iw iiHup.1 , > * " < " > , > ' H r ' "OH- „ c THE Blfffe : FlttPAY. AUGUST 9 , 1889. DAILY BEE. COUNOILTBLTJFFS. OFJPJCK ; NO 1C FKAJlti STIIEKT. bycftrrlfr In Any fart of he City 1 wcnty Cents I'erWfrek. _ „ . U.W. T1J-10N. . . MANAGER. No. KIOIIT Kuiroit , Ko.ZL MINOR MRNTIO.M. N. V. P. Co. Oleason conL Gypsy encampment to-night , \ C. 11. Muslo Co. , 533 B'way. Ilcltcr , tailor , 810 Brondwny. Evans' laundry , 724 Broadway. D. W. Otis , city nml farm loans. Boston store leading dry goods tiouso. Strcotsvlllo citizens are clamoring for po lice , protection. Dr. D. B. Judd Is putting up several hand- como cottages on Lincoln avenue. A marriage license wns issued yesterday to G. A. Lang mid Mary E. Johnson , both of Omaha. A frame building on North Mnln street , occupied by negro nnd white prostitutes , was partially destroyed by fire. A couplu of the negro women narrowly escaped death In the flames. County Attorney Organ is doing the hand some on account of tbo recent arrival of a young but promising law student In the Organ household. Ills picas thus far ha vo been Invariably successful , Unity Guild will hold n sociable this even ing tit the residence of .Mr. Charles Swan , corner of StutHinun nnd Pierce streets , enter tained by Mrs. Prescott , Mrs. Kunyan and Mis * Swim. A cordial Invitation extended to all. The Ilyors of the Stewart stable nro being hoard from at Chlc.iRO. Vcnjjeur , a very promising three-year-old colt , won a three-quarter tnllo dash In ll7Vi : , carrying UU ! pounds. This is not the first race Won by horses of this stnblo this season , ns the Stewart colts have al ready showed the way out In several races , besides Qnlshinp second and third in a num ber of others. It is u noticeable fact that they are nut running unplaced. Walter Davidson was sent to the county jail yesterday for thirty days , bvSiiuiro Hon- drlcKs , for the larceny of a watch nnd sev eral trinlicts from mi employe at McPhcr- eon's greenhouse In the 6nstern part of the city. Hn claimed to bo a great Sunday school worker In the MetliodUt church , but the court was of the opinion that he haa been working the ungodly to too great an ex tent * and thought it best to lay him away for a whllo to keep him out of mischief. In the superior court Corn Bailey Is light ing the monthly fltio Imposed on women of the town for "vagrancy. " In Juno and July she was not fined. She was arrested for "vagrancy" this month and was Wednesday arraigned for trial. Her attorney demurred to the complaint , as not specifying uuv net of vagrancy. This was overruled. The de fendant alleges that she is not a vagrant. The city authorities say that If defeated In this action they will have her case before the grand Jury. A prominent citizen nnd business man of Council Bluffs , who has taken quite an Inter est in the little hero , Jimmy D.wls , nnd has already contributed liberally to the fund now being raised , states that ho would bo ono of fifty to contribute 10 each , or ono of ono hundred to contribute (5 each for five years toan | education fund for the bravo little Jlmtnlo Davis. Are there ninety and nlno persons In Council Uluffs who will join him nnd contribute a similar amount ! The "uhigrcs" are appearing In and about Council Bluffs for the lir&t time. Many here do not know wnut they arc , but If given half a chance the chores make themselves very familiar. They uro minute Insects of the flea family. They penetrate the skin and speedily rear a numerous progeny when once located thoro. Unless promptly re moved they cause troublesome sores , and during their residence under the victim's skin they drive one into more profanity than even a bawky stove pipe. Numerous com plaints are being entered against tTTern. Dexter , employment. Dwelling for sale on easy payments. Also building lots at lowest market prices. Call and examine our list. E. H. Shcafo & Co. J. G. Tipton , real estate , 527 B'dway. Steam and hot water heating , first-class plumbing. Work done in both cities. John Gilbert , 618 Pearl street , Council Bluffs. Personal I'uracraphs. Miss Kittle D. Sabel , of Cordova. Neb. , Is visiting with her aunt , Mrs. S. J. Klein. Miss Molllo Huyless. daughter of G. W. Bayloss , of this city , is expected to arrivu from Kansas City in a few dnya. County Auditor Hondrlclcs returned homo yesterday morning from u ( tying westward trip. Ho went as far us Uospor county , Ne braska. Mrs. Acderick Rapp , living on Broadway , ban received word that her mother was killed while walking on tho' railroad track in Mobcrly , Mo. She nas gene to attend the funeral. C. L. Winter , of Now Brighton , Pa. , nephew of W. L. Bedlson , Is seriously ill at the residence of his undo , No. tlOfi Fourth avenue. Ho Is a member. of the Knights of Pythias , and Is being cared for by that or ganization. O. C. Troxell. who has been with Deere , Wells & Co. for several years , severed his connection with that firm yesterday , to become - como general western agent for J. I. Case & Co. , Kaclno , Wls. His territory embraces nil of the states west of the Missouri rlvor , and ho will have exclusive control of their coeds In that part of the country. His headquarters will be at Omaha. Ho has a host of Irlcnds In this city who will rejoice at his success. G. P. Snooner , paying teller at the Citi zen's bauk , is suffering severely from an injury suttulned while driving a nail Into nn can plank a few days ago. The hammer slipped and struck him on the Instep , inflict ing a severe bruUo , but it was supposed to bo nothing serious. The injured foot , however , began to swell and became very painful , and Dr. Montgomery was called to attend him. Yestoiduy there were strong tendencies toward lock-jaw , five or six severe spasms taking place. Later In the day the danger ous tendency was overcome , and there are prospects of bis speedy recovery. Gypsy encampment to-night , * Tlmt DKputeil Waterway. "If the citj owns eight feet of the lot upon which T. H. Evans is building on Main street , and the waterway from tho. alloy to Mam street has been obstructed by him , as was stated In the council on Wednesday mirht , why don't the city ofllccra prosecute him for the obstructions ) " inquired a citizen ycatoruuy. "It places this great city In n ro- umrkablo position , to say the least that can bo said about It. Tha presumption Is that the city Is either afraid of Tom Evans or has setup up nn absurd claim to u piece of valuable prop erty to vthlch It has no shadow of u title. is equally absurd to notify him that both him self and bis contractor will bo hold responsi ble for any damueo that inay arise irom a flood. The proper way to do/if the citv's promises are good , is to pitch Evans' build ing In the street und make him pay nil ox- pciiscs. Hut the truth U that there has been some oambv puwb.v work lu connection with this waterway of which , everybody is ashamed. The street could have been opened three years ago at a cost of f l.bOO , but how it would cost ten times that amount. It would perhaps bo good policy to open it even at that cost , for public convenience de mands a street thore. " No Explosions When persona keep cool and use our "Bun Dial" gas stoves. Four holes , roaster and bakooyon. Costs 7 conta per hour when running full "Must. Now York Plumbiiiff Co. Residences and vacant lots for'salo In all parts of the city , In monthly payments. A. A. & Co. Those having bouses to rent sea us Imino- diatcly. A. A. Clark & Co. E. II , Shoafo fc Co. glvo special attention to the collection of routs and euro of prop erty lu tun city nnd vicinity. Charges mod erate. OWce Uroadwuy and Maiu streets , \ip stairs. CONVENTION IS TilE BLUFFS , The Republicans Select Delegates to Go to Dos Molnos. THAT TROUBLESOME WATERWAY. OrKnnlzlnBtoKxtormlntilotho'WhlvcH What They Sny bf thp Oiihill- cintcii A Nnmo' data Its Owner'luto Trouble. Ttopnhtlcnn County Convention. The republican county convention to oicct delegates to the stito convention at Dos Molnct , on the Hth Instant , was called to order by T. P. Treynor , chairmnn of the county central committee , nt ! i o'clock yes- tcrihiv afternoon. 15. E. Hurt , of Council Uluffs , was elected temporary chairman , nnd F. .1. Stlllman , of Avoca , secretary. A com mittee on credentials was then appointed as follows. H. J. Chambers , Council Bluffs ; U. Clark , Ncola ; W. C. Davis , Washington ! O. M. Witt , Nooln ; G. M. Putnam , Qrovo ; Wooster Fay , Keg Creek. Committee on Permanent Organization H. H. Smith , Harden : S. 11.1-Yurn , Pleasant ; J. U. Ulako , Knox ; W. D. Dlmvtddlo. Wash ington ; Theodora Gultt.ir , .I.icob Sims nud Walter I. Smith , Council Bluffs. To fill In the time during the absence of their committees Judge Uccd mid C. M. llnrlo tnado ntlrrlnir ami eloquent addresses urging the rupubilc.uis to put forth their usunl efforts In rolling up lurco majorities nt the next election , notwithstanding the hope lessness of the outlook for the democratic party. The committee on crodcntlals ropqrtod that several townships wcro not represented In the convention and othois partially , and upon motion the delegates present were permitted to oust the full vote of each township and ward. The committee on permanent organization in ihulr report recommended for thin nud future conventions a new method of organi zation. The apparent object la to reduce the chances for bickering and clnshlnc to u mini mum , and Jo " nway entirely with the dis graceful scenes that have occurred in past conventions. The plan Is to divide the county Into seven districts , and as there are 134 delegates in the county there will bo 18 delegates to a district. Each district will name ono assistant chairman , who will have charge of the camnaign under the direction of the chairman of the county central committee , and also appoint ono member to each of the following com mittees , f. c. | credentials , resolutions , organ ization. The intention of putting the ap pointive power in the hands of the district committees is to do away with the one man power , nnd as 13111 is ye save , prevent the "temporary chairman from being the con vention. " Considerable opposition w.v made by D. C. Bloomer and Judge Heed , the fanner saying that ho bad attended republican conventions for thirty-five years nnd this was the first time he over hoard of inharmonious action , and no was strongly in favor of continuing under the old system. Judge Heed opposed It on the grounds that this convention had not the slightest right to ndopt resolutions that would control the organization of future conventions , and he offered amendments cut ting out the words "future conventions , " but on motion It was defeated. The report | of the committee was t'uun voted upon and adopted. The temporary organization was maud permanent. Under the new rules the committees to name delegates to tho-state convention and the committee on resolutions were appointed. The. committee to select delegates were as follows : S. B. Frura , a. A. Jones , J. H. McArthur , U-iClark , Hi Coffcon , H. J. Chambers , J. C. Mitchell , I. M. Tr-jynor. The following delegates were named as assistant chairmen of the various districts : First , J. B. lilake ; Second , L. M. Putnam ; Third , J. II. McArthur ; Fourth , H. J. Irwln ; Fifth , H. J. Chambers ; Sixth , M. E. Meyers ; Seventh , F. S. Thomas. Unon vota of the convention , Theodore Guittur was elected chairman of the cuunty central committee. The following delegates wcro selected to go to state convention : Hon. J" . U. Heed , E. A. ConsignH. . V. Battcy , J. L. Balr. J. C. Bradley , G. M. Putnam , William A. Mo- Grew , E. W. Gregory , H. B Crofts , E. J. Kinney , E. P. Brown , K. Clark , A. W. Matson - son , H. J. Chambers , H. Coftccn , J. Sims , Colonel W. F. Sapp , J. J. Steudman , C. ivl. Harle , J. D. Edmundson , I. M. Treynor , A. T. Fiicklnger , George F. Wright and Cory Kcea. Resolutions endorsing Governor Larrabco and Spencer Smith were adopted unuui- mously , after which the convention ad journed. Horses I'or Sale. Will give time. Also new and second-hand buggies at Kiel's stable. Fine jewelry , w.itches nnd diamonds ; cleaning and repairing at E. Burhorn. S. B. Wadswortb & Co. loan money. Baths nt Munawa Beach , near hotel. Sep arate bathing rooms-for ladles and children. Winter & Monroe , sign painters , 410 B'way. The Gypsy encampment which was to have opened last evening has been postuoncd till to-night , when. It is hoped , the weather will bo more favorable. City steam laundry , 31 Main , tal. 141 Have your old furniture upholstered good as new. H. Morgan , 733 Broadway. A AVolfCliaslnp Club. Tom MoDormott has rcturnca to his homo In Ottawa , 111. , but ho left his kennel of fox hounds bohhut him. They are in churgo of W. H. Ware and Colonel D. B. Dailey , two enthusiastic wolf hunters , and nn attempt will bo made to organize a club here to pur sue the sport. The plan Is to make the mem bership fee $5 , and it is desired to have about fifty members. The club could then have a run whenever any of the members desired , and the dogs would be on hand , some person being employed to care for them. The abundance of wolves in the county Is assurance that there would bo no lack of sport. The farmers assert that the animals are becoming very bold , ana are raiding hen-roosts with alarming frequency. Dur ing the run of an hour and a half Tuesday morning the wolf chasers started sixteen wolves just south of Lake Mantuvn , and they are reported to bo fully as abundant in vari ous parts of the county. The farmers take much more kindly to the idea ttan might bo supposed. and several of thorn have promised to turn out whenever the club visits their neighborhood and join In the chase. It is claimed that the wolves nro riuIdlytlncrcasinp ) In numbers , us the bounty offered by the county , H per scalp , is In- BUftlcicut to Induce hunters to devote much time to them. It is highly probable that a wolf and fox bunting club will soon be organized , and wolf hunts will then become of weekly occurrcuce. J. H. Smith , drugs , medicines , paints , oils , glass. COO Main , near John Morgon's. Swanson Music Co. , H35 Broadway , Go to M. Keating for drugs , 503 Broadway. Money loaned tit L. U. Craft's fc Co.8 loan olllco on furnlturo , pianos , horses , wneons , personal property of all kinds , and all other articles of value , without removal. All business strictly con 11- dcntiixl. Prosprau of thn OiinUldntos. Now candidates for the office of sheriff are developing daily. The Influx of delegates to the republican convention yesterday after noon discovered two moro. They are Gus Lavcnbur , of Hnrdln township , and Hugh Goss , of this city. S. B. Frum was also on hand looking after his Interests. Still there u plenty of room , but it will undoubtedly betaken taken up , as It Is yet early in the fight and the greater part of tbu county is yet to bo heard from. The wheel hories of both parties are very free to express themselves , and discuss the merits and prospect * of tbo various candi date ! ! with great franknen and evident gusto. Said ono of the democratic leaders jcstordayi "It l altogether lee early to maKe any urophccy us to the full nnd Html result , but sotno things nro already patent to n careful observer , O'Neill will certainly get the nomination for sheriff , and U Just as sure to bo re-elected. "For treasurer , nr bettor man than John Plumor could bo found , but ho has alroadv hod the oltlco two terms nndhorcnllv doesn't need It , It doesn't pay him to stay there , for ho could nmko moro uionoy outside. How ever , I r.tthor think ho will bo n cnndld.ito unless some ono else turns up , in which ctiso he will stop down and out of their w.iy. "For auditor It Is rather difficult to foresee the result. The republicans will bo qiilto llnhlu to get ono of the office * , nnd It U hnrd to toll which one. Ira Hondrlcks has u great many friends , nnd has given good sat isfaction , as far as I have heard , nnd ought to bo his own successor. There Is some thing rather odd about politics in this county , and U is very difficult to form an accurate Idea regarding the result of an election. "When the republicans were in power they never mndo n clean sweep , nnd since the democrats have secured the upper hand we have never carried everything with the exception of a very few times. The repub licans always innnago to elect the clerk or some other officer. Both parties have held good , round majorities , but the' result Is the namo. The fight Is so close on this account that some ono has to bo traded to olcct the rest of the ticket. With my acquaintance through the county , If I was running for any county office , I would much rather be on the republican ticket than on the democratic , us the situation stands to-dnv. In the first cnso I xvould fight for myself , but in the latter I would have to carry along all the rest of the ticket. I am n democrat , but 1 know that It will take n hard fight uud lots of work to fill all the county otllces with democrats this fall. " A republican , who is as high in party as the democrat above nuotod , expressed the following opinion regarding his party can didates : "S. B. Frum will bo the possible nominee for sheriff. He could not bo elected , for certain developments of the past few yeiira has not helped him with the republi cans. Ho would mukn a IliMt class clemo- crnthi nominee , but would not suit the nro- hlbitionlst clement. Captain J. T. Ander son ciui secure the nomination for sheriff if he wants it , as he can get the whole ulty del egation nud cnouch of tlio county to lay over thn other candidates. I hardly think ho could bo elected , however , and Frum would stand n bettcr'show nt the polls , ns ho Is bet tor known through the comity. Nothlnir can bo told nbout the candidates for the other oulccs , but wo will manage to squeeze a man into some of them. " Desirable dwellings lor rent nt mouora.to prices. E. H. Shoafe & Co. . rental ugents , Broadway and Main streets , up stairs. Wanted , ono or two good teams ns first payment on house nnd lot. Sufficient time given on deferred payments. A. A. Clark & Co. _ Whnt'H In n Name ? Mr. George W. Losoy , of the Council Bluffs Portrait company , was mnch sought after by the reporters yesterday , nnd all on account of the following dispatch from Na- pervllle , III. , which appeared in the Chicago News of the Oth inst. : "G. W. Losey , n painter and paper hanger , has eloped with Miss Jennlo Thompson , daughter of Supervisor Thompson , an ex- mayor of Naporvillo. * Losey came to Napcr- ville two years ago and made n dash in soci ety. Ho won the affections of Miss Thomp son , but her father objected to the match on the ground that Losoy was , an ho termed It , 'a hih-toned paupar. ' Several weeks niro the girl wont to Elgin to visit friends. About two months ago Losoy left town , 09- stensibly to accept a position with former employers in Omaha , Neb. Instead of go ing to Omaha.ho secluded himself , and , by preconcerted arrangement , mot Miss Thomp son clandestinely nnd went with her to Beloit - loit , VVis. , where they were married. "The affair bos created quite a sensation , both because of Miss Thompson's position in this community and because , since Loscy loft here , unothcr young woman has been hero claiming to bo his betrothed and'seom- ingly very anxious to see him. Ho had made her believe , It is said , that he owned ono of the finest residences In Naporvillo and would soon wed her. Falling to keep his word she came to see what was the matter. " There nro several facts in addition to the similarity In the names which excited a great deal of speculation on the part of the newspaper men and gave rise to a belief that the parties wcro ono nnd the same. In the first place Mr. Losey came to Council Bluffs nbout the middle of June , which ac cords very well with the dale of the disap pearance of his namesake from Napervlile. Ho loft hero fn A month npo , going to whoro-lw mnrrlod returning Chicago * - was , hero with his t/Mdft three woolts ngo. He la nlao a painter , or .moro properly speaking , n portrait nrtlst.nvhich strengthened the be lief of the nqvrft gatherers that they had stumbled upon'hrntorlnl for a sensational item. Mr. Losay.ivas ODl 1I3V yesterday denying that hojwns the Losoy referred to nbovo. but tookitho matter as trojd nuturodly as could bo expected. This Is the sbb'And ' time that another G. W. Losoy has qhjiaed him a great deal of an- noynuco. A few scars ago the "othor fol low" bought a store nt Wlnona , Minn. , nnd gave u forged cjipdt In payment. The pa pers published it"dnd , for months Mr. Looy , the portrait palater , who had n largo num ber of acquaintances In that section , was kept busy proving thnt ho was not the Wlnona forger. Notwithstanding his former experience , ho is not pleased with his present unpleasant notoriety simply because ho has "been there before. " Ills wife's experience was no moro pleas ing. She WAS sought out nnd qubzcd by the scribes regarding nor antecedents , past life , present state of affairs nnd Intentions for the fututo. She stood It until she was nearly distracted , when she Inquired of her husband what the matter could be. Soon nttcr the whole affair unmo out , to her Infinite relief. Both regret the undiio prominence into which they are brought , but insist that the story Is new to them nnd ono In which they are not concerned in the slightest degree. Soldenborg's 5o Figaro nt the Four-win. For sale Ono Gar-Scott ton -horse portable engine ; In good repair. Apuly to Weir-Shu- gnrt Co. Kelley it Younkormnn sell groceries Chase nnd San born coffees a spccluly. Slips of the Tongur. A friontl of mlno was nttondiiifj ser vices ut u certain Baptist church in Washington , says it lottifl1 in the Snlotn Gnv.otto. The tnlniator was a very do- Hborato speaker with a broad month. The sermon wns about the death of Moses. In the course of it the urcnchor bcfrnn a sentence ' 'Biddy diddy" nnd again halted. What could it bo ? Ho niado u second nttompt ' 'diddy biddy" and again halted. Stranpo. Lubri cating his lips ho made a third attempt and succeeded ' 'Did ho bid adieu , " etc. A clergyman in Ohio said : "For now we see through a dark glassly , " and the same muti spoke of some ono poinpr "heedlessly" to destruction. A Providence minister once said : "Turned hisoyless "siglitballs up to heaven. " SPECIAL NOTICES. TTTXNTEl ) At once. Bgcnts to EoHoltToiTIiSl- T ry or commission. Good reliable inou only. Permanent situation nnd good s ilarv to the right parties ) . Address Council limits I'or- trattCo , , Council Itluirs. Iowa , OR I2XCHA.VOB An equity in afnrnmear tlui city for city lots. Johnston & Van I'nt- ten , Kvcrctt block. niAIUjR boarders wanted at 122 Benton street. JL Good board at reasonable rates. Mrs. 1. W. Cooper. RHAI. KSTATHAMouKht and sold nntl ex changed. Spncl il attention clvun to exam ination or. titles. WVC. James , No. U ) 1'earl St. . Council BlulTa. " ' ' J. IIASTHBj CHOICEST LOT Or SUBURBAN & INTERIOR PROPERTY In the city. Gilt edged opportunities to immo oil teinvebtpjsauJ lu iiMjjiaf s. BILLIARD HALL AND CIGAR STORE Sporting-Headquarters. 41 $ BROADVV- . . MALONETl O'BRIEN ' , LOANS INSURANCE , REAL ESTATE , RENTS HOUSES. AS ent American nuilillnt ; nnd Loan Associa- on. No. 01'carl St. . Ul'-bTAlllS. OH AS. O. ELiWOOD. Hero Mill and Power Sfisller , Badger , Appleton - ton Feed Glitter and Wood Saw. * " * * LA - * * ' * * --4Kfe C : HOTEL MANAWA REFITTED AND Newly Furnished Connected by Motor \jf /1 with COUNCIL BLUFFS AH OMAHA Located on Lake Marmwa , the finest Waterlrjg jPlncoand Sum mo Resort in the west , Beautiful Boating Tund Fishing. Unparalelled Bathing Beacn. , t-fn n kii I Special Bates to Parties and Families. Oor- UaVi | rospondouco-Sollcitod. \ It is a BEAT-ALL , because it never brcnks , splita , crncka or curls. Becnuso it is indostructlblo in the weather , aim will undergo no chungo jn in any climate , ItecfuiEo it is more durable than any ether roof mndo , iron , tin , alnto or wood. Because it can bo quickly put on without skilled labor and is cheaper than shingles. Uecausp it has been proven by the severest trials and has never failed. For further information apply to BIRKINBINB BNOrlNEEJRINO- SUPPLY CO. , Boom 6OO First National Bank Building , Omaha. Council Bluffs office , 115 Pearl Street , . itQ | llQ | < ( O ijt Q | | | Q lt | Ql 1' ' O tI [ Q tji Q ijii Qitj | O til O lit Q P O ' ] O 216 Main No , 27 Ma'n St. , Over Jacquomln's Jewelry Store LADIES , READ THIS ! I have the largest and finest Block of hair goods west of Cluonco , nnd I huvo determined to close it nil out with the Intention of going out of the busi ness. Ladles who dcslro nni thing In my line \vill ho Riven nn opportunity to buy It at less than half the usual prices. The goods nre llrst class , nnd nil orna ments , etc. , mndo up In the latest styles. Orders by mail receive prompt attention. MRS.C.L , GILLETTE , Nil. SO Main St. , Council Hlufl"H. CAPT. HAYES' ' LIVERY Centrally loccted. Hrst-class turnouts , fresh horses and new carriages. Not an old rlf , ' In the stablo. Special attention given to funerals , and reduced rates for carriages for this purpose. purpose.W. A. HAYES , Proprietor. Telephone 77. ! iiu Uroadway , The best Is Generally the cheapest. If you would bo a tlrst class book-keeper , teacher , penman , or repoi ter und typewriter In u reason ably short time attend the WESTERN IOWA COLLEGE Send for catalogue giving full particulars roo. W. S. 1'Aui.so.v , Council lllutrs la. r' THE- THEjflBhife , : : SkteMa NO. .3B MAIN ST. , 1 fr J. COUNCIL BUUFFa , IOWA. MONEY TO LOAN ON CHATTELS. Money loaned on furniture , pianos , diamonds , horses , buggies or anything of value nt low rues of interest. No , publicity : fair and honorable dealing A. A. Clark & Co. , ouico cor. Broadway uhd Main , over American express. 'Jnos. IV. H. M. PUSKV OFFICES & PUSEf , BANKERS. Corner Main and Uroidwaf , COUNC1I , BLUFFS , IOWA. Dealers In foreign end donvistlo exchange. Collections madt and Interest paid on time de- poblts. 3. D. HUMUNDSOtf , E.Jj. SHtTOAUT 1'res. Vice I'rea , CIIAH. U. HANNON , Cashier. CITIZENS' STATE BANK , or COUNCIL raid UP capital . jim , < moo. Mablllty to Depositors. . . .TJS.lflO.00. Dini'.OToii" I. A. Miller , I'.O. Gleason , K. li , Blmtjart , K. K. Hart , J. D. Kclmundson. Clius. It. Ituniiou. Transact general baukm buslnesn. Largest capital ana burping of any bank In gouihweBtoru Iowa. Interest on time do poults. ST. nuns COR. 6TH AVB. AND 7TH ST. CounciljBluffs , la. Conducted by the Sisters of Charity , An excellent educational Institution , fur nished utth all modern Improvemtmts for boarding nnd day school. The acedeinlo year conslau of two sessions , beginning on the first Monday Jn BcpWmber nd Fubruarr , respect- T HMS-Iloard and tuition , per session. 175. For further particulars address Bliuor Superior , tit. Francis Academy , Council Hlufft , la. V U ft A Ji' THUS Especially Adapted for SIZES FROM ELECFR1C 25 T0300 LIGHTING IIORSE POWER Mills and Elevators AUTOMATIC CUT-OFF ENGINE Specifications and ostlmtues furnished tor complete steam plants. Kegnliitlon , durability guaranteed. Can show letters from users where fiu-1 economy with Corliss Non-Condciulng. Send for uatnloj-uo. E. C. HARRIS , Agent. No. BIO Pearl Street , Council Bluffs. Sg LJE etertnaranfirCouncil Bluffs No.3i | Broadway. SOLE AGENTS COLUMBUS BUGGY GO , ' KfcTAHUBHED 8TC. S , E. MAXON Architectand and Superintendent , 1ILOCK , Council IlluffH , : ; Iowa , Conctt estimates of cost euurantecd. SpuciM attention ill clu c of uullil * IIIKH , public liiid private. 1 lime ulwuyB on band , for tl.e toini ( ilcutuot my p tron lortce number of pUna , fciicli us Kclioole , Luslnnsa and OIMW liulldlntK. county court bourn , narehoiuei , butd * ndiirlTHtorcBldenci * . Ordtra bynail promptly v * Uad a to ,