Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 05, 1889, Page 4, Image 4

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    - * f f js- v- * i , n
f sn we L
R KOBKWATKIt. Keillor.
limns OF BUimcmmoN.
D ally ( Morning Edition ) IncludlOK Sund r
lire , Una Year 110 n >
ForSlx Month * , . 500
ForThr to Months 2 W
The Omnhtt Sunday Heomailed to any „
miar ss. On Year 2M
Weekly line. One Vcnr 200
Oman * Onieo. lleo linllrtlnjr , N. w. Corner
BflTentcenth and K < irnnm Streets.
Cnlcngo omen. WJ7 HooKorjr Uulldlna.
New Vork Office , llooms 14 and IS Tribune
Wtihingtoa once. No. 613 Fourteenth Street.
All communications rolntlno to nown and edl-
torlnl matter should be addressed to the Kdilor
or the lice
All buMnois letters and remittances should
benrtdreKsedtmhoJIco 1'ubllshlntc Compunjr.
Omnhn Ijrnftn , checks nnd postolllco orders to
bAtnndopayablo to thn order o ( tlio company.
The Bcc MlsMDJnSw , Proprietors ,
BBB Building Fnrnam and Seventeenth Sts.
Sworn Statement or Clrotilatlon.
Etnlo of Nebraska , I
County ot Douglas. f ss.
( leorgo II. TzBchuck , secretary of The Hee
I'liljlMiliiR Company , doessolemnlyawenrtint
the aaual circulation ot Tiir. UAILY HUE for
the ncec ending August S , l&U , was as follows :
Sunday. July 2J IS.8SO
Monday , July go 1S.WS4
' .Tuesday. JulyiiO 1H.W19
Wednesday. July 31. . . lH , i' ' >
Thmaday , August 1 1Hr > 7i )
Krldny. Atittust : J 18.504
baturduy , August 3 18,581
Average 18.O18
or.oitai : n. TZSCHUCK.
Sworn to before mo amiHUOacrlbeil to In my
presence thlsad day of August. A. O. IbS'l.
ISeM. ] N. r. li-iil L. Notary I'ubllT.
St ate of Nebraska. I
„ „
County of Io sla . fss >
Oeorgo II. T/schuelg being duly sworn , de-
po'-os and Rays lhat ho is secretary of The Ilee
Publishing company , that the nctunl averoRO
dolly clrculntlnn of Tim DAILY Bur for the
month of August , IS8' , IH.ISI copies : for Sop-
tomlier. 18S8 , in.151 cotilos ; for October ISB < ,
18,054 copies ; for November. IMS. 1S.'J8 < 1 copies :
for December. IK8H. 1H.22I copies : toi January.
188 ! , I ( .fi7 < . roples : for I'obrunry , 18W , 18 , ( tl
copies ; for March. 18J-n.lH , M copies ; for April ,
18M ) , copies ; for May , \ m18 , < ! ' | ( > copies :
for June. 1W3 , I8.8r . copies ; for July. 1883 ,
18,73 * copies. OPO. II. TysciilJCK.
Kwotn to before me and subscribed In my
prpKeccu this 3d day of Aumist. IBS'J.
N. P. I-KIU Notary 1'ubllc.
IT takes a man on horseback to stand
up with Nebraska corn.
KVKN the American biuyclor snatches
away the laurels of his English cousin.
OMAHA is still waiting anxiously for
Cousin Bon Folsom to say something
about the postonico site.
WHKN it comes to fox chasing , the
biggest moot of the season will take
place this fall at the municipal election.
IF the rain keeps on much longer
Now York will bo tempted to build her
world's exposition on boats under the
shadow of Brooklyn bridge- .
THE CITY hall is once more in sight ,
and if no time is wasted in wrangling
ever the letting of contracts , the build
ing may bo completed by the end of
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
A FOKQKII doing time in the Califor
nia stated prison has boon liberated for
writing a poem. Criminals often do
become more unscrupulous by confine
' HBNIIY GKOUOE is being banqueted
in the east , in return for his efforts to
establish a system that was tried and
condemned in England before Henry
George was born.
PARISIANS will soon rovoi in the ox-
citomontof witnessing a bull figlit in
their own city. The same principle
will bo observed as in French duelling
there will bo no killing.
TliKshah of Persia has terminated
his London visit. As the royal grants
bill is sure to pass the country will not
bo asked to pay the expense of cleaning
the apartments ho occupied.
AN ADDITION of five carriers to the
postal service of Omaha may not fully
supply a long-felt want , but neverthe
less it will go a great way in relieving
the necessities of the present.
Du. ROIIKUT LOMIIOUN , an eminent
physician , offers a prize of two hundred
dollars for an essay on the best methods
of exterminating mosquitoes. It is , of
course , unnecessary to say that Ir.
Lomborn lives in Now Jor'soy.
As A mischief maker Sitting Bull's
days uro about ovor. His attempt to
Btamnedo the friendly Indians at Stand
ing Rock , who were signing the Sioux
bill , turned out to bo a failure. In the
language of the plains , Sitting Bull is
THIS cities and towns on the Missouri
river arc getting together to bring the
railroads to terms. Omaha should
not fail to join hands in the movement
to emancipate the cities OH the west
bank of the Missouri from railroad dis
Mil. Hr.NUY T. GbAltKK has called
at the war department "for to git" the
Crdor for the purchase of his Sarpy
eounty farm for a military post. But
several largo stumps arc still in the way.
Meantime Fort Omaha is still located
where it ought to remain.
THK supporters of the Canada an
nexation' scheme will , perhaps , pause
in their ambition on learning the fol
lowing fact , The Dominion now owes
two hundred and eighty-five million
dollars , or about fifty-six dollars per
capita. Annexation moans the assump
tion of this debt by the United States.
THK treasury department has finally
determined to interpret the provisions
of the allen contract labor law with a
great deal of latitude , Experience dur
ing the past few months In an andoavor
to enforce it to the letter has shown its
absurdity and barbarity. Besides caus
ing vexation to many people the law , It
strictly applied , is likely to strain our
friendly relations with both Canada
and Mexico , against which countries it
can bo mndo to operate severely. Until
congress shall have defined its powers
more definitely , cases brought to the
attention of the treasury department
will At once bo dismissed unless the ovl-
dolicit is sulliulcntly strong to support
thorn , when the complaint will bo given
a hearing. This is u sensible rule and
will relieve the treasury otllcitils of
much annoyance and embarrassment.
Among political tendencies there is
notio moro significant or interesting
than that of n largo , Intelligent anil in
fluential element of the democracy to
look elsewhere than to Now York for
the next presidential candidate of the
party. Democratic discussion ot this
jnattor has begun none too soon , for if
the imrty is to Bcetiro a candidate from
another etnto nnd section of the coun
try there are grant difficulties to bo
overcome , anrt the work of educating
the masses of the party to the expe
diency of taking a candidate from sotno
other quarter than the Etnplro stnto
will require time. At present there
are hut two figures that stand out prom
inently in the democratic ranks ns pres
idential possibilities in 1892 , and both
are Now Yorkers. Ex-Prosldont Cleveland -
land and Governor Hill nro tlio only
men now associated with the presidency
in the minds of the great majority of
democrats , In tholr stnto each has u
strong following , their strength , It is
presumed , being very nearly equal.
With the party nt largo the ox-prosl-
dent is unquestionably very much
stronger than the governor , but the
contest between thorn will have to uo clo
dded in Now York , and if it can not bo
amicably decided the state will bo
pretty certain to again cast its vote for
the republican presidential candidate.
The chances uro that neither will bo
disposed to yield , and in that event
there must result such a demoralization
of the Now York democracy ns could
not fall to unfavorably nlloct the party
It is the desire to avert this appar
ently inevitable conflict , with nil its
possibilities of mischief to the party ,
that has prompted the suggestion that
the time has come for the demo
cratic party to ccaso regarding Now
York as the focal and turn
ing noint in a presidential contest -
test , nnd to give some thought to the
rest of tlio field. This has boon vigor
ously advocated by a number of lending
democratic papers in the south nnd
southwest , which have insisted that
every consideration of sound policy and
expediency demands thattho party shall
find its next candidate for the presi
dency in the west. To those advocates
of a departure from the rut in which the
democracy has traveled , so far as the
matter of relying upon New York is con
cerned , is now added that sterling
champion of democratic principles ,
JielfotiVs Muyusinc , whose editor says
that "what the democracy now needs
is a national ticlcct rather than a Now
York ticket. " Ho remarks that out of
six consecutive nominees taken from
Now York , counting Cleveland twice ,
the democrats "have elected two and
succeeded in Inaugurating ono , " and
satirically observes that this is not a
remarkably favorable sho\ving. Re
viewing the conditions which ho believes -
lioves responsible for the loss of Now
Yorit to Cleveland last year , in which
Hill and Tammany are unsparingly
rebuked , the editor says the question
now is whether the continuation of
Now York's leadership will not tend
to similar disaster. "Hill is still on
dock as the Now York democracy's
pilot , and presumably with
schemes looking to Hill's
bcnolit without very much rcgand to
other interests ; Tammany , also , is on
hand , its appetite for local spoil in no
way impai'-od. " In the light of past les
sons and present conditions , the editor
concludes that Now York has com
manded too mi'ch attention from the
democracy , and that it would do no harm
if the line of succession that has given
that state the democratic candidates
for the past twenty-four years were
broken. The democratic leaders in the
west may find In the tendency thus in
dicated nn inspiration to increased v.oal
in promoting both their party and per
sonal welfare.
The work of the South Dakota con
vention was practically ended on last
Saturday , and the final adjournment
will probably take place to-day. The
ronvontion was sommvliat prolonged by
the delay in the work of the commission
representing North and .South Dakota
in adjusting the assets and liabilities
of the t'wo states , but the dillicultios to
be overcome were rather moro serious
than hud boon anticipated , and but for
judicious concessions on both sides the
delay might have boon much greater.
The agreement reached is believed to
bo essentially fair and equitable , and it
is not doubted that it will bo
approved by the conventions of both
states. Each state assumes the pay
ment of the bonds issued for public
buildings and improvements that will
ibo within its jurisdiction , and while the
amount to bu paid by South Dakota is
nearly two hundred thousand dollars
greater than that assumed by North
Dakota , the difference la the value of
the assets is doubtless fully equal to
this. At any rate , there wab obviously
no better way of making a just division
than the ono adoptod.
The next event of political im
portance in South Dakota will
bo the mooting of the state re
publican convention , which will beheld
hold at Huron August 23. This
convention will no in inn to candidates
for state nnd judicial ofllcors and for
congress , who will bo yotod for Octo
ber 1 , Politics are oxpoctcd to become
vary active immediately after thu ad
journment of the constitutional conven
tion , und indeed in most of the counties
the political temperature is already de
cidedly warm , It is understood that
the prohibitionists uro 'getting ruady
for a vigorous canvass , and this Issue-
will bo the most conspicuous in the
campaign. Of course there is no ques
tion regarding republican success in
South Dakota , but novurtholeds the
campaign In the Btato will bo every
where watched with interest1.
After prolonged deliberation the sec
retary of the treasury has decided that
foreign-built railway iwru coming into
the United States from Canada are not
bubject to it duty. The full text of the
decision is not at hand , but the im
portant point of it is that cars engaged
in trade have never boon regarded as
dutiable importations , but as vehicles
of -'ooorttitloa for conducting an
established uua legalized tralllo. This
principle having remained in force
for twenty years , the secretary did
not think It would , bo In the
public Interest to make a rndical de
parture from It , nnd ho mokes the con
clusive suggestion that the question Is
no longer open lo administrative con
struction. That is to say , If congress
should think it well to require that Ca
nadian-built cars coming into this coun
try laden , or for the purpose of bolnp
laden , shall pay a duty that power to so
provide resides with that body , hut
otherwise the principle so long ob
served will continuo to bo regarded.
The delay of the department in
reaching a decision upon this question ,
which was submitted to it sumo two
months ago , was doubtless duo to the
great pressure that was brought to boar
by the American car-bulldlng interest.
It is fair to presume that the secretary
had nt no time n doubt as to what his
decision ought to bo , hut nt least nn np-
poaranco of prolonged deliberation was
necessary. Will tlio interests which
claim to bo unfavorably affected by the
free entrance of Canadian cars bo qon-
tent to allow this decision to stand ?
The question la relegated by the
treasury department to congress ,
nnd is it not moro than prob
able that an oiTort will be
made to Induces that body to make those
cars dutiable ? It is to bo expected , but
meanwhile public sentiment is llkoly to
bo hoard in such general approval of
the long established policy that there
is very slight probability of congress
interfering with it. The country , however -
over , has doubtless not hoard the lost
of the attempt to add to our Canadian
complications by imposing a duty on
the cars built in that country which are
regularly engaged in transportation be
tween Canada and the United States.
IOWA has done away with the old
time pumpkin show at her annual state
fair and will introduce a feature both
novel and olToutivo. Liberal prizes are
to bo offered to the ninoty-nino counties
of the state for the best und most ar
tistic display of their products. This
stimulates active competition und riv
alry among the counties which will
load to beneficial results. Spurred on
by a desire to excel oaoh other the
counties will make exhibits of their re
sources significant for their excellence
and completeness. The proposed com
petition has already oxoitod nn interest
throughout the stato. There is no rea
son why tlio managers of the Nebraska
state fair should not adopt u simi
lar idea. The
aovouty-oight coun
ties of Nebraska , if put on their
mettle , could make a display of their
agricultural , animal , mineral and man
ufacturing products that would bo a
revelation to our people for its variety.
It would bo the very best test of the in
dividual worth of each county , and
would nn a. rollox of the energy nnd
character of its people. The exhibit
would show what the state at largo has
been doing , what progress it has mndo ,
and what opportunities are open for the
extension of its resources. Such a
' view of Nebraska's
bird's-eye wealth
has never boon attempted in the man
ner proposed. It lies in the province of
the state fair association to take up the
project and dorolop it in order to stim
ulate the varied industries of Nebraska
and to increase the interest of our people
ple in the annual state fair.
THK sharp conllict in the constitu
tional convention of Washii.gton ever
the question of creating a railway com
mission illustrates how strong the fool
ing is there on the subject of railroad
regulation. There is no other question
respecting whic'a the people of Wash
ington feel moro deeply concerned , and
they have the best possible reason for
this feeling. Quito as much as the people
ple of any other section of the west , they
liavo experienced the ill-consequences
of railroad domination and the wrongs
of extortion and oppression at the hands
of corporate power. They have ro-
sontcd this to the extent ot their
ability , and now that they are
to have the authority in their own
hands , the desire of the majority is to
provide adequate moans of protecting
the people against future abuaos. It is
evident that the railroad interest ia far
from powerless , but it will hardly pre
vent Eomo provision being made for the
security of the people. Whether this
can be most wisely and safely done by
reposing authority in n commission or
leaving the regulation of the railroads
with the legislature is u question ,
though experience in the older states
on the whole shows that the latter pol
icy is the bettor ono.
who have boon corner
ing the wheat market of America will
road with interest what Consul General
Way at St. Petersburg has to say on the
subject. With the unbounded resources
of Russia for supplying wheat , it is im
possible for u trust in America to con
trol the wheat market of the world. On
the contrary , it appears that every en
hancement of the price of wheat by ar
tificial means in America opens wider
the doors for tlio How of Russian wheat
into England. It is strange that this
view of the situation has not boon moro
carefully con side rod by the bold and
calculating speculator ! ) . The attempts
in the past to build up wheat cornord
whou India uid Russia are bountifully
supplied hiuo invariably ended in dis
astrous fail'iro. Hereafter uny scheme
to raise tlid price of American wheat
through combinations must bo ntfoctod
by the price at which Russian or Indian
wheat can bo laid down in the English
market. For that reason tlio American
wheat trust of the future is not llkoly
to develop into formidable proportions
unless the foreign crops turn out to bo
disastrous failures ,
TIIKIIK is every indication that the
annual encampment of the Grand Army
of the Republic , August 12 , will bo u
most successful gathering. Np more
beautiful spot in the state could ho
chosen for the mooting than Kearney
with her enterprising and hospitable
citizens. A largo attendance is assured
if the weather bo propitious. The liberal
rates fixed by the railroads , coupled with
tlio free transportation of uniformed
bunds , is un inducement which iho old
Bolder will not bo ublo to resist. As an
additional feature of tlio occasion six
companies of rogulnrs , together with
the famous StIWd Infantry band , under
command of iQonoral Whonton , nro to
take part. Taking it all in nil , the
Keurnoy encampment promises to bo lethe
the votoraji O glorious gathering ot
comrades whore reminiscences nnd
friendships of the war n.quartor of n
century ngtl'riJo ' to bo renewed about
the camp flro.
WITH rose-colored prospects the
American company sots forth its deter
mination tardltr the great Nlcarnugua
canal. But n reading between the lines
reveals the fact that the company is
extending n broad invitation for tlio
generous American public to stop up
nnd subscribe liberally for canal stock.
ConnutrriON in public service evi
dently is not found in republics alone.
The scandal In Gorman naval circles
affecting the Kiel navy yards , despite
the attempt of the emperor to suppress
the fact , is ono of great magnitude nnd
reflects seriously upon the boasted dis
cipline nnd integrity ot Gorman ofllolala.
'All Ono to tlio Tnxpnyor.
lioiton Globe.
Lord Fife was married to the Princess
Louise according to the programme , The
princess , wo suppose , becomes Lady Flfo ,
whllo the Urjtish taxpayer goes on paying
the flfor.
This From n Mugwump.
Hnston Ifrralil.
There Isn't any occasion for alarm bccauso
the state department at Washington Is being
allowed to run itself. The only danger that
some people have feared has been that it
would bo run too much. All Is well , so far.
Tlio Nntlonnl Flower.
Senvtr fl'cm.
Franco has her Illy
And England her rose ,
And everybody knows
Where the shamrock grow * }
Scotland hns her thistle
Flowering on the hill.
But the American emblem
Is thobno-dollar bill.
Cronlnvlllc's Ambition ,
CMcayo Times.
We've ' got the prettiest girls hero
' 1 ho sweetest and the best
They've got the brightest oyas and thoy.
Are always neatly drcst ;
Their forms are simply beautiful ,
Their smiles beyond compare ,
But still wo nro not happy , for
We want the world's fair.
No Demiiml tot * Socialism.
( Jltrtland Leader.
There are effective remedies for the evils
of plutocracy outside of nationalism , and
they will bo used ; There is no need of dis
carding our present idea of individualism ,
from the prtictlcb bf which so much of our
present civilization'has sprung , for socialism
in order to conquer' the evils that threaten.
Individualism is 'still strong and capable
stronger to-day lyui over before and no
ono need * to so'r q'usly fear that any power
of combination , whether trust , syndicate , or
by whatever name It may bo known , can
subdue it ; much Ions can it bo crushed out to
make way foe tfto socialistic Idea of a
nationalization of jndustry.
Bnttcr Pn't-No Monrv in Trusts.
JVcw'rv > rft Trllntne ,
Soveral-'rocont"decisions of courts have
called publlc'Uttcntion to the fact that com
binations intended to restrict production or
to control prices are not tolerated by the
law. But In a dozen states or more special
laws have been proposed or passed this year
for the purpose of preventing or defeating
that conspiracy against the public welfare
commonly called a trust. It is hardly neces
sary to say that thcso measures are in some
cases too sweeping. They prohibit organiza
tions wnich may bo of great public benefit ,
as well as others which are radically harm
ful. But public opinion is likely to err on
the nafe sldo , if at all , la this case , and In
vestors nro wise who decline to put up money
in the expectation that Americans will find
no redress when confronted with an oppres
sive monopoly.
Nonraskn .Jotting.
Another drug firm In Aurora is in difficulty
over the liquor question.
Young Gage county pljrs are having hard
times with the cholera.
A creamery'companv was orc.ini/ed at Cal-
lawny lost week with a capital stock of
The new Ouster county court house at
Broken Bow is nearly completed and will bo
ready for occupancy September 1.
The Methodist camp meeting for the In-
OMauola district will be held at Hartley , com
mencing August 10 und continuing ten days.
A. C. Abbott , district court clerk of Thurs-
tou county , has resigned the olllue because
the law dues not allow him to practice as un
A man named McCoy , living at Itosolaud ,
bad a quarrel with a saloon-keeper named
Hcngan ana stabbed the latter m the abdo
men , resulting fatally.
The business men of Beaver City have or
ganized a board of trade and will send ono or
moro traveling agents to the eastern states
ia tbo interest of Furnas county.
The old settlers of Hurt county are to hold
a meeting nt Tektunah August 15 , for thu
purpose of organizing un association. There
are about ono hundred people who have
lived in the county for twenty-five years ,
Ono of the elephants with Andress * circus
escaped from iu keeper at Wood river and
wandered about town , going through board
nnd barb wlro fcncns until It was captured
late at night. One suit for $100 damages
wus the result of thu escapade.
Some of the prominent citizens of Nulsou
felt very much ujfgriuvcU ever the treatment
they received at SUporlor on account of the
recent court house ! bonds election , anu nt a
public meeting hdlfl'at Nelson resolutions
of u very scathing nature were adopted ,
There are in Nebraska the following tracts
of lands yet oiiouuto settlement : In the
Gratia Inland iluitriLt , mostly in Grocloy
county , ubout : ) : ! ,00J ( jwres ; HroUcn Bow dis
trict , Custer ceTin v. about 10,000 acres ;
O'Neill district , fariroly in Holt county ,
soinothinRover 30,000 acres : Noitu PliiUt )
district , embracing thb counties or Lincoln ,
Perkins , Keith , Logan , Mel'hcreon , Arthur ,
Grant , Hooker , Tunning , BIane ! and the west
half of Custcr and'Uawson counties , about
2,300,000 acres ; OwJcon district , embracing
the counties in the , , western part v4 the
statn , about 200,000 ucros.
lOWlV'ltOIIlH ,
Cherokee Baptists1 will build a 10,000
church this season. >
A company has ticeu organized ut Amos to
manufacture sorghum.
Webster county has thirty-four Insane pa
tients at Inuependonce ,
For the privilege of assaulting his wife
George Boddy , of Kpiwortli , paid $10.
The first oats threshed In Clay county this
year yielded thirty-live bushels per acre ,
Oats In Guthrlo county will ovcrace forty-
five bushels pur aero , and wheat fifteen
The blue grass pulnco at Crcston is nearly
completed , and will be ready for occupancy
August 10.
The Buchanan county fair begins at Inde
pendence August ) . Purses amounting to
14,000are , offered for spued trials.
A move Is on foot to secure the release of
Mrs. MuHoon , who U In jail ut Fort Dodge
for selling liquor , us her husband and chil
dren are all sluk at home.
The camp lacolin ? at Storm Lake will
opeu August 2U anil continuo until Septum-
bor 3. Uor. F. A. Hnrdln , of Chicago , will
bo lo clinrftoof the meeting.
Isaac Wilson , of Mixlcora lin * become In.
snno. At ono tlmo lie was the lending
morchnnt In the county , and was worth prob-
nbly $100,000. Whisky nuu rooWoss specula
tion reduced him to wnut nnd slmttcrcd his
A circus was broken up In a general row
tit I'nuorn , citizens and showuicn Kottlnt ;
Into n flKht because ono ot the girl performers -
ors claimed to liavo bcf n insulted by a man
In tlio audience. Whisky was the cnuso of
the disturbance.
Junlus Drown , of Mononiv , 1ms found a
mnstodon' * tooth on his farm. The tooth Is
7x8 Inches mid WCIRUS a Httlo over llvo mid n
hnif pounds. Ho also lius picked up part of
a tusk of ono of these extinct nnlmnls. The
tusk wns about six Inches thick.
Ilio Two Onlcotnn.
Several opium Joints nourish atticadwood.
A thousand-barrel cistern U being dug for
Urooklngs collcuo.
A syndicate Is to build a $10,000 opera
house ut G mint forks.
Lnwronco county republicans will bold
tholr convention August 18.
Mayor Johnson , of Mitaholl , will probably
bo a candidate for slota scniitor.
The assessed valuation of Yankton Is
f 1,010,222 , nn mcreaao of $200,000 ever a year
Two ons of ere from the Willow Creek
nilnpa of the Hurnoy 1'oak company will bo
shipped to London to bo reduced.
The Hotel Dacotnb nt Grand Forks liai
bcou leased by nn old Now York hotel mini ,
who will put in $1,000 worth of furniture.
The area of South Dakota will bo CO.iiOO-
000 acres , of which moro than 3,700,000 acroi
wll bo sotnslilo for school purposes. Half
of this will not bo av liable for actual use.
Many unique arguments arc brought up by
the capltiil itsplrnnts. Huron boasts of her
railroad connections nnd says a person can
KO from Huron to sovonty-thrco towns with
out ohaiiKlni ? cars nnd to 147 by c'hnnBinn
only onco. from Pierre twcnty-olRht towns
can be reached without change and eighty-
eight by changing onco. From Sioux Falls
twentv-Ilvo toivna ran bo reached without
clmngo and sixty-two by changing onco.
Gunny GHllson , n farm band near Spenr-
lisa , was hunting huy the other day , and
upon reaching the alack attempted to pul |
from the top of the stack a large , heuvy harpoon
peen fork to which a rope was attached , ex
tending to the ground. The heavy Imple
ment slipped from Its res tine place nnd
descending tine * downward wltn great force ,
struck him on the breast , the tlnns passing
through the body and piercing the heart.
Death wus instantaneous.
Question * and Answers.
To the Editor of 'run UBB : Will you
please answer the following :
1. Who is the congressman from the First
congressional district )
2. Do caaots at West Point rocolvo pay ,
and it not uro their expenses paid I
3. When through there arc they taken Into
the army ?
Ans. 1. Hon. W. J. Connoll.
3. The cadets nt West Point are allowed
? 500 per year for each of the four years at
West Point. This amount defrays their ox-
ponscs and all balances are hold until they
have graduated. With reasonable economy
they have a balance to their credit which
will buy their uniform and carry thorn to
their regiment.
3. When a o.itlot graduates ho becomes a
second lieutenant in the army.
G. W. Head asks what constitutes nn
American. How many generations of a
family must bo born in the country before a
parson is entitled to bo called an American.
Ans. Any person bora in America is an
, Nob. July 31. To the Editor
Will you toll mo through the
columns of TUB UKK what a Connecticut
continental paper sorip of $1 of the year 1770
is worth. C. F.Calhoun.
Ans. Il is worth 25 or 50 cents if in good
"Sunshine" Throws Some Ll lit On
the Present Controversy.
To the Editor of TUB UEE ; On page 3 of
last Sunday's DEB is an article cutitlud
"Scottish Kilo Masonry , " also on page 2 of
the Monday morning Issue Is an article en
titled "A Masonic Rumpus , " both of which
by their misstatcmeuts do gross Injustice to
luo only legitimate branch of Scottish Hi to
Masonry In thcso United States. The only
legitimate branch of Scottish Uite Masonry
in this country is that , known as the Juris
diction of the United States of America ,
Their Territories and Dependencies , with
Judge John J. Gorman , of New York , as its
sovereign grand commander. Its member
ship now numbers over sovcn thousand and
0111 Graces in its ran its many of the brightest
Masonic scholars and men of distinction
to be found in America. Founded
In 1607 , it has flourished and.
with its representative system , will
continue to prosper long after its mallgiiera
have censed to exist. The early history of
this , the only legitimate rite , has been clearly
set forth in a pamphlet entitled "Moro Light
in Scottish Kilo Masonry , " and the facts
therein stilted liavo never been and cannot
bu refuted. The Scottish Kite booty referred
to as the "Ccrncau" body was created by
Harry J. Seymour , of Now York , In 187 ! ) ,
fourteen yeart. after ho had been unanimously
expelled by "our supreme council. This man
Seymour in ItteU sold out his bogus nto to
William 11. Peek ham for $ TOO , ana it is now
presided over by Ferdinand J. S. Gurgns.
This is the " ( Jeinouu" rite referred to ns the
ono against which Harrison Dingman , roost
worshipful grand muster of the grand lodge
of the District of Columbia , has issued
his edict pronouncing It clandestine
and illegal because of their recent and pres
ent afllliation with the Grand Orient of
Franco , which a few years ago excluded the
bible from their lodgu rooms , contrary to all
the prlncipleH of what has been bold as ono
of the landmarks of the order. There IB
abundance of evldcnco to show that this
Soyinour-Pcckhani-Gourijas body Is ir
regular und illegitimate , nnd wo are sorry
that Homo of our brethren have been taken
in their unaro. But this Is not the onlv
bogus body in existence , as wo can abund
antly prove. It Is ono of the ancient land
marks or Freemasonry that the three degrees -
grees of Kutcrcil Apprentice , Fellow Craft
nnd Muster Mason constitute all there Is of
Symbolic Masonry , anil it has boon the
u ual custom of the grand lodges to declare
that their jurisdiction extended no farther
than these three degrees. At the last
ecBsion of Nebraska grand lodge of MasonH ,
curtain persons atlumpted to have tlio grand
lodge commit Itself to the recognition of
the so-callod southern jurisdiction of Scot
tish Hito Masonry , of which Albert PiHo is
the grand commander. The grand ledge
passed the following resolutions , viz :
"Wncrons , n Grand Ledge of Free and Ac
cepted Masons is an independent , and sovereign
eign body , recognising und having supreme
Jurisdiction of no other degrees thosaof En
tered Apprentice , Follow Uraft und Muster
Mason , as illustrated and taught by the rit
uals and Hccrot work adopted by such
grand ledge ; therefore bo it
Hesolved , That this grand ledge expressly
declines to enter upon anv discussion of thn
history , use or legitimacy of any bodies
cIMming to confer what is known as Scottish
Ulto degrees , or to bo committed to the
recognition of any such body conferring any
degrees owr which this grand ledge has no
control , eras being part of Ancient Craft
That we cordially Indorse toe law as recognized -
cognized ami vomulgatud by our grand
rauslcr : Flrsv 'Chat two bodies , claiming
to be Masonic , of the same grade , cannot
lawfully exist In the sTie atato at the same
time. Second That t. . . first lawfully con
stituted authority established In a state
thereby obtain * exclusive Tisdlcllon In
uoh territory and that any otiwr body of the
same grade , or rite entering later , within
such territory is in itself unlawfS.
This language is clear to any person who
has comprehension of the meanlngof knew" *
words nnrt if ho is not prejudiced he will see j
that neither the grand ledge nor grarr
master has any authority over Masons in
matters outside of the first three degrees.
The grand mauler might as well say wo
should not belong to the Odd Follow * .
Knights of P.vthlas , or that wo should not
cut meat on Monday , . . . ,
Toe resolutions No. 1 and 2 , by virtue of
the previous language , cnn only npply to
Symbolic Masonry , nnd by no authority 1ms
ho a right to construe them M nnplylnir to
Scottish Itlto Masonry , Again , If they con
by any method bo mndo to apply to Scottish
Ulto Masonry , the words "llrst lawfully con
stituted nuthority" have n moaning. Thai
the so-called southern Jurisdiction never hail
a Iftwful Mnsomo existence can bo proven
beyond the possibility of n uoubt to nil hon
est readers of history. There Is abundant
evidence In our possession to prove thn no-
called southern Jurisdiction la Illegal , lllottit-
IniftU' , even clandestine , for Albert Pllto
claims In Ills own words tlio right to worn
the llrst three degrees of Masonry , lian Mono
so , and 1ms In Mexico to-day Hluu lodges
working under his authority niul paying
fealty to him. Ho has published am
prinlxjd tlio rituals of the first three degrees
and sold them to his Scottish Ulto bodies
hero In Nebraska , as his own words show In
his own published proceedings of hl.s supreme
promo council. Ha has gene fnnhor and do
ularod the bible not the rule of their faith , ns
rend the following extract from his proceed
ings of 1870. ' Appendix pugo 211 , given In his
own words , vU. i ' 'Tho bible Is the only rule
nnd law of York Masonry , while wo , without
rciitilrlng our brethren to reject It , do not no
cept It na our code. " On page * GO nnd 00 ol
the southern Jurisdiction transaction ! ! of
October , 1SS4 , suction 4 , Is the following
"Every ledge uf perfection must hnvu ono
copy of the ritual of the-blue degrees , with
the secret work , nnd may have four copies ol
that work. " Surely tills is contrary to all
Masonlu law and Is certainly clandestine.
Tlio Southern Jurisdiction-muter Pike hnil ,
ns his Transactions show , September , 1881 ,
pages 1'JU to 12l ! , i > DO members. In
181 , oagcs 80 to 81 , 701 members.
Ho also siiys in his Transactions , October ,
1SS4 , p-ago'JO : " 1 think It duo to our own
sol f-respect that wo should ndviso the
brethren of our obcdl'inca not to seek any
where in our Jurisdiction to have action
taken by the grand lodges In regard to apu-
rious organizations claiming to bo of our
rito. " On page 63 , Transactions of 18S3 ,
Pllto snys : " 1 think it would bo n grave
error for persons of our rite to encourugo
such interference , even In our favor , by the
grand lodges. On the part of u grand loilgo
such action Is extremely umvlsc. " It sconiB
that the grand master of Nebraska docs not
ngrcn with his grand commander , nnd he has ,
therefore , contrary to his teaching and con
trary to the grand lodge of Nebraska , seen
lit to issue his edict No. 1 , and in the face of
all history to decide whut Is legitimate Scot
tish Hlte Masonry. Franco was the mother
of Scottish Uito Masonry , undf | rein her ema
nated nil authority to work the rite In any
country on the globo.
This authority was never delegated to
Albert Plko nor any of his predecessors in
the United Status of America His claim , to
work his rite , ho gives on page IK ) of his own
transactions , 1SUO , In the following words ,
viz : "Our supreme council , proceeding upon
the principle that proscription is a good foun
dation of title , In Masonry as well as elsewhere -
where ; that after a long of years , the
undisturbed possession of a Jurisdiction and
authority , or the successful assertion und
maintenance-of It when disturbed , issufllcicnt
evidence of a good original title and dispenses
with the production of a paper title , *
offers frankly to each the hand of amity. "
Pike says , transactions 18CO , page 83 , "For
our rite was never intended to bo a popular
rito. It was never meant that our temples
should bo mvadod by a multitude ; nor that
wo should go out into the lanes und on all the
highways and invite and urce all whom we
meet to come In nnd partake of our mysteries.
The recipients of the higher degrees ought to
bo select , a few in each place , discreetly
chosen. The Initiate should be as the initiate
originally was , a natural king nnd spontane
ous pi 1st for the erring multitude " The
object of tao ritualistic work of all Masonry
Is to matte goad men better by the influence
of its beautiful forms and ceremonies , to
help to make this world a temple tit for the
abiding place of the grand architect of the
universe. But Pike would uiako his rite nn
aristocracy , he holding his position for life
and compelling his followers topay , tribute
to him. No clement of discord has over en
tered any of the lodges In Omaha until mem
bers of the southern Jurisdiction began to
mallei ! and persccuto brethren who were
better informed on Scottish Hito Masonry ,
and who , having received these degrees le
gitimately , propose to stand for their rights
oven though the clandestine southern Juris
diction , born In treason , nurtured in rebell
ion ana fed on aristocracy , endeavors to deal
a death blow In a dishonorable manner.
We point with pride to such men ns Cor-
mcau , Lafiiyette , DoWitt Clinton and Salem
Town , who were the associates of Washing
ton , Franklin nnd a host of other worthies
who nave been loading factors in our history.
Wo received our authority legitimately
from France , the mother of the rite , at u
time when Franco was in good Masonic
standing , nni fifty years before Albert Pike
breathed Into his council the breath of life.
We propose to live up to the teachings of
Symbolic Masonry as expounded in our ritu
alistic and secret work , and do not propose
that any man or body of men bo permitted to
make innovations in Ancient Craft Masonry ,
or introduce discordant elements into our
lodges to break up the peace and harmony of
the brethren , as the members of tbo south
ern Jurisdiction in Iowa and Nebraska have
recently been doing in violation of their ob
ligations as Masons. When men
can furnish no better arguments for
their cause than to malign and
persecute honest , honorable brethren by
personal abuse and billingsgate , It looks to
an outsider as though they had no case. Wo
court the fullest Inquiry into our history and
legitimacy , and Invite u candid consideration
of our claims from anyone , even Albert Pike
"Truth wears no mask , bows at no human
shrine ,
Seeks neither praise nor applause ; she
only asks a hearing. " HUXSIUNB.
Midsummer Daya and Nl lita.
iniidim Kmat Henley.
With a ripple of leaves and a tlnklo of
The full world rolls in a rhythm of praise ,
And the winds uro ono with the clouds and
Midsummer days I Midsdmmer days I
The dusk glows vast in a purpio haze ;
While the west from a rapture of sunset
sights ,
Fatht stars their exquisite lamps upralso
Midsummer nights 1 Midsummer nights !
The wood's green heart is a nest of dreams ,
Tha lush grass thickens and springs and
sways ,
The ratho wheat rustics , the landscape
Midsummer days ! Midsummer clays I
In tlio stilly liclds , In the stilly ways.
All secret shadows and mystic lights ,
Late lovers muriner and linger and gaze
Midsummer nights I O , midsummer
There's u music of bells from the trampling
Wild skylarks hover , the gorses blaze ,
The rich , ripe rose as with Incense streams
Midsummer days 1 Midsummer days 1
A soul fiom the honeysuckle strays ,
And the nlghtingalo as from prophet hlghts ,
Sings to the earth of her million Mays
Midsummer nights 1 O , midsummer nights I
And It's ' O for my dear and tlui charm that
Midsummer days 1 Midsummer dnvs !
It's O for niy love and the dark Unit plights-
Midsummer nights I Midsummer nightal
Miss Annie Lamb , nineteen years old ,
is considered the pluckiest pretty girl
in Brooklyn just now. For two years
she has boon in love with "a young
lawyer who is anxious to marry her and
is able to support hor. Mrs. Lamb , a
woman of considerable moans , though !
her daughter too young to marry and
dismissed the young man a year ago
Lust week ho returned. Ho was again
fiotu ivway against Miss Lamb's protests ,
The young woman _ at once loft her
mother's house and applied for work at
an employment agency. She is now
dusting und swooping nnd making beds
in the house of a private family in
Fifth avenue , Brooklyn , The day she
1 ocomos twonty-ono hho will quit being
chambermaid and will marry the man
of her choice. In the meantime she
wishes to ourn her own living und keep
clear of her mother.
M/i HI u Irons' Krult Kinml ,
How are the inightly fallen I Martin
Ira's" , who at the time of the stnlto on
the Gould lines llvo years ago , wus too
arrotrant to grant General Manager
Hnxia an Interview , now eanio a scanty
living from u little fruit taud m St.
Everybody Tnllclnw Politics nt tha
Onpltnl. 1 |
Ono Mora KfTort Will Uo IMmlo to Stop
Tim Flow ol' Itriiio 11. O. Oitt-
cnlt's Model Stock
lewj l STHKBT ,
LINCOLN , August 4. .
The special water committee will know In
a few dnys whether the scheme to shut off
the Ilow of salt water In the F street well !
a success. When the ilrst attempt was inuila
several years ago to Increase the supply
from tlmt well n six-Inch pipe was driven
down some forty feet to mich n depth Iu
fact tlmt a snlt water vein wns tapped. The
pipe wns lllled with cement , but the How of
btluo continued , nnd dcsplto the ma'tiy In * ,
gcnlous devices tlsnt have boon attempted , it
still Hews whenever the pumps are put In
operation. The schema trip committee Is
now workliifr on IB to Rink a caisson around
this Rlx-lnch pipe and 1111 It with cither
cement or blue uiud. The caisson Is twenty ,
nine feet lone ; und will bo sunk to the
stratum of clny Immediately above the snlt
vein. The Idea the committee Imso tholr ex
periment on Is thnt the Ilow of brine comes
from nroumi the base of the six-Inch pipe , In
putting which the clny stratum wns broken.
The caisson will bo nut down Tuesday ; the
water will then bo pumped out to the depth
nf eleven feet , and the work of puttlntr In the
cement begun. The result Is awaited with
Interest by our oltl/ons. In the event of Its
proving a failure the well will bo abandoned. ,
and an additional water supply sought else
A Homo Ijlfn Innurnnun Cnniiiny.n |
It lf > not generally known , but Is neverthe
less true , that twenty odd Lincoln capitalists
have organized n life Insurance company
with an authorized cnpltul stock of $750,000 ,
nnd It Is understood that articles of Incor
poration will bo niod within n few days. It
was learned to day by 'I'm : BICK repre
sentative tlmt Henry Gerner , Doe Wheodon
nnd C. W. Moshcr were prominent among
the incorporators. It Is contldently stated
that business will coiinnunco within the next
sixty duys.
A MoiloI Stuck ! ' 'anil.
II. C. Outcault. of the Capital National
bank , Is luting up ono of the finest slock
farms In this part of the stato. The initial
work speaks much for its permanence nnd It Is situntcd six miles south of
Lincoln and the drive out is a delightful ouo.
The farm in question contains 100 acres ot
gently undulating prairie , and ho has given
it the ouphoiicous name of Grassland Stock
Farm , nnd If n nntno foes for unythliiR It Is
certainly a meritorious ono. Every acre of
the farm mvcll set with lawn grasses.
Mr. Oulcault is a great lover of horsollcsh ,
and his. stud , although small , Is finely Inbred.
Indeed , in this regard , it ; is the peer of any
in the west. "I am lilting thu farm up as a
pluco of recreation rather than as a place of
prollt , " tuo affable proprietor snvs , "aud I
haven't a hoof for sale. " It scorns that bis
sole purpose is to awaken , If possible , a
deeper Interest in horse breeding
throughout the state. "For reference only , "
his catalogue says , "as none of the nuimuls
are for sale. " It shows Lena Carey , by
Messenger ; Uuroc , by Kysdle's Ilamblo- , son of Abadullah and Ilrst dum Ida ,
by H.vsdyk's Hainbletonlttn. It also shows
Lndv Burnliam and Girlv King , by Allan-
dorf , son of Onward , by George Wilkes , and
first dams Alfaruttu and King's Beauty , re
spectively , by Muinbrmo King , thus show-
lug a line str'nin of inbred bluoil. The stud
also shows Pat oh en s , MuMnlions and Mc
Gregors , perfect pictures of their Hires , nnd
as line specimens of horsollosh us ouo would
c.iro lo see. Mr. Outcault 1'iughingly says
that he expects to make his stable lo .Ne
braska what Banner's stables uro to New
City News and Notrs.
A number of Lincoln people are preparing
to bid for the new Lutheran college which is
to bo located in this state.
The Uov. A. V.V. Haymond gave u practi
cal talk to the young men at the Y. M. C. A.
rooms this afternoon.
The old building , on the Y. M. C. A. prop
erty at Thirteenth and N have boon moved
away and active work will bo commenced on
the now building right away.
It Is rumored that Architect Hawkins Is
engaged on plans for a now $300,000 hotel.
C. W. Lyman is preparing to build some
elegant tenement blocks on his lots on II
street between Eleventh und Twelfth. ,
Mrs. Charles West has gone to Tina , Mo. ,
called home by the death of her onlv sister ,
Sirs. Jennie A. Williams. The deceased was
about ilfty-two years old , and loft a husband
and six children.
M. II. Tilton , the popular manager of the
Wisconsin Furniture and Coflln company of
this city , has returned from a trip through
Wisconsin , Minnesota und Dakota.
Judge Hyun , of Iowa , is visiting his broth
ers , Robert and Thomas , of this city.
John F. Fuller , the abstract man , begins
work In the morning on a now set of abstract
books for J , 11. .McMurtoy.
The interest , In city politics grows
there is probability thut the city will have
three Instead of two justices of the peace.
Cochran nnd Snelllng are candidates for re-
olccliun , nnd Brown Is also pulling for u
place. Al Bach is pulling the stump for re
election ns constable , whllo Hunger , the
other constable , has aspirations to bo sheriff.
The four corners at Eleventh nnd O are
thronged with people who tttlk politics by
the hour.
Governor Thnyor arrived home to-day. IIo
addressed the citlrcns of Uivorton yesterday
at a reunion picnic.
Auditor Benton and wife came home to
day from Maultou , Colo. , where they enjoyed
a very pleasant wcou of recreation.
Ea t Lincoln Is clamoring for better school
No well regulated household should
bo without Angostura fiittortf the cel
ebrated appoti/.or. Munufuuturod by
Dr. .1 , G. U. Siegort & Sons. Ask your
Com in un I nu Wllli Nntiin * .
Chicago riorald : Close by the spark
ling brook whoso ftilvor.v wutors danced
in the sunlight and rippled joyously
ever the golden candu they hatin uilonuo
George and Laura drinking in the
glorious beauty of the rustic HCOIIO nnd
communing with nature in ono of her
chosen shrinos. Afar in the wcbt the
sun scemod to linger at thu horizon's
brim an if unwilling to shut out from
his ga/.o the lovely landscape that
glowed with a softened and even melan
choly rndlanca in his departing beams.
A thrilling cry burst from the lips of
the beautiful girl.
"Gcorgol George ! " nho almost
"What it is .darHngV" ho asked , plac
ing his arm tonderlv around her waist.
"IJus the romantic yet oppressive lovo-
incss of tlio scenery saudonod your.
spirltH "
"No , Gcorgol" she soronmqil , waving
her hands wildly and making n frantio
jab at the small of her back * "I think
It's some kind of a bug ! "
Trent Ormv In n Churoli.
Growing nut of the masonry of the
French Catholic church steeple in
niddoford , Me. , almost ut tlio upper
liminitot the brickwork , uro two young
trocs. Both are green and healthy
looking , and have grown nipidy within
a year. They are beyond roach from
the upper window , nnu could not bo ro-
inovuil without a stage bolng built. The
opinion Is that ono Is a willow und the
other a poplar. Ilow thuy obtuiuoi/
root in the masonry Is a mystery ,