c THE OMAHA DAILY BJjjfl : MONDAY , AUGUST 5 , 1889. THE DAILY BEE. COUNCIL BLTJFFS. OFF1GI8. NO 12 PKAlUj STUB 1ST. Telivtredby carrier In Any 1'Art of heWtr A 'Jventy Cents lverVeek. . II. W. T1L10N. . . MANAUKli. TKLKI'HONKSl Hrnnrpn Orricn No. W. NIGHT KUITOII , No. 21. . JMI.NOIl MKN'UO.N. N. Y. P. Co. Glcnson coal. C. H. Music Co. , 539 H'wny. Keller , tailor , 010 Hrondwny. Evans' ' laundry , 724 Urondway. D. W. Otis , city and farm loans. Additional Council Hluffs on the eighth page. The regular meeting of the city council occurs this evening. During the dog days of July 101 arrests were made In the city by the police. Hlds for the erection of the new hose hpuso on lower Hrondwny will be opened at the meeting of the city council this evening. Some of the citizens who imagine the at tempts being mndo to control Indian creek between First street arc liable to cause them loino inconvenience , will go before the coun cil this evening and nskfortho abatement of what they esteem a nuisance. P. Pntton , nn itinerant street fakir , attempted - tempted to open n brisk business with the crowds on the street yesto day , but was quickly pulled by the nollco. At the Central station u charge of iHiddllng without a li cense and intoxication was lodged against him. him.This This will ho doir day ngaln In the city pound , and n dozen vagrant curs will pass through the water hogshead into canlno eternity If.thoy uro not redeemed. Fifty- three dogs'havo been executed up to date , mid to-day's slaughter must be udded to the list. list.An An amateur bicycle race will bo run to- moriow at fioiiu ) point to bo determined upon between two boys au'ed eight and ton years. The prize will bo a handsome gold medal. The boys are backed by the firemen of Nos. 8 and 4 hose houses , and it Is probable the race will occur on ono of the wooden paved streets near the former station , Travel on the motor line yesterday was ncaily as great ns any day of the season. The electric trains were taxed to their full capacity during the entire day and until mid night. The Mannwn trains were taxed to their uttermost to provide accommodations for the luimnnso throngs of people who vis ited the lake , and continued to run after mid night. to accommodate llio crowd. Miss Grace Swearcngon. ono nf tno re cently elected teachers in the public schools , has tendered her resignation , giving as a roa- don therefor the desire to attend school in Philadelphia during the coming year. The board will experience no dlfllculty In filling the vacancy before the opening of the fall term of the schools , as there uro many ap plicants for the place. The plan to raise by subscription a sum sufficient to educate the boy hero , Jimmy Davis , Is u laudable one , und should receive earnest encouragement. The legless boy performed an act that entitles him to public consideration , and public policy favors the development of the hero instinct displayed by the bravo hoy. In many of the churches yesterday special collections were taken up for him. Arrangements are being perfected for nn excursion over the Chicago At Northwestern road to Lake Mumuvn Home time during the present week. The excursion will be made up a' all stations between Carroll and this city , and it is expected tnat a very low rate of faro will ho givmi for the round trip. Tlio train will arrive early in the morning and remain until evening , giving the pleasure seekers a full day at Manawa. A good deal of interest attaches to the ex periments being conducted by John Hummer in the attempt to manufacture hard-burned brick In Council Hluffs. The experimental Kiln was sealed up yesteiday after having been fired the required length of time , and when the cooling process is > completed the results will bo known. It is expected the necessary time will have elapsed by Wednes day , when the brick will bo taken out. Tbo question of finding a solution of the waterway problem in the alloy in the rear of the Kmpklo nnd Straub blocks between Main nnaI3ancroft streets will bo considered nt the regular monthly meeting of the city council this evening. Notices of propel ty owners that they will hold the city responsi ble for all damages caused by an overflow have been filed by nearly all who own prop erty abutting the alley , and the estimates of damages made by the gentlemen reach a sum between ? JO,000 and 35,1)00. , ) The Omaha Bic.vclo club came over the Broadway bridge early yesterday morning en route on n cycling tour to Glen wood. They were closely followed' by the Polo club bound for Crescent Cityt A number of the members of each club remained in the city awaiting the return of their comrades. The rldo from Omaha to the Hluffs satisfied them that Glenwood ami Crescent City were too far away , und that it would be fiuno enough if they rode bacK to Omaha with the boys when they returned from the trip. The old Planter hall on upper Hroadway has been purchased by J. P. Peterson , who will rebuild and remodel the place , expend ing several thousand dollars for the purpose Tlio building is ono of the eldest In the city , and to the old citizens around it cluster many pleasant memories of the early days of Council Hluffs , when the old hull , which in recent years has been used for low variety shows nnd "coon" dunces , was the gathering place for the cllta of the town , nnd where all ttio fashionable bills and parties were held. The historic old pllo will bo completely ro- tnodolnd. The republican primaries on Saturday evening developed the fact that the three leading candidates for governor have about an equal number of friends in the city. In two of the wards the delegates were instruct ed by resolution to oppose in the county convention any attempt to instruct the dele gates to the state convention. Unless tha country delegates change the aspect of things it Is certain the Pottawattamie delo- gntos In the state convention will bo permit ted to distribute their votes among all the aspirants for the chief honors of th'j approaching preaching state election. The Council Hluffs Fishing and Hunting club will hold a mooting this evening In thu directors' room of the savings bank. The club will transact some other business be sides the election of officers , and a portion of it Is understood to bo the application to the stnta fish commission for a supply of game fish for Lake Manawn and the adoption of BOino ironclad regulations that will compel each member to prosecute every violator of the fish laws of the stuto that comes to his knowledge. A penalty will bo provided for failure that will bo very severe. It is thought this will out a stop to Heining in Manawa and ether lakes around Iowa , Dexter , employment. Dwelling for sale on easy payments. Also building lots at lowest market prices. Call nud examine our list. E. H. Sheafo & Co. J. G. Tipton , real osttito , 6U7 B'dway. Steam nnd hot water boating , first-class plumbing. Work donn In both cities. John Gilbert , 518 Pearl atrout , Council Bluffs. For solo Ono Gar-Scott ton-horse portable engine ; In good repair. Apply to Wolr-Shu- g art Co. S. B. Wndg\vorth & Co. loan money. Finest bathing in the world nt Manhattan bnucli , Lake Mannwn. Motor runs every half hour until midnight every evening. Scidenbcrtf'n 5a Figaro at the Fouttaln. I Sons nf Veterans. ' There will bo n regular meeting of General G , M. O'Brien camp , No. 75 , S , of V. , tuli ( Monday ) evening at G , A. H. hull. All members earnestly requested to bo present. 13y order of the captain. IMltHOIllO. Hogulnr convocation , Star Chapter No. 47 , R. A. M. , this evening , 8 p. m. sharp. AH comp In good standing are cordially Invited , Hy order of the M. E. II. P. IIU Condition Improved. Grip : Father You children turn up your noses nt everything on the table. Whou 1 was a boy I was glad to got enough dry bread to cat. Tommy Say , pa , you tire having a much totter time of it now you uro living with us , SUNDAY IN THE BLUFFS , The Mnyor'a Proolamatton Falls to Look the Saloon Doors * POINTS TAKEN FROM THEPULPIT A Milk Inspector Needed I'mlney's lloiul Tlio I'lcnsuro Boekera" General nnd Notes. A Quiet Sulbntli. In consequonea of the vigorous enforce ment of the mayor's orders concerning Sun day closing of the saloons , yesterday was n phenomenally quiet day In police circles. So far as could bo ascertained by the day ra- ports of the police there was no violation of the order In any part of the city. Thcso were the facts npparant from the police records and ns reported by the oQlcors , but nn Investigation among the saloons showed that the mayor's now order had but llttlo ef fect , Tno front doors n n general thing wcro closed , but n gcntlo push win the open sesame to HJdo and rear doors. The clinking of glasses and tuo llzz of the foaming bear was porhups not qutto so loud , but It was loud enough to attract at tention from the street. The only arrest inndo up to ( ' < o'clock for violation of the mayor's 01 dor was that of John Olson , a Slvv'do , who kept open until after H o'clock Saturday night. Ho gave a bond for his ap- [ icuranco at'.I o'clock thU morning , The previous orders of the mayor on the tame subject nnd of the same tenor have lcen obeyed for a while by the chlof imrt of the saloon keepers , but boldly disregarded by a few , who appear to consider themselves as not accountable to the laws of the land rir of common decency. Hut It was hoped that umler prcssmo of the mayor's explicit in structions all of these places would ho closed .yesterday , front and back. That they were not is the fact , and the fact is n proclamation from the saloon mun to the mayor , equally ex plicit as his own , to mind his own business and they will contlnuo to conduct theirs l'i a maanor suttablo to thuir own conscience ana the trade. The pleasant temperature and the half hid den sun made the day very pleasant for riding nnd walking , and the principal streets were tilled during the day with well dressed crowds and ilnu turnouts. The parlts nnd ether places of amusement were crowded all day , the ucoplo enjoying the unlimited shade and green grass to the utmost. The numbei of visitors at Lnko Manawa was greater than the Sunday previous , and a day of un- ullovcd enjoyment was passed , dovold of no- cidout cr notewoithy incident. There were many xtrango taces in the throng , strange iilllto In Council HlulT * nnd Omaha , where reside - side the bulk of the visitors to the lit It c , af fording a striking proof of the fact that the Tame of the lake and Us aUractionsare drawIng - Ing pleasure seekers from a wide scope of territory. Kelley & Younkormnn sell groceries Chase and Sanborn colTues a spccialy. a Wanted , one or two good teams as first payment on housa and lot. ijufllrient time wen on deferred payments. A. A. Clark & Co. Ttmt MI-HiitK Jioml. The mysterious disappearance of the bond filed in the district court of John .1 , Fraitioy is ailministr.itor'of the estate of H. U. Frai- ncy , deceased , has created u little ripple of excitement , and called attention again to a great many ether strange disappearances of valuable documents from the court house. Frainoy WHS appointed executor of the estate , and required to give a bond of $ ) ( K ) Toi the faithful performance of his duty. Relatives of the dead man came into court and charged Frainey with having violated Ills trust nnd squandering the property. Upon this showing of the facts the court dis missed him and appointed Walter I. Smith n his stead , and ordered Frainoy to turn over all the property to the * new executor. Instead of doing this Frainoy loft the state , and left his bondsman to settle with the court to the extent of the bond. Suit was commenced by County Attorney Organ to recover the value of the bond from the bondsman , Dan Carrigg. When the case was called Saturday the most diligent search failed to reveal the bond , and con tinued in the most thorough and systematic manner yesterday it was equally fruitless. "J his frequent disappearance of valuable papers from the county ofllecs deserves moro attention than it is receiving , " said a member of the bar yesterday. "There has scarcely been u term of court for years that some valuable paper has not been spirited away at a time when important results depended upon Its production in court. It caunot be charged to any carelessness on the part of county olllcers , but r.ithor to the custom that pro- vnils , nnd has prevnile.i for years , of per mitting interested parties to go to the original iccords and examine them at will. It may seem a harsh rcine'ily , one that will put a great many honest people to n great deal of expense , but I believe that the time has coma when the only means of protecting the public records to ho safely rolled upon is to furnish only n copy of documents to people who desire to took at them nnd require them to pay the cost of making the copy. The original documents would then never got into unsafe hands , and when wallled n paper it would bo with reasonable assurance that it would remain there to bo found when wanted. " No Kxplosiom When persons keep cool and use our ' 'Sun Dial" gas stoves. Four holes , roaster und bakcovon. Costs 7 cents per hour when running full blast. Now York Plumbing Co. Baths at Manawa Ucach , near hotel. Pri vuto Lmthliif rooms for ladies and children City steam laundry , 81 Main , tol. 141. J. II. Smith , drugs , medicines , paints , oils , glass. CO * . ) Main , near John Morgcn's. Those having houses to rent see us imme diately. A. A. Clark & Co. Tlin Cliiifcli .Note Hoolc. Too First Presbyterian church was really crowded yesterday morning. Pleasant weather , the omission of services at Bomo ether churches uud the popularity of Hev. Dr. I'hclps combined to bring about this resul Dr. Phelps gave a strong ser mon on the text , "For Christ Is the end of the law. " In developing his tliouio there was necessarily too much close reasoning to make the discourse one of the most popular uind , but the statements were uiudo clearly and were closely logical. The prominence given In the scriptures to "law" was notice able from the fact that this word was used 100 times by the inspired writers. The man ner in whlcli "law" was spoken of was also such as to show that it was important. Law was stumped on everything about us , There was physical law. No one yet had discov ered what matter Is , Man could only observe - servo the attributes of matter , but of matter itself ho know nothing. The manifestations of matter showed that law governed It. It had continuous existence. The form of mat ter could bo changed , but matter itself could not bo destroyed. It had force also. Law always came from a source higher than what it governed , Tlio laws governing matter were from u higher source than matter itself. The perfectucss of the law and its applica bility indicated n divine origin. The law of gravity , for instance , was a , work every where and affected atom as well as planet. The study of any and all of the physical laws indicated that they were of divine origin. They pointed to Christ as "tho end of the law. " The speaker followed a similar line of rea soning in regard to the laws of mental sci ence. The ceremonial law and the moral law wuro considered ulna as pointing to Christ. At the Second Presbyterian church yottor- day afternoon Hev. Mr. Williams preached his taut sermon , Ha has boon huro for sev eral month * working uuder the direction of the mission board , establishing this church in the northeastern part of the city. Ho hu done wont excellent work and now tjoe else where to contlnuo Ilka work. In connection with the furowoU sermon yesterday the com * munlon of the Lord'e utipper was observed , The eervlcen throughout were very Inp , but tinged with a feeling of regret that good-byes had to bo said. Kov. J. w. Cnth- cart , of Emerson , In. , nnd formerly of Lon don , Canada , has been called to the pastor- nto. Ho will preach his first snrinon next Sundny. Ho is snld to be u very strong pul pit orator nnd a thoroughly devoted man. At St. Paul Episcopal church yesterday morning Hov. Cunon Doherty , S. T. I ) . , of Omaha , ofllclatcd. Arrangements have been mmlo for different well known clorirymen from elsewhere to supply this church during this month , The rector. Hov. Mr. Mnokny , is expected home by the 1st of September. Hov. Mr. Crafts , of the Congregational church , Is enjoying a well earned vacation , nnd tnero wcro no services In his church .vcstofdny. Ho Is visiting his old homo and friends In Illinois. The Savanna , III. . Times fives the following romlnlsconco of the tlinu when the rovorcnd gontlomsin was n lad at tbo case ! "Hev. G.V. . Crofts , pastor of the First Congregational church of Council HI lifts , In. , has been in Savanna for n few days. In 1853 Mr. Crofts , then n lad of cloven years , came to Savanna with a Mr. Allen und Gen eral Atkins , now of Frecport , who estab lished the Savanna Register. When that paper , which lived less than a year , was dis continued Mr. Crofts loft hero and after n lapse of thlrty-tlvo years has boon looking up old landmarks uud returning acquaint ances. He has been n minister of the gos pel for twenty-live years , nnd for about ten ycnr has been a regular poetical contrib utor to the Chicago Inter-Ocean , He leaves to-dny for Oregon , 111 , , where ho resided for number of years. " A union service was held last evening nt the First Haptlst church , at which Hov. Dr. Phelps preached. Money lontiod at L. U. Craft's & Co.'s loan nllice on furniture , pianos , horses , wagons , personal property of all kinds , and all ether articles of value , without removal. All business strictly conll- dontlal. Resiliences and vacant lots for sale in all parts of tho-lty , in monthly payments. A , A. & Co. The Swanson music company has moved Into the elegant now quarters In the Keating block , ! M5 Broadway. Special bargains will be clven the llrst fn\v purchases of musical instruments In the now quarters. Deslrablo dwellings for rent nt mouorato prices. E. H. Shoafo & Co. . rental agents , Hroadwuy and Main streets , up stairs. Fine jewelry , watches nnd diamonds ; cleaning and repairing nt 10. Uurhorn. m 510,000 to loan on city nnd farm property at 0 per cent interest. A. A. Clarke Co. E. H. Shcafo & Co. give special attention to the collection of rents nnd care of prop erty in the city and vicinity. Charges mod- crate. Onico liroadway and Main streets , up stairs. SPECIAL NOTICES. rflO Charcoal Hurncrs 1,000 coids hard dry JL wood for sale In 1'romont county , Iowa ; 4 miles to railway station. Horace uvurott. Foil r.XCUANGi : An equity In a farmnear tlin city for city lots. Johnston & Van Pat ten , Kverett block , A ( HINTS wanted to soil Cftvanauuh's South jti-Amurlcan cnra. Gro.iti-st medical wonder of Uio ute. Sure euro for cutiirrli , asthma , etc. Call on A. J. Cnvmiaugh bet et-n U and i" a. m. Itovcre House , Council Illtiirs. "fTIOll SAUI-Tho residence of Mr. HoracoEv- JJ erott. cor. Second nvo and Mh st , 4 lots. Mix ICO. Apply only to Leonard Kverett , I'ourl st. F INH family team for sale , or trade for lot. Inquire UV. ; We st lltoudway. _ niAllLH boarders wanted at 1J2 Uonton street. J-CiOod lioaid at leasouable rates. Mrs. I. W. Cooper. PASTtJHAOn First-class upland pastu rage for iilmnt 1UU head moro of stock ; 5 tnllug north ot clt y , on Ilmo kiln road ; mcnty puio \\ntur , shade and Halt ; Rood man in charge of stock. L. P. .ludson , wa Sixth ave. , Council Hlulfs. telephone 19J ; orV. . \V. JIcMuhon , at pasture. Rl'.AFj KSTATH llonght and sola ana ex- changed. Special attention Rlvtm to exam ination or tltlos. W. C. James , No. 10 1'earl St. . Council Bluffs. The host is Generally the cheapest. If you would be u tln > t class nook-keeper , toacliei , penman , or rppoiter and typewilterlnaicabou- ably shoit time attend thu WESTERN IOWA COLLEGE Send for catalofjuo Riving full particulars reo. W. 8. PAULSON , Council UluUs la. ST. FRANCIS ACADEMY. OOR. 5TH AVE. AND 7TH ST. Council Eluifs , la. Conducted by the Sisters of Charity. An excellent educational Institution , fur nished with nil modern improvements for boarding and day school. The academic your consists of two sessions , beginning on the flrbt .Monday In September nud 1'obruurv , leapect- ivalr. TEHMB Hoard and tuition , per session. 175. 1'or further paitlculars address Hlstur Suporlnr. St. Francis Academy , Council UlufTri , In , J. D. KDMIINDSON. B. U SnunAitT 1'res. Vice Pros. CIIAB. 11. HAN.NON , Cashier. CITIZENS' ' STATE BANK , OF COU.NCIti 1HUFF8. Paid Up Capital . SIW.OOO.OO. Surplus . H.VWO.OO. U.iblllty to Depositors. . . : taOJO.OO. IlitKCTOn . A. Miller , K.O. Oleason , a I , . Bhngart , i : . K. Hart , J , O. Kdmundson , Chas. I Ilannou. Transact general banking Largest capital ana surplus of any bun In southwestern Iowa. Interest on time do posits. THE MANHATTAN BILLIARD HALL AND CIGAR STORE Sporting Headquarters. 418 BROADWAY. MALONEY & O'BRIEN. ' CAPT. HAYES' ' LIVERY Centrally loccted. First-class turnouts , fresh horses and new carriages. Not an old rlcln the stnblu. Hpeclul attention nlven to funerals , and reduced rates lor carriages for this iU rpoao. rpoao.W. . A. IIAVKS. 1'roprletor. Telephone 77. W Uroiulwny , No. 27 Main St. , Over Jaoquomln's Jawolry Storo. PHOF. WIHTK'S Adapted to tint public schools , TIH ) only compluto thine of ita kind In existence and In * dlspensll-le In the tc heel room. School boards dcslrliiR the most perfect help for the teachers .ru turned to oxiunliiu this Address II. A.HAIjIjlNOKIt , General Agent , T-'l Willow Avo. , Council llluira , Iowa , LADIESkKEAD , : THIS ! r have the largest nnd finest stock Of linlr goods west of Chicago , nnd I hAve determined to close It nil out with the Intention < jt going out of the binl- IIQSH. Ladles who dctlro anything In my line will bo Ivon nn opportunity to y It nt less tlmn Imlf the _ jtml prices. The poods nro first class , nnd nil ornii- nynts , etc. , made up In the latest styles. . . . . „ Orders by mnil receive prompt attention. MRS. C.L.GILLETTE , No. 2t > Mnln St. , Council IllufTX 'THE- rf0unsli BMfl fllntntb NO. 3Q MAIN ST. , - COUNCIL BI-UFFQIOWA. ( J. M. PALMER , HAS TFIK CHOICEST t.OT OT SUBURBS & INTERIOR PROPERTY In the city. Gilt e < lii > d opportunities to lintno Oilnto IintMortiand hoiuo.scoKer a. LOANS INSURANCE , REAL ESTATE , , RENTS HOlfSES. Agent American lUitldtn ; ; nnd Loan Assocla- on . No. 30 Pearl St. , Ul'-bTAIltd. OH/\S. U. EIjWOOD. Tuos. Omcp.n. TV. It. M. PUSKY OFFICER & PUSEIT , BANKERS. Corner Main and Broadway. COUNCIL BLiUFPS , IOWA. Dealers In foreign r.nd domestic exchange. Collodions mads nuil iutareit pitid on tlnio do- posits. EY TO LOAN O3ST CHATTELS. Money loaned op. furniture , pianos , diamonds , horses ; 'buggies ' or anything of value at low r.ios of interest. No. publicity : fair and honorable dealing A. A. Clark & Go. > oiiico cor. Broadway and Main , over Arnerican express. TIME TABLE OF THE LAKE MANAWA RAILWAY. Connect with Electric Motor and Union Pacific Dummy Trains at Ninth and 13roadwa Council Bluffs Iowa , C. F. REED , President. jiOij'O ' iiQ | llO | ill O ill O llQ | I * ] Q i | > Q li Q l | > Q ll Q I Z16 main ' It is a BEAT-ALL , because it never breaks , splits , cracks or curia. Because it is indestructible in the weather , and will undergo no change in in , any climate. Because it istnorc durable than any other roof mndo , iron , tin , slate or wood. Because it can bo quickly put on without skilled labor and is cheaper than shingles. Because it has boon proven by the severest trials and has never failed. For further information apply to BIBKINBINB ENG-INEBRING AND SUPPLY CO. , Boom 5O9 First National Bank Building , Omaha. Council Bluffs offlco , 116 Pearl Street. Especially Adapted for SIZES FROM ELECFR1C 25 T0300 LIGHTING HORSE POWER Mills and Elevators AUTOMATIC CUT-OFF ENGINE Specifications nnd estimates furnished for complete steam plants. Hccnlatlon. durability guaranteed. Can show letters from users \Uiero fuel economy IH etiual with Coi lisa Non-Condonslnf. Bend for eataloKiiu. E. C. HARRIS , Agent. No. BIO Pearl Street , Council Bluffs. KSTAnUSHED 879. S. E. MAXON Architect and Superintendent , OVT1CK 24 ! ' . l'0 JiiUUAM ! : Ilf.OC'K , Council UluffH , : : Town. foircct estimates of cost cuninnteed. bpeclal attention lllvfii to all classes of build. iiiKH , public und nrlvate. f inn u uhviiyti on linnd , for the comvnlcnruof ravpatrons a lorgo number of plans , Miclt 11 B iciionls , bUBlnnss and olDco l.ulldliiKS , county court IiotiEic.MiiclioiiBea , hotel ! and private rehldcnceH. Oidrrh bynull promptly at tended to. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY. Hydraulic and Sanitary Engineer. Finns , Estimates H , SpoclllcatloiiB. Supervision of Public Work. Brown ] 5ulldliif , Council UlulTH , Iowa. Jubtlco of the Poaco. Ofllco over American Express , No. 11 N . Uroaduay , Council Hluffs , Iowa. QTHMIT Si QIMQ Attornoya-at-Law. Practice in the State and Fed O I UllL. 06 OIIVIO oral Courts. Rooms 7 and 8 Shuffart-Bono Block , Counull HlufTs. lowu. PITH U QTII I M AW Attonioyat-Luw , Room-J , Second Floor , Brown ULU , li , O I ILLIVIAn nioolf , HSPoarl St. , Council UlulTB , la. Will practice in State and Federal Courts. DR. BELLINGER &BELLI NGER- SurB ° ° " Olllco Mo. 10 1'earl LEONARD AsstStateVeterina Council Cor.GfenAve JNFJBMAUY T.J.CADYD.V.S. DitalfcrLameg Si'c ANIMALS. . itcnScfenb'licPrinaptes. aferiromfirCouncil Bluffs podco Department. COUNCIL BLUFFS BWIS&UN SOLE AGENTS COLUMBUS BUGGY CO , Hero MiBI and Power , Badger Shelter , ton Feed Gutter and Wood Saw. REFITTED Kewly Fwrmshad Cciincctcd by Motor with COUNCIL BLUFFS AND OMAHA Located on Lnko Mnnawa , the finest Watering Plncenncl Suinmo Resort in the west , Beautiful Bonting und Flailing. Unparulelled Bathing Boucn. I SpoaliU Uutoa to Partloa and Fumillod. Oor- I raupontlanco SolloltocL