Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 07, 1889, Page 4, Image 4

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13. llOSiaWATKU. Bdltor.
TERMS OF sunscmrnox
D nlly ( Morning Kdltlon ) Including Kundar
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ForSlx Month 600
KorTnr * a MontM 8 M
Tbo Omnha Btmday lleo. mailed to any
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Omnrm oinc , Dee /niiminp. N. W , Cornet
BoTcnteentlumd Fftmatn Streets.
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Sworn Statement of Circulation.
State ot Nebraska , .
County of Douglas. S3.
( Iforgo II. Tzschuck , secretary ot Tlio He
rubllstilng Company , does solemnly swear Hint
the actual circulation ot Tin : DAILY HKK for
the week ending August 3 , l&U , was as follows :
Sunday. .Inly 23 1H.850
Monday , July s IRWfl
a iesday , July 30 ix.fififl
Wednrsday , July 31 18nfifl
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1-Yldny. AuetHtL 1S.WU
Saturday , August 3 18,584
Average 1H.O1H
Sworn to before mo aud suMscrlbed loin my
proseiiro Inland liny of August , A. I ) . 18811.
ISenl. ] N. v. Klfl I , , Notary 1'ublte.
Btntu of Nebraska. )
County of Douglas. ( ' "
OeorRo It. Tzschuck. b lns duly sworn , de
pones and says that ho n secretary of The Use
Publishing company , that the actual average
daily circulation of THE DAILY BIB : for the
month of August. 188. " , 18.1S ) copies : for Sep.
tembor. 188X , copies ; for October 188f ,
58,084 copleo ; for November. 18S8.18.'J80 copies :
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Sworn to before m and subscribed In my
prcsencu this Ud day of August , im
[ SBAn.1 K.l . FCIU Notary I'unlle.
WHAT nbout the proposed fat-stock
show V
Tins county druggist should try to
Zlmrnor down expenses next month.
OMAHA will bo u sight worth a long
journey to see during Merchants' Week.
Tun board of education is showing
an aptitude for attending strictly to
Is OMAiiA to pot any benefit from the
harvest excursions which are soon to
run from eastern states into Nebraska ?
Tins oloctrio motor will not run in
vain if it bo the cause of driving street
Ink ! 13 from prominent business corners.
THIS oflicors of the American cutter
Rush will know bolter next lime when
trying to control a captured British
vessel with a "prize crew" of but one
THE return of Commissioner Turner
from Now York once more reunites
Douglas county's happy family. Now
let the committee report upon the
alleged vault steal.
Tm < : Ciiieago papers have condensed
their usual flings at St. Louis to make
room for long-winded editorial blows at
New York. This is as it should bo an
oven match or no fight.
IN its wild desire to make a reputation
as a monopoly fighter , the Itcpublicun hits
out blindly at the local management of
the Western Union Telegraph company.
But , sau to relate , the premise had no
THE work of the delegates to the con
stitutional conventions in the four new
statoa is about over and now they will
return to their respective constituen
cies to be patted affectionately on the
back for well merited praise.
JUST because a petrified hand clenching -
ing a fistful of diamonds is said to have
been found near Kearney , it is not noc-
* ssary to herald Nebraska abroad as a
new diamond field. Better than all the
diamonds and rubies in the world is the
great corn crop which will be gath
ered in this state this full.
THE lead ere problem in which the
people of Wyoming , Colorado , Mon
tana and Utah are deeply interested
still sits heavily upon the shoulders of
the assistant secretary of the treasury.
Since the 16th of May ho lias Imd the
question under advisement , and as yet
has given little indication of arriving
at a conclusion. A great mass of testi
mony has boon brought to his attention ,
and it ia this evidence that ho is trying
to digest. Probably by the time congress -
gross assumblos an answer will bo given
turning the solution of the problem
over to that body.
Tni ! suspicion is well grounded
thnt the gobbling up of Omaha's river
front by ofilcinls of the Union Pacific
nnd Burlington railroads isjiot without
significance. It is all very well for
thorn to innko glittering promises of ox-
tonslvc improvements on the bottom
lands for manufacturing , warehousing
and storage purposes. The truth of the
matter is , however , that their scheme
la nothing more nor loss t'utn ' an at
tempt to prevent the erection of another
railroad bridge across the Missouri
within the corporate Hmlta of the city.
Their mask IB altogether too transpar
ent. The building of a new railroad
bridge ia an imperative necessity and
cannot bo prevented by any such con
spiracy. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
OMAHA'S growth In population dur
ing four years past has few parallels in
American history. The increase of her
importance as a jobbing nnd financial
center has boon the innrvol of the com
mercial world ; her architecture has
leaped from the cradle of village simplic
ity Into full equality with any western
city. All this is gratifying , because it
la the result of a kind providence , nat
ural advantages of location , and al
mighty hard work. But there ia the
ftituro to look to. No man can measure
the limits of Omaha two decades honco.
It isn't worth time spent to try it' , but
if every man will do his utmost for the
publio good , lot him bo assured he will
alco bo doing the most for his private
The reports from Standing Rock uni
Cheyenne ngonelcs indicate thnt the
opening of the great Sioux rosorvatioi
is assured. Latest advices nnnouuci
that the requisite number of name
have been secured to make up n total o
throe-fourths of nil the Indiana competent
tent to votoon the pro position , and thn
signatures nro still being added , both n
these and other agencies.
The conclusion of the work of th (
commission calls for comment on tin
difficulties which it has experience (
and the moans finally adopted to sur
mount thorn. The primal trouble wa
caused by the secret chicanery ot tin
hand of so-called Indian phllanthro
plsts in the cast , whoso sentimental re
gnrd for the impossible Indian ha
balked for years every effort mnd <
to reduce the Indian problem U
a soluble oquation. That pi on
fraud , Dr. Bland , who ha
nctod as a professional philmithropis
and persistent claim agent for Rot
Cloud nnd his lost ponies , in which lit
is said to have had a half interest
blocked the way first at Pine Ridge
agency nnd seriously menaced the suc
cess of. subsequent negotiations. Th <
squaw men , hnlf-broeds and agency cof
fee coolers wore persistent opponents o
any sottlotnont of the rcsorvat'or '
question which might force them t <
give up the lariat for the plover
or the six shooter for the school
Added to these disturbing-elements wa !
the elnuso in the bill indemnifying tin
Ogallnln Sioux for losses in the war o
1870 and excluding consideration of the
claims of other tribes. Local jcnlousj
was the natural consequence.
The part played by the military portion
tion of the commission was an interest
ing and suggestive one. Genera
Crook's influenceas expected , was pow
erful , but it seemed necessary
later to rolnforco It by the as-
sistnnco of Captain Randall , wh (
was called post haste from Amoni
to use his argumentative powers amonj
the tribes with whom ho was once sc
popular nnd persuasive , The congres
sional otatory of Major Wnrnor nnd the
dime novel flights of Governor Fostoi
appear to have had loss weight with
Gall nnd his band than the sententious
remarks of the grizzled veteran of t
hundred Indian fights , while the quiet
man to man work of Captain Randall
rapidly changed opposition to advocacy ,
The news of the commission's success
will bo received with general congratu
lation throughout the northwest. II
moans the final removal of a barrier
which for years has prevented the de
velopment of eleven millions of acres ol
Land with which the red soil of Oklahonin
can brook as little comparison as that ol
eastern Now Hampshire with Nebraska.
The throwing open of the great reserve
means in addition the peopling of n
neighboring frontier with thousands
of hardy settlers -who will be
largely tributary to Nebraska's
trade centers. Omaha has
peculiar nnd overmastering interest i.i
a territory which she will bo nblo tc
control proportion to the wants
of its population ant } the push , vigor
ivnd enterprise of her merchants.
It is predicted that the coining repub
lican state convention will be the most
uxcitiner over held in Nebraska in an oil
year. This unusual interest will not be
an account of the offices to be immedi
ately filled , but because of the bearing
which the selection of the candidates
will have on the gubernatorial cam
paign a year from this coming fall. The
preliminary skirmish is already on , al
though the date of the convention haslet
lot yet boon fixed.
The state committee meets in Omaha
ihis evening and will decide where the
convention shnll bo hold. While the
choice of the convention city may not
have any political significance , still It
s charged that the efforts made by
[ Tastings to secure the gathering nro
n the interest of General C. J. Dil-
ivorth as a candidate for justice
jf the supreme court. This , how-
jvor , these who favor Hastings
lony , and General Dilworth has
smphaticnlly stated that he is notacan-
lidate and that "no valid objections
anvo boon given why Judge Reese
should not bo returned to the place hems
: ms faithfully filled. "
In spite of this declaration by Judge
[ ) ilworth , there are these who believe
10 will bo pushed by the railroads for the
ioat on the supreme bench. Both Judge
[ Tamer and Judge Post are also openly
in the field tvnd in cnso of Dilworth's
'allure to secure the prize , ono or the
ithor will undoubtedly receive the
liearty support of the railroad cohorts.
The plans above outlined are alleged
, o bo but u scheme in the interest of
jenoral A. U , Connor , of Kearney , who
is alllicted with a severe case of guber
natorial fever. They are , however ,
, inblo to fall through. It is too early in
, ho season , considering the numberless
candidates who are willing nnd anxious
M serve Nebraska in the capacity o (
jovornor , to fix a slnto which can not
jo smashed before a year and a half
oils round.
The clearings of the associated banks
jf the United States nro published in
iho Commercial nnd Financial Chronicle ,
.ho standard and reliable authority on
iinnncinl matters in this country , nnd
the figures as published are correct and
properly grouped. But these figures
under analysis prove the incorrectness
jf the old adage that "figuros won't Ho , "
because in this instance they are mis-
Kansas City reports clearings for the
ivook ending July 27 , $7oU,7ll. : Omaha
reports 8-1,628,201 , indicating that Kan-
ms City's trade for thnt week was as 7 is
to 4 against this city. To make proper
nnd correct deductions it should be
borne in mind that Kansas City stuffs
Its cloaringB , first , with the busi-
iioso of the Atchlson , Topeka &
Santa Fo Railway company , which
belongs to Topeku , whore the head
quarters of the road nro located and
where its deposits should bo mndo and
cleared. Through the influence of
Kansas City bankers , however , the re
ceipts of that heavy corporation ,
amounting to over three-quarters of n
million weekly , are son I as received in
the company's safes to Kansas City and
go to swell the business of the banks
there. Then , ngnhitho packing house
business of Kansas City Is done through
the banks of that burg , whereas the
business ot Onmha'a packing houses h
done through the branch banks ( at South
Omaha ) of the First National and
Omaha National , of Omaha , nnd as most
of this business can bo cleared by mes
sengers botwcon these two branches , It
docs not coino to the clearing house
hero. On this Omnhn loses about eight
hundred thousand dollars per wcok
in the cleat-ings footing. Then , once
moro , it is well known in banking circles
thnt the cashiers of the Kansas City
banks , awnro of the flecadonco of their
city , nro in the habit of holdine cashiers'
chocks received in settlement at then
clearing house till next day nnd passing
them through again , in a toad of obtain
ing the currency from debtor banks by
Omaha also stands lower In the clear
ing house tables by the loss of much of
the Btnolting works business , which
amounted to ono and a half millions per
month , the greater bulk of which
does not pass through the clearing
house for the reason thut the smelting
works company deposits with the bank
through which nine-tenths of the col
lections upon the company nro mndo ,
and the drafts are simply charged uji
and do not go through the clearings.
In these divers ways Omaha loses in
the estimation of these at a distance
who are wont to estimate the activity
prevailing in commercial circles by the
footings rendered from the clearing
houses of the respective cities inter
ested , and it is just as well that It bo
understood that the clearings hero show
loss wlnlo her neighbors show
more than the facts. Visitors
to both Kansas City and Omaha are not
slow , however , to express the opinion
thnt this city is going to the front as a
commercial center faster than Kansas
City is retrograding , and wo know that
wo are getting to the front very rapidly.
It may occasion some surprise that
American citizens have gradually
gained a controlling interest in the
great Inmnn line of transatlantic
steamships. In fact , but a small portion
of its stock is now owned on the other
side of the water , although the line is
ailed under the British fiag. The re
vival in shipping interests during the
post year or two all over the world has
boon phenomenal. Ocean trnlllo has
called into service all kinds of
bottoms , especially steamships , and
rates have doubled and trebled
as compared with the rates of a few
years ago. Capital has naturally been
attracted to steamship building and
sailing , and the monster floating pal
aces turned out by the foreign ship
yards attest the profitableness of the
There is little question that the ship
ping interests of America would have
been materially advanced to-day were
it not for the fact that for years this
country has been handicapped in its
ability to compete with the Scotch and
English in the building of iron ships.
Our injurious shipping laws which for
bid the sailing of a foreign built ship
under the American flag have
likewise contributed in depressing
the industry , and in driving the
American jack from the high seas.
Happily there are signs which indicate
that America will soon take her place
again among the maritime nations of
the earth. The impetus given to ship
building by the government in the con
struction of steel-armored sb ips of war
has demonstrated the ability of our
ship yards to cope with the best on
the Clyde and Thames. Capitalists
have been quick to recognize this
advantage , and the chances are that
within a short lime largo orders will bo
placed for the building ot fleets of
American steamers for transatlantic
traffic. A project has boon announced
in maritime circles for the operation of
a fast steamship line botwcon England
and the United Statos. Mr. Austin
Corbin is at the head of this enter
prise , and the preliminaries are
said to bo already arranged.
Such a line would bo the pioneer of
similar stcnmshiu companies and would
induce confidence in the iron industry
such as it has not enjoyed for many a
day. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
President Harrison started yesterday
on his trip to the Maine coast , whore ho
will spend so mo time in courting the
sea breezes and visiting Mr. Blnino
amid the rocks and tides of Bar Harbor.
It is significant of the high pressure
of executive Ufo that the president
finds it impossible to leave behind him
ofiicial cures oven for n few weeks , and
that ho travels pursued by the impor
tunities of seekers after ofllco , and ac
companied by his secretaries and
boxes of tape-tied documents.
His last moments before leaving Wash
ington wore devoted to interviews with
politicians , and it is safe to assume thnt
almost his first in Maine will bo spent
in consideration of consular claims. In
deed , we are informed that much of the
delayed business of the slate depart
ment will bo finally disposed of
when the president and Mr. Blaine are
able to put their heads together and
discuss the olllcial matters which have
boon accumulating for the past month
in the files of the department of state.
The situation in Hnyti , the Bob-
ring sea troubles , nnd the approaching
congress of the throe Americas will all
como up for consideration , together
with the claims of a number of Ameri
can citizens in Central America for
indemnity for damage to property.
Half a hundred consulates remain to bo
filled and the extra session problem is
to bo definitely determined.
Altogether , President Harrison will
have to combine a great deal of busi
ness with his pleasure. Ho found it im
possible to lleo from its consideration at
Deer Park , among the Allcghonios. IIo
will find it equally impracticable to
elude it on the sea washed crags of
Maine. The importunities for ofllco ,
the demands of executive functions
and the clamors of pressing atTuirs of
state must bo with him whorovcr ho
goes. Under our system of govern
ment , especially at the inception of u
now administration , the veriest drudge
chained tonfTofllco desk is loss driven
with , work fund responsibility and hnr-
nsalntr cart llinn the chief executive of
the nation'Ji' Qongross inny adjourn nnil
congressmen fyumt on junketing tvlna
to Alaska J jnd the Ules of the
sea ; may investigate railroad relations
through pSrll-colored wlno glasses ot
inspect folho hundredth time the
wonders otn vfcstorn scenery with Inci
dental rofdycneo to palace car irriga
tion and o&tjerlor water storngo. But
the president in his very recreation is
shadowed Wfbfllcial responsibility and
dogged by Ihb cry of hungry olflco sock-
era , bo hls' resting plnco the White
House or the train , the mountains or
the sea , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Tun first nnnunl cavalry competition
for the department of Dakota , the
Pintle and the Columbia , which takes
plnco this week at the Bellevue rifle
range , will excite the interest of the
array all over the United Statos. The
practice includes a woolc of known dis
tance firing and skirmish firing and n
week of competition firing with car
bine nnd revolver. This is a distlnctli
now feature in army practice , the re
sult of which will bo closely followed.
If successful there is little doubt but
that its scope will bo enlarged and its
importance- bo duly magnified. TG
both olllcers nnd men In the cavalry
service , the competition cnn not fail to
bo of great value. Not alone will it
ralso their efficiency , but will kindle
that enthusiasm and that esprit do
corps which so much distingushcs the
foreign service. The competition ol
the infantry rifle practice just closed
atBullovuo has boon eminently satis
factory , and there is every reason to be
hove that the marksmen in the cavalry
will distinguish themselves in no less
degree. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
E3HGKA.T10N to the United States has
perceptibly fallen oft" within the
few months , contrary to general expec
tations. For the month of July the
number arriving at Castle Garden was
less than twenty-five thousand , just four
thousand short of tlio record for the
corresponding time last year. The
cause of this diminution is traced to the
great efforts made by various countries
to divert emigration to their own col-
onios. England offers extra induce
ments to her immigrants to go to Aus
tralia or Canada , while Germany is
actually sending out her stir plus popula
tion to colonize her possessions in Africa.
The tempting offers of the South Amor-
ionn republics have drawn thousands of
Italians in Unit direction and the
chances are tha America's record for
the year will sliow a marked decrease
all around.
PHILADELPHIA presents some inter
esting figures touching on the number
of arrests ma4o | n that city for the year
ending Juno 11889. . It appears that
the decrease as compared with the
twelve months' , preceding was no less
than eight thousand five hundred. The
reason for this ! improvement in the
moral tone of tlio people is credited to
the operations of high license. Under
the old systota of low license , an ex
ceedingly largo number of saloons
flourished , especially in the poorer
riuartors of the city. The operations of
high license cut down fully one-third
nnd raised the standard of the saloons
now in operation. There may , of
course , bo other grounds for explaining
Lho diminution of crime in that city ,
but the ono in question is certainty the
most reasonable.
THE success of the Gentiles In carry
ing the municipal election in Salt Lake
is of moro than local Interest. It is the
first time in the history of the city that
the control of its affairs will pass out of
Mormon hands. Although numerically
in the majority , the anti-polygamy laws
tmvo disfranchised so many Mormons
that the victory of the Gontlles was al
most a foregone conclusion. There is
: onsoquently great cause for rejoicing ,
is it indicates that Salt Lake , for the
present , at least , is not to bo dominated
by church influence , which has been
juoh a powerful factor in retarding its
jrowth and importance. Judging from
the effect ot Gentile supremacy in Og-
lon , Salt Lake is likely to experience a
revival in business and to push its way
rapidly to the front.
CiTiiiS are now learning the value of
franchises for street railways and like
privileges , and many nro adopt
ing the policy of selling thorn to the
highest bidder , or exacting a bonus for
certain rights and grants. This by no
means indicates that by the sale , such
nities part with their right of super
vision and control. On the contrary ,
the charters granted to corporations and
syndicates for a valuable consideration
bind them under greater restrictions
Lhr.n when such franchises are given for
the asking. The determination of Cleve
land , O. , to exact a bonus hereafter for
flghts-of-way on the streets of that city
will bo watched with interest. A largo
revenue from various sources will inure
lo the city's bojietit without in the least
affecting the legitimate profits of com
panies holding subh franchises.
LOT the people of our state spread the
news abroad 'Kobrnska has still two
ind a half milUpn'aeres of fertile virgin
soil awaiting the plow of the homo-
steudor. In o ji $ * words , one hundred
ind sixty thousand quarter sections are
Dpon for pro-oihfition to the pick of the
llrst man thnt 'cosmos along. There Is
jonsoquontly up valid reason why bonu
Ildo settlers should pass Nebraska by for
lands not half \ & desirable in Oklahoma
> r other out of thaw ay regions.
Timlin's a great deal in good old
Uorbert's ndvlco "Dross nnd undress
Lhy soul , Watch its decay anil growth. "
rhoro are some- people who should un
it-ess their souls and put thorn aside for
zood. They are too small to bo of any
araetical use , This applies personally
lo these Now York slave drivers who
make the sowing girls in their employ
abor seventeen to eighteen hours a
lay for starvation wages.
Now I.KT some company that means
bubinoss btop in and utilize the grade
between Niobrara and Atkinson , of this
state , abandoned by the Chicago , Mil-
ivuukoo & St. Paul. The cUizona of the
counties which the proposed ron <
traverses are ready to Join with ;
bonn fide enterprise which will plv
thorn direct railroad communicntlon.
Tin : Canadian skipper of the Bli\cl <
Diamond is evidently n man vorsoil it
the ethics of war. With the frownhif
guns of the Rush backing a demand foi
surrender , ho acquiesced to the inovlt
nblo , but with only ono American ot
board ho rose to the oocislon. A inns-
torly rotrcnt Is bolter than utter anni
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Not an Unmixed
Knntiu Cttv Tlmct.
If Dr. Urown-Soiiunra'soHxIrof life sliouli
prove to bo n success it might not prove tc
bo nn unmixed blossint ; . It Is a very serious
question whether some men in imbllo llf.
whom wo might nninn ought to bo allowed t <
have It injected Into tlioir vclas.
Driven From tlio Stnto.
Ktw Vorh H'orW ( D m ) .
Judge Cunnlnfrhnm , who charged the gram
Jury of Conway county , Arkansas , to luvcs
tlc.ito the assassination of John M. Clayton
hits sent his resignation to Governor Kaglo
nnd hns takou up hta nboilo m Oklahoma
His usefulness ns a Juilgo no doubt , torml
nntod when ho undertook to bring the slnye
of Clayton to Justice.
Ono Good Thine to lie l/ouc.
PHttbuiv Clironlele ,
The best thing thnt congress can tlovlici
It gels together iu extra or regular snssloi
will bo to pass nn alien contract labor Inv
about the meaning ot which there cnn bo m
question. Tlio present law moans every
tiling , anything , or nothiug , Just as these in
tcrostod may choose to interpret it , nnd ha ;
nlroaily been sadly twisted from Its purposi
in several Important uartlcutan.
A St. Lioiiin Joke.
St. Louts ItepMbltc.
Chicago wilt exhibit discretion by disband
ing her committee and withdrawing from tlu
absurd pretense of competing for the world1 !
fair.Ve are able to announce authorita
tively that tbo world's fair of 189.3 will be
hold in St. Louis , nnd that of 1003 will be
liold In Now York. Chlcagonns will have
the privilege of attending the first. Hvthc
time the last is hold , the site of Chicago will
bo sown with turnips and the famous "crib"
wbicli ouco supplied the city with water will
bo clogged with sewage.
A Senatorial Anarchist ,
Imlfdimnolta Journal.
The Hon. Danlol Voorhees lias many old
friends who will bo both shocked and grieved
to learn that ho nnd Lucy Parsons arc
preaching tbo same doctrine. Daniel says :
"If I had my way with men lilco the Carno-
gies I would hang tliem. " The amiable Lucy
puts it thus : "They , the people , must rise
and bear out ths heads of these devils those
capitalists on pikestaffs. The revolution
comes , the red Hug waves , " etc. , etc. , ending
in a wild hoop-la. There is a difference in
form of expression , a difference in the pro
posed method of extermination , but none in
sentiment. The ono utterance was no less
anarchist doctrine than the other.
Re Xicntciit With " \Vnukoen.
Cfrtcago Tribune.
Joaquln miller is quoted as saying that
Duluth \vill some day rob Chicago of its
? lory. Before rushing violently into abuse
Df Mr. Miller , however , it should bo ascer
tained whether ho expressed tbo opinion
verbally or whether the charge is founded
jii something written in a letter to a friend.
[ Its penmanship looks like a ( hedge fence
struck simultaneously by lightning mid n
jyclone , and is utterly untranslatable by or-
linary mortals. The saying credited to him
in relation to Dululh and Chicago may have
> ecn a harmless expression of bis convictions
: oncarnlnc tbo authenticity of Josephus or a
loscription of the proper method of branding
i mustang pony.
A small town near Morgantown , W. Va. ,
ins an eccentric woman who wears a differ-
mt colored wig euca day in the week.
Mary Anderson has written to friends in
jouisvillo that she in good health and spir
ts , though a long rest is prescribed us nec-
sasary to relieve her from the effects ot her
ivcrworlc for some years past.
Lady Cork , writing ot Hebekah , the
nether of Jacob , as a typo of the worldly-
vise woman of the present ddy , says of the
alter : "Sho vvill buar us no enmity , wish
is no evil , and it may be , evince a certain
neasuro of friendliness ; but lot the moment
irrive when from force of circumstances wo
lo in her path , nnd from thnt moment out-
loom is Healed. Close relationship will not
ivail , long intimacy will not servo , utter
lolplessncss not protect us ; relentlessly and
itcalthlly the worldly-wiso woman will
; lido on her tortuous way , leaving these
vho confided in her betrayed like Hoboknh's
iightloss husband and like her eldest son. "
L'lio Countess of Cork seems to understand
A California letter tells of a widow in
southern California who has Just sold her
irango crop for S1C.OOO.
Mrs. E. S. Hitchie , near Hatboro , Pa. , nas
i rosebush of tbo "Sovun Sisters" coiitam-
ng 1CUO buds and roses.
Mrs. Josephine Pollard has offered her
mrlors for the uao of Uov. George Francis
Train's now Church of the Psychos.
There Is a cheerful outlook ahead for tlio
lousekeoper. Fourteen thousand girls in
Condon are attending cooking schools.
Tlia cmnross of Germany Is to have a
ipccin ! bodyguard composed of twenty-four
if the largest men In the Prussian army
md commanded by an officer at.d two sor-
jcants ,
Susie Fmipy and Jonnlo Martin , of Oro-
rllle , Unite county , Col. , accompanied by n
nastiff , wont/ Into the woods In search of
'cms lust Sunday. In nn isolated part of
no forest they were approached by n ulnna-
non Bear. The young ladles started to run
.owaru homo , followed by the bear , The
nastiff caught the bear by the neck and a
lusperato struggle ensued until Miss Fonoy's
jrothers arrived and Hhot the bear.
Miss L.aiir.1 Smith and Miss Gertrude
tlutchlns , two bright and plucky young
ndies whoso Homes nro in Pennsylvania ,
save rented an old. log cabin on the shores of
mo of the Kiingelcy lakes and they are living
ilono in thut wilderness , far from any other
luman beluga. They do their own fishing
md gunning and are having a glorious time ,
L'hoy propose to stay two months.
Tim Ylliw tonn
Final arrangements uro being mndo for
hu grand excursion on the Union Pacific to
I'cllowstono Park and famous western ro-
orts. The train will leuvu hero ut 6:1.1 :
Thursday morning. A largo number nave
ilrcndy engaged tickets and are preparing
or U good time.
Tim KlUIiorn Washout.
About sixty fcot of track was washed
way on the South Platte * division of the
Hkhorn near MOPBO J31uff , owing to the
tonn. Trains on thut division were delayed
ovoral hours.
Unilrond Noln-i.
Engine 313 la out of the shop for Borvico
u the Papllhon run with Knginccr Fishur
n board.
Superintendent Itoisegulo , of the Union
'ueitic , has gone on a thruu weeks' ' pleasure
rip to Paclllo coast points. ilU family uu-
ouipuulcd him.
Governor Thayer Hears n Knnoa
Oity Delegation
Cnptnln Henry , of Pnlriuout , Aj
tiolntod Oonimnmlnnt or thu
Boldlors' and Bailors' Homo
The Flah Commission.
LlKCOLJf UtJKHAU OfTrtnOvUflA. Hs-l , )
LINCOLN , August 0. |
The governor to-day hoard H. P. Child , MI
perlntondent of the Kansas City stock yards
C. P , Patterson , general traveling ngont ; Al
bert Uonn , atnto sanitary Inspector of Kan
sas , and Frank Cooper , of the Kansas Citj
live stoclc exchange , In reference to the re
cent temporary quarantine run upon thi
shipment of cuttle into this state from Hi
Kivusns City stock yards. The dolegntioi
arrived at the state house at 11 o'clock n. m
nnd concluded its nudlcnco at 1. It is enl ;
known that the condition of cattle In tin
yards nt Kansas City was considered n
length , nnd that the governor putiontl ;
licnrd what the gentlemen had to sny. Thi
governor is reticent us to what hla final onlo
will be , nnd nothing tleilnlto will bo kuowt
until It Is made.
Comnmmlnm Henry.
The governor has appointed Captain W. C
Henry , of Fillmore county , commandant a
the soldiers' and sailors' homo , Grand Island
to take effect from and utter August 15. H <
was department commander of the Grand
Army of the llcnubllo last year. Hislournci
that Captain Henry has accepted the up
nolntuionb and. will assume the rosponsi
bllltles of tbo position ou the date that Ham
mond's resignation takes olloct.
Tlio Pisli Commission.
President AlcUride , of the state flsh com
mission , is daily cxpoctlng the arrival of twc
cars of flsh from the Quinoy , III. , station ,
where the United States commission have n
largo force employed Joining in the overflow
ponds and bayous uftor pike , pickerel , bass ,
croppies , speckled cat fish nnd sun flsh ,
which nro shipped to the various states of
the union for distribution. One car is to be
unloaded at Milford. to stock the Uluo river ,
and the ether goes to Uavonua for the Louj :
river and its tributaries.
Picnic nt lllckman ,
The old settlers ot Lancaster county an
nounce a picnic at Hickman Thursday , Au
gust 8. An excursion tram will leavu Lin
coln at 9 a. ni. and returns at 7 p. m. , over
the 13. & M. A committee waited on Gou-
eral Van Wyck while ho was hero on last
Saturday , and invited him to deliver an ad
dress , which he agreed to do. It is under
stood that the general will deliver the ad
dress of the day. An interesting programme
has been arranged und a Joyous time is an
ticipated. A lareo delegation of Capital
City folks will attend , and it goes without
saying that every candidate for the county
ofllccs will make hay while the sun shines.
I5ui.lne.s5 and Social Oi-j : inlztxtSon ) .
The Central Nebraska Investment compa
ny aud the Independent Order of . the True
League filed articles of incorporation to
day. The investment company , located at
UroKen Bow , recites its purpose to be the
purchase of real estate , the erection , and
maintainanco of buildings thereon , and en
hance the value of any and nil property the
corporation miiy own. Business commenced
August 1 on un authorized capital stock of
§ 30,000. The league is n benevolent und
social order , and Us purpose is to institute
now lodgiis mid perpetuate them throughout
the state. Its grand lodge is located nt
Omaha. Incorporntors ot the former : S. J ,
Lenorgan , A. J. Hobortson , Ed McCoinas ,
John Kceal , W. II. dine. O. J. Collman , II.
E. Plnine , J. C. Bowen , S. JJ. Thompson
and J. II. Inmnn. Trustees of the latlor :
Fritz Seccel , Aug. Sehinbach , Hud Hnrtz
nnd F. J. Froitag.
Sniircini ! Court News.
The following caces were lilod for trial in
the supreme court to-day.
Cassil A. Stevens vs Washington I. Casson ;
error from Fiilmore countv.
Koburt Galloway vs Gcorgo W. Duncan ;
error from liuif.Uo county.
Joseph Miller vs S. M. Camp ; appeal from
Fillmoru county.
Georpc W. Poffonbarger ct al vs Lydia E.
Smith et al ; error from Gage county.
1'rof. Baldwin , the Aeronaut.
The state fair management is negotiating
with Prof. Ualdwin , the celebrated aeronaut ,
jo secure his attendance at the coming expo
sition. It is learned that ho will bo present
n consideration of $3,000 , and make thrco
unips from n balloon on thrco successive
lays. It Is understood that ho makes these
remarkable Jumps from nis ballon nt a
heiuhth " of'of 1,000 to 1.500 foot , and with the
.iid"of a parachute descends successfully to
the ground. Tncso wonderful exhibitions
will doubtless prove ono of the great special
attractions of the state fair.
Special Orders 7 nnd H.
Uy order of the commander-in-chlof of the
Nebraska National guard , Adjutant General
Zo\o \ has issued special orders 7 nud 8. The commends and grants nn honorable dU-
jhargo from Company E of the First regi
ment to Cactalu M. J. Maloney , and orders
3irst Lieutenant Frank Fowlers to call an
election in the company for the puruoso of
lllini' the vacancy. The second recoui-
cuends the dismissal of the following un-
isted men for the good of the service bo-
; auso of conduct prejudicial to discipline ;
I'homns S. JSrodenuU , Anthony It. Clinton ,
IVra. U. Hogan , George J. Kostors , Jeremiah
\ . Linalmu , James McGuirc , Jamus II. Mo-
Sale , Win. Itoach , liarnanl J. MoCalrj ,
Nicholas Spellman , Chas. Tnggnrt , James
jpellmnn , Christopher Thompson , Win. F.
.Vober . , Thomas F. lluwnloy , Alfred E.
Juncau and Owtm McKee.
City NOWN and Notes.
G. M. Uartlott , deputy btato treasurer ,
oft to-day , accompanied by his wife , for Hot
Springs , Dak. , to enjoy n short vacation and
ecruit Mr. Uartlott's falling health.
Mrs. Governor Thayer is very sick in
Uassachusotts , and has been for over a week.
l'ho governor has boon receiving telegrams
rom tno ovorv day killing him of
ler condition from day to day. Ho has boon
n constant feur thai uvory one would call
ilm lo her bedside , yet it hax boon uitllcult
or him to leuvu , us Lieutenant Governor
Mlokuljohn Is aUn very 111. Thn iiuulllgenco
'rom Airs. Thayer to-duy is quite favorable ,
minting now to her ultimate recovery. The
-rovernor'H son and private secretary Has
line bcon shut up in his room with Intermlt-
.cnt fever , but Is better uu J In u fair wiiy to
Elder Charles H. Newman , p'jstor of the
Mrst Christian church , loft to-day for a visit
it Qulnc.v , 111. , and C.inton , Mo. , and ho will
jo from homo about ten Uuv . Elder W. P.
\ylcs\vortl' supplies his pulpit Sunday , both
naming and oviinlng.
Ussiu Scatilon , tin ) young girl assaulted
Monday night , IB faornuwhut bolter to-day ,
nit her fricnJs still fear an attack of brain
'over. Shu was attacked with convulsions
.wo . or thrvu times last night and to-day.
G. H. Chapman enjoyed a very pleasant
all to-day from Mrs. Pitner and son , of La
'orte , Intl. Mrs , I'liucr is u sister of Aus-
in Forbes ami an aunt of George V. r'orben ,
I hey loft on the liurlington llyoi lo-day to
'isit lolatives at I'iuttsmouth ,
Commission or O'KouHVs Opinion of
tlio County I'liitrinaoy.
There are very good reasons at last for
rcdictlng that the county drug store and
iu mill will bo knocked out.
Chairman Mount mil Commissioner
> 'ICculTu expressed themselves yesterday
rieily , but In such a manner us to Indicate
Imt they think a uhango should bo made ,
'ho latter had three or four bldi oil his desk
no was examining uad comparing ,
when Mount fired a shot at Tint nr.n man .41
for his alleged Intimation that port wlnq
nnd old rye whisky were too rich for pauper I
patients , ]
"J notlco n big difference in the prices on
mny Itonn lioro , " observed O'lCeofto.
"And It U hard to maka out some of the
down there " sold
law-breaking names put ,
"You are right about that ; they would
choice a telephone , " nnd Richard smiled n
quiet unobtrusive smolo nt the sally.
"Bettor got Kcogli anil X.lmmcr to help
you understand them , " mt vised the chairman.
"Guess I will. "
"What about that Leslie & Loillo hid I"
Inquired Mount. " 1 don't hohovo wo caa
consider It , They Insist on having all pro *
ncrlntlons not filled nt the county dispensary
sent to their store. Suppose the physician
was out a long wuys , at night , auu wantoil , j
some modtclno quickly , ho couldn't wait fern >
n man to go two mllon ami got IL"
"My opinion , " replied OUCuofto , "Is that
wo ought to give some good drug store a
contract anil do away with this county busi
ness entirely. "
"Woll , I don't know but that It would ba
bottor. " answered Mount. "Uo ahead , ad-
vortlso and see what It can bo done for. "
"Lcsllo & Leslie s.iy they will take tlio
job at ? 'i31 a month nnd furnish service ,
whloh Is certainly much loss than wo nro
unylng now.
"Tho only thing I sec to object to , " said
Mount , "is , Dr. ICcogh says ho gets bettor
medicines and better in MS uro in his pro-
sorlptlons umlor the prosout .systmn than
when they nro filled at drug store s. "
"Hut whatever druggist should bo awarded
a contract would have to give bauds to fur
nish whatever tlio physician called for , consequently
quently you would have him nndoryour con
trol. "
O'Koofo Is ono of the committee to whom
this matter was referred aud It Is moro than
probable that ho will report against contliiu-
ing the county concern any longer. "It is
costing too much money , " was thosignlilcaut
remark ho mado.
A Number of Cnsrq Sot For Itnarlnst
Thi-4 Month.
.Tutlgo Shields calloil the county court
docket for August , und sot the following
cases for trial :
Hans P. Josson vs Ellas Osn , 23ml lust. ,
at 10 a , m.
John W. Cotton vs II. E. School ut al. , IGtu
nt 10 a. in.
Atdon O. Mudgo vs Clara Kates et al. ,
10th at 0 p. m.
Joseph M. Hayes vs William Uauinan , 13tli
at 10 p. m.
Charles II. Fryo ot. al. vs George Hurita
et. nl. , JtOth at 10 a. m.
Myer Ilcllman vs Eva Oliver , Sth at 10
a. m.
Pax ton & Viorllng Iron works vs Samuel
K. Fulton eU al. . lth ! ) at 10 u , m.
The Market & Fulton bank ot Now York
vs C. A. Jncobson et. nl. , 7th at 10 a. in.
Henry Kruso vs Howard A. Worly , 10th
at 3 p. m.
Mary Cox vs F. Uhluian et , al , , mh at 2
p. m.
Charles E. Uotti vs C. P. StelTen. 10th at
2 p. in.
Emor Klllott vs The Boo Publishing com-
pauy , Ifith at 10 a. m.
M. F. Timons vs John Lindorholm.IlOth at
10 a. tn.
George L. Green vs Henry St. Felix , Uth
at 10 a. tn.
W. J. Van Arman vs J. H. Sullivan , 12th
at 10 a. m.
E. E. Howard vs E. L. Van Elton ol al. ,
17th at 10 a. in.
John L. Miles at al. us Vaclar Proskovec.
flth at 10a. m.
John P. Thomas vs Nols O. lirown , 14th
al 2 p. m.
James W. Ellor vs James J. Cummlngs ,
12lh alfl.-IiOa. m.
Hank of Commerce vs Minnie Fairchild ot
al. , 1'J at 2 p. in.
Chprles P. Richmond v3 N. D. ,
20th al 10 a. m.
John L. Miles ot al. vs K. C. Patterson.
10th at 10 a. m.
A Judgement for S311.10 In favor of plain
tiff , in thu suit of the Nebraska Nalloiml
bank against John A. Smiloy.
District Court.
Low water mark was reached yesterday *
iftornoon ia the business lido of the district
Alva B. Cook withdrew his suit against
Lho Union Pacilic railway company. Tuo
; ietion was to recover $10,000 for defamation
if character , the company huvinp caused
[ Book's arrest lust fall for nn alleged dufal
'alion , of which ho proved his innoconco.
Vow Under Confederation by the
Hoard ol' l < ] diication.
A number of the members of the board of
iducalion have under consideration the idea
> f establishing in connection with the high
ichool a department devoted lo Inslruclion
n Iho mechanical arts iu connection with
.ho . work now being done In the manual
raining department. "Tho idea , " aalil a
nembor cf the board who is enthusiastic ia
aver of the proposed departure , "is to have
L course of instruction running through four
ears , which is about thu lima mo it of Iba
> oys ao connected with thu school. Wo
iroposo to have a thorough and competent
anchor lo instruct Iho students In nrchltec-
urul drawing , something that will provo of
iructicnl benellt lo thorn and bo u relief from
ho surfoii of book learning thut la
s crowded upon the average high school
nipil. This ciiuso in mechanical training Islet
lot m any way calculated to interfere with
ho regular school work of the student , but
iiorcly to give him mi insight with the miiu-
icr in which work is done , reader him
nmiliar with thu tools nnd methods of doing
ho work and thus Irula the eye , hand ana
vlml to methods of accuracy , which nt
Iher kind of training has yet bcon able W-
ccompiish. The plan is u good ono and the
oard can't do better than adopt It. "
July , painful , blutolied , malicious.
Mo rest by dny , no ponuii by nil-lit.
Doctorn anil all romoiliiiH full < ; d.
Tried t'uilenrn Iloniuillot. Knvot
miirviilhuig , Ucimploto oiiro in 11 vt :
wuckx. Bnvod liiit I lie.
Our oldest child , now six year * of ago , whoa
n infaut Hlx mouths old WUH uttnnkuil with u
Irulont , malignant xkln ( llsuasu. All ordinary
omudloi { ailing , wo called onr family phy.-il-
Inn , \rho nttninptcil to euro It ; but It. aproud
'ItM ( Union Incrt-dllile rapidity , until the lower
nrtlon of the little follow' ! * iiorton , from the
il'lillu ' ot Ills buck down to hla Jcnoeiru.i ono
olid r.iHli , imlv. painful , liiotoliud , nnil mull-
lous. Wo hail no rest at nlcht , no nonce by
ay. l-'lnnlly , wo wnroadvised to try the C'im-
inn KIMIIIIIH. Thoellcct was simply mar-
ollons , In tin-on or four wnolcx a conijilolo
nro win wroiifibt. leaving tlio llttlo fdfow'a
urunn uu wlnlo um healthy us tlinuuli ho Imd
over been uttaokail. In my opinion , vour vnl-
able rumcdleH xuvod hlH llfu , und to-day ha In
strung , huultby child , tiurlectly well , no repo-
lion ot thu ( llsi-afiu havlnk' ever occurred.
Atfy nt Law and Kv-l'ios , Att'y , Ashlimd , 0.
.ofeiunco . : J. ( i. Wi-lsl , UriiBglsl , Ashluml , O.
IliilclniN and KonlM Iroin llmul in'V ' < C
My boy. nt-jcil nine yuara. hiisliucn troubled all
H ilfo Hllh a vury b.ulhumor , wiilcli appeared
llovurhls body Insiiiull rud lilotcliup , u-Jili u
ry wjillo scab on thum. Last year hu was
erse than nvor , holng covered with wain Irora
iu toporhls liuud tohlH feet , and continually
rowing worse , although ho hud boon treated
yt\\o phyidcfanH. A a last roHort. I dclor-
dmxl to try the ( -'IITK.-IIICA KKUKIIIK-I. and am
uppy to wiy that they did all Unit I uouU w hli.
HliiK thum according to dlrui tlonti , thu humor
riiduully disappeared , liiavjnu the skin fair
id smooth , aud pui fin-mini ; n thuroiujli euro ,
ho CimruiiA ItriiKinr.s are all you claim for
i em. They uro worth tlinlr weight Iu gold to
11 y ono troubled n my boy wus
( iliOKIlli LI5AV1TT. .
North Andovcr , Mass.
MotliorN who liiivo ilutlr Children ,
'ho tRkii prldo in their bounty , purity and
iialth , und la UcMtuwliiK upon them a dilld'n
rontobt Inheritance - a nkln without u blemish ,
id u body nourlidita by pure blood-should
: > t.UU to waku trial ot thu CUTICUIIA Iteun-
Hold everywhere i'rire , OIITIRUIIA , 50o ; Bo tr ,
c ; ItKrfni.i-KNr. II. I'rvnaruil by the I'm-mi
inin ANnCiiKUKUi. COIII-DUAIION. lloston.
f W8 ntli Tor "How to Uuro Kkln Dlaoiiheo " 61
-a , M llluHtrutlons und IOJ to.nlinonlala.
.f1",1 } and ' ficnlp presorvi.d and bouiuT
lleilbyC'uilcuraboup. Absolutely pure
Aching Hides and Hack. Hip , Kidney ,
nnd Utorliio 1'ainn. Ulnmmntlc , Bdutil-
7NuuralKlo \ , blmrp , and Miootlua i'ulns ,
/ - , | J IIKMKVCD IN ONK illNHTK by thu C'UTI-
JIIA ANi'M'AiN 1'i.AMTKli. Tliu rst andimlj
utuutunuoiu pulii-lclllljii ; pluatvr.