Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 05, 1889, Page 7, Image 7

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No ndvorttaomonta will bo tnkorrfor
those * columns of tor I2:3O p.m.
Terms-Cosh In ntlvnnco.
Advertisements under thin heed 10 rents per
lln for the nr t Insertion , 7 cotits for men nub-
roqucnt Inpcrtlon , nnd $1,60 per Hue per mouth.
No Advertisements tnkm fo * less thnn 25 cents
lor llrxt insertion. Seven word * will bo counted
to the Knot they must run consecutively and
must be paid In ADVANCU. All advertise
ments .mint Jin handed Inbeforo I2ro : o'clock p.
til. , nnfl niulcr no circumstance * will they be
taken or discontinued l > y telephone.
Parlies ndverllslngln these columns nnd hav.
ing tliolr nnswers nadrescod In cnroorTnn HER
wlnploRSO nik fornchecic to enable them to get
their loturs. n.s none will bo delivered txcopt
on presentation ot check , All answers to ad
vertisements shcnld tw enclosed In envelopes.
All advertisement ! ) Inthcso columns are pub
lished In bnth morning nnd evening editions ot
TUB Urn. the circulation of wnlch nggrcgntes
more thnn 18,000 papers dally , add uivcs the nd-
vortlscra tha benefit , not only of the city circu
lation of Tiir. HER , but nlpo of Council IllutfH ,
Lincoln nnd other cities nnd towns throughout
this section of the country.
Advertising fortheso columns will be tak - non
on tlie abore tondltlimn , nt tbo following bust-
noni houses , who are authorized agents for Tun
HER special notices , nnd will quote the same
rates as can be hnd nt the tnnln ollico.
KDDY , Stationers nnd Printers , 113
VJBouth Kith Street.
SII. rAltNBWOHTH.Phixrnmclst , 211B Cum-
.mini ; Street.
.1. HUGHr.S , PlmrmacUt , 024 North ICth
Street ,
GT.O. W. PAHIl , Pharmacist , 1000 St. Mary's
_ _
UOIIKB'PIIAUMACV',2203 rarnaln Street ,
V7 ANTKD-Situatton ns bread baker. Ad-
T dress H3S. llee. 422 IK
\\7ANTKD-A position by a yonng lady stenographer -
' ographor nnd typewriter. Unpld , neat
nnd accurate. Can furnish the bosl of refer
ences. Address box 7H7 Sbenandoah , Iowa.
\\7ANTED-ltrlglit young man to solicit llfo
TT Insurance for one of th best companies
In the country. Address F 31. Bee ollico. 377 7t
T\rANTEn Kxperloncod traveling salesman
TT In uoot and shoe line for Iowa ; must bo
acquainted with trade. Address Geo. W. Cady
& Co. . Cleveland. O. 3M ) 7t
WANTED Au'onts. Magic cigar lighter.
oTory smoker ours , lights in wind or rain ,
lanti n lifetime. Sample inc. two for2. > , ilozen ,
$1. oy mall. Stamps taken. Austin .V Co. ,
Providence. H. T. l s''L '
\\f ANTED Immediately , n llrst class barber
T T at Frank Levlne's , 6Wi llroadway , Council
" \\TA NTF.D A good hotel runner nt the
TT Knropenn hotel ; reference ! * reiiulredpre :
fer onu'Svho speaks ( ier.nan and Kugllsh. 400 3
WANTED A live , on > rgotie man to act as
general ngont In Omaha for the Kllte M f'g
Co. of Chicago. Call on or address W , II. Llnd-
aoy. Arcade hotel. 3.Tu / :
W A NTKD Agents nnd merchants to buy
White Enameled Ixjttern , first-class goods
ntonu nndn hnlf ccntnn upright Inch. Sam
ples mailed for tflc ; directions for applying to
windows free. The White Letter Co. , P. O. box
1S3. Newark. N. J. 400-10 ?
A GI5NTS wanted to take orders for houso-
Jt\ hold goods ou weekly payments. Apply at
Sll Gaining st. P.A.Gavin. 4u7 10
" \TTANTED-Travollng men for ntnplo sld
Ti line on commission. Trade ot-tnbllshed.
No samples. Fast selling goods , "llonslng r , "
Sterling , 111. 403
"XTtTANTED Itosponslblo agent , gent or lady ,
TT In every olty and town. Something new.
No humbug , but nn article of merit needed
everywhere. Write for circulars. Sample out
fit. We. Address Heno Mfg. Co. , 32 S. Water st ,
Cleveland. O. 451-5 *
WANTED Agents , male and send
permanent address ; Homethlng now ; big
money ; do It now. Address Nash .Mitchell ,
Eprlngllold , 111 , 452-8t
MEN to travel for thr I'onthill Nurseries of
Canada. Wo pay iKO to $100 a month ami
expenses to ngcntH in xt'll our Canadian grown
stock. Ad. Stone & Wellington. Madison. Wls.
IMOS8 _ _ _
WANTED Hallroad laborers , rockmon and
track-layers for Washington Territory ;
good wages nnd steady work ; at Albright's
Labor AgoncyJ130 Faruam st. 221
WANTED A good ofllce man to go east ;
must Invest $2fi)0 ( ) ; must be n good biiBlness
man. Address tbo Geo. S. Cllne Publishing
Ilouso , 1)15 ) to 321 Wnbnsh nvo. , Chlcago.JlI.
M RANTED $26 weekly reprenoptntlvo , male
or female , in every community. Goods
staple ; household necessity ; sell at sight ; no
peddling : salary paid promptly , and expenses
advanced. Full partlculai sand valuable sample
case Free. Wo mean Just what wo say ; address
At once , Standard Silverware Co. , Iloston , Mass.
WANTED At once , an energetic salesman
In every town to sell teas , cotfees , spices ,
extracts , basing powder , groceries , etc. . to ho
tels , restaurants , farmers , aud other lareo con
sumers nt wholesale prices ; exclusive territory
given. Address the KdgewortU Jlcrcautilo Co. ,
1447Stntoat.Chlcago _ , Jll- 1155 $ _
QALKBMHP We wish a' ow men to sell our
O goods by sample to the wholesale and retail
trade. Largest manufacturers in our line.
Unclose 2-cnnt stamp. Wages $ . ' ) per day. Per
manent position. No postals answered. Money
ndvantod for wages , advertising , etc. Centen
nial Manufacturing Company. Cincinnati , Ohio.
761-al ! !
WANTED At once , ghl for help in house
keeping. Apnly In person at2Ui2 Franklin.
, 477-tB
"OTANTED-Nurso gin nt SSSiTFarnnm st.
.TT i)73 )
W'ANTKD Competent cook and laundress.
In small family. Call after 3p.m. 2201
Cass. 481-
, J A good and experienced girl To
f do general houseworic at No. 1G24 N. 22nd.
TTiNGLISH-spoaklngGermnnKlrl for general
JU < house work : steady pluco. Call between 6
nnd 8 p. m. , 814 S , 23d. 4.7J 6
"OTA NT HI ) German girl to do cooking and
TT washing , best of wages paid , ImiulroJ.
L.JIrundels. W48 luthst. g
fXTANTED Olrltooo second work nnd take
TT care of child three yra old ; none but com
petent need apply ; German preferred. 2408 st ,
Mary'save ? U7
"VA/'ANTHD Purlles who have property of
V > nuy Kind to trade , list It with us for quick"
exchange ; commission always reasonable.
Correspondence solicited , write us , add. W. F.
Nine A : Co.les _ ' Moine8la. _ | W7 14 .
toOOM-MATU'Wnntod Gentleman with ploas-
Xlant room wants u room-mute j references
exchanged. Address FJCi , Hoe. 350 3t
WXNTKD BO tennis for railroad grading , at
A Ibrlght's Labor agency , 1120 Farnam st.
11UB3M AK1NU to do In families , OX > S. 17th.
2Sia I
board , Inquire ICOfl Douglas
FOH HUNT 7-room cottage , south nnd vast
front , near cable nnd motor , SA ) per montli.
Wright it Lasbury , Arlington block , 411 6T
"HIGH ltENT-"Nlc TTouso7 Geo.N. Hicks.
York Life building. 41 * 7
1OH HUNT House near depot. Inquire 1)13 )
H12t list. 401-Ut
T7Vll HLNT New 5- room cottage , 20th an < 1
L Draco ; city water , Erie Clothing Co ,
TTUm KKNT-Smnll house to fumily without
JU children , 833 B. 22d at. 407 3 ;
ilOH HHNT-0-room houie. s. sist.
IT10H HI'.NT-3 good room house vltli closets ,
J 10318. IbthjU. . uear Plprce. 401 at
FOH HUNT 8-room , S-story corner Uat. Kn *
_ gulro ISlHJ aclllo streot. _ 18M5 ! _
FOH KENT New houE , a rooms , hard am
toft water. 6 closets , brick basement , n. e.
cor. UU > and Wobater. 1W7--B
T7\OH HENI14rooui huuso with kitclien. on
JDnd lloor US B. IGth nt. ; rooms neatly
papered ; 111 per month ; 0 inla. walkf rein P. O
THOU HKNT O-nxiui cottage , well ami cistern
J13 844 B 2Ut t. $30. 371-3J
_ _ _
TJAOH HUNT Six new 6 room cottngesT ready
JP on or before September 1 , IHth aud Hal
Howard streets , healthy location , near I'arnan
cord , limit , each 115 per mouth , tultablu or
imall tidy fanilllui. johu 11. F. I.uhmnun , -
H. 17th it. 4il
TTIOH HRNT-Nr-w 7-room house with city
JL' water nnd bath , < 2 ! > Franklin st. Apply
tooinfigi. Merchnuts' Nat'l Hank. _ 447-U *
ffiQH HBNT TIieroom Hat occupied by Dn
JU ( , 2 < 1 lloor. No. 1113 Howard Rt , In-
qulraotoeo. lllgglns , 1011 Hownrd st. 1 3
I4"ill ) HURT A-roora rottagp , ifiii So. 28lh t. ,
JU $ ia Hingwnlt Hros. , Hoom 37 , Harkor block.
TilOH HUNT A detached P-room "house , all
JL1 modern conveniences. TJnq. ! i > W Caplto nve.
TTiOlt HUNT lu-room brick house on 2uth t.
JL. ' nentLeavenworih. . Apply at No B27 S. 20tn
" _ _ 217
Oil HIINT Fine largo rnsldenco. hnrd wood
finish , nil conveniences , low rent to private
amlly : K10 N. IBth st. _ 161
FOH HKNT Ncnt cottage , $ per moiith. C.
F. Harrison , Merchants National Hank
H OU8I5 for rent , 19.U Dodge.
FOH IlKNT Fine In rooirt brick houio , all
modern tonvcnlenccs , on cable and motor
lines. Cnllon _ 2001 " Hurt st. _ JJ'-fi _
HOUSK. niR N" irth st. , for rent. II , W.
Creiner. 203 N. liith l
FOH IIENT $12.00 per mouth , a MX room
building , N. E. cor. ot loth and Muvm.
TTOH HENT Two nine room brick houses on
JLJ Park RVMIIIP , with nil conveniences. Aluo
nine room frnino house on same street , with nil
conveniences ; price $ .TJ tn $15 per month. D. V ; Fjrst National Hank. _ 311
T7UHI itKNT R. first-c lass dwelling n-lth nil
JL' modern convonipnros. Including stable , 2508
Capitol nve. li.qulie of D.J.O' Donahoc. 1R01
I'arnam st , 315
FOH HRNT 7-room Hat , * ! ' per mo. above
The Fair , 13th and Howard. Inquire TheFalr.
TIW"6"or tlirce furnlslierrooms7llght hoiise
keeping , 2023 St. ilary's avo. _ 421 5T
NICELY furnished rooms , with board , 1717
Chicago. 475 o *
| jll ! HUNT Nlco furnished room cheap. 1710
JIJ Jnckson. 4y2-3J
1710H HI5NT Furnished sleepingrooms$0up-
Jwards. . S07 Hownrd , between 8th nnd Utli.
1 401 3f
"TJ1OH HENT Kooms , furnished or not , for
JE light housekeeping , P07 Howard. 40:1 : 3T
/"IHOlcn rooms , with or without board , In prt-
VA-nle family ; desirably situated Inmodern
residence ; pleasant homo : terms reasonable ;
2I3U Harney street. 32p flt
TTIOH HENT-A nlcMr furnished room. $12
J per month. 014 N. IBth st. 437-5J
OK HENT Furnished room with board , rcs
South 17th ave. 458-fl *
Furnished rooms. 2203 Dodge.
4W Ot
"T71OH HKNT In Council HluITs , to gentlemen
-L only , two furnished rooms within on
block of llroadway depot , on electric motor
line. Address "Itoom , " Ueo olllce , Council
Illufls. 483-5
TTIUHNISHEO rooms nnd bonrd for 3 gentle
J-1 men who can bo most comfortably accom
modated ar.d foci ut home , t-l S 2.1th ave.
71OH HENT Furnlsliod room for gcnticmtu ,
041 S , Ihth St. 4.I1-5J
ST. OLA III European notel , cor. lltth and
Dodge ; speclul rate by week or mouth.
T71OH HRNT 3 furnished rooms , light and
Jt ? airy , Faruam , ifl'U 8t
"fJIOH KENT Two furnished rooriis , 315 north
JL' 17th st. Heference required. 373-S 1
FOK HENT Two parlors front aud back on
llrst Hoor. also single rooms with board.
All modern covenlencos. 1G09 Douglas. Ch2
JbiOH ! lir.NT Nicely furnished rooms with
Jbi board ; references ; 2207 Farnam. 354 7 *
G OOD room with bath. 513 8. 20th st.
FUHNTSHKDor unttirnlshed house torrent
In Park Terrace , oppo. lto Hanscom park ;
nil modern conveniences. Iiuiulre.Lee&Nlchol ,
"jth and Leaveiiworth , 220
TJ1UHN18IIED front room In private family
-L ? to n gentleman of good hnblts ; convenient
location. al8S120th , cor. St. Marys nve. 310-tlj
FOU HENT A suite furuishcd or unfurnish
ed. 1810 Chicago st. Hoard In the houso.
SOUTH front room , meals In the house , 1000
Capitol avenue. 320
TpUHNISHEO rooms with all modern con-
JL1 venlencesfor gentlemen only , 1703 > Dodge j st.
FOIt KENT Hooms with board ; 1722 Dodge.
I7TOK RENT Elegant furnished room for
JL1 single gentleman only. 724 a. 10th st. , cor.
Leaveiiworth. DfiO
I7IOH ItENT Lnrgo furnished south front
JL'room on second Hoor. with board , nil con
veniences. 1'JIO ' Capitol BVO. 034
l/'OH KENT Two furnished rooms , on St.
J. Mary's nvenuo. To gentlemen only , falx
minutes walk of business center. Itutercnce
required. Inquire ntstorn , 210 and212 S. 15th st.
FUHNISHED-Froutroom , 1913 Farnam.
145 n 27 *
rpWO rooms with or without board for gen-
-L tleinenprivate family.refercuces. 1812 Dodge
Foil HUNT Over stove store , a $ SO suite for
$2ii , 1021 Howard st. Inquire at store. 2.11
rpHHHE large , deslrablo unfurnished roomi.
J- Light housekcepingbath. ; Address F3-Ulee.
2HOOMP , modern convenlonces. 1105 N. ISth
st. Flat 6. COS
TT OU ItENT 4 unfurnished rooms suitable
Jl. for house Keeping , modem Improvements ,
to family without children. 1704 Webster st.
Prlco * K C37
POH UKNT FIrHt-cltiss utore'bulldlng , suita-
blo tor wholesale or retail huslneHS. Inquire
of Geo. N. Hicks , New Vorn Llfobld'g. 41U 7
neil HKNT Store in Mlllard hotel block , Inquire -
quire nt hotel ollict- . 417-0
N ICI1 ! light basement to rent. Tniiulio Leslie
, V Leslie' : ) pnnrmacy , 10th nnd Dodge sts.
FOH JUENT Store room. cor. 25th nnd N sts. .
South Omnlm. Host location in city for
gentV furnishing or dry goodti store. Inquire
of J. J. Muhoney , room 50tl Paxtonblk. 472-s'l
TjlOU KENT Store room No. 1013 Cumlng st , ,
JUa per mo.
Store room No , 1015 Cumlng St. , J25 per mo.
Five room cottage , with city water , No. 805
N. 20th st , $ i" per mo ,
Nuw six room house , with city water In house ,
good cistern , etc. , 37th aud Dodge sis. , $10 par
mo.Four room cottage , 1M4 N. ' } .l St. , { 13 per mo.
Potter & Cobb. Itiul Fnrnam st. 341-10
ITIOH HUNT The 4-story brick building with
JC or without power , formerly occupied uyTho
lloo Publishing Co. . Old Fnrnnin st The build
ing has a lire-proof cemented basonient , com
plete steam heating llxtures , water on all the
Moors , gas , etc. Apply at the otllcii of The Hue.
TjlOH HUNT Stores and living rooms on Cum.
JL1 lugst. AlsohouboonCassst , Harris , room
411,1st Nat. Hank. 231
FOH HUNT For a year or term ot years in
Grand Island , Neti. , two first-class brick
stores , situated on Front street , ono block
Eouthot U , P. trnckssthesobuildings are only
two years oliUplnto glass fronts and stone
walks , line colUrs. und tint-class lu every
respect ; rents reasonable. Apply to W. A.
Whitney. U34 13
north und south light , will divide Into two If desired -
sired , lleyman & Delclics , 1518 Farnam st. . .
iiit t or
OFFIPK To rent. Furnished elegantly or
unfurnished , llushman block , N. K. Cor.
IGth and Dongla& . 232
CJTOBi ; for rent , sotittionst cor u'thand Doug-
Ohis si. S , Lehmuii. 2 {
"I310H HIINT Tno corner room under the Ne-
JU brasku National bank ulll teen bo for rent ,
the Kimltable Trust Co. removing to mrger
The space li about double thnt occupied by
the C. , II. tV Q , ttrxet olllce , The Hoer U tiled
aim the room cuu bo made desirable ror a 11 , H.
ticket or broker's olllce ,
1'or particulars apply at bank. CS3
rPO HUNT Desirable war house room on
- 1track. . Apply to 0. W , Keith , 711 Paclttc St.
7OH wholesale and warehouie purposes : will
X'build to suit tenant and lease for term of
yearn ; good trackage facilities and well lo
cated , Wright Ac Laabury , Arlington block.
410 St
WILL pav rash for small or large lots ot
household goods. Must be cheap. Ad-
dreia F 41. liee olUce. , 4a7-0
TAD1KH , Attentionl Madm Ouerrettes
i ( ioMen Speolflo , for all fomiilo weakimuij ,
Dlllce Lours , 8 to ID a. m. , and 3 to 6 p. m. . con-
free , 17W
YES Tno old rcllablo Hental agency Is still
ninnlng , supplying nil that come with
lionscj , lints and ntorcfl. J , H. Pnrrotl * . Hoom
8L Douglas block. 64gal3.
TI1K banjo tnnght ns nnnrtby Geo. F.Clellen
beck. Apply a' lleo o in co. MO
1 CT A Miialf "black nnd \ogrsultnblo
Jrc rd for his return. ] ol s , flth st , 43.-fij !
L l ST UnRl tiMaitiff.ieturnto 40fl'nxton
block and pet rewnrd. .
riXVKr.M up-Onft-hnlf mlle n o of Seymour
J- park , dnric bay mnro. with white spot on
liend. hind feet about 111 Inches high from hoof ,
mid front feet nbout 4 inches. Also a calf about
2 months old. John Nordstrom.
Jy 0-13-3)-S7-n ) 3t
fllAKliN up Hay ponyrbrandT/TonTeft siTouf-
JLdor. Apply2.VM I'opplelon ave. 371)6' )
" \T IIS. Kcclcs , Iho rnmotii fortune teller nnd
J.'J-clnlrvoyant , business , love , mnrrlage nud
changes. 6U7 S lath st.uext door to Darken hotel.
MADAMH Wellington , world renowned as-
trologlst , test medium aud destiny reader.
Just from Kuropo. Tells your life from the
cradlotn the prave , reunites the sopnratcd.
causes speedy marriage with the one you love ,
locate diseases and treats with massage and
electric baths. AH In trouble hould not fall to
consult this glftonseoiess. Pv/iourO , upstairs
! )17i ) ! South lutli , otllce hours from 10 n. m. to 10
p. m. 413-10 *
DIt. NANNIE V. Warren , clairvoyant , medi
cal nnd business medium. Fomnlo diseases
n specialty. HUNlCth st. rooms a nnd 3. JU >
nt low rntes nt 1121 Farnnm st , ,
OmuhuAtictlonnntt Storage Co. -17
niltAOKAGTi storage nt lowest ratoa.V. . M.
JL lluslinmu , 1311 Lenvonworlli. 238
nnd forwarding. Vfo collect nnd
. _ deliver goods ot nil descriptions , merchan
dise , furniture nnd baggage at cheapest rates
for storage ; for nuy length of time , vans nnd
wagons to bo had nt shortest notice , wltn rnro-
ful mcu for moving. Packing und shlpnlng
from our own warehouse done on moderate
charge. Merchandise loaded nnd unloaded.
\\nrehousoon our own tracks. Oillco217S 14th
st.telephone ; 114. Howell&Co. 210
WANTED Furniture , carpets , stoves and
TT household goods of nil Kinds , Omahn
Auction & Storrgo Co. . 1121 Fnrnam , 237
"VfOIUUSON Jt ELY Storage and forwarding ;
J-TLsoeclal arrangements for commission mer
chants , 1213 Leavcnworth ; tel. 419. , Omaha.
QTANDAHD Shorthand school , Paxton blk. ,
Oisticcpscor to Valentino's ) the largest exclu
sive shorthand school In the Touchers
nro verbatim reporters. Particular attention
paid to typewriting. Mechanical construction
of machine taught by factory expert , .Clrcularri.
WIUTTLKSEY'S Shorthand School , Banter
block. Send for circulars ; Lord's pray erIn
In shorthand free. 47fi-.s3t
OMAHA lluslnoss College , cor ICth and Capi
tel ave. Shorthand The largest nnd most
successful shortnand department 1n the state.
Standard methods taught. Munson's revised
of ' 89 a specialty. Call or write for terms.
T OIl SALE 65 horse-power "Atlas" engine
JL' nnd W horso-po ur steel boiler , nearly new ,
with nil connections ; will sell cheap. A. B.
Fuller , Ashland , Nob. 430-3
FOIl SALE-Law library. 1516 Douglas.
1)17 ) 8 *
FIVE hundred shares of $10 per share North
Western Standard Oil stock. Tnls stocK is
uon-nsse.ssable ami land is helm ; developed
now and is sure to bring good returns In near
future. Will sell for cnsli very cheap. Address
fi 02 , llee ofllce. 8 < iO
T31OH SALE A stock ot clothing nnd gents'
JL' furnishing goods at a bargain. Address J.
II. Frew , Suttou , Nob. 3M 3 *
BKST cash grocery , nnd nn Interest In one of
best established furniture business in
Omaha ; Rood reason given for selling. HutchInson -
Inson 4 Wead , 1524 Douglas St. 337-2
C OH SALE Hnndsomo young pony , perfectly
A sound nnd gentle , suitable for cither saddle
or driving. Apply to Col. Fletcher , Fort Omaha.
E OR SALE 1,000 tons ofjlnch / Ice , housed
on truck , Council Illutfs , lu. Gilbert Urns.
FOIl SALE Furniture ot Inrge bouse , every
room rented. First-class location. Parties
leaving city. A bargain. Address ES , Dee ollico.
TUlGCanfleld M'f'c Co. being about to move
.L will sell 1 first-class 4-horse-power euglno
and. boiler at U actual value. 1208 Douglas st.
MIDLAND Gunrnntee & Trust Co. , N. Y. Life
bldg. Complete abstracts furnished nnd title ?
to real estate examined , perfected & guaranteed.
WANTED To buy second-hand boiler , 20 to
40 norse power. German Yeast Co. , 1414
Harney st. 352 it *
M ONEY : lanned on chattel securities nnd Jewelry -
-olry , Hoom 411 , Shouly block , Omaha Ne
braska. F. H , Jerome. ' 437 s 2t
ITILDING and other real estate loan.s W.M.
Harris , room 20 , Fronzer block , opp. P. O.
" 271
C. F. IIAHHlbON loans money , lowest rntes.
. 275
First class Inside loans. Lowest
rates. Call and see Us. Mutual
_ mont Co. , H1. Darker blk. . 15tn and Farnam. 278
PHILADELPHIA Mortgage & Trust co. fur-
Jiilsh cheap e.istern money to borrowers ,
purchase securities , perfect titles , accept loaiu
ut their western ollico. George W. P. Coates ,
room 7 , Hoard of Trado. 281
MONEY loaned on "furniture , herpes and
wngons : rates reasonable. City Loan Co. ,
118S. Lith St. . opposite Mlllard hotei. 270
SEE Sholos. room 210,1'lrat Nat'l bank , before
making your loans. 281
S THING Bit & PENNY , room 20 , Douglas
blockhavo money to lendon chattel security ,
4fi2 A10
MONEY to loan on furniture , horses , wagons
orsecurltles of nny kind ; coramerclrl und
mortgage notes bought at fair rates ; nil busi
ness tninnucted conlldeutlal. Collateral Loan
Co. , room 321 , Hamgo building. 713
MONKV to loan ; cash on hand ; no delay. J.
W. Biiulro , 121U Farnam St. , First National
bank building , 280
TjMllST mortgage loans nt low rates and no
J ? delay. D. VT Sholes , 210 First National
bank. 2'1
T CANS made on real estate and mortgages
jL/bought.Lowls S , Heod.VCo.,11 W.Uourd Trade
MONEY to loan on real estate security , at
lowest rates , lletora nogotlutlug loans BOO
Wallace , It. 310. Iliown bldg. Iflth ft Douglas. 282
MONKV to loan. O. F. Uavli Co. , real estate
nnd loan agents , 1505 Farnum st. 277
LOANS on household furniture or any good
security. Large nnd small mims. Ixmer
Interest than has ueen olTored. Elklioru Loan
Co. , over Commercial National bauk , nth and
Douglas st. 150 A. 27
DON'T borrow money on furniture , horses ,
Wacom * . i'to. . or collaterals until you see
C. 11 , Jacobs , 411 First National bauk building.
BUILDING loans. D , V. Bholcs , 210 Kim
National bank. 281
Per Cent money H. 302. N. IT. Lite Inn. bldg
MONKV to loan on any security
for abort time , ut low
rates. Lowest ruten
on personal
lite Henderson Mortgage Investment Company ,
room 40J , Paxlon block. 28(1
Qjaw.OOO to loan at u per cent. Lluahnn & Ma-
iphoney , room DOO Paxton block. 2x7
MONKV to loan on hones , wagon ; , mules ,
household goods , pianos , nrgatu , diamonds ,
lowest rates. The llrst organized loan olllce in
tn city. Mak loans for thirty to three hun
dred and alxty-nve days , which ran be paid hi
part or whole , at noy time , thus lowering the
principal and Interest. Cull and see us when
you want money. Wo can assist you promptly
and to your advantage without removal ot
property or publicity. Money alwuyi on hand.
No delay in making loam. 0. F. Heed & Co. ,
319 8.13th st. over Ulngham & Sons. ftta
ONKY loaned for 30tfO or W days on any
Undot cnaUele curlty : reasonable inter.
estj ccnndintlBJ. J.J , Wilkinson. 141T Farnam.
DO YOU want money ? If go don't borrow
before getting myrnt < , which are tha low
est on any sum from $1 tip to 110,000.
I maka loans on household good * , pianos , or *
pans. linrsesmulc9WAgonswarohoti3e receipts ,
houses , leases , etc. . in nny amount at the lowest
posslbio rates , without publicity or removal ot
property. iv ; i
Loans can be made for.n o to six months nnd
yon can pay a part at nnmlmo , reducing txtli
principal nnd Interest , ' ; Iff ou ewe a balance
on your furniture or horst's , or Have a loon on
them , I will take It up im\l carry it for you as
long ns you desire. nt
If you need money ifpn wilt nnd It to your
advantage td BOO me before borrowing ,
II. F. Masters , room 4. AVUhnoll building. 15th
and nnrnry. 289
T OANS on Improvwl Tcfid unimproved prop-
JUcrty ntlowratosOddn > uros. A Co,312SlGtn.
I r 2CQ
15KS1DENCE lonns < ! M to 7 per cent no nd
JL\dttionnl charges for commissions or attor
neys' fees. W , II. Molkle , First Nat bank bldg.
MONEY to loan on furniture , homos , wagons ,
etc. . or on any approved security. J. W ,
llobblns , Hllli I'nnmm street , Paxton hotel.
iYSTONE .Mortgagij Co. Loans of $ T6 to
$1ODO ; get * \ir raten before borrowing and
save money ; loan on horse. * , furniture or nny
npproved ecurity , without publicity : notes
boueht ; for new loan , renewal of old and low
est rntescall ll 03Shocloy blk,15th fc Howard st.
MONEY Loan * negotiated nt Ion- rates with
ou tdclny , und purchnso goods , commercial
pupprand mortgage notos. M. A. Blomnn , cor ,
lath nnd Farman. 273
NKUHASKA Morr. T/oan Co will mnko you a
loan on household goods ,
horses , tra gons ,
land contracts.
line Jewelry , or securities ot any kind
without publicity , nt rensouabm rates ,
itoom 7. llowlov block , South Oiimhn.
llooma 618-Dli. ( Pnxton block , Omaha , Neb.
Iowa cashier wants an Interest In either
new or old bank In Nebraska. Cnn furnish
outllt , including llall'.i stool cnest , time lock
nnd npprovod vault fixtures. $ " > , OJO to Invest
with position. Address Cashier , FrcdorlcKs-
burg. In. 42 > 12
WANTED lluslnoss man for the grandest
healthrusort in America , where climate
cures consumption , catarrh , rheumatism. $2.0(10 (
llrst year. Letters nuawored if self-addressed
stumped envelope is Inclosed. Dox iV 0. Van
llaub. Itexar county , Texas. 4.r > K4
FOH SALE A good business with a good gro
cery und meat trade. Address F 40 , llee.
i20 U *
FOH SALE or Trade for Omahn property nn
established business. Uox CIS Omaha ,
STOCK form and stock for snlo or trnde for
good city property. Fnrm containing about
00 acres aud located eight miles north of
Omaha , on the Missouri river , wlthm 2 mlles of
Crescent City depot. Sixty acres in corn and
oats , 100 acres lu hay land , balance In pasture
nnd timber. Improvements : Wire f ucos , 2
houses , S wind mills , barns , corn cr.lbs , and
farm machinery ; 100 head of cattle , mostly
cons. ! )0 ) lie s , farm horses , wagoninndhnrness.
All tree from Incumbranco. Will sell on easy
payments or sell part or nil stock : for cash ana
rent farm. 11. N. Withnell , room 17 Wlthnoll
block. 434-5 *
WANTED A pnrlnor.wlth $ J.OOO to M.OUO to
tnko a halt interest in a well-established
grain and seed business. Address F 4U , Omahn
lleo. 482-7
FOR SALE Cheap : summer garden and sn-
loon business at Metz hall. So. lutli st. In
quire on premises , 610 S. loth st. 3S9 St
POH SALE Splendla millinery buMness , at
half value. Address A. M. Ileswlck. Fairfield -
field , Neb. 331 5j
TTIOH SALE -A well oetkUllshcd , good paying
JU business ; price $ rfOiXK Wlll sell the whole era
a controlling interest nnd transfer mnnngemont ,
which , It conducted with ordinary business
ability , will Insure ari 'annual net profit of
$3,000 to $4,1100. nnd the opportunity for extend-
tontlon. The practical knowledge necessary to
carry on the above business successfully is
clmpln nnd easily ncqijlrtd. It will pay nny
one nnvlng the capital and tlmo required to In
vestigate , Address F ; , ; Jee. 217
FOH BALE A-very treslrnblo-centrally lo
cated restaurant , doing a good business ,
full of bcarders , must have money. J. H ,
Pnrrotte , HentalAgeijcy CUi nnd Dodgo.
Foil SALE Qood restaurantinood location.
10 good beds ; will rfelUchOa Vfor cash. 4U.S
S 10th st. _ " I' 1 j . ! 'SWJ '
AGHEAT batcalnvift , Gordon , Neb. , n new
roller mill for sale , & > barrel capacity nnd
rigged to make buckwheat and rye Hour , meal
and chop feed ; 4n a good wheat country and
good mnrket for Hour ! 3 dwellings nnd barn
with it ; pri < ; o $8,000. Parties having prop
erty to trnde need not apply ; mill has first-
class reputation. F. J. Andreas. 642 aUt
WANTKD Land to exchange for 2 brick
houses of G rooms each , lu tit. Louts. Mo. ,
located in the best part of the city. Ur Kx.
Land Co. , 31u South 15th st Alto a hotel to
buy In a good , growing town outside of : f largo
city , from M.ilOJto iU.uOJ ; must 09 a good pay
ing Institution or there will not be any atten
tion paid to U. By K.T. Land Co. , 310 South 15th.
St. . Oinaut. 385
/ 1ASH and clear lots or land to trade for raer
Wchundlse. Address. F . Hoe. 10'J 3
O KXCHANOK-Wo have a good residence
property full and uuincumbered , nicely
located in n , good business town lu eastern Kan
sas of 3CK ) thousnd inhabitants , coal in nbun-
dance and a nice country around. We want In
exchange a nice clean millinery stock or goods
located in Home peed business town , or we will
oxchaugo good property hero for the same. Cullen
on or address W. H. Gordon & Co. , Steele City ,
Nob. 147-3
fllO KXCHANGK-Two peed fnrras of 160
JL acres each nud cash for stock of merchan
dise. General merchandise $1,000 to $ flOtW pre
ferred. C. 13. Hadc.s , Flnndreau. Dak. 440-5 *
rjT6 EXCHANGE for Omnftn property , one of
J- the best improved farms In jowa , ouly one
mile from town of O.OOu Inhabitants. W. H. E.
& M. E. . room 14 , Chamber of Commerce , ail
TtJ QUlTV in good farm tor good driving
JLUteaia and carriage. II. M. 241U Cumlug St. ,
Omaha. . 3Ulbt
TT1OH KXCHANGK-An elegant tract ot laud
- J containing 120 acres. In Antelope county.
Neb. , with ordinary Improyoments.
A quarter-section In Hand county , Dakota ,
partly Improved.
KIghty acres near Council muffs , la.
House nud lot on South lilth st.
Lurcre amount ot Oil Mountain and Petroleum
company oil stock. Will exchange for goodS
> roperty or the erection ot Dome houses. Geo.
S . Sternsdorn" , 1st National bank building. 37(1 (
"TJIOU L'XCHANOR For desirable residence
JU property In Omaha , any or all ot following :
40 choice inside residence lots in Hustings.
100 lots In Lincoln.
040 acres line fanning land , Lancaster county.
Fine residence property , Lincoln.
Good rental property , Lincoln.
Choice family rusldenco corner , Los Angeles.
A neat residence property lu Hunscom Place.
Also some good mortgage nptes.
Address , giving location and prlco of prop
erty. J. I } , H care Ilaum Iron Co. , 1U17 Leaven-
worth. 2U1
Foil KXCHANOK Aline tarmof 20U acres in
Polk county. Nob. , four mlles from darks.
Neb. , to exchange tor cuttle ; H ) acres under
cultivation , house , Tar it ; wagon scales nud
peed feed lot. Addres'Mj.'Oskump , 2215 Webster -
ster St. , Omaha , Net ) . < gSg | 2W
LUOAL blunKS. Chnsvillddy. 113 S ICth st.
k $ $ 2"0 n5T
HAVKyou nny good | | Ide property to ex-
clinH o for clear farmfiaiids. will assume
Rome luctimbrauco. Bttftoarer to Penny. Doug-
la.s block. yfjj ? U7J-8
TJiOH SAI.r ; . in Wnmut 'flm Here is iv chance
JL'toget u home ono bRick from car line ;
cheupor than payingrenirlMgh nud sightly :
H-room house nnd lot , 5ljiti ( ( , $ | , BU ) .
0-room house und lot iVaua ) . $1IXX ) .
Cnn be sold on small ; k'jiicnts for one week
only , or will exchange r rjifoporty tn Lincoln ,
Neb. , orDesMolneB.Ia.lilBri. Merrell. 44th nnd
Howard , Walnut Hill. | n M estate agents ul-
ioued u commission. 42fi 0 *
ITOH SALE Oneisy i mu , an elegant now
J- house of 8 rooms und bathroom on ouo of
the choicest lots in Orchard HllL Address F
45 , llee olllce. 4UU-10
FOH BALK Do you want n choice farm 10
miles northwest of Omaha'If so , I have
just what will suit you , und can be bought , ut
tJ ) per acre below its actual value. Thu above
named farm contains 275 acres of the ll nest land
in the state , all enelostui with good barb wire
fence ; the buildings and orchard theruon are
in llrst-class condition. Two good wells furnish
abundant water. The very low price of $10.00
nor acre should command it ready purchaser.
L t me drive you out and show you this farm.
G. J. Bternsdortr. Heal Estate , Loun and Ex.
change IIrokcr. Hooms 317 aud 31 % First Nat'l
Hank llulldins. Telephone 4 l. 313 a8
ITVm BALE-Cosycottages- terms , Jl.UX ) .
-T $ | , uoo , 11,500 , $ . ' ,500 , 42,000. $ JOOJ. $1,000 , on car
Handsome Ilomes-tt.dOO. $0,500 , $7)3 , } 7KOO ,
IS.OOJ , JH.IIOO , $ H > , UUO , $20,000 , $ l5HM-no trouble
to show them. J , B/Evans , U38 N. Y. Life
Hld'g. UH4-7
* ) acres near South Omaha , would make a line
addition of 10 lota , price at bod-ruck 11.0)0.
5 acres near Monmoutti park addition to Oma
ha , llrst class uroperly forplattlug , prlco $7WW.
Co-operative Lund and u > t Co.20i N. Ktb st.
IllOn SALR-A 4-story brick bloc * with high
JL' basement , deslrnblo for wholesale business ,
on cor. lot. Heasonfthlo price. Particulars t
Pftulsea & Co. , 1811 Fnrnam St. , Hoom S. 117 3
"Ijldll SAM ! Acre property. l. ai 4 , IV. 10. 2ft |
JL' < o nnd W ) acre tracts nrotind Omnhn.
1 0 acres Douglas county farm , well improved
on may terms.
4 0 ncro Douglas co. dnlry ranch. ,
Choice land m central Nebraska on very easy
terms. J. 11. Evans. 808 N. r. Llfo Hld'g/aJl-7
/ " VNE ot the two house and lot bargains 1
V/hnvo been oMorlng on Georgia nvp..north of
Ix' now sold and cKcnpledbecause
of my very low price. The south IIOUSB ot the
two still rumnlni a bargain open to somebody.
Firatcpnies , Orst scrvcU. To apprecUteJ U
needs to bo examined Internally. 1 positively
will not rent it , though several tltnci olTeroa
MO per month. Price , on very easy term8M.OOO
W. T. Scamnn , east side loth st.north of Nlcli
olas st.Omiitm'a Inrcoflt vnvlcty ot wagonc mill
carrlagos. _ SU3
AllOAlN-1'artof the IMck Klmball cMate
M ) foot on Ifth street running tlirnnith lo
nth ave. Una 13 room lioneo. all modern con-
venlonce.i , nnd two plx room houses , Total
rental ( l.d'iO per year ; prlco 8I3.0JO. M. A. Up
ton Company , Iflth nnd t'arnam. SOT
Oil 8ALE-5W.T3 acres , soc. B. tp U r. flw
Hamilton county. Nel ) . Ilouso. stable. 300
acre ? fenced , livtms wnter. frlco , $0.000. K. K
Atkins , owner , railroad bide. , Dcnrer , Col.
best monoy's worth of house and lot now
for sale lu Omnlm la thnt which 1 am now
completing near tt4th Jt , on paved Wlrt st. . In
Komitzo place. Hbedrooms , - parlors , dining
room , kitchen , 2 tenth rooms. : ! water closets ,
largo laundry , stationery wash tubs , furnace
and coul room and collar , electric bolls mul
HpoaklnRtubo , 12 clototH. 1'rlce only $7,000 on
t rms to suit. I.lkowlso a duplicate adjoining
at sainu price. W. T. Teaman , cant tld 10th ( < t.
north ot Nicholas st. Omaha's largest variety
of wagons and carriages. 2M
Q48riOO Actual value Insldo business nnd resl-
I'dcuco ; the sovouteon lots at hulfprlceto first
party conies. Why ? For reason am In ni-od of
713,500 cash , Oreut clianco. Address Kill , Urn ) .
WH can offer for ( sale for the next few days
the following Hue proportion : A n-room
house In Improvement Association add . , with
bacrrnnd other out door improvements. A lot
In Oklahoma add. : 1 in ftogers' add , : 1 In
Clovolnudl'lacoj41otaln Itosalmd I'laco. W. ll.
K. & M , Kx. . Hoom 14 , Chamhor ot Commerce ;
telephone Hit ) /i.
TJIOH SAI.I5 noaiitlful ft-room nouse.ail mod-
JL era Improvomouts , including splendid f ur-
naco , near Hanscom pane , best location in the
city for and street car prlvtloges :
prlco 16,000. C F. Harrison , Jlerchunts National
bank. _ _ ii94
TTIOH SAIjK Easy terms , Kountzo place.
X1 Two homes , each B rooms , ouch (4,000.
Two homes , each 0 rooms , eacli I5.ooii.
Two homes , each 15 rooms , each $7,000.
All with tnsdorn convenience.
All large value at the prlco.
All within & square of tlie motor line.
Don't lose those opportunities.
For sale by the owner. W.T. Seaman ,
I ast side 16th St. , north ot Nicholas St. ,
Omaha's largest variety ot wagons and oar-
rlageg. W3
GO. WALLACE. Hooms IllO ll. J , 3. Browi
building , Iflth and Douglas.
South front loc on Farnam , worth S2.000 , ) .
Lot 18. block 11. Hrlggs Place , corner , $2,000.
Lot 2i bloch 0 , Orchard Hill , corner Lowe
avenue , very cheap , easy torms. JSVJ.
Lot SI. block 1 > , Orchard Hill , JSOO.
Lot U , block ] , Orchard Hill , one of the best
lots for business on Hamilton street. 3I,7 0.
Lot 11 , block "I , . " Lowes' add. . CO feet front ,
worth more , $1,800.
Lot 2 , blocK 2 , Uellono's add. 50x135 , on State
street , very good and easy terms , $1,000.
126 feet front corner on Ames nvo nnd 28th ,
bargain for business , ansy payments. $ ! , &U ! > .
Fine east front In 1'lalnvlow. $1,200.
Lot 2:1. : block 4 , MomnoutU Park , flue lot , 6-
r oo in cottage , $50 cash. Jl.'i per month. Jl.OW.
Largo -room house nnd two lots , Monmouth
Port , your own terms. Sl.iKKt.
Monmouth Park is the best addition for the
money , ease of access , line vlow , beauty of lo
cation. and other ndvautnges considered. Terms
easy. 1'artlos wishing homes on easy payments
given special Inducements in Monmouth I'ark.
What have you to trade for lot 3 , block Y ,
Shlnn's addition , CO ft front on Seward ,
with good cottage nnd room for another.subect )
to $ . ' ,00 ) . long timer Some one wanting a homo
can get a bargain here. Clear lot on Ames ava
MHO In Denman Place to exchange for cottage
in west part of the cltv. To persons wishing
homos on easy payments I can olFer special In
ducements In Carthage. West Cumlntr , Lincoln
I'laco. Orchard Hill , Clltton Hill. Jlonmonth
Park , Hawthorne , and IlnggH place. Jloney to
loan on real estate security. Q. O. Wallace ,
Iro\vn ) building , lIJth and Douglas. 312 3
T71OU SALE Or exchange , for stock ot mer-
-L1 clmndlse , real estate In a thriving uostcrn
town , paying 2 > per cent on the Investment. Ad
dress , Box 7 , Crawford. Neb. 110 3 +
SIKH , KS to the front again. Last list ail
sold oat.
J3-.000 , J30.000 , $10,000 , JU.OXt , J13.000 , $11,500 ,
nnd from this down to a small house for a
cent , buys residences in the city for bankers
down to the man who cleans the sewer.
$8,000 or $7,000 buys cither 12 or 0-room houte ,
barn , lots 7fl and 00x121 feet crcuud each , on
21th St. , Koimtze place , with furnace , gas nnd
llxtuies , hot and cold water , bnth , three elegant
mantels each , all papered , elegant lawns , on
grade , street pnved , motor by October I. If
not cheap , come In and I'll give thsm both to
you free.
SUifOliurs 8-room house , furnace , and every
thing oven to electric wires for lighting gas ;
lot Mxl50. ) across street west of Dr. Mercer's
und 1 block from motor. $ .100 cash. bnl. B per
JO.OOO buys full lot In Hanscom place , ffid and
Pcppleton avenue , with S-room house , fnruace
and everything else.
$1.3)0 ) buys a Joe Dandy east front lot on 33d
nnd Pncllln street , Hnnscom place.
S.f 00 and $7.WW residences in Kountze place
to trade for smaller houses and lot near tncro.
$4,009. full lot and good house in Hillside ndd.
opp. Webster street school to trade for vacant
lot. $1,200 buys either 4-room house , full lot. In
Ontriil pirk or Hitchcock's add. , and $1.000
same in Crelghton heights add. SN ) buys line
lot on Forniim and 42d sts. $9,750 buys nSxi : > 2
ft. on Casi st. opp. Cass school. $2r > 00 buys
either of two n-room houses In Heddlck puric. line 7-room cottage on Ibth and
Paul sts. . with bath , hot and cold water , slag
walk , and a corker for the money.
3 choice lots naluo in cash $2iOO. ( In Lincoln ,
Neb. , for good honso and lot nnd pay balance
In cash. Submit oilers. Also 160 acres choice
land In Nuckolls 10. Neb , , and good hard cash
for choice city lotH. Submit.
Jfyouuon't want to buy send list of what
you have to Hell.
We are here for that purpose nnd there are
lota of them that will buy. Tliero is just as
good bargains to-day as ono wants. Drop your
"cranky Ideas and get to business.
For pointers , seoSholes , 210 Hrst Nat'l bank.
TTUmSALF. Purlles wishing to build homes
JL : in u llrst class residence portion of the city ,
within ono mile of the postolllco. within a few
blocks ot the cable line with all the ndvantngso
of gns , city water , sewerage and continuous
pavement from center of city , will llml It to
their advantage to get price nnd terms from us
before purchasing else" here.
A number of tine lots hi Hertford place from
$ &n to iNJO. These lots are within n few blocks
of the now furniture factory now being built ,
nnd will soon have the advantages ot paved
street nnd street railway. Do not miss an op
portunity of securing n lot fur a homo before
prices ndvanre In this loculltv. Lotn In Isaac
& Seldon's addition from $ l.00 to SJ.OUO. These
lots are each MtxlH feet largo enough for three
good sized cottages.
A few east front lots In blocks 1 nnd 2. Pot-
tor's addition , ranging In price from $1,350 to
We'hnve some property within six miles of
Omaha , with line struitm of water , furnished
by large springs , which Is suitable for dairy
purposes , and we cmiHoll from ( i tolou acres
togather , on very easy terms , or some of it can
be uxcliangodfor othergond property.
South front lot on Hamilton st. , near 3Cth Ht. ,
prlco Jl.W'X ) .
Hast front lot on Georgia nvermnjn llurr Oak
addition , prlco $ 'J5J.
Kast tiont lot on Georgia avenue , between
Popplcton nnd Woolworth avenues , prlcel.f > oo.
one of the best lots In Patrick's addition ,
w Hhiu 1 block of Saundei s St. , price $ JSUJ.
One of thellnest corner lots ou Hrondwny , In
Coiiiull HltillH , opposite the carriage factory
and power house , with r > 0 feet frontage on
Hroadway by 17H on 2tith st. , only tl.uiu.
Lots in Potter , Cobbs1 addition , Council
Ulutfs. from $4) ) ) to ! 00. Terms very easy ,
1235 Potter & Cobb , ItiOl Farnnm st.
HUB wo uro acnin.Look oul
\Vo ure offering U line dwellings
Iforntastreet , niiar Lowe avounu. At Luwe
avenue and California n corner ot 5 lots , nicest
VHW In Omaha , 03 grade. In front , of cur line.
IXlth nnd JauKson st. , A 3-story brick Hats aud 4
3-story frame Hals , all nearly new , II line res } ,
donees In Kountze Place , 2 lots on 20th St. ,
near Collsaeum. und UJxliU feet on I'Jth ' ntnanr
Charles st , , for U less tlian its actual valuo. All
these properties , together with throe line
houses and lots on I'Jth st , , near Hurdette at. ,
wo offer to sell for very low figures that you
can not boat. We wish you to investigate and
sen that wo moan business. Wo havu several
other ploco * of property what waollor to sell
und tiade very low. We have lands and farms
to null and trade In almost every part ot the
country , west and south ut Chicago. We offer
us a special Inducement and bait Investment
for all the Maxwell laud grant In southern Col
orado and northern Now Mexico , Irrigated laud
with full water rlfjht. where wo guarantou your
lands will sell for $100 per acre after you have
It sown to alfalfa , ami we will Sell It to you
now. the bout land , for 115 per acre ; terms 10
years. Ex. Laud Co. . 310 South 15th st. 30) )
TTlOKBALU-lluslnoss corner , $10,000. C. F.
-L1 Harrison , Merchants National bank. 293
1710It BALK On longtime nndoasy payments.
-L ! handsome , new , u ell built Iiouses ot t ) , 'J and
WK have a choice lot for Bale toparyt who
will build ; we will glva tnnejn the whole
of purchase mouoy. UtiingerAc 1'cnny , Doug
las block. BTJ-
PAHTltS hnvlnft oqnttp tn Omaha real esUto
with pressing incnmbrnnco should rail on
Stringer A P nny , Douglas block. rJ-8
BUY K homo In the center ot the city , on
monthly payments , I will soil you n lotm
Aldtntt square , bullan liotuoof any kind , worth
from $1200 upwards , nnd you can pay for it
monthly , quarterly or yearly , Aldlno square
Is on ( Unco street , between M nnd 2ld streoil )
it has nil the advantages such ns paved streets ,
sewerage , water , ga . nnd is n first-class local-
Hy. Call at IdU Fnrnam street nnd xeo plans
of buildings nnd got figures. D. J , O'DoQMioe ,
KOUNTXK PLACU-U-room hotne. barn nnil
every convenience , for $7,000. easy torms.
Address for particulars , KKt. lleo. fan
FOKSALK--W feet , 7inst front near paved
strectwlth now fl-rootu modern house.7,000.
C. F. Harrison , Merchants Nat'l bank. KM
"I71OH SAIiK Two ofthe Dest located traoRHgn
-L' lou , on the northwest corner of 21st nnd
Izard streets , size I'.VxIlB foot. For price nud
terms Inqulro of the owner , Edward Spoiler-
berg , 1013 North 21st street tg7-al4-t
mO M ANIIFACTUHRHS : 1 will give mnpio
X ground , with splendid trackage facilities
on the Fremont. LIkhorn A : Mlssouil Vnlley
railroad or on the Missouri PnclllcIleltLmo ( )
rnlluny In Westlawn , Just outslJo the city
limits lu West Omaha , conveniently situated ns
regards access to the business center of Omaha
nnd South Omaha , to parties for the location ot
nny of the following Industries :
Furniture Fnctoiy , Iliuton Factory ,
Shoo Factory , Lard Hennery ,
Stnrch & Glucose W'ks , Soap Works ,
Paper Mill , Purifier Mnnufactory ,
Plow Works , Ilroom Fnctory ,
Harvester Woiks , Woolen Mill.
Nnil Works. Oatmeal .Mill.
Knitting Mills , Hex Manufactory ,
Sash , Door and llllnd Wire Works ,
Manufactory. Mar.utno Shops ,
Flour und Feed Mill ,
Or nny good mnuufncturlng plant. WrMlnwn
Is Just outside the city limits and Industries
planted thnr will oncapo heavy city taxes ,
If you are thinking ot locating lu Omaha It
will nay vou to Investigate this.
Goo. N. Hicks , Now YorK Llfo building ,
Omaha. 7WJ
/"lOMEmul see us nnd nvestlpato someot the
Wbargnlns wo hnvo to oltcr'o nro coutluu-
nlly listing new properties , nnd "U you don't
see what you want , ask for it. "
We hnvo several line hotel properties to trade
for land or other Rood values.
An elevator property with Inrgo dwelling
house , nt a bargain. Klovntor complete , wltn
horse-power , scales , ofllco furnlsnnd , etc. A
line opening for a , practical grnln denier.
Houses and lots In all parts of Omahn for
sale and exchange.
For oxcliange , for Omaha proporty.1,000 ncros
ot school land lease. In one of the best counties
In the state , . . . . .
A line residence property In Omaha View for
* * '
iRFroiiil$7OW to' $100.000 worth of first-class
notes to cxchnnKO for Omaha property. '
For sale , at a bnrgnln , holel nnd livery barn ,
In attoodNeuraskntown. Tuis is o line open-
Injr for a practical hotel man.
For oKchnngn for Omaha property ono of the
b it farms In Hock coupty , Nebraska , together
with stock nnd machinery necessary to carry
on the place. Old ngn nnd failing health of the
owner is reason tor selling ;
A line Wheeler county farm , well developed ,
eood soil , foroxchnngo for Omnhn property.
280 acres of fine land In northwestern lown
to exchange for Omaha property.
Wo have unsurpassed facilities for disposing
of property , having some 500 agents scattered
ever four or lire states. List yourprpoorty
with us If you wish a quick turn. W. H. K *
SI. K. , room 14 , Chamber ot Commerce , tele
phone 1440. _ 104
FOR SALE $1,800 ( If taKen at once ) will buy a
100-Bcie farm ( well worth i-riOl ) , beautifully
situated / mile south ot Pleasanton. Decntur
Co. . lown. nil under fence , well set with clover
nnd timothy , house orchard and wells on the
placo. M casn , balance time to suit purchaser ,
8 per cent interest. Tltlo perfect : a great bar
gain. Address the Owner , John I ! . Kirk ,
Peorla , 111. 35 14
HEHE we come with the very finest resi
dence properties in Omahn to soil ot ur-
change for lots or land. Wo said the
finest. Do you doubt It ? Then come and let us
sl.ow them to you. If you wish to buy you can
no so ou your own terms. Do not neglect this
opportunity for never lu the annals ot ronl OH-
tnt trnnsnctlons In Omnhn hns a like opportu
nity been otrurcu. W. H. K. & M K. . room 14 ,
Chamber of Commerce , Tel. 14H ) . TJ
$29,000 11 foot front In heart of Omaha. 10th
st , , modem 3-story building , brings 10 per
cenr now , nt low rents ; must hnvo $17.000 cash ,
balance 0 per ceut ; great offer ; address EoO.Hoo.
MtJHRAY HOTEL Newest , latest nnd only
tlrst-cluss hotel In Omaha ; $3 to $4 per day
B. Slllowny , proprietor. 170
WINDSOR HOTEL Corner of 10th nnd
Jnckson streets , 3 blocks from Uulo
depot. Host $2 n day house In tbo city. IbO
GLODE HOTEL Newly furnished snd fitted
up throughout ; centrally located ; 8J per
day. 1303-1312 Douglas &t. 181
UAHKEH-140 rooms , elegantly fur
nished. $2 nnd $2.50 per day. 13th and
Jones st , , Omaha. F. A. llalch , proprietor.
Dissolution or Copartnership.
Notice Is hereby given that copartnership ex-
Istlngunder the name of Furth Ac Ottenhoimor
Is this day dissolved by mutual consent. Mr.
Julius Furth will continue said business nnd
assumes all debts of the firm , and bills duoaaid
firm nro payable only to him. Signed ,
Julius Furth ,
Louis Ottonhelmcr.
Omaha , August 1 , 1689. nug2d'H *
Sealed proposals will bo received by the board
of directors of the llrokon How Water Works
Company , of Ilroken How , Nebraska , up to
noon of August5th , IbK ) , for building a reser
voir , to hold one million und a quarter gallons
of water , all in accordance with the plans nud
specifications , which may bo seen ut thn olllce
ot James Holland , In Ilroken How , Neb.
lllds will bo received for doing any portion or
the whole of the work , said work not to com
mence later thnn August 12th , 13S'J , to be com
pleted not later than November 1st , 18S9.
The company reserves the right to reject nny
and all bids. HHOKKN How WATKH WOIIKS Co ,
JOHN HBESB , President.
j AMKS HOLLAND. Secretary. j'JOdlt
Notice tit GrnrterH.
SEALED Proposal will be reVelved at the
ollico of county clerk , Douglas county ,
until Saturday , August 10th. nt 2 p. m , , for the
following road wore :
Ouo nnd one-half ( lt { ) miles of turnplking and
ten thousand yarils of hill worK on the road
running oust and west between South Omaha
nnd Mlllard , known ai n continuation of Q
All bids to bo accompanied by certified check
for $ .10.00. The comity reserves the right to re
ject nny and all bids. Specifications to bo
found In the county clerk's ollico.
jy2iitoalOmsio M. D. Kuciu : . County Clerk ,
Dissolution Notion.
ALL persons interested will take duo notice
thutthe copartnership heietoforo existing
between the undersigned under the Ilrni name
and style of William Slavers & Co. , is this day
dlssolvnd by mutual consent.
Mr. Slevers will continue the floeil business
and ulll collect nil accounts owing said linn
and pay ull Indebtedness of thu same.
Mr , nl'jiusson will contlnuo the wholesale
cigar business at No. 52) ) South luth streot.
Omnhu , August 3rd , 188'J ,
WM , SiEVKits ,
Notion of Htouk HtiuacrlptloiiH.
Notice Is hereby glvim that the books of the
Omuhn , Lincoln &Gulf Hallway Company will
be opened for Iho purpose of reculvlug sub
scriptions to the cnpltal stock of said company
on nnd after thoHouond day of September. IM'\ '
nt No.'n \ Farnam street , In the city ot Omaha ,
Nebrnska ,
Dated this 1st day of August. 1RS9.
( I. A. WUI.KA1- ,
M. P.O'HiiiKtr ,
aug-l-d30t Incorporates.
T > IDS will bo received by the Hoard of Print-
JIng ut the olllce of Secretary of State at nny
time before August 0. iwi.i , ut i p. m , . for fur
nishing 5,0 ! * ) copies of report < u State Hoard of
Agriculture of 400 pages each more or less , nud
6OiO copies of report of State Hoard of Horti
culture of ifjj puuescnch more or less , Sample
of work may bo been at the ollico of Secretary
of Slut o.
flight reserved to reject nny or nil bids.
July 31 , 18SO , n''dJl
Notion 10 RrailorH ,
SEALED proposals will be received at the
ollico of the County Clerk of Douglas county ,
Nebraska , until 2 o'clock p. in. August lutli ,
IBM ) , for grading , viz : 20,0(10 ( ymdsot road south.
west of Millard , between sections 1 and 12 ,
2 ami 11 , and ii and 14 , T. 14 , It II , between Mll
lard and Triilandson Schoo1 House. All udn !
must be accomunnlod by 'milled check for
$100.00 , Plans to bo seen ut the ollico of the
county clerk. The Hoard of OomtnlBBlonors re
serve the right to reject uny or ill blda.
f JdBtm M. D. HOC-UK , County Clerk.
Notloo tn
SRALRD proposals will be received at the
olllce of the County Clerk of Douglas county ,
Nebraska , for grading , vU : 3,000 yurds beltrecu
sections ; tl and 2d , 15 , II. All bids mu&t liu ac
companied by certified check for t25.K ( ) , Plau.s
to bo seen at the olllce of the county dcrk. The
Hoard of Commissioners reserves the right to
reject any or all bids.
alidbtu M. U. Hociuc , County Clerk.
The Romanoo In the Llfo of a Mla
nosotn Sonntor.
I.lttloVnlfn Who nrrm ht
Sunshine Into tlio AMp\vi\m In
DnjH nnd Prattled
I'npn" In
SwnrUiy Solatia or n ticnntnr.
I'ENOKU. NK . , AUR. 8. Spooml U
Tun I3ii < : . ] llonry M. Rico , nn account
of whoso nrrcst ivtul subsequent roloasu
on the almi'go of being Implicated In
the murder of the llttlo Don jntnin boj
wns published in Monthly's Bui : ,
hns a romance connected with his Ufa
or to bo ncurnto his life is the result ol
n romnnco in which nn ox-United Stntoi
sonntoinnd 11 dusky iniiidon of the Win-
nobngo trlbo play the loading rolos.
In 1810 Ex-Sonutop Hlco urrlvod in
Mlnnosotti with the Chippewa Indian !
from WiBUonsin with whom ho settled
on the upper Mississippi and carried on
the fur trade. A fo\v years thoreaftot
ho joined the WinnobnRO tribe whoso
reservation was then located m Blue
Earth county , Minnesota , lloro lie bo-
piuno "infatuated" with one of the
dusky maidens of the forest , and lived
with hpr until ho became the father ol
two children a boy nnd a girl. , It il
said that the usual matrimonial cere
mony was dispensed with. Finally , til
ing of his aboriginal Irionds and th
life incident to their society , Mr. Hlco
settled * in St. Paul in 1850 , and a fo\i
months subsequent thereto was married
to an estimable lady. In justice to Mr.
Hlco it should hero bo stated that , not
withstanding the fact that he grow
weary of their "ways , " ho never neglected -
loctod his Indian wife and her two pap
poosos , butcontributod liberally to their
support. Mr. Rico is now In his sovon-
ty-bixth vcar , nnd while ho is not
wealthy , no owns a good homestead in
Minnesota's capital , besides consider
able good property at the towns of 13ay
Held and Superior , Wis.
His first figuring in politics at his
present homo dates back to 185U , at
which time ho was elected a delegate
to congress from Minnesota , to which
position ho was ro-oleutcd two years
later. In December , 1857. ho was elected
United States senator for a full term.
lie whs defeated for governor of Minno-
sola on the democratic ticket in the full
of 1865. In 1879 was elected treasurer
of Ramsey county by an almost unani
mous veto nnd re-elected to the sumo
ollico for a second term. Since then lib
has devoted his time to the real estatu
business , s
As to the high esteem in which tha
old gentleman who arose in a few years
from a "squaw man 'to a United States
senator , it is but necessary to say that
ho is universally respected and' pro
nounced too honest to accumulate
wealth as rapidly as hundreds of men.
have done with fewer opportunities.
But to return to the pappoosos.
"While equal opportunity was given
them to acquire a reasonable education
ns well as to secure ilieineolvos com
fortable homes , there is a very
a marked contrast in their lives up to
date. The girl is to-day an educated
and refined lady , and is the wife ot Mr.
John Lommon , one of Thurstou coun
ty's commissioners and influential citi
zens. Mr. Lommon 's influence over
the Winnobiigos can also' bo soon at
every election , and she is regarded by
the democrats of this county as one of
their most formidable enemies. Al
though the Winnobngos are almost sol
idly democratic , Mrs. Luminous went to
the polls ut last November's election
and secured eighty-six republican
votes , while it had boon repeatedly
predicted by the democrats ns well as
conceded by the republicans , that thorn
would not bo ton Unrrison and Morton
votes cast by the tribe. In short , alio is
a rustler , and is a lady of whom no
United States senator wtiuld have just
cause for feeling nshamed.
Uonry M. Rico , jr. , in decidedly a
tough. IIo loves his whisky bettor
thnn life , and to secure that article will
resort to the meanest tricks imagin
able. A few years ago ho visited his
father at St. Paul , and persuaded him
to give him 81,000 , claiming that ho
had a speculation in mind in which ho
could double his money. Returning to
Sioux City lie proceeded to get drunk.
IIo then purchased a $250 horse , and
after playing the role of a "sport" for
a brief space of limo ho found himself
once more on the cold world without a
dollar. It was this same Ilonrv M.
Rico who a few years ago had a num
ber of Jackson saloon-hoopers nrrested
and taken to Omaha on a charge of
belling liquor to the Indians , and it is
said the OUBO and unconcern with which
ho can swear falsely would turn an nlH-
davit editor as green as a grasshopper
with envy. Only this summer ho
wrote a letter to his father at
St. Paul and told him ho wanted
to build a IIOUBO , and the
old ox-senator promptly responded with
a carload of lumber. By many it is
claimed that his father's IdndncHs is
duo to a fear of being mortified at al
most any moment by having his half-
brood son loom up in St. Paul , nnd that
the son is aware of thin fact and takes
advantage thereof , while others assert
that the father has never attempted to
conceal tha fact that in his early days
ho was nothing but a common "squaw
man. "
Henry M. Rico , jr. , now has a squaw
wife and throe children , but this fact
docs not scorn to increase his troubles
to the usual extant. He has some edu
cation , and harbors high political as
_ _
I am of tha opinion S. S. 8. should stand at
the hand of tliu list ef blood romedlos. I ar
rived nt this conclusion from ilia testimony
of scores of persons who huvo told mo of tlio
peed roHtilts from Its UHO , I have been sellIng -
Ing ti. K. S. for yearn nnd It has won a largo
salo. C. A. GiiiPi'iTii , Dayllowcr , ArU.
' 1 ho Tortniso and Ilio Ills hops.
Prof. Flower exhibited at Lambeth
recently the shell of a tortoise which
had lived 130 years , outstaying eight
archbishops. At Peterborough thera
are tlio remains of another tortoise
which , when it died , wan 180 years old.
An Almiluin CJurn.
Is only put up in largo two-ounuo tin boxen ,
and Is an absolute euro for old SOPOH , burns ,
wounds , chopped bunds , nnd nil slim orup ,
lions. Will positively euro till kinds of piles-
MI3NT , Hold by Oooilinan Drug company ut
" 5 cunts per box by mull 'M cents.
JllMt NllW.
luton Courier ,
AVe want our clothing voiy thin :
Prom uiorn to niKlit out-brows uro beadedj
TlieoysU'r'H out the clam U in ,
ICxcept In chowders , where 'tis needed.
The woods nro lull of pesky ants :
Mho summer girls are dressed like fairies )
And men who love tough stimulants
Now wink at the apothecaries.
That hacking cough can bo so quickly
cured by Shiloh'n Cure. Wo guurantoa
it , For sale by Goodman Drug Co ,