Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 06, 1889, Page 3, Image 3

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A BiK Oonoumpttvo Demand For
Whont In Existence.
A. Good Uu < ilncfli nocortlotl lit tlic
Oat Pit Provisions Open tlio
Week Fpnturolcss t'lon *
ty of Native Cattle.
CHICAGO , August 5. [ Special Tclcftrnm to
' THE BuB.1 Spcculatlvcly , wheat wiw rnthor
i flull toay ] , Hccolvcrs and slilppors. how-
p , BTcr , nro having plenty to do. Grain > s leav
ing farmer * ' hands In generous quantities.
A. good deal of It drops off by the wayside In
transit , and that which is received nt centers
| , Is In request. Arrivals nt the four principal
. .primaryvlntcr wheat markets Chicago , St.
' Louts , Toledo nnd Haiti more last wcok
footed up to 2,600,000 bushels , yet the visible
only Increased noout 500,000. Tins very
plainly proves the existence of nn extraordi
nary consumptive demand. A demand that
will absorb 2,300,000 bushels of the current
receipts of a ninglo week is too important
factor to bo Ignored , nnd It Is leaching the
bears n lesson. They arc aaiulrlnn a rorpoct
for a market they nro prone to think lightly
of. When ntoclts nt n point Ilka St. Louis
will actually show a decrease In any one
week ut a time like this , the circumstance is
ono that commands attention , Chicago's In
crease Is by no means alarming. The
arrivals for the week were loss
than 1,000,000 bushels , and shipments
were more than half that quantity. The re
ceipts for to-day were 15'J,000 bushels , nnd
shipments 277,000 bushels The estimate for
to-morrow ( two days ) Is 403 cars , and lake
engagements were reported for 139,000
bushels. In luncr circles It was wliUporotl
that the actual capacity tnlcen was 11)9,000 )
bushels. In Inner- circles it was also whis
pered that the amount taken was nearer
800,000 bushels , but that the details could not
bo given up. This is , therefore , printed for
what It Is worth. It Is certain , however ,
that tlicro was n brisk demand for cash
wheat ntc \ ndvunco upon Saturday's prices.
j A llbornl movement of whuat both wiiys is
expected by local grain men. December
wheat was quoted at 78 , 0 ut tlio beginning
of the session. The prlco was not long m
getting to Tcijjc , but It broke suddenly to
78o after the car lots estimate for tomorrow
row was In nnd the visible increase had been
posted. The recovery was sliarp and de
cisive and the market continued to harden
until the ond. The closing prices were tbo
best for the day on the whole list. December
left off at 7SJ c , lust } fo bettor than Satur
day. SoDtomber opened at 70J c , ranged nt
VO > f © T7 ! o and closed at the outsUiu. Aug
ust ranged from 7 ( > J 6 to 77J o uttho last.
Corn mind moderately firm at first , In
sympathy with wheat , but was affected in
the speculative branch by cooler weather ,
which is keeping back the progress of the
plant and increasing thereby the chances of
trout damage. Another feature which con
tributed some strength WAS a decrease of
105,000 bushels in the visible supply notwith
standing the increased receipts. Attention
was also dircctcdto the small supply of con
tract corn at nil the leading centers of no-
cumulation. The aomand for corn was as
peed a over , and export cleat ntices were
heavy from the Atlantic seaboard. Prices
showed about > o Improvement upon Satur
day's closlnir , being)5J : ) < c for September to
day , compared with 3Jjjfc at the close of the
preceding week , and May U7c agalust ! 3Tl c
In the regular market for oats good busi
ness was recorded , though trading wns
rather less active than during the close of
last week. Prices again showed a declining
tendency , which amounted to } 6@G. This
wns induced by liberal selling on the part
of a promlnet house , together with big re
ceipts. Out of u total of U44 cars Inspected
fully 155 xvcro now outs. In the aggregate
named , which exceeded the estimate , were
81 cars of contract grade. Withdrawals wore
only fair , and cat lots of No. ! i regular sold
off o to SOU c.
The provision trade opened the week in n
featureless manner ? In its different branches
no activity to speak of was exhibited , and
there was no unusual developments. The
shorts appeared to bo tbo largest , buyers of
property. Offerings , however , were modor-
nto nnd , ns a consequence , the market doubtless
loss possessed more strength than might bo
expected under the circumstances. Prices
also averaged a little- higher than Saturday's
level all around. In pone the day closed
with an improvement of 7 > 3@10e , nnd in lard
of 2W7 c. Short ribs at the close were
quoted unchanged to 2 > c higher.
CHICAGO , August 5. [ Special Telegram to
Tnr. BKB. I CATTMS. The run was no greater
than expected , buttno surprise was the large
number of natives fully 13,000 as not more
than 2,000 represented the number of Tox-
uns. There were only u few rangers among
the arrivals. Trade was fairly active , bist
export and shipping steers selling equally as
Jileti as last wcok , but absolutely everything
else In the native line sold lOc less than at
the close of lust week. Tcxans sold lOc higher
on account of the unlooked-for light run.
Native butchers' stock , especially nice cows
and helfora , sold a shade stronger. Tlioro
was nothing of note golnir on In the stacker
trndo. Choice to extra beovcs , M.40(0) )
4.50 ; medium steers , 1.150 to 1500 Ibs , SW.8J
@ 4.W ! ; 1200 to ISM ) Ibs.70(34.l5 ( ; 050 to 1200
Ibs , il.uOC M.400 ; stockois and feeders ,
$ 'J.UiiJ3.25 ! ; cow&.bulls and mixed , $1.75
@ 3.00 ; bulk , ja.20@a.r.O ; Toxaus were
stronger ; steers , VI50 to 1030 Ibs , $3.40@3.10 ;
cows , tl.75@'J.10 ; western half-breeds , 1.00
@ 3.BO } cows , $3.ta@a.75.
HOGS There was n demand for all bogs
on sale and prices were generally about the
earno as on Saturday , yet n few buyers tilled
In at n nlcklo less than on Saturday. Pack
ing' sorts sold largely at M.1B@4.25. a few at
$4.bU Light sorts sold largely at * J.55@4.60.
Light mixed in ado M.tJ ! ( < J.50. .
NEW YOKK , August 5. [ Special Telegram
to Tim BBB.J STOCKS It was the prevailing
opinion In'uiost quarters where stocks arc
discussed , oven before the hour for business ,
that thcro would bo a bulge in prices here
to-day If for no other purpose than affectlnp
prices In London to-morrow. This being n
holiday on the other side , the homo market
opened without foreign influences. The
openingVas unusually strong , and the ac
tivity and strength spread throughout the
entire list. First prices averaged about } j
per oonl over the closings of Saturday. Chicago
cage advices indicated that the west expected
hlglier prices In grain carriers. Oregon
Transcontinental was up a point on the de
cision of tlio Northern Pacific committee tc
Issue a collateral trust loan. Louisville &
Nashville sold exhaustively nnd atCS } { nnt
up to 09.f. Chesapeake & Ohio at once mndi
gams of % @ on oomtoou llrst preform
hares. Burlington , St. Paul , Atchison ,
Lackawanna and Reading were the most con
ipicuouo in dealings , but Northwestern , Mis
ourl Pacific , and Union and Northern Pa
cific preferred und a few others were not fui
behind. Long before noon Lake shore was
up 1Y per cent to 103 # Burlington was ta <
leader among the grangers and wont up IJj
per cent to 103. Hock Island and St. Pau
each gained about 1-0 per cent Chicago Gai
galuod } < per cent to 105 , and Lend Trust J ;
per cent to % Sugar llrst weakened 1 pel
cent to ll ° Jf , but reacted strong and went U |
to 115. Tbo strength was well malntalnet
until noon , The day in stocks proved ovei
better than indicated by the first hour's bus !
ness. Them was nothing in the ahapo o
news except on the bull sldo , and udvlcci
from crop sections relating to the futun
management of western roads were ulinos
encouraging. The volume of business In
creased gradually and prices advanced stll
further. Ui-foro uoou thcro wns woakoulnj
on realizing solos , but the close was on a
broad nnd atronx market. Burlington
reached n very complimentary figure 103) ) {
Northwestern 115 , St. Paul touched 102) { ,
and MUwurl Pacific CDJ Coalers nnd
trusts mndo good gains , but tbo uniform
strcnirth of the grain roods wns the feature
of the day. The toUl sales were nearly
cqunl to last wcok 223,000 shares.
The following were the closing quotations :
n. 8.4s regular. ! ' Northern 1'ncinc. . 59X
1'ftcttlC. . . . .1li | I' ,
ChlcnkO-V Alton..125 " . . . .
Chlauro.lltirllngton U.M.&rit.l' . . 78'i
AQuincv IWJi doproforred 111(4 (
n..I.AW 115 St.l'nnl .tumnlia. . 34S (
Illinois Central 1U' { ( loproforred
I. , 11. ftV C'.l'P.llou ' ' IMcUlO BON
' - ti. ft r ! " <
ImkoShore . . . . . 'illO' , iloprotorrod 29'i
MIclilKanCeutrM. . U'esteru Union. . , . MU
MlKBourll'aclflc. . . .
MO.NKT On c.ill nt2Qt per cent ; last loan
2 per cent.
STF.nuNo Excm.f fic Dull but steady ;
sixty-day bills , II.S5 : demand , (4.S7.
Cittoxoo , August. 5. 1:15 : p. m. close-
Wheat Strong nnd higher ; cnsh , 7&c ; Sep
tember 77'fc ; December , ae.
Corn Stendy ; cash , August , nnd Septem
ber , aiij c.
Oats Steady ; cash ana Aucust , 20c ; Sep
tember , 20 11-lOc.
Hyo Cash , 43c.
Barley No. 2 , September. ( Me.
Prime Timothy ? 1.40@1.42.
Flax Seed No. 1 , 81.23.
Pork Easier ; cash and Aucust , $10.55 ;
September , $10.i2 ( > f.
Lard-Steady ; cash nnd August , 10.20 ;
September. fO.'iS.
Flour Steady and unchanged.
Dry Salt Meats Shoulders , SJ.S7K@5.00 ;
ihort clear , 54.75@ri.07Xj short ribs ,
Butter Steady : creamery ,
dairy , @ 12c.
Cheese Active : full cream Cheddars , 7
lints , 7rf < $7 ; u $ Young Auierlciis ,
Eggs Dull nnd quiet ; fresh , 10X@llc.
Hides Unchanged.
Tallow Unchanged ; No. 1 solid pricked ,
@ 4J o ; cake , 4J o.
Receipts. Shipments ,
'lour U.OiX ) 10,000
Whom 273,000
Corn 3-19,000 403.00C
Onts S''S.OOO 170.000
Now Vork. August 5. Wheat Receipts ,
.7,000 ; exports , -1,000 : spot dull and unsot-
.led , closing Mttonger ; old red , SSj c In store ;
No. 8 red , bO > f@S7o In clovator , UOJ o askea
afloat , /WUiVo < ! ( ; f. o. b. ; No. 3 red , WXc'
ingnulcd rod , 71Q91o ; options dull , K@ °
liglicr , closing steady ; No. 'J , August , So c.
Corn Receipts , 2'J2OUO ' bushels ; exports ,
170,000 bushels ; spot uioiterntcly Active and
easier ; No. 3 , 44o In elevator ; 44@44J.fc
niloat ; ungraded mixed , 43@43 } < c. Options ,
dull , weak and lowor.
Outs Kuceipts , a3,000 ; exports , 100 ; spot
moderately active , but weak ; options active ,
jut weaker ; August , 'J7c ; September , 20 } c ;
Dctobor , ( ! % ; spot No. S white , I55c ;
inixeu western , 2. ) @ 2'Je.
Cottco Options closed barely steady at
15 to 20 points down ; sales , 52,000 bags ;
September , 815.10@15.8 , > j October , $15.1)0 ) ;
spot Hio , dull ; fair cargoes , $18.00.
Petroleum Qulot and steady ; United
closed at $1.00 , ' for August.
Firm , goodaeumud ; western , 12J
Pork Quiet , but steady ; mess. Inspected ,
Lard Quiet , but u shade higher ; western ,
stcaui , $0.00 ; September , fti.61.
Uutter Quiet ; western , 10@17c.
Cliccso Firm ; western , 0(3i7o. (
Atiuncit | > i > lm , August 5. Sample whont
easier ; receipts for two days , 117 cars ; ship
ments , 27 cars. Closing : No. 1 hard , on
track , 03c@1.00 ; No. 1 northern , cash 87c ;
September , 70o : on track , 90c ; No. U north
ern , on truck , S8@85c.
.Mllwuukeo. August 5. Wheat Cash ,
77 fc ; September , 70 > c.
Corn Quiet ; No. 8 , 3 K@37c.
Oats Dull ; No. 2 white , new , 26 } c.
Uyo-Easy ; No. 1 , 48@43 > ! fc.
liarloy Quiet ; No. 2 , September , H'i t : .
Provisions Firm ; pork , $10.50.
HHUBUS City'August 5. Wheat Steady ;
No. 2 red , cash. OTij c bid ; August , 6oc bid ;
No.8 red , cash. 53o ; August , 50 > fo bid ; No. 2
soft , cash. Otic bid.
Corn Quiet ; No. 2 , cash , 20Jjfo
Oats No. 2cash. ISo bid ; August , 17c bid ;
September , 17 0 bid.
,8t. L/OUIS , August 5. Wheat Higher ;
cash , 74o ; September , 14" } "
Corn Steady ; cash , i < 3a\ \ September ,
Oats Quiet ; cash , 20o ; September , 20@
i'ork Quiet at Sll.00@11.25.
Lard Quiet at i5.85.
Whisky Steady ut $1.03.
Uuttor Quiet and unchanged ; creamery ,
14@lCc ; dairy , ll ( < ? 13c.
Cincliiniit' , August 5. Wheat Lower ;
No. 2 rod. 77@7rfo.
Corn Steady ; No. 3 mixed , 88a
Onts Easier ; No. 2 mixed , 25Xo.
Whisky Steady ut 81.02.
Chloauo.AugustS. The Drovers' Journal
reports as follows :
Cattle Ueccipts , 15,000 ; market actlvo
and lOc lower ; beeves , $4.40@4.50 ; steers ,
fJ.40@l.iO ! ; stackers und feeders. $2.25@3.25 ;
rows , bulls and mixed , $175@3.0 ! ! ) ; natives
and half breeds , ? J.25@3.50 ; Texas cattle ,
Ho.9 Receipts , 4,000 ; market steady ;
mixed , * l.25@4.55 ; heavy , $1.20@4.35 ; light ,
(4.25@4.05 ; skips , $3.50@4.50.
Sheep Receipts , 0,000 ; market steady ;
natives , J3.50 ( < H80 ; western , $3.CO@4.15 ;
Tcxans. } 3.5U ( < ? 4.15 ; lambs , fi.75@5.TU.
The Drovers' Journal special London cable
gram reports cattle l o lower ; medium to
choice American steers , 10@ll > e.
Ivunaiis OilyAugustn. Cattle Hocelpts ,
GCOO ; shipments , 2,000 ; common to choice ,
corn-fed steers , (3.00@4.25 ; stackers and
feeders steady at fl.60g800 ( ; cows tlrin , 5@
lOo higher , * 1.50@2.C5.
Hops Receipts , 1,700 ; shipments , none ;
light , W.22 @ 4.805 heavy and mixed , s
Nutlouiil Stoolc Vard-i. EaU St.
LioulB , August 5. Cattle Receipts , 8,000
shipments , none ; market fairly active ; choici
heavy native steers , (4.25@4.50 ; fair to good
t3.bO@4. Oj range steers , filJ@2.75 ( ; cows
Hogs Receipts , 000 ; shipments , none
market active nnd higher ; heavy , (4.40@
4.DO ; packing , * 4.25@4.itd ; light grades , $ i.45
( t$4.55.
Kloux Olty , August 5. Cattle Receipts
65 ; shipments , 55 ; market steady : fat steers
$3.00@3.60 ; stackers nnd feeders , $3.C5a3.rx ( >
canners and bulls , 75c@$1.25 : veal calves
Hogs Rocolpts , 540 ; market toady ; light
iindinUod , H.05@4.12 ; heavy , fi.lO@4.15.
091 All A. lilVlj HTOOIC.
Cat do.
Monday , August 5.
Beef cattle suffered a decline of fi ( 10o on
account of the heavy receipts and weaken
ing of the markets at eastern points. The
most desirable of the corn-fed natives , however
over , felt the decline less thnu other grades
To-day's receipts were mndo up very largely
of Colorndo , Texans and westerns , and
strictly desirable dry-fed beeves were not so
very plenty. This Is the first dnv that there
have boon many Toxuns and westerns here
but dealers uro looking for a heavier run o
that class of cattle from now on. The native
beeves sold at (3.70@4.15 , but as high a
(4.30 was offered for two loads. Colorado
Texans sold nt W.60@2.85. The market on
cows continues very weak and to-day's offer
ings sold at * 1,75@2.00. bouio canners woo
at $1.GO@1.70. Stackers and feeders were
in fair supply , nnd there were cloven load
of westerns among tbo offerings.
The bog market did not want much of being
ing So lower. 'I ho heavy hogs sold largely a
14.05(34.10 ( and the light weights at (4.10
4.15. The market was not particularly ac
live , but with only thirty.olght loads on sale
the peas were cleared at an early hour ,
There were three cam of common to fnl
Nebraska nUcep hero , but the , market wa
very ijulou
Cnttlo 1,000
log * 2,600
Sheep , 800
Prevailing I'rloo * .
The following Is n tibia of prlosi paid la
his market for tb.9 gr.ilos of static men-
loncd :
Prime steers. 1500 to lOOaUn.(3.0,1 @ 4.80
Good stcbrs , 12.V ) to 1450 Ibs. , . 3.70 ( 4.15
Good steers , 1050 to 1300 Ib3. . . 8.40 ft&4.00 &
Common cnnnors 1,35 ( $2.00
) rdlnary to fair cows 1.50 Ml.OO
'air to good co ws 1.90 0a.lO
Joodto cbolco cows 2.10 < 2.5J
Cholcoto fancy con-i.heHcra. . 3.50 M3.00
Fiilrto coed bulls 1.75 $2.20
3oodto choice bulls 3.2o W2.70
Ignt stackers nnd fcoders. . . . 2.50 $2.75
iood feeders , 050 to HOOlb * . . 2.75 fdlt.OO
'air to choice ll ht hogs. 4.10 W4.15
'air to choice heavy hogs 4.05 04.10
Fair to choice mixed hogs 405 @ 4.10
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
10 . 1075 835 104 . 1807 800
2 . 12 * ) 840 63 . 1454 390
1 . 1250 840 10 . 1300 400
1 . 1150 340 89 . 1805 405
4 . 13M : i 70 10-J . 1340 415
40 . 1151 870 32 . 155U 415
10 . . . .1239 0 00
1 . PGO 1 75 2 . 10SO 325
15 . 10.12 175 2 . 950 2 DO
Bl . U50 185 8 . 10J4 230
1 . 070 1 S5 2 . 11(15 ( 240
10 . 1003 203 10 . 1053 270
8 . S28 210 U . 11115 275
3 . 057 2 15 4 . 1170 3 1)0 )
12 . ? 27 I CO 1 . 910 1 CO
3 . 705 100 7 . 740 170
11 . 531' 245 37 . 709 260
1 . 430 245 14 . 031 200
FKEI ) Cll1 ? .
11 . 1019 200 5 . 1104 303
1 . SCO 1 75
vn\t , CAI.VKS ,
1 . 1 70 a 35
33 . 710 3 50
Owner No. Av. Pr.
10 steers , range . 1201 305
43 steers , Col-Tcx . 1203 3 00
89 steers , Col-Tox . 1100 3 85
20steers , Colorado . 1205 2 60
47 feeders , Colorado . 040 225
43 cows , Colorado . 929 2 03
Swan Chesiro L. & O. Co.
18 cows , range . 925 2 15
Rlversido Ranch Stock Co.
25 steers , Texan . 1028 260
803 steers , Texan . 1045 2 COne
no as.
No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr.
10. . . 320 80 $4 OO' 09. . . .240 240 $4 07K
II. . . .827 80 4 02Vf 01. . . .224 120 4 07
29. . . .805 4 02K 01. . . .259 80 4 07 }
29. . . .SOU 4 02 # GS..21U 120 407 '
58. . . . 255 80 405 01. . . . 270 200 4 07K
57. . . .235 100 405 58. . . .337 SO 4 07K
53. . . .207 120 403 50. . . .275 80 4
73. . . .259 120 405 04. . . .233 40' 410
GO. . . .292 120 403 73. . . .233 4 10
03..23'2 240 405 59. . . .824 4 10
CO. . . . 250 240 405 01. . . .233 40 410
02. . .293 120 405 01. . . . 350 80 410
5(5. ( . . . 2S2 240 40350. . . . . 200 4 10
45. . . .277 80 4 ( )7J ) 54. . . .820 SO 410
III. . .270 80 4 07 } 79. . . .2.54 4 10
o. . . .247 4 07K 74. . . .209 4
07..1S2 120 4 07 > < ; 44. . . . 220 4
CO. . . . 282 40 4 07) ) < 10 _ 227 4
04. . . .233 120 4 07& 27. . . .200 4
59. . . .270 80 4 07 } < f 59. . . .220 415
03. . . .271 4 07& 85. . . .223 4 15
Live Stook Notes.
T. J. Collins returned from Wyoming and
O. II. Uutler , of Crescent , la. , camein with
a load of hogs.
John Wiggins , of Columbus , came in with
cattle and hogs.
Tom Wilkinson , of Bloomtteld , was a vis
itor at the yards.
Art Perry , of Perry & Johnson , brought
in eight cars of cattle from Wahoo.
Joseph M. Chisman , ono of Broomficld's
large feeders , Had six cars of cattle on the
Paul Clark , cashier of the Red Oak , la. ,
National bank , who has been visiting his
ranch ut Greenwood , Neb. , was a visitor.
The receipts ut Sioux City for the month
of July were us follows : Cattle , 3,073 ; hogs ,
83,046 ; sheep , 4SO ; horses , 339. The ship
ments were 3,133 cattle , 1,440 hogs , US9
Produce , Fruits , Etc.
BUTTEK Table , dairy , 12@14o ; packers'
stock , 7@3c. Creamery Prints , fancy , 10(31 (
17c ; choice , 14@10c ; solid p.icKed , 12@13c.
Eaas Strictly fresh , 10@Uc.
CHEESE Young Americas , full cream , lOc ;
factory twins , OMc ; oft grades , fl@7c ; Van
Rossom Edom , (11.50 per duz ; sap sago , 19c ;
brick , ll@12c ; hmburgor , 0) ) @ 7c ; domestio
Swiss , 14c ; cheese safes , brouzo modal , No.
8 , $2.85.
POULTHY Live hens , per dozen , 53.25@
4.00 ; mixed , $3.25@3.50 ; spring. $ J.OO@2.75 ;
turkeys , 8(2 ( > 9c per lb ; ducks. 82.0002.50 ;
geese , $3.00@4.00 ; live pigeons , $1.51.
OIIANOES Los Angeles , $4.50 ; Rodi , $3.00.
LEMONS Fancy , $0.00@3.50 ; choieo. $5.00.
SOUTIIEHN PEACHES % bu , 75e < 3l for
choice , and 35@40c for poor nnd common.
APPLES Per bbl , 50c@$2.00.
CALIFORNIA PEACHES 20-lb boxes , $1.30 ®
PEAKS 40 ] b boxes , $1.75@2.25.
WATERMELONS $ lt.00@20.00 ) per 100.
CANTELOUPS Per doz , $1.2-5 ( 1.50.
Pi NE AWl.ES Per doz$2.25@3.00.
BANANAS According to size , per bunch ,
COCOANUTS Per 100 , $5.
FHESII FISH Whlto ilsh per lb , 7@8Vo ;
trout per lb , 9o ; * vhlto perch per lb , 7o ; buf
falo per lb , 7o ; pickerel per lb , Go ; black
boss per lb , He.
BEANS-Choieo hand picked navy , { 1.75 ;
choieo hand pinked medium , $1.05 ; choieo
hand nicked country , $1.00 ; clean country ,
$1.20 ® 1.25.
KAHI.Y Vuar.TAnLES Potatoes , 15@20o per
bu ; onions , California , per lb , la ; southern ,
per bbl , $1.00 ; cabbage , per crate , $1.25 ; tur
nips , per bu box , 50o ; beets , per box , 50o ;
wax beans , per bu box , $1.00 ; string bonus ,
oer bu box , 75c ; green peas , per bu box ,
$1.00 ; tomatoes , per % bu box , 40@00c ; cauli
flower , $1.50 ; egg plant , 75c ; squash , 25o per
doz ; cucumbers , 15c ; lettuce , 15o ; radishes ,
15o ; green onions , 15$20o ( ; now carrots , 20o ;
pie plant , nor lb , lo.
Ari-i.B BUTTEH 5o.
ClDEH-Bbls , $5 00 ; hf bbls , $3.00.
M.U'LU SUOAK 12 > i@15o par lb.
POTATOES Old , cbolco , sacked , per bu , 15
@ 20c.
VEAL Cbolco , medium size , 5@0c ; choice
heavy , 4@5o ; spring lambs , $30,00@3l.00 ) per
dozen ,
HONEV 14@15 ucr lb for choice.
PllESBHVES 0 (31 ( ° " VOt lb.
JELLIES 3K@4o per lb.
HAV $2.50(35.50. (
CHOP FBED-I.OO@10.00. !
BBAN- 9.00@U.23.
TALLOW No. 1. 4o : No. 2 , 3@3J.fc.
QHBASB A , 4S4 ( > o ; yellow , 80 ; dark ,
, average , 15 16c ; choice , 18
@ 10o ,
MEDIUM Average , 2122o ; cbolco23@34c ;
coarse , 15@18c.
Pnovistoxs Hams , No. 1 , 10-lb average.
10 > < o ; 20 to 22 Ibs , lie ; 13 to 14 Ibs , 12 ; No.
S , OKc : specials , 13J.o ; shoulders. 7o ; break
fast baooii , No 1 , lO at specials , 12j o ; pic *
&lc , 7o : ham sausage , lO o : dried beef
hums , VKo ; beef tonguea , J per dozen ; dry
salt meats , 0@0 o per lb. ; boneless bain , Oo.
SAUSiOE Bologno , 4@4o , Frankfurt , 7o ;
ongue , Oo : summer , 34o ; head choose , 6Wc.
POUK Family , backs , per bbl. (18.00 ; W-
bbls , (0.75 ; iness , bhls , (11.00 ; U-buls , (0.00 ;
pip pork.bbls , (17.00bbls ; , CJ.OO.
Pias FIEET Pickled , kits , 75c ; pickled pigs'
tongue * , Kits , (3.35 ; nloklod tripe , kits , 05o :
plcklod H. C. trlpo , kits , 85c ; spiced pigs'
Locks , kits , (1.15.
BEUV TOSOUBS Salt , bbls , (20.00 ,
OiLS-Keroseno-P. W. , 9oW \ , W. ,
hondllght , 18c ; HAA oil , ( -.3.15(39.00 (
per dozen. II I
PSCKLKS Medium , per bbl , (4.BO ( small ,
(5.M ) ; ffherkln . (0.605 C. & B. chow-chow ,
qts. (3.M ; pts , (9.40. . n
WitAM'iNO PXrnn-StRiw ? per lb. 1J { @
2Jfo ; rag , 2J < o ! mnnillo , | i fQ ; No. 1 , 8c ,
tSALT-Dalry. 140 2-lb plfg (3.00 ; do , 100
8-lbpks , (2.00 ; do , CO 5-1) pkgs , $2.40 ; do
23 10-lb pkgs , (3.30 ; Ashtpnn bu bags , 60-lb ,
8505 do , 4 bu bags , 22Mb. ( J.40 ; M S A , CO lb
bugs , 65o ; common , per bbl , (1.25.
CAXDr-9' @ 12Ko porb. ) ,
jerman chlckory , red , Sifl i'
GtNOEii .Tamulcn , K platfi (3.00 per doz.
FARINACEOUS Goons Ttarloy , 3S @ 3 o ;
farina , 4Jic ; peas , 3o : oafmcrvl. 2 ° f@3c ; muo-
aronl , lie ; vermicelli , lie ; rlco , 3 > © flJ c ;
sapo nnd tnploca , ( VaOi ? c.
FISH Snlt Dried codfish , 5V@3o ; scaled
jerilnp , 24ot > or box ; hoi.herring , dom , BOc ;
Einmbtinr spiced herring. (1.60 ; hot. herring ,
70ctCtl,10 ( ; mnekorol , largo fnmlly , (1)1.60 ) per
100 Ibs ; whitellsh , No. 1 , (0.60 ; family , $3.00 ;
trout , (5.00 ; sal mon , (3.50 ; anchovies , 80c.
LTK (1.75Q4.50.
NUTB Almonds , 15@17o ; Brazils , Oo ; fil
berts , 12c ; pccnns , 12o ; walnuts , I2c ; pea
nut cocks , So : roasted , lOc.
CANNED FISH Brook trout , 3 lb , (2.40 ;
salmon trout , 3 lb , $2.35 ; elauis , 1 lb , (1.25 ;
iu , WDU ; couiltn DJIIS , a 10 , : cnvinr , ; 4
lb , $2.25 ; eels , 1 lb. $3.40 ; lobsters , 1 lb , $2.00 ;
lobsters , 1 lb , $1.90 : lobsters , dovlllod , J lb ,
$2.25 ; mackerel , 1 lb , $1.00 ; mnckorol , mus
tard sauce , 8 lb , $3.10 ; mnckorol , tomato
sauce , n lb , $3.10 ; oysters , 1 lb , 9. ' > o ; oysters ,
2 Ib , $1.005 salmon , C. R. , 1 lb. $2.00 ; salmon ,
C. R. , 2 lb. $3.00 ; salmon. Alaska , 1 lb , $1.85 ;
salmon , Alaska , 2 lb , $2.1)0 ) ; shrimps , 1 lb ,
DittED FuutTs Currants , 4f$5c ; prunes ,
caskd , 1300 Ibs , 4f@4Xo ; prunes , bbls or
bags. 4 > l@4$4'05 citron pools , drums , 20 Ibs.
24c ; lemon peel , drums , 20 Ibs , 10u ; hard
dates , boxes ) , 12 Ibs , lOc ; apricots , choice
evaporated , 25-lb boxes , 18o ; apricots Jolly ,
cured , 25-lb boxes , 15c ; nurlcots , fancy , Mt ,
Hamliton , 20-1 b boxes , 15c ; nuriuots , choice ,
bags , 80 Ibs , 14c : apples , evaporated , Alden ,
50-10 boxes , O&flXc ; apples , Star , Oo ; npplas ,
fancy Alden , 6-lti , 8Jfo ; upplcs , fancy Aldcn ,
2-lb , 8J c ; blackberries , evaporated , 60-lb
boxes , 5j 5Jfc : cherries , pitted , dry cured ,
18o ; po.trs , California fancy , J/s boxes , 25
Ibs. 20c ; poaches. Col fancy , MS unp , boxes ,
25 Ibs , 13o ; peaches , Cal No. I fancy , > s unp ,
bugs , SO Ibs , 12Ko : i'eaches , Cal No. 2 fancy ,
Xa unp , bags , SO Ibs : peaches , Cal sundrlod ,
3 s uup bugs , 80 Ibs ; peaches , Inncy , ovnp ,
unp , 60-lb boxes , 1213c ; peaches , Salt Lake ,
now , OJ @ 7c ; nectarines , rod , Kc ! ; nectarines ,
silver , lugs , 14o ; pitted plums , Cal , 25-lb
boxes , 12c ; raspberries , ovno , N. Y. , now ,
25c ; prunes. Col , R C , 00-100. boxes , 35 Ibs ,
Sc ; prunes , Cnl. R C , 00-70 , 9c ; ornugo pool ,
15e ; raisins. California Loudons , crop 18S3 ,
(3.40@2.G ( ) ; raisins , California loose , musca
tels , crop 1833 , $1.85(3)2.00. ( )
BAOS American A. seamless , 17c ; Union
Smmro paper , discount 35 per cent.
COFFEES Green Fnuov old golden Rio ,
32c ; fnncy old peuberry , 23o ; Rio , choieo to
fancy. 21 } cRiot ; prime , 20 } c ; Rio , good , 19o ;
Mochn , 29c : Java , fancy 5landohllng , HOe ;
Java , good interior , 23c.
CorrEEs Roasted Arbuoklo's Arlosa ,
33c ; McLnughlln's XXXX , 23o ; Gorman ,
23c ; Dilworth , 23c ; Aluroma , 23c.
SALSOPA ! K@2J n per lb.
STAKCH 5@7c per lb.
STOVE POLISH $3.00(35.87 ( per gross.
SIMCBS Whole , per Ib Allspice , 12c ; Cas
sia China , lOc ; cloves , Zanzibar , 20o ; nut
megs , No. 1 , 75c ; pepper. lOc.
SuQAits-Grnnulatcd , ! 0/c" ; confectioners' A ,
Oo : standard extra C.'Sj'ijC SXo ; yellow C ,
7Xc ; powdered , lOc ; cut" loaf , lOc ; cubes ,
9J < c ; cream extra C , SJrfo. ,
TEAS Gunpowder , 2lKgCOu ; Japan , 20@
40o ; Y. Hyson , 2350oi'Oolong , 22Q30.
VISKOAII Per gal , 13B23& (
Dry Goods.
BATTS Standard , 8c ; < Gem , lOo ; Beauty ,
2 } < fo : Boone , 14c ; B , cased(0.50.
BLANKETS White , l1.00@7.50 ; colored ,
CAMHIIICS Slater , 5o'Woods ; ' , 5o ; Stand-
nrd , 5c ; Peacock , 5c. *
CARPET WAIIP Bibb white , 18 > c ; colored ,
COMFORTERS $0.00 ® $35.00.
CORSET JEANS Boston7 e : Adroscoggln ,
7' c ; Koarsago , 7c ; Rockport , 0o ; Conestoga -
toga , Gif c. !
COTTON Fi.ANNELs10per cent trade dls. ;
LL , unbleached , _ 5 > ( c CC , _ O c ; SS. "ia ;
EE , 8J o ; GG , 9o ; XX , Q % vJU ( ll yOf
NN , 12 0 ; A A , 14c ; DD , IS c ; TT ,
YY , ISc ; BB , 19o ; 20 bleached , 8 > c ; CO ,
12Hc ; SO , 13J c ; 50 brown nnd slnte , Oo ; 70 ,
12Ko ; 90 , lOc.
CHASH Stevens' B , 5) c ; Stevens' A , 7c ;
bleached , 80 ; Stevens' P , 7o ; blenched ,
& 9/c ; Stevens' N , 8Kc ; bleached , 9 > c ; Stev
ens' SRT , 11 0.
DENIMS Araoskeng , 0 oz , lOXc : Everett ,
7 or , 13c ; York , 7 oz , 18o ; Haymaker , 8Ko ;
Jnffrey XX , HKo ; Jnffrey XXX. 12 > o ;
Beaver Creek A A , 12c ; Beaver Creek BB ,
Ho ; Beaver Crook CC , lOc.
DOOK West Point , 20 in , 8 oz , 0) c ; West
Point , 29 in , 10 oz , 12) 6 ; West Point , 29 in ,
12 oz , 15 c ; West Point , 40 in. 11 oz , lOc.
FLANNELS Plaid Raftsmen 30o ; Clear
Luke , 80 } u ; Iron Mountain , 2i c.
FLAN.NELS-Whlto-G. H. No. 3. Jf. 22 c ;
G II No. 1 , % , 20o ; G H No. 2 , } { , 22 > c ;
G H No. 1 , % , 80c : Queeheo , No. 3 , yoc ;
FLANNELS White Quechco No. 2 , J
Queeheo No , 8 , , 82 > o : Annwnn ,
12o : Somerset , ISc.
FLANNELS Red C , 24 inch , IGJtfc ; E , 24
tonton , Co ; Yoik , 7Ko ; Normnndi dress ,
7 | o ; Calcutta dress , 7 o ; AVhittonton dress ,
7Ko ; Renfrew dress , 8K@12 } o.
KENTUCKY JEANS Hercules , ISc ; Leam
ington , 22 c ; Glenwood,20o ; Melville , 25o ;
Bang-up , 27Ko.
MISCELLANEOUS Table oil cloth , $2.50 ;
table oil cloth , marble , $3.50 ; plain Holland ,
OKc ; dado Holland. 12)Jc.
PiiiNTS Dross Charter Oak , 5ifo ; Ram-
npo , 4o ; Lodl , 5j o ; Allen , Go ; Richmond. 6c ;
Windsor , CJ e ; Eddystono , 0 > c ; Paciflc.CKc.
PIIINTS Pink nnd Robes Richmond. C o ;
Allen , Go ; Rlverpoint , C o : Steel River ,
CVc ; Richmond , OKc ; Pnciiic ,
PIIINTS Indigo blue , St. Lcupar , c ;
Washington , OKo ; American , OKc ; Arnold ,
OKo ; Arnold Century , Oc ; Windsor Gold
Tk't , lOUo ; Arnold B. lOKc ; Arnold A , 12c ;
Arnold Gold Seal , 10 } c ; Yellow Seal , lO o ;
Ainanua , 12c. Prints , solid colors Atlantic ,
Go ; Slater , 60 ; Berlin oil , G c ; Garner oil ,
BIIIKTIXO. CHECKS Caledonia X , O c ;
Caledonia XX , 10i c ; Economy , Oc ; Otis , 9c ;
Granite , ( % c ; Crawford cheeks , 8c ; Haw
River plaids , 5 c.
SHEETING , Bnow.v Atlantic A , 4-4 , T&'o ;
Atlantic H , 4-4 , 7c ; Atlnntlo D. 4-4 , 0o ; At
lantic P , 4-4 , Oo ; Aurora LI * 4-4 , Go ; Aurora
C , 4-1 , 4c ; Crown XXX , 4-4 , O o ; Hooslor
Pepperoll 8-4 , 17 c ; Pepporoll , 9-4 ,
20o ; Pepporoll , 10-4 , 22o ; Utlca C , 4 4 , 4 0 ;
Wuc.husetts , 4-4 , 7c ; Aurora R , 4-4 , 7c ; Au
rora B. 4-4 , Xc.
SHEETINO , BLBAcunpi Ellorton , 7 } o ;
Housekeeper , 8Wo ; Now. .Cnndidnto , 8 > io ;
. . . . . . . .
12n lrAlm * onmti KT lf'A J. Tint. I 4
I'arwoit , nan nioacneu , OHO ; ITUI
8o ; Oreono G , Oo ; Hbpei 7 > ic ;
lip cambric , 10 ; Lon'sdalo cambric , 10o ;
Lonsdnlo , 8Ko ; New York mills , lOo ; Pop-
pcrell , 42-ln. lOo ; Popperoll , 4l-m ( , Ho ; Pep-
perell , 0-4 , l4J o : Popperoll , 8-1 , 20o ; Pep-
peroll , 0-4 , 22c ; Pepporell , 10-4 , 24o ; Canton ,
4-1 , BXc ; Canton , 4-4i \ > Xc ; Triumph , Oc ;
Wamsutta. llo ; Vulley,5 > < o.
TICKS Oakland , A , 7 0 ! Interuatlonnl Y
Y , 80 ; Shetucket , S , 8Uof Warren. No. 870 ,
lOc ; Berwick , B A , Wo ; Acme , lite ; York ,
30 In , 12 o ; York. 32 In.-W o ; Swift River.
80 ; Thorndlke OO , ijUc , , Thonidiko E F
8Wo ; Thorndlke 120 , $ , ' 91 Thonidiko XX ,
15c ; Cordls No. fi. i ) > < o poplls No. 4 ,
Drills iin.
ACID Sulphuric , per carboy , 2 > { yo ; oltric ,
per lb. , 5) 0 ; oxalic , per lb. , 15o ; turtark1 ,
powdered , per lb. , 45 ; carbolic , 38@45o.
ALUJi-Per lb. , 2 > < e.
AMMONIA Carb , per lb. , 12c.
AnitowitooT Per lb. , Bermuda , 81a
BALSAJi Copalbn. per lb. , OScj tolu , C2@
Boiux Refined , per lb. , lOo.
CHEAU TAUTAII Pure , per lb. , 32o.
EXTIUOT Loowoou Bulk , per Ib. , lla
ERGOT 15c.
GUM Aiuuia-59@95c ,
GLTOEKINE Bulk , per lb , Sl c.
GUM Aisafuatlda , per lb , 15o ; camphor ,
per Ib , 880 ; opium , per Ib , (3,85.
IODINE Rosubllmated , per oz , (3.G5.
LBAVES Buchu , short , per lb , 18q ; senna ,
Alex , per Ib , 25@3o.
MonniiA Sulpu , per oz , (2.80 ,
POTASH BrouilJo , per lb , 40o ; Iodine , per
QUINU Sulpb , porlb ,
SFBPS Cnn'nry , per lb , 4 } < o.
SoAra Cantllo , mottled , per Ib , 8@10o ;
castile , whlto. ceorl , 13@15o.
Snntts NtTRB Sweet , per lb , JtOo.
STKTCHNtA Crystnls , ( l.00@1.15.
SULPH. CINCHONA Per oz. 5iil3o ( ,
TAPIOOA Per lb , Co.
OILS BorgnmonL (3 45 ; Wlntorgroon ,
f3.15 ; Malaga , 05o ; linseed , raw , 02a\ \ boiled ,
CALOMEL Am , t > or lb , OSo.
Ou HE u BEIIIUBS $1.50.
CANTHAUAntES 75P@1.05.
CiaoiioFoiiM Per lb , 37o.
CoiiuosiVB SUIIUHATE Per lb , 75o.
Lumber nnd UtillilhiK iMnterlnl ,
f. o. b. Omaha.
STOCK BOAIIDS A 13 inch , s 1 n 14 nnd 10
foot , MO.00 ; U12 inch , s 1 s 13 , 14 nnd 10
feet , (41.00 ; C 12 Inch , sis 12 , 14 nnd 10
foot , (30.00 ; D 13 Inch , sis 13 , 14 nnd 10
feet , (33.00 ; No. 1 Com. 13 in s Is 13 feet ,
(18.00 ; No. 1 Com. 13 in. sis 14 and 10 foot ,
m.50$13.50 ( ; No. 1 Com. 13 In. s 1 s 10 , 18
and 30 feet , (10.60 ; No. 2 Com. 12 in. sis 14
and 10 feet , (10.50.
white plno partition , (32.00 : 21 Com. Jf in.
white plno partition , (37.00 ; clear In. yel
low plno coiling , $20.00 : clcnr < f In. Norway ,
(14.50 ; 2d Com. ? in. Norway , (13.00.
HOMIDS No. 1 com. s. 1 s. 12 , 14 nnd 10 ft ,
(10.00 ; No. ! i com. B. 1 B. 13 , 14 nnd 10 ft ,
(1(1.50 ( ; No. 8 com. s. 1 s. 12 , 14 nnd 10 ft ,
(14.50 ; No. 4 com. s. 1 s. 12 , 14 nnd 10 ft ,
( shlp'g cull ) , (11.00. Add 60 cents per M. ft ,
for rough.
BntK 2J inch. GOo ; O. G. Batts , } x8 , SIS ,
.T o ; 3 in well tubing , D. & M. and bov. ,
(32.00 ; pickets , D. & ( I. , flat , (20.00 ; pickets ,
D. & H. square , (10.00.
12 ft. 14 ft. 10 ft. 18 ft. 20 ft. 22 ft. 24 ft
2x4..15 00 15.00 15.00 10.00 10.00 18.00 18.00
2x0..15.00 15.00 15.00 10.00 10.00 18.00 18.0(1 (
2x8..15.00 15.00 15.00 10.00 10.00 18.0J 18.01) )
2x10. . .15.00 15.00 15.00 10.00 10.00 18.00 18.00
2x12..15,00 15.00 16.00 10.00 10.00 18.00 18.00
4x4-8x810.00 10.00 10.00 17.00 17.00 18.00 10.00
No. 1 , 4 & 0 inch , 12&14 ft , rough , 10.00lfl.50
No. 1 , " " 10 " 17.0017.50
No. 2 , " " 13&10 " in.CO ( < 414.00
No. 2 , " " 10 " 15.00@10.00
FINISHING 1st mid 2d clear , \f \ } inch , s 2 s ,
(49.00@51.00 : 1st nnd 3d clenr , IK nnd 3 inch ,
s 3 s , $47.0050.00 ; 3J clear , 1& inch , s 3 s ,
(43.0J@40.00 ; 3d clenr , IK und 2 inch , s 3 s ,
$43.00 ( 40.00 ; B select , ifr , 1 } nnd 2 Inch , s
3 s , $37.00@33.00 ; 1st nnd 3d clear , 1 Inch , s 2
B , 15.00 ; Ud clour , 1 inch , s 2 s , MO.00 ; A se
lect , 1 Inch , s 3 s , $33.00 ; B select , 1 inch , s 2
s , $30.00.
FLOOKINO 1st com 0 Inch whlto plno.
$34.00 ; 2d com 0 Inch whlto pine , $111.00 ; 3d
com 0 Inch whlto pine , ? 20.00 ; D com 0 inch
whlto plno , $20.00 ; com 4 nnd 0 inch yellow
pine , (15.00 : Star 4 inch yellow pine , $17.00 ;
1st und 2d clenr yellow pine , 4 nnd G inch ,
POPLAII LUMIIEH Clcnr poplar box bcls , %
in s 2 s , $35.00 ; clear poplar. % In panel.
(30.00 ; clear poplar p in panel , 523.00 ; clear
poplar K in panel stock wide , s 2s , (23.00 ;
clour poplar corrugated coiling , % , $30.00.
POSTS White cednr , 0 inch halves , 12c ;
white cedar , B ) Inch halves and 8 inch q'rs ,
lie ; whlto cednr , 4 Inch round , IGc ; Tennes
see rei' ' cedar , split , ICe ; split oak ( white ) ,
8c ; sawed oak , ISc.
SHINOLES , LATH , per M. XX clear , $3.20 ;
extra A * , ? 3.80 ; standard A , S2.UO ; 5 inch ,
clear , ( l.GO@1.70 ; 0 inch , clear , $1.75@1.SO :
No. 1 , $1.10@1.15 ; clear red cedar , mixed
widths , from Wnshlncton territory , (3.40 ;
California red wood , dimension widths , $4.60 ;
cypress , clear heart , dimension widths , $3.25 ;
lath , (2.40.
Situ' LAP No. 1 plain , 8 and 18 inch ,
$17.50 ; No. 2 , plain , 8 and 10 inch , 815.50 ; No.
1 , O. G. , (18.00.
SIDINO 1st Com 13 and 10 feet , $22.00 ; 2d
com. 12 nnd 10 feet , (19.00 ; 3d com , 13 nnd
10 feet , $15.00 ; , 12 and 10 feet ,
LIME , ETC. Quincy white limo ( best,80o ) ;
English nnd German Portlnnd cement , $3.45 ;
Milwuukco nud Louisville , $1.30 ; Michigan
plaster , (3.25 ; Fort Dodeo plaster , (2.10 ;
Blue Rapid plaster , $1.00 : hair , 20c ; sash ,
GO per cent dis ; doors , blinds , mouldings , 60
per cent dls ; .tarred felt , per owt , (1.00 ;
straw board , (1.50.
News Krom Culm.
LEAF Supplies of now leaf , especially
from Vuolta Abajo , are coining in moro
freely , but as buyers do not llnd the proper
goods transactions continue limited to some
few lots only , taken mostly by Key West
Moro Remcdlos have como forward from
the country , confirming the favorable opin
ion entertained as regards the suitability of
this article for the requirements of the
United States trade. Several omnll lots
have boon sent already to Germany for u
trial , at prices ranging from $25 to $27 gold
per qtl.
Cio.uis The demand continues as dull as
over , nnd although manufacturers are work
ing just uow merely for the sake of keeping
going , preferring to suitor loss rather tiinn
dismiss their operatives , strikes have never
theless occurred in some factories , forcing a
few of the latter into complete inactivity ,
and certainly not nt nil to their discomfiture.
Several largo sales of tobacco If af have
been effected lately at Mantua , in tbo Vuclta
Abajo , mostly to Havana manufacturers , on
the basis of $05 for Ists to 13tbs , nnd $15 for
During the past week several strikes
among cigarmakors were no'Iced , especially
those of tbo factories Santa Isabel , of Sres.
Sanchez & Co. , and Lo Mejors , of Sres.
Bailees & Lopez , which were , however ,
promptly and satisfactorily settled. .
SUMATUA The market is very active , the
sales being 6SO bales at (1.85 to (3.20. Prices
for light tobacco continue to go higher. The
reports from Amsterdam nro very unsatis
factory. The sales there show up very little
desirable tobacco for this market in the
matter of color , and prices continue to co
higher. HH
I s-
§ s2.33 3
Crop. can M. . M
to o - tj
* re a
1805 189 * ? * $10,000
IbOO 174 41 12,000
1807 224 25 2-5 8.000
1808 S'JO 51 2-5 80,000
1809 1,331 40 4-5 100,000
1870 ; . . . 3,114 41 2oooao
1871 8.9J2 49 1-5 8 < 0,000
1872 0,409 474-5 400,000
1873 0.238 CO 1,000,000
1874 12,8'J5 54 1-5 1,140,000
1875 15,355 01 4.5 1,5'JO.OOO '
1870 29,030 55 1-4 2,530,000
1877 30,520 453-4 2,070,000
1878 48,550 45 8,1548,000
1879 57,653 42 1-3 4,120,000
1880 OJ.004 40 : i-5 4,530,000
1881 82,350 41 it-4 5,793,000
18S2 102,0. > 0 49 3-4 8,600COO
1883 93,530 48 7,020,000
iaS4 125,204 52 3-5 10.900.0JO
1835 124,718 61 2-5
18SO 139,512 60 13,030,000
1887 144,401 44 10,000,000
Comparative statement showing the re
ceipts from the tobacco Industry of the
United States during the fiscal years ended
Juno SO , 1888 and 18b'J.
( The figures for 1SS9 m the following
tables arc subject to revision until published
In the commissioner's annual report. )
Itceelpts during
/-dicul Tear ended JunoDCK
1838. 1USU. Increase.
Clears and che
roots flUD2iyi.K ) -ti7iijrr
Cigarettes , lll ; J.l5 ( ll/7iJiJJ.i.S III U7ji
RnulT Wl.'JCO.U ta\'JU.H \
Totiacco , chewing
and siuoklnu. . . .
Dealers In loaf to
bacco ; Jl.'Jli.SJ 43,811.72
Dealers In munii-
facfd tODacco * . ] , K8M.R > 1,250,015.01 11.72IJJI
Manufacturers of
tobacco 6,125-00 5,128.25 2.23
Manufacturers of
clears * 110H8.0U 120.1W.&I 8,7V7.4t
Peddlers of to
bacco * 13,110.53 12.701.E8t
Total , . , . Kll.Wd.&n.a U.'Ml.fXM
Special tax.
The quantities of manufactured tobacco ,
snuff , cigars and cigarettes on which tax was
paid during the last two fiscal years are as
follows :
-FUeal year ended Tune 30- >
IbHrf. isni. Increase.
Cigars . no.3K4lr.MAV ) aM7lh5l > M V..UH./J ]
, , , . , . -
Knurr. . . . . . . . . ibs. . t > , uuiTii
Provisions i Stocks
Basement First National Bank ,
fiO5 boulUlUlli Street , Ouialiu
Cnpltnl 3400,000
Surplus Jan. 1st , 18SO 62,000
ItBNlir . VATni , President ,
LEWIS 8. KKKII , Vice 1'rosUlout.
A. K. Toiir.Al.lx
It. C. Cl'RlUNO ,
J. N. It. 1'ATHICK.
\V. II. S. lltimiKS , Cashier
Cor. 12th nnil farimiu St * .
A General llnnklnK lluslnimn Trftiisnctod.
- _ . . . .
Boots and Shoos.
Successors to lltcd , Jones k Co.
Wholesale Manufacturers of Boots & Shoes
Agents for IloMon Hubtirr Slioo Co. , 1102. 1101 and llttl
llnrner Street , uiunli.t , Nebraska.
Lager Beer Brewers ,
IMl Norlli KlKlitontli ilrcot , OmahK. Neb.
Mannftctiirers of Galvanized Iron Cornice
Window-dtp * i\n < 1 mrtnllcskyllRlit" . John KpencOr ,
propriolor. lianna llUi-oulli ICtU atroot.
Paper BOXOB.
N , . W1LKIE ,
Proprietor Omaha Paper Box Factory ,
Km. 1117 nna 1318 Douglas jtrcet. Omaha , Neb.
Sash , Deere Etc. _
M. A. mSBKOIf A 'CO. ,
Wliolcmla manufacturers of
Sash , Doors , Blinds ant Mouldings ,
Branch office , 12th nmd UnrJ etreoti , Oniahn , Ne ! > .
Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
Uouldlnie , slulr-work nnJ Interior hanl wood finish.
13SJIxorlb ! ) 1UU mrout , Umulin , Kob. _
Steam Flttlnga , Pumps , Eto.
Faluns , Pipes and Engines ,
Bt tm , wntor , r.illvrny anil mlnlntf supplies , etc.
SUVfft \ and mi 1'arimia street , Omulio.
Steam and Water Supplies ,
Kind milts , 019 nnd KO Jones it. , Oman * .
U. V. Uoss , Aotlna ilaiuiKT.
t CO. ,
Engines , Boilers and General Machinery ,
BbeoUlton work , steam pumps , naw mills. UI3-121i
Lvarunworth st reet , Oinnlia.
Iron V/orks.
Wrought and Cart Iron Building Wort
Engines , brass work , penaral foundry , machine and
blacksmith work , onicecnd works , L' . 1 * . 117.
and lth street , Omaha.
Manufacturers of Wire andiron Railing
Desk rails , window guards , flower stands , wlro signs ,
etc. 12J Nurth 1UU street , Omnha.
Manf'rs ' of Fire and Burglar Iraof Safes ,
Vaults , jail work. Iron shutters nnd tire escapes.
U. Anurcen. prop'r. Corner 1UU and JacLaun su.
Of South Oraalia , Limited ,
Chicago , Milwaukee & St , Paul R'y ' ,
The Vest Route from Omaha and Council
Bluffs to
Chicago , AND Milwaukee.
St. Paul , Minneapolis , Cedar Rapids ,
Rock Island , Frecport , Rockford ,
Clinton , Dubiiquo , Davenport ,
Elgin , Madison , JancsYillo ,
Beldt , Wluona , La Crosse ,
And all other Important points Uast , Northeait and
Forthrouehtickets cation the tlskel oncnt at 1W1
Farnam street , In Darker Ulock , or at Unlom I'aciflc
Pullman Blecpers and the finest Dining Cars In the
world aru run on the main llnu o ( the Chicago , Mil-
wkukee ft BU I'aul Itallway. aud uvury auoutlon la
paid lo pmtnuers by courteous employes ot the
company. 1UMII.I.KH. General Jlanager.
J. K. TUCK Kit , AssKtmtOeneral Mnnniter.
A. V. II. CAHPENTKIl , Ut-ueral I'asseriKer and
Ticket Ancnt.
DEO. K. 11KAFFOBD. Asslstamt General Passenger
ml Ticket Agent.
T. J. ULAltK , General Bnperluttudcnt.
" " . Bwrtiiiiia.CMttaMasCirrfaU * :
lretiljr ifcrooili ill , ik pitu , rciUr.
Blrra/U , . kl.tlf ll
" ! ' , In cut.
. .
Vr rilcu
p. ipc <
Inabcntlr < urj la lhr < tcontbi. 8cftl 4 HnpLlcl it. lUtan.
ftuil Cross Dluiaunil llrancl ,
i . Liidlct , > ! . llrualt rtrltiUU.
MvMd llraad. Urcd iuuiilcboititK ic < l
wltntlixrlkUS. TakiHvollirr. H.i. < J Ic.
lor ptrilaMU4 ml "Ilillrr fur
" H IKI.r. / B | | .
AsrlqulUirtJ Implompnts.
'ciWRCmifrPA I'lKKltT
Mm Agricnltnral Implements , Wagons
CarilRges nnd btiK lc . Jonm ilrct , between Vth an *
loth , nm aim , Nebraska ,
A 3t ETC A LF CO. ,
Asrtcnlt'l ' Imploiiiciiis , Waaons , Carriages
IhiEKlBi , ftp. Wholesale. Omitbft , Ncbrajl * .
\Vliole nlo Doaloislii
Agricnlt'l ' Imploinents , Wagons &Bn2gci ;
101. TO ! , TO and OT Jones street. Omnha.
Stnnufnclur r. < and job ! on In
Wagons , Buggies Rakes , Plows , Etc ,
Cor.Plh nnd 1'aclflo street * , Omaha.
Artlats' Mntorlnls.
, Jr. ,
Artists' ' Materials , Pianos anfl Organs ,
1513 Douglas street , Omnlia , Nebraska.
Boots nnd Shooa.
Jokers of Boots M Slices ,
1101,1103,1103 UoHslas street , Omnhn. Mnnufnctorr ,
Summer street , lloston.
Mers of Hard sni Sift Coal ,
J Boiith 1.1tU ar.-ot. Omiiliii , Ncbrmta.
Shippers of Coal and Coke ,
214 South loth St. . Omaha , Nub.
Wholesale Hunter , Etc ,
Imported nnd American I'nitland coment. Slat *
uiionlfor Mlhrnuki < uhdran.lccuioulund
( juluij wlmu limo.
Dealer in HaiilwoCuLiiiiiliBr ,
Wood cnri > uti and pnrquot llnnrlnc. fill and DoURtai
streets , ( Jruiilm , . b.
All Kinds of BnMing Material at Wholesale
ISlli street und Union I'aclllo track , Omthn.
Daler : in LumliGr , Latli , Lime , Sash ,
Doors , Ktc. Yard -Corncr 7th nnd rouglas. Omc
Corner luth and liouulas.
Lute1 Lime Cement EtcEtc
, , , , , ,
Comer Otli and Douiilua sts , Omaha.
Dealer in All Kinds of Lnmlier ,
13th and California streetsOmahaNebraska.
Imprters & Jobbers in Millinery & Nollans
fO ) , 210 and 212 South llth street.
Wholesale Notions and Fnwisliing Goods ,
1121 llnrncr Street , Omaha.
Commission and Storage-
Stonge and Coiuuiission Merclianls ,
Buoclaltles Duller , t e , cheese , poultrjr , gam * .
1112 llounrd street , Omithn , Neb.
Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods and Miens
1102 and 1101 Douglas , cor. llth street , Otrmlm , Nob.
Importers & Jobbers in Dry Goods , Notions
QcBt'a ( urnlsbliiK roods. Corner llth and llorney
streets , Omaha , Netiruska.
Iraporlera nnd jobbers of
Woolens and Tailors' '
317 South l th struct.
DE\\'EY \ \ A STONE ,
Wholesale Dealers in Fnrnitnre ,
Farnam itroot. Omaha , Nebraska.
Fnrnitnrs , , Nebraska.
Wholesale Groceries and Proyisioiis ,
70S , 7U7 , "OJ and 711 South 10th ct. , Omaba , Nob.
Wholesale Grocers ,
Hth ndl.oa\enwurth street J. Oinalin , Nebrnslia.
w. J.
Heayy Hirdware , Iron and Steel ,
Sprlnm , waenn stock , hardware , lumber , oto. 1203
and 1211 Hnrnor strcat , Omaha.
Hesyy Hirdware , Iron and Steel ,
Bprlnns , wagon stock , hardiraro , lumber , cto.
and Kll llarney street. Omaha.
Wholesa'B Hardware , Cutlery , Tin Plaid ,
Metali. shoot Iron , etc. Aconts for Howe scale/ ,
Miami powder and I.jinan bathed wire.
Bnilflers1 Hardware and Scale Eepair Shop
Jlockinlcs1 tool and Iluffnlo scalei. K05 Douglas
street , Ouiaba , N b.
11. HARDY A CO. ,
Jobber , ot
Toys , Dolls , Albnms , Fancy Goods ,
Dons * XurntiblnK goods , children's ' carriage , ? 1931
arnnin street , Omaha , Neb ,
Wholesale ReflCed and Lnbricating Oils ,
Ail * grease , etc. . Omaha. A. U. Bishop , Managtfr
_ w-
Wholesale Paper Deilers ,
Carrr nice stock of printing , wrapplnit and writing
Wiper , tipuclal uttuntlou Klvun to card paper ,
* * Eurooonn Deportment receives and
forwards alTclaties ot buslnesi br eacli MallBteamoc
arrlrlnu at or departing from New Vork.
Shipments from Kuronecan be made direct br thlf
Company to nil Inland Ports of Kntrr In tbo Unftod
btuti'S , also to Canada and Mexico , with or nltboai
payment of dutlesat New Yoik.
Hales as low as tboso of &uf responsible company.
Uoner Orders Issued payable at 19,001) ) plaooi In
United Hiatus , Canada nnd l-.uropo.
Agencies In Kuropo to whom shipments for Unltsd
Bluuis can be delfvtroJ , or If from Interior DOtnti
should be oonsliineil.ttcrouipanlod br Illlt of lauding
and InTOlcu certified before Amorlcuu Consul :
TII03.Mr3AIKWH&CO.U5MlllcHtieet. ) Cboapilda ,
I nndoii. K. ( ) , i 26 Water Utreet , UYEUPOOr. ) CJ I'lccar
fllllr\UNCIIKSTIU 10 Hanover Blieut. ( ll.A8qa\r 1.
lluu bcrlbo. I'AIIIH. K. HHMIAIU ) . I Iluo ClilloUf
HAUTE. N. I.UTCUTINU JtCO , llT LmuonitruJiei
IUt ( KS-i w DorciiUeelb , UAUJIUHU , aud 11
Ilufvu ,