Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 04, 1889, Image 1

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i V *
Moro Damaging Testimony In the
Maybriok Caeo.
If the Evidence of the Prosecution
May Bo Bollovod.
The Dofonoo Also Submits Its Side
of the Oaso.
Tlio Court Grants Her Permission to
ilnko a Btntumnnt , Which Will
Probably JUo linn ( led in
Tlio Atnyhrlak Poisoning On no.
iroi/Huit | | ? WO till Juint * Oimlm Itennttl.
LiVKiirooi. , August 8. [ Now York Herald
Cable Special to TUB Bitc.1 The Moy-
brlck trial to-day ended its stage of the case
for the crown , the elaboration of whlcli
lasted from 10 o'clock on Wednesday mornIng -
Ing until almost adjournment to-day , nnd the
defense ot the prisoner has been entered
Tno task which Sir Charless Uussoll has
before him Is ono of difficulty and delicacy ,
ouch ns falls to the lot of few advocates.
Hardy , oven In casei xvhoro poisoning ,
always an especially secret form of crime ,
lias been In the question , have the facts been
' so complicated as In the present instance ,
for ono of the main supports ut the defense ,
ns disclosed to-day by Itussoll , is the nlluga
tlon that the deceased was in the habit of
taking arsonlo.
The appearance of the prisoner this morn
ing showed that the trial has been tolling
with terrible effect upon her health. As she
entered tlio dock she looked fear
fully haggard , her once plump cheeks
bolng thin and worn. Her stop , too , has lost
its elasticity , nnd it obviously demanded an
effort to enable her to walk steadily to her
The morning's proceedings opened with
the cross-examination of the nurse , Ellen
Gore , who deposed to seeing Mrs. Maybrick
stealthily take u bottle of Valentino's meat
extract from a small table in the boil room of
the deceased and carry it into the dressing
room , whonro she returned two minutes af
terwards and denosltcd the bottle on the
tnblo In the same stealthy manner , remov
ing it subsequently to the washstand.
The nurse's testimony was not shaken on
cross-examination , but she added thut noth
ing of an obnoxious 'character could luivo
been administered to the deceased whllo she
was in charge.
Margcrt Jane Gallery , another nurse ,
stated that the patient liked to hnvo Mrs.
. Maybriok In the room , and that on Friday ,
as she was about to admlnistci medicine , ho
suid to Mrs. Maybrick : "Don't give mo the
wrong medicine. " Mrs. Maybrick replied :
11 What are you talking about ; you never hud
tho.wrong medicine. "
Susan Wilson , a third nurse , who rollovod
Nurse Cnllery on Friday afternoon , nlsp hud
a conversation between the deceased nnd his
wlfo to relate. She stated that on Friday
evening , May 10 , tbo patient said to Mrs.
Maybrick : "Oh , Bunny , Bunny , how could
you do it ? I did not think It of you. " This
ho repeated thrco times. The prisoner replied -
plied , "You silly old darling , don't trouble
your head about things. "
Alfred Schwlcss , who In March wnp head
waiter at a private hotel nt No. ! & Hen
rietta street , Cavandlsh square , deposed to
the prisoner coming to the hotel on March 21
and occupying a bed and fitting room which
eho had previously engaged by letter. A
gentleman came about half-past G o'clock in
the evening nnd went out with Mrs. May-
brick. Witness did not see Mrs. Maybriok
again until breakfast time on Friday ,
March 23 , when another gentleman was with
her , but not the same he had seen ever night.
That same day Mr. Brlerly , as Mr. May-
brick , arrived ut the hotel , nt\d \ from Friday
to Sunday occupied the same bedroom with
Mrs , Maybrick.
Whllo this evidence was being glvqn the
prisoner preserved an attitude of complete
Indifference. It was maintained , however ,
evidently by n studied effort.
The last witness called for the prosecution
was Dr. Thomas Stevenson , n lecturer in
chemistry and forensic medicine nt Guy's
hospital , n lexicologist of great cxDorlonco ,
to whom several Jars containing tlio viscera
of the deceased had been sent for analysis.
Stevenson's evidence greatly strengthened
the case foi the crown , In addition to the
details in his discoveries of arsenic in the
liver nnd Intestines , ho declared that ho had
no hesitation In assorting that the deceased
died of arsonlc poisoning , und from no ether
This declaration , delivered with nil the
conscious authority of a man high in his pro
fession , mndo an evident impression upon al
in court.
Sir CMarlc.s Hussoll then rosn to begin hi :
opening speech for the defense , In mcas
urcd tones ho explained his sense of the
weight of responsibility in defending against
a charge of BO tremendous a character
"tho friendless lady in the dock. '
The Icnrnod counsel , In pronouncing
thcso words , displayed , for him , an unwnnloi
degree of emotion , nud the prisoner , to whom
ho dramatically pointed , wept violently ,
With n little further preface Kussoll suid
thcro were two points for the Jury's cons Id
eratlon. First. Was the death of James
Maybrick duo to arsenical poisoning ! See
oudly. If so , was the prisoner the poisoner
Ho admitted the fact that arsenic was fount
In the dead man's body , but ho challenged
the hypothesis of the prosecution thut it was
tlio cuuso of death. Ho declared , ninld a
hush which showed by how strong un ex
citement his auditors wcro Inspired , that ho
should call witnesses who would etato thut
the deceased hud for years been In the habit
of taking arsonlc , that the habit had been
begun as far back us 1877 Iu America , and
that the deceased would bo slioivn to hayo
taken arsonlo habitually down to a point In
1S$8. He commented upon the object with
which the prisoner had pur
chased fly paper * , which were the
only Mtuirros of artonlo which she wt-e shown
to have procured , nnd Uo further inserted
that ho should call export evidence which
would strongly negative the theory of urf or. .
ical poisoning. Uo himself should bo dis
posed to the consequences of the cxpoiurn
at the Wirral ruces on April 27 , aggravate
by errors of diet. He asked that the pris
oner might no allowed to maVa n statement
to the Jury which might be taken as evidence.
HI * lordship hero interposed aid | said that
0 iUtcaout : might 'je recY.vevl nnd udmittcd
_ sL.
ns a voluntary statement , and upon the coun
sel's application ho consented that , provided
no ono was allowed access to the prisoner ,
she might bo allowed to wrlto It before Mon
Sir Charles concluded h s able and Imprcs-
slvo address by beseeching the Jury not to
) ormlt the dark shadow which rested upon
; ho prisoner's conduct as a woman and wlfo
to Intlucnco tholr Judgment In determining
upon tholr vordtct.
The first witness for the defense was Nlca-
olns B. Batcsou , on American now living nt
Memphis , Tonn. In 1877 ho was living at
Norfolk , Va. , nnd thcro became acquainted
with James Mnybnck , who , like himself , was
a cotton broker , and with whom ho lived
until the marriage of the deceased In 1831 ,
Ho stated that in the nutum of 1878 May-
brick suffered from malarlnl fever , for
which Dr. Ward , of No-folk , find
ing qulnlno of no avail , prescribed
arsonlc nnd strychnine. Ho complained then
of numbness in his limbs , which the witness
attributed to nervousness.
Hlcliard Thompson , of No. 5 Chester street ,
Liverpool , a master mariner by profession ,
became acquainted with the deceased In 1880.
Ono day , when the witness nnd the deceased
were together , they wont Into a drug store ,
whcro the latter got his "desideratum , "
which , on questioning the druggist's nsslst-
ant'wo day's afterwards , the witness learned
to bo n preparation of nrscnio. On this ,
Thompson being Intlmuto with tno deceased ,
ho remonstrated with him on the danger of
the practice , when ho replied In nn Irritated
manner and obliviously did not like speaking
on the subject.
Thomas Stnnsall , a colored man and waiter
at the St. James hotel , Norfolk , Vn. , said
thnt during 1878 , 1879 and 1880 ho acted ns a
servant to Mnybrick and Mr. Untcson , and
was thrco or rour times sent by Maybrlcit to
put n small quantity of arsonto with n
spoon Into beef tea , which ho
then drank. Ho had noticed also that May-
briclt had a great many medicines nnd was
much In the habit of dolnc it himself.
On cross-examination this witness seemed
quite unnbla to give any reason why arsenic
should have boon purchased by the deceased.
It was not the doctor's prescription , nor was
tie told to buy any particular quantity. May-
brick Just gave him half a dollar and told
him to buy arsenic. The druggist scorned to
know what ho wanted and gave it to him.
Edwin S. Heatou , n reliable druggist for
merly carrying on business nt No. 17 Ex
change street , East Liverpool , recognized a
photograph of the deceased as that of a gen
tleman whoso name ho did not Know , but
who frequently called nt his shop on Ex
change street , East Liverpool. He had
known him as a customer for about ten years ,
his usual " V
purchase being u "pick-mo-u
Ono day tfns unknown brought a pro
scriptlon for n "pick-me-up" with liquor
added , and from thut time up to shortly
before ho retired from business Mr. Hcaton
constantly supplied this ursonicahzcd "pick
mc-up" to the gentleman whoso name ho did
not know.
A curious sensation was caused by the way
the witness guvo his evidence and his allu
slon to the habits of gentlemen frequenting
the exchange flats , sixteen or twenty of
whom , ho said , would como into his shop
for a ' 'pick-mo-un1' ' ono after another in
the morning. Mauy of them , like the
deceased , took the liquor nrscnlculizcd in their
morning tonics , and the deceased had taken
as many ns five times the amount of arsenic
ns others had taken , say seven drops to a
dose , and live doses would bo about one-
third of a grain of white arsenic per day.
The last witness called for ttio defense
to-day was Dr. C. Moyncott Tidy , chemical
lecturer at the London hospital , whoso ovi-
deiire was obviously designed to counteract
that of Dr. Stevenson us a toxicologIcal -
Ical cjcuort. He. like Mr. Stevenson ,
stated that ho was retained by the homo
ofllco in poisoning oases , of which ho had
great experience. At great length and with
great confidence of manner ho flatly nega
tived the opinions of the medical men on the
other slda that death was the result of
arsenical poisoning. Ho considered that the
symptoms , ns described , tended to exclude
that theory , nnd ho considered that they
were produced rather by lobster sausages
or cheeso. Certain of the symptoms were ,
indeed , consistent with the arsenic theory ,
but several of the most important symptoms
of arsenical poisoning wcro absent.
On cross-examination , however , Dr. Tidy
appeared to hnvo been but imperfectly in
formed of the facts of the case , as he more
than once said that the points involved in
Mr. Addlson's question had not been brought
to his knowledge , and he had to admit that
In a largo number of cases of gastro enter
ills , caused otherwise than by arsenic , which
ho hud examined , no arsenic was found in
the body.
His examination in chief caused a sensa
tion , ov 'ng to the positive way In which ho
negatived the theory of the prosecution , but
this impression was distinctly lessoned by
the cross-examination , which betrayed the
Inconsistencies of this witness.
The evidence then closed for tlio day ,
It is understood that tlio prisoner's state
ment will bo laid before the court Monday ,
Tlic ChlcnRu Ilykcr Victorious on the
AjlcHtou Track.
ICnjii/rlutit ItJJi li'j Jamtt Giiilan nenii'U. }
Lr.iCH&iUK , .Augusts. [ Now York Herald
Cnblo Special to Tin ; BuK.l Halph Temple ,
of Chlrugo , won the great race here to-day ,
In securing the ten miles 'cycling champion
ship of the Ayleston truck. The ether com-
petltoitt wcro Howell , Robert , Hawker , Fred
Wonzall , EuglHh , Alard , James and Leo.
All the records were broken by the huge at-
tondunco. The woalhor was line , although
the wind wan much too froMi to admit ofjfast
time. Temple lay fourth and fifth
in the start , but Improved his
position in the seventh mile. Ho
raced up to second soon ufter and when the
last inllo was cntoml the crowd cheered
lUHtliy as the famous American , with Eng
lish and Kobert cluarod the other * . English
went awuy with a good lead in the last lap ,
butTomplo quickly deprived huuof tlio com-
nmml nnd looked llko coming IP. alone. Kob
ert , bov.'ovor , put on a great spurt und amid
breathless oxoitcmnntollareil hie opponent.
'r iuplo , however , was not to ho beaten , and
amid n perfect hurrlcnno of cheering the man won after u drsporato finish by
U Inches. English was third nnd Howell
nowhere. Time , If ! minutes and li seconds.
EnplUb lodged an object ion agulr.Ht Temple
on the K'i'cunJ that the latter run him
wide , but tlia Jiulfc-o refused to entertain it.
J8S9 tiu Jamtt llonlon Otnnctl.l
LONKOX , August a [ Now York Herald
CuWc Special to TUB BCD. I Lillian Nor-
dicn has boon engaged for Abbey' * operatic
tour in America It is stated.
The KnullDti Apple Crop.
I0n ) > , vrftf' ' . * ISfltiuJiimuUonton HemietM
LOVPOX , August 8. [ Now York Herald
C.iblo--Spociu ! to TIIK BKB. ] lleports from
various sections Indicate that tbo English
| jpla crop will 1)4 nxr-l niAt poor m quality.
Great Nnvnl Display I'ro-
vonlcd liy Hnln.
lCopi/rfoife ? < l lfS9t > u Jnmes Gonlun Itcnnttt. ]
1'oiiTSMOUTH , Augusts. [ Now York Hor-
nldCablo Special to THE UBB. ] The day of
the great naval review opened with
the worst weather the moterologlcal of
ficials of England or Germany could furnish.
A. thick , floating mist filled the air at nil
points of the compass , nnd elaborated itself
nto showers nt intervals. Portsmouth
itrcets had n covering of thick , watery
mud , the dock yards were wastes of
closed worshops , dripping pavements and
illppcry planks. It was n day of oilskins
and mnckentoshcs and anathemas. Ono
liundrcd thousand excursionists wcro bitter
ly dlsapiwlntcd , nnd In the vicinity of the
lialaco , at Oa borne , there was u strongly
marked royal tendency to stay nt homo.
Tlio Impcriousncss of naval discipline
makes no allowance for the weather , how
ever , nnd the grand programme would have
bocn gone through with In a gale , consequently
quently all the steamers wcro at tholr plcra
pursuant to regulations , and dripping cabs
and sleek , wet horses wcro trotting , sliding
and slipping In all directions.
One of the earliest boats to put out was
her majesty's ' steamer Sea Horse , which was
destined to act as the police boat for the oc
casion nnd to also curry the member * of the
press , She slipped her moorings nt the Jetty
nnd promptly at 13 o'clock started down the
harbor , fearing a blow fro'm the southwest ,
which threatened rapidly to tnko on the full-
rown proportions of a Bay of Biscay gale.
The sky was a dull grey combination
of full-soaked sponges , from which the rain
dropped out without intermission. It fell
front the clouds , but when the surface wind
joined forces with It it blew on lateral lines.
The waters , dull , green amj altogether dainu ,
tossed about In ratiior onury waves , which
broke in clouds ever the ) > ows of the yachts
and stoamors. The wind hummed and
whistled nnd roared/through the rigging
and caucht tip largo scoops
of the drift to hurl stinging globules In the
faces of the voyagers in rubber on the deck.
The mainland and Hyde shore wcro straight
lines faintly visible in the mist. The fleet
lay nt anchor In thren long lines , the masts
and smoke stacks nnd turrets rising In a grey
and ghastly fashion through the haza. As
the Sea Horse approached the line the little
black and ugly torpedo boats were seen to bo
tossing rather heavily , making It evi
dent that a deep water trip In
them is a luxury to bo studiously avoided.
They were dripping with rain and spray and
looked , with their variety of black top hamp
ers , us if there was altogether too much
complexity about them for serious service.
There Is no prospect that ttoy will stand
deep water any bettor In the coming man
oeuvres than they did last year , and | what
with breaking machinery , loosened Joints ,
leaking boiler tubes and other marine dis
eases which affect them , the necessity for a
lot of patent medicines to cure
their complaints will inevitably bo necessary
if they are continued as part of the navy.
The coast defense ships Hlto the Hecate ,
Gordon and Cyclops also tossed very
heavily In the light sea running , nnd their
main decks , almost flush with the water ,
were constantly washed by the seas which
broke over them. All the guus on all the
ships were covered with yellow coats. None
of the ships were yet dressed nnd the fleet
looked wet and dingy. It was difllcult to
conceive of gunpowder boins dangerous on
such a day. The only flags flying were the
blue signals calling for wator. This caused
anxious Inquiry. Well , there was no review.
It was not royal weather and tlio queen re
mained under cover all day. Ad
miral Commcrall was desirous of
proceeding , rain or no rain , and
so signalled. The queen considered for
fifteen minutes , und then the signal that
meant postponement was hoisted and every
sailor know there would be no review before
But the lords nnd commons , not being
sailors , had n review all to themselves. They
went up and down the lines and wcro soaked
and tholr tickets wore called In , so thut if
they appear nt Portsmouth Monday they
will be compelled to stay ashoro.
The Germans Tnko Stops to Bring
Uncle tlio Departed King.
[ Copl/Hff/it / 1880 by AssocltttcH Press. ]
AVIA , Samoa , July S3 , ( uer steamer Marl-
posa , San Francisco , August 8. ) Political
affairs in Samoa remain quiet. A German
gunboat left hero Juno 27 for Marshall
Island , to bring back the departed king ,
Mallotoa. aud three chiefs with him. The
Germans say they are bringing him back of
their own free will , and not as a result of
the Ucrlln conference. They ulso say that
they will do all in their power to restore the
condition of affairs that existed hero prior
to his deportation , and will favor him as
king , and Tamaseso ns vice king.
Considerable annoyance Is expressed hereon
on account of a newspaper argument started
in Sydney. The Roman Catholics in London
and n missionary society , to which religious
body the natives , who saved lives iu the
recent hurricane , belong , are divided In their
reliirlous belief , and it is feared that the do
cislon may tend to Increase n bud fcoling
which already exists among the natives ,
Some of the high chiefs fear that the re
ligious differences mav bo carried into the
election for king , which will bo held on Ma
lietoa's return , nnd that a split may occur
among the adherents of the Malictoa family ,
of which Mataafa is a member , and that
thereby Tamasoso may ho elected king , In
which event the Germans would have as
much power as they hap two years ago.
Fntnl Qnnrrol Over n Bottle of Alc'd
loiued Hitters. CITV , Mont , , August 3. [ Special
Telegram to TUB Hun. | Hurry Brown Cook ,
of the "Seventy-six" outfit , was shot and
killed by Albert Brazer , a horse wrangler ,
In the same outfit , near Powdcrvillo last
night. The shooting grew out ot a quarrel
ever a bottle of medicated bitters , the only
Kind of liquor obtainable thereabouts , which
had boon purchased by tnombars of the out
fit , which Brown was drinking by himself.
Brazer protested , when Hrown called him a
foul name , whereupon Brazer turned and
left. Brazor procured his revolver , returned ,
and shot Brown twice , the llrst ball grazing
his head aud the second entering his huac
Just above the eye , killing him instantly.
Brazor Immediately inado his eswipo and has
not been captured. Coroner Sllvurman , of
Miles City , was notified and went to the
place and hold Inquest on the body , A ver
dict was returned In accordance with the
above facts. The body was buried by the
coroner. Both men were with the outllt but
a short whllo.
Killed an Italian Bailor.
I.OXUDX , August 8. A sailor belonging to
an Italian man-of-war has been snot by
MusDoltncn at Cunea , Croto. The Turks
have attacked aud dispersed the body of In
surgents near Conog. A number on both
Ides vroio killed and wounded.
Ho Bnroly Deigns to.-Aoknowlodgo
Germany's Communication.
Afraid of Bismarck's Flnoaso the
Russian Will Not Trust Him.
An Occasion For Rhetorical Gush
By the Soml-Offlolal Press.
CoiiHtructlon Mnturlnl Surreptitiously
Sold My tlic Officials Orent In
terest In tlio Wlssnmii Ex
The Cznr Spoil * tlio Mooting.
opi/r/ulif / , It > * ,9 , tin Aif ) YnrK Associated
BIIILIN : , August a Prince Bismarck's
manoeuvres to bring about a meeting or the
vhrco emperors has been foiled by the sullen
reticence of the cznr , who has barely deigned
to acknowledge the communication of Count
SchousUloft , Informing him that Emperor
Francis Joseph and Emperor William nro
favorable to an lutervlqw. The language of
the seml-oDlcial paper * pf St. Petersburg is
studiously designed to divest the visit of any
tendency to the restoration of amity. The
czar la described us being too well exper
ienced with Bismarck's ' flnosso to allow him
self to again bo duped. With unspoken firm
ness ho has refused to listen to the over
tures unless preceded by a recognition
of Russia's claims /rcodoui of action in
the Balkan peninsular. The ominous out
look on the Servo-Bulgarian frontier , whcro
both governments nro massing troops , the
rising in Crete and the concentration of Rus
sians around Cars discourages the hope that
the czar's Journey will1' bo anything but a
formality which ho would avoid if possible.
The foreign ofllco does not expect him to
come to Berlin. Ho will'go direct from Stet
tin to Potsdam , where ho will stay ono night ,
and then proceed to Copenhagen way of
Kiel. ,
Among the pressing- questions to be di&-
cusscd by Bismarck nhdf Count Kalnoky , the
Austrian prime minister , during the stay
of Emperor Francis Joseph is the position of
the pope. It is believed Mgr. Galembortl
has iulluenced the Austrian emperor to make
an explicit promise to rupture the alli
ance with Italy if' Italy ventures to
occupy the Vatican , bhould the pope leave
Rome. Signer Crlspi , resenting the hostile
diplomacy of Austrja on the Italian policy
regarding the Vatican ; comes again to confer
witli Prlnco BismarcJc immediately after the
departure of the Austrian emporor. The
temper of the Italtap- . government toward
Austria is dtspla/e.d JrSignor Crispl's re
sponse to Priuco Bismarck's congratulations
on the repression of thu irredentists commit- ,
tee. It was briefly :
"Tho irredentists will continue to agitate
until Austria romovos"tho cause. "
Emperor William's nojourn in England is
a prominent topic of press and society. The
soml-oftlclalnewspapers indulge in rhetorical
"gush" over English sympathy with the
emperor's services in the interest of peace ,
the community ofr interests existing
between the two nations , their great civiliz
ing mission , etc. There is a more genuine
rine in the tone of the utnoQlcial press. For
instance , the Vossischo Zeitune dwells upon
the hope thut the meeting will bo the sign of
the ever-increasing strength of the bond
uniting two kindred peoples , leading to more
development along thopnth of liberty , and
that both nations In , the forotront of the
culture of the world will continue to stamp
their views indelibly upon the progress of
The Tagblatt holds that the emperor's
presence at Osborne house gives the direct
lie to the statements representing him as
Inimical to England.
The Boerson-Zeitung says : Emperor
William grasps the moaning of his father's
words , that Germauy and England were
meant by nature to bo friends. Although
England will enter into no formal treaty , the
result of the visit will bo such an approxi
mation to the triple alllanco as will exert a
decisive Influence upon European politics.
The Post , an occasional mouthpiece of
Prlnco Bismarck , alfcO declares tbo political
character of the visit , though it admits that
It is Improbable that the issue- will be a defi
nite alliance agalnit.U common onomy.
After returning from England the em
peror will meet the , regent of Bavaria at
Bayreuth and will attend " the close of the
Wognerian festival- Thence ho will go to
Carlsruho and Strasburg on the 21st , to
Mctz on the 22d and to Munster on tbo 23d.
Ho is duo at Potsdam on the 25th to rocolvo
tbo czar. I
The Cologne Gnzotlo continues Its outcry
against the English-African company
The public is indifferent to the fate of Dr.
I'oters , and centers Its anxiety on Captain
Wlsmann's progress. J Ho has hitherto
effected little. Buulurla' force has been In
creased by the arrival of Arabs from the In
terior armed with 'Remington rltlcs. The
expedition is also besot by'coast fevers , and
the mortality Is Increasing. Fifteen
out of sixty non-commissioned odlcors are
coming homo invalided.
The National Zeltaog.states that the com
mercial treaty with Japan goes into opera
tion In February. The Germans will bo
privileged to ponotmtp.tho country and trucla
every where. SpocIa Germun consular juris
diction will bo reqounoad.
Count Waldcrsoo' will make a tour of
Switzerland on his , holiday. Ho has paisod
through Zurich , Lucerne , Berne and Fro-
bourg to Geneva , Tbo route suggests a
strategic Inspection .associated with bis
search for health. ' <
The Kmln relief cpmmittce to-day issued
an appeal to the natlqn for funds to aid the
expedition. The apuOal won't work. The
committee Ignored the fact that Dr. Peter's
expedition sticks fat , n disorganized mob of
Somahs clamoring for pay and Europeans
sick and wanting doctors and medicine.
Inquiry Into the Kiel navy frauds proves
that corrupt practice * have been In opera
tion since 1884. Th'd wood and iron sent to
Kiel for construction purposes was duly
signed for and then secretly sold in Eng-
land. Chief Constructing Engineer Pan-
nccko is the principal in the scheme.
Bremen omciaht are also involved. The em
peror insists upon the utmost secrecy und
will allow only the sentences which nro Im
posed to bo published.
The pollco are suppressing all meetings of
socialists convened to hour the reports from
the delegates to tUo Paris congress.
ArrAtigontnnts Tor ilnr American
Tour Complritoil.
[ Cnpi/rftfht IBfOliy Jdint-t Gordon Htntult , ]
LONDON , August 0. [ Now iTork Herald
Sable Special to Tun BEE. ] Arrangements
for Paul's next tour of the United States
liavo been completed. Marcus Moycr ,
Abbey's agent , received n telegram from Rio
yesterday , stating that the terms are satis
factory , She will arrive hero on the 20th ,
nnd go to Crulg-y-nos , where she will remain
until October 1. She will then glvo seven
concerts In the provinces , and sail
for NowYorli about the middle of November.
She will make her first nppoaranco In the
Chicago Auditorium on December 0. She
will then go to Mexico and California , ap
pearing In a number of cities on the way to
Now York , where she will oloso April 18.
In comuany with Pattl will bo AlbanI ,
Nndlno , Butlcaff , Gcntru , Valda , Clomentlno
Dovoro , Guorrlna , Fobboy , Hortenso Syn-
nlcborg , Motholdo , Uravoruiolst and Ida
Valorgo , all sooranos , and the contralto
Famngno , the reigning sensation. Koaolh
Peru Jlnl , Vnnni and Blelctto will bo the tenors.
As baritones Del Puento , Marcscalclu ,
Zords , and Carbono have been engaged. The
buisos nro Marcasha , Novara , Castlomari ,
Migllara , Vaschettl nnd Lurlnl. There will
bo n chorousof eighty , nn'orchcstrnof sixty ,
nnd twenty-four dansouscs , and a military
band. Ardlt und Saplo will bo the musical
directors and conductors.
Meyer says that Pattl is ijuarantecd 300
a night and a shuru In the receipts. Ho says
that Pattl will undoubtedly retire at the
end of the trip. She likes singing , but can
not stand traveling.
Bornhardt will open In Now York under
Abbey about the end of November or first of
December. She will bo supported bv Damalo
and Borton. Abbey has also secured the
boy , Otto Hcgnor , who will appear In Now
York on October 23 with the Boston Mcn-
dolssohn Quartette ciub. Sarosato , thp violinist
linist , and Alberts , the pianist , are under
engagement to Abbey for 100 concerts in the
United States and Mexico. Meyer thinks
that Florence St. John in "Faust" will ea [ > -
turo the Now Yorkers. There are seventy
people In the company , nnd it will open in the
Broadway theatre on December 0.
Meyer satis for Now York on Wednesday.
Two Pretty Children Used KfToctlvi'ly
in n Divorce
CHICAGO , Augusts. [ Special Telegram to
Tun BEE.J The two pretty children that
Mrs. Ida Bowman took good care to display
before the Jury which hoard her suit to bo
divorced from Frank C. Bowman , the St.
Louis lawyer , earned for tbo defendant this
morning a now trial of the famous divorce )
caso. Judge Tuloy decided that if Bowman
would pav the back alimonoy to his wife by
October 1 ho would allow him a new trial ,
otherwise Mrs. Bowman would bo grunted
her divorce.
The Bowman divorce case was trlod n year
ago and roigncd for some time as a subject of
general Interest by reason of the fact that it
was the llrst case on record where a divorce
was nought on n common law marriage.
Miss Ida clement didn't olalux to bo married
to the lawyer by coromonlal form , She
, Uvo4 with nlm ana borohim $ vfo children ,
' '
declared In the presence of her mother :
A'Ido , before God' you nro my
wife. "
Upon this Miss Clements continued to Hvo
with Bowman until ho mot a prettier and
youngerj woman. Disregarding the com-
iuon law marriage ho married this young
lady in the regular way. Miss Clements
promptly sued him for divorce. She was
awarded temporary alimony , which Bow
man , now living in New York with his legal
wjfo , never paid. The Judge suspended pun
ishment for this contempt , to allow him to
defend In Ida's suit. Ho defended it vigqr-
ously , but the Jury rendered a verdict finding
there was a common law marriage and grant
ing a divorce. By his attorneys , Bowman ,
without coming to Chicago , made a motion
for a now trial which was argued
nnd submitted to the court. Only Mrs. Bow
man was In court when Judge Tulloy ren
dered his decision this morning. Ho grants
a now trial on two grounds. Ono was that
Judge Grinnoll , when prosecuting attorney ,
was approached by Mrs. Bowman , who com
plained to him that Bowman induced her to
part with a certain deed to property ho had
given her on a pretense to marry hor. The
ether reason why a now triul was granted Is
a more interesting ono. The Judge said :
"Mrs. Bowman had two vary handsome
and Interesting chtldron. They were
allowed to run around the court
room during the entire trial. The Jury
SAW them and was naturally Influenced by
them , when a plea was made that a verdict
against the mother would make thorn illegit
imate children. "
Attorney Hogan regarded this ns a decis
ion virtually in favor of Mrs. Bowman , who
did not seem so Jubilant.
"He'll " suld Mr.
never pay up , Hogan ,
" nnd then we'll got our decree. Ho owes
her $15 a week alimony nlnco February 14 ,
1887 , and ? 500 solicitor's fees besides. "
"I'll fight him next time without my child
ren , " said the little woman as she loft the
Everything Moving Hinontlily Towards
Its Speedy Completion.
GiiRiTowN , Nicaragua , July 18. This
hitherto dull little town , destined to bo the
Atlantic port of th'o Nfcaraqua canal , is
rapidly awakening into new Ufa and is
already blossoming out as the scon o of con
siderably activity. The terrible example set
by the Panama fiasco has been a most use
ful lesson andguldo for the American Canal
company. All errors into which the French
company foil have boon avoided by the
American canal managers , and it may bo
said every dollar squandered by the Do-
Losseps syndicate has been a dollar saved to
the American company. Sickness , star
vation , dissipation und despair marked the
route projected by the financiers of Paris ,
but health , plenty of good food , decency and
quiet energy nro tlio characteristics of
American engineers and tholr assistants.
Everything possible to do for the health of
the employes is being done , nnd still further
efforts are being tnado In this direction.
Portable buildings of all descriptions are
being continually shipped from Now York to
Gieytown , and the engineers und mechanics
will soon bo practically as well housed fn
Groytown as they would bo whllo at work In
any part of the United States. Recognizing
tbo fact that pure water Is the source of
good health , the Groytown engineers of the
Nicaragua Canal Construction company have
Just received ardors to survey and
Uy out the ground and plant for
two largo water reservoirs. Fifteen
miles of steel water piping will
convoy an abundant supply of perfectly pure
water from the Dcseado basin to Groytown.
Thus , so soon as the Jetty and wharves are
completed , ocean steamships will bo able to
water at the company's docks. The town of
Grcytown , otherwise Sail Juaii del Norte ,
will also receive ItsVator supply through
the Canal company's pipes.
It Is reported In Groytown that the CixnAl
company Is figuring upon a line ot thrco
American steamships which may t > a estab
lished between Groytown and Now York
and San Francisco nnd Hrlto , ono of these
steamers to bo devoted to carrying stores
and machinery for the company's use
between San Francisco and Brlto , on the
construction of the Pnclllo harbor of the
canal , and the other two to perform a line
service of the company between Now York
and Groytown.
The property about Groytown , Fort Car
los and Brlto , and all along the line of the
canal route , tn fact , is rapidly advancing In
value. Some- contractors from Sail Fran
cisco and Chicago nro announced to bo com
ing this way ; several from Now York nro
still figuring hero and It Is expected that by
January the San Francisco construction
party will bo "stirring up mud" at Llrlto ,
whllo Now York construction parties will bo
digging tholr way toward lake Nicaragua
from the Atlantic sulo , for It Is now said to
bo the plan of the Nicaragua Canal company
to attnck the Isthmuslan problem from
both sides at once. If this plan
Is actually decided upon the Nic
aragua canal will bo open for navigation
in n much shorter time than at first contem
plated whllcsny Insldo of two yours and n bill f ,
the grand fresh water uasln of Nicaragua ,
draining a water shod of 8,000 nqu.iro miles ,
will bo thrown open to the world , and iu
about twoaml u half years more , or in 1S9I-
05 , the whnlo ciuml will bo ready for busi
ness. As u rendezvous for the American
licet and as a coaling station am\ dock yard
for American men-of-war , lake Nicaragua
will form an Immensely advantageous addi
tion to the United States , for n fleet there
assembled could coal , provision and repair
and swnop cast or west , strike north or
south nnd have a safe refuge should
such n safeguard bo needed. Thus It will
be readily seen It must bo distinctly under
stood at the start that the Nicaragua canal Is
an American Institution nnd that the growth
of the strength of our navy kccus pace with
the growth of the Nicaragua canal , oven
without increasing the number of ships.
This conclusion Is arrived at from the fact
that our Atlantic fleet , nt a few hours'
notice , could reinforce the Pacific fleet , or
vice versa , while oven n small squadron
anchored in Lake Nicaragua would bo very
useful from the fact that it could strike sud
den and unexpected blows either in the
Atlantic or Pacific ut a moment' ) notice.
Hnln Falling inorrcnts and Doinc
Great Inmni ; < ; In Now YorK.
Nnw Yoitic , August 8. Notwithstanding
the fact that it has boon raining , almost stead
ily for the past week there Is still no sign of
clearing weather. About 8 this morning
rain fell In torrents for about fitly minutes ,
nnd flooded the streets mill collars in this anil
Brooklyn. The storm was accompanied by
heavy thunder and lightning , and in
less than an hour nearly two inches of water
tell. Trains on all railroads were greatly
delayed , and hud It not been for the fact that
everything movable had already washed
away great damage would have been done in
the 'country districts. A dispatch from
saysNthjJvst/jrmAvis"itod ( that
' * " ' ' '
wcro washed out , cellars flooded , streets gul
lied und factories compelled to suspend. At 2
this afternoon the most severe storm of the
season was raging at Nyuck. The streets
were flooded and travel nnd business sus-
poudcd. _
A Clout !
COITEKVILLB , Miss. , August 3. A gentle
man Just returned from the neighborhood of
Sparta Church , seventeen miles west of
Grenada , Hays a cloud burst in that locality
Monday night and completely destroyed the
crops for miles around , both cotton and corn
being torn from the ground and washed
away. A Mr. Ininad's ' two-year-old child
was drowned.
Fntnl Bolt of
THOT , N. Y. , August 8. During the storm
nt Cambridge Center yesterday afternoon ,
lightning struck a farm house occupied by
Edna Brownoll and family. Ills only
daughter , aged ten , was instantly killed and
elcht or nine other persons in the house wei o
prostrated by the bolt. The liouso was
badly shattered but did not take iiro.
No Ponrs of Further
NEW YOIIK , August 8. The damage by
storm In Essex City Is estimated at not less
than $50,000. , No fears of any further dam
age are entertained as the water iu the river
has subsided.
Tlio Grain Ijifrt how.
TOIIONTO , Ont. , August 8. Lnto last night
and this morning a terrific rain storm passed
over Ontario , accompanied by thunder and
lightning. Many Darns were struck and
burned. The storm also passed ever Quebec.
The grain is laid low in the fields und In
many places Is totally destroyed.
Foreign Built Cars Gnu Coino nnd Go
Without Paying.
WASHINGTON , August 8. The secretary of
the treasury this afternoon rendered a de
cision on the question submitted by the col
lector of customs at Detroit as to the dutia
ble or non-dutlablo character of forolgn built
railway cars coming Into the United States
from Canada , laden or for the purpose of
being laden with malls , passengers , etc. The
decision f > ays in part , that cars engaged in
such trade never have bcou regarded as Im
portations subject to duty , but simply as
vehicles of transportation for conducting an
established and logali/cd trafllc. Tills princi
ple has remained In force tnoro than twenty
years , and in view of the lonfr settled rule
the department dues not deem it conformable
to public interest to disturb the decision de
liberately reached and repeated Iv ufllrmed ,
and must hold that the question is co longer
open to administrative construction ,
Clinilwlulc'ti Itopnrt on tlio Yorktowu.
WASHINGTON , August 8. Secretary Tracy
has received the following report from Com
mander Clmdwlck , who accompanied the
Yorktown under orders of the navy depart
ment nt the rccouttwo days' trial at ca , In
which be says : "Tho snip showed herself
an admirable tea boat , and she has a perma
nently steady gun platform. She steams
well into a head oca , taking scarcely any
water on board. She rolls easily , the ex
treme rolls wcro twenty degrees to leeward
and eighteen degrees to windward , Her
wludwurd rolls were generally from two to
five degrees less than to leeward. "
Wnntliar Korccast.
For Omaha nnd vicinity Fair weather.
Iowa Fair , followed by local showers ,
slightly cooler In western portion ; station
ary temperature la eastern portion ; variable
Dakota Fair , warmer In northern portion
tion ; stationary temperature In southern
portions , winds shifting southeasterly ,
NebrusUu Kolr , followed by local rain ;
slight changes la temperature ; southerly
Egyptian Troops Gain Gomploto
Victory Over Thorn.
A Wholesale Slaughter , Fifteen Hun
dred Bohifir Ktllod.
About All the Fltfhtlnp ; Mou of the
Trlbo MootBoath.
Tlic I'ruutical AmilliUutlmi of the
Kcbols ISpcottMl ( o I'ut n Stop to
the lOcidlcs * DlHiiflVctiou
In Upper I
The ItotiolH Koittrd.
| f opi/rftfhf 111 Iiv Jnmrji fjuiilri lltnn't' . ' ] , Egypt , August 8. [ New York Her
ald Cable Special to TUB Biu. : ] Very
early this morning Grcitfoll sent nil the cav
alry under his command including the Twen
tieth Hussars , to nuiko a reeonnols.uico la
force of the enemy's position. The cavalry
speedily drew the dcrvishiM out , and as soon
us the uonurat saw the position of ufTnirs ho
brought up two infantry brigades and a ,
llorco encounter ensued. The result was
the complete defeat of the dorvlahos and
Wndol Nojuml , tholr loader , an. I nil the
principal emirs who hint ncoom-
Dauicd him were killed. The dervishes were
slaughtered by the wholesale , at least
1,51)0 ) meeting their death. The rebels
fought well , making miinv bold charges with ,
their usual impotiioslty , but they wcro not
able to withstand the onslaught of the cav
alry und lhj ( heavy fire from tlio Egyptian ,
troops. The cavalry captured many rifles
and they also took ono brass gun and num
bers of spears and 11 quantity of standards.
The Egyptian loss Is not accurately known
now. Lieutenant B. Cotton , of u Shrop
shire regiment , is reported to bo dungorously
wounded , whilst Major Hunter , of tlio Hoyal
Lancaster regiment , Is wounded slightly.
Their complete victory will put a stop to
the endless disaffection now rife in upper
Egypt and in Cairo.
The Invest telegrams from the frout state
that with the exception of about three hun
dred men , all the fighting dorviahes nro
killed. Numbers of women and children are
now coming into our camp at Lonkl. Abdcl
llulim , second commander , was killed. The
result of the day's operations was most a uc-
cessftil , us the dorvlah force Is practically
annihilated. Only a few small parties are
still northward of Loald.
All the Egyptian troops returned to camp
this ovoniug , and the remains of tlui enemy
are scattered across the 'Jlalu for eight miles
frdm the river going south. " "
" * The UOWB of the victory was rocfflvod with
the greatest enthusiasm , and at the theaters 4
the Icbediavul anthem was played. -
An rOxproBi Onr on rlit Grand Trunk
Completely \ViTckud.
MoxTiiKAii , August 8. When the train for
Quebec , on the Grand Trunk railroad had
passed St. Lamberts , after going over the
Victoria bridge last night , an explosion oc
curred in the express car by which a messen
ger named Hogors was killed. The car was
completely wrecked and the cypress matter
destroyed. Rumors are afloat that it was an
attempt to blow up the Victoria bridge and ,
was delayed too long. An Inquest will beheld
held this afternoon. The train was on Its
way to Quebec , Portland and Halifax , and ,
consisted of seven passenger coaches , a Pull
man car. sleeping oar and smoking , baggaga i
and express cars. The train was completely : \
filled with passengers , among them being-
General Middleton and General Superintend
ent Stephenson , of the Grand Trunk. When
the report of the explosion was hoard a
brukcmun rushed through the train to the
burning car and uncoupled it with the tender
and engine and let them dash up the road
whcro the engineer ran tbcm into u siding.
No cause can bo assigned for the accident.
The express und railway people attach no
importance to the assertion that an attempt
was made to blow up the Victoria bridge.
The Sonnto Irrigation Committee ) .
HuitoN , S. D. , Argust 8. The United
States senate committee on irrigation ar
rived to-day und session was hold in which
statements were submitted by a number ot
gentlemen interested in Irrigation. The
principal speaker was Prof. McLotith , pres
ident of the South Dakota agricultural de
partment ut Brookimrs. Thcro were hun
dreds of nitcsiun wells , ho said , In the valley
of the .Jumos river , each yielding
a largo flow of water from
an average depth of 1,000 feet.
An inexhaustible supply of water and water
power could oo had in this vulley by an In
crease In thonumberof artesian wells. Some )
walls glvo out tlio enormous quantity of 4,000
gallons a minuio. If the yearly flow of those ,
welm could bo saved nnd stored In barrels so
us to bo used fn the dry season , they would
mid enormously to the development of agri
culture und turn the entire James river val
ley lu to a luxuriant garden. One thousand ,
such wells , Prof. MeLouth said , would add
* 10,000,000 to the value of the land In that
region ,
8tciiiiHiii | Arrivals.
At London Sighted , the Aurarla , from
Now York.
At Hamburg The Augusta Victoria and
Wiolund , from Now York.
AtQueeiibtown ThoCily of Chester , from
New York.
At Now Yoric The Stnto of Nevada , from
Glubgow ; the L-ydian Monarch , from London ,
Tlio Km-
KANSAS CITV , August . While nodoflnlto
clew has been obtained to the thief who yes
terday stole ? -OW worth of diamond earrings
rings , the hack drivnr who assisted In his es
cape believes the man to have boon Preston ,
alias "Windy Dlctt , " the notorious pick
and Hrnkniiicn Htrllco. '
O. , Auguit a. Fifty freight
conductors and brukcmun on tlio branch of
the Lnko Shore railroad running between.
Aslitabula und Youngstown , are on a Mrika
for thrco brakomun to u train Instead ot
two , >
lliirkn In Ciimlni ; Hack.
WiNKireo , August 3. A warrant arrived
to-day from Ottawa , and Martin Burke was
turned over to the Chicago officers this lifter *
noon The party will louvo for Chicago to-
' i row ,