G THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : ISATUKDAY , AUGUST 3 , 1880. THE DAILY. BEE , COUNCIL BLUFFS. OFP1CK. ISO 12 PISAftlj BTIUJET. Eellvtredby cnrrler In Any Pnrt of ho City i\ II. W. ni&tf ? * XM&0U. TKLKPMONUSt TrFiNEiss Orric * No. . KIOMT KDITOII , No.zi. " MI .NO II MENTION. N. Y1. P , CO , Qlcnson coal , C. B. Music Co. , 553 U'way. Rcllcr , tailor , 310 H roadway. Evans' Inundry , 734 Broadway. D.V. . Otis , city nnil farm loans. The police mndo 101 nrrosts during the month of July. A pugilistic stranger giving the natno of Gannon was run In last evening for lighting. Unity Guild mocts this afternoon with Mrs. Gcorgo Hudlr , No. 827 South First street. The Indies of St. Peter's church have ar ranged for a quadrille pnrty at Armory hall , August 15. " Iho Y. M. C. A. Planets defeated the G Ion nvcnucu In a well contested game by n score of 12 to 10 ycstcrdiiy. * U'ho monthly mooting of the Bluff Cl y typgraphlcal union will bu hold this evening at the rooms of the press club. No. 19 Pearl street. The regular monthly meeting of the Fruit Growers' mid Gardeners' association will beheld hold ibis afternoon at ; the court house nt 2 o'clock. Comtnlttcomnn Schoentgcn , of the school board , received n telegram yesterday after noon from Dr. Wyimm , of Cincinnati , no ccntmg the position ot assistant teacher erf the high school. Special communication of Bluff City lodge , No. 71 , A. l < \ mill A. M. , this evening for work in the first degree. All Masons in good standing are cordially invited to bo present. Bj order of the W. M. John Bono ft Co. have decided to oloso their establishment at 0:80 : each evening dur ing the hot weather. All of the largo' Urms ot the city have now joined in the early clos ing movement. Beulah Flclmrty , aged nlno years , died Thursday at thn residence of Mr. Footo , cor ner of Washington avenue and Eighth street , whore she was visiting. Tbo remains will bo taken to Monmouth , 111. , for interment. W. J. Collins and C. B. Gray were ar rested last evening whllo trying to dispose of a new pair of ladies' shoes. They had dis posed of several pairs , and it is thought they are wanted in Omahu. They arc booked lor larceny. Councilman ICnspar , of Omaha , and W. B. Johnson , of Council Bluffs , have arranged to erect twenty-six cottages on Avcnuo B , between twenty-sixth and Twenty-eighth streets. The former builds fourteen , the latter twelve. Louisa B. McDonald has applied for n di vorce from Uulbort McDonald , on the ground of desertion , and Mary Moomaw asks to have the marriage ties severed which bind her to P. Moomaw , alleging failure to sup port and Inhuman treatment. The Y. M. C. A. Comets and the Fancy Prlzo club play this morning at the corner of Ninth street mid Sixth avenue , and In the afternoon the Y. M. C. A Planets and the Glen avenue club pluy on the grounds at the corner of 'inth street mid Ninth avenue. There was a much lighter attendance at the Heine concert at the Presbyterian church last evening than would huvu been the case but for the numerous other attractions In the city. An entirely different programme from that of the preceding evening was rendcicd , nnd it was greatly appreciated by those present. It is stated that this talented fam ily will give another concert In this city in about two wcoks. Rev. Dr. Cooly of the Baptist church , will deliver the address next Sunday at.5 o'clock In the First Presbyterian church. Subject : "Vho Holy Spirit Under the Old and Now Dispensations. " The subject previously ap pointed has been deferred until the Sunday following , Hov. Mr. Franklin not being able to keep his appointment. A box will bo placed at the door for voluntary contributions lor individual expenses. The ladies of Trinity M. E. church gave an enjoyable sociable last evening at Lucy's &ail , on South Main struct. Refreshments were served , and an interesting musical and literary programme was rendered. The ladies have already cleared enough money to malw the llrst payment of MOO on the lot re cently purchased by thorn. Tlioi- success is very encouraging , and reflects credit on their energy and hard work. It is learned that Willie Benjamin , the boy who was killed by Indians last Saturday evening near Ponder , Nob. , was a nephew of H. S. Reynolds , No. 217 Franklin avenue , and lived hero with ills uncle whan ho was m. thrco years of ugc , leaving hero about four R years airo to live with his parents at Duulao , from which place they removed to Ponder. The first Intimation Mr. Reynolds had ot the sad affair was the account which he saw in TUB BICB Sunday morning. Ttio dance given last evening at the Mor- ritun block by the young ladies of St. Paul's church was a very successful affair. There was a largo attendance and the evening passed very pleasantly. The receipts wore fully as large as expected , and a neat sum was netted for the treasury. Dalbo.v's or chestra furnished delightful music nud the coolness of the evening was all else required to make the occasion most enjoyable. - . A lively wolf chase took place ut the driv ing park yesterday atternopn. The hounds were uncoupled after giving the wolf a start of about half an hour. The chase wus con fined to the area lusido the inllo track , the preator part of which is covered with weeds About two feet high. This rendered It neces sary to hunt him by scent , and the run was a line ono. The wolf was "jumped up" sev eral times , but was not caught lor about two hours , when ho was quickly dispatched. There will bo seine great sport to-day. 1 J. P , Potorsou has purchased the property y an upper Broadway known as Platnor's or Burhop's hall , and has taken out a permit to repair the structure. The cost of remodel ing will bo about t-,000 ! , and the building will De put in quito presentable condition. It has acquired a rather tough tmmo ot late years , being used exclusively for variety shows and the lowest classes of amusement. It is Btatod that with the changes to bo made anew now order of things relative to the use of the building will also go Into effect. "Not Dead , But Sleeping , " was the motto attached to u dnrkoy who sat in the door way of Wlsnor's Broadway livery stable yesterday afternoon. A rope around his neck WUH attached to a bonm overhead , whllo the stars and stripes floated lazily from a pole stuck In Ills waist band. The darky Slumbered sweetly , obvlious ot everything , j 4 Iks coroner in particular , until that official , who had boon sent for In haste , ar rived on the sccno. and bestowed a vigorous kick whore It would do the most good. Sloop vanished , and the sleeper followed aa soon na ho could dissolve partnership with the ropo. . Dexter , employment. Dwelling for sulo on easy payments. Also building lots ut lowest market prices. Cull and examine our list. _ E. II , Sheafo & Co. Wonted to buy or trade , for good buggy horse. A. A. Clark & Co. J , G. Tlpton , real ostoto , 627 BMwivy , l'arafr plifi. W. L. Biggs Is homo from Colorado , Miss Anna Mikesell is visiting in Atwood , ICnn. ICnn.Warren Warren Wiltor and sister , Miss Ethel , nro Visiting ut Woodbine. Sheriff Dolashmutt , of Mills county , was In the olty yesterday , Judge Curftou , accompanied by two of bla children , has gene to Indianapolis on n visit. Peter Kuykondull , formerly of thin city , but now of. Lincoln , fs .visiting friends in the Bluffs. Chnrlos Boll , of the firm of Boll & Her- llnghoff , left Thuriday evening for Blooui- ington , 111. , on a business trip. Superintendent Coouor has returned from Avoca to complete the work of the last teachers' instil ute held in Council Bluffs. Henry Wiener , of the great cigar factory of Henry Wlonor & Co. . Philadelphia , was in the city yesterday transacting some im portant business with Percgoy & Mooro. For rent , good houso. A , A. Clark & Co , Have our \vngon call for your toiled clothes. Cascudo Laundry Co. Attorney Sims Enjoins the County TroDBuror From Poylnff It. THE FOX CHASE GOES TO-DAY. A rumination Thnt Ilcstiltcd In Some- tlilim Besides Snioko A Brick Test Police 1'oliiln Tfio Rowing Club. A BlR Injunction Suit. A petition has been filed with the clerk of the district court wherein Jacob Sims prays that County Treasurer Plummer bo en joined from paying to the Omaha and Coun cil Bluffs Railway and Bridge company the tax voted by the city to aid in the construc tion of the wagon bridge between the two cities. The petition sots forth that the bonus in 13S7 amounted to $ J7S17 , and for 1SSS f37,6U7.0& , 'lhat the amount collected for 1837 has at different times boon paid to the companies , and that the treasurer be on- joincd from paying to the person or persons to whom the amount collected for 18S7 had been paid , the amount for 1833 , on the grounds that no such company as the Omaha and Council Bluffs Hallway and Bridge com pany exists. Said Attorney Sims In speaking of the matter : "I have no flght to nviko with the motor company cxuept that I want to protect ' tect the taxpayers of this city. The com pany'was organized by Council Bluffs mon , and It was to that company that the tax payers voted the bonus. Afterwards n now company was organized , partly of Omaha men and partly of Council Bluffs mon , from the Iowa company. The now company is a Nebraska company , organized under the laws of that state , and the articles of Incor poration arc died there. The money of the company Is deposited there , and the mort gage.which they gave to the Mnrcantllo Trust company ot New York was given by the Nebraska company. The present coin- puny Is not the company that was organized under the law.s of the stuto of Iowa , and should not receive the money from the tax payers of this city that was voted to the Iowa company. " Superintendent Reynolds , of the Electric Motor company , says ho will give anybody a motor who will tell him what company ho is working for If it is not the Omaha and Council Bluffs Railway and Bridge com pany. He asserts that this name appears on all the papers and passes of the company , and the stnckholdors , with ono or two ex ceptions , nro the oues who incorporated the company. It. Is hinted that the suit is brought for the purpose of adopting a 5 cent rate be tween the two cities. Said an attorney who ought togknow , "If the suit docs securea 5 cent rate , all well and good , but If the suit holds good aud the rate is not adopted by the company buforohuud , Council Bluffs will whistla many u long and doleful tune before this company over puts a G cent rate across the Missouri river. " Ch.-umc or Location. James & Havorstack have removed their store from the old stand , 133 Main street , to J04 Main and 205 Pearl streets , Mcrriatn block. Steam and hot water heatinfr , first-class iilumbing. Work done in both cities. John Gilbert , 518 Pearl street , Council Bluffs. For sajo Ono Gar-Scott ten-horse portable engine ; in good repair. Apoly to Woir-Shu- gart Co. AVIII Ch.tHo i ho Fox To-rtny. The data of the fox chase has been changed from Sunday to this afternoon , when the entire programme , ns previously announced , will bo carried out at the driving park. Tobo Broaerlck , wuo has the affair in charge , stated yesterday afternoon that the change wus made , not on account of any interfer ence on the part of the mayor , but because of the halt garno that is to bo played at Fairview - view park Sunday afternoon , between nines composed respectively of clerks and travel ing men , for the benefit of the hosuitals of the city. The chase will begin at 2:30 : o'clock this afternoon , and thcra will bo four wolves turned loose and run down besides the regu lar fox chase. It Is expected that fully seventy hounds will bo hero to follow the trail , and at least 200 mounted fox hunters will do their best to keep up with the dogs. Untlicr Expensive Fumigation. A very destructive lire , considering its proportions , was that which occurred about 8 o'clock yesterday morning , at the boarding house kept by Mrs. Darling , at No. 311 Vine street. The chambermaid attempted to fumigate a room with sulphur , and for this purpose loft a shovel of live coals and sul phur on the lloor. Opening the door shortly afterward , shs was surprised to discover the room on lire. An alarm was given , and the department was soon on hand. Two lines of hose were laid , but no water was thrown , as the fire was put out by the Babcock chemi cal. cal.Tho The prompt and effective work of the tiro- men oxcltod much favorable comment , as the tire was confined : to the ono room , and no Unmago wus done outside of it. The con tents of the room , which wus occupied by C. C. Taylor , a clerk at Union Pacific head quarters , were almost entirely destroyed , Including the furnituro-and a number of val uable little articles belonging to Mr. Taylor , ' whoso loss will reach about $150. The heat was intense , and the smoke suffocating. Mr. Robinson , another roomer , had his hair singed and oycs burned in attempting to put out the tiro. It is thought that the total loss will amount to about $ -'UO. S. B. Wadswortb & Co. loan money. Finest bathing In the world at Manhattan beach , Lake Munawn. Motor runs every half hour until midnight every oveulng. Scldcnbcrg's 5o Figaro at the Fountain , Kollcy & Younkorman sell groceries Chase and Sanborn coffees a speclaly. Notice the beautiful finish given col lars , cuffs and shirts by Cascade Laun dry company. Tcsttntr Local Brlolc. Tbo following Is self-explanatory : To the Editor of TUB BBC : I send .you a fair average specimen brick of those ro'contly made in Omaha and already being exten sively used in this city for sidewalks , ' . ' . 'hoy cost tlO per 1,000 in Omaha and $12 delivered on this side. If our citizens wish to HCO how thcso bricks look when laid , lot them exam ine the pavement uow being laid oa Ninth street and Third avouuo oy Mr. Purdy , Nothing can ho finer. Messrs. Mulholland , Underwood , Hurdin and others have ordered the same brick for the sidewalk now ordered on Ninth street. There Is no reason why brick of equality with this cannot bo made in Council Bluffs. All our brick tnakors need is grit , as they hava plenty of as good tnato- rlal as the Omaha brick makers. The brick weighs dry flvo pounds and thrco ounces , and after lying in the water for thrco hours weighed flvo ixmnds nlno aud a half ounces , absorbing only six and a half ounces of water. Why isn't this good paving brioUJ EXl'ClllMCNTOI. Wanted , ono or two good teams as first payment on house and lot. Sufficient time Kiveu on deferred payments. A. A. Clark & Co. City steam laundry , 31 Main , tel , 141. J. H , Smith , drugs , medicines , paints , oils , glass. COO Main , near John Morgan's , Baths at Manawa Beach , near hotel. Pri- Yijto bathing rooms for ladles and children. IMnokcd In Police Court , Justice Hondrloks assessed a couple of booze fines yesterday morning , on account of which W. T. Brown and O. J , Williams nro each poorer by 910.10 than they were before. Thomas Carl , charged with disturbing the peace , was released front custody , W. H. Donaldson wus arreited on a charge of dUturblog the poaco. Donaldson bad a boy named John Lance arrested on the pre ceding day for rotten-egging his house , nncl the latter , after clcaringhlmsolf , determined to pluv oven by having the old man hauled in. The court did not take kindly to the idea nnd the case was skipped. Anna Brannon , Anna Williams , Charles Hngan nnd J. S. Burns , a mixed quartette ot colored women and white man , were booked for drunkenness , and the females were also charged with drinking beer on the strcot. They failed to patch up a trtico with his honor nnd were fired back behind the bars. No Kxploslon * When persons keep cool anil use our ' 'Sun Dial" gas stovca. Four holes , roaster and tmkcovon. Costa 7 cents per hour when running full hlnat. Now York Plumbing Co. Money loaned nt LB. . Craft's & Co.'a loan ofllco on furniture , pianos , horses , wagons , personal property of all kinds , and all other articles of vnluo. without rcmovp , ! , All business strictly confi dential , See us for loans on city property. Money on hand , A. A. Clark & Co. Thn Ioat Club's Reception. Invitations are out for the flrat reception of the Connell Bluffs Rowing association , to bo hold at their boat house on Lake Manawa on Friday evening , August 0. The enter tainment will consist of dancing , and the crows will give an exhibition of boating. The committees for the affair are as follows : On Invitation nnd Tickets Charles Bono , E. H. Merriam , Dr. P. T. Seybort , H. Haas , I. M. Troyoor. On Boats Dr. F. T. Soybort , J. J. Mnlo- ney , Frank Cook , On Reception E. H. Merriam , C. U. Hnnnan , C. I. . Haas , E. E. Hart , J. N. Bow man , On Floor I. M. Trcynor , Charles Bono , J. M. MoWllliams , E. W. Hart , H. Bowman. \Vnter Notice. The office of the O. B. City Waterworks Co. will be open until 0 p. in , August 3 to ro- cclvo past duo water rents. Oti all promises having unpaid water rents ncalnst them after above mentioned tlino the water will bo turned off , and a charge of 91 will bo made for turning on. C. B. C. WATBIIWOIIKS Co. Kcport oftlio City Cleric. During th"o month of July City Clerk Huntlngtou collected the 'allowing amounts : KECBIPT9. Marshal's fees . $ 25305 Witncss"fecs . 8305 County treasurer . Oil 07 Judgincntsrcwil cases . 442 49 Appearance fees . 1,510 70 Burial permits . 10 00 Licenses . 1,07875 City criminal cases . 111300 State criminal cases . 000 Filing fees , city coses . 37 CO Naturalization . 1 00 Building permits . 14 00 Total . : . . * 4V19S 21 mSItUKSBMENTS. Stamps . i . $ 1 70 Paid county treasurer . 83 (57 ( Paid city treasurer . 3,031 74 Paid civil judgments . 12000 Paid witness fees and costs . 17 10 Paid marshal's costs , civil case . 7 25 Cash on hand , judgment account. . . . 321 89 Gush on hand , district court costs. . . I ) 35 Cash on hand , witness feus . 21 85 County treasurer , balance . 30 00 Total . 84,1 S 21 The receipts for the month of July , 1SS8 , were $1,330.05 , being an increase for 1889 of $2,801.50. Go to M. Keating for drugs , COS Broadway Have your old furniture upholstered , good as new. R. Morgan , 731 Broadway , A Lucky Kscapr. Mrs. E. Pierce , wife of Ed Pierce , janitor at the government building , had a narrow cs- capa from a serious accident Thursday even ing while driving with her children. Whllo passing the Van Brunt property , the horse slipped and fell on the pavement while trot ting along at a good rate of speed. Mrs. Pierce had ono of tbo youngest children in her tap , with two others sitting on the seat beside her. When the horse fell she was jerked over the dashboard with the child in her arms , and thrown upon the s truggllng horse. In her fall she crushed the dash board , and the other children pitched for ward out of tbo buggy , ard all became entan gled in the wreck. The horse's leg was broken , iho buggy shafts snapped , but Mrs. Pierce and her little family escaped without serious injury. It was a fortunate escape , us the disabling of the horse was all that pre vented a much more serious result. BU ULINGTON ROUTE. G. A. R. Excursion One Faro For the Round Trip. From August 21 to 23 , 1SS9 , inclusive , the C. , B. & Q. R. R. will sell at half rates , or 0110 faro for the round trip , tickets to Mil waukee and return from all points on its lines , on account of the National G. A. R. encampment at Milwaukee. These O. , B. & Q. excursion tickets will be good to return August 27 to September 5 , inclusive : but by special arrangement an extension to Septem ber 80 may bo obtained by applying , prior to September 3 , to the agent at Milwaukee hav ing the matter in charge. Between Chicago and-Mlhvaukeo the tickets will bo good for passage in either direction via the Goodrich line of steamers , the C. , M. & St. P. Ry. , or the C. & N. W. Hy. Tickets nnd further in formation can bo obtained of C. . B. & Q. ticket agents , or by addressing P. S. Eustis , Gen'l Pass , and Ticket Agent , Chicago. A Serious Accident. While driving on Bluff strcot , Thursday evening , Mr. George II. Champ and wife were thrown from their buggy by the slip ping of their horse on the wet paving. Mr. Champ was badly hurt , ana was picked up unconscious , in which condition he remained for over an hour. His back was badly bruised , and ho recolvod internal injuries , besides several small cuts. Mrs. Chump jumped , and v/as not injured. Mr. Champ was able to bo out yesterday , but will not entirely recover from the fall for seine time. Desirable dwellings for rent at mouorato prices. E. H. Shoafo & Co , , rental agents , Broadway and Main streets , up stairs. Fmo jewelry , watches and diamonds ; cleaning and repairing at E. Burhorn. m See Potter's new store , 15 Mala street , Outlook for a Hljc Corn Crop. ' These cool nights are just what we need to help out the corn crop , " said a farmer yesterday. "Wo have had a tip-top growing season , and there is a splendid growth of stalk. Now these cool nights will chock the growth , and the corn will mature. The roasting ears are alreading beginning to harden In some fields , and I don't apprehend any trouble from frost. This is only the llrst of August , and we needn't look for frostifor six or eight weeks. By that tinio corn will all bo out of the way , and I believe wo will have ono of the biggest corn crops wo have over bad in Pottawuttamio county. " E. H , Sheafo & Co. give special attention to the collection of routs and care ut prop erty in.tha city and vicinity. Charges mod erate. Office Broadway and Main streets , up stairs. GOB. 6TH AVE3. AND 7TH ST. Council Bluffs , la. Conducted by the Sisters of Charity , An excellent educational institution , fur nished with all modern Improvements for boarding and day uchool. Tin acedemlo yeir consists of two sessions , beginning on the Drat Monday in ( September and February , respect- lv lr. ' 1'EUMB Hoard and tuition , per iession. 175. For further particulars addres * Hlutor Superior , Ut. Frauds Academy , Counoll JUIuffr , la. NOTICES. mo Chnrconl HuVncrs 1,000 colds hard dry -L wood for fnlc'lijvlfremont county , lown ; 4 mile * to nxllnay stnijon. Horace toorctt. WANTKD-2 or'H yonmr men ! llcht work ! Jlr , weekly. OAlEbetween 10 and 12 o'clock lo-Ji > y. 710 Wnshluffijp. nvo. Council lllulTs. TTUlll KXCIIANqp An quity In n fnrmnonr X1 tn < < city for cit lots. Johnston & Van I'nt- ton , Everett blockj J _ TVAHM \ : boarders' -jftintod nt 122 Ilonton strcot , -L Good bonid at' rei/sonnblo rates. Mrs. I. W. Cooper. _ PASTUKAOE ftm cluss upland pasta BIRO for nhont 100 IWml more of stock ; r > tnllra north of city , on lima kiln road ; nienty pure water , shade and xanr ; peed man IncharRoot stock. ! < . I' , Jiulson , ( c.'O Sixth nvo. , Council HUiff * , telephone 190 : or W. W. McMahon , at pasture. _ T > RAIj KSTATK-llouffht nrt sold and ex- J.V chanced. Special Attention ulvon to exam ination ot titles.V. . 0. James , No. 10 1'earl St. . Council Dlutl * . MONEY TO LOAN ON CHATTELS. Money loaned on ( urnlturo , plan os. diamonds , homes , buggies or anything of vnluo nt low rnos of Interest. No , publicity : fair and honorable dealing A. A. Cliirlc & Co. , onico cor. Brondwny nnd Main , ever American express. THE MANHATTAN BILLIARD HALL AND CIGAR STORE Sporting1 Headquarters. 418 BROADWAY. MALONEY & O'BRIEN. J. M. PALMER IIABTHI : CHOICEST ior or SUBURBAN & INTERIOR PROPERTY In the city. Gilt edged opportunities to Imuio clnteinvcEtorsjiul bomcaeoiors. LOANS INSURANCE , REAL ESTATE , RENTS HOUSES. AK ent American nulldlnc and Loan Assocla- on. No. UO Pearl at. . UT-aTAIllS. Oil AH. O. KLiWOOJD. Tnos , OFFICER. W. n. M. TUBBY OFFICER & PUSEV. BANKERS. Corner Mfttn and Broadway , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. Dealers In foreign itnd domestlo exchanes. Collections madsundLlntoreit paid on Urns de posits. LADIES , HEAD THIS ! 'l ) have the largest nnd fjtiqst stock of hair goods i w'cst of Chicago , and I jhtivo determined to close It 'all put with the Intention , of going out of tbo busi- ineis. Ladles who desire anything in my line will bo given an opportunity to buy it at less than half the usual prices. The goods nre'first ' class , end all orna ments , etc. , made up in the latest styles. J , 'Orders by mail receive prompt attention. MRS. C. L. GILLETTE , No. 2O Main St. , Council Uluffb. No. 27 Main St. , Over Jacquemln's Jewelry Store " rfc BisS WKjh * = Sar. . l l s - TIME TABLE OF THE LAKE MANAWA RAILWAY. Connect with Llectric Motor and Union Pacific Dummy Trains at Ninth and Droadwa Council Bluffs Iowa. C. F. REED , President. p ti QjljC ) lit Q | t O i | < ) ii Q 'I ' * PttOF. WHITE'S Adapted to the public schools. The only complcto thing of its kind in oxlstenco nud In- dlsnenslblo In the f cuoo room. School bonrds desiring the most perfect help for tne teachers are Invited to oxiimiuo this. Address H. A. BAliLilNOKR , General Agent , 721 Willow Avo. , Council Bluffs , Iowa , J. D. EDMUNDSON. E.TJ. SnuoAm I'rcs. Vice Pres. CIIAS. It. HANNON , Cashier. CITIZENS' STATE BANK , OF COUNCIL BLUFFS. Paid Up Capital $150.000.00. surplus : r.x , .oo. Liability to Depositors. . . . ' 125,000.00. DIUECTOHB I. A. Miller , F. O. Glenson , E. U Shugart , E. U. Hart , J. D. IMimindson. Clins. H. Iliinnon. Transact general banking buslnesi , Largc&t capital ana surplus of any bank in southwestern louii. Interest on time deposits. Especially Adapted for , SIZES FROM ELECriUC 25 T0300 LIGHTING HORSE POWER Mills and Eievators AUTOMATIC CUT-OFF ENGINE Specifications and estimates furnished for completosteam plants. Itegulatlon , durability guaranteed. Can show letters from uwrs where fuel economy la equal with Corliss Non-Condensing. Send for catalogue. E. C. HARRIS , Agent. No. BIO Pearl Street , Council Bluffs. Hero Mill and Power , Badger Sheller , Appleton - ton Feed Gutter and Wood Saw. SOTEL MANAWA REFITTED AN1J Newly Furnished Connected by Motor with COUNCIL BLEFFS AND OMAHA Located on Lake Mnnnwa ha finest Watering Place and Sum me Resort m the west , Beautiful Boating and Fishing. Unparalelled Bathing Beacn. CO I Special Rates to Parties and Fumllios , Oor- $6 l roapondonco Solicited. \ It is a BEAT-ALL , because it never breaks , splits , cracks or curls. Because it is indestructible in tbo wcatbor , nnd will undergo no change m in any climato. Because it is tnoro durable tban any otbor roof nftido , iron , tin , nlnto or wood. Because it can be quickly nut on without skilled labor and is cheaper thna shingles. * Because it has boon proven by the severest trials and has never failed. For further information apply to BIRKINBINE ENGINEERING- SUPPLY CO. , Room BOO First National Bank Building , Omaha. Council Bluffs office116 Pearl Street. ESTAII7JHIIKD 8711. S. E. MAXON Architect and Superintendent , MlIItltlAM 1IUCK , Council IlluffH , : : lown. Coritct estimate * * of cost etiuiantecd. Bpedul attention ih ; t-ii to all cluHHVH ot build- hip * , public and prlviito. I hut o iilu UYX on hand , ( or Hie roncnlcnruof iny p tron | u largo nniiibi-r of plans , unctt IIB ecliOdltL liU8ln flMona office ImlldlnpH. county court lionet f. w ai ehouuttii , hotel ! nil private rcMclenren. Outers by mail promptly at * tended to. COUNCIL BLUFFS HOMEOPAf HS. M , H. CHAMBERLAIN , M , OlUco corner Main St. , and Broadway. PI MHIMTrinMFRV Surgeon and Hoimupath. Ko m 0 , Brown J , IVIUn I uUIYILriT building , 115 1'ourl St. Oftice hours , 0 to 12 , " a. m. , 22 to U and 1 to 8 , p , m ,