Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 07, 1889, Page 6, Image 6

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llvcrtdbr carrier In Anv Part of he City a
Twenty Cents I'crWcek.
Jlt'iMtfr.PS OFFICE No. 43.
NIOIIT IlDiroit ,
N. Y. P. Co.
Glcason coat.
C. U. Music Co. , 533 U'wny. '
Heller , tailor , 310 Broadway.
Kvnns' laundry , 724 Broadway.
D.V. . Otis , city and farm loans.
Council Bluffs news on Second pago.
Boston store loading dry goods houso.
A marriage license was Issued yesterday
to Ben F. Miles , of Omaha , and Frances D.
Van Wirl , of Fullorton. Neb.
Ono Kennedy was run in yesterday for
keeping n disorderly house on Sunday. Ills
case was continued until the 12th Inst , at 10
The Ladles' Aid Society of All Saints'
chapel will give nn ice cream soclablo Satur
day evening nt | the Reynolds oullillng , cor
ner of Sixteenth street nnd Eighth avenue.
J. B , Atkins Is preparing to enlarge his
store to accommodate his Increasing busi
ness , nnd Kelley & Younkermnn nro getting
ready to makn u similar move for the same
The council has declined to interfere with
the changes being made In the Pacific house
property , but will have the building in
spected after the work Is completed mid see
if the walls nro secure and stable. It is
hinted that thcro will be n big bill of dam
ages for somebody to pay when the work Is
Peter Hanson , the Swede indicted for the
murder of Walter Madison , nnd Henry
Johnson , thu ncgio Indicted for assaulting
Ofllcoi * uoylo with Intent to do great bodily
Injury , have both been relieved from the
county Jail on ball. Johnson was tried at
the lust term of co'irt , but the Jury dls-
ngrccd. tlunsen's case will coiun up next
The Intention of the authorities to enforce
the ordinance relative to securing building
permits has caused an increase in the num
ber of permits issued by the city clerk dur
ing the past low days. Aside from a num
ber of smaller ones J. T. and A. G. Bell have
taken out n permit for a SI.OUO double frame
in Bavllss & Palmer's addition , and M. S.
Roop for u $1,000 cottage.
The board of health held n mooting yes
terday morning to hoar what Assistant State
Veterinarian Stewart had to say regarding
the disease now prevailing among cattle , and
tha Impure milk furnished by them , but the
gentleman wus called out of the city on busi
ness and could not bo present. Some small
bills were audited , nuisances ordered abated
and minor business transacted , after which
the board adjourned.
Work has been commenced on the Fairview -
view cemetery Improvements. The fence
lias bcon moved out to the edge of the new
strip Just purchased , on the south hide of
the cemetery , and flower beds , walks , etc. ,
will be Immediately laid out. A fine lawn
dotted with handsome shade trees and
shrubbery will take the place of the present
unsightly strip , and when lully grown the
cemetery will be completely hidden behind a
screen of bloom and foliage of ruru beauty.
< >
Dexter , employment.
Dwelling for sale on easy payments. Also
building lots at lowest marlcot prices. Call
and examine our list. 12. II. Shcafo & Co.
J. G. Tipton , roul estate. 527 B'dway.
Steam nnd hot water heating , first-class
plumbing. Work done in both cities. John
Gilbert , S18 Pearl street. Council Bluffs.
Mrs. I. O Forson nnd daughter , Grace ,
are visiting friends lu Dunlap.
Miss Minnie Dock , of Jefferson villo , Va. ,
is visiting J. W Kelley nnd family.
E. A , Wlckham left last evening for Bnr-
linnon , to look fifter his paving interests.
Mrs. Arthur Rand , neo Knotts , of Indla-
nola , Neb. , is visiting uur mother and brothers -
ors on Scott street
Mr. O. C. R. Ellis , manager of the Bluffs
department of the World-Herald , is in Chicago
cage , on a short business trip.
L. V , Williams and son Walter loft yester
day morning for Bloomington , Kau. , to visit
a brother of the former , Jonn C. Williams ,
whom ho has not seen for twenty-UNO
W. E. Threshnr has severed his connection
with the Council Bluffs department of the
Omaha Dispatch , and his place is tilled by
Alf Z. Allen , who has been representing
that paper on the road.
E. H. Odoll nnd wife left last evening for
Spirit Lake , with n party of friends from
DCS Moincs. E. H. will bo gone about a
week , and Mrs. Odell will return about the
1st of September.
KMr. W. O. Wlrt left lost evening for North
Platte nnd Cheyenne In the interest of the
U. S. Maconic Benevolent association , of
which ho Is president. Ho will be absent
about two months and a half , during which
time ho will travel over Colorado and Wyo
Flower , bees nnd Chinese dancers meet In
south room on first floor of Mcrrinm bloclc
Monday , Wednesday and Friday mornings
at half past 8. Dutch und Spanish dancers
same day ut 4. Tyrolean , Russian , Italian ,
Indian nnd minuet at prompt half past 7.
No Kxplosions
When persons keep cool and use- our
"Sun Dial" giis stoves. Pom- holes ,
roaster anil bakeovon. Coats 7 cents
per hour when running lull blast. Now
York Plumbing Co.
Baths ut Munawa Beach , near hotel. Pri
Tate bathing rooms for ladles and children
Winter & Monroe , sign painters , 410
Go to M. Keating for drugs , 505 Broad
E. II , Shcafo & Co. glvo special attention
to the collection of rents and euro of prop
erty in the city and vicinity. Charges mod
erate. Onico Broadway and Main streets ,
up stairs.
Wanted , ono or two good teams ns flrst
payment on house and lot. Sufllciont time
given on deferred payments. A. A. Clark &
Co. _
Oily otaain I aundry , ! U Main , tol. 111.
J. H , Smith , drugs , modlcincs , paints , oils ,
glass. UO'J Main , near John Morgon's.
Fotu do Hoolcto.
The ladles of the St. Monica's society of
St. Francis Xovier's parish , will glvo a fete
do socleto on Wednesday night at St. Jo
seph's academy hull. The entertainment
Avtll consist of supper , Ice cream , inuslo and
dancing. This will bo the llrat of a soilcs of
these festive occasions organized by these
ladles for social und benevolent purposes.
Swanson Muslo Co. , U'J5 Broadway.
Go to M. Keating for drugs , ; 503 Broadway.
Aoulilont to nn Kx-Supnrvlsor.
Samuel G , Undorwood , ox-member of the
board oJ county supervisors , had the mis
fortune to break a leg Monday afternoon
while loading hay on his farm , nine miles
east of this city , The ladder at the front
end of the hay rack brouo ami fell onto the
horses , which started to run. Mr. Under
wood , who was standing lu front of thorn ,
tried to get out of the way , but was unsuc
cessful , the horses running over him und
breaking the right leg between the knee and
the ankle. A phyalclau was called to attend
him. The fracture VHS reduced and a severe-
flesh wound , which was Included among the
injuries , wus drcbsod. Although the injuries
nro novero , Mr. Underwood is as cheerful as
could be expected under such circumstances ,
nnd has sot about getting well ns fast us pos-
for Hiilo.
Will glvo time. Also new und iccoud-hnnd
buggies ut Idol's tub.o.
They Boffin to Nrxtno Aspirants and
Suggest Oaudldatos.
Xho W. G. A. Ilospltnl Gets a Flnnn-
olnl Lin Homo Ol > | ooiion to lie-
cclvlnc it A Plukctl Jury
Brief Mention ,
Tim Political I'otSct Wanning.
Political Interest In the coming ( nil elec
tion In beginning to nwabon , and candidates
are swarming around the various haunts of
the loafers thicker than flics around nn
empty BURST barrel. There nro several ofllees
to bo filled" , and several catiJlcul.cs for each
onco. ) Aside from the vacancies to bo filled
on the state ticket , Pottawattamio will elect
two members of the lower house of the legis
lature , u Btuto senator , two members of the
board of supervisors , slier Iff , auditor , treas
urer , coroner and superintendent of schools.
It Is rather early for candidates to announce
themselves hut the aspirants for the shor-
Ift'R ofllco arc already tn the Hold , and seine
of them are already doint ; vigorous work.
Amontftho democrats , John P. Htuhr , of
Mmdon , A. 1) , Perkins , of Silver Crock ,
Manuel Ulnhnrds , of Ncola , John Haron , of
Knox , and J. T. Forman. of this city , are
reported as nmoiiK the candldatui.
(8Mr. ( Stuhr was in the city yesterday urg
ing his claims , and publicly announcing his
candidacy. Ho has relinquished thn post-
mastership at Mitidcn , and hut vigorously
e > ot about securing the nomination forshorifT.
Sheriff O'Neill ! understood to bo a candi
date for rc-ok'ution , but has not yet been
ncard to announce himself. Suld u county
oniclal .yesterday , "Of course O'Neill is tn
the Held , Ho Is the paity'n candidate , for it
is understood that ho is to get u second
term. "
Joseph Formnn , who is now one of Sheriff
O'Neill's ' ' deputies , is doing sotnu hard work
in Ins own behalf.
On the other sklo nro to bo found n number
who arc willing to put un with the disagree-
nblo features unit handsome salary of the
sheriff's ofllco at the hands of the republican
party. S. is. Frum , member of tim board of
supervisors , is the loading candidate at pres
ent , and Captain J. T. Anderson , of ttiu
morelmuts' police , is nlso skirmishing around
with an cyo in the sauio direction. It is sutil
that there are several inoro around through
the county , but their little boouilots have not
yet assumed deflnito shape.
Candldalei for the other offices are thus
far rather backward in mailing known their
aspirations , and inquiry falls to discover
what names will como before the county
conventions. It Is quite certain that the
present Incumbents will bo candidates for
ro-tilection , but what opposition they will
find is ns yet a matter of much speculation
and conjecture ,
Pivo Unrvost I3xcnMlon < > .
The Hurlinpton Uoutc , C. , U. & Q. R. R. ,
will sell from principal stations on its lines ,
on Tuesdays , August 0 and 20 , September 10
and 24 and October S , harvest excursion
tickets at half rates to points in the farming
regions of the west , southwest and north
west. For tickets and further Information
concerning these excursions call on your
nearest C. , U. & Q. ticket agent , or address
P. S. Eustis. general passenger and ticket
npont , Chicago , 111.
The 1'etlt.ftiry Venlrn.
The vonlro of petit jurors for the August
term of the district court has been drawn ,
and the Jurors wcro notilled yesterday.
They will not report in court until the 2JU
of September , as the flrst thrco weeks of the
term will bo talcon up with equity cases.
The following is the list of Jurors :
First Ward Frank M. Williams , William
Inden , C. E. Haggcrty , L. Sherwood and E.
J. Abbott.
Second Wnrd-C. S. Hubbard , R. M.
Pratt , Gcorgo Bodurtha , Fred Lcntzingor
and John U. Staptf.
Third Ward George Wells , B. T. Connor
James Glvens und A. Roller.
Fourth Wai d Henry Paschal , F. W.
Cook and Peter Tholl.
S. S. Works , Wcston ; William Schoening ,
Washington ; James Crow and James Looby ,
Minden ; James Rainbow , Silver Creole , and
John Simon and John Roan , York.
Fine Jewelry , watches and diamonds ;
cleaning and repairing at E. Uurhorn.
S. B. Wadsworth & Co. loan money.
Scidcnberg's 5c Figaro at the Fountain.
For sale Ono Gar-Scott ton-horse portable
engine ; in good repair. Apuly to Welr-Shu-
gart Co.
The "W. O. A. Ilo-pltnl Proqnerlnsr.
At the meeting of the Women's Christian
association , hold Monday afternoon at the
residence of E. L. Shugart , No. 000 First
avenue , it was decided by a unanimous vote
to accept the money raised by Mrs. O. M.
Brown by the trades * display , nnd accord
ingly Airs. Brown turned over $383 to Mrs.
J. B. Atkins , treasurer of the Women's
Christum association , yesterday morning.
The amount raised by the trades' display
was nearly 5SOO , which was divided equally
between the Chautauqua and the Women's
Christian association hospital. The money
was paid over to the former several days
ago.Tho other half would have been paid to the
management of the hospital at the samq tlmo
but BO mo of the ladles of the Women's Chris
tian association objected to receiving the
money , which was raised by selling chances ,
and this caused a temporary hitch in the pro-
ccmltngs. At the meeting Monday afternoon
the dissenters were not present and the
money was duly accepted. This leaves the
hospital in flrst class financial condition , as
there is now nearly $1,000 in the treasury.
Residences and vacant lots for sale In all
parts of the city , in monthly payments. A , A.
& Co.
Kollcy & Younkorman sell groceries
Chase and Sanborn codecs a speclaly.
Desirable dwellings for rent at mouorato
prices. E. H. Shoafo & Co. . rental agents ,
Broadway and Main streets , up stairs.
Money loiinocl ut L. U. Craft's & Co.'a
loan office on furniture , pianos , horses ,
wagons , personal property of nil kinds ,
nnd all other articles of value , without
removal. All business strictly confi
Have your old furniture upholstered good
as new , R. Morgan , 733 Broadway ,
Those having houses to rent BOO us Imme
diately. A , A. Clark & Co.
Tim Ilmtllni ; ntul KlNhiiiic Club ,
The annual meeting of the Council Bluffs
Hunting and Fishing club was hold Monday
evening In the Council Bluffs savings bank.
The following onlcors were clootod : Prcsl ,
dent , A. E. A.very ; vice president , A. W ,
Rlokinan ; bocrotary and treasurer , M. F ,
Rohrer ; directors , A , E. Avery , A. W ,
Klmiiimti , M. F , Rohrer , Gcorgo Mntcalf , A.
C. Graham.
The association now owns 100 acres of
ground at Island park on which they still
ewe the small sum of $200 , which will bo in.
eluded In the next assessment. A resolution
was passed forfcliag the stock to the nssoci-
nttefl of nil members who remain delinquent
In the payment of assessment * en August 20 ,
the Motor I/lre.
A car load of iron for the Omaha ft Coun
cil UlutTs Hallway ana Bridge company ar
rived yesterday morning from Johnstown ,
Pa. Superintendent Reynolds waa asked
whcro It would bo laid and stated that It win
for the Main and Pearl rtrcot lines. When
questioned concerning the Upper Broadway
extension ho said that the line would not bo
built unions there was a decided change In
ttiu programme concerning Plcrco street and
the action of the property owners along that
thoroughfare , Bald ho.
"It tuny na well bo understood that we will
cot k'O up thftt ttrcot if wo have to pay for
. . „ _ There Is not business enough to
warrant it , and some of the stockholders nro
opposed o going up there anyway , Insisting
tiiftt It will not pay They aliego that the
horse cars never paid , nnd urge that as nn
argument why nn extension of our line would
not. My iiioa Is that the pnbhc was never
furnished adequate street car facilities , nnd
I Imvo repeatedly noticed that n five
minute service would pay where
n ten minute service would not.
Howovcr , the extension will not bo built un
ions all obstructions are removed. Wo have
the right-of-way over nil streets In the city ,
so they cannot stop us on that score , but
they will head us off if tho.v attempt to make
us pay for the paving. The line will bo n
Broadway and Plcrco street loop , or U will
not bo anything except the present system
of horse cars. Upper Br&aitway will not bo
double tracked , and wo will not equip a sin
gle track along there.
"All thcro Is to It , If the property owners
along there want the electric motor they can
have It , and If the don't It will not bo forced
UK | > n them. It will bo the same as the Fair-
mount paik line up Madison street nnd Gra
il itm avenue. The track is laid thcro and
will bo in operation in about thrco weeks. If
they had Insisted on our paying for that
navlng , not n rail would have been laid there.
They wanted the line , and It will greatly
Increase the value of their property.
I might say that T. J. Evans nnd my sell are
the only ones who want to see the line ex
tended around the Plcrco street loop , ntul wo
will bo disappointed If the property owners
Insist on their present demand. The curves
nndswltchcs forthe Falrmountparkllno wcro
shipped on the 3d insl. and should arrive this
weelt. It will take about two weeks to lay
them , and the wire would bo placed In posi
tion. If this kick of the Pierce street folks
had not como up , I would have gone on and
laid the iron there , so that It uould also bo
ready by this tlmo for the curves nnd
switches. Those two extensions would work
well together. Every other train would go
to the park , und the others around the loop.
On big da.ys and Sundays n stub train would
run on the park line to meet the trains that
did not go tno park. Wo have planned to
give that part of the city the best service It
has ever had , and If the people up thcro Jump
in and her.d us olTthoy will know Just whom
to bhimo for It ,
"Wo will have the Main street line
equipped with cars this fall , but it will ho
later than the opening of the other cxtcn
sion. The enlargement of the plant ut thu
power house will bo completed In about n
month , but wo can start up the park line
without waiting for that. A good service
will ho given on the Main street line , nnd
all motor trains connecting with railroad
tr.uns will run to Omaha. On that line the
trains would run alternately to Omaha or to
Upper Broadway , and passengers would bo
transferred If necessary. I want to see the
lines extended all over the city. It Is main
tained that local business does not amount to
anything , but 1 Know that It will pay if good
service is given. Good patronage cannot bo
expected if trains run only once nn hour and
are seldom on time ; but with good service
nnd rapid transit , extensions nil over the
residence nortion of the city would pay.
It is proposed to build a line down Sixth
nvenuo to about Nineteenth street , but that
is not definitely settled. That woulu bo the
transfer line , and would replace the transfer
street car lino. If the union depot is built a
double track would go down Ninth avenue ,
probably to Thirty-sixth street , thence
across to the present lino. Such a line
across the bottom would pay well in n little
while , but not Just at present. All these
lines will come In tune , but folks are con
siderably mistaken if they think that the
company is so anxious to build that every
wild demand will bo complied with. "
Winter ft Monroe , sign painters , 410 B1 way.
The most novel entertainment of the
season will bo the gypsy encampment next
Thursday evening on Judge James' lawn ,
entertained by the Social Union of thu
Presbyterian church.
The llluu Grass Palace.
The board of trade held an Interesting
meeting at the now rooms in the Merriuui
block last evening. The business of the
evening was almost wholly con lined to the
Blue Grass palace , which opens at Creston
on the ISM lust. The board decided to accept
the offer of W. J. Davenport , of the Bur
lington , to place a special train at their ser
vice provided 100 tickets could be sold.
The rate Is ono fare for the round trip , $11.13 ,
and the train will consist of three finely up
holstered chair cars , n smoker and baggage
car. Superintendent Brown will como into
the Bluffs on the evening of the 21st , in bis
private car , which will ba attached to the
special train , and will pilot the party to
Creston. The special train will arrive hereon
on the 21st , nnd will bo handsomely decorated
inside and out. Mr. Davenporthas promised
to decorate the engine , and agrees so send
oat the handsomest train that ever loft the
Bluffs or any other city. The train will be
placed at the disposal of the excursionists ,
and will leave at any time designated by the
board of trade , and the running time will bo
made fast or slow , to suit the convenience of
the puny.
The return will be made the same day. giv
ing the party an opportunity to see the hay
palace and attend the opening services , mak
ing u most delightful trip.
Great preparations are making to have
the display from this county r s choice and
extensive as can bo secured. The board has
appointed Mr. L. A. Caspar to have full
charge of the articles and nttonu to arrang
ing the display at Creston. The board has
instructed Secretary Xevely to prepare a de
scriptive pamphlet of Pottawattamta county ,
setting forth its numerous advantages , and
' , ! , > , 000 of them will bo uistrioutcd
on the fair grounds at Creston.
The board has gore to such expense that the
citizens in general should sco that there is
no trouble in making out the required num
ber to go. It will bo the greatest advertise
ment this county has ever had , and all should
contribute to making It a success. It will
undoubtedly prove ono of the most interest
ing trips for the money that could bo
WANTCD A tow young Indies and ( fentlc-
men. Iso canvassing ; peed pay. Call'J to
13 to-duy , \Vashlngton ave.
FOIl KXOHANGE-An equity In afarmnear
tim city for city lots. Johnston k Van Pat
ten , Kverutt bloclc.
niAHM ! boarders wanted at 1 ! Ilonton stroet.
JLQood boaid ut reasonable rates. Mrs. J. W.
IJAI. KSTATK lloiiRht nnd sold and ( ix-
cImnKeil. Hpnclal attention given to exam.
Inatlou of titles. W. 0. Jamas , No. 10 I'earl St. ,
Council lllutTs.
p I have the largest and
finest stock of hulr goods
west of Chlcaco , nnd I
Imvo determined to eloso It
nil out with the intention
of Kohitf out of the busi
ness. Lutlics who dcslro
anything in my line will bo
Kivon an opportunity to
buy It at loss than half the
usual prices , The needs
are Ilrst class , anil all orna
ments , ota , m nil o up In the
latest styles.
Orders by mail rocelvo
prompt attention.
Xii. iil > Main St. , Council liliifTri.
Adapted to thu public school * ) , Th only
complete thin ; ; of Its kind In existence and In *
dlspeiislble In the t-chool room. Hchool boards
dcslrlnu the most perfect help for the teachers
are invited to examliiH tlilu. Addles
II. A. BAIvM.NC.Kir ,
General Agent ,
* IK Willow Avo. , Council Illuiru , Iowa ,
No , 27 Ma'n St. , Over Jacquernln's
Jewelry Store.
NO. .39 MAIN GT. , -
The bo t Is cencrally the chcnppit. If you
would lie Ilrst class Uook-kooin-r , teacher ,
ponnmn , or reporter and typcwritcrlnnieaaon-
ably short tlmo attend the
Send for catalogue Riving full particulars
roo. W. 8. I'.un.sON , Council mulls In ,
Sporting Headquarters.
Council ElivSfs , la.
Conducted by trie Sisters of Charity ,
An excellent educational institution , fur
nished with all modem Improvements for
boarding and day school. Tlia accdemlc > c.r
consists of two sessions , beginning nn the llrat
.Monday In September mid February , respect-
TBUMS Hoard nnd tuition , per session. $75.
Tor further particulars address
Sister Suporliir , M. Krnnuls Aciulcmy ,
Council lilull'H , In.
In the city. Oilt edyiSd opportunities to Imino
diutf tbturaaiul lioiuoj.'jior a.
t American DiilldinK und Loan As > socla-
No. 301'carl 6t.i LTl'-hTAIUS.
Connect with Electric Motor and Union Pacific Dummy Trains at Ninth and Broadwa
Council Bluffs Iowa. C. F. REED , President.
ii | o iji o 1(11 ( o ii | o ii | o ii | o q MI o i | o ii | o ii o ii | o I | QI
ESTAI1L1S1IED 87 ! ' .
S. S.
Superintendent ,
Orrjcr-4C. i'CO& fl
Jir.HHIAM 11I.OC1C ,
Council lllnffB , : : Io\vn.
toircct estimates of cost
euninntecd. bpcclal attention
Klvcn to all classes of bulld-
IIICP , jinbllc and nrlvato.
I liMCulwuiB on hand , for
tl otomcnlfiicuof jnvpatrons
a Icige number of plans , tmch
us tcnools , LuBln 'B.s and office
landings. county court
bcmet. w alehouses , hotels
and prlratu residences.
, Oiders by aiall promptly at
tended to.
Hydraulic and Sanitary Engineer. Plans , Estimates
H , Specifications. Supervision or Tuhlic Work. Brown
Building , Council BlulTa , Iowa. _
N Justice of the Peace. Ofllco over American Express , No.11
Broadway , Council BlulTs , Iowa.
Ki [ Q I t\/IQ \ / Attorn oys-at-Law. Practice in the Stale and Fed-
( XiOllYlO oral CourtRooms 7 and B Shurart-Beno { Block ,
Council Bluffs. Iowa.
Ul QTFII I M AM Attornov-al-Law , Room ! , Second Floor , Brown
, M , O HLLIVIAIl Block , l'l6 Pearl St. , Council Blulfs , la. Will
practice in State and Federal Courts. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
' SurC0" | '
. - - , .
LEONARD.'EVEREf T- ' 7T. H. M. 1'osisy
Corner Main and Dronihvay ,
COUNCIL uijurrs , io\v.v.
Dealers In forolgn tnd domestic exchanga.
Collections made aud Intarait paid on time do-
J. 1) . lUlMU.SDSd.V , 12. J , . BlIUIUUT
I'ri-H. Vlco 1'iea.
CIIAS. H. HASNON , Cashier.
1'ald lp ? Capital 150.000.00 ,
Kurplus . . . ; .OQiJ.OJ.
Liability to Denoiltor * . . .la.ujU.OO.
Pliu.ur < ml A. Miller. P.O. Gloason. K. I.
Bhugart , I' . I' . Hart , J. O , Kilmmidson , Uina. U.
Ilumiou. Tnuitaa general banking bnslncBB
l.uriu-bt capital ana nurplus of any bank lu
boulu\Mbtern Iowa. Interest on tlmo dopcslls.
Money loaned on furniture , pianos ,
diamonds , hortios , buggies or anything
of vnlua at low nie * > of interest. No ,
publicity : fair and honorable dealing
A. A. Clark & Co. , onieo cor. Broadway
and Main , over American express.
Centrally locotod. rirfet-class turnouts ,
fr hli homes and now cnirlnuui I ot an old
rlKlntlie stiblo. Special attention K v m to
funcr.Ub , and redui ed ratej for cimtuges for
thlii purpose.W. . A. HAVUy , Proprietor.
TelepUouo 77. KW Uroadwajr ,
Connected by Motor
Located on Lake Manawa , the finest Watering Place and Sum mo
Resort in the west , Beautiful Boating and Fishing.
Unparalelled Bathing Beacii.
Special Bates to Parties and Fumillos. Cor
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Council Bluffs ofilco , 116 Pearl Street.