon Baptist church ( colored ) , Rov. T. H. Ewlnjr , pastor , will bo mid nt 8 p. m. Monday next. O. H. Christ , of Republican City , IB appointed to the McCook & Denver run of the railway mail Horvlco , vlco W. C. Ashwoll , resigned \V. W. Blttnor , who 1ms boon wanted here for fcomo tlmo on the charge of ob taining $150 from Mrs. Turgoon , has voluntarily surrendered hlmsolf. The funeral of J. J. Corrlgan will take plnco this morning nt 8 o'clock , from Twelfth and Cnss streets. Burial nt Holy Sepulchre cemetery. Joseph D. Ilor and wife have convoyed to Dr. McMonamy their undivided one- half Interest In the Cozzons hotel prop erty , and the deed has been placed on record. Bottle Adams , n colored working girl of twenty years , died nt 1109 Davenport Btroot , where she has been employed. Bho will ho buried at Forest Lawn at 10 o'clock to-day. A party of twenty-four delegates Jrom California to the Inch court of the Ancient Order of Foresters , which Is to moot in Minneapolis , passed through the city yesterday. A. S. Potter , representing the cred itors , commenced jestordny making nn examination of tbo books of the Bank of Omnha. Ho is doing his work in the equity court chamber. Dn.ii Lawrence , the thief who sold a ' cattle In Omaha - lot of his employer's and then skipped with the money , has been scon at St. Joseph , and the ofllccrs are hard nftcr him. The Omnhn Turn-voroln will glvo n grand gymnastic exhibition nnd ball ut Gormanla hall this evening , for the benefit of the prize class which goes to the Fremont tournament on August 10. C. W. Woodnrd , of Oborlln , who has been on the Republican City and Ober- iln run in the railway mail service , will exchange with Mr. J. M. Butters , who has had the St. Joe and Colorado Springs run. Elmer D. Frank , clerk of the United Slates circuit court , returned yesterday from West Point , where ho has been to carry out the order of the court , pro viding for the ealo of the property of the West Point Manufacturing com pany , to satisfy a. judgment against them. Mr. Frank sold n paper mill , planing mill , grist mill , and 650 town lots , the sale roali/ing 345,000. For somo.tlmo past Plumbing Inspector specter Duncan has suspected that Crane Bros. , wholesale gas and steam fitters and manufacturers of plumbing sup plies , were doing n retail plumbing business , but ho could not fasten the charge on them until yesterday , when it was proved that they have been doing largo jobs ot plumbing without having taken out a license , as required by law. The firm will bo prosecuted to the full extent of the law. Personal 1'nrncrnplis. AV. D. Tantus , of Ashlandis at the Barker. J. M. Strahrtrn , of Mnlvcrn , Neb. , is ut ths Arcade. William M. Weil , of New York , ia at the Murray. v F. T. Ransom , of Nebraska Cfty" , Is a Paxton - ton guest. Henry JMiinson , of Burlington , la , Is at the Pnxton. L. M. Combs and wife are at the Paxton , from Detroit , Mich. D. T. Whltlock and wife , of ew York , arc nt the Mlllard. - J. E. Smith , of Beatrice , was a visitor in tbe city yesterday. R. R. Rathburn , of Lincoln , wan at the Arcndo last night. Fromout Boyle , balling from Tribune , Kan. , .is at the Arcade. George B. Salladln nnd wife , Milford , are registered at the Paxton. Ritchie Simpson , ot Doll Rapids , S. D. , is registered at the Mlllard. At the Murray , from Chicago , are F. B. Kennedy , wife and .child. George F. Ingram arrived in the city last evening from Dcadwood , Dak. Mrs. Sebrago and Miss Primrose , of Fre mont , were In the city shopping yesterday. Amonc the state guests at the Arcade yes terday wore Mrs. Judge Wall and Mlsi Blngham. President G. F. Swift and Treasurer Louis F. Swift of.the packinghouse of Swift & Co. are hero from Chicago. C. C. Valentino , reporter In Judge Wake- ley's branch of the district court , will leave to-day for Massachusetts , on his summer va cation. As Val has never been further east , than Chicago or Cincinnati , his friends say that ho expects to keep his mouth open and oars shut. Judge C. H. Brcck , of Richmond , Ky. , Is visiting his sons In this city. The gentleman I is a prominent attorney In his state and Is visiting the city with u viovv to locating nere. Bo Is a cousin of General lireck , of the De partment of the Plutto. Mothers , Rend. The proprietors of SANTA AWE have authorized tno Goodmun Drug Co. to refund your money if , after giving this California Icing of cough cures a fair trial as directed , it fails to glvo satisfaction for the euro ot coughs , croup.whooping cough nnd nil throat and lung troubles. When the disease affects the bend and assumes the form of catarrh , nothing Is so effective as CALIFORNIA CAT-R-CURE. These preparations nro without equals as household remedies. Sold &t 91 a package. Three for | 2,60. IMnrrlnt-n Ljlconacs. Marriage H'conscs were issued yesterday to the following parties : Name and residence. Ae. ( Ernest L. Webster , Irvington , Neb 2S 1 Annie M. Ryan. Douglas county n J Joseph M. Lnzcva , Omaha 80 1 Uarbara Welnfurtnor , Omaha 21 j Bohumll Pusik , Omaha 2S , Mary Schxvarn , Omuba 18 Cushman's Menthol Inhaler , cures catarrh , headache , neuralgia , asthma , hay Fever. Trial frco at your druggist. Price 60 cents. Wonndofl an Infant. While some boys on South Fourteenth treot , near Lcavonworth , were throwing pieces of iron at pigeons , ono of the missiles truck an infant child of Constable H. B. Clark , while Mrs. Clark was holding the baby In her arms. The sharp pleco of iron made a cut about nn inch and a half long , und Dimmed the child. Blood ( lowed pro fusely from the wound and it was feared fern n time that the baby had received a fatal in jury. A pbjsleian was called , tbo flow ol plood was stopped and the baby was pro nounced out of dunger. For a Printer. Ono of the best newspaper and jot office plants in Nebraska can bo hail at a bargain , if tuken nt once. Address "F 01 ! , " care Bee olllco. . M-WM Bower Ico. The statement that the Mlllard hotel wai being supplied with sewage Impregnated ice Isjdeuleil by the flrin which furnishes thai hotel with Ice , The denial has been made satisfactory to the proprietors , Messrs. Mar kol & 5wobo , who have boon convinced thai they are no\v receiving only pure Ico. The report was circulated by u rival ice man , whoso authority for the same was the fuel that , some tlmo since , the Mlllard house lc < furnishcrA were supplying that hotel will river Ice for refrigerator purposes. It li now assorted that the house Is being fur BlstcU river leg lor no purposes whatever , -QJ STRUCK IT AT liAST. The "While Lend AVorko HrliiRine the Trust to Itf Feet. A rumor that eastern cnpitnlwts have boon trying to got bold of the Omaha Whtto Load works and talco thorn Into the trust is vori fled by Mr. Henry W. Vales , but ho snya that Lovl Carter , who Is nearly solo owner of the concern , will not sell for less than $1,000,000. Slnco the trust WAS organized It seems that thcso worltn have become more prosperous and bavo n brighter future than they over had. A now process la which the company Imi n patent for manufacturing the lead and which isnald to bo much better than the old , li being used nnd dealers are buying Its product In preference ) to the other manu factures. This Is the reason the trust de sires , It Is said , to crush the concern out of existence. The worko nro being enlarged and their capacity Increased from 2,000 to 5,000 tons n vear. Up to the present tlmo they have not been remunerative , and the company claims to have sunk 8155,000 In them. Hut fortune ha * nt last changed nnd the pros pects now nro Tory bright. Mr. Yntes sold most of his stock six months ugo for which hois sorry , but still retains enough to make him a director and tbo treasurer of the company. Our renders havn doubtless elton no ticed that Hood's SarsnjmrlUu is well spoken of in tho' newspapers. The press is quick , to recognize raorlt , and dooH not hosltuto to give praise where it Is Uuo. The following is from the Bnptlst WooUly , a loading religious im port "Advertising may bring an article prominently before the public , but no advertising can long help it if It has 'not real merit. Hood's Savsaparillu is well advertised ; but the best proof of jts value is that so many persons use It on the recommendation of friends who have proved its peculiar virtues. " AN PNItEtilABtiE KEPOIIT. Sontli Omnlm Packers Not Trying to Control the Stook Yards. A morning paper contains a paragraph to the olTect that tbo managers of the various South Omaha pocking houses are combining to obtain control of the fitock yards , and gives as a reason that Q. E. Swift , the senior partner In the firm of Swift & Co. , Is in the city and will not divulge any of the business transacted ut a mooting of his managers and himself. Jobn A. McShano , president of the stock yards company , was soon this morning and for the second tlmo denounced the rumor as absolutely untrue and ridiculously absurd. None of the packing house owners have ever cvlnred the slightest doslro to obtain control of the yards. The visit of Mr. Swift bos no signlficanco beyond an Investigation of his own private affairs , and Is one of the half dozen that ho makes to this city each year. Mrs. fi. Slattery , of Delhi , La. , says her son , 14 years of nKO.hnd a dreadful tlmo with ulcers , sores nnd blotches which folloxved chicken pox. After using many remedies without benefit , she gave him Swift's Spo- clllc , which cured him sound na well. To bo Given Away. Lincoln , Nob. , September 6,1889 , the fctroncest blooded Hamblotonlan stal lion living. Son of old Rysdk's Hnmble- tonlan No. 10 , dam by Iron Duke No. 181 : also a number of fine brood mares and colts of different ago3 , standard. TUUNEU8 AIjLc AROUND. Tlio Movement to Establish Vorolns in all Dlvtnlons. In response to a call published In these col umns thirty German-American citizens-met at Kessler's hall Thursday night to organize a South Side turnvereln. This association is not Intended to bo in opposition to tbo pres ent Omaha turnverein but to glvo to young men in the southern part of the city a chance to develop their muscle without the incon venience of traveling to the center of the city at night. Mr. Charles Peterson was elected chair man pro tern and Otto Kinder secretary. A committee on constitution nnd by-laws was appointed and Instructed to report on Mon day , August 12. A meeting will then be held to form a permanent organization. Great enthusiasm prevailed. Messrs. Phillip Andres and II. Kummorow , of the Omaha turnvcroin. addressed the meeting on the importance of a South Side branch as also of physical culture. On Sunday , August 11 , a mcetlntr is to bo called In South Omnha for the purpose of or ganizing a turnvereln at that place. A slm- lar movement is on foot to organize a so ciety of Turners in North Omaha. An Absolute Cnrn. The ORIGINAL ABIETIMB OINTMENT is only put up in largo two-ounce tin boxes , and is an absolute euro for old sores , burns , wounds , chapped bands , and all skin erup. tlons. Will positively cure all kinds of piles- Ask for the ORIGINAL ABIETINE OINT MENT. Sold by Goodman Drug company at 25 cents per box by mall SO cents. A KNOXTX QUESTION. Under the Now Jtmw How Mny a Jury . Bo Selected ? The county commissioners have found a big stumbling block In the matter of selecting names from which to * draw district jurors under the new law. "Unless some interpretation can bo given the act warranting the violation of other and counter statutory provisions , " says Commls sloner O'KoofFe , "it will bo unlawful for us to select our Jury by the whool-of-fortune plan before next January. "In making and passing this law the legis latui-o eltlior through ignorance or an over sight forgot to repeal the law relative to poll books and ballot boxes. As the matter stands now , " bo continued , "wo have no right to open one and handle tbo other , except in a contested election or for tbo use of tbo courts. After election returns huvo been made nnd the vote has been canvassed , poll-booKs must be scaled nnd not opened within the period ol ono year , only for the purposes I have named. If that Is true wo have no right to take them out , and , without the poll-books , it IsImpossible for us to got a list compris ing ono-tontb of the voters of Douglas county , as required , from which to select forty-eight or sixty Jurors for the September term of court. " It IB understood that County Attorney Mahoney has been asked to glvo the board an official opinion , and until that lias been done matters remain at a stand still. POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvtl ot pur ly , htrenctn and wholtsotneneis. More eco > noralcal tfian the ordlnarr kinds. And cannot be sold in competition with tbe multitudes ol lor or snort weight alum or phosphate powdars. nly In cant. Itoyal Ilaktng Vow aw OOUli W WWl 6\OA \ jllW Xft - * DECIDED BARGAINS , This week will positively close out the balance of our summer suits.Pall 'goods are coming in and room must be made for them , Wethave a few extra fine light weight suits for dress and business wear .which we are ready toisacrificc. They are -made of the choicest fancy worsteds and gotten Up in A No. i style. ! No custom garment pan beat them. They are suits for which merchant tailors would charge from $40 to $50. We have , reduced them to less than the material in them is worth. It will be money in your pocket if you will avail your self of this opportunity. These reductions hold good also in ourboys' department. We arc offering a lot of extremely fine boys' and childrens' suits at prices you could not buy theni a month ago for double the money. In our furnishing department we have every day one thing or the other to close out. To day its a little line of underwear , tomorrow a small lot of flannel shirts , of which the sizes are broken , etc. On all such goods we make prices which will tempt you into buying whether you need the goods or not. , Wo call particulnt attention in this department to Bovornl lots o Night Shirts which we nro offering extremely ow. One lot very good Shirts , plnin nnd also fancy fronts and collars , at GOc. Another very fine Shirt , with legant embroidered front nnd collar , at 80c. In our Hat Department we are now opening our new Fall shapes. "Wo havq during the past few days mad ° "Iterations which give us more room , and our Hat Department holds now the stock of two good sized local hut stores. We have n bewildering variety of Dorbys and Soft Hats , nnd in prices the hat stores fall far behind us No fictitious values on our Hats. You don't pay anything for a "swell" name in the lininjr. We soli you good dependable qualities' , fashionable shnpjs and colors , at uboct one-half the prices hat stores charge you for like qualities. Please Note : Until September the first our store closes at 6:30 : p , m. Saturday at 10 p. m. Corner Douglas and Fourteenth streets , Omaha. RatlruddH. Robert Bllckcnsderfer , who was , up to a year ago , division superintendent of the Un ion Paclllc , Is now chlof of construction for the St. Louis nnd San Francisco and is on- gaued In building 840 miles of road on an extension - tension TO Albuquerque , NQW Mexico. The B. & M. extension from Alliance , Nob. , to the coal regions of the Black Hills is progressing at the rate of ono mile and a half per day. Trains are running to Hem- ingford and but aovontv-ftve mile of track yet remain to bo laid. Tuls'will bo completed as early ns October 15. < For bouquet , purity nnd honlthfulncsa Cook's Imnorinl Chnrapatrno has no rival. It is spleridid with dinner. DR5. 6ETTS & BEITS U03 FAKNAU STREET , OUAHA , NIB. ( Opposite Paxton UotoU Office hours , 9 a. m , to 8 p. mt Sunday * , 10 . m. to l p. m. Specialists In Chronic , Nervous BUa and Blood Diseases. jay-Consultation at dfflce or by mail free. Modlclncs sent by mail or express , securely vaclced , free from observation. Guarantees to cnre qulckly.safely and permanently. aTDDuflrK ! nCBTTTTV Spermatorrhoea , semi- flbnYUUO UhDlLllI nalLosse i.NlghtEmU Blous. 1'liyslcal Decay , arising from Indlacro tlon , Kxceea or Indulgence , producing Sleepless ness , Despondency. Pimple * on. the race , aver sion to society , easily Alscouraged.ilacK of confl dence , dull , unfit f or stndy or business , andllnds life a burden. Safely , permanently and prl- rately cured. Consult Drs. lletU Ic Betts , 1403 Farnam St. , Omaha , N b , Blood and.Sldu Diseases SR ffis. . JJt\ll\MVBt t-ll'-'UlBt 1. f4UO ItA VMO lCCl * UU\4 AJW Aaa | Byphllltlc Bore Throat. Month and Tongue , Ca tarrh , tc. . permanently cured where otbeni bar * failed. " J Puinful , Dllllcult , too frequent - quent Burning or Bloody Urine , Urine high col ored or with milky sediment on standing , Week Back , Gonorrhoea , Gleet , Cystitis. etc. . Promptly and Bately Cured , Charge * Reasona ble. STRICTURE I mau Mo.Prer : moral complete , without cutting , caustic or dlllatlon. Cures effected at home by patient without a moments pain or annoyance. To Yonn ? Meu and Middle-Aged Men , niTDP T1'8 awful effects of early A5TTDU bunt Vice , which brines organic weakness , destroying both mind and body , with all Its dreaded ills , permanently cured , TIP ? TJPTTQ Adress those who have impaired UAQi DBllU themselves by Improper indul gences and Holltary habits , which ruin both body nnd mind , unllttlng them ror business , tudy or marriage. M AintiED MEN. or those entering on that hap py life , aware ot physical debility , quickly aa OUR SUCCESS. b based upon facts , firm Practical Ezpa rlence. fiecond Every case Is especially studied * thus starting aright. Third Medicines are pro , pared in our labatory exactly to suit each case , thug affecting cures without injury t3B 8end 8 cents postage for celebrated works on Chronic. Nervous and Delicate Disease ! . Thousands cured. EVA friendly letter or cell may aave you future BufTerlnir and shame , and add golden years to life , fV tie letters an swered unless accompanied by i cents In stamp * . Address or call on Oils. BETTS Oc ISETTS , U08 Farnam Street Omaha. Neb. BLAKE , BOISSEVAIN & CO. , London , England. ADOLPH BOISSEVAN & CO , , Aiiixtcrdum , Holland. Trnniact a iteneraj banking builnets. Bocurltloi bouclil and told on commlsilon , . Vorclvn excbannai. Commercial and traveler's letters of credit. Orderi for bond and atocki executed un commls slon In Ixiudoo and on all Continental Uaurtes o Kuropo. Nevotlatlani of ItallHiijr , Btato , Cltr anil Corpora tion Loam a ii > eclalr NEBRASKA NATIONAL BANK , V , S. DEPOSITOR , OMAHA , UEB. Capital $100,000 Surplus Jan. 1st , 1889 2,000 OFFICERS AND DIIIKUTOU3. UlKiiyW. i'ATE8 , President. ' Xjtwis R. HEED , Vice President. A. K. TOUZAI.IN W. V. MOUSK. JOIIN s. COLLINS , J , N. II. PATRICK , \T. H. 8. lluaa E ( , Cashier THE IRON BANK , Cor. 12th and Varnam Bia. -laaJOwt ONE iMORE CALL. This Is thd ; tlmo to replenish summer wardrobes. Wo shall continue through the month of August to olfenspocial bargains In various lines of llrst-tluss goods. Our Full stocK in already being selected in the Eastern market , and.we must soon have room for fresh InvolacB.i But the warm weather is not over yet , and our supply is still equal to the demand-of , n hot day. Dr. J. E. McGREW' ONE OF TUB MOST BUCCESSFDIi " SPECIALISTS Iu the Treatment of All Chronic , Nerroua and Private Diseases. Rponnatorrhoca , Impotent ? and Ix > ss of Manhood , al ? olulclr cured. Acuroguiiniittucil In nil forma ol I'rlvnto Diseases , Strictures , Gleet , etc. Catarrh , Throat , Lung Diseases , Ixsucorrhoea quickly und nceinuncntlT ( hired. lllood and Skin Discuses treated euccesnlullr. Ladles' ( uncl gentlemen's wnltlntf roams separate and entirely private. Consultation free. Send for books , Tbo Secret and Private Diseases of Jluu , | n ] \Vomim and Her DIs- cnjen.100 each ( stumps ) , treatment by correspoiid- once ; eund Htiimp for reply. OHlco 10th and Douglas Sts. , Omaha. A Perfect Face Powderi ' " ' ' ICE POWDER , l' . ilillloT B < mH r.boir. B lif C/IH-ajil.l , . Xlii.l.r't , WKtrim.lfcl | lllon' , 1,101 N lllli. BtOn | rarn.inft I Gnnodmtil Drug Co ,1,119' bchrclrr'i , ltllltlTorblir , t.119 ! On N.UIIi : fc4Ddrtlt ! ,30SOw.llJbOii.CllfWll1tbool. ; | > .l < cor. Web.trr | MorwUfc.cor ClilracoUeraruk , . _ _ _ _ cor williiiniOaH.utiiliuir < krii , < i f.oji Con * til. cor. Ctnlrn UUIal Inilllul. llrul blur. , ror , IMr.i Tucl . k'c , cor , r tlfliOaB.lllhi ll ll , filOi hmttlillriM citr Puclt. lclinfl.' . , JllKulQ | 1. Co. , cor. Ouuilii ] alia tor. lull nj Cumiacr-Ua H nir'ti or. ttxin.'i , i.ioiiCiU- * " ' 'lw. . U * | Oa UMreoworllil D rl. ' , I.TK.r.rtoo u Owen , cor. llth | Bwlfl l.Ca.ulk lij D T.ji | > ort | 8cl er.r'i , Sli.rm.a A > a , an4Coili7d > ik (39IU > iid Wool worth irti.Dr U.nHtli i. 1,601 llowtrtl ) C lMVcor , Clb aad Plcrcel UoyU fC ultkl Avh > u4 HIU BI.1 W. 'Ji Uolir .l.r' | H.ykon It Oa. ti. Oia > Lt. MTLol.Ml. , IMchrAfM OrDlt Co. , HUk * . Drue It ( M , m LATEST PERFUME EXQUISITE " . . FREIIIAN'S HIAWATHA HoMHniGOLDEN BLONDE Hair J LITTLE LORD FAUNJLEROY'S VarChlldreHor AJxIl * . I BREEMAN'S BLONDINE Wlibout lojurr preiirrri lilonj. | ulr in B lur l color , lundin lUlrcfaiir color * t atirul , natur&l Ploadt , a.I iii % r.noln. | o boin.i from jour tUt. H w.r of tb.taoU t r th (1 00p Mil. lfr url' ' > " "MI"n'Hlll wlllb. afbt.ipr.M | ll , rtWiiucHANrKHKiiiiitt * , UTr.X toratOfUi U tllJ't > t.JW Ct.U.UCllCl.cHl0.ll)0. ' TIMKEN'SPRING ' VEHICLES I Bulr.4o/au > uM'btr.wt-f j-11 rjT Ot > > * If inilCV'nd all urinary troubles easily , quick , MUNully and safely cured byOOOTUilX Cap. culcs. Bovural caioa cured m eeren days. Bold at 11.60 per box , all .drueelats , or b/ mail from DocttuM't'g Co , U-J WUtt N. V , tfullUlr o- N.W.COR. I3rx& DODGE Sra. OMAHA , NEB. FOR TUB TEEATITRNT OF ALL . . . APPLIANCES FOR DEFORMITIES AND TRUSSES. rBucoeasfu' lnnr f iHlNETY ROOMS FOR PATIENTS. jcBoordft Attendance. BeitAceommoiationsinWeit .07WRITB JTOR OIRCruTAEaonlefonnltiea sad 'racei Trui - ' - - " " - - , e , Club Feet , Ourvaturo of Sj-- Ear ; tkinond Blood i DISEASES QF WOMEN > i WE HIVE LiTKLT AHDF.II A I.T1SU-1N HKIMIITHEICT FOB ' HOtiEM DURIXUCOHriMinkiT. ( STRICTLY PHIVATE , ) % Only Uable Kedioal Inttitute making a Spatialty of ; BjBiyATB DISEASES > ' . All 81001 Oli.uei lucffiiftlly trutfi Brphllltlo Polioa rw Tl trem th. i/iten without racrcurj. i ( w Ktilorallo . TrMtiMBtr.rtpKorYmLrOnKlt. r rtl imiibleto ' t , nlcrleocelt. . with qocitloal.t Alirta A KEDICai , tc BUKOIO AI , INSTITUTE , ff.t . ,18tli and Dodce Street * , OMAHA , KEB. is Wealth ! Dii.B.O. WBST'B N nvo AHD ? WENT , a guaranteed speclUo for Hysteria , Dizzi ness , Convulsions , Fits , Nervous Neuralgia , Headache. Nerroua Prostration caused by the use of alcohol or tobacco. Wakefulness , Mental In either sex , Involuntary Losses and Bpormat- erhoja caused by over-exertion of tbebrainself- Kbuse or overindulgence. Bach box contains ene month's treatment. (1.00 a box. or aix boxes for $5 OO.eent by mall prepaid on receipt of price. WE GUARANTEE SIX BOXES To euro any case. With each order received b > iu for six boxes , accompanied with 15.00 , wo wlQ end the purchaser our written guarantee to refund - fund the money It the treatment does not effect * cure QuaramUes Issued only by Goodman Drug Co. , UruggiiU , Sol * AgenU , UW Farnam tie L Omaha Rsh. , . . The tlO Standard Ibm , ItfiinfHlkK for tue cut e 41 WEAK private allmenU are un- mrpiuBcd for puilty , etc. ButUfactlon Uuaruutecd. MEN Order Itcinedy No. 1 for .nluol IT.aliM.i or rltal OEin. 1'rlrellOO JS7 li lor ton a. ho d or ) > yulcal debility In married men , or fliom rnt rlni { on thai liuiipy lift. I'rlce , II00 Ko 3 forCoaorrkof a or fleet In either sex. A combined treatment for Internal and local ute. Cures In I to & darn , Noajrlnweorlnjectlon. Wllnotcause ! lrtclure , p&Inor8martlnv HaBcurcUhuiidrodsoCcaaca.l'rlceOl 00. Ko. 4. BiMitlte ttperlfte for men or women. TrcvcnU Konorihoea , etc. No nibber nor Injection. Package lasts V ) day > . Laiily u ed 1'rlco II00. Will tend a tealed trial laniplo of remedy No. 1 or i on receipt ol i cts In stamp ! forpoitaire. Any one of Ilieierernedlea prompt' ly rent ( iraled ) u/ mall on receipt of the price , 1100. IiiUrtbllaf D oktcelthersov marrledoriliifflti.tentl'rc * , STANDARD REMEDY CO , Ohloago , III. fadltcrrU o. or , _ UliUlMII U OUBB br III. Niwlkll-UOVEU tHOTRICBILTilUSPUJOIT r UKKVIUMURKr. Uid. for thl. f.rlfla | purpo > . CUBB or 'ILP ' , BOOTHINO , ( Uauoa. Carr.at4 0. . , , Jlrc.iltarotiinail wtit ptru , rtilor- t. Ht llk and Tli.mi 8lm/lk. kltclrla V rii.Ti .Tiimrcrw.feir ll 5 < lac ik. Uorilci.ip r. famentlreurtd ID thr * tatntbi , 8tal d I ftmt'LItt 4a.atuna. 8 AimBM KLEOTB10 CO. 1 efl Utull. B i. CHIOAQO Jll Sfeck Piano KomarUablo for powerful sympatliotio tone , pliublo action and absolute dura bility ; 80 years' record tbo best puaran- too of ibo excellence of thcso intrns- raents. WOODBRIDGEBROS. DEALERSHIP andBhoes manufactured by 0. M. IlKNticuaorf & Co. OE CUIOAQO Factories at Chicago ! Dlxon. UL , and Fen Du lc , Wls.-shouldijrlto BAM.N. WATSON , BesWence.VllUMONT.NJlD , "GoIS Is purely vegetable , dissolves instantly in HARD or SOFT , HOT or COLD water ; will not injure the finest fabric , is soft and soothing to the skin , and for bath , laundry , washing dishes , or scrubbing and cleaning of any kind , "GOLD DUST" stands without an equal. Ask your Grocer for a FllEE SAMPLE and try it , Made only by N. K. FAIRBANK & CO.'St.Lon& , N. B.If you have freckles , use Fairbanks "FAIRY" Soap. OUR OWN COTTON FLANNELS f _ Handsomest and Most Satisfactory for RETAIL TRADE ! PRICE LIST SENT ON APPLICATION. who have USED THEM will BUY NO OTHER BRAND. TRY THEM. SOLE AGENTS FOR ALL MARKETS : SAMUEL C. DAVIS & CO. SAINT LOUIS. MO. i MM OF THE SUCKED HEART. ' Park Place , Corner 36th and Burt Streets , OMAHA , - - - NEBRASKA. Under the direction of tbo Ladles of the Sacred Heart. Board and tuition In English . and French , Instrumental Music , use of books , per session of flvo months : (150.00. Paint. \ng \ , Drawing , ' Germun , Italian , Vocal Music , Harp , Violin , &o. , are extra charges. For fur * thur information , apply to the A BIGHT REV. JAMBS O'CONNOR , Or to the LADY SUPERIOR. Studios will bo resumed on Wednesday , Sept. 4 , 16S9. THE ST.AJOX JRX > OF1 HINGSFORD'S OSWECO STARCH "Pure" and Silver Gloss I And Corn Starch FOR THE LAUNDRY. J FOR THE TABLE. STRANG & CLARK STEAM HEATING CD , Steam and Hot Water Heating and Ventilating Apparatus and Supplies. Engines , Boilers , Steam Pumps , Etc. ETCHINGS. * 35-EMEItSON , ENGRAVINGS , SJS-HALLET& DAVI3 ARTIST SUPPLIES. . © * HOSPE ( arKIMBALL , MOULDINGS , jjai JHTFRAMES , PIANOS & , ORG ANS a S5-SHEET MUSIC , 1B13 Douglas Street , Omaha , Nebraska. CHICAGO SHORT LINE OI'THB Chicago , Milwaukee & St , Paul R'y ' , The Best Route from Omaba aud Council DInffg ( o TWO TUAINB DAILY BBTWKEN OMAHA AND COUNCIL ULUFi'H Chicago , AND Milwaukee * St. Paul , Minneapolis , Cedar Rapids , Bock Island , Freeport , Kockford , Clinton , ] ) iibiujuc , Davenport , Elgin , Madison , JauotiTllle , Bclolt , Wlnoua , La Crosse , AnaaiTVJtSJflracortant poluta Kait , Wortueait and For through tlckeu'call on ttj ( Uketaicnt at 1M | Varnain itrcct , in llarkir Ulock , or at UiitC : i' CIPc Depot. ' I'ullinan Sleepers and the flnett Dlnlnv Cara In th world are riinun tlie rnkln line ot tbu Ihlcugo , nil. waukoe It Bt. 1'aul Hail war , and everattuutloii U paid to paueuKuri \ > f couttooui ecjploiei of tue company. H.illl.r.Kllaencral Uanicer. j. V. TUCKitli. xailttint ( Jeuoral Manager. A. V. It. UAlU'KNlKll , Oeutral i'aixnger and UlSAFVOnn.AMlitait General I'aaienger ml Ticket Agent. T. 1. UUAltR , Oaoeral BupirloHndcnt. DREXEL & MAUL. ( Successors to John 0. Jacobs ) Undertakers and Embaimers At tbo old stand , 1107 Faruara Bt. Orders l > r lcgrn ; > U solicited and prompt' Binding Twine JUST RECEIVED , 100 TONS. Best Boston Twine find . Also hove Ilalf-nnd half , fa und $ - , and CLEAR SISAL. AT LdWBST WHOUB8ALB PRIOB8. GEO. B. CARPENTER & CO. , SOU ( a 3OH H. Water St. , Chleuco. Proposals for Holiool Huppllou. . proposals will be received by the undersigned until i p. in. Huturday , August lOtb , IMi. for iiirnlshl UK textbooks , Btutionery. nrlnted ulauK" , supplies , lumber , luel , andsuclt otner urt'cs ! tt ftro ul led by the ucliools dur- IIIK the enuulng yoai. I.luiG of articles ana blunt proposalu may bo obtained at tuC Cl ce OC tlm Hoarder Kducatlon. ' , liy order of tUe Hoard of Kducatlon. J. II. I'a-Eii , Becrotary. Nnnoo of Htook Hubsorlptlonx. Notice U hereby ulven tliat thu books of tb Oinalm , J.lncoln i Quit llalhray Company wilt boopoueil for the purpose ot rccclvlnic iub- BcnptloiiH to the capital utock ot Bald company on fcnd utter theHucond day of September. 1&8V , at No. 1 Ju Farnam mreet , In ths city of Omalii , N lirnbka. UAtod this 1st day of Augut , 13B9. G. L. HIIODBS. O.A. J. It. li. Bu.r/owAr , M.l'.O'Uitlicw.