Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 09, 1889, Page 3, Image 3

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A Lack of Energy and Life Char
acterizes the Market.
the Market Not Unevenly D.ilnnocd
Itrport * From England No Iilfo
In tlio Corn I'll Onts Synipa-
thlzo With tlic Dullness.
cmcAoo pnouuoK MARKETS.
CIIICAOO , August 8. [ Special Telegram to
TUB Hr.E.1 There was the game lack of
energy and Ufa In to-day's market as was
witnessed on the preceding day * of the
\vcok. Trading was light and the market on
the fonco. Thcro were Rood reasons in the
estimation of the bears why prices should
go lower , nnd stronit arguments , us they ap
peared to tlio bulls , for some advance , hut
the supply and demand both of actual stuff
nnd paper contracts on o.ich sldo of the
market appear for the present not unevenly
balnnccd , judging from the narrow fluctua
tions. Tno December delivery ployed
in a listless way up nnd down
n J o scale and finally stopped
T'lthin 1-lGo of Its opening prlco. Itstartcd nt
% c > id gradually worked up to 78 ° and loft
off at 78 } (5i78&o. ( The general expectation
nniong peculators over slnco it became cer
tain that a heavy crop of winter wheat had
been harvested has been to sco the market
crushed by the weight of early deliveries.
80 tar the depression of prices bus bucn
brouph about more from anticipation tlmn
realization of tno aforenamed theory. Stocks
nro not piling up as was anticipated , and to-
da.v's returns from the principal points of
accumulation show that tha proc
ess Is still being delayed. Early
cable now * quoted easier markets and
good harvesting weather In England , but
closing advices noted u steadier tone and a
cbango for the worst ) in their tickle wcathor.
Repetition of "nightingale'1 cables to the
latter effect wore showered upon the mem
bers of the board from Now York and had
less effect than they might have had It less
numerous. Kaln was reported from several
points in the northwest , and this surolus of
wet weather is giving HOIIIO uneasiness to the
aborts , who were perhaps the best buyers
in to-day'n trading. There weru for
eign buying orders in liiiltluioro nnd
reports of eleven boat loads taken
to-day , while yesterday's clearances of
wheat and flour from Atlantic ports wcra a
fair ovldonuo of the genuineness of the re
ported shipping duinund.
Thcro was hardly any life In the corn
market , and at times the pit was almost de
serted. There was nothing In the way of
news to impart any Interest to trade , and
the volume of business was exceptionally
hght and fluctuations very narrow , covering
less than J c for the whoio day. The ship
ping demand remains fair.
Oats partook of the general quletudo and
the market was easy In tona and with prlco
changes conllnod to a narrow and unimpor
tant range. The posted receipts were tha
largest for any day since the now crop begun
to move , 105 cars of contract oats out of a
total of105. . There was no buying support
of consequence , and at the sumo limo some
pressure to soil , with the next month hesi
tating around iiOo and May at 24c. No. 3
white tor delivery this month sold at 21c
and No. 2 to go to Btoro wont afr 30) c.
In provisions only a fair general Interest
was manifested ; Cash buyers upiur-
ontly took hold with more free
dom than of lute , but special ad
vices say there was no particular stir. Operators
raters , as a rule , acted conservatively and
there wore no exciting developments during
the day. Hogs wcro in better supply and In
that product the feeling was easier in Its low
ering. The best prices obtained prevailed at
the opening of 'chango and the lowest quito
late in the session. Lard und short ribs
opened at yesterday's closing figures , and
pork at an advance of 5c. Closings all around
showed something of a decline for ttic day ,
amounting In pork to 2 @ 7X ° , in lard to 2 }
< < ? 5c , and In short ribs to ? % c. |
CIIICAOO , August 8. [ Special Telogram'to '
THE BEE. I CATTLE. The market was fairly
active and prices steady , as compared with
yesterday. As is usual in the course of the
market the best expert and shipping steers
and best mediums were sold first , leaving
the rough and common steers until near the
clcsc , when they had to bo hustled out at the
best prices salesmen could get , Texuns wore
light , only about thirty-six cars , or loss than
a thousand head , nnd sold out quick. On ac
count of the light run of Texans native
butchers' stock was In brisk demand. Stock-
era nnd feeders' trade was quiet at previously
low prices. Choice topxtraboovesl.2f > @ { .OOj
medium to good steers , 1350 to 1500 Ibs , J.1.03
@ 4.35 ; 1200 to 1850 IbsftUSCft-l.'JO ; 03(1 ( to 1800
lus , ? 3.GK ( < M.OO ; stockers ami feeders ,
S3.25@i.3l : ) ; cows , bulls .and mixed , $1,00
@ 3.00 : bulk. ? 2.20@2.CO ; slop-fed steers ,
$3.00@4.25. Texas cattle wcro stronger :
Bteors , 62.85@3.20j cows , ? 1.75@2.25 : na
tives and half-breeds , S3.00@3.GO : wintered
Tcxans , 82.5003.00.
Hoes Business fairly active with a down
turn of about 5o on big , fat , second cluss
heavy , that sola largely to packers at $1.20 ®
1-1.25 , the rough and common heavy soil
ing as low as ( I. 10 ( < J4.20 , Host heavy were
scared nnd so'd ' at fi.30@-4.85. Light hogs
extremely scarce. It is seldom tha light end
of the receipts turns out so few suitable pigs ,
while on the other hand the pans wcro full
of big , unsuitable anmals ) that no buyer ex
cept a packer would loon at. Most of the
nultablo light sold at 4.40(34.45. ( Singe sort
would cost f 1.75.
NEW YOUK , August 8. [ Special Telegram
to Tna BEE.J STOCKS The stock market
oponcd with professional traders selling
and with commission house * taking offerings.
Talk last night was that such reactions as
that of yesterday were all that might bo
expected , as the conditions are against any
continued decline. Nevertheless , the market
opened foycris ) ; and prices were off from last
night ? 6@Kl'or cent on most of the active
shares. The belief that London would bo seller
on any change In Hank of England rates was
the clement early , Tno trade was not disap
pointed in Hildas London prices for the first
tluio lu many days came decidedly lower , and
this inuricot responded with declines from
last evening's figures of from % lo % per
cont. The market reacted Immediately
and mostof the losses were quickly made up ,
though the advance was oontlnod to small
fractions la the majority of the list and Now
England and Chosapouka & Ohio second pre
ferred , with % per cent each , uud Northern
Pacific preferred , with af per cent , were the
exceptions , nnd Cleveland. Cincinnati , Chicago
cage & St. Louis was the feature of the deal
ings , rising sharply on largo business IJf
points to 75. St. Paul , Now England , Cleve
land , Columbus , Chicago & St. Louis ,
Chesapeake & Ohio second preferred , North
ern Pacific preferred , Atchlson nnd sugar
truit wore active stocks. liurlington , while
not active , was Ilrmly bold at 103 % at the
end of the hour , Following this dullness and
weakness of the morning , activity and
strength in railroad stocks later in tbo day
was refreshing. There was no great nlmngo
of news on the surface , but secret negptiu-
tlous looking to permanent rates for full may
liavo caused some good buying. Ttiero Is a
strong undertone , and when the shorts felt it
they covered in a way that mada a bulge
easy , AtohUon closed nbovo37 , Qrungors
were all strong , Northwestern went to 100f
cloilng at liOK. Uurllnjjton sold at 103Jf ,
Hock Island at 03)f and St. Paul at T3 } ( ,
Missouri Pacific made a spurt from 70 to
72 % for the day. Heading closed at 45.
Chesapeake < fc plilo was ono point up for
common , with first preferred at Us ; { . Trusts
were neither aotivo or ttrong. The total
sales wcro 180,5-13 shares.
Tbo following were the closing quotation * :
U.S. 4s regular. 143 Northern I'AclOi.
U. S. 4 coupons . . . ' 173 do referred
i . . . , .
ClilCA ollurllngton C..M. .V8t.l > . , . .72) )
AOulner . 1OV ( doprsforreil..ll3
D..II.AW su'iuiiftOmMui , . ni !
. _ , . . . \tr \ > x . .
IHiMnlB / M I ! * I < 4M AP A J..1 OT
Michigan Coutril , . (8 Western Union ,
Missouri I'ftclllc. , , , 52t !
Mo.vr.r Easy at } { @ per cent.
STBIIMNO Excrusoit Quiet , steady ;
sixty-day bills , tl.85 ; demand , M.S7K-
CiitCAfio , August 8 , llb : p. m. close
Wheat Steady : cash , 7tlJ 05 Scytembor ,
707-10o ; December , 783-lOc.
Corn About steady ; cash , fAugust' ' aud
Sojitombor , BSJfJc.
Onts Easy ; cash and Aucust , 20) < f ° ;
Sciitomber , 200-lOc.
Uyo Cash , -)3o. )
Hurley Nothing ; dalng.
Prime Timothy $1.42.
Flax Seed No. 1 , tl.2 < J.
Whisky $1.02.
Pork Firmer ; cash , Autrust and Septem
ber , J10.03.
Lord About steady ; cash nnd August ,
I0.37K ; Seutombor , $0.42J .
Flour Steady ,
Dry Salt Meats Shoulders , fl.S7 > l@5.00 ;
short clear , $3.871 ® ! ) . 00 ; short ribs ,
Uuttor Steady ! creamery , ll@lCo ; dairy ,
Cheese Higher ; full cream Cheddars nnd
flats , 7MeYoung \ Americas , SjJS o.
EKKS Steady ; fresh , HX < S12c. |
Hides Unchanged.
Tallow Unchanged ; No. I solid , packed ,
" "ejcakc , 4tfc.
HecclDts. Shipmonts.
Flour 11,000 2itKH )
Wheat 120,000 2JU,000
Corn 370,003 231.000
Oats 272.000 177.000
Xmv Vork , August 8. Wheat Receipts ,
49,000 ; exports , 51,000 : spot unsettled nnd
qulot , closing firmer ; No. 3 red , new , S0) o
In elevator , 8S@8s > Xc alloat , 87@S7.ko f.o. b. ;
ungraded , 70fJT8ifo ( ! ; oullons dull nnd } 4&Ma (
higher ; August 8Sj < Tc.
Corn Receipts , ] : t3,000 bushels : exports ,
232.000 bushels ; spot fairly active nnd stendy ;
No. 2 , 43 > fo tn elevator , 43J < @t4o f. o , b. ; un
graded mixed , 43g ( > 44Vi > ; options quiet but
t O.\ts Receipts , 03,000 : exports , 2,030 ; spot
moderately active but lower , white lower ;
mixed steady ; options less uctivo but llrmcr ;
August , 2 < JJ < c ; SoDiembor , 20Xe ; October ,
20 > fu ; spot No. 2 , white , 33 > ; 34e ; mixed
wcsteru , 2.2yc.
ColToo Options closed barely steady at 5
to 10 points up ; sales 23,230 bu s ; Septem
ber , $15.05@15.10 ; October , ? 15.00@15.03 ; spot
Hio , steady , for line grades ; fair cargoes ,
Petroleum Steady ; Unltcd closed nt 9l.OOY
for Seitetnber.
E KS Firm und fulrly activewestern ; , 15)
@ 10o :
Pork Firm ; Inspected , 812.00@12.50.
Lard Finn ; western steam , spot , S0.73SJ !
0.77 ; October. ? 3.78.
Butter Quiet nnd weak for all but extra ;
western , 10@17c.
Cheese Quiet : western , 0@7c.
Mllwaiikcf , August 8. Wheat Quiet ,
cash , 73 c ; Seiitotnber.7.r Xc.
Corn Quiet ; No. , EOK ( 3r c.
Oats Dull ; No. 2 white. 2
Hye Dull ; No. 1 , 42o bid.
Barley Quiet ; September , . . - , , _ .
Provibious Firm ; porlr , flO.OiX.
Minnoiipi > lK , August S. Sample wheat
moderately active nnd about steady ; re
ceipts , 07 cars ; Hliipmcnts. 4 ! ! cars. Closing :
No. 1 hard , On track , S@'JUo ' ; No , 1 north
ern , cash S7o ; Soutombor , 80j o ; on track ,
SS@SOc ; No. 1 ! northern , ou truck , S5c.
Kr. Ijouis , Aucust 8. Wheat Dull and
unsettled ; cash , 7JXc ; September , 74c.
Corn Steady ; oish , 33Xo.
Oats Steady ; cash and September , 20j c ;
May , 24c.
Pork Steady ut ? 11.25.
Lard Firm at $0.10.
Whisky Steady at $1.03.
IJutter Firm uud unchanged ; creamery ,
14@lloj dairy , OCo lUo.
ilansaa CityAugust 8. Wheat Easier ;
No. 2 red , cash , GtJ c bid ; August , 03u ; No.
3 red , cash , no _ bids nor offerings ; August
and September , 57o'bidNo. ; 2. soft , cash , 07o
bid ; September , 03 bitl.
Corn Lower ; No. 2 , cash , 25 > c ; No. 2
white , cash , 27c asked.
Oats No. 2 cash , no bids nor offerings ; Au
gust , ISe ; Seutembor , 17 obid ; No. 3 cash ,
no bids ; rejected cash , I2o.
Ulnciiinat' ' , August 8. Wheat Lower ;
No. 2 red , 75e ; now uud old , 78c.
Corn Strdng ; No. 2 mixed , 33) < jC.
Oats Active and lower ; No. 3 mixed , new ,
Whisky Steady at 81.0-3.
IHvorpool , August 8. Wheat Quiet ;
holders offer moderately ; Culifoniia , No.
1 , 7s ld@7H IJ a per ceatul ; No. 2 red , west
ern , spring , 7s 2Ud@7s 3 } d.
Corn Easy ; now mixed western , 4s 2d
per cental.
Ohloairo.AugustS. 1'ho Drovow1 Journal
reports as follows :
Cattle Hccolpts , 12,500 ; market steady ;
beeves , $4 2. " > @ 1.UO ; steers , Ki.UO@jl.85 ; stocu-
crs and feeders , $ a.23@3.30 ; cows , bulls and
mixed , $1.00(753.00 ( ; Texas cattle , stronger at
51.75@3.20 , half breeds , $3.3003.00.
IIofr'H Receipts , 15,000 ; light , steady ;
heavy , So lower ; mixoil , Jl.33'i8l.r 0 ; heavy
$4.10@l.35 ; light , i.50@4.75 ; skips , $3.50@i
4,40.Sheep .Uecelpts , 0,000 ; market steady
and shade lower ; natives , S3.60&4.i)0 ) ; wot-
ern , * 3.CO@4.15 ; Toxuns , $ acu@4.10 ; lambs ,
Cattlo--Heceipts ,
8,200 , ; shipmonts. 3,000 ; common to choice ,
corn-fed steers , * 1.00@4.25 ; stackers and
feeders stronc at * 1.00@3.00 ; cows , steady
and llrm nt $1.60S:2.70 ( : ; grass range steers ,
$ i:75@3.00. : '
Hogs Receipts , 4,000 : shipments , 2,100 ;
light steady ; heavy and mixed 60 lower :
light , S1.27X@4.33 ; heavy und mixed , $3.W@
Sioux Olty. August 8. Cattle Receipts.
150 ; shipments , fiO ; market suwdv ; fat
steers. ? a.lH3.SO ) ; feeders , * i30@3.7H ; ' stock-
ors. ( ; canners and bulls , Toe ®
11.25 ; veal calves , * 3.00@3.50.
Hogs Receipts , 1,100 ; market 2 0
lower ; light and mixed , W.85Q4.10 ; heavy ,
Nation ul Stn-jk JTarUi. Ku St.
IJOUIH , August 8. Cattle Receipts , 1,200 ;
shipments , 1,000 j market active nnd strong ;
choice heavy uatlvo steer * , $4.20@4.50 : fair
'r ' 601-15 : st < " ' ' < crs and feeders ,
$2.2o2.50j rungors , corn-fed , tH.JSm3.SSi
$2-803-00' ' MW8 nnd heifers ,
ilogs 'Receipts , 3,700 ; shipments , 100 ;
.I'Sn1 ' 0 , ' ? ? Uy ° ? benvf > W.W@.oO ; paokiiiff
$4,20(34,40 ( ; light grades. f4.35@1.55 ,
„ , Thursday , August 8.
Business was not very uctlvo at the yards
to-day. Ihero were not so many good cattle
consisted very largely of natives , but there
were some nineteen loads of rangers. Prime
beeves were no lower , but the market on
other grades was slow and lower. Some
pretty fair l)73-lb ! ) beeves sold at * 4.22K. but
Hler..wns nolllnK { In quality to compare with
$ UO cattle yesterday. Tnere were not
so many cows hero as yesterday , but there
were onousti , or more than enough , to supply -
ply the demand. The market was weak aud
slow , but as a salesman remarked , "They
could not sell much lower nnd sell at all. "
1 ho general run of tbo common stuff was
wet very good , but still there were a few
pretty good bunehos , and there were some
westerns good enough to bring $2.55. There
was considerable trading in stockera nnd
loedcrs for the number of cattle hero The
ranged from $2.45 to $2,75.
Heavy and mixed heirs took a tumble of 5o
w bto light weights remained at aboutstcady
Prices. The trudo was u little slow on ac
count of t oluatance of salesmen to mono
any reduo la Prices , but u clearance wus
effected by mid-day.
Cattle. . . 1,700
. . Prices.
The following ntiblo of prloai pall In
this market ( or the graJoj of stsok moa *
tlonca t
Prime steers , 1300 to 1000 Ibs. . W,9D
Good steers. 1250 to 1450 Ibs. . . 3.80
Good steers , 1050 to 1300 Ibs. . . 3.40
Common winners 1.23 M2.00
Ordinary to fair cows 1.60 © 1. 90
Fair to good cows , . . 1.00
Good to cholco cows B.10
Cholco to fancy cows , heifers. . S.50
Fair to good bulls 1.75
Good to cholco bulls 3.00 2.00
Light stackers nnd feeder ? . . . . 3.50 § 3.75
Good feeders , 030 to HOG Ibs. . 3.73 3.00
Fair to choice light hogs 4.10 ( $4.15
Fair tochoico heavy hogsi. 4.05 04.10
Fair to choice mixed hois 4 05 04.10
Representative B.ilos.
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
1. . . . . .1310 $3 00 20. . . . 040 $3 OS
5. . , . . .1154 3 00 51. . . 1200 3 05
0 , . , . . .1003 8 25 33 . . .1153 8 70
3. . . . .1177 3 80 81. . . .1145 3 75
33. . . . . . OS3 3 35 3. . , .1150 8 75
5 . . . .1010 3 50 01 , . . .1140 8 80
1. . . . . .1450 8 50 20. . . .1090 8 00
1. . . . .1120 .1 GO OS. . . .1104 4 00
29. . . . . .1220 n 50 83. . . .1517 4 20
48. . , . . .1175 O'J. . . .1373 4 23 > <
10. . 053 1 70 0. . . 707 2 25
3. .1030 1 75 10. . .1000 2 at )
3.I , .1200 1 75 10.l . .1037 2 no
15. . 929 1 00 l ! . .1050 2 40
2. .1080 300 1. . .1450 2 50
13. .1031 2 05 1. . .1140 2 50
8. . 744 3 05 1. . .1130 2 73
1. .1070 3 15 2 1350 2 75
1. 3 15 4 1033 : < oo
t. .1WK ) 2 15 5 1334 3 40
2 940 2 15
5. 832 2 45 53. . . 731 3 55
29 05l ! 3 45 7. . . 771 2 05
25. MI3 2 41 13. . . 807 3 75
a. 833 3 45
0 1107 270 20 1050 275
20. . 1073 270 4 1010 373
10 b70 3 70
1 13GO 1 05 3 1000 240
1 1270 210 1 1703 260
1 870 3 GO 2 055 825
4 1200 300 17 .1410 415
4 233 3 75
1 1170 2 75
Stouk Notes.
James Colder , of Scrlbner , came m with
U. H. Bell , ono of Dunbar's dig feeders ,
came in with cattlo.
U. Standon haa hogs hero from Crastoa.
J. Gillospio , of Mullen , cams in with two
cars of cattle.
George Boctol , of MillurJ , hal a car of
hogs ou the marlcut.
John Hamburg , of Scribaor , was hero with
U. Daniels , Gilmore , brought In a mixed
load of steers und cows whlcti brought $4.15.
J. S. I man , Osccoln , came in with a string
of ten cars of cattle and thrcoof hogs ,
Thomas Harris and H. D , Reynolds were
In from Central City , the former with tnreo
curs of cattle uutl the latter with ono of
J. II UurUholdcr was hero from Woodbine ,
la. , with thrco cars of hogs.
Ora Hnloy brought in another string of
nineteen curs of rangers from Kiuvllns ,
P. J. Murphy brought In three cars of
cattle and ono of hogs from Rogers.
E. P. UIco brought In thi-co cars of cattle
of his own feodinp , which brought $4.22 ,
the top price paid for cattlo.
Produce , Fruits , fitc.
Table dairy , 12 ® Ho ; packers'
stock , 7@3c. Creatncry Prints , fancy , 10(31 (
17c ; cholco , 14@10o ; solid pucUed , l-@Wo.
Eoos Strictly fresh , 10@llc.
CIIKKSB Young Americas , full cream , lOc ;
factory twins , O&c ; off grades , 0 ( < $7o ; Van
Itossem Edom , $11,50 per duz ; sup sugo , 19c ;
brink , ll@12o ; hmburgor , l > / @ 7c ; domostio
Swiss , Ho ; cheese safes , bronze modal , fto.
8. S2.S5.
PouLTitr Live hens , per dozen , $3.25@
4.00 ; mixed , * 3.25 ( > 3.50 ; sprint ? . $ ' . > .00r32.75 ;
turkeys , SMo ) per Ib ; ducks. 2.00 ( < J2.50 ;
geese , ? J.OO@4.00 ; live pigeons , $1.5 1.
OKANOES Los Angeles , ? 4,50 ; Itodi , (0.00.
LKMOSS Fancy , ? 0.00@S.50 ; cholcn , fS.OO.
SOUTIIKHK PBXCIIES > bu , 75c@jl for
choice , and 35@40a for poor and common.
AI-W.BS Per bbl , 50c@3.00.
CAUFOKNU PEACIIES 20-lb boxes , fl.30@
CALiroiiNU GIIAI-ES $1.50@1.75.
CAUroilNIA Pl.UMS 91.
PEAKS 40 ) b boxes , Sl.75Q2.25.
WA'rcitMKLONH-lli.OO@20.00 uor 100.
CANTEI.OUPS Per doz , J1.25JJ1.50.
PiNBAi'Pi.BS Per doz , ? i.25@i.OO. :
BANANAS According to size , per bunch ,
COCOANUTS Per 100 , 83.
FIIKSU FIBII White llsh per Ib ,
trout per Ib , Oc ; white porch per > lb , iouui -
fulo per Ib , 7o ; pickerel per Ib , Oc ; black
bass per Ib , lie.
HEAXa-Cbolce hand picked navy , { 1,75 ;
cholco hand plitkod medium , $1,05 ; cholco
band Dlcltcd country , fl.GO ; clean country ,
KAIILT VKOBTAULBS Potatoes , 15@20a per
bu ; onions , .California , per Ib , Wo ; southern ,
per bbl , $1,00 ; cabbage , per crate , 81.25 ; tur
nips , per bu box. 50o ; beets , per box , 50o ;
wax beans , per bu box , $ 1.00 ; string boaua ,
per bu box , 75c ; green peas , per bu box ,
$1.00 ; tomutons , per f bu box,40@00o : cauli
flower , f 1.50 ; egg plant , 75o ; squash , 25o per
doz ; cucutnbora , 15c ; lettuce , 15o ; rddlsties ,
IBc ; green onions , 15$20o ( ; new carrots , 20o ;
pie plant , per Ib , Jo.
Al'PJ.B UUTTElt 50.
ClPEit-Ubls , ? 5 00 ; hf bbls , $3.00.
MAI-LE SOOAII 12 > @ 15o per Ib.
I'OTATOts Old , choice , Backed , per bu , 15
@ 20o.
VEAL Cholco , medium size , 5@0o ; cholco
heavy , 4@5oj spring lambs , f30.00@30. ( J per
HONEY 14@15 per Ib for choice.
JELLIBS 8 > @ 4u per Ib.
HAY t'J.50@5.6o !
UIIAN (9.00@0.25 ,
TALLOW No. 1. 4o : No. 3 , 3@3c.
QKBASB A , 4@4/c ; yolow : , 3c ; dark ,
WOOL fine , nveraso , loXrilo1 , cholco , 18
@ 10c , „ ,
MeniuM Average , 21Q22c ! cjlolco23@3tc5
coar o , 15Q18C. ' '
7 rH x
Oroocrlof.- , .
PIIOVISIOKS Hams , No. . ,1,10-lb average ,
IOXo ; 20 to 2-3 Ibs. llo ; 13 , WI4 , lbs,12 ; No.
2 , Me : specials , 13Ko ? slioUIdcrs. 7c ; breakfast -
fast bacDn , No 1 , 10KG ; spodihls , 12) ) < o ; pic
nic , 7j e : hnm sausugo , 10 > fu : dried beef
hmns , y } o ; booftongucs , § 0 per dozen ; dry
salt meats , G@0'i'o per Ib. ; "boneless hum , Oc.
SAUSAGE Bologno , 4 ( 4of frnnkfurt , 7o :
onpue , Dot summer , 24c ; Itiad'cbcosc , 5Ko.
POHK Family , backs , per. bbl , $13.00 ; It-
bbH . , _ $0.75 . _ . ; _ mess _ , bbls. . $11.00bbls _ ; . , W.OOS
* '
t ! * ! ABivnn. ll Aiif.A
pig poik.bbls , $17.00 ; K-bbls , S'/OO.
Pies FEET Pickled , kIt 77Co ; pickled plgo'
tongues. Kits , $135 ; plckleU-ftlpe , kits , C5o ;
pickled H. C. trip.o Kits , 83o ; spiced pigs'
hocks , kits , fl.15.
HKEP TONOUES Salt , bbls , f20.00.
OiLS-Korosono-P. W. , OKcV. ; . W. ,
12' < o ; headlight , ISc ; salad oil , (2.1S ( < % 9.X ( )
per dozen.
PtcKLKS Medium , per bbl , $4 SO ; small ,
$5.r ; gherkins , ttt.MC. \ . & B. chow-chow ,
qts , $5.00 ; pts , $3.40.
WuArm-o PAVER Straw , per Ib.
2 > tfc ; rag , 2Ko ; manllla , B , Ou ; No. 1 , 8c.
SALT- Dairy , 141/2-lb / pkgs , 52.00 ; do , 100
3-lb pkgs , $2.00 ; do , CO M > pkgs , $3.40 ; do
23 10-lb pkgs , $2.30 ; Ashton , bu bags , 50-lb ,
85c ; d6 , 4 bu bugs , 224-lb. J3.40 ; M S A , BO-lb
bags , 55o ; common , per bbl , $1,25.
OASDi'-9 ' < (3l3Ko ( per Ib.
CIIOCOLATR vso COCOA 21@39o per Ib ;
German chlckory , red , So.
Gi.s-nEii Jamaica , } { pints , S3.00 per doz.
FAUINACSOUS GOOPH Uarley. 2J3) ) c ;
farina , 4K i peas , 3c ; oatme.kl , 2 ; { ® . " > a : mac
aroni , lie ; vermicelli , He ; rice , UXQO c ;
sago and tapioca , ( igO c.
Fisii'-Salt Dried codfish , 5J @ 3o ; scaled
honing1 , 24c per box ; hoi. herring , dom , 60c ;
Hamburg spiced herring. $1.50 ; liol. herring ,
7UcW$1.10 ; mackerel , largo family , $13.N ) per
100 Ibs ; whilellsh , No. 1 , $0.50 ; family , S3.00 ;
trout , $5.00 ; sal man , $3.50 ; anchovies , S'Jc.
NUTS Almonds , 15@17o ; Brazils , 9o ; fil
berts , 12c ; pecans , 12o ; walnuts , 12c ; peanut -
nut cocks , Scxronsted , lOc.
CAJtxnii FISH Brook trout , 3 Ib , ? 2.40 ;
salmon trout , 2 Ib , $2.3. > ; clams , 1 Ib. $1.2.-i ;
clams , 2 Ib , § 2.00' Hum rhmvdnr. H Ib. S'J.'J" !
devilled crabs. I
Ib , $350 ; codll-m
Ib , $3.25 ; cols , t Ib. $3.40 ; lobsters , I Ib , $2.00 ;
lobsters , 1 Ib , ? 1.90 ; lobntors , devilled , K Ib ,
$2,25 ; mackerel , 1 Ib , $1.00 ; mackerel , mus
tard sauce , 3 Ib , $3.10 ; mackerel , tomato
sauce , 0 Ib , $3.10 ; oysters , 1 Ib , 03o ; oysters ,
2 Ib , fl.OO ; salmon , C. R , 1 Ib. ? 2.00 ; salmon ,
C. R , 2 Ib. $3.00 ; salmon , Alaska , 1 Ib , S1.85 ;
salmon , Alaska , 2 Ib , $2.90 ; shrimps , 1 Ib ,
DHIKD fituiTa Currants , 45c ; prunes ,
casks , 1.100 Ib't , 4 @ 4 o ; prunes , bbls or
b.igs. # ® c ; citron peels , drums , 20 Ibs ,
24 e ; lemon peel , drums , 20 Ibs , Ilk ; ; hard
dates , boxes , 12 Ibs , lOc ; apricots , choice
evaporated , 25-lb boxes , 13c ; apricots jelly ,
cured , 25-lb boxes , lee ; apricots , fancy , Mt ,
Hamilton , 20-lb boxes , 15c ; aorlcots , cholco ,
bans , 80 Ibs , 14c ; apples , evaporated , Alden ,
50-lo boxes , OCitfiXc ; apples , Star , Oe ; appbs ,
fancy Alden , 5-lo , SJfo ; apples , fancy Alden ,
2-lb , 8J/c ; bluckberrles , evaporated , 60-lb
boxes , sJ QoJfc ; cherries , pitted , dry cured ,
ISe ; pears , California fancy , } t"8 boxes , 25
Ibs. 20c ; peaches , Gal fancy , K * unp. boxes ,
25 Ibs , 13 ; peaches , Cal No. 1 fancy , ) s unp ,
bags , 60 Ibs , 12Kc : peaches. Cal No. 2 fancy ,
} s unp. bags , M ) Ibs : peaches , Cal sundried ,
3 s unp bngs , 80 Ibs : peaches , luncy , evap ,
unp , 50-lb boxes , 12@lo ! ) ; poaches , Suit Lake ,
new , 0 @ 7u ; nectarines , ) -cd.13c ; nccturlncs ,
silver , bags , 14c ; pittod"'ilums ) , , 25-lb
boxes , 12e ; raspberries , evnp , N. Y. , new ,
25c ; prunes , Cal , H C , 'JU-IOO. boxes , 2T Ibs ,
80 ; prunes , Cal. H C , ( W-70. 9j c ; orange peel ,
15e ; raisins. Califonna'.Loadons , crop 1SSS ,
$2.402.UO ; raisins , California loose , musca
tels , crop 1833 , Sl.S5ffliOO. '
BAGS American A. seamless , 17c ; Union
Sauuro paper , discount 35 per cent.
COFFEES Green Fancy .old . golden Rio ,
22c ; fancy old peiborry ; , 23c ? Illo , choice to
fancy. 21 } cRio : , prime , 20J cKio ; , good , 19c ;
Mocha , 29c ; Java , fancy 'Mundchllng , 30c ;
Java , good interior , 25c.
COFFEES Koasted Arhuckle's Ariosa ,
23j c ; McLaughlin's XXXX , 23c ; German ,
23c ; Dilworth. 2Jo ; Alaroma , 23o.
SALSOPA lK@2 c per Ib.
STAIICII 5@"c ( per Ib.
STOVE POLISH 52.005.87.per ! gross.
SPICES Whole. pcr'lb AllspIce , 12c ; Cas
sia China , 10o ; cloves , Zanzibar , -Oe ; nut
megs , No. 1 , 75o ; peppor. ' lOc.
Suo\li8-Granulatcd. 9 , ' < c ; confectioners' A ,
Oe : standard extra C , 8 ? ( ( ? 3 o ; yellow C ,
7o ; powdered , lOc ; cut loaf , lOc ; cubes ,
UXes cream extra C , Sifc.
TEAS Gunpowder , 20@GOo ; Japin , 20 @
40u ; Y. Hyson , 2ia > 50c ; Oolong , 22@50.
VISEQAU Per pal , 18@2Jc.
Dry Gools. :
BATTS Standard , 8c ; Com , lOo ; Beauty ,
12Uo : Boone , 14o ; B , cased , $0.50.
BLANKETS White , $1.00@7.50 ; colored ,
? 1.IO@3.00.
CAMIIHICS Slater , 5c ; Woods , 5c ; Stand
ard , 5u ; Peacock , oc.
CAHPET WAIII' Bibb white , 18c ; colored ,
COUSCT JEANS Boston , 7) ) o ; Adroscoggin ,
75 o ; Kearsaire , 7JiC ; Rockport , tjcCouus \ -
toca , Gfo. )
COTTON FLANSELS 10 per cent trade dis. ;
LL , unbleached , 5 > o ; CC , C > c , SS. 7 ? c ;
EE , S-tfc ; GO , UJfc ; XX , UWc ; OO , ll > < c ;
NN , 12 | c ; AA , 14c ; DD , 15i u : TT , Kitfo ;
YY , ISc ; BB , 1'Js ; 20 bleached , 8 > .fo ; 00 ,
12kcSO ; , 13Wc ; brown nnd sluto , Oc ; 70 ,
I2l c * 90 lOc.
Cit ASH Stevens' B , 5) ) c ; Stevens' A , 7o ;
blenched , 80 ; Slovens' P , 7o ; bleached ,
b c ; Stevens' N , 8 c ; bleached , 0 > < c ; Stev
ens' S11T , ll c.
DENIMS Amoskeag , 0 oz , ICJ e ; Everett ,
7 oz , 13o ; Yorlc , 7 oz , IHc ; Haymaker , 8J < fo ;
Jaffrey XX , ll e ; Jaffrey XXX. 12 c ;
Beaver Creek AA , 12c ; Beaver Creek BB ,
lie ; Beaver Creek CC , 10c.
DUCK West Point. 20 In , 8 oz , 9 | < e ; West
Point , 29 in , 10 oz. I2) c ; West Point , 29 in ,
12 oz , 15Xc ; West Point , 40 in. 11 oz , Hie.
FLAXNKI.S Pmld Raftsmen 20o ; Clear
Lake , SOMe ; Iron Mountain , 2 < ! , ' - c.
FLANNKLS-Whlte G. H. No. 2. % . 22&o ;
G H No. 1. X , 20 0 ; G H No. 2 , % , 22 > c ;
G H No. 1 , % , 0c : Quechco , No. 8 , aoc ;
FLANNELS White Qucchco No. 2 , %
37Jio ; Quecheo No. a , % , 82 o : Anawan ,
12 } o : Somerset , ISc.
FI.AXNELS iled C , 24 Inch , 10 > < c ; E , 24
inch , 22Uc : G G , 24 inch , 21K ; H A F , % ,
2 Ko ; jllV.M , 28 > ic ; G , X , 27c.
GiNoiiAM-Plunkott checks , fij c ; Whlt-
tenton , OJ c ; York , 7 c ; Normandi dress ,
i. Calcutta dress , 7 ! < ° ; Whlttenton dress ,
7 > fo ; Renfrew dress , 8X@lB
KENTUCKV JKANS Hoicules , ISc ; Leam
ington , 22Xo : Glunwood , 20o ; Melville , 25o ;
Bang-up , 27 > 4C.
MisCELiANEOus Table oil cloth , $2.50 ;
table oil cloth , marble , $2.50 ; plain Holland ,
OKc ; dado Holland , 12 c.
PUINTS Dress Charter Oak , 6 , ' o ; Ram-
ape , 4a ; Lodi , 5/o ; Allen , Go ; Rluhmond , Go ;
Windsor , O o ; Eddystone,0 o ; I'uclfic.OKc-
PUINTS Pink and Robes Richmond , O o ;
Allen , Go ; Riverpointv j& o ; Steel River ,
OWc ; Richmond , ; ( o ; Paclrtc , 0 > c.
PiliNTB Indigo blue , St. Lnupar ,
Washington , 0 , ' < f ° ; Atn'orlcan , Ol o ; Arnold ,
OJ o ; Arnold Century , Oc ; Windsor Gold
Tk't , lOUo ; Arnold B , lOKo ; Arnold A , 12c ;
Arnold o'old Seal , lO o ; Yellow Seal , 10 > < Jo ;
Amanaa , 12o. Prints , solid colors Atlantic ,
Go ; Slater , Ce ; Berlin 'olli 0 > o ; Garner oil ,
0@7c. * '
SHIIITINO , CiiECKsCaledonla X ,
Caledonia XX , lOij'c ; Economy. 9a ; Otis , Uo ;
Granite. Qic ; CruwfoTd checks , 80 ; Haw
River plaids , 5J < c. "
SIIEETINO , Buow.v Atlantlo A , 4-4. 7 o ;
Atlantic H , 4-4 , 7o ; Atlaritio D. 4-4 , 0/c ; At-
lantioP , 4-4 , Go ; Aurora LL , 4-4 , Go ; Aurora
C , 4-4 , 44/c : Crown XXX4 , fl > fo ; Hoosler
LL , 4-4 , 5Jfo ; Indian , Heid , 4-4 , 7o ; Law
rence LL , 4-4 , 5Jfc ; Old Dpinlnion , 4-4 , 5Koi
Pepporell R , 4-4 , 6 > fcV 1'rfpperoll B , 40-Inch ,
7fo ; Popperell 84 , ' 17 > ? o ; Pupporoll. 0-4
20o ; Pepporoll. 10-4 , 82o : Utioa C , 4 4 , 4J o ;
Wauhusolts , 4-4 , 7o ; Anirora R , 4-1 , 7c ; Aurora -
rora B , 4-4 , O e.
SIIBBTINU , BLEACHER Ellorton , Ttfo\ \
Housekeeper , 8 0 ; New Candidate , 8) ) 0 ;
Berkeley cambriu , No. CO , Oo ; You Bet , 4-4 ,
09fe ; butter cloth , OO , 4J.fc : Cabot , Jtfo ;
Farwoll , half bleached , 8 > c ; Fruit of Loom ,
89fc ; Greene G , Oo ; Hope , tyta ; King Phil
lip cambric , 10 : Lonadulo cumbriu , 10o ;
Lonsdalo , SKo ; Now York inilla , lOo ; Pep-
pcrell. 42-In , 10o ; Popperell , 40-in , llo ; Pop
perell , 6-4. 14 } o : Popperell. 8-4 , 20o ; Pep-
pcroll , 0-4 , 23o ; Pepporell , 10-i , 24o ; Canton ,
.4-4 , 6Ko ; Canton , 4-4 , OKc ; Triumph , Co ;
Wnmsutta , llo ; Valley. 6 0.
TICKS Oakland , A , 7 o ; International Y
Y , So : Shetucket. S , 8Wo ; Wurron. No. 870 ,
16o ; Berwick , U A , 18c : Acme , l o ; York ,
80 in , 12ho ; York. 8'J in , 18 o ; Swift River.
8c ; Thorndlko OO. 8Kc ; Thorndlko E F
8 } < o ; Thorndlko 120 , OKo ; Thorndlko XX ,
15c ; Cordls No. 5. O o ; Cordls No. 4 , 10X&
mill ClicmlcalH.
Ao ID Sulphuric , i > er carbov , 2o ; cltrlo
per Ib. , 5tfo } ; oxalic , per Ib. , 15a ; Urtarlo ,
powdered , porlb , , 4.1 ; carbollo , 53@45o.
ALUM Per Ib. , 2 < c.
AMMONiA-Cnrb , jwrlb. , lUo.
AiuiownooT Per Ib. , Bermuda , fllo.
BALSAM Copaiba , per Ib. , CSo ; tolu , 52 ®
BOIIAX Rcflncd , nor Ib. , lOo.
CIIEAM TAHTAII Pure , per Ib , , 32o.
EXTUACT LOGWOOD Bulk , per Ib. , llo.
EuooT 45c.
Gl.TCEniNE 220
GUM Aiunto 50@93o.
LfCoroniUM .
GLTCKHINC Uulk , per Ib , 21 } c.
GUM A safcetlda , per Ib , 15o ; camphor ,
per Ib , 3o ; opium , iwr Ib. $3.M.
IOPIXB Resubllmated , per oz , $3.05.
LsAVna Buchu , short , per Ib , 18o ; senna ,
Alex , per Ib , 25@33c.
AIoiiPiiu Stnph , per oz , $2,80 ,
PorAsit Bromide , per Ib , 40o ; iodine , per
lb$2.85 ,
QUINIA Sulpb , peril ) , 2s@40c.
SEEPS Canary , per Ib , 4Kc.
SoAi-s Custlio , mottled , per Ib , 810c ;
castile , white , poqrl , 13@15c.
SriniTS NITUK Swoot. per Ib , 80o.
STIIYCHNIA Crystals , $1.00@1.15.
Sui.rit. CINCHONA Per oz. 5@13o ,
OILS Borgamont , $345 ; WinterRreon ,
$2.15 ; Malaga. 05o ; Unseed , raw , OJo ; boiled ,
WHITE Ln n $0.50.
CALOMEL Am , per Ib , OSc ,
Our.nil BEUUIBS $1,50.
CASSIA BUDS Per Ib , 180.
CiiLOiiopoiiM Per Ib , 87c.
I utnbor nnd Ilulldln Mntcrlnl ,
f , o , b. Omaha.
STOCK BOAIIPS A 12 Inch , s 1 s 14 and 10
feet , $40.00 ; B 13 Inch , a I s 12 , 14 and 10
feet , $41.00 : C 12 Inch , s 1 s 12 , U and 10
feet , $30.00 ; D 12 inch , s 1 s 12 , 14 nnd 10
feet , $23.00 ; No. 1 Com. 12 In s Is 12 feet ,
$18.00 ; No. 1 Com. 12 In. s 1 s 14 nnd 10 feet ,
$17.50 ® 18.50 ; No. 1 Cora. 13 in. si s 10 , 18
nnd 20 feet , $19.50 ; No. 2 Com. 12 In. s 1 B 14
nnd 10 feet , $10.50.
white pinu partition , $32.00 : 2d Com. $ i In.
white plno partition , $27.00 ; clear % in. yellow
lowplno ceiling , $20.00 : clear } j In. Norway ,
$14.50 ; 2d Com. ? in. Norway , $13.00.
BOAHDS No. 1 com. s. 1 s. 12 , 14 and 10 ft ,
S10.00 ; No. 'J com. s. 1 s. 12 , 14 and 10 ft ,
$1(1.50 ( ; No. 8 com. s. Is. 12 , 14 and 10 ft ,
$14.50 ; No. 4 com. a. 1 s. 12 , 14 and 10 ft ,
( shlp'g cull ) , $11.00. Add 50 cents per M. ft ,
for routrh.
Batts , 2tf Inch , OOc ; O. G. Batts , K3 , SIS ,
35c ; 3 In well tubing , D. & M. nnd bov. ,
$22.00 ; pickets , D. & H. . Hat , $ -.20.00 ; pickets ,
D. & H , square , $19.00.
12 ft. 14 ft. 10 ft. 18 ft. 20 ft. 22 ft. 24 ft
2x4..15 00 15.00 1500 10.00 10.00 18.00 19.00
2x0..15.00 15.00 15.00 10.00 10.00 18.00 18.00
2x8. . . .15.00 15.00 15.00 10.00 10.00 18.0) ) 18.00
2x10..15.00 15.00 15.UO 10.00 10.00 18.00 18.00
3x12..15,00 15.00 15.00 10.00 10.00 18.00 18.00
4x4-8x810.00 10.00 10.00 17.00 17.00 18.00 19.00
No. 1 , 4 & 0 inch , 12&14 ft , rough , 10.00@10.50
No. 1 , " " 10 ' 17.00@17.50
No. 2 , " " 12&10 " 13.50 ( 14.00
No. 2 , " " 10 " 15.00@10.00
FINISHINO Island 2dclear , U incli , s2 s.
$49.00ar ( > 1.00 : 1st uud 2d clear , iknnd 2 Inch ,
s 2s , .00@.mOO ; 3d clear , l'f ' inch , s 2 s ,
$4 .00@40.00 ; 3d clear , 1J < and 'J inch , s 2 s ,
$43 00f$10.00 ( ; B select , l f , IK and 2 inch , s
2 s. $37.00@33.00 ; 1st and 2d clear , 1 inch , s 2
s , 545.00 ; 3d clear , 1 inch , s 2 s , $30.00 ; A se
lect , 1 Inch , s 2 s , $33.00 ; B select , 1 mob , s 3
s , $ 'JO.OO.
FLOOUINO 1st com 0 inch white plno ,
$34.00 ; 2d com 0 inch white pine , $31.00 ; 3d
coin 0 inch white pine , $20.00 ; D com 0 inch
white pine , $20.00 ; .com 4 and C Inch yellow
pine , ? I5.00 : Star 4 Inch yellow pine , $17.00 ;
1st nnd 2d clear yellow pine , 4 and 0 inch ,
Poi'LAU LUMIIEII Clear poplar box bds , %
in s 2 s , $35.00 ; clear poplar , % in panel.
$30.00 : clear poplar > in panel , $25.00 ; clear
poplar K in panel stock wide , s 2s , $28.00 ;
clear poplar corrugated ceiling , % , $30.00.
POSTS White cedar , 0 Inch halves , 12o ;
white cedar , 5J inch halves and 8 inch q'rs ,
llo ; white cedar , 4 inch round , lOe ; Tennes
see rec1 cedar , split , IGc ; split oak ( white ) ,
8u ; sawed oak , ISc.
SHINGLES , LATH , per M. XX clear , $3.20 ;
extra * A * , ? 2.80 ; standard A , $2,60 ; 5 inch ,
clear , $1.W1.70 ) ; G inch , clear , $1.75@1.80 :
No. 1 , $1.10@1.15 ; clear red cedar , mixed
widths , from Washington territory , S3.40 ;
California red wood , dimension widths , $4.50 ;
cypress , clear heart , dimension widths , $3.25 ;
lath , $2.40.
Suit1 LAP No. 1 plain , 8 nnd 18 inch ,
$17.50 ; No. 2 , plain , SandlOincb , $15.50 ; No.
1 , O. G. , $18.00.
SIDING 1st Com 12 nnd 10 feet , $22.00 ; 2d
com. 12 nnd 10 feet , $19.00 ; 3d com , 13 and
10 feet , $15.00 ; fence , com , 12 and 10 feet ,
LIME , ETC. Qumoy white lime ( best ) , 80c ;
English and German Portland cement , $3.45 ;
Milwaukee and Louisville , $1.30 ; Michigan
plaster , $ J.25 ; Fort Dodeo plaster , $2.10 ;
Blue Rapid plaster , $1.90 : hair , 20c ; sash ,
GO per cent dis ; doors , blinds , mouldings , 50
per cent dis ; tarred felt , per cwt , 81.00 ;
straw board , $1.50.
Provisions i Stocks
Basement First National Bank.
COS SouthliJHi Street , - Ouiulia
Capital $400,000
Surplus Jnn. 1st , 1889 62,000
HE'NHV W. VATES , I'reshlunt.
LEWIS R. HEED , Vica President.
JOHN c ! . Cor.r.iNS.
It. C. CU81I1NO ,
W. K. S. lludiiEB , Cashier
Cor. l-'th und Farnam SU.
A General dunking lluslnesa Ti-Ausaotnd.
TH1 !
Chicago , Milwaukee' & St , Paul R'y ' ,
Tbo Best Iloule from Omaba aud Council
muffs to
Chicago , AND Milwaukee ,
Bt. Paul , Minneapolis , Cedar Iliiplils ,
Bock Island , Freeport , Kockford ,
Cllntou , Jhibuque , Davenport ,
Elgin , Madison , JancsTllle ,
Beloli , Wlnona , Lu CroHse ,
Ana all other Important points East , Northeast and
For tbrnugb tickets call on the lltket aurnt at 1WJ
Farnam street , la Uarktr Block , or at Uoloa i'acifle
rullmnn Bl operm and the Hnctt Dining Cars ID th
world uru run on tlie mainline ot tlie Lblcaiio , Mil-
wauteo 4 Bt. I'aul nallwur , and oT rr aUeutloa Is
paid to paisenxeri \ > J courteous employes of tlie
U. .MIIXEIl. flencral Manager.
J. K.TUCKBIt. AsilttintUeneral Manager.
A. V. It. CAHI'K.NTilll , Ueueral l'oi < enter : and
Ticket Agent.
UKO. K. I1KAFF011I ) . Aislstaat General 1'ancnicr
ml Ticket Aaont.
T.J.CU4 UK. General tinpirjnttndeut.
Steam Launches ,
'Klvnteen to forty lent ,
rotupleto. One to olKtic
liornj power engine * .
Sbipman Engine Co ,
L. W. Wolfo&Co. ,
Bolo Western Ag uti.
ItrarilUMIiMrs p1no l on
S Klemont find wlfo to 3 II Miller , lot 4.
Wk I. llrlgRs 1'laco , wrt . t 4,000
J i : Vnndtrcook ml hustmndto W KSftt-
ternehl , lotKl , blk x , Vnmlcrcook Tcr-
raco.wa . . . . . . 1,000
John T Croft to K M Croft , tax lot 81 , lu
eeoa-lM qotl . , . . 1
K S Sbloilds and hUHbnnd to U J 1'ruyn ,
lot 1 , MR I , Stevens 1'lnco. w il . l.COO
Kawanl Jones to II J I'ruyn. lot S5. l > lk 4 ,
1'ruyn pnrk , w il . . . WO
M Maltlueson and wife to Win Grimm ,
n of lot 10. BUD or sw nw 2-1 vii ; , w a . . soO
3 U Tilttlo nnrt liusb.'ind to U I ) Close , lot
lHblkM ! , Highland 1'lace. wd , . , . . . . . . . 4,0'JO
b A Harmon and \vlfo to V I ) Close , lot 17 ,
bib 31 Highland 1'lnce.w (1 . 4aiO
0 1) Wollo nnd huslmnd to O I ) Close , lot
IS. bins' ' : Highland 1'lncc. w d . 4.000
Oohn U liarnnrd to 1 , 1) llnrnnnl , pt n
! ilot.blk2 , Orchard Hill , w d . 5.COO
Ernest Wnek to J C llnrnixnl. lots so and
22. blk d ; lots 10 to Id , Wk 15 , und lots" ,
lunnd7 ! to W , blk 10 , North Omaha ,
wil . . . . . 8.400
J D Her and wlfn to J W McMennmy , undivided -
divided ) < of lots 3 nd 4 , blk "H , "
Omaha , wd . . . . 1P.I60
J M Dougherty , trustee , to A Gordon , lot
f ) . Irving Place , w d . , . . I.UX1
W V Stevens to J II Slelio , lot 3) ) , blk S ,
Stc\cnn I'lnco , wd , . . 000
Wm Cobnrn , sheriff , to II U Houghton , a
ij of nsilVIWi , muilot8 , lnU-15-U. deed , VA
II It lluught-on to U K Darker , H 54 of n o
avilMi. and lot K , in 14-1.1-0 , wd . 55
Ixjuls Shrorder , trust-on , to V llonchnor , _
lotl. ) , blk 0 , llrowu park , wd . 3B
I.cnn Quick 'o t % V Anderson , lot 11 , Dlk
4Hi.(5riind ( View , a o o . . . . . . 1
II O Devrlea nnd wile to b J Huck.'lot 5 ,
blk 1 , Comer , w il . 600
A K Shaw nnd Imslmml to 0 N Hicks , lot
0 , Utica 1'lixce. w d . . . 1
Twenty transfers . t , > 4,133
iK Poriuus.
The foHs.vm pjrnin < VJM lii'ijl by
I3uildtng Inspector Whltlock ycstordnyi
Andreas Ihitllcss , one-story frame cot-
tiigp. South Twouty-Hrht street , near
Curtis street . $ 000
M , B , Lindsay , ono and a rnirati'r-story
aud bn mncnt frnmo dwelling , 'Ihlrty-
second , near KrnnKlln . , . l.S.'O
C. W. Unrmnng , two-storv frame resi
dence. Nineteenth and Clark . 2,500
George H. ( iuaultlg , one nnd a half-story
frame residence , Spauldlnc , ncarTvrcn-
ty-lltth street . 2,500
George II. ( iPilultlg , ono and a half-story
fnitiifl residence , tipaiildlng , neur Twen
ty-tilth street . > . . . . . . . . . 2,500
Frank Uellonc. adnltionnl story , llftb ,
& to hotel building , Fourteenth anil Cap-
Itolavonua . 8,000
A , ( J , Jensen , ono-story frame addition to
cottage , South Twenty-tlrst , near Cen
ter . 600
U. 1' . Drage , one-story frame cottage ,
KlKhtfenib. near Spnmr . ] , COO
Henry Ktuler , ono-story frame cottnge ,
I'nrKcr. between Thirty-third and Thir
ty-fourth . 1,000
I'our minor Dormlts . 675
Thirteen permits , aggregating . 120,675
liotli Will Recover.
BUFFALO , N , Y. , August 8. Miss Crocker
and Miss Flora McLean , survivors of the
yacht explosion yesterday afternoon , are rc-
Dorted doing well this morning , and It Is be
lieved both will recover.
Brodlo .Tumps 1'awtiioket Falls.
PROVIDENCE , U. I. , August 8. Steve Bro-
dlo Jumped from a brldeo sixty feet high over
Pawtuckct falls to-day. Ho struck on his
side but was able to swim to shoro.
Sleepless nights made miserable by
tlmt terrible cough. Shiloa's Cure in
the remedy for you. For sale by Good
man Drug1 Co.
An Ohio Sheriff Short.
PAUI.DISO , O. , August 8. Sheriff Swain
of Paulding county , has been found short In
bis accounts to an amount of something over
two thousand dollars.
Not Arrested as u Spr.
PARIS , Augusts. The report of the arrest
of Captain Brujac , of the French army , on
the charge of being a German spy , is denied.
Boots and Shoos.
Succesiora to Heed , Jonca & Co.
Wholesale Manufacturers of Bjots & Shoes
Atfcati for Uasto n Hubber Shoo Co. , 1102.1101 and 11KI (
Uaracr Street , Omaha , Nebraska.
Lager Beer Brewers ,
1M1 North EltfliUantU ilrcot , Omaha , Nab.
ManBMiirers of Galvanized Iron Cornice
Window-cups and mctallcakjllKht * . John ICpcnettr ,
proprietor. IIS anil llubuutli llltli street.
_ Pa p g r B o x o a _
Proprietor Omaha Faner Box Factory ,
Nos. 1317 ami 1.119 DouKlan itrect , Omubit , Nab.
Wholnnle manufacturers of
Sash , Boors , Blinds and Monlngs.
Brunch office , 12tli nail Itnrd streets , Omnhv Neb.
Manufactnrers of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
Mouldlum , etalpwork nnl Interior hnrd wood finish.
IJiS-'J Nortti lotli itrect , Omaha , Nob.
Steam Fittings , Pumps , Etq.
Pnraps , Pices and Engines ,
Bt m , irutcr , railwny and mlnlnff iuppll i , etc.
ffMlUiuna V.'l Firiiara iliout , Oinuha.
Steam and Water Supplies ,
UallMkr Kind mllli , 913 and B20 Jones it , , Omaha ,
U. F. Iton , Acting Manager.
nitOWNELL & CO. ,
Engines , Boilers and General Machinery ,
SbeeUron work , steam pumps , saw mills. 1213-1215
l.taTt'nw rtu itreot , Ooiulia.
Iron Works.
Wrought and Cart Iron Building Wcri
Engines , bran work , general founrtry , inarblno and
blacksmith work , oniceuna works , U , 1 * . llj ,
and llth street , Omuha.
Manufacturers of Wire andiron Railinis
Desk ialls , window guards , llowor stumU , n
etc. 123Nuriu lull stioot.Uiiiuliu.
Mattf'rs ' of Fire an * Burglar Iroof Safes ,
Vaults , Jail work. Iron shutters and tire rsrapcs.
U. Anclreen , prop'r. Corner llth and Jackson sis.
Of South Omaha , LimitccL
ro .A.IJXJ
D3alerin Agrlcnltnral Implements , Wagons
CanUeci nnd bi'nulc * . Joncr street , between Itu and '
10th , om Aha , Ncbrnska.
CO. ,
Atriciill'l ' iniplcEiils , Waaons , Carriages'
Wliolexilo. Omnhis Nebraska.
Agrlcalt'l ' linplomenN , Wagons & Bnsrta-
P31 , KXI. Ml and V07 Jonc street. Omaha.
Jl.inufnclutcri and Job' on In
Murons , Buggies Rdko ) , Plows , Etc ,
Cor. Otli mul l > cine streets , Onialia.
Artists' Mntorlnla.
A. bPE , Jr. ,
Arlisls1 Materials , Pianos and Organs ,
_ 1SU llouglns street , Omnhn , Nebraska.
B o o ts _ _
Jolers of Boats anfl Suoes ,
1101,110J , 1101 Douglas street. Omnba. Jtauufnctorr , .
buiumcr street , lioston.
Coal , Coke and Lima.
Jotters of Herd sni M Goal ,
8X1 South 13tli Mriot , Omnlm , Nebraska.
Snippers of Coal and Coke ,
211 South 13th St. , Oinnlin , Nob.
Wholesale LiniiliBr , Etc ,
Imported nnd American t'orllaml remont , Btat *
nguiit fur Milwaukee h ) ilrnu.lcceuionl and
yuitiij wmtu lima.
DsalerinHardwccdLniiiliBr ,
Wood carpets anil psrqtu-t iloorinr. fltb and UouglaB
stiocls , Um > bn , .Nub ,
All Kinds of Building Material at Wholesale
IStb street and Union 1'aclllo track. Omaha.
Dsaler in Lnmlier , Lath , Lime , Saso ,
Doors , Etc. Yanls-T'orncr Tin mid Douglas. Office
Corner IWU aud Uouulas.
Lnmlie1 Lime Cement Etc Etc
, , , , , ,
Cormor Qtu o-il Douglas > ta , Omnba.
Dealer in All Kinds of Lnmoer ,
13tu nnd California streetsOmalm , Nebraska.
Millinery and Notlona.
Importers & Jobbers in Millinery & Notm !
5O ) , 810 and 2U Soulli lllli ttrcet.
Wholesale Notions and Punishing Goods.
IKl llnrncy Street , Omaha.
C iimla lon and JStprqBe
Storjge and Cjminisstou Merchants ,
( Specialties Duttvr , rKE > , cbecae. poultry , gamiw
1112 llouard streetOnmlin , Neb.
Dry Cooda and NotloriB.
Dry Good ? , Famishing Goods and Notions
1103and llOtUouglas.cor , llth street. Omuha.Nab.
Importers & Johhers in Dry Goods , Note.
Geat's furnishing cooJs. Corner lllb and Uaraoy
struuta , Omalii , Nebraska.
Importers nnd jobbers of
Woolens and Tailors' ' Trlinings ,
317 South lilliilrt'it.
Wholesale Dealers in Furniture ,
Fnrnam atreet. Umalia , Nebraska.
Fnrniinre ,
Omaha , Nebraska.
Crqoorloa. _ _ _
Wholesale Groceries aad Proyisions ,
705.71/7,70J and 711 BoutU IQtU Bt. , Omaha , Neb.
WlioWe Grocers ,
18th and I nvonirortli troct . Oinnlin , Nebraska.
Heiyy Hirdware , Iron and Steel ,
Eprlnits , vnzon stock , hardware , lumhur , oto. 1ZC *
. . and 12)1 ) liarney street , Omalia.
" TT. J. BROATOH , '
Heayy Hirdware , Iron and Steel ,
Springs , wacon stock , hardware , lumber , etc. IK *
and lillUarnoy streetOmaha.
Wholesale Hardware , Cutlery , Tin Plato.
Motuls , Bhcct Iron , etc. Ancnts for Howe icalci ,
Miami puwilurand l.yinan burbcdirlro. A TAYLOR ,
Builders' ' Hardware and Scale Repair ShOB
Mechanics' tool mid Iluflnln scales , HUJ Douglas
struct. Ouiaba , Neb ,
Toys , Etc.
Jobbers of
Toys , Dolls , Albums , Fancy
IIotiM ) furnUliliiK Kooils. clilldren'i carrlnnus , ltd
Knruum streol , Unmlm , eu.
Mosaic ReflBea an § Lnlirlcaliiig Oils ,
Axle grcaio , etc. . Omiiha. A. H.UIdiop. Maim f ,
Wliole ale Paper DMers ,
Carrr a nice clock of prlntlu/ , wrapping and writing
Ml papur. bpeclal nttuutlou Klvcn m curd pupvr.
Tin ) I'nrcHt unit ll < > Ht Drink In ilio
World ,
A 1'acknge ( llquldriiio , iuiil i llvu galloni ,
15V Kit Y IiOI'11/i ; OUAUANTBI5D ,
HO 'incU'lll. ! : . KAhll.V > U1)K.
No boiling 01 ilrnlnlnx. Dlrocllcini slniplo. and K
uud u accordingly tliuro tun bu nu lulituke.
Ask jour imuul't or lirucur lur It , and tukg nu olbc .
Heo that TOII et 1UII1W' .
Try It and you Will Not Ho Willioul It.
Tin : oMiv ! cii.vii.\i : ; :
BoiU by 0. U , JUUliS , 1'iuu.oiiLi'iiu.