Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 05, 1889, Page 8, Image 8

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Cnptnln Hny DcNcrlhcn Them nnd the
Thrifty Indian * .
Captain P. Henry Ilay , Judge ndvocnto of
the department of the Ptntto , linn Just re
turned from hli trip to Alnskn with the ten *
ntorlnt commlttco on Indian nffalrs.
The commlttco consisted of Senators
Davis , of Massachusetts ; Mnndcrson , of
Nebraska ; Stockbrldgo , of Michigan , and
Jones of Arkansas. The party were accom
panied by SorRcnnt-at-Arma Canaday of the
senate , who acted n * major-domo and cour
ier , Captain Ilay wns the lending spirit of
the party , being perfectly nt homo In Alaska ,
having spent several years , at various times ,
in that part of our country ,
"Tho United States steamer Albatross , "
said the captain , "was placed nt the disposal
of the party , and convoyed us to n number
of points along lha coast , among them being
Lougnss , WrntiBol. Now Metla Katla , Sltka ,
the head of Chllcoot Inlet and Chllcat Inlet.
On the way buck the towns of Juno and
Douglius Island were visited.
"TUo Idea of the committee was to deter
mine what was necessary to give the Indians
in that portion of the country title to their
lands , nnd to open up the lands for settle
ment. The Alaskan Indians are different
from the ordinary Indians of this country.
They nro not nomads , but tire what may bo
termeil vIlliiKO Indians. They are n mari
time people nnd nro la an advanced ntnto of
civilization. Their general condition Is good ,
tho.v are well behaved , und ere In n prosper
ous condition.
"The committee looked moro especially
Into the nffnlrs of the Port Chester , or Now
Mntln Kntlu Island , branch of the llytlrn
Indiana. A curious state of affairs exists
among these people.
"Many years ORO William Duncan , n mis
sionary of the Church of England , went
among these people and commenced the
work of civilizing them. Ho taught them
trades , showed them how to Rovorn themselves -
selves legally , and. lu shqrt , brought them
to a comparatively high state of civilization ,
The particular tribe to which Duncan de
voted himself was then living ID the British
possessions , but about the time ho had ac
complished the great task of civilizing them
n bishop of the Church of England npuearod
on the scene nnd pronounced Duncan's ra-
llglous teachings too "low church , " and nt
once began the work of changing their relig
ious worship to suit his ideas. About eight
hundred' of the Indians , accompanied by
Duncan , packed up their effects and crossed
the line to Now Mntla Katla Island , where
they nt pncc built them a town of 300 houses ,
ono school house , ono church nnd n co-oporn- . . They also established a largo
canning factory , which docs an Immense
business. They are of n high grade of intel
ligence , which is the result of development
"This trlbo has petitioned the government
to give them a tltlo to the land they occupy.
The land is nil government property and has
never been surveyed or opened to settlement.
"A bill will bo Introduced at the next ucs
skm of congress , by the committee , to settle
the question of Indian citizenship.
"This trip was a revelation to the sena
tors , " said Captnln Kay. "They were not
prepared to nee such a magnificent country.
The forests of spruce , white cedar mid ilr
nro practically Inexhaustible. There is a
dense undergrowth which is so think it can
not bo penetrated in most places. The forest
is so extensive and the trees so close to
gether that the supply of timber is practi
cally unlimited.
"The Trcadwoll mlno on Douglass island
is another point of great interest. This
mine is like an open quarry. In the side of a
hill , with tiaeks running up to it fur ore
cars. Ulasts are put in which loosen up tons
of nearly pure ore. Twenty-six stamps nro
required to handle the output of the mine.
The average yield is about 5105,000 In gold
per month.
"Across the fiord opposite Trcndwell Is
Juno , where are located several vuluabli ;
placers , where valuable deposits are found.
. "I have great confidence in the future of
Alaska , " concluded the captain. "It is a
country rich In resources , with an almost inexhaustible -
exhaustible timber supply and u climate
Which will bo n revelation to the majority of
people. It is salubrious and healthful. The
temperature seldom gets down to > ere and
the general cllnuliu conditions arc almost
exactly similar to those of England. Ilia
influence of the Japan current is the same as
the influence of the gulf stream over Eng
land , and the vulunblo ore deposits nro of
thomselucs faufllcient to draw an. immense
tide of immigration In that direction. "
The Sacred Heart academy , for day
pupils , situated on St. Miiry's avenue
and Tweiity-sovonlh streets , is an insti
tution devoted to the moral and intel
lectual education of yomiff girls. The
course includes ovcrythinp from a pre
paratory department to a finished
classical education. Besides the ordi
nary academical course , music , paint
ing , drawing1 and the languages are
taught. French is included in the or
dinary course.
Difference of religion is no obstacle
to the receiving of pupils , provided
they conform to the general regulation
of the school. The scholastic term begins -
gins the first Tuesday of September.
( Jlassos commence at 9 a. m. , and are
dismissed at HH : ! ) p. m. , an hour for
H recreation being allowed at noon.
JIIIUCB Gnrilncr'8 Watchfulness Pre
vents a Terrible Ciititstropho.
"For God's sake , stop .your train. "
This was the sentence that escaped from
the lips of James Gardner as he stood on the
railroad track waving a red flag , tha timely
I display of which decided the fata of 100
human beings.
About 7:80 : last evening n collision occurred
on the 13. ft M. between No. J ) passenger
train , west-bound , and No. 11 , freight , oast-
bcund , at the Twenty-fourth-strcot crossing.
The freight train , in charge of Conductor
Ballonger und Engineer Hnsson , was de
layed near Asliland , owing to thu cngino
giving out , and No. 0 pushed the train , con
sisting of un cngino and way car , to South
Omaha , where it was sidetracked. It was
not duo hero until Ss''O p. in. , but after re
pairing the tnglno , for HOMO unknown rea
son Conductor Uallongor ordered the en
gineer to proceed to Omaha. At 7U5 : they
pulled out of South Omaha. At 7:15 , No.
U. passenger , In charge of Conductor
"Vvceka and Engineer llulhuico , pulled
out from hero. They having received no
orders to the contrary , their train was sup
posed to Imvo a clear track.
Flagman Gurdnor , who manipulate ? the
flag at the ' 1 wenty-fourth street crossing ,
hearing u train approach nnd Knowing that
It was almost , yet not quite time for the
passenger train to pass , rushed out of his
cabin and discovered thut the nolso Indi
cated trains coming from both directions.
A deep rut. In the road at that point pre
vented him seeing any great distance up the
truck , but ho iniuw thut nt best immediate
action would but avert u terrible wreck ,
which would neconsarlly bo accompanied by
loss of life. Ho rusticd down the track In
the direction of the approaching freight
train , und attracting the engineer's attention
by screams and his danger signal , the freight
train was brought to a stand.
Ho Immediately returned up the
hopes of being nuln to signal the passenger
train in time to prevent n collision. The
rumble of the rails told him that the tram
was not only but a sliort distance
nround the curve , but that It was coming at
a high rate of speed. When about four hun
dred feet from the plnco whore the freight
train was stationed ho caught sight of the
sinoko-Htack of the engine on the passenger
train , and ho vigorously waved the line ,
standing in the center of the track until thu
train was but a few foot away In order to
give the trainmen to understand their awful
predicament. Engineer Hallunca reversed
the lover and all but brought his train to a
etop before the collision. What might have
boon n tcrrlblo calamity resulted only In .the
breaking of tha pilots on both onglnoi.
Yurduiaster Hayes was noon upon the
scone , and uftor'a delay of forty minutes the
freight train backed to South Omaha and the
passenger continued on its Journey. Yardmaster -
master Hayes complimented Flagman Gard
ner on his heroism und presence of mln < l.
Upon innulry it was teamed that the crew
on the freight train pulled out of South
Ouiuha ouo hour and ton mluulcs In advance
nt 1U ( chedulo time , aid : without huvmi ; re
ceived any Instructions from the train dis
patcher entitling thorn to the track against
No. 3. _
The Hond Hnliiotnntty Yield ? ton KG-
ditotlott ot 30 Per Cent.
3 S. Tobbots , assistant general freight
agent of the Union Pacific , returned yester
day morning from Chicago , where ho had
been In attendance nt a meeting of the trans
continental association. Mr. Tobbcts states
that a settlement has bcnn ronchod , and that
nil lines of the association are In harmony
with each other. In the sett lenient the Cana
dian Pacific submitted to n reduction In Its
differentials aggregating uboutSO per cent on
transcontinental business , nnd the Northern
nnd Southern Pacific , which had each given
notice of withdrawal from the association ,
thereupon canceled their notice. No retluc-
tlon was made In tha differential applying to
business to and from St. Paul and Paclllo
coast points ,
The following reduction was made In Can
adian Pacific differentials , the same being
the grounds of settlement :
From Chicago , Milwaukee nnd common
poults to the Pacific coast , and vice versa
Class 1 , reduced from 25 cont8 nor hundred to
ITH'i class a. from 31 to Wf J classU , IT to 13 ;
class 4,14 to 10 : class 5 , U to 10 ; class A , 11
to 8 ; class 13. 11 to 8 ; class C , 0 to 7 , class D ,
7 to 5 ; class E,7 to G.
Detroit , Toledo and common points to
Pacific coast , etc. Class 1 , : ! 0 to 31 ; class 3 ,
35 to 17 ; class 3 , 31 to U ; class 4 , 17 to 11 ;
class G , 17 to 11 : class A , 1 ! ) to I ) ; class 13 , 13
to Ucluss ; G , 10 to 7 ; oluss D , S to G ; class K ,
7 to 5.
Plttsburg , I3uffalo and common points-
Class 1. ! S3 to 23 ; class 3. 37 to 18 ; class 8. 2J
to 15 ; class , 18 to 13 ; class 5 , 18 to 1'J ; class
A , 14 to 10K : class 13. 14 to 10 $ ; class C , 11
to 8 ; class U , 0 to 7 ; class 13 , 7 to 5.
Now York , Boston , Philadel
phia , linltlmoro and common points-
Class 1. 40 to 'JS : class 2,85 to < M { class 8 , 35
to 17 ; class 4 , 20 to 14 ; class G , 20 to 14 ; class
A , 15 to 12 ; claw 1) , 15 to 12 ; clnss C , 12 to 8 ;
class D , 10 to 8 ; class E , 7H to ° -
Differential on wool In grease , 7K conts.
It is stated that the Canadian Paclllc en
tered n bitter protest ngalnst such nn enor
mous reduction in its differentials , and only
accepted the revision when the Northern
and Southern Paclllc declared that they
would withdraw from the association un
less the Canadian yielded to the above ro-
nuotipn. It is thought now tlmt no further
troubfo will bo experienced.
To Visit Option nd Salt Lmko City ,
Utnh , or Ilniley , Idaho.
A the above named
points will leave August 20th , via the
Union Pacillc , "The Overland Route , "
and for this occasion the exceedingly low
rate of $30 to Ogden and Salt Lake City
and return , and $ & 3 to ILiiloy , Idaho ,
and return has been made from Mis
souri river terminals.
This excursion affords our patrons a
magnificent opportunity to visit Gnr-
lield Bunch on Great Salt Lake , the
finest bathing resort in the world , and
also visit Iluiloy Hot Springs , famous
for their medicinal properties. Tickets
good thirty days. '
For further particulars address
E. L. LoMAX , G. P. A. ,
Omaha , Nob.
Faint l5u7.7iiiiH In J. M. Tlmrston's
llotinct Adams' Head isSale. .
Mr. John M. Thurstou has returned from
his western trip. He Joined Governor Al-
ger's party , which passed through Omatia
some week's ago , at Salt Lako. From there
the party went to San Francisco , thence to
Portland and up the Columbia river. He-
turning to Portland , they then .proceeded to.
Tacoma , where a stonmor was taken to
points along the coast of Alaska , touching at
Port Townsund , Victoria , Unnimo , Fort
Wrangle , Glacier bay , Sitka , Chllkat bay ,
Juncau und Douglas island.
A number of Nebraska people wnro mot at
Tacoma , and formed a pleasant party on the
steamer. Mr. C. II. Dewey , \V. V. Morse ,
wlfo and children , and N. W. Wells , of
Omaha , and ex-Senator Ilarlan with a num
ber of people from Iowa , were among those
on board.
"The trip was purely ono of pleasure , "
said Mr. Thurston to a 13uu reporter last
nit'ht , "and had no political or business sig
nificance whatever. I left Governor Aleer's
party at Taeomannd _ they returned homo
via the northern route. I hud some business
connected with the railroad to attend to , and
have occupied about three weeks in getting
home. On my arrival I found a letter Iroui
the general stating that they had arrived
homo. "
Mr. Thurston was asked what foundation
there was for the reported removal of
President Adams.
" 1 have not the least Idea that the report
has any foundation , " replied Mr. Thurston.
' I have road a great deal in the newspapers
in the last few years about the Ames faction
and the Dillon faction and the Adams faction ,
but I have never seen anything of that kind.
The utmost harmony prevails in all the affairs
of the Union Pucillc , and I urn of the opinion
thut those stories are mndofrom whole cloth.
I bavo heard nothing of any such inovo and
can conceive of no reason why It should bo
made. "
"What truth Is there In the renort that you
intend to rotlro from the Union Pacillc
shortly , to enter the senatorial race ) "
"Well , thut is a now ono. I had not heard
that before. I certainly have no intention of
the sort , but what the future intent develop
Is hard to toll. The mtUtorlms not occurred
to mo boi'oro. The time might como when I
might care to enter the senatorial race , and
when it docs I shall certainly retire In good
faith and sovcr my connection with the rail
roads entirely buforo becoming a candidate.
I haven't had any such idea as to 11113proxi -
inuto senatorial election : I know of nothing
at present to maka mo a'candidate. . I never
shall bccomo n candidate for the senate. "
continued Mr. Thurston. "until I got bettor
llxed Hnnncially than I am at present. I
have nuvcr made a dollar except from the
practice of my profession , have never been
In any speculation , and am a comparatively
poor man with a family to taico care of. My
picscnt position is a pleasant ono in every
way , nnd I should never think of giving It
up for the uncertain chances of preferment -
ferment unless I could first accumulate
enough property to nmlto me moderately in
dependent. " _
A Very I'lcasaiit Plonlo at thu Waterloo
lee CJ rou m N.
Court Magic City , No. 103 , Independent
Order of Foresters , of South Omuhn , gave
an excursion and picnic to Waterlooyester
day. A train of eight coaches mid a bng-
gage car loft the Omaha depot at 10 a. m. ,
having on board about tlfty persons , repre
sentatives of the two Omuhn courts. At
South Omaha tbo train was flllod to over
flowing by the members of Court Magic City ,
their friends and families. It WUH purely a
pleasure seeking , party , Young men and
maidens , imddlo-agod man and seduto ma
trons , old poojjilo und children , all were rep
resented. It was a most orderly crowd , The
party were In charge of Mr. E. I. Uttloflold ,
the genial passenger agent of the Union Pa
cific , who saw to It thut everything which
could contribute to the pleasure ot the day
was provided.
Waterloo was reached a little before noon ,
and there was u scramble for tables and con
venient grass plats , liuskota were produced
nnd forced to disgorge their contents of de
licious edibles.
After thu very Important duty of satisfying
the wants of the inner muu had boon pur-
formed , the attention of every one wait di
rected to tuo dancing platform , where the
speech-making propensity of n number of the
moro prominent members of the order was
indulged. Following this there was n general -
oral dispersing to all parts of the grounds.
Thcso picnlo grounds form a natural park
fourteen acres In extent. About half of
this has been cleared of the deimo under
growth , while Urn remainder has been ul-
lou-Qd to retain its natural state. All sorts
of mnusmncnta Imvo boon provided by the
managomcn , including u track for foot rac
ing , danning platforms , swings , merry-go-
round , ball grounds , boats , facilities for
fishing , etc ,
Tuo Union Stock ytrd band and a string
_ J _
band accompanied the picnickers nnd dls
coursed sweet tnuslo nt intervals during the
day. Several impromptu foot races tool
place , a game of baseball was arranged between
tweon two picked nines , nml n party 01
snortsinou arranged n pigeon shooting niatcl
in nn adjoining stubble Hold.
Ono of the ntton Lints at the grounds pro
nounced this the most orderly crowd of any
which had picnicked there on Sunday since
the place was opened ,
Promptly nt 7 o'clock the train pulled til
to the grounds and a general scramble en
sued for seats. All were tired nnd willinp
to go homo , although the universal opinion
was that a most enjoyable day had boon
passed. _
Bprblnl Kntc * .
The Fremont , Klkhorn & Missouri Valley
Railroad company has made n very liberal
nnd to Omaha Important concession on c *
curslon rates to Omahn during fair week ,
the "Merchants' Wook"
especially as com
mercial festival takes pluco the same week.
General Passenger Agent I , U. Huchannn ,
under data of August fl , gives notice that on
September 1 and ,1 round trip passenger tick
ets will bo sold at all tha ntntlons In the
Black Hills country , adding 50 cents for ad
mission coupon to the fair. This will bo ap
preciated uy the citizens of that country ,
especially as the now commercial festival ,
Merchants1 Week , occurs the same week as
the fair.
Pujrct Sound.
All points on Puget sound nro moro
easily reach vin the Northern Pnctllo
than any other lino. Tins is the only
line reaching all parts of Washington
territory , is the only line running colonist
nist sleepers through the territory di
rect to Tacomn , and is the only line via
which through tickets can bo purchased.
The Northern Piicillo allows stopovers
at all points in Washington territory
to holders of second-class tickets read
ing via their lino.
"Work For ft Milk Inspector.
Certain of the city papers have published
the following :
A man named Penny owns a largo number
of cattle which are being fed on the bottom
lands near the river. Recently a stranco
disease broke out among the herd , and It
spread with frightful rapidity. In n sliort
time fully 150 head were allllcted , and the
disease has appeared In ether herds near at
hand. Steps have been taken for an exam
ination of the cattle by the state veterina
rian , who will bo assUtcdby Dr. Uamaciotti ,
of Omaha. Precaution has boon taken not
lo allow the cnttlo now aflllctod to mlnglo
with others , thus preventing a spread of the
disease beyond the three lots now in quaran
tine. As yet no fatal cases are reported , but
it Is feared the result will bo the death of
nearly , if not all , of those now aflllctod.
The nature of the disease Is not known.
Dr. S. S. Stewart , assistant state veterina
rian , states that the matter has been mis
represented. The disease is contagious
ophthalmia , nnd a brief history of the cases
was given in the papers n few weeks ago.
The disease has been spreading through the
city for several weeks , nnd Is not confined
to any particular herd or locality. It llrst
was noticed amdng the cow belonging to
citizens , which were herded In the western
part of the city. The state veterinarian has
not and will not interfere in the matter , as
the result is not fatal. Notwithstanding the
fact that the diseased cattle do not die , the
rnilk is iuitniro and unwholesome , and alto
gether unfit for uso. The doctor states that
the matter-is one which calls for the atten
tion of the board of health , and thnt meas
ures should bo adopted for quarantining the
afflicted cattle.
A Strnntro Insect.
The pleasure of a plcnlcing party was sadly
marred yesterday by the presence lu the
woods of a strange and very dlsugrccablo in
sect. The party consisted of two or three
families , and they went to the woods east of
the city to spend the day. Shortly after cat-
Ing their luncheon several members of the
party _ began to experience a disagreeable
and intense itching sensation , whicn grew
worse as the afternoon advanced. Some
of the children were rendered almost wild
by the trouble , and when their mothers
made nn examination tho.v discovered their
bodies to bo in a condition almost resembling
measles or n violent nettle rash. A closer
examination of the little pimples revealed
the presence of n small pink-colored insect ,
so small as to bo scarcely visible to the
naked cyo. They had burrowed under the
skin and wcro producing the trouulo from
which all were suffering.
The party returned to the city and sought
relief. Alt were moro or less affected , but
the children' the worst of all. A resort to
salty grease was the only remedy that
afforded relief. The insects , when examined
under a glass , were found to bo formidable
monsters. They were so small that they
would penetrate the clothing without diffi
culty , and when they reached the skin would
quickly burrow beneath it. The midgets arc
strangers , but their number and habits will
most likely make them bettor known nud
avoided by picnte parties ,
111 u ( Tors VH. IMnfTerfl.
The phenomenal game of base ball of the
season was played at Fairview pane yester
day afternoon between the Bluffers , a
picked nine from the local commercial travelIng -
Ing men , and the MufTors , a team made up
from the toilers of the desk. The garno was
called at 3:30 : , in the presence of a vast
audience , nnd lasted until the sun disap
peared behind the hills over in Omaha.
The Muffors mode the greatest number of
hits nnd the fewest muffs , and when the
ninth inning was concluded the score stood
ten for the Bluffers und twenty-live for the
Muffers. The most brilliant play of the
game was made by George Kmlio , of the
IJlulTors , who attempted to catch a sky
scraper in his hat. The crown of the cady
gave way and George caught the ball on the
end of his nose , sadly disfiguring that promi
nent member.Vhon ho recovered con
sciousness the ball was found in the bosom
of his flannel shirt and the umpire decided it
to be u put out. It was a great gaaio from
t he start to the finish.
Anothnr Ills Tower.
A tower similar in design to the
Eiffel tower at Paris is to bo built at
Kuglo llock , N. J. It will bo 400 foot
high , but will bo on a lofty summit.
The electric light will bo visible far out
nt sea.
Rheumatism ,
BEING duo to the presence of nrio
acid in the blood , In most effectually
cured by the use of Aycr's Siiranpu-
rllla. lie mire you get Aycr's and uo
ether , and take it till the poisonous
acid is thoroughly expelled from the
system , We challenge attention to this
testimony :
"About two years ago , after suffering
for nearly two years from rheumatic
gout , being able to walk only with great
discomfort , and having tried various
remedies , including mineral waters ,
without relief , I saw by on advertise
ment in a Chicago paper that a man had
been relieved of this distressing com
plaint , after lone suffering , by taking
Aycr'H Barsapurillu. 1 then decided to
muko a trial of this medicine , and took
it regularly for eight months , and am
pleased to state that it has effected a
complete cure. I have alnco had no re
turn of the disease. " Mrs. II. Irving
Dodge , 110 West VJSth St. , Now York.
"Ono year npo I was taken ill with
inflammatory rheumatism , being con
fined to my lionso six months. I came
out of tlm Hlckncti ! ) very much debili
tated , with no appetite , nnd my system.
disordered in very vav. . I commenced
using Aycr's Sarsuparllla and began to
improve at once , gaining In xtrongth
and soon recovering my usual health ,
I cannot fl y too much in praise of thla
well-known medicine. " Mrs , L. A.
Stark , Nashua , N. II.
Ayer's ' Sarsaparilla ,
Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co , , Lowell , Mass.
ft let | 1 ; * lx Umk , fit Worth f S a totllc.
This powilcr never varies. A mnrvcl of pure
ly , strength and wholcsomcness. More eco
nomical than the ordinary kinds , and cannot
bo sold In rompntltlun with the multitudes of
lor or aUortwriglit ulnm or phoiphnto powders.
Sold only In cnns. Itoyal linking 1'ondor Com
pany , UO Wall Btrest. Now Vorlc.
flrA nrAr.U ESTABLISHED 1851 ( 186 So.
we wiresif ohCIBO | | niB.iciarkat.
The Regular Old-Established
It Hill Treating with the Greatott
f.-r.if .
Chronic , Nervous and Private Diseases ,
Falling Memory , Exhausting Dralni , Tcrrlblo
Drenms , Head and Back Ache and all the cffectl
leading to rly decuy and pethapi Coniumptlonoi
Jntonhy , treated scientifically by new methods with
ncver-falUna tucccii.
45T BYPHILISand all bad Blood and Skin Dls-
aaiespermnnrntly cured.
-JciDNEYond URINARYcomplalntiGleet ,
uonorrhoea , Strlctu re , Vnrlcocele and all dUeatei
of the Qenl to-Urinary Orgaut cured promptly without
injury to Stomach , Kfdncyt or other OrGans.
iffNo experiments. Age and experience lm <
portent. ConiulUtlon free and ( acred.
JSS- Send 4 cent > pottage for Celebrated Worki on
Chronic , Norvoui and Delicate Dlseuei.
O3T Those co-ltempatBg ! ! MatrlaM send for Dr.
CUrke'e celebrated guide Male and Female , each
is cenu , both 35 c nt ( names ) . Consult the old
Doctor. A friendly letter or callraay save future suffer ,
ing and shame , and add golden years to life. A9look
"Life's ( Secret ) Errors , " jocenti ( sumps ) . Medicine
and writings sent everywhere , secure from exposure.
Hours , 8 to 8. Sundays g to u. Address
F. D. CLARKE. M. D. .
( Uppoilta 1'axton Hotel. )
Office hours , 9 a. m , to 8 p. m. Btmdayi , 10 a.
m. to 1 p. m.
Specialists In Chronic , Nervous Skin and
Blood Diseases.
r37 Consultatton nt office or by mail fre .
Medicines sent by mnil or express , securely
packed , free from observation. Guarantees to
euro nuii'lclj" , safely and permanently.
lions. 1'hyslcal Decay , arising from incilscre
tlon , Excess or Indulgence , producing Sleepless
ness. Despondency. Pimples on the face , aver
sion to society , easily discouraged , lace of confl
donee , dull , niitltrorstudy or business , and finds
life n burden , Safely , permanently and pri-
Tatoly cured. Consult bra. lletti ic Detts , 1 U8
Farnam St. , Omaha , Nab.
Bloofl and M Diseases i 'MoM '
results , completely eradicated without th uld
of Mercury. Scrofula , Erysipelas , Fever Sores ,
Blotches , Ulcers , 1'aina In the Head and Bones ,
Byphllltlc Bore Throat , Mouth and Tonguo. Ca
tarrh , etc. . permanently cured where other *
nave failed.
7irlnotr Ifnilioni nn(1 Bladder Complaint * ,
AlUllUYi Ulllldiy Painful. IMIIIcult. too fre
quent Burning or Itloody Urine , Urine high col
ored or with milky sediment on standing , Weak
Back. Gonorrhoea. Gleet , Cystitis. etc. .
Promptly and Uafely Cured , Charges Iteusona-
Dle.RlPTf.Tf1ffPTT'R."BI : ! Guaranteed per-
W A * w.l. v J. U * i.E l manont Cure , re
moval complete ) , without cutting , caustlo or
dlllatloii. Cures effected at home by patient
without a moments pain or annoyance.
To Tonmr Men and Middle-Ascu Men ,
? PUDP Tll ° awful effects of early
AOITDT UlJut Vice , which bungs organic
weakness , destroying both mind and body , with
all Its dreaded Ills , permanently cured ,
Adress thojolio have impaired
MPPWIIIQ themselves by Improper Indnl *
and solitary habits , which ruin both
genres and mind , unfitting them lor buslneu ,
tuily or mamagn.
MAIUUKD MKN , or those entering on that hap
py life , aware of physical debility , quickly a *
Is based upon facts. First-Practical B pe
rlence. Second Kverycaso Is especially studied.
thus starting aright. Third Mo Jlc.nes are pre ,
pared In our labatory exactly to suit each case ,
thus affecting cures without Injury
rfT 6end 0 cents posttRe for celebrated works
on Chronic , NervouH and Delicate Diseases.
TbousMUlri cured. f-fTA. friendly letter or call
may sate you future sulTeilnp : and shame , and
add golden yeara to llfo. tiiTNo letters nn-
ewarcd unless accompanied by 1 cents In stampi.
Address or call on
1)11 * . ttETTS & KUTTS ,
U08 tunam Street Omaha. N n.
H } ? \ \ \ \ iis Wealth !
. N IIV AND - -
DH.B.O. * %
AJH UJt t B * * 111 * T
MBNT.aKiiaritnteadBpeclao for Hy t rla. Dlzzl-
BOBI , Couvnlslons , Kits , Nervoui Neuralgia ,
Headache. Nerrous prostration caused by the
UEO of alcohol or tobacco , Wakefulnesf , Mental
Depression , Boftenlniof the llraln , resulting'In
UiHuultv and leadlnuto misery , decay and death ,
t'lematura Old Au . llarrennB . Loss of Power
In either sax. Involuntary I.OSSM and. Hpermat-
orlKEacaused by orer-exertlonof the bniln.iielf-
abusn or overindulgence. Kucn box contalni
one month's treatment. 11.00 a bor.ot fir boxe
forts oo.sent by mall prepaid on receipt of prlc * .
To cure any case. With each order received u
mi for six boxes , accompanied with io.tXJ , we will
( end the purchaser our written guarantee to refund -
fund tha money It tlie treatment do not effect
a cure. Quaraataeg luued only by Qoodinaa
Drue Co. . DruggUta. Soli AgenU , 1110 Fnrn m
UaeUOaaUa M o. ;
A Pocket Pin Cushion Free to Smokers of
n knltej
. L.U.He > IIUiBL.U.V. ,
180 Wtbuu av. . uuiuuu , ILL.
I othin
We call attention to some special bargains in our Men's Suit Department , in medium col
ored sack and frock suits. Our price for a first class business suit , thoroughly reliable in
every $ i5. At this price we arc showing several lines of popular mixtures which
we know will give perfect satisfaction. We guarantee every garment.
This will be the closing week on our $10 Suit Sale , but we have quite a variety of choice
styles yet in stock. Our effort will be to close up this entire line this week. Price § 10 for a
suit guaranteed to be strictly all wool and perfectly made. We have samples of some of the
fabrics which we will send to any address. fi '
Price 75 Cents.
We will offer this week about 100 pairs of'Men's pure linen Pants at the ridiculous price
of 75 cents , Goods which have always sold for $1.50 and $1.75 per pair , but we are over
stocked with them and have made the price so low that it will take only a few days to
close the entire lot.
Send Postal Note and 15 cents for postage and we will send a pair to any address.
Send waist measure and length in inside leg seam.
OES MOINES Proprietors
Cor. Douglas and 15th. Sts. , Omalia
Max Meyer
Great reduction of price on second hand
Plnnos nnd Organs. A Kood chance to yet n
good 1'lano for a small amount of monov.
Thn above prlcjji are 10 per cent less than over
offered before nnd as wo must have room for our
largo stock of New I'lanos wo will glvo an extra
10 per cent discount from above pilces to anyone
ono that buys an Instrument before August 1st.
Kvcry Instrument guaranteed to be just as re
Piuuos for rent Tor $2.50 and upwards
licr month.
Organs fur rent for $ l.r 0 anil upwards
per inontli.
If you buy any of the above Instilments and
you are not satiHlled , we will allow you Hanio us
you paid for it toward any now 1'lano you may
select. Call early and get a bargain.
Cor. 16th and Farnam Sts.
Borne good bargains may yet bo found
among our odd Ues of men's milts. Hear
I In mind these uro not Inferior goods which
we olfer , but llrntcluss in uvery particular.
Desiring toer-
SHOE DEALERS 1 uiulnotliojuiit- ' . celebrated
lues of Hoots
and Shoes manufactured by p. M , HBNIIKIISON
i Co. . or t'lMCAno-ractorle * at Chicago ;
Dlxon. 111. , and Fen Du Wls.-Bhould wrlto
HAM.N , WATSON , Jleslaenw.KltHMONT.NHU.
Travelluv Acent. a aqu rt i : for Itubbuii.
arriving ut or departing from Nevr Vorlc.
FlilpmcnU from Kuronacnn bo miulo direct t > v thl
Coniiiitiijr tunlltnlninl IMrl.i nf ICnlry In tliu United
blutua , nlso to Cunndii and Mexico , with or wltuuut
payment of dutluaiit Now fork.
Ilntes nslow ns ihoio of nn rmponslblocompanjr.
. Money Orders l/ijncJ pitrnlilo nt 15,000 pli\cca la
UnltC'l ' Etntu , CnnttJn nnd llurope.
A cnclPAlti Kuropo to wliom shipments fnr Unltad
State1 * can bo delivered , or If from interior points
plumUl be contlcntsl. accompanied by Itlll of l idtntf
nntl Invoice curtlllcU before American ( . 'oinnl :
THUS. MUADOWS.VCO. 1T > .Milk Stroct , Clicninl lo ,
I unarm , K.C. : 'ii Wnter Street , I.tvniti-ooi. ; Ul I'lccu-
dllly.MANcilisitu : : 10 Hanover Street , tii.ASiiotv : t ,
Ituo rrrllic. 1'AHW. n. KIL'IIAUI ) . I Uuu Chllon ,
I1AIIVE. N. MJTrilTINlS&CO. , Hi IntmuiiMtniHiio ,
IIitKME.V : 'M llmerilicetli , IJAMMUHU , and lit Am-
General and M2E70UB DEBILITY !
fi n I JL > ID We&knws of Bodyind MindtEfftctJ
* U 5J JCS/X * ofErroncrKiceMOslnOldorYounff.
Iti'buil. Nofclo niMmiUI rullr Itrilorrd. lion la Knlirie i d
imu.t MiittKLorKi ) munis * rttiTBor nunr.
JhiolJtrlt u.filllnr IIOMK THKiTflllXTll.neBli In i.
n.n lit III/ from 47 Ulalt-i , T.rrllorl.i , And lorrlKnCoanlrl.B.
Yon ran ivrlt * tbf n. llooli. fell eirUnatlon , and I ronr. milled
( 'il.ili fr.e. tddrrii tjtE | MEPIftAI RO. . BUFFAIO N *
Roiimrkublo for powerful sympathetic
tone , plinblo action nnd absolute dura
bility ; UO years' record the best jruamn-
tco of the excellence of these instru
Civil KligltU'urlnt. , I'lushl 'H. lluxlncsf ) .
KT. Itr.v. ! ' , li IH'NTINCITON. I'residont ,
1T. Cot * W.VKUIlliOK.aiuicrliitemlent.
I'rrpnratoryunil rolU'Klatecoiirwa , literature , l
niiMlc.uit. i : . 1' ' HfUJiiO , 1'iiiicliul , J cl.K > iiY
Conservatory of Music
Minneapolis , Minn.
1'IANO liest teachers only In every depart
ment , llneimulii-d opportunity for study.
OHOAN M lotKons for JI5. Vtee advantages
worth price of tuition. All InutiumeiUa , J.uu-
guugns , HlHtory. IlUTalnn > .
VOIL'i : Bend for calendar.
( JHAlUja : II. JlOltSi : . Director.
IN wiill-oii-HudHon. Col. C , J. Wrlulil. II. B , ,
A. M. . tilipt , ; II , K. Hyatt , foiud.tof Uuiletn.
* ( > arknoarilcairo ( ) ) . Hoard ) ny I
UMoiiiiiil anil VDJIIU I.nillen. Korl
catulouua address li. 'I'll A VKIt. I.I. . 1) . . [
illl.urUadligiiUiriiutCUlctti0Ill. ;
'fe 4ss.j , fflii
Beard & Attendance , Best Accommodations In West.
0 WRITE FOft CIHCOLAHH on Df fornlties sni
Bracts , Trusses , Club Feet , Curvatures of BpIie.Pllei ,
Timori , Otnccr , Catarrh , Bronchitis , InhMotion.
IlcctricHy. Paralysis , Epilepsy , Kidney , Bladder ,
Eye , Ear , Skinanl Blood and all Surgical Operations.
Only Reliable Kedical Institute making a Specialty ol
All Jlljod Dli.iiti luceriifullj lrc lc < l. Biplillillc I'olioa
reiuoT.l ( ron tbe ijin-ni vlibout mcreurr. htw llr.torilli.
Trnlmmt for Lou of VITAL l'0\t K. I'irtlli unitl. In Tlill
01 may I ) , treated at hoiaebr eorrrfiiondcDfe , Alleommunlcft.
llonienulUentltl. < oJltlLfiorln.truiimiUirlilt/ciillor i.
rren pKckeiln.tji > rki o Indicate eouleDlme MB J.r ,
ODcp rfcGnArinterfJoir preferred. C.llandcon.uUuieneod
- - - ' " '
IStli and , Dodge Btroets , OUAHA , HEU.
DRINK wllhf
-f- ' Jtti'ltlrerttli il < iiii < ivliln ( -
For Men Health rreiervUf , for
Children Invigorating , and Be.
yroKhlncfor All. The Beit Bum-
/m < r Diverse * In Ezlitence War-
rsnted Utrlctly furs and Vnfer.
raented. An EHclent EtmiJf
for Dlsrrhita. Cholera Morbni.
Drienterr , Mid all Olsordirs of
tlie Uowtli.
NASitvir.i.nTi.vj . , JunoO , > J7.
DparHIrm I Imve trk'd the
IliiiiKiiilaii lllacklicrry Julco
you no Uliully sent me , His
ttin no IIIIH | ultra of miiiiiner
drinks. It Is free from olio ,
liol , nllnyH tlilrnl , toiivn tlio
JUICE- ( IlKtutHu "irKiinn , Imi n line
iirumntlo llu\ur , nnd IB Just
"ittmiiimuiY thcitliliiL-fi'i ' illiirrliwul truuli-
li > * In HIII lifiitcil li-riii , A
OUrNKfl'AItri NlXTAlt.
llc | ) fctfullv.
T A ATC'lllhUN , M.I ) .
I'orfiiloli'DriiKk'l" ' " '
u < f ( Jroccra ,
J i-i iHr KH m i * ( tj ra ill m § iiv l B i 0
tbe I.lnuor Ilabll , l'a ltlrtlr Cured
AdniliiUlnrlim Dr. Iluluex1
Ualilen Npvclllo.
laet rhrcurti erroie ot
. . | tad prscllcee. mlfc
MANLY peifrcttjr rrcftliieil by lot ue
po3lpn-DupronemedBi | > . ,
bend fur our uvw tlluitfatril lrc
BgaSfOKf&UHt " luteeeerecVtulco -
currtl wiihuut i
Jeslon-9upr Ollnluuo4