8 THE OMAHA DAILY KffiE : 3TEIDAY , AUGUST 9 , 1889. THE CITY. Ilovonuo collections yesterday were 0,200.03 , The cornor-Btono of Zlon Baptist church ( colored ) , Rev. T. II. Ewinp , pastor , will bo mid at 8 p , tn , Monday next. Mr. William O. Judpo. general secre tary American Section Thoosophlcal Bocictv. will speak at 8 p , in. in Room 205 , Sliecloy blook. All invited. A car loud of tin plato from Swansea , England , was received at the custom house yesterday for Rector , Wllholmy & Co. nnd the Lee Clark , Androoson company. ' 'Tho Omaha Motor Railway company filed nn application with the board of imblio works yesterday for a permit to Jay double track on Thirty-third from Burt to Lake street. R. E. Iluhraan was fined $100 and costs in pollco court yesterday after noon for soiling liquor on Sunday , Ills place of business is at 1510 Webster Btroot. Now fire alarm boxes have been placed at Thirty-sixth and Howard and Thirty-eighth nnd Soward. They nro of the Inter-State pattern and hnvo been thoroughly tested and found satis factory. Mrs. Jennie Farnam , the wife of a Cheyenne stenographer , loft homo a low dayB ngo and cnmo to Omaha , bringing with her their child and about $400 in monoy. Some of Far mini's friends in this city have boon notified nnd are on the lookout for the woman. Superintendent of Plumbing Uuncnn filed a complaint against Symonds & Blake for making plumbing connec tions with a water main in the alloy be tween Dodge and Capitol avenue and Twenty-fifth and Twenty-sixth streets , .without getting u permit from the in spector. William W. Bltttier , the theatrical man who was willing to exchange his experience for Mrs. Tinjopn'a shekels , loft town last nltrht to avoid arrest. lie was arrested at River Sioux , la. , and will bo brought back here and tried on the charge of obtaining money by false pretenses. Mr. Southwick , the DCS Moincs do- sicnor , has written to Mr. Liningpr that owing to the loss ho sustained in the burning of his gallery eomo time ago , ho will not establish a school of de sign in Omaha. Mr. Llnlnger , however - ever , has not relinquished his idea of having such nn institution started in this city. Personal Paragraphs. Q. W. Cornell , Auburn. Neb. , Isat the Mil- lard. lard.Frank Frank E. Hartlgun , of Cietc , is at the Paxton. D.V. . Smith , of Wlntersct , In. , Is tit the Paxton. E. M. Loftan , of Crclghton , Neb , is at the -Arcmlo. C. C. Pardco , of Douglas , Wyo. , Is a Paxton - ton guest. Rov. J. P. D. Lloyd , of Chicago , arrived at the Pnxton. Mrs. Muck , of Grand Island , visited iu the city yesterday. EURCIIO Moore was In tha city yesterday from West Point. H. M. Moon is registered at the Paxton from Rod Oak , la. F. G. Hnrncr was at the Paxton last even- ng from Kearney. F William M. Knight is stopping at the Ar- caclo from St Louis. b'1 J. W. Kerns , Auburn , Nob. , is In the city , * a guest of the Darker. O. F. Driscoll has returned from an extended - tended European tour. L. D. Pollard , a well known Chicago trav eling man , la in the city. \V. J. McCormick registered at the P axton yesterday from Dunlap , la. G. Marshall nnd wife , of Nashville , Tcnn. , are registered at the Millard. T. O. Allen , a McCoolc , Neb. , business nan , Is stppping at the Murray. William Simpson and daughters , Ida and Allio , were in the city yesterday from Nor ton , Kan. R. J. Mantz , for nine years a conductor on the Union Pacific , but now of OtUwu , Knn. , is in the city. Captain McCoy , of the local rovonueofflco , left last night for a short visit to St. , Paul and Minneapolis , OffU er Peter Matza has returned from a month's visit m Wisconsin. Ho is much Im proved in health. Miss Jessie Hagan loft for Red Oalr , In. , her home , last evening , utter a pleasant visit with her friends In Omaha. John Berg , ono of the most successful commeicial men traveling out from Chicago , arrived at the Millard lust evening. Mr. W. A. Pholnn , editor of the League of the Cross , a Cuthollo publication at Sioux City , la. , called at Tun Bun oftlco yesterday. Mrs. J. Bauraau and daughter , Uusslo , ac companied by Miss Louie Johnson , have gone to Helena , Mont , and other western points. Lieutenants Holbrook and Rivers , First United States cavalry , and a party of com petitors passed through Omauu yesterday morning for Bollovuo. O. D. Covoll , general , manager of the Ne braska Eloetrlo Light ana Motor company , is in Grand Island on business connected with bis firm. E. C. Keys and Dr. M. Laney , of Tiffany , Ohio , nro In the city on their way through the state on a tour of inspection. Mr. Keys is a capitalist and owns considerable prop erty in Omnba. Ho is highly pleased with the growth of the city and believes Omaha has a great future. Torrance Boyle , check clerk nt the Union Pacific freight house for the last fifteen years , loft for the west yesterday , accom panied by Frank McGinn , bill clerk. Ihoy will take In Salt Lake City , Denver and other cities of the west , being absent thirty days. Fourth Ward Kcpubllcnns. There will bo a meeting of the Fourth Ward Republican club this evening at Judge Anderson's ofllco at 7:80 : p. m. Bccchain's Pills euro bilious and nervous 111 Will Lower tlia Grade. Preparations are bolus made for another cut In the gradual thoiutersooilou of Thirty- Ixth and Uurt streets. Retaliated tlio Wrong Way ; A dining room girl at 1331 Saunders street throw a glass of water out of the window and accldently deluged Thomas Ghent , who proceeded to ubuso the girl und culled her vile names , bo was lined (5 und costs in police court. Stopped Up the Sowers. The men grading near Twenty-second and Pierce streets have filled in the sewer and as a consequence property in that vicin ity is overflowed with water. A complaint was made to the board of public works this morning and measures are being taken to remedy the evil. Couldn't Stop the Grin. A cable car knocked a man down at the corner of RUtcontli and Dodge streets yester day morning , and for a few moments U was thought that ho had boon badly Injured , but in a short time bo picked himself up and bobbled awuy. Ills uumo was not uscor- talueil. A Cnso of tmiull Pox. A case of ttnall pox was discovered by City Physician Ralph , on Twenty-seventh street , throe block * south of Lenvonworth. The disease attacked a four-year-old child , The parents had been sick with a disease which physicians pronounced chicken pox , but' \vhlcu Dr. RiiluU thinks was vurilold , from which the child took the disease. Tbo house has been quarantined uiul every effort rnnUo to stop the spread of the disease. In the sick room Pitt's Chlorides , tlio odorless disinfectant , is iuvuluublo , i. KNTiUt'U13INO They Ilnvo BttccpGti(1 ( In Gobbling Up Harvest Ticket * . Wednesday morning the flrst harvest oxcur slon over the 13. & M. pawed through Omaha. Whether or not it will bo the Inst depends chiefly upon the action of the roads In the Western and Trims-Missouri Pas senger associations. Ticket scalpers In Chicago and other eastern points In the jurisdiction of the former association hnvo been obtaining control of the harvest excursion tickets and It is feared that a gen eral demoralization of rates may result. They are bclnt ; used to cut ratoi to Denver nnd also to Missouri river nolnts , To add to the Rcnornl difficulty one Chicago-Omaha line demanded that the harvest excursion rates must apply to Missouri river points , thus giving the ticket brokers nn oppor- tunlty that they otherwise would not have hud. A meeting Is being held in Chicago to-day to dovlso a plan whereby the tickets uitn bo kept out of the brokers' hands. Going to Yollowittono. The Union Pacific excursion to Yellow stone Dark nnd other western points of inter est loft the Union Pacific depot yesterday nt8.i5. : The party was not os largo as was expected und numbered only llftcon persons. It is expected , however , that enough pnssun- gcrs to make the number twcnty-tlvo will betaken taken between this city nnd Grand Island , several along the line having signified their intention of Joining the party. The excursion cars were attached to the regular train , but after reaching North Plutto will bo run to Cheyenne as a special. The excursionists In the Pullman ear "Yel lowstone" occupied the position of. honor , next caino Jim Stophonson's stable car con taining sixteen horses , followed by a gondola carrying the two Tally-ho coaches which will bo used In the outing in the park. Among the passengers leaving Omaha were S. A. Orchard , Colonel J. A. L. Hood , Clarcnco J3rown , advertising manager of the Union Puclllc , James Stephenson and two daugh ters , Dr. Davis nnd wife nnd R. J. CI mi coy , of Tint BKR. The party will roach the Yd- lowstono August 12 and will spend several days In looking nt the various points of inter est. They will return August 29. Rnllronil Notes. Superintendent Hughes of the Frornont , ' Elkhorn & Missouri Vulley , ncnompanlod by Assistant General Freight Agent Cnssldy , lelt for the west last evening. The last Issue of the General Manager , a railroad Journal Issued on tbo Puck and .ludgo plan , contains a very handsome portrait trait of Conductor J. S. Coughlln , of tlio Chicago , St. Paul , Minneapolis & Omaha , who Is well known iu this city. OFFIOKRS OP THE FAIU. The Httpcrintonilciits of the Depart ments and Various Displays. The now catalogue of the fair which Is now being distributed shows thn following list of oQlccru , directors , superintendents , etc. : President , D. T. Mount ; .vicb-prosldBnt. Churchill Parker ; treasurer , Hugh G.Clark ; secretary. J. II. McShnno. Directors D. T. Mount , Churchill Par ker , Hugh G. Clark , .1. H. McShnno , M. T. Patrick , J. A. Huiigato , J. .T , Brown. Executive Committee J. H. Hungato , I. J. Brown and M. 1Patrick. . Suneriutendeut. S. G. Couch ; superin tendent of speed , Joseph Gnrnouu , jr. : su perintendent of gates nnd tickets , \V. H. Green ; superintendent of transportation. P. H. KInno > . The following tire the superintendents of the other various departments : Horses and inulus , Hon. Jehu P. Boyd , Omaha ; cattle , Oliver Millard , Council Bluffs ; sheep , C. W. Bnbcock , Manning , la. ; swine , Joseph C. Gilinore , Plattsmouth ; poultry , Graham P. Broxvn , Omaha ; farm products , K S. Gaylord , Blair ; bees , honey und apiary goods , Charles Howse , Omaha ; mechanical art , W. J , Kennedy , Omaha ; machinery , W. J. Kennedy ; superintendent fine arts , Mrs. P. T. Emerson , Omaha ; manager and clerk flno art hall. Mra. J" . S. Briggs , Omaha ; superintendent textile fab rics , Mrs. John \Vnkoflold , Omaha ; man- uger and clerk , Mrs. J. S. Briggs. Omaha ; ngricultural societies , S. P. Great , Sehuyler ; preen fruits , John Lutz , Ellt City ; grapes , canned goods , Jellies , etc. , George Gilson , Elk. City ; floral , E. C. Erfling , Omaha. ME AND JOE. Commissioner Turner Tells All About tils Little Trip to New Vork. "Yesslr ; you bctchorllfo I had a blamed nice time only fur thet woman. Tell you , I've got all the crazyin' I want in mine. Ef the board wants to send any more crazy people ple down east they'll have to send somebody else besides me along- " It was Commissioner Turner , who reported at headquarters Wednesday aftetnoon for the first time since his return homo on Sunday morn Ing last. "Now that woman Glldersleevo wuz a holy terror. She nt and cussed 'round afora everybody In the car. Fust I'd have to sit by her an' she'd rake Joe Miller. Gad , how she'd scorch hlml Then I skin out an'Joo he'd sot down next her ; and then she'd cuss mo. O , but she's a smart 'un. she is. " "Where did you leave her ! " was asked. "O , we left 'or ' in 'Lizaboth , Now Jersey , " and the old man tried to change the subject by , tolling how ho dodged the boys and skipped homo on the lirst train Sunday morning. "Elizabeth ! Had she relatives there ! " "Yes , 'or. I gave 'or f3 to git homo with. " "What I to go home alouol" "Oyes ; she wuz smart enough to git homo from there. Her folks only lived 'Dout twenty miles away. " "Had a pretty nice time after you loft her' did you I" "Yes , purty fair sort of time. Joe told mo ho saw her after'ards ' in Now York. She was dead sot on going to Now York , but I Just told 'cr she could'nt do it an1 she give it up. " "But what about your time in Now York ! " "Well , 'oz I said , I Just showed Joe 'round a little , took him to a few places like , aud But then 'twant nothln' much for mo to see , because I'd ECO it all afore. " "Didn't go down to Allon'n or the bowery ' did you ! " "O , I don' know ez wo did. I wuz Just ahowia' Joe 'round a little llko , you know. 'Course wo tripped through them streetsbut , ViO didn't go Into any of the places , Joe didn't care to , and there wuzn't much now fur mo to see. I tuck him up onto the over head trains , an' wo went out to Central park , and drove 'round In a carriage. Yes , we had a fairish sort of time all through. " "Folks hero said you had gone oft on a pleasure trip , " put in Anderson , who stopped in about that time. "Pleasure be 1 That 'ero woman was a heap of pleasure , wuzn't she ! " "What became of Joo's man ! " "Ho put him off at some relations In Now York. Funny 'bout that feller ; but ho wouldn't eat a blto on the trip. I bought grub for him a couple times , but ho wouldn't touch It. " Then I stopped off at Hork'raor two days , where my wife's relations lives. " After that I went back to Now York for ono day , loavln' there at U o'clock for homo. I ruther enjoyed glttm * Inter the city ngtn , but I didn't enjoy as much us you'd ' thluK fer , 'cause ' there wa'nt much , or nuthm' , In fact , but I'd see it afore. " Thou the genial old Now Yorker turned to glare at Anderson , ho of the white whlsk- orx , who had Just ejaculated with a preliminary ary "wheey" a remark to the effect that "We stand iu with 'em on that deal , you bet " > . An Important Element Of the success of Hood's Sarsnpnrillii Is the fact thut every purchaser receives a fair equivalent for his money. The familiar headline , " 100 Doses Ono Dollar , " etolon by imitators , is original with nnd true only of Hood's Sarsupar- lllu , This can easily bo proven by uny ono who desires to test the matter. For real economy , buy only Hood's Sarsa- parillu. Sold by all druggists , Illuminated Arohns. Louis Hoiairod , one of the committed on decorations for the Merchants' \\eck celebra tion , says ttiat the cost of illu minating the proposed arches across tbo streets at. Sixteenth and Farnam and Thir- tc ntuftud Horuey with five hundred Incan descent electric lights would bo $700 , which ia considerably tnoro tUtta bad begu lated. This only Includes the lamps nnd wires , the power being furnished. Regarding the nrcnos Mr , llolmrod re marked that ho favoro.l Bonding to St. Louis for four or flvo urchos , which could bo shipped hero nnd returned at n less expense than to construct them In this city. COMMANDS IV"DAVI9 FI113L Ho Still Maintains That the G. A. H. la Entitled to a Ono Cent Itate. A telegram from Milwaukee contained the statement of two Nebraska department ofll- cors that their commander , J. B. Djtvls , who is now In Chicago recovering from a long illness , was not disposed to bo very strong In discouraging attendance nt the encamp ment , and that ho had directed that his or der bo ns mild as possible. A Chicago re porter called nt No. 21 Lincoln nvonuo , where Commander Davis is slopping , and naked him If It was n filet that ho was dis posed to compromise with the railroads. "No , " said ho , "I want it understood that I stand by this agreement of the de partment commanders , nnd I want to Bay , ns the commander of the Department of Nebraska , that I have no controversy with thi ) people of Milwaukee , but If they had had mou with any sand they would have been plvon the 1-cont rate by the railroads. Klght hero in this room ono of the high ofllcluls ot ( i Milwaukee road said the other day that It was their object to brealc the oreccdont of the 1-cent rate , so that when Mr. Cm-pooler gets up In Milwaukee and says ho cannot do anything toward rescinding the action of the roads ho says that which Is no' true , for thu power that cjn help make n rate can help unmake it. Adjutant General Gateholl unrt Captain Cook , who ara said to have attrib uted to mo this spirit of compromise , wcro hero Friday in conference with mo , and went to a meeting at Milwaukee Friday night , nud It is probable that they wore cajoled by the railroad men Into making this statement concerning mo. I stand by the commanders for the 1-cent rate , and Nebraska does not pledge a general' attendance ut the oncamo- mcnt , but the delegation will go. G. A. It. Grailil Reunion of the soldiers nnd sailors of Nobrosk'u at Kearney , Autrust 12 to 17,1830. The committee have BO- tjurcd for location , the spacious grounds overlooking Luke Kearney , and the programme , consirftlnp : of ahum bittlos , dross parades , artillery drills und duels , and miiirnilluont display of fireworks , will bp the most attractive over offered. For this occasion the Union Pacific , "Tho.Ovorhuid Routq , " will sell tickets from all points on its lines in Nebraska ut u rate of ono faro for the round trip. Don't fail to attend. For other information mation apply to your uoa'ost ticket ngont , or E. L. LOMAX , Gon'l Pass. Agt. , Omaha , Nob. TON'S 010 GOLD. The Value llclng Koualit for hy the Omaha Rindting Works. The Omaha and Grant Smelting company has commenced suit in the district court at Wyandotte , Kansas , acainst Chester Bullock and others to recover the value of 803,743 pounds of silver and lead ore sold to them in 1SS3 , but claimed by a mining company in which James G. Blnlno was a stockholder and given by the courts of Colorado to them. This man Bullock is u capitalist of Kansas City , Kansas , and associated with him in the deal were Stanley P. Wik'ht , A. W. Ituckcr , C. F. Uuckor , John McComb , Nels Larson nnd Thomas Quran. In August , 1SS3 , the plaintiffs' petition says , the defendants , then operating a mine in Colorado , sold to the plaintiffs UU5,7 , > iO pounds of load ana silver ore for the sum of $14,207.- 07. The mlnlnc company warranted its title to the ores , which they claimed bad been taken from the Big Chief mine , and received payment therefor. The smelting company went to work on the ores which "panned out" very well , but after a short thno a com pany hcudcd by James G. Ululno appeared upon the sceue and claimed that ttio ores came from their own mine , the Maid of Erin. The smelting company disputed the Blalno company's title to tbo ores , and later in 18SO , the Blumo company instituted pro ceedings in the district court of Anip- ahoo county , Colorado , to recover the precious metal. In December , 1877 , however , a change of venue was taken to the district court of Lake county und thereat the conclu sion of the trial In April , 1888 , n Judgment was obtained for the full value of the ores. The smelting company took an appeal to the supreme court of Colorado and in duo thno secured a reversal of Judgment. 1 ho case again came up in the lower court , but this time in Summit county , where in June , 1839 , a Judgment was obtained by the Blaine com pany. Tnis time , however , the Judgment against the smelting company was 75 per cent heavier than thatflrstobtamcd , amount ing to $24,109.40 , including all the costs of the litigation und 10 per cent interest on the value of the ores from the time of the orig inal sale. This judgment has at last been satisfied by tbo smelting company and now suit has been instituted to recover from the parties named above the money paid out in 1883 for the ores , together with interest aud costs in the long chain of suits. The celebrated demurrage suit instituted by the B. & M. railroad against Barber & , Co. , of this city , was dismissed from the dis trict court at the plaintiff's cost by stipula tion. tion.Ono Ono of the petitions was ( lied by the Ne braska and Iowa Insurance company , and was an action to recover judgment on two promissory notes given by James Stearns to the John Dicrlca manufacturing company , and by the second parties transferred to tbo plaintiff. The amount involved Is $500 , and the defendants are Stevens and the corpora tions named. An ordinance requesting the mayor of South Omaha to submit to the electors of that city the questlo'h of the construction nnd operation of n street railroad ( the Mercer mttor ) , through the streets of that city by the Omaha Motor railway company was filed for the plaintiff in the case now pending be tween the Omaha Motor railway company and the Omaha Street railway company. Amendments to the amended articles of in corporation of the Omaha Motor railway company were also filed , United States Court. The following bills in chancery were filed with Clerk Frank yesterday morning : PamelaBadtlot , of Possulo.N. J. . vs Lewis and Fannie E. Logan , of Buffalo county , Nob. , suit for $2,008.81 , und to foreclose mort gage on southeast # section 'JO , township 10 , range 10 west. Salllo E. and Emma A. Altkon and Ed ward C. Flcmming , of Buffalo county , for f2,000.12 and to foieclosoou southeast } { sec tion IS , township 10 , range 14. William Nicholson vs Joseph B. and Eliza beth Lynch , of Buffalo county , for $2,105,3Ii and to foreclose on west > tf aad northwest > . and west M of south west # section 25 , town ship U , rungo 7. County Court. Another and supposedly final act was per formed in the Roth-McFarland sensation yes terday , Koth's ' attorneys wore compelled to sue him for their foes and got Judgment by default against him for $300 , It will bo remembered that William H. Roth's wife got hold pf a Jotter written by 111 in to Jennie McFarland , a typewriter In the ofllco of the Star-Union Lumbar company , of which ho was manager , und wont down to his o 111 co immediately to shoot him. The af fair resulted in divorce proceedings , disap pearance from Omaha of Miss MoFarland and her sister and a general breaking up of domestic happiness all around. Only ouo now suit was filed in the county court yesterday afternoon. It was by Charles H. Wcntr , against the tirin of Sloinan Bros , , to recover 2120.85 duo on account. TWO f UNEHALS. Burial of the Victims of the Itooent Union I'nolflo Acoldmit. Assistant General Manager Dickinson , Car Accountant Buckingham and Trainmaster Baxter yesterday morning returned from the scene of Weston wreck. Fireman Uruche'r , who \vus badly scalded , was brought to this city and placed In St. Joseph's hospital. Ho 1s in a fair way to recover. O'Hearue , an other fireman , was brought In at 1 o'clock yesterday. His condition is very serious. The funeral of Mitchell , the engineer , took place at Beatrice yesterday , whllo that of Conklln was hold at Valparaiso. Drs. Galbraith - braith and Bryant accompanied Mitchell's mother to Beatrice. The deceased carried party f 11,000 on tua life , JimoilS. Notes of tlio-Sjstotn llrqttlred by the Now Law. County CoratrrUsloncr Mount was vigor- oiiery pulling ill Is whiskers yesterday nnd worrying over tbo subject of selecting a list of names fromftlto voters in his territory to go In the .vhaal.oMorttino Jury-box. His ngony was increased through his failure to find the poll'boxffor wards Thrco Four nnd Nine , which constitute his district. "I am annoyed , " said ho , "and don't un derstand this thing. " "How many names must you solcctl" in quired n reporter. "About live hundroa. " "Altogether , then , you will have n bushel of names to draw from ! " "Tho number roaches ono or two hundred over 2,100. The list must contain one-tenth of the number of legal voters In the county as es timated on last fall's election. Mount's ter ritory covers the Third , Fourth nnd Ninth wards ; O'Kccffo's comprises the First. Second end and Seventh ; Andersons , the Fifth , Sixth and Eighth ; Corrigan's , South Omaha , Mlllnrd. McArdlo and Douglas precincts , whllo Turner tnites in Valley , Waterloo , Chicago , Jefferson , Elkhorn , Union , Flor ence mm West Omaha. The Jury must bo drawn on or before the 2d of September. DON'T BUSS TJ1I2 OITOUTUNITV To Visit Ofcdoii nnd Bnlt Lmko City , Utah , or Holler , Idaho. A grand excursion to the above named points will leave August 20th , via the Union 1'aclllc , "Tho Overland Route , " and for this occasion the exceedingly low rate of MO to Ogden and Salt Luke City nnd return , and $35 to Hailoy , Idaho , nnd return has boon miido from Mis souri river terminals. This excursion affords our patrons a magnificent opportunity to visit Gur- 11 old Bench on Great Salt Lake , the finest bathing resort in the world , and also visit Ilailcy Hot Springs , famous for their medicinal properties. Tickets good thirty dnys. For iurthor particulars address E. L. L.OMAX , G. P. A. , Omaha , Neb. The Ultirnp. On Monday next the employes of the gov ernment commence the work of repairing the eastern banks of the Missouri river , and thereby stopping the constant erosion which has been going en for a number of years. The Improvements extend for three miles along the river front nud will commence at B point about two miles ubovo the wagon bridge , and extend to a point five miles further north. The work will bo commenced at the latter point nnd progress south ward. The banks along that strip are almost uniformly perpendicular mid the first work done will bo to slope them bacic from the river. This done , piles will bo driven along the water's oduo to which will be fastened the willow mats , The lat ter consist of strong willow brush woven to gether something after the manner of a car pet. They are about a foot thiclr. These extend from their fastenings at the water's edge into the river about sixty feet und on them is placed a layer of stones about a foot thick. They weight of the stones holds the mat against the bottom of the river and the two form n perpetual provcntativo against erosion during low water. From the water's edge up the sloping bank ia covered n luvor of rook as a burner to high water erosion and the work is then complete. The pro posed improvement will furnish employment to over a hundred men until thu close of the season. A Strange "General" William Butler , the colored janitor of the police court , is rejoicing over the arrival in this city of his brother John , whom ho had never seen until his arrival a few days ago. The "ironeral" says ho was born in Virginia several years before the war. His fatherland mother were sold to a lawyer named Shelton , who moved at once to some plnco in Missouri , leaving William , then about two years old , with his parents' former owner , a planter named Foster. The ooy John was born after the mother nnd father had been in Missouri some yeais. Ho worked along the Missouri river a number of years , part of the time in the immediate neighborhood of Om.ilm , and afterwards went to California. Some thno ago a young man who was acquainted with the Brother in California met the "general" here , nnd being struck with the close resemblance be- twccu the two men questioned the "general" closely an to his parents , etc. These details being communicated to the brother in Cali fornia resulted in the meeting ncro a low days ago. An Absolute Curo. The ORIGINAL ABIETINE OINTMENT is only put up iu largo two-ounce tin boxes , and is un absolute cure for old soroi , burns , wounds , chapped hands , and all skin erup. tions. Will positively cure all kinds of piles- Ask for the ORIGINAL ABIETINE OINT MENT. Sold by Goodman Drug company ut 25 cents per box by null 30 cents. Incensed to Wed. Marriage licenses were issued by Judge Shields yesterday to the following' parties : Name and residence. Age. I Al Stone , Omaha 23 \ Nellie Ford , Omaha 24 j Fred Schenck , Omaha 23 I Mary Franko , Omaha 20 That hacking cough can bo so quickly cured by Shiioh's Cure. Wo guarantee it. For sale by Goodman Drug Co. SOUTH OaiAUANE . Cut In the Face "IVIth a Crowhar. At 11 o'clock yesterday forenoon a crowbar was accidentally let fall from the Q street via duct , fulling about ton feet , the pointed end striking William O. Easter on the left chcoic , ploughing out an ugly gash nnd inflicting u painful but not dangerous wound. Mr. Easter was removed to W. S. Kenworthy's homo on P street und n surgeon called who dressed the wound. A closer call Mr. Easter never hud for bis life , PcTsonnln. Miss Agnes Downs , of Glonwood , la. , is visiting friends in the city. Ralph Wilson , of Greenwood , la. , is the guest of friends In tliacity. Miss Cora Barnaby , who has won so many friends in this city by her graces , left yester day fur her home , Groencastlu , Ind. Isaac S. .Hnscull is in the city consulting with friends. The Rev. Mr. nnd Mrs. II. L. Eddlebluto loft yesterday for Fremont to attend u camp- meeting at tliat place. Superintendent Edward A. Cudaby , of the Armour-Cudahy < packlng company. Is off on a summer vacation. . Mr. Cuduhy before re turning will go as fur east as Thousand Island. Michael Cuduhy. of Chicago , baa arrived and will manage the business during his brother's absence. Hy H. Meday , superintendent ot the Gcorgo H. Hutnmond & Co. packing com pany , is off ouia.three weeks' summer vaca tion. w Burwrnc UWMADE IN AMERICA NL dAS-S-KlRK < 5sfi:2S' : I Absolutely Pure * This powder never varies. A man el of pure , ty , strength \\rliolesomoneo3. . Mora eco nomical than the ordinary kinds , and cannot bo Bold In competition the multitudes ot lor or short\\ eight alum or phosphate powders. Bold only In cant. KovM Halting 1'owdor Com- pnur. l u Wall Street. New York. DRS. BETTS & BEITS VDS FAHNAM STIIEET , OMAHA. MB. ( Uppoaite 1'axtou Uotolj Office hours , 8 a. m , to 8 p. tn. Bundayi , 10 a. m. to 1 p. m. Spcclillsts In chronic , Nervous Skin and Dlood Diseases. CWConsultatlon at office or by mall fre . Mpdlclnes sent by mull or express , securely packed , free from observation. Guarantees to euro nulrkly , safely and pormanentiy. Spermatorrhoea , s ml- nal Ixmes.NlHht Kmls lions. 1'hyslcixl Decay , arlslnp from Indl-scre tlon , Kxccssor Indulgence , producing Sleepless ness. Despondency. I'hnples on the face , aver sion to society , easily discouraged , lacK of confl dence , dull , unlit rorstudy or business , andllnds life n burden , bnfcly , permanently and pri vately cured. Consult ln. Hetts & Belts. UU8 Farnam St. , Omaha , Nob. Blood and Skin Diseases results , completely eradicated without the aid of Mercury. Pororuln , erysipelas , Fever Sores , Blotches , Ulcers , L'amaln the Mead and Bones , Syphilitic Sore Throat , .Mouth und Tongue , Ca tarrh , ate. , permanently cured where other * have failed. Fiflnou Tfninarw nn Bladder Complaints , filulltjy' Ulllldiy Pulnrul , Uimcult. too frequent - quont Hurtling or nioody Urine , Urine high col ored or with milky sediment on standing , Wei.k Back. Gonorriicea , Gleet , Cyutltls. etix , Promptly and Safely Cured , Charges lleusona- blo. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ * _ _ STSiTfiTTTHfT ! ! Guaranteed por- S * * * M-V J. U XUfM I nianent cure. ie- moval complete , without cutting , causHc or dlllatlou. Cmes eflecled at homo by patient without a moments pain or annoyance. To Youn ? Men and Middle-Ased Men , ASJTTPP pntP ) The awrul effects of early QUilli ullilrj vice , whlct bungs organic weakness , rteitioy.ns both mlnu and body , with all Its dieac'ftl lllc. permiinently cured. Tip ? PPTT ? Adrcssthoie who have Impaired JJflDi DD110 themselves by Improper Indul gences nnd Holltary hablta , which rnln both body , aud mind , unfitting them tor basinets , itudjwor ninri logo. M Aiutiei ) MEN. or those entering on that hap py life , aware of physical debility , quickly at rfsted. OUIl SUCCESS. la based upon facts. First Practical Bipe rlenco. Second Eory Ciiso Is especially studied- thus starting aright. Thlid Mobile lies are prc , pared In our labntory exactly to suit each case , thus atTecttns cures w Ithout injury fXr"6end o cents costtge for celebrated works on Chronic , Nervous and Delicate Diseases. Tnousands curotl. ( XT' A friendly letter or call may save you future siHTerlnii nnd shame , and add golden years to life. ( STNo letters an swered unless accompanied by i cents In stamp * . Address or call on lillS. KETTS & BETTS , U03 Farnam Street Omaha. Neb. CALIFORNIA THE J AND OF DISCOVERIES ! SANTA ; ABIE ; AND : GAT : R : CURE F or sale by Goodman Drug Co Steck Piano Rcraiirktiblo for powerful sympatbotio tone , pliublo action and ubsoluto dura bility ; 80 yeiirfl' record the bout puarun- too of the excellence of tbeso intrns- montB , WOODBRIDGEBROS. JOSEPH GILLOTTS STEEL PENS GOLD MEDAL PARIS EXPOSITION MS. Nos. 303-4O4-I7O-C04. THE MOST PERFECT OF PENS- MAX MKYBIl. ADOU'H MGVBR Max Meyer & Bro , Orcnt reduction of price on second hand Flixnofl and Organs. A good ohanco to get a good Flano for a atnnll amount ot monor. The aboyo prices nro 10 per cent less thnn over pITorod before nnd a. * we must Imveroom for our large stock or Now 1'Ianoa wo will j-lvo an extra 10percent dlecuunt from rvliovo prlcoi to any ono tlint buys nn Instrument liotoro August 1st. Hvory Instrument guaranteed to bo Juot as represented - presented , riuuos for rent for $2.SO and upwards per month. Organs for rent for $1.50 nntl npvards per month. If you buy n y of the above Innumenta and you mo not satisfied , \\o will nllowyou same ns you paid for it toward uny now 1'lnno s ou may select. Cull early mid got n bargain. Cor. 16th and Farnam Sts. ONE MORE CALL. llils Is the tlmo to replenish summer wardrobes. Wo shall continue through the month of Auguntto oll'er bpoclat bargains in various lines of llrst-class goods. Our Fait stock Is already being selected in the Eastern market , and we inuhtsoou have room for fresh Invoices. Hut tbo warm ucntliorls not orer yet , and our supply la still equal to the demand of a hot day. indingTwine JUST RECEIVED , 100 TONS. Best Boston Twine -J- and Also have HalfandhalfJ nudJ , and CLEAR SISAL , AT LOWEST WHOLESALE PRICES. GEO. B. CARPENTER & CO. , SOS to SOS a. Water St. , Chicago. State Line. To Glasgow , Belfast , Dublin and Lit crpaol From New York Every Tuesday , Cabin pastngo K15 to fa ) , according to locution ofeta room. Kxcunlon MS to KM. Steerage to nnd from Europe at Lowest llntoj. AUsriN JIAUnvi.S & Co. , Gcn'l Agents , 3 Broadway. New Tort ] im Dr.EOEK * , Gen'l Western Agent. 1CI llandulpti BU , Cnlcaco. IlAnitv R. MORES , Agent. Omaba. Reduced Cubinratea to Qlsagavr Kxhlbltlaa. ST. JOHN'S MILITAlll' SCHOOL , MANL1US. N. V. Civil Engineering. Classics. Duslnoss. HT. UKV. P. It. HUNT1NOTON. 1'reildcnt , LT. Cou W.VlUtllEUK. Superintendent. II I liltfllQ CONSERVATORY . . % , ILLINUlo OF MUSIC ST. FRANCIS ACADEMY COI.UMIIUS , 1'bATTE , COUMV , NKUItASKA. ConductedoythcSlstorsofStrranclg. Opens Its elKhth scholastic year Sent t. It by. TIHH in stitution oir rn every ailvantnue for ucauulni ; a thorough , Clirlstluii education. For terms nnd particulars address , Slater Al Josupha , Super- vlsoreas. AHIGAGOFEMALEGOLLEG ( ) , Ilosrdliig E Bcboul for Qlrls and Youiiu Ladles. 1 ( or cataloBue addros O. THAYKll , 1,1 , . J ) . . Morgan i'urk. III. , ur n Aladlion Btreet , Clilcago. III. NORTH WUSTKRN Conservatory of Music Minneapolis , Minn. I'lANO Host ttncliorH only In every ilniurt ment. Unequalled opportnnliy for Htudy.- OUUAN 2U lemons for t5. ! Flee iidvuntages worth price of tuition. All Instruments , J.uu- guaces. HlHtory. Mtt-ntturc. YOlt'K Bfiid for calendar. CHAHhUS II. JlOlteit. Director. MILlTAlty ACAKMV , COHN NKWYOUIC wull on-Hudson. Col. C. J. Wright. 11. „ A. M. . tiupt. ; U. i' . Hyatt , Uouid.t or C'udcu. Ilrooke Hall , for Qlrls nnd TOUDK ladles 3hortldue ! Media Acadeinr , for lion und Vom.fi Men Qwilliin P hnrtlinirp A M Harvard SWlllM Li Ullllllllupli At IIli Oradtmtu , Media , Pennsylvania , near Philadelphia. SHOE DEALKRSJsif and BUoes manufactured by C. M. HKNIIEUSOX * Co. , O * CllirAOo-Kaclorles ut Chiraco ! Iixon. 111. , nnd Fen nu Lao , Wls.-should vrrlte , HAM. N. WAT80N. Ueildenco.KHKMONT.NKU.1 Traveling Agent. Headquarters for MuUbou. V inUC V n < J AH unnnry trouliles eaally. quick MU n LI ly and safely cured byUOCn'UUA CAD. sul s. Beyernl cases cured iu seven cUyt. Bold utll O per bor , nil drucirUtK , or by jiuil from Uoctuju U' t'tf Co , UWU1U ) N , if. full UlreJ- OMAHA MEDICILSUriQICJi8 ' H.W.C08,13TH& Dooot Sit , OMAHA. NED. FOR TUB TBSATUKXI Of ALL . . . APPLIANCES FOR DEFORMITIES AND TnUSSES. , eatment of T rr form of Diiiin ronnlrlnr UKUICAL or 8UR010AL TREATMENT. NINETY ROOMS FOR PATIENTS. ! Board A Atten < Unc . Btit AecomBocUUoni ta Writ. CCTWR1TB Ton CIRCULARS on Dif&mltlei un * rtcti , Trutin , Club Ft < t. Cunraturei efSplte , Fllei. C.Urr h , BronehllX fnh l llo5 ' I DISEASES OF WOMEN PRIVATE DISEASES Alt Iileol Dlirtiti KtmifiAf trnttd. BjrMlltla rotten rtnoT < 4 rrotnlh.ijmm.ltho.l nerorr. K Ktturailii ' Tr. > l . .l r.rL M if TIT1L ronXK. Ftrllu MMitV'lill d.ntut. Mdleln iorltmr tnfnuinlbvtutlortx. ] | rrtMic < iriljr > Mi > 4 , nirkil < > ln4eitiMnuiti { ! ritn4tr ! tint pirion.1 IDI.MI.W fr.r.rr.d. oil tad naiVii . r , ? ICClKl K""MI led IF" * " " " . " { enf ijr' 15 OMLAHA MEDIOAjJ ft BO OIOAI. IK BTIXtJTa , llth and Dodfo Streets , OMAHA , KEB. ESTABLISHED 1861 ChCBgo | , | , ,8. , ThoKegular Old-Established PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON It tllll Treating with the Greatest SKILL and SUCCESS Chronic , Neryous anil Private Diseases , ' 3-NERVOUS DEBILITY , Lott Manhood. ' Felling Memory , Exhnuitlnp Dralni , Terrlbla Dreams , Head and Back Ache nd all the effects leading to early dvcuy and pcih pi Consumption ot loianlty. treated icicntlfically by new method * with naver-falUna iiiccesi. SYPHILIS and all bad Dlood and Skin Oil. = aua permanently cured. 9-KIDNEY and URINARY complalnti , Gleet , Oonorrboea , Strlctu re , Vnrlcocele and all disease * of the QcnltO'Urinxry Organt cured promptly without injury to Stomach , Kidney * or other Organs. faNe experiments. Age and experience Im * portant. Consultation free and sacred. nr Send 4 cents postage for Celebrated Works oo Chronic , Nervoua and Delicate Diieucs. OsVThote contemplating Mairltce lend for Dr. Clarke'a celebrated guide Male and Female , each IS cents , both 15 cents ( itsmpi ) . Consult the old Doctor. A friendly Utter or call may save future luffcr- InE and ihamt , and add golden ) -ean to life. 9-Book "Llfe'a ( Secret ) Errors , " joc nt ( stamps ) . Medlclnt and writings tent ererywhere , secure from exposure. noun , B to 8. Sundays 9 to ia. Address F. D. CLARKE , M. D . - , 16880 * OartiiU CHICAGO. , HJM Health is Wealth ! WKiT'S NlUVB AMD BltAXN TllEA * MUM , a guaranteed ipoclflo for Hyiterto , DIzzU dens. Convulsion * . HU , Nervous Neuralgia , Ileadaobe , Narroua Prostration caused by too Piemature Old Ago. liarrenness , LOBS.of Powtf In either sex. Involuntary Losses and 8perm&t * orruEn. caused by orer-exertlonot the braln.saltV abuse or overindulgence. Each box contaloj ) one month's treatment. 81.00 a box. 01 sir baxei for M.oo.sent by mall prepaid on receipt of price. WE GUARANTEE SIX BOXEB To cure any case. With each order received b * u for six boxes , accompanied with 15.00 , we vrlu Band the purchaser our written guarantee to r j fund the money If the treatment does not effect cure. Guarantees Issued only by OooamajB Drug Co. , UrusaUU , Boll Agom * , UK ) Farnaoi treat. Oman * Ran . A Sure Cure OB- 2Oto6O DAYS. is u dieoaso wbiob bos hereto/or * Baffled all Medical Science. , ( Then Mercury , Iodide of Potassium , BarsnpA rlllft or Hot Springs fall , we guarantoo.a cure/7 Wo haven Remedy .unknown to emyona lntn World outside of our Company , andonu that ha * NCVEifc FAILED lo cur * tbe moat obstinate casts. Ten days la recent cases does the vrortc. It Is the old cbronla deep seated cases that we solicit. Wo har cured hundreds who bar * been abandoned by I'hyMclani , nnd pronounced incurable , aad vro challenge the world to bring us n ease that w arlll not cure In less than sixty d yn. . „ Since tbe history of medicine true ipeclua tor Syphilis baa boon sought for but nort * touad until our , MAGIC REMEDY was dlieovcrod , and we are Justified In s'lylaj It is the only Kemeuy in the World tnat will pol Itlvely cure , because the latest Medical WorktV published by the belt known authorities , say there wnsnevera true specific before. Ourr im oJy will cure when everything else has failed. Why waste you 'time uud money with patent medicines that never had virtue , or doctor wlta physicians that cannot cure you , you that liar ; tried everything oUe tihould come to us now and 1C permanent relief , you never can set It else- where. Mark what we siyr. In the eud yo4 must take our remedy or NBVBK recover and rou that have been afulcted but a short lira * ihould by oil means come to us now. not one la teuof now cases ever get permanently cured. Many get help and think they are free from tne disease , but in oar , two or three years after U appears again In a more horrible form. , Ibis is n blood Purifier and will Curt ) any Skin or Blood DIsouso wbon ' Everything Klso Faili. No-iiCK Wedeslro to caution patients in re > sard to pintles claiming to use the Cook Kern. cly. Our formula 1 uot and CANNOT U * mown to tnyone but otirxolvcs. THE DDK REMEDY GO , Booms 418 aiil 419. MM Clfe DiUNKENNESS Itio Mauor llnljll , I'oaUlvclr Cared It ? A JmlnUterliiK l > r. Ilitluca' tloldeu Miicclflo. It can bo mren In n cup of coffee or tea wltliout tbe ) : nuwIu1kT nt tlio pvrsuntnkliiKlti IsutiiuliiU'lrbaroi' uis , unit will vtlitit n p o < lr ) unil penuiiiiunt cure , rliftlier tlia putlnnl Is u iiio-lorHlu drlnk''roriinal' nluiluretk. 'llJiiuiaiiui ot ( Irunknnts Intro been uudo tuiuporiilo inuii who linvu Uki-ti Unlura hpcculo n tin lrtutr > "j wlllioattbiilr knowluilKO and lodar 'if ' InrHllmy quit ilrlnklni ; of Hair own five will. 11' < a\'tir I nils. Tlio njrtlmu ( IHLII Impreitimtwl wltU tu * jirrltlo , It IIOCIIHIVS mi utler liiiuoiilblllljr for ttiu muoraupelltu lu exlit. 1-nr > au ! liy Kiilin A Co. , truKKUU , liltiaud Douijlm il , mid IMIi und Cuia- nvst > . , Oaiuliu. A , I ) , tutti.'r i. U(0. , Council A Pocket Pin Cushion Free to Smckora of CANCER tuckfroo.