Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 06, 1889, Page 7, Image 7

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No nclvortlaomonts will botnUonfor
thoao columns after I2:3O p. m.
Tormo-Cneh In advance.
Advertisements under this head 10 cents par
Una for the first Insertion , 7 cents for ouch nub-
Sequent Insertion , ami tl.Mp r line i er month.
No ndvr rtlA mrnis taken f < i- less than 2i > cent *
for first Insertion. Pcvcn worda will bn counted
to the line ; they must nin consecutively nnd
must bo paid In ADVANCK. All adverttss-
hients must be handed In before tetso o'clock p.
m. , and under no circumstances will they bo
lakenor discontinued by telephone.
Forties nrtrtrtlslnp In thrso columnsnml hay
ing tl'elr nnswers mlrtressoil In care of Tnr. Urn
trill please nftlc for n chwic toennhlo thorn to get
Ihclr Icttorn , ns none will be delivered except
Dn presentation of check. All nnsw rs to ad
vertisements Bhuild be enclosed In envelopes.
AH advertisements In these columns nro pub-
Ilshed In both morning nnd evening editions of
TNK HKE. the circulation of which ngcrcgntes
more than IR.OOOpnpers dally , nildelvt's thond-
VertlsorH the benefit , not.omy of the city circu
lation of Tun HEB , but also of Council JlltifT * .
Lincoln nnd other cities nnd towns throughout
this flection of tliB country.
AdvertUlng forthtso columns will be taken
k on the nbovo conditions , nt the following btisl-
pesshouBOS , who nre nut horlzedngonts forTHK
' IIEK special notice ; ! , nnd will quote the same
rates na can be had nttho main office.
J"OlfiTw. . niu rimnnnclstrSo South Tenth
i HABU k KDDY. Stntlonors and Pilntcrs. 113
south 10th Street.
II. KAllNBWOtlTH , Pharmacist , 2116 Cum-
mlng Street.
w .1. HUGHES. Pharmacist , 624 North ICth
, Street.
1F.O. W.PAltn , Pharmacist , 1809 St. Mary's
f Avenue.
3 Farnam Street ,
W ANTKD Situation by a respectable single
man as a baker. Address V it ) , HOD. 4H ) "t
rilWO nice girls would llko situation In
JL private family. 827 B. 22ud t. 4V3 6t
V17.ANTKD A position by a young lady sten-
" ojtropher and typewriter , llaplrt , neat
and accurate. Can furnish the best of refer
ences. Address box 7b7 ijhenaadaah. Iowa.
WANTKU To meet with rcspou.tlUlo party
for thu agency In toe city of Omaha and
riclnlty for thu sale of a usotul and valuable
attachment for wagons , carriages , farm Imple
ments , etc. , for the relief of homes. No more
called ehouldorsoruUod muscles or strained
tendon * . Without competition. A good op
portunity for an active man to entrnga In a
profltAbln business. To nee the attachment and
( eitrn full particulars call on A W llftgor. at
Mllliiril liousn. August 6. _ filO-Ot
"fXT Immediately , a llrst-class bush-
1 T .eltnan , Nlcoll , the Tailor , 1400 Douglas Bt.
TST ANTHD An energetic man with from 1400
TV to ( .VM to tuko u naif interest in strong
Iranmtiu company for the road. For pnrttcu-
llara call on .las. Itemor , Cozzcns hotel , between
' ) nud H p. m. 607-7J
WANTED Man of good address to act ns
county manager. Heferenccs exchanged.
Deposit ot 423 required. Salary Jflu nna * 7. > pe r
month with commission privileges. Call on or
address The Der.rgo H. Cllne Publishing house ,
til National llnnk. Take elevator. MS-llj
W'ANTiSU Gents' furnishing goods" sales
man ; must bellrat-claea ; references. Ad-
, dresB F 47 , Hee. 4SM 7
" \X7"ANTED A young mnn for light steady
t ? work ! good wngos. No. 17 , 220 N. IfitU.
VMANTKU-Uoy , w 0fJ' row * old. nt 1119
TT Farnam st. 4'J3 5
ANTKD 10 men to cut brush , Jld ; govern
ment -nark. Mrs. Hrega , HMSi 8. 1Mb.
' \V ANTED To employ a steady , soberyounR
TT nr mlddlo-aged man , to drive delivery
rragon part of the time nnd work in store ; one
tvho can loan his employer from $ IOOtoGOQ or
taken half interest in well established busl-
ness. Address F 61. Hen olilco , fi04 7 *
CANTED Drug clerk who can speak Ger-
imUaf ISpa St. Mary's nvo. ' 506
" ANTEUiMan arid wife In/private family
Wife must bo No ; ] cook , $40. Mis. llrogu ,
tliit S 15th. 479 5t
WANTED Bright young man to solicit life
insurance for one of the best companies
In the country. Address V i4 ! , Ueo office. J177-71
TV"ANTED Experienced traveling salesman
TT in coot and shoe line for ] owu ; must be
acquainted with trade. Address Qeo. W. Cndy
fc Co. . Cloyelsnd , O. 3VO 7 ?
rANTED Agents. Mogle cigar lighter ,
orory smoker DUTS , lights In wind or rain ,
lasts a lifetime. Sample l ic , two for2io , dozen ,
II. Dy mall. Stumps taken. Austin & Co , ,
Providence. R. I. J 45Q8'
" | A7ANTED Agents nnd merchanta to buy
T ' White-EnamolHii Letters , first-class goods
nt ono nml n Imlt cent an upright ) iich , Sam
ples mailed for 10o ; directions for applying to
windows free. The White Letter Co. , P. O. box
IS ) . Newark. N. J. MO-lOt
A GENTS wanted to take orders for "house-
J\ hold pood" ) on weekly payments. Apply at
JM16 Gaming st. .F. A. Unvin. 4U7 10
TJITANTKD Heaponslble ngont. gentoclady ,
TT lu every city nnd town. Something now.
i No hum bug. but nn nrtlclo of merit needed
everywhere. Write for circulars. Snmplo out
fit , TOc. Adilross-Itono Mfg. Co. , 32 S. Water st ,
DloTelnnil. O. 451-t
WANTED Agents , male nud femaleto send
pOrmanent address ; something new ; big
money ; do It now , Address Nash Mitchell ,
eprlngllold. 111. 452-8t
to travel for thr Fonttilll Nurseries ot
Canada. Wo pay $ . " > 0 to 1100 a month and.
expenses to agents to sell our Canadian grown
Mock , Ad. Stone & Welllngtxin , Madison. VVla.
220 23
llallroml laborers , rockmon ant
track-luyorn for Washington Territory
good wages anil steady work ; at Albright's
Labor Agency.1120 Fnrnam st. 221
A good office man to go east ;
must Invest F-.olW ; must bo a good buEliiesH
man. Address the Oco. H. Cllno Publishing
House. : J15 to 821 Wabnsli nvo. , Chlcago.jn.
\ \I7ANTED- weekly"ivproxoptative , male
T or lemnle , in every community , floods
staple ; hotisehoM necessity : sell nt sight : no
pedaling ; salary paid promptly , and expenses
Advanced. Full particulars nnd valuable sample
case Fret ) . Wo monn junt whnt wo cay ; address
at once.'ftauJard Silverware Co. , Uoston. Mass.
WANTED At once , an energetic salesman
In every town to soil teas , coltees , apices ,
BJttrncts , baiting powder , groceries , etc. . to ho- '
tela , restaurants , farmers , niid other large con-
Bumers ut wliolesale prices : exclusive territory
piven. Address the Kdnoworth Mercantile Co. ,
Jl4478tata St. . Chicago. Ill- 115 M
SALESMEN Wo wish a few men to sell our
gooOti by sample to the wholesale and retail
trnilc. Largest manufacturers m our lino.
Kncloso 2-cent stamp. Wages 81 per day. Permanent -
manont poBltlon. No postals answered. Money
advanced for wages , advertising , etc. Centen
nial Manufacturing Company. Cincinnati. Ohio.
r l-n81
G 1IIL for : > ocoud wort and care of child. 2225
KnriiiMn. 48' '
\\TANTED-An educated , rollnod Indy as
TT warninghouunkeepar In u Inrge Institu
tion , must bo experienced nnd hnvagood ref
erences : 1st class Inunitri-ss for private family ,
Kn week ; 2 waitivs os for Wyoming. 820 ; 1 for
Colornno. ; i for the country ; COOK nnd 2d girl
tot olllcor'n family , Wt ) nnd $10 ; n waltr < > s3AH In
city ; lots of good places in private families.
Mrs. Hrepn. 314j } s < t)5 ) c ;
' ANTED At oticeTglil for "help In house ,
keeping. Apuly In person tttttU2 Frnuklin.
\7 ANTKII-Ooiuputent cook nml InundresB ,
T liismnll family , ( 'all after ! lp. m. 2201
Calm. < 81'
WANTll ! > A good and experienced "gliTTo
dogeurral housework at Ko , 1C24 K 22nd ,
JjiNOLISII-BpenklngdermanBlrl fov general
JUhouscworkt uteany place. Call between 0
Ulld H p. 111. . 844 f. 'ld. 430 G
W ANTF.D-Oermnuglrl to do cooUliTc and
washing , best of wages paid , Inouiro J.
. Girl to ao second work ami tak
T caroof child three yrs ola : iiouo butcom
relent need apply j Uerman preferred. " 406 SI
Mary's ave ; iiy
WANTETP-WalliTnT : 7n TJHt < iTfMf
fumllles tiart of a day , ( lood reference
Address I'M Hoe. ICU-St
TXrANTUn Parties who have property o
f any Kind to trad . list It with us tor quick
xuuintfQi camuilbiton always reasonable
Correspondence solicited , write us , udd. W. K
Mlno Ai Co. . Dei .
Molnes. la. _ } U7 U _
* IJirANTiJL > 60 learnt for rnllroau grauinir. a
TT Albrlcbt's I.ubor nfc-eucy , liai 1'arnam st
jQltiit34UiNU ! to do In famlllw. G- j. mil
board , Inquire 1G09 Douglas
HOUSE , 318 N. IBth st , tor rent. II , W.
Ctemer. Z09 M. Uth OX *
T7IOII UKNT 7-room cottaRB , * otith and east
JJ front , near cable nnd motor. $ . ' 0 per month.
Wright .V Lasbury , Arlington block. 411 6t
Yort Ufo building. _ 41H 7
1OH ltiNT : Home near depot , Imiulro 913
8. 12th St. 481-8 ? _
1JWU HUNT Six new ft room cottages , ready
-t ? on nr before September 1. 34th and Half
llov < t\rd etrectn , hralthy location , near i Fnrnam
tars. Hont , each 115 per month. Suitable tor
small tidy fnmllles. John Id F. Lehrannn , C24
ITth st : 411
" _
HKNT New --room homo with city
J ; water and bath. 2 ! y Franklin bt. Apply
Hoom CO.I. Merchants' NntJI Hank. 447-u *
POH HUNT The 0-rooin tint occupied by Dr.
( JtlniGio , 2d iloor. No. 10ll ; Howard t. In-
qulreot _ OOP. Hlgclni , 1011 Howard st. 182
FOH HENT-frroom cottage. 100 So. 2Sth St. ,
m lllngwalt liros. , HoomU7 , llarkcr block.
"TJIOirilKNT A detached tl-room liouse , nil
JLJ modern conveniences , linq. K > y > Capitol nve.
6ll KUNTV-lO-rooui brick house on 2Uth st.
F near Luuvcnworth. Apply nt No K378.20tn
FOIt ItlTNT Fine largo residence , hnrcl wood
llnlsh. nil conveniences , low rent to private
family ; 210 N. luthst. Ml
TjTOlt UliNT KcAt cottage. Ktper month. C.
JL F. Harrison , Merchants National Unuk.
FOll HKNT House of six rooms in Omaha
View. Terms reiifonnble. C. E. Strntton ,
No. 401 Merchants Hank lliilg. C02 0 *
TTlon ItrNT-Pretty 7-rootn house with bath ,
JU 2KI California su. r per month. Inquire
Ncthorton Hall , Hoom 42 : ) , First Nat. Hank.
MX ) 7
H [ OU8H for rent , 1KU Dodge.
"filOH HKNT Fine In room brick homo , nil
X1 inoduru conveniences , on cable mid motor
lines. CalJ on 2 ll llurtst. UM
FOIt KF.NT J12.00 per month , a six room
building , M. E. cor. of ll'th ' and Mnson.
4fKJ nio
FOH KENT Two nine room brick houses on
Park avenue , with ull conveniences. Also
nine room frame hotiro on same street , with nil
conveniences ; price t-13 to fin ] > cr month. D , V
Bhotes. 210 First National Hank. nil
FOll URNT-nfirst-olnss dwelling with all
modern convemnuros. Including stable , 2W8
Capitol ave. Inquire of JD.J.O'Donahoe. 1C01
Fni-nara nt , 31J
FOK KENT 7-room Hat. SJ5 per mo. nbove
The Fair , 13th and Howard. Inquire ThoFalr.
FOl ! HKNT Two nlca ( urnlshed roomi , suit
able for2 , very cheap , $10 mid { 15 , board if
desired.JOIl Douglas. 4b7 ! l *
TrioTfUKNT Nicely furnished rooms , 1st and
X ! M doors , * lu and $12 and J10 per mouth :
Modern conveniences. 2100 Farnnm Bt.
TDW ASANT room and board , location con-
i. renlent to bbaiuess , gas , bath , etc. . 2015
Douglas. 491 9 (
fliwo or three furnlshod rooms , light house-
J-keeping , 2030 Bt. .Mary's ave. 421 fit
ChUJKLVfurnlaned rooms , with board. 1717
Chicago. 475 6t
FOll KENT A nicely furnished room. $12
per month. BUN. 18th st. 4J7-DJ
TT1OU UKNT-Furnlshed room with board. ( B
-C Bouth 17th ave. 4iMt
TJIOIl IIBNI Furnished rooms , 2203 Dn.lge.
JP 4ttOf
TTtOH Itr.NT In Council niiilTs. to gentlemen
-L' only , two furnished rooms within ona
block of flroodway depot , on electric motor
line. Address "lloom , " Bee olllce , Countll
lllutfs. 48't-r ,
"JjlUHNlSHF.D rooms nnd board for ! l gentle
J men who can be most comfortably accom
modated acd feel at home. CO S 2Jth nve.
T71OII ItiSNT Furnished room for gentlemen ,
J ? 611 S , 18th St. 4.II-5J
ST. RLAllt European notel , cor. IHth and
Dodge ; special rate by week , or month.
FOllfltr.NT- furnished rooms , light and
airyarei Farnam. a.9 t
ITlOIl'llRNT Two furnisned rooms , 311 north
J17th st. Itcference required. : i"l-8 1
FOUItENT Tn-o parlors front nnd bock ou
first Iloor , also single rooms with board.
All modern covenlenco * . 1G09 Douglas. G32
TTiOinniNTVNlcely furnished rooms with'
JU board ; references ; 2207 Farnnin. 334 7 *
G OOD room with bath. 613 S. 20ih st.
TT'UIINISHEDor unfurnished house torrent
J-1 in Park Terrace , opposite Hnnscom park ;
nil modern conveniences. Inquire , Leo A : Nlcliol ,
S U and Loavenw orth , 2 1
T71UUN1BH15D front room in private family
JL ; to n gentleman of good habits ; convenient
location. i > lB8.2Utli. cor. St. Marys ave. 31IM1J
F 1011 KENT A s'uite furnished or unfurnish
ed. ; 1810 Chicago at. Hoard in the house.
S front room , meals in the house , 1000
Capitol avenue. 3.0
TTlUItNlSHET ) rooms with all modern conJ -
veulences.for gontlomeu only , 1700 Dodge st.
F IOll KENT llooms with board ; 17231)ojge.
ITIOIl HUNT Elegant furnlsned room for
J-1 single gentleman only. 72J 8. 70th st. , cor.
Leavenworth. Pt0 ;
ITtOIl KENT Larpre ftiralshod south front
J-.rooin on second Iloor , with board , all con
veniences. 1U10 Capitol are. 93 (
"Ij OU KENT Two furnished rooms , on St.
J. Mcry'fl nvenue. To guntiemen only. Six
minutes walk of business center. Reference
required. Inquire at store , 21U and 212 S. 15th st.
F URNISHED-Front room , 1013 Farnam.
146 a 27 *
FTWO rooms with or without board for gen-
JL tlomun.private famlly.references. 1612 Dodge
TCflOU HKNT UnftirnLshwl rooms sultaolo for
X' housekeeping , in suites of 2 to 4 ; convenient
location. Ilutt'u ilcntlug Agency , 10U ! Farnam.
ITOH KENT OviT store store. a > 0 suite for
ta > , ltd Howard st. Inqulre'ot utore. all
f > KOOM8. modern conveniences. 1103 N. IBth
b3t. Flat 0. ( W8
B OllUEOT Klrst-clasB store building ,
bla for wholeHale or retail bnslm'xs. liuiulro
of Gco. N. HIckH , Now Von : Lifo bld'g. 4ll ( 7
THOlt UUNT Store m Mlllnrd hotel block , lu-
JL' quire nt hotel olllco , 417-0
NICE Heat basement to rent , Inquire Leslie
& Leslie's pnarmacy , loth and Dodge sts.
377 0
TT10U HUNT Store room , cor. 2.1th and N sts. ,
Ju South Omaha. Host location in city for
gents' furnishing or dry goods store. Inquire
of J. J. Mahouey , room 600 Paxton blk. 472-tJ
TjlOK KENT Store room No. IDlJ Cumlug bt. ,
J ? fa per mo.
Store room No. HUE Cntnliig St. , 12.1 per mo.
Flvo room cottage , with city water , No. 805
N. twthbt. . filpermo.
Now six room house , with rlty water In house ,
good cistern , etc. , 37th aud Dodge ala. , tltl per
mo.Four room cottage , 1514 N. ' M st , , $13 per mo.
Pot tnrJc Cobb , Ulol Farnam nt. _ illl-lU
| 7 < OH HUNT The 4-story brick building with
JU or without powur , formerly occupied DyTho
lieu 1'ubllHhlng Co. . Dili Farmim bt The bnllil-
ing hay n tiro-proof cemented bosomont , com-
plutoutcum boating llxturos , water on nil the
Uoors , gas , etc. Apply at the olllce of 'Die Hue.
OK KENT Stores and living rooms on Cum-
Ingst. Also house on Uatust. Harris , room
411 . 1st Nat. Hank. ail
KENT For a year or term of years in
Grand Island. Neb. , two ilm-class brick
Btnros , situated oil Front utroet , one block
south of U , } ' . truck * ; thesa buildings nru only
two joars olil. plato class fronts nnd stone
walks , line cellars , 'and first-class in every
respect ; rents reasonable. Apply to W. A.
Whitney. _ 334 13
EOtt business purposes 2d iloor , f > 0xl32. In
Paxton building , loth nml Farnam. entrance
on 1 urnuiu. pa&svngcr and freight elevntor ,
north nuilioutb light , will divide into two if do-
sired. Hoyman fr JJulche * . 1518 Fariiam Bt.
_ W4 a 25
OFFH B To rent. Furnished elegantly or
unfurnished , lluihmau block , N K. Cor.
lOthaud liouittt. 233
UliJf T-"TH * coiTier room umierlhe No-
. - bradka Nntional bnukill soon be for rent.
the Equitable Co. rcmoriuu to larger
The ( puce is nbcut doubl * that occupied by
the t. . II. k Q , tlrcet ollice. The Iloor li tiled
ana Uio room can bo m db de lrablo { M a It , il.
ticket or Inoker'f otlii.-e ,
for ] , art'.cular apply at bank. C83
mo IIT5NT Desirable war house room on
JL track. Apply to 0. W. Keith , 714 PAcino 8U
VTOTICP. TO IlUlT < DRIlS-'fho90 wanting St.
a. i Ix > uls pressed brick gauged can have them
gauged at the lowest price , tl.M ) per thousand :
satisfaction guaranteed or no pay. ( Stool
miaco uaod ) . Leave orders at No. 2 engine
lionse. John Weir. 47B-6f
TT'OH ' wnolcsnle and warehouse purposes ; will
JL'build to suit tenant and lease for term of
years ; cooil truckage fncllltleo and well lo
cated. Wright & Lasbury , Arlington block.
WILT i par cash for small or large lots ot
household gooda. Must bo cheap. Address -
dress V 4) . Itco oinco. 4M-0
I.ADIK9 , AttcntlonI Madam Guerrettos
J Golden Spccinc , for all female weakness ,
odlco hours. 8 to in a. m. , and 3 to 5 p. in. , con *
BUltatlon fl > 9. 1703 Douglas. 412aU $
'VTES Tne old reliable Itental agency is still
JL running , supplying nil that come with
houses , Hats and utoros. J. H. Parrotle , Itoom
81. Douglas block. Bli'nKI.
TI1K bnnlotnURht an an art by Cleo. F. ( Icllcti
beck , Apply nt lice oincc. MO
LOST A mnla , weight about f50. nbout 10
years old , has n lump on right hind hip.
dark brown color , return to DavUt Fred , IMS 8
lotiuit mot
LOST A small black and tail dog ; sultnblo
ru aril for his return. 101B. Otlttit. 4JH-5J
OST Engllsb Mastirr7 ncturn to7ofl Paxton
block nud pot reward. 241-
rilAKBN up Hay pony , brand Xon loft shout.
JLder. Apply2.V < a Poppleton nvc. ! 1706 *
IIBrPo1 v1UoflJalironiIa71C.nTmi5naTstrr
fortells the future. Ladles aud gentlemen.
20 < a4 ;
. Kccles. the famous fortune teller nnd
clairvoyant , business , love , marriage and
changes. CUT S 13th st.uext door to Darken hotel.
mt 0 *
MADAME Wellington , world rouownod as-
trologHt , test medium , nnd destiny render ,
Just from Europe. Tells your life from tne
cradle u > the grave , reunites the separated ,
causes speedy marriage with the ono you love ,
locates dUeases aud treats with massage and.
electric baths. All In trouble hould not fall to
consult this glftensceress. Pe..ourR , upstairs ,
U17H South luth , olllco hours from 10 a. m. to lo
p. m.
m.Dn. . NANNIF. V. Warren , clairvoyant , infill-
cal nnd business medium. Female diseases
n specialty. HONlCth st. rooms 2 uml 3 , i-OJ
3TOHAOE nt low rates at lltl Farnam f > t. ,
"Oinnhn Auction nna SjoniEo Co. 2f7 :
niltACKAQU storage at lowest ratoi. W. M.
JL nushmnn , 1311 Leavenworth. 233
TOUAOK nnd forwarding.Vo collect and
s : deliver poods of all dcserlpt'ciiiM , merchan
dise , furniture and baggage c choaiiest rate1 *
for storage for any length of time. Vans and
wngons to bo had at shortest notion , witn narc-
fnl men for moving. Fucking and hhlpuliiic
from our own warehouse done on modernto
charge. Merchandise loadud aud unloadcil.
Warehouse on our own tvarks. Olllce2173 lull
st.telephone ; 114. HowCll&Co. iMO
W' ANTKD Funilturo. cirpcts , stovei nnd
household poods of all Kliidw. Omaha
Auction A ; Storrgo Co. , 1121 Farnam , 237
MOHKISONAiKIiV-Storage nud forwarding ;
sneclal arrangements for cnramlvslon mer
chants , 1213 Leavunwotth ; tel.119. . , Omaha.
QTANDAItD Shorthand hchool , Paxton blk. .
C7sncces-or ( to Vut ) > utlne'H ) the largest exclu
sive .shorthand school in the west. Teachers
ore verbatim reporters. Particular attention
nali ! to typewriting. Mechanical construction
ofmachmo taught by factory expert , Circulars.
WIIlTTfcKSEY'S Shorthand School , llarlser
block. Scud for circulars ; Lord's prayer
in liorthand true. liU-n'Jt
MAHA rtnsliiois Colleap , cor Utlinnd Capitol -
tel nvo. Shortoand Tlio largest nud most
successful shorthand department Itt'the ' state.
Standard methods taught. Munson's revised
of ' 89 atnecinlty. Cull or write for terms.
PUItNlTUlU ! and household goods nt prlvnta
sale Tuesday and Wednesday , nt 13r > d 17th
St. 4'XJ-C '
FOR SALT' A first-class fresh milch cow.
Address F 4 ! lloo olllco. 4Vi 7 *
Oil SA"iTE Ki hors-e-power "Atlas" engine
and 'iO horso-pow Br cteel l.oiler , nearly now ,
with all connections ; will sell cheap. A. 1) ) .
Fuller , Ashland. Neb. 430-U
FOIl SAlK-La\v library. 1510 Dotiglas. _
ui7 s
TT1IVK hundred shares of 310 per share North
JP Western Standard Oil stock. Tnls stock is
non-assessable uml land is coins developed
now and is sure to bring good returns In. . near
future. Will sell for cash very cheap. Address
flC2. llcuolllce. HM
_ _
FOU SALE A stock or clothing nnd gents'
furnishing gooilit .it a bargain. Address .T.
H. Frew , Button , Nob. 883 ! )
BFST cash grocery , and an Interest in ono of
best established furniture business in
Omaha ; need reason given for sclllii ! ; . Hutchinson -
inson & Wead , 15'4 lou ias f-t. _ 3H-2 _
FOR SAT.K Handsome youuji pony , perfectly
sound and g nte , stiltablo for either saddlu
or drlvln0' . Apply to Col. I'letcUor , Fort Omaha.
ITIOII SALE 1,0O tons of IMnch ice , housed
JJ on track , Council lllulfs , la. Gilbert Urns.
TTlOnSALR I'urnltnro of Kirgc hoase. every
J room rented. First-class location. Parties
leaving city. A bargain. Address K 8 , Dee olllce.
_ _ 5.VN
'nilHCahHold ii'f's Co. being about to move
.t will sell 1 llrst-class 4-horse-powor onjrlno
and boiler at U actual value. t W Douglas st.
, ! 7U
TIT IDfiAND Guarantee & Trust Co . N. V. Life
J. ' .bldT ( , Complete ab-itrnctH f nniMiecl and titles
to real uatuto oxainiued , ptrfectcd & gttarantucd.
MONEY Inanad onctiattul serin Hies and Jew
elry. Uoom 411 , Shoely block , Omaha Ne
braska. F. H. Jerome. 437 a 2 ;
und other real estate loan.sV'.M ,
Harris , roomW , Frenzer block , opp. P. O.
0.F. . IIAHKlbON loans money , lowest rates.
. ! i75
WANTED First class inside loans. Lowest
ratea. Call and see us. Mutual Invost-
mentCo. . It 1. llarker blk. . litii nna Fnrnam. 218
PHILADELPHIA Mortgage & -mm Co. fur-
X nlsh cheap eastern money to borrowers ,
purchabo securities , perfect titles , accept loaim
lit their western olllco. UeorgoV. . P. Coaten.
room 7 , Hoard of Trade. 281
1110NEV loaned on furnituif ) . hordes nnd wagons : rates reasonable. City Loan Co. ,
118S. 13th St. , opposite Mlllurd liotei. 270
QBE Sholcs. room 210 , Flrat Nat'l bank , before
CJmakliiB your loans. iXl
STUINOKK It PENNY , room 20. Douglas
blockhave money to lendon chattel security ,
402 A 10
MONEY to loan ; tush on Imiid : nodoiuy , J ,
W. Squire , l-'l'J Farmim st. , 1'lrst National
bank building. 2bO
TTilllST mortgage loans at low rates and no
JU delay. D. V. Bholos , 210 Fln > t National
bank. " 2J1
_ _
IOANSmadeon real estate and mortgages
jbought.Lewls 0. lloed&CoU lUoard ; ! Trade
MONEY to loan on real estate security , at
lowest rates. Ilotore negotiating loans sun
Wallace , H. 310. llrown bldg. liith & Douglas. g 3
MONEY to loan. O. F. Davis Co. , real estate
nud loan agents , 1C05 Farmim st , 277
I OANB on. household furniture or any good
JUsectirlty. Large and umall sums. Lo\v r
Interest than has been olTerod. Elkhorn Loan
Co.t over Commercial National bank. 13th and
Douglas st. 150 A. 27
DON'T borrow money on furniture , horses ,
wagons , utc. . or collaterals until you see
C. II. Jacobs , 411 First National bank building.
_ _ _
BUILDING loans. D. V. Bholes , 210 Fir t
National bank. 281
Per Cent money U , 302 , N , iT. Lire Inn. oldg
_ _
Tlf ONEY to loan on any security
J-U. for stort time , at low
rates. Lowest rate *
on personal
The llcnderion Mortgage Investment Company.
t'Kxtoa block. iKO
KIO.COO to loan nt 8 per centj Llnahan. A Mahoney -
$ honey , room COfl rnttonj jpck. _ KH
MONHY to loan on Jrorebs. wagonn , mules ,
household goods , p I anoju organs , diamonds ,
lowest rates. The first orKfttitzed loan , olllco la
the city. Make loans for thirty to three hun
dred nnd sixty-five days , ] which can bo paid in
part or whole , at any tliuotms ! lowering the
principal and Interest. OUI nnd see us whrn
you want money. We caftlftiiblst you promptlr
nnd to your advantagniflvjlhout removal ot
property or publicity. Money always on hand.
No delay lu making Ioarts.tC ) , F. Iteed A Co. ,
3W B. 13th st. over UlnghBitii.S Sons , 2 3
ONRY loaned for 30 , Bftpr t l days on nny
Kltulot chattel 8ecurltr'ren9onnblo Inter.
est ; conlldentlal. J. J , WllVtusou , 3417 Farnam.
TOT 207
_ _
YOU want money ? "ft ! 'so don't borrow
before getting my rateww lilch are the low
est nn uny sum from II up to (10,000.
Imnke loans on household goods , pianos , or
gans. horsco.mules.wngoni , warehouse receipts ,
nouses , leases , etc. . in anyamountnt the lowest
possible rates , without publicity or removal of
lonns can be made for ono to sts months nnd
you ran pay a partnt any time , reducing both
principal and interest. If you owe n balance
on your furniture or Horses , or have n loon on
them. 1 will take it up and carry it for you as
long ns you desire.
If you need money you will flnd it to your
advantage to see me before borrowlnc.
11. K. Masters , room 4 , Withnoll building , 15th
and liarncy. * u
LOANB on improved and unimproved prop-
erty at low rates Odoll llros. & Co.,3128 lotn.
MONKYtoloan on furniture , horses , wngoos
or securities of nny kind ; commorclrl and
mortgage notes botmht ut fair rates : all busi
ness transacted coiilldentlal. Collateral Loan
Co. , room 321 , Ilningo bulldlug. 713
EE8IDENCK loans-flj't to 7 per cent nond
dltlonnl charges for commlFsloiis or attor
neys' fees. W , iF. Melkle , First Nnt bank ildg.
MONEY to loan on furniture. Horses , wapoiis ,
etc. , or on nny approved security. ,1. W.
llobblns , HI 114 Faruam Btroct , Paxton hotol.
m'PTONE Mortgage Co. Loans of $10 to
jl.OJfl ; get our rates before borrow lug and
save money : Inau on horsB-i. furnlttiroor any
approved security , without publicity : notes
boucht ; for new loan , renewal of old and lowest -
est rateKcall H 20 ,8hoeley 'ulk , HtH i I lo ward st .
_ _
" \TON'5Y ' I1 ° al"lnoKotliited at low rates with
-Lrlou tdelay , and purchase goods , commercial
puper nnd mortgngo notes. B , A. Slomnn. cor.
13th nnd Farman. 2J
N'oiUtASKA Morr. Loan Co will moke you a
loan on household goods.
horses , wa gons ,
land contracts.
line Jewelry , or becuntlo * ot nny kind
without publicity , at reasonable rates.
lloom 7 , Ilowlev block. South Omaha.
Kooiua M8-51 ! ) , Paxtun block , Omaha , Neb.
fjlOlt SALE Lcasoot store and part or allot
JL1 my fixtures , iiiJ ; Dougluo. Gee , L. llean.
497 10
"lj > Oll SALli l.oabo and turulturoofKl-room
JC hotul In Omaha , in first-class condition ; 50
rosular boarders nnd uood transient trade ;
will Invoice , at low valuation , SI.Kft ) . Will soil
at } ! . ! > . Heasous fonellluir , sickness and tils-
solution of partnership. Fine opening. Alex
Moors , mil Bheely Illock. 601 7t
fowa. cashier wants an Interest lu either
new or old bank In Nebraska. Can furnish
outfit , including Hall's steel cnest , time lock
and approved vault HxturAs. 8)OJO to Invest
with position. Address Cashier , Frederlcus-
burg. la. 42.V12
WANTED Business mUi ' , f ° r 'he grandest
health rujort in America , where climate
cures consumption , cntnrrlurheumatlsm. J3.SliO
llrstyear. Lettcr.s answortd If self-addressed
stamped envelope is inclosed. Hoxf.fiO. Van
Kaub , llexar rounty. Texas./ 414-51 :
"ITtOll SALi ; A good buslii fis with n good gro-
J eery anil meat trade. Address F 40 , lice.
1 420 U
171OH SALE or Trade foi'Omaha property au
JP established buainess. IUuc 618 Omaha ,
" 340
STOCK , farm and stock for' sale or trade for
good city property. Frtrm containing about
MX ) acvo.s and located eians , miles north of
Omaha , rm the Missouri river , wlthm 2 miles of
Crescent City depot. pix.jMncres ! In corn aud
oats , lOJ ncrus In hay laiiiJfllAlance In pas'.ure
and timber. Improvement * : Wire fences. 2
houses , 2 wind mills. Imtil3 , corn cribs , und
farm machinery ; HW ho.iU of cattle , mostly
coys. iWiiogs , f arm liorae,4inBonsaudliarness. .
Alt free "frum Incumbrance. Will sell on easy
nnvments or sell part or all stock for cash ana
rciit farm. 11. N. WithnelU room 17 Wlthnell
block. , 4U-5t :
WANTED A partner with HUO > ? 5.r. ( 0 to
take a halt interest in n \ \ ell-established
irrain nnd seed business. Address F 4H , Omaha
Ueo. 482-7
SALE Cheap : summer garden and sa
loon business at Mela hall. So. 10th st. Inquire -
quire on premises , MO 3. inth at. 3S9 8t
TTiOIl 8AL13 Splondla millinery business , at
JJ half value. Address A. 'M. Ilcswlck. Fnlr-
llold. Nob. Sil 6j
FOll SALE -A well established , good paying
business ! price JiS.OnO. Will sell the vi holu era
a controlliiR interest and transfer management ,
which , If condurted with ordinary business
ability , will Insure an annual net profit of
U.OO'J to J4.VK ) . and the opportunity for extend
ing and lncro.HS.lnc the buainess Is uurostrlcted.
My reason for selling is having other Important
liUKlnoss Interests rennliintciuy undivided at
tention. The practical knowledge necessary to
rnrry on the above business , miccessfully is
simple nnd easily acquired. It will pay anyone
ono Having the capital and time required to in
vestigate , Address F 27 , Ilco. 247
POIt SALE Good restaurant , good location ,
ingood beds ; will BCil cheap for cash. 408
S 10th st. 8-2j
A ( i HE AT bargain In Gordon , Nob. , a new
roller mill for snle , 3.1 Barrel capacity and
rlgceil to muke buckwheat nnd rye Hour , meal
and chop food ; in a good wheat country and
good market for Hour : 'J dwellings and barn
with it ; price Jii.OO'J. ' Parties having prop
erty to trade need not apply : mill nas llrst-
class reputation , F. J. Andreas , C43 alOt
l\7ANTEi-Land to exchange for 2 brick
V T luHi.so3 of (1 rooms each , lu St , l < oniH , Mo. ,
located in the best part of the city. Ily Ex ,
Land Co. , 3i'l South l.Hh st. Also u hotel to
buy in a good , growing town outside of a largo
city , from HOOJ to 8W.UOJ ; must oe a good pay
ing Institution or there will not bo any atten
tion paid to It. By K.v , Land Co. , 310 South 15th
st. , Omaha. 'Mi
rjto EXCHANGE-TWO good farms ot 100
JL acres each nnd cash for stock ol merchan
dise. fionoralinerchandlsul,00to ! $0,000 pre
ferred. C. E. Hades , I'laiulroau , Duk. 440-5 ;
rpo EXCHANGE for Omaha property , ono of
Xthebost Improved farms , mlowu , only one
mllu from town of d.inu Inhabitants.V. . K. E ,
, V M. E. , room H. Clmmburof Commarco. " .U
EQUITY in good fanu for good driving
team and carriage. H. M. 2419 Cuminc t. ,
Omaha. iUl bt
TTIOIl EXtMlANGH-An elegant tract of land
JL1 containing 120 acres , In Antelope county ,
Neb. , with ordinary Improvements.
A qunrtor-Mcction In Hand county , Dakota ,
partly Improvod.
Eighty acies near Council Illulfs , Ta.
House and lot on South Ulth st.
Ltirtro amount ot Oil Mountain und Petroleum
company oil stock. Will exchange for good
property or the erection ot isomo houses. Ueo.
J , Sterusdorlf , 1st National \H\I\\C. \ building. 370
1T1O11 IJXCHANGR-For desirable residence
JL. ' propony in Omalia , any or all of following ;
40 choice inside resilience lots lu Hastlngd.
100 lots in Lincoln.
( HO acres line farming lanrlrfrtiiic.ister county.
Fine residence property , Lincoln.
Good rental property , Lincoln.
Choice family residence airiicr , I-os Angeles.
A neat residence property iff 'llunscom ' Place.
Alfco some good mortals" Jintes ,
Address , giving location and prlco of prop
erty. J. E , II. , cara Ilaum Iron Co. . 1S1I Leaven-
worth. -Oil
KGAL blanks. Chaae n KUdy , IKISUthst.
270 ofiT
HAVI ! you any good Inside property to ex-
clinl : u for clear farm lands. Will msiime
Rotno Incnmbrance , Stringcr it Penny. Doug-
laa block. U7J-8
TJWK BALU. in Wamut Hill-Hero is n clmiico
Jto get a home ono bloqk fiom cur line ;
cheaper than paylngreut ; high and sightly ;
8-room house and lot 50x15(1 JI.8CO.
6-rooin liottte und lotnOxlW , Il.dOO.
A1WU * | U * J WO J4UJ41DP , I i * * * i Ut 1I Cl * CT1 > * 1 I kit IIU14
Bewurd , Walnut Hill. Heal tttate agents al
lowed u commission. i'iu y
1710U SACK On e\sy terms , an elegant new
-L. house of S rooms and bathroom on one of
the choicest lota in Orchard Hill. Address i'
45 , Hoe olllce. 40iMO
WE can offer for sale for the next few diiyd
the following One properties ! A U-rooin
house In Improvement Association add , , with
bacrrand other out door improvements. A lot
In Oklahoma add. ) 1 in llocora' ndd.t 1 in
ClevelandI'lacoi 4 loti in UpsaUna I'lace. W. It ,
15. A M. Ex. , Hooia U , Chamber of Commerce :
telephone 1UU Mi ,
EOH BALB-Acre property. 1,3.3 , 4. 6.10 , 25 ,
10 and WJ aero tractS aroimd nmuhu.
ICOacreu Uouglas couutyfarni , well improved
on asy terms ,
IbU acre Douglas co. dtilry ranch.
Choice land in central Netr.iain on very eajy
terms. J. U , Eyauo , VU N , V , Ufs IJId'U. 3H-7
"T7IOU SALT ? To yon TT nt ft choice farm 10
JU mUes northirvst of Omaha ? It to , I hare
Just vrhkt will suit you. nnd can be bought nt
fcu per f cr belovr Its nctnnl mlnn. The nborg
named farm contain * 8T5 acres of the fl nest land
In the state , all enclosed with Kood barb wire
fence : the buildings and orchard thereon nro
in first-class condition. Two good wells furnish
abundant wntor. The very low price of 1 10.00
per aero shoutd command it ready purchaser.
Let me drive you out and show you' this farm ,
U. J , bternstlorff. Heal Kstate , fKmn nnd Kx-
change Ilroker , Honms .117 nmlSlfl , FiMt Nat'l
Hank lltilldlng. Tclephono toi. 313 nO
TpOK SAM ! Cosy cottages casytornn , 8ltXK ) ,
JC } lax ) , tuwci , fJcot ) , t2two , ! 0OtfJ , W.OCK > , on car
Handsome Homcs-SK.noo. ffl-KM , $7,003. 17,500 ,
t.W8l4. . WO. I1BOIH , taxOOtt. 8i5tiiW-no trouble
to show them. J. uTKviUM , 3W N. V. I.tfo
IJliVg. _ * 'I _
FOU8AMI M feet , enst front near pared
streetwlth non'U-room modern house.V.OOO.
0. F. Harrison. Merchants Nnt'l bank. 8S3
ON 15 of the two house and tot bargains 1
hnvobcen offering on dcorjjla avo.north of
Ioavenworthls now sold nnd occuptod.becnuso
ot my very low prlco. The south houio ot the
two still remains n bargain open to somahody.
First comes , first served. To be appreciated it
needs to be examined Internally. 1 positively
will not rent it , though several times olToreil
$50 per month. Price , on very easy termBono.
W. T , Seamnn , east side 16th st.north ot Nich
olas t.Omaha's largest variety of wagon ; nnd
carriages. SO
B A110 A IN Part of the Dick Klmbntl estate
M ) feet on Ifth street running through to
17th nvo. Ono 13 room home , nil modern con
veniences , nnd two six roum houses. Total
rental IWX ) per year ; prlco 8I3.0JO. M. A. Up
ton Company , Kith nud Farnnin. 295
TjTOH SALIC 54.1.73 ncres , HOC. B. , r. Bw
JU Hamilton county. Nob. House , stable. 3M
acres fenced , living water. Price , Sti.OOO. F. K
Atkins , owner , rnllr end bldg , , Denver , Col.
rpim best money's wortn'of house nndlotnow
JU for sale In Omnhn la that which I urn now
completing near 24th St. , ou paved Wlrt st. , In
Kouutze place. H bedrooms , "parlors , dining
room , kitchen. 2 bath rooms , ! l wntor closets ,
largo laundry , stationery wash tuba , furuaco
nna coal room nnd cellar , electric bflls nnd
spenklng tube. 12 closets. Price only $7tHX ) on
terms to suit. Likewise n dttpllcnte adjoining
nt sntno price. W. T. Teaman , east side lllth st.
north of Nicholas st. Omaha's largest variety
of wagons and carriages. 2M
qj48fiOO Actual value Inside business and rcsl-
Pdence : the seventeen lots nt half prlco to first
party comes. Why ? For reason nm in need of
413,500 cash. Great chance. Address ! ? 31 , Bee.
"TJ10H SALE lleatitlful 8-room mod-
J ernlmprovemunts. Including splendid fur-
nncc , nearllimscom park , best location in the
city f and street car privileges :
prlcofo.OUO. C. F. Hnrrlson , Merchants National
bank. ! 3 > 4
TLTIOH SALE E.tsy terms , Kountzo place.
JD Two homes , each 8 rooms , each $1,000.
Two homes , each 8 rooms , each & > . < KJ.
Two homos , each 15 rooms , each $7ooO ,
All with msilorn convenience.
All large vnluo attho price.
All within a square of the motor Hue.
Don't lose thesti opportunities.
For sale by the owner. W. T. Seaman ,
East Mile lilth ft. north of Nicholas Bt. ,
Omaha's largest variety of wagons and car
riages. ! ! M
S HOLES to the front again. Last list all
xold out.
11.01)0 ) , 130,000 , 810,1100 , 61J.OM , I13.000 , $11,500 ,
nud from this down to a small tiouse for n
cent , buys residences in the city for bankers
down to the mini who c-leuns the sower.
JH.iiOO or $7UH ( btivs either 12 or fl-roorn houtc ,
burn , lots 7rt anil CQxl24 feet ground each , on
lllth St. , Kount.ze place , with furnnce , gas nud
fixtures , hot nnd cold wntcr , bath , three elegant
man tola each , nil pnperod , elegant lawns , 01
grade , street paved , motor by October 1. If
not cheap , come In nnd I'll give them both to
you free.
M.Gfli buys 8-room house , furnace , and every
thing even to electric wires for lighting gas ;
lot ( to 150 , across street west ot Dr. Mercer's
und 1 block from motor. 3300 casli , bal. 0 per
cent ,
IP.OOO buys full lot in Hanscom place , M and
Pcppleton nvenue , with 8-room house , furnace
nml oxerythingelse.
t.l J buys & Joe Dnndy east front lot on Sid
nml Pnclllc street. Hanscom place.
. $7,10 residences in Kountzo place
to trade for smaller honses anil lot near tncro.
$4.000. full lot and good house in Hillside n < ld.
opp. Wob'-tor street school to trade for vacant
lot. (1.200 buys either 4-room house , full lot. in
Central purk or Hitchcock's add. , and Sl.OOO
sumo in Crplghton heights add. KJ,7nO buys fine
lot on Fnrnam and 12d sts. S9.7.JU buys CSxl33
ft , on Cast st. opp. Cass school. K'OO buys
eltheroftwo ft-room houses In Heddlcl : pnrs : .
Jt.OOl ) buys n. linn 7-room cottage ou 18th and
1'nul sts. , with bath , hot and cold water , slag
walk , and a corker for the money.
3 choice lots usluo in cash $2liOO. In Lincoln ,
Neb. , for good house and lot nml pay balance
In cnMi. Submit offers. Also lilt ) acres choice
land In Nuckollsco. Neb , , anil good hard cash
for choice city lots. Submit.
U von don't waut to buy send list of what
you have to sell.
Wo are hero for that purpose nnd there nro
lots of them that will buy. There is just as
good bargains touy ) as one u ants. Drop your
"cranny" Ideas nud get to business.
For pointers. seoSUoles , 210 First Nat'l bank.
FOHHAJjK I'nrtles wistilng to build homes
In u llrst elms residence portion of the city ,
within oi'o mlloof the postoflloe. within a few
blocksot the cable line with all the ndvantagso
of gas , city wnter , sewerage and continuous
pavement from center of city , will Ilnd It to
their advantage to got price nnd terms from us
before purchasing elsewhere.
A number of flno lots in Hodford place from
JfxX ) to SMX ) . Those lots are vrlthin a few blocks
of the now furniture factory now being built ,
nml will soon hnvo the iidvantage.s ot paved
street and street railway. Do not miss an op
portunity of securliii : n lot for n homo botoro
prices ndvnnro In this locality. Lots In Isaac
A : Seldeti'H addition from SI.'OO to J.1.0UO. These
lots lire ench Mx)24 ) feet large enough for throe
good sized cottages.
A few east front lots In blocks 1 and 2 , Pot
ter's addition , ranging in prlco from JI.3JO to
We hove some property within six miles ot
Omaha , with line stream of w < itcr , furnished
by largo springs , which is suitable for dairy
purposes , und wo can sell from 5 to lOu acres
together , on very easy terms , or some of it can
bo exchanged for othergood property.
South front lot on Hamilton Kt. , near 86th Ht. ,
prlco J1.2.JO.
Kaat front lot on Ooorgln.aveiuto.ln ilurr Oatt
addition , prlco t'JSJ.
East front lot on Georgia nvenuo , between
Topploton nnd Woolworth avenues , price , M.MX ) .
uno of the hcst lots In Patrick's addition ,
within 1 block of Stumders st , price S-.GOJ.
Ono of the finest corner lots on IJroodwny , In
Council IJlnlfn , opposite the carriage factory
ami power IIOUSH. with 60 feet frontage ou
llroauVay by 178 on 2Bth St. , only Jl.oou.
Lots In 1'ottcr & Cobbs' addition. Council
DhtlTs. from $ OJ to S'JOl ) . Terms very easy.
1X1 u 1'otter & Cobb. 1001 Farnam st.
| 7Ult BALK Two of the Deallocated traCKugo
JL1 lots , on the northwest corner of 21st und
Izard wtroets. size 120x1.14 Taut- For prlco and
terms Intiulre of the owner , lidwnrd Snellor-
berg , 1012 North 21st street 59T-nMt
mOMANDFACTUHEHH : \Mllglvonmplo
J- ground , with splendid trackage facilltios
on the Fremont , lUkhorn i Mltisourl Valley
ruilroad or on the Missouri 1'aclllo ( Halt Line )
railway In Wostlawn , just outside the city
limits In West Omaha , conveniently situated na
regards access to the Dullness center of Omaha ,
and South Omnhn , to parties for the location of
nny of the following industries :
Fiirnlturd Factory , Ittitton Factory ,
Shoo Factory , Lara Helluery ,
Bturcli , V Clucoso W'kH , Houp Works ,
Paper Mill , 1'urlflor Jlanufactory ,
Plow Works , Ilroom Factory ,
Harv/ister / Works , AVoolou Mill.
Null works. Oatmeal Mill.
Knitting Mills , IIOK Manufactory ,
Bnslt , Door mid Illlnd wire Works ,
Manufactory. Machine Snaps ,
Flour and Feed Mill.
Or nny good manufacturing plant. Westlawn
is Just outside the city limits and indiixtrlcs
planted thnro will escape heavy city taxes ,
If you nre thinking of locating in Omaha it
will pay vou to Investlgatn this.
Oeo. N. Hicks , New YorK Life bull-ling ,
OniHlia. Ti'O '
T71OU SALK-f ] , OflU ( if taKen at once ) will buy u
JU ] 0 > l-iicro farm ( well worth ! f-,50J > , beautifully
situated \'t mllu botith ot 1'lonsanton , Docntur
Co. . Iowa , all nnilur fence , well set vlth clover
and timothy , house orchard and wells on the
place. H cnsn , balance time to suit purchaser ,
6 pur cent Interest. Title perfect : n great bar
gain. Address the Owner , John I < . Kirk ,
1'eotla.JU. ! K 14
HKUK we come with the veiy llnest resi
dence properties tn Omaha to bell 01 exchange -
change for lots or land , We said the
flncbt. Do you doubt it ? Then come nnd let us
showtboiu to you. If you wish to buy you cin
no so on your own terms. Do not neglect this
opportunity for never in the annals of rent us.
tutu transaction * in Omaha has a llko opportu
nity been offered. W. It. K. & M K , , room 11 ,
Chamber of Commerce , Tel , Ul . "Si
HKIIK we are agaln. Look out for bargains.
. Wo are offering U line dwellings on Cal
ifornia street , near Lowu avenue. At Lowe
avenuu nnd California a corner ot G lou , nlcujt
vlnw in Omaha , on grade , In front of car Hue.
ycth nnd JueKson st , f > 3-story brick Hats and 4
li-Moiy frame Hats , all neatly now , OHnBro'l-
donees in Kountzo Place , 2 lots on 2oth Ht. , Collasouiii , and Willil feuton 1'Jth ' st.unar
Charles Bt. . for K loss than Its actual value. All
these proportion , together with tlireu line
houben und lots on I'Jth ' ht. , near Jluriletto St. ,
weotler to sell for very low llsure * that you
cannot beat. Wo wish you tolnyestlgale and
nee that we mean litislnasi. Wo have several
other pieces of property what wo off or to bull
und ttade very low. We Imvo lands and farms
to sell and trade In almost every part ot the
country , west and south ut Chicago. We offer
as at peel * 1 Inducement and boot Investment
for nil the Maxwell land grant in southern Col
orado and northern New Mexico , Irrigated land
with full water right , where vto guarantee your
lauds will sell for ilOO per acre after you have
it town to ulfalftw and we will sail U to you
now , the bejt land , for $15 per acre ; terms 10
years. UK. Land Co. , 310 South 15th at. il'U
$ , OM ( i feet front In heart of Omaha. IBth
st , , modern 3-story building , brlnni 10 per
cent now. ntlorr rents : must have In.txn rmh ,
balance 6 per cent ; ereat offer ; adilreM Iv ! , llee.
"II OH BALK On long time nnd ensy payments.
J.1 hnnclsome , new , well built houses of 8 , 3 nnd
10 rooms. All conveniences , good nclchborhood I
paved streets , street cars nnd within wnlklug
dtstMn , ? of I1. 0. Nnthnn Shelton , mil Fnrnnm.
_ _ _ _ _ 2ft !
WB have c choice lot for sale topnryt who
will build ; we will clvo timiun the whole
ofpurchivse money. Stituger.V Penny , Doug-
Ini block.
_ _ _
f5"llT llsTTavlnt ! ( c-iultr In Omnlia real "cstVto
JL tvlth grossing Inciunbr.inco should call on
Stringer A rouny.Douglin block. 07l-fl :
BUY n homo in the center of the city , on
monthly payments. I will sell you u lot in
Aldlmi square , nitllaii house of nny kind , worth
from tlAOupwnnlo , and you can pay for It
monthly , quarterly or yearly. AMInn square
Is on ( Irace street , between JiJil aud ajd streets ;
It hM U th adntaKs such a paved tr et ,
sewerage , water , gas , nnd is a first-class local
ity. Call at 1601 Fnrnnm street nnd see plnns
of buildings and cot figures. D , J , O'Donnhoe.
f < 31
_ _
KOUNT/l ! PLACK-U-room house , bnrn nnd
every convenience , for $7,000 , easy terms.
Address for particulars , li fit , llee. 603
OOMKnnd see us and nvostlpato somoof the
bargains we hnvo to oiler. We nro continu
ally listing now properties , nnd "if you don't
see what you wnnt. nsk for it"
\Vn have several tine hotel properties to trmlo
for land or other good vnlues.
An elevntor property with Inigo dwelling
house , ntn bargain. Klevntor complete , witn
iiorco-powor , scales. oHIce furntstied , etc. A
line opening for n prncttcal praln dealer.
Houses and lots in nil parts of Omaha for
nla nnd exchange.
For oxchnnio * , for Omaha prop erty , 1,000 acres
of school lain ! lease , lu one of the best counties
in the state ,
A linn residence property In Omaha View for
sale at n bargain.
From $75 , kl to S100.000 worth of first-class
notes to exchange for omnhn property.
For sale , nt a bargain , hotel and livery barn ,
hi acood Neoraskatowu. This is a line openIng -
Ing for n practical hotel rann.
For exchange for Oniahr. property ono of the
best farms In Itonte county , Nebraska , together
with stock nnd machinery necessary to carry
on the place. Old ngn and failing health of the
owner Is reason tor Belling.
Aline Wheeler county farm , well developed ,
good soil. loroxchanga for Omaha property.
2SO acres of line land In northwestern Iowa
to exchange for Omabn property.
Wo have unsurpassed facilities for disposing
of operty , having some 600 agents scattered
over four or fire states. List your property
us if rott wish a quick turn. w. H. IS. &
M. E. , roonVi"4"cii mb'or"6t"c6mmcrco. telephone -
phone 1440. _ _ W4 _
HUM SALK lluslness corner , 810,0)0. C. F.
JU Harrison. MerchnnlH Natioiiai hank. ' ,31 , _ ,
W A N Elf BU Y
I "WANT to buy a Rinairinteresfln some payIng -
Ing business. Uivopaillculnre. AO.dross F ,
fi5 , Ueo.
IVTUIIHAY HOTEL Newest , latest ana only
J-'lflrst-clnss hotel in Omaha ; $3 to $1 per day
11 , Slllowny. proprietor. ITU
INDSOU HOTEL-Corner of 10th and
Jackson streets , 3 blocks from Unlo
depot , llegt $2 n any house in the city. IbO
LOUR HOTEL Newly furnished nnd fitted
up throughout ; centrally located ; * 3 per
day. ISOJ-Hli Douglas st. _ 181
'offibllAKKKH-HO rooms , elegantly fur
H nished. $2 and 82.50 per day. lath and
Jones st , , Omaha. F. A. llalch , proprietor.
Sealed proposals will bo received by the board
of directors of the lirokou How Water Works
Company , of llroken How , Nebraska , up to
noou of August 5th , lt > 89 , for building u reser
voir , to hold ono million and n quarter gallons
of water , all In accordance with the plans nnd
specifications , which may be Been at the ollico
of James Holland , in llrokon Bow , Neb.
Hld'j will be received for doing nur portion or
the whole of the worr , snid work not to com
mence later than Atfgust 12th. ISX'j ' , to be coin-
plntcd notlnter than November 1st , 1BW.
The companv reserves the right to reject nny
and all bids. IIHOKEN How WATEH WOHKS Co.
JOHN HKESE , President.
JAMES HOLLAND. Secretary. j30dl t
Dissolution Not co.
A LL persons Interested will take due notice
XX that the copartnership heretofore existing
between the umterslgnod under the firm nntuo
aud style ot William Hievers i : Co. , is tnis day
dls = olvnil by mutual consent.
Mr. Slevors will continue the seed business
anil will collect nil accounts owing said llrm
and pay nil indebtedness of the same.
Mr. siBuwsen will continue the wholesale
cigar business at No. L2J South Idth stieot.
Omaha , August 3rd , 1889.
a3d3t OTTO
Notice of Btock
Notice is hereby given that the books of the
Omaha , Lincoln 4 ; Oulf Hallway Company will
be opened for the purpose ot receiving sub
scriptions to the capital stock of said company
on and after the second day of September. Ib8 ,
at No. ic j Farnam stieet , in the city of Omaha ,
Dated this 1st day of August. 1S39.
O.t. lltionKS.
O. A. Wttr.KAP ,
M. P.O'HlllEW.
aug-1-d.'JOt Incorporatora.
BIDS will bo received by the Hoard of Print-
Ing at the ollico of Secretary of State nt nny
time before August 0. ltS9 , nt 2 p. in. , for fur
nishing B.OJO coplns of report of.State llonrd of
Agriculture ot 40' ) pages ench more or less , nnd
6,010 copies of report of Stnto Hoard of Horti
culture of 300 pages each moro or less. Sample
of work may DO seen nt the office of Secretary
of Stnto.
Hlght reserved to reject any or ull bids.
July 31,18Sa
. .MAILx - §
ms.NT , uguaranteod sneclac for Hysteria , Dizzt-
Ueas , C.invulalons , ( 'Us , Nervous NeuialgU ,
Headache , Nerrous Prostration caused by the
one of ulcohol or tobacco.VaUofulaeua , .Mental
Depression , Battening of the Drain , rrsulttngin
Insanity and leadlnuto misery , decay and death ,
I'leinutnre Old Ape. llarrenness , Lo s of Power
In either > ax. Involuntary Losses and Spcrmat-
orhiea caused by oyer-ezertlon of the bruln.ufllt-
abuse or oveilndtilgonce. Uuch box contalnn
eee month's treatment. 91.00 a box , or six boxes
for M.Oo.sent by mall prepaid on receipt of price.
To cure any cast ) . With each order received bf
ui for six boxes , accompanied with (3.00 , we win
lend Die purchaser our written guarantee to ro
tund the money if Ino treatment does not effect
cure. Quaraitnes leaned only by Ooodmaa
Drug Co. , DrugKlito , Bolt Agenu , 1110 Farnam
ahft u > .
TliH 11.00 etundtrd Horn *
KemraitB tor th cum of
rrlvatr oiliiu-iiU ara uii >
> urpa tf < l jf jiurlt ) ' , etc.
S.lli ( flloii ( luaraiiterd.
Onlvr Hrnifdy Mo. 1 tor
Stullll Hl lbit Or Vltttl
< , i JW Uil Hwilivuil ur iib/ileal dtbllltjin m rrl(4
men. or ihctut cnttflnff on tnv Imppy 1U0. i'rlte , 11.00.
> 'a S ( orU rrkM < or Kletl lu cltlicr ti. A comljliud
' neiil tor InUrtial nJ local me. Cur In 1 tv t
Ngirlnr > oriii ] < x'Uuo. Will not cautoBlruiurn ,
palno > rkinartlntr llai < iiro I hun rfl otales. 1'rlce ll.OU.
h. I. tip n. all , ipielicor mm ur omcn. I'rctcnti
ponorrliucK , etc. Ka rubber nor Intictloii. l'ACkai- >
Utti 90 duj . Eatlljr u > a. 1'rlco II Ou. Will en.l a n.ltcl
Mtnf > l Qf remrdjr Ko. I gr S on receipt of i ct * . In
iUinpor po t ( r . Anrjniti > MI'riiir iii dlC9prim | > t.
lr trnt ( Hflcil ) t > 7 inMl en mtlpt of ICt prlct. II.UO ,
UltrnlUtf Ua k toiiUiMj cx. lunriitd or iliiult ifct. ' I r .
plncml on rooord during
K A llonsoii , trustee , to .IMIIM Schmidt ,
lot i , blk ir.Mui lots 2 to lo , bile , IH , lien-
son. wd , retlle . . . . . . . tl.tM
A I , .Moore to ( J C Hobble , lot SI , blk 2 ,
South Kxchnngo place , q o d . 1
G O Hobble to A P Wli.tford , lot 24 , blk S ,
South Kxclmngo plnco , w a . . 450
N A Kuhn. trustee , to ( I U Warner , lots
17 , Wand 24 , blk 7 , Crelghton Heights ,
wd . . , . . . . . . i jjo
T KlIMlnnd wife to J II Hoove , lots 1T ! *
nnd ) ! A blk IS. Orchard llill.w l . 7,900
Ilyron liced ot al to A Huttloss , lot 18bllt ,
Campbell's add , wd . . . , . 7. . . , . OCt
lljron liced to Joseph Mollncr , lot 14 , oik
I. Campbell's aild , wil . . . . . . . . . . . DOC
Clinrlos flatish and wife to S U Fubllugor ,
lot a , bllt a , Highland View , w vl . 3&I
Miles A'J'hompion to Kl'lhomas , lot 513 ,
blk 14 , Orchanl Hill , w u . . . . .
John llogla nnd wife to M CnplrrMCp , a * ;
ot lot 2a , bile 1 , Huxli '
23 ;
N A Huhu , trustee , to M A llali , lot 8 , sub
blk "A , " Itoservolrndd , wd. . , 1,400
N A Kuhn , truste ? , to M A llnll , n 1.0 feet
of alley In the roar ot lot < > , sub blk "A , "
llescrvolr ndd , n c d . . . . . . . . . , ,
0 M Nattlug-r. tuntoc. to J P Mnllender ,
B S feet ot n m fupt of lots 17 nud 18 , blk
a. Campbell's add. w 1 , . , . . , . . . ,
J P Mfilleuuernnd wife to Mnry Bock , a 3
feet of nOJ feet of lots 17 nnd 18 , bits ,
Campbell's ndd , wd
G It darker uml wife to F I ! Alexander.
lot/1 / , YntflSiV Iteovus' ndd. wd
Minnie Wlrth to FV Krncht , lots 13 nnd
14 , blk 'I. Wlrth's sub , w d ,
Fnuulo M Croft to Omaha Motor Ily Co ,
lit tax lot is , sees IM , wd.
U L Itnmacclottl nml wife to V II Colt-
man , lots 1 nud 2 , Mohlor's iiliica , w it. . .
O W Logan nnd wife to J A Hedges , lot 5 ,
bike , Hawthorne nddw rl. .
ftluotccn transfers
flntlusn Olonnrali.
Leopold , Klnp of the PolgimiB , la n
sworn too of tobacco nud nn ardent
supporter of the Belgian Auti-tobacca
league , says the London Court Journal.
Ho is , as woll. a rann of "simple nud
severe wivy of life. " Ho rises early ,
breakfasts sparingly , rmd u rare llthijj
on the conHnoiit takes his mornitig-
tub with nil an Englishman's fervor.
His wiilo sympathies embrace vogota-
rinnism in their scope , and his most
notable nasnion , porlmps , is for going'
nbout without n hat. Whenever the
weather is suitable , Kinp Leopold ( joes
abroad in his garden as hntloss as
Adam , exulting in hisfroodom from the
conventionality of u hoadpioco. Ho
has some s trim go orav.o about the wind's
action on the brain , aud ho puts his
orazo in practice whenever possible.
In fact , eccentricity of the intelligent
kind marked him for har own. Uo is a
linguist of rare acquisitions and is al
ways deep in the study of some now
language or other. Music is ono of his
aversions , but the sister art of painting
finds in him nn appreciative aud en
thusiastic nmtitqur. Ilis fuco is strong
und intelligent , without being hand
some , and a board of appropriately
regal length sweeps his chest.
Ingorsoll is credited with saying that
"Love ti'fo's dark
is the only bow on
cloud. " If the colonel was troubled
% vlth cramp , colio , or cholera morbus ,
ho would , we believe , admit that there
wore two and that the other ono -wtui
Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and Diar-
rhcua Remedy. Those who try this
remedy under such distressing circum
stances become its most enthusiastic
_ _
Jlow to Sue ScrniMits.
Texas Sittings : Hardy mariner
I've lived on the water all my life and
I've not seed no sea sarpints yet.
Dissipated tramp No wonder you
didn't sco 'em if you lived on water ;
vou live on beer and whisky a few years' ,
l.lvo mo , and you'll see lots of 'cm ulinoat
every day. _ _
An Atisolutu Curt ; .
Is only put Up in largo two-ounce tin boxes ,
and is an absolute euro for old sores , burns ,
wounds , chopped hands , and all skin orup.
tlons. Will positively euro ull kinds of pllos-
MENT. Sold by Goodman Drug company at
35 cents per box by mail 30 cents.
Ho Strovu to
New York World : "See hero , Spa-
ghotta. move on with that hurdy-gurdy.
There's a corpse in this house , " said *
citizen to a hand organ grinder.
"A dead-a ? " .
- man inquired Spaghetti.
"A dead woman. It's all the same.
"Wo don't want anj' dance music around
hero. "
"I'll play-a da 'Heart Bowed Down. ' "
Durno's Catarrh Snuff.
When suffering with catarrh , cold In the
head , nervous headache , etc. , use Durno's
Snuff , it will relieve you at onco. Price 25o
ot druggists. _
Ailvlco to BrUlo anil Groom.
In the first solitary hour after the
ceremony take the bridegroom and cto-
iimud a bolomn vow of him and give
him it vow in return , says the Now York
Mail. Promise ono another sacredly
never , oven in jest , to wrangle witn.
each othof , whatever nrotoxt , with
whatever excuse it may bo. You must
continually and every moment BOO
clearly into each other's bosom. Even
when ono of you has committed n fault ,
wait not an instant , hut confess it freely.
And as you keep nothing secret from
each other , so , on the contrary , preserve -
serve the privacy of your house , married
state , and heart from father , mother ,
sister , brother , aunt , and all the world.
You two , with God's help , build your'
own quiet world. Every third or fourth
ono whom you draw into it with you
will form a party and stand between you
Promise this to each other. Renew
the vow at each temptation. You will
find your accounts in it. Your boula
will grow , as it wore , together , and at
last will become , as ono. Ah , if many
a young pair had on their wedding day
known this secret , how many marriages
would bo happier than , alas ! they are
BEfNO < luo to the prcHenco of urlo
add in tlio blood , In moat cffectuully
cured by the ttso ot Aycr's Harsuiiii-
rlllu. Bo sure you got Ayor'u and no
other , anil take it till the poisonous
acid JH thoroughly expelled from the
system. Vi'o clmllongo utteutlou to this
testimony :
"About two years ago , after suffering
for iiiiarly two years from ilicuimttio
pout , bcinp ; nlle ) to walk only with
discomfort , uml having tried various
remedies , including mineral waters ,
without relief , I saw liy an advertise
ment In a Chicago paper tlmt n man hod
lieitii rcllnvod of tliln dl.strofiglng coin-
jl-Unt , after long Btiffcrfng , by taking
Ayei's Barsnparilla. I then decided to
make a trial of this medicine , and took
it regularly for eight months , ami nm
plttued to btate that it lias onVctnd a
complete euro. I liavo slum had no re
turn ol the disease. " Mrs. 11. Irving
Dodge. 110 West 125th fat. , Now York.
"Onn year npo I was taken 111 with
inflammatory rheumatism , bhliijr con
fined to my house six months. I ramo
out of the sickness very much dol.lll- .
tntcd , with no appetite , and in-0y trm
disordered In every wav. I cominencbd
using Aycr's Barsaparilla nnrt began to
improve nt once , nalnlng In Htrnnnth
nnd BOOH recovering my usual iioaltli.
I cannot say too much In praise of tltla
well-known medlPlno. " filrst L. A.
Stark , Nashua , N , H. ,
Ayer's ' Sarsaparilla,1
Or. J. C. Ayer It Co. , Lowell , Mass ,
Price )1 ; six lottlei , $5. Worth (5 a tuttle , ,