Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 09, 1889, Page 2, Image 2

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Strange Matrimonial Bxporlonoo of
* a Chicago Man *
Rnlinrt Mitchell Seeks Reparation
From Obnnxlonn Bnns TIio lo-
oullnr Hcoltnl of n Seeker
After n Divorce.
Ho Hnrt No Chnnco to Propose.
CHICAGO , August a [ Special Telegram to
Tn BBK. ] The history of n invsterlous
tnnrrmgo was filed with the clerk of the nu-
perlor court this morning , and the matter
will coino up la the usual way to bo hoard In
tho. divorce court. Robert T. Mitchell is the
complainant , who claims to have ooon forced
Into a peculiar marriage. The story of It is as
follows : On the 25th day of last August the
plaintiff was at the depot to take a tram for
Kvanston , when two men , claiming to
bo detectives accosted him , sayIng -
Ing there was a man at the
Avenue house In Evanston who very much
desired to see him. Against his will , the bill
alleges , Mitchell was conducted to that place ,
Where ho met ono McCord , who Informed
him that ho would bo compelled to return
with the party to Chicago nnd marry n
\voman named Anna L. Callis. To this prop
osition , it Is claimed , the plaintiff objected
btronuously , but in vain. The detectives
claimed to have the power to arrest
him , but upon what charge
they did not say. Accordingly , ho
returned to Chicago that same day with Mc
Cord nnd the detectives. Ho attempted to
escape after leaving the train , but they felled
him and conducted him by force to the Clif
ton house , it is alleged. McCord then left ,
wlth'uno of the detectives , as ho said to pro
cure n marriage license nnd a minister. The
woman was brought in , and for the first
time , it Is said , the plaintiff first
ot eyes upon her. Ho ran to the
door to escape and found the ether
detective on guard. Presently the two who
loft returned with the minister und the
license , and the ceremony , it is charged , was
performed against Mitchell's will and in
pile of his protestations. Then he was per
mitted to depart , which ho did , never seeing
the woman afterword. An affidavit accom
panying the bill gives the woman's residence
ns Murtmsvllle , Ind. The nrayor of tha bill
is that the court declare the marriage null.
Wounded Ity Uletitvnytncn.
OOAM.ALA , Nob. , August 8. As Boi Mc-
Ncal and Runyon wore returning homo from
working on a claim on the north river they
were belated and nt nbout 0 o'clock in the
i evening came upon two mounted men , who
I stood near the roadway. McNcal called
"Hollo I" when the mounted men opened
flro. Ono shot at Runyon caused his rnulo
to run nwny , whietfjaved him. Eight shots
wcro flred at McNcal who swung over his
| liorso out of range. Six shots took effect ,
ono in MoNcal's shoulder , four on his hands ,
and ono which felled thohorso. McNeal
If i then escaped in the darkness. The next day
| ho found that ho was aolo to go to Big
I Soring * , where ho had his wounds treated
with the loss of ono finger. Warrants \vero
sworn out for Reno and Gurney , two men
who live In that part of the county. Reno
-wanted nt Gerln ? , Scotts Bluffs county.for
horse stealing. Two ofilcers nro in pursuit ,
but no tidings of them hnvo been received ,
though they have been gone three days.
in Niofornra.
NioniuitA , Neb. , August 8. [ Special to
THE BEE. | The rejoicing over the two items
of news uppermost m the minds of the Nio-
brora citizens U beyond description. The
fact that the Sioux commission has suo-
oeoded in accomplishing its mission is reason
for renewed confidence ; but the news that
the idle grade of the Chicago , Milwaukee &
St. Paul railroad company , against which
company Attorney General Loese Instituted
. - a- condemnation proceedings , will bo given up
without a struggle is still better. Tnls in
sures the extension ot tha Fremont , Elkhorn
& MUsouri Volley railroad to Niobrara nn
outlet which Omaha has reason to bo thankful -
ful tor wrtn us. No delay -will now bo made
in furthering the Interests of Niobrara.
The Bond Proposition Carries.
UXATRIOV , Nob. , August 8. [ Special Tele
gram to THE BTBE.J The Kansas City & Bo-
ntrlco railway bonds proposition carried to
day by a majority of 1,291. there being only
forty votes against. There is if real rejoicing
In tbo city. The road is to bo completed to
this city by January Inoxt. The proposition
wua to give f50,000 to aid the road , which Is
to bo built from Summerfiold. Knn. , to Vir
ginia , on the Rock Island , and will come into
the city ever the Rock Island fourteen miles.
It will bnild a brick and stone depot , round
house aud machine shops.
A Jfivrelry ThlBf Gnuglit.
BLim , Nob. , August 8. { Special to Tnn
UBB. ] Yesterday a young man entered S.
Neve's Jewelry store and wbllo Neve's back
was turned stole two watches and ran out of
the door. Nero caught up with bim and in
the souffle ho threw the watches away. He
finally got away and about ono hundred men
juid boys took after nim ud caugnt bim in n
wood abed , where ho was trying to hido.
JPoltoo Judge Sherman gave bim the benefit
of a fine of (50 and three days of each iroeJc
on bread and water.
Beatrice Bo a a Election.
BHAHUCI : , Nob. , August 8. | Special Telo-
grain to Tmc BBU. ] Tha bond election Is
proceeding quietly. 'The indications at 2
o'clock are that the bonds will carry by ten
to one. Church Howe is hero , presumably
watching the result with the hope that tbo
bonds will not carry. The nntis have
flooded the city with circulars denouncing
the bonds. It is generally conceded that the
most active opposition comes from the Bur
lington. _
Settled hv
NEBHASKA CITT , Neb , , August 8. [ Special
to TUB BKK.I Joel Moeks and Mrs. Mary
Trotter , of Hamburg , Imvo settled n serious
difficulty between them by tholr marriage in
Omaha yesterday , according to Tuu BKE. A
uhort ttmo ago Mrs. Trott-or bad Moeks ar
rested lu this city on the ohargo of horse
Htcollng , and later na' was again arrested ,
while in n crazy lit , for attempting to curve
a neighbor. The inurriago of the culprit to
hi * prosecutor will doubtless settle the coses.
Drowned nt Norfolk.
NOBIOLK , Nob. , August 8. [ Special Telegram -
gram to TUB UBE. | While bathing in the
North Fork this afternoon Rudolph Moldon-
linra , a promising young Gorman , aged about
avontoen years , was drowned. Ho dived
from a boat m mid Btroiui and never rose to
the surface , . His father , W. A. Moldonham ,
Is a respected shoo dealer of this place. The
accident happened at b o'clock and the body
was not found until 0.
Shot at II or Husband.
NEBRASKA CITT , Neb. , August 8. [ Special
to TUB BEK.J Mr * . Frank Runyan , living
in Groggsport , was principal In a family
row last night and shot at her husband , the
bullet cutting a hole through his coat. There
were no arrests. Tha woman is a "bad 'un ' , "
and this is the second tlmo she attempted
her husband's life , the other time having
been about a year ago , when ho objected to
her fait way ot living.
Appointed on the Governor's tnfT.
FAIUUUUV , Neb. , August a [ Special Tele-
grain to TUB BIB. | News was received here
jto-day that Captain O. J. Bills , of company
1A ) , Second rognnout N. N. G. , has received
the appointment of aide-de-camp on the gov-
ruor1 * taff with the rank of oolonal Ills
place will probably bo supplied by the oloo-
tlon of Lieutenant Hasty to the position of
_ _ _ _ _
Mangled Hy n Train.
BBATnicu , Nob. , AUi'URt 8. ( Special Tulo-
ynuo to Tun BBK. ] Elmer Schy , aged
twtlre , a carrier boy for the Beatrice Er-
prcss , was frightfully mangled by h Union
PaclOo passorger train this evening near
the Court street crowing. The boy had
climbed on n car stop to ride n short dlstanco
nnd , losing his .hold , foil under tha wheels
and was cut nearly In two diagonally.
Plntiflinniith'n Klootrlo Slot or.
PHTTSMOtmt , Nob. , August H. [ Special
to THE HER. I The stringing ot the
wlro for the electro-motor street railway
was begun this morning under the direction
of Superintendent Cornell , ot the Western
Engineering company of Kearney , and tnrco
miles ot wire will bo ready for use in a fotv
days. The engines nt the power bouso were
ilrod up to-day and the machinery stood n
thorough nnd satisfactory tost. The cars nro
dally expected to arrive , they having been
shipped from Now York August 1. All
work on the line is being pushed , so ns to
hnvo it in operation for the old settlors' bar-
bccuo nnd reunion , which will occur about
August 17.
A Move to Aid Pnrmorfl. , Neb. , August 8. [ Special to Tnx
BEB.I The citizens of Boone county hold n
mass meeting bora yesterday afternoon to
dovlso ways and means to aid the farmers
whoso crops bavo boon destroyed by the recent -
cent ball storm. Lorln Clark acted as chair
man and O. M. Noodhatn secretary. A com
mittee was appointed lu each precinct In the
county to solicit nld. This Is ft commendable
stop , und the largo attendance nt the moot
ing speaks well for the citizens of Boone
TIio Broken Bnw tlminlnn.
BIIOKRN Bow , Neb. , August 8. [ Spoclnl
Telegram to THE BEB. ] Governor Thayer
spoke for an hour to-day to an nudtoneo ot
fully 10,000 pooplo. The Grand island nnd
Kearney base ball clubs , who were to play
hero to-day , failed to materialize. The G. A.
R. , assisted by the local Knights of Pythias
nnd firemen , paraded this evening.
Crushed His Leg.
MAniaoH , Nob. , August 3. ( Special to
Tni : BBK. ] This morning as Glint Smith ,
one of the clerks In Thomas & Smith's store ,
was riding along Pearl street his horse
lipped on the crossing and full heavily on
its side , crushing both bones ot Smith's log
below the knee joint and badly bruising him
in several places.
1'rcabytorjr at Dunbnr.
NEnuAsici CITT , Nob. , Angust 8. [ Special
Telegram to Tim Bnc. ] The Prcsbytory of
the Cumberland Presbyterian church mot at
Uunbarthis evening. The Sunday school
association of tha sumo church held an inter
esting convention last night , which was well
attended by delegates.
Will Hold a iMcnlo.
NBIIUASKA CITV , Nob. , August 3. [ Special
to TUB BEB. ] The Otoo county school teach
ers , directors and citizens generally will hold
n Dig reunion nnd picnic at Morton park in
.this ciity on the 30th of this month. C. H.
Gore , ot Lincoln , will deliver an address.
ArrcHted as 11 Ooop.rter.
NRDUASKA CITV , fteb. , August 8. [ Special
Telegram to TUB BEE. ! Dan ICillnn was
arrested here to-day on the charge of being
an army deserter from Fort Clark. Tex. The
military authorities have boon notified.
A Knlooii Robbed.
NEBIIASKA Ctxr , Neb. , August 8. | Special
Telegram to TnK BKB. ] John Erbacha's
saloon was robbed last night , the "burglars
torcing open n window and carrying off the
money drawer containing considerable cash ,
A Severe Electrical Storm.
MASON Crrr , la. , August 8. [ Special Telegram -
egram to Tuu BBB.J A heavy electrical
storm passed ever this section early this
morning. A building was struck by light
ning nt Algona , and before the ilamos could
bo got under control Ave business blocks ,
valued at $15,000 , were consumed. Near
Clear Lake lightning struck A. Gasman's
barn nnd killed four of his speed horses.
Telegraph poles nlong the different lines of
railroad loading into this city were badly
splintered. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Tlicv Oo Dn Instructed.
MISSOURI VALT.P.T , la. , August 8. [ Special
Telegram to Tins BEE.j The republican
county convention assembled nt Logan this
afternoon. Hou. Charles McKenzie , of .Dun-
lap , was elected permanent chairman. Dole-
Rate * were elected to represent the county
in the coming senatorial convention. The
delegation Is unlnstructedbutitls estimated
that it Is equally divided between Wheeler
nnd Hull. A resolution was ndopted strongly
approving Governor Larrabeo's course.
Itcd Oak In rested With Thutn.
Rxn OAR , la. , August 8. [ Special to THE
BUB. ] C. N. Lane , ot this place , hadaiino
horsn stolen lost night There is no clue to
the thief yet. A small barn belonging to
Mrs. Sprinkle was set on flre lu another part
of the town , and during the excitement the
horse was stolen. The town is full of bootleggers -
loggers , gamblers and dead "beats and no ef
fort Is being Blade by the city authorities to
got rlii of them.
Another"Wheplor Delegation.
CLifrrox , la. , August 8. [ Spouinl Tele
gram to Tun 13BE , [ The Clinton county re
publicans hi convention to-day elected nine
teen delegates to the state convention. The
light was between the Hull anil Whcelnr
factions over the delegates , and Wheeler's
friends did the best work. While tbo dele
gation is not instructed , seventeen out of tbo
nineteen are for Wheeler.
The YL'oodbnry County Convention.
Sioux CITV , la. , Augusts. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB BEE. ] The republican county
convention to5ay selected twenty-two dele
gates solid for Wheeler for governor. Reso
lutions were also adopted indorsing Whoclor
and Instructing the delegation for him.
Jumped I lie Truck.
MISSOUUI VALLCT , la. , Augusts [ Succlal
Telegram to TUB BEE. ) A wreck on the
Sioux City & Pacific , near Sergeant' * Bluff ,
occurred last night at 10 o'clock. Tbo en
gine and mall car went into tbo river and the
coaches were derailed. The. fireman was se
riously Injured.
No Small Pox at La Mars.
LR MAIIS , In. , August 8. [ Special Tele
gram to THC BEE. ] An unaccountable mis
take was made in the stnnll pox report sent
out from hero Monday night It s'hovld'hnvo
read scarlet fovor. There has bcon no small
pox uerc.
A Crawford County Snloldo.
MAKSIIAU.TOWH , la. , August 8. [ Special
Telegram to TUB BBK. ] Theodore Strntton ,
single , aged forty-five years , hanged himself
in Jackson township , Crawford county , yes
terday. No causa is assigned for the act.
Broke Jnil.
EI.IXMIA , In. , August 8. [ Special Telegram
to THE BBE.I Henry Smith , confined In the
Jail horo. broke jail n week ago , but was cap
tured. Lust night ho escaped again and is
till at largo.
_ _
Killtor Hull's Murderer Escnnrs.
JACKSON , Miss. , August 8. In response to
the request ot the sheriff of Bolivar county ,
Governor Lowrey ordered a company of
militia to renort to the sheriff to assist in the
arrest of Wolsslngcr , who murdered Editor
Hull at Rosodule a few days ago.Veis -
singer was reported to be under arrest in the
hands of hia friends in Conoordla. When
the sheriff aud militia went there to-day
they vrcro informed that WeUsluger had cs-
caoed lout Tuesday. It is stated tbat bis
friends carried him to a railway station ,
where ho took the train.
The Irrigation Qnoatlon.
BOZEMAN , Mont , August 8. Senators
Stewart and Roogan , of tbo United SUtoi
senate committee on Irrigation , and Major
Powell , of the United States geological sur
vey , arrived bore to-day and nt onca began
tbo work of examining the irrigation ditches
that tupply vratur to the ( armors in this
'neighborhood. The UouHihlag .appearance
of thn crops attested tnu groai ralua of irri
gation to thU community.
An lotornal Enoray That la Down
ing the Brotherhood.
Ills Opposition to A Federation of
llnllrond Etnptoycfl nnd n Weak
ness Vor the Cast Sours
Other Sections.
Dlsnnlntlon Imminent ,
CHICAGO. August 8. [ Special Telegram to
TUB llKn.J The mom bora of the Brother-
hoodof Locomotive Engineers In Chicago
nro In nn unenviable frame of mind nt pres
ent. They nro In the position of men who do
not know what is bofoVo them , and may bo
said to bo on the ragged edge. Tliolr uncer
tainty is In connection with tholr next gen
eral convention , which will bo hold ln-Dcn-
vor , Colo. , In October. All of thorn ngroo
that the late strike on the Burlington road
will engage a largo share ot the attention of
the convention and many of those who wcro
most affected by it hold firmly to the opinion
that though the strike has long since been
declared oft and has been almost forgotten by
the public generally , the ultimate outcome of
it will bo a dissolution of the brotherhood.
A rewrter ran across ono of those who
toolt nn active part In the strike nnd who is
still without an engine , this morning , and
questioned him on the outlook ,
"There Is no use talking,11 said bo , "that
strike hod better never been declared off.
bo far only ten or cloven of us have boon
nble to get places on the Burlington road und
many like myself have not boon able to place
our hands on the throttle valro of an ngino
since wo went out on tbo strike. A
number have none to the Northern Pacific ,
and seine did eot positions for n short tlmo
on the Illinois Central , but they were only
given those places to enable the general
managers to nay -they had shown their will
ingness to employ the strikers and that no
black list is in existence. Aa n matter of
Tact , the majority of us are still unemployed ,
and declaring the strike off tins mndo our
position worse than before. It has mndo it
Impossible for us to draw anything Trora the
brotherhood funds and loft us high and dry
without resources of uuykind. The most
conservative men among us look upon the
dissolution of the brotherhood ns imminent.
I am sorry for it myself , but still I am forced
to ooincldo with the opinion. "
"Wby should the foot that you nro out of
work and unable to draw out of the brother
hood funds bring about a dissolution of the
brotherhood I"
"Tho dissolution Trill bo brought about for
two reasons. The brotherhood Is split up
over the retention of Chief Arthur at the
head of the organization. lie has got the
eastern men under his thumb , and .they will
fight to re-elect him. The west won't
have him on tiny terms. Hero in
this section we believe that -he thinks
the brotherhood exists for the benefit of Mr.
Arthur , nnd the eastern men support bim
because ho uphold them when they refused
to contribute to the support ot the strikers.
They refused to do anything for us. Then
there is the question of the organization of a
federation to include all ranks of railway
employes. Tbo result of the Burlington
strike proved conclusively tha inability of
the brotherhood to take care of their own In
terests without the ui J of the other railroad
men. It showed thnt wo cannot succeed independency -
dependency of each other , Arthur and his
following is strongly opposed to any federa
tion of labor. They know that if ihnt is
'brought about it will cut away the supports
from under them and Arthur will bo no
more. If it Is not brought about the brotner-
hood will split into two factions and will bo
utmblo to exist as at present organized.
Should Arthur nnd his following be beaten
the "brotherhood Trill bo swallowed up in the
federation. Its destruction Is certain in any
case. "
"Where does Arthur's strength come from
besides the east ! "
"Nowhere , The entire west and north
west and the south , Canada and Mexico are
against him. Ho has the east at his back ,
but all the other sections are against him ,
and if they act together there should bo no
doubt of the outcome AU these sections
are m faror of a co-operative union. "
General Roberts has succeeded in quelling
the county scat war between Ravenna and
Eminence , Kan. , for the present , but says it
may break out again at any time. '
AWabash Western train from Chicago
was derailed in St. Louis yesterday. No
body was hurt.
Anderson , the St , Louis wife murderer ,
has been reprieved till September 13.
The next convention of the American Cath-
ollo total abstinence union will be held at
President Harrison has granted a respite
to August SO in the case of Joseph Spaniard ,
a Fort Smith , Ark. , murderer.
The heading of the great tunnel a ) . Cum
berland Gap , -which united the states of Ken
tucky , Tennessee nnd Virginia , was knocked
In at 0 o'clock last evening with appropriate
Hon. James E. Doolittlo , jr. , of Chicago , Is
dead ,
An epidemic of bloody flux is raging at
Carthage , 111.
Returns from the Cherokee elections show
that a largo majority of too Downing party
candidates are elected.
An Uproar In the Commons.
LONDON , August 8. In the house of com
mons last night , during the debate on tbo
Irish estimates , Mr. Balfour , chief secre
tary for Ireland , referred to the two resident
magistrates refusing to subscribe for the
ruco meeting because Ted Harrington , a mem
ber of the committee , had denounced the
police as cowards , liars and blood
hounds. Harrington challenged Balfour
to give his authority , and Bnl-
four replied that ho spoke on
the beat of authority. Harrington
started across the floor , apparently with the
intention of assaulting Balfour. A tre
mendous unronr followed. The chairman's
yell for order was drowned in Irish yells ,
The tumult continued for a quarter of an
hour , the chairman warning the Paniollltes
to control their feelings. When order was
restored both men apologized for their hasty
The Immigration Question.
LONDON , August 8. The committee ap
pointed by uarliamont to consider tfio ques
tion of immigration , recommends that an
annual census bo taken of the aliens arriving
and bottling in Great Britain. The com
mittee thinks it inadvisable at present to en
force the laws similar to those in forca in
Auioricu against destitute emigrants , but
says the country ought to contemplate the
early necessity for such legislation la view
of tbo extreme pressure of existence among
the poor and tha tendency of destitute
foreigner * to lower the condition of living ,
especially in the great towns.
m *
No Temporal Power.
CIIAUTADQ.UA , N. Y. , Augusts. In a pow
erful and eloquent lecture on'"Popo Hllder-
bracd , " Dr. Frank W ; Qunsaufus , of Chicago
cage , to-day , traced the reign of CoAserism
In the church of Homo , denounced the re
newal of temporal power and declared that
as the escaping Wilkes Booth was caught
entangled in the folds of tbo American flags.
so any Roman pontiff , who aimed at temporal
authority in the United States , would be
smothered in the ample windings of the
tars and stripes.
Detective JKorria Bounced.
ANX.iroi.iB , Md. , August fi. A telegram
hn.1 boon received by Secretary of State Lo
Compto from Governor Lowry , of Missis
sippi , stating that ho had 'revoked the ap
pointment of Detective Norrla. who wa the
only ono trying to arrest Kllraln.
Allen' * Partner Arrested.
NBW YORK , August 8. Ferdinand .
Hoofel , partner of the embezzling protidcnt.
Ebbon S. Alloa , was lo-Blgnt Arrested
charged with bolug a co-con piraiarot .Alton
lu pauing forged keourlUo * .
Grand , .Olroult Itnoen.
BnTFXi.o , NJTf , August 9. [ Spools ! Telegram -
gram to THIS Ben.Tha match between
Harry Wilkes and Belle Hamlin drew an 1m-
monso crowd rte ( ho grand circuit races this
afternoon. Aj ajhattor ot fact , the chief
card was notjnt,3all | interesting , ai Harry
Wilkosvros notOhtmiolf , and the Buffalo
mare tripped nwrv $ from him in both boats ,
the first in 2i j'7 , , ' and the second 3:17 # . a
slow mile for nJvjSr of crack trotters. Dot
ting XVM In thot gelding's favor before tbo
start nt odds of J > to 20 , but It was to 3 to 1
on Bella Hamlfh jiftcr tbo first bent. Hnrry
"Wllkcs was drWoq.'unuor the -whip In both
miles , but wai not able to got near enough
to bo dangerous "after the first half of the
first heat.
The ether events wore exceptionally good
nnd furnished the finest snort over scon nt
this track. The unfinished events wcro
ended by n heat each by Wilkes landing the
free-for-all llttlo trouble ho
- - pace with , ns
cnmoout much iho best of the three loft in
the raco. Groylight had nn easy victory in
the 3:20 : class , and the former favorite , .Tack ,
was unsteady and much out of form. Then
came the match , which was finished before
any ether classes Wore called.
After this the slake for 8'J-l : trotters wan
called , with Hcndryx a big favorite nnd n
largo sum of money in the auction pools on
him nt odds ottlvo to four. But Hendryx
was not in tbo race , while the grey stnlllon ,
Alcryon , reeled oft a victory in consecutive
heats , all fast , the second In 3t"K : , his best
record to date. Alcryon Is totally blind , but
ho wont steadily nnd was never headed in
any bent. Genn Smith sustained his reputa
tion in the 3:18 class after n hard battle with
his fleet opponents. AU the heats were
rapid , the second in 2:10 > / , Doing the fattest.
Gean was winning the fourth heat easily
when he lost his ntrido , so that ho Imd to go
another mile before victory was his.
The sensational event was the stake for
four-year-olds. Marie Jansen was the
favorite , but MoEwan. n chestnut stallion
from Tennessee , landed the race in straight
heats. In the first ho cnmo from third plnco ,
passed Gllllg nnd outtrotted Jansen on the
homestretch , making the mile in 3:10. : Ho
made the next heat in 3:10J : and the third lu
good time.
The meeting ends to-morrow with the 3:33 :
nnd frco-for-nll trot nnd 2:17 : pace. Johnston
will pace to boat S:00 : > / , and Belle Hamlin
and Jusllna , driven by their owner , C. J.
Hamlin , will trot to a road wagon to beat
2:20. : Summary :
rirnsc $1,000 , ruEE-ron-ALt , rioc.
Roy Wilkes ( Davlsy . 1 12331
Gossip , Jr. , ( 'turner ) . . .3 31123
Jowott ( Poult ) . . . . . . 3 33313
Lady Wllkin ( Boxvon ) . 4 4444
Timo-8 :10 : , 2 : IS3 :15tf , 2 :17 : , 2 :18K. 2 :15. :
runsE $2,000 , 2:30 CLASS.
Groyliqht ( Goldsmith ) . 1 121
Jack ( Doblo ) . 4 315
T. T. S. ( McDonald ) . 8 342
Lucillo's Baby ( Green ) . 2 654
Pennant ( Gerso ) . 0433
Geneva S. ( McCarthy ) . 5 5 6dr
Titno 2:17K. : 2:1 < % 2:18jr : , 2:17. :
Belle Hamlin ( Andrews ) . 1 1
Harry Wilkes ( Turner ) . 3 2
Time 2:17 : , 2:17tf.
runsE S5.000 , 2:24 : CLASS.
Alcryon ( Robin ) 'il J . 1 1 1
Geneva ( Doblo ) ' ' , > , . 3 2 2
Yorktown Bello'mtiilllps ) . 3 3 7
.Mocking Bird ( AUdrews ) . 8 8 3
Hendryx ( Hiils ) . . 4 . 4 5 4
Argentine ( Bowen ) . , . 5 i 5
Grocnlnndor ( D-vfisJ . 7 0 0
Elastic Starcti ( Smith ) . . . 0 7 8
Timo-S:17K : , 3-17 , 2JS.
STAKES $5UC , FOim-TBAn-OLT > 3.
McEwan ( GoMgi. ) . I 1 1
Marie Jnnseii ( Dobld ) . 2 3 3
Gilllp ( Goldsmith ) . ; ; . 3 3 2
Governor Stanford ! < Stinson ) . 4 4 4
Prince Repent ( Andrews ) . Dis.
Timo-2:19 : , 3l9 : } , 'i3:21K. :
I'UitsK $2,000 , 2:18 : CLASS.
Goan Smith ( Gdiasinith ) . 3 1131
ICit Curry < IC.Vgcr ) ; . . 1 2224
J. B. Richardsod' fSplan ) . 3 4313
JunoMontn ( DlcRferson ) . 5 8452
Newton B. ( Doblo ) . . . . 4 5545
& 2:17 , 2:18. :
CHICAGO , August'8. [ Special Telegram to
Tna'BEB.l A lignt rain fell at intervals all
the afternoon nnd made the attendance at
the West Side very light. Th'e track was
sticky. The event of the day was an accident
whereby the Chicago stable loses the ser
vices of Marie Foster. This fllloy nnd Pali-
aadogot totrothor 'somewhat as tholiersos In
the second races rounded the upper
turn , nod both fell. Palisade and
the two jockeys escaped uninjured , but
Marie Foster loft the track on three legs.
She was not destroyed , but her leg was
broken. Summary :
Three-quarters ot a mile Pilgrim won ,
Lady Blackburn second , Irene third. Time
Throe-quarters of a mile Unite won , Joe
second , Mella T third. Time 1:6J .
Mile and ono oignth Little Minch won ,
Gilford second , Woodcraft third. No tlmo
One mile Hopodalo won , Balance second ,
John Daly third. Timo-l:40 # .
Three-quarters of a mile Fred Wooloy
won , Neva C second , Elsie B third. Tlmo
1:16 .
Three-qnartors of n mile Spaldlng won ,
Steve Jerome second , LUbort third. Time
The Chicago Reantta.
CHICAGO , August 8. Rain this afternoon
greeted the opening of the seventh annual
regatta of the Misslsslpol Valley Amateur
Rowing association. Most of the races of
to-day wore postponed until to-morrow morn
ing. Only two contests wore attempted.
The first event , a trial heat for single
sculls ( senior ) , was finished with Dennis
Donohuo , of Toronto , first , a length and u
half in the load of John Corbott , of Chicago ,
who took it cosily , satisfied apparently with
second pluco , entitling him to outer the llnal
heat. The others In ttio race were bunched ,
but were recorded as crossing the line in the
following order : McDowell , of Chicago ;
Strickland , of Toronto ; Cumlng , ot Boston ;
Shea , of Toronto ; Muchmoro , of Minneapo
lis. In the first trial heat for double sculls
the St. Paul team failed to appear.
The National League.
PiTTSDtwo , August 8. Result of to-day's
game :
Pittsbunr . 2 1. 4 0 0 5 0 0 0 12
Washington. . . . . 1 81010000 0
Base hiU Pittsburg 14 , Washington 7.
Errors Pittsburg 14 , Washington 3. Bat
teries Pittsburg , Morns and Carroll ;
Washington , Hndaoclc and Daly. Umpire-
Curry. ' ' ° _ J _
INDIANAPOLIS , August 8. Result of to
day's eama ; V ,
Iudlamipolla..4. 1313000 4 14
Now York . O'/O'-fl 011000-4
Base hits Indianapolis 10 , Now York 8.
Errors Indanuuoliji .3 , New York 4. Bat
teries Indianapolis , Boyle and Buckley ;
New York , Wolal& juid Brown , Umpire
iinj3 _ _
CLEVELAND , August 8. Result of to-day's
came : ,
Cleveland . 1 . ( O 830000-7
' "
Philadelphia.0'fa"5 00060 10
Boso hits Cloroladd 11 , Philadelphia 15.
Errors Cleveland 'Q , , Philadelphia 3 , Bat
teries ClevulanUypJUrion , Snydcr undZltn-
uior ; Philadelphia , plcason , Bufllnton and
Clomontr. UmulfOr-Iiynch ,
The Amoriciau' A.sst > olattt > n.
KANSAS Crrr , August 8. Result of to-day's
came :
Kansas City . . . .0 11000000 2
St. Louis 6 100 2010 12
LouisvrLLB , August 8. Result of to-day's
game :
Louisville 0 00000300 3
Cincinnati 0 0200001 1 4
COUIMIIUS , August 8. Result of to-day's
game :
Columbus..3 2 0 S 0 0 1 0 3-11
Brooklyn..3 1014 0 1 1 2-13
The continued use ot mercury mixture
poisons the tfystum , cause the bones to decay
and brings on mercurial rheumatism. The
use of B. S. 8. forces Impurities from the
blood , gives a good appetite und digestion ,
and buildi up the whole Human frame. Send
to Swift Bjwcifio Company , Drawer 3 ,
Atlanta , G * . , for TreatUo ou Blood Disease ,
The Pltoouo Appeal of the Mlaora
of Strontor , Illinois.
Their Ijorrtlr Fellow Worms Asked
to Consider Tliolr Onto nncl to
Vouchsafe WnRGB Lnongh
For Drond.
The Dlnnltjr or Anicrjonu Labor.
CHICAGO , August 8. The rohof committee
which 1ms boon sending food to the starving
minors of Slrcator nml ether northern Illi
nois points has Issued an address to tl.o people
of Illinois , lu which they say thora ara 2V
000 minors idle , nml it Is believed the followIng -
Ing cstimnto ot those dependent on clmrtty is
correct. This return Is mndo by William
Sclmifo , secretary of the miners' union :
Heads of Depend-
Families , onts.
Braluwood GOO 2,800
Brncovlllo 4 SO 2,000
Coal City 400 1,760
Strontor OIK ) 4,000
Clark City 1,400 70J
Diamond ! 330 000
Gardner. . 57 250
LnSallo 600 3,000
Spring Valley COO 3,000
Godloy 70 000
Hoanoko 150 400
Wlnonn 70 050
Total 4,053 18,450
"Tho committee find thai the minors1
wages have booii reduced In the lim seven
years from 81.03 per ton to S3 corns , und if
the last proposed reduction is put in foroo
the total decrease in wages per ton will ho 30
cents within the period named , hence it be
came notorious before the troubles which
took place on May 1 last that the minors did
not receive sufficient pay , oven among the
most industrious and prudent , to properly
support their wives and children. An effort
has been mudo to settle tha difficulty by ar
bitration , but will bo remembered this ap
plied only to one mine in Stroator , After
nearly three weeks' deliberation the majority -
ity of the minors decided that the minors
must return to work at 75 cents per ton.
which is certainly below proper living
wages. The committee hnvo reason to be-
llovo the decision will not bo satisfactory to
the miners , and having done nil in its power
to rellovo tholr sufferings , take the liberty
now to cucourngo further arbitration , and
this Is done in the hopn that at a com
promise 'may bo effected on a basis of 75
cents per ton , which , wo fool , ought to bo the
minimum wages paid. To this end the com
mittee has sent the following- telegram to
W. L. Scott , Erie , Pa. , and Francis Bnrtlctt ,
Boston , Mass. :
"Sir : The undersigned , acting for the
Chicago Citizens' Minors Relief committee ,
which , during the last four weeks , has col
lected and sent 400 tons of food to the desti
tute miners of Illinois , wishes to ask you if
you will not suggest some way of arbitration
or otherwise to settle the difficulty and
put your men back in the shafts.
1 will bo pleased to present to thorn any
proposition you may offer.
For Committee.
"Maanwhilo the minors and their families
are starving and further rohof must bo sent
thorn ; hsnco the committee will continue the
work of gatheiing supplies and sending them
to the destitute. Therefore the generous
public are asked to continue their donations.
Send cheeks , or notices where supplies maybe
bo obtained to the undersigned at No. 433
'West Taylor street , or to John Foley , county
agent , No. SO West MadUon street. Yours
faithfully , F.KAXK LAWLEK , M. C. ,
For Com mitt oo.
The Lake Shore Strike.
YotmosTovnr , O. , August 8. The situation
of the strike on the Lake Shore road between
this city and AshtaDula remains unchanged.
The company is at present moving about half
their traffic. At an carl ? hour this morning
several of a crow while passing through the
city were mot with a shower of stones.
The Coke Strllcn "Ended.
EVXKSON , Pa. , Angust 8. The great coke
strike is ended with a victory tor the men ,
with an advance of 12 per cent. This was
brought about by a conference of labor
leaders , whicn lasted all day , with the throe
largo coke firms.
A. Ncola Girl Describes her Wedding
and What Ilnnponod Afterward.
NKOLA , la. , August 5. Dear BEB : Since
you still continue to send a WBEKY BED to
buzz the news to mo , I suppose you still
expect mo to correspond. But , BEE , I
haven't written lately because I've been
off on a vacation , and in tbo mean
time , why , I got married , and am now set
tled at Neoln , and henceforth will try and
chronicle once lu a while these Noolaito pro
ceedings. And , HER , I'll tell you now how
it was done , provided you'll never toll.
Why , you see , Talmnge dear man had
boon preaching and said that every young
man ought to bo married , and Jock and I
quite agreed with him ( Jack is my husband
now ) , so wo discussed the subject , and de
termined to obey as sensible a man as the
great preacher , so Jaok hurl another discus
sion with papa , and matters were sattlod. It
was no use for mo to say "Oh , so sudden I"
or try to toll any polite flbs to- Jack , bocauao
ho always knows when I fib , and he says ho
hates girls who fib , so I talked with him very
sensibly , ho says , and saved the fibs for
other folks.
As soon as ma knew It she began and told
mo what u solemn thing it was to bo mar
ried , but it isn't ; it Isn't
near as solemn as not to bo
married , especially when ono is well , old
enough to bo married a year or two ago.
Then all my aunts began a course of lectures.
They would strike an attitude before me and
preface their remarks with "Oh , now Nellie
you must , " or else , "Now Nellie , you must
remember and must not , " but that was
as much us I over heard , I usually shut the
door behind mo about that time , till finally
they let mo alone. But they were of souio
use , however , they helped mother to hunt
dressmakers , and they uhused tbo creatures
to their lairs in the stuffy top stories and
garrets and told ma the names of several
dona where she could find more of the tame
At last the evening came on which I wan to
bo married. I wanted to bo married at
church since I'm an Episcopalian , but pa
tuld it was "putting on style , " so 1 was mar-
rlad at homo. My aunu and cousins , nine
of them , prepared to dross mo for the occa
sion , it took four mortal hours. They bad
ordered ouo hundred different articles for
my toilet , and 11 vo minutes before the hour
caino , they found that Just nlnoty-nlno and a
half "wouldn't do , " or else wore forgotten.
Finally they descended in a body to toll Jack
I was ready , Oti , how strange and fright
ened I fell as I looked In the glass and saw
my wulto robe and veil trailing behind mo.
I wished that an earthquake or a cyclone
would coma und that I would blow awuy and
didn't bavo to bo married at .ill , and pres
ently , when Jack cauio , ho hoard something
suspiciously like a sob. Then ho called mo a
little goose and some more namoi and fell
to mussing up my hair and getting the
enamel off my cheeks and lips , theu wo
heard a step and Jock discreetly straight
ened himself , und mother , very teao iudocd ,
came In with the minister.
Oh , what a solemn -looking minister that
was , it Quito frightened uio , really. I'vo
soon a cow look just that same way , and
well ho might , for bo had an awful paper
with him , with dreadful questions on U ,
about our forefathers and forcmothers , tvao
they were , and what oolor they were.
Well , ho and his paper preceded ui down
stairs , and ho faced about and told the folks
what they bad come there for. I was just
awfully scared. an.1 the next thing 1 knew
Jack was holding my right hand and saying
"I will ; " my turn cumo noxt. aud I said "I
will ; " then the minister put my ring on. oh
it is just a lovely one. so heavy and nlco ;
well , the minister ala some moro thine * to
us , and tuoro is ono thing ho said that I hope
aome folks will take noUca of , it WM about
"holding their peace and not saying any
thing hereafter. " I do hope they'll mind
that. Pretty BOOU folks said it was nil over ,
just Ilka a surgical operation , aud they all
with one accord began to klas ut , the old
lodlos , and especially the old mald < , just
hugged Jock , ( I didn't blame them ono bit ,
for Jack ulfl look dreadful handsome In his
ovonrap suit ) , and the gentlemen kissed mo ,
Jack looklnff.slraight nt thorn , too ; ono man
with an awful spenry mustache gave mo an
awful wet big smack right on my cheek. I
know ho did it on purpose to see if the color
would come off , ( and it did of course ) . I
made an nwful face nt It ; I hope ho didn't
sco it , because ho is u warm friend ot Jack's ,
nnd gave us a lovely present , too. Well ,
while the folks were gossiping and eating up
nil the stuff that It him taken mother a WOOK
to prepare. Jnok hml I nllpKxl | Rway.ohangod
our suits and were whirled off by the train.
The wedding was over , and this wai how It
was done. Ju.u
Iturned in
ATLANTA , On. , August 8. Postmaster
Lewis and Colonel A. K. Buck were burned
In ofllpy before the court house to-night In
the presence of probably 10.0JO ppoplo. This
notion is the result of Lewis appointing a
negro to a place in the registry
department , where ho would come in contact
with n whlto lady olork. Colonel Uutlor U n
republican loader nnd Is supposed to have in
spired the appointment.
Telegraph null Tclouhnno Wires Dnm-
nucil and Many Collars Flooded.
A great deal Of daraago resulted from last
night's heavy rainfall nnd electrical storm.
The principal feature of tbo ntorm
was the total disabling of the dis
trict telegraph company's 120 wires ,
extending to ovary part of the city'
The loss Is about $300 on the wires nnd In
struments , and to this must bo added the
loss of business for n day and a. . night , for
the system can not bo repaired in loss time.
Telegraph and telephone wires were
also badly damaged , At 11:45 : o'clock
It was reported that tha central route could
bo worked only as fur as North Platte ; the
Chicago report was six hours late on the
northern and soutuorn routes , imd thnt tuo
Denver wire was In bad shape. The telephone -
phone connections between Omaha and Lin
coln , Nebraska City , Wahoo and Wavorly
were burned out.
A raging torrent poured into the gully ,
which is backed up by the railroad track nt
Fourteenth nnd Ploreo , and half a dozen
American and Bohemian families were
flooded out of Dago Hollow , at Eighteenth and
Pierce , and the adjacent district was as
usual flooded to a depth of four or five feet.
On Loavonworth , between Twenty-fourth
and Twenty-fifth , tbo deep gully on whoso
sides a number of houses stand , wa > well
filled. Collars and finally lower stories of
those bouses were flooded.
No serious breaks in pavements. were re
ported at 2 o'clock.
Boat Rnco ut Mnnnwn.
Sunday afternoon , August 17 , at 280 ;
o'clock , n double boat race will bo rowed on
Lake Manawa between "William Burncss and
John Huchon against William Watson and
Frank H. Canllo , for a purse of S-io. it. P.
Echliu will bo referee. James Lowry is
stakoholdo. In case William Watson and
Frank H. Cantlio lose , Mr. Watson will roxv
the winner.
Stepped on a Hiiuty Nail.
Miss Jessie Carpenter , the little daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Carpenter , Wednesday
evening stepped on a rusty nail , inflicting a
painful wound in her foot. A surgeon
dressed the wound.
Notes About the City.
Nols Nelson is Is ill with bronchitis.
Richard Swift , of the Armour-Cudnhy
force , is ill with malaria.
J. S. Damson is now in John F. Roushar'a
Ritsums Christen , aged forty-five , died nt
his homo on Twentieth street , near F ,
Thursday afternoon ut 4 o'clock , leaving u
wife and hvo children. The funeral will
take place Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock.
Interment in Laurel Hill cemetery.
Bryan Connoly is ill with cramps.
James H. Fleming has purchased the Phco
nix silicon from I. Kobinson.
Marie Gravion has applied for a liquor li
A special meeting of Rescue ho c tio. 1 ,
was hold Thursday evening , at which only
general business was diacusiod. A regular
meeting will bo hold next Wednesday oven-
W. R , Lnmberson is now behind Frank J.
Knnau's counter.
Personal Paragraphs.
Mrs. John Gilmore , ot Missouri Valley ,
la. , is visiting her sister , Miss Maggie
H. P. Brady will go to Chicago Friday
evening on a short visit
Misses Nellie and Molllo White , of Daven
port , la. , are the guests of Miss Colin Mad
Miss Gertrude Glasgow and Mrs. Manloy
W. Ruylcy. who have bocn visiting friends
in Sioux City , have returned home.
John H. Roushar has returned from
Vlrs. Sofronla Hoskln , of Cincinnati , is
visiting her daughter and son-in-law , Mr.
nnd Mrs. L. J. Carpenter.
Patrick Hauloy has gone to Chicago.
A Qnoor Glilno-io Funeral.
At the funeral of n Chinaman in
Philadelphia nome queer ceremonies
were observed , Tbo deceased was
clothed in garmontsof the lightest toxt-
urc , so that he might not suffer from
the heat in his now abode. He wore a
straw hat , and in ono hand he held a
fan. The corpse of a Chinaman IB al
ways provided with money to pay Us ex
penses to the unknown country. One of
the mourners droppea between Hong's
teeth a twenty-live cent piece , and about
a score of the others came forward with
their quarter contributions. The un
dertaker could not get nil of them in
the dead Chinaman's mouth , and half
of the silver pieces'wore placed in his
pocket. The ceremonies finished , the
colHu was closed , and ever the top of it
were placed strips of rod , whlto aud
blnclc hunting , the colors of the Sing
Ye Hong society ( Chinese freemasons ) ,
of which the dead man hud boon a
member. _
Xnko i ho Lobster Straight.
A pliyslclan in Boston Globe : "I was
called to BOO Miss Blank to-day and she
is suffering from u poisonous dose of
lobster and ice cream not BO seriously
poisoned that it was necessary to use a
stomach-pump , but poisoned enough to
mulco her very ill * And now I want to
toll you what everybody doesn't know ,
but what everybody ought to know in
this weather. Lobster und milk , when
taken together , form a combination of
n poisonous nature , and lobster taken
with any form or preparation of milk is
very pernicious in its ofleut on the
bowels. Beware of the lobster , but if
you must take him , take him straightl"
Wnntod to Stay In God'n Country.
An exchange tolls of an old farmer of
north Nebraska who , at a revival meet
ing when the preacher culled upon all
who wanted to go to heaven to rise to
tholr foot , firmly kept hia seat. When
the invitation was given to all who
wanted to go to.holl to rise , ho still remained -
mained sitting. "My perishing frionrt , "
said the revivalist , coming down the
aisle , "you don't want to go to heaven
or boll ; may I ask you whore you wnr.t
to goy" "Nowhere , " was the reply. "I
want to stay right hero in northern
Nebraska. "
Walked Over the Water.
Prof. Oldriovo raada a wnger recently
tbat ho would walu on the bay from any
point within twenty miles of Boston to
the mainland.tho stakes being 9200. The
wager was filled , but the harbor was BO
rough that Ularievo's friends did not
dare to go moro than five miles out to
sea. Oldriovo , however , plueklly walked
in with his four-foot water shoes and
won the mouoy.
Chicago's Dvlnklnff Water Booming
the Undertaking Business ,
After Rolllnc It Blftjr Bo ITfloil In Ken
tucky Doins ) TIio KronlttR Jour-
nnl's ETI > OP The Mayor
Liken the Wntnr.
An Epidemic of Typhoid Favor.
CHICAGO , August 8. [ Special Telegram t
Tun BKC.J Owing to the horrible condition
of Chicago's drinking water t'loro ' U an cnl-
domic of typhoid fever raging In the south
ern part of the city.
The livening Journal snys : The Initial
germs of the disease began to got In their
work n few days after the big storm , which
Hushed the sewers and sent their contents
out to tha crib. It was nt llrst thought no
evil results would follow. The mayor , ac
companied by n tug full of ofllolnts , exam
ined the water nt the crib nnd pronounced It
safe to drink. Private physicians expressed
contrary opinions , which were promptly
ponh-poohed by the authorities , nnd until a
few days ago no public doorco advising pre
caution wnt Issued. Meanwhile the germs
were quietly Insinuating themselves Into the
systems of the community. How effectively
they did tholr work the existence on Cottngo
Grove avenue , between Thirty-first street
nnd Forty-second street , of between ono hun
dred and llfty and ono hundred nnd seventy ,
five cases of typhoid fever eloquently tes-
tlllcs. The Information came Into the posses
sion of the Journal this morning. It was ver
ified by u representative of tnu paper this
morning , and had moro tlmo been available
ether parts of the city would doubtless have
been found to bo similarly affected. Inns-
much ns typhoid fever Is not considered a
contagious discnso no report of its presence
is mada to the health department , but from
physicians and undertakers conservative es
timates were received placing the number of
cases In the district mentioned at ever ouo
till ml re il and llfty.
Dr. Thomas S. Huffakor said ho had boon
called on to attend n largo number of oases
and hud many still under bis charge. ' 'I nV-
trlbuto the cpliVmlo to the impurity of the
lake water , " OB ill. " 1'ho llrst ca os ap
peared shortly after the big storm , 'and in
every Instance i n wo found that the patient
bad been drinking lake water. There nro
numerous families who at this season of the
year rely for their drinking wutor on the
mineral spring ntSonth Park. In not ono of
those families have I discovered or hoard of
typhoid fever or cliolcni inorbus , which is
also prevalent and Is duo to the impure lake
water. Several deaths Imvo occurred within
my own knowledge , although I have lost but
ono patient , and that wns owing to failure tenet
net according to m.v advice. I have talked with
my brother physicians about the epidemic ,
and they nil ucrco with mo as to the cause.
If the water were boiled no danger would re-
suit , but It should not bo drunk otherwise. '
B. P , Cronkrlto , n real CRtato agent nt
Forty-third street and Cottage Grove ave
nue , said that ho understood that 170 cases
prevailed between Thirty-Ural street and
Forty-second street.
Lewis After thn Locals.
OMAHA , August 8,1839. To the Sorting
Editor of Tnu BER Dear sir : Will you
please publish the following challenge m
your next issue I I understand there nro
sovornl good wrestlers in your city who sootn
to think they could stand a chance to defeat
mo In a mutch. Now , before I leave for
Denver , I wish to state that I will make a I
match , catcb-as-catch-can , and agrou to throw Ii i
any man that can bo put up against mo
from your city or state , seven falls in ono
hour's straight wrestling "tor from ftiSO to
any reasonable amount , and 1 will make the
matches come of in the Coliseum in about
two weeks from date. D. A. McMilIcn can
also bo backed to do the same.
Champion Catch-as-Catch-Can Wrestler
of the World.
Ctmllrnst ! Accepted.
P. J. Klrby and M. Kiigallon will play J. J.
Byrns and John N. Burke a crmno of hand
ball tor $100 a side , ut Hart & Kilgallon's
court , Twelfth and Chicago streets , Saturday
afternoon at 2 o'clock. This game will be
very Interesting and the public IB cordially
The Naughty Alton.
WASHINGTON , August 8. There has born
filed with the intor-stnto commerce commit *
sion the formal complaint of the Intor-stnto
Commerce Railway association ngam&t the
Chicago and Alton. Complaint hnn been
filed by the Cnlcago , Rock Island & Pacific
Railroad company against the Chicago and
Alton ,
A Narrow liccnpe.
RED WINO , Minn. , August 8. Ycsterdav'a
flood toro away n portion of the track of tha
Duluth , Rod Wing & Southern railroad near
Hay Creole. The passenger train from this
city lunt evening was saved from being
wrecked by n man who fortunately discov
ered the washout. The passengers raised u
largo purse for him.
British Klglits In BahrlriR Sen.
MONTUEAL , August 8. A special cabla
from London states that the imperial au ]
thorltics have decided that British rights in
Bahrlng sea must bu protected from further
American outrage.
Appointed Goverr or of Cretp.
LONDON , August 8. It is str.tcd thai
Chaklr Pasha , the Turkish ambassador nt
St. Petersburg , has been appoined governor-
general of Crnto. A force of 20,000 sold lor
will bo required to subjugate the malcon
A Klnnv PnllH Silk nnralnrv.
Sioux FALLS , S. D. , August 8. [ Special
Telegram to THE BKK. | Davidson's BeeHive
Hive wns burglarized last night of f < WO
worth of silks. The buralars entered by
means of the skylight No clue.
Constipation ,
K not remedied in season , Is liable to
I become habitual and chronic. Dras
tic purgatives , by weakening the bowels ,
confirm , rather than cure , the evil.
Ay or 'a Pills , lining mild , effective , aud
BtroiiKthonlDK In tliolr action , aru gener
ally rc'ummomlod by the faculty as the
beat of aperient * . ,
"Having buen subject , for years , to
constipation , without bolug able to ( Ind
much relief , I at lust tried Ayur'H 1'llla.
I deem it both a duty anil a plcamiro
to testify that I have derived great ben-
ollt from Uiulr USD. Kor ever two years
past I have taken uno of thtuie nllu
ivory night before retiring. I would not
willingly bo without them. " G , W.
Uowiuau , 20 Host Main nt. , Carlisle , Pa.
"I Imvo boon taking Ayer'fl Tills and
using them In my family wince 1837 , and
cheerfully recommend Ihfiin to all in
need of n safe but effectual cathartic. "
John M. BoggH , LuuUvllle , ICy.
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LouKhbrldge , Ilryan , Texas.
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