Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 07, 1889, Page 2, Image 2

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Omaha Wins the Lnst Game of the
Mllwaukoo Sorloa.
Tlio JMInncnpolls-St. .Joseph Onnti
Wind * Up In n How The l uf >
fnlo ItnccR Turf nntl
Dlntnonil Notes.
Ktnnillnc or tlio Clutn.
Following is the standing of the Western
association clubs up to and Including ycstor-
da > 'sgamo. '
Per Ct
Oinnhn 78 . .075.Ml
SU Paul 79 .Ml
Minneapolis..70 .M-
Sioux City 70 .40
SU Joseph 73 .45'
Denver.i. . . . , .77 .44 :
Milwaukee 70 .on :
lcsMomc3..74 .sin
Omaha 0. Milwaukee 3
YAUKKi ! , WIs. , August 0 Omnhn won
the lost game of the scries to-day. Score :
r. h. o. n. e r. h o. n.
roormnn. .rf. . .0 0 S ( I fflWllllfi.rf. . . . ' . , .i n | u
IKITIC. If . 1 2 80 - . . I ) 0 .1 1 I
Rchocli , M . 1 0 4 ( iKlrntm , rf . . , , , 'J 2 1 n
Hnllnn , Jb . „ ! 2 1 ormolu , 21) . , . .1 3 2 .1
SInrnsspy , lb.,0 90 ucoonoy.c .0 1 .I 0 . U U 1 0 OiWnlsli , M . . . .02
I llAmirows MX'I 1 1 9 0 i
lliulor. c. . . . . . . 0 05) 1 Cnnnvnn , ir. . . .1 1 U 0 i
Alexander , | i _ U 0 0 1 UCInrkc.p U U 0 1
Tolalu 3 "B SI to"2i Totals. , . r , D zi 9 i
Milwaukee. , .o n i o o J n o o- '
Omaha , .2 o u j i o o o i
Karnnd rnns Mllwmikoo 1 , Omaha R. Tlirec-biK
lilt1 AinlrowK. llumo run Lowe. lnso Molen-
I we , Hchoch. Sllcli , AlbcrK , Hrau s , WnWi , An
droiri , CnnnTitn. Dniitlo iilnjrs Urooki , WnlMi , An
drows. limp * on t.alln Sohoch 2 , MorrlMor , Hllcli
Alboitl , Willis , Anilmws. lilt by pllclinl ball-
JV11H . Struck oul-llr Alexander 6. by Clarke 7
Paused ball-Hurley. WIM pitch-Clark. Tlruo ol
( amv 2buura. Umpire UunU
Sioux City 14 , DCS Molnes O.
DBS MOINUS , August 0. Des Mclno * losi
the game In the first two Innings by the
weakness of Hcnncssy nnd Kennedy. Score ;
IIES MUINCS. I t > : cUu > . CITY.
r. b.o. A. o | r. b. o. a.
Patton , rf u 1 1 o U Clint ) . > i . 2 2 4 1
Mankrcr.lf ft 320 Odlenn. If . t ,110
Uonnoll. 8b 1 l o h 1 1' . 1 2 14 0
Hrolth , Ib.i 1 1 11 U 1 itroi nan. 3b..2 I 2 ft
roily , o 1 y .1 2 . a 2 U 0
Trainer , ss 0 U 2 t U Hrndloy. Jb . 2 J 0 2
Hurt , cf. 1 0 U 0 0 ( 'roily , c . 2 I
KlU'nmn , 2b..l 224 U'blnntiKan ' , P..U 2 U
Ilcnncusy , p..0 000 0 Jovne , rf. . U ODD
Kennedy , p..0 0 0 2 uj
TolnU. . . . . . U U 2t It 2 Total . . . . 14 10 7 ! 13
DeiMolncs . 0 0100 02- '
eioutUlty . C 4 U 0 1 2 * 1.
Kaniccl run -Ics Molncs B. Sioux City 10. Two
bn u ldt Ilrmllujr , Crotty Thrueba e lilt Flnnn-
fmn. Doulilu piny Cllno to I'nwall. lln cs stulcn-
fuiiy.Hmltli , Hart 2 , llroinun. llruJIpy. Glenn llmei
on balli-Ily Kunnrilr 1. by ( ilannznn ll. llrc * itlven
forlilttinir man with liftfl lly H niiKnn 1. Struck
out-Uy Kennedy. I , IHuiiuiiaii 6. 1'aiisul Ivilli-
Coilr l.CmtlyS. Wild | iilcli < M-lleimosp < y 1 , Kennedy
2 lime of ( fame 1 liour tuul Ki minutes Umpire
Denver O , St. i'aul O.
ST. PAUL , Minn. , August 0. Wild pitching
by Meekln and u home run hit by Ho wo gave
the game to Denver. Score :
TotllU. . . .0152112 4 Total ! O.U27 1 ! ) 1
St. Paul 1 o 3 i i o o n i-
Denver o 1 J U 4 1 0 U l
Earned nins-St. I'aul 1. Denver 1. lloniorun-
Ilowc. Twobaao lilta-Uclllr , Wprrlck , llnitiKhton ,
litlryniplu nnil JleClulliin. ( Kiulilu playn-Mlllcr to
JVerrlcl. to llawes , tt'ldte to llowu 1 Twlneliam ,
llasn on -OOteokln ! ! I , elf Kagin H. lilt by
pltclior Troilway. Struck out By .Mepkin ,1 , hy
Tnckt'rman 1 , by fauna 1. Hrtt bnso on i-rrnri-H ,
J * Ji'envpr8. } ' IttonbaseSt. . I'mil 10 , Ucnvoi
B. Wild pltclii'3 Mcckln 1 , I UKUM . ! . stolen biucs
Hiiwov llillly , Lariner , l ) ly nnd Whlto. 1'assod
balli-llroiiuliton J. l ) lan S. Tlmo-1 hour , K lulu-
utoi. Uuiplru llrlixly.
A Row in Minnonpolis.
MiNNBAi'OLis , August C. The game to-day
was given to'St. Joe in the sixth Inning by a
score of 0 to 0. Ackard , the Sporting Lifo
correspondent in this city , sat immediately
behind the umpire und Icept up a continual
stream of indecent remarks. McDermott
finally demanded the would-bo ruler to bo
ejected from the grand stand , which wns
accordingly dono. Owing to u questionable
decision rnndo a few minutes before , several
in the crowd sidect with the correspondent ,
who left the seats. Tn the difllculty that
ensued the cro\vd ran into the diamond nnd
took possession of everything , while McDermott
mott , without watch or sun , gave the gamete
to bt. .Too. The score stood 10 to 4 in St.
Joo'a favor.
OT1113U llAl j OAMISS.
Ttio Ijunmio.
CLEVELAND , August 0. lloault of to-day'a
game :
Cleveland 000010000 1
Washington 8 00000000 8
Base hits Cleveland fi , Washington 7 ,
Errors Cleveland 0. Washington 0. Bat
teries ClovcUnd , Bakoloy and Snydcr ;
Washington , Haddock nnd Daly , Umniro
Lynch. , .
PiTTsnuiia , August 0. Hcsult of to-day's
game :
PitUbursr 0 8
Philadelphia. . . .2 * 7
Base hits Pittsburg 7 , PnlUdelphtn 0.
Errors Pittsburg 3 , Philadolptiiu IS. But
teries Pittsburg , Staloy and Miller ; Phil
adelphia , Bufllnton anil Clements. Umpire
INDIANAPOLIS , August 0. Result of to
day's game ;
Indianapolis. . . . ! 10320001 3
Boston 3
Base hits Indianapolis 11 , Boston 8. Kr-
rors Indanapolis S , Boston 7. Batteries-
Indianapolis , Gotzoln nnd Dally ; Bostoil ,
Madden and IColley. Umpire Curry.
CHICAGO , August 0. Result of t-j-day's '
game :
Chicago 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 n
Now York a 1 10
Bnso hits Chicago 0 , Now York 15.
Errors Chicago 5 , Now Yorlr 3. Batteries
Chicago , Toner , Dw.yer and Wan ell ; Now
York , Kcefo nnd ISwmir. Umplio Powers
CoLUiiniiB , August 0. Hosult of to-day's
gama :
Columbus 0 00310010 4
Brooklyn 0 01300000-3
A , August 0 , Hosult of to
day's game :
Athluticn 0 04030300 8
Baltimore. , 0 0000000 0 U
Aiuutour IJuinos.
KeJiM'.vNob. , Auinutt 0. [ Special toTiiu
BKE.J The Kciirne.v base ball t6uiu has Just
return oil from a tnur through the btuto , pluy-
IDK twelve games. They brought with thum
triuinphniit honors from oacli Kamo. Ou thu
12th inst. they will phiy with Mllwaukoo and
the following day with Mlnncnimllft. Out oi
thirly-Buvon games pUyoU this so.ison tbt < y
hayo won twenty nine.
GENOA , Neb. , August 0. ( Special Tele- '
Cnuu to Tun HUB. ] Huporlntouiioi't Ilacku's
roturrod from the Agency ! morning with
the remalndor of t:3 ! rndKinIno and bojt
the LiUuycttSa on the association groiintl
tjatotit Uiuo Ball Gosslj ) ,
Omahn won two out of six games on hoi
present trip. Thu worst allowing shu has
tnado this season.
The Oruahna will be home to-day and to
morrow afternoon will begin uwsrlusof three
games with the Milwaukeoa.
Milwaukee is at last out of the last holo.
Do Molnes now claims thotMl-ond honors
Itnthar hurd on the champions , oh I
Clarke und Coonuy wcro the battery ycs <
terday and they scomcd to have but little
trmibM In wholloping the Brewers
SU Paul surreuduicd uuothur ball to the
Denvors ycstordfty nnd in ronsMuonco Un
Omaha fans are again In high feather.
Omaha , dosplto her roverxcs , comcn bnol
in the load and with n month's play on tin
homo groundi should put a clinch upon tin
Two Boston Hninltm IMgeonn Bent tin
World'H Uccoril.
BOSTO > J , Aueust 0. ( Special Telegram ti
THE Br.c. ] Thirteen hundred yards n tnln
Ute through stormy skies for twelve hours , I' '
the wonderful record of flvo of Henry Wng
oner's homing plecons. It Is now the world1 !
record , tbo best piovlous having bcon GO :
miles nt an average speed of 1,120 yards pa
minute , from Springfield , O. , to ICoyport
N.J.Tho Boston birds were entered In compel !
tlon for the George \V. Clillds' cup. Thi
contest for this trophy for years has beet
a lively one , and the honor of winning It n
umong fancier * considered pro at. The bird
were shipped to King's Mill , Ont. , on Tues
day of last wrok. nnd It was arranged tha1
they should bo liberated yesterday tnornmi
at C o'clock. The dlttanco from King's Mil
to the dove cole of Mr. Wagner Is f > 03 miles
The liberator , however , ohoso to rcloasi
them from St. Thomas , which is Boven milci
further from Boston , nnd started thorn n' '
6:15 : a. in. Wauonor's birds were found it
tholr cote about 5 o'clock last ovouintr. Wore
wai initantly telegraphed to Philadelphia o
their arrival. The birds were In remarkably
line condition.
Hiilllviin Waives Bxninlimtlon.
Punvis , Miss. , August 0. Sullivan was
arraigned before Justice of the Peace Cnrtoi
to-day , ana waiving examination was placet
under S2,000 bonds to aupcar before the clr
cult court nf the special term to bo hold hen
commencing August 12. Sullivan loaves fo :
Port Christian to-morrow morning.
Grand Circuit Races.
BUFFALO , N , Y. , August 0. [ Special Teto
gram to TUB BEE. ] Two races were finished
at the opening of the grand circuit trotting
hero this afternoon. There wora three or
the programme , but the heats wcro BO divid
cd that it took all the uftornoon to go
the flrst two { .classes entered. It
thcso there worn exciting llutshas , nnd
several records were lowered by the heats
There was a fairly good attendance. The
track was smooth , but rather hurd , nnd th <
Judges wcro rathorslowin getting the horse :
The 2:30 : trot had only four starter ? , but
required six heats to settle. Rofcrenca wns
the favorite before the start and up
to the fourth boat , when ho quit
on the lower stretch mid Star Lilly nosed
him nut and the latter becnmo the choice ,
Reference was lamu and the hard footing
made him grow worso. A lot of money wns
lost by his defeat. Marksmnn Maid , after
getting a heat , took sick and In the lust hcnt not lit to start. Wayne Wilion , n
stallion from the west , was unsteady , al
though no ahowoda lot of speed at times.
Star Lilly made u new record of 2:20K-
In the 3:2" : pace Hal Pointer finally won
after keeping in the rear for two lioats. Rod
Hello caught a mark of 3:17 , and Minnie P.
also won ahcdt in2l'J. Hal Pointer made
n slip in the llfth heat uud Was set back , but
but in the next ho behaved well and was too
fast for his opponents.
Tho2'JOclass : for a stake of $5,000 will
come llrst to morrow mid thrco other classes
arc on the programme.
MoiimouUi 1'nrk Uncos.
MONMOUTH PARK , August 0. "Champion
day" at Monmouth Park was a most inter
esting ono. There wore 19,500 persons in
attendance , nnd they had perfect weather
for the enjoyment of their sport. The track
wns in fair condition. Interest was gener
ally centered in the rich Junior champion
stakes , the value of which is more than $30-
000. Twelve starters came to the post. Cayuga -
uga was the favorite at 3 to 1. The start
wns an excellent ono. Going up the birk
stretch Bullaratmadothe pace. Chesapeake
was at his saddle diess , nnd Devotee and
Protection close up. Chesapeake led into the
homestretch , with Protection pushing him
nnd going steady as a clock. At the last fur
long post Protection was led out and ho im
mediately jumped into the lead and won with
apparent caso. Barnes , his jockey , won the
race lust year with Proctor Knott. Ho also
won ttio champion stake to-day with Los
Angeles , making his winning for the day
WO.OOO. Summary :
Seven-eighths of a mile Bess won in 1:34jjf ,
Fitz Hey second , Endurcr third.
. Junior champion stakes , two-year-olds ,
three-fourths of a mile Protection won in
1:20 } < f , Chesapeake second , Banquet third.
The third race did not fill.
Champion stakes , mlle and a half Los
Angeles won In 2:54 : , Eurus second , Pirenzi
Ono mile Theosodms won In 1:53 : % May
O second , Daisy Woodruff third ,
Three-fourths of a mile Little Elln , won
in 1:21 J , Insight second , J. O. C. third.
Five-eighths of a mile Vendette won In
l:0(5J < f , Glocknor second , Souriero third.
Ct'iCAoo , August 0. [ Special Telegram to
TUB BLB.I There was line weather , a largo
crowd and n fast track at the West Side to
day. Summary :
Selling , fivc-oichthsofn mile Harry Kuhl
won , M.imio C second , Pullman third. Time
Onu ratio Bankrupt won , Hopedalo second
end , Fanchette third. Time 1 :4 : ! %
Handicap , rnilo and a quarter -Payotte
won , Insolence second , Beaconsllold third.
Time-3:0'JK. :
Seven-eighths ol n mlle Puce wo-i , The
Deacon second , Combination third. Time
Thiec-quartors of a mile Laura Stone
won. Sunday second , Crispmer third. Timu
Three-quarters of n mile Moomtono won ,
T. J. Hush second , Fred Woolej third. Time
Throe-quarters of a mlle Hatto won ,
toma socoud , Black Diamond third. Time
Thi u UK He. IH n Good 'Un.
J. J. Burns , of South Omaha , xvants to
match himself fur u game of hand ball
ugalnsluiiy man in the world for $500 u aide ,
best two games out of three.
hnxvin nnd McMillan T
The wrestling match between Evan Lewis ,
the strangler , and McMlllontho strong man ,
comes oft ut the Coliseum this evening. The
mutch wil 1 bo c.itch-uH catch-can , three best
in five , for a purse of fUOO. There is much
interest being taken In tbo affair , and the
piaspocts uro for a largo turnout. Lewis
U ono of the meat formidable
cotch-HS-caich-can wrestlers In the world ,
having thrown nil the celebrities , from Joe
Acton , Canuoi' and the Jan down to tha
Htnallor fry. MoMllloit in also a good man ,
being an antagonist for any man tit mixed
Rtyle.s. and no slouch at cntuh-as-catch-can.
Ho Is confident of boating the Stranuler , but
if ho dors ho will roalUu when he gets
through that ho has accomplished the biggest
task nt his careor. In addition to the main
oyont C , M , .lachson and Kignor Murdls will
have a go catcb-as-catch-can , best two out of
thri'o , for u purge of 31iT . There will also bu
an amateur thioo-milo bicyclu roco between
young Tnggurt and Fluschor , mid : i nno-milo
Uuudicup between Fluscncr und Ganger ,
IKinmlro'H Viola , j- .
Kollo O , Helkj : : , Oi Dayton , O , , ana ono ol
the erick snots of thu country , shot a 100
blue rock match with John Dunmtru , on Dun-
miiu f G win's grounds across iho river , yes
terday for tno prloe of birds and shells , The
condition ! , weru tinea traps , IS yards rise ,
and thg following uro the scores :
. . . .iiiu inn mil inn mm iiiu inn
mil HIM line iiiw inn no mil
, . . .11111 iinu inn inn nun uuii-ui
11111 mil nut m inn iin
. . .n ( ui OHIO mm mi ; mn HID ,
limn luiiu urn mil imi
It U duo to Mr , Uolko * to state that ho
used wood powder for thu Qrst tlmo , simply
as nn oxperiunt , und that his ordinary work
is occountnd fer by .tho fact that ho was uu
accustomed to It. A stiff breeze wus U.nvliic ,
uud altogether tha day wa - ighly unfavor
able for "
couffh can bo
cured by Shilou's Cure. "Wo
it. l-'op bsito by Oocdmun Drutf Co.
Iowa's Governor Wnnta Moro Lighten
on Certain Points.
Whcolor Secure' ' ) the Mnrlon County
Delegation A. Boy's Sllrnculous
Escape from Ioa l > llnr-
Inn's Coinplnlitt.
I'unctiltiK Tlieni Up.
Dns MOINHS , la. , August 0. [ Spcolnl U'olo-
gram to Tins Hun. ] Governor Lnrrnbco Is
going to punch up the rallroadson u now line
nnd has addressed a luttor to the rallrond
commissioners asking them to obtain nnil
Incorporate In their report Information from
ovary rallrond doing husmdss In the stnto aa
to the following :
1. The names of all persons who were
stockholders on the .IQth duy of Juno , 188'J ;
their plaoo nf roMdonco and the amount of
stock owned by each.
2. The salary paid to its general ofllcors , as
president , vice president , secretary , treas
urer , auditor , general munngcrs and assist
ant trafllu umiiaRcrs , general freight agent ,
general solicitor und division superintend
3. The average dally wngon pnlrt Its em
ployes , as station agents , conductors , brakemen -
men , nnplncers , etc.
4. The names of its regular attornnys in
this stnto ; the salary mid other compensa
tion of each , also the immesot all other attor
neys In the state retained oy the road during
the p.vst year nnd the retaining fco , per diem ,
or other coniponsitlon or emolument what
soever received by onrh.
The number nnd total mileage of so called
one and two thousand inilo tickets Issuou to
pcrsoas In this state for other than cash com
pensation , and whether cash vnluo of all
mllcaga tickets Is Included in its report ol
gross receipts.
The governor says : "There Is reason to bo-
hove tlmt It ia the practice nf some compa
nies not to include the value of such mileage
In their reports of total earnings , upon which
the classlncatlon of railroads lor the pur
pose of retrulatlng their tariff Is based. "
In concluding , the governor says that if
any roads refuse togtvo the dcsirod informa
tion they are to bo reported to him.
Ilcclmciitnl Kncatnpinont.
DBS MOIHES , la , August 0. | Special Tele
gram to Tin : HUB. | Regimental encamp
ments of the Iowa National Guards are In
progress this week at West Union nnd Fort
Madison. Two companies of regulars from
Omaha are encamped with the state troops
nt each place , and when thcso camps end the
regulars go into the next , nnd so on till they
have camped with all the regiments. Gov
ernor Larrabco left for Port Madison this
afternoon. Ho will review the troops there
to-morrow ana at West Union on Friday ,
Controlled by Whooler.
KNOSMLLI : , la. , August 0. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB BEE. ] The Marian county con
vention , held hero to-day , was controlled by
the Wheeler men. They instructed for him
for governor by a vote of 4-1 to 20.
in a Shnft.
DBS MOIXES , la. , August 0. [ Special Tel
egram to THE BEE. ] Ono of the narrowest
escapes from Instant death that has boon re
ported Cor many days orcured yesterday nt
Muscatmo , the victim being Willie Richie ,
tno youngest son of W. S. Richie. Ho was
atwork at Hcrshoy's rolll , when his coat
caught ia a tumbling shaft , and the little fol
low was whirled around two or three times
by the wheel before the machinery could bo
stopped. His clothing was all torn from his
back , nnd it is the greatest wonder in the
world that ho was not drawn in and crushed
to death.
Considering llnrlan'a Complaint.
DCS Motxes , Ia. , August 0. [ Special Tele
gram to THE Ban. ] The railroad commis
sioners were at Harlan , Shelby county , to
day to glvo a hearing to complaints of citi
zens that the Rock Island is giving Inade
quate train service. Harlan is the terminus
of a branch from the main line nt Avocn , and
has now but one train a day each way , The
railroad company had reduced the service to
cut down expenses , and the people com
plained. In beginning the hearing some
time was consumed in going over the history
of the branch line , showing the amount sub
scribed by citlzons and the amount paid In
taxes by townships for the building of the
line. Trlen , reaching the immediate com
plaint , the attorney for the railtoad stated
that the decrease in earnings compelled the
company to decrease the service. In reply
the attorneys for the complainants asked
that the company make a report of tUo vol
ume of business on this branch line during
the last flvo years. In order to allow time
for this purpose the hearing was adjourned
for thruu weeks , nnd will bo resumed August
27 at Harlan.
It Goes UnlnHtmctetl.
GI.EXWOOD , Ia. , August 0. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun BUK. ] The republicans of
Mills county held an enthusiastic convention
here to-day and selected a strong delegation ,
headed by Attorney General Stone , to the
state convention. Resolutions compliment
ary to Governor Larrabeo and the railroad
commission were adopted , but the delegation
goes to Des Moliics uninstructad.
CriiHhnd lly u Thresher.
DBS Moixus , Ia. , August O. f Special Tele
gram to Tim BKE.J Henry McCortnack , of
Fairflold , was killed by a thrashing mnchino
thrco miles east of that place last night. Ho
was riding on the mnchino crossing a bndgo
over a uoop ditch , when the engine suddenly
ran off ono side , turning completely over and
crush McCormack buno.ith the wreck.
Gone With the Trumps.
MASON CITV , Ia. , August 0. [ Special to
TUB BKB.J George Gary , aged thirteen , dis
appeared from his homo in St. 1'uul last
\\eok. His father , William Cary , was In the
city yesterday In search of him and found
that he had lolt hero Saturday with three
tramps. A big rowatd Is offered for his re
covery and totuiii to his parents.
The Ciikn Was I'alHonoil.
Drs Moixrs , In. , August 0. [ Special Tele
gram to THIS BEE. ] The threo-year-olu
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. .T. M. McCarthy ,
of Sao City , was poisoned .yesterday wnll o
at u nuighbur'a by eating a cake lilted with
strychnine sot for rnts. The child died in n
short time.
The Now JOrn
Ucs MOINES , la. , August 0. Governor
Larrnbeo has appointed John Hnyos , of Red
Oalf , to be commissioner to the Now Era ex
position at St. Joseph , Mo , Mr. Hayes is
president of the stata agricultural society.
Ho IionUb a Chain Around .Ilia Iloy's
Necsk nnd lionvzz Hun Clinking.
WiNOKi , JninnT , August -Ernest Hoppn ,
. ' railroad laborer , HVincr nt Minno'sota city ,
put a heavy log chain about the neck of his
twelve-yonr-old boy yesterday morning nnd
and locked It so tight that the boy was nonrly
rhokou. IIoppo then calmly placed the key
In his pocket and wont away ubout hU work.
Two or thrco hours after this the suffering
boy's little brother culled the neighbors , und
they carried the boy to a blacksmith shop ,
where the chain was removed. When Hoppo
cumo homu the nalghbors oamo out in fnrco ,
ana nftur a struggle put the ohuln uboul lits
neck uud tied him to a post i\znr the re si-
denco. lluuwoiu u bluu irOak at II rut , but
utlast cpulctod dsi.n. The only offonsu o ( thu
bos- was Jgiting the sheep out of tno pen
whe.-vthoy had hoen conllnod without water ,
The brutal fattier auld If the boy hud died ho
would bnvo nilolrod. over the nffulrvM \ a
keg of bear , ' \ ) m ) oy hua jjona nw iy ,
1'riv ) Cnimnillnr JCrilgoi' Arr"Htnd.
HEIIUIX , AuBuat 0 , I'rivy awn-Dior
Kruser hus buuu arrested on sunplulcn of
bulug canogtmcd In the naval fraud * ,
r A tlanta lleil to Now Yorl
last night fojix bimlrs.
John HiglnbaUmm , nn aged Topokn caji
italist , died jcstdnlny.
The notcil u\rlcnn missionary. Cant Inn
Alnssnlnv9 , died yesterday m Naples.
The Topotfain ar works were almost to
tally dcstroyw by Uro yesterday morning.
Another ntPompt to secure n reduced rate
for the MIlWAiikjCo encampment has failed.
ThoNowYitl $ Sun gnvo Major Grnu
$10.000 yustonlay for the world's fair fund.
Largo nu inborn of counterfeit silver del
Inrs hnvo iniitoOliolr nppcaranco In Kansa
City. 7J , ;
The Natldtail' Editorial association wll
meet In Detroit August 27 nnd contlnuo li
session four days.
A warrant was Issued yesterday for C. M
Whitney , who was at ono tlrao surveyor o
the port of St. Louis.
The department commander at Los An
golcs urges nil California comrades to nttont
the Milwaukee encampment.
In n quarrel about the ownership of n towi
lot at Uuthrlo , Oklahoma , a man named Sto <
yens was shot licad yesterday.
Colomdo minors held a meeting In Denvc
last night to protest against the frco impor
tatlon of load ores from Mexico.
The Ulack Prlnco nnd the Invtnclblo , o
the British navy , collided off Splthcad Mon
day. Both vessels were much damaged.
A dispatch from St. Louis says Shorll
Pohlman has declined to appoint n Jury ti
pass upon the sanity of Wife Murderer An
No well regulated household shouli
bo without Angostura Bittora , the celebrated -
obratod nppotuor. Manufactured bj
Dr. .1. G. 13. SioRort & Sous. Ask youi
ilrugyist. _
SALEM , Mu s. , August 0. At n meeting ol
the creditors of McKenn & Appleton , boot !
and shoos , to-day , a statement was subinlttec
to show the direct liabilities to bo $59,00
contingent liabilities $11,000 , with assets
$33,000. The tlrm mndo an offer of 40 cent !
on the dollar , and u committee of investlga
tion was appointed.
Oswtoo , N. Y. . Aueust 0. The proportj
of the Riverside ana Oswego Mills company ,
owning oxtontenslvo worsted mills in Os
wego Falls , Oswego county , was to-day
closed by the sheriff on nn attachment foi
1412,000 , in action brought by Jullard Me
Kenzlo & Quinby , dry poods and commUsior
inetchaata of Now York Cltj % The defend
ant is a foreign corporation located In Provl
donoo , R. 1. , with a capital stock of about
$1,000,000 , and the action is commenced to so
euro the payment of money loaned the de
fendant The action will probably cause r
temporary suspension , but nn early adjust
ment of the trouble is looked for.
Nebraska mid Inwn
WASIMNOTOX , August 0. ( Special Tele
gram to TUB Bun. ] Ponslons Issued to No
broskans : Original invalid William H ,
Sago. Jauius W. Pace , John Stoivart , Alonzc
McMIchuol , Sidney A. Howe , David A. An
Iowa : Original invalid Nathaniel Plum ,
Charles Bowman , George Hovel. Addison L ,
Mclntosh , Georgu Tunnioliffe , William Du-
gan , Frederickptmnn , Isaac E. Robinson.
George C. A Iden. Increase John M. Gud-
gel , Osborn B. Lincoln , Joseph Babb , Albert
Green , Mortin'Nblson , Porter Bradley.
Tr.icv Ijcnvcs fop Brooklyn.
WASHINGTON , August 0. Secretary Tracy
loft hero for Brooklyn this afternoon , ac
companied by his naval secretary , Lieuten
ant T. 15. MUson , and Mrs. Mason. At
Brooklyn the secrdtnry will bo Joined bv hh
family and tho-party will take the Dispatch
and sail tn Bac 'Harbor , where they will
spend several wcelts.
Creator' TnlkH With Biirke.
Ciuc\oo , Auguatj 0. Mayor Cregior had a
talk of three-quarters of an hour's duration
with Burke to-day. Absolutely nothing of
the tenor of tho" bqhvorsution has thus far
been learned. * -
The Judco fAvars 31FJ. Mujlriok.
LIVEHPOOL , August C. When the trial of
Mrs. Maybrick for the murder of her hus
band was resumed this morning the judge
delivered his charge to the jury. His re
marks were strongly in favor of Mrs. May-
A White Star Knight.
ICopj/rfflftt 18S3 tin Jamu Oontim BtnntU.l
LeNnox , August 0. [ New York Herald
Cable-Special to TUB BBB. ] It is reported
that Managing Director May , of the White
Star line , will bo recommended to knlght-
Abstracts of title to Wyoming1 oil
lands furnished. Assessment worUaono
ind vcrillod to by affidavit nnd certi-
lieato of recorder. Cltiima located. J.
I. Corbott , Casper , Wyoming.
Expelled From thn Evohnuen.
BUFFALO , N. Y. , August C. E. B. Wilbcr
was to-day expelled from the merchants ox-
: hango on charges of appropriating grain
ifter jt had been sold.
Why ICnmmcrow W nn Itclintrcd.
On recommendation of the committee on
special touchers , tno board of education at
Its last meeting decided to dispense with the
services of Mr. Henry Kummcrow , the
teacher in calisthenics.
Mr. Kummerow was asked yesterday If
there was any reason ho knew of which had
led to this action on the part of the board.
Said ho : "I know Bothmg about it. The
first intimation I had of it was what t saw
In the papers. I can think of 110 reason
ivhy such action was taken. I have
given the mutter considerable attention
nnd have been careful to do my duty
fully. No member of the board has spoken
to mo about the matter , nnd I have received
no nottco from the board that iny services
bud been dispensed with. "
Ono of the members of the committee on
special teachers was nskod why the committee -
too had mndo the recommendation referred
"Woll , " said ho , "there nro reasons. The
first is that Mr. Kummerow has not attended
to ins duties in the way he should huvo done.
The other is that the committee thought the
Instruction could bo just as well given by the
various teachers. The exorcises are very
simple und the teachers know as much ubout
It as Mr. Kummorow. It was also thought
that it would bo better to cutoff tins expense
of a special teacher. "
Tim TehnlJ * Tonrnamnnt.
Owing to the rolfis1 of yesterday morning
It was decided nttlrk not to resume the ten
nis tournament 'v tifp Y , M. C. A. utUlotiu
grounds yesterday ; but as the mud In thu
tennis coui ts drldd i\p \ by evening and some
af the contestants Appeared on the sccno
ready to play it wis/culded , , / to continue the
contest. The spectators , of which u largo
per cent were ladienfsero not as numerous
us on tJjspicccaW'qvcnlnfr , but they were
uonctho less onthustpstlo when a clover hit
ivns made , " ' t , '
Mr Straiif , ' , ofS tbo Loavanworth street
club , uyniii L ntetfdU ; | ( ( ) court to continue the
contest with Mr Djclcoy , of thoDodgo street
Blub , their score iVu'tf u tlo the previous
evening. Mr. won the contest easily
this time with iiHuorp of (1 ( 1. This l > alng
the two boat out o ? thrco for Strung , ho was
declared the winner ,
Thu second court was also occupied by
sinulos , Bert Coombs , of the St. Mary'a
tivunuo club , and Will Oo.-uio , of thu Chicago
street club , facing each other. Coombs U
qulto young , but is a promising pUyrr. ind
made it pretty Interesting forhlo opponent ,
who is a player of tonj ; practice , Coomb *
won the llrst cssm with a score of 8 to U ,
and Doasa iho eecoud with a cworo of U to : i.
Mr. 1'urdan. of ttio Y. M. C. A. club ,
tosnotl nu : < iuuU with Mr. Jordan , of the
Uodgu street flub , and the two played u
close and exciting gamu , which was inter-
ruptcd by thu upuroach of night. 'Iho
games continue this ovonlng ,
The Bocond-class rate to 1-ugot Sound
points vliv the Northwestern line ut St.
Paul IB now 9.S5. Tlulcotu on tale nt city
tlukot ollluo , No , 1 1U1 Fiiniuin Ht , und
Webster si. Union station , Free col-
onlbt'j nlooiiim ; curs jirovjtled. ( rou > St.
1'liUl ,
Jook Htiloy Shoots Roddy O'Noll
During- Drunken Row.
And KtnntiaslKCd Ills Kcfnsnl by 1'iit
ting i IJullot Into His 'torment
or's Head Two Vcrnlons
of tint AfTtur.
O'Noill Hhot.
Cries of "Don't shoott Tor God's auk
don't shoott" followed by n pistol shot , at
trnoted a largo crowd to Kd. Uothory's sa
loon , nt the corner of Eleventh nnd Hnrnoj
streets , last night about 10 o'clock.
"Uoddy" O'Neill , a man well-known to th
sporting fraternity ana the police , fell head
long to the iloor , blooding piofusoly from i
wound In the head. A large crowd < iulchl ;
surrounded the place , nnd in the confusloi
the uiun who had done the shooting madi
his csrapo. U was loarnad that ho is r
printer from Davenport , Ia. , named JncV
Haley , and ho is described a * being n short
very thick-sot taan , with dark complexion
and very heavy black moustache. Ho Is
about twenty-eight years old.
The patrol wagon was nt once called am
convoyed O'Neill to St. Joseph's hospital.
Ed Hothury says the two men were In hi
place onrllor in the evening , and O'Noll
asked Hnloy to "set'om up. " Uothery told hln
not to ask that , as Haley was a stranger ti
him ( O'Neill ) . They soon wont out wlthou
having had any quarrel or dispute. Later
Ilothcr.y says , ho was behind the bar , whoi
ho heard a pistol snapped twice and some oni
exclaim , "Don't shoot , " followed by n shot
nnd O'Neill staggered In the door. All nt
tentlon was directed to O'Neill , who wai
bleeding profusely.
Another version of the affair , nnd proba
bly the correct ono , as given by an eye wit
ness , is as follows :
The two men , O'Neill and Haley , -were lr
the saloon for some time during the evening ,
O'Neill had been trying to persuade Haley t <
"sot 'om up. " nnd spend his inonoy. Hnloy
refused , and a heated argument ensued.
Considerable feeling was displayed by both
side * nnd finally Haley started for the door ,
Ho stopped at the door with ono foot on the
step outside and the other inside
the saloon. Ho then pulled his revolver
ver nnd fired at O'Neill , afterwards
making his escape out of the door.
At the hospital O'Neill was attended by n
physician , who , after examination , an-
iiounccd that the ball had struct * directly or
top of the head and had passed around bacli
under the scalp , coming out about throe
inches from where it entered. The skull
was not fractured. The man was very wenli
from loss of blood , but the doctor was of the
opinion that ho would soon recover. At
midnight ho was resting easy , with good
prospects of recovery.
At last accounts Haley had not been np'
Republican Central Committee.
The republic-an state central committee
will moot at the Millard hotel this evening tc
fix upon a time and select a place for holding
the convention next fall. Following is the
membership of the committee as selected al
Lincoln onu year ago.
Thomas Carlin , O'Neill ; G. W. Bowman ,
Columbus ; D. C. Wartham , Pawnee City ; T ,
Darnell , St. Paul ; J. Byron Jennings , Mc-
Cook ; J.T. Spencer , ; L. W. Hayno ,
MindenA. ; J. Wright , Tecumseh ; L. B ,
Cary , Sidney ; C. O. Bates , Beatrice ; Lorin
Clark , Albion ; T. C. Brunor , AV. F. Bechel ,
and Cadet Taylor , Omaha ; John Eborly ,
Stanton ; C. C , McNish , Minor ; II. M Wells ,
Crete ; D. yA. Campbell , Plaits-
mouth ; J. C. Roberts , David City ;
Webster Eaton , Lincoln ; A. W.
Pierce , Waverly ; M. L. Freese , Arcadia ; F.
M. Wothorell , Hebron ; D. A. Scovillo , Au
rora ; W. G. Uuttcrfleld , Nelson ; J. F. Hil
ton. Blair ; II. T. Arnold , Oaceola ; J. C
Watson , "Nebraska City ; W. A. Dill worth ,
L. D. Hichards , of Fremont , is chairman ,
and Walt M. Sceley secretary. None of
these gentlemen have arilved yet , but those
who come will comn will got In on to day's
trains. It is not expected that there will be
a full attendance of the committee. Too
little attention attaches to the matter. As
the convention only nominates candidates
for ono or two positions , It lacks in political
excitement and will urobauiy not bo held
until late. Thu only contest is between the
cities wanting the attraction. Lincoln , Has
tings nnd Fremont seem to bo the pi incipal
rival points , with Lincoln llrst , Hastings
second and Fremont third in the raci > . The
names of Beatrice , Nebraska City , Grand
Island and Kearney may bo presented.
The Cavalry Competition Now Opened
ntlolcviio. !
The flrst day's preliminary practice in the
cavalry competition of the department * of
the Platte , the Columbia and Dakota , com
mences to-morrow. The shooting will take
place at the rifle ranco at Bellc-
vuo , which has just been va
cated by the Infantry riUe competitors
of the departme'iit of the Platto.
This is the first cavalry competition of this
kind which has boon held and its working
will bo watched with interest by soldiers
throughout the country.
So great has been the im
provement in rifle practice in
the infantry that It has been thought advis
able to endeavor to introduce the same ofll-
cioncy with small arms in the mounted
service ! of the army. In the latter , rifle
practice has thus far received
but little stimulus. As n con
sequence tnero is some uncertainty ns to the
standard ol excellence which this contest
will develop. There is Itttlo doubt , howev
er , that with successive competltlous and
studious practice on the post
ranges that the cavalry will
produce as line mounted marksmen , in cry
thing considered , UB have been discovered
among the foot soldiery. The weapons to bo
used nro n modified carblno and revel
ver. The Jormor Is somewhat shorter
than the Springfield rifle nnd
with it thn cavalry has become uioro or less
iamlliar. With the revolver , however , but
comparatively little shooting has been
dono. Yet , It in admitted that
accuracy In using this weapon is ns great a
( icHldoratim In the cavalryman as is almost
the knowledge of the use of his sabro.
In this competition thuro will bo represen
tatives of the First , Second , Eighth nnd
Ninth regiments of cavalry. From each of
thesis there will bo two officers and forty-
oK-ht men , ono of the latter coming from
each troop.
The shooting will bo done with the man
dismounted , while tha homes nro standing
und also galloping. With the revolver
five shots will ho fired In quick
succession to the right , loft and front.
When tha horses uro moving , they
ni-o axpei led to cover u. Hpaco of 100 yards In
twenty seconds. These nro the inuln fea
tures of the contest , though there nro others
which will bo afterwards referred to.
The prizes are the sumo us those used in
the infantry competition , the first being u
gold medal , the second , third and fourth
being silver , and the remaining ulx being of
The preliminary practice will continue
until Saturday next. The competition
proper will commence on Monday noxt-Su
continue until Saturday the Ul.'i-
The competition will be in chnrgo of Colonel
nel < ! uyV Usury , Ninth cavalry , inspector
of ainal ! arms practice of this department. It
was originally to hove taken placn lit Fort
Hoblnson , but through the influence und ef
forts of Colonel Henry It has been trans
ferred to this city , where It will bo conven
ient to nil concerned. Colonel Henry will
bo assisted by the following onlcors :
Major D. W. Uenham. rioventh Infantry ,
couimnndbiircamp ; Second Lieutenant John
C. Grout ? . Sixteenth infantry , adjutant and
sicnul officer , First Lieutenant William A.
Mann. Seventeenth Infantry , quartermaster
and ordnance officer ; First Lieutenant
William A. Moroor. Eighth Infantry , acting
commiasui-y of ul Uu < nee | Second Llou-
tenant Grata Huteheson , Ninth cav-
ulry , stuiUUcul and financial oftluor ;
Acting ABslgtant Buriroou Fiunk L , Hen-
dcnwi , Uniled Suta * iinuv , modiual officer.
'Jho juiiuaqriUJeri. uro 04 follow * :
First Liuuteiuiit UurbortUTuthorly , Flwt
cavnlryjSocoiul Llnutonnnt George L.lJyrnm
First Cavalry j First Lieutenant Alvuradi
M. Fuller , Second cavalry ; Second Llcuton <
nnt 1J. D. Lochrldtfo , Second cavalry ; See
onrt Lieutenant Stephen L , H. Slocum
Eighth cavalry ; Second Lieutenant Hobor
J. Duff. Eighth cavalry ; rirst Lloutcnnn
John F , McUlnln , Ninth cavalry.
OUT TO Tina uist/r MNR.
Tlio Omnliii Street Itnllwny Compnnj
10 Extend IIH Ijlnr-ft.
There has boon considerable 111-foellnij engendered
gendered among the properly owners along
Lcnvanworth street. , owing to the failure ol
the Oninhn Street Hallway company to ex
tend Us line westward from Park avenue.
U wan elm mod by the property owners
that the horsa car company was carrying
outn "doc In the manger" policy , and while
refusing to extend Us own line westward wn1
so occupy lug tlmt part of Loavonworth
street east of Park avenue ns to prevent
nuy other company from enjoying the use ol
that important thorough faro. .
A strong effort was mndo to Induce the
Omaha Motor company to construct double
line of tracks west from Park avenue , with
the right guaranteed on the part of the prop
erty owners that the courts would permit
the joint use of the tracks of
the Omaha Street Railway company
eastward along Leavenworth street. Before
arrangements with the mother company
could bo perfected , n "truco" was declared
nnd the old company agreed to extend Its
lines In acconlanoa with tha wishes of tha
property owners. Under the arrangement ,
ns now mndu with the Omaha SU cot railway
company , that road Is to extend Its double
track on Leavenworth strnet ns far west us
thn tracks of the Bolt line within sixty days ,
nnd during the season of IS'.iO ' complete the
sumo as far west as the Holy Sopulchur
comotory. _
O. A. U.
Grand Reunion of the soldiers nnd
sailors of Nebraska at ICuarnoy , Aucrust
12 to 17 , 1889. The committee have secured -
cured for location , the spacious grounds
overlooking Lake Kearney , and the
programme , consisting of sham battles ,
dross parades , artillery drills and duels ,
and maKiilllcont display of llroworks ,
will bo the most attractive over offered.
For this occasion the Union Pacific ,
"Tho Overland Route , "will soli tickets
from all points on its linea in Nebraska
at n rate of ono faro for the round trip.
Don't fail to attend. For other information
mation apply to your ncarust ticket
agent , or E. L. LOMAX ,
Gon'l Pass. Agt. , Omaha , Nob.
The City Coiinull.
The communication of Thomas L. ICimball ,
of the Union Pacific railway , concerning a
union depot for Omaha , published elsewhere
in this issue , was load ut the council moot
ing last night and met n very favorable re-
copiion. It was referred to the committee
on viaducts and railways , with instructions
to report nn ordinance nt u special mooting
of the council to bo held this evening , de
claring the necessity of building n viaduct
across the railroad tracks on Tenth street ,
and instructing the city engineer to prepare
plans for und an estimated cost of such n
viaduct. It was argued that such a step
would enable the railway companies to make
a definite proposition that miirht bo consid
ered by the council and the people.
The other business of the council was of a
routine character.
Too Many
H. 1C. Hcndco has filed a complaint in the
police court usninst George -H. Smith for
abiainingl20undi > r false pretenses. Smith
obtained a loan of the nbovo amount from
Hcndco and gave him a chattel moitgage on
a team of horses , harness and a wagon ,
which ho represented as clear of all encum
brance. It developed that a prior mortgage
had been made on the propel ty and had not
been lifted ; hence1 the suit.
IJOHI Her Mind.
It was reported to-day that Mrs. D. "A .
Saxe had tried to kill her husband Sunday
night. J'he story was denied by General
Cowlu , who is Mr. Snxo's attorney. Mr.
Saxo says , however , that his wife lias be
come iusano.
llnrvcr J. Weils Arrnijjiu-d.
Harvey J. Wells was arraigned before
Juduo Bcrka yesterday afternoon nnd the
hoaung postponed until the IGth lust. Ho
was released on $1,000 bonds.
William Koch ia trio Fourth
a Hundred Yoni-H.
New YOKK , August ( ) . [ Special Telegram
10 Tun Bin : . ] In the death of William
Koch , at his residence on First avenue , from
u very laro disease , interest has been aroused
among tno mouthers of the medical profes
sion. The dwcaso was duo to n growth in
the liver , in the present instance , of a fungus
or Rcrm tunned actiuomycis , u line , high-
colored , s.inil-llho substance , which grows
with astonishing rapidity , developing
millions of cm-Mi's in a short , time. The dis
case is extremely rare and is peculiar to cat
tle and swine.
Koch began to complain of soreness over
the right recion of the liver last Fouruniy
and an examination by the leading physicians
revealed very peculiar xaud-liku pullets in
the pus drained from the wound. Several
operations were performed , but pyaemia not
in , pneumonia followed and the patient died.
An autopsy snowed the ravages of the fungi
to bo astonishing. The whole loft lobo was
gangrened nnd studded with myriads of
fungi. The liver was abnormally enlarged
to nine and one-half pounds. Koch was the
on of Andrew Koch , a wealthy brewer.
Dnly four cases of tno kind have occurred In
the Uuitcd States in ono hundred years.
Lord Tennyson CelehratoH the Event
at III ) , English Home.
ICojiyr/i/M 1830 l > u Jinun ClniilimfeimetM
LONDON , August ( J. [ Now York Hoi aid
Cable Special to THE Dcu. I Lord Tenny
son , who was born at Samunsley , Lincoln
shire , on August fi , 1800 , celebrated his
eightieth blrthduy to-duj. He is staying nt
Aldcrworth , his residence on Bluokduwn ,
where ho removed from Farringfon ,
its Isle of Wight house , after his
ocovery from his recent illness. His mud adviser pronounces that the distruhsinu
symptoms nro passed nnd his loiJshlp in
nbou t to take walking und driving oxerclso
iver his favnrito hcnlhhlde , where lie is to bu
scon dally , weather permitting.
Chlcl' Slnyon Dnfentcd.
TAIll-rQUAii , I T. , August O. Nnw that the
vlnyes party has been overwhelmingly do-
'ented , puhllu intention i everts to the Cher
okee stiip. Chief Mnycs will return Tluiro-
luy , and it is expected ho will at once an-
iwer the pioposltlon made by the lOinmlH
ilon. It is thought the Churokeos will auk
or tlmo to post themselves on the question ,
uul that tlio commission will bo asked to re
turn in October. During the intorvul the
commission will visit the Choyunncs and thu
\rapahois. _
Thn Crete IiiHm-rootloi.
LONDON , August 0 A dispatch from Can-
ilia , Crete , ways the Insurrection in Rroto is
spreading. The Insurnonts to-day attached u
Jutuchmunt ol soldiers , Armenian und Mus-
iulmun voluntceru went to the ci ; crt und a
sharp light onsuod. Tjis . .lunoiltios uio ( In-
noruhzud uuj uuii not control the Insurgents ,
i'iiu Christum lusldoiits uro ( lying.
Or ore : i ! Wants I'onco In Crete.
ATIIKXH , August 0. The Greek govern-
nont has aunt to the powem u olrc'Ulur note ,
lemunding that Uic.\ intervene to restore
jrder in Croto. Othorwisu Groaco must
ako action to protect her subjects ou the
eland against thu Turks.
Kentucky Wont Juuioorntlo !
LouiaviLi.u , Ky. , August U. The returns
mlicate that Stephen O. Sharp , iho doaio-
; rutlo candidate for state treasurer , wan re-
looted hi about forty ihousuid majority
The democrat * unin eight uud ponlbly more
oats In tlio legislature
'J ho Krcnuh Election
1'Aina , AugUHl 0. The ofllcUi rnturni of
ho oloctlou for member of thu oojncil * gen-
jral show UI9 republicans uud 4SO coiuurvw-
ivca oluclcd ,
Clilof Honrey'ii UcrtflotiB For Asking
For Tfliolr DlnniUnal.
The chief of police recommended to tha
flro n'ml police commissioners that the spoolal
police und block watchmen , with thooxcaptlon
of these employ oil by bunks , railroad * ,
theater ! * , ttio park commission , nnd ooul and
lumber do tiers , bo nsked to resign , nnil hl
men would furnish the necessary protection ,
When asked nbo'it the mutter Chief Sonroy
said that this move would nffectsoron or
eight block watchmen , nonrly all of whom
uro employed ubout blocks in the heart or
the city.
"Thcso mon nro clothed with full police
power,11 said the chief , "but lire not amen
able to police rules or regulations , 1 hava
no objection to people employing nil tha
watchmen they see fit , but I do object to
these men having full police powers and dis
gracing thu force by frcriuonting saloons and
hqusos of 111 fame nnd abusing tholr author
ity. I do not say that all of thcso watchmen
do this , but munv of them do.
11 1 here U u block watchman on South
Tenth street who Is n con stunt attendant ut
Mctz's hall , nnd aids the operators of that
place in violating the law. Ha informs
them when nny detectives or officers nro approaching
preaching , nnd abuses his authority la vari
ous ways.
"Tho special watchman In the Third ward
Is n constant visitor at houses of Ill-fame.
Other specials loaf around saloons nil the
tlmo nnd don't pretend to do tholr duty.
Tlioy draw tholr pay and the regular poll co
in en do tholr work. All the arrests which
hnvo ocrurrcd In thu district where these
men nro huvo uccn tundo by the regular offi
cers. " _
It Was nil Initiation Spark.
Justice Kroogor yesterday decided the
case of Fremont West ngutnst Edholm &
Alcln , in whish the plaintiff sued fortlW
damages for the loss of n diamond which ho
had left with the defendants to be reset. The
diamond was lost nnd West received another
diamond , four imitation diamonds nnd u sum
money. The firm gave him u guarantee that
the ulumond was worth $100. It developed
that the stone wns only worth $75. Judg
ment was rendered awarding plnlntiff $25.
The Cholf Reason for the great success
of Hood'H Surstqmrllla is found In tlio article
itsolf. It Is M arlt That Wins , nnd thu fact
that HootVs Sai-iiiinrlllii ] actually uciomjillshe-i
all that Is claimed for it , luis given this modi-
clno n popularity and sale giuutor than any
other sari iparllln or blooil purlller.
Hood's Sarsaparllla Is sold l > y drug-
gists. SI ; six for $5. 1'reparud bj'C. I. HoocKV
Co. , Apothecaries , Lowell , Muss Give It n
Louisiana Slate Loltary Coin-wiiy.
Incorporate- tlio IcKlilutitrc. for olucn-
Jonul and clinrilnblo luirpoji' " . anil IU rrntiCMHo
iimlu n purl of the pru unl State Constitution , In
IS ? ! , b7 nil < > vur lifllmlnK pnnuliir vote
Its MAMMOTH Illl\vriXOa tnkn I'laco ' Kflndnii-
iiiillr ( luiii ) and Di'utmlior ) anil Us lillANI ) SIN-
.11 , 1C VDMlIKIl DIIASVINUS t tko | ilaru In uacli of tlia
ithurtcn inoithsof the your , nnd nro nil diawu In
uibllc , ut tlio Auulomy of M HO | , .N'c'W Orloanx , I.u
I'or Integrity of its Drawings , and prompt
i'aj incut of 1'ri/es *
Attested as follows :
"Woilo hcroliv cortlfr that wo utiporrlio tlio ( ir-
uiiKi'inonls for Rll mo .Monthly anil H ml-Annn > l
. tlio 1/mUslanu ritnUi Ixitlury
uul in purson HI IIIIIKO mill ciintnil llioilr iwltiKi tnaiu-
. ( 'iTiM.nnil t no inim1 nro toiiilitcteilwltli honusty ,
ulrneii , nml In uooil fulth to nil imrtliM , anil nro
lUlliurUii thu company to use tliU rortltloiito , with
uo < < lmllo > or uur aluiuturus uttichcil , In Its Hilvor-
IsenionU "
We. the uinlor lffnctl I > nnk5 anil bunker * will par
.11 prl/oa clrtiwn tn the loiil lnnn State J.ottcrlon
rhlrh nmv hit prt > < * onteU ut nurcnuntAra :
I M WAI.MSI.KY , rrt'B. Ixinlnliiim Nut. Hank.
1KIIHK liAN'AUX. l'n > * SIMoNRt Hunk.
L. 11AI.UW1N. lhrcK. Nnir Urloani Nat. Hank.
; AUI , KO1IN , I'rcs I'nlnn Isntlonal Hank.
i\l tlm Acnclciny ol' Mimlfi. Nnw Or
linil , Tunnilav. Anoint lit , 18MO ,
CAi'i'M'Ai. IMCIXI : , - § oouoo
< XOU ) ) 'llckoln lit r.ll. llnlrei. (10 , ( juiirlcni , H ;
TuntliK. F ! , Twonllcllii , (1.
I HI 01
i riir/n 01 tM.o ) i in
l l'lil/.l. or iinmri In iiinir )
i I'Hi/.i : 01 munis .
1 I'Hl/.K Ot ' 'V"M3 .
a I'lti/l.s nv
t > rill/.KS OP 5iiunrn
ISi l'111/.KS OK J.UWnro
III I'lll/BS ( II IXUnrn
l IMll/.l.s OK .al ani
a I'llioi of ivji are
: il l'rl7US of a l are . . . . . . . .
ill i'rlzei ( if Ilk ) aru . , . . . . aj.txw
H nrttet of } | lll are
'J l'rl/c of in ) nro
,1:11 : I'rlzos. amounting to . . . M.OSI.HIIO
Nm r 'I'lrkonilrawlru ciniltal 1'rlsus nro not until-
M | tn 'IVrmliml 1'rlno- .
JlTont'l Mil any further Information
eslrud , willn leKlMvto Ihu nn iluralvnoil , clcurly > tal-
iitjoiirrolilisntH , v ltliHBtB. ( ' < iiiiilyHtroetiinilNirn-
ur M" rnnlil ii-lnrn mullilollvery lie ainnrud
7 > < iu HIniliiu mi envulopo liunrlnE junrliill ail-
. ' .
\Vusiinitnn ) , ll. C.
lly urillnurr Inttur nontiilnlMrf .MOSKV OIIDKU
nifil liy nil KMiru H Compiinli'a , li'orr Vurk llx-
liun.'u , llrnll 'Jr l'oatil note
.dclrox llck'lilrrnd li > ttr" < . runtulnlnz Cnrroncrto
New Orlcjiim , ln.
of tlio
U'Kli in'
HUH VA1IUS\I 1IANM , of N > w Orlcnn > 'mil tlm
riiuti unj plKni-d by the prnnlilcnt of nn Initltnllon
liii diiirturnil rlKht urii iifCuxnl/iU In tlm IilKliuit
jurtii iliorolnro , bovurn o nil l.nliMI'j.ia or
iioiiyiniuiH iidioiiiiH"
O.VK llol.l.AII la iho nrlcuof tliasnmllctt pnrtor
mtioiurullukitlriSURI ) ilV IW In nnvdruwliu
- In our nu'uv oirurnd for Io uUIKII uno i.- . '
( jj flC'CQ ; §
iiib > i