Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 06, 1889, Page 8, Image 8

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Rcvontio collections ycstordny , W-
J. II , Shields , of Walnut Hill , foil I"
n fit on tlio street nntl cut his fnco se
verely. Ho was removed to his homo.
J. B. J. Ityan , who has boon confined
to his residence for tlio past nine
months by sickness , was on the streets
A meotlnjr will bo hold at Kosslor's
Imll OH Thursday ovonlnR for the organ
ization of anowTtirnorBoeloty. Twenty
nainca have already boon enrolled.
Captain Green , Sergeants Slgwart ,
Johnson , Haze nnil Whalon and Detec
tives Ormsby and Uorrlgan will plcnlo
nt Pries' lake to-day with tholr families.
E. F. Stoner , of Beaver Crossing ,
Nob. , hiia boon' uppolntcil a railway
mall clerk on the Kansas Cltyttiixl Ox
ford run , vlco F. B. Spencer , resigned.
Commencing Wednesday next each
police olllcor will bo given ono day on"
fluty each month. Olllccrs on connect
ing boats will double nnd make a cir
cuit of the three beats together.
Marv Sullivan , who died last Friday ,
was b'uried at St. Mary's cemetery.
High mass was hold nt St. Patrick's
church. She loaves seven children , the
youngest about ton months old.
C. O. Llttcor nnd his son , H. K. Lit-
teor , from Conway , la. , were in the city
Saturday night on route west. Young
Lltteor , who is sixteen years of age ,
started out to BOO the city and has not
James Boohm , Otto Lund and Fred
Hunsiikor were arrested yesterday and
arraigned before Judge Berku. The
cnscti wcro all continued. A Uussa was
lined 85 and costs for running1 a fruit
stand without a llcoiibo.
Joseph Stephen died Sunday of lung
trouble at St. Joseph's hospital , aged
twenty-four years. The funeral oc
curred at Hcnfoy/s undertaking estab
lishment , nt 2 'p. m. and the remains
wore interred in Forest Lawn.
Postmaster Gallagher yesterday re
ceived authority to recommend live
now carriers for appointment on Sep
tember 1 Ho will at once forward the
names of flvo men who have been acting
ns substitute carriers. This will neces
sitate the appointment of live now sub
stitutes , who will bo selected from the
civil Bervico list.
Porsnnnl Pnrajtrapti" * .
Jailor Miller has returned from Now York.
Judpo Kelley , tmisUuit ecncrnl attorney
of ttic-Union 1'aciflc , 1ms gone to Salt Lake ,
accouiimniud by his family.
James H. Uurnes , Jr. , of St. Joseph , is in
tlio city. Mrs. liurnos formerly
editor of thn St. Joseph Gazette.
Thomas Swobo , of the Mlllard , leftyester-
k dny for the Tlioutunil Islands , whcro his
family nnd the Misses Waterman are spend
ing the summer.
Max Meyer loft Saturday night for Long
Branch , owing to the illness of his buby ,
whom tbo doctors suegostod to bo removed
to the mountains.
Henry Hornborgor returned Sunday from
Lawronceburg , Ind. , xvhcro ho was called to
attend the funeral of his mother. Only a
abort thno ago ho buried his father at the
same | > luco.
Mr. S. P. Robinson , ot the Bloomlngtoa
Pantograph , stopped over Sunday in this
city on his way cast. Ho was shown through
r TIIK Lir.i ! building and expressed his ml ml ra
tion of tbo finely appointed arrangements for
getting out u first-class newspaper.
Mr. S. M. Osgood , general agent of the
( treat Santa Fa route , whoso oflico Is at Des
jlolucs , is In the city. Ho reports business
exceptionally good , and that crops In Kansas
nnd Texas wcro nqvcr bettor. The road's
prospect for full business is very promising.
Wains n. lint Hoc.
IV J. N. Smith , of Thurman , la. , complains
II tbat his house is infested with rats. Ho ap
fa plies to Garbage Inspector Goldsmith for
! * relief and wants him to express the llrst
tagloss Scotch ratter he finds to Thurman ,
C. O. D. $2.
Second Pri'Sl > ytrTlnn Church.
The ladies of this church give a soup bub-
tlo and lawn party nt the residence of Mrs ,
Pakcr , Twenty-eighth nnd Blonde streets ,
Thursday evening of this week. Ice cream
and cauo will bo served ana the proceeds devoted -
voted to the repair of the church ,
Sons of Veterans.
All of tbo camps of the Sons of Veterans
i west of' the Missouri river will rendezvous
m Omaha on September 4 , and proceed by
special train to Patterson , N. J , , whore the
national encampment will bo hold , beginning
September 11. .Nebraska will send llfty
delegates to the encampment. A band of
' Blxtcen pieces will accomoauy the Omaha
Illocal Ijlquor Solllnc.
George Pofllnbargor was brought in from
Blue Springs yesterday hy Deputy United
States Marshal Emory , charged with selling
.liquor without a license. Ho was arraigned
before Judge Dandy , and assessed a flue of
(10 and costs ,
Frank Knouolm , of Howells , was also
brought In by Deputy Showaltor on the same
charge , and bound over to court ia the sum
of 5300. _
The Squatter Cases.
Two hundred and eleven of the suits
brought by the Union Pnciflo Bridge coin-
puny against the squatters on the river bottoms
toms were booked for a hearing before Judge
\Yado yesterday. In cloven of the cases
Judgment was rendered by default in favor
I of the plaintiff. Two continuances were
granted , and ir. the remainder the cases were
dismissed nt the cost of the company on the
Ground that the defendants had lived on the
ground moro than u year and had squatters'
claim thereon.
Coroy'8 Kroo Hide , .
Samuel Collier and Ed Strong , two young
men , called ut the police station yesterday
and made n ftorious complaint against D. S.
Corey , the city poundmastor. They stnto
that ho met thorn at Cut-Off lalco yesterday
nnd asked them to take a drive with him.
They consented , although neither of thorn
know the poundmastor , and enjoyed a long
drive with him. Finally ho landed thorn at
n livery stable on Twenty-fourth street and
instated upon tholr paying ? - ' . & ( > for the use
of the rig. They refused to do this , where
upon Corey displayed his star und placed
them under arrest. Hathor than go to
jail the men settled lor tlio rig and were re
leased. They want a warrant for Corey's
urrcat and the city attorney ia considering
the matter. _
linnk nt Unialia Flnmicov.
Sheriff Coburn made a report yesterday
afternoon to County Judge Shields of the
receipts nnd expenditures by him us assignee
in tbo mutter of the Bank of Omuha , us fol
low * :
Cash from Bank of Omaha . $ 570 18
Chocks , . , . S35 60
Horns found In toller's drawer . 8 UO
Overdrafts paid In . 18 &l
Bills receivable . 891 fit
collections or L. Hol < or . 11)5 ) IK )
Sale of fixtures mid furniture . BOO 40
Total . , . fJ,247 09
lien t of ban K . . . f 4500
llocordlng assignment and deeds . . . U 10
Padlock for front door . , . , 40
Protest fees. . , ' . , . , . . , , 175
Postage . 4 CO
Express on vouchers . 25
Advertising Bale , , , . , . U 25
Clorkulro . 87 00
Total . . * 15725
Balance in assignee's hands , fJ.UDO.-H ,
Sleepless nights matte miserable by
that terrible cough. Shiloh's Curein
the remedy for you , For eulo by Good
pan Drug Co , '
Few Mnttcrn of Importation flnacil
On Krconl Vcttcrilny.
Business was decidedly light in the courts
yesterday afternoon , there being , few mat
ters of oven passing Interest placed on rco-
ord. Ono of the first was an amended peti
tion for divorce. Penny Wntt was the plain
tiff. She alleged that on the l.'th day ot
January , 1807 , In the county of Oktibboha ,
Atate of Mississippi , she married John M ,
Watt , the defendant. In October , 1835 , she
charges that ho committed adultery with an
other woman , slnco which time the plaintiff
has refused to cohabit with htm. Being aolo
to amply provide for his wife , ho has not
done BO , but , according to the petition , has
grossly , wantonly nnd cruelly neglected her
and still docs neglect her.
In the casu of Frederick B. Lowe vs John
P. Holfenstoln ot nl. , the defendants fllcd a
motion for an order to open up dccrco and
Judgment , nnd for defendants to be lot In to
Among the now petitions was ono filed by
the Citizens' state ban It , an institution Incor
porated under the luws of the state of Iowa.
The prayer of the plaintiff is to recover Judg
ment for WUO alleged to bo duo from L. 0.
Peck , Li. E , Peek nnd George W. Chnmber-
Inln on thrco notes of exchange.
A petition for removal reached the district
courtycstcrday , In which V. S. Lantry was
the plaintiff and the Union Pncitlo railway
defendant. The property at issue is lot 8 ,
block 32-1 , lot 2 , block flW , and lot 5 , block 830.
It was all about fifteen carloads of hay-
about ono hundred aud fifty tons that Os-
kamp & Balnea got into court ns plaintiffs
ngnlnst JnmcsUndsdcn. The linn first named
allege in their petition Hied yesterday that
Oadsdon agreed to deliver to them in this
city hay to the amount above namod.
Twenty tons were delivered , as per agree
ment , when thi ) supply was cut off. Tlio
damage to Osknmp & Ilii.yncs , consequent
upon the sudden stoppage of their hav sup
ply , Is placed nt 500 and they ask Judgment
in that sum. Ondsdon is a Schuylcr , Nob. ,
dealer ,
The only ether papers filed yesterday af
ternoon were a bulky transcript nnd certifi
cate from A. C. Head's justice court in the
case of Johnson vs Wilson ct nl , nnd papers
in the case of F. B. Johnson vs Mr. and Mrs ,
James Cotter , a suit /on a promissory note
Involving ; i,2 i.
Abstracts of tttlo to Wyoming oil
lands furnished. Assessment work aono
nnd vorilied to by aflldavlt and certi
ficate of recorder. Claims located. J.
J. Corbott , Casper , Wyoming.
Moro Trouhlo Par
George C. Hugan has had trouble with his
Chicago business , ns well as with his Omaha
affairs. That mammoth shoo store which ho
was reported to have In Chicago has dwin
dled to a ' . 'Co. " Interest in a candy shop run
in Chicago under the name of H. S. Bales &
Co. Hagan went into this firm ns a partner
m April last , but soon proved to bo too fast
for his partner nnd they did not got nlong
well together. When Hugan came to Omaha
with his typewriter , his partner was forced
to put theaffairs , of the firm into n receiver's
hands and to nsk for a dissolution of the
partnership. The Chicago courts have ap
pointed a receiver and ordered an account-
in c. Hagan is still In Omaha.
Tnlmnce's Appearnnon.
The engagement of Dr. Talmago to lecture
at the fair groundsduring the fair next month
meets with universal commendation. As
this is the last season that Dr. 1'almago will
lecture , an opportunity Will bo given all per
sons living In this part of the country to hear
him before ho retires from the lecture plat
form. The prlco of admission the day ho
speaks will remain the same , us ether days
50 cents and persons can' thereby enjoy
the dual privilege nf seeing the best falrever
hold in Nebraska aud of hearing the most
brilliant pulpit orator living. The loxvest
price of admission to Dr. Ta'lmapo's lectures
is generally $1 , and bis manager , wishing to
make a handsome sum out of the lecture
here , tried very hard to indues the managers
of the fair to lot Dr. Taluiago lecture on a
percentage of the gnto receipts the day ho is
hero. But the munagcment would not listen
to this arrangement.
Oriloreil to Move On.
Chief of Police Scavey has decided that it
Is dangerous since the motor cars bavo com
menced running to allow the principal street
corners to be blocked by peddlers and street
fakirs. Ho has , accordingly , issued orders
to the police to keep all peddlers , hucksters
and street fakirs off of the street corners on
Farnam and Douglas streets , between
Twelfth nnd Seventeenth streets. Heggars ,
hurdy-gurdy operators and street nuisances
will also bo removed from the streets nnd
alloys between Harney nnd Capitol avenue
and Eleventh and Seventeenth streets.
Ixnv Kntos
From Omaha and Council Bluffs via the
Northern Pacific to nil points on the
North Pacific coast have bo placed in
effect permanently. The stop-over
privilege given on Northern Pacific
second-class tickets enables the intend
ing settler to personally inspect any
portion of Washington Territory. Frco
second-class sleepers nro run via the
Northern Pacific from St , Pa'ul through
to Tacoma and Portland.
Pears' is the purest and host soap
over made.
Motor to the Fair Grounds.
Dr. Mercer says that the motor cars will
bo running to the fair grounds In tune for
the Omaha fair , which commences the second
end of next month , provided the grading on
Sherman avenue ) s completed by Hint time.
At present the graders have torn up about
QUO thousand feet of the motor track and if
the grading is not completed by September 1
it will not only Interfere with the motor line
in carrying passengers to the fairgrounds
Dut also with pcoplo who wish to drive to the
grounds in carriages. The whole responsi
bility therefore rests upon the contractor
who is doing the grading on the street load-
Ing" to the fair grounds.
Ask for a Cook's Imperial Chnmpagno
cocktail when you need a "bracer. " It
fills the bill to n T.
Objects to the I low lor.a ,
A correspondent signing himself J. H. , a
friend of the universal humane society ,
writes Tin : BKB us follows ; "What has do-
come of our dog-catcbors ) In all the civil
ized world the surplus of the bowling and
yelling night-dlsturbors is dispatched , with
promptness during the no-cfillod dog days ?
but hero , la our city , old fopyUm prevails
and the pompous , good-for-nothing humane
society Pnxton hotel meeting acorns to scare
the dog ordinance mnlters nnd tholr execu
tors , but did not In the lonit scnro the cum.
"U Is high time the public should bo pro
tected. "
Mr. J. R. OUINSTKAD , Scnora , Ky.
says : My children have sometimes had
bolls nnd ether signs of blood impuri
ties , with loss of appotlto , etc. , at wlilch
times I hnvo found Swift's Specific rv
most successful remedy , in no instance
failing to olTcct a snoedy and permanent
_ _ _ _ _ _
What Dr. fiwctnnm Hns to Say About
Their Authorship.
' Dr. Swolnnml was scon yesterdoy by a re
porter and asked if bo had anything further
to say In defense , The doctor replied that ho
had not , because since his release on bonds
from the Jail his attorney bad advised him
to say nothing. "But , " said the doctor , " 1
am n Kontucklau , and a native of that state
is too chivalrous to prosecute a woman. 1
have nothing but tbo highest regard for Mrs.
D. W , Snxc , although I despise her husband ,
The letter * referred to sound more like a
woman's work than a man's. It Is even
probable that these cplstlos are n put-up Job
to got oven with mo. The statement that I
know Mrs , Snxo before she cnmo hero
Is untrue. The statement that I was dis
charged by Mr. A. W. Snxo four years
ago while attending his wife is also untruo.
I commenced my medical attendance Juno
11 , nnd about July 1 hud business which
called mo south , but nt Mrs. Saxo's urgent
request I remained until July 7. After I
loft for the south another physician was
called , but not till then. "
Swotnnm Arraigned.
Dr. Swotnnm was brought up before Judge
Bcrka on the ohargo of libel made by D. W.
Saxo , but it was discharged on motion of the
prosecution because the date of the letter on
which the charge was based was over eigh
teen months from the data ot tlio complaint ,
the court claiming it had no Jurisdiction.
Another complaint was at once filed , based
on n letter dated July 1 , 18S8 , which was of
a character similar to the ono on which the
first complaint was based. Ho was after
wards released on bond of $1,200 furnished
by George N. Hicks.
All points on Puget sound nro moro
easily roach via the Northern Pacific
than any ether lino. This is the only
line reaching all parts of Washington
territory , is the only line running colonist
nist slcopors through the territory di
rect to Tacoma , and is the only line via
which through tickets can bo purchased.
The Northern Pacillc allows stopovers
at all points in Washington territory
to holders of second-class tickets reading -
ing via their lino.
The Snored Heart academy , for day
pupils , situated on St. Mary's avenue
and Twenty-seventh streets , is an insti
tution devoted to the moral and intel
lectual education of young girls. The
course includes everything from a pre
paratory department to a finished
classical education. Besides the ordi
nary academical course , music , paint-
ingi drawing and the languages are
taught. French is included m the or
dinary course.
DilTorcnco of religion Is no obstacle
to the receiving of pupils , provided
they conform to the general regulation
of the school. The scholastic term begins -
gins the first Tuesday of September.
Classes commence ut 9 a. m. , and nro
dismissed nt 3:80 : p. m. , an hour for
recreation being allowed at noon.
Tlio Union Pacific Will Expend Near
ly n Million Dollars.
The Union Pacific has decided to build
shops at Denver. This has boon under con
sideration for some time , but owing to the
consolidation bt the proprietary lines , and
the operation ot tbo Denver & South Park ,
the project bus been delayed.
The shops will bo erected in the northeast
portion ot the town , at a point where the
Kansas Pacific , the Denver Pacific and the
Colorado Central intersect each othf r.
The shops of the Denver & South Pane
have not sufficient capacity to accfommodato
the work that should be turned out at
that point , aud in consequence these
shops will bo consolidated with the now
plant and moved to that part of the city. It
is thought the change m this direction will
bo commenced in a few weeks.
The company operates about 1,000 miles of
road in Colorado and the rolling stock will
bo repaired at Denver ns soon ns the new
shops are completed instead of at North
Platte ns formerly.
An official of the Union Pacific stated that
the shops ut Denver would in no way affect
these already established at any ether point
ns regards tholr further operation. Thn
plant at Denver , while the actual estimate
has not been made , will involve an outlay of
fully * SOOOOU. ,
lllg Yield in Kiuisns.
A report has been received at Union Pa
cific headquarters from the secretary of tbo
state board of agriculture of Kansas , in
which ho states that the yield this year will
surpass many of its predecessors. Ho esti
mates it as follows , basing his statements
on reports received from 105 of the 108 coun
ties in the state : Condition of corn as
compared with the full overage , 105 per
cent ; barley , 90 per cent ; potatoes , 110 par
cent ; millet , 93 per cent ; sorghum , 78 per
cent ; Jinx. 90 percent ; hay , 1U8 to 110 per
cont. He states that this yield will apply
generally throughout the state.
Hailrond Notes.
J. n , Buchanan , general passenger agent
of the Elkhorn , has gone to Chicago to at
tend a meeting of the Western States' Pas
senger association , Ho was accompanied by
' his wife , who will go to the custom sea-board.
! Fred Nash , general agent of the Milwau
kee , has returned from the cast.
J , Francis , general passenger agent of the
B. & M , , has gene to Kansas City.
Thomas Miller , general freight agent of
the Hurllngton , has gone to Kansas City to
attend a meeting of the Trans-Missouri asso
ciation , _
Cushman's Menthol Innalor , cures catarrh ,
headache , neuralgia , asthma , hay Fever.
Trial Ireu at your druggist. Price 50 cents.
U c < l by the Unlttil States Coverntnent. Endorsed by the heads of the Oreat T'nlvcroillo
anil Public Food AnalytU , as the BtroujreU. rureit nud most Healthful. Dr. Price's Cream
Powder docs contain . . . Price's Delicious
Baking not Amutouia.I.lmeorAluui. Dr. Flavoring Kx-
'trocti , Vaullla , I.emou , Oraujc , Almond , Hose , ctc. , 0 not contain Poisonous Oils or Ch cm Ural &
PRICE BAKING POWDER CO. , New York , Chicago. Gt. Louis ,
Absolutely Pure *
This powder never varies. A marvel of pure ,
ty , Mrenpth nnd whoUsimeness. Moro oco-
nomlcal than tlio ordlnnrr kinds , nml cannot
bo sold In competition with the multitudes of
lor or shortwelRht nlum or phosplmto powders.
Sold only In cans , lloynl Halting I'owdor Com *
pnny. KO Wall Btiect. Now York.
Chicago , Ills , ( ClarkGtf
Iho Regular Old-Established
Is ll ! Treating with thoGrcatoit
Clironic , NGTYOIE anil Mate Diseases ,
9-NERVOUS DSBIL1TY , Lett Manhood ,
Fatllne Memory , Exhauctlne Drains , Terrible
Dreams , Head and Back Ache and all the effect !
leading to enrly ducuy anJ ( > eilup > Consumption of
Insanity , treated scientifically by Dew ncthodi with
never-failing success.
Oaf SYPHILIS and rll bad Blood and Skin Dll-
rnaes permanrntly cured.
C3-KIDNEYand URINARYcomplalnts.Qleet ,
Gonorrhoea , Strictu re , Varlcocele and all diseases
of the Qenlto-TJrinary Oigans cured promptly ttilhout
injury to Stomach , Kidneys or other Organs.
49 * No experiments. Ace and experience im <
portant. Consultation free and sacred.
OB-Send 4 cenu pottage Tor Celebrated Works on
Chronic , Nervous and Delicate Diseases.
ai-Thotf coitemplatlnc MaiTlage tend lor Dr.
Clarke's celebrated guide Male and Female , each
IS cents , both 9 ; cents ( stamps ) , Consult the old
Doctor. A friendly letter or call may save future suffer.
Ing and thame.and add goldenyeart tolife. XJJf Book
"Llle'a ( Secret ) Errors , " 50 cenu ( ttamps ) . Medicine
nnd writings sent everywhere , secure frorA exposure.
Hours , 8 lo 8. Sundays 9 to 13. Address
F. D. CLARKE , KB. D. ,
" aHiGAOO.
( Opposite 1'axton Hotel. )
OOlce hours , o a. m , to 8 p. m. Sundays , 10 .
m. to 1 T > . in.
Specialists In Chronic , Nervous Skin and
Blood Diseases.
EflT'Consnltatlon at oiflco or by mail fre .
Medicines Emit by mall or express , securely
packed , free from observation. Guarantees to
cure quickly , safely and permanently.
lions. Physical Decay , arlslnjt from InrtUcre
tlon. Excess or Indulgence , producing Sleepless
ness. Despondency. I'lmples on the face , aver
sion to aociety , easily discouraged , Inctt of confl
denco , dull , uniltrorBtudyor business , and flnds
life a burden. Safely , permanently and pri
vately cured. Consult lira , lletta & Belts , HUB
Farnam St. , Omchn , Neb.
Bloofl and Skin Diseases
results , completely eradicated without tin aid
of Mercury. Scrofula , Erysipelas , Fever Sores ,
Blotches , Ulcers , I'niusln the Head and Bones ,
Syphilitic Sere 1 hroat. Mouth and Tongue , Ca
tarrh , etc. . permanently cured where otheri
have failed.
and Bladder Complolnti ,
Virtnarr Tfpinawr
JyiUluyUlllldiy Painful. Uimcult , too fre
quent llurnliic or Bloody Urine , Urine high col
ored or with milky tedlment on btandlng. Weak
Back , Oonorrhiua , ( J'.cet , Cystitis. etc. ,
Promptly and Safely Cured , Charge * Koasona-
moval complete , without cutting , caustic or
dlllatlon. Cures oflected at home by patient
without a moments pain or annoyance.
To Yonnff Men and Mids-A i Men ,
PFTDD Tlie awful eir cts of early
ACITDD ' Vice , which buncs organic
weakness , destroy .ng both mind and body , Yltn
all its dreaded Ills , pennancntlvcured ,
T1T3 ) ! TU1"P } > 3 Adroas those who have impaired
UllUi DDllU themselve-i by Improper indul
gences and Kolltury habltH. which ruin both
body and mind , unfitting them lor business ,
tudy or marriage.
M AiiitiED MEN. or those entering on that hap
py life , aware of physical debility , nulclily uj
Is based upon facts , First Practical Expo
rlence. Second KvorycdBBls especially studied.
thus starting aright. Third Wodlc.nes are pro ,
pared in our hibiitory exactly to suit each caae > ,
thus affecting cures without injury
tir Seml 0 cents DOSICKO for celebrated works
on Clironic , Nervous nud Dullcato Diseases.
ThousandH cured , t37 A friendly letter or call
may save you future siiirerlnK and shame , and
add B''l < len years' to life. i' < ff Ko letters an
swered unless accompanied by 4 cents In stamps.
Address or call on
UOdlamam Street Omaha. Nb.
Sleek Piano
Reinnrlfitblo'fOr powerful Bympathctic
tone , pllablo notion and itbsoluto dura
bility ; 80 yaurs'frocord tlio bent fruanin-
tee of the excellence of these intrns-
inonts ,
HOB. 3O3-4O4-I7O-6O4.
For sale In
Kearney , Neb.
IMHUCVind all urinary troubles naall jr. quick
MUnC I ly and safely cured byDOOTUKACap.
Bulea. Bevcrftl cases cured m seven a&js. Sold
nt 11.50 per box , all .druggists , or by mall from
Uoctuaa M'C'K Uo , U' Whlta N. VT. full dlroo
In our Shoo Department you will find nil kinds of reliable shoes for men mid boys , nT prices much
lower thiin the snmo grade of goods cnn bo bought for elsewhere. Our immense trade in Clothing nnd
Furnishing Goods hns been built up by giving well mndo goods at close prices , nnd our Shoo Depart
ment is carried on on the same principle. We make n saving to you of- from 50c to $2.50 on every pair
of Shoes. This will bo plain to you if you compare our goods nnd prices.
iron's good Buff Shoes , WARRANTED AM , SOLID LEATHER , IK Congress , Lnco and Buttons , nil styles oC
toes , at $1.25 ; sold by shoo stores at 81.7S.
Men's good Gulf Shoes in Congress and Lace , ogular § 2.50 Shoes at § 1.75.
Our $2.50 fine Calf Shoos have already n splendid reputation. They are Wardwell , hand sewed , have
perfectly smooth insole and are absolutely free from wax , lasting tax or fitting naib. They nro so flexi
ble that anybody and everybody can wear them. Shoo stores would ask you for the same shoos $3.50.
Wo have them in nil shapes and different toes.
Our $2.75 Shoe is an excellent quality of Calf , genuine Goodyear welt , all styles toesplnin , nnd tipped.
For $3.90 we sell shoes made of the finest American calf or kangaroo , hand welt , nnd of the very finesb
workmanship ; every pair warranted lo give satisfaction.
The very best French Calf Shoe , strictly hand sowed , is sold by us for $5.50. This is the best we carry.
There is positively no better shoe made , and you make n great mistake if you think by paying moro
money you get a better shoe. Every shoe store will charge you for the same quality and make § 7.50 or $3
Boys' Shoes , good nnd strong , in Button , Lace or Congress , from $1.15 up.
Wo ' 'guarantee" all shoes wo are selling from $2.50 up. You know what our "guarantee" means.
Please Note During July and August we close at 6:3O p. m. ; Saturday
at 1O p. m.
Corner Dougias and Fourteenth , streets , Omaha.
Some good bargains may yet bo found
among our odd sizes of men's suits. Dour
In mind these are not inferior goods which
wo offer , but flrstclass m every particular.
Dr. J. E , McGREW
In tbo Treatment of All Chronic , Nervous
anil 1'rlvato Diseases.
RpormutnrruH ) > n , Impotencynnil KullInK Miinliood ,
absolutely cured. AcuroK > i runtuo > l in nil forms of
Prlvnto DlicnicH , BtrlctnrcH , ( jlcet , etc. C'ntarrli ,
ThruHt , IjtuiUH nnd llcnrt Olxuageti , HhcuiMAtl&iii ,
hplnal und tomato DleeusoH , llloud and Hklu Diaousua
trt'nto.1 HuccCHylully.
l.ailk's' | n ml Kcntlemcn'i wnlllnif roams separate
anil cntlruly prlvntu.
C'onHultnilon tree. Solid fur books , Tlio Secret nnd
Private IHseMxes of Man , ) also Woimui nnd Her Ills-
canes. lOc I'lieli ( xmmps ) . Truutinont lijr correspond-
oncu ; semi mump lur ruply.
Ulllcc Kith anil Douglas Sts. , Onulia.
Epps's Cocoa.
"lly n Ilioronali knowloilKo of Ibo imlural luws
iThieli Kovera the operations of tli 'cation mi < l nutri
tion , nm ! by u careful uiilk' | | tlun uf Iho line proiior-
tlua of wttll-Kcluctud Uucou , Mr. Uiipti Imi prnvlclu I our
lin-iikliift tublus wlln H dullcittuly iliwored borurauo
whlcli miiymivu ut many liouvy iloctom' blllt. U H
by tliojmllcloilsuisa ut micli uitldca of illot Hint u
coiiBtltutlon limy ba Krndunlly built ui > until nlronii
onmik'H to ruHlnt nvnry tendency to dlscaiu. Him-
ilmtn of t-ubtlu uinladlea nro tluiit'nu nroun-1 us rcndy
to uttnck wherever there Is n weak point. Wo mny
cscni > u many it fntul xhuft by koeplnit ourst'lvuU'II
fortified with iiuro blood and a properly nourlsljuJ
frame. " Civil Hervlcu Oazotlo.
Mima tlninly wltli bolllnu xvnloror milk , gold only
In linlf pound tins by ( trocars labfled tliuii :
( Successors to John 0. Jacobs )
Undertakers and Embalmers
At the old stand , 14071'oruam Bt. Orders by
telegraph solicited and promptly attended ,
/ulyphone to No. ! .
urn ! Shoos manufactured by C. M. IlKNuiiiiBON
iCo. . . nv ciiwuoo Knctorlea at ChleaKOj
Ulxon. 111. , anil Foil Du Lac.shouia write
Traveling AgeuU Headiiuarterg for Uubbarn.
. ,
BeitTaellitiei , Apparatus tndRemedleiforSucceeafn'
Treatment of every form of SUcait requlrinr
Board & Attendance. Bett Accommodations in Weit.
pIRCTJIAEBon Beformltleji and
v * j * vv 4Hv * * vu4ou * AuaubUMi luiAfvtDf A BrccisJ ty ot
All Illood DUciiei lucctuftilly treated. BrpMlltla 1'olion
rcmored from tbo , jritrm without nurctirr. Kctr Hrttontl , *
Trealntat for Lou or VITAL nmUU Pirtlei unable to llilt
Bimuybolrettcdat bomqby corrripondcnce. Allcotntnunlck.
tlotucoDlldvDtUl. UedlelDeiorlBitrunirntiBrutbjiiifcllorci *
, .
< ! pcr on lliittrti wpreferred. Cill nJconultt
mi , i" uu v ricotelo , | th qurcllun Hit. AddrtM
13th and DodjD Struct ) , OUAIIA , NEB.
The Inrsost , lastett and finest In the world
I'aBicngcr accommodation ) uncxcollei ] ,
yfo\v York to T.lverponl Tin Qnemn\v ( * *
Tbo Celobrnted I The Finest Flciim-1 I nn > 01
flly of Jt.nue | elilu 111 the \Yorltl.l flUgi Zl
Now York to Glasgow via Londonderi'7
Kurnesnla . . . Aujrust 10 I Kthlopia..August 111
Uevonla August 17 I Anchorlft Sept. 7
Clrcassla , . . . AiiKusfJI | l-'urnebsltt Sept. 14
With rer-ular weekly sailings thereafter.
SAI.OOX to ( Ila nnr , I.Kcriiool , DorrIlolfnstor
( jucenatovrn $30 to * iO by ( llumow Muaniars , pUiuitl
upwnnls by "City of Homo. " Bcconil l/'lass f W. flour ,
axe .11. Kiourafoii rntoii rodncnd nvnllatjlo tor either
rjutcthuiElvliiKprlTlicKu of noclnu In ono trip tliu
Ulvvr Mcrtur , 1'lclurcsuuo Clyde , Nurth and ttoulli of
J.OWKST THUMB. Travelers' Circular Latterx of Crprtl
anil Drafts for any amount nt lowest current rates
Apply to any of our local n/outs or to
lli-ndcrson Urotliora , OhloaKO. III.
II. 8. HAM. .
11 , V , MOOIIKS.
Tlio i'urcst nnd IIoHt Drink in ilio
World. Api)0tlziitr , Delluloiiti ,
H | < trlllmr ,
A Tackngo ( liquid ) 2 > ; . makes lira gallon' ,
I3VI3UV BOl'l'IjIS ' OUailANTlilOI ) .
No bolllnu or UralnliiK. Directions Blnifilo , and If
mud u accordingly them can bu no iiilnlnue ,
Aek ) our Drueiilit or ll nicer fur It , nnd take no other ,
frOJ that you Ki't lllltHS1.
Try It and yon WIH Nut J > o Without It.
Sold by C. K. HIKES , I'liii.Auur.riiM , ! 'INNA :
Try OnM
Qrontly ImDrpvodnitU lDRnir itcei onn
3a . Boy lest rltl ln f ' 'i < ' tx" ' .Hi iiriiig luiigUi.
n nod thorton nccurdlnj to th welxht I > ut on tliom.
Adapuvd qo llf wall to rouuh country or firm
Wty drive * wUI i iou Cat atlafactlon.
Manning between Council niuff * and AU
brleht. In addition to the atulons montloned.
trains ntop ot Twentieth and Twenty-fouvw
streets , and at th Uummlt In Omaha.
I Eastward.
Al- Pouth Shoe- Omaha Trans- Hioad *
bright. Oumha ley. Depot. far. wuy.
A , SI. A.M. A. M. ATM ? A.M. A. M.
6:45 : itft 8:00
" " ' < :
cu 8:6 : : io 6:10 : 0:27 : ( IBS
7:00 : 7:0" : > 7:15 7 : 0 7:82 ; t4A
7:0) : ) 7:65 : 8:07 : 8:16 : 8:27 : 8:33 :
B:0' : > 6:10 : BtZZ KKJ : "
8:60 BM D07 0:15 Sk
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1I : 11 : M P. M. P. M. P. M.
1' . M. . M. 12:07 : 12)15 ) 12:27 :
V MiVi 1:07 : 1:15 1:27
irx : > 1M 8:07 : 2i6 ; 2:27
2M ; 8:07 : 8:15 8:27
8:10 : IZ7 ; 8:115 :
8:60 : 4:07 : 4:15i iiaa
4:20 : 4:25 : 4:37 4H6
4M : 4 : 6:07 : 6:27 :
6:20 : hf& 6:117 : 6:45
6M ; 0:07 : 8:15 : fii
65.r ; > 7:07 7:15 : 7:27
7:60 : 1M 8:07 : H:15 : Bi'il
BMJ BVi ; U:07 : U ; 1.1 0:27 :
JW ; ) 10 : o ; 10:15 : IQiCT
10:50 11:07 ar , 11:42
12. 1C. I2:24ain :
Leavn. . Arrlvo ,
} No. 2 JWpm I ) Na 1 . U:15am :
No. a. , . 0:60 uinO * < o. 6 . KtlSpnl
No , 4 , , . JUiOJiun iri
A No. 14 U:45pm : A No. 13 , 7luta :
No , 0 OMO am No. 7 v-fl am
No , 8 , , , , ! i15 ; pm No. ii , , . .7:16 : am
All Trolni Dally.
A No. S 0:40 amlA No. 1 7:0) am
A No. 4. , 0:40pm : A No. 3 Kittpia
A No , 2 10:0a m I A No , a , .fl-'i : am
A No. 4 v:44pm : ) A No , 1 CilOnid
A No , 10 7:05 amlA No. 0 8:61 : am
A No. 1 * 7KpmA ( ) | No. 11 OjOOpw
A No. 8 4MpmA | No. 7 13:00 : at
A dally : Ii ( lolil excupc Huturday : 0 except
Sunday ; D except iloutlay | 'fmiaftU ,