Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 05, 1889, Image 1

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turn T i A if nm1 PIPIIT PTIM\TP
[ .Germany's Bmporor Takoa a Look
at the English Navy.
| .XIio Ruler of tlio TctttoiiH Minutely
lixnmlncs the ni Guns , With
Frobnbly n TlioiiRlit Tor
tno IViituro ,
William Inspects War Hhlni.
lCopi/rf07ifc < l iSsaiiji Jama ( lonlnn llcnnttt. ]
PotiTSMouTii , August 4. ( .Now York Her-
nld Cnblo Special to TUB Hun. ] The Ger
man emperor to-day passed a busy and
eventful day. Ho went to church and listened
to a sermon , was the bead of a grand
luncheon party nt Oiborno and afterwards
- wont through the English ( loot and Inspected
| | nil the latest appliances in naval science.
The day opened as brightly at Osborno ns
5 yesterday was dismal. The sun burned In a
' cloudless sky. The licet of yachts at Cowos
Jrodo lightly at anchor and the royal yacht
tclub house nnd the London yacht club house
f.wcro crowded with yachtsmen and lady
p'guosts. The heat was oppressive In the fore-
i noon nnd the Gorman ( loot and the long
lines of massive English war ships lay ns
calmly on the placid surfuca nnd
wcro as clearly outlined against
the bright background as If they had been
copper plate Illustrations In n first class
magazine. The religious services took place
In the private chapel at Osborno. The sermon
, was preached by the bishop of Rlpon. The
services In the chapel occupied the hour
from 10 to 11 o'clock , nnd after that no Inci
dent of note occurred until luncheon , which
was served nt 3 o'clook. Owing to the heat
of the day It was served on the
lawn and made a brilliant picture.
Osborno Is ono of the most beautiful
stretches of lawns , shaded paths and pictur
esque woouod oponlngt in all England. Em
peror William Is fully embued with the
maxim that punctuality la politeness of
kings. In addition to this ho was perhaps
anxious to sou all there was to see of that
English navy of which ho has Just been
inndu nu honorable admiral. Ho broke up
the luncheon before S o'clock , and , though
the hour set for his departure
on tbo Alberta did not call
for him to bo at the pier before half past S ,
ho was there at U sharp. Ho were the un
dress uniform of an admiral of Iho English
navy dark blue frock coat , with gold but
tons , wide band of gold on cuffs nnd gold
above. Un his head was u round blue cap.
Ho were n high collar and narrow black neck-
tic , n sword belt and sword , with u gold
hilt. Ha seems to delight in motion and to
bo unalterably opposed to keeping still. His
thin , very light mustacha was waxed and
curled over at the ends. Ills left arm grasped
the pommel of his sword nnd did not alter
its position during iiis movements. His ap-
pcurunco was that of a stout aud Jolly young
yacht captain of thirty , rather anxious to
got to sea. Lord Hamilton and Admiral
Soliroouer followed him up the
plank. Then . came the two aides
Vou Pfuol nnd Von SiUswitz. The Alberta
ran the royal standard of Germany up to the
main ns the emperor came ou board. The
Prlnco of Wales had remained ou the vessel
during the day , his ( lag having been llyinj ?
from dawn The Alberta took
hla royal highness , Prince Albert
Victor , Admiral Sir Goffroy Hornby ,
Admiral Sir Henry ICuppol , Captain Stuph-
onson nnd Sir Francis Knollys aboard. The
prlnco was In the same dress as thu emperor ,
nn undress admiral's uniform. The Alberta
steamed straight for the Teutonic , which
wan lylnir ut anchor out in the stream. They
boarded her in two steam pinnaces und spent
n long time in the inspection of the big now
10,000-ton monster of the White Star
lino. The placing of this vessel ou the re
serve list , to bo called for by the govern
ment in case of need , was a fact which ap
peared to interest his majesty unusually , and
led to his choosing to look at her llrst. The
royal "party spout an hour on board. Later
In the day the Teutonic steamed for Liver
pool , whence she sails this week for
Now York , The Alberta , with the two
Brilliant royal standards of England and
'Germany , ( lying sldo by side at the main ,
cumo up , the licet heading for tlio Howe , on
board of which was Admiral Commcreil.
The emperor expressed to the admiral his in
tense admiration of the magnificent fleet
thnt England had collected and
that Admiral Commoroll had under
his command. Then the emperor
examined the enormous sixty-seven ton ,
which is ever fifty-two foot In length. Ho
wont Into the sighting tower and worked the
gnus himself , using the lovers to maintain
the right nnd lott elevation and depression.
His majesty und his ofllcers asked many
questions ns to the penetration of the
projectiles , the lenirth of the guns , weight of
powder charge and projectile , nnd expressed
thlr unbounded pleasure in all they saw ,
The royal party thcuco proceeded to tlio
Prince Gcorgi ) of Wales torpedo boat , No.
79 , where they remained about ton minutes.
They then wont to her majesty's ship
Emortnllty , ono of the new cruisers , carry
ing a bolt of ton inches of compound armour.
After admiring the luunonso on-
pines and modern guns of thcso
fust nnd compact ships tbo
royal party returned to the Alberta and ,
Bluaining to East Cowos , landed at Trinity
pier , where carriages were waiting to con
voy thorn to Osborno house. The emperor
and prluco expressed their Intention of seeing
thu Hoot off when they started for the
mniufiuvros ou Tuesday morning.
To-morrow's programme Is the grandest
nuvul review England has ever seen.
Honors Are Knsy.
LONDON , August 4. Emperor William has
conferred upon the queen thu command of
the First Dragoon guards of HorHn mid upon
the Duke of Cambridge the honorary col
onuloy of a regiment of Infantry. The doc
ument conferring the appointment upon the
queen begins :
"Most Illustrious Graudmothor It U spe
cial honor for mo to bo able to unroll you
in an army in which your sons and grand
sons und other relations have tilled uiuuiorn-
bio positions for many years , "
The queen ID return made the emperor an
honorable admiral of the Hrltish navy. This
rank has been conferred on no other Ger
man prince ninco the time of Frederick the
Avenged His Fnthnr'H Dentil.
Vtiunniiis , I. T. , August 4. John Gibbs ,
formerly of .Missouri , and David Erwin ,
formerly of Illinois , rented a farm near hero
a year ago. Yesterday they quarrelled over
the division of the croui. Envlu shot and
hilled Gibbs , Charles Ulbbs , a BOH of the
murdered man , avenged his father's murder
by shooting und killing Erwln.
A Prominent AnnrolilHt llnnd.
PAHIS , August 4. Kollx Pyntt , the an
archist deputv for the department of
Uouchcs Du Rhone , ha& J ust died at St ,
Financial Trnnsnctloiis of tlio Country
' Week.
try I-'ortho Imst
BOSTON , August 4. ( Special Tolcgrnm to
TUB BBI : . | The following table , compiled
from dUpatchoa from tlio clearing houses In
the cities named , shows tfio gross exchanges
for the week ended August 0 , 1889 , with rntos
l > or cent of increase or dccroaso as com
pared with the amounts for the correspond
ing week in 1SS3 :
Notlnclmlod In totals ; no clearing housa
this time last yvar.
Ijowry Looks Sulliviiu Up For Hold
ing n IJOVCG.
Nnw OUI.BVNS , August 4. A Jackson ,
Miss. , special gives an account of the trip
with Sullivan. Deputy Sheriff Chllds says :
At every towu and station on the line of the
road north of the Ohio river crowds gathered
and cheered loudly as the train passed , even
though they could not see the redoubtable
John. Ladles seat bouquets of ( lowers to
him , and ho was received everywhere ns a
conquering hero instead of the prisoner
ho was. South of the Ohio the demonstra
tions were similar to these mentioned
above. At Durant , Miss. , Sullivan received
an ova.tion , and hundreds crowd ud around
the train nnd bogged to shako hands with
nlm. Several ladles entered the car and
were introduced to the Ifcsro of the hour.
When Jackson was reached a great crowd
assembled iu the depot. Sullivan was mot
by Buu Konnud , John Duffy , C. W. Kich ,
Colonel Jones , S. Hamilton and several local
sports und admirers. They all marched to
the hotel , where a dinner had been prepared
for them. The crowd followed nnd
shouted for Sullivan until ho went into the
rotunda , where he was introduced by Colonel
nel Hamilton and shook hands with hun
dreds , but finally had to retire to his room
nud the crowd was shut off. This demon
stration so angered the governor that ho or
dered Sullivan lockoJ up in the city jail , say
ing ho did not intend to allow a person
charged with n serious crlino to Do holding
levees and making u fareo of justice.
Great I'rectiutioiiH Taken to Prevent a
Wissifuo , August 4. Chief Ilubbard , of
Chicago , accompanied by three ofllccrs left
this morning for Chicago with Martin
Burke , tlie extradited Cronin suspect. They
expect to reach Chicago late Monday night.
The witnesses kept hero sluco trial wcro also
taken witli th party.
llniicli utToil and Chained.
PAHOJ , Dak. , August 4. Burke , the Cro-
nln suspect , passed through here this even
ing in charge of Chicago offlcois. Owing to
the many rumors that a rescue would bo
attempted the ofllcors had Burke's logs
chained to the seat und his handvhiindeulTed
on either sldo to an odicer. Another oOlcor
sits constantly in front watching.
The Crlino of n Fiend.
nitUKENviM.K , Tox. , August 4. Mamie E.
Allison , u young girl of ilfteen , was found
dead in her bed Tuesday morning by her sis
ter , nine years of ago , who failed to notify
the neighbors of the fact , although friends
wcro livine not it thousand feet away. The
young ladles were pone from homo on a
visit. Wednesday a neighbor culled nnd the
younger girl told him that her
sifater was dead , "but don't ' toll
anyone until pa comes homo. " The physi
cians who examined the body found a most
terrible cnmo luid been first committed and
the ( lend hud added murder by deliberately
choking his victim. Prom the testimony
developed the younger sister was threatened
with death if shu gave the alarm and was
terror stricken. Ofllcers are working ou a
duo , with little chances of success.
ArrlvnlH , .
At Now York La Brotajfno , from Havre ;
the Uiigla. from Hamburg ; the 1'ontlao ,
from Mediterranean ports ; the Helvetia ,
from London ; tlio Edam , from Amsterdam ;
the Servia , from Liverpool ; the Furncsta ,
from Glasgow.
At London The British King , from Phila
delphia. for Liverpool , arrived at Quoous-
towu to-day ; La Nornmmlio , from Now
York , for Havre , passed Lizard to-duy ,
Thn Wontticr ro-ooust.
For Omaha nnd vicinity ! Fair weather.
For Iowa and Nebraska : Fair , warmer ,
winds shifting to southeasterly ,
ForDaicota : Fair , wanner ta southeast ,
stationary temperature In the northwest por-
tlou , southerly winds.
railed to Miuer.lallzn.
ST. PACL , Minn. , August 4 , | Special Tele
gram to Tim BIB. : ] The .Western associa
tion mooting scheduled for to-duy at Mlnno-
upolls did not materialize. President Mo-
Cormlck did not show up , nnd It was discov
ered that Dos Mo Inns und Milwaukee could
not vote , because they had not paid their
dues. It is oxpoetod ttiutu meeting will beheld
held at Sioux City Thursday.
Secretary Tmoy Sick.
WASHINGTON , August 4. Secretary Traoy
was taken ill Saturday night with a severe
ca o of dysentery , which has prostrated htm
so that ho has boon compelled to keep his
room to-day. Ho was attended by ijr.
Wales , who advised him to keep quiet and
not to leave tlio nouso for thu present.
An American Kcliooucr Holrod.
HALIFAX , N , S. , August 4. A tltspatcu to
tha American consul-general announces tbo
seizure atGuysbnroof the American schooner
Vldetto. No further particulars were ( iven ,
\VilUlo Collins HolajnoH ,
I.O.VIMN , August 4. WHKIo Collins bat
hud a rohipso.
A Bravo Conductor Puts Two Train
Bobbers to Flight.
They Mrctl'nt TllmSevcrnl Times , But
Hiss ttio Alnrk ami Jump
I'Tom tlio Trnln AVlth
Considerable Rooty Rconrod.
KAKSAS CITT , August 4. ' 'Hold up your
hands 1" such was the commnnil thatnston-
Islicd the passengers on the St. Paul sleeper ,
nttnchod to the rear of the Wabnsh western
express ns it pulled out of Harlem nt 8:50 :
last evening. The command was spoken by
ono of two nrmcri men whoso faced \vcro
concealed behind handkerchiefs , and who
had entered nt the roar of the conch.
The hnnds wont up. There wcro seven
pcoplo In the coach , flvo passengers and the
sleeping car conductor and porter.
Of the passengers ono was a lady. At the
first command her face blanched with fear ,
her hands went up for a moment , then fell
lifelessly into her lap. She had fiuntcd.
"I guess they won't bother us , " remarked
ono of the robbers , and satisfied that no re
sistance would bo offered they commenced
their work of depredation. Ono man "wont
through" the passengers ono by ono , while
the other with his revolver IP his extended
hnnd , kept watchful lookout for signs of
opposition. In this way the plunderer se
cured all the booty ho could in his haste , and
when It. was all over and the robbers had
escaped the passengers found they hail been
relieved of $170 in cash and two gold watches.
The train left Kansas City at 8:20 : o'clock
last night. When It reached the Missouri
river bridge two men were seen to got off the
forward end of the baggage car and dis
appear behind a lumber pile. The train
hands thought that they wore tramps who
had stolen u ride from Kansas City and oaid
no attention to the incident. They are now
convinced they are the robbers and that they
caught the rear end of the last sleeper as it
passed the lumber pile. Just as the train
pulled out of Harlem the robbers entered the
car and went through the passengers us de
scribed. it was evidently their Intention to
rob the passengers in all the coaches , "work
ing" the train from the rear , for as they loft
the St. Paul sleeper they again cautioned
the passengers to not give the alarm under
penalty of being shot by the "man on the
platform. "
Leaving the St. Paul coach they started
for the next ono ahead. On the platform
they met tno conductor of the train , John
Koach. Ono of the robbers pushed his re
volver under the conductor's nose and or
dered him to hold up his hands. The con
ductor supposed , from the nature of their
disguise , tnat a number of railroad men who
had taken passage on the train were playing
n practical Joke ou him , and with a laugh ho
attempted to puab past them anil enter the
slcopor. Just then a gust of wind swept the
masks of the robbers aside and then ho un
derstood the affair. Ho had no weapon , but
ho carried his lantern in his hand , and with
that ho dealt ono of the men a vicious blow
on the head. Simultaneously with his
assault the other robber lircd a shot at
Him. The laltn was bad and ttio bullet
missed the mark. The llrst robber had by
this time recovered himself , and ho , too ,
took a shot at the conductor. His aim was
no moro prcclso than bis partner's. The
robbers thenf with one inoro parting shot ,
swung off from the steps of the car. As they
did so the conductor hurled his lantern after
them , determined to have the "lust tag" on
thorn. The train was running at the rate of
twouty-flvo inilos an hour. Conductor
Roach swung out beyond the side of the car
and saw the robbers nriso and make with all
haste for the road that leads to Kansas City.
That was the last seen of them. la the
meantime the passengers in the slccpor had
been so completely terrorized that they didn't
regain their senses until they
heard the flriug on the plat
form. Then ono of them pulled
the cord that connects with the air brake
and the train came to a standstill about a
mlle from the place where the robbers
Jumped off. A special agent of the Wabash
road , who was on the train , ordered the en
gineer to run to Randolph , a few miles
ahead , and there uncouple the engine and
run it back to Hnrlcm , wncro a posse was
organbcd and started back at once. Guards
were stationed at the approaches of the
bridge to prevent their entrance into Kansas
City. The police of the neighboring towns
have also been warned.
The robbers are described as rather youth
ful , not over twenty or twenty-three years of
ago , of slight build , and dressed something
I ilto farmers. No ono saw their faces except
the conductor , and by the dim light of his
lantern ho received no detlnito Impression of
their features.
The sheriff's posse returned this morning
after an almost fruitless 'search for the rob
bers. They succeeded in tracing the men tea
a farm house whom it is known they stele a
liorso from a farmer named Evans. Il is
supposed they forced the horse to carry
double. The tracks of tbo animal were
traced to a bend in the river , whore the
foot-prints in the sand showed that the men
probably dismounted. At thU place all
traces of the bandits was lost. It is likely
they crossed the river and boarded the train
for Loavonworth ou the Kansas City &
Northwestern road , and oscnpcd by that
menus to Leavonworth and thence to some
point in Nebraska. Two passengers In the
sleeper wore Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Deu-
hum , of this city.
Tlio I/ou Clinw Plro ,
SAN FUANCISCO , August 4. The steamer
City of Pekln arrived to-day from Hong
Kong and Yokohama , There is much Buffer
ing in Lou Chow , China , caused by the late
lire , which destroyed three fifths of the city.
Heavy rains foil in certain districts of Japan
last month. At Amagl und neighborhood on
the 10th 505 houses wcro cither washed away
or knocked down and twenty people drowned.
At 1 1 it a , on thesauio data , 200 houses were
washed away und nine people drowned.
An Immense Iron Shipment.
Din.UTir , Minn. , August 4. [ Special Tolo-
rnm to TUB UEE.J Five hundred and three
tons of iron orn have been shipped from the
Minnesota Iron company's mine , by lake
from the harbors , up to 0 o'clock to-night.
This beats the world's record of a single
mine's shipment lor an equal length of time ,
Six years ago the mines were not shipping
anything , _ _
Killed l > y a l'Vel 'lit Train.
GIIKCN KIVKII , Wyo. , August 4. Special
Telegram to Tur Hen. " ! Illehard J. Roberta ,
of No. IDS Clifford street , Detroit , who was
book-keeper for Hunter & Morris , of this
city , was run down by u freight tram in the
yards hero nt 10 o'clock last evening , died at
Iliolu3t : : night and was buried to-day by the
Masonic lodge of this city.
An Offer for tlio Clierokco Strip ,
TAIILFQUA , I. T. , August 4. The Cherokee
commission , In a communication to Chief
Maycs , of the Cherokee nation , has rendered
a formal offer for the purchase of the Chcro-
kcn strip at $1.25 per acre. The chief has
adjourned the session In the executive coun
cil till nuxt Thursday , ut which time ho will
present the commission's communication.
Dnwea anil Htockliriil o In Chicago.
Ciacuoo , August 4. Senators Dawcs , of
Massachusets , and Stockbridge , of Michi
gan , of the committee to Investigate- Indian
affair * in Alaska , arrived In the city to-day ,
after five weeks traveling in Alaska. While
they declined to talk of the probable report
of the committee. Senator Dawcs stated that
the stones of Indian outrages had boon
greatly exaggerated ,
County I'olltlcs.
PI.ATTSMOUTII , Nob. , August 4. Special
to TUB 13in. ; ] The vrlro pulling has begun
for the county election , which will occur In
November. Candidates will bo numerous
for every ofllco , and from the present work
ings of the republicans they moan to win
everything , The democrats have not fully
recovered from the shock which they re
ceived at Cleveland's defeat last fall , but
will probably uwukcn from their slumbers
when it is too late.
From the bitter fooling which exists bo-
twccn the cast ana west ends of the county
on account of the county scat strife it is presumed
sumod that Weeping Water will make n des-
pornto effort to nominate and elect the entire
ticket from the west end.
Plattsinouth heads the list with aspirants
for county treasurer. Thomas Pollock , re
publican , thinks ho could properly handle
tbo county money it ho had n chance at the
pot , while S. A. Davis , republican , a gralu
dealer , craves tbo same opportunity , Charles
C. Parmclo and James Patterson , Jr. , demo
crats , will also work for the nomination ,
Humor says Hon. 1 < \ R White has recently
sold his interests In the grain business In
I'lattvnouth und will bo a candidate for the
same ofilco. Weeping Water will work hard
for Stephen Orton , republican , and ho will
very probably bo the republican nominee for
Dave Miller , the present deputy sheriff ,
and It. W. Hyors , ex-sheriff of Cass county
nnd oxwurdcn of the state penitentiary , will
bo opposed at the convention for the nomina
tion of sheriff by Dave Woortardof Weeping
Water. Sheriff J. C. Elkonbary , the present
incumbent , now noarlng thecloso of his third
term of olllce , says ho Is out of the fight.
Attorney C. A. Woosloy , of Greenwood ,
nnd Attorney D. 1C. Hiirr , of tins city , both
want to bo elected county Judge.
The greatest contest will bo for the ofllco
of county commissioner , who Is to bo elected
from the First district , which is mostly in
the west cud of the county. No person has
yet boon unuicd by cither party for tins'
The democrats are very reticent in reply
ing to any question pertaining to their
"would-bo candidates" and success this fall ,
but say there is plenty of time yet.
Dunbtir's Bright Prospects.
DUN-UAH , Neb. , August 4. [ Special to THE
BBE. J Dunbar is in the center of one of the
richest agricultural nnd stock sections in
Otoo county , and section abounding In fruit
nnd owned by wealthy and intelligent farm
ers. A Junction of the B < & M. ana Missouri
Paclllo railroads , It Is surrounded by a circu
lar bolt of heavy timber , and is sheltered ou
the west from the storms of winter by a high
divide , whoso slope is covered with private
residences und whoso crest is crowned with
a number of neat cottages standing out from
a background of thrifty young onk groves.
It has perfect natural drainage , the very
best of water , and Its sanitary advantages
are nowhere excelled. There are two well
attended churches , under tbo charge of able
and uopular pastors ; a lurgolwo-story school
house , with a corps of competent
leathers ; two elevators under sep
arate management ; a ynrd controlled
by the Chicago Lumber company ;
two coal dealers , an excellent physician , n
good drug'storo , n butcher shop , throe largo
general merchandise * stores and a fourth ( a
brick S5&4) ) in course of erection , one re
spectably conducted saloon , ono blacksmith
and wagon shop , two' hotels and livery
stables , harness shop , an implement house
and txvo carpenter shops.
The citizens are , now agitating the estab
lishment of a bank ; and ; as overtJOO.OW uro
annually expended foe grain and hogs alone ,
its need is well appreciated. < At a largely
attended publio meeting , hold Itist-.woalr ,
Messrs. John Thomas , George Ferguson and
H. W. W. Jones were appointed u committee
to further this object , and correspondence is
invited from any ono Desiring a safe and
profitable investment.
As this section is rich in timothy nnd
clover and rioted for its production of butter ,
a creamery company would Hud hero a de
sirable location. A good * shoemaker , too ,
would have steady employment.
Chamnlon'H Iliillroiul I'rosprcts.
CitAMi'ioK , Neb. , August 4. [ Special to
THIS BEIS. ] The near approach of the sur
veying party of the Missouri Illvor , North
Plato & Denver railroad company to the line
of this fiqinityhas revived hopes In the hearts
of the people of soon getting railroad com
munication with the outer world. Champion ,
with her enterprise , stands ready to aid in
the good work in every possible way , and
that , taken with the natural water power
which the towu possesses and the flno farmIng -
Ing country of the Champion valley , with
which it is surrounded , encourages every ono
in the belief that the road will bo built to
this place , and that Champion will become
one of its prominent points. Let us hope this
may bo the case , as it surely will bo if the
enterprise und push of her citizens can bring
it about.
The coming county fair which Is to be hold
at this place on the IMth , 25tb. und 20th of
September , will eclipse anything of the" kind
over held in the western part of the state.
The soldiers hold a reunion hero during the
fair days , and the two combined will attract
a largo number of pooplo. Among thn
prominent gentlemen who have accepted
invitations from without the county to bo
present is ox-Governor Robert W. Furnas ,
Governor John M , Thayer and Secretary
of State Laws. Those gentlemen will re
ceive a rousing recaption at the hands of the
citizens of Cnaso county ,
This county , though young , having boon
organized only three years , is filled with u
go-ahead , nnterprUIng class of citizens , who
are fast turning the barren prairie into u
veritable pinion.
Harvesting of small grain is about ever
und a great harvest it has boon , too. Crops
of all klndi have bean extra good this season ,
a beautiful yield has boon the result , and the
people are all happy and contented.
Improvement * at Syracuse.
STJIACUSI : , Neb. , August 4. [ Special to
TUB BEE. ] Syracuse is Improving consid
erably this spring. .The towu council is hav
ing the streets nicely .graded and walks
repaired. Muny now buildings have gone
up. Among thorn are , George Warner ,
Charles P. Schneider , hardware dealer , and
L. Hoobcl , president of the Syracuse bank ,
The Syracuse bank , of which lion. O , Homo
is cashier , has recently started a branch
bank at Douglas , a now town on thijMUsouri
Pacific railroad , with Charles Marshall us
cashier. t
A special school mcntlng has boon called
to vote bonds for the purpose of erecting a
810,000 school house in tha village this fall.
The Oleo county fair will bo hold hero tlio
first of September ana promises to be a suc
cess.Crops in this part of the country promise
to be bettor than for yean , consequently the
farmers are happy ,
A JIousu Ransacked.
NOIITU PI.ATTE , Neb. , August 8. [ Special
to Tun BEE. ] Burglars entered the house of
A. S. Brown last evening between 8 and 0
o'clock and helped themselves to whatever
money and Jewelry happened to bo in the
house. Mrs , Brown lost a valuable gold
watch with a heavy acclc chain , a valuable
bracelet , a few dollars in mouoy and a few
articles of minor value. Besides those , the
thieves captured a silver watch with u gold
chain attached , together witli brooches ,
rings , earrings and other valuables. The
loss amounts to between (10) und $500. Sev
eral arrests haw boon uiado , but the guilty
ones have so fur escaped.
A New Nobratiku City I'minr.
NEIWASKA CiTirj'Nob. , August 4. [ Special
to THIS BEE , ] The Dally Kvnniug Times is
the latest venture in the Nebraska City
newspaper Hold , iuaklog its first appearance
last night , It Is od ted and printed by Henry
Huckius , and its DO 1 Icy , it Is announced , will
bo Independent. Editor Hucklns has Just
removed hero from Umi'lllln. whore ho was
appointed postinasto- few days ago.
Commissioner Doy Scours the Coun
try In Sonroh of Its Ownor.
The Fort Miulisou & North-western's
Strugclc Tor Existence A I'eou-
llnr I'MRtit Aiuona tlio Business
Men oT Iturluilon.
Who Owns the Road ?
DBS MOINES , la. , August 4. [ Special to
Tun UBK. ] It Is not often necessary to
hunt a long while to find some ono willing to
admit the ownership of a railroad , Hut that
has been the case with what Is known as the
Contervlllo , Moravia & Albla railroad. It Is
not a very largo road , nor so vrv Important
to the goiicraVpubllo. ' Hut the people in"tho
few little villages served by It thought it
was a great Institution after it began to sus
pend operations. So they aont a complaint
to the railroad commissioners asking that
the owners of the road bo compnllod to
operate it. Then bogau a hunt for the
owner. Nobody scorned willing to father
the poor little road that never paid ex
penses nnd was so honolessly crlpplod that It
couldn't ' go nlouo. Couunissiouor Dey was
made a special committee to scour the
country nnd find out If possible who owned
that road. After a long and faithful search
his efforts were crowned with success. Mr.
Russell Sago , of Now York , to whom ho had
written for information , replied that the
road was owned by himself , Mr. W. II.
Gcbhart nnd Mr. Opdyko , who had bought
it in behalf of the bondholders some tlmo
ago. It seems that the road was leased to
thoICcokuk& Western , und that company ,
after operating it ut a loss for some months ,
turned it over to the owners , and they tied
it up for n while. Hut negotiations had
recently been concluded with tlio Iowa
Central railway , and that company Is ex
pected to operate it as a part of its system ,
and may bo able to make It p.iy. It is sur
mised also that the Milwaukee road is behind -
hind the leasa , und will use this deserted
road for a direct route Into very rich coal
territory in southern Iowa. tAt any rate ,
suincbody is going to operate t the road , and
the people along these twenty-two miles of
rusty rails will bo very happy to hear again
the whistle nnd tha bell.
and the "Q. "
DBS MOINES , la. , August 4. ( SDCcial to
TUB BEI : . ] There is a very peculiar situa
tion of affairs at Burlington in regard to the
relation between the business interests of
the city and the Hurllueton , Cedar Ituplds &
Northern road , which starts from there.
Some of the Jobbers of Burlington have been
fighting thu road for lower rates , and some
weeks ago ilied complaint for tins purpose
with the commission. But the business men
of the city generally , including the manu
facturers , retailers and other shippers , are
satisfied with tlio present rates , and fo _ > l that
the road Is doing us well as it can , since It
isn't paying its flxed charges , as the rules
now are. Souio tlmo ago the extensive
rolling mills at Burlington were burned , and
tbo owners will not rebuild unless they can
receive some special concessions from this
Burlington , Cedar Riplds & Northern rail
road , The road says that If it Is to bo con
stantly fought by Burlington pooiilo , it is
through with making any special favors for
Burlington. But the citizens generally do
not want to sco this extensive industry go
away Iroui the city , so they held a meeting
aud adouted resolutions asking thai thu com
plaint against the road bo withdrawn. This
petition was signed by over seventy of the
leading business firms and companies of the
city. But the handful of Jobbers who de
mand that the railways of Iowa shall bo run
for their exclusive advantage refused to
yield and went on with their complaint. The
commissioners have it under advisement , but
the business men of Burlington generally are
very angry at what they call u solllsh perse
cution of a road that has always been
friendly to their city. The Burlington ,
Cedar Ilaplds & Northern is an Iowa road ,
situated entirely within the state. It is
managed by Iowa men who nro respected
everywhere for their fairness and Justice
toward the public. But the road isn't pay
ing expenses under thn present rates , and
any attempt to make it give lower rate * is
looked upon us unjust.
GOCA It Alone.
DES AIoiNES , la. , August 4. { Special to
THE BKE. ] There is one Iowa railroad that
enjoys the distinction of being it llrst class
road , and having u set of rales for itself
nlono. This is the Fort Madison & North
western railway , a narrow gauge road that
has had peculiarly hard luck and a great
struggle to got along. For some thno it has
been In the hands of a receiver , and it was
thought not long ago that the road would
give up the unequal contest and not try to
live. But the receiver , Mr. C. A. GllchHst ,
came before the commissioners and talked
the matter ever , and the commissioners told
him to muko a schedule of rates upon which
the road could exist and lot thorn see It. So
ho went to work and prepared a schedule of
rates just to lit the requirements of his situ
ation , and the commlssionors have accepted
It and will let him experiment and sco if the
road can llvo under it. " . 'ho rates are in so mo
respects lower than tno commissioners' '
schedule for that kind of a road , but iu the
main are a little higher. As this is the only
road that has a schedule all to itself , its
classltlcatlon is therefore fourth class , and
its schedule Is a fourth-class. There have
been but tbrco such In operation heretofore ,
Hn'rla ii's Complaint.
DBS MOINKS , la , , August 4. [ Special to
TUB BEE. ] Next Tuesday the railroad com
mlssionors will bo at llar'.an , Shelby county ,
to glvo the people of that pluco a hearing on
their complaint of insufllclent train facilities.
Being on u bruuoh road , that place has suf
fered , as have others , by the cutting.down of
passenger service. The roads claim that the
trains on the brunch haven't paid expanses ,
nnd so must bo reduced In number. The
people who live ut towns on the branches
fool t .o loss of trains very- much , nnd want
some relief. It is expected that citizens of
Guthrie Center will also bo present ut thu
hearing and state tholr complaints , which
are of a similar character.
A Coloruil Glrl'H HIICOOHS.
Dns MOINBS , la. , August 4. [ Special to
Tun BBE. | Miss Nora Brockmrldgo , a very
brignt nnd intelligent young colored girl of
this city , has just passed the required exam
ination and been granted u county certificate
to teach in the public schools. She is the first
colored girl who has ever been granted a
certificate In this county , and thn colored
people are very proud of her success.
The Coiulni : Kluto Pair.
DBS MOINKS , la. , August -Spooial [ to
Tni ) BEK.J A now feature has boon added
to the attractions ot the coming state fair ,
it is proposed to have an exhibit by counties
of their several resources and advantages.
Ouo largo tent , and m tlmo probably a per
manent building , will be set apart for the
ninoty-nino counties of Iowa. Bpaco will bo
reserved for each , and in this space each
county will have a uilulatura fair , so far as
exhibits of its soli , minerals , agricultural
products , etc. , are concerned. This will enable -
able tbo different parts of the state to dis
play their respective advantages , so that a
Htruncor can form uotno ideu of the desirable
places In which to settle. The natural
rivalry of the different counties will bring
out tholr best exhibits anil nmko this fcnturo
of the fair quito nltrar.tlvo. It is not ex
pected that tlioro will bo a largo representa
tion thU your , but the feature will bo inau
gurated and In years to come will form n
very important and attractive part of the
Tlio. GrniuV Army Boycott.
Dns MoiNn , In. , August 4. [ Special to
Tun HKn.l An effort Is now Vcmr made to
have Department Commander Smith , of
Mount Pleasant , withdraw his circular ad
vising the Grand Army men of Iowa to stay
away from the Milwaukee encampment.
There is a general dcslro among ; the old sol
diers of this state to attend , nnd they want
to bo ofllclally represented there by the larg
est nttondnnco possible. The boycott Is not
generally approved , mid the Grand Army
men generally say thnt they will go nny way ,
but they would prefer to nnvo Commander
Smith turn In nnd help thorn to have the
largest crowd possible.
Missouri Vnlloy Brnnolilnc Out ,
Missouut VAI.LBT , la. , August 4. [ Special
Telegram to Tun Bui.J--A recent ordi
nance passed the city council extending the
limits of the city corporation , making the
area double what It was. This was done to
Increase the assessed valuation wltji u view
to constructing a system of water works ,
which will ho begun very shortly , and upon
which n number of bids have boon offered ,
all of which wcro rejected by the oily coun
cil , they being higher than the amount that
could bo appropriated by law.
Tlio lil.auk Diamond Arrives From
llelirinc Sen.
YiCTonu , 13. C. , August 4. There is great
excitement hero. The schooner Hlack Dla-
moud arrived last evening from Ucliring
sea. The particulars of her seizure by the
American revenue cutter are as follows :
"July 11 wo got in a catch of flfty-tlirco
souls. At 4 p. m. wo sighted the revenue
cutter Hush. She came up to us and ordered
us to heave to. Wo did so. The chief ofllcor
came aboard and demanded our papers. Wo
refused to vivo them to him and ho then got
a screw driver and screwed off the hinges on
the locks hi the cabin , took the papers and
105 seal skins and nil the Iml'an ' spears nnd
ten baps of salt. Then ho put John HawkIns -
Ins , nn nblo seaman , aboard as sailing
master , with instructions to us not to inter
fere. As soon us the Hush was lost sight of
we steered right for Victoria. HuwKlnt
from the start saw it was Impossible
to attempt to taka chnrco of affairs ,
nnd consequently lav In his bunk nearly the
whole time , not attempting to interfere.
Hawkins says he was treated kindly by
everybody. When ho put aboard the steamer
ho said to his ofllcors : "Instead of taking
her to Sitka they may go to Victoria. " They
did not answer him.
Mr. Hanley , collector of customs hero , said
ho Is of the opinion that when Hawkins was
put aboard the Bluuic Diamond the pcoplo on
the Rush did not , cure whether shu came to
Victoria or not , as long as she got out of
Bchring sea and stopped destroying seals.
Hawkins has told every thing to the American
consul hero , who has wired th o Washington
authorities about the matter.
No Uoporta Kccoivcil.
OTTAWA , August 4. The government lias
not received any report regarding the es
cape of the Black Diamond from the United
States authorities. The news of her cscapq
was given to the cabinet ministers to-night.
The news has given great satisfaction hero ,
but the members of the government decline
to express any opinion. Mr. Bowel , minister
of customs , has telegraphed for particulars.
No Information ut Washington.
WASHINOTON' , August 4. Tho. published
report of the arrival ut Victoria of the sealer
Black Diamond , which has been seized by
the revenue cutter Hush for illegal sealing
in Bchring sea and put in charge of a sea
man , caused little surprise hero. So far as
known there has been no ofllcial information
rccelvetl on the subject from any quarter.
Assistant Secretary Wharton , who is acting
as secretary of state , rpcolvod his llrst inti
mation of the arrival of the steamer through
a newspaper representative , and said ho had
no information on the subject.
Tlio Boston Narrowly Ksn.ipcs Goiny
to tlio Bottom.
Nnw YORK , August 4. A special from
Newport , H. I. , says : The navy has Just es
caped losing ono of the llnest of its now
ships. The Boston was last evening run on
n roclc on the southern end of Rose Island ,
in this harbor , The Boston had Just com
pleted the last of a scries of important trials
in Narragansott bay , and was returning to
her anchorage off Goat Island when the
accident occurred. No sooner did the
schooner strike than off she slid. In
an instant all the water tight
compartments were banged tight shut ,
but notboforo the compartments under this
engine room were completely Hooded. Tim
ship was at once headed close in shore anil
now with all her compartments tightly shut
she appears to keep tlio water con/incd. It
nothing worse develops she may bo able to
reach Now York by steaming slowly. As
soon as she makes the navy yard not a mo
ment will bo lost In getting her into dry
dock , and until this Is done no idea can' be
t'onned of the extent of her injuries. No one
doubts that she has knocked a hole in her
bottom somewhere amidships ,
This morning aim was listed on ono side
while a diver examined her bottom. The
amount of damage Is not yet known. The
ofllcers are reticent.
A Kntnl Collision.
WASHINGTON , August 4. A collision oc
curred on the Virginia Midland railroad this
morning at Hurleys , Va. , between two
freight trains. Firoianu Fred A. Fox , of the
south-bound freight , was killed Instantly ,
and Engineer Charles Davis , of the north
bound troight , was seriously injured. En
gineer Krnest Hayes , of the south-bound
freight , and Urnkeman M , A , McDonald are
missing , and are supposed to ba under tha
wreck , Fireman Kelley and Brakemun Me
Uluin are also badly injured.
An Old Politician Dies.
LOUJ8YIM.B , ICy , , August 4. James P.
Huckner , sr. , died hero to-day of puralyaih
nt the ago of seventy-six. Ho was a Vir
ginian by birth , and served fourteen years
in the Kentucky legislature. Ho served
with dlstlctlon during the war nnd was umdo
collector of rovcnuo by President Grunt.
He held this place thrrn terms , leaving it
with GarUold's ' accession.
A BoulnnuUt Ijimdoi * Elected.
I'AKIS , August 4. The second ballot for
members of the councils general wcro taken
to-day in the cantons whore no dellnlt result
was obtained lust week. Tlio return * show
the election of 113 republicans anil 41 con
servatives , Laguorro , a HoiilungUt leader ,
was elected ut La Hoohello , The republicans
lo&o thirteen seats ,
A Qiilrtt Dny at Oincliintill.
CINCINNATI , August 4. To-day has been
tlio quietest Sunduy since the llrst attempt
at enforcing the Owen law was made. A few
saloons were carrying on a aido-door busi
ness , but they had guards stationed outside
that admitted only known persons. There
have been but mx urrests and no trouble of
auy uiiid has been reported.
A JMlBnoiul Noufo Iiynolieii.
LA PLATA , Mo. , August 4. Uon Davis ,
colored , was taken from an ofllcer who hud
him in custody and lynched to-day , Ho had
attempted to outrage the wlfo of a youny
fur. t
The Supposed Finn to Settle the
Bohrlng Sea Troubles.
A Joint. Control oCUioScnllncf ] round *
by tills Country , Knclnml mill
the Muscovite Hiimoi-oil
Mnll Dcprpilntlutts.
C13 VotiKTr.BNTit Srur.ET. V
WAsidNtiTox. D. C. , August 4. )
There Is reason to believe that the negoti
ation to bo soon set on foot for a settlement
of the Hohring seas controversy will bo n
tripartite arrangement , Instead of a simple
conference between Knghtud und the United
States. The fact that the sea in question Is
bounded on the west by Russian territory
brings the Muscovite government Into tno
matter , and will result , in nil probability , in
nil arrangement between the United States ,
Russia nnd England for a Joint control of the
scaling grounds. It is the belief In well In
formed diplomatic circles here that the
state department , anticipating souio
controversy over the right to control Hob
ring sea , has already communicated with the
Russian authorities through the legation
hero , and that by the tlmo Sir Julian
Pnuncufoto returns to Washington arrange
ments will bo perfected for a meeting of tbo
three must Interested governments , in which
nn agreement will bo suggested for a division
of the responsibility of protecting the bedding -
ding grounds of the seals. It is well under
stood that England Is ns much Interested as
the United States In preventing poachers
from Indiscriminately slaughtering the valu
able animals , und whtlo Russia's commercial
Interests in the northwestern waters are not
to bo compared with the interests of
cither of the other governments she
will bo ready and willing to Join
with both for this purpose. In the meantime
there will bo no modification of the policy of
the United States , aim the revenue cutters
wilt continue to soiio the snips of any
nationality winch may bo found In the for
bidden waters with seals on board.
James Maynard has been chief clerk of the
mails in the depredation division of the post-
011100 department for eight years past. Ho
has followed the work of his oulco carefully .
during that timo.
" 'Iho number of Joprcdiitions varies from
year to year" ho said yesterday. "A perusal
of the records of the ofllco will show , how
ever , that while there was ono piece of iiuil )
lost in 18bin ! ) every 1,5'JO ' that were handled ,
the past year reduced the number lost to ono
in every 8,700. The number of complaints
during hist year wore but a little moro than
llvo hundred In excess of the same period
live years previous , while of course the busi
ness of the department lurrcuscd greatly la
excess of that.
Attorney General Miller has some decided
views upon the subject of congressional ac
tion ou appropriation bills.
"Instead of waiting until the last days of
congress to pass aiipropriatlon bills , " ho said
yesterday , "I think u regulation should bo
made , by a constitutional amendment if
necessary , by which such measures should
bo disposed of before nny qthcr business
could bu taken up. That would effectually
prevent the abuses which are sometimes at
tcndant upon putting riders on thcsb bills at
the last moment"
The much talked of "Sunday rest" order
which President Harrison Usuocl some tlmo
ace does not scorn to give much "rest , " and
at some of the army posts there is con-
sldornblo complaint. The words "Sunday
morning Inspection , " while referring merely
to dress and general appearance , are con
strued to warrant the detail of a Held oOIcor
to make the rounds. This at largo posts
compels the companies last in line to wait a
tfood hour for their turn. This interpreta
tion of the general orders docs not meet the
views of the advocates of the measure , and
an effort will shortly bo mndo to secure from
the war department an amendatory order.
J. M. Sowoll , of Hustings , is nt the Na
Hon. II. T. Clarke , of Omaha , is at the
A Widow Mysteriously Assaulted in
iNDiANAi'ous , Ind. , August 4. The throat
of Mrs. Mwry Smith , u widow , was cut by a'
burglar while she was uslcop Friday night.
She was awakened by the consciousness of a
stinging pain In her neck , and Involuntarily
raising her hand she felt the keen edge of a
knife or razor across her fingers. She
screamed and her son , from u room upstairs ,
came to her assistance , but the burglar
escaped. The wound was deep , and u sovor-
unco of the Jugular vein was prevented only
i > y the Hlight obstruction of the strings of
her night cap , which were cut. She will dlo.
No attempt at robbery was made , The only
explanation that can possibly bo given BO fur
is that several years ago Mrs. Smith testified
In ceurt against a criminal who went to the
penitentiary vowing vengeance on the wit
nesses in the case. It is thought possible
that this man may have committed the crime.
The Dorvlflli DcfcrU.
CAIIIO , August 4. General Gronfoll , In his
oniclul report of yesterday's battle , says the
dervishes umdo repeated nnd desperate
charges upon his men. They were mot by
the Infantry In line of battle , supported by
the Twentieth hussars and the Egyptian
cavalry. Tnu Egyptian horse , artillery did
excellent service , The dervishes numbered
: i,000 , lighting men. The Hrltlsh troops will
now return to Cairo.
The Egyptian killed and wounded number
about ono hundred.
The Khedive has sent congratulations to
Gonornl Grcnfell. It has boon decided that
the permanent occupation of Savrls isnocos-
sary for tlio protuctJon of the frontier , The
movement upon Dongnla is deemed useless
unless there is ansiint to the views of the
ICngllsh generals that Berber should bo hold
as the true key to the Soudan ,
The latest advices glvo the Egyptian loss
at seventeen killed uuu Kit woundoJ , One
thoubund dervinhes were umdo prisoners.
Th Atuliixon Rliowlnr-
BOSTON , August 4. The gross earnings of
the Ateliison , Topeka & Santa Fo railroad
for Juno wcro ! ,0j 1,110 , an increase ever
June , 18b8 , of f 11,898 , The not earnings
werowsll'J ; , a decrease of $ T7b75. The
mileage was 7,111 miles , nn Incroasu of 055
mile * , und the not earning per mile was
fi.iU : ) , 11 decrease of $10.10. For six
months in IBS'J the gross earnings
were JlS.-tS'j.TW.Cn ' , net earnings $2,470-
074.87 , average mileage flll.aa , gross earn
ings per mile H,7t7.0 , not earnings per
mile un. ' . i. Compared with a like period
In IhSti this shows a decrease for ISti'J in the
grins earning ! ) per mlle of ? K.H7 ! and nn In-
crcaso iu the net earnings per lullo of (4,14.
Kntnl Holler ICxuloHlon.
PiTrsiiuitd , August 4 , The explosion of a
boiler near McICoosport. Pa. , Instantly klllutl
Engineer Louib Erb and three othora. John
and Philip Harvey and uu unknown young
man \voro badly scalded und inby not ro-
wvur <
Deposited In iliii I'm ) tlioon.
PAKIU , August 4. The remains of Carnet ,
Marronu , IVAiil'Vgnro and Uandln were do-
poxltnd hi the i'unthcon to-day wltti linurot-
nlvo coriiuipiui's. President Carnet , thu mem-
li'irs of thu i-ablnet anil tha most j > roifclnea | {
slit to ofilcml.i were present.