i fc * % 8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE * WEDNESDAY , AUGUST 7 , 1889. THEjjCITY. Revenue collections yeslordny. $ ! , - 160.60. The wife of Cnptiiln Orconj of the po lice force , is seriously 111 ngulm Sndlo Smith , n colored girl dotnhiod in the county jnll on u chnrgo of flght- ing , was rolcnsod ycslcrdivy nftornoon on nccount of sickness. The druggists ixro complying with the lust , order of the mayor requiring thnm to submit a half yearly report of the liquor sold for medicinal and other pur poses. John A. Mnlilor , the celebrated danc ing muster , of St. Louis , is hero want ing to negotiate with some benevolent or charity Institution for a kormlss. Ho lias already arranged to give one in Council UlulTa. William Osburn , of North Platte , is In tlio city waiting for McCormlck , the confidence man. to servo his time in jail , when ho Intends to hixvo him ar rested again for having confldoncecl him out of $10. Mrs. Robert Sloln , of this city , has a singularity in an cpg laid August 6 by u lion which was hatched April . ' ! , but three months before. The specimen is perfectly formed , but somewhat binallor than the ordinary egg. The case of John G. Woolwlno vs. E. C. Gnrvin , a suit for $170 for taking nway from plaintilT's stable one team of mules , harness and wagon , was decided In favor of plaintiff , judgment being rendered in the sum of1(0. ( . Fersonnl Mr. Euclid Martin , president of the board of trudo , U homo from his wostora trip , suffering from an attack of dlnhthorln. Juilpo Kollov. assistant conornl attorney of tha Union I'nclfla , has gone to Salt Lake , accompanied by his family. Miss LIHIo Matthews loft , yesterday , for Earllng , la. , whore slio has accepted a posi tion us slonocrnnher m the First National bank of that plncc. Tim ArcliltcatH' llnml. Uity Attorney Wcbstor has made out the lend for Fowler & HoindorlT , the architects of the now city hall. It Is in the sum of f.r > l,000 ) , anil will require two surotics. Ono of the latter who hns promised to go upon the bond Is nbsoat from town , and a mart delay Is anticipated before the docu ment may be scat for approval to the council. Sons i l' Veterans. All of the catiins of tlio Sons of Veterans west of the Missouri rlvor will rendezvous in Omaha on September 4 , and proceed by special train to Patterson , N. J. , where tlio national encampment will bo held , beginning September 11. Nebraska will send 11 fly delegates to the encampment. A band of sixteen places will acuomuany tha Omaha posts. _ Ijow Itntcs Prom Omaha and Council Bluffs via the Northern 1'acilic to all points on the North Pacific coast have bo placed in olTcct permanently. The stop-over privilege given on Northern Pacific second-class tickets enables the intend ing settler to personally inspect any portion of Washington Territory. Frco eocond-class sleepers are run via the Northern Paoilic from St. Paul through to Tacoma and Portland. Marriage licenses were Issued yesterday : o the following parting : Name and residence. Atro. " J AitolnU Matson , Omaha .25 ( IJotsoy Pearson , Omaha 25 J Peter HooKcnboescm , Omaha 23 ( Annie Diamond , Loup City , Neb 20 j Joel Weeks , Hamburp , la 4(1 ( J Mary Trotter , Hamburg , la. ; 4J ( I'ugiJi Sound. All points on Puget sound are more easily roach via the Northern Pacific than any other lino. This is the only line reaching nil parts of Washington territory , is the only line running-colo nist sleepers through the territory di rect to Tnconm , and is the only line via which through tickets can be purchased. The Northern Pacilic allows stopovers nt all points in Washington territory to holders of second-class tickets read ing via their line. Tried to llantr Him. Stewart Kecil and the Portaps have had another round and a warrant is out for the arrest of Joe Poitn ? on the charge of an as sault with intent to do great bodily injury. Heed lives at the corner of Nineteenth and Vinton streets , and the Portags live one tolocic west of him , ana their family jars liuvo been frequently adjusted In police court. Heed claims that tie was going homo Monday night when ho was assaulted by Joe Portng. A light ensued in which Poring got the worst of it. Heed ( inserts that the Portags have for a long time boon ia a scheme to kill him. Ho claims that last February ho was called into Portng's barn and was assaulted by them. They threw a blanket over his head and tried to hang him. Ingorsoll is credited with saying that "Lovo-is the only bow. on life's dark cloud. " If the colonel was troubled with crump , colic , or cholera morbus , lie would , wo bnllovo , admit that there wore two and thnt the other one was Chamberlain's Colic , Cliolera and Ditir- rhcua Remedy. These who try this remedy under such difatroEsing circum stances become its most enthusiastic advocates. _ "Western Union flJossonijnrs. J. J. Dickey , district superintendent of the "Western Union telegraph comp.my , says that the editorial In a morning paper attacking his corporation for reducing the salaries of messenger boys from $10 to $0 a month is not only malicious but without the least foundation. "Not asinglevcnt has boon niaito In any body's WIIL-OS about this institution , " was the assurance given by him to a Uin ro- porter. "Furthermore , wo have noi been paying any of our messengers less than $12 a month , and from that up to f IS inul . * 20. This Indicates to me that the alleged boy's letttir ninking complaint was manufactured as an excuse to unjustly abuse this olllco , "Wo haven't got a boy that has over com plained of being dissatisfied or of being hard worked. " _ DON'T 311SS THK OPPORTUNITY' To Visit Ogdcn and Suit Lmko City , Uiali , or llnilry , Idaho. A grand excursion to tlio above nntnod points will leave August 20th , via the Union 1'acillu , "Tho Overland Route , " nnd for this occasion the exceedingly low rate of 830 to Ogden and Salt Lulcu'Oity nnd return , nnd & 15 to Halley , Idaho , nnd return hns been made from Mis- eon ri river terminals. This excursion affords our patrons n inagnillcont opportunity to vibit Gar- llold Huauh on Great Salt Lake , the finest bathing resort in the world , nnd also visit Ilailey Hot Swings , famous for tlioir medicinal properties. Tickets good thirty days. For fur-thai" particulars nddrohs E. L. LoMAX , G. P. A. , Omaha , Nob. A Iliillot ou tl'io TrnoV. " Yestcidny u largo urnbs cartridge , newly chmgcu , was found lying on the motor track on Fourteenth street just north of Douglas. U'lie leaden plug had been marked by the wheels , but the charge was untouched. As the shell wan an unusually largo one ami not V.nou'ltig whether It was placed on the track through sport or inaUco , Dr. Mercer turned it over to his electrician for examination. Always UBO I'lnt-'n t'hlor < t . for liousoliold dlulnfuction. You like U. J13URY O'tiKAHV SUSPK.NDUU. fill ) Money Harrowing Proclivities Get llln Into Trout ) ! ? . Jerry O'Leary , who hns boon connected with the lire and police alarm nt the city building for about two years , Is under sus pension. Philip Lang , who keeps a shoo store on Farnain street , filed a complaint against O'Loary yesterday for obtaining money un der false pretenses. O'Leary went Into Lang's store last night and asked him to cash a check for $ . " > , saying ho had the money In the Merchants' National bank. Lang refused to cosh It , sa.vlng ho had been in business twenty-live years ana had never cashed n check for anybody. O'Lcar.y ' finally persuaded Lung to Rive him $20 for the check. Shortly after this complaint was filed , Edholm & Alkon appeared In court with an other , alleging thnt O'Leary had obtained a gold watch valued at MO , n chain worth W , ami § 23 In money In return for a chock for 110 on the Merchant's national bank , and signed by O'Lcury. They discovered that O'Loary had no money In the bank. These complaints brought out a variety of Information from all aides. It scums that O'Lcar.v has boon having a "high old time" for a long while. He has bcon in the habit of borrowing money right and loft , giving his note for the amount or assigning his pay as security. Ho assigned his pay for May to Qarbago Inspector Goldsmith , W F. Wapplch , secretary of the board of public works , and City Treasurer Hush , Ho borrowed 870 from Mr. Wnpplch , telling him his wife and child wore very sick and ho needed the money at onco. An order for his May pay was Riven as security for the loan. Ho obtained { 05 from Mr. Gold smith on the sumo plea and the same secur ity. Mr , Hush was tricked to the sumo story. O'Leary was sick the last half of May and Walter Homier worked In his stead. O'Leary drew pay for the full month , together with $35 which the commissioners had allowed Hendcr , and refused to disgorge. O'Leary is said to have carried on a wholesale loan business. Ho would bor row from JtOO to $200 from different parties giving his notes as security. When a note came duo ho would borrow n larger amount Irnm some ono else to pay It. In this way ho has borrowed money from Morris Morrison , Jer.ry Murphy , Colonel Floyd , of the Diamond mend saloon ; Alderman Kusuar. Captain Green , ot the police force , Judge I3orka and numerous others. It is said that the money obtained has all been spent in gambling. O'Leary was a constant attendant at the pool rooms in this city and at the gambling nouses In Council Hlufts. He went to Council IS luffs Monday night and "blow in" tin ) $ JO he had lleecrU Philip Lar.g out of and hud not returned at u late hour last night. Mfircliunts' Week. None but hopeful reports were received nt last night's meeting of the Merchants' Week committee- . Mr. Wakeflold , for the finance committee , stated that the amount asked forS7,500 would bo raised without dtfllculty. Mr. Hoes , of the committee on advertising , was authorized to start llvo men on the ro.ul distributing advertising matter nt the ex pense of the association. Mr. Gibbon , on ln-door amusements , re ported all things favorable for a grand social success at the ball to bo given. Invitations could not bo sent out intelligently unless merchants and others who desired to Invite customers ana friends should fiend the names of the same te tins secretary , Mr. T. II , Tay lor , 912 Jones street. lie would make a list of all tlio names and turn it over to u com mittee on invitations , who would .send out the cards. TIIK FJSMALih P1BUI3R. airs. RlcPnrlnnd's Reputation For VirixcityVns Very B.id. The trial of Colonel Fletcher for miscon duct as u soldier and u gentleman , was con tinued yesterday morning. The accused again took the stand uud was subjected to a cross-examination by the judge advocate. 'Hirst know , " said the witness in reply to Captain Porter's intcrroiMtories , "that my boy was sick , after Dr. Hen derson was called in. I vis ited the sick room dally , and inquired after the boy's health. Dr. Hen derson was there most of the time day and night up to the time of his departure to the range. I cannot swear that the doctor was there all night , but ho was there moat of the timo. " "Why did you wait to be invited to attend the boy ? " " 1 didn't wait. " "You say you wore perfectly willing to render him assistance , why didn't you ) , ' " 1 don't know but that I did. " "Diu you over sit up with him ? " "Not all night. " "Did you ever ask Dr. Henderson about the baby's ' condition ? " "Yc" , i had a long conversation with him the night before ho left for the range. " "You say that upon the night when you came homo and found Captain Dempsey there that the boy was ulono. Are you sure of this ! " "lain not positive. There may have been some ono there. I swore that I hadn't seen anyone. " Continuing , the witness testified that his wile never informed him that she was going to abandon his homo until after the arrival of Mrs. McFarlaud nnd up to that time ho had no reason to believe she contemplated doing so. so."Didn't you testify yesterday that your wife told you that she was going to abandon your homo before the arrival of Mrs. Mo- Farlaml ? " "If i said thai I wish to qualify It by say ing that she spread such a rumor about the garrison. She never told It directly to mo. " "Then I understand your answer to bo that Mrs. Fletcher had threatened to leave your homo before the arrival of Mrs. McFar- landl" "Sho had implied thnt she would do so at different times during the past two years. " The witness became very nervous , and it was with difllcultv ho could bo followed. Ho finally made tills statement ; "Tho impression I wished to convoy is this' That up to the arrival of Mrs. MoFnr- laad , my wife had not notified mn that she intended abandoning my homo. " "Hadn't she ever said anything of the kind ! " "Sho said that she might go away and novui" return. " "Why did you invite Mrs. McFarland to bo present nt the Interview with your wife of thu 13th ? " "Because I know she know of the domes tic trouble existing between my wife and I , and I wlbhod to toll of the things that hurt me. " "Didn'tyou caliber in as a peacemaker ? " 'No. I called her la because 1 know ( .lie was the cuuso of my wife packing up to leave my homo , nnd I wanted her to hoar what I had to Hay. " "Hadn't your wife made preparations to lenvo your homo before the arrival of Mrs. McKiirlandi" "Sho had made preparations only to make u. visit. " "Aro you euro that Miss MIskoy was not present at your first interview with Mrs. Mo Farlandl" "I um not positive. " "Was she present at the time of the con versation on the Kith of Junoi" "My recollection Is that she came In after thn conversation and stayed but u few mo- meiUs , possibly lung enough to hear part of the conversation. " The witness reiterated his statetnoht of yesterday thnt ho bought and paid for the doii-cart , over which there was a dispute oa the liUh , He bought It In Uuffalo. "Did you not testify yesterday that you re turned to Mrs , MuFurland the money she paid for the cart ! " "No , I think not. " "Was not the cart paid for by a check given by Mrs. Flotrliorf'1 "I think not. " "Did you say to Mrs , Fletcher on the l < ? th of Juno that you haU given her your pay ac count la return for the check she had paid for the cart ? " 'Tlio word pay account wns not used. " "Suppose one of your own witnesses eald It wn i" "Ho mluht h.ivo thought I utod It. " ' 'On that morning dlua't you talk louder than the others 1" "I might have. " "What boi'unm of the cartl" "Tho last I saw of It , Mr , Carton was driv ing U , " "Was Miss Mlskey present during the ills- cusslon over the cart ? " "No , Btr. " "Tovhom did you address the remark 'U ' d liar , ' on that occasion I" "To Mrs. McFnrlnnd. " "Aro you cortuln of thntl" " 1 nm. " "How did you roach the city of Omnhn on the morning of the lIHh ? " "I walked part way nnd rode part way In a carriage. " "Did overtake ! " your own carnage you "On how many occasions hns Colonel Whonton loft the post without notifying you ! " "Ho very rarely Informed mo. " "Did you consider that u gooa rule to fol low I" "No , sir , " emphatically. ' Then you know you were following a bad precedent ! " "It had been my custom to turn the post over. " "What did you call the meeting of the ofllccrs on the 21st fort" 'To explain to Captain Dempsey the charges Mrs. McFarland had snld I hud made against him. " ' " ' 'ho domestic troubles you referred to on that occasion had no rofcronco to the specifi cations on which you are now being tried ! " "No , sir. " The witness then emphatically reiterated the statements ho made yesterday re garding the assault made upon him by Dr. Henderson , and also in regard to the letter ho Inul received from Captain Mills. "That letter , you any , did not Influence you In regard to placing Captain Dempsey nnd Lieutenant Wright under arrest , and requesting - questing the annulment ot Dr. Henderson's contract ! " "It did not. " The colonel wns questioned by General ICuutz as to tils recollections of the battle of Clinpln's farm , as If ho had doubled some of the defendants statements. Thin ended the examination of the nc- cusea , nnd a recess was taken pending the arrival of another witness. Mrs. Emily A. Tllton , of Wllllamsportf , Pa. , npotlta lady of most prepossessing up- poaranco , was. the next witness called. She testified that she was married nnd know Colonel Fletcher. She has lived in Wlllinmsport ton years , but spent , the six winters prior to her marriage in Philadel phia. She has known Mrs. McFarland all life ; always lived near her In Philadelphia. She spent two seasons nt Atlantic City when Mrs. AleFarland was there. "You may state whether or not during this acquaintance with Mrs. McFarlnndyou have hoard her reputation for truth and veracity ? " "Very frequently " "What is her reputation for truth and vo racity ? " "Very bed. " "What do you moan by very bad ? " "Well , if she became displeased at anyone she would not hesitate at anything. " "Wns her reputation discussed at Atlnntio Oitv ? " "Not for truth and voracity. " "Fcr other characteristics I" "Yes. " "You may state whether the people there avoided her society or not. " "Tho people interested preferred that their daughters should avoid her and bathe at n different hour. " The judge advocate hero entered a protest against a further examination In regard to her conduct further than it referred to truth and veracity. Paymaster Torrill snld that if she wns n married woman and it could bo proven that she had been untrue to her husband that that would bo the very best test of the com petency of the testimony of Mrs. McFarland. The witness , under cross-oxnminntion , named about twenty people whom she 1-nd heard speak disparagingly of Mrs. McFar land. land.A A recess was then taken. After lunch L. S. Tilton was called to the stand. Ho is Ihe husband of the preceding witness. Hu also knows Mrs. McFarland and has known her for four years. Ho knows her reputation among the people of Philadelphia who are acquainted with her nnd knows it to bo bad. Ho hns heard prom inent people , railroad magnates , bankers and the like discuss her reputation for truth nnd veracity and pronounce it bad. Ho heard ono gentleman say ho wouldn't believe her if she was angry , nnd ho had heard another say that she wouldn't hesitate to tell n false hood If she could gain her end by it. Ho sDccilled as to the dates and places where ho had heard such discussions. Ir. Williams- port ho had hoard people suy that there was nothing too bad for her to sny about anyone with whom she is angry , nnd whom she wished to injure. Cross-Examlnntion "How many persons have you heard uiscuss her reputation in this manner ? " "Ten or fifteen. " "Name them. " The witness proceeded to name certain persons. Ho had difllculty in recalling the names nnd addresses. The judge advocate insinuated thnt the witness wlthneld the ud- dresscs of the parties In order that they might not bo reached , "How did it happen that Mrs. McFarland's reputation for truth and veracity so fre quently came under discussion ! " "It sprang up in the course of general con versation. " "Did you introduce tha subject ? " "No , because I didn't know the lady. " "You said u few minutes ago that you had known her for four years. " "I know of her , but was not acquainted with her personally. " "Did not these discussions arise from the fact that the parties knew you to be con nected with Mrs. McFarland by marrlagoi" "No , sir , because when I llrst heard her discussed I wns not married. " The counsel for the defense informed the couit that two witnesses from Philadelphia had telegraphed him that they could not reach Omaha unlil Friday. These wll- nesses have known Mrs. McFarland all her life , aim the testimony would bo of the greatest Impoitanco , nnd In addition to this. Colonel Fletcher lind received n letter from a lady in Chicago with whom Mrs. Fletchur and Mrs. McFarland had visited when on their way engt , and to whom Mrs. McFar- land had said , "I've got Colonel Fletcher where I want him now , nnd I nm comg to fix him. " Ho would like to bring this witness - ness here. His request wns granted and tha court nil- journcd until Saturday morning , to give the defense time to bring his witnesses bora. SOUTH OMAI1.VNI2WS. Hand Kail Contests J. J. llurncs and John N. Hurko will play a series of thiuo games of hnnd ball Sunday afternoon nt 'J o'clock with M , Kilgnllon and P. J. ICirboy , nt ICUgullon's court , Twelfth and Chicago at roots , Omaha. In the event of a draw the games will bo played the fol lowing day in Councilman Uurko's court , South Omaha. Councilman liurlto challenges any man In thu world , excepting Philip Carey , of Now York , to play u sorlcH of games nt liana ball with J. J. liurnos for (500 or less n side , August Uudlkcr Jtobbcd. August Hudlker , o * Ncolu , was robbed nt 8 o'clock Tuesday evening at Shooloy's by a couple of guy detectives , bolcctlng their victim when the west-bound dummy train ar rived nt Shooley's , they told Mr. Hud liter to "change curs for South Omaha. " nnd , get ting off with him , robbed him of 15 and a gold watch nud chain. Mr. Hud liter uamo to this city , nnd between his tears and wailiugfl told the pollco , who sot to work to look up the perpetrators. Proocudliii-H of die City Council. Mayor and nil members were present nt thu council meeting Monday night. The com mittee's report on the grade nt Twenty- fourth nnd Q street was adopted. The lea company may nut In scales , to ba removed on request. An arbitration committee will appraise the damage to the Ice company's property. Hucksters' license was reduced from 150 to ? - ! . ' > a your , ana from $25 lo $15 for six months , Ordinance No. 110 , Are dopartiuont , nnd No , 153 , fixing the grade oa Q between Twenty-fourth aud Twentieth streets were passed. Councilman Uurko's line for ubscmco was remitted , An ordinance will bo drawn fixIng - Ing the Inspector's salary at f EO , Klectrio light company's petition to have Railroad avenue paved with Colorado sandstone , re ferred buck. Tno petition of banks , in re gard to taxes , was referred to tbo flnunco committee , Frank lu uHs , C , A. Duilcy , John Hurley , J. P. Hnrry. J , EJ McCnnn , J. P. Hourlgnn , Con. Hourlgan AV. D. Connors , H , J , Mur- pli.V. U. P. Uowocy , Jacob Mulcahoy and William Urndy fob viaduct watchmen , were loforrod to the mayor. Ihe latter appointed 0. M. Hunt to arbi trate the dnmngo bv the Q street viaduct , and Colonel Jolm S. Mullen for the Hood damage to the Icacompany's property. Clark Howardl.iiskod to have his salary from March-I , t.$5U. The mayor will ap point a com mil too of three to confer with John F. Kitchhark , The board of trade com munication , regarding the electric light , wns referred. F. Hi 13oyd was excused for absence. The following bills were reported favor ably and ordorcdlnllowcd. King llrldgo & Iron company , M,770.78 ; Mlhvnukon llrldgc & Iron company , flU.OOO ; L. U. Stanley , flOO ; J. A. S. WndtloU , * i.r o ; J. P. Maloney , $5.25 ; H. T. Murphy , M.89 ; Star Union Lumber company. $3.-10 ; George Atthow , fO ; South Omaha Klcctrlo Light company , $208 ; engineers' corps , S337.7fi ! , Office Supply company , tl ; Pinning Mill company , $8.00 ; A. Honglnnd , fl.23 : lleo Publishing company , f 131 Gibson , Milter & Ulchnrdson , $1.50 ; Midland liloctrio com pany , $10.20 ; A. W. Saxe , $4.20 ; W. A. Tag- gart , $5.25 ; John McMillan , 810 ; Patrick Howloy , $70 ; pollco department , $095.85 ; / . Bartholomew , $50 ; C. it , Foss , $25.00 ; street commissioner's department , $ ,10U. 0 ; council department , $200 ; W. G. Sloano , $11.07 ; Thomas Hector , $41.07 ; H. P. Hedeos , $ ! 5 ; John Hnsburg , $ jO ; Ilnnnon & Cash. $10.05 ; llruon & Carpenter , $3 ; Stockman Publish ing company , $41,22 ; P. II. Jones. $0.25 ; Holmes t\t Smith , $57.00. Total , $ ' 5,80' .44. McCaguo brothers' communication , In re gard to Stownrt and Prlcholt judgments , wns referred. The charges against Oftlcor Fallen were not sustained. The marshal will close nil snloons not hnvlng the license paid on the 10th , Propri etors of pool tables must pay the license- they will be arrested. An ordinance will bo drawn for a watchman. The mayor's ' vote of the street rnllwny or dinance No. 147 was read. Ho objects to the double-track condition at lire-sent till paving be done , nnd the clause requiring the use of the ftamo tracks by different companies he considers illegal , nnd the ordiunnco "was conceived , drawn up and printed In the office of the attorneys of n competing com pany , with the evident intention of hinder ing , delaying and preventing competition of a rival line which has very grave nnd urgent reasons for dcslrinir its approval "and enforcement- . LJurko will see about the Q street lights. Kail road avenue will bo graded from N to Q streets. The committee will contract for grading M street from Twenty-fourth to Twenty-third and the alley , An ordinance will bo drawn for water mains at Twenty-fourth nnd Q strceta. Hero Councilman McMillan nroso to n < iucstion of privilege and scored the corre spondent of ono of the Omaha papers for his strictures on the council. The council then wont into executive ses sion nnd removed City Attorney Ell II. Doud. 'Tlio Gypsy Social. The young people having charge of the Gypsy social nt the Methodist Episcopal church Tuesday evening were not moro grat ified by the largo attendance and liberal patronage than were their f ricnds on account of the elegant arrangements , courteous treat ment , inviting lunch and excellent pro gramme. Everytlung was done to please , entertain and xatisfy guests , nnd the receipts were moro than any sanguine member ex pected. It was a success. Tno zealous work of the Hov. L. II. Edolebluto did much to help inako it the success it proved to bo. JBnrjjlnrs at Tholr Work. Burglars nttemptod to enter the house ot A. V. SpauldiiguUbright ! , Monday evening. Enrly in tlio ovoaing llvo men were seen prowling round tlio Louse , nnd the police were notified , but tlio prowlers avoided de tection. Members of the family remained up all night , and between 2 aud : t o'clock the men came bacK and attempted to force a window , but were driven uway. StrikoH a Church. During tne storm Monday night lightning struck the splro of the Albright Methodist Episcopal church , damaging the structure to the amount of about $ . " > 0 or $100. Notes About the City. A daughter born to Mr. and Mrs. Moore. Nels Peterson la suffering with bron chitis. Mrs. Fred M. Smith is listed among the invalids. A son bora to Captain and Mra. Patrick J. McMnhon , Mrs. Herman Trenklo has been sick for several days. An infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Durr is dangerously ill. A. 13. Califf , weigh master at the Omaha Packing company , is ill with malarial fever. Donald Gray hns been promoted to boss of the packing box gang at tha Omaha Packing company. Dwight L. Holmes is homo from Colfnx Springs nnd Is much worse , being now con- tlncd lo his bed. Hnrry Lovo. Iho popular proprietor of Iho City hotel , will give another of his enjoyable dances Friday evening. George Slaughter , colored , wl'l ' nnswer before Judge King for carrying dice and his inordinate love for playing craps. Carl Kuppc , of Omaha , has purchased the tailoring establishment No. 2o03 , II street , formerly owned by II. L. Cohen. A game of base ball between the telegraph operators nnd the Armour-Cudahy club will bo onn of next Sunday's attractions , Miss Nellie S. Hoot , of Albright , formerly n teacher in the lientrieo schools , tins boon elected n teacher In the Omnha schools. Walter Brandos has taken out a permit to build a $11,000 block on N and Twenty- fourth streets. Work will bo commenced at onco. Frank J. Knvan , ono of the successful South Omaha merchants , Tuesday bought Harrison & Cash's grocery store and will take possession Wednesday morning. The Y. W. C. T. union and the Tomnor- nnce lenguo will moot Saturday evening nt the home of Miss Hlldnh Lambert , I street. between Twenty-seventh and Twenty-eighth streets. Three hundred invitations have bcon Is sued nnd the arrangements have been com pleted bv the various committees for the so cial ball to bo given by Alpha lodge , No. 41 , Daughters of Kcbokati , in A. O. H. hall , Wednesday evening. It promises lo bo ho finest fraternal social ever hold In the city. Messrs. Philip Andreas and Henry Kum- inorow , of Omaha , were In the city Tuesday afternoon to establish a South Omaha turn vcroin. A meeting has been called for Sun day nftornoon , in Judge G. Uouthor's store , Twenty-sixth street , at 2 o'clock. All Inter ested are invited to attend the meeting bun- day.Tho The employes of Iho Omnha packing com pany have orgnnl/od n base bnll club nnd the new organization , containing some of the bent plnyers In the city. Is of opinion thnt it can beat any club In the city. Sunday fore noon the Omnha Packing company club and the Sobotkors will play In the Third ward park. The game will bo called at thKOo'clock. PorHonzil Miss Llz/Io , of Fremont , is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Francis Boyle. Edward Gilford Is out at Cowles scolng to his grain elevator interests. Miss Cora llynearsou loft Tuesdnv for a Visit with relatives mid friends nt Sewnru. Mrs. A. G , Clark , with her children , of Waterloo , Is vUiting her son , Frank C. Clark. The Hov , Gustav Booker , who hns been down In Missouri intending a cnmp-moetlng , returned Tuesday evening. Mrs. James Wilson , of Loavonworth , ICnn. . who has been visiting her brother , Dr. J. M. Glasgow , returned homo Tuesday evening a John Frey , after it long visit at his fatherland - land home , Bodon-Bodon , nnU u Jaunt through continental Europe , returned homo Tuesduy evenlnu' . John Gulllghcr , of hnundors county , who 1ms been milking n visit to his old home. County Armagh , Ireland , lias lutnrned , and on his way stopped la this city , uud is the guest of Francis Boylo. An ADioliitn Otirn. The ORIGINAL A1HBTI MB OINTMENT Isoolv pulup In Inrgo two-ounce tin uoxos , nnd Is an absolute euro for old eorus , burns , woundH , chapped hands , and nil skin nrup. tlons. Will positively euro ull kinds of piles Ask for the OHKJINAL ABIEl'INE OIN 1'- MEN 1\ Sold uy Goodman Drug company at 25 cents per box by uiuil tW cents. This powder never varies. A marvel of pur ty , ntroncth nnd whnlcsamuness. Moro eco nomical thnn the ordinary kinds , nnd cnntiot bo sold In competition with tlio muUltudcR of lor or sliortwolKUt nlum or phosplmta powders. Bold only In CIUIM. lloynl HnkltiK I'ondor Com pany , 1VO Wall Stioot. Now Vorlc. DRS. BETTS & BEITS 03 FAIINAM Sinner , OMAHA. lOpposlto 1'uxtou llotcU Offlco hours , 9 a. m , to 8 p. m. Sundays , 10 a. m. to 1 p. in. Specialist ! In Chronic , Nervous Skin and Blood JHseasos. prfConsultntlon nt office or by mml free ) . Mfdlclncs sent by mull or express securely Backed , free from observntlon. Gunranteua to cure quickly , safely nnd perlnuueutly. NERVOUS DEBILITY ilous. Physical Decay , urlslnp from tndlscre tlon. Cxcesi or Indulgence. iiroducliifrSloeplesa ness. Tespondoncy. 1'lmples on the face , aver sion to society , easily rilscouraqea , lacK of cnnfl deuce , ilull , unlit Mr Btmlv or business , anil nnd a life a burden. Safely , permansntly and prl- Tntoly cured , Consult lira. Iletta fc Bolts , H08 Farnam St. , Omnba , Neb. Blood and Skin Diseases results , completely eradicated without th uld of Mercury. Scrofula , Erysipelas , I'over Sores , Blotches , [ 'leers , 1'a.insln the Head uml Bones , Syphilitic Soroahroat , Mouth nnd Tongue , Ca- tnrrh , etc. . permanently cured where others have failed. ITirtnoff TfpinQmr nntl Bladder Complmuts , LllllluV' UJJUdiy Painful. Dllliciilt. too fro' quent Hurnlncor lllootly Urine , Urine high col- orcd or with milky sediment on standing. Weak Back. OonorrliiL-i , ( licet , Cystitis. etc. , Promptly nnd Bafely Cured , Charges Ileacona- folo. _ _ STSJCOTTIERE ! ° "arnnteod per- t3 JL JtMA v JL U JSMlJut 1 inanent Cure ro- snovnl complete ) , without cuttlns ; , caustic or dlllatlon. Cures otrccted at home by patient without a moments pain or annoyance. To Yoiiiiff Men and Miduls-Apil Men , PITPP The nwrul eirect ? of early AQIIPP OUfilj UUltt Vice , which brines organic weakness , destroyinR both mind nnd body , with nil Its dieaded Ills , permanentlr cured , TPJ ) ( RPTTv ! Adross those who have impaired JJIlOi DDILO thcmsolvns by Improper Indul gences and solitary habits , which ruin both body und mind , unfitting them ror business , tutly or marriage. MAIUIIKII MEN. or those entering on that hap pylife , n are of physical debility , quickly a * fisted. OUR SUCCESS. Is based upon fncts , first 1'rnctlcal Kxpe rlence. Second H very case Is especially studied- thus htartlng arltjht. Third Meclloines are pre , pared In our labntory exactly to suit each cast , thus affecting cures without Injury { 2r Soud Scents postERo for colehrntod works on Chronic , Nervous and Delicate Diseases. Thousands cured. p > A friendly letter or call may save you future sulIorliiR nnd shame , nnd adil Roliii-n to life. years SWNo letters an- awered unless accompanied by 4 cents in statue * . Address or call on U . B5ETTS A ; IIKTTS , 1408 Farnam Street. Omaha. Nth. CALIFORNIA THI : i AND OK DISCOVERIES ! CUF\E ro \ ATARRH OflOVlLLECAL. SANTA ; ABIEAND : : CAT ! RCURE ; 'For sale by Goodman Drug Co in Ibffll contracted niood PoUon of had tjiic , mill \\u I rented ultli mercury , jiota.li nnil farmparllla mlitun f.ijrou lr ( { orw ull tliu time. 1 took 7 vrnall liolllcsh. H S. which ciirtd ino entirely , nud no nlgu of tlio dreadful illscato li.ia rttiirnid. J. O. NAhCK , Jan 1069 , JIubby\lllc , luiL Ily lltllo nlrca ! md white euclllng loktich an extent that tlio wuncoil * llnid to lliu hnl for a loni ; time. Morotliun 80 jplcccs of hanu came out of lir Jiv , and tliudoclorn talJ amtiutiilon ujlliy only remedy lo iiu\uli < rllft' , 1 icdiecd lliooi'iratlou und jiut her on K.S.H , ami f hu la now iiiuuduill\oiindlnujLiKKlitnltlia3 | ; ] any child Mien AMMEiEeuNa ! , Tib. 11 , 't'J , Columbun , Cia. Iook ou lllocxl Dlwnfcs rent freo. bwirrhvtcirioCo. Diane ; S , Athuta , Qo , N.W.COH , l3TH&DOOC St8 , OMAHA , NEB. fOIl IRS TREATMENT OF AM , DESIO.-flLOEJJB. 1 APPLIANCES FOR DEFORMITIES AND TRUSSES. BeiiF clUllr.iAppftrttuianaRetn < dlt > forBnecttifu' Treatment of nitty form of u'leaio Tcquiiinr MEDICAtorBURaiOALTnEATMKNT. NINETY ROOMS FOR PATIENTS. Dear J ft Attendance Btit Aeeoro od tlon ln Welt CD-WHITE FOR OinOOtARSonDoformllle. nnA JJiacti , Trunei , Club feet , Ourvnturuiof Splie , riln , TumcM. Otticer , OtUrrh , Bronchltli , Inhttlon. ) | l olrlclty , P ralytj , ErH p y , Kldnejr , BUddgr , Sr , , Skin and lilood and all SurRlc liDr rnUoni. DISEASES OF WOMEH r Only nell&ll * Medical Initltuts maVlnR a Specialty of PRIVATE DISEASES AllllloodUIIMlfl iucrnpfi.ilIr.nlM. . SrpMlllla folltn rnnoncUromilKijii.mniiheuliiureiirj. Km lu.lot.ll. . TrMlnrnt for Lo.i .Mmt. run Ml. I'.rll.i viD M to Till fi ; l > gr tt < lat hon lirrrrei | evacuee. .Allenmmimlea llomc najoll > l. M llelntierlnilrtiiiiciitiirnltirnillarF > Frcmctoteljtr ck > lnom.tliHolnJlc tetonunu or under On reriot rinltrTlewpreferred , c.ll aenniult ti > rtcn > Witorr or your , > nd mill lend In nt.ln r f | r. our Rntlrf Tfl MPS1 TREE ! Up < m rrlrmt , np l l er RUUR iU [ TiCrl | Mer iiIliniea.taiK | > tei > 'r,8rpli III. ; Uleol Mil > > rltoc lc , vlth quexlon hit. Aatrut 01IA1IA MEDICAL & OOKOIOAI. INBTITTJTE , 13th nnil Dodge Streets , OHA1IA , HED. COMPAEIIE EEHERAL ETRmiSHTUHTIQIE ! , ! now oneii. 1'nrtlei ilcslrlnir KOOJ acrninmo I ulo on llio now lurco uzirc | > ( toitincrs of the Kuiiiom FRENCH MAIL LINE , Which arn noted fnr their reeiifarltjr , equal lo r ll- nin'1 trnlm , In mnklnir the trip to lliivrc-l'urls In ono weuk , are lulvlietl to 3Iukc Early AppHrnlton for Ik'rtlts. This IB alKO neccsairy nil nrcount of tha tieavj travel ilurluRtho nprliiE niul summer montus. McCAGUE BROS. . 105 South ISth St. , HARRY E. MOORES , 1602 Farnam St. , II. L. HALL , 122U Fnrmira St. , J. H. GREEN , J501 Farnnm St. , Agouti , Ouialta , Neb. MAU1UCK W. KO2M1NSKI , JIAX MEVEK. ADOt.PII MUYKIt ESTABLISHED IfOO. Orcat rcilurtlon of prlro on second hand Piano * ; nnd Organs. A good chance to gut u coed Piano Cur a small amount of money. Tim above prlci-s are 10 per cent less thntkovor offered before anil as we imi&t have room for our largo stock of New Pianos wow 111 give an extra 10 pur cent discount from above prices to any one that l > u > s an Instrument before Aumist 1st. Kvery Instrument guaranteed to bo Jiut as re presented. rianos for rent for $2.JSO and upwards ] ier month. Organs for rent for $1.50 nnd npunrds per month. If you buy any of the nbovo Instilments and you ar not satisfied. HO will allow you h.inm as you paid for it toivai d any now Plaun j ou may select. Call early nnd get a bargain. Cor. 16th and Faruam Sta. STILL A CHANGE AT Rome good bargains may yet bo fouml among our oild Mzes of IIIOU'H Milts , Hour In mind thcso are not inferior goods nhloh w o offer , but llratclass in uvory particular * FOR MEATS , FISH , SOUPS , GRAVIES , auce &o , . WlthHiiwMiirulKiierl IAf OALAUI'K JJOOK , fi l .4 n ° tN , jrr.t : .Sji BaKiia i . H , P.TH 0 U PSOHfU I.C0..11im'ir. Et..4T.lOIISHO. ) A Toket Pin Cushion Free to Smelters ef /and all urinary troubles easily , iiulck iul Iyanas < ifolyciT < S'J. bylJOOTUIlA Cap. > . Bavural c.iB i cure1 ! inaovenuayi. Hold utll.W i > r box , all ( IruccUtx , or by null from Uocttua il't'K Co. H Wlilta u N. V , I'ull dlro > loiu [ "fi anoluiuornruitfcOi tin uuite.7 - * * tooktre. UU.Miauiun , a.u , , Itg W lasUuv. , cuiui/u. ILI. ESTABLISHED 1851 I 180 So , ' , chlcogo , Ilia. 1 ClnrkOfV , XhflRogQlar Old-Established PIIYSICIAII AUD SURCEON It ttlll TrMtlng with thoGnate < t SKILL and SUCCESS L J yvr.f.t > - Dlirouic , Nervous and Private Diseases , ' fSf-NERVOUS DF.niLlTY , Lo.t Manhood/ Prilling Memory , Exhaustlne Drain ) , Terrible ) Dreams , Head nd Duck Ache and all the effect * kadinn to * > nrly Uucuy and pethips Consumption ni Insanity , treated ictcntlncally ty new method * with never.faninff tuccrit. air3YPHlLI3 nJ all bad Blood and 3klnDll < oases permanently cured. < P9KlDNKYiind URINARYconplaintiQlee t. Uonorrhoea , Strtctu re , Varlcocele anil all dUeaioJ ef the QenltD'Urlnary Organi cured promptly without Injury to Stomach , KUneyi or other Organ * , No experiment * . ARC and experience Im portant. Consultation free and nacred. Oa-S < nd 4 centa po tae for Celebrated Work * on Chronic , Nervoua and Delicate Diieatei. < O"Tho e conttmphtlne Mairiuxe lenn for Dr. Clarke'B eelelraled guide Male and Female , each 15 ctnu , both } cent * ( tiarm * ) . Coaiult the olJ Doctor , A friendly Idler or call may lave future iuffer. Ina and tharae , and add golden ) can lo life. fiTTBook "Lite's ( Secret ) Errors5ac < nltitarop ( > ) . Medlciut nnd wtltlngi icnt cverynhcie , iccuie from < xpocur < 4 Hcuri , 8 to 8. Sunday ! 9 to u. AJJieit P. D. CLARKE , IV1. D. , 180 So. CNarfe 8 < U OMIOAOO , Dit.R.0. WKIT'S N HVE AND UHAIN TIIKA * , KENT , BgunrantooJ BpoclOo for Hysteria. Ulzzl < ness. Convulsions , Mts , Norvons NcnrnlRls , lleiulnchp , Nerroua Prostration caused by tn nio of ulcohol or tobacco.Vnkefulaoai , Moutal Depression , Snftiming nf tlio llrntn. rosultlnfMa Insunltv and lonillnu to misery , deenynnililoutli. I'lvmnturoOM ARC. Uurrcnneai , Loss of l'ow e In either ser , Involuntary Lossoi nnd Spcrmat- orhd's cauncd bv ovcr-sxertlon of thelirnln.solf. abusn or ovcrlndnlircncn. Kuch box contain * one month's tro.ittnant. H.OO n box , or six boxel forl.0 < ) , sent by mall prt'pnld ' on receipt of pries , WE GUARANTEE ! SIX BOXES Tocurenuy CHSO. With pach ordur rcoulveil b tu for six bo.XHS , accompanied with U.OO , wo win ( end the purchaser our written Kuarnnteo to ro tund tbe money it ttie tr ittncnt ilooa not oneot ft cure. Guarantor Issued only by Ooodmoq DrugCXJ. , Drugcrtats , sole Agent * , UK ) K.iraam 20to60 DAYS. This is ti disease which bus hcrotofor * Balllcd all Medical Soicncu. When .Mercurv , lodldo of Potassium , Sarsaps rllla or Hot Springs fall , wo guarantee a euro. Wo have a Kumoily , unknown to nnyono In til * VTorlcloutaicloof ourCompKuy , and ono tun thai NUVElt FAII..UO to euro the most obatlnato casoj. Ton dayn In recent caioa does the work. It la the old clironlu deep seated caucn that wo solicit. Wu liavo cured hundreds who hav been abandoned by I'hyKlclaus. nnd pronounced Incurable , and w challenge the world to bring us a case that Wo will not euro In lmn than BlxtjdayH. . Since tlio history of mealcino e. true npocltls for Sjpliills hai boon sought for but uovur found until our , MA.GJC wasdlscoveicd , and wu arc justified la saylne It Is the only Homeuy m the World tuat will pos itively cure , bncauso the littidt Medical \Vorlcs , published by the bent Known authorities , say tnuro WRsnovorntruospeolllcliofore. Ourrom- edy will euro wlieu everythlnu elxa has fulltu. Why vrnita you time uml money with patent modlcliies thatnovcr hail virtue , or doctor with phynlclans that canuot euro you. you that Imra tried everything lau should come to us uowund K < t permanent icllef , you never can yet It elaa- where. Mark what wo any. In tlio oml you must take our lemody or NCVUK recover and you that have been allllctoil but a short time should by all moans coma to us now , not one la tenor now cases over K t permanently cured. Many set help and think they are free from the dlbcnsc. but in one , two or thro years utter It appears ugaln In n more horrlblo farm. Thia ia a blood Puriflur nnd will Cure any Sltin or Blood Disease when Everything Klso Fails. NOTICK Wodcslro to caution patients In ro- purd to parties dutmlng to USD the Cook Item- tdy. Our formula Is not nnd OANNO1' b Known to anyone but omnolves. THE COOK REMEDY GO , Rooms 418 ani 419 , Paxton Bloci , ALWAYS IfoR * SflJilTF'n DRINKwIthlbt WATER LEMONADES , SHERBETS , AND ALL COLD DRINKS. It will enrrcct Iliatliiinttfftug In- fliintcetiflce on the htonuch , TIT M n Health Freiirvlnir , for i\\\PV\.cll"llra InvltormllBf , and R ! . /V/4rfnrnr\j \ \ \ ( ( &MKBtHK { JuwtAfr.iblng for Alt. 7U. Beit Bum' ra rD v roj ; InExlittne * VTar. raattd Strictly Purt tat Vnf r. m nt a An EtKclent Bernidy for Dtarrhna , Choltrik MortJoi. Drunt.rjr , end all Oliordin el the Bowili. NA8iivn.i.KTjNX.Juno97. : Jll.-llH. I.IIVKNTIIAI , IlllOS. DrarRIrm I Imvo tried tlie ) IIuncHrliin IIIncLhiTry Julcn you M > Iclnilly tent inc. UM thu in * iiliit ultra ot mmimer ilrlnUH II Is ( roe from alco. liul , iilln > K thlr t , toncB tlio ( IlKcntlM ) orRiuiH , Iina a llud nroiiiattc llavor. anil IH June tlioililiiK foritlnrrlici'iil truub. li'i lu tlio limit d turrn , A cU.AsVbOK It'i : WATIUl OUTMSOTAIta NIX'IAK. | v-- _ --i T. A. AWlllbt ) ' . 5f. I > . SL J iror nnloliy DriiKRIntn , I.IUOO ( | jiciili-rauimr . tie I.Iriunr Habit , PonllUrlr Curi'U by AUiiilnlMierlriK Dr. llniiieu' ( iiilden Hpei'lllc. It ciin b r vivfn in n cup of cntfro r r tcu vvllho it thA knuwleiUu nl Um iMirMiu liiklnuIt l < iilmoluti'ly liiirni- li'M , mill nlll I'lli'itii HjiLi'ily unit | ii'nuiiiiiuit euri' , wliillu-r Um luiili'iit In u iiiiiiliiniluilrlnkurorHriiiM iiihnl urui'k 'lli.MiMiinU of ilriiiilciuils Inivn Lnuu inuilit luiup ratu 111111 v liu liuvu tuki'ii ( lolili u ? i > t.clnu u Ilii-h I'lillun tvilliiiittlivlr kiii vluilui > uml loiuy lin- li'Vi ) tliu > iiill | ililnkhm of Ilinlrnnii frtiiHlll IL' uvl' l' ' il 'I'lmnjnli'iu IIIUH liiiiui'KiiKluil llli tha Hn-illli' il hai Miri mi iitun liiiiKMHlbllUr fur tlio liiucr UPM | tit'in ut | l li > r ml" \ > r KulinXCo , , Diiutil'l * . I'lli uml UimjImMi' unit Istli inul Cuui- ii l . IJiuiilia A I ) I uiti'r A. llru. , Couhill l.lutli. ! " ! tliruue errori or MEN l < i iiricllcci , mty lia perfectly rMralncil by the niw DE3UON-DUPnt Method hnnlti r our lif wTll'iUmtcu * Otinlc M IlmUti , " AtiNiliiteucncr VarlcO le CHIT. ! witht'Ut ' iioln oroinruiUm. Atlitrot-t B cslcn-Dupro Cl'nUiUOi ' iw rrunuutfct , Roinnrlviiblo for powerful B inpittliotlo .ono , pliiiblo action nnd absolute fluni- ) ilitj' ; . " , ( ) yonra' record tlio bunt ( 'unrun- .tio of the oxeollonco of tliobo intrns- nunts. I'o ( Jlas ou , Ilelfast , DublinaiulL From Hew York Every Tuesday , Cabin | ia inecri.'ito I'O , according lolotutluu of ll rkuiu. lrjur.lun ) | iu Ui f.O. Hi cr.it'r tu uiiU fruiii iuro : | , at lxmt i IWtoJ. At HI.N llAI.DHi.S A , t'o.jfii ( I Ai'onli , M llroailwur , 'i'urt Votk. oil- . Ill lues , t.unlUtt ra Acvnt. 1W ItaululpU til. , Chlcajo. UlliiK. . .Mum f , At'O.it. OiuuUn. Kvductd CubuirtiVM IQ Ul.i 'j.y ExUlUlUJ